#sometimes you get stressed out and just want to make a little sushi monster
tj-crochets · 10 months
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So I’m working on an eyeball sushi plushie, at the suggestion of a friend of mine (because the little Sid creature fabric looked kinda like rice), and it hit me: sushi monster.
Are the pieces of the monster wildly out of proportion with their real life food counterparts? Yes! Do I still want to make it? Very much yes! (sushi monster is drawn sketchier than usual because it’s drawn in marker on the side of a box because that’s what I had to hand lol)
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harrys-titties · 3 years
Y/N and Harry hate each other, until they don’t. 
Warnings: Asshole Harry, A LOT of swearing (I’m sorry,) mentions of anxiety, a questionable game of drink or truth & smut 
(A/N FINALLY I FINISHED!!  Blood, sweat and tears has been put into this one, so I hope you all enjoy! Love you all <3 Also you may have to open in your web browser bc she is big af xx) 
It wasn't that Y/N didn't like Harry, in all honesty, she didn't know him well enough to come to that conclusion. But from what she'd seen so far, she wasn't too impressed. She had never found it too challenging to make new friends, often finding herself able to get along with even the oddest of characters, but with Harry, it was a different story.
Perhaps if they weren’t forced to stay in the same house during quarantine, having to spend days on end with only each other and their housemates to cure their boredom, things would be different. Maybe, just maybe Harry wouldn’t have come across as so disagreeable and overbearing. 
However, at this rate, Y/N was led to believe it was just who he was. An asshole who had somehow tricked the entire planet into believing he was the epitome of the ‘boy next door’ stereotype. 
Sarah, Y/N’s cousin, had called her sometime around July, asking her if she wanted to quarantine with her, her boyfriend, Mitch and a few mates rather than alone in her somewhat dingy apartment. Y/N had immediately jumped at the opportunity. Quarantining by herself had already proved to be somewhat tricky and incredibly depressing. While she loved her charming little abode, she was certainly not prepared to spend the next few months stuck inside it, alone, watching ‘Friends’ reruns with a bottle of wine and only her three potted cacti to keep her company. 
So, naturally, that led her to the doorstep of Sarah and Mitch's huge shared house with butterflies in her stomach, imagining what her new housemates would be like. 
Sarah had told Y/N all about Mitch, Jeff and Harry, exclaiming how funny, kind and welcoming they would be, and well, Y/N was excited, she needed some new friends. After her last break up about a year ago, had lost her a boyfriend and subsequently the mutual friends of his that she thought had become hers too, she felt slightly lonely. For Y/N the chance to cure isolation boredom blues and make some new friends was an offer she wouldn't dream of refusing. 
Upon arrival, Y/N noticed that Sarah's description fit Jeff and Mitch to a tee, but Harry? Well, he barely managed to squeeze into it. When she'd walked through the door, Mitch had immediately offered to take her bags and even offered her some of his favourite tea to help her relax after her relatively stressful journey. Jeff gave her a huge hug and asked what her favourite snacks were so he could add them to the shopping list. And Harry? He sat in silence with his head practically glued to his phone, hardly even sparing a glance in her direction. 
Y/N didn't let this discourage her. She prided herself on being friendly and often easy to get along with and so approached him readily. However, greeting him with a cheerful, "it's nice to meet you!" and her renowned smile had only earned her a grunt and a disinterested look. Maybe he was just having a bad day?
On the drive to Sarah’s house, Y/N had been thinking about how exciting it was to be able to meet him. While she’d never been an avid fan of his music, she wasn’t blind to the enormous impact he had on the industry. He seemed kind and beyond charming, and well, Y/N had a working pair of eyes, she knew how handsome he was. She had only ever heard good things and was excited to get to know the man who had made her cousin's dreams come true. 
However, Harry's blase and borderline rude personality really rubbed her the wrong way. Y/N could understand having a rough day, even she could get a bit grumpy the days leading up to her period, but Harry's impertinence surpassed a simple 'bad day' or two. He was impossible! He would hardly even acknowledge her existence, and on the rare occasion when he did, he was insolent and passive-aggressive. He would nitpick everything Y/N did, from the way she would dress to something as simple as how much soy sauce she had on her sushi! Y/N didn't know how she would survive another week with him, let alone the whole of isolation. 
Maybe loneliness, copious amounts of alcohol and friends reruns would’ve been the better option. 
It wasn't that Harry didn't like Y/N, in all honesty, he didn't know her well enough to come to that conclusion. There was just something about her that grated on his nerves. It could possibly be the fact that Sarah had insisted she was his type before he'd even met her. While Harry had countered, unless she looked exactly like the ex he was still very much pining over he doubted it to be true, Sarah had insisted. She showed him picture after picture from their trip to Europe together, pointing out how pretty Y/N's hair looked, or how dazzling her smile was.
While there was a resemblance to the girl on his mind, Harry doubted it was enough to remind him of the heartbreak she had instilled upon him. Alas, Harry was wrong. When Y/N had floated through the door without a care in the world, Harry had frozen. While Y/N did kind of resemble his past girlfriend Elle, it was the way she acted that frustrated Harry more. She had the same air about her, carried herself in the same way that Elle did, with humble confidence and poise.  
Harry hated it. The more he got to know Y/N, the more he realised that she was somehow simultaneously similar and completely different from the girl he was still in love with, and he hated it. She was a constant reminder of what he could no longer have, and he didn't know if he wished Y/N were more like Elle so he could have a part of her back, or if he wished she was a completely different person altogether.
Either way, Harry could hardly hold in the frustration he felt around her, snapping at anything she said and nit-picking her every move. 
While he knew he was acting unreasonably, he barely had a cause to stop it. 
Y/N was usually self-confident and relatively sure of herself, but she was also stubborn, and for some reason was bothered by Harry's opinion of her more than she cared to admit. 
So, over the first few days of her staying at the house, Y/N had tried her hardest to get Harry to like her, but her endeavours only seemed to further annoy him. She baked him carrot cake because she'd heard it was his favourite, but with a screwed up nose, Harry had swiped his finger through the icing to taste it and grumbled, "way too sweet," before retreating back to his room. Y/N was embarrassed as Sarah had given her a sympathetic look and insisted "everyone else will love it!" 
When doing her washing, she added Harry's whites with hers and even went so far as to dry and fold them too. But when she woke the next day, the clothes had been taken from the laundry, and Y/N was not given a spare glance.
 Harry had insisted they watch a horror movie during their weekly movie night, and Y/N didn't say a word of opposition, even though she knew she would have nightmares that night. Sarah had even tried to say something on her behalf, but Y/N quickly hushed her, not wanting to cause a scene and have Harry hate her even more than he already did. 
But Y/N's quick agreeance to watch 'Halloween' disagreed with her a lot more than she thought it would. She had hardly slept at all, jumping at the smallest of sounds and debating the probability of a murderous man being able to break into the house. When she turns again for what seemed like the fiftieth time that night, only to be met with the glaring '3:30' from the mickey mouse alarm clock she had nearly forgotten to pack, she gives up. 
In an attempt to calm herself down from the numerous haunting images flashing through her mind, Y/N begins her trek to the kitchen. A cool glass of water and perhaps one of the cupcakes Sarah and herself had baked the day before, would surely put her overworked mind at ease. 
As Y/N begins to walk down the stairs, she can't help but imagine behind every door a murderer with a knife, that each step in the pitch black was one closer to her death. The eerie silence of the house full of sleeping people only made her feel worse. 
Scolding herself for ever agreeing to watch the stupid movie in the first place, she turns around to flick on the lights to the hallway and stairway. Feeling slightly more comfortable now that she could see, she walked downstairs only to repeat the process in the kitchen, dining room and living room until the whole house, bar upstairs, was flooded with light.
Standing in the fully lit kitchen with a mug of hot chocolate she had found in the cupboard and munching away at the sweet treat, Y/N finally begins to feel somewhat safe. That is until a dark figure suddenly emerges from the hallway.
 "Harry! What the fuck? You scared the shit out of me," she exclaims while clutching at her rapidly beating chest. With his chestnut curls in a tangled heap upon his head, one sock on and clad in only a white shirt and boxers, he looks slightly worse for wear. "What the fuck are you doing, making such a racket at four in the fucking morning?" His voice sounds strained as if he'd just woken up and his face is screwed in annoyance as he points at the provincial-style clock hanging on the wall for emphasis. 
Y/N hesitates, she knew telling Harry his movie choice had kept her awake would not end well, "I- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you or anything." At this, he scoffs, "didn't mean to wake me, huh? Turning on every fuckin’ light and slammin’ cupboards will usually do that to a person." 
Now Harry knows he's being mean, can hear the way his accent thickens with annoyance and can see how she flinches with every raised decibel, and it makes him pause some. He realises there’s more than likely a reasonable explanation as to why she’s awake at such an hour. He's a dick, but he's not a bloody monster, and as he sees her eyes well up with tears, he decides his anger can be put on the backburner.
 "Why are you even awake?" At the softened tone in his voice, Y/N seems to visibly relax some but still remains tense. "I, um, I really hate horror movies, and I was scared, and I couldn't sleep." He sighs, and his voice lowers even more, "Is that why all the lights are on?" She nod's sheepishly, "why didn't you say anythin'? You were the first to bloody agree to watch the movie." 
"You already hate me enough, I didn't want to give you another reason!" Harry's not sure why his chest slightly aches at that, because if he's honest, she's right, he doesn't really like her at all. As soon as she’d walked through the door and up the stairs to get sorted in her new room, he'd approached Mitch. He'd even made a proper scene, asking why she had to quarantine with them. Mitch had defended her, pointing out that everyone else liked her perfectly fine so far, which Harry supposes was a part of his problem with her. He had made sure she knew of his distaste too, barely even paying her mind, and only doing so to mock her. 
So why it felt like his heart was cracking just slightly, he'll never know, but it does lead him to walk towards her slowly, "I can't really sleep either, did you want to watch tv with me until you can?" If Harry was truthful, he'd actually been sleeping like a baby before he heard the cupboard doors shut slightly above acceptable volume considering the time. However, the way her mouth pouted somewhat, and her eyes misted as she acknowledged his dislike for her made him feel awful. 
So as he sits on the couch with her, now donned with his own steaming cup of hot chocolate, he leaves the lights on and gives her his favourite blanket to wrap herself in. He sits on the opposite side of the couch and tries his hardest not to fall asleep, so Y/N could feel somewhat protected.
After a few episodes of 'SpongeBob' had played he looks over to the other side of the sofa and sees Y/N fast asleep, snoring with her head tilted at a slightly unnatural angle. He can't help the smile that finds its way onto his face, as he turns off the television and settles himself further into the couch to hopefully catch a few hours of sleep too. 
To say Y/N is confused would be an understatement. While she wasn't expecting to wake up to Harry presenting a friendship bracelet and a new found love for her, she was expecting him to at least stop hating her.
She was surprised at his kindness last night. She knows Harry gave her his favourite blanket. Jeff was always griping on movie nights because Harry manages to nab it before Jeff has the chance and although he claimed he couldn't sleep, Harry's croaky voice and dishevelled hair led her to believe he was in fact lying.
She definitely hadn't expected him to offer to watch cartoons with her. She also definitely had not expected to wake in the middle of the night to find herself pressed against him with his arms tightly wrapped around her.
 Y/N briefly considered moving back to her side of the couch, but if she was being entirely truthful, she missed cuddling. It was one of her favourite things about being in a relationship, and ever since her last one had crashed and burned, she missed the simple feeling of being held. So in her sleep-muddled state, she decided to stay put and hope Harry was as avid a cuddler as she was.  
To be honest, after all that, she thought he'd at least start to acknowledge her existence, or at least not act as if it was the bane of his. However, when Y/N awakes the next day, Harry is in the kitchen with Jeff and Sarah, debating on where to start their tour when quarantine ends. He moves animatedly and is clearly laughing and joking about as he usually does with the other occupants of the house. But when she enters, he instantly stops talking and instead puts his head down, seemingly very focused on shovelling his pancakes into his mouth. 
Y/N hopes, with every part of her being, that he didn't wake up feeling disgusted by her unconscious affection, but she knew it was a real possibility. And suddenly it feels like she had taken one step forward and two giant steps back.
So yes, Y/N is understandably confused. 
When Harry had woken up overheated, and with a stifling sense of claustrophobia, he was understandably confused. As he opens his eyes, he recognises the living room's shaggy carpet and cream walls; however, it takes him a few seconds to process why he was actually here rather than in his own bedroom.
The pressure against his chest causes him to startle some, and when he looks down to see Y/N still huddled under his favourite blanket but now pressed against him rather than the opposite end of the couch, the feeling doesn't fade but instead escalates.
How did they end up in this position? Harry knew he was a cuddler, any past lover would be able to tell you that, but that was usually with people he... liked? Why the fuck was she on top of him?
He can just see the side of her face, while the other looks to be uncomfortably pressed against him. Her hair no longer resembles the bun she usually goes to sleep with but a nest upon her head, and what looks like dried drool is smeared across the corner of her rosy lips. 
Harry can admit she's cute. In a puppy that's just been kicked kind of way. He feels compelled to brush the strands of hair away from her face and wipe the spit away with the hem of his shirt, but Y/N moving in her sleep draws his focus away. He sees his lanky legs tangled with hers and for the first time notices his arms also wrapped around her, keeping her close. 
While a half-asleep Y/N is clearly trying to change her position, his gangly limbs keep her from doing so. And Harry panics. He should not be cuddling with Y/N of all people. Instantly and as gently as possible, he rolls her off him and stands from the couch, only to hear a muffled groan of opposition from the sleeping girl. 
Harry was confused, to say the least. He knows it's not a big deal. Two, friends? No. Acquaintances? Hm nope, 'roommates?'... had fallen asleep next to each other on the couch and woken up slightly tangled. It wouldn't be that much of an issue if the last person Harry had woken up next to hadn't been the ex-girlfriend he was very much still broken-hearted because of. Don't get him wrong, it had felt nice to be close to someone again, but perhaps that's the reason why Harry begins to panic even more. 
So, Harry folds up the blanket he had been using, walks to the toilet and convinces himself not to think of it again. And it's also for this reason, that Harry can't seem to look Y/N in the eye as she walks into the kitchen. He knows she's looking at him in confusion, and he feels slightly guilty, but what was he supposed to do? Greet her with a cuddle and ask if she'd slept as well as he did? No, Harry would act like nothing had happened, and pray that a problem wouldn't arise from that.
But of course, Harry should have known better. 
Y/N was quite the baker. She had worked a few summers in her Aunties little bakery and had loved it, but even with her passion and keen eye for icing cakes, there was only so much sweet treat making she could do. She was more participating in copious amounts of isolation baking to please poor Sarah, who was struggling with boredom, and who also happened to love sweets. 
So, whenever Sarah would run into her room with a new suggestion, or send her a link to a 'totally awesome' muffin recipe, Y/N would simply bite her tongue and help gather the ingredients. They had already managed to make cupcakes, banana bread, chocolate chip cookies and cheesecake. So when a new recipe comes through while Y/N reads her book in front of the pool, she wonders what other baked goods could even possibly exist for them to make. 
Alas, macarons. Y/N sighed and walked to the kitchen, where she knew Sarah would be preparing their ingredients. "Hey bug, ready to bake the best macarons ever?" On the inside, Y/N started dramatically weeping, but on the outside, she exclaims, "sure am! These might be a bit more difficult than anything we've tried though." Sarah scoffs, "oh please, we're up for the challenge." 
It's then Y/N notices Harry sitting at the island bench, and he catches her staring, "what? 'M bored." She only nods in response, not really one for conflict. "Are you helping us cook? We could use an extra hand." Y/N kind of hopes he'd say yes, maybe a bit of cooperative, team bonding would mend whatever weird rift they had between them. 
However, Harry screws up his nose at her suggestion as if what she had said was the stupidest thing he'd ever heard. Before he has the chance to snarkily reply to her, Sarah butts in, "Harry actually used to be a baker! Didn't you H." Harry can see Y/N's eyes light up and knows that whatever comes out of her mouth next, he was more than likely going to despise. "I used to work in a bakery too!"
Now, if there was an award for sarcasm, Y/N's sure Harry would probably win it. When he pulls his lips into an over-exaggerated smile and says, "twinnies!" with such derision that it burns, Y/N's smile falls. She didn't know what his problem was. Had it really bothered him that much that they'd accidentally cuddled in their sleep? Who had hurt the poor guy so much that a simple night-time spoon was the be-all or end-all? 
She really hadn't meant it, guessed she'd missed sleeping next to a warm body and naturally gravitated towards him. She liked a good cuddle, for fuck's sake, who didn't? If she could turn back time, she would've stayed in bed, wracked with fear if it meant she wouldn't have to deal with Harry's bullshit.
Rather than responding, Y/N puts her head down and begins to read the instructions Sarah had helpfully printed out. Harry is about to make a snide comment, praying that her baking abilities have improved since the carrot cake she had attempted to make, but he gets distracted by the way the afternoon sun is hitting her skin. 
