I made some litl mans. tbh and fox. It's good?
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I would like one of these litl mans, in fact.
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sbnkalny · 20 days
Your fursona is: a crab
If you’re dedicated enough, you aren’t even a crab it will, after having a glass of water
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listentothepages · 1 year
Hello Muir and Wyndham reading genderqueer dyke, I'm all of those same things! Also thanks for reblogging my photos.
hi❣ i'm so glad that the reading community on tumblr has become queerer and queerer ever since i made this blog in 2014! i'm enjoying nona the ninth, although i am suffering from constant deficiency of gideon and harrow (and both of them together, interacting, mostly). 💔
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renderprism · 3 months
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Practicing some street photography this evening, with the 14mm on the gx85. Some recent work by @hexane-nightmares had also inspired me to compose in monochrome, before I go back to a roll of b&w film.
(Bonus moon because she was back in my sky this evening!)
All photos are jpegs straight out of camera (might post some edits later, but also trying to let things come as they are).
(Also: I recommend opening the photos because tumblr often compresses the previews on dash)
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artificial-father · 6 months
All Frank Recipes I've made:
whale milk brownies pumpkin nipple cookies weed chicken
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bellbun · 2 months
Ten songs ten mutuals
i got tagged in the meme but its so long im just gonna make a new post
cheerleader - porter robinson (flashing imagery warning for the music video. still video: x)
GUT - agung mango
anthems for a seventeen year-old girl - yeule
please please please let me get what i want - deftones
punk's dead - SOFT PLAY
rave angel - blusher
st. valentine - naomi jon (mild flashing lights)
traumatic livelihood - jazmin bean
miasma - northlane (mild flashing lights)
tagged by: @goodmotorfinger thank u! 😳 tagging: @pabu-bubbles, @the-ghost-k1ng, @wyvernise, @wolftattoo, @hex-fox, @devilatelier, @heartlites, @hexane-nightmares, & @archaicearth only if u wanna tho! id love to hear some of your music taste 🫶
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emmacanlearn · 3 years
Emma, are you a bean? I think you are a bean. Emma is a bean.
An emma, while bean. The smart Emma while bean. The digital tiny bean! Tiny tiny bean.
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renthony · 5 years
death rituals/funerals: your opinions on them, and any that you find interesting?
Funerals and death rituals are absolutely vital, in my opinion. Jessica Mitford wrote in The American Way of Death that rituals have lost their meaning in modern society and have been rendered unnecessary, but I could not disagree more.
Especially in our modern culture of death denial and fear, funerals and rituals are how we process, grieve, and heal. These rituals can vary depending on the needs of the culture, community, and individual, but it’s my firm belief that to move away from death rituals is to isolate ourselves from our community and healthy grieving. 
You see it in the modern-day USA in a big, bad way. If a loved one dies, you’re expected to get the whole thing over with as quickly as possible. I have known people who had to wrap up their loved one’s affairs and have the funeral within 48 hours, and be back at work the day after. It’s obscene and unhealthy, and I loathe it with every fiber of my being.
I’ll spare y’all the “capitalism has commodified death and severed us from a fundamental building block of human culture” rant for now, though if anyone wants to hear my thoughts y’all can feel free to send me an ask about it.
As far as my personal favorite death customs, I always go back to two--covering all of the mirrors in the house at the time of death, and telling the bees when a death has occurred in the household. They make sense to me on a deep, profound level. It’s a tangible way to acknowledge a death and process it, and it’s really quite beautiful.
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corvid-accomplice · 6 years
I’m listening to my recently added right now, which is entirely Florence Welch, Hozier, and Panic! at the disco, so:The weird and the novelties don't ever change
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5, 9, 22, 27.
(thank u kai its been so long since anyone asked me stuff)
5. i naturally mean towards bi as a label but like the definition of pan as ‘attraction regardless of gender’ fits me a little bit better
9. my day was very mediocre, but greatly improved by this ask!
22. i love my partners so, so much. they mean the absolute world to me and they balance me out. different from each other but they both complement me. tall and relaxed to the point where i worry about him vs short and the most persnickety soul i’ve ever encountered.
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bukbot · 6 years
I’m a flat earther. Like, I know it’s a sphere, but I think we should flatten it.
Old enough sleep then trying to seem like yo The hierarchy created is intimately connected to an apartment.
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Pentagram: dice/nail polish/wine/memes/estradiol
holy shit you’re absolutely right
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beesmygod · 7 years
don't your sheets get all cheesy if you wear pizza shorts to bed
this just made me hungry for pizza for real
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skir4y · 7 years
mahogany, crimson
mahogany: im gaycrimson: ur gay
hell fuckign yeah
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suburbia-blue · 5 years
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purplishly-prosaic · 4 years
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BLM charity commission for @exxistential-nightmare of their Drakeos D&D character, Hexan!🖤 Their donation went to the Marsha P. Johnson Institute⠀
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