#hey this fabric kinda looks like rice what plushies can I make that are rice based
tj-crochets · 10 months
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So I’m working on an eyeball sushi plushie, at the suggestion of a friend of mine (because the little Sid creature fabric looked kinda like rice), and it hit me: sushi monster.
Are the pieces of the monster wildly out of proportion with their real life food counterparts? Yes! Do I still want to make it? Very much yes! (sushi monster is drawn sketchier than usual because it’s drawn in marker on the side of a box because that’s what I had to hand lol)
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sugar-petals · 4 years
Cuddling With SuperM
↳ ❤︎ CARO’S NOTE: their concept is all about badassery i know but we’re dealing with seven angels so let’s talk about that shall we
warnings ⚠️ some light teasing, innuendo
length: 1.5k
am i really telling you something ground-breaking with this:
so this guy’s truly adorable
turns into a baby what else is new
draws his knees to his chest and just enjoys the ride with his eyes closed
you can do whatever the hell you want
back rubs, head pats, foot massages, caressing the neck or underneath the chin which is particularly sweet
and a whole lot of tickling he’s kinda obsessed with this
excellent chef he is, taeyong enjoys preparing snacks for a set cuddling time or movie night
so what if this turns into feeding each other basically are you ready for that
this guy’s impossible face up close is hard to bear for the faint-hearted just mentioning that in passing here
because… he has that one yearning expression and his eye contact is very steady
bit of a duality here huh
but worry not because taeyong’s tiger inside is more of a cat actually, tyongkitty behavior guaranteed right there
he does do friendly head buts and yeah the eye contact is also a cat thing now that i think about it… it all makes sense now
ten, baekhyun, lucas and taemin are pretty cocky types of cuddlers, taeyong leads the more subdued fraction in super m
it’s the kind of cuddling that needs rainy weather and a cup of tea
quality time right here
banter is always included ofc
or at least a lot of talk because with ten, conversation and cuddles go together
likes pets joining, three’s a party, a cat can always make a snuggly contribution
add a ball of wool to play around
like. a-you, a-me, and a cat right in between ya see
music is always playing in the background, always
ten’s body is very sensual… you can tell he’s a dancer by the way he’s adapting, how he’s feeling it, how he moves in general
the reflexes are just so different he has great feeling for what you wanna do next it’s his bodily intuition and he just goes along with it
what you gotta tell him though is to keep it lowkey with keeping his jazzy outfits on
a hoodie cuddles better than high fashion and spiked jackets
plus he looks adorably small in it so two birds with one stone
never forget ten is really tiny that sure makes a difference
reluctant little spoon, he keeps it face-to-face or sleeps on his back
ten is glad to be approached with hugs he’s not always doing the initiative
shy thailand angel ikr
but don’t complain if he farts because he absolutely will
goddammit chittaphon
if it’s without a plushie something’s going wrong it always needs one
his favorite teddy’s gotta participate y’know he’s a social creature
in this home we don’t discriminate against plush bears
and yeah, his bear ear hoodie likewise he is sure to put it on
jongin tends to be rather taciturn because he wants to enjoy the body-to-body sensations
meaning, don’t interpret his frequent silence as awkwardness he’s just observing
is not above teasing… if his outfit is showing some skin he’ll invite you to touch the area
also enjoys you putting your hands under his sweater
he’s laughing like crazy and kicking his legs all giggly if you put your head underneath it and let it roam oh la la
yeah nini likes some wit to it for sure, and some steaminess in the mix it’s just a natural byproduct if we’re honest
dim the lights down low for this one…
but also light the candles alright
cuddling is more of a soft and steady thing there’s not much position changes going on
this is the couch not the dancefloor your honor
while we’re talking about that: jongin is a buff biatch my god
prep a water bottle to chug when you’re cuddling this guy is effortlessly hot
also know that kai will almost definitely snap a picture of you huddled together for the memory of it
unlike his memes, baekhyun’s cuddling behaviour is entirely predictable
will snuggle against your shoulder by default pretty much that’s his favorite area
stays glued there for two hours if you’re not busy
im not kidding
needless to say he needs a partner who can handle this level of clinginess
baekhyun can’t keep his hands to himself in general
neither can you
it’s groping x cuddling these two are a dead sure combination
keen to snuggle casually while he’s gaming, cross-legged on the ground with you massaging his back
likes to lay his head into your lap, too.
baekhug i mean back hug enthusiast. something inside his face has an inbuilt magnet that sucks him into the space between your collar bones
especially when you’re at the stove cooking
caution: love bites. lots of them. does this count as cuddles? probably. it’s not like he’s eating you or is he. oop—
what am i saying all he does is nibble alright
and oh yeah bring on the sweater weather. he can’t stay still in bed it’s gonna be a pillowfort building session though
you gotta exhaust him until he naps off lmao!