Was Y/N kind of attractive? For the first time, he notices that while she had similar features to his ex, Y/N was pretty on her own accord. 
While often messy, her hair looked so soft, and her eyes were wide and held a sense of innocence. If Harry looked close enough, he could see the tiny acne spots she hadn't bothered to cover and the small bags under her eyes. He briefly wonders if she'd been getting enough sleep and if he had any of the 'sleepy-time' tea left that had worked so well for him before he realises what he was thinking. 
This was Y/N, not Elle, not some chick he'd been fucking, it was Y/N. Maybe he was just confused about his feelings. That was the first time he'd slept next to someone in a while. And well, Y/N was an admittedly pretty girl, and Harry was an admittedly lonely guy who was attracted to pretty girls…
Yeh, there was nothing for him to worry about. 
Y/N mistakes Harry's staring as a glare and does her best to avoid looking at him. She didn't want him to see the well of tears in her eyes and give him the satisfaction. By now, she knew he had meant to upset her, and he had succeeded. 
It was a shame, he really was an attractive guy. Y/N is fully aware that if she'd seen him at a bar, acting the way he did with Sarah and the guys, she'd be instantly in love. She imagines him at school years ago, he probably would’ve been the guy that everyone developed a crush on at least once, boys and girls alike, and has no doubt he probably knew it too. 
Unfortunately, Y/N had not met him in a way akin to a romantic novel. No, she only knew him as an ass who tended to treat her like the dirt stuck to the treads of his overpriced shoes. The only thing Y/N could do was just try her best to ignore him. 
As it turns out, Y/N was right, macarons were a lot harder than anything Sarah, and she had previously tried to make. Y/N was tired, frustrated and too sweaty for simply baking glorified cookies. The macarons had taken so long to make, and worst of all, the first batch had come out of the oven flat and stiff as a board. Sarah had pulled out the tray as Y/N was beginning to wash the bowls with a hesitant, "are they supposed to be flat?" 
Turns out they were not supposed to be flat at all. Y/N tried to hide her distaste as she chewed through one of the shells, but when she saw Sarah's face mirroring hers, she giggled. Harry, who had been sitting at the bench, completing a crossword puzzle, also laughed, "guess you aren't as good at baking as you thought you were." 
Y/N would be offended, but notices he's mainly talking to Sarah, and his jesting tone suggests he's not even acknowledging her. "Here, try one. They aren't that bad," Sarah hands him one and he huffs before taking a bite, "better not poison me. You'll have millions of fans to answer to." 
As he chews, it’s apparent that he's not particularly enjoying it. After a hefty swallow, he tugs at his bottom lip with his thumb and forefinger as if in deep thought. "These are single-handedly the worst macarons I've ever had in my entire life. And I say that with absolute confidence." 
While Sarah scoffs and laughs, admonishing Harry with a gentle slap on his arm, Y/N is entirely distracted. She had never seen anyone else with the same habit as her ex. Ben would tug at his bottom lip when deep in thought, and there Harry was, exhibiting the exact same habit. She was astonished, and she hates to admit it, but small butterflies form in the pit of her stomach. She always had, for some unknown reason found it an oddly attractive trait.
While others might be attracted to muscles or deep dimples, Y/N found the little quirks of others most captivating. She loved the drunken ramblings and the uncontrollable tears during sad films. She loved watching people discover their favourite song and the way they would sing under their breath. She loved the unmade beds, dust-covered books, and overwatered plants. She loved the way people would stutter on certain words or adopt weird nicknames they had heard in their favourite movies. She loved pet peeves and the stories behind them and the routines that they followed. Y/N had always loved people. She loved the things that made individuals uniquely them, and this quirk that Harry shared with Ben, was no different. 
If he notices her staring, he doesn't draw attention to it, only continues to banter with Sarah, while Y/N stands in the middle of the kitchen, lost in thought. It’s Sarah's voice that draws her out of her reverie, "c'mon Y/N let's try another batch. I want to surprise Mitch for movie night, he loves these things."
This movie-night, Y/N wanted to make sure she would be able to sleep at the end of it, and for that reason, horror movies were off the table- much to Harry's dismay. Sarah, Mitch and Jeff, readily agreed, and after some pushing from Jeff and the girls, everyone agreed to watch a rom-com. The question was which one. 
As Sarah scrolls through the movie selections, 'Clueless' catches Y/N’s eye, and she immediately yells out the suggestion with vivid excitement and is promptly met with... silence. "Guys? Clueless is icon-" Y/N starts, only to be interrupted by none other than Harry, "'s a shit movie, we aren't watching it." Before Y/N can object, Sarah comes to her defence, "oi H, don't be an asshole. We know it was Elle's favourite, don't need to take it out on poor Y/N."
While Y/N prides herself on being understanding and kind, she knows she can be a tad oblivious to what's going on around her at times. She had tried to pick up on it when she noticed it and improve because it had indeed gotten her into some awful situations. And if only Y/N had paid a bit more attention to the situation around her, she may not have spat out her next words. She may have noticed Harry's misty eyes and pursed lips, Sarah's empathetic gaze towards him, Mitch's awkward glance in Harry's direction and Jeff's head buried in his hands. Alas, she didn't.
 "Who's Elle?"  
Silence. Y/N is met with nothing but silence. After a while, she can vaguely hear Jeff letting out the breath of air he had clearly been holding in, and Mitch's mumbled "oh god" under his breath, but she was much too focused on Harry's gaze that was now piercing into hers. "None of your business," he gets out through gritted teeth. 
Y/N is somewhat taken aback, she can clearly see that whoever Elle was, she was a sensitive topic for Harry and immediately tries to backtrack. "Oh, um I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" For the second time that night, Harry interrupts her. "Does anyone want popcorn? We forgot to get some." He stands from the couch, now avoiding Y/N's gaze altogether, and she looks around the room to try and gauge the situation. 
The only one in the room paying her any notice is Sarah, who shares the same empathetic look with her that she had given Harry not two minutes ago. Sarah mouths ‘ex-girlfriend' at Y/N, and it's safe to say she feels awful. While she didn't particularly like Harry, she would never intentionally hurt anyone, and she makes the snap decision to follow him, in order to apologise to him properly. 
When she enters the kitchen, Harry is leaning on the counter facing away from her. His shoulders seem tense, and his hair is dishevelled as if he'd been continuously running his fingers through it.
"Harry, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to bring up such a sensitive topic." At her voice, Harry's shoulders seem to hunch further, and he turns around while taking a deep breath, "just drop it yeah? Think you've done enough." 
Y/N didn't think that was fair. She really hadn't known, and if she had, she wouldn't have even thought of mentioning it. "I didn't know Harry. I won't bring her up again." Y/N had grown familiar with the way Harry's accent thickened sometimes. It happened when he was tired or bored. It was most frequently when he was angry, which seemed to be a common occurrence when she was concerned, and now was no exception. "No shit, stop stickin' your nose into other people's business." 
In any other circumstance, Harry might have noticed the way Y/N's eyes instantly started to water, or how she'd retreated and hunched slightly into herself in submission. Harry had noted she was a sensitive little thing, and while he often tried to get on her nerves, when he saw her nose twitch and eyes mist up, he knew to back off. But currently, he could only see red, and the fact Y/N had made no attempt to move, made his fury run even more rampant through his veins. “Fuck off Y/N, I'm not kiddin'. Go back to the living room." 
"But Harry, I-" Y/N attempts to get out, but Harry's raised voice causes her to immediately stop. "I said, fuck off!" At that, Y/N snaps. For weeks, she had been doing nothing but try to please Harry, but there was just no pleasing him. He was arrogant, apathetic to everyone around him, pretentious, stubborn and worst of all, just plain rude. 
"You're a real asshole, you know that. I understand you're upset, and I'm sorry I caused it, but you don't need to treat me like shit,” she sniffles. “I have tried so fucking hard to get on your good side, but I'm done trying. It's time for you to wake up and realise not everyone is going to hurt you like precious Elle clearly did." Y/N expects Harry to do many different things, she prepares for him to begin screaming, perhaps start crying? She briefly wonders if he would go so far as to push her out of the way and storm out of the room. 
Although, one prospect she didn’t consider was for him to start laughing. "Oh Jesus pet, you think you're that special? You think you can even begin to be compared to her? Think I'm scared you'll.. what? Break my heart?" As he continued to speak, the sound of his voice grew as did his rage. The veins on the side of his neck only became more pronounced, and the crease in his brow caused his whole face to contort. 
The increase in volume had caused an audience to gather. Jeff, Sarah and Mitch stand in the kitchen entrance helplessly watching the two rip into each other. Mitch is the first to step in, "Harry c'mon, that's enough." 
"Fuck off Mitch, stay out of it." He turns back to Y/N, "please, sweetheart, save yourself the heartbreak. Have you ever considered that maybe I just don't like you? You're fucking annoying, and your pathetic attempts to get me to like you are even more so. What were you hoping would come from it? I'd ignore the fact you grate on my nerves 24/7 and pay you a bit of attention? Maybe even get you off once or twice? Is that it?"
Sarah is next to attempt to break up the fight, "Y/N don't bother, Harry's just upset."
It took a lot to get Y/N mad. She was usually calm, maybe a bit emotional, but very rarely did she raise her voice. But Harry, with his constant grouching and aggressive nature, had pushed her well and truly past that point. "Save it, Sarah. Are you fucking serious Harry? I was just trying to be a nice person. I'm not sure how to tell you this, but not everybody is trying to get into your pants. Guess you'd be so used to girls throwing themselves at you until they have a fucking conversation with you and see what a dick you actually are." 
He snarls at that, "trust me pet, they're proper gaggin' for it." Y/N scrunches her nose in disgust, "You're fucking disgus-" The quietest of the group is the next to interrupt. "Oh for fucks sake, both of you, shut up!" 
Jeff was usually quietly spoken and hardly ever lost his temper, he was similar to Y/N in that regard. As Harry's manager, he had formed a close relationship with the green-eyed boy over the past few years, and not once had Harry ever heard Jeff raise his voice. So when Jeff yells, even Harry knows it's time to back off. He stays quiet and instead gives Y/N one last lingering glare before retreating upstairs to the safety of his room. 
Y/N can't help but burst into tears. She hated conflict, and would usually avoid it at all costs, but Harry deserved to be put in his place a bit. Immediately, Sarah is at her side, attempting to console her, but it only makes her cry harder. Y/N feels pathetic, she hated crying in front of people, and Jeff and Mitch's lost stares were not helping the situation. Sarah follows Y/N's eye line, "can you both get out for a bit?" Both boys all but run out of the kitchen. Now that they were alone, Y/N allows herself to really cry, hoping a good sobbing session would clear her thoughts and emotions from the situation. 
Harry was sad. He was not going to say he was always sad, because, in actual fact, Harry was happy a lot of the time. He could admit he had a good life, filled with love, happiness and fun, but there were some times when joy felt more like a mirage to him, something unattainable. 
And maybe it just wasn’t for him, maybe true happiness wasn’t in his cards. 
He was someone who quickly became obsessed, found solace and comfort in certain things. Sometimes so much so it became a flaw, something he felt he would die if he lived without, and one of those was Elle. 
It used to be his mum, then music, then Niall, then Mitch, then Elle and then... nothing. Harry hadn’t found something or someone he felt he could rely on entirely since her. It seemed now he only had himself, and in his mind, that was a potentially dangerous thing. His mum was miles away, Mitch found his own solace with Sarah, Elle had left him, and Harry had never felt so alone. 
Isolation made it worse, he couldn’t distract himself with performing anymore, with drinking his body weight in alcohol or finding pretty girls who looked eerily similar to his ex, to spend a few hours with. So often he found himself uncontrollably crying, alone in bed. Harry never felt shame in crying, but there was something particularly mortifying about being loved by millions of people worldwide, yet still sobbing into his pillow because his girlfriend had broken up with him. Not only dumped him but had cheated on, destroyed him and ripped his heart into little shreds. 
And that’s where Harry was now. Lying in bed, his pillowcase wet with tears, eyes stinging and red, his cheeks stained and raw from his constant rubbing at them, and his back aching from the occasional sob pulling at the already taut muscles. 
Harry just needed a hug. He needed someone to tell him it was okay, that things would work out because at this point he honestly didn’t know himself. 
The next few days in the house are hell. Not just for Harry and Y/N but for everyone stuck isolating in the space. Y/N and Harry refused to talk to each other, only sharing pointed glares. Harry does all he can to piss her off, without ever having to say a word. While out for his regular morning walk to buy coffee, he purposely 'forgets' Y/N's. When it was his night to cook, he plays the English rap that he knew she hated at full volume, while making prawn pasta. Which really wouldn't have been an issue, if Y/N wasn't bloody allergic to seafood. While he claimed to not know, Y/N saw through him. Just the week before she had refused to eat lunch when Jeff had made tuna sandwiches and had clearly explained why. 
Y/N tried not to let it bother her and instead did everything she could to avoid him. When he'd come home with everyone's regular coffee order but hers, she exclaimed she "preferred homemade!" and brewed her own cup. She put in headphones and shut her door in an attempt to drown out the crap he called music. And when Harry had placed a massive bowl of steaming pasta that she couldn't fucking eat in front of her, Y/N smiled and ordered pizza instead. 
Mitch struggled through the week, staying as quiet as he usually was. If he was honest, he wished he was just quarantining with Sarah. He loved Harry but also knew that he could be a dick when he wanted to be. So despite Harry's constant prodding for him to join in on shit-talking Y/N, Mitch tried to stay out of it. 
Sarah spent the days keeping Y/N company. She felt slightly guilty that she had invited her to spend isolation stuck in a house with what happened to be the only person Sarah had ever met, who hated Y/N. Instead, she listened to her rant when Harry couldn't overhear. She baked cookies with her, and they sang shitty pop music at the top of their lungs whenever Harry decided to blast his music.  
Once again, Jeff surprised everyone. While they were used to his calming and genuine presence by now, no one expected him to play peacekeeper. Harry supposes he should've seen it coming, being his manager for four years, meant the guy had to have some kind of problem-solving skills. So Harry promptly nicknames Jeff, 'Switzerland' and despite his denials, Harry knew Jeff secretly loved it. 
Jeff spends the next few days quietly talking to all the other house members like some sort of pseudo spy. And finally, after three long days of combat, by some miracle, convinces both Harry and Y/N to talk out their issues and apologise. 
At first, both Y/N and Jeff agreed he should be in the room to mediate, but upon the request of Harry, he was waiting just outside the door, waiting for any sign of a fight, to run in and play referee. 
So that led them here, with Harry sitting on one end of the couch, oozing with confidence while actually being a mess on the inside, and Y/N on the other, nervously picking at the hem of her jumper. 
Harry is the first to speak, "look Y/N I'm sorry. You were right, Elle's a bit of a sore spot for me, and I overreacted." She nods in acknowledgement before speaking herself, "yeh, I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have pried like I did.” He nods along, still somewhat convinced he wasn’t entirely in the wrong. 
It’s the next question that makes Harry’s blood turn cold, “I just… I just need to ask why? What did I do for you to not like me? It started before last night. Before I mentioned… her.” Y/N scoots around the heartbreaker’s name.  
She watches as Harry bites his lip in what looked like deliberation before he replies, a deep sigh sitting on his pretty lips. “I don’t know. I know that’s a shitty thing to say, I treated you like shit for weeks, but it’s true. I just don’t know.” 
Y/N’s taken aback. Weeks of torture, hatred and tears and he couldn’t even tell her why he’d acted the way he did. “Harry, you can’t be serious. There must be something! You... you were so mean.” 
Y/N watches as tears well in his eyes, and she briefly wonders if she shouldn’t have pushed the topic. “I don’t know, I don’t fuckin’ know.” He lashes out, once again, his anger getting the best of him. 
Y/N throws her hands up in defeat, “I don’t know what you want from me, Harry. I’m trying here I really am, but you won’t give me anything. What do you want me to do?” 
“I know you are,” he all but chokes out. Harry didn’t know how to express himself, a million thoughts were running rampant through his mind, and he felt like if he were to try and speak, he’d have to spend hours detangling each thought from the other like shitty Christmas lights. He takes another deep sigh. He had to try, he knew it wasn’t fair to Y/N. And well, Harry wasn’t exactly happy either, maybe it would help to tell someone how he felt. 
“It’s just when I look at you... I see her. I see her in the clothes you wear and the way you laugh. You look the same for fucks sake, give me the same doe-eyed look and.. she never apologised. Never said a word, I found her in bed with my… with my best mate, and she just fucking left,” he cries out. “And when I first saw you, and you gave me that fuckin’ look I just... I just got so angry.” Harry’s face briefly scrunches in frustration, but it’s quickly overcome with grief. 
He begins to cry harder, his shoulders racking with sobs and Y/N doesn’t know what to do. She sits helplessly, watching the man she very much despised breaking down in front of her, crying previously unshed tears with his head in his hands. 
