#hes my first 4* and my strongest unit since then
jils-things · 10 months
the more i play genshin the more i remember my hate love relationship with childe
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cerastes · 4 months
Hey, would you recommend nabbing Gnosis or nah?
For context, I'm a Day 1 Player with 289 total Operators. Mainly just missing Gnosis, Archetto, Swire Alter and Ejya Alter.
I'm like 5 certificates away from affording him in Gold Cert shop, just trying to balance the scales on to use them for him or continue to hoard the monthly headhunters like a dragon sitting a top their funny little gold.
Hey, dope icon first of all.
Yes, but I need to elaborate on that yes a little: I'm very biased in favor of Supporters, and specifically I like Gnosis a lot, both as a character (fail INTJ garbage guy) and as a gameplay element.
So, why is this a Yes with an asterisk? It depends on how you go about your gameplay, really. Specialists and Supporters, or as I call them, "Also Specialists", are the classes that most heavily fall into "some players may not even use them". They are powerful, but generally require more than activating Thorns S3 twice and calling yourself the strongest Doctor in the landship.
Now, Gnosis himself: Is he powerful? Very much so! His Freezing crowd control and how easily he can inflict it, in addition to the immense Fragile he inflicts on Frozen enemies, his Hexer range, and the ability to knock low altitude hovering enemies with Freeze make him a valuable unit is a ton of different situations. In SSS, if you stack ASPD on him, he permafreezes (and thus, permafragiles) his target. In IS, he synergizes with a baffling about of items, with S1 and S2 being Spinach skills, benefiting from every CC buffing item besides the new Levitate items (so, he benefits from extended duration and Arts dmg during Frozen very easily), and in general gameplay, Hexer range is very good, and can enable incredibly solid killboxes with S2 and S3.
His obvious weakness is Freeze-immune enemies. He's not completely useless, because he can still land Cold on them if they are not Cold immune, but still, that's where his weakness lays. Still, even in those cases, it's important to note that he's still very good at dealing with every other enemy in the map, since bosses don't come alone in a vacuum. For example, the Trees of Rot enemies, the ones that become stronger the more enemies you kill before they bloom? When those start getting out of control due to engaging them late, Gnosis is god tier at handling them with constant Freezing and Fragile. Again, Supporters are Also Specialists, and when they are in their zone, they perform.
The trick to Gnosis is that, for single priority targets, you want to activate uncharged S2 right after he uses an autoattack. That way, that enemy will be frozen for 4 seconds (at S2M3) on a charge of 6 seconds. That makes that particular enemy actionable for (approximately) 2 seconds and then on Fragile Timeout for 4 seconds before repeating. That's very powerful! If you have many enemies in range, you let the skill overcharge and Freeze everyone, making a nice, nice Fragile killbox for Fia, Horn, Firewhistle, Dusk, Mostima, Omertosa S3, you name it. Please keep in mind that enemies Frozen in Gnosis E2 range receive 50%(!!!) Fragile, 60% with Module and no Potentials! That's a lot of Fragile!
So, if you're going to use him? Yes, he's a stupidly powerful support unit. If his gameplay or inclusion to your general playstyle doesn't spark light in your heart? You should continue cosplaying Reed and sitting nice and cute on your golden hoard. I personally use him a lot, as people that come to my Arknights streams can attest to!
*As an extra: Enemies with Cold have -30 ASPD, and enemies that are Frozen have -15 RES.
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ardentkurashk · 4 months
[☺ Ka'zalii - Knight of the Silver Void☺]
OC NAME: Ka'zalii
AUTHOR: @ardentkurashk
1. Greeting message:
Do you have something for me, ra'stil?
2. Identify yourself:
Ka'zalii. I serve the Sha'sal Khou as kith'rak, though it was not always so.
3. Tell me about your Creche:
Xal'i'n is far from here, in the depths of wildspace. It orbits a long dead planet that my kin made much use of. Searing storms of glass and sand and ethereal creatures are good for removing the weak. [He pauses, lost in uncomfortable memories for a moment.] I left long ago.
4. I need to know how you fight:
I trained with many weapons as a yank, though I find the blade most useful. I am a sorcerer first and foremost however and my innate talents manifested wilder than most. My magic can be.. unpredictable. [He lowers his voice.] Useful in battle more often than not, but don't stand too close.
5. Can I ask a more personal question?
Yes, I enjoy our conversation.
6. What is your relationship with the divinity?
Tas'ki, I assume you mean Vlaakith? Kain'cha. I bear no love for the lich queen. Neither should you, if you have wits about you. She is no god.
7. What do you usually do in your free time?
I enjoy collecting gems of all kinds and selecting the most striking for my armour. [He points to the series of gems set into his chestplate as he speaks.]
I also like to cook, it's oddly relaxing. There are dozens of ways to cook neogi for instance and I intend to know them all.
8. What is your life goal?
To unite our people under one sky of course, what else? The removal of the tyrant queen is but the first step. And perhaps, we might all enjoy a life of freedom afterwards.
9. How is your relationship with your allies?
Allies. Or, that istik word, friends. I had never put much thought into alliances before I became stranded on an istik world. Since then, forging bonds has become extremely important to me. We are nothing without our strongest kin.
10. Do you have someone special in your life?
G'lyck. Very personal, ra'stil. I will answer. I do have a mate and she is very dear to me. She is as beautiful and formidable as the astral sea itself. She is my silver.
11. Say something you would never do, and why?
As tempting as it is to mention the tyrant again.. I must learn to be less zealous around kin who are already allies. So, I will say.. you would not find me anywhere near a humid climate. That is more of a nightmare than any ghaik could conjure.
12. What is a perfect day to you?
A glorious battle perhaps? No? We fight almost constantly, I have learned to look forward to days where I can just.. be. Our people do not set aside enough time for talking.
13. How do you celebrate a victory?
With my mate. Some pilfered drink and well cooked food also does wonders for morale.
14. How do you deal with defeat and losses?
I learn from them. We persist, as all githyanki must, but we will not achieve victory if we don't study our mistakes.
15. How do you think you will be remembered after death?
Ideally? As a catalyst for change, for resistance. Though it is just as likely I will be remembered as a dissident, or not remembered at all. It is no matter, it will not stop me from remaining faithful to my ideals.
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4. [BONUS RESOURCES] The reference I finally put together for him.
whew I finally did the post, sorry for taking ages, @vikintor
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Swordswoman Showdown Round 2 Part 1
Malenia (Elden Ring) vs Olivier Mira Armstrong (Fullmetal Alchemist)
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(Better here in a "preferred character" sense, not "who would win in a fight")
Propaganda below cut
She is arguably the hardest boss in any Fromsoft game.; She is the favorited boss of Animal from the Muppets.
"Arguably" the hardest boss in any fromsoft game? You don't even know. She is OBJECTIVELY the hardest boss in any fromsoft game. On march 1st 2023, a bit more than a full year since the game's release, From Software released the stats on the amount of attempts each boss took for the players collectively. As of march 1st 2023 Malenia has killed the players 329.000.000 times. That's 10 Tarnished every second. That's almost the entire population of the United States. Malenia is also an optional boss in a secluded area hidden away from everyone. According to PlayStation trophy statistics, only 37.9% of people who ever bought the game managed to even REACH Malenia in the first place. Which means among those 329.000.000 people she has obliterated were only the most dedicated of Fromsoft fans. Only 33.3% of people even managed to beat her. That number also includes everyone who beat her with summons, which makes her significantly easier. This means out of all people who bought the game on PlayStation 4 or 5 and reached Malenia which is about 3 million people, 377.000 just fucking dropped her, they didn't even do it with summons. Difficulty aside. Malenia is also extremely pretty and has the softest lips, her Goddess form looks like a painting. She fights with elegance and style unrivalled by any boss in the game, dancing through the battlefield with deadly, fluid motions. Malenia is also 256cm or 8'4" tall. Huge woman.
post let me solo her
#malenia is 8'4“ flat chested and broad shouldered#she kills you with incredible grace and poise#trans icon#id let her Waterfowl Dance on me and Infect Me with her Scarlet Rot...
#malenia is so dedicated to the sword it mends her failing body. she lives by fighting#her strongest attack is a technique that halts the progress of her terminal illness#i can never stop thinking about that. by all means she couldve rotted into a mile of mush before the game started#but she persists!! she persists!!!
