#hes gon beat that nigga so bad hes gonna turn his life around
nashvillethotchicken · 4 months
Louis grew up a closeted black gay man in Jim Crow New Orleans ion know why Daniel keeps trying to pick fights with that man as if he won't put some vaseline on his face and beat his ass with a lock in his hand
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monstas1ut2 · 3 years
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(3/3) Eren Yeager
Send a DM just to trap me (damn)
Threw your bitch in a taxi (taxi)
Wanna get drunk and nasty? (Nasty)
It was inevitable, of course he was going to find out.. Now here you are, sitting in your mothers house trying to figure out what you could've done differently. It's not only embarrassing but it sucks because that's your father, he's your everything , he's the man who adopted you. All you had to do was stay away from Eren.. though you couldn't even do that..
"Cheer up, here.. I got watermelon and pineapples.. I know it's your favorite.."
The woman with glasses, your mother handed you the soft bowl that held your favorite fruit. Her eyes staring at you softly as you were sitting on the floor. It was like you felt like you didn't deserve a bed right now.. In all honesty though, it wasn't fully your fault.
The soft, warmth that you had from the strong arms that touched you in ways... that night had kept you asleep. His hair fit his face so well and he said so many things that night that was hard to pass by. It wasn't a joke, Eren knew what he wanted.. and that was you.. and still is.
The many missed calls from him was ridiculous and the texts were everlasting. He figured he'd messed up, that or you were maybe drunk last night..? You didn't seem drunk.. that's just because you weren't.
"I should've stayed away from him..."
"Cupcake, you can't keep blaming yourself. Shorty-pants tends to be that way with Eren because of their past. There's nothing wrong with Eren technically, he lost his parents at a young age, in front of his eyes.. so he's a bit mental from that.." the words came out of Hange's throat and you nodded slowly. The thought still edged you on though, why did Levi want you away from him..?
Just because he has mommy AND daddy issues? That is a bad sign for sure, but at the same time.. Eren has done nothing but shown you his kind side. As well as his sexual side but we ain't gonna talk about that.
"So why... did dad kick me out... because of that..? Or cuz of their background together..? Eren is nothin but nice to me.. I would've backed off otherwise I ain't stupid to stay wit a nigga that beats on me.."
These words spat out in direction of no one in particular since nobody is here.. but it hurt. You wanted to scream so badly but what good would it do anyways.. Slowly slipping a pineapple chunk in your mouth. You watched as Hange was conflicted on what to say.. which is odd.
She has known Levi longer than anyone.. but Levi is still a mystery. So all she could do was direct this somewhere else...
"He'll be fine later okay? Don't worry... just.. eat your fruit, someone's comin to see ya in a little bit.. mkay?"
It's almost been a month.. and you didn't see Levi becoming fine any day now.. from what you could see, you were abandoned just like whoever your real parents were..
Standing outside to get some nice air, your eyes watched the car in the driveway pull off. It was Hange's bmw. Her mission was to get Levi to straighten up and fly right, but you told her there wasn't any need. The damage was done already.. right?
Hange does tend to make things right though, she's just that lovable of a person..
Letting out a sigh, you'd decided to finally turn your back and try to go back into the house but your ears were kinda deceiving you. Your head whipping back towards the driveway as you saw the car that was there. It wasn't Hange for sure, though that black, porche was nobody's but..
His taller form immediately moving from that car and eventually coming to face you.. in all honesty he wanted to yell and scream and do everything in the book.. but seeing your pretty eyes tear up was enough for him.
After a few silent minutes passed, the two of you were now wrapped up in each other. As close as you two possibly could be on the comfy couch. Just bathing in each other's scent and aura. It was a nice feeling nonetheless, but at the same time, Eren was confused as to why you were so quiet. Why didn't you answer his messages or his calls...
"I'm sorry... I ain't mean to ghost you like that... but, he uhm..."
Swallowing down the tears that were edging to release again. Eren's green eyes stared into yours, his ears ready to hear everything you had to say to him. He wasn't going to ignore these feelings you had.. why would he?
"He found out... and he didn't like it.. obviously. He kicked me out...so I live here now..." your words spilling out of your throat, it sounded like you were in pain. Your glossy eyes staring up at Eren, who happened to be a bit more annoyed than anything. The past was the past... he didn't understand why Levi was so strung up on him. The two never had good relations, they always hated each other... Maybe in a past life too..
"I'll talk to him.."
"N-No, do you have a death wish..?"
"For you... I'll do anything you want.. if you wanna come live with me that's aight with me..." Eren offered up everything he could think of. There's just this feeling, he didn't want to leave you... but he also didn't want you to be abandoned by your father...
Eren knows that technically, that's already happened to you.. but you grew up with Levi and Hange..
"We gonna talk to him together... he ain't gon kill you if I'm there.. even if he hates me.."
"He Doesn't hate you... not him... he just pissed right now." Eren was correct, Levi was simply annoyed at the fact that you decided to spend the night without his knowing... and at EREN's house nonetheless. Levi already could think about what happened in that bedroom... though if you played your cards right, you could probably make it seem like it didn't happen...
The paperwork continued to pile over, Hange's steps being big as she stepped over the books and papers. Honestly, this has to be the first time she's seen Levi like this. His house was a mess.
And that's something you don't hear everyday.
"Shorty! Shorty mc shorty pants...? Ah!" Hange was obviously teasing the male but she ended up tripping on one of his shoes that was in his office, man was he living in this one room?
Her glasses were put back on her face as she looked up at the desk. Seeing Levi tapping on his keyboard quickly. He himself probably didn't notice the way he was living at the moment... when he does he'll probably scold himself.
"You sir, need to get it together!" Hange spoke as she stood back up, and she earned a loud and annoyed sigh from the male.
"Look, shitty-glasses I don't have time for it right now!"
"Don't yell at me! This is about your kid wanting to isolate herself from the world because you can't stop being an asshole!" Hange quickly spoke as she then moved back from Levi, making sure her distance was far... still managing to joke in instances like this.
"Stop trying to pry them apart! I've seen Eren! He treats her like a Queen and he even gives her these looks that makes it known... he's not going to hurt her... not to mention she might hurt him first.. physically.. I've seen her throw a shoe at him once.." Hange chuckled out at her last sentence but Levi didn't seem like he was in a laughing mood.. nor was he ever...
"Fine" Hange huffed, her cheeks reddened at the fact that she couldn't persuade Levi-that's what she thought-and she immediately left his office, though came back and kicked one of the books over...
The two slender fingers he had was pinching the bridge of his nose, trying to surpass the headache that already arrived.
"Get out.."
"Daddy I ain't do nothin wit him, I just fell asleep I swear..-"
"I don't care!"
"I'm tired.. I'm goin to sleep Ight..? Pick me up tomorrow..." your words softly sliding out as Eren stared at your soft lips. This however made you smile and wrap your arms around him. Pulling him down to your height to kiss him gently. His lips still tasting like sugar...
Today, Eren kept you company and he even offered to take you out tomorrow... so all wasn't lost..
Eventually you'd closed your bedroom door and decided to get ready for bed. Gently laying in your bed after putting a scarf and bonnet on your head. The soft pillow was cold and that only made you a tiny bit more happier...
Knock knock
As you were about to close your eyes, the sound of knocking was on your door. That could be nobody but Hange... right? Considering this is her house but normally she just opens the door... without knocking..
"Come in...?" In a bit of a confused tone, you'd propped yourself up so you could get a better look at the door.
"Why say 'come in' if you're unsure... you're going to get yourself killed.."
"Daddy!" Your voice shrilled with happiness... and all Levi could feel was that same energy.. he may not like your little... boyfriend.. but he loves you.. his beautiful daughter...
(๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ Masterlist 2
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airis-paris14 · 3 years
Wonder What She Thinks 3
Summary: She learns to put herself first and he loses the best thing he ever had.
Masterlist || 3 || 4
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I can’t predict my fate but I can’t be his no more… two years enough, few days but my week with you means more. - “Natural” Sabrina Claudio
So why are you still single?”Iman swirled her straw around her glass of mango lemonade. The man took a sip before answering, “Before now, I didn’t feel like my career was in a place where I could balance spending time in my relationship. I wanna do it right. I don’t want to look back and realize my career was the reason it doesn’t work out.”
Iman nodded and looked down, thinking on her on and off situationship with T’Challa. She hadn’t heard from the king in months. He’d been all over the news with his various dates and suspected engagements. At first the nurse was hurt, but she decided that maybe it was for the best. She and Michael had cultivated a close bond with each other. Instantly becoming fast friends after the game night. They hadn’t talked explicitly about being together. She knew that Michael had once been interested, but she couldn’t be sure anymore. They hadn’t talked about her and T’Challa either. Truth be told she didn’t know if she was ready to be in a relationship either right now. “I understand that. It’s great that you’re thinking through it. You wanna give that person your all.”
“Exactly,” the actor nodded. “What about you. I’ve known you for almost a year now, and I still don’t know why you haven’t settled down.”
“It’s complicated,” Zoe-Iman shrugged. “But why? Zoe I’ve seen the way men look at you when we’re hanging out. I can’t believe old dude hasn’t officially snapped you up yet,” Michael leaned back. “It’s his career too. It just isn’t the right time. Or wasn’t the right time. I haven’t heard from him in months so I don’t even know what we are either way.” Zoe sighed and frowned. “Zoe, I’m sorry I didn’t know. He’s stupid for that Ma. He doesn't know what an amazing thing he gave up.”
Zoe shrugged, “I guess. I mean we weren’t exclusive or anything but we’ve been friends forever. I at least expected a goodbye.”
“For sure. He definitely shouldn’t have disappeared on you like that. Are you alright?” Michael asked. “I don’t know honestly. It was most likely for the best. I doubt it would have ever been ‘the right time’ like he kept promising. I should have moved on a while ago,” the woman explained. “Well here’s to new beginnings,” Michael raised his glass. “What’s your new beginning?” Zoe asked as she raised her glass.
“My career is finally in a place where I can invest in a relationship,” the actor winked.
“Let’s go Zoe!” Kenois slapped her door frame twice before continuing down the hall. “I’m coming dang,” Zoe slipped on her heels and pressed send on a text message. She grabbed her little clutch and hightailed it out of the room. Sylia and Kenois had planned a group outing to a new 70s themed disco that had opened in the city. Named Studio 54A, in honor of the infamous disco from back in the day. With a guest list and dress code as exclusive as the original establishment, she wondered how her friends had secured all of them a spot on the VIP list. She was sure it had something to do with Michael, who ironically was the only one who could no longer make it. They all piled into the Uber black truck that was waiting outside and settled in for the ride.
Zoe heard her phone ping as they pulled off. “You look good mama,” Sylia complimented. “Yeah I haven’t seen you this excited to get dressed up and go out in a long time. Michael’s gonna be mad he missed this outfit” Kenois teased. “We’re just friends, besides I’m mad he’s not coming. He was my disco partner,” Zoe pouted dramatically. She slipped her phone out and read the message.
Michael: I’m sorry Zoe-Zoe.
Zoe-Iman: It’s okay. Work comes first. You gotta get that money.
Michael: no you come first.
Zoe’s heart stopped as she re-read his message before another followed it.
Michael: my friends and quality relationships should always come first. Especially good friends like you.
Zoe-Iman: But I and everyone else understand. Get some rest before your early shoot Mr.GQ x2
Michael: Only cause someone else dropped out.
Zoe-Iman: You’re still on the cover so it counts. Go to sleep.
Michael: Send me pictures and I promise I’ll make it up to you. Just you and me will go. And we can dance your little disco heart out.
Zoe-Iman: Shut up
Michael: Have a good time.
Zoe-Iman: I will. We will. Night.
Michael: Night.
“Is there something going on between you and Michael?,” Kenois smiles as they pull off the highway. “No,” Iman fought back a blush. “Yes there is!” Sylia pushed,”I knew y’all were getting close this past year, but it’s changed. The matching outfits, the way you grin at your phone when he texts.” Kenois added on
“I just enjoy his company,” Zoe shrugged. “Um hmm,” Sylia hummed. The truck reached their pit stop. The door opened and Trina, David, and Camden piled in. “Hey, y’all,” the woman smiled as she settled in. “What’s up?” Camden and David nodded and shut the door.
“Y’all look great!” Zoe smiled. The group was dressed to impress in vintage, and 70s inspired, outfits. “Where’s Michael?” David asked. “Something came up at the last minute and he couldn’t be out partying late.”
“Dang. Good thing I invited T, so we won’t be so outnumbered.” David sighed. “Nigga what?” Sylia stared at him. Trina and Kenois glanced over at Zoe who felt frozen in her seat. “Why would you invite T?” Trina turned to David, “you know he hasn’t been around lately.”
“That’s why I invited him.” David looked to Camden for help. Camden shrugged and sat back, opting to stay out of trouble on this one. Atleast for a little while longer. “You didn’t think that maybe he wasn’t around for a reason?”
David threw his hands up, “I figured the man was busy with being the prince of a whole country. I thought he could use a night out with some friends from college. Sue me!”
“It’s not that,” Kenois started. “Will y’all stop beating around the bush. Y’all obviously know something we don’t.” Camden finally interjected. “All of the women turned their heads to Zoe Iman. The boys leaned up in their seats from the back. “Me and T had a friends with benefits type thing for about the past year, then he ghosted me,” Zoe explained. Her eyes invested in the city outside her window.
“Y’all were fucking and ain’t tell nobody!”
Trina slapped David on the back of his head. “Shut up! You don’t see that driver sitting right there. Yelling out people’s business,” Trina muttered. “What he meant to say was why wouldn’t y’all tell us?” Camden corrected.
“T didn’t want anyone to know. And I didn’t want anyone to know that I was his dirty little secret. These three found out because they came back from some event early one night and heard us.” Zoe sighed, finally turning to look at two of her closest guy friends. “Yeah and she was always spending the night over there. We woulda found out anyway.” Sylia shrugged.
“I’m sorry Zoe, I wish I had known,” David frowned, his earlier amusement gone. “We’ll jack him up. All you gotta do is say the word. He had no right to ghost you like that and be out here going on dates with other chicks and shit.”
Camden nodded in agreement, “You know all of y’all like my sisters. Ain’t no dude gon mess with y’all and just walk away with both legs.”
Zoe-Iman offered a small smile, “It’s okay y’all. I’m good. I’m just trying to move on, and I hope he finds what he’s looking for.” She shrugged, turning back in her seat as the car pulled to a stop. “Besides I didn’t spend two months learning disco moves to not show them off now.
“I know that’s right, and the way that dress is looking with them heels, he gon be on his knees by the end of the night,” Trina grinned. Zoe-Iman turned to the boys, “Please don’t feel bad about it. I’m good, y’all enjoy time with him. He was y’all’s friend first. He hasn’t done anything to y’all.”
“We understand, but he hurt you.”
David agreed, “Him hurting you, is him hurting us. And best believe we gon be talking about it tonight.” The boys got out of the car before Zoe could ask them not to. Once she sighed as they walked ahead, anticipating the awkward night ahead. She desperately wished she hadn’t told Michael to go to sleep.
“What time should I expect you back?” Nakia wrapped a scarf around her hair as T’Challa grabbed his wallet off of the night stand. “I am not sure,” the king sighed, turning to face his father’s choice. “Are you sure I cannot accompany you? I want to meet your friends,” the woman smiled and turned to face him. “Not this time,” he turned, avoiding the disappointment he knew was plastered all over her face. “Are you ashamed of me?”
“No. Goodnight Nakia.” T’Challa hurried out of his hotel room. He slid into his waiting car and sighed. He prayed to Bast that Zoe-Iman was there. He’d deleted her number after Nakia became insecure about and suspicious of how often he was texting and meeting up with her. He knew that dropping Zoe like she meant nothing was the worst decision he’d ever made, but he needed to keep Nakia happy and by his side. However he missed his best friend and lover. She was like a drug, and he was well overdue for a re-up. The future king knew that she would be upset at first, but he knew that he could explain what had happened and they’d be able to fix his mistakes and get a life saving dose of his Iman. What the prince was not expecting, was outside intervention in his plans.
His car pulled up to the club and he breezed through the front door. Once inside he spotted his friends and walked over, disappointed to see that none of the women were present. “The king is in the house!” David stood and greeted his friend. “Stop it. I am not a king yet,” T’Challa laughed. After hugs and daps were exchanged they settled into the booth and T’Challa ordered his usual whiskey on the rocks. “So who’s this girl we’ve been seeing you all over the news with?”
T’Challa sighed and sipped his drink, “She is my father’s choice for a wife.”
“And you going along with it?” Camden raised an eyebrow. “It is not that simple,” he offered as an excuse. “Where are the girls?”
“They’re on the dance floor somewhere,” David pointed vaguely, “but you really worried about everybody or Zoe-Iman in particular?” T’Challa looked at his friend over the edge of his glass, “they are all my friends and I miss them equally-“
“Cut the bull lover boy,” Camden sat his drink down. “We found out you were messing around with Zoe-Iman.” T’Challa’s heart dropped. He and Zoe had promised they wouldn’t diverge their secret to the group. “And nah she ain’t tell us, the other girls did,” David clarified, “they came home early and heard y’all one night.”
“Well what about it? We’re both adults,” T’Challa shrugged. “It’s not even about that T! Nigga you really over here playing with her heart like it’s nothing.” David fussed. “I am not playing with her heart,” the king insisted.
“Then why she look like she was gon have a heart attack when I told everyone you were coming,” David fussed, “cause you making her look like a fool. Out here with other women in public, then ghosting her when your other chicks ask you too.”
“How did you-“ T’Challa started.
“We are not stupid bruh. You used to look at ol girl like she was your sun and moon. It had to take another girl to make you just ghost her.” Camden rubbed his temple.
“Iman knows what’s going on with my family.”
“That don’t make it okay T! You know she’s like my little sister and I hate seeing her all sad and shit over a nigga. And my friend at that! The only reason I ain’t jumped on yo ass is cause she begged me not too.” David fussed.
“She sat in the van after everyone found out and still defended you man. Cause she loves you, and you out here dating other chicks?” Camden chimed in. “I should just go you all wouldn’t understand,” T’Challa threw back the rest of his drink and reached for his wallet. “Understand what huh?” David pushed, “We want to understand but you keep pushing us away, just like you pushing Iman!”
“I can’t marry an outsider!”
The table went silent. “T do you love that girl?” Camden questioned a beat later, his hand stopping T’Challa’s from placing the money for his drink on the table. “More than I could ever explain,” the prince answered. “Then fight for her! Change the law!”
T’Challa places his money on the table, “Who could do that? It is tradition!”
“I thought you were the next king?” David shot back, “act like one and set a new precedent.”
“It is not that easy,” T’Challa insisted.
“It can’t be that difficult either.”
“Goodnight gentlemen,” T’Challa stood and strolled out of the bar.
