twafordizzy · 7 months
Dorrestijns ode aan de koperwiek
foto: Louis Fraanje; bron beeld: develuwenaar.nl Ik denk natuurlijk steeds vaker aan mijn einde. Dan vraag ik mij af wat ik het ergste zal missen. Hoog op de lijst staat de glimlach van knappe meiden, maar dat is geen kunst. De partita’s van Bach zal ik missen en van Stravinsky het Capriccio voor piano en orkest. De gedichten van Achterberg en Lucebert, de grappen van Teeuwen, de schilderijen van…
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youtubejaapvoetbal · 2 years
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Goedendag beste mensen, ik ga morgen, zaterdag 03-12-2022, de wedstrijd @vva_achterberg 1 -@officialsvadvendo 57 1 filmen. Een samenvatting zal zondagmorgen te zien zijn op https://youtube.com/YoutubeJaapvoetbal. Het zal morgen buiten frisjes worden, maar vanaf 16:00 gaat in de warme kantine van VVA Achterberg hopelijk het kwik naar een hoogtepunt, tijdens de wedstrijd van OnsOranje - #usa . Vandaar dat de wedstrijd van VVA Achterberg dus 1 uur eerder begint. Groet Jaap. #voetbal #soccer #3eklasse #sportparkdemeent #achterberg #vvaadvendo57 #vvaachterberg #advendo57 #ederveen #grootscherm #nedusa #youtubeJaapvoetbal www.jaapvoetbal.nl https://youtube.com/YoutubeJaapvoetbal (bij Meent de sportp. - VVA '71) https://www.instagram.com/p/Clq6k6oKtk7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wexhappyxfew · 4 months
stray bullets
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(a/n): it's been a long time coming, but.....i am beyond excited to share this piece. focused on some early days with kennedy x bucky, i wanted to dig into kennedy and her character (and her fun internal monologue) and introduce exactly how she's connected with bucky - because let's be honest, even she doesn't know how it happened. please enjoy!! :D (also...it's a bit of a long one - i was having some fun haha!)
The silence around the interrogation table was enough to mess with any person's head; whether they were the command pilot, like Lieutenant Bradshaw, or a tail gunner, like Marianne Salinger, they all seemed to sit in reserved quietness as they festered in the happenings of just an hour ago.
Sweat trickled down the sides of her face as she leaned against the wooden table, picking at pieces that were peeling up, trying to keep her eyes away from the maps sprawled out, and that big leather-jacket notebook where Bessie kept all her notes, coordinates and documentation for what planes had gone down - when and where. The other tables were much more lively - louder, chatty, a bit of yelling even. The Silver Bullets table was quiet, and they were all sure it had to do with the notable lack of their flight engineer, who was currently at the Med-Bay, bloodied and unconscious.
Margie Harlowe was on all of their minds it seemed.
And the thought of having to recount the events leading up to that point, made Kennedy want to vomit. The hit had come just as they were on the 90 degree turn to get the bombs ready to drop. Achterberg had taken control of the plane, with Bradshaw and Montez working to guide the B-17 swiftly to the side, as the onslaught of flak and bullets sprayed from the German fighters swinging around above them.
Kennedy remembered the yelp and anguished cry of pain that had come from her headset, the blood-curdling scream for help that had Kennedy forgetting about her .50 cal and racing towards where the top turret was. She couldn't get that look on Margie's face out of her mind; sobbing, horrified, the blood covering half her face, Stagliano trying to calm Margie down the best she could, while waving off the sad excuse of help that Kennedy had been. Freezing up like that, what was she thinking?
"Sergeant Farley." Kennedy's head snapped up - she didn't realize she'd blanked out, staring at the dried blood on her hands, shoved up underneath her fingernails, and had her name being called all at once. She met the eyes of the interrogator and swallowed.
"Lieutenant Bradshaw said you were there when you got Sergeant Harlowe out of the top turret." the interrogator started, "Can you recount that for me?" Kennedy stared at him, suddenly feeling the eyes of everyone at the table and some of the surrounding upper brass, on her.
Colonel Harding had stood in the background, hand nervously resting on his upper lip, eyes masked in worry as the group had come in - it seemed whenever something happened to Silver Bullets, he was always at interrogation, especially their table. Making sure wrongs were righted and that whatever was going on, was fixed. He looked out for them.
"I was, sir," Kennedy managed out, shifting a bit, as more sweat dripped down her face, briefly catching the worried look from Judy just a few people down. Her eyes caught on Vivian's gaze opposite her own. She then found Francis watching her, and tried to avoid her emotions that she felt as she noted the ones in their co-pilot's own. The only thing keeping her steady was Lieutenant Bradshaw's presence beside her.
In some innate way, having Lieutenant Bradshaw there kept her from losing it.
"It was quick," Kennedy said, "I figured flak or….something from one of the fighters. German fighters. Bullet spray." Kennedy saw Paulina nod her on encouragingly.
"Sergeant Ratcliff was manning her post….so, I went to Sergeant Harlowe," Kennedy said, her eyes filling with tears, her voice breaking, "I got her out of there. As quick as I could. I…I laid her down. There was blood…..everywhere…." Kennedy trailed off. She was staring at her hands again, covered in blood. Margie's blood.
"I was able to stop the bleeding from both the side of her face and her shoulder. Took what bandage was there and wrapped her shoulder. Set it in a splint." Paulina said quickly, her words firm and much more logically-backed and confident than Kennedy's would ever be, "I ensured that there weren't blocked airways and she could breathe. It was a joint effort, Sergeant Farley and I, to ensure her safety." Kennedy looked to Paulina and gave her a slow nod of thanks, to which Paulina nodded back. Because that's what they did for each other; having each other's backs like this.
"Alright," the interrogator said, making a few extra notes before clearing his throat and looking towards Lieutenant Bradshaw, who was sat there stoic and quiet, "we lost Browning and Alder. How many chutes….?"