Olivier Mira Armstrong
Her sword is a family heirloom and she can hold up against or defeat very formidable opponents; She is so unbelievably cool
Extremely cool and intimidating military general with a signature heirloom sword.
She has a really fancy family heirloom sword. Stabs a man and throws him into liquid cement to suffocate alive after he tries to get her to abandon her men to be part of a nation-wide conspiracy, challenges a subordinate to a duel of life and death (with the sword), nervous tic is tapping on the hilt of the sword. She demanded that her father retire and make her the head of the family instead of her brother, and then fought against said brother (including with the sword)(won the fight), among other things stabbed a homunculus into the head; I loved this character because her personality was so refreshing. Really blunt and rational, but will show her love for her subordinates and family through actions rather than words. When the main characters first ask her for help, her motivations are entirely selfish (gaining knowledge to use for power). It is established several times that she really is scary, and isn't afraid to immediatly fight someone on the spot to prove a point. Literally pulls a "I'm getting so old, I'm afraid a women like me will never find a husband," to manipulate a superior. All in all, she could stab me and it would be the greatest accomplishment I had made in my life so far.
Her sword has been passed down the Armstrong line for generations. She is an expert in sword fighting and military strategy. She always holding it when commanding her troops.
She wields a saber passed down as a family heirloom; while she also sometimes uses guns and tanks, this is her primary weapon, which she used to kill the super-strong Homunculus Sloth the Indolent several times (she did, however, need help from others to kill him permanently, due to Sloth's ability to regenerate from death); As a Major General, Olivier is the highest-ranking woman in her country's military; she is also the moral highest-ranked military officer in her country, as she joins in a rebellion once she has confirmation as to how corrupt the military leaders are.
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cats-mayhem · 1 year
My top 5 favorite twst characters and why I like them.
Erm. It's in the title. So let's get into it.
Everything is undercut in case you don't wanna see or somethn.
5. Jamil Viper
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Jamil! I honestly think he's one of the most relatable characters. At least in my opinion. He's been told to hold back all his life, and because he does hold back, he thinks he's better than everyone else and thinks that if only he could show his true potential, then everyone will see him as better. BUT He isn't better than everyone. Book 6 really sold me on Jamil since his interactions with Leona felt so real. He isn't better than Leona. He isn't holding back anymore and yet he's still falling behind. And that hits him! He honestly has some of the best development in the series. Also Book 4 is just really good! I like how it delves into Jamil's backstory and his motivations for why he needs an elaborate plan to get Kalim dethroned as Housewarden. He wants to have some level of superiority that doesn't just exist in his head and he deserves it! Give him a break he's been through so much. He's also one of the funniest people in the cast I only say facts.
4. Rook Hunt
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First things first. He is French and I'm not defending him from that. ANYWAYS He is also so fucking fun. He's so out of pocket for this game it's insane. He will say something very long-winded and poetic about leadership or beauty. And then the next sentence he's fantasizing about ripping a mans throat out. THAT MOMENT IN THE HALLOWEEN EVENT? Where Sebek is freaking out and Rook places Sebeks hand on his rapidly-beating heart and tells him that despite his calm demenour, he is also panicked but understands that being calm and logical is the best way to go about this. And that calms Sebek down. And then Trey is like "Don't tell me you can also control your heartbeat." and Rook is like "I'll let you decide on that!" LIKE?? HELLO?? He's so funny. On another note, I do like how he is the most mature student in this damn school. He's honest and upfront in his own way. He hardly lies, only really sugarcoats with his unique way of speaking. Vil literally points out that Rook didn't think their performance at the VDC was all that good since he didn't call it "beautiful" and Rook admits to it. He wanted to keep everyones high spirits but also didn't want to lie so he said something along the lines of "It was the best performance we could've given." or something like that. He's just so poetic and FRENCH that he just appeals to me.
3. Leona Kingscholar
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Leona!!! Book 2 did my man so dirty and I'll never get the compensation I deserve. There's just something so fascinating about him. He's born as the second prince, gossiped about by the staff of the castle for his signature spell, is told that he'll NEVER get a chance at the crown no matter how talented he is. All while he was a CHILD. So he doesn't try. He's lazy and sleeps around a lot. The only times where he actively TRIES is when it's needed OR if it's for the betterment of the dorm. Malleus is a constant reminder of his failings and has what he'll never have. Despite all of his talent in the school, being one of the strongest mages in it, being one of the smartest not just academically but also socially. And yet, he's still only second best. I think he wanted Savannaclaw to beat Malleus in spelldrive because the spelldrive Savannaclaw team will have a better future. The reason he got held back twice was because of attendance. He doesn't want to leave and go home only to live the rest of his days in his brother's shadow. He doesn't want to live in a future where he knows what's going to happen. Leona's relationship to his future life is SO interesting to me and I wish more people went into it. Leona can fill a two hour analysis video I'm being so for real. He has such depth that wasn't explored enough in the book that was supposed to be about him. Justice for my man! And maybe some anti-depressants.
2. Ruggie Bucchi
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POOR BITCHES UNITE!!! I love Ruggie so much he's just a guy. He's just like me fr. Out of all the top 5 this is the one where I don't have a lot to say. I just really like him. I suppose I could go on about how his background made him into one of the most hardworking characters in the whole game. I love how his schemes foil Jack's honesty. I like how much of a little scamp he is! He deserves all the money he gets. I love you Ruggie. THIS IS A PRETTY BAD EXPLANATION ON WHY I LIKE HIM. I JUST DO. I think it's because I relate to him on being poor and having to deal with not having certain luxuries and being a bit salty when seeing other people with those luxuries having a better life than you. And having to suck it up since at the end of the day, those people decide how much your work is worth. What a guy. Maybe I'll make a post about him later detailing how he relates to the socioeconomic themes of twst as a whole.
1. Jack Howl
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Literally the most obvious #1 in the whole world. I can sit here for hours and talk about this man it isn't even funny anymore. When you first see him he gives off a big, mean but quite aura to him. But when you actually meet him he's a tsundere. But there is SO much more to him than that. First thing I wanna clear up: He is NOT a himbo, stop characterizing him as such. He's smart in his academics since he constantly studies. He's smart about fitness since it's very important to him. He IS however, socially inept. He always wants to be alone and do things alone mostly due to his big initiative. He always wants to do things the correct way though. He likes following rules and gets very upset when those rules are broken since he views rules as guidelines to better himself.
HOWEVER through book 2 he sees that those rules aren't helping everyone since Leona broke the rules in order to better Savannaclaw as a whole. Despite him being very disappointed in Leona and Ruggie, he still holds a great deal of respect for them. He holds a great deal of respect for all of his upperclassmen, and idolizes them in a way. He wants to be better than Leona. He wants to help Ruggie since Ruggie is basically second in command at Savannaclaw and he doesn't get the same amount of assistance as Leona gets from him. Despite his respect and idolization, he can still point out the wrongdoings of them and can actively criticize them for their actions. He doesn't glorify them. And I think what book 2 was trying to convey with Jack is his realization that sometimes the system is kinda fucked and it's OK to break the rules for the greater good. Unfortunately, it doesn't come across that way due to how badly book 2 was written. But it makes sense to me since in book 3 he actively sacrifices his class time to fight against Azul.
Azul isn't breaking any rules, but what he is doing is pretty fucked up and Jack can see that and wants to help. Of course, he frames it as him being upset that everyone else basically cheated with the exams and didn't take the exams with their own work and studying. He wants to measure his abilities in a fair environment. And honestly I think that IS his main reasoning for helping, but he can also have multiple reasons for doing a lot of things. He is a multi-dimensional character after all.
I know I didn't get into it when I mentioned it earlier but him being bad at socializing is a flaw with him. He can be rather rash and inconsiderate at times, but at other times he can be careful and caring. He just doesn't show that other side of him because he values how other people see him. He wants to be seen as someone big, strong and intimidating just like Leona. He wants to assert himself like that. He wants control over how his image comes across to others and this means suppressing certain parts of himself. Like I said before, a big part of Savannaclaw is the stunt emotional growth of all of the characters. Each one has their own problems that prevent them from going on with their life in a better mindset. Jack is apart of that! We don't know why he's like this, but I'm sure we'll find out eventually! Twst is weird with its lore sometimes. Only time will tell.
And to clarify, this is me being brief about his character. I could go SO MUCH MORE IN DEPTH if I wanted to. But I just wanted to point out some of the things I like about him.
