#hetalia fanfiction
renonv · 3 months
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Spamano Week Day 6: First Kiss 💋
i know there is no light (in a room where the sun is missing)
I got the greatest honor to collaborate with the amazing @mangofresca and draw the first of the 5 (well, 6 :3) kisses that these two idiots shared over the decades.
Do yourself a favor and give this fic a read!! it’s so good, amazing, wonderful, stupendous, and had me running on the walls of my enclosure… in short I am fucking OBSESSED
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The textless version :3
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ego-meliorem-esse · 1 year
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July 13th, 1917
Be it from a sense of paternal concern or simply patriotic duty, Arthur made sure to leave his soldiers in the charge of an older Corporal and made his way to the quite pathetic excuse of a medical section where his son was left to rot.
Arthur had heard about the attack. He had been informed the day prior.
He had seen war and famine and sickness, but never like this. Arthur wasn't young, in any sense, and what wonders and strong political oppinions young men had, had left him a long time ago like a ship leaving the harbour in a hury to claim new land. This though, had left shock echoing within his tired, millenia old frame. He wasn't used to this.
Arthur made his way through the trenches with soldiers from every corner of the globe instantly stopping whatever they were doing prior and saluting him as if etiquette and rank mattered in hell. As if it was more importaint to greet the Higher ups than to survive long enough to even write a letter back to family. Arthur did understand that though. Routine and rules were the only thing keeping these poor and wretched souls from being consumed by thoughts of an imminent death.
The path to the section where Matthew was held was quite straightforward and quite familiar. He had marched to and from it hundreds of times and had a sort of automatic rithm in his step. Arthur made his way to the small and damp room with a fast pace indicative of familiarity, only to stop in his tracks in the shabbily built doorframe at the sight that awaited him in the corner.
Matthew sat in the corner of the sad makeshift medical section of the trenches, his back firm against the cold, damp wall.
His once-piercing blue-grey eyes were now clouded over with milky white cataracts, rendering him completely blind. The newly used gas had stolen his sight. His skin, once tanned and healthy, now bore the sickly pallor of a much older man who had endured unimaginable suffering.
Matthew's uniform, discarded in favour of his worn down undershirt, was now a tattered and stained relic of his time in the trenches. The not-white-anymore shirt clung to his emaciated frame as if decency still mattered in hell. The physical toll of the war was clear on his body. Not that Matthew would have to worry about seeing that any time soon. His hands, which had once held a rifle with resolve, now trembled even while resting on his thighs.
Despite his physical and emotional anguish, Matthew remained seated upright, his back pressed against the unforgiving, stained wall. A testament to his resilience if there was any left, a silent protest against the horrors that had taken his sight and left him broken in body and spirit.
As he sat there, his spirit reduced to a hollow shell, Matthew's face bore a mixed expression of utter defeat and complete indifference. His lips were drawn into a thin, lifeless line, and his cheeks were gaunt from the weight of his suffering. His blank, unseeing eyes stared into the abyss, as if waiting for answers and also hoping they'd never arrive.
In that moment, Matthew was not a representation of Canada; he was a young man who had been scarred and broken by the senseless brutality of war. The trenches around him buzzed with activity, but he remained isolated in his silent world of darkness and despair. The young medics job was done. He had patched Matthew up and left him to his own misery. Matthew was grateful.
Arthur stood there silently under the doorframe for what seemed like hours, but was probably only a few seconds. A strange and unfamiliar twinge of emotion plucked and pulled on his conscience. He hadn't felt guilt in quite some time. This feeling was reserved for drunken nights spent in solitude with the doors to the room he resided in firmly locked so that his sliver of self-deprecating emotion wasn't witnessed by any but himself, while he drunk himself to unconsciousness.
He preferred the emotional solitude to this.
Arthur had believed himself to be capable of most things. Especially conversation and confrontation. He was quite good at those as centuries of existence had proved. He believed himself quite skilful with words. Most of the time he knew what to say and when to say it without it resulting in unwanted and unforeseen consequences, while still making sure his opinion was heard.
Arthur had no words forming as he stood in that doorframe. If Arthur was a good man, his reasoning would be that he felt such strong empathy and sadness that words wouldn't be enough to express the sorrow he felt at that moment. If Arthur was a good man he'd run to his son, assure him that this wouldn't happen ever again and that he was safe. If Arthur was a good man he would fall on his knees in front of his oldest son and beg for forgiveness.
Arthur wasn't a good man.
He could admit to his shortcomings, but to act on them was not in his nature.
So he stood there for another 5 or 6 minutes watching his son shallowly breathe in and out, hearing the boys lungs struggle to keep up with his muscles contraction and need for air.
He must have made a noise, as Matthew's head tilted slightly to the left, almost looking at Arthur but definitely not seeing him. Arthur looked back at him.
The room was quiet, save for the desperate plea of Matthews lungs to be put out of their misery.
Sensing nothing after a few moments, Matthew turned his head back towards the blank wall ahead.
Arthur silently turned his frame around and slowly started walking the path he had taken to get here. As he took a few steps, he released the breath he didn't know he was holding.
How he longed for that whiskey bottle and that dark room where he could lock himself in and slowly drift out of consciousness instead of facing his own mistakes.
Arthur definitely was not a good man.
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lunakagayake · 5 months
Ciao Hetalians I'm here to give you war flashbacks
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Printed out the VeraVerse
To new fans, the VeraVerse is a series of fanfiction made by George DeValier on Fanfiction.net though they were taken down and re-uploaded by users on Ao3
And I just so happened to use my extra money to print fanfics to read at school
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If you need the PDFs of the fics in ready to print format just ask me I have it saved :) I used Adobe Reader (free version) to print it
Links on Ao3
Auf Widersehen Sweetheart
We'll Meet Again
Keep Smiling Through (Sequel to We'll Meet Again)
Bésame Mucho
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alfredosauce50 · 5 months
Parent headcanons: Alfred, Allen, Matt, & Mathias
When it comes to the trials of adulthood, they have their own ways of getting on top. But parenting is what really puts them to the test. Starting a family and being one of the sole carers for another person will shine a light on the best and worst parts of them.
The big news
He has the most normal reaction out of the four. Panic, acceptance, then excitement, he’s finally moving onto the final stages of adulthood and achieving his lifelong dream. Being a suburban dad and getting that white picket fence. It’s not just about liking kids, Alfred is rather traditional when it comes to his values; he has always romanticized the American dream. He already has a good job, all he needs is to make it happen.
“Fuuuuuck,” He whispers, eyes wide as he rakes his hands through his hair. He stands there for a few minutes, staring into space as you watch him tensely for his reaction. “We’re ready to be parents, right?”
