#wheres grefgore?
How the Unseen One went:
Emizel: Imma close my eyes but at first chance I get, I'm so opening them, what's that Open My Eyes? Okay Arthur
Arthur: Take my child? Fine I open my eyes to fight you,, Hey Emizel Open ur Eyes-
Shilo: Trust issues turned up to 10, Even if you say like frfr I can open my eyes, I'm not gonna, nope, no trust here
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ohmigoshiloveu · 7 months
Family Dinner Part 1
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I actually missed the Arthur part when I first saw this and. Um. This is gonna be a long one.
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Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Fin
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buboloboogie · 6 months
EPISODE 9 SPOILERS !!!1 Nothing totally big on spoilers, just a general doodling of what happened shenanigan wise so i thought I'd tag it anyway :3c
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anotherdragon · 6 months
to anyone upset about grefgor getting a girlfriend just remember. grefgore has two hands
Also on another note I normally have. Mixed feelings when it comes to giving characters love interests out of the blue but I actually feel like this was a... pretty good choice for the character? Grefgore's entire personality (or at least what we see of him) is tied to Shilo, to the point where he's seen more as an extension of Shilo than he is his own person. So of course with Shilo's absence he would immediately find someone else to latch on to, to devote himself to fully and let himself become a part of. He calls Hazel 'queen', which is admittedly kind of fucked up if you think about it and his relationship with the actual queen???? His identity is so tied to needing someone to worship that even with both of the princes gone he doesn't know what to do with himself without someone else to latch on to.
Idk I just think Gregor's cool we should get more Grefgor content. Also how the hell do you spell his name
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cupidsbeaux · 5 months
very minor the suckening ep 12 spoilers ahead
do y'all think grefgor is in the cullen games? i know that grefgor got arrested with shilo in episode 2, but it wasn't for breaking the masquerade. we know that grefgor has been a bit sloppy when it comes to hiding his identity as a vampire (he wears full armor 24/7, he has walked around covered in blood on occasion, whatever is going on with him and lightboxes) but even though that's all weird, i don't think he was ever specifically accused of breaking the masquerade?
do we think grefgor is making it out of this one? he's in the clear?
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moxymaxing · 5 months
if theo dies im actually canceling my patreon subscription
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avephelis · 8 months
anyway i feel i should mention i haven't actually had a suckening character make me go AWOOGA yet council up your game
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badbuge · 8 months
what’s gayer being gay or drinking each other’s blood after trying to kill each other??? hello????
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hairpool · 4 months
2 episodes left in the suckening and i am fucking terrified. i do not trust these men.
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dumbasshomo · 2 months
i think it is a personal insult i haven’t seen more the suckening hc so here we go
- arthur loved the pandemic purely because he had a reason to go out wearing full face masks and no one questioned it
- shiloh has been caught four (4) times breaking into the zoo to see other exotic birds with Pickles until he learns they do night time tours
- the night soda arrived at the ER the only doctor on call was the one emilzel kidnapped
- every year on sofa’s birthday he gets a larger and larger water bottle from an “unknown friend”
- there are youtube analysis videos trying to work out who the ‘phantom flipper’ was and where he disappeared to
- both grefgor and arthur are given small pendants with some of Pickles smallest feathers in them
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skittlespizza · 6 months
Some thoughts about Shilo (and a lot of my thoughts about the aromantic reading of him)
Okay, so Shilo has been a character that's been spinning in my head pretty constantly. This isn't going to be organized but rather kind of just. Thoughts.
I see a lot of people interpret Shilo as a purely innocent person who has done no wrong wet cat, and yeah! He is! But the thing is, he's... done wrong. He's a vampire. There's something inherently evil in all vampires, and i believe this misconception stems from people not knowing the vtm lore. In VTM, all vampires have a beast inside of them, and this beast is inherently evil and cruel and animalistic, which is the part that forces vampires to feed. Shilo hasn't frenzied, he's never lost control of this beast but the fact he has one is enough to make him "not purely innocent", I'd argue he thinks he's innocent and hasn't done wrong but keep in mind he has zero hestitation throwing guards to die. He's indirectly killed several times, and that's not really something we can ignore when thinking about shilo.
He's also incredibly manipulative. He has no worries dominating or manipulating people for his own gain, and again, this comes from his sheltered life. This comes from him simply not knowing any better, but even then, this is a major flaw that i feel some people dont think about.