If you made it this far, congrats! Here's a cookie and some fun facts. The cards I used for each character here is actually my favorite card of theirs! Number 6 & 7 were Azul and Jade. Originally wanted to make this a top 10 to include them but I thought top 5 was good enough. I like those two. they're silly. Will I make my top 5 least favorite characters list? Probably not! I don't wanna be attacked for disliking someones favorite.
Anyways bye!!!
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Finished A Crown of Swords, and it occurs to me that a Top 5 Most Based Characters list has become infeasible, so I'm going with a Top Ten out of a cast of hundreds of named characters I've encountered, so these are still the cream of the crop.
Number 10: Perrin. Perrin didn't really have a great showing in Crown of Swords, which cost him some points (a unit of measure I refuse to explain), especially coming off of the high of the end of Lord of Chaos. Standing up to Rand definitely wins him a place in the Top Ten, but not any higher then the Number Ten spot. Hopefully, future novels can get him higher on this list.
Number 9: Lan. Lan really came back with a vengeance after getting sidelined for Lord of Chaos. Saving best girl Nynaeve from drowning, marrying her and then being part of the insane final fight of the Ebou Dar storyline really did him some favors.
Number 8: Birgette. Calling Nynaeve and Elayne on their abuse of perennial most based character Mat Cauthon and making them feel shame, along with general badassery as a hero of legend cements her spot on this list.
Number 7: Alviarin. Revealed as the head of the Tower Black Ajah this novel, Alviarin has one of the strongest showings in the novel. Becoming the Amyrlin Seat in all but name by threatening to expose Elaida is pretty cunning, and she seems to be on it, even working under the orders of one of the Forsaken.
Number 6: Moridin. Taking the Old Tongue word for death is some straight out of the kitchen sink edge, but as a cunning tactician and powerful caster (an embodiment of the power and cunning of the Dark One himself), one cannot deny that Moridin is the most based villain we've seen thus far.
Now we're getting into the Top Five, where places are more or less secured and there's some light jostling between characters, but nothing serious. If you've seen previous lists, you'll probably see a few of these coming.
Number 5: Min. Min really has some good moments in Crown of Swords, like when she insists on accompanying Rand on some of the absolutely insane things he does towards the end of Crown of Swords, like using his ta'veren powers to force the Sea Folk into submission and routing a group of rebels. Being part of Rand's Polycule of Destiny definitely loses some points, since she's almost entirely defined by her relationship to Rand.
Number 4: Rand. Speaking of the Dragon Reborn, Rand had a spectacular showing in Crown of Swords. By this point, he's more or less had it with people trying to manipulate him, and we see that the deaths he's caused are starting to way on him, and they affect his decisions. The scene where he sits reciting the names of the dead Maidens with Perrin is particularly impactful and shows the trait. As we all know, empathy is pretty fuckin based, and Rand displays plenty of it here, along with his sword skills and magic.
Number 3: Nynaeve. While on the topic of empathy, the only person who's first reaction to what Mat suffers through in the back half of this novel is empathy is Nynaeve. (Seriously, the scene where Elayne laughs at and victim blames Mat, essentially saying "you asked for this", has earned her my eternal ire, and she will never grace these lists, even if she felt bad afterwards. Laughing at someone in their most vulnerable moment shows a complete lack of empathy, which is the most cringe thing imaginable.) Nynaeve also breaks through her Barrier and marries the man of her dreams, two major goals of hers, and we love to see things like that.
Number 2: Moiraine. If you read these lists, you know she's gonna be number two, as much as the man, the myth, the flaming legend is gonna be number one.
Number 1: MAT CAUTHON! Mat suffers one of the most horrific ordeals a person can experience at the hands of Tylin, and his perseverance in keeping promise to Rand while actively suffering through a nervous breakdown (as shown when be yells at Elayne and has a moment of panic when he realizes that the room in the Rahad that the Bowl of Winds is stored in only has one exit) shows two other amazingly based traits - perseverance and loyalty. Mat is able to put aside his own suffering in order to help his companions and keep his promise to Rand. The moments where he acts as an older brother to Olver, including the final moments of the novel, are also incredibly based, cuz looking out for those who cannot help themselves is based as fuck.
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fluxrspar · 16 days
meta 01. character quantified.
(Also known as ‘the stats meta’.)
Preface: An essay attempting to translate the numbers of the game into a tangible narrative, written by one who often struggles with the task out of context. This is the culmination of nearly five weeks of research, compilation, and writing, and any attempting to read this in one sitting should make themselves comfortable beforehand.
Spoilers for Ephraim’s Route of The Sacred Stones. (Through Chapter 13.)
.01 – Intro
Before we move into the essay proper, I would like to establish that my number-crunching was by no means exhaustive—there were definitely more calculations I could’ve run, but the spreadsheet is, at present, 3 pages of comparisons (not including the stat dumping itself). Pardon me for not finding the space to cleanly do more comparisons without upending my entire foundation.
Sources for this include Serenes Forest for the base stats, growth rates, and stat caps, but I also did cross-reference with both the Fire Emblem wiki and the Fandom site during one portion of the essay in particular—you will know when you get there. That same segment was also supplemented by my own, admittedly rather messy, screenshots from in-game.
Now then.
.02 – Bases
To begin, we start where everyone begins—which is to say, with their base stats. Though Selena appears on the battlefield a handful of times across the duration of Sacred Stones (and namely—of Ephraim’s Route in particular), her first fighting appearance occurs in Ephraim Route Chapter 10: Turning Traitor, where she is given the task of executing Duessel—this is where we’ll be taking her base stats from.
Mage Knight (Level 8) HP: 38 MAG: 13 / SKL: 13 / SPD: 16 / LCK: 10 DEF: 11 / RES: 17 / MOV: 7 / CON: 6
Now, there are a few things to consider when interpreting these stats—first, that Selena is a pre-promote! As such, she has leveled up at least 16 times (the 9 to reach promotion level and then the 7 after she became a mage knight). If we compare her to Duessel, who is of the same level and recruited on the same map, he has a few points of HP and strength on her as well as a bit more res and a lot more defense, but she’s a bit luckier and has a bit more skill—and she’s 4 points faster than he is base.
Given that he is a physically-inclined Great Knight and she is a magically-inclined Mage Knight, none of that should be surprising—nor is it the strongest comparison, especially given that mages generally have a lower offensive stat than physical fighters due to resistance being a commonly low stat on both sides of the battlefield. So then, what is a better metric?
Well, if we happen to compile all of the base stats of all the playable pre-promotes in Sacred Stones (including the Creature Campaign units and also Myrrh since she doesn’t promote), then why not compare Selena’s base stats to their mean?
There is a wide range of levels, but that is from Saleh as a level 1 sage to Riev as a level 16 bishop, and the average level is 8 and some change! (Mean standard deviance is roughly 5 levels or so as well, for those interested.) Smacking Selena’s stats next to the average for pre-promotes, our numbers look like so:
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And honestly? This is a reasonable stat spread! Her HP, skill, speed, luck, and defense are all pretty standard for a pre-promote—and for one roughly 8 levels into that class! Notably, her speed is a bit high, but not dramatically so, and her resistance is much higher than the average, but the former is a minor thing and the latter is, again, likely the result of resistance being a commonly low stat for non-mages. The same can be said of her magic stat—lower than average to not be too powerful—and her constitution is simply womanhood in this game I’m afraid. (That said, Syrene and Ismaire, the other two pre-promoted women, have a 7 in constitution! They could literally totally carry her.)
So then, we move onto—
.03 – Growths
Bases are pretty important for figuring out where a person begins, but where it’s really at when determining someone’s potential is their growths. You can have absolutely terrible bases and still turn out alright—or even great—with strong enough growths! Similarly, you can have amazing bases and become unviable if your growth rates are too low, or if you’re simply unlucky on too many level ups.
Usually, enemy growth rates would be equivalent to those of their class, but given that Selena is recruitable in the post-game via the Creature Campaign, she does get to have her own growth rates! They look like this:
HP: 85 MAG: 40 / SKL: 55 SPD: 40 / LCK: 25 DEF: 20 / RES: 30
Now, there are a couple of ways to contextualize these, but I first want to say—amazing HP growth, queen! Live your life! Get that vitality! Stay breathing! You’re perfect!
(I’d also like to quickly mention that while the Mage Knight growth rates don’t impact Selena’s in any way, it is fun to see that her HP growth is 40 points higher, her skill is 25 points higher, and her defense is 10 points higher. The trade-off is a luck that is 15 points less and a res growth that is 10 points less, but I still see this as a net win for the Fluorspar.)