He will freak out. Planned or unplanned, he’s not mentally prepared to be a father. He doesn’t think he’s good enough, but knows deep down he has to be. That’s what really scares him. If he needs to improve himself, it’s now or never. So after a week of panicking and catastrophizing, he’s ready to give himself a second chance — even if it’s for someone else. But his selflessness is key to his perseverance, and eventual success.
“I fucked up,” He squeezes you like a lifeline. It was the only conclusion he could come to after hours of talking about it, the only thing he could ever truly understand. “I fucked up. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
He’ll be over the moon. He’s gonna be even more excited than you, but that’s kinda given when he doesn’t have to carry the baby and deliver it. Point is, Mathias is very family-oriented, so don’t expect anything less. He’s the most self-affirmed a person can be too, so he’s always ready to move onto the next stage in life. His nurturing character and openness to change will help you immensely in periods of stress and uncertainty.
“I’m so happy that I could cry,” He whispers with his head on your tummy. He’s half-awake after burning out from his own excitement, but his spirit is still in the right place. “We’re finally gonna have a family.”
Letting you into his life was already a miracle, and now he’s gonna be a dad? This is a human being that he’ll have to be responsible for, not something he can simply tap out of and run away from. Matt is driven by his interests, solitude, and above all else, his freedom. A baby would take away all of those things, and he’s so troubled by it that he disappears for a few weeks. He comes home to a slap, but it’s well-deserved.
“Are you gonna keep hitting me, or are you gonna let me go to my shed?” He sighs, closing his eyes as you keep wailing on him. And he just takes it, absorbing every strike that was your burning love for him.
“Why, so you can keep—” You shove him harshly so that he actually stumbles back. “—hiding from me?”
“No, I’m gonna build a crib and make some toys.”
Parenting style
He’s everything you’d expect from a new parent. Freaking out over the little things, screaming when they do something new, burning out after weeks of sleep deprivation, etc. He isn’t perfect, and you’re gonna have to work with him like any other partner, but before you know it, the house is filled with photo frames. He’s your best friend, and sometimes before your partner, so he has a hard time giving and taking. But it’s also why you two will stick together through thick and thin.
Alfred eventually evolves into the archetype of fathers. He takes the backseat and tells his kids, ‘I don’t know, go ask your mother,’ or even gets in trouble for doing stupid things like leaving the toilet seat up. When you just finished yelling at the kids, he comes to them later and goes, ‘someone’s in a bad mood today,’ when he’s just glad it wasn’t him. But when it’s something really serious, he flips like a switch and takes the lead. When that happens, there’s no talking him down.
“Alright gang, ready to get the show on the road?” Alfred rubs his hands together excitedly before he starts the car. “When we get there, I want everyone to be on their best behavior. I’m already on thin ice.”
He has high expectations for his kids. Ever since they popped out, he’s been giving them the best of the best, like nice clothes, family trips, sports leagues, and dance. He also wants them to go to a prestigious university in the future and to do all the things he might have missed out on. Cue the ‘that’s your dream, not mine, dad!’ Alfred can be hard on his children when it comes to success, so you need to remind him they’ve got minds of their own and are not carbon copies of him.
He says he prefers sons until he gets a daughter. Alfred is an absolute sweetheart to his girls, and is way more lenient with them than his boys. He doesn’t mean to play favorites, but it’s just how he’s wired. However, it also means being quite strict and protective when they get to that age. No drinking and no sleepovers with boys present. Men are all animals according to him. But dad, aren’t you a man? Exactly! He’s the pioneer of ‘anything you do to my daughter, I do to you.’
He tried his absolute best to prepare, but it starts off a disaster. What can go wrong will go wrong. The baby gets sick, you’re away on urgent family business, so he needs to do it all without you. Allen stays in hospital with the baby overnight, and slowly, but surely, they get better. He ends up neglecting himself to put his child’s needs first, and by the time you get back, he’s burning up with a fever. But the baby is perfectly content and sleeping soundly in the crib because of him.
He wants the best for his family, even if it means sacrificing everything he has. He understands his limits, but there’s nothing he won’t do to make sure his kid gets every opportunity he never had. Sports, college, you name it. If everybody in class has branded sneakers, he’ll buy a pair just so they don’t feel left out. He’s always proud of his baby, and if anybody tried to bully them, they’ll have to answer to him. Allen sees the best of him in his child, but usually fails to see it in himself.
“You can have my egg. I’m not hungry, baby.” Allen says, sliding his plate to his little girl. He knows that you won’t be back with the groceries for an hour or so, and no kids are going hungry on his watch.
Allen doesn’t think there’s a particular way of parenting because no one child is the same. So long as they do their homework, get out under the sun, and have a good attitude, the rest is to be decided. If his child needs extra support, he’ll give it to them, and if they need a reality check, he’ll give that to them too. He reminds them how hard life can be without stability, so they should take their future seriously, but at the same time, he’s always gonna be there to give them a home.
Nobody would mess with his kids after one look at him. He’s an ex-marine without the ‘ex.’ His daughter will have trouble finding a boyfriend to begin with because of him, and when she finally does, they’re gonna have to gain his respect to be trusted with looking after his little girl. If his son ever gets into a fight, he’ll ask if he won then whoop his ass later. And in the principle’s office, he’s giving the other kid the worst stink-eye ever. He’s the dad that could beat up the other dads.
He’s a total natural; all is well when the baby is in his care. He may be all over the place, but when he really cares about something, he’s in a constant state of hyper focus. The baby will always be clean, well-fed, and happy, so don’t worry about a thing. There’s also no such thing as 50/50 with Mathias. He knows that there will be times when one person has to take the lead. It’s not in his nature to keep track of who’s giving and taking the most. He’s too mature for that.
It’s like experiencing a second childhood for him. Reading picture books, fairytales, playing with legos, or going to places he went to as a kid, he treats parenthood as a chance to relive his best memories and love every second of it. He will never miss a parent event, performance, and appointment. His dedication makes him very perceptive of his child, so he always knows what to do or say to cheer them up. As they grow up, they maintain a very close relationship to him.
“We wanna go to Legoland!”
“You mean, you wanna go to Legoland,” You laugh at him, “I heard you talking to Bjorn about it last night.”
“That’s so he can make an informed decision, of course,” Mathias grins, not showing a hint of shame as he shuffles over with his phone on the home page of the Legoland site. “So I take that it’s decided?”
He’s a great parent, but he’s by no means strict. All he wants is for them to have a fighting chance in the world, like doing a job that they enjoy. He’s great at communicating with his kids and has a lot of compassion, which takes them a long way. He’s never had to discipline them besides setting boundaries and occasionally grounding them. You rule the home with a firmer hand, and maybe that’s why your kids respect you more but treat him more like a friend than a parent sometimes.
