#hes a druid btw
kiivg · 8 months
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.kissy kissy kissy.
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druidshollow · 8 months
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nightmarist · 1 year
i could VERY well be overthinking this especially because MtG is not necessarily BG canon, but learning zevlor is officially UBR / blue, black, red in MtG makes me look at all his lines of dialogue with a new light, hes very strategic yes but also rather scheming i think. i get as a hellrider he probably Had to be for the sake of survival at any cost, but definitely some of his phrasing sounds "make them think its their idea" style of manipulation.
For reference: Zevlor, Elturel Exile
very cool.
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after the above dialogue he says implicating kagha is initially the problem you can suggest HE "get rid of her" which causes these:
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they seem so carefully phrased to:
not get his own hands dirty not put the tieflings in his command at risk you are an outsider to BOTH groups and thus the potential neutral third party to be blamed rather than him or the tieflings, especially good if you fail and/or die.
also, if you ask him to pay you he doesnt bat an eye, he just shrugs and says he'll scrape together what he can.
His mtg artwork seems to imply being controlled by the absolute, but he also has this quote when you try to tell him it's not his fault he was enthralled by the Absolute:
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I'm always a fan of black in mtg used as a 'good' color when its so often interpreted as evil and i think Zevlor here is a cool example of it.
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r0tt13 · 1 year
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scene from the last session
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sesamenom · 5 months
alright you’ve been extremely extremely kind and indulgent to me about my oc and i cannot possibly thank you enough <333333 so MY turn now to ask YOU about YOURS. please tell me about maglor’s distant granddaughter who is also your bbeg?? .w. or about the chatty hobbits i would very VERY much love to hear about both!!!
~ @nelyoslegalteam, reporting from main <3
(long post, sorry for the random people stumbling upon this lol)
so I'm the dm for the chatty hobbits campaign and essentially it's set in a beleriand-adjacent continent, but with a few extra races and stuff. of the founders of the original settlements, the king of elende (the elf kingdom) is Gil-galad's (invented for the campaign) twin brother Finellach/Finwain. originally he was inspired by the fact that gil galad has a ton of names but only uses ereinion/gil, so I just invented a new character and gave him half the names. I headcanon gil galad as maglor's son, so finwain is in universe maglor's son (left at the havens with gil bc his wife divorced him for kinslaying and his kingdom, being next door neighbors with morgoth, is far too dangerous for small children).
Anyways, his descendant Elinyel (also known as aramire or elinnor) is the current queen of Elende! she's an evil fire-themed bard who is extremely feanorian in all the worst ways - her actual kingdom prospered under her reign, but she just does not care about everyone else as long as she's protecting her people. There were some tensions with one of the major kingdoms to the north (conflict over unclaimed territory between the kingdoms and some tariff stuff), so instead of risking the other kingdom starting a war and hurting her people, she just preemptively invaded it and started burned all the border territories to the ground.
her actual coronation was pretty weird- so she's the second child, but her older sister was born in wartime and there's a general belief in elende that children of peacetime make better rulers, so Elinyel was chosen as her family's heir. her grandfather (the crown prince of his generation) died defending Elende in one of the major wars, but his younger brother and two young kids survived. there's a whole feud between their houses because the brother chose to retain the kingship even after the kids were old enough to take the throne. anyways, two generations later Elinyel killed her cousin Arendil (the previous king of Elende) over a dispute about the legitimacy of his house (and what she believed to be a dishonoring of her grandparents' sacrifice) and took the throne.
obviously she has many Issues. arendil also has two surviving kids who are now essentially trying to stop her from murdering all their neighbors in proactive defense of her people.
however, when she first ascended she recruited her friend group as her elite guard/vassals of the kingdom. (aka the other bosses in the storyline). so it escalated to a war between her forces and the children of arendil, which ultimately culminated in her beloved sister being killed by one of arendil's children. this in turn led to her having basically a massive mental breakdown and feeling like she failed to protect her loved ones (exacerbated by some of her other friends being killed in battles she led). a normal person might decide this is was kind of her fault for starting a war and putting her friends in charge of the army. instead she decided she needed to destroy everyone who could ever potentially pose a threat. which is, in her eyes, literally everyone on the continent (except for her kingdom, of course).
so now she is at war with absolutely everyone of all factions! She is also somehow winning by virtue of Song almost on the level of maglor himself, and ten (now six) also incredibly powerful friends. Anyways, she has decided that the best way to wipe out the continent (except her kingdom) and start fresh is to literally find an ancient lost stone that can break the Doors of Night, summon Morgoth himself, and start the Dagorath. obviously this will Not go well for anyone at all if she succeeds, but she is on a full-on rampage and genuinely believes she (plus friends) can protect her kingdom from Morgoth's army while he wipes out everyone else.
