#het einde
twafordizzy · 7 months
Dorrestijns ode aan de koperwiek
foto: Louis Fraanje; bron beeld: develuwenaar.nl Ik denk natuurlijk steeds vaker aan mijn einde. Dan vraag ik mij af wat ik het ergste zal missen. Hoog op de lijst staat de glimlach van knappe meiden, maar dat is geen kunst. De partita’s van Bach zal ik missen en van Stravinsky het Capriccio voor piano en orkest. De gedichten van Achterberg en Lucebert, de grappen van Teeuwen, de schilderijen van…
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schizononagesimus · 2 months
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pu-butt · 2 years
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k3fanblog · 1 year
Nieuwe clip?!?
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witchycitrine · 1 month
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transsexualprophet · 2 months
✒️✒️✒️✒️✒️✒️✒️✒️✒️ hiii baby
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heartyearning · 1 year
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😭😭😭 dit is zoooooooooo ambetant dit is echt zo vervelend hier heb ik nu echt geen zin in... ook gewoon zo stom want je zou denken dat een 13 in het eerste sem zou meetellen naar het 2de sem toe like ok ja ik ga eerlijk zijn door een misverstand van studie materiaal heb ik wel en zeker niet mijn volledige vak gestudeerd maar in my defence. ik wist dat toch niet !!!! die gast had zo hoofdstukken van filosofie boeken laten afprinten door de school bib en ik ging ervan uit dat ik die teksten online zou kunnen terug vinden (yk geen hele stapels papier gaan laten afdrukken) maar dat was dus niet maar niemand van mn vriendjes had door dat ik dit niet door had en dat je dus echt naar de bib moest gaan en erom vragen EN met de kostuum afdeling hebben we zo elk jaar tijdens de pre-examen periode mandatory fun day (dat natuurlijk nooit op een normale manier gepland wordt) en dat was de dag voor dit examen en like UGH het is allemaal fine het is één examen ik ga er niet van dood maar ik heb dit gewoon echt niet nodig. UGHHH ik ben hier pissed over. meer dan dat ik dacht dus.
#btw staat allemaal op 20 voor m'n dutchies#wel happy met die 17 van kunst & cultuur geschiedenis <3 van bob <3 we krijgen daar geen specifieke feedback van#wat ik op zich wel snap want die man heeft 180 studenten overheen 2 jaren#maar ik zou wel heel graag willen weten wat hij vond van de eindvraag#hij had zo gezegd dat we allemaal iets moesten voorbereiden van kunstwerk analyse#en dat dan op een of andere manier bij zijn lesmateriaal moesten kunnen passen#en ik had voor de les 'verzameling' over het gedichtje geschreven 'ode to the instagram account transport trucks with the word trans in the#- name' (of zoiets in ieder geval het is gemaakt met screenshots van die insta pagina)#en bob is zelf ook dichter en houdt heel erg van onverwachtheiden en als je echt zelf een interesse toont in specifieke kunst#en ja daar had ik het dan over en ook nog op het einde kon ik niet kiezen tussen dit gedicht en een artikel uit the journal of recreational#linguistics wat hij zelf waarschijnlijk heel leuk had gevonden dus dat heb ik dan nog buiten de word count er bij gezet#gewoon als aanrader cause again he likes that#en ja idk niet alleen voor feedback hoor ik zou gewoon heel erg graag met hem een keer koffie doen of zo#maar goed 17 is echt heel hoog trouwens dit is weer zo'n systeem waar niemand boven 18 haalt#en op zich ben ik blij met mn andere punten#en ja die 18 op voorstellingsanalyse da's omdat die prof met pensioen gaat en die wou zelf lief zijn#love hem ook echt spijtig dat hij & kostuumtekenen nu op pensioen zijn#maar goed. dit stoort me. vooral ook omdat dit dan in augustus is#en dan ga ik me daar over stressen terwijl ik in augustus me al ga stressen over wat ik ga doen#om geld te verdienen etc etc AURGH dit zou ook geen probleem zijn als stages betalend waren
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atevegter · 1 year
2923 Paal 9
Eerst maar eens koffie. De Senseo pruttelt naar hartenlust en ik breng Lief haar eerste kopje. Het is bij Senseo altijd de vraag of je je precies aan de dosering houdt of dat je het toch liever iets sterker wil of iets milder. Overwegingen die je tot op het laatste moment kunt veranderen, daar hou ik van, net als gisteren wanneer we met het hele gezelschap van 15 man gaan eten bij Paal 9 en ik…
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madeliefkrans · 1 year
eindelijk beef aan het kijken en aan het gillen omdat the reason van hoobastank in aflevering 1 zit
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stomgetoeter · 8 months
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commetombeunarbre · 1 year
... verloren, verveelde, eeuwig verkwiste blik.
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bumbelbee · 2 years
Ik vertrouw nabil echt voor GEEN METER
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zyonsay · 4 months
Begrijp je me? JOOST KLEIN
Summary: You get home to discover an upset Joost.