“Oh shit,” Kenois mumbled as their college friend turned monarch stormed out of the bar. Zoe looked up and froze as his silhouette moved outside. She looked back at her friends once he’d left and they were all ready staring at her. “Go get your closure,” Trina pushed her with a sad smile. Zoe nodded and followed her lover out of the doors.
“Challa, wait!” She called. She sighed in relief as he paused getting in the car. Once she was close enough, he recognized her and pushed her into the car. “Drive around the block,” he ordered before raising the partition. “What are you doing? Someone could have seen us!” Zoe’s nervous smile fell and her anger kicked in. “I’m sorry, I forgot you don’t know me when we’re out in public,” she scoffed.
“It’s not like that and you know it,” T’Challa fell back into his seat. “No, I obviously don’t know that because I thought I could talk to my “friend” in public, but I guess I’m too lowly for that privilege as well.”
“Zoe-,” the king started. “No, just drop me off at home,” the nurse frowned, turning to look out the window. “I apologize Iman,” The king broke the tense silence.
“Um hmm,” she hummed, staring out of the window. “You’re not even going to look at me?”
“I don’t even know the man I would be looking at any more.” Zoe wiped a tear that had fought its way down her face. “I am still the same man,” The Royal reached for her hand and she snatched it away. “Do not touch me,” the woman hissed. “Iman, baby please,” He pleaded, moving closer to her.
“Please what? Ten minutes ago you were angry that I had the audacity to call your name out on the street.”
“It is not like that, you know that I have to keep my charade up in the public eye, there were cameras-”
“Outside of the club. I get that, but you can’t have a friend? It is not like your family does not know who I am. And you’ve been flipping back and forth between women lately like it's a tennis match, no one would even care T’Challa.”
“Those women are different Iman, and you know that.” The king sighed.
“Different how?”
“I don’t love them. I love you, and the media would see it as clear as day on my face if we went out together.”
Zoe Iman froze as T’Challa sighed. “And it was so hard to pick up the phone and say that. You just dropped me like I meant absolutely nothing to you. That hurt me T’Challa.”
“It was not like that,” The king tried to grab her hand again and she moved away. “Then tell me what it was like.”
“I- my father- has selected his top candidate and she became suspicious of us, so I let her delete your contact-”
“But you love me right?” Zoe chuckled and rolled down the partition, “Zoe wait,” the king tried to remove her hand. “Do not touch me your majesty! Okoye, take me home please. I have nothing left to say to his majesty tonight.”
“Okoye, keep driving around,” the king ordered. He grabbed Zoe’s hand and pulled her closer to him, “Let me go!”
“Not until you listen to me!”
“Why, so you can lie to me and then get me in your bed again?” Zoe growled, “Okoye, stop the car!”
“No Iman, listen to me,” The king grabbed both of her hands and fought over what he was about to say to her. “I have to choose a bride soon, and I am tired of lying to you and my father.”
“So what does that mean?”
“I am gonna make everything right,” The king smiled as her posture relaxed slightly, “I promise.”
“I don’t need promises, your majesty, you made enough of those when we had sex in your hotel room last month.”
“But this time I am not drunk,” the king reassured, “and I intend to keep them this time.”
Zoe looked out of the window to think, watching as her neighborhood came into view. “Do not bother your majesty. A drunk mouth speaks a sober mind, and all your sober mind seems to be filled with is empty promises and sweet nothings.” Iman grabbed her things and wiped the tears that had started to fall.
The king’s face fell, “Iman please, I want you-”
“Yes, but just in your bed for the night. Go home to your fiancée,” She sighed digging around her purse for her keys as Okoye pulled up to her driveway. “How did you know I had proposed?”
Zoe-Iman James’s heart broke, as he confirmed what she’d suspected since the night they’d drunkenly fallen into bed two months after he ghosted her, “I didn’t. You just told me.” Her lips quivered as sobs clawed their way up her throat.
The king sat back, the full gravity of what had just happened settling squarely on his shoulders. “Have a good night Your majesty,” Zoe croaked before climbing out of the door that had been opened for her.
A few minutes later, Ayo re-entered the car and Okoye began driving off. “I hope you have made the right decision T’Challa,” the guard raised her eyebrow at the king. “It was the only decision Okoye,” he wiped a tear that had fallen down his cheek. “With all due respect your majesty, all three of us know that it was not.” Ayo frowned before closing the partition to give the young man some space.
Taglist: @almostpurelysmut @blackbypurpose @nyneebee @hutchj @tchoking @sisterwifeudaku @wikiwakanda @royallyprincesslilly @90sinspiredgirl @strictlyashley @afraiddreamingandloving @thedelightfulone @autumn242 @purple-apricots @kumkaniudaku @queertrex @kaciidubs @halfrican-heat @skysynclair19 @dramaqueenamby @gorjiss @leahnicole1219 @kreolemami @mzbritt @yoyolovesbucky @derangedcupcake @builtalongthewayside @ilcb7 @chaneajoyyy @lalapalooza718 @ororowrites @leahnicole1219 @dopegalkk @sarcastic-sunshines @sarahboseman @shesakillerkween @waitingonafriend @faatassbitch @lady-love-and-glitter-roses @cxnismajcr @tchallasbabymama
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sheabuttahwrites · 4 years
[I Know]
. four : reunited, and it feels so...
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It was about twenty minutes after eight and Cam had just left. Though, I’d been up for a while since I had to make breakfast for him. I didn’t mind, because I was too anxious to sleep anyway. I was finally about to get out of this depressing ass house for a bit. And O was never boring, so I knew it was about to be a good time. Plus I was so ready to see him. I don't know why, but this particular stretch had felt much longer than all the others. I was on the way to go pack my bag when I decided to mess with him a little instead. I grabbed my phone ready to compose a text, but I already had a notification from him. 
Get up. I’m in route, on my way to you
It had only been there for one minute. I guess we both had the same idea to play this morning. 
I’m up. Been up
You ready?
Yes big head I’m ready 
Ok short legs I was just making sure
I hollered. He was just average height himself, and only about six inches taller than me. Calling somebody short. 
Lmao why you gotta take it there? I’ll be in your vicinity today, don't get beat up
I’m not worried
You should be
Why? Ain't nobody scared of you Jay Baby
Say it to my face
You think I won't
Ok keep that same energy when you see me
Oh fa sho, you do the same
Don't worry about me, you know I’m a G 
Keep talking with your bad ass 
You ain’t gon do nothing
Me and my big head can stay home
I’m not worried lmao you know you wanna see me
You ain't funny
And you ain't gotta lie, you chuckled 
Lol anyway I’m leaving now, I’ll be over there in a minute
I know 
Lmao whatever
I laughed aloud sending him three crying laughing emoji, then slid my phone down into my bra. Finally, I went over to the closet to fill my duffle. I threw a few casual pieces in first, because comfort over everything, and then I added about three or four that could possibly be worn out. I grabbed some sneakers, a couple pairs of heels, a little jewelry, underwear, pajamas, and I packed a separate smaller bag with all of my toiletries. I had taken a shower earlier so I was ready. For about a second, I debated on whether I should change, then decided against it. I knew we would be going right to sleep once we got to his place, so my loungewear would do. 
While I waited for him, I walked over to the mirror, happy that my home remedies had helped my bruises and swelling disappear so quickly. It had only been about two and a half days, but a few aspirin and some intense ice pack usage had really worked. My rug burns were scabbed, but I wasn't too worried about those since the majority would be under my clothes. However, there was still a tiny something at the corner of my mouth, so I covered it with a bit of concealer and finished it with some setting powder. And I was sure to toss the two of them into my makeup bag for later use. 
A little after nine, much to my delight, the doorbell rang. I squealed, giddy as ever, as I jumped up to walk to the door. And, when I opened it, before me stood my bestest friend in the whole world with the goofiest smile on his face. I laughed and invited him in, so excited that I was hardly able to get the door closed behind him. Then I kissed his cheek and pulled him into the tightest hug. It felt so good to be in his arms again. “Hey.” I spoke into his chest and his deep, honeyed timbre fluttered against my ears. 
I closed my eyes and just held on to him, feeling completely carefree, taking in a moment that didn't get to happen as much as I’d like. I didn't want to let go. Until he took his face down to nuzzle my neck. I flinched and giggled, backing away from him and shielding myself with my shoulder. He knew better. “Don't…”
“Now what's all that shit you was talking?” he asked jokingly, looking down into my face and laughing. 
I tossed my head back, cackling, before I went to smack his arm. “Shut up.”
“Look out. You ready?”
“Yeah, just let me get my stuff.” I left his embrace and started for the living room where I had been waiting.
“Hurry up, get me out this nigga shit.”
I screamed. I knew he hated coming here. But this was his own fault. Because he also didn’t like texting to tell me he was outside, because to him it wasn't courteous. For the same reason, he didn’t like me taking Ubers to or from his place. I personally didn't have a problem with either. Both had been done maybe twice in the beginning and he told me he felt weird about it. I only half understood, but I didn't fight him on it. Honestly, it felt nice to actually be valued for a change. “Simmer down, sir. I’m coming.”
“You know you naked?” 
I paid him no mind and kept moving toward my bags, still tickled by his earlier demand. “Whatever. No, I’m not.” My boxers and tank were plenty clothes.
“Dude would probably have a fit if he knew you were leaving the house in that.” 
Slightly appalled, I stopped mid stroll and turned back to him. “Excuse you? He would also have a fit if he knew you were picking his girl up. But that hasn’t been an issue for you for how long now?”
“Good point. Carry on.” The way he waved me off almost had me in tears. My rebuttal had shut him up too quick. 
“I thought so.”
“Not even a jacket, though? It’s kinda cool out there.”
“I’ll be ok. I’m just running to the car then right into the house after that.”
“If you say so. But what happened to your knee?” 
“Oh, nothing. I scraped it on the carpet. It was an accident,” I hastily explained just under a shout, disappearing around the corner. I hoped I wouldn't have to go into more detail. Omari definitely wasn't shy about asking questions when he wanted to know something.
“Oh. Damn.”
I returned in no time with my duffle bag in hand and my purse on my arm. He took the bag, being his usual gentlemanly self, and I grabbed my keys to lock up the house. Once we were on the porch, I made sure to engage the alarm from my phone. Then he and I hopped into his white Range that I loved so much, and we were out. 
“You hungry?” he asked, yawning.
I yawned instantly, seeing him do it first. “Nah, I'm good. I just wanna go back to sleep.” 
“Word. Me, too.” 
After Cam was done packing last night, he woke me up for round three. Or maybe it was four. I don’t know. But it wasn’t uncommon for him to try and fuck me senseless before he left for work. I guess he thought overuse of his penis was what it took for me to still be there whenever he returned. Whatever the case, I was tired as hell and in need of some serious rest. 
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I opened my eyes, slowly becoming aware that Jade and I were face to face. I lingered for a second, letting my vision clear up, enjoying the view more than anything, though. She was stunning. Just so beautiful. Her features had to have been sculpted by the most masterful hands, using only the finest of materials. The lines were sharp, but they had a softness to them. Her skin was golden like warmed maple on a glorious Sunday morning. When they were available, her round, dark brown eyes were gentle, yet so alluring. The way they sparkled in the sun always got me. To top it all off, her sultry pout sat perfectly beneath a nose that fit just right. She was flawless. 
While I stood stretching, yawning, alternating between bending and rubbing the arm she had been lying on, I could see a sense of calm in her expression. She always looked that way when we were together. Like she was happy. And I knew that wasn't the case at home. I tried not to think about it too often, but honestly it really bothered me. She hit me up pretty regularly, revealing how he talked to her, the many ways he mistreated her. But it was probably a lot worse than she was willing to admit. My instincts told me that he was putting his hands on her. She had never confirmed my suspicions, but I knew it was the truth. I knew. And the thought of that shit alone killed me. She was so sweet. So soft spoken and mild mannered. She didn't have a cruel bone in her body. I just couldn’t imagine her actually having the need to protect herself not only from harmful, ugly words but some nigga’s hand. It fucked me up. She was easily my favorite person. I hadn’t witnessed a more pure soul. And to be aware that she was suffering, especially through something so horrible and damaging, was beginning to be too much. I couldn't do shit about it. I couldn't fix it, I couldn't change it. All I could do was be there for her, give her a place to decompress from time to time. Which I loved. I wanted to help her in any way I could, but I was starting to feel like I was in over my head. Truthfully, I didn’t know how much longer I was gonna be able to do this. It was becoming very difficult for me to live with myself. My conscience was tearing my ass up. The most trifling woman didn’t deserve what she was being subjected to every day, and she wasn’t even guilty of anything. Her only fault was loving a nigga who meant her absolutely no good.
I didn't fully understand that either. Of course I knew love could make you do things you maybe wouldn't normally do, but in this case, what was there to love? How could she look at a nigga who was constantly causing her pain and feel anything other than hate? I just didn't get it. She had to know that whatever she was experiencing wasn't love. He was abusing her. How could she still love him? Why would she take his wrath and still allow him to receive all of her goodness? She had to know he didn't deserve it. She had to know that she deserved so much better. From any man. From life. From any situation she found herself in. She had to know that something wasn't right.
But she held fast to her claims. From the start she made it known that she was in a relationship and that she was in love. I respected her honesty, but her words and her actions never matched up. Her mood on the way to my place and the one on the way back to hers were always on two completely opposite ends of the scale. I don't know if she couldn't conceal it or if she just didn't care to, but it was painfully evident where she was excited to be and where she dreaded. She just didn't move like the taken woman she alleged to be. Not by her ‘man’ at least. 
I walked into the bathroom and made my way to the toilet. Then I went to the sink to wash up. I was leaning over brushing my teeth when I felt her arms wrap around me.
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I kissed his back, resting my head right against his bare skin after. “Hey.”
“What’s up?” 
I caught his reflection in the mirror and, before I could stop them, my lips had curled into an enormous grin. I was so ridiculously glad to finally be in the same place as him. Plus he was so cute. He had toothpaste all over his mouth, but it took nothing away from his appearance. I couldn't help but notice how good we looked standing there together. A better best friend duo didn't exist. 
“I’ma start thinking you happy to see me in a minute,” he teased, finishing up at the sink. 
I busted out laughing. How dare he just blow up my spot like that? I let my arms fall from his waist. He turned to face me and I swatted his chest, backing away to leave the room. “Get off. Don't act like you didn't miss me.”
He followed me out, going toward his closet. “I already told you that. You know I’m always glad to be in your presence.”
“Um hmm.” I bashfully rolled my eyes, blushing against my own will. Thankfully he was trailing me. He went into the closet and I leaned up against the doorway. “So I thought about it, let’s stay in today.”
“Ok.” He took a t-shirt from one of the drawers and pulled it over his head. “That’s cool.”
“We can go do something tomorrow.”
“Well, I got a couple meetings,” he casually announced, walking over to the other side of the room headed for the couch.
“Awww.” I wasn’t expecting him to have to work so soon. “What time?”
“The first one is at nine in the morning, but neither of them should take too long. Nobody’s recording and I’m not mixing anything. So it should only be a few hours.” 
I stood as he sat, my demeanor in a totally different arena than before. My arms were loosely folded across my chest and a slight scowl had inevitably taken over my expression. “Ok.”
“Jay,” he chuckled, picking up the remote, “don't act like that.”
“I know what you call a few hours. I probably gotta be here all day without you.” 
“It won't be all day,” he claimed, giving the TV all of his attention as he flipped through the channels. “I should be back by around three at the latest. Maybe four.”
I smacked my lips, annoyed that he was alluding to seven hours being minuscule. That was most certainly the entire day. “That’s long.”
“Pooh, you know work doesn't stop. I’m always working.”
“I know, but I just got here.”
He sighed heavily, looking up at me with remorseful eyes and a frown to match. “Why you tryna make me feel bad?”
“I’m not. I just don’t know what I’m gonna do with myself,” I spoke lightly, but the defeat was heavy in my voice. I dropped my head and gave him my eyes, making sure to slouch my shoulders and pout as deeply as I could manage. I didn't even hold it long before we were both cracking up. 
“Don't even try it. Fake self.” 
“You just about to be sleep the whole time anyway.” 
I doubled over and slapped my knee, because he definitely wasn’t lying. “Whatever.” But I was not about to admit it. Instead, I went to my bag and grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste. “Be right back.”
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I saw you talk about infinity train so much I ended up binging the entire series this past weekend! It was a wild ride but enjoyable. I was thrown for a loop by Simon and Grace...wow. That series is brutal, but I am glad I got to see it.
THANK YA LORD, THANK YA JESUS! I'm always so happy when somebody I know got some sense comes around to seeing the show. It's a fave but the fandom is extremely irritating. I know, I know, I say that about every fandom I dabble in...
That's because it's always true.
I loved this season so much. A lot of it was hard AF, but it's true to life. It's true to life for what I know about traumatized kids, about cult life/being brought up in a cult, about toxic relationships and possessive partners. It was just all around well done. I'd have skipped the gruesome death scene, but I'm not convinced there were more alternatives for somebody that filled with hate and rage.
Dead or prison is generally where that type lands.
The thing I loved the most was the fact that it DID throw you for a loop. But, I feel like if you think about it, you'd realize that it was always there. All it took was shifting around and there you have a mess. After you get out of some dangerous entanglement, there's always that look back and see where it went wrong. It didn't go wrong. That person was always there, but because you were involved with them, you didn't have to see this side this way.
We were on the same trip Grace was on. It snapped for us, "Oh, this nigga is THROWED" about the time that it happened for her. Because there were explainable problems with him, then it was BAM. Destruction.
But, that boy was always that person. He didn't suddenly change into "Bad" Simon. He was this way when we met him and when we traveled with him and when we understood his issues and his humanity. We just didn't pay attention to it because of where we were on the journey. Once Grace crossed him, SHE was the one who changed and he felt like he had to handle her the way he handles stuff like that. It just hurt us because we thought she was exempt.
We weren't paying attention to him because we were focused on the fact that she used to cheer him up and "be his peace" and agree with him and egg him on, then she just stopped all that with no explanation. You're lucky, because watching it straight through was more obvious the signs that he was dangerously codependent and rewatching, I definitely saw the hints of how much of a control freak he was. From the moment that things went off of plan, he went into action trying to just get things back to normal, and the longer the journey, the further away from that they got and the bigger that wedge became between himself and his peace.
Then that muthafucka lost his monkey ass mind. When he went in that cabin and started throwing shit, I was like... "Awww HELL NO. He one of THEM types." Then the mind intrusion and I was like, "Ugh... This girl probably gon' die. Lemme just prepare myself, because he's that type. He is the type to kill you if he can't have you the way he wants you to be."
But, then he's crying, because he's either so hurt or so ashamed that he's been tricked, and you have to wonder for a week how he's going to handle it... Then you see. You can tell from the moment the next episode starts, "Yes, I was unfortunately correct and this is going to be extremely ugly if they're not about to talk it out..." Then he attacked her for the first time. And when you've seen it once, you've seen it play out every time. They attack for the first time, that's who they are, Sis.