Kennedy watched in a reeling bit of slow motion as Judy sat there and recounted the number of chutes she had seen, Marianne and Francis chiming in with their own recounts and visuals. How many more chutes would they have to count, planes going down all around, before this would be over? Before this nightmare would end?
Kennedy looked to the empty chair where Margie would've sat and felt her heart sag and her throat tighten with emotion she had been forcing herself not to feel. It was eerily similar to when Captain Faulkner had taken the hit. When she had died. They still had sat around this stupid interrogation table, having to talk about that mission, about what had happened, with Captain Faulkner's chair left open, her presence highly gone. They all remembered that. It hurt.
Whether it was the fact she was sat at that table, or was used to a constant presence of eyes, she glanced upwards and found, from the middle opening space where some of the brass would linger in times like this, Major Egan watching her, his hands placed on his hips, and his eyes seeking out her own.
Kennedy had never been wrapped up in any sort of long-winded conversation with Major Egan - their differences in rank and formalities were already a larger factor than needed when it came to talking to him and she didn't want to incite any sort of inappropriate ideas past that. They'd debated about baseball a few times - her, a raging Red Sox fan, him a stupid Yankees fan - and they'd even had a few conversations that were outside that realm. But it was never anything much more than that. And she intended to keep it that way. Yet, something in his gaze made her not want to look away from his face, from his eyes, from his presence stood there in the center of the room.
"Sergeant Farley?" She snapped her head away from his eyes and back to the table - many of which of the Silver Bullets girls were currently watching Kennedy with sorrowful and worried expressions, while Lieutenant Bradshaw eyed her curiously.
"The number of chutes from Browning. That you saw?" the interrogator asked. Kennedy righted herself and straightened her back.
When they were dismissed, after Kennedy had been sat, blanked out for a greater portion of her time there in the seat, Lieutenant Bradshaw had caught her before she could run away, pulling her to the side, with a warm hand on her shoulder and a soft look in her eyes.
"You should go visit her," Annie said quietly, "I can tell by the look in your eye that you won't change out of these clothes or eat until you do." Lieutenant Annie Bradshaw did know her rather well in that sense.
"Yes, ma'am, I will," Kennedy said firmly, reaching up to wipe at the beads of sweat still trickling down her face - whether from the stress still circulating her body or the idea of Margie there on a cot, unconscious, she wasn't sure, "you do the same." Annie watched her with a smile before reaching up to squeeze her shoulder.
"I will, Farley," she said, before patting her shoulder, "and wash up. A few of the girls were planning on heading to the flying club tonight. Destress and all." Kennedy smiled softly and nodded.
"Will do." she said and Annie smiled before turning and heading off - leave it to Lieutenant Annie Bradshaw to instill what comfort they all needed after something like that. Birdie used to do much of the same - Annie even had the same look in her eye as Birdie usually did after a mission. Kennedy smiled slightly.
"Sergeant Farley." The achingly familiar voice struck her system and she turned to her left to find Major Egan walking towards her, as she watched him approach with that slow, even and swaggering gait, his crusher cap a bit lopsided on his head, sweat dropping down the sides of his face, as he wore that stupid, beige sheepskin jacket that she had offhandedly made fun of him for that one time (and proceeded to rub in her face ever since).
"Sir." she said, saluting him quickly as he came to a stop in front of her and shook his head, reaching up to bring her arm down from the position she'd taken up.
"Nah, nah, don't worry about that bullshit," he said and she raised her brows, "Harlowe. Sergeant Harlowe - is she good? Is she alright?" Kennedy stared at him, her heart pulsating inside her chest in a way that made her unable to get her breathing entirely under control. She watched him, tilting her head to the side and then managed to find her footing.
"Not entirely, but she's alive," she said firmly, with a nod, "flak hit up top. Or….stray bullets. Either way, she was hit and knocked out. But she's fine now." Kennedy watched him as she spoke, his eyes refusing to leave her own as he stared down at her, his larger-than-life presence soaking up every part of the view in front of her, the worry in his eyes, covered with that joking nature a slight surprise and the deep breaths he was taking enough to make her fail at controlling her own.
"And yourself?" he asked her, the corner of his lips poking upwards, a smile fighting to be on his face.
"Me? Sir, I, uh, I'm fine," she said quickly, sputtering a bit like a small child, "I'm fine seriously-"
"Good, good," he said quickly - they were pretty quick with whatever they seemed to be talking about here, "just…..when the planes came back and Harding said something about Silver Bullets taking a hit, I thought…..thought the whole goddamn plane had gone down from the way he was fucking talking so." She stared at him. He stopped talking and then stared at her, before running a hand over his face and nodding to her. She stared back at him, unsure of what to say.
For probably the first time in a long time, looking at him, she did not know what to say. This panicked approach to this sudden stillness and quiet. There were voices all around them, nurses bustling about with medics and doctors, and pilots with their crews meandering away from interrogation like limp horses, dragging gear that was nothing but a pile of garbage behind them. And the smells - like gasoline, smoke and death wafted through the air, enough to make a person want to vomit. She needed to go see Margie, and she was beyond sure that Major Egan had somewhere better to be as well. Kennedy wanted to move her feet, but she couldn't. No part of her was moving or even ready to move. Major Egan was stock-still in front of her as well.
"Is there….something else, uh, sir?" Kennedy didn't know what to do with Major Egan sometimes - call him sir, but he told her not to bother? Call him sir because he was the one who held rank? Major Egan continued to watch her and then ran a hand down his slightly sweaty face and shook his head.
"No." he said quickly, firmly, "You should get a check on Sergeant Harlowe. Make sure she's alright when she wakes up." If she wakes up, Kennedy thought, but that sour idea in her mind disappeared as Major Egan nodded to her. She stared at him for a moment longer, before she slowly nodded to him, turning away from him. She took a few steps before she could hear his footsteps and feel the placement of his hand wrapped around her elbow.