What was she supposed to do? She wasn’t going to say it was alright because it wasn’t. But god, he looks so pitiful, and Y/N knows what it’s like to have a shitty ex. She knows how painful it is to see them again after they’ve just broken your heart, knows how hard it can be to feel completely, totally and 100% betrayed by someone you loved. 
It wasn’t okay, and Y/N doesn’t know if it ever will be, but seeing Harry, the stubborn, prideful man she’d come to know, breaking down in front of her, well Y/N can hardly stand it. 
So she does the first thing she can think of, the one thing that made her feel better after her own breakup. 
She hugs him. 
She feels him tense up in her arms and for a brief second, Y/N wonders if he’s going to push her away, but instead, he relaxes. Even goes so far as to push into her slightly, allowing himself to rest his head against her chest, with her arms around him like a tantrum-throwing toddler. 
Harry can’t remember the last time he was hugged. Maybe by his mum before the pandemic, probably in a similar situation, crying over Elle in a pathetic attempt to find comfort in anything that wasn’t her arms. 
Harry had returned to LA to record three songs, “it would be two to three weeks max,” Jeff had assured him. But now he was fucking stuck here, in the same place he lived with her, heartbroken in a house with people he loved, but unfortunately would never talk about Elle with. 
Harry missed London. He missed him mum, his sister, the pubs and the tube. He missed hanging out with more mates than he could count, his little writing studio and his cat. Harry missed his own bedroom, his candles that he forgot to pack and his own record collection. Harry missed walking to the little cafe a few streets from his house, he missed the snow. 
But Harry especially missed Elle. 
He missed her cuddles and her sweet little kisses. He missed the way her nose scrunched when he tried to kiss her in public. He missed her laugh and her awful cooking. He missed her book recommendations and her screaming to pop music on the radio. Fuck, he even missed her screaming at him. 
And what a way to make his longing worse, being stuck with the dead ringer of his ex-girlfriend, only to find she was nothing like Elle, which Harry almost hated more. 
Y/N wouldn’t yell at him when he got angry but rather cry, her tears always sending a sharp pain to his chest. And Y/N didn’t pretend nothing worried her or upset her, she was open and honest. When Harry hurt her, he knew, not because she ignored him or called him a prat. No, he knew because she told him, even if it was with tears streaming down her face and a few “assholes” mixed in there. Y/N didn’t call Harry’s hobbies stupid, she liked them too, even had her own silly ones herself. She enjoyed baking, doing puzzles, and reading out loud to herself. She liked Disney movies and hated horror and loved cider but not beer. 
And Harry found himself not hating her at all, but rather himself. Because somehow, within his heartbreak, he had managed to become attracted to someone who looked and acted exactly like his ex on the surface but was someone completely different in every other way. He couldn’t treat her like Elle, couldn’t pretend she’d hurt him just as bad, and he knew that.
No, Y/N was a completely new risk and a new potential heartbreak. Harry was terrified, and this new territory that at first felt so familiar, made his chest ache and his tummy flutter, so he avoided it altogether. Pushed her away before anything could even happen at all, for his own good, to protect a heart that couldn’t take being broken again.
The two of them sat there for what felt like hours. Until Harry’s sobs slowed themselves down, and he was only shivering and sniffling quietly. Y/N continued to hold him, it seemed like he just really needed to be held.
Elle had clearly broken his heart, and Y/N knew that a part of healing was letting this anger and emotion run rampant. So she stayed put, allowing him to just sit in the sadness, and allow himself to feel a little bit of hope that everything would work out eventually. 
“It’s okay Harry. It’s going to be okay.” 
Y/N wasn’t sure this was a good idea. How could it be? Not even a few days ago, she and Harry couldn’t stand being in the same room as each other, and now they were alone in a car, on their way to the grocery store. It all felt too domestic.
But this was Harry, and she definitely shouldn’t be worried about the state of her car, or how to subtly remove the McDonalds wrapping on the floor in front of his feet. Just as Harry, after being handed the aux cord, probably shouldn’t have spent half the journey wondering if she liked the song that was playing and looking out of the corner of his eye to judge whether he should skip it or not. 
But here they were, walking on eggshells around each other. Hoping they both wouldn’t do something to accidentally piss off the other. 
If you’d told Harry a week ago that he would be on the way to the grocery store with Y/N by his side, he probably would’ve laughed and faked a gag. But Harry was actually the one who had suggested the trip, much to the surprise of not only Y/N but the rest of the housemates. 
They hadn’t exactly addressed his breakdown, but it seemed they’d both come to a mutual understanding to try and put the past behind them. Harry considered himself lucky, he knew he had caused and furthered the rift in their friendship, and it was because of this he knew he had to put more effort into building the trust between them back up. 
So, when Y/N was recounting the ingredients for the dinner she was planning on making, Harry had asked if she’d just come to save him remembering the long list. Y/N’s first thought was she could probably just write it down for him before she realised he was actually trying to be nice. And that was more than she could say for the last month of her living with him, so she agreed.
The grocery store was busy, filled with impatient mothers and fun-drunk teens, and Y/N was having trouble pushing the cart through the throngs of people. Harry was walking ahead of her, too preoccupied with his list (and she supposes himself) to notice her struggle and she’s never been one to ask for help. So instead tries her best to avoid the ankles of other shoppers and attempts to keep up with the cracking pace Harry had set. 
It’s only when he turns around to find her ten feet behind him, does Harry acknowledge her, his eyebrows pinched in annoyance, “what’s taking you so bloody long?” To say Y/N was taken aback would be an understatement. After everything, he’d manage to stay friendly for what, half a day?
“Excuse me? Doing so well at being friendly Harry, might want to pull it back, before I get the wrong impression.” 
Maybe it was Y/N’s sarcastic words that pulled Harry back, or perhaps he realised himself, but he really hadn't meant to be rude. At first, it was more of a joke, but he guessed that he’d become so accustomed to being snarky with Y/N, it’d come out a lot more maliciously than he’d intended.
“Fuck, what? No- I didn’t mean it like that. I was tryin’ to joke, but it came out wron- Fuck! I’m sorry, okay?” Somewhere in the middle of Harry’s rambling, Y/N starts to giggle. While she had taken it the wrong way, she was mature enough to understand she’d simply interpreted it wrong. 
“Harry relax, look like you're about to pass out. Sorry I took it the wrong way,” she shrugs, “now, where are the pickles? I’ve been craving them for weeks.” Harry’s slightly taken aback, he’d never met someone who could put an extremely valid argument behind them with such ease. 
Harry wouldn’t have blamed Y/N if she’d gotten angry with him, stomped her feet, made a fuss and yelled in his face, after all, he had spoken to her like a prick. But just like that, she had defused the argument and made Harry feel better instantly, even though he was in the wrong. Nonetheless, he follows her through the isles, making sure to help her steer the trolley when the crowd was busiest. 
Harry had actually started to enjoy himself on this trip, he wasn’t going to lie. Y/N had an easy going way about her that he hadn’t really bothered to notice before. It made it easy to chat about nonsensical things, including Harry’s first dog and his preferred brand of nail polish while they peruse the aisles. He was doing all he could to make sure the rest of the trip didn’t contain any silly arguments like the one that had almost sparked just ten minutes before, and he believes he was doing a good job. 
After stopping by the fruit aisle for some cherries (they were in season, and there was no way Y/N was missing out on the tiny period they were in season for, even if they were ridiculously overpriced,) they reach the aisle that contains pickles. Finally, Y/N had been craving them for weeks, and nothing could stop her now, not even the fact that they were on the top shelf. Y/N’s brows pinch in annoyance, who put pickles that high up anyway? 
She halfheartedly sticks her hand in the air, her fingers barely brushing against the bottom of the jar before looking behind her, watching Harry laughing at her struggle. “Are you going to help me or just keep that smug smile on your face?” 
This makes Harry’s smirk upturn even more, turning into a full boyish grin, dimples and all. “Say please sweetheart, and I might just consider it.” 
Y/N rolls her eyes, “please,” and although it is sarcastic and hardly genuine Harry takes it, walking over and reaching for the last jar of pickles. 
What happens next could be blamed on many different factors; the humidity in the supermarket being higher than the average store, it could be blamed on Harry’s sweaty fingers or maybe even the worker who decided to put them on the top shelf in the first place. 
Whatever the fault, Harry grabs the container and almost delivers it safely to the cart, until it slips from his grip and instead ends in a puddle of shattered glass, stray pickles and dripping juice. And of fucking course it’s the last jar, and of fucking course it’s Harry who drops it, right in front of the girl who’s been craving them for so long. 
Harry is almost scared to look up at Y/N’s face, knowing he was more than likely going to be met with a pouting, red, furious mix. She really had been talking about the fucking pickles for weeks, and after both Jeff and Sarah had forgotten to get them in the last two shopping trips, he can imagine her desperation.
It’s as if time was working in slow motion, Harry sees the residue pickle juice dripping from the handle of the shopping trolley, can feel his sock getting progressively wetter as the liquid seeps into his canvas sneaker. And Harry immediately starts to apologise, “fuck I’m so sorr-“ but is interrupted by Y/N manically laughing. Well, he had expected a lot of different reactions, but he hadn’t expected… laughter?
“How did that even happen,” she gets out through her laughter, “you’re an idiot!” Harry can’t help but join in. He was covered in pickle juice, and in hindsight, the situation was pretty funny. “Oi, ‘s not my fault the jar was more slippery than the average.” This only makes Y/N cackle harder, holding her stomach as though it was hurting. 
“Hold on, I’ll get something to clean it up.” As Harry watches Y/N walk away, probably to find a worker, he can’t help but think again how different Y/N was from Elle. Harry distinctly remembers shopping with her one Christmas and accidentally dropping the last box of red and white candy canes (what can he say, he can be a right clutz.) She had been shaking with fury, voice dripping with poison as she asked Harry why he was “such a fucking idiot?” He guesses she was stressed because of the time of the year, but Harry had always hated her vicious temper, which Y/N apparently lacked. 
Harry had only really seen Y/N angry or upset until now, but he could safely assume that was of his own doing. When they were getting along, she seemed to make him feel better without even trying. She could laugh despite herself, and poke fun at Harry without feeling like she was actually reprimanding him for something, and Harry, well he hadn’t really experienced that before.
Harry sees Y/N returning, with what looks to be a less than impressed worker following behind her. That is until she sees Harry standing there in all his six-foot glory, covered in pickle juice. 
She seemed to be around 20, with blonde hair braided into two plaits that sat around her neck. She had bright green eyes, and if she was a little older, Harry probably would have said she was cute. And by the looks of it, she would’ve revelled in such treatment, when she approaches Harry with a, “I’m so sorry, Mr Styles!” Harry waves off the apology, he had been the one to drop the pickles anyway. “No worries love, ‘m sorry bout’ the mess.” 
It’s like her eyes brighten two shades at the pet name as she begins to sweep up the broken glass, blushing as she does, “oh don’t even worry! Can see you made a mess of yourself as well.” Y/N can’t help but laugh, was she actually trying to flirt with a pickle stained Harry? He catches Y/N laughing behind the worker and grins, “sure did. I’m a bit of a clutz sometimes.” 
Now, Harry knew that his personality was very likeable, he was easy to talk to, and he wasn’t exactly bad to look at, so he was somewhat used to casual flirting. Who was he to pull up someone trying to shoot their shot? Usually, he preferred to go along with it, stay polite and at the end of the interaction, cut the conversation before anything serious came of it. And the girl (Hannah, according to her name tag) standing in front of him, cleaning his mess, was no exception. 
“Can see that,” she winks. Actually, fucking winks and Harry can’t help but feel slightly smug, his presumption had clearly been correct. He doesn’t see the harm in playing along, “oh can you? Thought customer service was all about being nice to the customer,” he teases lightly. Hannah giggles flirtatiously and if Harry thought she was blushing before, his effect on her is multiplied. “I’m nice, I promise!” 
Y/N almost gags, she hated PDA at the best of times, but to see them both drooling over each other made her feel sick to her stomach. Harry’s smooth reply does nothing to quell her nausea, “mhm, I bet.” Y/N would literally rather walk home than be subjected to this torture any longer. “Okay! Thanks again for being so understanding, c’mon Harry, we better get going.” 
Harry thanks the server again, giving her a small wave and a cheeky grin as he follows Y/N to the counter to check out their items. “Really, Harry? She looked about 15 years younger than you.” Harry scoffs, “fifteen years?! You think she was twelve, do you? How old do you think I am?” 
Y/N doesn’t hesitate to respond, “old enough to know better than to flirt with someone so young.” 
He couldn’t believe she was pulling this. Harry was a flirty person naturally! He never meant anything by it, and very well knew when it was appropriate and when it definitely wasn’t. He didn’t see how a little friendly conversation could hurt in this situation. “Oh please, she was at least twenty, and I was hardly flirtin’” As the worker is scanning their items, Y/N is packing them into the reusable shopping bags. “Still gross.” 
Was Y/N jealous? For a second, Harry felt the frustration swim through his veins like poison, but the knowledge of Y/N potentially acting out of envy acts as an antidote. “Don’t tell me you’re jealous lovey.” It was Y/N’s turn to scoff. If she’s honest, she’s not sure why the sight of Harry flirting with the server annoyed her so much. She was young, but Harry was right, she was very clearly of age and also stunning. 
Maybe it was the fact she hadn’t acknowledged Y/N with more than an eye roll but readily grovelled at Harry’s feet. It could’ve been leftover frustration from the pickles she would have to hold out from for another week. Or maybe it was that she didn’t like him calling someone else ‘love.’ Perhaps she was just frustrated that it had taken her months for Harry to be civil with her, but had taken ‘Hannah’ all but five minutes. Whatever the reason, she didn’t like the pit in her stomach or the tingling in the tips of her fingers. “Not a chance, Harry.” 
Harry just smiled in response, while Y/N felt waves of negative emotions rolling through her, he felt butterflies erupting from the pit of his tummy, a small fluttering reaching all the way to his heart. Harry was ready to admit, Y/N’s jealousy made him happy. He was a narcissist; that he knew, and a pretty girl getting frustrated that his attention wasn’t purely focused on her, made his vain little heart soar. 
This little shopping expedition had given both of them huge revelations. Harry realised, the thought of Y/N being jealous over him made him extremely happy, and maybe even gave him some new spank bank material? Y/N realised that while she and Harry could be civil, it didn’t mean they didn’t know the exact places to poke and prod at each other to cause a reaction. 
It was Y/N's turn to pick a card, and although she'd initially been hesitant to play this game, she could admit she was having fun. When Harry had first pulled out 'Truth, Dare or Drink,' her first instinct was to ridicule him and say, "I didn't realise we were still in eighth grade," but she bit her tongue. After the supermarket, she still felt like she was continually filtering everything she said, worried a single word may be the negative turning point for their relationship. 
And well, after a few rounds, Y/N realised the game was much too risky for a bunch of eighth-graders and found some questions too intrusive even for her adult self to answer. However, with the help of at least half a bottle of chardonnay, she found herself managing just fine. Jeff had called it a night a few rounds ago, claiming he was "getting too old for this shit," but it didn't stop the rest of the group from playing.  
"Okay, ask the player to your left what their favourite sex position is. If they can't answer- both of you drink four sips." Immediately, Y/N turns to Sarah, who happens to be sitting on her left and also happens to be bright red. With a quick, "come on babe, all friends here," from Harry, Sarah buries her head in her hands before mumbling, "from behind." The answer causes an eruption of giggles and hollers from the very tipsy group and a sly smirk from Mitch, making Y/N laugh harder. 
"Alright shut up you lot," Sarah grumbles before picking up her own card. "Dare one player to share their best and worst hookup, or both of you finish your drinks. Okay, well the only one mean enough to name and shame would be Harry, so off you go H." This is met with a disgruntled, "oi" from the man in question and a casual "not wrong," from Mitch. While Harry huffs, he seems to have no issue and responds immediately, almost like he had the answer on the tip of his tongue. 
"Best was Elle, obviously. And worst, um," he deliberates for a few seconds before continuing, "was this guy I met in Brazil, he was awful! Didn't even prep my poor arse, just went straight in for the kill. Was scarred for months." He's met with roaring laughter, and at first, he tries to look pissed but ends up giggling along with them. While his poor bum really had taken a beating that night, in hindsight it was a funny sex horror story for a drunken night. "C'mon Mitchy boy, your turn." 
Mitch picks up the card and immediately scoffs, "This one's to all players, take two sips if you have ever been attracted to someone else currently playing this game." Unsurprisingly both Mitch and Sarah drink, sending cheeky winks over their cups to each other. But what shocks every player at the table is both Y/N and Harry lifting their glasses. They make eye contact with each other as they are sipping and Harry raises a questioning eyebrow towards her. 
Y/N quickly looks over to Sarah, to see her sitting with her own bewildered look, glancing between them. She had known Y/N enjoyed Harry's music, but maybe didn't know how much she also fancied him- that is until she had a conversation with him. 