She tried to have convos with this man, save this man, etc. Girl, that man has turned on you. And there's a lot of chatter about the moments of remorse that you can see... Chile, every abusive relationship I ever been in, their ass had visible remorse. Didn't stop the next attack, and the next, and the next.
It was just a very powerful portrayal of a lot of various dynamics. I expected to hurt, but I was pretty prepared for some deep shit whenever the creator announced at the beginning, "They aren't rebels, they're a cult." I was like... Awww shit. And we opened that hoe up with a whole entire hate crime, and I was discombobulated. Still floored how many people began to feel a way in episode 5.
EPISODE 5??? MINUTE 5 HAD THEM BEATING AND STOMPING AND RIPPING APART LIVING COGNITIVE CREATURES!!! Lol. That was such a troubling scene and people were really chill until Tuba. I was distraught over Tuba, but like... These kids been fucking these denizens off, Bruh. We seent it before. I can't believe they weren't cringing then.
I keep comparing that opening to the opening of Watchmen or Hunters, and the only real difference was that you didn't see humans in this, but THOSE ARE PEOPLE Y'ALL. I was shook from the jump. Like... You demons having small talk while y'all like murdering and/or mutilating these people. So... I was very much in a "they are horrifying and this show is gonna try to show me their human side, I guess." And... It did. They made you feel things for cult creators, but like... I was impressed with all the levels ventured.
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melaninmarvelgirl62 · 5 years
Erik Killmonger x Reader
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, A Hint of Smut
Word Count: 2k
A/N:  I haven't posted in a while because life has been kicking my ass. This is the first fic that I have actually had the energy to finish and I really hope you guys enjoy it. As always please like, comment, and reblog.
You were pulled from your sleep by a dip in the bed and a low sigh. You cracked your eyes open slowly, blinking a few times, before the world to faded into view. 12:47 AM, the clock on your bedside table read. Gently rubbing your eyes, you sit up, shifting your vision in search of the subject  of your disturbance. You find him, illuminated by the brilliant screen of the muted television you’d fallen asleep on, with a towel around his waist, and a few stray water droplets dripping down his back. He sat, slouched over, on the edge of the bed with his head hung low. Exhausted. He was exhausted... and you hated it. You hated how he’d overwork himself, but you knew how much he loved his work. You got how important his work was and you see how happy it makes him, you simply wished it didn’t take such a toll.  
You flipped back the covers, ignoring the shiver that ran through your body as the cold air hit your t-shirt clad body, and crawled over to him. You press your chest to his back and wrap your arms around his torso. Placing a soft kiss in the crook of his neck, before burying your face there and inhaling deeply, appreciating his fresh scent. Erik let out a soft sigh as his body instantly relaxed into your embrace. He lifted his head and rested it against yours. His hands joined yours where they rested on his stomach. Neither of you said anything, instead you savored the feeling of simply existing with one another. Thoroughly enjoying the luxury of comfortable silence while you breathed each other in. “Hi”, you say breaking the silence. He chuckles lightly, as he pulls his head back to gaze at you with soft eyes, a small smile decorating his face. “Hey, baby girl.” He presses a lingering kiss to your forehead. “I didn’t mean to wake you.” You smile softly, ignoring the tiredness behind his eyes, and place your chin on his shoulder. “It’s okay.”, you dismiss with a small yawn. “How was your day?” You place a kiss on his shoulder before settling yourself more firmly behind him. Pulling your hands from his grasp you begin to gently massage his shoulders. His head fell back onto your chest, and he let out a deep groan, As he relaxed against you once more. “Long. How was yours?” “It was alright. Just another day of your big headed kids driving me insane.” Hushed laughter filled the room as the two of you laugh wholeheartedly, while you worked a particularly tight knot out of his right shoulder. You could only imagine the tension in his back. “Speaking of which, they really missed you at dinner.” “I missed them too.”, he sighed out when the tension in his shoulder was relieved. “Did mommy miss daddy?” His voice drops a few octaves and you let out a small laugh. “Mommy’s used to it.” The words fell out of your mouth, like vomit, before you could stop them. You hoped he would be too tired to notice the slight change in your tone, but you knew better. Even when Erik was exhausted he still managed to notice the littlest things. The air in the room shifted as his body stiffened under your hands. He sat up straight and turned to look at you. “What’s that supposed to mean?” Doing your best to avoid his eyes, you take a deep breath before bringing your bottom lip between your teeth. You shake your head softly, “It didn’t mean anything.” Erik brought his hand up to your chin and lifted your head in attempts to get you to look at him. Instead, you moved off of the bed, trying feebly to put some distance between you. You didn’t get very far before his arms were around you, pulling you back to him. He turned you to face him and settled you between his legs. Trapping you there with his hands on your hips, “Look at me.”, he commands, gently. You comply, your eyes peering down into his. “Talk to me, baby.” “You work too much.” Erik sighed, dragging a hand over his face. “Y/N—“ “I know, okay?”, you cut him off. “The work you do is so important... and even more importantly, I know it means the world to you. It’s why I didn’t wanna say anything, but that was before you started getting home after midnight. Now, I’m just worried that you’re working yourself too hard.” Erik looks up at you, his tired eyes soft but attentive, as your words sink in. “I mean look at you, Erik. Baby, you’re exhausted.” You bring your hands up, allowing your thumbs to gently caress the bags under his eyes, before resting them on the sides of his face. “And I realize that I probably sound a bit selfish, because of all the good you do. But honestly, at this point, I’m really like ‘fuck that shit’.” A low chuckle erupts from from Erik and you smile a little. “I’m serious, E. Our children miss their father, who has not been home to kiss them goodnight in a little over a week now. Which makes it considerably more difficult to put them to bed at night. I miss my husband, who has not properly dicked me down in 16 days. Yes, I’m keeping count. And on top off all that... I’m terrified that you’re going to burn yourself out. I just think you need a break. That’s all.” A finish your monologue, feeling lighter than you have in a while. Erik looks up at you with an adoring smile on his face, before pulling you into his lap. “I love you. You know that, right?” You drape your arms around his neck and roll your eyes, granting him a soft ‘mhmm’ in response, wanting to see where he was going with this. He puts his hand to his chest, clutching his imaginary pearls. “That’s all I get. You not gon’ say it back.” “I’ll say it back as soon as you tell me you’re taking time off” He sighs.“I’ll take time off, I promise... Just not right now.” Erik watches guiltily as your face falls. “Maybe in a month or so when this new program is up and running.”, he adds, trying to soften the blow. You take a deep breath, wrapping your arms around yourself. “Ok.”, you say simply, voice wavering slightly with disappointment. There’s no reason to be disappointed this is exactly what you expected. You make a move to remove yourself from his lap but he tightens his arms around you. “Where you goin’?” “Bed.”, you answer, tiredly, expecting his arms to loosen around you. Instead, he buries his face in your neck and inhales deeply. “Whatever happened to ‘We don’t go to bed angry’.” You can’t help the small smile that plays on your lips as he weaponizes your words against you. His arms loosen a bit as you pull your arms free and wrap them around his neck. “I promise, I’m not angry.”, you say, and he lifts an eyebrow, giving you a look that said he didn’t believe you. You sigh. “I’m a little disappointed and extremely tired, but I’m not angry.” Erik presses a sweet kiss to your cheek. “I’ll make you a promise. When things settle at work, you, me, and the kids will go away for a while. Just the five of us. Deal?” “Where are we gonna go?” “Anywhere you want.” A vacation. Your mind instantly transports you someplace warm and sunny. Where your children can play until their hearts’ are content without doing any damage to your property. Not to mention that fact that you’d get to spend some quality time with your husband. Sounds like heaven “Alright, Stevens. You’ve got yourself a deal.”,you agree, before trying, once more to remove yourself from his lap. You whine out an exasperated ‘nigga let me go’, when his arms don’t budge. He met the annoyed look on your face with a goofy grin and a sharp smack to your ass. You rolled your eyes. Annoying ass nigga. “Tell me you love me and gimme a kiss.”, he ordered. You couldn’t resist the wide grin that spread across your face as you leaned down to press a soft kiss to his lips after a hushed ‘I love you’ fell from them. “See that wasn’t so hard.” He slaps your ass again before dropping his arms to his sides. You kiss your teeth and mush the side of his head, calling him stupid and making your way to the correct side of the bed. You watch his shoulders shake with laughter as you tuck yourself beneath the covers. It continues as he gets up from the bed and makes his way towards his closet, disappearing inside. You turn on your side and close your eyes, willing sleep to find its way back to you. There’s a slight dip in the bed and a heavy sigh signifying Erik’s return. He wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you towards him. With your back to his chest he places a kiss to the top of your head. “Baby?”, he calls out, softly. You let out a quiet ‘hmm’ letting him know he had your attention. “Has it really been 16 days?” You giggle at the disbelieving tone he’d  taken and turned on your back to look at him. “It’s after midnight, so technically it’s been 17 days.” You trail kisses up his neck starting at the base of his throat. He hums appreciatively as you place the final kiss on his lips before settling yourself back on your pillows. He looks down at you with a slight frown on his face. “I been neglecting’ you n’ shit.” It wasn’t a question but you responded with a lively ‘mhmm’ anyway. He kissed his teeth and smiled down at you. “My bad, ma.” You look down the where his arm was laid over your stomach and begin tracing lines between his scars. “It’s okay.” “No it’s not.” You bring your eyes up to meet his and smile softly. He leans down and brushes his soft lips against yours before capturing them in a gentle kiss. You sighed softly, your eyes fluttering closed, as your lips work in tandem with his. He slides his tongue into your mouth and you both moan unabashedly, relishing the feeling. Your heart beat heavily in your chest at the distinct ache you felt between your thighs, along with a familiar wetness. He spread your legs, trapping your right leg underneath him. Pushing your T-shirt up your body, he exposes your bare torso. He greedily swallows every whine that slips past your lips as he twists and tugs at your sensitive nipples.  Dragging his hands down your body, squeezing and caressing every curve he could, before settling at the apex of your thighs. You groan into each other as he slowly sinks two thick fingers into you. With his thumb pressed firmly against your clit, he begins to work you. His skilled fingers massaged your g-spot with a finesse that had you lost in your own pleasure before you even realized it. Your back arched from the bed, your fingers gripping the sheets as you drowned in ecstasy. You felt the coil in your belly tighten as you neared your peak... until soft cries begin emitting from the baby monitor. You detach your lips from Erik, who urges you to ignore it, claiming that he’d settle himself back to sleep. He smiles ruefully when the sounds cease.. only to return seconds later with  a vengeance. Kissing his teeth, he begrudgingly removes his fingers from you, and rolls over on his back. You get up from the bed and smooth your shirt over your body. You lean down and place a kiss on your husband’s forehead. Finding your robe, you secure it around you and make your way out of the room. “Welcome home, Daddy.”, you laugh.
A/N: There will probably be about 2 more parts to this if you guys like it. Just say so if you want them and thanks for reading!!!
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House Party 3
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Erik's POV
Ibiza, Spain
Agroturismo Atzaró, Ibiza
Transcript from Inga: Parker sent over the assignment. Target: Eliaz Cruz Age: Thirty-two. Contract: Open Compensation: ten million our intelligence told us he'll be at Club O Beach Ibiza in the third bungalow on the right end. Got it 
"It's almost 8, maybe we should head out before he gets too fucked up and leaves." Mirah was putting on her skirt, "How do I look?" I almost dropped my nine millimeter on the floor. This girl looks good, damn if we had the time, I'd..
"Hey! Earth to Stevens!" "Oh, you look good. So you bringing a knife to this gun fight?" She nodded as she stashed the blade in her bikini top. "I'm old school like that." I laugh at her, "So... This is it for you?" She pointed around my figure I held my hands out, "What? What's wrong with what I got on?" She scoffed and giggled, "Its not much is what's wrong!" "It's a pool party! What am I supposed to wear?" "At least throw on a shirt, nigga! How are you supposed to conceal your piece?" I found a compression tee I packed for my morning runs and put it on, "Better?" She took a deep sigh, "Better."
Mirah's POV
We left our villa to walk over to the McLaren 570GT that Inga rented us for the week."I'm driving!" I rushed over to the drivers side of the sports car. He trailed me over to the same side and shook his head, "No. You're not." I whined. "C'mon! You drove all day! And on our last mission! And on the way here! And whe--" "Okay! Okay! Damn girl! You whine too damn much!" He tossed me the key. "Yay!" I grinned and unlocked the doors.
I pressed the start button and Inga's voice blared through the speakers, "Hey team!" We vastly interjected, "We are not a team!" she chuckled, "I know! I just like saying it to get you two roweled up. Anywho, Club O Beach is about thirty-two minutes away. I sent the route to the GPS. Erik, please mind the speed limits! We can't afford anymore tickets on your license." "Actually, Inga, I am driving to our destination tonight!" She gasped, "Oh! Okay! Well, Mirah. Safe travels, buckle up, and I hope you have a safe mission." "Thank you!" As I traveled through the PM-804, we chose to travel in silence. "So....."
"Soooo..." Erik mirrored my attempt of breaking the ice."Can we talk about something? Thirty minutes is a long time to not speak." "I mean If you want to. I guess." "I do. So, tell me about you Stevens." "There's not much to tell." I sucked my teeth, "Why are you being so short with me? I'm sure we're gonna be doing more jobs together so you might as well let that shit go." I felt his eyes burning through my profile. "What you wanna know, MiMi?" "How old are you?" "Thirty-Three." "Okay. I'm Thirty. Where you from?" "A little bit of everywhere." "Everywhere like where?" He sighed hard, "I was born and raised in Oakland, Went to the Navy. I was stationed mostly in Korea until I joined the SEALS. Then I was in D.C. for three years. After I discharged, I went to Massachusetts for school. Spent six years there. After school I spent time in Harlem." "Damn, so you really from--" "A little bit of everywhere." "So which place felt like home?" I blinked in his direction, he shook his head, "None of em." "Oh..kay. Well, I'm from Miami. Born and raised. I moved to LA when I was nineteen, spent some time in film school. I wanted to become a director and screenwriter. Then I had to go back home to handle family shit." "Family shit, huh? What's that?" So he's gonna start posing questions now? Cute. "My momma lost her job and cost of living in Miami ain't no bitch. She was raised on what I like to call, Miami girl mentality." "What's the Miami girl mentality?" "Find a man with a bag. Keep that man with a bag. Boss up, and if he not keeping you, get with the next man..with a bag." 
"Tuh. Alright. What that got to do witchu MiMi?" "She kept tryna convince me to start stripping, escorting, or at least bar tending. I told her I just wanted to make films. She kept saying that's not where the money is right now, and we need money at the moment. So, I bar tended at a strip club for a year. Gave my momma half of my checks plus most of my tips for rent and she was always complaining that it wasn't enough. One night, a guy came in. He knew I was struggling and offered to help me. Under one condition." "You had to--" "Train. Sloan threw me full force into the assassin life. Gun ranges, cutlery training, chemicals, mercenary combat..all of it." "So, where's your mom now?" "I completed my first mission five years ago. I took my first commission and bought her a loft right on Ocean Drive. Paid the bills up a couple years and told her to leave me alone. She was hindering my growth. My goals. I had to separate myself. For that and the fact of my job could take away any family or loved ones I cared about at any given moment." He took my left hand. "I get it." "So what about you? You got any family?" "Yeah. My moms and pops died when I was young, I got cousins and an aunt though. They don't live in the states." "So is that why none of the places you lived back there feel like home?" He nods, "Yeah. My home is where they are." "Where is that?" We looked at each other for a moment.
Turn right on to S Rafe Joan Castello/PMV 812-2
I followed the GPS' directions. "So, where did you go to school?" "MIT." He shrugged it off like it was nothing. "Daaaammmn. You fine and you smart?" He laughed, "You think I'm fine, cutie?" Damn. I said that out loud. "Uhh.. I mean...You are attractive." I removed my hand from his to rub the back of my neck in nervousness. "Thanks. You not too bad yourself." I blush at his mediocre compliment. "So what you study?" "Business Administration. Then I went back for my Doctorate." "So, you're actually Dr. Stevens?" "Yup." "You get your Doctorate in business?" "Nah. Engeneering." Damn..he really is smart. "That's cool. So why don't you use your degrees?" "Who says I don't?" I clutched my pearls, "Ah! Ahkay! So we're multifaceted, are we?" I glared over at him, he sunk down in his seat and grinned, "We are." "That's wassup. This assassin life can be draining." "So you still film?" "Meh. Here and there. When I'm feeling it. You married? Got any little Eriks running around?" "Huh? Hell no! No wife. No lil nigglets. You got a man? Lil nigglets?" I burst out in laughter, "No. I am not married nor courted. And I do not have any little pokemon running around." He nudged me a little, "As fine as you are, why?" "I haven't been looking honestly. I never thought anybody would understand what I do or why I do it." 
"Why do you you kill, Miss Mirah?" "Dr. Stevens, I only do kills that are for the greater good. I'm not out here killing children, nor men or women that don't deserve it. The money is more than good. Which helps me gather my filming and writing equipment, pay for my expensive ass place, and my mom's." "That's plausible. I've been killing since I was fifteen. My first kill was strictly self defense. I was helping a woman, a man was beating on her in an ally back in Oakland. I was walking to my group home when I heard her scream for help. He was trying to...rape her. I saw the gun in his hand and I went for it. We were wrestling over it and I elbowed him in the gut. He dropped it and before I knew it I had it in my hand and PAA! I see his face all the time. Even during some of my other kills. I didn't kill again after that until I enlisted. All the countries I visited after, I had to kill to protect my brothers and sisters on the line with me. After that, I joined in a mercenary faction. We killed for the money. Every body I caught during that time was purely for the money. It didn't matter to me who was right, who was wrong. That's when I met Sloan. We were in the same faction. We never ran around in the same subgroups but after I left that life behind, he became my first associate." "So that's how you know each other.." "Mhm." "So why do you kill now?" He took a pregnant pause, which made me look back over at him, then he answered, "I kill now because it's necessary. Every hit now has either planned to take us or our client down. I can't have either if I want a steady cash flow rolling in. But after this one, I'm taking some time out. Spend some needed time with my family." I smiled, "That's great." "So, what you gon do witcho ten?" "Uhh.. I'm gonna buy my loft. Probably travel. Write and film more. I could finish a project just in time for the Sundance deadline." "Cool. Cool."
Continue on Es Novells, your destination will be straight ahead in 2.1 Kilometers
"If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?" Erik completely threw me off with that question. But I already knew the answer, "Africa. I don't know which country, but I've always wanted to go back where my ancestors came from." As I put the car in park, I looked back in his direction and he was already looking at me. "What?" "Nothing. I just don't hear many people say that answer." "Wouldn't you want to?" "Actually, that's--"
"Okay, love birds, it's showtime!" Inga's voice paraded through the speakers again.
