#hero & partner week
sunflower-silliness · 18 days
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DAY 7 OF @heropartnerweek, FEATURING @fujii-draws'S GOOBERS !!!!!!!!!!!! YIPPEEEEEE
i just love the idea of the partner picking up slang (and jokes/pranks) from the hero. you can't tell me the hero didn't say "hey [partner]. say stun seed backwards" at LEAST once
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cybers-sillyzone · 25 days
Hero Partner Week - Day 1
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┌─◇─◇──◇─◇─┐ First Meeting └─◇─◇──◇─◇─┘
The cheerful Snivy grinned, "So what's your name? Mine is Fern! No no wait! Let me guess! Is it... Grumpy? Firey? Ms. Hothead? Uhh..." "Ember." the Fennekin gruffed, quickening her pace to match Ferns, "Aw! I was close enough though right? Ember's a pretty name!" "It is?" Ember tilted her head, "I mean, thanks, or whatever. Yours is nice too, I guess." ‧˚₊꒷꒦︶︶︶︶︶꒷꒦︶︶︶︶︶꒦꒷‧₊˚⊹
( @heropartnerweek )
1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7
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rosehearts-forest · 21 days
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@heropartnerweek for the prompt New teammate
Daliah has the most biggest crush on Rosie. And she would have died for her.
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Hey would y'all judge me if I VERY SLOWLY trickled out some VERY LATE hero partner week doodles
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speckostardust · 1 year
@heropartnerweek Day 6 - Alone
A kind of prologue to a story I’m writing. It’s pretty long, and also made my beta reader cry a little at points. Have fun!
(Lore note before we start! When you aren’t particularly close to a Pokémon, you call them by their species name. It’s kind of like calling people by their last name in east asian countries or calling someone Mr., Ms., or Mx., but everybody already knows their last name.)
(also I guess this is kind of four stories but shhhh.)
His Brother Is Here For Him
Caterpie knew it was one of those days. Just by the way Charles, the town's resident hero, walked through the center. 
He knew by the way the Charmeleon's shoulders sagged, how his gaze was a couple degrees lower than normal, how his scarf was tied off-center, how his mouth wasn’t smiling or frowning, stuck in neutral, how the flame on his tail was dimmer, how it was a shade of red instead of a bright orange, bordering on white, like how it was before, how he could clearly see the blue-tipped tail his family was known for through the flame.
And worst of all, how his eyes were devoid of that clear and powerful determination Caterpie came to associate with him. 
As Charles passed by the bank, he saw Charizard, the one from Team ACT (Charles’ brother, Caterpie reminds himself), notice the depressed lizard going by, and turns to him, eyes full of concern. Caterpie doesn’t want to intrude on their conversation, but he’s too close to the salamander brothers he can't help but overhear.
“Hey, Charles, you doing alright today?” Charizard asks his brother, his deep baritone voice shining with worry. 
“I’m fine, Seymour,” Charles replies way too fast. “I’m just… going to get some work.”
“It’s okay to not be fine, Charles.” The Charizard slowly reaches out to him with one hand, the other on his chest. “You can tell me these things. I love you, you know.”
The smallest, faintest of smiles crosses the Charmeleon’s snout. “I know. I do too.”
Charizard’s grin grows. “C’mon, say it back.”
Charles’ smile grows just a bit more. “Love you too.”
Grinning even wider (Caterpie doesn’t know how he smiles so wide, it’s pretty much his entire face), Charizard takes his brother into an embrace, which the shorter one accepts and hugs back. 
Letting go of the Charmeleon, Charizard pats him on the shoulder. “Hey, why don’t we go out on a job together today? Just me and you. No Ashford, no Sadie.”
The two are silent for a second. “I’d like that,” Charles says after a second.
The two of them start walking towards the post office again, Charizard bidding farewell to his usual teammates. “It’ll be just like old times! Like when we were still kids and playing Rescue Team in the street!”
“Yeah,” Charles says, a smile actually appearing on his face.
“Whoah, don’t get too excited now! We’ve still got a job to do!” Charizard says, laughing as the two get further down the road, out of Caterpie’s hearing range. 
Caterpie knows what happened. He knows that Charles’ partner Sam, the Psy-Raichu that used to be a human, mysteriously disappeared one day, and how he couldn’t stop thinking about it some days, like today. But Caterpie sincerely hopes that he knows there are other people that care about him too.