Shilo isn't rapunzel, Rapunzel isn't a killer, and she isn't manipulative with a disregard for people's lives. That is to say Shilo isn't pure evil, but rather, he's a morally grey character. He's killed, and he's manipulated, but you could argue that it came from a place of not knowing any better, but even then, he's still killed and manipulated. Do you see where the interesting moral dichotomy lies? Is he at fault for the evil he does if he doesn't know any better. I just dont like the "purely good" Shilo takes I've seen some people have.
The aromantic stuff:
I think it's rather well known I'm an aroace shilo truther (if im being honest, i have a distaste for armored pheasant to an extent, but that is not what this is about). I feel as if that's a rather crucial part of his character, and it's not unsubstantiated. He quite literally says he's incapable of having romantic feelings, and in the newest episode (i am not caught up, forgive me), I've heard there's more he says that hints towards this aromantic reading. He's had zero interest in romance, and the fact he was bloodbonded to Edward without his consent can have rather interesting implications that I believe could be expanded on. A lot of aromantics know that feeling of being told "I can fix you" or whatever and Shilo parallels it quite well with the experience he has had with Edward. Below is the quote where he says he's incapable of romantic love.
(This is my own personal opinion but I believe his character is also sort of dumbed down once someone ships him with Grefgore. A lot of people did from the get go, and I get and see the appeal but I also think they're better as friends but again, personal opinion and I don't care if you ship them but his character falls into the "only interesting for the shipping to the fandom" pit quite easily.)
There's something incredibly validating to have a character like Shilo, who's kind and silly and aromantic if that makes sense. Aromantic representation has been lackluster, and most representation is god awful (coughLovelesscough) so having Shilo would be really nice. He's not canon representation, yes. Unless Bizly straight up confirms it, it's just implied representation but come on. It's right there guys. Give us an aro win.
His character has a lot of interesting bits: a character who's only experience with the world is through media & book (hashtag autism), a character who's incredibly cruel yet kind, a character blind to his own flaws, an aromantic character who loves despite. Give me more morally grey Shilo, more guilty Shilo and most of all. More Aromantic Shilo.
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ohmigoshiloveu · 7 months
Wanna draw Grefgore doing something silly? Maybe seeing something he hasn't before
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Emizel put garlic in the spaghetti sauce as a prank, by the time it pays off it’s not even funny anymore
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the0retically · 8 months
The Suckening #7 The Pulse of the City:
Just my thoughts, spoilers below :)
- Cumpire lore let’s go?????
- “If you don’t call me the suckener, I’ll…KILL YOU!” Charlie pleaseeee
- Oh god the pheasant and the old people, I forgot about them
- “I think he feels guilty for not feeling guilty” shilo you’re so interesting
- “Oh? Still covered in blood” “are you just trying to make things worse?”
- Shilo please be safe, this officer isn’t good get out of there!!!! Prince Edward as the savior???? WHAT???? NO NO NO NO
- HE COLLAPSES?? Feigns unconsciousness???? Shilo please you’re alone with a follower of Edward twilight
- God fuck Edward twilight
- OH! The officer contacted Deacon though! That’s good
- Deacon semi papa of shilo!! Wooo!!!!
- Arthur!!!!!!! Dude you don’t even know where the twins are uh oh
- But hey Arthur is able to follow the tracks of the bus!!
- Spirits touch????? Arthur????
- Ooooh the audio coming in from the fight is so well done
- HAHAHA ARTHUR PLEASE!!!!! “He’s pretty stoic but he looks horrified by what was said”
- They really just keep bullying Grizz to use spirits touch on the pheasant pleaseee
- “Something is Wrong with this pheasant, it’s not you, but something is Wrong”
- Oh god he takes the pheasant with him
- “I’m coming for you baby boy. Sorry about the other baby boy, but you’re in a sewer and I’m scared of sewers.” GRIZZ OH MY GOD
- “It’s all in a bad state deputy, but just close your eyes.” Deacon please do not hurt Shilo, he trusts you
- Arthur and Grefgore night in!
- Oh no, Grefgore please be ok
- “Hi…..my boy” “hi my boy! :D” oh I love them
- Grefgore don’t leave!!!!!!! The sun is about to rise!!
- Arthur???? You’re leaving?