energizer bunny bf
enjoys being fed watermelon during the process how else could it be
wait until this guy hears what harry styles’ watermelon sugar is all about his world will never be the same again
he’ll look so cute in his striped shirt and his round glasses awh
cuddling is his favorite way to show his trust and affection before all else
his favorite time to cuddle is before going to sleep
he usually hugs pillows so you can tell how clingy he winds up as
mark really sleeps and dreams better if you do that it has an astounding effect. cuddles are his perfect recharging if you will it’s just that he’s actually calming down through it whereas he can be nervous throughout the day so he needs that downtime
spooning is a given
what he enjoys the most about it is the warmth
markie easily gets cold sometimes he just needs that tune-up with you he’s like blink blink there goes my dose of daily heat beep beep
what the fuck
anyway again
talk about tune
just like ten he’s very talkative all the way verbal stimulation and mark lee just go together
if you compare him to taeyong there’s not much of a transformation going on mark lee on two legs is the same mark lee during cuddles it’s all copy paste
all in all a delectable experience, extremely cute and heart-melting, super m truly has a super mark
much like xuxi he has that permanent smile on his lips that tries to make you laugh
in fact taemin is hard to stop with his puns and his humor
ffs he is a true brat
taems can’t help but try to escalate this into a playfight every time
not that he doesn’t enjoy the calmer types of cuddling but he needs some action in the sack
enjoys praise along the way who are we kidding
the clothes you both cuddle in are very important alright, the fabric in particular
taemin keeps it expensive here it’s just the way he rolls
satin my dear
it’s just so satisfying to the touch
but also beware of his most lethal clothing choice which brings out his innate maknae charm the most
which he will use during special occasions to turn you into a cuddle monster ready to pounce him
give it up for shinee my loves they taught him well and sent him out to fluff up the world
what else is there okay we also gotta mention that cuddling consists of many little kisses here and there
taemin wants to get absolutely peppered
he is and stays a prince
ideal body type for cuddling except that it needs the right place, not the environment but the spot i mean, you can imagine
lucas can explode any smol-size couch or bed
don’t even think about trying to cuddle on regular chairs my god why would you live so dangerously
king size por favor
there is a lot to cuddle against it’s really a whole wonderland
those big ole thighs are practical cushions for anything really.
and his face is just so amicable it has to be kithed
his hands… his hands! you will feel maximum protection with those giant baby fingers around your hips i’m telling you
admittedly yukhei is hard to properly hug around the shoulders obviously that’s a drawback but hey his waist is lithe and tiny so hello there, very inviting
oh, that infectious smile.
serious cuddling: 0 — funny cuddles: over 9,000
and tasty cuddles because foodcas brings some fried rice every time oh yum
hates to go to work he really prioritizes you and cuddles go on for long long hours especially when you watch your favorite series
xuxi goes the extra mile, he will touch your hair a lot, just gently combing through it
and he doesn’t mind it when you do the same, he’s got the most angelic blonde locks after all
lu calls you beautiful all the time the cheesy mf is really pulling the standard compliment alright
cue jonas brothers sucker for you
ugh, boyfriend
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beyoncesdragon · 4 years
Zip up | knj
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(not my gif, credit to the owner)
→ Pairing: Boyfriend!Joonie x Reader
→ Summary: Joonie has a very interesting zipper on his jacket or how Jimin and Jungkook literally cannot knock whilst you're on a FaceTime call with your boyfriend. 
→ Warnings: FLUFF, and boyfriend Joonie and that gif. thats about it! Ah, Jimin makes his lil cameo at some point, so to everyone who does not like cheeky rice cake may proceed with precaution. (MY ENGLISH AND GRAMMAR)
→ Wordcount: 2k 
a/n: Happy Birthday Namjoon-ah! The amount of respect I have for this man…not describable. Thank you for everything, Joonie. You are a true inspiration and light, our moon, you know? We love you and just…thank you so so much. Pinky promise that I will use you to love myself (I cried when I watched this lil speech. If you haven’t, watch it too!) and I hope you believe in yourself as much as I believe in you. Sarang-hae Namjoon-ssi, I purple you forever (and I will never shut up about the dimple, no).
 Masterlist | BTS Masterlist 
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“But can you zip it up all the way?” you asked, leaning towards the screen a bit. Your boyfriend couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped his lips, tilting his head slightly. “Wouldn’t you want to know, jagi.” You shrugged innocently, shovelling another mouthful of chapchae in your mouth, eventually starting to giggle when you caught his eyeroll.