"So you've either had the hots for me, my girlfriend or the chick you hate, nice H," a very inebriated Mitch says with a laugh. If Y/N hadn't already been watching him, she might have missed the flash of guilt that flickers through Harry's eyes. He looks over at her with an apologetic look, "I never said I hated-" 
"It's fine, Harry. Just pick a card, it's your turn." Y/N interrupts him, she wasn’t going to lie and say that it didn’t sting. However, while she knew they'd come to a newfound understanding, Y/N was well aware that it had initially come from Harry's resentment of her. He sighs but picks up a card anyway, pausing some, a slight blush appearing on his cheeks, before reading it aloud. "Uh... give the person to your left a hickey, or finish your drink." At first, Y/N laughs until she realises that the person sitting to his left would be her. 
In an attempt to lighten the situation, Y/N spits out, "go on, start drinking then." Mitch and Sarah start to laugh, "I could've called that one," Sarah chuckles, but Harry looks rather unimpressed. While she actually didn't care if Harry were to give her a hickey, (let's be real he was a dick, but a hot one at that!) she knew he would be thoroughly put out by it. They had become civil, not ‘drunkenly-give-one-another-a-hickey’ level friends.
"I'm not the one with the problem. I doubt he'd wanna kiss on the girl he hates." Y/N had meant it to be a joke, she really had! But the underlying biting tone would be almost impossible to miss. She was definitely playing with fire here, knowing Harry could snap at any moment. She watches as Harry's nostrils flare slightly before he bites back, "no problem here, you're just scared you'd enjoy it too much sweetheart." At that Y/N scoffs, his arrogance never ceased to amaze her, "oh please, don't give yourself so much credit, Harry."  
He laughs, "are you saying you wouldn't?"
"Almost certain of it," she quickly retaliates. Now, Harry knew he was a dick. He knew he could be impatient and rude. Was aware of his short temper and sometimes biting passive-aggressiveness. Had been well informed of his bad habit of sometimes oversharing and even bragging too much. Even knew how annoying his constant discussion of the superiority of salads to veggies could get on the nerves of those around him. 
But the one thing Harry knew for sure, was that he was good at fucking. He loved to see the person he was with, shaking with pleasure below him. Thoroughly enjoyed giving his partner everything he had, to hear them screaming his name with their eyes rolled back in pleasure. Harry liked having sex, and on account of others, Harry was fucking good at it. So Y/N sitting there, doubting he could make her feel all amazing and jittery, probably pissed him off more than it should have. 
"Fucking c' mere then." While Harry had merely said that in the heat of the moment (and possibly to get a rise out of Y/N) he was beyond shocked when she actually got up and stood before him. "I'm here. Now what smartass?" His jaw ticks and he raises an eyebrow, silently questioning Y/N's challenge. Did she really want to get involved in this? Surely she knew Harry would come out victorious. Apparently not, because she crosses her arms and scoffs, "knew you were all talk." 
Now Y/N doesn't want to admit she's intimidated because god this was Harry she was thinking about. However, when he grips her arms, flips her around and pushes her back into the chair he was just occupying, Y/N can't exactly say she's fine and dandy. 
Harry was much taller than her when they were both standing up, but with her sitting down, he towers above her, and she can't help but feel childlike and demure. His shit-eating grin only grows when he sees that, and he slowly bends down until his cologne infiltrates Y/N's nostrils and fills her head with a fog she can't quite get rid of. "What was that, darling?" 
Y/N is willing herself to say anything, literally anything that wouldn't fuel his already raging ego. If she's honest the barely mumbled, "um, nothing," doesn't really cut it, but what was she to do? Before she'd met Harry, Y/N probably would've considered his looks to be something akin to her ‘dream guy.' So, when he places his hands on each armrest beside her, essentially trapping her, it doesn't exactly help to calm her nerves. Harry oozed sex, and if the look in his eye was anything to go off, he knew it. 
As his face becomes level with hers, Y/N can smell the sweet apple cider he had been drinking and can feel the bottom of his unbuttoned shirt brushing against the tops of her thighs. And for the second time that month, Y/N wonders if she should move away from the compromising position she and Harry had found themselves in, but she once again decides against it. Harry places his hand against the side of her neck, hooking his thumb under her jaw. He encourages her to move her head further to the side with some gentle pressure, which she happily obliges to. 
Y/N can't help but inhale sharply when she feels his slightly chilled lips gently brush against her earlobe, before placing a tender kiss behind her ear. "Is this okay?" If Y/N were in a better headspace, she might have tried to play this whole thing off with an indifferent nod. Instead, she feels herself nodding rapidly, and takes a moment to curse herself as she feels Harry's lips curl into a grin at her eagerness. 
Harry allows his lips to run down the side of Y/N's neck so lightly he knew it must be tickling her. Once he reaches her collarbone, he places a quick peck against it before once again trailing his lips up her soft skin, leaving light kisses in his wake. Y/N's breathing stops as she feels Harry's tongue touching her skin as he begins his ascent, leaving a chilling trail that sends shivers through her whole body. 
She feels herself slipping into a hazy state, in which all control was given to Harry, and while her first instinct is to break it, her second is to bask in it. Her decision is hastily rewarded when Harry starts to suction his lips against her. 
Y/N actively silences the whimper that arises from her throat as Harry continues to bruise the skin he kisses, and she briefly wonders if he had heard the beginnings of her mewl as he chuckles, sending a gust of cold hair down her neck. Harry gently bites down on Y/N's throat, which causes a small sting, the aftershocks travelling all the way down to her toes. But his tongue laving over the mark works to quickly soothe the ache. 
While she felt as if she had sat feeling the effect of Harry's mouth for hours, it had only been about ten seconds in reality. But the familiar pull in Y/N's lower stomach screams at her to ignore time, grab his shirt and push her mouth against his. However, the cough heard from behind her, quells these dirtier thoughts almost immediately. And just like that, as quickly as it had come, the pleasuring warmth Harry provided was gone. 
Y/N struggles to flutter her eyes back open, that she hadn't realised had even closed in the first place. 
Well, she wasn't expecting that, and while she assumed Harry would feel the same, his deep smirk tells her something different. He looks at her with a hunger in his eyes, and she briefly wonders if he felt the same pull towards her. Y/N was fighting the urge to drag him to the nearest bedroom and instead clears her throat and looks behind her to assess Mitch and Sarah's reactions. 
Safe to say, they were as shocked as she was, with gaping mouths and wide eyes, everyone sits in silence for what feels like far too long. Y/N was embarrassed. Usually, she hated PDA, yet she'd just let Harry suck on her neck like some kind of B-grade vampire in front of her cousin and her boyfriend. 
Y/N stands back up to move around to her own chair, but with her head down, she misses Harry reaching to brush his knuckles against her own, but only feels the comforting touch. Harry watches as she refuses to meet his eye, and while he enjoyed himself, he hoped he hadn't gone too far with her. But when Sarah grabs her head and pulls it to the side to see the blooming mark on Y/N's skin, Harry can't help but smirk and feel slightly proud. Y/N had said she was okay with him touching her, maybe she was just flustered, and if her bright red cheeks were anything to go by, that's Harry's safest guess. "Jesus H, you really did a number on her." 
Y/N refused to acknowledge the effect Harry had instilled upon her, but she can feel her cheeks radiating a cherry-red heat, and she can only pray no one else notices. "Uh, it's my turn," she manages to choke out, and a quick glance at Harry shows she's not hiding her flustered state as well as she'd hoped. His dimples are on full display, decorated with his complacent grin, and he's sitting back in his chair, arms crossed over one another. 
"Pick the most attractive player, both of you take three sips," you've got to be fucking joking, she was pretty sure everyone knew her answer to that, but she refused to give him the satisfaction. "It's Sarah. Who's next?" Sarah cheers' Y/N's glass and takes her sips as she grabs the next card. 
Y/N can see Harry's disgruntled look and can vaguely hear his murmured, "bullshit," but she only sends him a glare as she takes her three sips. 
Harry was drunk. No cut that, he was fucked. It was approximately six ciders ago that he began to feel light and giggly. And then maybe two or so ciders ago he began to have trouble walking in a straight line and was genuinely considering shaving his head. And now, he was here. Planted on the couch watching Y/N and Sarah sing some song he definitely knew but couldn't name, Taylor Swift maybe? 
His head felt heavy, and if he was honest, thoughts were entering his head and then leaving it before he could even acknowledge what they were. He can vaguely recognise Mitch's voice, talking about something that Harry, no matter how hard he tried, could actually listen to. So he sits on the couch and watches Y/N. She looked pretty with her hair down and messy, and Harry wishes he could stop her from dancing and ask if she could just sit next to him instead. But he thinks he's probably just drunk and maybe a bit lonely, so he doesn't. 
He's not sure if he was calling Y/N's name and hadn't realised or if she had noticed how not okay he seemed, but she approaches him anyway. "Harry, are you alright?" She looks worried, and Harry hates that he's made her feel that. He's tempted to use his thumb to mould the lines in her forehead back out like cheap clay, but he's not sure she'd want him to touch her. So he nods lightly, attempting a smile, but she doesn't return it. 
"Sarah, I'm gonna take Harry up to bed, he seems pretty gone." Harry doesn't hear Sarah's response because he's too busy focusing on Y/N's lips and how pretty and puffy they are. He briefly wonders what they'd feel like around the head of his cock, but he's drawn out of those thoughts when he realises she's calling his name. 
"Harry, c'mon, come upstairs to bed with me." Um, had Harry missed something? He doesn't really mind, truthfully he'd quite like to take Y/N upstairs and have his way with her, but, Y/N must see the look on his face because she laughs, "not like that you lecher! God, you really are pissed." 
Harry smiles and takes the hand she's giving him, wrapping his arm around her shoulders for stability. The group had experienced quite a few drunken nights during isolation, but Y/N had never seen Harry this intoxicated before and while she's quite enjoying him acting kind of goofy, she's just praying he doesn't vomit on her during their climb upstairs. 
Y/N does her best to guide Harry to his room, who provides absolutely no help, only giggling to himself as she struggles to hold him up. Finally, she makes it, only realising once she had stepped inside, that she had never actually seen Harry's room before. 
Similarly to Y/N’s, his room has the shell of a guest bedroom, the art on the walls a little too unpersonalised and the furniture stark and white. The bones of the room are fleshed out with Harry’s belongings, clearly in random places that were not permanent, as if he’d placed his records and guitar down the first day he got there, and left them in those exact same places. There are dirty clothes strewn upon the floor, and books sitting next to glasses stacked neatly on the bedside table. Next to them, is a candle that Y/N can’t read the scent of from her position in the doorway, something sweet from the smell permeating through the room, mixing intoxicatingly with Harry’s telltale sandalwood like cologne. 
Harry stands in the middle of the room, clearly having forgotten his purpose as he turns to look back at Y/N with a slightly lost expression. "Want to get into bed Harry?" He nods and stumbles over to his mattress, falling rather than laying in it. As Y/N's about to turn around to go back downstairs, she hears Harry's voice, much quieter than it usually is, "I'm sorry." She's not sure if she heard him correctly. 
"What did you say, Harry?"
"I'm sorry." He whispers. 
"For what?" Y/N knows what he could be sorry for, he did treat her like shit for weeks, but they’d already apologised and somewhat buried the hatchet. "For bein' a dick. You don't deserve it, never did." She walks closer to him, until she stands about a foot from the bed, and can see Harry's eyes full of sorrow and close to tears in the dark. 
"Come on, you're just drunk. If you want to talk about it more in the morning, we can." Y/N knows he'll forget by then, she's not sure he even remembers what he just said. He holds his hand out to her, and she hesitantly takes it, "ya just look so much like her, you know? Act like her too." Harry repeats the same words he’d told you yesterday. 
"Who, Harry?" 
He looks at her with his big green eyes, and she knows he's drunk, and she knows he'll forget this all in the morning, but she can't help but sit down beside him on the bed. 
Y/N didn’t know what to say to that. She didn’t want Harry to burst into tears again, the topic clearly sensitive, let alone in his intoxicated state. So she stays silent, watches as Harry shuts his eyes, and Y/N nearly thinks he’s fallen asleep, until he reopens them again, "nicer than her though. Prettier too." 
Y/N's not going to lie, hearing Harry talk about her in a way that wasn't entirely negative for once was flattering, but she couldn't help but feel it was more the cider talking. She knew how much he missed Elle, that much was obvious, and she had thought that was what had made him hate her so much. She was worried he would wake up angry that he had told her things he hadn't intended to, or even worse, something he hadn't meant. 
So she leans over him to grab the side of the bedsheet he had torn away, but his freezing hand on her neck causes her to pause. His thumb is lightly brushing over the mark he left on her earlier, and Y/N audibly swallows. He was close enough that he could lean in slightly and press his lips against the same spot once more, but he doesn't, only whispers, "looks so good on you." Y/N feels his warm breath against her bare neck as he speaks, causing that pull to return to her lower stomach once more, "H, I don't think we should do this right now." 
Y/N didn’t know what exactly ‘this’ was, she just knew she didn’t want either of them to be intoxicated when it happened. The Harry Y/N knew, would pull back, laugh and ask if she really thought he'd ever want to do 'this' with her, but this intoxicated and unpredictable Harry presses his lips softly to her neck once, before pulling back and sighing. "I know." 
He studies her face carefully before speaking again. "You've never called me H before, I like it." Y/N sighs, "honestly I didn't think we were on that level. Thought you'd get mad at me," she laughs lightly although what she said was true. 
She had thought about adopting the same nickname everyone else in the house used but was too scared he would make fun of her or ask her why she felt she had the right to call him that. So she played it safe, only calling him Harry, but she guessed the nickname slipped out while he was very much inebriated and very much unlikely to say any word of opposition. 
If Y/N didn't know any better, she'd think Harry looked almost hopeful as he whispered, "so we are now?" but the expression is fleeting. She wants to feed into it but isn't sure if it's more her mind playing tricks on her. Showing her things she desperately wants to be true, only to turn around a reveal it was fake the whole time. So she shrugs, "I don't know Harry." 
He nods slowly but doesn't say anything else. "Try to get some sleep." He nods again, "night." 
"Night H." 
Harry doesn't know what happened. Had he been drugged? Used as a voodoo doll? Abducted by aliens? Something had happened, because when he woke up with a pounding head, his first feeling was disappointment. But not disappointment about having to nurse a shocking hangover, no, it was disappointing that Y/N wasn't in bed with him. He could’ve sworn she had come upstairs with him. 
Harry was slowly coming to terms with the fact that he didn't hate her and perhaps, just maybe had developed a small crush towards her. But wishing she was cuddling him after a drunken night? That was too close to something serious, something that Harry was definitely not ready for. Not after Elle. 
Walking down the stairs, he wonders if there's a reason for his sudden desperation? He vaguely remembers giving her a hickey, but that was a part of the game. He remembers Y/N walking into his room and sitting on his bed, but can’t recall what was actually said. 
Stepping into the kitchen, feels the same as usual, maybe with added head pain. Mitch is doing the dishes from the breakfast sitting on the table in front of Y/N and Sarah. Everything seems painfully familiar. Except, looking at Y/N now, with sober goggles and daylight, Harry completely understands why drunk him was so enamoured. She looks beautiful, with an oversized tee-shirt barely covering her smooth legs, her hair in a messy bun atop her head, and the striking hickey against her neck painfully obvious. Seeing Y/N with his mark against her neck makes Harry have to will his stiffy away. She hadn't even tried to hide it.
Harry doesn't know how long he'd been standing in the entrance of the kitchen, staring at Y/N like a creep, but she catches his eye and sends him a shy smile. "Mornin' H, brekkies on the table," Mitch states, as Harry quickly returns the smile Y/N gave him and sits across from her, "looks good, man. Thanks for cooking." 
Harry is slightly shocked when Y/N speaks up from the other side of the table, he had been expecting her to ignore him like she had after he’d given her the mark that was causing a tingle in his lower tummy. "How's your head?" She says softly. 
He gives her a small grin, "it's been better if'm honest." She laughs, "yeh, you were pretty fucked last night." Harry can't tell if she's genuinely just making conversation or if she's trying to figure out if he remembered the events that occurred. "Was I? Not too drunk to remember giving you that," he points at her neck with his syrup covered fork. His words have their desired effect as Y/N turns bright red, "really does look good on you love." 
Harry's not sure what he's doing, he's aware of how flirty he is being. While they were now able to be around each other and have a conversation without biting each other’s heads off, hitting on each other was a whole different ball game. All he knows is that the more he looks at Y/N, the more he wants to get on his knees before her. 
Harry had never flirted so openly with Y/N before. What the fuck was he playing at? Y/N had assumed that Harry became a tad clingy and loving with a few drinks in his system. So as he sits across from her, dead sober, and continues to flirt with her, Y/N is confused. Maybe he was still drunk? Had he taken something she wasn't aware of? Been probed in the middle of the night? She wasn't sure, but she couldn't say she didn't like it. 
