#herro friends!
nattinatalia · 1 year
Jack Harlow x Reader : OFF LIMITS
A/N: Warnings : Some light smut.
Huge thank you to @harlowcomehome for always coming through and helping me with this one. I couldn’t have finished it without her 🫶🏼🤪
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Jack has always been a confident man, he was always so sure about himself and those around him. That’s one of the many things that you loved about him.
He’s always been strong on PDA and showing his love and affection, he didn’t care what others would say or think, if he wanted to kiss you, he’d do it. If he wanted you on his lap, he’d make sure to pull you in closer.
You two were private but not hidden, your friends and family knew that you two were together and have been for almost three years.
The public, and the fans had suspicions but could never put the pieces together, so you both took full advantage of that.
Jack barely got jealous, he knew you were loyal, plus you had never given him any reason to think otherwise. So when you two decided to attend a party, you both agreed on arriving separately.
You had arrived first, and were there for almost an hour until Jack arrived.
He was excited to celebrate Tyler Herro’s birthday, but what he didn’t count on was walking in and seeing you being all smiles with not only Travis Kelce, but with Joe Burrow.
He didn’t want to cause a scene so he just let you do your thing.
“Yo, why aren’t you with Y/N right now?” Urban asks Jack, noticing who his best friend was glaring at.
“She seems pretty busy to me.” He shrugs.
Urban rolls his eyes “You’re an idiot. Remind me how long you two have been together?”
“Three years.”
“Sooo in those three years has she ever given you a reason for you to be making fake scenarios in your head?”
Jack shakes his head. “No”
“So go be with your girl, no one here is allowed phones anyway. So nobody is about to take pictures of you two.”
Just then Jack notices Joe walking away and heading his way to him, shaking his head.
“Joe, what’s up man?”
“Your girl, she might need saving.”
“My girl?” He asks, feigning confusion.
Joe chuckles. “The moment she walked in, she had all heads turn her way. Travis is a little drunk and being flirty, she had to let us know you two are together.”
“Obviously he’s not taking no for an answer.”
Jack nods “Thanks man.”
“I’m not kidding, I can fly you out anywhere you’d like. Just name it and I’ll have you there tonight.”
You chuckle nervously, “No thank you, my man already does that for me.”
Travis nods his head “The man who you claim is Jack Harlow, yeah if I were him I would never leave your side. So I think you're lying.”
“We’re not attached to the hip.” You shrug. “And no offense, but didn’t you just get out of a relationship? So why are you trying so hard right now?”
“The way to get over her is to get under another one?” He says, but it came out as a question. “You can probably be her?”
“No, I’m sorry and if you’d excuse me my boyfriend is here.” You were about to walk away but Travis pulled on your hand to stop you.
“Alright, I’m so-“
You feel arms wrapped around your waist. “Everything ok baby?”
“We’re good, just talking and getting to know each other.” Travis says.
Jack smiles, “I was asking my girl, but thanks for keeping her company.”
“Anytime, matter of fact I can do more than that whenever.”
Jack chuckles, you can feel he’s annoyed. “Let’s go mingle around yeah? Haven’t seen Tyler.” You suggest, placing a hand on his chest to try and walk away.
“Hey I was just keeping her company, taking care of her.” Travis smirks, while sipping on his drink.
You sigh.
Jack smiles, “Excuse us for a bit.” He pulls you away from Travis.
He’s dragging you around the house, bumping into friends but ignoring all of their calls.
He opens a door which happens to be a bathroom and pushes the both of you inside.
“Calm dow-“
His hand is around your throat, as he pushes you against the door. “Why was he all up on you?”
You smirk. “Are you jealous baby?”
“I can’t leave you alone for a bit, always having all these guys trying to feel up on you.” He starts kissing your neck.
“Maybe don’t leave me alone then.” Your hands wrap themselves around the back of his neck.
“So this is my fault?” He whispers on your neck, sucking on your sweet spot.
You humm “If everyone knew we were together, we wouldn’t have these issues.”
He pulls back and smirks. “Oh everyone will know soon enough” with that, he lowers to his knees, He lifts up your dress “No panties, bad girl.” He purrs and gives you a quick lick.
“D-don’t tease.” You moan out, you pull down the top of your dress, freeing your boobs.
“You’re the one who didn’t wear panties” he rasped, looking up at you with icy doe eyes
“Jack- Jack” you squirm trying to get his mouth away from you, but you feel his warm breath against your heat.
“Make sure to be loud, just the way I like it baby.”
“Jackman, we can’t-“ you moaned, not really wanting him to stop.
“Full first name huh?” His jaw was clenched, you could see the annoyance in his face. You knew calling him by his government would only add to his frustration, you’d be lying if you said you weren’t into it.
He was squatting underneath you, his entire head under your dress, and you immediately felt his tongue glide across your folds.
He started off slowly, knowing it would drive you crazy.
“Who?” He smirked against your body, you felt the tip of his nose against your bud.
“Baby, you’re- you’re doing that on purpose” you breathed out.
“I’m not sure what you mean” he chuckled and pushed his face further into you, he knew exactly how to drive you crazy.
“Baby” you moaned.
“Who’s pussy is this?” He rasped, a deep hearty chuckle came from within.
You didn’t answer, making him quicken his pace. “I said- who’s pussy is this?”
“You-yours” your legs started to shake, and he was only getting started, he allowed you to lean them on his shoulders as he continued to eat his meal.
“Think about this moment” he licked a long stride upwards “next time you wanna make me jealous” he sucked on your bud.