Erik's POV
The pool's blue and purple lighting set the entire club area's mood, the up tempo Spanish music filled the space. And so did the crowd. It was so many tourists and party goers. Mirah and I both turned on our communicators, Sloan decided that he would take the lead, associating on this mission. I was incredibly reluctant to do it, but Mirah says she trusts him with her life. I agreed to disagree. "Alright Mirah, Erik. The less attention placed on yourselves, the better. Enjoy the festivities for a while. When Mr. Cruz gets back to his bungalow, I'll let you know."I held my hand out to her, "You do dance, right?" She looked at it and walked out to the dance floor, still mean. I trailed her as she began swaying to the beat. That sheer shit she got on was doing her ass all the justice I needed to see. I moved along with her, grabbed her hand, she spun around. I looked down at her face, she was taking in her surroundings. I almost forgot the mission. This is the second mission she's thrown me off of. I knew this partner thing was gonna be distracting. I looked over to my right to see our target and our intelligence, a blonde named Arin. She was his plus one for the night and she's been entertaining him with all of the drinks and drugs he could handle."Hola! You guys look so cute! You here on vacation?" a woman, probably in her early twenties, was standing to our side. I skewed my head. I don't talk to anyone I don't know. I definitely don't talk to anyone I don't know, outside the country. Mirah stepped between us, "Yeah. We are. We're--" "Newlyweds. On our honeymoon." I interjected, wrapping my arms around MiMi. "Ahh! Well, congratulations! We should toast to that!" She motioned for a waiter, he brought us champagne. "Salud!" The woman said as she gulped down her drink, looking directly at us. We followed suit, looking at each other. "I'm Teresa by the way!" Mirah took her hand as they danced together. "Mr. Stevens! No need to be a prude! She's just a girl trying to party!" Sloan's British accent came through my communicator, "You checked her out?" "Yes. Teresa Mendez, twenty two years old, exchange student from Madrid. She's a regular at the club. There's nothing to be alarmed about." I just danced alone while peeping the scene, looking for our target. He was in the pool with Arin. Her and I locked eyes for a couple seconds and she said something to Eliaz while pointing at the bungalow. I quickly stepped between the two women, "Honey! I need to borrow you for a moment!" Mirah rolled her eyes and told Teresa she'll be back. "What's up?" I turned her around and held her close to me, her head peaking above my shoulder so she could see what I was witnessing. "He's about to make his way over to the spot. Arin is gonna leave him alone, we slide in and close the curtains." She nodded, leaned back and looked me in the eyes. She looked focused, she looked ready. "Alright gang, he is going to his section! Get ready to close in." I took MiMi's hand and lead her to our destination. She pulled down my shirt, my gun was showing. I peered over my shoulder and grinned, "Now who's tryna look at who's booty?" She laughed and tapped my backside, "I never said I don't look!" I stopped, turned around and pulled MiMi really close to me, "Alright we're gonna act like a drunk couple and stumble into the bungalow. Got it?" She gave a slight nod, "Got it."
Mirah's POV
Erik cupped my ass and I immediately felt the heat radiating between us. I wrapped my arms around him and leaned in to seal the deal. Once our lips touched, I let a moan slip out. Damn, his lips are really soft. I pulled away from him with a puzzled look on my face, not because I didn't know what we were doing, it was because I didn't know if we were acting or not. He grinned at me and closed our gap again. This kiss was more aggressive than the last as he walked backwards. I was trailing his movements until we fell into place. I grabbed his face and added tongue, he grinned against my lips and placed a slap on my left cheek. Which made me open my eyes to realize I needed to close the curtains. I grabbed both strings holding the two cloths open.
"What the hell are you two doing?" We heard a thick Spanish accent. We slowly broke our kiss, I stared at Erik, down at my bikini top then back at him as I reached behind him. He got the clue, he cupped my breast then reached beneath it to grab my concealed blade. "You two need to leave. NOW." 
Eliaz stood up with is phone in is hand. I pulled out Erik's nine millimeter and aimed it right at his head, "I don't think that's such a good idea, Eliaz!" "Nah. I don't either. I suggest you give that to me and take a seat."
"QUICKLY! THERE'S AN UNIDENTIFIED BOGEY. HE IS RUSHING TOWARD THE BUNGALOW...FOUR SECONDS!" Erik handed me the silencer, I quickly screwed it on and cocked the gun back. Erik looked over at Eliaz, put his finger over his lip, signaling for our target to remain quiet."THERE'S ANOTHER RUSHING TO THE OPPOSITE SIDE. BE PREPARED TO TAKE THEM OUT.", Sloan warned. I reached into my clutch to give Erik my emergency .22. He grabbed it and the first bogey swept the curtain back. I pulled him in and shot him close range in his heart. He fell. Erik caught the one on the right, we heard guests screaming and scrambling. We looked at each other, pointed our weapons at Eliaz, shot him five times. I shot two, Erik, three. We booked it out of the club and blended in with the terrorized party-goers.
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ilovehatembj · 6 years
Man Up Part 2
@eriksbabymama @sweettea-and-honeybutter @Ljstraightnochaser @amethyst1993 @laketaj24 @daytimeheroicsonly @uhlxis @drsunshine97 @supernovaah @muse-of-mbaku @zuzuspanda @chefjessypooh @purple-apricots @hold-me-like-a-heart-beat @cockyboysandsugarism @destinio1 @siriuslycollins @dreadedphilosphy @texasbama @blackmisfitsunite @cool-pen-name @madamslayy @slimmiyagi @blackchickfics @omg-blackqueen @blue-ishx @maliadestiny @yourstrulyylauren
I didn’t think that many people would read my stuff let alone like it! Thanks for sharing and the positive comments, I hope you guys like this one and all the other parts that are gonna come!
Pairing: Reader x MBJ, Reader x OBJ
Warnings: Very light smut and cursing
“What the fuck did you just say to me Michael?!”
“I said was your business escorting that nigga. I was kindly asking if your business was prostitution if you didn’t catch my drift.” As soon as that nigga finished that sentence a headline popped into your head “Well Known Actor Michael B. Jordan Dead at Age 31”. But then you remembered that Odell still hadn’t been in your throat and that you prefer your wine from anywhere but a toilet, so you just pushed the thought to the back of your mind.
“Yeah I caught your drift alright. Who the fuck are you to ask me about my business any fucking way nigga?”
“Y/N, I am your man. That’s who I am to ask about your business.” he yelled with agitation in his voice, “You know what I’m not arguing with you over the phone. I’ll pick you up from the airport when you land, bye”. He hung up before you could even refuse. You decided not to even dwell on the conversation. Michael wasn’t on your mind and he didn’t deserve to be. Your mind was on someone much more deserving of all the dirty thoughts that lingered from moments prior. Or maybe it was months? It didn’t matter though cause after you got settled into bed for the night you were tired…..but your mind and body were still craving Odell’s touch, but you had to settle for your own.
As usual you were a sight to see and knowing that only turned you on more. Hair up in a bun and nude underneath of your white silky robe, you started at the valley of your breasts, then your hands moved to massage and play with both of your breasts. With closed eyes you envisioned it was Odell pinching and licking your nipples. Your hands started making their way down to your melted pussy. You slowly rubbed on your clit, then—your phone started going bezerk. You had gotten 15 messages in 1 minute and your phone was still going off because of an incoming Facetime call, all from the same person—it was Michael’s older sister Jamila a.k.a thorn in your fucking side for the past 3 years.
“Hi, Jamila”
“Bitch, don’t try to be cordial with me! You out here fucking around on my brother? With a injured ass sorry ass NFL player! I been told that boy you were nothing but an Instagram thot!”
“First of all you C-list Hollywood extra, I got your Instagram thot. You haven’t been relevant since you were an extra in I am Legend, leech ass hoe. Since you worried about things other than your sad ass marriage worry about your cheating ass brother and the actual Instagram thots he’s fucking, and the subpar ass strippers you and your husband been bringing into y’all bedroom. If you gon pay for pussy make sure the face that go to it pretty, bitch.” You hung up, you clearly had some shit to get off your chest after dealing with 3 years of her ass trying you and added the extra tea courtesy of Chyna.
You decided you were too exhausted to try to satisfy yourself tonight. The Jordans have officially pissed you off and a bitch had a flight to catch tomorrow.
You woke up late at 9 A.M. like you didn’t have a 12 P.M. flight to catch. You checked your phone and saw something unusual, a snapchat from that nigga. You opened it and your heart dropped to your stomach. You had every intention on ending everything with this nigga today, and you still were without a question, but you never thought he would take his disrespecting of you to this level. It was a video of him tongue deep with a very familiar Instagram hoe, Ashlyn. This bitch was always around everywhere. And the last time you had seen her in person it was NYE in LA and she was kissing that nigga when the clock struck midnight. When you confronted him about it then he said it was nothing, but your gut told you otherwise. You realized that you couldn’t handle this nigga how you your emotions were telling you to. You had to hit this nigga where he’d feel you most and it wasn’t gonna be through just destroying his cars.
You just wanted your time in NY to be over with so you just threw on some black leggings and a sweatshirt and headed down to your Uber and then to the airport. On the way there you got a call from Odell.
“Good morning lady”
“Good morning”
“You doing okay?” That was a weird question because last night for the most part went well, unless this nigga sent him the videos of him and that hoe as well.
“I’m fine. That’s an odd question for the morning after a date not gone bad.”
“I was just asking because I know he called you last night and cause of the comments under The Shade Room’s pictures of us—” you stopped him right there.
“What comments?”
“Damn. I figured you already seen them. I’m sorry. Just, just forget I said anything. You leave for the airport yet? If not I can take you, any reason to see your beautiful smile.”
“Okay, well I’m already in my Uber on the way to the airport now, but thank you anyway. Can I call you back when I land? We pulling up to the airport now.”
“Yeah, that’s fine but don’t forget.”
“I won’t!”
“Aight, have a good flight”
Ignoring Odell you decided to creep to see what on TSR’s ig sent that nigga into a life-threatening frenzy and check to see what comments Odell was talking about. After finally scrolling through their feed for a good while you see the three pictures that made that nigga see that he was the very definition of replaceable. The first one was simple, just a shot of the two looking at each other at your dinner table, the second one was just as simple. The third one though, THAT one is the one. The third picture could’ve been on the front y’all wedding invites (We speak positivity into existence over this way honey). Y’all were walking out of the restaurant and smiling looking into each other’s eyes, Odell’s hand was guiding you by your lower back out of Morimoto, and you looked at pure peace. The caption was generic as hell, “Y/N, what’s the tea sis?”, but a comment thread caught your attention. It was this bitch Saweetie. You read her comment that said, “Damn. Why ain’t Mike call me last night?”. You saw RED. You asked for your driver to pull over to the nearest FedEx Kinkos cause you wanted this nigga to see that it wasn’t just cheating, it was the balls these type of bitches grew. You  printed out the screenshots of her comment and asked the driver to speed so you could still catch your flight on time. You left him a fat ass tip for doing you those major favors.
You’re flight was smooth and you landed back in LA around noon your time. That nigga was waiting for you and he looked like his body was repaying his ass for that stunt and whatever other bullshit he did last night, he looked badly hungover. He didn’t speak to you, you didn’t speak to him, you just followed him to the car. Once y’all got in the car you snatched the aux away from that nigga so quickly and played your new favorite song. As soon as this nigga heard “Oochie wally bang bang” that nigga’s face dropped and he nervously started a conversation with you.
“So um, about last night, what were those um pictures?”
“Can this wait till we get to my house? I really like this song”
“Where’d you even hear this song”
“Can we discuss that later too? It’s getting to my favorite part”, he looked away and you sung along, “I’m in music, you in acting,so we keep that low profile, private and low key you know that is my type of style”. This nigga kept switching his focus between you and the road and just stared in pure confusion. When y’all finally pulled in the garage of your condo he beat you to the trunk of his car and grabbed all your luggage and  even held the door to your building for you. What had suddenly gotten into this nigga? Was the Michael Bakari Jordan fearful?
Once y’all walked through your door he walked to bedroom, dropped your bags, came back out and asked, “So, now can we talk about those pictures?”
“Yeah, but first we need to talk about a few other things. First let’s play a guessing game. Let’s guess who this hip-hop pass around was talking about in this song.” You played “23” again staring at him as he stared at the floor. The song finished.
“Easy, Drake.”
“Really? Drizzy?” you asked with a scrunched face holding your hands trying to not catch a DV charge.
“Yeah, matter of fact I saw her at one of his house parties in November.” Nigga really thought he was clever.
“Y/N, you know-”
“Baby them bitches meant NOTHING! I promise!”
“Odell—” Ooop. Bitch its EVIDENT who you were thinking about. A part of you said Odell’s name on purpose because you wanted that nigga to know how done you were with him. Once you said that, that nigga was fuming.
“OKAY YEAH, Y/N I FUCKED HER LAST NIGHT BUT SHE SENT YOU THAT VIDEO WHEN SHE GOT AHOLD OF MY PHONE. BUT I’LL LEAVE! I DON’T CARE DAWG! YOU NEED ME! I DON’T NEED YO ASS! MAYBE IF YOU WASN’T SO BORING I WOULDN’T BE FUCKING THESE OTHER BITCHES” Did this nigga just magically forget all the connections that you’ve made FOR HIM?! Fuck the part about being “boring” you knew you were FAR from that. This nigga was set to be in a Ciroc commercial because you knew Diddy well because he went way back with your dad. This same nigga was able to be on Snoop Dogg’s VH1 show because Snoop considered you to be an actual niece. You were the only reason this nigga was able to say he knew so many Black celebrities. But all that was about to change as soon as that nigga left. You calmed down, walked him to the door and said, “If you say so”. “I’m done witcho ass. I paid for some pornstar titties and it’s time to go play with em.” You closed the door calmly. With everything that came out of that nigga’s mouth you finally realized what was wrong with him, he didn’t appreciate or value your presence, he was only still with you because he didn’t wanna know what your absence felt like.
You had calls to make. First it was Uncle Snoop and Diddy. All you had to say was he called you outta your name. He lost one endorsement. Then you called Dr. Dre, he still had some ownership of Beats, so he had a say in who was the face of it. That nigga lost an endorsement he was supposed to shoot for in a week. Then you called all of LA’s finest, from Nipsey Hussle to YG to the LAPD this nigga was a walking target. Your dad was well respected in LA so naturally the Bloods, Crips, and 5-0 would unite under your thumb. Then you called Pusha-T, this nigga could get all of hip-hop to hate one nigga at the drop of a dime. You have officially cost this nigga at least $15 million and potentially his life. You couldn’t careless, honestly.
You still had one more person to call and your night would exponentially better. Odell.
“Hey, did your flight get delayed?
“When you get home?”
“A few hours ago. I’m calling late be—”
“Its cool, I understand, you don’t have to let me down easy.”
“Odell, exactly what am I letting you down from?”
“Us, or a chance at us rather”
“See, you gotta let me finish my sentences. I was going to say I was late calling because I broke up with him.”
“Word?! Like forreal?”
“Forreal! Mister I think can read people’s brains”
“HAHA. You had me nervous girl. Damn. You gotta be quicker witcho points though. That whole miscommunication was on you.”
“You may have a point”
“Since I have a point how bout an invite to LA”
“Hmmmm. Consider this your invite.”
“I can be there Saturday”
“I’ll pick you up from the airport”
“Should I um, get a room at a hotel?”
“See I think there’s some sort of convention going on and I’m 1000% sure that every hotel in LA is booked. You don’t have to call and check either. Just take my word for it.”
“I think I know what convention you’re talking about.” The two of you laughed at your mutual understanding of what non-existent convention was going on. After you all sorted all the details he let you vent to him. You told him what you were feeling and why you were feeling it. You felt so at ease.
*Fast Forward to Friday Night*
You cleared out your schedule for the weekend and you were excited! You went to bed with butterflies in your stomach because you couldn’t wait until tomorrow morning!
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sweetpeachjones · 6 years
Y.m.u.b pt 5
part 1/ pt. 2 / pt. 3/ pt.4
A/N: Erik is a reputable professor. He is well known as activist for the black lives matter movement and highly respected and is seen as a leader to the community.
"So what you saying Davida", "I'm saying CARL we need to end our little agreement." "But why, what have I done I gave you everything you wanted." "I know sweetie but it was going to end anyway."
I reached out to grabbed his face and he yanked it away. His face was turning all pinkish, his face contorted into what I believe was an ugly cry. God I hated this but I needed to cut him off. This thing I have with Erik is is pretty lucrutive plus I have other sugar daddies that's way more richer. A loud thump on the table and snapped back into what's going ...o yeah him.
"-i have left my wife and kids for you. I even paid for your condo and you gonna leave like. I love you Davida please don't do this.
I had enough of his pasty ass. I felt my full bladder urging me to go. This baby got me back and forth but luckly I'm not showing I had to cut off my other SD for now. But I gotten tired of Carl's ass and right now her gratting my nerves.
"Well I have to go got finals to study for." I said nonchalantly. I been down to give Carl a kiss goodbye on the cheek and he just stood there like he was in a trance. Oh well. I went to the bathroom and left to my Lexus LS 460 and drove home to my quiet condo in the hills. Being a sugar baby has it's perks. I typed in the security code and drove up the long drive way. I got out and took off my shoes and heading up the stairs. I gotta get ready for Erik this evening, daddy was supposed to direct deposit my monthly payment but texted n said he was coming here. Probably gonna drop some dick off too mhmm I can't wait. I filled my tub with some bath salt and sat in the relaxing suds.
"Looking mighty comfortable baby" I almost drowned out of fright when I look over to see my ex boyfriend Sean standing in the doorway.
"What the fuck! What the hell are you doing, how did u get in my house?"
"Aww don't be so shocked to see me babe like I said you can never get rid of me plus you have always have a bad habit about living windows open." He said calmed.
"Well you can't be here I have company coming"
"Another one of your johns, huh, see I was mad at first, sharing you with some old ass geezer but looking how u came up and plus ain't no nigga can hit that spot like I can." He said smugly while grabbing his dick through his pants.
Hmm that's what u think
"Well I'm going to need you to find a place to stay. Because you can't stay here. "
"Why not"
"Cuz I fucking said so I don't want you here. I want you gone." I said starting to wash.
He just laughed like we just had had a inside joke. "Baby come on stop tripping"
I stood up and was toweling off walking towards my room. As I walked past him he snatched my towel off and held me by the waist his lips were against my ear planting soft kisses. I'd be lying if I said I didn't missed his touch. "Get off me"
"Nope you think after I done been in jail for 5 years you walk past me naked and I gonna do anything. You got me fucked up" he began caressing my body, grabbing the thicker parts that has gained fat since the beginning of pregnancy. "You looking all thick and shit u put on some weight but I like." He said groping my breasts and rubbing my nipples. His tongue was running a trail from my ear to my collarbone making my body shiver. Damn these pregnancy hormones.