Mathias doesn’t bat an eye when his kids first start dating. He’s always been quite liberal, so he just tells them to be careful about the birds and the bees, then to talk to him if things get testy. The one thing he’ll do is to ensure they have high standards. Love is life’s reward, not something to cry yourself to sleep about. Eventually, he’ll invite their date over for dinner, and as it turns out, he’d be a great father in law. He’s very welcoming and treats any future Densens like one of his own.
He’s a trial-by-error, improvise as you go along kinda dad. He hasn’t put much thought into the trials of childcare, but he always works things out in his own way. If the bub keeps crying because they don’t want to be bottle-fed by him, he will cover his face with a picture of you. Easy-peasy. If they’re crawling around the bed, he will use them as a mousepad as he scrolls on his laptop. That way, he gets some leisure time while making sure they don’t actually go anywhere.
Matt is the opposite to a helicopter parent. When his kid trips and face plants into the ground, he doesn’t react. The trick is to not acknowledge it, because only then will they cry. He isn’t afraid to let them explore the world and gain their own agency. It’s good for them, he says. Some part of you thinks he just wants them to grow up quicker so he doesn’t have to take care of them anymore, but there’s always those special little moments.
“How about I teach you how to drive the truck?” Matt asks, walking back home with the family.
“He’s eleven.” You remark.
“Is that a problem?”
He’s all about the family business. If his children don’t want to go fishing and logging with him, fine, but if they show even the slightest bit of interest, he’s bought. Matt will be more than eager to show them the ropes. He takes them on camping trips to show them the beauty of the great outdoors, and the humility it takes to be apart of it. The art of it all is there’s no problem that can’t be solved, and even a rugged man like him can be domesticated by the right person.
If his daughter got a boyfriend, he’d be waiting at home with a shotgun. Matt will then play it off like he just got back from a hunting trip. He’s the type to use silent intimidation, and it works like a charm. If not, he’ll tell jerks to get off his lawn even though he doesn’t have one, and when they ask what lawn, he’ll just say “all of it.” What he means is to get out of his sight and the woods, which is the lawn he’s talking about. (Ha!) On the flip side, he’s nice to girls his son brings home.
Losing the spark
He has a tendency to let himself go when he gets comfortable. This usually happens when his first kid reaches their teenage years and he can afford to sit back now that they can do their own thing. He’s established a stable family unit, but he takes that for granted and gets a little lazy. As a result, he packs on a few pounds and tries less in the relationship. He’s not as attractive as he used to be, and you’re having more petty arguments.
“Why do I feel like you hate me?” He watches you mop the kitchen after you told him to do it. Only he delayed it to sit around on his phone and eat crisps. Even then, he still has the nerve to be upset about it.
“I don’t hate you, I’m just annoyed at you.”
“But you’re annoyed with me everyday.”
Losing the spark? Not on his watch! He never stops trying, ever, and keeps chasing you like when he first started dating you. His stability doesn’t come from money, it comes from you. You’re his rock, and nothing else matters so long as you’re here. He’s the epitome of ‘you know how daddy is about mommy,’ and he’s proud of it. He also takes great care of his body, and with his good genes, he practically ages backwards.
“You better wear that button-down shirt tonight, Al. A tank top isn’t gonna cut it,” You tell him.
“You callin’ me a deadbeat?” He questions.
“No, but you dress like one.”
“I thought you liked my clothes, babe.”
“I do, but the teachers won’t.”
“True that.” He fixes his collar in front of a mirror. He peers at his reflection, marveling at how well he cleaned up. A dress shirt and belt? He’s practically unrecognizable — until he grins, that is. “Still got it.”
He’s always gonna be young at heart, so his spirit never dies. His love for you is as constant as a river, and he’s not afraid of putting on a show for the kids to the point they get a little disgusted. (Ew!) He doesn’t think he’d ever be too old for romance, and his good faith shows up in how gracefully he ages. He might occasionally grow out a thick beard, and when he shaves it off, he looks devastating close to when he was younger.
“Are we ever gonna be alone again?” He mumbles, pouting. His thirtieth birthday is coming up, but he hasn’t changed a bit, save for the more pronounced smile lines around his mouth. “I need some love too.”
“We will, Mat. I just don’t feel comfortable leaving the baby alone right now,” You shake your head.
“We could call Amy and have a date night.”
“I don’t know, Mat.”
“I’ll shave off my beard.”
“You wouldn’t say no to me without a beard.”
The longer he’s with you, the harder he loves. His feelings don’t change when things get hard, or as time passes. They just get stronger. In that same breath, he also ages like wine. In the end, he ends up being the bigger romantic. He used to be a lone wolf, and he thought he was okay with it, but now that he has you, he can’t imagine his life without you. To think you actually stuck around and gave him a chance, he’ll never forget that.
“Wanna go back inside and do it?” He mutters.
“You’re disgusting, Matt.” You walk inside without sparing him a single glance. No matter how old he gets, he’ll always have a mouth on him. No matter how old you get, you’ll always forgive him for it.
“Is that a no?”
“Make me dinner and let me think about it.”
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yawujin · 27 days
request | russia x short!reader
type | short read , non established relationship , fluff , gender neutral reader
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he likes to rest his chin atop their head whilst the two stand together
leans down to hear them better (ahsjskdk)
smiles to himself seeing the major size differences between their shoe size, and hands, and his own
makes a few short jokes here and there but only because it's cute when they get mad
he's good to have around when you need to grab something from the very top shelf
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eveistdiepommes · 3 months
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REVERIE OF THE NORTH: We Were Tasked With Slaying the Demon Prince!
[Character Breakdown/Lore]
ROTN: We Were Tasked With Slaying the Demon Prince takes place in a medieval/fairytale/fantasy setting. Magic is ever present, beasts and creatures roam the forests, and while peace is happily maintained in the northern kingdoms, a new threat looms over the horizon. Word has spread of ferocious, terrifying armies of dark beings attacking kingdoms and leaving civilians fleeing their homes. The only kingdoms with enough time and resources to assemble a plan are the ones high up, the ones who haven’t been affected… yet. The Kingdoms of Frost, Shadows, Mystery, Isolation, and Life must band together and find the root of the issue. Good thing the princes from each kingdom are childhood best friends!
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Character Descriptions!
-> Tino! Prince from the Kingdom of Frost! But, he has the most sunny and cheery disposition. His warm nature is so strong, that’s why he rules the coldest area, as only he could melt the ice away (all according to Berwald!) He is very anxious, cautious when things go awry, maybe a bit fearful at times. He’s gentle, soft, on the shyer side (not as shy as Emil, no one is as shy as Emil) and generally a very positive energy! He can also be quite the fierce warrior! Never judge a book!