Here's some old art of her btw!
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And some slightly more recent unfinished art of her and the Evil Friend Group from when they were younger:
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and here's (L-R) her cousin who is the 3rd boss, Elinyel, and her sister from before the war!
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#asks#THANK YOU FOR THIS BTW#i only have 1 friend irl who plays dnd and is also not affiliated with the campaign#and they aren't a silm person#so i cannot talk w anyone irl about the Lore#one of the few kingdoms who could really oppose her is the magic one#bc max level wizards might as well be ainur and the monarch of the magic kingdom is Very Powerful#however. said monarch is also the twin sibling of one of elinyel's friends#(who is also an evil lich now and also maybe dating a diff friend who is an evil sorceror? not sure of details yet)#so the super powerful battlemage monarch is remaining Politically Neutral so they don't have to fight their literal evil twin#currently the party is level 6 and just defeated the very-weakened wraith of one of the friends#she was a druid but sort of decayed when she was corrupted and was kidnapping untrained/low level sorcs as servants to siphon power from#and also living in the Grove of Resurrection in order to stay intact#i forgot her dialogue while running the battle so while i looked through my docs i just had her say 'loading please wait' lol#also more chatty hobbit stuff#the grove is a huge grassy area with a walking tree in the middle#so the whole thing is constantly roaming aroudn#the wraith-druid had her castle built on it so she could have a moving castle that also heals her#the grassy part will resurrect any dead thing put on it#for the battle they had to drag her off the grass in order to kill her#technically shes been dead for some years but is surviving via constant contact w the grove#the hobbit (Shade) is from the Alder family who has historically been the guardians of the grove#he discovered he could talk to the tree in the middle and immediately started trying to figure out a way he could use the grove to#clone one of the party members#the tree does not approve of intentionally cutting off people's arms to see if it regenerates into a clone lol#oh! and they found anglachel in the grove. the dragonborn monk wants to keep it
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littlegalerion · 1 year
As a homesteader, I can say 100% Halsin needs some serious help. He is all about "nature has a balance, where all are cared for", meanwhile here I am, having to pull two drakes off one lady duck because, by nature, both will attempt to breed her as roughly as possible, even if it ends up injuring/killing her.
Also, by nature, my chickens have a strict pecking order. A good few get bullied as they are the lowest in the order. I attempted to introduce some young ladies to my less than a foot tall Sebright Rooster, and he was brutal with the bullying. I had to pull them out, he was so bad.
Nature is not a beautiful, idealistic lifestyle. It is survival of the fittest.
Perhaps Halsin needs to seriously rethink civilizations' role in nature. That we, as people of all races, differ from animals in that we can choose to rise above our basic desires and urges if we so choose. Chaotic change is normal among the wilds, but we can actually bring good change, despite however much evil is in the world.
That is our role.
#halsin#the more and more i reread dialogue with him the more he shouldnt have been an archmage#heres the thing- EA Halsin felt like an ArchMage#even when he talked about his previous failings he still sounded somewhat confident in what he had to do#i dont know if they changed this but in EA it was implied he killed isobel or however you spell her name#sad elf dilf's daughter that loves nightsong that person#it was implied he killed her out of self defense and had awful for it#and that he took more responsibily for the shdow curse because her death was the last straw that broke her father#it wasnt just thaniel that tied him to breaking the curse#it was wanting to put a grieving father out of his misery#misery halsin had directly caused#I LOVED THAT#btw HE WAS ALREADY AN ARCHDRUID THEN#or it was implied#he represented the druids at least at the time#i hate to say it but everyday I worry that we ruined the character by our demands#this doesnt feel like the same guy from EA#also...hes against the city's behavior yet if you slaughtered the grove he forgives you no problem#'you reacted accordinf to your nature' yes halsin#as are all the people tryibg to survive in the city#also...350 ISNT OLD FOR A WOOD ELF#hes legit maybe just hitting his 30s#elves are considered CHILDREN until 100 years old#i am forever haunted by the quote the devs once said#'we always saw him as an old wizened archdruid'#what did we do to our bear man?#what did we DO?!#bg3 spoilers#baldurs gate 3 spoilers#bg3
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simikae · 10 months
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dont speak to me or my son EVER AGAIN
flats under the cut
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venomgaia · 1 year
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ft very tiny scribbles below
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ranger-crisis · 9 months
Halsin’s quote about “resentment will spring up regardless like mushrooms” (or something along those lines) lives in my head anytime something happens. It’s the first thing that comes to mind whenever I find myself resenting someone else or when someone is acting negatively about me.