Reader: Genderneutral
Warnings: Mention of struggling with mental health, sadness BUT theres comfort!
Now playing: 'Antwoord" by Joost Klein
AN: Hi guys! I had this idea a few days ago, never got around to writing it tho. Assignments are kicking my ass and im knee deep in a psychiosis. This one is relatively short (1k words) but more self indulgent! Love yall, take care <3
#Justice for Joost
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A dark, heavy blanket was already draped over the city. Your job often required you to work late evenings, which was unfortunate but in your current situation not avoidable. Together with the support of a good friend, you had already sent out a few job applications some time ago, but nothing has come out of that yet.
Ik moest wachten, wachten, wachten op een antwoord
Your shoes quietly clacked on the wet sidewalk. The stars shone brightly but were also accompanied by heavy rain. Sighing tiredly, you pulled your hood further over your head, as if it would do anything against the water drops being catapulted right into your visage. Maybe it was time to take out your bike from the garage again.
Keek in de spiegel, zag de vraag en het antwoord
The water crawled up your jeans slowly but surely, having reached your calves already. The wet fabric slapping against your leg was a sensory nightmare, you were cursing every single inch you’d have to walk till arriving at your apartment building.
Ik moest wachten, wachten, wachten op een antwoord
With hurried steps you raced up the staircase. Number 2.06, Number 2.06. A content and slightly exhausted huff escaped you as the three black numbers finally graced your field of view.
Dans met de duivel, die heeft mij allang door
Your keys rattled as you locked the door. Usually there’d be a salt lamp lit on the coffee table in the living room, but this evening everything was dark and quiet. Not that it was usually loud, but it felt almost like the life was drained out of the apartment.
Maar we blijven grinden tot het einde
That was until you heard a quiet sniffling sound. You discarded your soaking wet shoes along with your equally wet socks at the front door. Like a bloodhound you tracked down where the source of the noises came from. But you barely had to walk out from the hallway to find a huddled up Joost on the sofa.
Ik woonde in Katwijk, dat was lijden
You quickly rushed to his side, slinging your arms around the heap of blankets, under which there was a man hidden. Somewhere. With gentle hands you stripped down the blankets, revealing your teary-eyed boyfriend. His eyes were reddened and glossed over with tears. As much as he tried hiding it, you picked up on the light quiver of his lips and the sniffling from his nose.
Ze willen niet kijken naar de feiten, spijtig
“Come here.” His arms slid around your torso, holding you close. You nestled your face into the mess of blonde hair atop his head. “I’m here.”, you pressed a sweet peck against his forehead, while holding him in your arms.
Maar ik blijf mezelf te allen tijde, begrijp je me?
Joost had been struggling with his mental health for a while now. From time to time, he’d get really bad. In moments like this he needed you the most. Your embrace for sure didn’t fix his problems, but they sure made it feel more conquerable. You knew how helpless one can feel, how you want to be isolated while craving love, how you hate everything but don’t want to.
Begrijp je me?
Joost pressed closer to you, tears now flowing again. You squeezed him, letting him hold onto you for as long as he needs to. “How about I make us some tea?”, you rubbed his back in smooth, slow motions. His hum was muffled by your own figure. Joost loosened his hold on you, his blue eyes searching yours. Your hands cupped his face while you left sweet kisses along his forehead, cheeks and finally the tip of his nose. “I’ll need to get those pants off first though.” He looked down at the soaked jeans and grimaced in a disgusted manner. A sigh of relief left you as you slipped the fabric off, leaving you in your underpants. Joost tangled his fingers in yours and you pull him towards the kitchen.
Begrijp je me?
The kettle whistled a distant song, while you once again wrapped Joost in an embrace against the counter. Two cups stood on the surface, both with a tea bag inside. One of them had one sugar cube, the other had two and a half.
Begrijp je me of begrijp je me niet ?
The blonds heart seemed to beat with yours, he inhaled your scent. Besides your usual cologne you smelled like… you. He huffed contently. The light on the kettle died down and you broke the hug to pour the steaming water into the cups. While your front was turned towards the cups, Joost had found the opportunity to cling to your back. Your warmth, your scent, everything about you was calming to him. Some people need etheric oils to feel at ease, but you were like his own substance. He was addicted to you, your emotions and your words.
Begrijp je me?
You turned around in his arms, smiling at him. God, how he loved that smile. “Wanna talk about it?” He shook his head, “I’m too exhausted. Maybe tomorrow.” He lazily smiled at you, inching closer to your face and then pressing a sweet, short peck to your lips.
Begrijp je me?
“Alright.”, you offered him another loving kiss. “Let’s just enjoy this tea and then head to bed, sounds like a plan?” He still had his signature smile all over his face, his dimples showing and his eyes lighting up again. He loves how you get him, how you understand him in every way.
Begrijp je me of begrijp je me niet?
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garycxjk · 7 months
Why most people don't get Europapa
So, Joost Klein's Europapa apparently is taking the world by storm. With its happy hardcore or gabber house tunes and beats and the silly music video, there's no denying that this song has a certain charm, though it also has its detractors.