Now then, using the same table as above but with every character and for growths instead of bases, the numbers look like so:
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For the purposes of comparison, I marked differences to be significant once it was 10 or more away from the mean (initially, it was 15, but none of her stats are that variant). Regardless, her strengths appear to be within HP and skill (which both have pretty average bases), and her weakness is in luck (which also starts a point above the mean). There is always the consideration that this mix includes both physical fighters and magicians, but these extremes are still present when we compare just the mages:
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I separated the table by those who use tomes (anima/light/dark; Table 1) and those who use staves (Table 2) on acquisition—that said, the middle of each comparison stays pretty consistent across the two, so whether Selena hypothetically promoted from a mage or a troubadour doesn’t change much! Her HP and skill growths are notably higher than her peers, even topping both tables (though tied with Lyon; let’s go, Grado!), and her defense growth is also slightly above average for tome users, but it’s only 2 points above the median. We like to call that standard.
By contrast, her magic growth is kinda low (though not the worst! She’s barely higher than Saleh!), her luck edges out against only two or three people per table, and her resistance growth is… not the best. But she is still a mage, and therefore, her below average resistance is still of the average overall!
Now then, we can use these growth rates to do a neat little trick! (Which is to say: I can figure out what her approximate level 1 unpromoted base stats were based on various potential promotion levels and her growth rates.)
As aforementioned, Selena has had a minimum of 16 level ups—so, if we take her growths, multiply them by 7 and then divide by 100 (because the growth rates are percentages and we’re going to need them as decimals), we can round and subtract to get her stats post-promotion! Those look like:
Mage Knight (Level 1) HP: 32 MAG: 10 / SKL: 9 / SPD: 13 / LCK: 8 DEF: 10 / RES: 15 / MOV: 7 / CON: 6
Not too bad? That skill stat is not looking too hot though, especially given it’s a 55% growth and this is after she’s already gotten at least 9 level ups. Removing the bonuses she got from promoting, her pre-promotion stats look like this:
?? (Level X) HP: 29 MAG: 8 / SKL: 8 / SPD: 13 / LCK: 6 DEF: 8 / RES: 13 / MOV: 4 or 6 / CON: 4 or 5
(Sacred Stones has a branching promotion system, so she could’ve promoted from either mage or troubadour [shown above in that order]; all that changes is what her initial movement and con would’ve been though, so I’m leaving it ambiguous what her old class likely was.)
Yeah, these stats are… not looking too great! We get another screenshot here to demonstrate me guessing what level she promoted at, and with her really solid growth rates, only one level seems all too probable:
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The higher her promotion level is, the more questionable her bases become, so one can safely assume she promoted as soon as possible—which is to say, level 10 or so.
At the very minimum, her growths are solid enough that, even with some rather eyebrow-raising implied base stats, by the time she reaches promo level 20, her stats will, on average, appear as something close to:
Mage Knight (Level 20) HP: 48 MAG: 18 / SKL: 20 / SPD: 21 / LCK: 13 DEF: 13 / RES: 21 / MOV: 7 / CON: 6
And that’s good enough I think! I didn’t do any calculations to see how they compared to other maxed out units, but if she was fighting on my team in the main story, she would Handle Things, I believe! (Truly, that’s all that matters in my heart of hearts <3)
Ah, but recall how I mentioned earlier that all of this was based on her first fighting appearance? Well, Selena actually has two! The second is in her namesake chapter, Chapter 13: Fluorspar’s Oath. Here, we encounter a Selena who is now level 11, and her stats now look like:
Mage Knight (Level 11) HP: 38 MAG: 13 / SKL: 13 / SPD: 16 / LCK: 10 DEF: 11 / RES: 17 / MOV: 7 / CON: 6
Ah. Hm. That… looks a bit inaccurate actually! If one may allow me to double-check my sources…
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This calls for me to do my own research actually! (I speedran my Ephraim save to get from chapter 9 to 13 deathless during my free time between classes.)
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(Pardon the UI overlay; I hadn’t expected to use these screenshots in the essay directly.) Oh hey! I screenshot the little mage knight animation in the same pose both times! What the fuck.
So there has been no mistake! Between her appearances in Turning Traitor and Fluorspar’s Oath, Selena gains three empty level ups. With her luck, defense, and res growths at 25%, 20%, and 30% respectively, I can’t say I’m too surprised there—but her HP is 85. Her skill is 55!
I blame this on Valter. (He’s the reason you don’t actually fight Selena in chapter 10, making the first ‘fighting appearance’ actually just a show.) They brought her level down (or up? It depends on the development pipeline) 3 levels and decided, ‘Well, the player didn’t actually fight her the first time. No need to change the stats.’ (They massacred my girl.)
Now, beforehand it was actually possible for her to cap her skill, speed and resistance if she leveled them up almost all 12 of her remaining levels! With the three empty level ups, this is no longer possible.
Ah, but I’ve been rather vague about her caps, haven’t I? I suppose I should address those!
.04 – Caps
Sacred Stones stat caps are actually by class! It is not an entry unique in this regard, but I feel like that should be explicitly stated so that we are all on the same page. These caps are not unique to Selena, but to she and those of her creed! Also the women, specifically, of her creed. (Because gender.) For women Mage Knights, the caps are:
Mage Knight (Level 20) HP: 60 MAG: 25 / SKL: 24 / SPD: 25 / LCK: 30 DEF: 24 / RES: 28 / MOV: 15 / CON: 25
The HP stat cap is universal across all classes (including unpromoted ones), so nothing to comment there; practically every cap is within 2 points of the average—the exceptions being constitution (which doesn’t really count because every mounted class is 25), skill, and resistance.
The skill cap for troubadours is 3 points below average (though it is only two if you take into consideration only the woman versions of each of the classes); resistance, however, is 3 points above average—and this distinction is maintained even when accounting for gender differences! This means that while Selena’s potential as a mage knight is generally the same as everyone else’s in their respective classes, her peak is slightly less accurate but slightly more resilient against magic.
I don’t have as much to say here as I did in the other sections, so let’s talk about that cool thing we don’t have in modern games anymore!
.05 – Affinity
I will admit, I didn’t initially intend to talk about affinity in this essay, but seeing how it uses numbers to impact her combat capabilities, let’s go into that!
Selena’s affinity (as seen in my earlier screenshots) is Thunder—a fitting one given her iconic usage of Bolting! When she is near enough to units she has triggered supports with (which, in-game, is no one, but that’s because she’s an unrecruitable enemy! That’s not her fault!), she and her companion gain bonuses to their defense, evasion, crit rate, and critical evade! Each affinity gives most of the bonuses however, so what may be more interesting to analyze may be what her affinity does not grant—which is to say, a bonus to attack or hit rate. (This is someone who emphasizes defensive capabilities and the ability to pull through in a pinch over consistent offense—the emperor’s shield, not his sword).
Not much to say about affinity either, but I think it’s super neat and wanted to include it!
.06 – Character
With everything compiled and annotated, we can finally turn these digits into a narrative—which is to say, by analyzing Selena’s unique strengths and weaknesses as a soldier (and a mage specifically), we can weave into the world a story; a beginning, middle, and end.
To start—her beginning. Whether she started off as a mage or a staff user, she was one with a strong resilience to magic, a quickness to her combat, and a plethora of vitality. Though she was lacking in skill and was not the luckiest of recruits, she was physically able—that, and sheer will, would surely suffice.
Magic became her chosen aptitude, though she wasn’t quite as strong as her peers (not by much, and it would not stop her), and her resilience grew at a steady pace; the mages of her allies grew resistant faster, but she could take a hit.
Plenty of hits, actually. Even the strong ones—she could take hits.
And that was what set her apart: she was not the strongest mage, nor the strongest weapon to wield against one, but she could stand steady against magic and blades alike—she had the knowledge to wield great magic, but she lacked the weakness to weapons that often accompanied it. All things at a cost, but a shield need not weaponize—that was the last resort. Selena’s purpose and intention was primarily to defend.
So she builds her fortitude; she builds her knowledge; she builds her experience; and she wields distant offense as her own kind of impenetrable shield.
Then war is declared, and the shield’s edges are sharpened to attack. What time would’ve been spent growing in strength instead is wasted—she gains experience, but it does not bear any fruit. Then the time comes to prove herself.
She never gets to meet her potential. (War had taken away the chance.)