"Farley," he said, his voice quieter, as she stopped her paces and turned, her eyes searching his own as she looked at him, "seriously, you alright?" She stared at him, slightly surprised at the way his voice had grown softer, his eyes less vibrant than normal.
"Yes," she told him, but as he tilted his head towards her, she felt her heart race a bit faster than normal and couldn't help but take a shaky step back from him, "it was just a lot today that's all. But it's a lot every day. Nothing new. Can't complain." Major Egan watched her, like he was trying to diagnose whatever the fuck was currently wrong with her, acting like she didn't just watch their flight engineer and closest companion almost die.
"You like the jacket?" he asked her quietly, and it didn't take long for what stress she had in her mind and heart to roll back into that violent ocean crawl of waves and a small laugh to leave her lips.
"Is that why you came waltzing over here?" she asked him, her voice low, as she crossed her arms, "Because if that's all this was about, I'm just going to head to the Med-Bay now." Major Egan let out a dry chuckle and looked to her.
"And if I told you it was?"
"I would happily discard that jacket for you, even start a bonfire." she said, "We could get real fancy." She stared at him. "It looks ridiculous."
"You sure about that?" he said, popping up the collar, which made her roll her eyes, "I think it fits me pretty well."
"I would beg to differ," she said, "seriously, an A-2 would do you one better."
"You going sweet on me, Farley?"
"Since when did that idea get into your head?"
"You like me in my A-2, admit it."
"It would look better than that shitty thing."
"C'mon, Farley, don't leave me hangin' now." She raised a brow at him as she crossed her arms across her chest and smirked his way.
"Goodbye, John." she said, with a grin, turning away, only to have him placing his hand on her shoulder and turning her back around. She looked up at him.
"For someone so hellbent on making his rounds, you sure seem to like hanging around me." she said quietly, with a small smile, watching as his eyes seemed to twinkle in the hazy afternoon sunlight.
"Consider it a compliment." he offered her.
"A compliment?" she said with a small smile, "Didn't know you handed those out. And for free?"
"Farley…." he said with a slight groan in his voice that made her laugh as she reached forward and nudged his shoulder.
"It's okay to admit that, Margie says I'm a grand friend to have anyway," she said, watching his gaze soften at her, "it means a lot, truly."
"Friend's a word." he said with a shrug, his face tensing up slightly as she stared at him.
"Yeah." she said, with a nod, "And so is goodbye." He stared at her and she smiled up at him.
"I'm only kidding," she said, before her face fell a bit, "seriously, you okay? You weren't even on the mission and you look seriously fucked up." Kennedy had hoped that keeping up with this banter, this light-hearted, dare she call it flirting, maybe would lift his worrisome and lonely spirits, but he seemed drawn into himself and concave again and she wasn't sure what more to say.
Hey, even going as far to compliment his physique's correlation to an A-2 was pretty nice of her!
And something she wasn't actually lying about - not like she had spent too long staring at his broad shoulders over breakfast the other day (but no one except her knew).
"Didn't know you handed out compliments with a side of self-degradation, now huh?" he said and she let out a scoff and crossed her arms to look at him again.
"Seriously, John, what's wrong?"
"You can call me, Bucky, remember?"
"Nothing's wrong. Nothing, just…." he looked around, that lazy smile on his face, and looked back at her, hands rested on those hips of his again and looked to her, "does anything have to be wrong when I come to talk to you?"
"Usually there is something wrong."
"Alright, look," she said, "if you don't budge, I'm gonna head to the Med-Bay, check in on Margie." She was playing her emotions really well, so well she had almost forgotten the mission altogether.
"So, you gonna tell me what's wrong, or am I going to have to decode it from you myself? Beg on my hands and knees? Don't make me look that pathetic." Major Egan watched her with a slight smirk and she shoved his shoulder again.
"Stop looking at me like that."
"Like whattt?" he said as she rolled her eyes with a laugh, "Oh, c'mon, Kennedy, I'm supposed to hear that Silver Bullets took a hit and not think about you?"
Kennedy's smile dropped and it seemed the realization hit Major Egan at the same time and for a moment, they were just standing there, staring at each other like deer in headlights. She couldn't look away from his eyes, because for the first time there was something more than besides his usually flirty, joking self. Hell, that was just how he normally was - no stake in the ground with a soul, moving with the wind, taking him where the Lord put him, all that bullshit. For a second, she almost thought she wasn't hearing him straight and was going to leave it at that. But no, he'd said that and she was sure her face matched the color of her dirtied ginger hair and her strawberry-blonde ends.
"Egan!" The two turned from each other, in what had been a…rather intense stare down and found Crank coming towards him, "Harding needs us!"
"Give me a fucking second, Crank! I'm talking here!" Major Egan yelled back before turning to her and gulping, before parting his lips as if to speak. She stared at him still, unable to find the words that would amount to much of anything.
"Don't give me lip, Bucky - look, we gotta go!" Major Egan turned.
"Just a minute, Crank, seriously." Major Egan called out before turning to her still stood there.
"You really should go." she finally said, her voice somewhat hoarse as she did so, like she couldn't get the words out right, "Colonel Harding-"
"I don't care what Harding thinks right now," he said firmly looking at her, "look, Farley, I-"
"It's fine." she said quickly, plastering on a smile quickly and a nod, "I'm fine." Major Egan looked far from convinced in that moment. Because she wasn't convinced herself.
He had heard Silver Bullets took a hit and suspected immediately it was her?
That's why he had looked at her like that?
In interrogation?
She wasn't much to him, so she thought, at least - what…the few conversations they'd share? She'd practically egged him on into conversations about baseball where it was less of a discussion and more of a debate. If anything, he should've heard Silver Bullets and suspected about Annie or Francis.