She also didn't want to get too comfortable, only for him to turn around and treat her as horribly as he had when she first got here. So she gives him a small smile and continues to eat her breakfast, merely listening to the conversations happening around her. 
No matter how hard she tried, Y/N could not get the thought of Harry off her mind. Could still feel the ghost of his lips trailing along her neck, and the way his hand brushed along hers. She couldn’t help but imagine the way his lips would feel pressing softly against her own, his tongue licking into her mouth. She imagines his hands to be soft but still firm as they held her hips, her neck, her own fingers laced in his. His voice replays in her head, and she wonders how his accent would twirl and twist around filthy words, whispered into the shell or her ear. 
 She can't forget how she felt hearing the lilt of his voice when it was flirting with someone else. Can’t get away from the pit in her stomach, the aching head and chest. She had laid awake for so many nights trying to figure out why exactly it had bothered her so much. 
She could only amount it all to a certain type of jealousy, but what was she jealous of? Harry had never shown her any sort of romantic attention before, that is until he was suckling at her neck and calling her sweetheart. But what did it all mean? Did he feel the same pull towards her, or was she just imagining his sudden fondness of her? Did she actually like him, or just the idea of his lips pressed against hers rather than her neck. She needed to talk to someone, and thank goodness for her, Sarah was home. 
Ever since they were little Sarah and Y/N had been ridiculously close. They had experienced each stage of their lives together, from playing at the local playground to trying their first cigarette in the bathroom of Sarah’s family home. Sarah was the big sister that Y/N had never had, always there for advice or a bit of fun. Teaching her about sex and drinking, what it was like to kiss another person or drive a car for the first time. Sarah explained everything with practiced expertise that looking back on, Y/N could see she definitely didn’t have at the time.  
Their family homes were only a road apart, and every day either Y/N or Sarah would make the small trek to each other’s house and spend hours discussing nothing and everything. Sarah was the closest thing Y/N had ever had to a sibling, and after Sarah had left for tour with Harry and the band, Y/N had felt a Sarah sized hole in her heart. Honestly, for Y/N, quarantine felt like a blessing in disguise, she felt like they could make up for the months of lost time and distance between them. 
In search of her cousin, Y/N only comes across Mitch reading in the living room, “hey, do you know where Sarah is?” He glances at Y/N from above his book, owlishly blinking as if he was confused, and maybe he was. Mitch is well known for getting lost in anything he loves, from books and movies and especially in his music. “Um, the shower… I think?” 
Bidding him thanks, Y/N heads towards the downstairs toilet where she could hear the water running. While they all had bathrooms in their rooms, they’d found the downstairs communal shower particularly helpful. It was easy to slip into after they’d just come back from swimming at the beach or a run, without mucking salt water or sweat through the whole house. Y/N knew Sarah had gone out for a jog about an hour ago, so had no doubt she was having a quick wash before dinner. 
If it were anybody else, Y/N would’ve waited until they had finished, but ever since they were thirteen or so, Y/N and Sarah had an odd tradition of having intense conversations while one of them was showering. Y/N still remembers the week Sarah’s parents had decided to split up, she had spent every night sitting on the closed toilet seat crying and ranting while Y/N stood under the hot water, listening and trying her best to comfort her. It was a weird habit of theirs, but for them, the chance to chat with someone without having to look them in the eye was therapeutic, almost like a church confessional. 
Although Y/N was relatively happy, she wasn’t about to enter a religious confessional. When it came to Harry, she had definitely committed at least four of the seven mortal sins. No, it was just Sarah, and Y/N knew that no matter what she admitted, it would be received with love and unconditional support. So she charges through the bathroom door, eager to spill all that was muddling up her mind, “Sarah! We need to talk about Harry, I need your help.” 
Y/N expects Sarah’s tinkling laugh, soothing cooing, maybe even a big sigh and her calming voice asking her what was wrong. Instead, she is met with the deep and drawling laugh of Harry himself. 
Looking back now, Y/N wishes she could say she dealt with her mistake with careful grace and poise, but instead she lets out a bloodcurdling scream, and as she sees the shower curtain drawn to the left she slaps her hands over her eyes. The melodic laugh of Harry’s continues as he clearly notices her current predicament, “can look if you want babe.” 
Y/N whines, “I- um, no. I don’t- I thought you were Sarah. What the fuck is happening.” Y/N can hear the smirk in Harry’s voice as he answers, “yeh Y/N, I got that. Seriously, I’m covered up.” 
And maybe, it would’ve been better for Y/N to stay standing with her hands over her eyes like a petulant child because as she drops them, the sight she’s met with is one to behold and one Y/N’s not sure she can handle. Harry is covered with the shower curtain pulled across his bottom half, but Y/N trails her eyes upwards, sees the small trail of slightly damp hair leading down to the white curtain, and her eyes widen comically, he looks like a wet dream and Y/N’s not sure how to react. 
His curls are stuck to his neck and forehead, matted against the soft wet skin. His naturally tanned chest is on display, dripping with water, and covered in his tattoos. Y/N can’t help but notice the inked swallows along his chest, drawing attention to his collarbones, the skin taught against the bone, and Y/N wants to kiss along it and taste the mix of salt and sweetness of his neck. The butterfly covering his abs ripples as he clears his throat, drawing Y/N’s attention away from his body. 
“So what did you need to talk to Sarah about, hm?” Anything I can help you with?” Y/N can feel the blood rush to her cheeks, fully aware that Harry had caught her ogling at his partially naked body. Her tongue feels heavy in her mouth, and she’s not sure whether it’s from the sight in front of her or the embarrassment of being caught staring at it. 
Y/N stutters, trying to force herself to say something, anything at all that would make this situation less unnerving “um, I-no?” Which comes out more like a question than anything, and Y/N curses herself for her weak resolve. Harry smirks, “Cat got your tongue pet?” Y/N hates how easily he can get her worked up, and hates it even more how obvious it is to him. “Stop teasing me! I can’t, you know, I don’t-... you’re naked okay!” 
Harry’s dimples deepen, and a smirk takes over a little less than half of his face, “don’t pretend you don’t love my teasing, darlin’.” It’s at this point that Y/N realises that she had been in this situation much longer than appropriate, standing flustered and hot from Harry being so close to her while nude. 
“I need to go,” it comes out as more of a whisper, her voice rough with lust. She coughs as if to clear her throat, but from what she’s unsure. The intense desire she feels for a man she despised a month ago, perhaps? “Relax Y/N, no big deal. I think Sarah’s in the shower upstairs though if you’re still looking.”
She nods in response, slowly backing out of the room before turning around and quickly shutting the door behind her. She feels her breath heaving in and out of her lungs. Feels her throat tighten and her head dizzy, and an intense tingling feeling starts at her toes and spreads all the way to her lower tummy. The familiar pull of lust and need brings an ache to her core, and she feels the sticky heat between her legs. 
While Y/N may not know it, Harry is affected by her as much as she is by him. He stands in the shower, a stupid grin across his face, dimples indenting his cheek. Harry could pretend he didn’t see Y/N blatantly ogling him, or her cheeks burn a delicious crimson when she had gotten caught. Could even pretend he didn’t see her subconsciously squeezing her thighs together while she stood in front of him, like she was so desperate for Harry she couldn’t even wait to relieve the tension building inside of her. 
Harry could pretend not to notice, but as he felt a tingle zap down his spine, and the accustomed rush of blood to his lower half, Harry realised he didn't want to. Would rather explore this unnerving territory, and see what it had in store for him. 
Harry had reached a new level of boredom. So much so, he had resorted to doing a puzzle.
Harry was notorious for always being busy, was constantly on tour, playing shows and promoting his music. The quietest periods in Harry’s life were the months of writing he’d participate in, where his mind was anything but still. He wasn’t used to doing nothing all day, and while he had tried to write during isolation, the months of doing fuck all made inspiration hard to come by. 
So it led Harry to his current situation, trying to complete a challenging puzzle at the dining table. Sarah and Mitch were napping the late afternoon away, Jeff was playing Xbox games in the living room, and Y/N had gone for a walk, right after she had brought the puzzle out from her room after Harry had asked her to. He had heard her talking to Sarah about how much she loved puzzles a few months ago and had even shown her the one she had brought to quarantine; however, she hadn’t gotten the chance to start it yet. 
Harry had been doing nothing all day, and he was sick of sitting in bed, refreshing his Instagram feed every ten minutes. To be honest, a puzzle wouldn’t have been Harry’s first choice of a relaxing pastime activity, but there was only so much social media and movie marathons Harry could take. 
He was nervous at first to ask Y/N. Over the last few days, it seemed like there was a certain tension between them, as if they were both aware of the lust that had been swirling throughout the bathroom as thick as the steam from Harry’s shower, but didn’t want to admit it. They were testing the waters, sometimes stumbling through amorous conversations, while still attempting to maintain their indifference. 
However, he was slightly remorseful of his decision for a different reason, when he asked Y/N if he could borrow it from her, she had squealed in excitement, telling him her ‘top tips’ for completing a jigsaw for at least ten minutes. He guesses her passion and love for the shitty quarantine past time, overrode her awkward feelings towards their situation. If he was honest, Harry didn’t give a fuck about “making sure to find the corners first!” but he didn’t want to hurt her feelings, so he nodded along and pretended to listen. 
But Harry had really come to regret his decision when he hadn’t found a piece in over an hour. He was frustrated and the stifling temperature Sarah insisted on keeping the house at, wasn’t helping. He had completed a small section at the top right corner, five or six pieces on the left, and a few random bits he had stuck together and somehow happened to get correct. He was slightly embarrassed when Y/N returned from her walk, to find him with his head in his hands, looking more than sorry for himself. Her tinkling laughter doesn’t make him feel any better, either. 
“Having trouble H?” 
He looks up to her standing in the doorway, attempting to plaster his award-winning grin upon his face, “if I’d known it was this hard I never would have asked if I could do it.” She grins back, and walks over to the table, looking down at the pieces with a concentrated focus. “Hm I never said it was going to be easy, thought my tips would help, but I guess not.” 
Harry tries yet another piece that doesn’t fit with the ones surrounding it, and sighs, “if the puzzle master wants to help, that would be lovely,” he lilts. She picks up the segment Harry had just dropped and places into the correct position on the opposite side of the puzzle that Harry had placed it in. “You’re flattering me now.” She hesitates for a tick, “lucky for you, I like it.” 
Harry loved this new dynamic between them, it was light and teasing, something he hadn’t had with her before. He’s not going to lie and say that he didn’t slightly enjoy the biting exchanges they had previously shared, but this flirty air between them was exciting.  
“I’ll keep that in mind pet. Now, what were those tips again?” 
It’s safe to say Harry was impressed with Y/N’s skill, he had never thought puzzles were that difficult until he actually tried to complete one. Y/N however, was fast, seemed to pick up pieces and instantly be able to connect to where they should go, and quickly finished at least ninety percent of the puzzle. Harry fit the odd part in place, which Y/N praised each time, with a small cheer and a “well done!” each time. Finally, the puzzle was almost complete with only one gap in the picture of golden retriever puppies climbing on one another. 
Y/N looks at Harry and hands him the last puzzle piece, “you should put the last bit in.” Harry can’t explain the warm glow that emits from his heart, he doesn’t know why it makes him so happy. She was kind and considerate, and Harry wasn’t used to people always putting him first, usually being doubtful of anyone he hadn’t known for a while, worried about what their true intentions were. “You sure? You did most of it.” She giggles, “nah, we did it together!” Harry takes the bit of cardboard from her and places it in the last empty spot. 
He looks up at Y/N who’s grinning at him stupidly, and he can’t help but smile back. It’s then that Harry starts to really look at Y/N. He notices the dusting of freckles on the top of her nose, her eyes laced with pride and happiness and her lips, the bottom one stuck between her two front teeth, but both looking so soft and sweet. Y/N must catch Harry staring at her lips because she releases the supple flesh from between her bite. 
“Did you have fun?” She whispers. 
Harry tries to reply, but his voice dies in his throat. All he can manage is a small nod, his gaze dropping back to Y/N’s mouth. He lifts his hand to her face, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear, and she leans into the touch slightly. Unknowingly, they had gotten even closer, and Harry can feel her small puffs of air against his lips, could brush them against hers if he leaned an inch forward. 
“Harry, what do you want to do for dinner?” Mitch yells from the room one over, scaring both Y/N and Harry, who instantly pull away from each other. Harry coughs, “um, I don’t know man.” 
Mitch walks into the room, Sarah in tow, who sees the completed puzzle on the table and runs over, “you finally did it Y/N!” Harry looks over to the girl in question. Her cheeks a cherry red as she looks over to Harry, “uh yeah, Harry and I did it together.” Sarah looks between them, with an impish look on her face mixed with slight disbelief, “oh, that’s… nice.” 
Harry’s attention is drawn away from Y/N when Mitch pipes up again, “I was thinking tacos, so we could make frozen margaritas for game night.” Harry is grateful for the change in topic, knowing Sarah was more than likely to make a comment that Harry was not ready to address. Particularly if Y/N had indeed continued the conversation she had planned to have with Sarah a few days ago when she’d walked in on Harry in the shower. 
“You know I’m always down for a margarita.” 
Y/N was slightly buzzed. She hated feeling entirely out of control when she drank, and she’d found the perfect point between dead sober and sloppy. She felt a warm feeling in her fingertips and toes, felt slightly light-headed and was just a tad obnoxiously giggly. The group had been playing monopoly, and while Y/N usually hated the game, she was thoroughly enjoying it tonight. 
Sarah had been helping Y/N, so she wasn’t so lost in terms of properties and the differences between houses and hotels. Jeff was as quiet as usual, but somehow had a secret talent for swindling properties and hoard money. Mitch had prioritised his margarita over the game, buying random properties when he felt like it, and fucking up everyone else’s plans of winning. And Harry had made it his mission to beat Y/N. If he was honest, he just loved seeing her pout every time he would buy whatever spaces were left of the colours she was aiming for, or teasing her every time she got a smaller roll than him. 
As Harry bought another green property that Y/N was gunning for, she realised she was nursing an empty glass. “Does anyone want another margarita?” Agreements come from all around the table, so Y/N gets up, grabbing a few empty glasses. As she stands, she feels the blood rush to her head, a slight dizziness tingling through her body, and she giggles as she stumbles towards the kitchen. 
Harry and Mitch had made the previous rounds, Y/N watching the first couple be made. Which meant she probably should remember the ingredients, but if she’s honest, the copious amount of alcohol running through her bloodstream has caused a lapse in her memory. Was she supposed to put one or two cups of ice in? Y/N curses herself and her shitty memory under her breath, realising she will definitely need help. She was clearly too tipsy to think coherently. 
“Oi, how much tequila do I put in? And is it Cointreau or triple sec? And how much ice do I use” She yells into the adjacent room, sighing slightly, hoping someone would come and help her. And she can’t explain her excitement when Harry rounds the corner, maybe because the pressure of making the drinks had been lifted, but more likely because it was simply him. He comes in with a smiling face, his hair slightly messed and his eyes filled with the misty happiness of someone who is perfectly buzzed. 
Y/N couldn’t quite describe the shiver that travels down her spine or the tension she feels in her stomach, all she knows is in the last few days, the intense feeling had begun to grow stronger whenever Harry was around. There was something about him, the way he carried himself, the shy smirks he’d give her, or the gentle touches he’d provide as he walked passed her. 
In every touch, every look and every feeling she got from Harry, Y/N could sense the tension growing stronger. She was amazed the rest of the group hadn’t picked up on it, other than Sarah of course, who was watching from the sidelines, waiting for one of them to crack. 
“What’s the problem bunny?” His eyes soft as he walks over to a defeated Y/N. He watches as her eyes crinkled slightly as she giggles despite herself, “I wanted to make everyone drinks, but I realised I don’t actually know how to.” She sheepishly watches Harry’s face mirror her own with a small grin, “well that just won’t do, will it? Sit on the counter n’ I’ll show you again.” 
She jumps on the kitchen bench, the surface cold against her otherwise alcohol flushed skin. She watches Harry gather the ingredients from around the kitchen, noticing the way his back strains against the white and yellow t-shirt he was wearing, the arch of his back clear and his shoulders strong and broad.
Over the past week or so, Y/N had started to see the funny and charming personality that the rest of the household had previously been privy to. His witty and sweet persona had shone through, and it had done nothing to curb the intense sexual feelings she felt towards him, instead they were only growing, especially with each pet name that his puffy pink lips shaped around. 
Harry begins to place the ingredients in the blender, and Y/N is confident he’s giving her instructions as he does so, but she is just so distracted by his strong fingers adorned by his shiny rings, each one a different shape and size. “Are y’listening?” 
She snaps her eyes back to his face, to see one side of his pretty mouth tugging upwards, suggesting he already knew the answer to his own question. “What are you lookin’ at my hands for?” She feels the warmth rush to the apples of her cheeks, sheepishly replying, “I was just looking at your rings, they’re very pretty.” 