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-> Berwald! Prince from the Kingdom of Shadows! While they all live in the north and experience the darkness in some capacity, Berwald’s kingdom is the furthest north, bottom half connected to Tino’s. Berwald is silent, brooding, sturdy, strong. His face is unreadable to most. He is endearingly awkward, and somehow, his comedic timing is perfect, despite not trying or understanding when he says something funny… most times.
-> Berwald has had a crush on Tino since they’ve been kids. His love has never faltered, if anything, as he matured, it only got stronger. Tino very much reciprocates his feelings, but it’s one of those things where they don’t say anything in case they were just misreading each other (they never are and the other three are just waiting for them to do something about it before they take it into their chaotic hands)
-> Berwald asked Lukas to help him with transformation magic in order to transform himself into a weapon Tino could use. Berwald came upon a down Tino one night two months before the current story takes place. When asked what was wrong, Tino voiced that he didn’t feel strong enough to keep up with everyone. He was short, soft, his hands barely held callouses! He felt as if he was holding everyone back. Berwald grumbled lowly. He couldn’t stand that the strongest person he knew felt inferior just because of things like looks and perceptions. He wondered if he could do something to show Tino how he saw him, have Tino see himself through his eyes. Taking this extremely seriously, he began working on his transformation magic to become something useful for his dear Tino. He chose a sword, a weapon Tino is highly proficient with, to show him and the people around them how skillful and capable Tino truly is. He also made a vow of loyalty, meaning no one can use Berwald as a sword except for Tino. And this way, Berwald would always be by his side, looking out for him. Only recently did the magic stick and when the story starts, Tino does not know of Berwald’s new ability yet!
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-> Lukas! Prince from the Kingdom of Mystery! Lukas is an extremely talented sorcerer. His magic comes from his bloodline, the royals of his kingdom/his family members all have magic in some capacity. He was appointed as a fellow leader at 20 because of his powerful magic. This made him the youngest of the rulers from where he comes from! His specialty is nature and healing magic.
-> Lukas’ brother is Emil. Emil also has magic, very powerful magic just like his brother. But his magic is dark, forbidden, hence why he was given his own “kingdom.” A neighboring island, land that is part of the Kingdom of Mystery. Lukas visits his brother often despite being advised not to.
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-> Emil! Prince from the Kingdom of Isolation. Emil’s kingdom is small but mighty! He is quiet, avoidant, mostly locked in his castle to make sure he never reveals his magic to others. Spending most days indoors has led Emil to become incredibly creative. Not even the other princes know of his magic, despite their strong bonds. Only his brother Lukas knows. He is blunt, cold, but deep down, he is warm, fiery, and passionate. He is the youngest! (17, turning 18 soon) He gets embarrassed very easily!
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-> Matthias! Prince from the Kingdom of Life! Just like his people, Matthias is outgoing, boisterous, and incredibly resilient! He is full of jokes, sometimes at others’ expenses, but he generally means well! He can be pretty demanding or bossy, even arrogant, but sometimes his outlandish ideas turn out to be the best course of action in the end! Much like Tino, he is optimistic and smiley, but his warm disposition is much more vigorous, while Tino’s is calming and comforting.
-> Matthias became a leader of the Kingdom of Life after executing the prior royal family for their unjust actions and plans (with the other kingdoms’ armies by his side as backup.) The Kingdom of Life was once a tyrannical government, now it is under better management with Matthias as its head.
-> Matthias actually formed the plan for takeover with Lukas. Matthias was once a guard for the former royal family, but had grown up close to the other princes since they were the only ones who saw him for who he really was. One night, when he felt all hope was lost, Matthias ran into the forest aimlessly. Coincidentally, he ran into Lukas, who he spilled his troubles to. And Lukas decided then and there, Matthias’ situation called for some healing magic first and foremost. He used magic to rid Matthias of his physical burdens, transforming him into who he truly was, how the rest of the princes saw him, how he wanted to see himself. With that taken care of, the Mystery Prince assured Matthias they’d form a plan to stage a coup.
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Character Height Chart!
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Character Age Chart!
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Bonus! Pajamas!
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hetalian-veteran · 21 days
A quick shout out to all of the Hetalia fans out there who did a whole crap-ton of research when writing historical based fanfiction in an effort to be as accurate and respectful to history as possible.
You are all wonderful, and I hope you have a splendid day.
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hwsing · 1 year
hi oh my god that giving head post was something else. if you’ve got the motivation to write, i’d love to see a 2p version if the characters/one with russia, germany, prussia, and romano
giving head pt. 2
warnings/notes: 18+, reader is afab and gender neutral. includes: russia (ivan braginsky), germany (ludwig beilschmidt), and s. italy (lovino vargas). as always, reblogs are appreciated. also, glad you enjoyed the last one! <3
☆ ivan braginsky
ivan can seem a bit reluctant about sexual things at times, but not out of a desire to not partake. in reality, he’s simply unused to intimacy — even if he isn’t a virgin, he can’t help but feel like he’s lacking in experience. this doesn’t get him down, though; he sees it as a learning opportunity, yeah? he’ll encourage you to be vocal about how he makes you feel, and even ask you unintentionally embarrassing questions.
he’ll look up at you from where he was between your legs, sucking on your clit and watching as you tilt your head back in pleasure; he’ll stop to ask if you like that, and he’ll chuckle softly against your cunt as you usher his face back into your cunt. he’s quite patient when it comes to this — even if it takes you nearly an hour to get off, he doesn’t mind. he’ll stay for as long as you want, really; he’s just happy to be wanted.
remember what doja said about big noses? yeah… when he tongue fucks your hole, his nose will absolutely rub against your throbbing clit, offering rough and uncoordinated stimulation to the bud. when he realizes this is happening, he’s quick to practically nuzzle into your cunt, licking up and against the walls of your pussy. he’s gonna be eating you out like a starved man, be warned — over stimulation should be expected, really… when you cling desperately to the bed and mewl about how it’s s’much, it makes him feel so proud of himself — he has to keep going, all the way until you’re twitching and crying.