"Go on," she said, shoving down her feelings and emotions, offering a small smile, "Colonel Harding sounds like he really needs to talk to you. Plus, if you must continue to talk about your stupid sheepskin, I'll be at the flying club later. Maybe I'll even beat you in darts. Again." Major Egan stared at her, for the first time, a little wordless and nodded.
"Kennedy, I-"
"It's fine." she said, convincing herself the very same - if she acted like she didn't hear it from his lips, then it never happened. He never said those words, never looked at her like that, never even bothered to tell her he was worried about her after hearing about Silver Bullets getting hit. If she ignored it, it wasn't what had happened.
And it was better that way.
"A second, Crank, please!" Major Egan yelled over his shoulder again, before looking at her and sighing, jabbing a thumb behind him.
"I gotta…." he started, his words fading as he managed a weak smile at her.
"Yeah, yeah," she said quickly, with a nod, and a forced smile.
"Let me know how Harlowe is…?"
"I will." she said as he began to backpedal backwards, his eyes holding hers still. Then, she watched Crank come up to Major Egan's shoulder and spin him around before pointing and frantically talking. Then they were walking away and disappeared. Kennedy stood there like the wind had just been taken out of her sail. Why'd she act like that?
"Hey! Kenny!" Kennedy turned and found Judy coming up to her, with Bessie and Carrie behind her, splitting a few cookies in their hands, "Here you are. We thought we couldn't find you." Kennedy stared at Judy, who came up beside her, with bright eyes, before looking to Bessie and Carrie, who shared a look before looking at Kennedy.
"You alright, Farley?" Bessie asked her, glancing in the general direction of where Major Egan had wandered off to, "What'd Bucky want?" Kennedy snapped into her usual collected self (which took far more effort today than usual) and ran a hand over her hair, cringing at bit at the smell of oil and grease that followed - which undoubtedly Major Egan had smelled - and sighed.
"Heard about Margie." she said firmly, cooly, kind of quick at that, like she couldn't get the words out fast enough to cover her ass, "He knows we're close and wanted to check in. Make sure things were okay."
"Always sticking his nose into all our bullshit," Carrie muttered, crunching off a piece of the sugar cookie and shaking her head, "you know I heard the other day he was trying to ask Bradshaw for a tour of Silver Bullets. Next thing you know, I'm tearing into him, telling him he touches my area, my shit, it's over for him-"
"He just wanted to make sure she was okay, Bergie," Kennedy said with a shrug, "guess it just gets old, hearing about losing people. Over and over."
"Especially someone from Silver Bullets." Judy finished for her, "Bucky's always been sweet as peaches to me, anyway. It's mighty kind of him to come and check up on you. Knowing how close you two are. He's got an awful soft-spot for Silver Bullets."
"Some soft spot." Carrie said with a slight chuckle and smirk, glancing at Kennedy, who rolled her eyes, ignoring the looks, and glanced back to the direction of where Major Egan had gone.
"Let's go to the Med-Bay," Judy said, "I'm sure Margie would want to see us when she wakes."
"What this face?" Carrie said, "We all look like sorry excuses for circus clowns."
"At least a little flak never scared off that charisma, Bergie." Bessie said as she wrapped an arm around her shoulders, and the whole group burst into chuckles as they headed towards the Med-Bay, sharing cookies and smiles.
But all that was on her mind, until the hit the Med-Bay doors was that Major Egan had thought of her, when Silver Bullets was said to have gotten a nasty hit.
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millythegoat · 7 months
Kloppo falling over his heel again
and the dugout reaction are sooo priceless!!! Everyone is sooo extra
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Adrian was ecstatic while the doctor hoping hard that Jurgen won't pulled his hamstring again
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you tell the ref Jurgen!!!
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also this duo
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this guy is so me fr
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xie-lians-cooking · 1 year
I don't think I even know of any of your OC's, which means I have a lot to hear I suppose! 🖊
Sorry it took so long to get around to this :/ I'm gonna talk a little bit about one of my (currently unused) dnd character Finn. He was made for a game that never happened but I'll probably be able to use him at some point (I hope)
Finn was always fascinated by magic as soon as he learned to read he got a spell book and began to teach himself. It soon became clear he had a natural talent. He became an apprentice under a wizard in his town at seventeen. Finn couldn’t help feeling his mentor (Elias) had a secret. He soon learned what it was however it was not what he expected.
  It was nearing the end of his apprenticeship when Elias showed him the book. The book was ancient, written in Draconic. ‘Inside is a ritual to summon a powerful demon’ Elias told him, ‘This book is one of a kind. A cult that worships the demon wants this book, I’ve managed to hide it here for now but I can’t keep running forever.’ Elias entrusted the book to Finn.
  A few days later the cult found him. They broke into Elias’s house, killing him when he would not hand over the book. Finn managed to escape with few injuries. He did end up with a scar across his throat that he hides with bandages. He fled town with only the clothes on his back a few gold pieces and the book.
  He grew to hate cults and hate demons. Because of them Elias was dead. He travles a lot staying at inns and camping. He has trouble trusting people as they might be members of the cult. He tried to destroy the book of course but fire wouldn’t burn it and water wouldn’t damage it. He keeps the book in his bag never taking it out hoping he’ll find some way to eventually destroy it.