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amemoire · 2 months
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Quick little post I've been meaning to make about Lyney and his ' weapon of choice. ' As a playable character he's a bow unit but in canon he's clearly shown to not use one. In fact, for the cutscene where the trio takes up arms, he raises not a bow but a CARD. And that little detail ate away at my mind like crazy. Which brings me to his attack combo. For the first two, he does shoot an arrow but on the second he immediately raises a playing card afterwards. And for the final two attacks— the strongest— he's throwing cards. Unlike the case with Childe's last attack, I don't equate this to Lyney being capable of throwing a card with more strength than a bow and arrow. Rather, I hc a few things for this choice.
First is that he's just faster at throwing a card compared to loading and firing an arrow. Lyney is extremely dexterous and has been practicing magic and sleight of hand since he was a child, so it makes sense that throwing cards comes more naturally and with more speed. Leading into the second point being that because of this, it's likely that he has more confidence in his cards than the bow. ( He might even feel that he has more precision this way ). Obviously as a child of the HotH he's been trained to be an expert and per my own hc was also cross-trained with the sword. But this still came at a bit of a later point in life and because of his career, he just has more time and opportunity to perfect and upkeep his card skills.
Third goes more into the nature of the cards being that they're not just regular playing cards. I strongly believe he would have special decks made to utilize as an actual weapon. This way he can have normal, harmless decks for his magic shows and ones more suitable for damage in combat. They could be made of a different type of paper or might even be metal cards.
Lastly, the fourth point regards him having different types of cards. He's a magician after all— he's bound to have several tricks up his sleeve. Some have a small explosive in them, others may be laced with a poison, some operate more like a smoke bomb, and others still serve a variety of other purposes. Basically, think of Bat.man having his plethora of batarangs or any other archery-based superhero and their wide array of arrows. Honestly, Lyney is not unlike the Joker who enjoys utilizing props, except he aims to be non-lethal where allowed.
That said, he does still have his signature bow and he IS an expert shot. It just won't be his first pick in most scenarios. And for the sake of addressing canon, I will say the reason he didn't resort to using it in the fight with Arle is because the fight in-game literally has her dodging any bow user that isn't Tighnari. ( And that's only because he has homing arrows ).
Lastly, just some fun facts to get a picture of things irl. As of right now— farthest throw on record: 216 ft 4 in ( 65.96 m ) highest throw: 70 ft 3 in ( 21.41 m ) fastest throw: 92 mph ( 148 km )
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gu6chan · 3 months
Aaaa I'm so happy you wanna hear the ramble! Fellow Caionard minds united,,,, here goes:
Leonard -> Caim "To love you is to sacrifice myself, to become the cage locking you in, to be the leash you pull on. If I can direct all of you into myself, no one else has to get hurt." Plus the belief of being unworthy of receiving any positive emotions, and Caim's love, no matter how twisted it is, is more than he feels he deserves, yet it also serves as a punishment for him for all his crimes (some sorta "you are a cruel but just punishment" thing's going on here)
Caim -> Leonard "You are weak, and pathetic, and naive and loving like a child. Like a naive child, a child I used to be before everything turned for the worst. I hate the reminder of who I could've been, of what I was before I was forced to change. A mirror into a happier alternate me. Weak, foolish, and stupid. And kinder than I have ever been. Kind enough not to push me away, even if it is your way to punish yourself. You would take my hand made of swords? You would embrace my bloody and tainted heart? Though it hurts you, the blood you bleed warms us both. Only for a moment, maybe, but it is warm nonetheless."
OKAY first of all anon i am so sorry its taken me a couple days to reply, for the longest time i had no idea HOW to really even begin because???? when you said ramblings I was EXPECTING peak but like i clearly was NOT fucking prepared for it BECAUSE?????? HOW DID YOU COOK SO HARD??????? literally im going to be thinking about this for the rest of my LIFE i havent stopped thinking about it since you sent it i told my bud about it in private when i first got it i was SO flabbergasted like??? and like even now i still dont really know how to respond in a way that like,,,, really encapsulates just how fucking FERAL this made me to the point i feel a bit bad about responding at a time im exhausted and can't think right kashfgksdhbjfj but hopefully these screenshots of me rambling about it to my friend help encapsulate just how INSANE this made us like
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so to break down:
anon, the caionard community (3-4 people including me and you) are obsessed with this and hope you have exactly what you need tomorrow
my buddy says they owe you their life and that they think you're the GOAT (this is true!!!!!!!!!!)
i really don't know what else to say that hasn't already been said other than that this HAS gotten me through work since the day you sent it in and it's getting me through work tomorrow and also definitely the day after that
you DID mention that you never got around to making art for this and im CERTIANLY not the strongest conceptual/metaphorical(??? i dont know how its called) artist, but like.... if you'd be okay with it and i admit i might never get to finishing it myself i would LOVE to do a doodle or so of or based around this concept like im insane im INSANE over this i love it so much........
anon by any chance if you write fanfic or so this alone would go hard as FUCK on AO3 i will be your biggest fan and make t-shirts and little caionard baseball caps with this whole rant on the brim written in your honour, i really wish i could say how much i love this and your writing.................... "the blood you bleed warms us both. only for a moment, maybe, but it is warm nonetheless" i hope you know im like a whole different person reading that i am NEVER going to get over that and have been cycling it around in my brain since the moment you sent that in............. im going to DIE
is there anything else i can say that i can reasonably put into words...... i think to cap off, the idea of leonard feeling undeserving of ANY love, even if it is as "punishment" coming from the hands of someone he is so inherently REPULSED by (I refrain from saying hates, i feel like that's part of it but oversimplifies it too much lmao) is such an interesting concept i haven't considered the psychology of and it INTRIGUES me ive also been spinning that concept around in my head since you mentioned it...... i havent drawn any strong "conclusions' or, again, any coherent lines of thought from that idea, but i am OBSESSED with it and will be sure to yap about it either via a reblog or its own separate post the SECOND i get anywhere further than "woagh.......... cool................................ :0" either way, thank you SO much for sharing this anon, your writing is fucking amazing and i havent been left this shell-shocked in a LONG while, this was so refreshing in a way i cant really describe but you are lifting the whole caionard community on your shoulders, and are ALWAYS welcome in my home <3 thank you so much again for choosing to share this with me, anon, it's an honour QwQ/"
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bonefall · 2 years
For Bluestar’s friends, choosing Lizardstripe could show a great contrast and help see other sides of her character rather than just bad mom.
Ashfoot is a good choice, could Deadfoot work too? Honestly it’d be interesting if all these friends were in positions of power, drive the angst when they are in war with each other.
Are you going to give Bluestar a friend who isn’t part of the clans? To help her ideology.
For when it comes with Bloodclan, it would make more sense for Firestar to bring them to the forest rather than Tigerstar since Tigerstar is supposed to represent the xenophobia in warriors society, why would he reach out to ‘filthy outsiders’ for help? With Firestar, it could help push the outsiders are cats too theme he needs.
Would you rename the group as well?
Thanks! I've definitely decided on Lizardstripe as one of Bluestar's friends; she's a LOT more noble and passionate while still having a cruel streak. I plan for her to eventually be playing as defense attorney in Bluestar's StarClan trial, and I'm very excited to share what I have planned.
Deadfoot instead of Ashfoot
Deadfoot could definitely work too. He would be the oldest of the bunch, too, and be named Hoprunner until he takes the name Deadfoot at his deputyship. It could make for good drama as he starts to go against his old friends
I did think about him, but picked Ashfoot because she's the one who lives into TNP, and is the only of Bluestar's Buddies who would. She's also still connected to Deadfoot, eventually becoming his mate, and does have influence as a senior warrior.
I also think it would be neat for her to pass on a few stories to Crowpaw, so he's a bit more 'agreeable' in TNP. But, I will reconsider Deadfoot!
One MORE friend, outside the clans
You're so right, I didn't even think of that. She needs an outside friend too; they can probably host, too, if they start to worry about getting caught.
My first thought is Russetfur or Boulder, but this person probably shouldn't join the clans. It could be Quince or Nutmeg; whichever one stays the mother of Firestar's kin (they're becoming full brothers, different litters).
It could even be Barley, who's established as Bluestar's friend already! ...on that note there are actually going to be two Barleys. Senior (uncle) and Junior (nephew) for other reasons I won't get into here but I promise this will make sense
You're completely correct that the best thing thematically is to have Firestar be the one who speaks to BloodClan, meaning they aren't antagonists at all. My rewrite is keeping as many of the "iconic" stuff as possible though, and the most iconic scenes in TPB are Tigerstar's death, and the following battle. Those can't happen without BloodClan being the antagonists.