☆ ludwig beilschmidt
ludwig doesn’t seem reluctant in the same way that ivan does — no, ludwig is just straight up nervous. at first, he’s practically sweating as hes lowering his face to your cunt, and he swears his mouth goes dry and he feels almost light headed while looking at your glistening folds. he is so ridiculously horny, and he feels like a stupid teenager seeing a pussy for the first time — he nearly groans against your cunt the first time he gets a taste, and it’s almost like he’s on autopilot as he wraps his arms around your thighs and pulls you closer.
now, ludwig is the type that is pretty worried about how much you’re enjoying yourself, if he’s making you feel good, etc — and so, he’ll brace through his fears. more often than not, he’s gonna incorporate his hands — let him tie you up so that you’re at complete mercy to him, leaning back to spit on your cunt as he fingers you, watching the glob roll down to your tight ass. his head’s gonna come down to blow on your clit, feeling his cock twitch as you whine out, before latching his lips around your bud while he continues to finger you. your clit is going to feel nearly bruised after from how much he sucks on your clit; he gets way too into this, honestly. he gets off so much from doing this to you and hearing all your reactions, that you should’ve be surprised if he creams his pants during the act.
oh — he’s definitely curious about using toys. if you don’t own any, and he doesn’t, expect him to buy some. it doesn’t have to be anything totally out there, but he wants to at least try a strong vibrator on your clit as his tongue and fingers work on your holes (yes, plural). the thought of you tied up and unable to do anything but squirm while he makes you see stars… it keeps him up at night, he wants to soooo bad please let him. he’s just a closeted pervert.
☆ lovino vargas
this man is so good at this it’s unfunny. he really, really, really wants— no, needs to impress you. he literally has to blow your mind or else he will simply be forced to pass away. with that in mind… expect him to kiss up your leg, holding your gaze as he spreads your thighs — if you hitch, gasp, blush, or have genuinely any sort of reaction, it’s like points added to his confidence and ego. it reassures him that hey, he’s actually making you happy — and so, he’s wonderfully generous. you’ll feel his calloused hands caress and grop your thighs and ass softly as he kisses up to your cunt, before licking up your folds.
lovino has experience. he knows his way around a lovers body — he doesn’t rush things, no, he takes his time. he appreciates how you taste, the way your spine arches into his touch, the sounds of pleasure you make; his tongue will swirl around your sensitive bud that’s aching from his teasing, and he gets fight off the grin tugging at his plump lips as you whine. making you feel good makes him feel good — it’s a mutual exchange, really.
he’s not necessarily going to go out of his way to overstimulate you, but there really are times when he’ll rest his head against your thigh and look up at you pleadingly after you pulled him off your cunt by his hair. he’ll ask you for just one more — he’s gonna follow it up with some sickeningly sweet words, too, telling you all about how good you taste and how much he loves your cunt, how much he craves it — when you cave, he’s eager to get back into your cunt, greedily licking up all your juices. although, he will get horribly flustered if you praise him, and he’ll grumble about how you’re distracting him.
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mangofresca · 3 months
kiss me while he kisses the sea
Lovino catches that look and squawks indignantly. “Oh no,” he says, shoving Antonio down into his captain’s chair and gripping his chin, forcing his head back, “you will not blame me because you are a glutton.” Antonio spreads his legs wider, pulling Lovino into the space between them, hands settling sweetly at the curve of Lovino’s thighs. “I don’t blame you, mi joya. But you look so nice in my gold, and I did promise you the world…” His thumbs trace small circles up the backs of Lovino’s thighs, tone teasing, and Lovino feels his face burn. (Or, Lovino bandages up an injured Antonio before riding him silly.) Oneshot, Spamano.
Words: 3,840, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Hetalia: Axis Powers
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Relationships: South Italy/Spain (Hetalia)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Pirate, Pirate Spain (Hetalia), Bruising, Riding, Cockwarming, Mutual Adoration, bc theyre so annoying about each other, Romano bandaging Spain's cuts, bc that concept makes me soft and weepy, spamanoweek, spamanoweek2024
@spamano-week entry for the prompt of pirates, taken as a very small sample from a behemoth of a fic i hope to one day write fully and post. but. we'll see.
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mimicmimikyuwrites · 2 months
Russia (Ivan Braginsky) x Male!Reader Dating Headcanons
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Ask: "hiiii could i req russia smut headcanons but with a male!reader instead? i wonder if the dynamics would be as different or not lololol but it's ok if u dont!! ohhh or maybe, dating russia headcanons w male!reader? if it's not too much! <3"
Contents/Possible Warnings: This is kinda of short, Fluff, Russia is heavily implied to be Bisexual or Pansexual, Russia is kinda clueless about dating men, but he's still got the spirit, though
Other Notes: I went with dating headcanons since I'm not entirely sure how I'd go about writing more detailed smut for a male reader just yet, even with a bit of research on tips. This is my first time writing for a male reader, so I apologize in advance if the writing isn't the best. Constructive criticism is always welcome. I'm glad to try something new, though! I had fun writing this, so a thank you to the Anon who requested this. ❤️
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It's important to understand that Ivan hasn't dated very many men before. He hasn't been avoiding doing so, it's just the men he's been around throughout his history tended to be people who worked for him in some way, making the possibility for potential romance difficult to come by. Not too many people want to date their scary, intimidating boss, after all.
When you come along and aren't afraid of him automatically it opens up the door for something more between you two. Ivan is very adamant about being good friends with his partner before you two start dating, so things may take some time before they turn romantic and loving.
When he's finally ready to change your relationship and have you as his boyfriend he's not sure how to go about it. Who confesses to who? Does it even really matter? Do you even like other guys? Do you like him? He's not trying to make things complicated, he's just inexperienced when it comes to other men. He'll get even more worried if you're bi/pan and have mentioned dating women before.
You're probably going to be the one who asks him out because of this. Reassure him that your relationship is like any other he's been in and that things will be fine. Russia's still concerned about his role in things once you're dating, though.
He grew up in a very patriarchal society with certain expectations that extended their way into the dating scene, so when it comes to things with specific gender norms he's not sure what to do. When it comes to who pays the check at the restaurants you two have dates at he has a moral dilemma. Who pays?? Does he pay? Do you pay? He was so used to paying for his female partners before you... Please let him know it does not matter who pays. He's a bit confused, but he's got the spirit.
When he's fully understanding of the dynamics of your relationship he relaxes, and things aren't too different than his past relationships. He's still very doting and caring with you.
Expect a lot of affection from him! He loves to cuddle you, especially. He values quality time with you, so he spends as much of his day with you as he can. He does worry about coming off as clingy, however. Reassure him that you're fine with his company and he's good to go.
You can also expect a lot of dates. He prefers ones at home, such as watching a movie and eating snacks. To him, dates are about that quality time I mentioned earlier. Having your dates inside gives him more time to spend with just you and him.
Ivan's always been a loving person to his past partners, and you're no exception. Although he can often be childishly cruel to those around him, Russia would never hurt you in any way. (Unless you asked him to, but that's going into a whole other type of headcanons)
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koolkat9 · 1 month
Sick and Tired
Rating: T
Relationship: Germania + German Bros
Word Count: 775
Read on AO3
Author's Note: This was supposed to be fore German Bros week, but it turned more into a Gil and Germania fic than a Gil and Lud fic. So it will be it's own separate thing. But still...I wanted to release it on the same day. Based on a teen dad prussia au I have.