He smiles and jokingly holds his hand up to her face, wiggling his fingers. Y/N chuckles and grabs his pointer finger, pulling it towards her to get a better look. She holds his hand while looking at the silver band wrapped around his digit, eyeing the small red ruby shining brightly in the centre of it, “like this one,” she whispers. He matches her volume, stepping closer in order to hear her, “it was my mums, she gave it to me after my first concert sold out. Her mum gave it to her after she got married.” She runs her finger over it gently, noticing the worn edges, and tries to imagine the many stories it had experienced in the hands of three generations. “It’s beautiful.” 
This felt like a moment for both of them. Obviously, Harry and Y/N had experienced many conversations and experiences before, but none quite like this. Harry feels the warmth from her body radiating into his, can feel the sweat from her hands as she holds his own. He can hear her calm breathing, the slow rise and fall of her chest. Of course, Harry had felt lust before, but he doesn’t think he’s ever wanted to kiss someone as badly as he does right now.
He can’t explain how desperately he wants to inch forward, hold her pretty face in his hands and press his lips against hers. Instead, he makes do, moving closer to her and feeling a bloom of happiness in his chest when she opens her legs for him to stand between with no hesitation. 
She smiles, his hand still nestled into hers, although her focus had moved far beyond his rings. It now laid solely on his face and the way he was looking at her. He rests his free hand on the counter beside her, close enough that she could feel the outside of his thumb brushing against her upper leg. 
Harry bites his tongue, he wants to say ‘so are you,’ but even he knows that’s cheesy. Plus he doesn’t want to overstep any boundaries, he knows Y/N is attracted to him but is also fully aware that doesn’t equal consent. He settles for lightly brushing his thumb against her leg and watches as a shiver racks through her body. With a slight giggle, she grabs his other hand, that’s causing the mildly uncomfortable sensation, with her free one, “that tickles.” 
And Harry’s not a mind reader, but now they’re just holding hands, plain and simple. He doesn’t know if she feels the same heat and tension settling between their lips, but the way she leans in slightly, tilting her head to the left gives him an indication she does. It’s subtle, and if Harry hadn’t been sitting between her legs praying she’d do exactly that, he might not have picked up on it. But he does. 
He leans in too, leaving a slight gap between them. Y/N can feel the tiny puffs of air, leaving Harry’s mouth and drawing into hers and can feel the little tufts of hair tickling her forehead. 
She brushes her lips against his gently, testing the waters. He feels as soft and warm against her as she’d imagined. Y/N retracts slightly, unsure if she had overstepped a boundary. The only reaction she could read was a sharp inhale on his part, and she was worried that it wasn’t a positive sign. 
But she couldn’t have been more wrong. 
He lifts his hand from hers and places it against her neck, his hands big enough to tuck his thumb under her jaw, while still using the rest of his fingers to gently push her back against him.
She tasted so much better than he would’ve thought, sour from the margaritas with an underlying sweetness that he couldn’t put his finger on. Harry can barely hold in his groan when her tongue slides against his lower lip, and he gladly opens up further. He feels her whimper against his thumb before he hears it, the rumbling sending vibrations up his arm, leading him to feel dizzy. 
He feels Y/N rest her hands against his shoulders, sliding them over his neck and resting her forearms behind his head. She leans further into the kiss, somehow opening her legs further, her hips slightly bucking towards his own in a silent plea for friction. Harry doesn’t hesitate to give it to her, pressing himself against her and instantly feeling the effect of his actions. She runs one hand through the curls sitting at the back of his head, tugging gently and pushing her own hips back with as much vigour as he had.
That is until the click of heeled boots is heard echoing against the kitchen tiles. 
The speed at which Harry jumps away from his position between Y/N’s legs is comical, and she almost wishes she could see it from an outsiders perspective. However, not as much as she wishes Harry’s lips were back on her own. 
Y/N looks between the boy she had been kissing with his hair messy and fluffy, and the apparent growing bulge in his pants to the shocked Mitch standing in the entrance of the kitchen. His mouth hangs open comically, and his hands hang loosely by his sides. 
The silence is too much for both Harry and Y/N to bear and looking at Y/N’s face, now bright red, and brimming with embarrassment and stress Harry feels it’s his responsibility to put her slightly at ease. “Mitch… um look-” 
“What the fuck is going on here?” Harry doesn’t even get the chance to finish his sentence before Mitch is interrupting. Harry pipes up again, “it’s nothing!” Y/N can feel her brows turning downwards and the corner of her lips curling in annoyance. She knows Harry is more than likely trying to cover their asses, but Mitch had seen them kissing, and it didn’t make Harry downplaying everything hurt any less. 
Harry sees her face and quickly tries to backtrack, “well I mean not nothing… it’s something!” 
“No shit it’s something! How long have you guys been fucking for?” This time Y/N is the first to speak up, “we are not fucking! We haven’t even-“ she starts, completely flustered, her face somehow becoming even redder, “we just kissed!” Mitch bursts out laughing, as Y/N and Harry stay completely still, both absolutely mortified. 
“Alright mate, fuck off,” Harry grumbles, praying that Mitch would just leave the uncomfortable situation alone. And he does, still laughing as he finds his way back to the living room. Y/N has no doubt that he would go straight to Sarah and Jeff to share what he’d just seen. Harry turns to 
Y/N and while he tries to maintain a serious face for her sake, he can’t help but let out a small chuckle. 
It wasn’t the first time Mitch had walked in on him during a ‘private’ moment, some a lot worse than what he’d just witnessed. But Harry doubts any would be more shocking than the kiss Mitch had just seen. According to him, Y/N and Harry were at most on civil terms. So to see them, in a more than compromising position must have been a considerable shock to the system. 
“Why are you laughing, you ass?” While Y/N’s words are anything but kind, her face gives away her true feelings, a small grin peeking through. She wasn’t too concerned, Sarah already knew the current situation Harry and Y/N had found themselves in, as well as Y/N’s feelings on it. She was probably waiting for this very scenario to occur.
However, she was worried about where Harry and her would go from here. 
She knew he was attracted to her, he wouldn’t have kissed her otherwise. Y/N couldn’t help but think that maybe Harry had done it in the moment, and didn’t feel that same attraction all the time. What if he saw her leaning in and was pitying her? Y/N was terrified that now that Mitch knew, Harry would be too embarrassed to kiss her again. 
But Y/N’s worry is immediately put to hold when Harry grabs her hand again, “you’ve got to admit it’s funny.” He rubs his thumb against her knuckles, hoping to soothe any worry still running through her veins, “are you okay though?” Y/N smiles and squeezes his hand, “yeh, more than.” 
Harry leans in slowly, making sure that even though Y/N had claimed she was fine, that she would still be okay with him kissing her again. She doesn’t move away, instead moves closer and he smiles and presses a soft kiss against her lips. 
“We should probably get back out there,” he mumbles against her plush lips. She nods in response, squeezing his hand once more before jumping off the counter. “I’ll see you in the living room.” 
Harry didn’t regret kissing Y/N, not by a long shot. What he did regret, however, is two things. The first was agreeing to continue drinking with Mitch after everyone else had gone to sleep, and the second, kissing Y/N while intoxicated. 
He had enjoyed it, he knew that much. But he’s fully aware that he may not have gotten the chance to absorb every detail of the moment. He couldn’t forget the feeling of her lips against his or the way she bucked up against him. However, he is struggling to recall the way her hips felt under his fingertips, or whether or not he could smell the strawberry scented shampoo she used, that previously, he had only caught gusts of. 
Harry needs to know, when they kissed, did her eyebrows furrow the same way they do when she bites into a warm jam donut? Or when he slotted his hips against hers, did her mouth hang open, eyes shut tightly like when Sarah dug into the knots in her back? Did she make the same sounds Harry had already heard? Or were there some privy only to moments of privacy like the one her and Harry shared? He didn’t think to notice if the skin on her cheeks was as soft as it looked, or even if her hands held onto him as firmly as they had grasped onto the chair, the night Harry had first gotten so close to Y/N. 
Harry couldn’t help but feel like he’d somehow hiked up mountainous terrain, dodged every jagged edge Y/N initially threw at him, stumbled through open conversations and insinuations. Felt he had somehow navigated overwhelming selfishness and every mixed feeling, to finally reach the top and for some stupid reason just close his eyes. He was only just able to smell the mountainside air and feel the rocky surface but was utterly blind to the magnificent sight in front of him. 
Harry was also worried that Y/N was too intoxicated to know what she was doing. Harry was big on consent, always had been, and he knew the chances of drunk him doing something Y/N wasn’t okay with was very unlikely, but what if? What if for some reason he couldn’t read the body language of the girl he had spent months admiring? Or what if she had said something of opposition and he hadn’t heard her? 
Harry was stressed, and the pounding headache beating through his head was definitely not helping. 
He knew the only way to make sure what happened last night was okay and enjoyable for both parties, was simply asking Y/N. So after going to the bathroom, splashing some cold water on his face and changing into some sweatpants, Harry makes the trek downstairs. 
He’s met with an interesting site. Mitch is sitting at the kitchen counter, head in his hands and shaking his head. Jeff is doing dishes and looks to be purposely clanging noisy dishes in front of Mitch and then laughing at each flinch racking from the man's body. While Y/N is standing at the stove, cooking something that Harry can’t decipher, in her cloud pyjama pants and a sweatshirt that looks suspiciously like his.
If Harry listens intently enough, he can hear her humming under her breath, a soft tune that lifts all the features of Harry’s handsome face upwards. 
Harry starts by walking over to Mitch, placing his hands on both of his shoulders and squeezing lightly, “c’mon Jeff, lay off the poor guy!” Jeff only laughs in response jokingly swatting at Mitch's head, still buried within his hands. 
At the joking tone within the kitchen, and the fact that Jeff had not immediately berated Harry about his relationship with Y/N, Harry realised Mitch had decided not to tell the rest of the house. Or at least not Jeff. Harry couldn’t have been more thankful for Mitch's undying loyalty and bizarre talent of somehow knowing exactly what Harry wanted or needed. With Y/N’s relaxed manner, he assumed she had come to the same conclusion.  
At the sound of Harry’s voice, Y/N whips around, her face lighting up at the sight of the man she had kissed not 12 hours ago. And the look of delight and need on Y/N’s face works wonders to calm Harry’s nerves, while Y/N’s were skyrocketing. He looked as handsome as ever with sleep still gracing his features, his chestnut hair in a mess on top of his head and eyes slightly puffy and red. In all honesty, Y/N couldn’t get over how it felt to kiss him, and while it had happened, she couldn’t help but feel thirteen again, with a crush on the cute boy in class. 
It was like he knew exactly what she was thinking, his tongue darting out from between his lips, leaving them wet and glistening in the early morning sun. And Y/N just can’t seem to draw her attention away from them, can’t stop the image of him pressed against her replaying over and over in her mind.
Maybe it was the way her eyes drooped slightly, her nostrils flaring ever so subtly, but Y/N gets the feeling that he knows exactly what she’s thinking, his left eye dropping in a wink that leaves Y/N’s tummy fluttering. 
“Mornin’ love.” His voice is hoarse and deep with residue drowsiness, and it does nothing to ease Y/N’s churning stomach. She coughs lightly before replying, “morning H.” Her voice is uncharacteristically quiet and manner docile, as she tries to hide the less than appropriate thoughts running through her head. 
He walks over to the stove, leaving Jeff and Mitch behind in the presence of someone far more interesting. “Smells good, what are you cookin’?” 
Y/N giggles, the sound unnecessarily loud and she cringes at herself before replying, “um, pancakes. Made some more just in case you guys wanted some.” In truth, Y/N knew Mitch didn’t like pancakes, Sarah wasn’t even awake yet, and Jeff had just started a very strict ‘no sugar’ diet, and so those extra pancakes were specifically for Harry after she had heard his sink running upstairs. And well, Harry knew all of that too. He feels a certain spaciousness in his chest one can only attribute to gratitude, and it makes him want to draw her close to him and kiss her cheek in thanks. 
Instead, Harry grabs her small hand in his and squeezes it lightly, before walking over to the fridge to get the maple syrup. “What’d you want on yours, babe? Nutella?” 
Y/N smiles and nods her head, giddy with the tingling feeling travelling through her hands and the prospect of spending more time with Harry. 
The day had been quiet. Y/N felt as if she had been wading through water all afternoon, sluggish and slow but somehow using more energy than walking on land required. The whole house felt slow-moving, most of its inhabitants spending the day in front of the TV, reading books or napping. And so it made sense for their daily activity to be a movie night. 
The housemates had decided a Disney marathon would be a perfect end to a hungover day, and with Jeff’s only condition being that they watched ‘Bambi’, everyone was in agreeance. 
Y/N had offered to organise the snacks and drinks while everyone else brought down pillows and blankets from upstairs, the room looking cozier then she had seen it in the past few months, and at the centre of it, Harry.
In the same position, he had been in the night they had sat watching cartoons in the early morning together, only to fall asleep and wake up in each other’s arms. It felt like so long ago now, but Y/N knows in reality, not that much time had passed. She found herself feeling thankful for how their relationship had evolved, and the effect a little time had given them. 
It was funny how far they had come. Y/N was so worried Harry had hated her after that, she now wonders if he’d always felt some type of draw towards her, or if he really had hated her as much as he made out. She briefly wonders if he’s thinking the same thing as she is, as he looks at her questioningly, standing in the doorway of the living room, unmoving. 
Y/N smiles lightly, and begins to move towards the couch, realising that there were three blankets in total, one being used by Mitch and Sarah, seemingly very close underneath the cover, one thrown over Jeff and the other sitting across Harry’s legs. She hesitates for a moment, the obvious choice being Harry, but she isn’t sure where their relationship stood, and more importantly, how much the rest of the housemates knew about it. 
Harry quickly provides a solution, “y’can just share my blanket if you want pet.” Y/N’s tummy flips, but the blank stare she gives him as she runs through all the repercussions (good and bad) coming from her doing that, comes off more as confusion. Did he forget that Jeff didn’t know about the kiss? 
Harry sits uncomfortably in the silence. “Or not, whatever you want.” Silence again, and with each passing second, Harry’s facial expression becomes more and more exasperated. 
Mitch is smirking, giving Harry a knowing glance. Sarah is looking at Mitch confused, obviously trying to figure out her boyfriend's cryptic facial expression. Jeff was the most bewildered of all, clearly completely lost. 
“Fine, fuckin’ forget it. Y’can share a blanket with Jeff ‘Mcvomit’ Aezzof. Or maybe you can jack Mitch off under the blanket with Sarah, and all of us will pretend we don’t know. How bout that hm?” Harry knows he’s being slightly unfair to all those just mentioned. 
A month ago, during a game night, Jeff had consumed slightly too much alcohol and subsequently vomited all over the living room carpet and Harry’s rainbow Gucci boots. Safe to say, Harry was not impressed and hadn’t let Jeff forget it either. 
He also knows he’s being unfair to Sarah and Mitch, although, he’s not exactly wrong. Harry had no proof anything was happening under Sarah’s unicorn blanket but they always sat suspiciously close, and some strange movements had definitely been observed during movie nights, particularly when the crew had binged ‘50 Shades of Grey.’
No one had mentioned it to each other, until one night, Y/N had tried to subtly ask Jeff and Harry if they had noticed too. The two boys immediately agreed, admitting they both had their own suspicions. However, this was the first time anyone had brought it up with the couple in question. 
He’s instantly met with outcry from both Sarah and Mitch.
“Oh for fucks sake H.” 
“You’re so crude.” 
“We do not do that.” 
Jeff also looks unamused, mumbling under his breath, although the shouts from the couple drown his reply out, “you have too much to drink one time, and no one lets you forget it.” 
But Y/N, in true Y/N style laughs, and all of a sudden Harry doesn’t feel nearly as bad for his accusations or his teasing of Jeff. “Alright bug, alright. You made your point, scoot over.” 
Y/N settles under the blanket with Harry, tucking her legs underneath her, trying to maintain a healthy distance from him. She hadn’t really been so consciously close to Harry before, only ever being asleep, drunk or… busy. Y/N noticed his signature scent was present, a warm cedarwood cologne that somehow made her nostrils tickle and insides feel slightly warmer, like a shot of whiskey travelling down her throat and spreading through her tummy. 
Maybe it was the man the smell lingered to that made her feel so comfortable and warm, or perhaps it was the blanket and heat radiating from him, but either way, Y/N loved it. She revelled in the comfort and feeling of safety that she didn’t often bask in, and it was Harry of all people who made her feel like this. 
She briefly wonders what this movie night would entail. She was happy they were already close to each other, stealing glances. Each bout of eye contact bringing a tingle through her spine, a shiver wracking through her shoulders when she noticed him glancing at her with his signature smirk and bright look. 
She was aware that they were slowly moving closer to each other with each passing second of the film playing in front of them. When she had initially sat down next to Harry, she could feel the warmth radiating from him, but now she could feel his side pressed against her, and his leg slightly crossed over hers.