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I love talking about my characters so let me know if you want know more. Once again sorry I took so long :/
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waterdomemusic · 8 months
Purified Fragments XVIII - Brilliant Sampler - 2024
Read our Review for Purified Fragments XVII on WaterDomeMusic
Review for Purified Fragments XVIII – 2024 Facts Artist: Jono Stephenson, Wouter Achterberg, FJ9Country of Origin: USA, NetherlandsTitle: Purified Fragments Format: 6-Track EP, Stream, DownloadGenre: Deep House, Melodic House, Progressive HouseLabel: Purified RecordsRelease Date: Jan. 26 – 20246 Tracks • 29m 30s At qobuz available in Hi-res24 Bits / 44.1 kHz – Stereo English translation?…
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ilovetheater-nl · 1 year
AUDITIES: Stichting MAE brengt Engelstalige “Dogfight” naar Amsterdam
Op 10 en 11 februari 2024 zal in ‘t Zonnehuis (Amsterdam) de musical “Dogfight” te zien zijn. Producent Stichting MAE werkt hiervoor samen met regisseur Ruud van Overdijk (Chess, Jesus Christ Superstar, Rent) en muzikaal leider Daan Achterberg (13 De Musical, DOX Utrecht). De musical zal in het Engels opgevoerd worden. In augustus vinden audities plaats voor deze productie. “Dogfight” is een…
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nikatyler · 9 months
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Old Sims Dump 13
For the past few months now, I’ve been giving makeovers to my old sims that I have saved in my library and I want to share them with you! Many more will follow. Theoretically. If I find the strength. Seriously, it’s over a hundred sims that I could share.
TOU: Feel free to play with them as they are, give them a makeover or even use them as base sims as long as you mention me ♥ And please please please, tag me, I would love to see what you do!
Download, full outfits and CC credits under the cut. CC included with the tray files.
CC Links
Patreon download (free)
Giselle Naaji | sfs
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Leon Agani | sfs
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Verity Underwood | sfs
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Ginger Haggard | sfs
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Alyssa Achterberg | sfs
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Dario Falco | sfs
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Vojta Stárek | sfs
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Isa Samuel | sfs
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compneuropapers · 5 months
Interesting Reviews for Week 17, 2024
The neurobiology of social play behaviour: Past, present and future. Achterberg, E. J. M., & Vanderschuren, L. J. M. J. (2023). Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 152, 105319.
GABA tone regulation and its cognitive functions in the brain. Koh, W., Kwak, H., Cheong, E., & Lee, C. J. (2023). Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 24(9), 523–539.
Cholinergic modulation of sensory perception and plasticity. Kunnath, A. J., Gifford, R. H., & Wallace, M. T. (2023). Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 152, 105323.
A new perspective on hippocampal synaptic plasticity and post‐stroke depression. Sun, N., Cui, W., Min, X., Zhang, G., Liu, J., & Wu, H. (2023). European Journal of Neuroscience, 58(4), 2961–2984.
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ask-moonlight-band · 8 months
Interviewee: Moonlight, Boyband
Interviewer: Unknown (IN)
Date of Interview: February 5th, 2019
List of Acronyms: IN = Interviewer, MK = Michael "Mikey" Waters, CR = Crimson Glasgow, JE = Jelle Achterberg, CL = Clance "Clancey" Evans, IS = Isaac Clarke, JS = Jesse Huynh
[ Begin Interview Transcript 00:00:10 ]
IN: Good morning. May you all introduce yourself before we get into questions.
CR: Uhm. Sure. My name is Crimson, I am the lead vocalist of Moonlight.
MK: I'm Mikey. I'm the lead bassist of Moonlight.
JE: I'm Jelle, and I'm the second vocalist for Moonlight.
CL: Hm.
[ 00:00:32 ]
CL: I'm Clance, and I'm the drummer for Moonlight.
JS: I'm Jesse Huynh and I'm the pianist and keyboardist for Moonlight
IS: I guess that leaves me? I'm Isaac and I'm the guitarist for Moonlight.
IN: And now, we open the questions to your audience and fans. Are you all ready? We might get personal.
CR: I think we're well prepared, yeah.
[ End Transcript: 00:01:47 ]
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bellhopmomo · 1 month
Most important ocs and stories masterlist with the tag for each character (not all characters have been drawn recently so a lot of those tags are empty)
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CJK: This Is a Horror Story | #CJK: This Is A Horror Story ↳ Cody Campbell | #ymmv cody ↳ June Campbell | #ymmv june ↳ Kate Campbell | #ymmv kate ↳ Luna Campbell | #ymmv luna ↳ Emma Campbell | #ymmv emma (more to be added)
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Dead On Arrival | #H&H Dead on Arrival ↳ Harry Kirkland | #ymmv harry ↳ Henry Kirkland | #ymmv henry (more to be added)
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The Goldenfeather Family | #The Goldenfeather Family ↳ Timothy Goldenfeather | #ymmv timothy ↳ Aaron Goldenfeather | #ymmv aaron ↳ Dimitri Goldenfeather | #ymmv dimitri ↳ Chandler Goldenfeather | #ymmv chandler ↳ Prince Goldenfeather | #ymmv prince ↳ Satoshi Goldenfeather | #ymmv satoshi ↳ Kaga & Mi Goldenfeather | #ymmv kaga #ymmv mi ↳ Shunyuan Goldenfeather | #ymmv shunyuan ↳ Alexa Goldenfeather | #ymmv alexa ↳ Tolyasha Goldenfeather | #ymmv tolyasha ↳ Sebastian Goldenfeather | #ymmv sebastian ↳ Teresa Goldenfeather | #ymmv teresa ↳ Cedric Goldenfeather | #ymmv cedric ↳ Varinka Goldenfeather | #ymmv varinka ↳ Solange Goldenfeather | #ymmv solange (more to be added)
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Yume Momo: When It Rains | #Yume Momo: When It Rains ↳ Hikki Kon | #ymmv hikki ↳ Miko Shoda | #ymmv miko (more to be added)
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Top 10: Sunny days | #Top 10: Sunny days ↳ Sunny Hills | #ymmv sunny ↳ Tom Weathley | #ymmv tom ↳ Williams Wielemans | #ymmv williams (more to be added)