It had been a long day and a long night. Poor Ludwig had come down with his first cold, and given it was the weekend, it was Gilbert’s turn to take care of him. Gilbert had finally gotten him to sleep and was sitting down to start on his studying when a raspy cry rattled down the hall.
“Shit,” Gilbert muttered under his breath.
He tried to focus on his textbook and the notebook in front of him. He read the sentence over and over, the meaning of the words getting drowned out by the cries.
“In 1741, Frederick the Great…” he read aloud, hoping that would get him to focus. “Fredrick the Great achieved…Agh.”
He pressed his hands against his ears, screwing his eyes shut.
When the crying continued, Gilbert finally shot up and strode down the hallway. He threw open the door, it slammed against the nearby wall. For a moment, Ludwig stopped crying. Until he started right up again after getting over his shock. Gilbert groaned.
He picked up the baby and began rocking him. Bouncing him back and forth, frustrated.
“Shhhhh,” Gilbert hushed, “You’re fine. It’s fine. You’ll feel better if you sleep, you know?”
Rock and plead, rock and plead. It went on for an hour. But with his tired brain and Ludwig’s constant screaming, time was lost on Gilbert.
“Just please be quiet,” Gilbert begged, vision blurring with tears. “Please… please… please.”
Gilbert swayed slightly. He couldn’t tell if he was dizzy from being overwhelmed or tired or maybe he hadn’t drunk enough water today. He pulled himself over to the rocking chair and began rocking Ludwig once more.
But no matter what, Ludwig wouldn’t stop crying, face beet red.
Gilbert sniffed, pulling Ludwig closer and just breaking down into sobs.
“What’s going on–” A voice started to ask, only to cut himself off. A shadow shuffled amongst the darkened room.
“Papa…” Gilbert blubbered, finding his father kneeling in front of him.
“Someone still not feeling too good?” Adalbert asked, rubbing Ludwig’s head.
Gilbert shook his head no, swallowing thickly. “I’m sorry.”
“Hush now.”
Adalbert’s hand came to rest on Ludwig’s forehead. “Fever.”
He nodded to himself, rising to his feet, and headed to Ludwig’s closet. He pulled out a thinner set of PJs.
“Give him to me,” Adalbert instructed.
Gilbert handed Ludwig over tiredly. He collapsed back into the rocking chair. He couldn’t watch as his father dressed Ludwig in the lighter closed. He buried his head in his hands, tears soaking his palms. Why couldn’t he stop?
He hadn’t even noticed that Adalbert had taken Ludwig out of the room. When Gilbert finally looked up, he scoured the room frantically.
Luckily Adalbert returned a few minutes into Gilbert’s search.
“Don’t worry, I just was giving him a little lukewarm bath,” Adalbert explained, “Did wonders for you when you were a baby.”
And it seemed Ludwig took after Gilbert in that way. He was already dozing off in Adalbert’s arms.
“I’m sorry,” Gilbert mumbled wetly.
“You have nothing to apologize for. You did your best. Especially considering you’re under stress about that test. Speaking of…” He placed Ludwig back in the crib. “You should have come to me. I could have taken care of him today.”
“But he’s my responsibility, I–”
“Gilbert.” Adalbert’s voice was stern and his eyes cool. Gilbert winced. “When we decided to go through with this, you promised your studies would come first and I’d support you and Ludwig to make that happen.”
“But we also said the weekend would be my time to take care of him.”
Adalbert sighed. “Yes. But the importance of your studies trumps that. So right now, I want you to go to bed and sleep. I’ll take care of Ludwig tomorrow until you finish studying.”
Gilbert wanted to argue, feeling like a failure and that his father was angry at him. But he knew it was fruitless. He joined Adalbert beside the crib, wanting to at least check Ludwig one more time.
He looked so peaceful now. Still a little sick, but at least he wasn’t sobbing. Tears burned behind Gilbert’s eyes.
“I think he likes you better,” Gilbert choked.
Adalbert put a hand on his shoulder. “I think he likes you just as much.”
Ludwig cooed at them, little hands reaching out, not to Adalbert but to Gilbert. Gilbert quirked a brow. Cautiously, Gilbert reached out, letting Ludwig grasp his finger. After a few minutes, Ludwig closed his eyes and was fast asleep.
When Gilbert turned back to his father, Adalbert had a small smile on his face. “What did I tell you?”
Gilbert returned the smile. 
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ego-meliorem-esse · 1 year
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Stormy Eyes
The 7-year-old looking boy with boundless energy, stood atop the hill, looking down at the small church where a somber funeral was taking place. In his small hand, Alfred clutched a single flower, a blue daisy. The daisy, a simple tribute to his best friend, Davie. Alfred had returned from London with excitement, eager to share his discoveries and stories, only to discover the devastating news of Davie's passing. His young heart ached, and the weight of grief hung heavily upon him.
Throughout his short life, Alfred had always been a whirlwind of activity, his mind racing from one thought to another, his body in constant motion. His father, Arthur, had observed these tendencies with a watchful eye, understanding that his son's boundless enthusiasm often came with moments of restlessness and broken vases.
As Arthur approached his young son, he saw the boy's restless fidgeting, his hands twisting the flower stem, and his gaze darting in all directions. He knew with how much enthusiasm and excitement Alfred carried and took care of the flower on his long journey to Boston. So, having Alfred bend and break the stem was a certain cause for concern. He recognized his boys fidgeting and what it stood for. An understanding that had developed over years of being Alfred's father and mentor.
"Alfred," Arthur said sternly, yet without a hint of annoyance. His voice carrying the weight of centuries of history and responsibility. Arthur looked down from the hill to the quaint church where a crowd of silhouettes gathered, and with an almost inaudible "Ah." understood the weight of the situation. He looked down at his son, his eyes softened with concern. "I'm sorry lad."
Alfred's response was not in words but in frantic fidgeting. His young mind was trapped in a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions, rendering him staring down at the destroyed flower stem he seemed to cherish only a few hours before.
Seeing his son's distress, Arthur's concern deepened. He slowly kneeled down, reached out and gently held Alfred's face in his hands, physically anchoring the restless child and forcing their eyes to meet.
"Alfred," Arthur said firmly once again, his voice breaking through the chaos in Alfred's mind. "Focus, my son. You must."
Alfred's tear-filled eyes finally met his father's, and for a moment, the world seemed to stand still. Arthur could see his son's eyes trying to suppress more tears from welling up. The effort was unsuccessful, because as soon as Alfred took a breath, all the supressed tears fell all at once. Through all that his boy didn't make a single sound.
