#hey dearest
homesickhalfling · 1 year
i just wish he was my big gross sleazy boyfriend so bad. groping you in public.
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AGREED - I specifically want him to feel me up in the darkness of a movie theatre... a place where we both feel safe and at home
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How the Unseen One went:
Emizel: Imma close my eyes but at first chance I get, I'm so opening them, what's that Open My Eyes? Okay Arthur
Arthur: Take my child? Fine I open my eyes to fight you,, Hey Emizel Open ur Eyes-
Shilo: Trust issues turned up to 10, Even if you say like frfr I can open my eyes, I'm not gonna, nope, no trust here
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jacqcrisis · 3 months
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Lae'zel joins the lizard-sniffer shame closet with Halsin and Gale.
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astrxealis · 8 months
if i do "?" in text i'm genuinely tilting my head like a dog if i do "!!" my eyes are sparkling and i am figuratively wagging my tail if i am IN ALL CAPS i'm screaming from the top of a mountain with all the power i can with love and the strength of RAGHHH within me
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advisortotheadvisor · 4 months
a train of thought:
ppl have a oddly specific beef with the Wolf that they don't have with other villains like Bunny or Bluebeard -> it's probably because Canis is pretty openly pro-Grimm -> au where Canis was never taken in by the Grimms and is just chilling
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aellyne · 11 months
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boilingheart · 1 year
best thing about mathias shaw is that there's just no sex appeal. zero. none. nada. this guy's got no rizz or whatever they're calling it these days. nothing. yeah he's like well built he's a master spy and one of the top rogues for sure, he's uptight and got that van dyke mustache and wears a corset 24/7 but he's just so fucking stick in the mud boring he's a vibe killer being around him is rancid he's so uptight and to the book you can't stand him. he curls his fuckin mustache he smiles at nothing. in theory he is hot as hell. catboy type of modern middle aged man babygirl. my girlfriend in theory. right. but he's so comically unfuckable. old white guy child soldier who's never fucking smiled in his life until flynn fairwind showed up. shout out to flynn fairwind, who is overflowing with raw sex appeal and charm and charisma, who took one look at this boring unsalted alliance spymaster who curls his mustache and hides his personality behind 37 reinforced walls, said "i can fix him" and then he DID. it's so funny to me. i'm correct about everything btw.
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polteergeistt · 5 months
Hello, I know you're probably (hopefully)asleep right now, but I figured I'd leave this little jellyfish doodle for you!
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Love you!! ♥️
I was indeed asleep but a mysterious force has awaken me to marvel over the beautiful doodle before the morning comes. It's really cute, my love ! Thank you very much <3 Love you too ♡
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sailor-aviator · 2 months
yes, yes, yes, yes! please, let it be Dearest!
Then Dearest it shall be, dear Nonny!!
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inkandpaintleopard · 24 days
@experiments-world I made a Daddy Dearest concept! Idk I’m still not that good at thinking of character design but that’s why it’s a concept
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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Ok. Get closer why don’t you.
#Chakotay opens the door to Janeway's ready room and the two of them are literally in each other's laps#but they're talking very seriously about work business and seem unperturbed by Chakotay's entrance#<- my ideal (bc I think it's funny)#Chakotay: What are you and Tuvok to each other?#Janeway: ?? He's one of my dearest friends and most valuable officers.#Chakotay: Right. No..it's just that I saw you kiss his hand the other day? As if pledging loyalty to a monarch but more tender than that -#there was a glitter in your eyes like love but to call it 'love' would cheapen it so you leave it unnamed? I just saw that and was curious.#Janeway: That's just a friend thing v_v are we on for dinner?#Chakotay: Sure (later) Hey Tuvok what is Janeway to you?#Tuvok: She is one of the greatest individuals I have ever had the honor of knowing - someone I consider a friend - family -#and a piece of my very soul can be found within her. Why?#Chakotay: Aren't you married?#Tuvok: -equivalent of sighing- it isn't romantic. (right. yeah of course.)#<- my ideal (bc I think it's hilarious)#It isn't romantic Chakotay my God...Have you read any poetry lately? Once you get 1000 hours into ancient poetry THEN maybe you'll get#what's going on#Also sidenote this crew is fucking doomed mental health wise HEHEHE they tried therapy ONCE (after trying 'literally just erase the trauma')#and the therapist FELL ASLEEP#I love these bastards HEHEHEHE#Janeway: Doctor I'm going to do my best to help you...I allowed you to evolve into a being greater than a mere hologram and I owe it to you#to let youzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzsnorkmimimimi#tuvok cam
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softquietsteadylove · 8 months
drama for the runaway bride au: A man from the nearby village has seen Thena at Gilgameshs little forest house and informed royal guards who informed the King and now they're standing in front of Gilgameshs door again and invite themselves in and they're dragging Thena back to the castle
Gil smiled down at the flowers in his hand. Thena would love them--they were soft and white and lovely, just like her. He would put them in some water when he got home, maybe after dinner. Thena was probably chopping vegetables this very second. She was getting better at it.