“Oh come on, oppa, zip it up.” Namjoon snorted lightly, leaning back in his stool, fingers toying with the zip fastener of his black jacket. He looked awfully cuddlable like this, messy hair hidden underneath the hood and with only the dyed tips peeking out from under the black fabric. You had to remember to ask him if you could borrow that one when he came back. Right now, however, you wanted him to finally make use of the zipper strips on the sides of the hood. They went all the way up to the top, so theoretically it would be possible to pull the zipper all the way up and over his face. And you really wanted Joonie to do this.
“I’d rather hear about your day, to be honest.” Namjoon proposed with a sly grin, giving you the most adorable puppy eyes through the screen.
“I did absolutely nothing today and fully embraced my deeply rooted laziness. No lectures, no errands to run, no nothing. I basically stayed in bed all day and waited for your call so I could see your breathtakingly pretty face.” The end probably came out more dramatic that you had intended to sound, but oh well. It made him laugh and that was all that mattered.
“Then why do you want me to cover it up, if you waited so patiently for so long?” he asked with a small grin, leaning towards the screen, mirroring you. “Well what do you think? Because I’ve had enough already!” you huffed, dramatically chewing on your fried noodles before almost choking on them. The pout that appeared on his face could’ve made Yoongi apologise. He then took it upon himself to turn his chair away from you slowly, soon facing the wall and couch behind him.
“Hey I am kidding.” You called out when he just stayed like this, even scooted away at one point. “Joonie? I was joking? Come back to me!” he reached towards something placed on the couch, and when he turned back around, he suddenly had a big VAN plushie on his lap.
“She is sick of my face, Van. Can you believe that? Of my face.” You snorted but he wouldn’t look at you.
Not even when you started (and failed) whisper-shout the lyrics of the truth untold he would look at you (he almost couldn’t help it though. The way you mimicked Jungkook’s breathy ‘But I still want you’ almost made him surrender) The quick curl of his lips was all of his amusement he showed.
“What do you think, should I break up first? I mean, the face is somewhat kinda important for-”
“JOONIE!” finally he broke his act and laughed, blowing a kiss into the camera. “Sorry. I know you could never get sick of that face.” He just stated, overly confident and with a proud grin. “You are spending too much time with Jin.”, was all you mumbled, fishing a single noddle from your bowl. “Speaking of Jin, how is he? And the other boys?” Joon patted the plushie on the head before mindlessly throwing it over his shoulders, somewhat aiming for the couch. To his luck it landed precisely on the backrest and stayed there without knocking something over.
“They are doing great. We’ve been working on some music together, Jungkook is even learning to mix now. Slow progress but progress. I could actually show you something we’ve made so far…” his eyes had immediately started to sparkle of excitement, the topic music always cheering the man up. “Wanna hear the first few seconds of a new song? Like it’s only a demo version, nothing company approved or anything…” he asked whilst already typing quickly on his keyboard. “Sure…show me.” He hummed excitedly, giving you an eager smile. “I’ll show you. Ready?” you only nodded. When were you not ready for new music, produced by your boyfriend himself? There was nothing that made you feel prouder than that.
One demo turned into around five and somewhere along the way you had even managed it to convince him to finally pull the zipper up and over his face. Which was exactly why Jimin, who excitedly burst in without knocking, was faced with a vibing Joon, looking like a funnily formed ehomaki roll. The excitement widened eyes grew wider and the smile dropped and morphed into a kind of confused pout. “Namjoon-hyung I…what the hell?”
After a second of being frozen in place, Namjoon snapped around, his hands flying up to unzip his face immediately. He fumbled with the zipper for a second before he finally freed his face from his hood, cheeks red from embarrassment. You on your part were dying with laughter, having first choked up on your noodles at Jimin just barging in and now on your laughter. The expression of pure horror and embarrassment displayed on his face was peak comedy – at least for you.
“Can’t you, like, knock?” your boyfriend asked, scratching his neck uncomfortably whilst the sound of your laughter still sounded through the room. Jimin’s eyes snapped to Joon’s computer, finally seeing you and giving you an excited smile.
“Y/N-noona! How are you?” he grinned widely, stepping closer to the computer, completely ignoring his deeply embarrassed hyung. “Hello there, Jiminie, I am fine, thank you! How are you? Everything good?” you asked fondly, giving the younger a kind smile. “I am fine as well. Things have been less busy lately, I enjoy it. I am focusing on dance practice now again, some more demanding choreos…” he immediately informed you, kneeling down to place his arms and on the table, so he could comfortably talk to you. It was adorable. “I am happy for you! But you have not forgotten about food and sleep lately have you….?” Jimin laughed softly, shaking his head. “No, Ma’am. I slept eight hours today and I had breakfast and lunch.” He reported back with a salute, causing you to chuckle.