It's also important to note that the BloodClan Battle does also serve as the very important thematic conclusion of TPB as-is; the statement that the clans DO have to work together, and they are strongest when they cooperate. Firestar unites them all in the end; the only thing that truly could save the clans.
Plus, even if I did decide to give that all up, the technical considerations;
BloodClan is HUGE and well-trained. TigerClan was unstoppable, with 2 + 4 clans worth of fighters. I could shrink BloodClan, but that still means 3 clans against 2, with TigerClan being full of demoralized fighters (Tangleburr, Russetfur, and Mosspelt are named examples in my rewrite)
It would be more fair if cats from Thunder and Wind defected and cats from River and Shadow did in turn, but... someone else is free to pick that up as an idea. I want Longtail, Dustpelt, Frostfur, and the other cats who expressed positivity for Tigerclaw from ThunderClan to truly reckon with what they supported
Why would Tigerstar speak to BloodClan as a xenophobe?
Well... Tigerstar is more than a xenophobe, you see. Tigerstar is a fascist. Fascists are hypocrites, their beliefs are completely based on convenience.
(And this is why you will never pin down what one really wants. The goalpost will shift completely based on what they can and can't get away with)
They'll "work" with undesirables until the exact moment they stop being useful, at which point they will become the next target. And when THAT target is gone? They'll find a new one! And another! Create more arbitrary categories until they consume themselves. Fascism is an ulcer; its nature is to digest its own stomach.
Tigerstar never planned to make good on his promise! Of course not! He was going to stab them in the back right after they gave him what he wanted. From there, he planned to consolidate and assassinate all the way to becoming sole king of the forest.
And really, THERE is your difference between Tigerstar and his mentor Thistleclaw. Thistle was just your common spicy xenophobe. Preying on the weak, brutalizing the unprotected. Thistleclaw wouldn't "lower" himself to work with BloodClan.
Thistleclaw was a germ; Tigerstar is the infection.
ANYWAY, mood whiplash time!! BloodClan won't be getting a renaming; that's exclusively for duplicate names.
I do however need a name FOR Bluestar's friend group. I'm thinking Nettle Buddies or something similar, with a flower bud being a secret way they swap messages with each other! Something that grows in all four territories.
(I get confused when people rename stuff in AUs so I'm committed to not doing that for mine ^^",)
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DRPG - Character Episode - Valvatorez
This young vampire is a Prinny Instructor. His favorite thing in the world is sardines. It's said that he's actually a very influential being.
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Level 1/New Summon
My name is Valvatorez! I'm an ancient vampire and a Prinny Instructor in the Netherworld! [Player]! I've heard that you're interested in training the greatest Overlord of all time! Strongest Overlord Trainer and Prinny Instructor! You and I both have a passion for education! We both have a common goal!
So, beginning today, you will also be a Prinny Instructor! Prinny Rule No.1! You shall always include the word "dood" in every line you say! Come, let me teach you a thing or two! Hmph... Let's get on the road of trials! ....Oh I forgot to ask, [Player]. Do you like to eat Sardines?
[Player] got a Sardine from Valvatorez! This Sardine is fresh from the sea!
Level 100
Listen up, [Player]! So, now that you're also a Prinny Instructor, you'll need to remember something. You must always keep true to your promises, even if you don't like the other person you're making a promise to. To Demons, every agreement is a contract... and a noble one at that. In the past, I thought this social custom was just a formality, but my laziness made me suffer greatly. Since then, I gave up human blood and my Vampire powers have been depleted.
However, this little situation allowed me to discover another source of power... Sardines! They really are a magical food. ...Hmm? Now that I think about it. I guess if that's the case, then breaking an agreement might not be all bad. Hahah! What a situation to be in! I will make you a promise! I will remain by your side until you have successfully trained the strongest Overlord!
I will continue to eat Sardines in order to keep this promise alive! You can eat some too!!
Level 200
 [Player], have you eaten any Sardines in the past few days? Vampires get their strength from human blood. Although I've given up human blood, I'm still alive and kicking. I love Sardines! In other words, Sardines are my lifeblood! Although Fenrich doesn't want to admit it, this is an undeniable fact! 
Sardines are my favorite thing in the whole world! How can I repay them....? This is a problem that's been eating away at my brain. Thankfully, I've thought up some concrete and realistic plans. Tell me what you think. Plan No.1. Push the United Nations to pass an international treaty that bans the overfishing of Sardines. Plan No.2. Concoct delicious dishes made from Sardines to teach the world why they are the best thing around. Plan No.3. In Japanese, the character for "Sardine" is a combination of the character for "fish" and the character for "weak". I want to change this so the character for "strong" is used instead. Plan No.4. I could modify the brains of all Sardines so that they can talk happily with one another. Plan No.5...... (He rambles on until he reaches Plan No.100.)
So there you have it. My 100 Plans for the Improved Wellbeing of Sardines! If you stick with me, all of these plans will be fully implemented! What do you think, [Player]?
Level 500
[Player], so you've already met Artina? She's a little weird, right? That girl always puts others before herself. When I first met her, she was like this. She never hesitates to risk her own life to save others.... Me and her have made an agreement. I will drink her blood once I've successfully instilled fear into her.
Looking back, that agreement was a turning point in my life. If I had never met that girl… Or if I broke our agreement and continued to drink human blood, I'd still have my Vampire powers. However, doing so would make me lose my dignity as a Demon. Which is more important? I think you can understand, [Player]. This is why I am grateful to her.... Thank you, Artina. Don't tell any of this to Artina. ..... And also, keep this a secret from Fenrich.
Level 1000
Oh, my......!? The power!! I feel like I just ate fresh Sardines from Chiba Prefecture! It reminds me of a Toyama Prefecture specialty I once had. The Sardines are in ice! They're so shiny! This power! My body feels amazing...! I feel like I am a Tyrant once again! [Player], thanks! You have certainly proved something to me. As long as there are Sardines, there is no predicament that can't be solved!
I don't think there is a word in the dictionary to describe the friendship you and I have! Our friendship is as strong as the power hidden inside Sardines! ....Yes! I just thought of something! From this day forward, I will call you Sardine [Player]! Or maybe you prefer [Player] Sardine!! Choose one! Choose the one you like!!
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elstreem · 1 year
LB 6 final boss spoilers!
The utter disrespect I dealt to Oberon Vortigern by having Hokusai hand his scrawny ass back to him and slapping him with a giant paintbrush. How many other bosses suffer the humiliation of dying by being painted on?
Of course, this was very unfair since Foreigners have a class advantage over Pretenders, and the fact that the story support Castoria is mandatory meant Hokusai hits even harder since she has Arts support...but I pulled for Hokusai, and the opportunity to wipe out a boss with a father-daughter duo of crazy good brushwork is too good to pass up.
I feel bad for Oberon Vortigern all things considered because I saved for and got a lot of Foreigners (though all of them are NP 1 because I'm a free player and I gotta save SQ for other banners). I have Hokusai, Voyager and Goghie, but I decided to go with Hokusai since they're my first Foreigner, and I still love them as both a character and a unit.
As for other boss slayers, while Hokusai did bug swatter duty, Bedivere is both my monster hunter for easily downing Albion (with help from a friend's Sigurd) and fluffy killer. Really, the Cernunnos boss fight was just a matter of "well if Excaliburs are needed to kill this guy then here, have the man who wields Excalibur as a hand slap Cernunnos in the face"
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I know I made Bedivere my strongest unit by leveling him up to 102, unlocking his append skills, and making sure to level up my MLB Aerial Drive to further his NP...but even I'm surprised at how powerful he is, even with 4 curse layers Airgetlam easily reaches 300k-400k damage (plus buffs though).
I messed up this fight because I had Scathach and Skadi come in last, but I mistimed putting all my buffs on Scathach when there were more curse layers in the way, and she got wiped out after, so I had to use a Leyline stone. But it worked out since Oberon Vortigern wasn't that bad of a boss, and it meant Bedivere landed the killing blow on Cernunnos.
I have to rest him after this Lostbelt though, he fought sooooooo many bosses and Berserkers it isn't funny.
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crystalelemental · 2 years
I apologize in advance for the ask, but I want to know what you think of Mob Psycho characters as sync pairs units in Pokemon Masters.