The thing is, though, most people on both sides don't fully get the song.
To summarize the song, it's essentially about an orphan who travels around Europe to find himself. Those were in Joost's own words.
Europapa is about an orphan who travels throughout Europe (and beyond) to find himself and tell his story. At first, people don’t recognise him, but he goes on seizing any opportunity he gets to let himself be seen. Europapa is a tribute to my father. When bringing me up, he passed on to me an expansive view of the world.
Okay, but why does the song sound so silly? Well, that's something deliberate. I don't really know much about Joost Klein's music, but what I do know is that this is basically what most of his songs are. Silly, yet deep.
Okay, brief detour to give context to the rest of what I'm writing, but it's important to remember that Joost Klein basically became an orphan at a young age. He lost his father to cancer when he was 12, and a year later, his mother died as well. This essentially shaped his music. From what I can gather from the many YouTube comments, he always watched Eurovision with his parents, and told them that one day he'd be there on stage.
So, let's just talk about the elephant in the room. Some people call this European propaganda. However, just the first few lines clue you in that it isn't just some pro-EU propaganda.
Welcome to Europe Stay here until I die
In fact, there are several lines used that wouldn't sit right if it were pro-EU propaganda. Let's look at the second verse.
Ich bin in Deutschland Aber ich bin so allein
Which roughly translates to
I'm in Germany But I'm so lonely
The next lines, "Io sono in Italia / Maar toch doet het pijn" (first line Italian, second line Dutch), which translates to "I'm in Italy / But I still feel pain".
Essentially, the entire song is him trying to let go of his past, to let go of his grief. That's essentially what the burning house and the windmill represent at the end, finally moving on from the past.
And that's essentially what the entire song is about. The entire song sounds like it's stuck in the '90s and early noughties. Naturally the most glaring part is the music style. Back in the '90s, happy hardcore and gabber house was really big, especially in the Netherlands. The way people dance back then and dressed when they did can be seen in the scene with Paul Elstak. Then there's the Gameboy Advance, which came out in the early 2000s.
Another cool thing is a reference to New Kids, a Dutch comedy show from 2007, when someone says "Welkom in Europa jongen!" ("Welcome in Europe boy!"). On the television screen, you can see Gerrie van Boven, played by Tim Haars, a character from New Kids.
But it isn't just a throwback. It's all being done deliberate. Something that gets lost in translation is the text. The rhymes work, however, to a Dutch person, it sounds a bit... childish. Very simple, at the very least. But I think that even that is done deliberately. It sounds like a child has been writing these lines, but I think that's the point of the song. It's supposed to sound like a child has been writing these lines.
The entire song is about the protagonist being stuck in the past, being stuck in his grief. It's why there's a disconnect between the text and the melody. Sure, it's a celebration of Europe, of Eurovision. Joost Klein genuinely loves Eurovision. However, it's also essentially him saying, this is me closing another chapter in my life.
Let's take a look at the outro of the song.
Op kruistocht in m'n spijkerbroek, lopend door de velden M'n papa en m'n mama zijn voor altijd mijn helden Aan het einde van de dag zijn we allemaal mensen M'n vader zei me ooit: "Het is een wereld zonder grenzen" Regen op het raam en ik stond huilend bij het venster Veel te vroeg duister, het is winter in de lente "Ik mis je elke dag", is wat ik stiekempjes fluister Zie je nou wel, pa? Ik heb naar je geluisterd
This... seems quite long, doesn't it? Well, that's because that's the full outro. What most hear during the video clip is this:
Aan het einde van de dag zijn we allemaal mensen M'n vader zei me ooit: "Het is een wereld zonder grenzen" "Ik mis je elke dag", is wat ik stiekempjes fluister Zie je nou wel, pa? Ik heb naar je geluisterd
Let's translate the full lyrics. I'll put the translations of the lyrics in the music video in bold and italic.
On my crusade in jeans, walking through the fields My dad and mom are forever my heroes At the end of the day we are all human beings My father once told me: "It's a world without borders" Rain on the window and I stood at the window crying Darkness far too soon, it's Winter in Spring "I miss you every day", is what I secretly whisper You see dad, I listened to you
So, basically, the gist is, this song has many layers. It's a heartfelt tribute to Eurovision, while also telling a personal story about grief and letting go of said grief.
Though I think this interview with Joost Klein on De Avondshow met Arjen Lubach may say more than I could.
Well, sometimes you must say goodbye to whatever is most dear to you. And when one door closes thousands of others open, apparently. But what I've learned is that you tend to hold on to your own pain sometimes. So this letter provides some sort of closure, dare I say. Saying: "Hey, Mum and Dad... You will always be there for me, but I can't carry this pain forever."
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feliksvg · 1 month
ja hoor, ik neem EEN keer een gloeiend paars amulet mee van een rommelmarkt en nu ben IK weer verantwoordelijk om het einde van de wereld te stoppen
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