Arthur's words continued, his voice carrying the weight of wistom obtained by blood and violence. "My boy, your life will be a lonely but fulfilling one. You will meet many people, nations, enemies and friends along the way. Each one will leave a mark on your heart, just as your friend here did." Arthur didn't dare look away at the funeral for the friend he just mentioned in fear of loosing Alfred to his own mind once again.
Arthur's voice almost quivered as he spoke of Alfred's lost friend. "Remember them, Alfred. Remember them all, and carry their memories with you. Your existence, my dear boy, is both a solitary journey and a shared one. You are not alone in this world of nations."
He paused, his grip on Alfred's face unwavering. "Your restless spirit is a part of who you are, Alfred, and it's a gift. Use it to carry the torch for those who have gone before us and for those who will come after. You have the strength within you to focus when it truly matters. Because, my son, when you do, miracles will happen."
He released his son and instead of going back to fidget with the plant, Alfred stood still and kept looking at his father.
As the funeral procession continued below, father and son remained standing on that grassy hill. Arthur's words seemed to echo back and forth in the young boys mind, his ocean eyes finally resembling calm waters. In that moment Arthur was reminded of stormy nights at sea and the calm morning that followed.
He was always good at sailing through the storm.
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doomspiral · 1 month
Final chapter of the LietPru Werewolf AU!!!!!
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ask-nyc-boroughs · 1 month
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😈😈 I’m cooking up some comics. Anyways “To Prevent Consequence” is the title for my American Revolution arc in Nor’easter verse. The first of these I made back in April to help introduce major characters in this arc in a fun way. I will note that these “cheat sheets” are an oversimplification of positions at the beginning of the American Revolution. I’ll keep this as a navigational post, and I’ll try to update it as each comic page comes out. Also links to all my comics can be found here & you can follow the tags #tpc comic for updates on the comic.
Denise/Quebec & Thomas/ Nova Scotia belongs to my friend ekuos.art on Instagram.
Also feel free to ask questions!
For reference, these are the chapters that I have mostly completed as of August 2024:
The End: Most of the 13 colonies see no other option, but to agree with their people and declare independence from Arthur thus putting their lives on the line. However some colonies remain on the fence. Furthermore, the colonies can’t seem to agree upon one of their own to lead them, or really have as a figurehead. In general the colonies can’t seem to even decide if they want to be independent together, or strike it out on their own. Henry (Massachusetts), a fierce advocate of independence, and an advocate of remaining together proposes that his cousin Alfred Jones, who was once Plymouth colony (yet his exact role in the present is unclear), be their figurehead while they unite together. However Henry & Alfred face great opposition from their peers.
The Ashes: Following the Battle of Long Island, Jennie Van Slyke (New York State) wakes up in Albany, hurt and disoriented. There she finds her longtime rival and now ally in independence, Henry with her.
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lol I realize the font is small in case you needed a close up here it is.
Other notes:
You may be familiar with the Haudenosaunee as the Iroquois Confederacy, some suspect the name Iroquois comes from an insult and was later adapted by colonists. I put their names in their respective languages so Mr. Seneca (O-non-Dowa-Gah), Mr. Mohawk (Kaniek’kehá:ka), Mr. Onondaga (Onoñda’gegá”), Cayuga (Gayoghó:no’), Oneida (Onyota’a:ka), & Ms. Tuscarora (Skarùr:re).
Mr. Cherokee = Mr. Anigiduwagi
Mr. Mohican = Mr. Muhhekunneuw. Also Lynn/ NYC’s biological father
I focus mostly on settler colonial histories. I try my best to research and understand indigenous histories, but as this is a piece of fiction and I’m not a historian - I will be prone to error in my work. If you notice something egregious in this regard & have sources to lead me to, do let me know via private message.
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alfredosauce50 · 9 days
Surprise! Happy belated birthday to narratornyanko 😼
Sorry for the major delay, but I’ve been multitasking my papers at the same time 😭 And this isn’t *exactly* what was requested, so think of this as an additional bonus. There’s also a lack of content for Matt, and this was needed as a perfect foundation for a later story because someone else requested him 🙈 I hope you enjoy it!
NSFW 2P Canada Headcanons 🍁
When it comes to this rugged Canadian man, the first thing that comes into mind isn’t romance or sex. He has a lot of hobbies that can make him break a good sweat, and he’s indifferent to women.
He also lives in the woods averse to the company of other people, so he’s not getting laid anytime soon. But it’s always been about finding the right one, and now that he’s met you, he’s like an animal in bed.
Very explicit content. R18+ only.
He has a very active lifestyle, so he’s raging with testosterone. Whether he’s cutting and collecting firewood, gardening, or fishing in his boat, he’s almost always sweaty he comes home. When he sees you, his mind will inevitably start to wander. You’re dressed lightly and making dinner, so he can’t help but come up from behind to kiss you. “Not now, Matt.” You push him a little, but he just groans and wraps around you, stubborn as.
Matt has good self-control. Nothing grinds his gears more than feeling like apart of a collective, i.e., a jerk with a dick. So if you’re resisting him, he’ll back off immediately and find something else to do. But if you’re in the mood, he never rejects you. If you do so little as look at him right, he’ll understand. Matt knows you’re a lot shyer than him, so he’ll take charge and pull you in without you having to say a word. “Come here.”
He isn’t afraid to ask for what he wants. It isn’t uncommon for him to just drop the bomb on you (wanna do it?) but it’s become more of an inside joke than a serious question. Matt will bring it up during the worst possible moments, like to break a long silence or in a somewhat serious context. You hit him in the chest and walk off, but he knows you’re only doing that to hide your smile. “I know you like me.” He ambles after you.
Matt would rather use body language to let you know he wants you. You never tell him that you love him, and he’s not very sweet to you either. He never gets you flowers, he’s a lot meaner than most boyfriends, and he doesn’t care much for any anniversaries. But everything seems to fall into place in the bedroom. The sexual tension is unbearable, and the way he stares at you makes you feel naked. Then, he’ll come over and loom on top you, waiting for you to look up at him.
You meet his eyes, and that’s when all hell breaks loose. He’s kissing you like he’s starved, his head moving fervently against yours while he puts his hands all over you. Matt has been dying for your affection for way too long, and now that he has it, he can’t get enough. He also has a thing for your boobs, so he’ll reach for them under your shirt and cup them. He does this while breathing like a dog, and he has an expectant look in his eyes as if to ask, “what’re you gonna do about it?”
He’s good with his hands. He also has really thick fingers, so he never fails to pleasure you with them. He will put you in his lap with your back facing him and touch you like that from behind. He traps you between his arms and pins your shoulder down with his chin while he rubs your clit like crazy. You’re fighting for your life as he makes you cum, but you can’t hope to get away from him. Just when you think he’s done, he’ll stick a finger in and hook you from the inside.