He reached down to my center rubbing my clit. "Damn yo shit soaked already" I just nodded already in complete extacy as my head laid on his shoulder.
He backed me up to the bed and laid me down. He immediately got on his knees in between my legs and spread my lips with his fingers and his tongue made a swipe from my opening to my clit and sucked on like a popsicle. I shuddered at the familar feeling.
His tongue was doing figure eights each time ended with my clit sucked. I bucked my hips and he just followed where I went I rode his face for three minutes til I had an earth shattering orgasm. "Damn that was fast but I want you get one more turn over." I quickly obeyed. "Get on your knees" I tooted my ass and his mouth attacked like it was last meal.
The sensation was enough to push me over the edge as he lick and sucked my ass.His hands were gripping and slapping my ass cheecks as the sounds of the room were filled with his lewd sucking and my moans.
I was so close when I heard my doorbell ring then I heard pounding same time my phone was blowing up. I told Sean to hold as I got up to answer the phone after seeing Erik face on the screen.
"Hello," I said in irritated. Erik completely matched my attitude. "Yo open this damn door, you hear me outside." I heard someone's voice near him so I know he is not alone. "Okay hear I come." I hung up the phone and went to grab my robe. As I about to leave my room I told Sean to stay put and don't come out.
"You got to fuck him"
"No, he just dropping off some money"
"Damn boo you got it like that," he chuckled, "well gon get our paper n come back so I can dick you down"
I just rolled my eyes and began heading downstairs.
"Fuck Erik im about to cum!" You yelled as Erik pumped into you. You clawed at the sheets as ur legs were over his shoulders. His mouth was making deep passion marks on your neck, while a vibrating ring on his dick teased you both but your clit more. All these senations were driving you tears.
Don't fucking cum till I say so," he began kissing you biting on you lower lip. He grabbed your hands and interlock your fingers as he sped up. He knew u were dangerously close and so he.
Please daddy let me cum,". " Come on this dick baby" in an instant your legs went limp and your eyes roll back. Your muscles walls contract and tightens while ur juices seem to expell from your body. You were squirting soaking up the sheets and each other. Erik was right behind you shivering making the most ugly face he could muster, as you felt his hot semen fill you up. You squeezed your kegal muscles and pumped him dry. You almost wanted to laugh at how his body was spazzing each time you jerk.
He collasped on top of you and even though it was so hot n y'all were both sweaty you enjoyed his closeness. He reached down and took the now annoying vibrator ring off. He slid down to ur stomach planting kisses and resting while you lazily played with his hair.
"We gonna have send Dr. Angela a hella thank you card and fruit basket."
You chuckled, "I agree that ring was a good suggestion."
You and Erik have been to counseling to rectify your strained marriage. After the argument you were still distant almost til the point of moving out however you decided against not to have your business all out in public. You started to self cope on alcohol piting yourself thinking this is all your fault after he explained that the reason he stepped out was that he was feeling neglected during your depression. Which was due to your miscarriages, which was no one fault but you felt like you could have prevented in some way.
The night Erik had to pick you up from a bar because you were too drunk too
drive was the last straw. He was tired of see you self destruct and knew he was the reason. So he brought you home nursed you back to health the next day after your serious hangover and began finding some marriage counselors. He wanted the marriage to work in spite of infidelity.
A month later here you guys still with issues but you can stand being in the room with him and have sex without bitterness. However he still gets paranoid when he take a shower by himself.
"Come let's shower together" he begged sweetly.
"Nah bae go ahead", you said sleepily.
He looked around the room for any oliy substance he could find or belt or extensions cords. You laughed when he threw you travel size baby oil out the window.
"Really bruh"
"You damn right, oil is forbidden here."
You rolled you eyes and dozed off as he got in the shower. His phone was blowing up on the nightstand. You looked at the caller ID saying "THOT" you wonder who it could be.
Hello who is
You called my man phone who this is?
Davida, oh this must be wifey.
Bitch im THE wife dont get it twisted
Mhmm well where is Erik
Eating my pussy now what the fuck you want
Well you tell him his payment ain't come through
Payment for what, bitch the baby probably ain't even his.
Oh it is sis. Now he's paying me to keep quiet cuz I can go to the media and blow up your little cushiony life.
Bitch ain't shit you can say to stop my checks boo. And you don't think we have lawyers and shit, like the 1st that tried this stunt sus. I'll have your ass going back to yo mammy broke n penniless ho so don't try me.
Erik rushes out the shower hearing the yelling.
Aight bitch let me come and beat some nerve up in that ass
Oh bitch you ain't gon touch me
Bet ho
He sees you ok and calms down but he see you on the phone. He realized it's his and snatches it out of your hand.
Bring me my money before your wife blow up yo shit.(click)
Why are you paying this bitch anything, you don't even know it's yours.
"Look I don't need her going to the media putting our business out there. The school will look into and see that I work there I can get fired. I can lose all creditability, my tenure and respect of my students. Im highly respected Y/N I don't want all that taken away by some mistake."
He made a lot of sense. And this is his mistake so he paying the consequences litteraly.
"Ugh!" You threw you hands to your face "so fucking stupid" throwing a tantrum, " im bout to clean and WE going over there tonight.
Later in the car
You sat in the passenger far away from him as you could in his Lincoln Navigator. He looked over grabbed your hand. You snatched it away. He bit down jaw clenching. You looked over and notice how sexy he was when he mad. You turned toward the front staring at streetlights.
"I don't want this to hinder our progress" he said quietly.
You just looked down not knowing what to say. He finally pulled up to gate n typed a code in
"Damn how often you been to her house"
"She texted me the code chill out"
He pulled up to the house and y'all both got out. He ranged the door bell, knocked and began dailing her number. "Open the damn door you hear me outside," "she probably sucking some dick upstairs" Erik looked at you while he hung up the phone. "Don't start no shit Y/n, lets just give her the money and leave ok.
You didn't bother giving him an answer. They both got you fucked up.
@curls-and-crosses @killmoncoochie @killmongersgurl @pupyluv247 @kreolemami @dumbchick @thiccdaddy-mbaku @wakandan-aesthetic @errin261 @lunaerly @muse-of-mbaku @royallyprincesslilly @brownsugarcocoabutterwildflowers
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explicitlytheballs · 7 years
Eyes on me • Will
I decided to do a late night update since I won't be on today for several hours since I'm attending an out of state funeral. I might get on while I'm on the road and answer some questions every now and then. Here's a Will imagine 💕 - - Y/n POV "Melo you is not finna invite all them niggas over here!" I frowned up at Melo. "Girl this my house, fix yo face." He lightly slapped me. "This is not yo house if you don't pay bills bye." I waved him off. "Well they still coming over, it's the same people you see at school and who I be hanging with most of the time." He explained. "Okay well I'm gonna be the only girl." I laid back on the bed. "And you're telling me this because..." Melo pressed his lips together. "I don't wanna be the only girl here." I crossed my arms. "What you think we gon' run a train on you or something? I mean.. only if you let us." He smiled and spreaded my legs. "Nigga no move." I kicked him in his chest. "Ouch!" He held his chest. "That's what yo bird chest ass get, I hope you felt that shit in yo soul." I laughed. "I'm finna put yo ugly ass out." He pinched my thigh. "Hell I'll take my happy ass home then." I got up, then the doorbell rung. "Aww fuck." I rolled my eyes. LaMelo ran out the door and downstairs, and I heard Melo do his signature high-pitched scream. "Aye dat way!" I heard several of footsteps coming up the stairs sounding like a herd of buffalo. "Yuuuuh!" Melo came through the door screaming. "Aye lil gurb!" Daijon smiled and sat beside me pulling me into a hug. "Hi daij." I smiled. "Y/n!" Phaquan ran over to the bed and laid on me. "Get yo heavy ass off me Lil uzi." I struggled to push him off me. "Wassup y/n." Brandon nodded. "Hey dookie breath." I joked. Everyone laughed. "Let that go, that happened a month ago." "And a month later ya breath still stank nothing changed." "Ohhh." Big O instigated. "O sit yo bottle cap neck ass down." I roasted. "Damn she on everybody head!" Ejay came through the door. "And you can shut up, musty build ass nigga." "Why are you on everybody hea- "Girl who are you?" Everyone died of laughter. "What are y'all laughing at?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "Y/n That's a boy, his name is Will." Melo held his stomach still laughed. "Ohh shit my bad." I covered my mouth smiling. He didn't say anything he just gave me a quick smile then leaned against the wall and pulled out his phone from his pocket. He was cute though, even if I called him a girl. "I'm beating yo ass in 2k, who need it?!" Melo tossed his other controller to Ejay. "Melo shut yo ass up with all that damn unnecessary yelling." I smacked his neck. "Shut yo crusty neck ass up." Melo roasted. "Nigga my neck ain't crusty, but yo neck turning green because your bling blaow come from family dollar." I rolled my eyes. "Damn she exposing yo Melo." O instigated again. "O I'm sick of yo big ass." "His name is Big O you know?" Daijon laughed. "Whatever." I looked over at Will who was staring straight at me, but then quickly looked back down at his phone. "Ohhh Quan I should call you Lil Yachty, you dyed your dreads red." I examined one of his dreads. "Don't start y/n." Quan smacked my hand away from his hair. "You always tryna roast or either give somebody nicknames shut up." Brandon chimed in. "Bi- Brandon shut yo musty breath ass up and watch them play the game that you need to learn how to play in real life also." "Daaamn y/n you ain't have to do him like that." Daijon gasped. "That was foul." Brandon shook his head. "Alright I apologize I was playing shit." I rolled my eyes. "And one! Wassup Ejay, you my son!" Melo stood up and banged on his chest. "Sit down, be humble because you only made one three pointer bye." Ejay waved him off. I could feel someone looking at me again and I looked at Will, then he looked back down at his phone avoiding eye contact with me. He was kinda creeping me out, and plus he wasn't saying shit. "I'm gonna go out to the back." I shoved Melo a bit. "Yeah yeah." His eyes stayed glued to the TV screen. I got up from the bed and walked out the door. I jogged downstairs and headed to the back. I opened the door to the back and closed it behind me. "Whew it feels good." I bent down and picked up the basketball, dribbling it then trying to make a shot. I suck at basketball, never made a shot in my entire life because I'm that bad. I chased after the basketball as it bounced up and down. I got closer to the rim, and then tried to make another shot. "Oh I get it, you're only loyal to Zo, Gelo and Melo that's why yo hoe ass won't go in right? I understand." I picked up the basketball. Then I heard a laugh. I turned around and saw Will sitting on one of the chairs. "How long you been there?" I questioned. "Long enough to know yo ass crazy as hell talking to a basketball." He joked and got up from the chair walking towards me. I laughed. "So you stalking me now?" "Not necessarily." He licked his lips and snatched the basketball out of my hand and he made a shot. "I peeped you've been looking at me, so wassup?" I put both of my hands in my back pocket. He chuckled. "What you mean?" "Don't be stupid, the staring that you did in the room was not nice at all." "I couldn't help it, hell you're a beautiful girl." He smiled. I blushed, if I was a lighter color I'm sure my cheeks would be red as an apple. "Thanks." "C'mere let me help you with your shot, your form was a little off." He motioned. He put the ball in my hand and stood behind me. "See you wanna bend your arm to a certain level, just like this." He guided my hand. "Like this?" I looked up at him. He stared into my eyes, "yeah just like that. Now try to make a shot." He stepped back. "Okay." I cleared my throat and looked at the hoop. I jumped up and released the basketball from my hands, and it went in. I gasped. "Will! Oh my- it went in!" I ran towards him and hugged him. "See that's what was wrong, your form was off. Just practice shooting like that you'll get better." He hugged me. "That was my first shot in my entire life." I smiled. "I can tell." We laughed. The laughter died down and I looked up and him, he had his arms wrapped around my waist like we were still hugging. He started leaning down then he quickly jumped back once we heard Melo's voice. "Aw hell naw I know y'all wasn't finna kiss? Y'all just met!" Melo screamed. "Shut up!" Will scratched the back of his neck.
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jewelofwakanda · 6 years
French Inhale 0.1
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OKAY. This took me way longer than it should’ve. But, I’m finally content with what I was able to get down. Now that FI is a series, I really felt like I needed to get some backstory going for Zorah and Erik. If you missed that post/announcement, the face claims are here. I hope you guys enjoy :)
Words: 2,308...Zorah will always be bold italics, everyone else is bold. I will do my best to separate the dialogue (since there’s a lot of it) so that’s it’s clear. If it runs together too much, please let me know so I can work on it in the future. Also, this one is a little link heavy. Any outfit that is linked is the exact outfit mentioned, for the record. Not sure what they look like in mobile and I think I did a good enough job describing things if you want to skip them.
Black, plus-size OC x Erik “Killmonger” Stevens meet for the first time during a “transaction”. Not really sure if this fits in any category (not smutty or fluffy or angsty at all) but was very necessary IMO.
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“So, you really not gon come with me? I’ll even wait for you to get off work.”, Zorah whined into her phone. Her trusty weed man had disappeared off the face of the planet (probably busted by LAPD) and she needed to cop something, like, yesterday. She asked her best friend, Naomi, for her plug’s information and assumed she would make the introduction. Zorah was sadly mistaken. 
“You grown, and Demo don’t bite…unless you want him to.”, Naomi threw back, Zorah could hear her snickering under her breath.
“Oh my God, shut up! I can’t just roll up to that man’s house asking for tree. He’ll probably think I’m the feds or something.”, Zorah complained.
“I already told him you would be stopping by, sent a pic and everything. He actually sounded interested in meeting you.” 
“I am not about to start dealing with a drug dealer, Naomi.”
“But, if the weed man is your man, we’ll be smoking for free for the rest of forever.” 
“Then, YOU date him, Nay. I’m not interested. And, what the hell do you mean you sent him a pict—” 
“Huh? Um, I gotta go girl, my supervisor just walked in. Luhyoubye.”, Naomi said in all one word, cutting her off and hanging up. 
“I’m gonna kill her.”, Zorah thought to herself as she put Demo’s address in her GPS. He didn’t seem to live that far away, and Naomi told her he was occasionally willing to make deliveries. If he acted right during this transaction, she might have just found a new connect. 
She pulled up to Demo’s blue and white one-story home and was pleasantly surprised to find that it wasn’t the usual type of trap house she was used to frequenting, very unassuming if you will. The shiny, black Aston Martin and fully loaded Jeep in the driveway made her question what other drugs Demo was dealing. Weed doesn’t buy you two expensive cars, let alone an Aston. 
She parallel parked on the street and slowly approached the front door, thinking twice about knocking. She wasn’t entirely sure what she was getting herself into, when the door swung open on its own. 
“Oh hey, you must be Zorah.”, a tall, handsome man with smooth, caramel colored skin and long dreads greeted her, motioning her inside. She definitely saw him look her up and down, making her feel like a certified snack. ‘Damn, Nay didn’t tell me he was so fine’, Zorah thought to herself, hoping her face wasn’t a dead giveaway to her instant attraction. 
“Just make yourself at home, beautiful.” he said with a charming grin, leading her to his living room, “I’m just finishing up with another customer.” He strode into his kitchen leaving her with her thoughts.
‘Make myself at home? I might move in with your fine ass.’, she said to herself as she sat down on his large, velvety couch trying to keep it cool. Zorah took a moment to take in her surroundings. Demo’s house was unexpectedly clean and comfortable. 21 Savage was playing faintly in the background from the Beats Pill+ she spotted laying on a rather impressive entertainment system. The 50” flat screen TV, various gaming consoles and probably every game known to man made it clear what he spent all his money on. She noticed the room was nicely decorated and the paint on the walls coordinated well with the soft, dark brown sectional that took up most of the living room space. ‘He must’ve had a girlfriend pick all this out for him’, she assumed. 
“Nah! Fuck you Demo!” The booming voice of another man came loudly from Demo’s kitchen, snapping her from her thoughts. Even though she couldn’t really catch what they were talking about, the paranoia set in. She was alone, without back-up, in some random man’s house. She didn’t know who that other person was or if Demo had weapons. What if one of them tried something? She was usually a laid-back individual and never backed down if she needed to defend herself but being outnumbered made her nervous. She made a mental note to curse Naomi out for not coming with her. Zorah decided to get up from the couch and busy herself with a tall shelf full of pictures close to the front door. If she had to make a run for it, she was ready. 
There were a lot of pictures on Demo’s shelf, mostly of family and friends. One of Demo graduating from what looked like high school surrounded by what she assumed were his parents and siblings and a little girl in his arms, she couldn’t have been more than one year old at the time and was practically his twin. She saw the same little girl throughout a lot of the portraits, most of them with her father usually wrapped in a tight embrace. She giggled at one of Demo and his little girl throwing up the ‘Westside’ symbol and scrunching their faces for the camera, attempting to look tough. She could tell he was a good, if at least involved father, and that was impressive. More than a few of them were taken at various clubs with his large group of fine ass friends. One guy in particular popped up a couple times mean mugging the camera, showing off his gold grills and bad boy sex appeal. With his short dreads either braided back or secured to the top of his head, he had impeccable style and a body to match. Zorah felt her heart beat a little faster. She was drawn to this stranger, even more then she was to Demo. She felt her body heating up, the attraction making her squeeze her thighs together.  
“Damn, Demo. All your customers this thick?”, Zorah whipped around, hot with more than just embarrassment when her eyes met with his, the same man she had been ogling just a moment ago. 
“Not as thick as her, nope.”, Demo replied. The two men before her were staring her down like a piece of meat. She didn’t usually take too kindly to so much lascivious attention, but she found herself at a loss for words. 
The mystery man had one eyebrow cocked and a sly smirk painted across his face, looking her up and down. He made her feel naked. 
“What’s ya name, ma?”, the mystery man spoke first, closing the distance between them as Demo plopped down on his couch, setting up his scale to finish the two transactions. 
“Um…”, she paused feeling foolish. She was drawing a blank, unable to make the words come out of her mouth, “Zorah…it’s Zorah.” 
“Hmmm...Zooraahh.”, he breathed, elongating the last syllables. She loved the way her name sounded, rolling lazily off his tongue. 
“The name’s Erik, but you can call me Daddy.”, he responded, flashing his gold fangs and extending his hand. She furrowed her brows and shoved her hands in her army fatigue jacket pockets. Was this nigga for real? They literally just exchanged names and he was already jumping to dirty talk? 
“Niggaaa! You really ain got no chill, do you? You need to quit before you scare her away.”, Demo laughed out loud at Erik’s boldness. 
“You know me, D. I get’s straight to business. So, Zo, you gon give me your number or what?” She was speechless. If any other dude would’ve stepped to her so disrespectfully, she would’ve drop kicked him in the throat and given him her ass to kiss. She decided to take the high road and ignore him. She snorted in his face and turned her attention to Demo. 
“So, I need a quarter. How much do I owe you?” 