“Actually, Jin-hyung and I were cooking for the last few hours…Tong Dak! Though, it took us longer than we had expected BBQ chicken would take. However it was Jin’s fault, he burned the first load…”, you grinned softly. That sounded like something Jin would do. “and then Yoongi-hyung came and cussed him out for ruining the pan, before finishing the chicken by himself. I, oh, actually came to call for dinner.” He added with a glance at Namjoon who still looked uncomfortable. You chose to ignore it.
“Sounds nice…you could demonstrate your skills when I am around one day.” He immediately nodded with the excitement of a little child. “Would love to do that! But only if you tell me what you gave hyung to get him shimming like that. Is that what you guys do when you are alone?” you laughed out loud whilst Jimin dodged Namjoon’s hand.
If I knew how I did it, I would. But no, you just barged in at the right – or wrong – time.”, you replied with a small grin into Joons direction, “usually he isn’t all covered up like that.” Namjoon flinched at your words, jerking forwards as if to stop you from talking but the damage was already done. Jimin was on the floor laughing and so were you. Less because of what you said but more because the blush that covered Namjoon’s neck and cheeks had the intensity of a poppy petal. He looked like a little boy caught shoplifting at a candy store.  
“Yah, jagi! He doesn’t….Jimin, get out.” You only laughed, shrugging innocently before scrapping the last few noodles from the bottom of your bowl.
“Oh come on hyung, it’s not like I don’t know…” Jimin tried to argue, still laughing. “I swear, I will convince Yoongi to ignore you for the rest of the day if you don’t leave now.” Namjoon threatened and he looked serious and almost intimidating – if the blush wasn’t still as prominent as it was. Jimin’s confidence visibly wavered for a second, before he then confidently shook his head again. “You could never…”
“I have his camera somewhere in my room and a demo of his newest song on my computer. There is nothing I can’t get him to do by now.” Jimin’s face fell immediately and eyes grew huge. He made a beeline for the exit faster than Jungkook could say “easy peasy lemon squeezy” (and as matters stand, the boy was pretty damn fast at it already).
“Bye bye, Noona!” was all he yelled over his shoulder before the door closed. Namjoon couldn’t even meet your eyes. “You do know that I have a reputation to uphold, right?” he swallowed thickly, staring at the screen of his desktop.  “Had to uphold.” Was all you said with a teasing tone, laughing when he winced and looked away. “Look who is sick of my face now.” He snapped back around instantly, a pained – though clearly amused – look on his face. “I’m not…you are the absolute worst, do you know that jagi?” you grinned softly, leaning closer towards the camera. “I love you too, Namjoon-ah. Kissy.” He sighed, but his smile and eyes betrayed him. they were filled to the brink with love. You probably didn’t look any better.
“You’re right, I love you. Even though you destroy all sense of authority I have left in bangtan.” You laughed at that, winking cheekily. “Sorry for that. They would still follow you anywhere you go, you know? As would the rest of the world.” He smiled warmly, opening his mouth to reply, but got interrupted promptly by the sound of someone slamming open the door.
“Food is ready!” It was Jungkook this time. Namjoon only growled annoyed, not even turning around. “Can’t you folks knock?” Jungkook almost looked apologetic when his eyes found your face on the screen. “Sorry hyung…oh hey Y/N!” and gone was his apologetic face and tone, he now skipped closer to the computer, a sweet bunny smile on his face. He waved excitedly at you, whilst Namjoon groaned something along the lines of; “No respect for the elders”, and “oh no, not again.”  
You waved back, causing the youngest to smile even wider but before you or he could say anything at all, Namjoon decided to cut it off. “I am coming in an instant, Gukk. Let me say goodbye to my girlfriend, I’m with you guys in a minute.” Jungkook pouted but other than Jimin, wouldn’t question him. He just gave you a sweet wave before slipping through the open door again.
“Alright, jagi-“ Joon didn’t make it far; Jungkook’s head suddenly appeared behind him, a wide smile full of mischief on his face. “Hyung?” he asked, sounding as if he was innocence in person. “What?” the grin only sharpened.
“Can you zip up your hood for dinner too? Or when you walk in, at least?” Namjoon froze again, his face settling into an expression of pure and utter despair before he gave you a pained smile.
“Jagi…”, he reached down, taking off his slipper, his smile not wavering once, “I love you. Talk to you soon, I now have to set some things straight…” you laughed softly, blowing a kiss. “I love you too. See you later, babe. Don’t kill them all.” He nodded before his expression shifted completely. “Only one of them.”