- And hi to deacon?? Arthur?? 👀👀
- I love Grefgore he’s so fun. He’s just the most himbo someone can be
- What are they doing with the demons and the fangs?? This is So Strange
- “What are you wearing? Demon clothes?” “I’m naked, I wake up naked” “Oh God” HAH OH NO EMIZEL
- “Do you want to kill him? Cause that’ll kill him. ‘Nice cock man’ and you kick his head off” oh my god??
- Oh god Charlie this is a horrible image, “a twisted fashion studio” oh god, Charlie please this is horrifying
- “Their very demeanor scratches my brain” Grizz I’m with you but also Vex is terrifying
- “Do you want to be the guy on the table Grizz?” Oh no, ok but pop off Grizz good voice acting
- “I will be your mommy :)” oh god
- Charlie, Charlie please this now a for sure a horror campaign
- My eyes are just wide, WHAT ARE THEY CONSTRUCTING HUH???????
- Charlie is too good at being a deranged villain
- “He has had no reason to look for you, yeah, yeah he’s in his work right now” my stomach just fell, why is that so scary
- Like goodness Props to Charlie the suckening has me way more scared than bitb ever did, like I love and adore bitb so much and there were moments where I was terrified but there’s something about this that is so haunting. I can just see it in my head so clearly and it’s so freaky
- They never expect Emizel to come back!!
- Oh god but please emizel don’t die again already
- Love how Grizz is just simping for Vex because me too
- “They’re two dogs in me and they’re fucking” WILLIAM WISP IS THAT YOU??
- God I love how Grizz and bizly and just speaking as the ghouls during this fight Charlie is just like “…what?? What are you even saying right now”
- Emizel please just get out of there they’re both already your enemy you don’t need one to hate you more because then they’re going to target Your twin so PLEASE JUST LEAVE
- They’re just singing the climb now oh my god iconic
- Emizel just lying to Viv about how he’s a real boy and doesn’t burn in the sun “but we saw you burn” “it was an illusion, I’m a magician”
- “Vex have you-“ “YES I KNOW!” I love them, they’re fun
- “And you turn around away from her” emizel oh my god
- “You cannot use your twin name and not mean it” honestly based
- I ALMOST SPAT MY WATER OUT OH MY GOD “your name is shameashmai”
- “I’m not letting you guys do this again” “no I’m having all the fun in the world right now”
- “Enjoy the ribs, I’m gonna head out” “what do you mean you’re gonna head out??”
- “Can I prepare an action to kill myself?” “He hasn’t taken his glasses off yet so we’re still ok!” “It’s just me as a dm thinking about splitting the dice pool for movement and killing yourself” I’ve never laughed this hard holy shit “as soon as I see this thing I want to run and kill myself”
- “Bizly give me the scariest animal you can think of” “….peacock, no” “FUCK OFF!”
- “One of mine or one of yours” sooooo Viv and Vex have some stake in the fangs and the demons, but what does that mean??
- SHILO TIME! Please be ok
- Why is shilo healed and ok, this isn’t real it can’t be, Charlie is too smiley right now, he sounds way too happy
- Fucking Edward twilight oh my god why is he like this
- THEYRE BLOOD BONDED????? OH NO I cannot believe this
- Grizz is just loving this encounter
- Why is this so sexual I hate this, Edward twilight please stop why are you crawling up the sheets to shilo???? This is so—I cannot
- Deacon! You’re here!
- God why is Edward like this, Charlie really just locks in as him it’s insane
- Oh god shilo has to tell Edward about emizel oh no
- Shilo tripped no!!
- The wallpaper is Edward in the phone oh my god
- I do love shilo and deacon’s relationship though, he seems to genuinely care for shilo and I just love them
- Back with Viv and Vex! Oh god
- Ok thank god he’s just leaving
- “William wisp mode” emizel cosplaying as William is so funny like Grizz called it, that’s exactly what he looks like
- I love Grefgore so much
- Arthur just left them? Ok the boys gotta find him
- What is happening to emizel and shilo? Why do they have pain? WHAT?? It’s the Edward twilight smoulder??? Huh??? Charlie WHAT?
- SOMETHING TWISTED IN LA?? What did Edward do?
- A full day good god
- Arthur’s just on a plane omg
- Absolute bat shit episode I loved it
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sneeg-snag · 5 months
days without grefgor: TOO FUCKINMG MANY WHERE IS MY BOY
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grefgore-the-knight · 8 months
My good Sir Grefgore, can you say the *thing*?
you know, the one where everyone goes WOOOOOOOOO when you say it?
something that has to do with,,,,, a top rope?
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