“I’ll do it for $20 if you smoke one with me.”, Demo answered with a flirty grin. Jesus, him too? Zorah was having the dry spell of all dry spells; she’d spent the last eight-ish months practicing celibacy...a decision that had been made after six months of not getting any. Even after being set up on a few blind dates by various friends, the mediocre conversations with less than notable men left Zorah exhausted and a bit jaded.  Now, suddenly, Zorah had two fine ass men vying for her attention. 
“Weren’t you just telling me about some freak that was supposed to come through soon?” Erik asked, trying to throw salt in Demo’s game. 
“Didn’t YOU just finish telling me about the two thots you kicked outta your spot just an hour ago?”, Demo retorted. 
Zorah looked back and forth between the two men, thoroughly amused and mildly irritated. She couldn’t believe they were sparring back and forth, spilling all the tea about each other, as if she would fuck around with either one of them. As fine as they both were, Zorah didn’t date drug dealers or disrespectful assholes…if she could help it. 
“Look, I didn’t come here for allathis. I just want some tree. Can one of you life ruiners do that for me, please?”, she complained. 
“I can do a lot for you, but sure. Whatever you say.”, Demo said reaching into a jar and pulling out a few massive buds of purp, putting them on his scale. 
“Damn, girl. Why you so mean?”, Erik interjected, “You don’t like niggas or something?”, the shit eating grin on his face let her know he was playing around, but she didn’t like it. 
“I don’t know you like that, sir.” 
“So, that’s a no.” 
“Just because I’m not interested doesn’t make me gay.” 
“You wouldn’t be so icy if you weren’t. There’s nothing wrong with that, baby girl. I like eating pussy too.”, Erik replied.
Demo snorted again at his daring friend. Zorah had had just about enough of this nigga. “What? Y’all too cute to get rejected? These other hoes might be falling all over themselves to lay on their backs for you, but I ain the one. And, I know a fuck boy when I see one.” 
“I do a little flirting and now I’m a fuck boy?” , Erik asked placing an offended hand on his heart, trying to appear wholesome.
“You told me to call you Daddy. What the hell am I supposed to think?” 
“I’m not about wasting time, ma. When I want something, I take it. Dassit.”
“First of all, you can’t take what’s not being offered. And second of all, you really not all that. If I was interested, you would know.” And with that, she stood up from the couch, dropped the $60 she expected to spend on the coffee table and headed for the door shoving the plastic sack of weed in her pocket. 
She could hear Erik and Demo laughing as she stepped outside, not bothering to close the door behind her. Who the hell did he think he was, talking to her like that? Whatever she had been feeling looking at his picture, had been replaced with disgust. He was rude as fuck and she wasn’t going to stand there and let him play around with her. She barely noticed Erik jogging towards her as she slammed her car door in frustration. 
“Yo! Princess! Wait up!”, he yelled to her, hoping she wouldn’t pull off. 
“What do you want?”, she glared in his direction. She really didn’t want to hear anything else he had to say…so why wasn’t she pulling away? 
“Demo wanted me to give you this.” It was all three of her twenty-dollar bills. 
“But, I didn’t even smoke with him.” 
“I know, he said it was on the house. I guess it’s his way of apologizing for my behavior. Look, Zo, I was just playing around in there, ya know, a little harmless flirting. I ain mean to make you storm out like that.”, he smiled innocently as he leaned into her car window, “Lemme make it up to you?”
She took the bills, putting them back in her wallet and thought about her next move. Part of her wanted to laugh in his face and pull off. Show him that it didn’t matter how fine he was, he couldn’t just talk to women any kind of way and get away with it, especially not her. But, she also couldn’t deny the attraction. Yes, he was clearly an asshole, but she was inexplicably drawn to him. What is it about annoying, self-absorbed players who laugh at their own jokes that she couldn’t resist? 
“So, what exactly does that entail?”, she asked skeptically, hoping she wouldn’t regret opening this door she somehow knew would be a bitch to close.
Erik raised his eyebrows in surprise, probably assuming she would tell him to go to hell, “Well, I don’t wanna make you fall in love too quick.”, Erik gave her a smug grin. He obviously couldn’t resist being a smart ass, “How about we start off slow and match one? Your place, tonight?” 
“Uh, cute. Try again.”, she countered as he threw his head back in laughter.
“Alright, alright, we’ll meet somewhere neutral and hotbox. Is that better, your majesty?” 
“You got jokes, huh? Fine.”, Zorah conceded handing him her phone so he could enter his number. She could tell he was used to being in control. Having any and every female at his beck and call. Zorah wasn’t about to play that game with him. 
“So, you gon call me later?”, he asked handing her back the smartphone.
“Maybe.”, she shrugged and pulled away from Demo’s street, leaving Erik in her dust. She eyed him from her rear-view mirror as he watched her drive away and couldn’t contain the excitement simmering in her core. Whether this was a fling or (dare she think it) the real thing, she couldn’t deny the magnetic attraction. It was electric. It was inevitable. It was trouble. And, maybe it was about time she got into some.
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alrighty, y'all. dassit. again, all comments/suggestions/criticisms are welcome. I would really enjoy any input you guys have because nobody knows Erik like y'all do (lol). and keep an eye out for Part II. I’m working on it, trust me.
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@iamrheaspeaks @supersizemeplz @theunsweetenedtruth @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety @eriknutinthispoosy @cancerianprincess@myboyfriendgiriboy @thehomierobbstark @chaneajoyyy
wanna be tagged? just lemme know.
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dbtrilogy2 · 7 years
Happy Wife Happy Life(13)
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Messing with a few buttons I nod at robin. For the last two months I've been working with her for the album she's trying to put out. After I got her drake for the Work remix and that blew up she asked me to be her official producer and writer for her entire album.
Now this isn't my first time. I've got a pretty fat profile between when I started and now. Right now I'm working on a sorta slow jam type song. It's coming along but needs something. Im not sure if it's a feature or another instrument.
"Howe as that?" She came out the booth sitting.
"Pretty good but I'm not feeling it all the way. It needs something."
"Well whatever it is I'm sure you'll make it work perfectly." She smiled touching my knee.
Frowning I move back and replay what she just did. Clearing my throats I go back to messing with her vocals and the music.
"So what's a married man with kids doing working pass ten on a Wednesday?" She smirked scooting her chair on by me.
"Just that working." I honestly haven't paid any mind to the time. Rebecca is gonna kill me!
"I'm surprised you wife isn't blowing you up I know if my man let alone husband was out this late working he would be flooded with calls voice mails text emails hell I'd DM that nigga. Guess she doesn't really care about you." She laughs.
"Hey don't disrespect my wife. Don't worry about what she is or isn't doing focus on this album people putting money into you making."
I didn't really mean to snap like that. It's probably just the guilt eating at me.
"Sorry. You know I really appreciate all the dedication you put into me Carlton. No one has ever truly believed in me until you and Chris."
It was getting really awkward in here. Probably a bad call doing this one on one thing so late. Note to self this never happens again.
"Right well...that's nice but I'm gonna call this a night."
Closing everything down I get my things holding the door letting robin walk out first.
"It's still a fresh night...you wanna catch a bite or something?"
Before I could answer my stomach growled loud. She giggled.
"Actually I'm just gonna head on hole I'm sure my wife cooked up something for me like she always does. See ya."
"Yeah..." She grabbed me hugging my neck then kissed my cheek. "Bye Carlton."
Watching her switch out I sigh running my hand over my face. What is going on with me!? That chick is nothing compared to my wife. She's probably just doing this as a suck up to get her name poppin. Yeah that's it she's a gold digger I ain't about to fall into whatever trap she plannin.
Around a little pass midnight I was walking into a dark house. A light shines from the kitchen.
"Baby I know I'm coming in late but-"
"Wrong person." Eli peaked from the fridge with a grape stem in his hand. "It's pass your curfew mister."
"Same to you. Is your mom sleep?"
"Last I saw she was carrying a bottle of wine a glass and had her beats and robe on." He shrugged. "You know she's pissed right?"
"Yeah I messed up son. Do me a favor and don't be like your dad." After grabbing a beer I sigh taking the bottle back.
"What's been going on with you anyway? Remember that time we were suppose to spend the day together? Or you telling Amanda you'd help her practice her dance? She did great by the way...it was tonight."
So both of my girls are gonna be mad at me? Great!
"Look I know I haven't been around like I should be or how I always promise but it's all in good thoughts. I've just been putting in extra work so I can really support you all and keep you guys happy."
I know what Rebecca said.
"Dad look around us. We have a six bedroom house with a pool, you have four cars, your kids attend top schools and your the head producer of one of the most popular record labels who brought the best entertains ever! We good man all of us basically get anything we want...except you. I'm starting to live that stereotype of black kids not having a dad." He chuckled hopping up on the counter. "Yeah it's nice having all these nice things but I'd rather spend a day out playing basketball or something with my old man over sitting in my room buying the news shoes or something."
I'm a little shocked hearing this from him. Eli is usually pretty quiet. Odd both my kids turned out opposites of their parents.
"I'm trying man I really am but things over lap sometimes. Your mom already bit my head off about this I took it down a bit but then I got this producing gig for one of our artist who wants me to produce the entire thing. It's my first time so I want it to go smooth and perfect."
"That shouldn't keep you from your family. And whoever this artist is tell her to ease up step off let you breath and keep her lips off you."
He hopped down. "Your cheek is red and in the shape of lips. I guess it's a good thing you found me before mom huh."
Patting my back he went off to his room. After collecting and preparing myself I make my way up to our room. It was completely dark with a small dim light coming from the bathroom. Walking in I'm hit with steam and a vanilla scent with some kind of instrumental playing low.
She was up to her shoulders in bubbles. I cleared my throat going to sit on the tub edge.
"H-hey baby...late night bath huh?"
"Yeah just thought I'd relax myself."
She wouldn't look at barely acknowledge I was here.
"Look I know I'm late-"
"Ten is late...but midnight? We've already had a talk about your working hours clearly you don't care so neither do I. Work all you want come home when you want I'm done trying....I'm not going to continue raising my own blood pressure worrying where you are."
Frowning I turned off the music. "You giving up on me?"
"That's what you want right for me to stop nagging you? Work seems oh so important to you and I don't wanna get in the way."
"No it's ok I'll just become the gold digger you want me to be. I sent you a email of some links it's just a few shoes bags and other shit I want."
Man...I really fucked up.
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A door slamming woke me from my sleep. The clock read seven...that must've been the girls leaving. Just as I'm closing my eyes again our door opened.
"Mommy up." Maliki went to her side of our bed trying to climb up.
"Yo ki get out she sleep." I groan pushing him. Don't get all CPS on me it was just his leg. "Go watch tv in your room."
"I want mommy. Mommy!" He pulled on her hand making her groan.
"Ay what I say get yo little ass out and do what I said."
He glared at me but did like I said.
"You are so mean to him." Sleeping beauty mumbled.
"That wasn't mean it was parenting. I'm telling you one day imma get him and ain't shit you can do to stop me." I pull Cam closer to me squeezing kissing her head. We both up now.
"Chris must you try to crush me in half every morning?"
Chuckling I kiss her ear. "Just making sure none of this is some dream."
She smiled turning over facing me. Leaning over I kiss her nose pulling her body on top of me.
"You've been working a lot lately I miss our morning cuddles." She whispered tracing my chest tattoos.
"Yeah I know baby I'm working with these new artist and just getting my pieces ready for this charity auction." I rub her back. "I want you to see the one I did yesterday."
"Sure I love seeing your art. You free today...I wanna take the twins out to the mall we can go after dropping off Maliki." Sitting up on me she let her hair out falling over her shoulder.
I love seeing her in this fresh state. Her eyes seem brighter with her pink cheeks. This is my wife. Y'all don't even know how lucky I really am having her all to myself. Caressing her face I start biting my lip.
"You know I give you anything you want." She blushed leaning down kissing me.
We made out for a minute or two before she got up and dragged us into the bathroom. We handle our hygiene got dressed then went to the twins room. Mylan was still sleeping while Morgan was jumping in her crib. Seeing us she started babbling shaking her head.
"You look crazy Gigi." Cam picked her up. "Come on let's get you ready for a shopping day."
I picked out a matching outfit for them and went to wake up Mylan. She whined and squirmed before opening her pretty little eyes. Just like her mother she hates being woken up.
"Hey babygirl...its that time again no more sleeping." Blowing on her cheek she squealed pushing my head away. "Lets go get washed up with your sister."
"Uh damn it Morgan."
I laughed seeing all the water on the girls bathroom floor. It's always a fight with that one. I think she gets some kind of thrill from pissing people off...I can already tell her teenage years will be spent locked up in her room.
"Baby pass me that towel please."
I pass her Mylan and wipe up the spilled water. We washed them both then dress them. She wanted to do her little make up stuff and took the girls with her. I went to get Maliki ready. Putting him in the tub since he can wash himself I picked out his outfit.
"You can get dressed on your own right?" He nods grabbing his power ranger underwear putting them on then his pants. I helped him with the button let him put his shirt on.
"Nice?" He looked at me.
"Yeah son you look nice. Hey when we gonna hear talk like a big boy? You gon a whole five soon." He just shrugged at me.
I don't know how but imma get him to talk. Just like somehow Camila got Mona to talk I'll get him just gotta find what gets to him. We went into the room and he ran off somewhere.
"Mymy look...take a picture for mommy come on please."
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"Maybe your sister will give me something. Morgan...Gigi look at mommy."
She almost had her but-
"Ki." She points behind me completely ignoring Cam trying to take her picture.
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"I don't think they wanna take any pictures Cam."
"Uh I see that I just want everyone to see how cute my babies are. Why can't that work with me." She rolled her eyes picking up their baby bag then Morgan leaving me with Mylan.
"They got that "I do what I want" attitude from you baby." She flipped we off walking out the room. "Ki where you at!?"
He ran out our closet.
"Ah I have to get this." Cam went up to him.
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"You done yet?" Mylan pulled on my chain talking to herself.
"Yeah yeah put the bag back ki come on."
I got the double stroller for the twins while she buckled everyone in. We dropped the boy off first then head for the mall. The first store we went to was one of those pricey ass kids stores. Small clothes huge dollars signs. Hell there was a bow...a hair bow for two hundred.
"Camila why are we in here I'm not trynna have anymore spoiled kids Mona and Maurice are enough."
"Oh come on Chris everything in here is so freaking cute! Look at this dress." Morgan smiled reaching for it. "Oh she loves we gotta get it." She hands it to me.
"Hell no cam this small ass dress for $350 no Camila no I'm not buying this."
She cut her eyes at me snatching the dress back. "Fine I'll buy it myself I don't need your passed down money." She switched away leaving me with the kids.
"Does she not know her money was passed down to." Morgan laughed like she understood me. I saw her in line with some other stuff looking all mad. "Ok...let daddy go bow down to mommy."
She ignored me standing next her the entire time.
"Hi did you find everything ok?"
"Yes I did my husband on the other hand was feeling cheap today." She rolled her eyes at me.
"Can't blame a guy the dress cost more than my shoes." The register girl just smiled ringing up her things.
"But not more than your watch, chain, earrings, nose rings, belt and shirt."
Damn...she got me.
"Your total in $1,234.66. Cash or card?"
"Card." I take out my wallet handing it to her. "Better be glad I love."
She smiled kissing me. "I love you to. Let's go to a store for you my treat this time." Grabbing the bags she walked with me.
Happy wife happy life a very true statement.
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beatmyaudio · 4 years
Last Call Song Lyrics – Kanye West
Last Call Song Lyrics
Last Call Song Lyrics From Popular Hollywood Artist Kanye West from College Dropout Album.
This song is sung by singer ” Kanye West ” in Year .