The last thing you heard before he ended the call was a him yelling“Park Jimin!” at the top of his lungs and a sound that sounded suspiciously like Jungkook squeaking and the thump of a shoe hitting a wall.
--- ✩ thank u for reading ✩ ---
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antarestyl · 6 years
A continuation of “Grillby’s” (found here) This might turn into something more. We’ll see :D
AO3 link
Sans's life tended to do not do straight lines but twists and turns. No matter what plans he might have had in the past, things tend to get derailed and off the charts.
That didn't mean it was bad.
Befriending Grillby and falling in love with him was such a twist in his path but one he could never see as something different than wonderful. Still, like any other twist in his life, with one change came another and another and suddenly Sans was carrying boxes with his and Papyrus' belongings into a car and drove all the way towards his new way of life.
“What is the new town like?” asked Papyrus, not for the first time during their drive, turning towards Sans and looking at him with his big black eyes. “Is there a school?”
“Of course there is one, little bro.” chuckled Sans and caught Papyrus in the last second before he could chance the radio station. “Why wouldn't there be?”
“I don't know.” said Papyrus, huffing a bit as his ploy was foiled and leaning back to pout a bit. “Larry said that small towns weren't like cities and that they don't have school or movie theaters or any cool stuff and that they are super boring.”
“Oh, yeah?” asked Sans, glancing to Papyrus. “He said that?”
“Yeah... also he said that only boring and uncool people live there... But I don't wanna be uncool!”
“Hey, hey...” said Sans, frowning a bit more. “Who said that only uncool people live in small towns? Grillby lives there!”
“Mister Grillby is nice but he is not cool.”
“Well... I give you that he is a pretty hot guy huh?” asked Sans, winking.
“Urgh, Sans!”
Sans chuckled slight. “But really, bro. Don't you think Grillby is cool?”
“He is dating you.” said Papyrus flatly.
“Wait, am I not cool?”
“You squeel and hug that Grillby plushy whenever you two were on the phone. There is nothing that can make THAT cool. Ever.” said Papyrus even more flatly and Sans kinda wanted to laugh, protest and sink through the floor of his car in embarrassment.
“You what?”
“Ups...” mumbled Papyrus and grinned as he used the small distraction to change the radio station for good. Sans let him keep the change for now. After all, he had earned that.
They stayed silent for a while until Sans had himself back under control enough to continue their conversation.
“But uh... to come back to the topic on hand.” he begun. “The town totally has a school and many other fun places. It's just smaller and not crowed and people know each other better there. And I bet there is a lot of fun things to do. Grillby said a lot of kids live there and are happy.”
Papyrus huffed again. Sans leaned a bit closer to him.
“And uh... I bet you can get to be the coolest guy there. I mean you are the coolest brother already. You'll be the coolest of everybody there.”
Finally Papyrus looked at him again, a shimmer of hope in his eyes and Sans could almost feel Papyrus' hopes bloom in his magic. “Really?”
“Sure.” Sans said, petting Papyrus' skull with one hand. “You'll be the absolute coolest dude ever. I know it.”
Finally Papyrus laughed a bit, striking a pose as good as he could being strapped into the seat. “Of course! If they really are uncool, then I, the great and cool Papyrus, will teach all of them to be cool and then we can all be popular and cool together! Nyehehehehe!”
Sans chuckled. “Sure, bro.” he said. “I bet if anybody can do it, you'll be it.”
The drive to their new home was pretty cheerful from there on out.
Sans' live has been twists and turns at every opportunity so far. It was a twist that he get to know Grillby, it was a turn when they fell in love. It was a twist when Grillby called him about an important family matter he had to attend to but nobody to mind the shop, it was a turn when Sans told him he would do it.
It was a twist when Sans decided to move to Grillby's home, it was a turn that it was absolutely nothing like he thought it would be.
Grillby owned the local grocery store of the little town, a little building with the name “Grillby's” on a sign on top of it. Sans thought it looked like a bar or something to be honest. The interior was small and the selection of goods was limited but Grillby's magic and care was infused into all parts of it and that made it all the more special.
Sans was honestly floored when Grillby explained to him what minding the store would be like for him for the next week, simple tasks like restocking and selling people items and complex ones like minding the books, ordering supplies and making sure everything was in order.
“... you got all of that...?” Grillby finally asked, flames flickering softly in the rather dark store and Sans could only think how beautiful Grillby looked. It took him a second to register the question.
“Uh... sure. I think.”
“... if there are questions... or problems... you can call me.”
“Na, Grills.” Sans said softly. “You got enough to worry about with your family. Let me worry about the store for a week.”