His Daughter Is Here For Him
(TW: copious drinking, alcoholism as an escape)
Spinda was very concerned by one of his customers today.
The Grovyle had come in right at opening time, 1:30 in the afternoon, and claimed a table by himself near the corner, but close enough to the bar. He had ordered a Grass Gummy “Juice” (yes it is in quotations, Spinda knows what it is, everyone who orders it does, it’s on the secret menu) and Spinda couldn’t even get a word out before the Grovyle’s ID was out and shown to him. Of course, it was just a formality, as Spinda had known Grovyle would come in with his partner, a Riolu, often. But this was the first time he had gotten a good look at his ID, and he knew his name was Jax now. 
He had always, and Spinda means always, come in with his partner Riolu before. He had never seen the two apart, even in the mornings outside of the bar. 
It was past closing now, 2:26 in the morning, and the Grovyle (Jax, Spinda reminds himself) had now had over ten servings of “Juice” (way more than he’s ever had before, Spinda notes), and had his head down on the table, his entire body shaking, the occasional sob loud enough to be heard.
Spinda cleared and cleaned the tables starting at the farthest away from Jax, not wanting to kick out the miserable looking Pokémon, while Wobbuffet and Wynaut cleaned up their recycling service. Eventually though, Spinda had cleaned all the tables except for one, arriving at the Grovyle’s table at exactly 2:41:24.
He looked down at the sobbing Pokémon. Gently, he placed his paw on his shoulder. “Hey buddy,” he says softly, but still loud enough so he knows the Grovyle can hear him. “We’re closed. Ya gotta go home now.”
With a sniffle, the Grovyle picks up his head, and nods. His eyes are bloodshot from crying, and tears stain his cheeks. “M’kay.”
As he attempts to stand, his legs start to wobble uncontrollably. His chair, already pushed out from under him, does nothing to keep him from falling to the floor. 
Quickly dropping down to help him up, Spinda wraps his arm around his own neck, helping the man to his feet. “Y’alright, Grovyle?”
The sobbings from the reptile grow louder. “I’m sorry,” he says between sobs. “I’m… I’m useless, I can’t do anything right.”
Spinda starts to tear up himself, listening to Jax’s self-deprecating words, unable to say anything. He helps him get to the door, while Jax continues apologizing.
“I-I-I don’t know why N l-l-left,” the Grovyle says. “H-h-he just disappeared, and, and, he left his stuff, and, and I hope he’s okay, he would never leave me alone on purpose, something must've happened, he wouldn't leave, but I’m, I’m too stupid to know what happen…”
Spinda keeps his mouth shut. He didn’t know what to say, he was never good in situations like this. 
"I-I-I wish I w-w-w-was…" Jax breaks out in loud sobs, openly weeping as they emerge at the crossroads.
"Dad!" a shout calls. Running from Treasure Town's entrance is a small blue Pokémon, about as tall as Spinda himself, with feelers on their head and a watery look to them. In all his years, Spinda's never even seen a Pokémon like this. "I'm so sorry, I'm Manaphy, this is my dad, I'm really sorry you had to carry him, I can take him here, I'm really sorry," they say hurriedly, all in one breath.
"It's quite alright," Spinda says as Manaphy slips under Jax’s other arm. "I was planning to carry him to wherever he needed to be. It's no problem."
Manaphy attempts to bow, but with her father on her shoulder, she finds it difficult. "Thank you so much for taking him out here. Umm… goodbye, I guess. Thanks."
Spinda watches as the father-child duo walk away towards Treasure Town. He hopes that Jax knows that he has people that care about him. 
He also hopes that he doesn't come back until he can control his drinking problem.
Her Friend Is Here For Her
Quagsire was heartbroken over the entire thing. He loved watching Toki and Nara walking past his little booth everyday, going out for jobs. The Tepig and Oshawott were always talking, hmm? Well, it was more like Toki was talking to Nara, and Nara added something in occasionally. It was charming.
Then the split happened. Well, that’s what Quagsire was calling it. Catchy, hmm? It was when Toki had suddenly disappeared one morning, with no witnesses seeing her leave. Nor had she told anyone she was going anywhere. Nor had she brought any of her supplies with her. It was very strange, mmm, for Toki to leave Nara and the Paradise so suddenly like that. Was she carried off into the night by some kind of mysterious force, that may or may not even be a Pokémon itself?