“I’m going to cum” you moaned, louder than expected.
“Let it all out pretty girl.” He whispers, his tongue and nose hitting all the right places.
“Ba-baby.” You’re pulling at his hair. “Shit, Jack.” You moan out and cum undone. Panting with your eyes closed.
You feel the door against you push open, so you open your eyes and quickly rush to cover yourself.
You look at the mirror that’s behind Jack on the other side of the wall, and notice it’s Travis walking in.
You face Jack in shock but he stands up smirking. You can see your excess of cum all around his mouth and the tip of his nose. You signal him to clean it off but he shrugs you off.
He wipes it off “My girl is well taken care of. But thanks for worrying about her.” He says licking his fingers and closing the door on Travis’s face.
You’re fixing up your dress in place and your hair. “Are you going to do that every time a guy gets close to me?”
“If they feel entitled to you, and I feel like they’re doing it to push my buttons?” He shrugs. “Yeah, pretty much.”
You shake your head smiling at him. “I love when you get jealous.” You open the bathroom door to walk out.
“I know you do.” He gives your ass a quick slap and follows behind you.
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Liked by nfl, chiefs, gkittle, druski, urbanwyatt and 6,344,986 others
killatrav Your girls favorite tight end!!!! 🤪🤭jackharlow I’ll keep her company anytime, yourusername Give me a call when you get tired of him.
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druski Oh Damn
urbanwyatt Now why would you do this?
gkittle Travis 🤦🏼‍♂️
joeyb_09 😵 no you didn’t!
chiefs I thought we liked Jack????
jackharlow Funny, pretty sure we both know who she really belongs to. You saw that last night!!!! Or do you need a reminder?
killatrav 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Liked by urbanwyatt, neelamthadhani, jackharlow, killatrav, and 7,234,987 others
yourusername I don’t have Megan knees, but I’ll still get down on them for my man anytime! jackharlow happy????
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jackharlow Why’d you have to add the last part?
jackharlow But yes, happy 😊
claybornharlow Yall are nasty enough behind close doors. I don’t need to see it on social media. Go back to keeping it lowkey!
jackharlow No, I have to let these dudes know she’s my girl!!!!!
killatrav Didn’t your mom ever teach you, sharing is caring.
jackharlow She did, but I’m not sharing my girl with you or anyone else. How many other ways do I have to let you know she doesn’t want you?
urbanwyatt Look at her knees killatrav she was just down on them for my boy!
yourusername URBAN WYATT
urbanwyatt I’m not your man, so don’t full government name me!!!!!
jackharlow AYEEYOOOO 😭😭😭
Liked by yourusername, urbanwyatt, neelamthadhani, cozane, selenosunni, and 6,334,875 others
jackharlow How you mad she’s choosing me? killatrav I’m your exes and your future girls favorite rapper!!!! Difference is, I don’t want them, because my girl is busy giving me that toppy!!!!!
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user *Travis has left the chat*
urbanwyatt More like he got embarrassed and decided to quit it with the pettiness.
yourusername JACKMAN!!!!
jackharlow What?
yourusername This what you do when you’re supposed to be getting me some agua fresca?
jackharlow The vendor was cutting up your fruit while I was filming this.
yourusername Not the vendor witnessing your pettiness!!!!
yourusername Also, you damn well know what this angle does to me. So you better hurry home because I’m about to get on my knees again!!!!!
jackharlow Say less, omw now 🏃🏼 😋 💦
@heavyhitterheaux @harlowsbby @arination99 @cmalass @jackharloww @minkookie95 @deannaard @jacksmoviestar @harlowcomehome @fdl305 @httpkoylinnn @xoxokiaraaxoxo @hoodharlow @automaticpeachsong @amethyst09 @aliciacat20 @allyson15 @gabbylovesreading @stefansalvatoresgf @violetdreamsworld @carma-fanficaddict @jasminxts @itsaaliyah2 @itsyagirljaz @harrycanyonmoonn @neon-lights-and-glitter @awhore4moree
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tianshiisdead · 5 months
joined an interesting looking rp server set in cyberpunk HK that sensationalizes surveillance and literally has a function called a ‘social credit system’
>me, another chinese and a singaporean lightly discuss irl geopolitics surrounding Hong Kong in the general channel, I disclose PERSONAL feelings of sadness due to friends there and personal parallels. keep in mind the setting of the rp and the topics they’re using
>a random openly non asian person says ‘herro’ in main
guess who gets yelled at by the mod (who self proclaimed has lived in the US their entire lives and only chose HK based on aesthetics) and banned!
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harlowtales · 6 months
Tyler Herro comes into town to visit Jack and gets more than he bargained for
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***18+ Adult Themes/Drama***
Just as you were putting baby Ella’s diaper on you heard the doorbell. “Coming! Geezus!”
You assumed it was your husband “What’d you forget this time sexy?” You said as you flung open the door.
Tyler Herro had a smirk on his face leaning in the door frame. “Wasn’t expecting a greeting like that but I’ll take it!” He smiled as he walked into you and Jack’s sprawling condo.
“Tyler!!” You said excitedly and hugged your hubby’s friend. “What are you doing here?” You asked him
“I was invited to some stupid No Place Like Home concert! Some dickhead has a song about me and wanted me to come say hi” Tyler joked about Jack.
“Well both our favourite dickhead is at an appearance for New Balance. I was just changing a diaper. Nothing exciting going on over here. Would you like a drink?” You offered Tyler
“Does he ever stop? Sure, I’ll have coffee actually. That Florida flight is long and I’m tired.” He answered
Ella started to cry from her room. Tyler gave you a look and you nodded it was ok to go get her. He came out with her all rubbing her eyes and clinging to her uncle.