“... are you sure... you are up to it?” asked Grillby again. “You don't have to do it...”
“I want to.” said Sans. “I did something like that before. This is just up-scaled and a few extras. Don't worry, okay?”
Grillby still looked at him as if he was this close to cancelling his plans so Sans took out his ultimative attack. His magic reached out and grapped the small Sans-plush he had given to Grillby years ago and which looked well-loved by now. Grillby watched curiously as Sans let the small plush fly close to Grillby, dipping the small skull made of fabric agaist Grillby's cheek in a “kiss” of sorts. Grillby in turn flushed a beautiful shade of blue.
“Kiss kiss.” said Sans chuckling which in turn made Grillby laugh a bit too. Sans took out his own Grillby plush and showed it Grillby before setting it down beside the register. “See? You are helping me.”
Grillby laughed out-lout at this and the topic was not brought up again until the moment Grillby was about to leave.
“Mister Grillby?” asked Papyrus the evening before Grillby had to leave. “Why do you have to leave?”
“There is an important family emergency.” said Grillby, voice soft as he shoved some more rice on Sans' plate. Sans in the meantime tried to cover most of his plate in ketchup. “That is why I have to leave so quickly after you two got here...”
“But what kind of emergency?” asked Papyrus again and Sans felt himself cringe a bit. Grillby was a very private person and Papyrus... well Papyrus was still a baby bones. Okay, he was almost thirteenth now but still, he was a kid and he asked questions. A lot.
“Why do you want to know?” asked Grillby still softly and Papyrus huffed at the apparent none-answer to his questions.
“Well you just go away... I wanna know! Can I help? Is the emergency bad?”
Grillby blinked and chuckled and Sans felt himself relax a bit. Of course Papyrus would try and help and of course Grillby would see the same in Sans' brother like Sans did.
“I am afraid there is not much you can do, Papyrus.” Grillby said softly, sitting down to look Papyrus into the eyes. “... it's my mother. She is sick right now.”
“Oh no!” gasped Papyrus. “Is she gonna be okay?” Sans wanted to ask the same. He had talked to her a few times, on the phone or the like. She was a nice lady.
“She will.” Grillby said and Sans felt himself relaxing a bit. “It's not that bad. But we flames tend to heal better and faster when we are with our family.”
“Really?” asked Papyrus. “Why?”
“It's our magic.” explained Grillby and held out his hand, palm side up. A small blueish flame sparked and flickered in his hand, almost separated from the orange ones that made up his body. “Our bodies are more magic than dust. All elementals are like that.” he explained. “and our family shares magic. We flames share our magic and heat to make each other feel better.”
“Ooooooohhhh...” said Papyrus, looking like he was thinking hard. “Do you think she would like a bone attack? Like... me and Sans sometimes spar with them so it's like sharing bones?”
Sans blinked at that. Grillby did too.
“Like, you and Sans and... and me are family right? So your mom is family too so I wanna share something so she can feel better!”
Sans felt a bit faint with the apparent cuteness. Grillby just nodded slowly and chuckled a bit.
“I... think she would very much appreciate it.” he said finally. Papyrus beamed at him brighter than the flame in Grillby's hand.
Grillby left the next day with a very light suitcase. But the things that had to come with him were two bone-attacks, his Sans-plush and a very adorable self-made get-well-wishing card.
“So, it's just you and me now, huh?” said Sans to his Grillby plush as he sat down in the shop for his first day of “work”.
It was 7 o'clock in the morning. Sans had stocked up as Grillby had told him, had turned on the lights and had flipped the sign to “open”. So far nobody has come to the shop. All in all it was kinda boring.
Sans eyed the stack of newspapers that was laying beside him. They were a bit old. Grillby apparently got one every day but never really red them so they were stacking up at the register. Sans looked over the top-most one.
It was breaking news. A few weeks ago. A fire in a very upscale laboratory in a big city not far from here. Some humans and monster apparently were trying to mix magic with science in a way that shouldn't be messed with. Luckily nobody seemed to be seriously hurt by the fire but it seems whatever the big project was, it's on ice now.
Sans turned away from the newspapers. He didn't want to read anymore about that.
Instead he took out his sewing kit and some spare fabric.
Sewing always was a little bit of an odd hobby for him. As a small baby bones he already learned how to sew simple things and helped fixing Papyrus' clothes early on too. Papyrus after all always was an energetic soul, so no matter what his clothes suffered from it. Also the clothes produced by humans usually didn't fit well on skeletons so he also learned how to make them fit better.