Mmm, speculation, Quagsire thinks.
The Oshawott herself walks by Quagsire’s assembly, dragging her feet through the dirt. Nara’s eyes were dead to the outside world, and she was mumbling something to herself.
“Nara!” he calls out. “Nara dear! Could you come over here for a moment?”
After a moment, Nara turns towards Quagsire. She waddles over to him. “Mm,” she mumbles. Quagsire’s plan step one complete.
“Nara, would you, hmm, come with me for the day? I’m sure you could skip work for the day.” Nara looks at Quagsire, and he looks back at the absence of light in them. “Please?” he adds.
Almost reluctantly, Oshawott slowly nods her head. Taking the confirmation, Quagsire steps out of the doorway of his tent and gestures for Nara to go in. She does so slowly, and Quagsire follows her in, letting the door flap down. Quagsire plan step two complete.
Time to get the girl to talk, hmm?
“Take a seat, mmm, on the couch, would you?” he says, sitting on the adjacent chair. 
A moment passes in silence, as Nara sits. “What’re… you doing?”
“I am, mm, simply here for you to talk to. Vent. Feel free to talk about anything on your mind. I am a great listener, hmm?”
Quagsire’s plan step three, get Nara to do therapy, in progress.
Nara stares at him blankly.
Seconds pass, mmm, and then minutes.
“I miss her,” she finally says, tears threatening to fall from her eyes. “I really, really miss Toki. She was my best friend ever, but then she disappeared.”
Quagsire watches on, waiting for the Oshawott to continue.
“I just…” she stops for another pause, putting her thoughts into words. “I don’t know why she left. Why? Why did she leave?”
Another pause, hmm, as Quagsire waits again.
“I am… I’ll… I’ve searched the entire continent, just looking for her.” She puts her head in her paws. “And there’s nothing. No trace of her. Like she just… disappeared off the planet, like after we stopped the Bittercold.”
She pauses again. 
“I just…” the tears start to leak from her eyes. “I really miss her.”
The little Oshawott breaks into uncontrolled sobs, finally letting out all the built up emotions. She lays back into the small couch as Quagsire walks over to hug her.
Hmmm, new Quagsire plan step four: get Nara an actual therapist.
His Father Is Here For Him
(TW: self harm, cutting, mental breakdowns, self-deprecation, suicidal ideation)
Nuzleaf knows his adopted son was always quiet. It was just his personality. He very rarely spoke over twenty words in a day, never any more than three words at a time. He had preferred to speak in sign language, though he was never the best at it. But when Champ stopped communicating completely, Nuzleaf noticed.
Champ’s best friend and Expedition Team partner, a Piplup named Fin, had strangely disappeared about a month ago. After days of searching (and skipping school, but Nuzleaf doesn’t really care for that) and no progress, the Chespin had all but locked himself in his room. He only left to eat, only a couple berries at a time, and spent his time curled up in a ball on his bed, crying. 
So many of his other friends from school came by to try and talk to him. Even the members of the Expedition Society came to Nuzleaf’s front door.
Still, Champ hadn’t spoken, or signed, or even reacted to their presence. 
It was late at night when Nuzleaf heard it. He had woken up to get some water. But when he got to the kitchen itself…
He heard a quiet, but intense sobbing coming from Champ’s room.
He quickly made his way to the room, as silently as he could, and peered in. Sitting on his bed was the Chespin, a half-eaten oran berry next to him, slouched down and facing away from the door, but still tilted towards it so Nuzleaf could see his face, with a harvesting knife in his right hand and his left arm decorated with varying levels of cuts.
Nuzleaf, startled, inhales sharply, and his adoptive son hears it, snapping his head in Nuzleaf’s direction. Champ, also startled, hastily throws the knife into his bag, and hides his wounded arm behind his back, picking the oran berry up with his other. Tears leak from his eyes as he trembles, seemingly terrified that Nuzleaf found him doing this.
Nuzleaf takes a tentative step towards his son. Champ flinches, the grassy quills on his head shaking. “I’m… not mad,” Nuzleaf says tentatively. “I’m not angry… I’m not… I just want to know why. I just want to understand.”