Matt knows your body even better than you do. He’s very sensitive to it and knows when you’re rejecting him. He will put his tip in you and sink deeper in, but never more than you can really take. Soon, he’ll have all nine inches of his cock inside you, and he’ll rock you on it nice and slow so you can feel him stretch you out. “That’s it…” He’s very thorough in this stage because he’s connecting with you, and if you didn’t want him, he wouldn’t have gotten past the tip. “Yeah…”
He’s a lot bigger than you. His back is also really wide, so he can cover your entire body with it. And he’s incredibly strong, which means he has total control over you. When he play fights with you, he doesn’t even have to try to pin you down. “You done?” And when he has sex with you, he gets off to feeling you tremble from penetration. You’re shaking and moaning his name, telling him that you can’t. “You will… Just relax for me…” He loves how much he is for you, even too much, especially when you always take him so well.
Before you know it, tears are running down your face and your eyes are rolled back in pleasure as he pounds and gapes your pussy. When he sees the mess he’s made of you, he goes mad with a desire beyond the flesh. Submitting to him like this when he doesn’t deserve it drives him crazy. Matt will hold you in all sorts of compromising positions to rearrange your guts, like standing up so he can bounce you on him with no mercy.
Matt loves anal. Not just because it’s tight, but he wants to be inside you in any way that he can. You’ll find that he’s really possessive of you, so he doesn’t want there to be anything you haven’t done with him. He also thinks your asshole is cute, so he’ll splay your cheeks apart to look at it. Be mad at him all you want, he’s not changing his mind about plunging inside. It’s invasive and downright dirty, but that’s what makes it so hot.
He doesn’t have any sexual boundaries with you. He will be as nasty as you let him, but even he can’t promise he’ll behave. If you decide to wake him up with a handjob, he’s more than happy to receive. While you pump his morning wood, he’ll just grin darkly at you like he’s the one with the upper hand. Matt loves it when you do this to him, because when you don’t even bother to ask, it goes to show how much you want him. It’s not exactly consensual, but he’s a freak like that. “You’re molesting me now?” He chuckles lowly.
Matt has a piss kink. It’s not surprising that he likes embarrassing you, but he wouldn’t go so far as to do his business on you. He’s decent enough not to put you through that, he just doesn’t mind if you did it to him. In fact, if you try to run off to the bathroom, he might pull you back and keep you on him until you can’t hold it anymore. When it finally comes out, you’ll be mortified beyond relief, crying, and hitting him, but he gets even more turned on. “Don’t be shy. It’s only natural.”
There’s just something so hot about getting you so vulnerable that you relieve yourself on him. After all, you and Matt fight a lot more than the average couple. Having gross and invasive sex is a glaring reminder of how crazy he is about you. “You’re disgusting, Matt…” You tear up, moaning as he rocks you on his dick. He hasn’t cleaned the sheets since the last round, so the smell of sex and bodily fluids is practically searing, but he likes it that way. “I’m just obsessed with you…”
He has a thing for your smell, especially when you haven’t washed yet. Your sweat and musk is enough to give him a hard-on, and he’ll want to eat you out. Matt will find you before you have a chance to take a shower for that sole purpose. Then, he’ll take off your underwear and bury his face between your legs. He’ll suck on your pussy, lick you, and tongue-fuck you until you cum right in his mouth. By the end of it, your thighs are bruised and you’re dripping with nothing but his saliva since he’s swallowed everything else.
He’s really hairy. On his chest, under his armpits, all over his stomach, there’s no shortage of it no matter where you look. He also has a thick happy trail leading down to his pecker, so the rest is pretty self-explanatory. He doesn’t care to shave, especially when he knows how much you like it. You’ve always found his ruggedness attractive, and with his size, it’s like being with a bear.
He likes it when you play with his dick. Matt finds it amusing when you slap it around, or squeeze it. Sometimes, he takes the initiative to guide your hand to his boxers, or inside them. If you try and hit him there, he’ll just grunt and goad you on. “Oh, you can do better than that.” What more is that he doesn’t mind when you touch him under the covers while you’re cuddling, and even while he’s falling asleep. Because if he does get hard, it’s gonna be your responsibility to deal with.
He takes offense if you kick him out of the room to change. He’s already seen every inch of you, inside and out, so he doesn’t understand why you’d try to undo that now. Not that you can. He’ll just take it as you trying to push him away, and he won’t take kindly to that at all. He will sit on the bed and refuse to move, even leaning back to get comfortable. “This doesn’t change the fact that we have sex every other night.”
Matt has a really intense weakness for your tears. If he’s mad and you hug him from behind, he’ll forgive you in an instant. Either you miss him, or you feel really bad about what you did. But if you cry, he will carry you to the bedroom and make love to you until you’re crying from an entirely different reason altogether. If you’re apologizing even with him inside you, he will lose his mind and go so hard, you won’t be able to speak.
Your vulnerability is like a drug to him, and he’s addicted to it. It makes it undeniable how deeply you feel about him, whether it’s sadness, anger, embarrassment or desire. He doesn’t care what it is, so long as you have an emotional reaction to him. For that reason, Matt feels very close to you even when you two argue. He’s the type to look after you even when he’s upset, so you’ll never doubt his feelings for you when things get tough.
Matt is the best at aftercare. As much as you want to sleep off the exhausting sex you’ve been having with him, he’ll refuse and carry you to the bathroom to clean you up. He knows he’s a lot to handle, both in and out of the bedroom. And as stubborn as he can be about communicating his feelings, the one thing he won’t withhold from you is acts of service. It’s how he shows he cares, and he doesn’t want you to feel used afterwards.
He’ll bathe you, get you dressed in something comfortable, then put you on the couch while he makes pancakes. After the best meal you’ve had all day, he lets you rest in the living room so he can swap out the sheets for clean ones. If there’s anything else you want him to do that he hasn’t, he’ll do them too. Chores, errands, you name it. He knows that foreplay starts outside of the bedroom, so pulling his weight will make sure that sex will always be a good experience for you.
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yawujin · 24 days
Can you make Germany with short reader pls?✨️
request | germany x short!reader
type | short read, gender neutral reader , ship dynamic
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kind of surprised you weren't intimidated by him
i feel like if he saw you shivering, he'd offer his coat but, be super awkward about it like: "it might not fit so..." "I DON'T MIND"
he looks shocked that you had answered so fast
"here you go then." he lends you his coat.
as we've seen, he'll give people piggyback rides...but he just needs a little persuasion
(he secretly likes to do it anyway, at least with you <3)
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