If she’s honest, she was much more focused on the handsome individual sitting next to her than on the movie anyway, and consequently, she missed the first twenty minutes. 
What she cannot miss, however, is Harry’s hand coming to rest gently on her thigh. His palm flat against the plush flesh and his nails lightly scratching at the skin lying over it. 
She looks over at him, his strong jaw and cheekbone highlighted by the dim light of the TV screen, his nose slightly pointed at the end and his long eyelashes fluttering against his skin. She watches as his pink lips tug upwards, bringing a smirk and deep dimple to his handsome face. With that smile, she realises he knows she’s looking at him, and probably knows the effect his touch is having on her. The only acknowledgement she receives is a small squeeze of her thigh. 
She can’t help but scoff, his lax attitude directly opposed her own, if she was honest, she often felt on a different plane than him. Y/N tried to deny it, but she could be highly strung. When she was in a situation where she felt comfortable and safe, she was easygoing, a delight to get along with, and was often confused as someone who was undoubtedly more affable than she really was. 
It was one of the first days of year ten at school when Y/N had experienced her first panic attack. She can still remember the way her hands shook like healthy green leaves in a summer storm, could never forget the tightness in her chest, the closing feeling of her throat, and the tears that blinded her. While the panic attacks had become less frequent as she aged, the underlying symptoms that bubbled into the panic she experienced still tended to rear their ugly heads. 
Harry, on the other hand, seemed endlessly relaxed. While Y/N had initially only seen a more uptight and priggish side of him, it was almost like he enjoyed those negative interactions between them, for the sole reason that he could skillfully get under Y/N’s skin, watch her squirm and burn red. Any other time she witnessed Harry he was almost always equanimous and the voice of reason in the odd little group that found themselves quarantining together. 
He was so comfortable, seemingly so unaffected by her, while she felt his presence made her head spin and heart race. 
He leans closer to her, his curls tickling her collarbone, “are you watchin’ the film?” 
She nods, the action sending a wave of her perfume to invade his nose, the smell somehow so addicting and familiar to Harry now. “Yeh, the sad part is coming soon, though.” 
It’s his turn to scoff, “don’t tell me you’re gonna cry on me.” 
Y/N looks up at him, watching as his bunny-like front teeth capture his bottom lip, “and what if I do, hm?” 
Harry’s first thought is to say he’d get her some tissues and embrace her until the tears seeped into her sullen soaked skin, but he knows that’s even too corny for him. Instead, he looks around the room to find everyone too focused on the movie to pay attention to them, and chuckles lightly, kissing the top of her cheekbone. “Might cry with you love. Poor Bambi, never knew what was comin’.” 
While Y/N looks around the room, she quickly relaxes as she realises no one was paying enough attention to notice Harry’s affectionate action. She stifles a laugh, “we’re in this together then, aren’t we?” 
Harry can’t help but feel like she’s not just referring to a sad Disney movie, but instead the situation they had found themselves in. It was confusing, both of them not entirely over their exes, but both seemingly enamoured with the other, something that felt like it had happened overnight. 
He didn’t know if she felt the same way he did. He simultaneously wanted to fuck the shit out of her and cuddle with her on the couch, for god's sake he wanted to comfort her when she was crying over fucking ‘Bambi.’ Harry was confused. 
He hasn’t felt like this about anyone since Elle, and while Y/N hadn’t spoken about her ex with Harry directly, he had overheard a few snippets of conversation between Sarah and herself. 
Before Y/N had come to stay with the group, Sarah had briefly explained the situation, the fact she had put all her effort into a three-year relationship that had ended brutally, with the asshole showing no remorse towards Y/N or her feelings. Harry didn’t want to push her or himself, but he felt a draw towards her that he couldn’t ignore. 
The way she placed her hand gently on top of his, still laying on her thigh, and tangled their fingers together made his heart swell, and it was at that moment he decided he didn’t care about Elle. For the first time since they broke up, Harry didn’t wish the person he was with was his cheery faced ex-girlfriend. He wanted Y/N, and he hoped with all his heart, she wanted him too. 
He looked over at her, her soft skin and red cheeks glowing gently from the light of the TV screen. 
Harry’s feelings are only confirmed, when he hears the gunshot sounding through the room from the movie, hears a small sniffle coming from the girl next to him, and feels her fingers tightening around his own. Harry knows that somehow, through everything, he wanted Y/N to be there next to him at the end of it. 
Harry sat stewing in his feelings as the night progressed, each member of the house slowly abandoning the marathon, opting for the warmth of their beds instead. 
If he was honest, Harry was exhausted, but he couldn’t bear to leave Y/N alone. She had waited patiently through everyone else’s choices, sung along with Sarah through ‘The Little Mermaid.’ She had gushed with Mitch over the fantastic visuals in ‘Hercules’ and watched carefully for Harry’s reactions to ‘The Beauty and the Beast,’ squeezing his hand when the last petal fell, and Belle professed her love for the Beast. 
Harry didn’t think it was fair that everyone had chosen bed over watching Y/N’s movie, over singing along to ‘Tangled’ with her. Chosen to sleep instead of talking about how good the animation was and squeezing her hand every time Flynn and Rapunzel were close to kissing. 
So Harry does the best he can. He listens to how excited she gets through the fighting scenes, does his best to sing along to songs he’d never heard before, and listens to her speak about how mean she thought Mother Gothel was. Each scene, he watches her eyes widen in comical child-like glee, and her cheeks flush as she laughs at Harry’s impersonation of Flynn Rider. 
It’s as Mother Gothel is falling out of the window that Harry realises Y/N’s grip on his hand has loosened and that she is resting against his shoulder, asleep. He smiles, bringing his knuckle to brush against her cheek, gently waking her up. As she slightly startles, he kisses her nose, “y’ fell asleep bug.” 
She looks surprised, immediately looking to the screen, “oh shoot. Missed my favourite part too.” Harry can’t help but kiss the small pout that graced her lips as she realises this, which she quickly returns. Harry’s lips tingle as she hums in contentment, causing them to pull apart slightly, Harry touching his lips and giggling. 
It was all so domestic and sweet, a kiss leading to nothing in particular, and Harry loved it. Revelled in the idea of kissing Y/N for the pure pleasure of feeling her soft lips against his own, and for nothing else. As Y/N speaks her lips brush against his, still flush against each other, “we should get to bed.” 
As they both make their way upstairs, hand in hand, they dawdle as if to stall their inevitable parting, and as Y/N prepares to speak their goodbye into existence Harry decides he doesn’t want this night to end. Didn’t want to part from the warmth Y/N provided, to lose the feeling of her face pressed against him or the way her hand felt nestled in his. So Harry does the one thing he can think of, something he may come to regret later, 
“Do you want t’ sleep in my bed tonight? You don’ have to if you don’t want to, of course.” 
Harry observes Y/N’s face, and he feels as if he goes through the same range of emotions as she does. First surprise, then apprehension, her head tilting as she thinks through her decision.
Harry thinks maybe she’s misinterpreting his intentions. Don’t get him wrong, he would jump at the chance to have sex with someone as lovely as her, but he really just wasn’t ready to leave her. Wanted to feel her asleep in his arms, hear the small snores he’s sure she would make and brush her hair away from her face when it looked to be tickling her in the middle of the night. 
“No funny business dove, I promise.” 
Finally, a small smirk graces the young girl's face, her top teeth hooking into her lower lip, a little giggle erupting from her mouth while she nods her head. 
Harry’s face subconsciously matches Y/N’s, a replica giggle floating through his mouth and into the air between them, “yeh?” 
She nods once again, “yeh.” Harry feels nothing but relief, a giddy bubbling feeling erupting from his chest, rushing through to his fingertips. He almost believes she feels the exact same burst of emotion when she squeezes his hand as he pulls her into his bedroom. 
It smells the same as the last time she was in his room, except this time, there was a sense of certainty in the air. While Y/N had previously tiptoed into his private space, terrified of crossing a line both physically and metaphorically, she no longer felt that same apprehension.
She entered the room with confident footsteps, aware that they had already entered a territory in which they would struggle to backtrack from. Aware that Harry would more than likely revel in the fact she was in a space he considered sacred, rather than feel uneasy.
She was correct in her assumption. He watches the way she looks perfectly placed in a room he previously hated anyone else entering, her energy already matching his own, but somehow adding an exuberant light into a space that, before her, had represented his despondency. 
Harry begins getting ready for bed, takes off his pants and shirt, left in only boxers. As the cotton of his top slides over his mass of curls, he catches Y/N staring, her mouth slightly parted, pupils dilated and cheeks pink. 
The cocky boy smirks slightly, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion ever so subtly, and a gust of wind passing through his nose as a form of laughter. “Would you prefer me to keep my pants on babe?” 
His cheeky tone works to bring Y/N from her stupor. She stumbles over her words, clearly embarrassed Harry had caught her ogling at his body, again. “Uh.. no, no whatever’s comfortable, I guess. Do you want to keep your pants on? You can, of course, I just…” 
“Teasing Y/N,” his smirk grows into a grin, his dimple flashing her once again, “I’m only teasing.” She visibly relaxes, her shoulders returning to the normal position, and her eyes closed, trying to shake the remaining embarrassment from her system. 
“You are the worst.” 
He only laughs, “and you take yourself too seriously. Now, do you want a shirt to sleep in?” 
While Y/N might usually be offended by him saying something like that, she knows he’s not wrong. In fact, he’s entirely correct. He just knew exactly how to wind her up, what buttons to push to make a flush rise to her cheeks and for her sentences to become stuttered. 
“That would be nice, thank you.” 
Harry only nods, walking over to the dresser in the corner and rummaging through, pulling out a white shirt with the phrase “enjoy health, eat your honey” on the front. He holds it up in front of his body, waiting for Y/N’s approval, which he quickly receives, throwing it over to her in response. 
She looks at him expectantly, waiting for him to give her the courtesy of changing in private. “Do y’ mind, you lecher?” 
He startles, “oh uh sorry.” Y/N watches as a blush spreads from his cheeks to his neck, a clear sign of his humiliation, and he quickly turns around. 
She changes, giving a soft cough when it’s safe for him to turn around. Harry can hardly believe his eyes, he knew she was beautiful, but fucking hell, it was like an angel had been sent to him from heaven. 
Her legs were soft, and Harry wanted nothing more than to trail kisses up her thighs, past the dotting of stretch marks, patches of missed hair, and the hem of the shirt that sat loosely against her. He could see her nipples poking through the fabric, firm, surrounded by supple flesh, that Harry had trouble to stop imagining. Her face was soft, a pleasant but embarrassed smile pulling along half her face, smoothed by the leftover makeup she hadn’t bothered to remove. 
She was fucking beautiful. 
“Stop looking at me like that you…” 
“Lecher. I know. It’s hard not to be when you look like that.” Her cheeks turn an even darker shade of crimson, and her eyebrows draw up in surprise. Harry didn’t know at what, she was his very own wet dream, and he had trouble imagining that she didn’t know that. 
Unsure of what to say she patters towards the bed, lifting the covers and lying beneath them, facing the side he usually slept on, waiting for Harry to lay in her line of sight. He does, his cheek getting gently squished against the silk pillow, his hair billowing out from his head, creating an unruly mess around his face. 
“I don’t…” she sighs, clearly struggling to string together whatever was going through her mind. Harry grabs the hand laying between them, and gives it a gentle squeeze of encouragement. He had been vulnerable in front of her weeks before they had even shown interest in each other, and he wanted to give her the same comfortable space to talk through what she was feeling. 
She lets out another breath and continues, “I like when you call me beautiful. I just don’t know how to respond, I’m not all that used to it.” She snorts despite herself, “isn’t that sad?” While she’s laughing, Harry can see the sadness set behind her eyes, and so he doesn’t laugh. Only squeezes her hand once more and replies as steadily as he can, “it’s not sad. I understand.” 
Her laugh turns more genuine, “oh so even the Greek god gets self-conscious? Thank god for that.” He quickly matches her jesting tone, “for sure, need to be humbled somehow.” He pulls her closer and rests his head in the crook of her neck, listening as the giggles she emits, vibrate through her body, and he can’t help but smile too. 
He was happy and at peace. And for the first time in a long time, both he and Y/N slept through the night, relief and giddiness seeping through their pores. 
Harry awoke in a daze. His arm was numb, his head slightly dizzy and body just a tad too hot. Then he sees Y/N asleep in front of him, head resting on his bicep, hair a mess, and her hand resting on his, placed on the pillow in front of her face, and all of a sudden none of it mattered.
She was beautiful. It makes Harry wonder about the last time they’d woken up together. He remembers feeling scared, denying any comfort he had found within her in his arms, and he wonders if his subconscious had always known she was right for him. 
They seemed to fit together so seamlessly, for a couple who couldn’t stand the sight of each other months prior. 
Harry uses his free hand to sweep her hair away from her neck, leaving a space for him to press his lips against. Her skin was warm, slightly tacky from sweat, and he breathed her in, dragging his nose up and down the nape of her neck. 
He hears her begin to wake, repositioning her legs under the covers and her breath beginning to quicken from the lull of sleep. A small hum of contentment leaves her lips as she feels Harry’s mouth kissing on her skin. 
“Mornin’ sunshine,” he whispers, his breath tickling her. She lets out a laugh, her voice heavy with drowsiness, “morning H.” 
The hand that was already resting loosely in his tightens as she loops their fingers together, “how’d you sleep?” 
He squeezes back, “better than I have in months. What ‘bout you?” 
She leans further back into him and exhales, “so good.” Harry hears the relief in her voice, and he feels it too. Was this all it took to stop his own self wallowing? Being pressed against her? It was like she brought her own kind of calmness to his unstable mind, and while he knew she would disagree with him in saying it, she was a source of purity, a way for him to feel carefree. 
He wanted to tell her, but something was stopping him. What if she wasn’t quite as committed to whatever they were as he was? Harry had never been good with his feelings, preferring to write his emotions into his music. Fuck, sometimes even selling his songs to others to avoid the message coming from his own mouth directly. 
But as Y/N turns around, her mouth inches from his, her eyes wide and doe-like, Harry thinks he’d never be able to live with himself if he didn’t tell her how he felt. The words creep up his throat, and he tastes them on his tongue, sweet and rich. “I... I really like you. I’m not sure how you feel about everything. I just know I haven’t felt like this since… well for a while, and that’s kind of scary.” 
Harry closes his eyes, not wanting to see Y/N laugh in his face, as well as hear it. Instead, he feels a soft hand on the side of his face, her thumb gently brushing against his temple, and then softly against his eyelid, coming to rest just below it. “Open your eyes, dummy.” 
He flutters his eyes open, met with Y/N’s gaze, revering and sweet, “I like you too, Harry. Thought I made it pretty obvious.” While Harry loved Y/N calling him ‘H,’ the slow drawl of ‘Harry’ made a shiver roll up his spine.  
He can hardly contain the smile that slips upon his mouth, leaning up slightly and kissing the thumb resting against his skin. Harry feels his heart beat a little harder in his chest, the relief freeing the worry from his lungs, his muscles finally relaxing, no longer having to uphold the weight of stress upon them. 
If he was candid, Harry had never had to fight for anyone’s affection before. As narcissistic as it sounded, people usually gravitated towards him, whether for the right or wrong intentions. But Y/N had stood her ground, immediately unimpressed by his blase and borderline rude attitude and had reverberated his energy right back at him. If Harry was honest, at first he hated that about her, but it had come to represent her honesty. It made the affection she showed him now that much more special. 
Harry felt as if he had earnt her respect and affection, because he deserved it, not the ‘Harry Styles’ found in the tabloids. He had found someone who made him feel like a real person, and a good one at that, someone who deserved the love she so readily gave him. Harry was lucky enough to be lying next to that someone. 
“You’re right… you did drool over me in the shower. Remember that?” And just like that, the moment of vulnerability is over. 
Y/N lightly slaps Harry’s arm and lets out a disgruntled sound, “aish, you really are a lecher.” He laughs and grabs the hand that just hit him, bringing it back up to his face and kisses her palm gently. He looks back at her face, all traces of aggravation wiped from it like cheap lipstick, replaced with contentment instead. She slips her hand back to the side of his neck, her fingertips trailing through the baby hairs laying against his skin and kisses him. Her lips feel slightly chapped but still so warm, and Harry let’s out a relieved exhale. 
He couldn’t explain why, but this kiss felt different from any other he’d experienced with Y/N, hell any other he’d shared with anyone. It had all the intensity and lust of their kiss in the kitchen, added with a sense of emotion that Harry couldn’t quite place. Each press of her mouth, each swipe of her tongue or gentle nibble of his lower lip felt like she was desperately trying to convey every feeling Harry previously doubted existed. 
Harry remembers the night of their first kiss, recalls thinking he had never felt lust like that before, never wanted to kiss someone so badly, but now laying in this bed with Y/N running her hand through his hair and her hips lightly bucking towards him, Harry feels as if he’s surpassed the way he had felt then. 