“One coffee and one bottle coming right up!” You said cheerfully. You had your phone on silent and didn’t see the missed calls. Finally the phone lighting up caught your eye.
“Oh shit! So many missed calls!” You said as you picked it up. You called Clay’s girlfriend back right away. “What’s up girl are you ok?”
“No!! I’m so sick! I can’t make it to my car to drive myself to the hospital. Clay is with Jack.” She explained
“Oh no! Well, I’m with Ella…unless…hold on hun.” You said and turned to look at Tyler playing with Ella who looked completely content in his arms.
“Tyler hunny….” You started to say sweetly.
“Ah hell no!” He said suspecting something was up.
“Can you watch Ella? I have to take Clay’s girlfriend to the hospital.” You said hoping he would say yes.
“Of course is that all?” He said bouncing her on his knee. Gimme that bottle we got this right Ella?” He said playfully.
Jack was super protective of Ella. You didn’t have a nanny because he didn’t want anyone with Ella but you and close family, but Tyler was a father and was definitely like family. You grabbed your keys and headed to take Clay’s girlfriend in not realizing you left your phone on the kitchen counter in a rush.
“Where dafuq is Y/N?” Jack said impatiently calling to check on you and Ella which he did a few times a day.
“Jack I’m sure they’re fine since you spoke to them this morning.” His mom said rolling her eyes at her son.
“Yeah bro chill.” Clay said as he helped hand out boxes of sneakers to kids.
“It’s not like her to let it go to voicemail time after time.” Jack said concerned. He felt something was wrong. “Can we wrap this up?” He said getting irritated and distractedly staring at his phone.
“Hunny if you’re worried we can handle this.” His mom said. There wasn’t anything she could say when it came to Jack being so anxious about his wife and daughter.
“Preciate you mom.” He said as he said his goodbyes to the happy kids and headed out. Even the elevator ride from the underground garage to the penthouse seemed to take forever and he repeatedly pressed the buttons as if it would make the elevator go faster. He turned the key in the door to find Ella alone in her playpen in the living room amusing herself with some toys. Tyler was on the balcony on his phone. Jack scooped up his daughter placing multiple kisses on her soft mop of curls.
“Where dafuq is Y/N?” He asked Tyler as he slid open the balcony doors.
“Nice to see you too bro.” Tyler said “I’ll call you back bruh.” He said ending his conversation on the phone abruptly to deal with Jack.
“Don’t “Hi” me.” Jack said cuddling Ella scowling at his friend. “This your version of babysitting? Outside on your phone? Not even looking at Ella?”
“I’m a dad too bro…before you, remember? Ella is fine, I just peaked at her. I fed her and let her play. You’re welcome.” Tyler said annoyed.
“Where’s Y/N?” Jack asked cradling Ella’s head to his chest. “She’s not answering her phone.”
“Maybe that’s because she forgot it on the kitchen counter when she left in a rush to take Clay’s girl to the hospital and left Ella with her uncle…because she trusts me. Unlike some people.” Tyler said to his friend obviously hurt by Jack’s mistrust.
Jack realized he was being paranoid and felt terrible. “Bro I..” He started to apologize
“Save it.” Tyler said cutting him off and went into the living room. ”I flew all the way here for this shit?”
“I’m sorry man. You’re a great dad and I’m so happy you made it.” Jack apologized
“Thanks bro.” Tyler accepted “Stop being so fucking paranoid. Ella’s a tough girl. We had lots of fun right little bug?” Tyler said tickling Ella who was like his niece and she clearly adored him as she giggled.
“Now I’m nervous because Y/N doesn’t have her phone.” Jack said
“Well that’s more reason to worry but as for Ella she’s fine. She got 2 dudes ready to break necks for her right here.” Tyler said
Just then you walked in and Jack felt a weight off his chest. “So you couldn’t call?” He asked you immediately.
“Hello sweetheart nice to see you. How did it go with the kids getting their shoes?” You asked in slightly a snotty tone to let your husband know he was being rude.
“Don’t do that Y/N” Jack said with Ella on his hip. “You had me worried.”
“What else is new.” You said flatly, rolling your eyes. “I didn’t want to bother you, and Tyler showed up early for the show, and the hospital isn’t far.” You explained.
“Y/N” he said sternly “What did I tell you about being out without a way for me to reach you? You’re not just a regular person, you’re my wife. People are weird out there.”
“I know. It’s just not a big deal is all, I have a habit of leaving my phone at home, I was in a rush.” You said a bit mad he was acting like your dad and completely missing the fact you dropped everything to tend to his brother’s girlfriend. “Hi pumpkin did you have fun with uncle Tyler?” You said turning your attention to Ella.
“Can I talk to you? Alone?” Jack said impatiently
“Babe c’mon.” You said rolling your eyes again which made him more mad.
“Y/N.” Jack said seriously looking directly at you and motioning to the bedroom.
“Ella’s good y’all go sort this out. You’re killing my vibe.” Tyler said reaching out to hold Ella.
You huffed and followed him. “What is wrong with you? I can’t breathe with you! You’re so annoying!!” You whispered harshly as you closed the bedroom door behind you so Tyler wouldn’t hear you.
“I called and called and couldn’t reach you. I cut my appearance short and rushed home. Then you’re not even here with Ella.” Jack whispered back angrily and sat on the bed with his head in his hands.