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Story not named yet ↳ William | #ymmv william ↳ Morticia Machida | #ymmv morticia ↳ Simon | #ymmv simon ↳ Sigewine | #ymmv sigewine ↳ Raymond | #ymmv raymond (more to be added)
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Tasty | #MLP:Friendship is Tasty ↳ Twilight Sprinkle | #ymmv twilight ↳ Vanilla Skies | #ymmv vanilla ↳ Royal Jelly | #ymmv royal ↳ Cheesecake Twist | #ymmv cheesecake ↳ Raindrop Cake | #ymmv raindrop ↳ Bubblepeach Tea | #ymmv bubblepeach ↳ Belwaffle Recipe | #ymmv belwaffle (more to be added)
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Ghostly Grand Hotel | #Ghostly Grand Hotel ↳ Jake Foster | #ymmv jake ↳ Miracle Dubord| #ymmv miracle ↳ Veronica Hyde | #ymmv veronica ↳ Adam Achterberg | #ymmv adam ↳ Mathieu Boulanger| #ymmv mathieu ↳ Lucie Lumiere | #ymmv lucie ↳ Mikolaj Kowalski | #ymmv mikolaj ↳ Otto Ito | #ymmv ggh otto ↳ Charlotte Couloir | #ymmv charlotte
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BS: Bubblegum Situation | #BS: Bubblegum Situation ↳ Torutoru Satoru | #ymmv torutoru ↳ Haruko Watanabe | #ymmv haruko ↳ Kami | #ymmv kami ↳ Oni | #ymmv oni
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Revolutionalice: Idol in wonderland | #Revolutionalice ↳ Cheshire cat | #ymmv cheshire cat ↳ Alice | #ymmv alice ↳ Ransom Money | #ymmv ransom ↳ Kuroba Toranpu | #ymmv kuroba (more to be added)
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Mister Wintringham's Help and Service Bureau | #Mister Wintringham's Help and Service Bureau ↳ Skibidi Wintringham | #ymmv wintringham ↳ Kid | #ymmv kid ↳ Menace | #ymmv menace ↳ Birthday boy | #ymmv birthday ↳ Hisao Tachibana| #ymmv hisao ↳ Isam Abad | #ymmv isam ↳ Ieronim Morozov | #ymmv ieronim
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Angelic Mess: I'm the only normal one here... | #AM: I'm the only normal one here… ↳ Michael | #ymmv michael ↳ Raphael | #ymmv raphael ↳ Lucifer | #ymmv lucifer ↳ Gabriel | #ymmv gabriel ↳ Metatron | #ymmv metatron (more to be added)
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Just Another Day In Outer Space... | #Just Another Day In Outer Space ↳ Canned Beans | #ymmv beans ↳ John Doe | #ymmv john ↳ Ni4n | #ymmv nian (more to be added)
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Misc Ocs! ↳ Tapionaka | #ymmv tapionaka ↳ Elisabeth | #ymmv elizabeth ↳ Marcus Marigold | #ymmv marcus ↳ Jonathan Shy | #ymmv shy
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Feel free to draw them if you want, i love getting fanart :33
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youtubejaapvoetbal · 2 years
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Goedemorgen beste mensen op deze koude morgen, het duurde even, maar ik kan u vertellen dat de samenvatting tussen VVA Achterberg 1 - SKV Wageningen 1 gereed is. Voor de link zie https://youtu.be/vQ--NFiWJHA Het was een aantrekkelijke wedstrijd, veel kansen aan beide zijdes. De beste kansen waren echter voor VVA. En VVA heeft ook terecht gewonnen. Al moet ik wel zeggen dat SKV niet opgaf en het tot het einde bleef proberen. Wat ook een doelpunt opleverde. Ik heb ook nog een extra toetje aan het eind in de film verwerkt. Ik krijg er zelf kippenvel van, dus ik denk dat jullie het ook wel leuk gaan vinden. Veel kijkplezier gewenst! Goede zondag verder! Groet Jaap. #voetbal #soccer #football #samenvatting #vvaskv #vvaachterberg #achterberg #skvwageningen #wageningen #Youtube #youtubejaapvoetbal www.jaapvoetbal.nl http://youtube.com/YoutubeJaapvoetbal (bij Meent de sportp. - VVA '71) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClLfshrKttH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wexhappyxfew · 5 months
no hard feelings
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(a/n): dougie deserves all the love and carrie achterberg was the perfect opportunity to test it out. had some ideas for these two a while back and finally pieced together their dynamic later in the war. there’s plenty of time to talk about their earlier dynamic but for now….enjoy these two and a look into their history together :) enjoy! ....oh and if you're a Sunshine Soldier fan (my first BoB fic), from ages ago, there's a treat for you stuffed in here!
"Well, well, well. Look what we have here. Pleasure seeing you ladies here."
Carrie glanced up from her rather in-depth conversation with Paulina and Bessie and found James Douglass, leaned up against the chair in front of them, across the table, a wide smile on his face, as he glanced at their faces and then settled on Carrie.
James Douglass - to which she had annoyingly started calling him Dougie, like the others - was never one to entertain nor hold onto something far longer than needed. However, when it came to her and, particularly, teasing her, he held onto that like a rope tied around his finger. He never let go.
"To what do I have the displeasure of seeing you," Carrie said looking up at him with a wry grin, to which he raised a brow at, "c'mon, let me have it. What is it? You need shoeshine for those things you call boots. You need me to go and kiss-up because you said something you shouldn't have. No wait - I got it. You managed to wake up late and missed breakfast, and need me to smooze you into getting coffee." The tables around them grew slightly quiet, a few heads turning; Paulina stuck to staring between the two, a bunch of scrambled eggs in her mouth, Bessie taking the opportunity to loudly sip on her coffee that was growing cold. Dougie sent her a look with his eyes and then looked at Paulina swiftly.
"Lieutenant Bradshaw said something about a fuse in Silver Bullets blowing," he offered, before dropping his voice, "right near the radio." Paulina's fork dropped and she launched up out the chair and darted away, calling over her shoulder through the loud lunch room, half-chewing, half-attempting to speak.
"I'll be back!" she called, wiping at her mouth, "James Douglass I'll have your head for this if you're joking around with that no-good head of yours!" Carrie watched her disappear and then watched Dougie look at Bessie, who sat rather unfazed and slightly tuned out of the conversation. Carrie momentarily shut her eyes when she knew what was coming.