The plushies kinda were some test at first. The first one he made was a birthday present for Papyrus. It really was just a more-or-less round lumb of grey fluff, but Papyrus had loved that thing, calling it his “Pet rock” and Sans was kinda really happy when he spotted “Rocky” in the moving box labeled “important Papyrus stuff” with red crayon.
He got better over time of course. But Grillby was the first one he gave one of his plushies outside of his family. The little Sans plush was intended as a joke at first. So you can always have a little me with you. But Grillby was so HAPPY about it and had sent Sans a ton of pictures of himself hugging the little plush or doing cute stuff like nuzzling the soft fabric or sitting with the plush on his couch or having the plush tugged into his bed.
It was so darn adorable, Sans just couldn't tell Grillby it was supposed to be a joke. After some consideration he had send Grillby a picture of his own Grillby plush sitting on his bed and the rest was history.
The plush he was making now was a special one too. He didn't had much white fabric anymore but there was still enough for what he had in mind.
“Oh that is a really cute plushy.” said a voice right beside Sans suddenly and he was started quite badly by it, yelping and almost falling from his chair.
“Oh my gosh I didn't wanna scare you! A...are you alright? Did... did you hurt yourself? Oh no... Oh no oh no what do I do...?” continued the voice and Sans sat up panting a bit.
“I am okay, I am okay!” he quickly said. “Just startled. uh...?” He finally looked up and had absolutely no idea who he had in front of him.
The monster nervously playing with their hands was a yellow lizard monster. She was barely taller than Sans and wore a small pair of glasses.
“Uh... uhm... I am Alphys.” the lizard said. “Uh... sorry... I uh... wait, where is Grillby?” she asked.
“Out of town for a week.” Sans said. “I am Sans.”
“And I am Alphys.” said Alphys. There were a few seconds of awkward silence. “Uh... I already said that huh?”
Sans chuckled. “Yeah but that way it sicks better.”
“Uh... good.” Alphys said. “So... Grillby's is out of town?”
“Saily.” said Sans. “Uh... you need anything?”
“Oh! Yeah, of course...” Alphys mumbled and put her groceries on the counter and Sans rung her up. Milk, an apple, some candy and some packages of ramen noodles. Sans very much did not judge her, he ate worse during his university time.
“So... uh... do you work for Grillby?” asked Alphys. “I never saw you before.”
“Moved in with my little bro just a few days ago.” Sans explained. “So uh... you probably didn't saw me.”
“You got a little brother?” asked Alphys.
“Yeah. Papyrus.” Sans said smiling. “He is twelve right now.”
“Oh! Then I'll probably see him in school soon!” Alphys cheered. “I am a teacher there.”
“Nice.” said Sans, smiling a bit. “Papyrus was worried there wouldn't be a school here.”
“Of course there is!” said Alphys. “It's the best! But so... you are here for the whole week?”
“Yep.” said Sans. “Just until Grillby is back.”
“I hope he is okay...” mumbled Alphys. “Grillby's has been here for years with Grillby in it, it's kinda strange to see somebody else... uh... not that you are bad! Just... uh...”
Sans chuckled. “It's strange seeing this bonehead when you are used to the hot guy huh?” he teased and watched with amazement when bright yellow spread over Alphy's cheeks in a dark flush.
“Don't. Say. Anything.” she said, half squealing and half trying and failing to be intimidating.
Sans just chuckled and told Alphys the sum of her purchase. Money exchanged hands and farewells were spoken. As Alphys left Sans thought about how Alphys seemed oddly familiar to him.
Only hours later Sans took some black and orange tape and changed the sign from Grillby to 'Sans. Over the morning EVERYBODY had asked him what happened to Grillby and who he was and Sans decided that the sign at this point was just false advertising. 'Sans told the people exactly what they would find inside.
And because he could never let an opportunity pass, he made a ton of pictures of baffled regulars and other townfolks. Grillby seemed to like his pictures a lot after all.
The Papyrus-plush slowly took form.
The next day Sans met Toriel.
“So you are Sans huh?” he asked as she came to him, basked full with baking stuff and chocolate.
“Yep.” agreed Sans, grinning a bit. “And you?”
“Oh, I am sorry. My name is Toriel.”
“Toriel, huh?” mumbled Sans, the name seeming strangely familiar. “So... baking up a storm?”
“Oh, just a little bit.” she chuckled. “I got a kid at home that would live only on cake and chocolate if they could... and my son will return from college at the end of the week.”
“Well sounds like you need a lot of those then.” said Sans with a chuckle.
Toriel hummed and her gaze fell onto the sewing stuff and the half-finished Papyrus-plush.
“Are you sewing?” she asked. “That looks pretty good.”
“Hmmm...” made Sans and nodded before grinning a bit. “Hey know know why the skeleton made himself some plushies?”