You suddenly felt a wave of sorrow for your husband and apologized. “Oh hunny I’m so sorry. Why are you so worried all the time? We are fine. You take such good care of us.” You said embracing him around his waist.
“If I lost you or Ella do you know how it would destroy me?” Jack said his blue eyes turning glassy with tears welling up.
“Babe, we are going nowhere ok?” You said rubbing his back “Who will make you grill cheese just the way you like it?”
He cracked a smile and swallowed you in a big hug “Well what do I get for all that worrying?” He said rubbing your boob.
“Jack!” You giggled “Tyler is here! Stop!”
“Ok but hold that thought.” He said kissing you.
“Y’all good?” Tyler said as you and Jack walked back into the living room. Ella had fallen asleep on his shoulder.
“Yeah it’s all good.” Jack said “We better get ready to get on the bus and head to the show because I wrote a song about some dickhead and people wanna see him.”
“Ight bet.” Tyler said laughing. This was the friend he flew out to see.
@ride4harlow @jacks-daycare @itsyagirljaz
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harlowgifs · 10 months
HarlowGifs Masterlist!
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This is our Masterlist , if there's anything you don’t see here and would like to see me make gifs of please send a message!
Anything with no tag is currently in my list of gifs to make
Feel free to use these gifs as you please, credit is always appreciated if you do :)
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Sorted by Music Video
Ice Cream
Dark Knight
Cody Banks
Wasted Youth
Drip Drop
Thru The Night
Heavy Hitter
Walk In The Park
River Road
What's Poppin
Tyler Herro
Way Out
Route 66
Luv Is Dro
Already Best Friends
Nail Tech
First Class
Churchill Downs
Like A Blade Of Grass
They Don't Love It
Gang Gang Gang
Paperwork Party
Industry Baby
I Won
Hot Boy Bling
Leaf Wraps
Comic Sans
Leaf Wraps
Mo Zeros
Backstage Passes
Mall Map
Lovin On Me
Drive Safe
TV & Film
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White Men Can't Jump
The Instigators
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Award Shows
Red Carpets
Talk Shows
Sporting Events
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enby--ghost · 2 months
Herro! I have a ✨ question ✨, if you will
Just as the rest of us, do you have a Current Obsession, and if I so may ask, will you tell us/me about it?
Your blog just gives me Good Vibes and I'd like to know more about what you like. Who knows? I might be enlightened :3
WOOOOOO, A PERSON! yes i WILL tell ypu about my current obsessions. Some that have persisted for a long time have been fnaf and stardew valley and stuff like that. Some more personal and recent ones are writing and game development. I've also been getting more into horror as a whole, as well as mystery and some good old fashioned fluffy romance stuff. I'm sure i've posted at length about obsessions i have on my blog. Thank you for the ask! I hope i answered it well, haha. Have a wonderful day, friend!
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thirdlotusprince3 · 3 months
Hetalia x Avatar the Last Airbender
Italy, how useless can you be?
Water. Earth. Fire. Air. My grandmother used to tell me stories about the old days, a time of peace when the Avatar kept balance between the Water Tribes, Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation, and Air Nomads. But that all changed when the Axis attacked. The three members of the Axis were Germany, an earth and firebending nation and Japan who was one too and Italy an air and waterbender nation but was also a very useless nation who also really liked pasta. Only the Avatar mastered all four elements. Only he and the Allies could stop the ruthless Axis. But when the world needed him most, he vanished. A hundred years have passed and the Axis is nearing victory in the War. Two years ago, my father and the men of my tribe journeyed to China, an Earth Kingdom to help fight against the Axis, leaving me and my brother to look after our tribe. Some people believe that the Avatar was never reborn into the Air Nomads, and that the cycle is broken. But I haven't lost hope. I still believe that somehow, the Avatar will return, and together with the Allies will save the world.
It was another day; Germany was walking when he found a stick. Then he saw a tomato cart and clacked his stick on it.
“Who are you?! I’ve been hiding in a box of tomatoes.” A mysterious and frantic voice replied.
“There’s nobody inside.”
Germany opened the box.
“AAAaaaah! Please don’t hurt me, I’m still a virgin!” the man cried. It was a man with bright auburn hair and a blue jumpsuit.
“Please I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die!” he cried.
“You’re related to Rome right.” Germany asked.
“You know Grandpa Rome! Maybe we can be friends? My name’s Italy.” The man responded.
Then it was the middle of World War II.
Meanwhile Aang was in the middle of nowhere. Katara and Sokka found him in a large circular ice dome in the middle of Canada.
“You should stay with us. The axis might find you.” Katara and Sokka told Aang.
And in another part of the world, Italy was meeting up with the rest of the Axis.
Germany was talking with Japan.
“Italy is just so useless! I don’t know what to do with him, but my boss insisted I work with him.”
“I heard the Avatar has returned, and Prince Zuko is searching for him. Maybe Italy could prove some use and work with Prince Zuko.”
The axis met with Prince Zuko.
“Herro, we have an ar-rye to help you in your search for the Avatar.” Japan told Prince Zuko
“Okay.” Zuko replied.
Italy’s auburn hair and his face peaked out from behind Germany.
Germany moved Italy in front of him.
“Okay buddy, we are searching for the Avatar!” Zuko cried.
“Germany! Japan! What are you doing, leaving me with this scary boy with a scary scar!” Italy cried.
“Prove yourself useful and capture the Avatar with Prince Zuko, then you can return. Catching a group of kids, shouldn’t be too hard.” Germany told Italy.
“Wait! Wait!” Italy cried, Germany and Japan left.