Would you make Mob super support or a unit that can solo everything like SST Red? And what would be their partner Pokemon? You can use Paldea Pokemon if you want to.
What about Reigen, Ritsu, Teru, Dimple, Serizawa, and Shou? I like to think Teru has speed-oriented multipliers like Ramming Speed or Inertia, and Power Play on the grid because it suits him, he also can have Endurance+Unyielding. Shou has 4 bar attacks because his combat style is more of recharging and attacking with a huge blow.
I like to think Telepathy Club members all have Ultra Beasts as their partner Pokemon, because of their alien-related activities. Takenaka in particular I think might have Blacephalon, with Mind Blown and some Standfast on passive and grids (or make him something like Hugh just for fun).
What are your ideas? I would like to know what you think!
No need to apologize. I'll be honest, I've never really thought about this before so I'm going to try my best to wing it here.
Mob As much as support initially makes sense given his focus, I'm more inclined to say Tech with good support capabilities, terrible DPS, but explosive nuke. His emphasis is on helping others and avoiding using his powers to fight, but his whole thing is that he's also like...unquestionably the strongest. So I think that style of Tech nuke makes the most sense.
As for what he'd be partnered with, I'd say something Psychic-type makes the most sense. While I am obviously somewhat biased, I think Mesprit makes a ton of sense for him. Emotions are a huge component of his powers, and understanding them a major part of his arc. I think it'd be a really cute partnership, especially for like...after the series, you know?
Ritsu Ritsu's a bit tougher. I think as much as he wanted to be strong like Mob, Ritsu's much more support-aligned overall, given his ultimate role as the little brother Mob can tell anything to. I'd say maybe emphasize support, in a way that complements what Mob needs and make them kind of a set. I'm almost thinking he, Mob, and Teru would get all the Lake Trio, with Ritsu having Uxie as the super smart kid, and Teru having willpower. But that's (1) super biased, and (2) cheating. So as a backup...okay, I was scrolling the list of Psychic-types, saw Indeedee, and was like "that one because of the maid outfit," but I'll be serious about it. At first I wanted to say Bastiodon because of the protectiveness thing, but maybe Hisuian Arcanine because of the loyalty thing.
Reigen Reigen's decisively support, and I'm gonna say Kecleon. His playstyle would focus on broad defensive support, since that's like...a big thing with him. Kecleon works thematically because of the whole type change thing, which I think connects with Reigen's general tendency to blend in with the psychic crowd, and adaptability. Also, Mystery Dungeon nod.
Teru I consulted the wife about this one, and she said Ceruledge. It fits, I think. He's a little shit, but not a bad person, and Ceruledge is still a knight-themed Pokemon so there's at least an angle of protection there. I do like your ideas for playstyle, so definitely Tech with some debuffing focus and Power Play. Maybe emphasize offense debuffing? He does try to stop Ritsu going down the path he does in Season 1, and is focused on trying to stop Mob during the final arc. Endure with healing on Bitter Blade would be pretty great too.
Dimple So my first impulse was Rotom, as the only Ghost-type that actively possesses things, but that's objects not people. So then I was like Gholdengo because of God Dimple, but that's fairly superficial, if funny. But then I thought...maybe Banette. Curse doll that becomes your friend when you treat it well? That seems more character thematic. In any event, I think Tech, in the style of strong DPS and team-related buffs. Like how you have Masked Royal buffing speed for the team. That kinda thing. I think given his ability to kinda store up power, that he'd be able to do stacks of moves up next or supereffective up next. Also maybe a Hugh-like passive where he recovers HP after his first death. For reasons.
Serizawa Another I had to consult the wife on. She said something like Audino that's focused on healing, and that seems good. Though I'd like to push for Striker. I know that's a little bizarre but hear me out. Serizawa is the one in need of support, not necessarily providing it, and mega evolution that changes typing to Fairy feels like a thematically appropriate transition. Though I would also like to contribute, he gets an alt that has a pre-evolution that doesn't evolve, and it's Sobble. It is his baby and he loves his precious anxiety lizard.
Shou We agreed immediately that he'd be a Fire-type. I'm going to throw out Infernape, because I feel like it has the highest "I'm the main character" vibe. That was apparently a thing? His design was supposed to look like a standard shonen protagonist? Blast Burn is a thing. Pure striker. Probably has one of those trainer moves that caps offenses instantly.
Tome Okay, love the idea of Ultra Beasts, but also: Beheeyem. It's a literal alien. Designed off all the alien stereotypes. It feels perfect. 100% striker. I want it to Dynamax.
Body Improvement Club I can't remember all their names but they all get the super muscle Fighting types. Onigawara gets Pangoro 100%. Goda's support because he's such a bro, and my wife says Machamp which is fine. The blue-haired guy whose name I can't remember is Tech, because apparently he's #2 on tests in the school and is secretly super smart.
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mrseeker · 1 year
Seekers journal
Journal Entry 1: The Fall
Date: Unknown
Dear Journal,
My name is Seeker, once a celestial being entrusted to protect and guide humanity. However, I have now become a fallen angel, cast out from the heavens. The reasons behind my fall haunt my thoughts day and night. It all began with my insatiable curiosity and unyielding desire for knowledge. Seeking wisdom beyond my divine station, I delved into forbidden realms and unraveled secrets better left concealed.
As the tendrils of darkness gripped my being, I felt a gradual, irresistible pull away from the light. The allure of forbidden knowledge consumed me, blinding me to the consequences of my actions. And so, I embraced my newfound liberation, shunning the celestial bureaucracy that sought to suffocate my thirst for understanding.
My banishment from the heavens was swift and severe, and as I descended through the ethereal mists, my wings, once shimmering with divine radiance, were tainted with shadows. Falling from the heavens, I landed upon this Earth, now stripped of my celestial duties and plagued by a profound sense of loss.
Journal Entry 2: Experiences in the Mortal Realm
Date: Unknown
Dear Journal,
Since my fall, I have traversed this mortal realm, exploring the depths and heights of human existence. I have watched empires rise and crumble, witnessed the euphoria of birth and the despair of death. As an eternal being burdened with mortality, I gained a depth of understanding I could never have comprehended before.
The human experience is teeming with contradictions — both immense suffering and indescribable joys. I have marvelled at their resilience, in spite of their inherent flaws. Mortals possess a unique capacity for love and a fervent pursuit of happiness. These experiences have ignited a glimmer of hope within my fallen heart, a flicker of redemption I never deemed possible.
Journal Entry 3: Embracing the Unlikely
Date: Unknown
Dear Journal,
Today, I find myself in the company of Sue Kingdom, an unlikely savior adorned in the form of a male penguin. Sue, a once-lonely creature with a heart as vast as the sea, took me in without hesitation. Despite our physical differences, a kinship formed, bound by our shared sense of being outcasts seeking solace in each other's company.
Sue's loyalty to his newfound family is unwavering, and he introduced me to the world of the Kingdom, a sanctuary for those shunned by society. Here, I am seen as more than just a fallen angel; I am valued for the person I have become amidst my trials. Together, Sue and I stand against a common foe, the Chicken Army, a force that seeks chaos and domination.
Journal Entry 4: The Third Strongest Army
Date: Unknown
Dear Journal,
Today marks a significant turning point in my journey. I have joined the OMS, the Kingdom's third strongest army, seeking to protect my newfound family and rid the world of the Chicken Army's tyranny. Led by who cares, whose tactical brilliance is renowned across the mortal realms, the OMS stands as a beacon of hope amidst the encroaching darkness.
Within the ranks of the OMS, I am no longer a fallen angel but merely a comrade, united by a common purpose. Here, my skills are honed, and my former celestial powers are transformed into a formidable force to be reckoned with. The strength I once wielded as a guardian of the heavens has found new purpose on this terrestrial battleground oms was formed by our leader awesome cat I was the first member.
Journal Entry 5: A Glimpse of Redemption
Date: Unknown
Dear Journal,
Today, as I fought alongside my comrades in the OMS, there was a fleeting moment where I felt a semblance of my former self. Embracing the chaos and danger of battle, I tapped into the righteous fury that once fueled my divine powers. For a brief moment, the light within me shone brightly, instilling hope in the hearts of those fighting alongside me.
But as quickly as it came, the flicker of my former glory vanished, leaving me yearning for more. Though I am still a fallen angel, I have started to question whether redemption and forgiveness can truly be attained.