"Kidd's looking for ya. Said he had a few things to talk to you about, from the good Colonel himself." Dougie offered and she stared at him and raised a brow, before ceremoniously wiping her mouth and standing.
"I'll be back." she muttered, eyeing Dougie, before sending Carrie a look, to which she rolled her eyes. Which left Carrie with Dougie.
Good God.
She turned her eyes to look at him and then leaned against the table, lacing her fingers, offering a rather sarcastic smile instead of sweet.
Listen, she got along with James Douglass, the whole base did, but sometimes he sweet-talked her because he enjoyed it. And he knew how much he could get to her, even if it was just teasing. Bessie always teased Carrie back that it was because he was taking a liking to her.
Carrie Achterberg was absolutely not one to take to gossip like that and had promptly squashed that. He had joked with her like this since training - it was James Douglass for Chrissake - he did it because half the time, there was enough sadness on this base to fill up an ocean.
"What do you want?" she said, pointedly acknowledging how rather relaxed he was, and how drained she appeared.
"Does it always have to be something I want? What about you? What do you want?"
"For you to leave me alone, so I can enjoy breakfast. Without the fucking peanut gallery."
"That hurts me, Bergie."
"Don't call me that."
"What? A lil nickname never hurt anybody. Bessie calls you that." She raised a brow in his direction and he shook his head.
"Look, just, can you…I don't know, just do me a favor?" Carrie stared at him and raised her brow further.
"Can you dance with me tonight? At the flying club?" Carrie stared at him, before shaking her head.
"No." Dougie sighed.
"C'mon, why not?" Carrie looked at him sharply and sent him a scowl.
"If I'm gonna dance with someone, they're going to want to actually dance with me. Not just do it because of some other girl." Carrie said quickly and inhaled more egg, "I know you've been eyeing up Charlotte Tarvers, so." Dougie blew a raspberry and waved her off.
"Nah, nah, she's….I think she's got some guy in the Airborne, I'm not....nah." Dougie said waving it off, "Really, it's just….you and I, ya know? And, look, listen, favors is a bad word anyway…." Carrie looked at him, her cheeks dotting red a bit and she shook her head.
"You're just doing it to try and get another girl to come and be all fluffy in your face. Newsflash, Dougie, I'm not taking part. Ask Margie or…or Judy! Judy would love to."
"If Benny DeMarco were here he would smash my face in for even dare touching Margie and I'd rather not become one with Captain Rosenthal's dark side so, respectively….I'll take my chances." Dougie said and then looked at her. Carrie grumbled under her breath and shook her head.
"Fine." she said, "But. You have to promise to make it worthwhile, alright? Give me a twirl, hold me agonizingly tight, but not too tight, 'kay? I might even do my hair."
"Do your hair? Oh, Bergie, that's an honor right there. I'm honored, truly."
"Buzz off, shithead. Not for you. For me." Carrie said and then bit into a piece of toast, "I don't know….maybe it'll get someone's attention." Dougie's face turned serious for a moment as Carrie enjoyed her toast and he seemed to recalibrate.
"Uh….what do ya mean?"
"I don't know…..some of the guys, you never notice how cute some of them are until you see 'em, ya know? In their Class A's, looking all put together….especially after some of those last few missions." she said, "Maybe they'll see us dancing and ask to butt in. We'll see." Dougie watched her, looking more confused by the minute, bringing a spark of laughter to Carrie's lips.
"But…..you and I, we're dancing. Together. And going. Together." Dougie said with a chuckle before shaking his head, "You can't……"
"Are you jealous, Dougie?" Carrie whispered quietly with a grin, smacking his shoulder, "You're cute when you're mad." Dougie watched her as she continued eating, frozen in place, without any sort of words.
"Don't give me that look, that's exactly how you sounded to me," she said, and raised a brow, "so….you promise, it's just gonna be you and I. No other extras, huh?"
"Promise." Dougie said quickly, "Shake on it." Carrie eyed him, but then met his grasp and shook on it, before going back to her toast and enjoying savoring the taste.
"Who's the jealous one now?" Dougie whispered quietly to her from across the table, sending the blonde a smirk and a wink, who offered nothing but a glare, "C'mon, just saying. Sounds like you want me all to yourself." Carrie looked at him and then placed down the toast and met his gaze.
"I'm doing this for no one but myself. Not you." she said. Dougie rolled his eyes and then leaned across the table and dropped his voice, lowly.
"No other extras, huh?" he whispered, "Afraid someone's gonna steal me away?" Carrie slowly looked to his face, her eyes unmistakably drifting across his face for a moment before looking back at his eyes.
"Who says I'm afraid? You're the one inviting me." she whispered back quietly, watching that stupid smirk grow on his lips - a challenge. She seemed to have caught Dougie in a crossfire as he chuckled to himself and then leaned back in his chair and laid an arm over the empty seat next to him.
"If anything, you should be afraid someone's gonna steal me away. I've met plenty of those gentlemen to know they'd take any chance they could." Carrie said, her cheeks flaming at the way he watched her, making her collar hot and her cheeks red, "Why didn't you just ask Paulina? Or Bessie?" Dougie sent her a look and crossed his arms.
"There's a reason I'm asking you and not them, sweetheart." he said and she felt her face dip darker in color, to which she picked up her toast and took an angry bite out of it, trying to ignore that look on his face, to which she was almost enjoying. Knowing he was getting under her skin, and she was liking it. She swallowed her toast and then looked at him, schooling her features evenly.
"Enlighten me. What are you trying to say?" Carrie said, staring at him with a cool expression. A bold question to pose, in her opinion. Like bait for a fish. He watched her and licked his lips, suddenly under the spotlight and met her gaze again, fully.