Lyrics of Last Call :
Yo fuck you, Kanye, first and foremost For making me do this shit Muh’fucker Had to throw everybody out the motherfucking room ‘Cause they don’t fucking…. (I’d like to propose a toast) (I said toast motherfucker) And I am (here’s to the roc) And they ask me, they ask me, they ask me, I tell them (here’s to Rocafella) Raise your glasses, your glasses, your glasses to the sky (here’s to the roc) This is the last call for alcohol, for the…. (here’s to Rocafella) So get your ass up off the wall The all around the world Digital Underground, Pac The Rudloph the red nosed reindeer of the Roc I take my chain, my 15 seconds of fame And come back next year with the whole fucking game Ain’t nobody expect Kanye to end up on top They expected that College Dropout to drop and then flop Then maybe he stop savin’ all the good beats for himself Rocafella’s only niggaz that help My money was thinner than Sean Paul’s goatee hair Now Jean Paul Gaultier cologne fill the air, here They say he bourgie, he big-headed Won’t you please stop talking about how my dick head is Flow infectious, give me 10 seconds I’ll have a buzz bigger than insects in Texas It’s funny how wasn’t nobody interested ‘Til the night I almost killed myself in Lexus Now was Kanye the most overlooked? Yes sir Now is Kanye the most overbooked? Yes sir Though the fans want the feeling of A Tribe Called Quest But all they got left is this guy called West Better take Freeway, throw him on tracks with Mos Def Call him Kwa-lI or Kwe-li, I put him on songs with Jay-Z I’m the Gap like Banana Republic and Old Navy, and oooh It come out sweeter than old Sadie Nice as Bun-B when I met him at the Source awards Girl he had with him – ass coulda won the horse awards And I was almost famous, now everybody loves Kanye I’m almost Raymond’ Some say he arrogant Can y’all blame him? It was straight embarrassing how y’all played him Last year shoppin my demo, I was tryin’ to shine Every motherfucker told me that I couldn’t rhyme Now I could let these dream killers kill my self-esteem Or use my arrogance as the steam to power my dreams I use it as my gas, so they say that I’m gassed But without it I’d be last, so I ought to laugh So I don’t listen to the suits behind the desk no more You niggaz wear suits ’cause you can’t dress no more You can’t say shit to Kanye West no more I rocked 20,000 people, I was just on tour, nigga I’m Kan, the Louis Vuitton Don Bought my mom a purse, now she Louis Vuitton Mom I ain’t play the hand I was dealt, I changed my cards I prayed to the skies and I changed my stars I went to the malls and I balled too hard ‘Oh my god, is that a Black Card?’ I turned around and replied, why yes but I prefer the term African American Express Brains, power, and muscle, like Dame, Puffy, and Russell Your boy back on his hustle, you know what I’ve been up to Killin y’all niggaz on that lyrical shit Mayonnaise colored Benz, I push Miracle Whips “…. last call for alcohol, for my niggaz” So this A&R over at Rocafella, named Hiphop picked the Truth beat for Beanie And I was in the session with him I had my demo with me You know, like I always do I play the songs, he’s like “Who that spittin?” I’m like “It’s me..” He’s like “Oh, well okay..” Uhh, he started talkin to me on the phone going back and forth, just askin me to send him beats And I’m thinking he’s trying to get into managing producers cause he had this other kid named Just Blaze he was messin with And um, he was friends with my mentor, No ID And No ID told him, “look man, you wanna mess with Kanye you need to tell him that you like the way he rap” “Yo, you wanna sign him, tell him you like how he rap” I was all, I dunno if he was gassin’ me or not but he’s like he wanna manage me as a rapper AND a producer “I’ll sign you as a producer and a rapper”, I’m like oh shit I was messin with, uh, D-Dot also People were like this, started talking about the Ghost production But that’s how I got in the game If it wasn’t for that, I wouldn’t be here So you know After they picked that Truth beat I was figuring I was gonna do some more work But shit just went poppin off like that I was stayin in Chicago I had my own apartment I be doin’ like, just beats for local acts just to try to keep the lights on, and then to go out and buy get a Pelle Pelle off lay-away, get some Jordans or something or get a TechnoMarine, that’s what we wore back then I made this one beat where I sped up this Hal Melville sample I played it for Hip over the phone, he’s like “oh, yo that shit is crazy Jay might want it for this compilation album he doin, called The Dynasty..” And at that time, like the drums really weren’t soundin’ right to me so I went and um, I was listening to Dre Chronic 2001 at that time and really I just, like picked the drums off Xxplosive and put it like with it sped up, sampled, and now it’s kind of like my whole style when it started, when he rapped on ‘This Can’t be Life..’ And that was like, really the first beat of that kind that was on the Dynasty album I could say that was the, the resurgence of this whole sound You know, I got to come in and track the beat, and at the time I was still with my other management I really wanted to roll with Hiphop ‘Cause I, I just needed some fresh air, you know what I’m sayin, ’cause I been there for a while, I appreciated what they did for me, but, you know there’s a time in every man’s life where he gotta make a change, try to move up to the next level And that day I came and I tracked the beat and I got to meet Jay-Z and he said, “oh you a real soulful dude” And he uh, played the song ’cause he already spit his verse by the time I got to the studio, you know how he do it, one take And he said “check this out, tell me what you think of this, right here” “tell me what you think of this..” And I heard it, and I was thinking like, man, I really wanted more like of the simple type Jay-Z, I ain’t want like the, the more introspective, complicated rhy- or the, in my personal opinion So he asked me, “what you think of it?” “so what you thinkin?” And I was like, “man that shit tite,” you know what I’m sayin’, man what I’ma tell him? I was on the train man, you know So after that I went back home And man I’m, I’m just in Chicago, I’m trying to do my thing You know, I got groups I got acts I’m trying to get on, and like there wasn’t nothin really like poppin’ off the way it should have been One of my homeys that was one of my artists, he got signed But it was supposed to really go through my production company, but he ended up going straight with the company So, like I’m just straight holdin’ the phone, gettin’ the bad news that dude was tryin’ to leave my company And I got evicted at the same time So I went down and tracked the beats from him, I took that money, came back, packed all my shit up in a U-Haul, maybe about ten days before I had to actually get out So I ain’t have to deal with the landlord ’cause he’s a jerk Me and my mother drove to “Come on, let’s just go” Newark, New Jersey I hadn’t even seen my apartment.. I remember I pulled up “Kanye, baby, we’re here”, I unpacked all my shit You know, we went to Ikea, I bought a bed, I put the bed together myself I loaded up all my equipment, and the first beat I made was, uh, ‘Heart of the City..’ And Beans was still working on his album at that time, so I came up there to Baseline, it was Beans’ birthday, matter of fact, and I played like seven beats And, you know I could see he’s in the zone he already had the beats that he wanted, I did nothing like already at that time But then Jay walked in I remember he had a GuccI bucket hat on I remember it like, like it was yesterday And Hiphop said “yo play that one beat for him..” And I played ‘Heart of the City..’ And really I made ‘Heart of the City,’ I really wanted to give that beat to DMX “No I think Jay gon’ like this one right here”.. And I played another beat, and I played another beat And I remember that GuccI bucket, he took it and like put it over his face and made one of them faces like ‘OOOOOOOOOOH..’ Two days later I’m in Baseline and I seen Dame Dame didn’t know who I was and I was like “yo what’s up I’m Kanye..” “Yo, you that kid, Kanye?” “You that kid that gave all them beats to Jay? Yo, this nigga got classics” “Jay got classics, G..” You know I ain’t talkin shit.. I’m like “oh shit..” And all this time I’m starstruck, man I’m still thinking ’bout, you know I’m picturing these niggaz on the show The Streets is Watching, I’m lookin, these were superstars in my eyes And they still are, you know So, Jay came in and he spit all these songs like in one day, and in two days…. I gotta bring up one thing, you know, come back to the story, the day I did the ‘Can’t be Life’ beat on track, I remember Lenny S, he had some Louis Vuitton sneakers on, he think he fly And Hiphop was there, I think Tata, John Minnelli, a bunch of people I didn’t know all these people at the time they was in the room, and I said, “yo Jay I could rap..” And I spit this rap that said, uh “I’m killin y’all niggaz on that lyrical shit Mayonnaise colored Benz, I push miracle whips..” And I saw his eyes light up when I said that line But you know the West, the rap was like real wack and shit, so that’s all the response.. He said “man that was tite..” “That, that was cool That was hot..” That was it You know, I ain’t get no deal then, hehe.. Okay, fast forward.. So, Blueprint, H to the Izzo, my first hit single And I just took that proudly, built relationships with people My relationship with KwelI I think was one of the best ones to ever happen to my career as a rapper Because, you know, of course later he allowed me to go on tour with him Man, I appre– I love him for that And at this time, you know I didn’t have a deal, I had songs, and I had relationships with all these A&R’s, and they wanted beats from me, so they’d call me up, I’d play them some beats “Gimme a beat that sound like Jay-Z..” You know, they dick riders Whatever So I’ll play them these post-Blueprint beats or whatever and then I’ll play my shit I’ll be like, “yo but I rap too..” Hey, I guess they was lookin’ at me crazy ’cause you know, ’cause I ain’t have a jersey on or whatever Everybody out there listen here I played them ‘Jesus Walks’ and they didn’t sign me You know what happened, it was some A&R’s that fucked with me though, but then like the heads, it’d be somebody at the company that’ll say “naw..” Like, Dave LottI fucked with me, my nigga Mel brought me to a bunch of labels Jessica Rivera, man “Man, you niggaz is stupid if y’all don’t sign Kanye, for real..” I’m not gonna say nothin to mess my promotion up “Y’all niggaz is stupid” Let’s just say I didn’t get my deal.. The nigga that was behind me, I mean, he wasn’t even a nigga, you know? The person who actually kicked everything off was Joe 3H from Capitol Records He wanted to sign me really bad “We gonna change the game, buddy..” Dame was like, “yo you got a deal with Capitol, okay man, just make sure it’s not wack..” “you gotta make sure it’s not wack..” Then one day I just went ahead and played it, I wanted to play some songs, ’cause you know Cam was in the room, Young Guru, and Dame was in the room So I played…. actually it’s a song that you’ll never hear, but maybe I might use it So, it’s called ‘Wow..’ “I go to Jacob with 25 thou, you go with 25 hundred, wow I got eleven plaques on my walls right now You got your first gold single, damn, nigga, wow..” Like the chorus went Don’t bite that chorus, I might still use it So I play that song for him, and he’s like “oh shit” “Oh shit it’s not even wack..” “I ain’t gonna front, it’s kinda hot..” “it’s actually kinda hot..” Like they still weren’t looking at me like a rapper And I’m sure Dame figured, ‘like man If he do a whole album, if his raps is wack at least we can throw Cam on every song and save the album, you know So uh Dame took me into the office, and he’s like “yo man, we, we on a brick, we on a brick” “you don’t wanna catch a brick” You gotta be under an umbrella, you’ll get rained on.. I told Hiphop and Hiphop was all, “oh, word?” Actually, even with that I was still about to take the deal with Capitol ’cause it was already on the table and ’cause of my relationship with 3H That, you know, ’cause I told him I was gonna do it, and I’m a man of my word, I was gonna roll with what I said I was gonna do Then, you know, I’m not gonna name no names, but people told me, “oh he’s just a producer rapper” and told 3H that told the heads of the Capitol, and right– the day I’m talking about, I planned out everything I was gonna do man, I had picked out clothes, I already started booking studio sessions, I started arranging my album, thinking of marketing schemes man I was ready to go And they had Mel call me, they said “yo…. Capitol pulled on the deal” “Yo, Capitol pulled out on the deal..” And, you know I told them that Rocafella was interested and I don’t know if they thought that was just something I was saying to gas them up to try to push the price up or whatever I went up…. I called G, I said, “man, you think we could still get that deal with Rocafella?”
Last Call Song Lyrics
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Lyrics, College Dropout, English, Hollywood, Kanye West, Last Call from WordPress https://ift.tt/2YoQA76 via IFTTT
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usuallyrics-blog · 6 years
We Made It (Freestyle)
New Lyrics has been published on usuallyrics.com https://usuallyrics.com/lyrics/we-made-it-freestyle/
We Made It (Freestyle)
(feat. Soulja Boy)
[Intro – Eastbound & Down (Kenny Powers):] The only thing I’m seein’ I’d like to put an amend on, perhaps a little more room here for the fixins, you know what I’m talkin’ about? Oh, we gon’ have a lot of fixins. We gonna have so many fuckin’ fixins up in this motherfucker, this shit gon’ go through the roof. Got damn I’m shittin’ gold these days
[Hook – Soulja Boy:] Nigga we made it, hey We made it Nigga we made it, hey Damn, we made it Nigga we made it, hey We made it, aye Nigga we made it, hey We made it
[Verse 1 – Drake:] She said she workin’ for Walgreens but not in the store, at the head office The head was so good it makes sense why you work at the head office In 2007 I sat in the lobby of Motown and waited Now I walk into the buildin’ and go off like “Nigga we made it!” When I walk through these halls, man this beat should be playin’ I just came to make sure you not missin’ no payments Now turn this shit down while I issue my statement It needed a moment of silence, nigga we made it! You fly out your lady, I fly out my latest Bitches can’t front on the kid anymore, man they know what my name is And if by chance she don’t know who I am, she just know that I’m famous Imma just hand her a business card and say “Nigga we made it!” And she gotta come through the hotel and pop it off for me Then she gon’ text her best friend like “Girl he got some good dick and money” Her friend hit her back like “I know that already, that nigga’s amazin'” Then I send a message to both of they asses like “Nigga we made it!”
[Interlude – Kenny Powers:] Kinda makes me wonder why the hell so many people are tryna tell me to slow down. Seems like motherfuckers should be shuttin’ the hell up and enjoyin’ the show
[Hook – Soulja Boy:] Hey We made it Nigga we made it, hey Damn, we made it Nigga we made it, hey We made it, aye Nigga we made it, hey We made it
[Verse 2 – Drake:] If they with me, just know that they wit’ it and ’bout it If I said it, I meant it, it’s no way around it OVO, Reps Up, and P. Reign is next up watch Gway go crazy When Baka came home for the holidays, I was like “Nigga we made it!” And all of those lawyer fees, nigga I paid it My family get all of my loyalty, all of my patience My life for your life, man I wouldn’t trade it I would just look at you dead in yo’ face and say “Nigga we made it!” I swear that we made it, sell out that ting, I’m the king in Jamaica But I’ve been on that wave, that’s why this year I tell yah, I don’t need no favors (Damn, Soulja Boy stunt on them haters) And my resolution for New Years is nigga we made it! You don’t know how long I waited, I coulda been waitin’ on tables, my karma’s amazin’ I’m out in the Caymans, rented a 12-bedroom house just to sleep all the women we came with That’s ignorant, ain’t it? Sometimes I question myself when I think ’bout the pictures I painted Then I pick up my brush and I sign at the bottom like “Nigga we made it!”
[Hook – Soulja Boy:] Hey We made it Nigga we made it, hey Damn, we made it Nigga we made it, hey We made it, aye Nigga we made it, hey We made it
[Verse 3 – Soulja Boy:] I remember standing in the hood Tellin’ my partner, and my momma, everything gonna be all good Nigga we made it! Damn, I’m up in Las Vegas Damn, I never was supposed to have shit, now my life is lavish Every night, fuckin’ a bad bitch, nigga we made it! Coppin’ a Lambo, cash, the Bentley, 2 times I crashed Ha, nigga we made it! Look at them niggas’ faces, them niggas, they hate it I look a nigga in his face and say “Nigga we made it!” Soulja Boy stunt on them haters And these days I don’t need no favors Nigga we made it!
Who is Drake
Aubrey Drake Graham – Canadian actor and musician. Degrassi: Jimmy Brooks from the next generation. As a rapper, Drake uses his stage name.
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thepurpletapemix · 6 years
Rap Beef: Joyner Lucas Vs. Tory Lanes
Tory fires first over the Lucky You beat Joyner rapped on with Eminem
I got a million flows, I can go silly with those I got a pocket rocket Down to cock and chop and pop a nigga that really impose Niggas that’s wit me is villans in hoodies That lost all they good and they feelings on road It’s so appealing, the feeling of killing a nigga that pose Get Milli Vanillied with those Turn a beef plate to a cheesesteak Bitch, I be really in Philly with those Neck rocky as a blizzard, a nigga flex gotten bigger My wrist is so chilly, it froze Really I’m colder than ever, my niggas goin' for whatever Niggas gripped up, fifth tucked in the snow storm or the weather Sandstorm or the desert, hands drawn on a Dessy Leave his whole body bloody Like shorty done put in her tampon on already Shooting with a Vietnam cannon out the Peter arm on the levy See, the charm on already We go to jail, this shit'll be fine, we’ll meet up with friends 'Cause all of our mans gone-gone already Nigga the-, nigga the- I'ma do a three in week, I gave the Jeep the receipt Either the double-R stitching, it’s that or the Bentley B in the seat I got my D in a freak, I gotta be in repeat She wanna eat every morning I treat it like porridge and gave her the cream of the wheat And I rock it like P and a B I don’t cop it less it’s Louie, Gucci on the pocket Or even a D and a G, 'cause the way that the money piling I'll be wildin' 'til a nigga make about a B in a week Fuck niggas hating on me But I’m Gary Payton, always on the team with the green And the money counter, 'cause when I’m accounting It be money coming in and coming out it, paper cut the money Dummy niggas, I been thumbing out it Trying not to run up out it in a fist fight With a knife, nigga brought a gun up out it Don’t you run up out it, lil nigga Uh, hit him with a mini MAC Is he really that bad that I gotta hit him with a bigger gat? Matter fact, riddle me that I’m literally at the spot that he said he’d be at, but where is he at? Like, really nigga? Is you really tellin' me that? Like I ain’t prepared to hit him with a felony act? Like, what you thought, I would never react? Have a nigga lookin' like he tryna fight in Smash Bros When a nigga put a whole shell in his back Fuck niggas yelling it back Niggas get high and start hating on a real nigga It’s like a nigga smokin' on a jealousy pack Look, lil nigga, uh I got the remedy, I got the shooters with hidden identities Fuck who you send at me I got a stack on me long as a ruler and centipede I got that Geneve, I got the energy I got the money, the power, the enemies I go to business I’m asking these niggas for 60 percent of the entity No one defending me Niggas is talking, but no one offending me Niggas know what the result of the end'll be Niggas won’t know how to find where they men'll be I'm a way different nigga on Hennessy I got the recipe, none of y’all niggas sit next to me Guard where your head and ya chest'll be I suggest you niggas never go testin' me I suggest you niggas never go testin' me, nigga
I promise y'all niggas I do this shit in my sleep, it's easy I come to the studio and just say shit and it comes out that way You know what I mean? I promise y'all we down to go 36 hundred thousand rounds with anybody Let these niggas know that all that rapping fast shit We can do it too, nigga Niggas be thinking they got that special sauce Not today, nigga Ain't that right, man? Y'all know what the fuck goin' on, man Who next? Who next? Who next? For real, who next? Lemme know, lemme know, I'm off this, I'm off this Love me now
Joyner uses Meek Mill’ “Litty” beat to respond
You just gonna do what you supposed to ('Posed to) I remember when them hoes called me old news Now when they cheat, I'm the go-to (Joyner) Word on the street's I ain't one to get close to I was hopeless, now I'm hopeful (Yuh) I done made my own way like I'm supposed to All you niggas did what you was told to (Yeah) Tory, why all your songs always sound like a rerun, nigga? (Huh) I just want my motherfucking refund, nigga (Huh) Funny looking ass, go and eat some', nigga I ain't never had to get my fucking teeth done, nigga (Hahaha) When I kill you, I ain't running to you, bleed some, nigga (Yuh) Oh, you wan' be some nigga? (Yuh) Me and 6ix9ine had Trippie Redd bitch on the couch She was giving us a threesome, nigga
Why you bring my name up in the first place, Tory? (Yeah) You ain't fucking with me on my worst day, Tory (Uh) Wasn't better than me when I was in first grade, Tory We can do this every year on your birthday, Tory (Brrrat) Every summer, every winter, every Earth day, Tory Every Tuesday, every Thursday, Tory It's gon' be a motherfucking anniversary, Tory You done fucked up, now you need first aid, Tory
Shit Damn So now that we got that out the way, hmph Let's make a record, nigga Hahahahaha Joyner
Tory responds with a scorcher over the same Litty beat so that both had the exact same amount of time for their verses
And it goes on Kill a pussy nigga with his pantyhose on The gun is equipped for what ever hand it goes on To kill a backpack nigga with his Jansport on Geek ass nigga Dweeb ass nigga Never had a G-pass nigga 'Bout to ski mask his ass and eat fast nigga Pull the heat fast and blast And leave that nigga With his seat back nigga I'm a number one nigga in no time I been waiting for a nigga to give me the showtime In the jungle waiting for you to slip on the oak vine I'ma do this nigga like I was chewing a pork rind nigga Eminem couldn't get ya to a million on the 'Gram Chris Brown tried, nigga failed both times I done took ya page to a million in a day If you ask me, nigga, I'm ya motherfucking cosign I'ma hit the pussy ass nigga with a clothesline I'ma have to catch a nigga slipping in my own time I just took the flame on a private ass plane Out to Massachusetts, catch this nigga slipping in his hometown Ya see what go around come around and go around So I got his hoe going round like it go around Let these niggas know I'm not the one to toe-to-toe around Singing ass nigga not the one to leave your hoe around I'm about to hit him with the end of the K Word to my niggas in Heaven I'm 'bout to send em away I'm exhausted I kill this nigga two times 24 hours man this shit been a repetitive day Nigga tell me is it Joyner Lucas, Lucas Joyner? I'm the nigga who destroy ya Coupe deploy ya, label drop ya, who's the lawyer? Buy ya contract from them back and be who employ ya Oops, I'm going, who's condoning? Juice and jonesing Met ya bitch she too conjointed Tryna ask this pussy ass nigga who the fuck want smoke But the lightskin niggas in ya crew too spooked to join in I'm a nasty nigga, then you could ask these nigga The shotty dumping popping up outta the backseat, nigga I'm 'bout to leave his body bloody like a maxi, nigga I tax these niggas, get at these niggas, attack these niggas The venom is arachne, nigga I'm 'bout kill da man and da man that done backed these niggas And blam any man that'll try to dap you niggas And clap any stan fan that attract you niggas See ya daddy was a musician that never made it 'Cause when you was born nigga it was you or him Shattered knowing he would never make it as an artist And the odds of his life prolly be 2 to 1 But I give it to him 'cause he didn't run I guess he figured, "man when you look at it in a nutshell All I got is a failed music career and My revenge is giving that shit to my son" Nigga I'ma flossy nigga They try to toss me nigga The 45th I get em off me nigga I block niggas Chris Bosh these niggas I got figures pish posh to niggas I dump niggas, jump, criss cross these niggas The pump leave 'em slumped, in the car seat nigga The skunk in the trunk was an awkward nigga That thought he didn't need to have caution with him A cornball with a Boston fitted I said hold up my nigga man this shit crazy You fucked AYLEK$ man that shit crazy Nigga said he out here running threesomes with the Nigga that's in court dealing with the kid cases I'ma hit a stain then I hit a bad one Pull up on the nigga hold em up for ransom I got five plaques this year, you did a whole song with Eminem and still don't even have one nigga Damn, my lil homie that’s a bad one nigga Really feel bad for you it's a sad one nigga Hold your head steady maybe you could have one nigga Hit me for a hook and maybe get a plaque young nigga Shout go out to Wayno and Ak my nigga Tomorrow they'll be talking 'bout you got smacked young nigga From the pack my nigga I'm keeping this shit a stack, my nigga That "Litty" verse was wack, my nigga They go hard my dawg, but I go harder nigga Atcha head with the fade like a barber nigga Try to come for the boat and I'ma harbor niggas Be smart like a Harvard nigga don't start with niggas And he got a problem with us But nigga, I know how to solve it nigga This is my son I'ma tell 'em like Star Wars, "Lucas, I am your father" nigga You a perpetrating, work for hire, twerk for payment Busta Rhyme impersonating, worthless baby, irks him daily Hurts to say it, burger flipping, birthed in 80s Tryna be a 90s baby, thirty something tryna chase it Tryna make it, rocks designer, kinda fakes it Hates to face it That he'll never be a nigga that be placed for A-list, niggas damn Here's what he's thinking right now "I'm Joyner Lucas, why did I start it with this guy? Tory Lanez coming back what am I gonna do this time? They ain't like none of my diss lines Everybody knows I can spit it in quick time Even if the lines is as shitty as 6ix9ine's But this time they ain’t really letting me get by Fuck I'm finna do with this shit now? Damn I know this nigga finna be wild Knowin' this nigga bout to kill me on it OD now Don't nobody ever wanna book me for a show I ain't got no songs when I go I spit freestyles Try to make songs 'bout depression But nobody ever get it So I take it out on popping niggas beats now I ain't never ever trapped I ain't never slung a gat But the world don't know so fuck it, I'm a G now" Man, what the fuck wrong with him? I know something wrong with him I got a hundred bunch o' bullets 'bout to put 'em all in him Nigga walked in with a hundred rounds in him And he's seen a nigga chicken I was comin' down in it Glock nine nigga gotta run around with it I'ma son a nigga, keep it at least one-a-round with it Backpack niggas ain't sellin' no records Better dumb it down with it when you come around with it
This shit is easy man Yo it's crazy nigga I'm really-, I'm really-, I'm really being very generous, you know? Like I'm really doing you a favor, it's not a lot of niggas in my status that come down just to, you know, to come down and spank you niggas, pause man It's crazy, but you know I'ma do for you what niggas didn't do for me - that's older brother status So if you blow from this point on, I'm your cosign nigga, you know what it is Ayy Slow, that's facts right? Big facts, word to Ralph, nigga, word to big Jevante too, nigga You know what's going on nigga-, you know what the fuck's going on, nigga One Umbrella gang, nigga
Joyner finishes off the battle with Kodak Black’s ZeZe beat but doesn’t necessarily finish Tory.