It had been almost a year since she found him--or since he found her, maybe it was better to say. The beautiful bride he found hiding in a tree trunk was no longer a lost little fawn. She had come to learn everything that was required to keep the house in good order. She had taken over those duties all together when he'd been injured.
The cabin was as much hers as it was his, as far as he was concerned.
And it was high time he tell her as much, too. Maybe it was silly to do something so formally when she had indeed lived alongside him all this time. He often blushed to remember that they even shared a bed. But he felt he had to say something--let her know just how important it was to him that she was here.
"No, let go of me!"
The flowers dropped from Gil's hand. He took off in a run, his feet slipping faintly as he charged towards the house, a royal carriage parked out front.
"Get off me!" Thena screamed, so unlike her usual self. But she was a force to be reckoned with, clawing and thrashing, teeth bared like a wild animal.
"Your highness, please," the men pleaded with her.
"Let her go!" Gil bellowed before he could even think about it. All he knew was that he could see Thena being taken away, and he had to stop it. "Get away from her!"
"The lumberjack is back!"
"Stop him!"
"He has a weapon!"
"No!" Thena pulled against the suits of armour holding each of her arms. "No, don't hurt him!"
Gil slid to a stop, holding his axe but eyeing the line of royal soldiers with their swords pointed at him. "What do you think you're doing with her?"
"The princess is coming with us!"
"Like hell she is," he snarled at them. He would fight all of them, outnumbered or not, if he had to. "You're not going anywhere with my Thena."
"Gil!" she cried out for him. She managed to pull away from her captors, shoving the men out of her way until she could stand in front of him. "Enough!"
"Your highness, move!" the frontmost man barked at her.
"No!" she barked right back at him (that was his Thena). "Or would you rather report to my father than you've run me through trying to capture an innocent man?"
The guards did lower their weapons, although it didn't do much to make Gil feel better about the whole thing. The captain glared at him. "He is no innocent man, your highness. The lumberjack stands accused of kidnapping and holding the princess hostage."
"There is no such crime," Thena stated, although it seemed that - princess or not - her word didn't weigh as much as it should to the men facing them.
"His majesty has been searching, my lady," the captain scowled at her, still standing in front of Gil to protect him. "For nigh on a year, now."
It was a year this very day, actually.
"Then tell him you've found me," Thena challenged, her shoulders squared and her braid sliding off her shoulder and down her back. "Tell him you've found me and that I refuse to return."
The other guards looked between themselves. They were just men following orders, doing their jobs, trying to feed themselves and their families.
"I cannot, your highness."
"Well I won't be going with you, so you may pick which is a worse fate," Thena snipped at him, grasping Gil's hand behind her. "But if a hair on this man's head is hurt, I will have the lot of you executed."
Gil blinked. The men didn't seem to take her all that seriously, but he would be trembling in his armour if he were in their shoes. They hadn't seen her furious at the end of a long day when he'd forgotten to wipe his muddy boots off yet again.
"Princess Thena," the captain resumed his attempt at reasoning with her. He stepped forward, hand on his chest (and off his weapon). "Not only your father but your fiance the prince has also-"
"I have no fiance, captain," Thena cut him off without even batting an eye. "And if there is a snivelling pup inhabiting the castle saying he is, then I mourn for the days of your honour as a royal guard."
Damn, she really had a way with words, especially when they were insulting.
"My lady, I implore you," the captain bent at the waist and bowed to her. "I am not to return without you, sworn on my life."
Thena sighed. She wouldn't be responsible for something like that--she refused to be. Gil gave her hand a squeeze, "captain?"
"Highness?" he peeked up at her, a little too eager for how little time had passed.
"If my father has threatened you all with death," she held her head high. "Then I suggest you run away."
The men paled.
"These forests are deep. You could find the village, start anew, take your families and leave the prison my father calls a castle. But I will not return there with you, and if your lives depend on me doing so, then I am telling you now to save yourselves."
"Highness," another guard interjected, although Gil got the sense that he wasn't really allowed to speak up so freely. "If it's about the lumberjack, perhaps your father would employ-"
Gil shrank slightly, and he was behind her! The men facing them flinched.
"My father," she said it like she would talk about hay mould, or spiders, or wild boars. Her eyes locked with the guard, "is not fit to stand in the same room as the man behind me."
"Stop calling me that!"
"Princess," the captain took the reins again, his voice raising. "I have been ordered to bring you back. And I regret to inform you that I am to use any means necessary to do so."
"Truly?" she didn't back down from the threat, but still stood close enough to Gil that no one would be able to approach him without her being in the way. "Would you tie me up and kidnap me, captain? Would you apprehend the crown princess?"
"If I must, my lady," he informed her with an equal lack of remorse. "I was ordered to retrieve you, alive, but by no means was I told to do so with gentility. And if I must bring you back by force, then so be it."
Gil gripped his axe again. He didn't like where this was headed. Thena backed up into him even more, pressing her back to his chest. Her hand gripped the handle of his axe, throwing off his grip. She didn't want him to fight.