And the quotes:
“No matter how long I live, I will always strive to remain a keen pupil. Only a hook would think he could drink in all knowledge until none is left”
“You sound like a student, reciting words for a test without considering their meaning.”
“Sometimes I think conventional wisdom is too narrow about what someone can or can’t be.”
“Natures tapestry is infinitely complex”
So on and so forth, I could create an entire list of quotes but that’s for another time. Like the writer of Halsin absolutely slaughtered, dare I say decimated. As a writer it’s so amazing to see just what people can write. It may be mundane, but the idea that someone wrote that, spent time writing that, is amazing. I don’t see glory in the mundane, because what you call mundane is glorious, and isn’t that what we call poetry? (okay so yeah I took that out a poem I wrote while sick and added more words to chunk it up, but my post my rules I can ramble all I want).
And the voice actor? Absolutely pulls it all together. The delivery of the lines absolutely amazing and I think that’s part of why they stick with me so much. The way someone talks can be a make or break of whether or not you actually pay attention and take weight as to what they’re saying. I think everyone has had that one really boring history teacher who all you remember is how boring they were and the way they spoke, so kinda like that. You probably get the concepts, but nothing else. But when someone talks good you pay more attention and are more likely to y’know take weight to what they say. The way the voice actor did Halsin is just so top tier.
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inonibird · 2 years
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That time the druid bought presents for the rest of our party and decided to give my death cleric flowers.
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fizzytoo · 9 months
saw a post that said wyll’s camp outfit is just the shirt he left home w and grew out of. you think this man is still parading around in a shirt he wore as a teenager,,,
NO !! he has style, charisma, swagger !!!! you’re not getting it he’s sexy and the midriff showing is completely intentional
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llatimeria · 1 year
Someone reblogged that dnd uquiz from me and their result was warforged druid which made me go "wait, what? aren't warforged the robot-looking guys? how can a robot be a druid??", but then i realized i know exactly how a robot can be a druid:
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druidshollow · 11 months
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dunes rise to villainous power
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mokeonn · 9 months
I started an honor mode playthrough with probably the cutest tiefling in bg3 and I fuckn got killed during the Phase Spider Matriarch, so I decided to continue my save with dishonor because my character was just so damn cute. Well for some reason or another the game didn't?? Switch it to custom mode?? It's still honor mode??
So I'm either going to get those golden dice in the most dishonorable way possible or the game is just pulling on my leg and It's just honor mode without the reward.
#simon says#the character btw is a pink tiefling fae warlock/bard named Poetry#she's wearing purple and yellow clothes until I find pink dye#and she's wearing the volo bard reward clothes which make her look absolutely adorable??#i just gotta draw her soon#she's also a Wyll romance. because I have yet to romance Wyll and I think warlock/bard is a GREAT combination to romance him with#it's funny because so far Astarion has been my main romance (i think 3 times now)#and he fuckin HATES her#Poetry is a little goodie two shoes who is not using those Illithid powers so everyone else loves her kindness and whimsy#and Astarion thinks she's the world's biggest pinkest killjoy#legit got angry at her and asked if it's her life purpose to ruin his fun#it's gonna take him a while and a lot of silly responses to get him to warm up to her#and i dont think the mild annoyance at her goody goody antics will go away#but yeah i just... love her so much#the other playthrough is another goody goody no illithid playthrough but he's a half-drow druid saving himself for Halsin#it's pretty funny as Poetry though because Shadowheart is already ready to start something together and Gale has started flirting#but she's only got eyes on the blade of Frontiers baby#oh and Poetry is also a dark urge playthrough who is avoiding her urges as much as possible#unless it's an unavoidable event she is surpressing that#Bhaal somehow spawned the world's cutest murder machine#anyways im gonna keep playing today because im tired (i drank last night) but I gotta draw poetry soon she's so cute
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herearedragons · 6 months
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Decided to post this two-year-old drawing of my original D&D party. We’ve had some changes in the cast since then, but this was the lineup when we first started playing!
(left to right: water genasi Drakewarden ranger whose drake companion could shapeshift into a bird; firbolg Moon Circle druid; high elf Battle Smith artificer. the water genasi eventually left and we gained two new party members who aren’t in the drawing)
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nauticrowe · 2 months
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I'm doing a one-shot in dnd and was told not to worry too much about backstory and stuff but this is my demi-masc earth genasi Terram and I adore him and I will be devastated if anything happens to them I will be inconsolable
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