Ahh, shit Joyner!
Yo, nigga's saying, "What a great battle" But you about to see a fucking snake rattle Boy, you just a pony with a pink saddle I'm truly sorry that you stuck inside of Drake's shadow When are you gon' overcome? (Huh) When are you gon' level up? When are you gon' grow another foot? (Huh) When are you gon' show us that you number one? (When) And everything that you accomplished in some years about to take me just a couple months Don't you think I'm bluffing neither I thought you were tougher, eager (Damn) How you almost signed to Justin Bieber? You look like a fuckin' beaver (Haha) Ten years in the game but yo' ass still sittin' on the fucking bleachers Boy, you just another diva (Just another diva) Heard yo' grandmama kicked you out the house screaming "Tory, we don't fucking need you" Why yo' daddy up and leave you? (Why) I guess this is how they fucking treat you And you my puppet, you my Cousin Skeeter This ain't what you wanted, they been waiting for it I'm Joyner Lucas, what the fuck you niggas take me for (What the fuck) I pull up in a Demon but I kill Satan for it If you want attention Tory you gon' have to pay me for it All these hoes love me but you sucker niggas hate me for it You roll up on me, catch a shot at ya Mercedes door The bullets fly, you recline like a La-Z-Boy All you do is cry, you a child, you my baby boy You call yourself Tory after The Notorious Big (Yeah) Biggie turning in his grave when he hear yo' shit Don't ever think that you could ever come compare yo' shit Little girls and kids only ones who feel yo' shit I skipped the plaques on my way to a Grammy All your records soft and sweet, niggas think that you candy Your niggas really convinced you that you think you can scare me And you got identity issues, niggas think you a tranny, really? (Damn) Tory tell us why you always gotta lie in your rhymes (Why) I know keeping up with lies can get tiring sometimes You not a G and deep down you wanna hide sometimes Staring at the sunshine and start crying sometimes Your real name is Daystar, you been dying to shine And when you sing you kinda sound like you dying sometimes You make the type of tracks that had me feelin' silent inside Nobody take you serious, put all the violence aside Okay, let's talk about your plagiarism that you hate to mention (Yeah) Or talk about the hate you giving to the greats you dissing (Let's talk about it) And that writer who wrote yo' shit still ain't get paid on that "Don't Die" record You should probably go pay the nigga (Yeah, man) And how the fuck you talk about Kendrick when he a legend (Huh) Then go bite the nigga style on your record right at the ending On 4AM Flex 2 minutes and 50 seconds Sound exactly like the Art of Peer Pressure, go take a listen You inspired by the niggas you name dropped Catch fire in the rain, no umbrella to shelter you and no rain drops When I seen you on Flex, I gave props But then we found out you stole Don Q shit from the train stop You thought you were fly 'til the plane drop Ugly motherfucker tryna stunt in a tank top It's no wonder why they used to feed yo' ass with a slingshot You my son, this the last time I'll give you a Ring Pop Sit down, you on punishment And don't get up until you see me And don't even think about touching that TV No more video games, no more phone, no more 3D No more radio or boombox for your weak ass CD Matter of fact, give me your chains back and everything I bought you You a disgrace to this family and everything I taught you I hate to say it son but you make me sick I should'a knew you weren't shit when you came out with a baby dick It's no wonder why you pay for pussy Tory you think you slick All you do is lounge around the house all day like a lazy prick Shit, highly disappointed in you son, I need some answers How come you couldn't follow in my steps and be a dancer? Or maybe write a book like me or be somebody's grandpa Instead you wanna be a fucking rapper with some hair plugs No more rapping, give me your pen and paper No more lying to the people on how you the biggest gangster Now hurry up and get your juicy out the refrigerator You going to bed at eight o'clock and not a minute later No, I don't wanna hear it No, let this be a lesson Close your mouth and go into your room like I suggested I'm a get real Joe Jackson in a second Matter of fact, give me your toys, I'm adding that to the collection I just did a show and got it lit ya little nigga And my freestyles killing your originals nigga Couldn't name a bitch I couldn't get ya little nigga You a rebound, even Scottie Pippen know nigga You ain't from Toronto, put that on the Bible I put six hollows in your Ferragamo Nigga, you from Brampton, go spin the bottle Bitch I'm from New England, me and Brady in the El Dorado Now come get on my level, I'm hard as metal I bomb the ghetto, I brought the shovel I bury all of you little ninja turtles You Donatello, you soft as jello You must be gone off that Amaretto It's hard to tell 'cause you soft as pillows You fucking midget, I call you Willow I throw you out a fucking car window I step all over your Margielas, you caught feelings Yo' heart spinning, my bars illing I'm Bob Dylan, I'm John Lennon, I'm authentic Your bars running no off limits Don't talk business, don't talk, listen I'm off this so you fuck this you fuck! Nigga
What, nigga Fuck out my face nigga Ayy nigga look We gonna get one in, pause Let's not, let's not do this back and forth shit no more I, I think we know what's up, you know Ha ha ha, Joyner
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theworstbob · 7 years
yellin’ at songs, week thirty-seven
Complaining about songs I didn’t have to listen to, specifically the songs which debuted on the Billboard charts the week of 20 September 1997, 22 September 2007, and 23 September 2007
50) "On My Own," by Peach Union
The whole song, I was thinking, "You know, this is pretty Eurotrashy, but it's not as awful as most of what I've had to endure. There's a lot of awful elements, don't get me wrong, but on the whole, I don't mind it!" And then it turned out that this group is British! That makes sense. I, an American, would of course find the music of Britain more accessible than the music from other European countries. British dance music is basically Sarah McLachlan with record scratches.
60) "Me and My Crazy World," by Lost Boyz
I was promised a fun "day in the life" song, something in the vein of "It Was a Good Day." What I got was some dude or group of dudes saying they somehow brought two dates to the same dance -- oh no! Their attempts to make it our of the night with neither girl wise to his schemes will surely make for some grand comedy! "She thought that I'm some clown nigga she can scream on and talk to/I had to run her down the line this ain't no walk through/Now who the fuck you think you talkin to chick/Your complaining's makin' me sick." YOU CHEATED ON HER, YOU AWFUL AWFUL MAN! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU. THIS IS NO WAY TO THINK. Shit. I mean, shit! Just a light-hearted song, and suddenly you're tryna yell at her because you want a side piece. Absolute fuck is wrong with you.
68) "Avenues," by Refugee Camp All-Stars ft./Pras (w/Ky-mani)
Enh. I like the sample, but it's hard to imagine anything about this song sticking with me longerthan it takes to finish this sentence. Something about avenues? Yeah this is kinda nothing.
90) "The Way That You Talk," by Jagged Edge ft./Da Brat & JD
'90s R&B where the group of dudes wanna fuck me >>>>>>>>>>>> '90s R&B where dudes pledge their devotion and vow to protect me so that they can fuck me later.
71) "No One," Alicia Keys
I remember being a little put off by this song, just because I had watched "You Don't Know My Name" and "If I Ain't Got You" hella times on vh1 (I used to throw vh1 and MTV on in the morning before school because that's when they played music videos) and this was so different from those songs, but listening to this song now, I'm very angry that young Bob! robbed me of at least a few months of enjoying this song. This is amazing. It's still a weird song, I have no actual musicwords to back this I just always associate Alicia Keys with "intricate piano balladry" and it's my fault for never letting that bias go, but just the way the chorus escalates each time, the way she's proclaiming every single time that her love is undying is SO GOOD. Alicia Keys, man, she's a phenomenal songwriter. I can't think of anything she's made which I find disagreeable. I even stand with "Another Way to Die."
79) "Don't Blink," Kenny Chesney
"it is sad when old so young before you're old!" ~kennald chsenald
85) "Gimme More," Britney Spears
...You're right. When I thought this week was a clinch to win, I forgot that mid-aughts Britney was the least interesting Britney. I don't have a lot of love for dance-pop Britney. Or, if I'm being real, non-"Hit Me Baby (One More Time)" Britney. I don't know why I was excited for this song. It's not good! It's as bad, if not worse, than the average '90s Eurotrash song, it just has that brand name attached that made me forget for a second it was grating and repetitive and needlessly dark and Timbalandly over-the-top. What even is that interlude with all the dude voices just going "oh" for ten seconds. The track ends with the producer saying, "The unstoppable Danja. You gon' have to remove me 'cuz I ain't goin' nowhere." Danja hasn't had a major hit since 2009 and was last heard producing a universally panned DJ Khaled song. Congratulations, Danja, you played yourself? Is that, am I saying that right? Eh, fuck it, I'm about to admit I enjoyed a Good Charlotte song again.
88) "I Don't Wanna Be in Love (Dance Floor Anthem)," Good Charlotte
My headcanon is that Panic! At the Disco heard this song, considered what ill they had wrought, and decided to drop the ! and pretend they were the Beatles until they could be sure they couldn't influence something like this. I mean, you isolate it from the brand name, this is a solid dance-punk jam. It's over-the-top in all the right ways, I was shouting along with the chorus even in the peak "GOOD CHARLOTTE AREN'T REAL PUNKERS" days, and it's a sad song without trying to be profound about it. "You feel like shit, so dance it out!" this song says, and that's an agreeable message! But also Good Charlotte yelps the line "He was dedicated/By most suckas hated/That girl was fine but she didn't appreciate him" and if you're not embarrassed by that you need to think about the person you are in this moment. “By most suckas hated.” I’m being charitable by transcribing the line as if Joel Madden didn’t say ‘sucker.’ Criminy.
93) "Shawty Is a 10," The-Dream ft./Fabolous
this song is a 6 OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ...Is what I was GOING to say before I heard this song, which is refreshing! I found the way he pronounced "ten" unacceptable until I saw that the song was originally called "Shawty is Da Shit!" and now I only find it irksome, the lyrics are kinda enh, but that is a breezy summer day of a beat if I've ever heard one, Fabolous drops his best verse of 2007 so far, and The-Dream isn't nearly as nothing as I remember him being. Just a nice song about hot girls. Nothing to complain about, no sir.
94) "Fall," Clay Walker
"Doin' this and doin' that/Always puttin' yourself last/A whole lotta give and not enough take" ...I know there's no way for this song to be about what I just wanted it to be about and I'm angry that I let myself hope for better. "Fall/Go on and fall apart/Fall into these arms of mine/I'll catch you every time you/Fall" I'm so angry I thought this would be the song about a country dude agreeing to be an unselfish lover and eat out his girlfriend. Nope. He just wants her to cry in his arms so he can have her at his lowest moment and help build her back up so she'll continue associating "feeling better" with "being with him" and continue to blow him. I DARE one of these country dudes to make a song bragging about how good they are at eating pussy. I will buy a Brantley Gilbert record if he makes that song.
97) "How 'Bout Them Cowgirls," George Strait
et tu, possum?
4) "...Ready for It?" by Tay Tay
There is entirely too much punctuation in this song title, this song begins with Tay Tay clearing her throat, and she is rapping. No. Absolutely not. How are people defending this? How come Tay Tay fired the person in charge of telling her "no?" This song is excessive and I hated listening to this and don't think it's gonna come around. This is bad and I hate it.
77) "These Heaux," by Bhad Bhabie
1) No 2) Fuck anyone expressing an actual opinion about this song 3) This country is broken 4) How dare they 5) No 6) No 7) No 8) Please don't 9) At least it wasn't a third Jake Paul song! 10) But legit life's too short to waste on things you know you're gonna hate. Maybe next time a meme drops a track, don't listen? This song only exists because it wants you to hate it. Listen to something you like next time. 11) #77. Fuck's sake.
81) "Bad at Love," by Halsey
This song could use a sense of humor. The phrase "bad at love" is inherently comical; how can you be bad at a noun, silly, what a playful use of language! But to call Halsey extra is to imply that this isn't standard Halsey. This could be a playful song about a girl who's been fucking around (in more ways than one! /slaps knee) too long and wishes she could settle down, but instead it's a song about a girl who needs to be fixed, and what it actually is doesn't captivate me at all. Halsey: Almost being something I'm into since 2015!
86) "Greatest Love Story," by LANCO
A three-act play: "Hey! I haven't heard of this band/artist before! Yippee, new music!" /sees country videos in the 'up next' sidebar "At this point, I’m refusing to learn." "They said I was nothing but a troublemaker never up to no good/You were the perfect all-American girl, wouldn't touch me even if you could." Oh wow, apparently the greatest love story is the story literally every other country artist has told, well no wonder so many of them have told story! Because it's the greatest! MYSTERY UNLOCKED.
97) "Sky Walker," by Miguel ft./Travis Scott
That falsetto Miguel does when he sings "but don't wait to jump in too long" that only like maybe five people on earth can do is unreal. I brought up Miguel when I complained about having to listen to Bryson Tiller, but LEGIT why are we bothering with Bryson Tiller when Miguel can do that thing with his voice. This song isn't really that great, it goes about the same places as the average Bryson Tiller song did, but just knowing I would hear Miguel sing that line in that way kept me engaged enough with the song.
99) "Reminder (Remix)," by The Weeknd ft./A$AP Rocky & Young Thug
"Ain't no more Hanes on my balls, these are Kenneth Cole" is a fucking outsanding boast from Young Thug and why I think he's one of the greatest artists of his generation. The Weeknd's verse is hilarious, as well -- "I just won a new award for a kids show/Talkin' 'bout a face numbing off a bag of blow." It takes a special track to render A$AP Rocky the bronze medalist, but man, this song is just a good time and a half. 2017 isn't all bad! It's had more downs than ups in recent days, but this is some quality 2017 music right here.
100) "No Fear," be DeJ Loaf
I thought #AndSeeThatsTheThing was dope, and I was looking forward to hearing more from DeJ Loaf, and then I forgot she existed for /checks watch/ nearly two years!, and now here's this song which is kinda basic but also so good, just an uncomplicated, nice song about being a love, which, y'know, if you're gonna give me something uncomplicated, I'd rather hear something simple about love than any of the thousands of simple songs about darkness and evil. Also, apparently DeJ and that Jacuqees fellow from a couple weeks back released a joint album called Fuck a Friend Zone. Fuck a Friend Zone is, as you likely expected, a bunch of songs about fuckin'. I'll repeat a point I've made: '90s R&B never died, it just lost all subtlety.
Who won the week?
In a lot of ways, I feel “No One” is the only Actually Good song I listened to this week. “Reminder” puts up one hell of a fight, but “No One” is pretty much all 2007 needed.
Current standings: 1997: 13 2007: 12 2017: 12 Next week, 1997 throws us Boyz II Men and Mary J. Blige, 2007 throws us a heck of a lot of random junk (Kanye! Khaled! Feist! Backstreet Boys?), and maybe Kelly Clarkson for 2017? Maybe? Or will it be a thousand country artists, each more broey than the last? please just give me a good week, please, just, please
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