“Okay. Let’s find the Avatar.” Zuko told Italy.
Zuko and Italy hid behind a bush.
“On the count of three we will sneak up on them and capture them.” Zuko told Italy.
“One, two, three!” Zuko cried, he leaped out. He saw Italy was still hiding behind the bush, so he pulled Italy by the collar, for him to join in.
“Avatar, I am here to capture you, and restore my honor.” Zuko declared.
Zuko looked at Italy. He was waving a white flag.
Zuko blasted fire at Team Avatar.
“Veneziano! What are you do-!”
“Go mister boomerang!” Sokka cried, he landed a shot and Zuko passed out.
“Germany! Germany! Don’t hurt me please!” Italy cried.
The avatar gang left.
Italy returned to Germany.
“Germany! Germany! I couldn’t defeat them. They were too scary.”
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biframes · 2 years
Herro newcomer! You said you’ve been playing since 2014? What infamy are you on payday 2?? and can I play with you 👀👀👀👀
- commence-screaming
Despite playing for so long I am only rank V infamy, probably because I only tend to play when my friends are around to play with me. I am the baby compared to my much higher level friends
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I am shy, but I am always happy to have more people to play with, though!! I play through steam.
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moneytrixxx · 9 months
So you not a fan of him anymore? Or prefer his older stuff/look? I’m getting bored of him. He tries to be different but he’s just like any generic rapper. Idk if you were there or saw it but there was a moment where we had a heated discussion about favoritism amongst his favorite fans. It didn’t go very well but they was speaking facts
no. I deffinitely preffer his "old" music (warsaw, thru the night, luv is dro, big chillin, way put, already best friends, tyler herro, route 66, slide for me ect.)
I was never the biggest fan of his looks, but I like him with his hair at a managable length and his beard trimmed.
He and his team are so PR driven its pathetic at this point. Like who do these people think they are? I have never heard of them up until after I started listening to his stuff like 2 years ago and still I don't recognise them.
I don't know anything regarding this discussion.
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chcrrybcmbs · 1 year
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beckham  van  buren  steps  into  genius  studios  to  delve  into  his  career  over  the  last  eight  years  and  announce  his  newest  single  release  .  the  new  york  native  has  admitted  to  an  air  of  cockiness  in  his  music  from  the  moment  he  came  out  onto  the  scene  .  audiences  over  the  years  have  gravitated  to  the  way  all  aspects  of  his  personality  shine  through  his  music  :  for  better  or  for  worse  .  beckham  was  willing  to  note  onnaway  ,  2stylish  ,  creme  ,  and  face  of  my  city  as  some  of  his  favorite  releases  to  date  .  by  the  end  of  his  time  with  genius  he  let  on  the  his  first  single  of  the  upcoming  album  (  still  untitled  )  would  be  nail  tech  ,  releasing  on  the  last  tuesday  of  this  month  .
[ 2015 ] off the deep end .
off  the  deep  end  was  his  debut  ep  ,  entirely  recorded  in  his  2014 porsche panamera  .  a  nine  track  project  that  laid  the  foundation  for  the  next  eight  years  of  his  career  .  detox  was  released  as  the  only  single  .  beckham  later  admitting  the  song  lone  release  was  his  attempt  at  testing  the  water  to  see  if  there  was  a  want  in  the  market  for  what  he  could  deliver  .  the  ep  features  bryson  tiller  and  est  gee  .    ( you can listen to the album here )
dark knight .
detox .
maybe .
onnaway .
sundown .
thru the night feat bryson tiller .
rotten feat est gee .
warsaw feat 2forwoyne .
rain .
[ 2017 ] come from it .
come  from  it  ,  a  mixtape  that  followed  two  years  after  his  first  project  .  overall  coming  out  to  decent  reviews  from  critics  and  audiences  .  there  was  no  initial  single  for  this  project  ,  as  he'd  only  announced  it  a  week  before  dropping  it  .  this would be his last independent release . the  only  feature  on  this  project  is  jetsonmade  on  the  second  track  ,  i  wanna  see  some  ass  .  ( you can listen to the album here )
2stylish .
i wanna see some ass feat jetsonmade .
smells like incense .
out front .
hey big head .
once may comes .
big chillin .
[ 2021 ] buzz .
buzz  may  have  been  his  second  album  but  it  was  the  first  to  make  big  waves  .  topping  at  #1  on  the  billboard  hot  200  ,  with  multiple  songs  reaching  #1  in  the  billboard  hot  100  .  whats  poppin  and  tyler  herro  where  the  two  pre  -  release  singles  .  what's  poppin  catching  enough  traction  a  remix  was  released  with  lil  wayne  ,  tory  lanez  ,  and  the  dababy  hopping  onto  the  track  .  between  the  original  release  and  the  remix  the  song  stayed  at  #1  on  the  charts  for  more  than  half  of  the  year  .  the  album  features  some  of  the  biggest  names  in  the  industry  including  lil  baby  ,  big  sean  ,  chris  brown  &  adam  levine  .    ( you can listen to the album here ) 
rendezvous .
face of my city feat lil baby .
21c / delta .
funny seeing you here .
way out feat big sean .
already best friends feat chris brown .
keep it light .
creme .
same guy feat adam levine .
route 66 feat est gee .
tyler herro .
luv is dro feat static major & bryson tiller .
whats poppin .
baxter avenue .
whats poppin feat tory lanez , lil wayne & dababy .