The Chespin, still trembling, slowly raises both of his hands, dropping the oran berry. Nuzleaf can clearly see the cuts on the boy’s arm. Oh Arceus, he thinks, none of that was there this morning, has he been healing his cuts everyday with oran berries? All the scars on his arms, he assumed they came from his adventuring, are they from this?
I, Champ starts, but pauses, thinking of his next words, cut myself. He flinches, physically startled by his own silent words. I… if I can’t keep one friend, one person close to me, just… He signs so fast that Nuzleaf can’t keep up with it, then he throws his hands to his sides. He picks them back up and starts to sign again. I don’t deserve to be happy. I should be by myself. Alone. Like how I should be.
Nuzleaf can feel the tears on his cheeks. Slowly he makes his way to the broken child. “I’m sorry,” he says. “I’m sorry Champ. Ya shouldn’t be feeling like this. Nobody should. You’ve saved so many people, you have so many friends. Yer friend, I’m sure, is just missing, and she wants to come back, I know it. Both of you know each other almost if not as well as you know yerselves. You are… You are worth it. You are worth caring for, worrying for, crying for. You are not a burden. People care about you and worry for you because they want to, because you make them happy. You are not alone.”
Champ tears up, swinging his arms around his father and bawling into his chest. He makes some attempts at speaking, but Nuzleaf pats his back, letting him know it’s okay for him to not speak right now.
The two stay in their embrace until the sun threatens to come in through the window. Nuzleaf is the first to stand up.
“Let’s go get those cuts healed, Champ,” he says, taking his son’s hand. Champ shakily nods as he uses Nuzleaf to stand. “We should… probably get you a professional therapist too, huh?”
Hesitantly, Champ nods, taking the first step on a new journey.
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aimer-arts · 25 days
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@heropartnerweek Day 1 - First Meeting
[inspired by this]
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mi-spark · 23 days
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@heropartnerweek day 1 - market
already a day late with this but it’s fine :) someday sapphire will be punished for her hubris… bubbles is an unwilling accomplice.
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azurityarts · 23 days
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Hero & Partner Week (@heropartnerweek) - Day 2: Human AU | Crossover | Evolution
Kindling the Hearth
My Rescue Team team choices may be a lil weird, but I love how both have regional evolution forms, and both are part Ghost-Type! They're not really that spooky; it's just the lighting!
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s0upjuice · 24 days
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Day 1 of Hero and Partner Week: Market!
Hei and Key making their delivery rounds for the Kecleon brothers
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r04sty · 23 days
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Hero and Partner Week Day 2-Evolution
I tried using Tumblr's queuing system, but it like ate the post? and its gone? So if this posts twice that's why
(prompts under the cut)
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scribz-ag24 · 7 months
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Grovyle and dusknoir decide to make amends by taking every job possible to avoid thinking about their second chance at life.
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sunflower-silliness · 19 days
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(Prompt: Farewell)
i think what little trust gaia had in grovyle at that point would be shattered once he and dusknoir inform him of his, their, fate. he can't believe it, he doesn't want to believe it, yet some part of him knows he isn't bullshitting him. he tries to smother that part with as much malice and willful ignorance as he can, though.
(textless version under the cut!)
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cybers-sillyzone · 21 days
Hero Partner Week - Day 3
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┌─◇─◇──◇─◇─┐ Day/Night └─◇─◇──◇─◇─┘
"It's a little funny." Ember began, "Eh? What is?" Fern asked, tilting her head "When I first arrived in this world, all I wanted to do was run away. To go back to being a human. I hated everything around me. But now? There's nothing I'd rather do than be with you." she smiled, "Thank you." ‧˚₊꒷꒦︶︶︶︶︶꒷꒦︶︶︶︶︶꒦꒷‧₊˚⊹
( @heropartnerweek )
*lesbian, sapphic, maybe even girls love
*sssssorry that it's a day late i was busy yesterday so i had to rush this today
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toastereno · 22 days
here's my piano cover of hidden land for hero/partner week (@heropartnerweek) day 4, done by ear as usual! (the prompt chosen was hidden land of course :3)
i instantly fell in love with this song the moment i heard it in game -- such a melancholy tune...and a great song to represent the trio's determination to save the world!
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dragonspiral-tower · 1 month
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Team Nocturne's references!!
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fujii-draws · 1 year
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Some more doodles
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