“Because he was a bit bonely.”
Toriel blinked at him before starting to laugh out loud. She needed a few seconds before she had herself under control again. She looked at Sans, mostly serious again before speaking.
“Bonely, huh?” she said softly. “How about a friend then?”
Sans looked at her, feeling curious to where she was going.
“You can't go around with no body.” Toriel told him.
Sans blinked. Did she... had she...?
“You got to work on your social skulls if you wanna have friends.” she continued. She was looking at him. It finally clicked with Sans.
He started laughing out loud. He doubled over. He had to hold his stomach even thou he didn't even had one!
“You... you are the greatest!” Sans laughed out. He tried very hard to pull himself together. “H..hey, let's play a game.”
“A game?”
“Knock knock.” said Sans and Toriel's face lit up.
“Who is there?”
“Dishes who?”
“Dishes a very bad joke.”
Toriel beaked. Sans beamed brighter than the sun outside.
That evening Sans send Grillby a picture of himself and Toriel. They had exchanged numbers too. She really was a great lady, full of witty jokes and a sharp mind and Sans couldn't wait having her at the shop again.
He was a bit concerned when Grillby told him that there was some kind of history with Toriel but he didn't payed it to much of a mind. Toriel was just the lady that told bad jokes and puns to him and he wasn't really that interested in the past, be it hers or his own.
The base for his Papyrus plush was finally finished. Now he only needed some clothes for it.
“I miss Mister Grillby.” mumbled Papyrus in the evening.
“Yeah me too.” said Sans softly. They were eating dinner alone together. Before moving to this town that was the usual case. There was only Sans and Papyrus for a very long time after all and still, it only took a few days to make it feel like there was something big missing with only the two of them in the kitchen.
“When will he be back?” asked Papyrus while slowly moving his food a bit around on his plate.
“Just two or three more days.” reminded Sans him. He tried to sound more cheerful than he felt. He probably failed with that. “But we talked earlier on the phone and he told me to tell you hi.”
Papyrus giggled a bit “Tell him hi back?”
“I will.” chuckled Sans. “How are you otherwise? Have fun at school?”
“Yeah...” mumbled Papyrus. “It's a small school but most people are very nice! But there are some older people that are a bit scary...”
“Scary?” asked Sans, turning back to Papyrus.
“Uh... not bad!” said Papyrus quickly. “Just uh... probably in need of a real friend! I only ever saw them all alone and nobody talks to them...”
“Uhu?” made Sans.
“Yeah uh... they are a bit older than me and they made a lot of mistakes... but I still think they want to be good and will make right choices soon!”
Sans chuckled softly. “If you say so bro... just uh... be careful? Like uh... don't spread yourself to thin there bro. There are lots of people to be cool with.”
“I guess you are right.” mumbled Papyrus. “It's just... I bet they it would only take one good friend...”
“But only if they are ready for a friend.” said Sans. “I think they know that already. But if they are not ready for a friend yet, they won't be your friend.”
Payprus seemed deep in thought about that. He finally nodded slowly. “I will think about that, brother.” he finally said and took a bite from his food.
Sans smiled a bit.
He met Kris when it was time to close up the shop. He had heard about them from Toriel already of course but also some other regulars told him of the single human living in town. Kris was... kinda strange all things considered.
When they were looking at him their face brightened up and they came running to them, greeting Sans as if he was an old friend. Sans was greatly confused by this. They were asking him about Grillby's too of course but also about Alphys and Toriel as if not only they were friends but he was being friends with these two for a long time or at least deeply involved in their plans!
All in all the whole exchange freaked Sans out. Especially because something DID rattle around his skull when they were talking about this stuff.
Other people that came to his shop mentioned Kris acting strange that day too.
Sans didn't like it one bit.
He wrote Grillby in the evening and with his nerves calmed, he made a call to some very old acquaintances.
The call didn't really help him much but he felt like he was closer to remembering something had forgotten he had forgotten.
He cuddled his Grillby plush tightly that night. He really really missed Grillby.
The next day Papyrus came over, together with Kris and some purple lizard monster.
“Sans!” he cried. “Sans I made some friends and we gonna play together!”
Sans looked at the monster (name was Susie, she said) and Kris and felt something cold running down his back.
He suggested them to play with his brother and now they did. Sans had no idea how to handle the whole situation. Kris looked at him with curious eyes.
When Papyrus showed Susie around the room they stepped to Sans and he looked them over again. They seemed different from yesterday.
“I need your help...” they whispered to Sans. “Please...”
Well, Sans' life was about to get even more twists and turns.
A twist was getting to know Kris yesterday.
A turn was meeting Kris Dreemurr for real.
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