[ tours ]
the dark knight tour , 2018 , a north american tour that went across the united states and canada in 24 shows . come find me world tour , 2022 - 2023 , his first world tour hitting five continents with nearly 50 shows between north america , south america , europe , africa , and oceania .
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velvetstreets · 2 years
What’s songs did jack perform and what were u screaming at him. 😵‍💫💀
Also should I be excited for when I go and was it worth it not just for seeing him but for the performance 🎈🙃
You better run in to him in the street and 💦💦 also get them digits 💀🤠
He did Tyler herro, what’s poppin, I wanna see some ass, movie star, young harleezy, dua lipa, side piece, Churchill downs, nail tech, already best friends, Route 66, and industry baby
But he didn’t perform each song in its entire length, some were just a verse and a chorus
I just screamed all the lyrics and replied to whatever he was asking the crowd hahahah
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diizzy-puddingzz · 2 years
Introducing myself… ohboy.
Herro herro, My name’s Hickory! I am the #1 Oodle Fan and the #1 Shitter!! Both of them!! I’m so radical I know. Lets uh lets get into the bullshit!!
🌺 = Okay with doubles!
🥀 = Doubles DNI!
🌺 TORI [Ellsworld/Eddsworld]
🌺 WEAVILE [Pokemon]
🌺 MAREEP [Pokemon]
🌺 CHARA [Undertale]
🥀 SILVER THE HEDGEHOG [Sonic Franchise]
🥀 JUSTICE SOUL [Undertale]
🥀 CLOUDY [bfb]
🥀 POISON MUSHROOM COOKIE [Cookie Run: Kingdom]
🌺 = Okay with sharing!
🥀 = Not okay with sharing! (DNI)
🌺 MEPHONE4 [Inanimate Insanity]
🌺 MAO MAO [Mao Mao: Heroes Of Pure Heart]
🌺 MICROPHONE [Inanimate Insanity]
🌺 PASTRY COOKIE [Cookie Run: Kingdom]
🌺 SANS [Specifically Swapfell]
🥀 THE MEME SQUAD [Dreamswap]
🥀 QUEEN [Deltarune]
🥀 GOLD [Pokemon: Adventures]
🥀 YINYANG [Inanimate Insanity]
🥀 SALT [Inanimate Insanity]
🌺 KOMARU NAEGI [Danganronpa]
🌺 COACH COS [SaltyDKDan Friendlocke]
🌺 PAINTBRUSH [Inanimate Insanity]
🥀 EPIC!SANS [Undertale AUs]
🥀 SOAP [Inanimate Insanity]
🥀 LOLLIPOP [bfb]
🥀 TOM [Eddsworld]
🌺 CHATFORM [SaltyDKDan Friendlocke] [Best Friend]
🌺 BARRY [Pokemon]
🌺 FAN [Inanimate Insanity]
🌺 GOO [Inanimate Insanity]
🥀 BALLOON [Inanimate Insanity]
🥀 OJ [Inanimate Insanity]
🌺 NOELLE [Deltarune] [Sister]
🌺 KRIS [Deltarune] [Sibling]
🌺 C!TUBBO [dsmp] [Son]
🥀 CHEESY [Inanimate Insanity] [Father]
🥀 TROPHY [Inanimate Insanity] [Brother]
🥀 CLOVER [Inanimate Insanity] [Sister]
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harlowtales · 1 year
Reader x Jack have a fight that has reader thinking they are making a mistake getting married ⚠️drama/smut/sweet❤️
You and Jack were doing better than ever. Ayesha hadn’t been a problem for a long time. You were busy making preparations for the wedding to happen in a few months. You got busy tending to every detail down to the fonts for the invitations. The guest list was small considering who Jack was. A lot of family and High School friends topped the list. Your family was small, and the celebrity roster was pretty amazing. Drake, Bryson, Tyler Herro, Pete Davidson, Druski, and others had already confirmed they were coming.
Tumblr media
Then there was the engagement party. That was a whole other thing….
“Tell me why da fuk you’re inviting your ex?” Jack fumed one morning as you both were brushing your teeth.
“Because you invited like 6 of yours” you said spitting out a froth of toothpaste and smiling at him. “Keep at it and I’ll invite 2 more.”
“Don’t get fucking cheeky with me.” Jack said frowning “You know we’re all just friends.” He said following you into the bedroom.
“So am I fucking my ex?” You challenged looking up at him.
“No…but….” Jack stuttered
“But what?” You waited for him to say something
“So let’s make a rule. No exes at the engagement party or the wedding.” Jack decided
“Yeah ok.” You said rolling your eyes and walking into the girl’s room to put away laundry. Jack loved that you were a hands on mom. It was kind of turning him on a bit watching you with your hair tied with sweatpants on bending and putting clothes in the drawers but he was happily choosing violence at the moment. This was the regular part of his life he craved. You gave him that. Making the girl’s lunches, picking them up from preschool. You were the apple of his eye.
“Don’t roll your eyes at me.” Jack said getting in your face now.
“You know what Jackman?” You stopped now and faced him. “I want you to want to not invite a whole fleet of women I don’t get along with. Not uninviting them so I don’t invite my ex. You’re being childish.”
“Childish?” Jack repeated angrily “Childish!” He said again as if trying to make sense of the accusation.
“Childish.” You affirmed carrying an empty basket to the laundry room.
“Fuck this I’m going to the basement.” He said, which was where he tended to go when he was stressed out.
“Yeah start shit and run away.” You said in no mood
“Ok. You know why I invited them?” He asked you
“Cuz you’re such a loyal little boy who can’t say no to your day ones.” You said mockingly “Did any of your day ones push out those big heads like yours?” You asked him looking out at the girls running around in the yard with the nanny. “It’s so disrespectful on so many levels. It almost made me…” You stopped, not wanting to hurt him.