"I'm sure my resistance will be attributed to my so called 'kidnapper' fighting you off?" Thena assumed aloud.
"Aye," the captain confirmed.
"Then I must tell you..."
Gil held his breath same as the guards did. He didn't know what she had up her sleeve, but it had better be good. It really seemed like everyone's lives were depending on it.
"That I have already married him."
What was that now?
The men traded looks, most horrified, a few more curious than anything. The captain looked positively flushed with rage. "I beg your pardon."
"I have married this man," Thena proclaimed like it was nothing. She wound their fingers together.
"Each and every marriage must be officiated properly, your highness." The captain looked mortified, but in an angry way. "Your father will never recognise it as a lawful union."
"Then I suppose you will have to go and tell him regardless."
"Thena," he breathed against her hair. He wasn't sure if this would only invite more trouble down the line or not, especially considering it was a bold faced lie. But he went with it.
"That his daughter has run off and had a bastardisation of a marriage in the woods with some lowly peasant?!"
Gil huffed; he wasn't rich by any means, but he wasn't sure if he was a peasant, either. He had just worked at the castle not two weeks ago!
"Yes," she persisted, "tell him exactly that, or anything else. But he may know that I love the man I am with, and that I will not return to his gilded cage to be sold like chattel."
The captain sighed deeply. If looks could kill, he would be on trial for regicide, "if that is what her highness wishes."
"It is an order."
As if the word 'order' were a magic spell, the men all snapped up straighter, heels together. "Ma'am!"
"Then we must inform the king," the captain declared, pulling back his tiny battalion to deliver truly terrible news.
"I wish you luck," Thena sent them off with the snide wish, crossing her arms as they loaded into the carriages again. She kept glaring until they were dragging themselves off the beaten path and back to the main road again.
Gil let out a breath once they were out of sight. He leaned on his knees, heart hammering, "wow."
Thena also sighed, turning around to face him. "I suppose we will have to be prepared for the possibility that the magistrate will come knocking next."
"Uh, Thena?"
"Perhaps Eros will come with some fake document to state that I am not legally allowed to marry anyone but him," she continued, rolling her eyes and sorting out her braid again, "like a land deed."
"Thena," Gil tried again.
"As much as I never want to see him again, I would pay any price to see the image of my father's face when he finds out his crown jewel has-"
"Thena!" he interrupted, not at all yelling at her but certainly not keeping quiet anymore. He stood to his full height again, smiling at her, "married, are we?"
Finally faced with the consequences of her lie, she looked down at the ground between them, quickly flushing rouge. "U-Uh, w-well-"
"Wish I had known," he chuckled, trying to get a peek at her face, "I'd have gotten you a gift, darling."
She squirmed, toying with the edge of her apron (which none of the guards noticed was literally made from her once-wedding dress). "I had to think of something they couldn't argue with me about."
"No, I guess you were right," Gil chuckled, throwing his arm over her shoulders and pulling her closer, "now I just have to worry about your dad busting down my door, huh?"
"Please," she scoffed at the very idea, "Father hasn't set food outside the castle in well over two decades. I think he would sooner write me off as missing and deceased than lift a finger to verify it himself."
Gil wasn't sure if that was so true, but he couldn't do anything but take her word for it at the moment. He kissed her forehead, "are you okay?"
She sighed, leaning against his chest, tugging at the suspenders over his flannel shirt. "I tried to hide again but they circled the house and took me. I was worried...I thought you wouldn't-"
"Hey, okay, sh," he whispered, pressing his nose to her temple as she sniffed back her tears. He had been scared of that very thing. "It's okay, nothing like that is gonna happen."
Neither of them could guarantee that.
Thena put her hands on his hips, while he did the same for her. "I'm sorry to lie like that."
He shook his head. He didn't mind it nearly as much as she thought he did. Maybe he minded that it wasn't actually true, but that was for a later date. "It is our anniversary, actually."
Thena smiled, their foreheads meeting gently. She rose on her toes, just enough to touch her lips to his, "happy anniversary, my sweet lumberjack."
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theinfinitedivides · 7 months
and once again i say: F*CK MBC
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toaster-fire-art · 6 months
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sketches for a novel that doesn't exist yet
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officialpenisenvy · 7 months
girl help my mutuals are reenacting beatlemania
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stcnegaze · 13 days
Hanae will sacrifice everything for Eirnin. Her life? Without a doubt.
Of course, She always knew that he'd be fine. That he would be back again, but Koda had grown more hostile. More intent than ever to be rid of the undead once and for all. She'd seen that hint of gold when he reached for the weapon attached to his waist, and in turn, she quickly responded.
Pushing him out before she let the rubble drop on herself and the lion.
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hff hff..
Hanae can barely catch her breath, not with the weight of the rubble that has settled on her chest, but with just a few fingers pressed against stone, all that weight simply disappeared. She could hear him, pained more than ever.
She calls, muffled by all atop her, and quite gurgled from all her blood, but she managed to be somewhat loud and clear. More of the rubble breaks apart under her touch until her hand was free and waving about, giving away her spot.
" I'm Here- "
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