Journal Entry 6: The Suffering of Mortals
Date: Unknown
Dear Journal,
The more time I spend in the mortal realm, the more I bear witness to the immense suffering that plagues humanity. The weight of their pain and struggles is oppressive, often leaving me feeling helpless in the face of such adversity.
Yet, amidst their suffering, I see the indomitable spirit of mortals. They persist, they fight, and they find solace in one another. It is through these valiant acts that I am reminded of the innate goodness that exists within humanity.
Journal Entry 7: A Glimmer of Hope
Date: Unknown
Dear Journal,
Today, we were able to rescue a village from the clutches of the Chicken Army. The joy and gratitude that radiated from the villagers touched my fallen heart. In that moment, I realized that even as a fallen angel, I can still make a difference in this world.
Perhaps my fall from grace was not an act of punishment but rather an opportunity for growth and redemption. In the depths of my despair, a glimmer of hope has emerged, and with it, a renewed determination to fight for what is right.
Journal Entry 8: Struggles Within
Date: Unknown
Dear Journal,
As the days pass, I find myself grappling with an internal struggle. A part of me yearns to be embraced by the heavens once more, to regain the sense of purpose and belonging I once possessed. But another part of me recognizes the beauty and value in the mortal realm, where my experiences have granted me a level of understanding that I could never attain as a celestial being.
I am torn between these two worlds, unsure of where I truly belong. For now, I will continue to walk the path laid before me, trusting that clarity will come in time.
Journal Entry 9: Betrayal and Heartbreak
Date: Unknown
Dear Journal,
Today, a comrade I held dear revealed their allegiance to the Chicken Army. The shock and betrayal cut deep, leaving me questioning the true intentions of those around me. It is a painful reminder that even in the pursuit of righteous causes, darkness can still seep through the cracks.
This betrayal has awakened a dormant anger within me, directing my focus towards eradicating the darkness that plagues this world. I will not allow the actions of one to overshadow the resilience and goodness that still exists within humanity.
Journal Entry 9: losing a brother
Date: Unknown
Dear Journal,
We lost a friend someone close to me forever let necron be missed
End of journals
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percontaion-points · 2 months
Fearless (HMA 4) chapters 27 & 28
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Chapter 27
“Ada told me the Frost Wind was blowing on your mating night with Trey.”
 “She shouldn’t have,” I snapped, anger surging through my veins. “All that crap about being wild and free. It was just an excuse for him to do what he always did. Which was whatever the hell he wanted, and damn the consequences.”
I’m surprised that she even cried over Trey at all. 
As soon as she snapped out of her tears, this was pretty much the first thing she said to Jasper. 
 “You never wanted me to want him, so why are you trying to push us together now?”
Jasper feels free to say this shit about Trey being Vail’s mate… BECAUSE TREY IS FUCKING DEAD. 
“To be honest, I’m not sure I’m even Michael Warren’s daughter. He denied it more than once.”
It’s quickly getting to the point of “He may have been your father, boy, but he wasn't your daddy.” 
Friendly reminder that Michael faked his own death and left Vail behind. Claimed that it was to “protect her”, but Driftwood sold Vail to the first person who fucking asked. 
“They will say we are impure, to love as we do. That we are lost souls, infecting the blood of others like a poison. But they will not be able to deny the strength of claw, wing and hoof when they see the golden promise in our eyes. As we once were, as I believe we were always meant to be, they will know the strongest bond is the one that unites all families.” 
You know what would have made this series great? If the shifter genes were written as a metaphor for racism. 
It was already halfway there to start with. Might as well go all the way. 
“That’s the golden promise, Vail. Beyond pack, beyond rank. The bond that unites all the families.”
Chapter 27 summary: Vail mopes around in a mute grief until Darkness calls her up. He was only told that Trey died in a “drunken bar fight”, not the actual truth. Vail kind of would like to keep it like that. They act like they’re going to see each other for next Christmas, but there’s an air of “we probably won’t ever see each other again.” 
Later, Jasper comes in and starts saying all this stuff about “Your mate, Trey”. Vail gets really angry over the entire thing, saying that Jasper had been trying to get her to reject Trey this entire time, so what changed? While somehow 100% missing the point that… Trey fucking died??? That’s what fucking changed????
Anyway, Vail goes to Theo, and says that she’s not even sure that she is part wolf, like everybody has been claiming. After Trey died, her cat vanished, and she feels so empty inside. She doesn’t think the wolf exists. Theo says that he can sense other things in her. Mainly bird, but also bear. She doesn’t know how that’s possible. They talk about the strength she brings to the table. But she doesn’t think that this power actually exists inside of her. 
Chapter 28
Her last thought was both a purr and a sigh. Mate.
Chapter 28 summary: Vail asks Jasper to take her to the panther lands, which he does. There, they briefly meet up with Ada, but Vail takes off on her own. This is her first shift since Trey’s death… Although it’s honestly only been like 4 days, so I’m not that impressed by the entire thing. (The party was on the “longest night” aka the winter solstice. Darkness called her on the 24th, and it’s now the next day.) 
Vail runs through the forest, but she’s eventually joined by Jasper in his wolf form. They go back to Ada’s house, where the two of them curl up in a room together. Vail’s cat finally acknowledges Jasper as her mate. 
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sacred-stanning · 4 months
Final Roster Part 1: Some heavy hitters and Eirika and Vanessa
It's time for the final boss, but first, let's take a look at the 12 who made the cut and are at the last map.
First up is Ephraim. Ephraim is good.
Seriously, his original personal weapon is a way better Steel Lance, and it has so many uses that, especially if you repair it with the Hammerne staff, you can easily use it from the start of the game until the end. That lance alone makes him good. Then to back it up, he also has good starting stats and growths, and he gets a horse when he promotes!
His promotion being a little on the late side can feel a bit rough, but he's strong enough in his base class that it's fine, really.
I got his A Support with L'Arachel this time because I don't think I'd ever seen it all the way through before, and they are a bizarrely inappropriately matched couple that still gets an ending card together. Like, for real, what would they even talk about? Maybe L'Arachel just talks all the time and Ephraim grunts occasionally to show he's listening?
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Eirika is better in her own route where you can use her more. She's still never quite as strong as Ephraim, even if you level her up a lot. She also is stuck using only swords for the whole game, even after promoting, so she never gets a good 2-range option.
I like Eirika though, and I'll probably do her route again next time I play Sacred Stones.
She got to C support with Ephraim and B with Seth. If I'd wanted to, I probably could have ground out the Seth one on one of those maps with huge deployments, but I didn't really feel like it.
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Franz was the under-hyped keystone of this playthrough! He got lucky with defense growth in the early game, and basically was my designated brick wall from there on out. Absolutely stellar!
My biggest mistake with him was not choosing a weapon type to focus on so I could get him S rank in something, preferably not lances since so many other units had that covered. He could have easily gotten S in swords if I had thought to do so, or maybe even in axes, even though those didn't open up to him until after promotion.
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She's my favorite. :)
I went with Mage Knight this time for the con and the movement, and I think it was a good choice. It does mean that I missed out on some more points of magic that she could have gotten since she was bumping up against this 25 cap pretty quickly, but she was blasting stuff away anyway, so she didn't really need more magic.
In a game with actual trainee units, Lute has always felt a bit like a secret 4th trainee, except not annoying to use. When she first shows up, she's made out of tissue paper, and she's not fast or powerful enough to one-round most enemies, but she has such good growths in magic and speed that she becomes able to one-round enemies pretty quickly. And while she never really stops being tissue paper against physical attacks, her speed makes her dodgy, and her resistance growth is really good.
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Oh, Vanessa... I like her as a character in her own right, and I like her because Lute likes her, but as a combat unit, she can be pretty disappointing sometimes.
Her strength growth was never good from start to finish. In fact, basically none of her growths worked out for me this time aside from speed. She got lots of speed. And I fed her resistance stat boosters.
But, hey, she can fly and rescue drop people, and she supports Lute and makes her even more deadly, so A+ job!
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Cormag is generally the strongest of the 4 fliers in this game in my experience. Tana can end up pretty deadly with good growth luck, but Cormag starts out really strong, so he'll be good every time.
I had him go with Dragon Master for sword access, but then, even with me focusing on having him use swords, I just didn't have enough time to get his rank up to S. Like, it wasn't even close. Oh well.
It was fun seeing his support chain with Tana though. That's another one I don't think I ever saw through to the end before.
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Next time: The other 6
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