“Say it.” He said glaring at you with his arms folded
“Nothing.” You said sitting down in the laundry room and looking out the window at the girls. Sometimes you weren’t happy and Jack knew that. The long weeks away from home and girls everywhere all over him all the time. Jack really loved his fans and you didn’t want to look jealous when you were the envy of the world.
“Maybe we’re making a mistake.” You said wringing your hands.
Jack was silent. He wasn’t quite expecting you to say that. He knew things weren’t perfect but he thought what he had with you was rock solid. So much so he thought inviting the old crew wouldn’t be such an issue. He would never knowingly disrespect you, but he didn’t ask you how you felt about seeing all the girls that made things so hard in the beginning.
He slammed the door to the laundry room and left you there. For the first time in a long time you felt totally alone. Even dinner was quiet. You said not a word to him and just talked to the kids. He brooded looking at his plate and periodically making nice with everyone but you could tell it was taking an effort from him. He looked depressed, and for the first time you didn’t really care. You weren’t going to compete with those girls anymore.
Washing up after you put the girls to bed he wandered into the kitchen. You pretended he wasn’t there and kept washing. Suddenly you felt his arms around your waist and he engulfed you in a warm embrace, nestling his face into your neck. You reached back and played with his hair while the tap was still running. You were struck by his emotions and didn’t say anything. The two of you just stood there in silence.
He turned off the running water and hoisted you up on the kitchen counter and started kissing you while feeling up your dress. He pushed aside your underwear and began feeling for some evidence that you wanted him. That you needed him, because he needed you desperately. The idea that you thought about throwing it all away sometimes scared him. You straddled him with your legs and held his head close to your chest, to your heart.
Let’s go upstairs” he whispered passionately
The minute you got into the room Jack closed the door and motioned for you to be quiet. If the kids woke up make up sex wasn’t happening. He went into the bathroom and started drawing a bath for both of you. He added bubbles and got it nice and hot the way you like it. When it was just right he peeled his tank top off, then underwear, then sweatpants. Each item tossed to the side. He was in all his glory now looking at you to undress. You slipped out of your sundress and panties and started kissing and caressing his chest as he towered over you. Your tongues locked and you sucked his bottom lip. A sign you wanted him badly. He dimmed the lights and lit some candles around the tub.
“Alexa play Jodeci” Jack said and “Forever my lady” came on. You put your hair up getting ready to step into the tub. Jack dipped under the water and came up with his long curls hanging wet. He kissed on your neck as he pulled you into the perfect place leaning on his chest as steam rose up from the huge soaker tub he had custom made for his 6”3 frame. He wrapped his legs around you and started sponging you down. As he squeezed water from the sponge it cascaded down your breasts. You put your head back in submission to his will. He took some passionfruit scented body wash and massaged your breasts and body with the lovely aroma filling the air with the steam.
You felt him rising into you back. He moved you away a little for you to turn around. You went down under the water and took him into your mouth. He put his head back and moaned as quietly as he could, but it was difficult to hold in his pleasure and his desire for you. He never wanted to fight with you to the point where you ignored him like that again. That hurt him more than you screaming and yelling. He knew you had to be deeply hurt to pretend he didn’t exist because he knew he was your whole world.
When you came up soaking wet and looking sexy, he couldn’t hold anything in anymore. He bent you over the side of the tub and entered you ramming from behind then drawing you close to his chest skin to skin clutching your breasts and continuing to thrust as you both became enveloped in heat. You moaned in sweet agony as he covered your mouth and drove harder. Your screams went into the palms of his hands.
“We are one.” He said in your ear in a low raspy growl, grinding into you deeper.
“Uughhh!!” You managed to say muffled by his hand still ensuring only he heard your cries. He sat back into the tub taking you down with him.
You sat onto his hard cock and rode him backwards going up and down on him fast. Steam continued to fill the room as the two of you created a whirlwind in the water. “I’m cumming Jack…..” You said faintly as he wrapped his muscular arms around you while you released all the tension you were feeling. He felt you squeeze around him and knew you had reached heights of ecstasy.
He sat you up and out of the tub on the edge and entered you with his tongue sucking your clit aggressively. You held his head in agony and breathed “Jack. I….I can’t….please”
He put you onto his shoulders with you straddling his face, continuing to eat you with no mercy as he you slid off his shoulders facing him now. He looked into your soul through your eyes as he often did. You couldn’t read the storm you saw in his eyes. He was so intense holding you in his gaze. He put his forehead to yours and your breathing became one breath.
“Promise me we’ll never be like that again” he said in between breaths.
“I promise” you nodded eagerly on the verge of tears
“I can’t do any of this without you. I WONT do any of this without you.” He insisted “Everything I do is for us.”
You settled back onto him gathering yourself after that swirl of desire in the tub. He helped you relax and enjoy the calm of the water, the calm of him.
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mleerberg · 2 months
What is so sacred
With splendour
I shall surrender
To you
If you
Are mine
Explore the depth of disparity he is friend
I am lonely, on a higher level I do like guys and chicks
Do have a tendency though not because I have to
But because I know that yellow colour does to people
So intimate it was so my private investigation
Did I enjoy it, it was a bit of fun, like what’s the problem dude
So sorry you don’t wanna be attached to this notion
So sorry that I cannot be part of your circle of trust anymore
Now where I can get rumor running like a treadmill
My gym, my country, my bitch, my woman, This is an sharp object
This is your car,
I have tasted the whatever metaphors works here
Carrots, whatever it was an accident
I had’nt had any relief for a time
And as I share these words you all can laugh about it.