"I want to dance." Dougie said, a nod, like convincing himself this was right, "With you." Carrie's eyes moved to his quickly. He stared right back at her, holding her gaze tensely as she reached for her coffee cup.
There was something in his gaze that was different than before there. A longing, a want, an eagerness - something that made her stomach feel funny and her toes tingle.
Why, she wondered in her mind. There were a bunch of other wonderful ladies he could dance with that he would have a far better time both dancing and conversing with - people that were pleasant and friendly and happy. People that weren't like her. She looked to him again and watched as he leaned forward and shook his head.
"Listen, Bergie, I'm sorry," he said quickly, waving his hands in front of himself, "it was too forward, I get it. You got a lot of shit going on back home, you don't want-"
"No." Carrie said, stopping him mid-sentence, his eyes flashing to hers as she sat there, cheeks turning red again as she tried to stop it. She shook her head and balled up her fists and fixed her shoulders.
"It's not that." she managed out in a stammering pace, shaking her head. The two watched each other - him, waiting on her to open her mouth, and her, waiting for her mind to connect with her mouth to speak. But it didn't happen.
"What's going on, Bergie?" Dougie asked quietly, noticing as she looked at him, trying to gather what thoughts were left in her mind.
All she could think of was the casualty list - the way it grew, larger and larger. The amount of planes that had gone up and never come down. The amount of men they'd lost, the people that were gone never to return. The families that would never get their sons and daughters back.
"James." she said quickly, and he looked at her in earnest, "I….." He stared at her, the most serious she'd ever seen a look appear on his face.
"This is…." she couldn't get her words right, the puddle of her mind overwhelming. She couldn't look at him and speak what she actually wanted to say. It was too real. All of these. These feelings, what was going on around them. This war.
"Did something happen?" he asked quickly, "Listen, I just joke with you, no hard feelings, just-"
"I'll dance with you." she said quickly, "Tonight. Just-" she stood quickly with her half-finished cup of coffee, looking down at her pants rather than him, "-just….I'll see you there." She took her plate and then spun away, moving around the edge of the table, her eyes on the door.
"Wait, wait, Bergie-" Dougie said, jumping to his feet, and lightly placing a hand on her elbow. She turned to look up at him, catching him in the haze of late morning light and watched as his eyes softened, only seen by her, his eyes lingering on parts of her face she hated to show a soul, his body heat penetrating her own with how close he seemed to be.
"Are you okay?" he asked her quietly, dropping his voice, "I mean, you don't have to dance with me. I just…..we never have and I figured I owed ya-"
"I'm fine." she managed quickly, "No, we'll….we'll dance. It's fine. I'm fine." She offered a smile his way and he watched her, regarding her face quietly.
"I didn't ask you because there's another girl or to have a laugh, none of that, that's a shit thing to do, alright?" he said quietly, "I asked you because I want to dance with you. You, Bergie." She stared at him, her eyes flicking back and forth, over and over. The longer she stared at him, the more her heart began to race and the blood rushed to her cheeks.
"What I'm trying to say is that you're the most beautiful woman I've ever met, and I finally have the opportunity to dance. With you." Dougie said quickly, his ears and upper cheeks turning red, even though he seemed to try to hide it. Between both their faces and the redness of their cheeks, it was quite a sight for any onlooker or eavesdropper. She stared at him.
"I almost did. Back in Greenland. You definitely didn't want anything to do with me, but I almost did it." he said, a nervous smile on his face, "Figured you were pissed with me. So I didn't. As usual." She continued to watch him - him, rambling, her, staring. After a few moments of silence that lingered between them, she blinked.
"I'm always pissed with you." she said, but she said it in a way that was both factual and sarcastic and got a smile going on Dougie's face.
"Well, I know that," he said, "figured you wouldn't want to dance with the guy you're pissed off at. I don't know, as I go to twirl you, you'd probably try to push me into a wall or something."
Carrie stared at him - she'd let him twirl her into his chest and more, hold her close to his chest, in his broad, warm arms, tell her it was okay, that this was okay, that this was allowed, that she could feel this. She stared at him, her heart racing. And he stared back, that deep look in his eye that was enough to make her lose it.
"Keep looking at me like that and you'll get more than you bargained for." she whispered softly and then offered him a small, smirking grin, and walked away, her cheeks and ears burning.
If she looked back, she'd get that look that she knew was on his face, forever implanted in her mind and she couldn't have that yet. Not now.
As she placed away the plate and took one last sip of her coffee, she moved towards the door with her arms crossed and glanced over her shoulder just as she stepped out and looked to where Dougie was, stood still, hands in his pockets, watching her like something holy had just appeared right in front of him. She winked.
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millythegoat · 2 years
Throwbacc to that our beloved photographer’s birthday
Kloppo: “John! C’mhere!”
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Kloppo: “Let me handle that for you” *softly grabs the camera*
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in Attenborough voice “here we see an advanced age man struggling with this image capture machinery”
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Kloppo “how the heck” *continues to struggle*
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Kloppo “here..what a confusing piece of machine that is”
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amorcrazy · 10 months
Wouter Achterberg, Xiasou & Hernán Torres, Sonic Union & Alfonso Muchach...
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empreinte0 · 11 months
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1. La guarigione è un viaggio verso la nostra integrità lungo tutta la vita
2. Guarire è ricordare ciò che abbiamo dimenticato sulla connessione, l'unità e l'interdipendenza di tutte le cose, viventi e non viventi
3. La guarigione è abbracciare ciò che temiamo di più
4. Guarire è aprire ciò che è chiuso, ammorbidire ciò che è diventato duro e ostruisce
5. La guarigione è creatività, passione e amore
6. Guarire è cercare e ritrovare se stessi completamente, la luce e l'ombra, la parte maschile e femminile
7. Guarire è imparare a fidarsi della vita
8. La guarigione è entrare nel momento trascendente e senza tempo in cui si sperimenta di essere uno con l'universo ✨
Jeanne Achterberg 🙏
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