Next chapter
Hello goodbye
If I quite they think they tormenting me
While they may do that, actually
They gather in crowds, in squads, in teams, in floks
In person its a whoooole ‘nother story
Whatever they are trying to get the mouse out of the mouse hole
Cheese, cheese,
Cheese, cheese
I did enjoy having an real encounter although
Any more questions?
Just you wait Ricky
What do you defend?
What a coward
What a hero
What are you trying to make me do
Hip hip Hirrah
I am digger
Hello gregory
What a jackass
0 notes
certainlysyko · 3 months
okay okay okay but?? music recommendations??
I had a long ass post with a bunch of links but Tumblr is a biotch so here's a basic ass list with my top songs
My music taste is pretty diverse, but mostly delves on the hard rock/ metalcore side. This isn't everything but its what I listen to on a daily basis more often than not.
I'm a huge music girly; My neurodivergence comes out I swear. I'm very particular about my music but also not at all, if that makes sense. I like music that tells a story. I don't mind the genre (most of the time) so needless to say I don't understand rave culture but to each their own haha.
Bad Omens - broken youth, exit wounds, feral, the worst in me, kingdom of cards, dethrone, the hell I overcame, burning out, said & done, IDWT$, what do you want from me?, just pretend, the grey, like a villain, the death of peace of mind, bad decisions, artificial suicide
The Band Camino - damage, 1 last cigarette, what am I missing?, save my life, same page, novocaine, three month hangover, see through
Beartooth - after all, clever, you never know, keep your American dream, the lines, beaten in lips, I have a problem, might love myself, sunshine!, the surface, doubt me, my new reality
Bring Me The Horizon - all of it. I'm not playing games right now.
CORPSE - see: bring me the horizon
Dayseeker - without me, burial plot, quicksand, neon grave, dream state, sleeptalk, parallel, drunk, crooked soul, homesick
A Day To Remember - 1958, you should have killed me when you had the chance, you had me @ hello, the plot to bomb the panhandle, monument, heartless, since u been gone, a shot in the dark, the entire homesick album, the entire what separates me from you album, the entire common courtesy album, paranoia, we got this, same about you, bloodsucker, resentment, only money, degenerates, permanent
Eminem - lol he's the king so if I have to give you recs of him there's an issue
ERRA - pull from the ghost, diversionary, gungrave, pale iris, cure, blue reverie, skyline, drift, snow blood, vanish canvas, sol absentia, nigh to silence, breach, unify
Halsey - without me, nightmare, I am not a woman I'm a god, sorry, eyes closed, 3am, you should be sad, die 4 me, the tradition, 1121, so good, alone, bad at love, strangers, girl is a gun, the lighthouse, colors
Harry Styles - see: discography. put one direction in there too
I Prevail - bad things, gasoline, bow down, doa, there's fear in letting go, body bag, deep end, paranoid, breaking down, let be sad, low, scars, stuck in your head, come and get it, alone, lifelines, chaos
I See Stars - anomaly, are we 3ven?, murder mitten, calm snow, running with scissors, break, white lies, yellow king, drift
Jack Harlow - way out, heavy hitter, rotten, lovin on me, I wanna see some ass, first class, already best friends, poison, nail tech, Tyler herro, out front, goin back down
Knocked Loose - deep in the willow, counting worms, blinding faith, god knows, deadringer
Machine Gun Kelly - everything. EST till I die.
Matchbox Twenty - real world, push, unwell, don't get me wrong
Mayday Parade - jaime all over stay, jersey, anywhere but here, first train, I can only hope, when I get home you're so dead, three cheers for five years, ghosts, girls, hold onto me, oh well oh well, when you see my friends, call me hopeless not romantic
Michael Buble - lost, everything, haven't met you yet, hold on, home, sway, nobody but me, its a beautiful day, come your eyes, to be loved, I got it easy
Motionless In White - another life, sign of life, werewolf, slaughterhouse, BFBTG: corpse nation, scoring the end of the world, voices, America, immaculate misconception, masterpiece
Queen - again, if I have to give you queen recs, there's something wrong.
Rod Stewart - forever young, have you ever seen the rain, downtown train, the first cut is the deepest, it's a heartache, you're in my heart, Maggie may, have I told you lately, hot legs
Sleep Token - rain, alkaline, chokehold, the summoning, the night does not belong to god, ascentionism, the apparition, DYWTYLM, take me back to eden, Euclid
Taylor Swift - listen, that is my queen and my entire childhood. speak now & 1989 are my fav albums but folklore is also *chefs kiss*
Too Close To Touch - RIP KEATON 😢 - eiley, before I cave in, sympathy, nerve endings, novocaine, hopeless, control, miss your face, what a shame, pretty little thing, restless, hell to pay, until I collapse
Wage War - manic, stitch, hollow, the rover, relapse, godspeed, if tomorrow never comes, prison, me against myself, low
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heyjackieg · 5 months
fashion week
herro friend, i havn't heard from you, its been a couple of weeks. I feel good. i miss you but im not daydreaming of you. however, i've been playing : dont want. . . the past 2 nights and i think im going to play it again because it comforts me. cheers to fashion week. slay .
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nbalovers · 5 months
Heat in a dark place amid longest losing streak since 2008. Can they dig themselves out again? MIAMI — As Miami Heat fans exited Kasey... #usa #uk
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