He feels pure unadulterated need flowing through his veins, can’t even begin to explain how much he wanted Y/N. She turned to fully face him, tangling their feet together and pressing herself further into the kiss. Harry wishes he could give her more, wants to bring every drop of pleasure to her he possibly could, wants to touch and kiss each part of her. It felt as if a spark had lit within his body, beginning at his chest, travelling all the way through to his fingertips, and straight to his groin. 
Harry brings his thigh between her legs, and she takes advantage of it instantly, rubbing against him. He groans as he feels her warmth pressed against his leg, and he can tell she is suppressing her moans of pleasure as she pushes down harder with each gyration of her hips. 
“Tha’s it baby, get what you need.” 
At this, she leans her head back, a mewl erupting from her throat. Harry kisses down her exposed neck, sucking and nipping a love bite into the skin below him. Bringing his hands to her waist lightly, he helps to guide her in grinding against the thick muscle of his leg. 
She grabs one of his hands grappling at her hip and brings it to her chest, where he feels her hard nipple poking through the thin material of her top. He squeezes and pinches gently, hearing her breath hitch directly in his ear, bringing goosebumps to the skin along his arms, her hands grabbing his broad shoulders and neck. 
With his other hand, he slowly slips his thumb past the hem of her sweatpants, running it along the soft skin there. The tickling sensation completely contradicts the harsh action of her hips rubbing against him, causing a shiver to trickle down her spine. Y/N whines into his ear so quietly, Harry wonders if he actually heard her at all. “Please.” 
“What do you need, hm? Tell me.” 
A bated breath parts her lips, “fuck…anything.” She knows it’s not enough, knows Harry wants to hear exactly what she wants from him, but she’s embarrassed. Isn’t quite used to anyone asking her what she wanted and needed, and Harry’s filthy tongue only brings her more unnecessary shame. 
“C’mon Y/N, use your words. I’ll give you whatever you want, just use your word’s for me.” 
Her hands dig into his shoulders, “fingers, please!”
He kisses her temple and murmurs a quick, “good girl,” before dipping his hand completely into the front of her pants, still only teasing along the line of her underwear. 
Y/N’s not sure how much she can take. Every move, every touch is goading and light, clearly trying to provoke her, and as much as she loves it, she needs relief. She grabs at his arm that is currently so close to the place she needs him to be and tries to force it closer to her, harder against her, anything other than what he’s doing now. “Harry… c’mon, please,” she all but cries. 
He chuckles before slipping into her underwear, feeling her wet heat against his fingertips, she was already dripping for him before he’d even touched her. He presses her clit gently while he kisses against her neck, flicking his tongue against the ghost of the hickey he had given her earlier, the pain mixing so deliciously with the pleasure. 
While he had stopped his teasing touches, it didn’t stop him from using his teasing words. 
“This the first time you’ve gotten so wet for me, pet?” She furrows her eyebrows, shaking her head side to side, attempting to hide her face into his neck. He feigns surprise, “no? Filthy girl. Ever touched yourself thinking about me?” She whines, picking up on his teasing, further burrowing her face away from him, trying to hide the very obvious flush that had risen to her cheeks. 
He laughs, nudging her head with his nose, trying to encourage her to show her face again. She mewls once more, the only indication she heard him was the bucking of her hips against his fingers, now inside of her and stroking against her g-spot. 
“Next time, just ask for my help instead,” he murmurs into her ear, biting at her earlobe. She hisses, attempting to press against him even harder, get even closer to him, although it was almost impossible, being pressed flush against each other with his fingers knuckle deep in her cunt. 
He licks against her jaw, feeling the strong bone under the tender flesh, the warmth of his breath blowing against the damp skin of her neck causes her to shiver, “can I taste you?” Y/N doesn’t think she’s ever nodded her head harder, her eyes rolling back into her head, merely thinking about Harry tonguing the sensitive skin between her legs. 
He continues to kiss down her neck, taking extra time to lick against the dip in her collarbones, revelling in the tangy taste of sweat invading his mouth. He sucks her nipples through her shirt, the material clearly wet and spit-soaked once he pulls away, the air surrounding them, making the outline of her areola obvious. 
He presses a few chaste kisses against the swell of her tummy, finally reaching where she needed him most. He slowly pulls her pants down her legs, trailing the hem with pecks against each inch of newly exposed skin. Grabbing each ankle, he pulls the cuffing over her feet, playfully biting at the bone on her ankle, causing a shriek and a giggle to erupt from her and a playful press against his cheek, imitating a kick to his jaw. 
He laughs, batting her foot away from his face. “Oi don’t damage the money-maker!” 
 Y/N bursts out laughing, shaking her head. He was an idiot, but she loved that they can switch between moods so quickly. While she’s still laughing, he’s pushing her legs apart, his hand nearly fitting over the whole surface of her inner thigh. “C’mon love, spread your legs fo’ me.” 
And with that, Y/N stops laughing. 
While continuing to push against her leg, he presses an open mouth kiss against the front of her underwear, already able to taste the heady flavour. Harry can’t help but let out a deep groan, every nerve ending set alight at his mouth finally around her cunt. The tip of Y/N’s tongue tingles with a beg for him to take off her underwear, but Harry acts on his own accord, almost ripping the garment off in his haste. 
If Harry thought the taste of her was mouthwatering through the cotton, the taste of her without it was even better. 
He had meant to tease her, he really had, but he can’t help but lick straight into her weeping hole, moaning at the taste and the smooth feeling of her smeared against his mouth. Spreading her lips with his pointer and ring finger, Harry continues to explore, flicking his tongue against the swollen bud underneath her pubic bone, causing a loud moan to erupt from her mouth. 
“Holy fuck Harry! Feels so good.” 
Harry tucks two of his fingers into her while sucking at her clit, Y/N tugging at his curls harshly in response. 
It feels so good, but Y/N needs more. The feeling of Harry’s fingers is making her skin tingle, and her legs shake, but she wants nothing more than to be stretched out by him. She wants him to give her everything, push into her slowly, stretch her pussy, and finally feel his cum spurting into her. 
So she pulls him up, one hand still intertwined in his hair and the other on his shoulder, scratching and pulling as a hint to bring his mouth to hers. At first, he’s hesitant, grumbling slightly in annoyance, not wanting to part from her, “Harry please, want to kiss you.” 
He gives her one more harsh suck, before sliding back up her body, where Y/N is waiting with her mouth open and her eyes on him. Harry smirks, slipping the two fingers that had just been inside of her against her tongue, feeling more blood rushing between his legs at the feeling of her licking and sucking them as if it were his cock. 
She bites gently, causing a hiss to escape from his mouth as he drags them back out slowly, quickly replacing his fingers with his lips, licking into her mouth.
The tangy taste of her own cum slips past her tastebuds again, and Y/N had never been one to find it hot, but with the salty flavour transferring from Harry’s fingers and tongue, she’d never been more attracted to her own taste. 
Y/N desperately wants to mix his cum with hers, wants to swallow around his cock and feel the intoxicating mixture slide down her throat, “I wanna taste you now.” 
He breathes through his nose heavily and shakes his head, “just want to feel you. ‘M not gonna last long if you suck me off as well.” Y/N whines, but by the longing look Harry gives her pouting lips, it seems he’s not entirely content with his decision either. 
He reaches over her shoulder, digging into the set of drawers next to the bed, giving Y/N the perfect view of his broad chest, littered with tattoos. He looks so tan, his muscles rippling under the smooth skin, and she wants nothing more than to litter it with love bites and scratches. She teasingly licks at his nipple, and he startles, an uncharacteristic giggle leaving his lips as he comes back to lie in front of her, in his hand a condom. 
Suddenly his eyes clear, the lust caused fog fading, “you still okay with this? We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.” 
Her heart swells, how was it possible that this Adonis-like man was also so sweet? There was nothing she wanted more than to be with Harry in every way and right now, she needed him inside of her, “yes Harry. Do you?” 
He scoffs some, “fuck yes,” he mumbles his next statement as he tucks his head under her jaw, putting the condom on at the same time, “feel like my dicks gonna fall off, I’m that hard.” 
She laughs, wrapping her arms around him, she’d never felt so happy and complete, so overwhelmed. Every positive emotion was combining within her, creating a whirlwind of passion and love, causing each feeling to increase tenfold. 
The head of Harry’s cock slips through her folds, sending a zap of pleasure through her each time it nudges her clit, and he smirks each time she twitches, unconsciously arching up towards him. “Y’ ready?” 
She nods, moving her hips closer, making her own attempt to be filled by him. 
Slowly, Harry enters her, each inch causing the delicious burn from him stretching her walls increasing. Y/N almost chokes on her own moans, can hardly stand how good he feels or the way her muscles spasm attempting to adjust to the intrusion. It feels as if each ridge and curve was being simulated, each nerve ending firing again and making her head feel dizzy. 
Harry almost looks like he’s in pain with his eyes shut so tightly, Y/N can see the wrinkles surrounding them. His mouth is parted with sharp breaths entering and leaving his mouth, his head hung back, and his jawline sharp enough to cut glass. 
“Holy fuck. You feel so fucking good.” 
At the sound of his voice, Y/N clenches, making Harry cry out. “Move H. Fuck me, please.” 
He begins slowly, pulling out before slamming back into her, reaching so far Y/N can feel him in her tummy. 
He intertwines their fingers and holds them against the pillow her head rests on. She squeezes them, and he leans his forehead against hers, the tender action contradicting the harsh snaps of his hips. “How do you feel so good?” He whimpers. She nudges his chin with her nose, pushing his lips closer to hers, each thrust smearing them closer together. 
“You’re so good to me H,” she whispers back as she wraps one of her hands behind his head, his neck in the crook of her elbow. Using leverage from her other hand against the bed, she pushes her hips upwards, creating double the amount of friction between them. The actions causing both of them to cry out, Harry seeming to be pushed impossibly further inside of her, the head of him nudging against her cervix. 
“Fuck that’s it. Look at you, usin’ me to get yourself off.”
While the new angle felt so good, it was quickly tiring. Harry could see Y/N fatiguing after a few minutes, knowing the burn in her legs would be almost unbearable at this point. So he tucks his arms under her outstretched ones, laying his torso against hers and tucking his head into her neck, kissing lightly as he completely slows down his movements. He stops the whine that leaves her throat with a quick, “shh, it’s okay. Just wanna take my time with you, never want this to end.” 
While running her hand through his curls and holding the back of his neck closer to her chest, she replies, “me either baby.” 
They spend some time like this, just enjoying each other’s company and the feel of being so close to one another. Y/N breathes deeply, the smell of sex in the room mixing with Harry’s cologne, making her relax and let out a contented sigh. She had never felt more full and so satisfied, with a hint of an orgasm sparking between her hip bones, the dull ember just waiting to be fully ignited by his movements. 
As if sensing this, he speeds up once again. The burn that stretches through her legs as Harry pulls them over his shoulders, mixes with the pleasure of his thrusts, the head of his cock nudging her g-spot with each deep drive of his hips. 
Y/N cries out, grabbing at his shoulders, her nails unintentionally digging into the skin, creating small red crescents along the tense muscles connecting his neck to his scapula. 
He just feels so good. Every movement of his hips, each inhale and exhale, each brush of their lips and dig of his fingers brings Y/N even closer to her orgasm. She can’t tell if Harry plans each of these things with her pleasure in regard or if it’s the chemistry between them that’s causing every sensation to be felt tenfold. All she knows is that she would happily lie under Harry for the rest of her life if it meant she always felt this weightless. 
Harry’s balls make a sharp ‘thwack’ against her ass each time he thrusts, the sound of her arousal echoing through the room, in such a crude fashion, Y/N almost has time to feel embarrassed. On the other hand, Harry revels in the sound, loves the fact he can see, hear, touch every part of her arousal, surrounding them in their own cocoon of sex and pleasure. 
“C’mon Y/N, please. Cum on my cock.” While Y/N had already been feeling the building pressure of her impending orgasm, Harry’s words only work to bring it faster. “Please Y/N,” she bucks up against him, chasing the feeling of his pubic bone rubbing against her already sensitive clit. “Good girl. Fuck, you’re my good fucking girl, aren’t you?” She whines a response, the noise high pitched and hoarse. Harry sees Y/N’s desperate search for her finish, and brings two fingers down, rubbing at her clit. 
“Fuck, yes, Harry!” Y/N can’t describe how overwhelmed she is with pleasure and feeling. Her face feels flushed and sticky with sweat, her legs are slightly cramped from her constant strain to get closer to Harry and his cock buried in her cunt, and when Harry brings one of his ring adorned hands to wrap comfortably around her neck, suddenly Y/N feels weightless. She feels the burst of pleasure from between her legs, a zip running up her spine, leaving her limbs with a tingle. 
Harry hears her cum before he sees it, the moans dripping from her mouth, her eyes widening before she’s squeezing them tightly together. Harry knew he would play that exact moment on replay for the rest of his fucking life. 
He watches as she brings her hand up to his that’s still spread around her neck, and Harry almost can’t stand it when he feels her squeezing it tighter, begging for Harry to give her more. If he wasn’t so close to cumming, Harry might’ve teased her, loosened his grip on purpose to watch her squirm and whine, whisper in her ear how hot it was to see how desperate she was for Harry to simply touch her, alas he’s too close. Can barely form a coherent thought, let alone tease her. So instead he appeases her, tightens his grips and begins to pound into her harder, searching for his own release.
Finally, it comes, Harry releasing a deep groan, grabbing onto the pillow next to her head, letting out a deep moan. Both of them can feel each rope of cum, as Y/N’s own orgasm works to milk each drop from him. 
His movements slowly come to a stop, leaving him tucked inside of her as his length softens. Wrapping his arms around her once again, he revels in the warmth and comfort she brings, his lips pressing against hers gently. “Fuckin’ hell.” 
Y/N giggles and nods in agreement. How had they spent so long fighting when this was the result of them getting along. She still feels Harry shifting above her, the aftershocks of her orgasm, creating an increase in sensitivity, each movement from the handsome boy above her sending a jolt through her whole body. 
“Fuck you’re still squeezin’ me pet.” She hugs into him tighter as yet another twitch is brought from his prick still buried deep within her, “mhm, still sensitive but you feel so good.” 
He kisses her soft temple, “lucky for you, in about fifteen minutes, we can go again.” Y/N scoffs, her head leaving the crook of his neck to give him a dirty look only to be met with his deep smirk. His famous dimples indented next to his smile, as he giggles and brushes his nose against the swell of her cheek. 
“You really are…” his giggle is joined by her own. 
“A lecher,” they finish together. 
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
howdy! if you’re up for it could i request a scenario or headcanons of our long boy, slender, with a really calm, down to earth s/o who just kind of shuts down and regresses a bit because they’re really overwhelmed perhaps with some comfort nsfw? whatever is easiest for you, dear, please don’t stress. drink some water and have some nice fucking food, you deserve it <3
Slender Man Comforting an SO
Hi love bug, sorry this took some time, I've been doing other things in my real life and honestly writing slower than I normally do. I actually had to look up,,,, what regressing was so if this is off the mark please let me know. Also , because I'm assuming this is age regression, I wasn't comfortable adding the NSFW bit. My sincerest apologies.
So, I feel it crucial to say that I tend to write Slender Man as an absolutely heartless bastard. He's a monster with a god complex and sees his partners as his own personal plaything as opposed to an actual being with thoughts, emotions, desires, and stuff like that. He knows you have faults and he will exploit that.
Slender knows that you're really down to earth and sweet and that's something he actually really enjoys.
He doesn't like people who are volatile and explosive.
You being calm? Perfect.
He legitimately does not like when people are bouncing off the walls excited or prone to overreacting about the slightest things.
You are surprisingly good at holding things in tbh.
He notices that almost instantly and watches as your stress grows and grows. He thinks you can handle it?
And it keeps building, bubbling over until it's boiling.
And like Icarus getting too close to the sun, you fall.
So when you're stressed and not feeling well and just shut down, he's admittedly confused.
No really, how does he handle this?
I'm assuming this is age regression, which is genuinely something Slender does NOT UNDERSTAND.
Suddenly, you're in littlespace and he just DOES NOT GET IT.
Has to read up on it, okay thinks he gets it.
He will get you stuffies, or other soft things that make you comfortable.
It's mostly because he hates seeing you upset but like, he's attempting to his greatest degree.
If you have like, a nest or something he'll let you make one. Just a soft place of all the things you need. Blankets you up like a little sushi roll.
Lets you dress in a way that makes you feel most comfortable and at home.
Normally, when he has you out, you need to be in pristine form or he's going to be upset. He'll let it slide this time.
Is he a good caregiver? Sometimes. Honestly depends on what mood you've caught him in.
He can do lukewarm really well.
He will call you sweet names like "baby" or "my little one" depending on how you react to them. Usually, he calls you by your name or "darling" or "dear one." You're a figurehead in the proxy world, he needs to address you as such, not in cute names.
But when the world gets to be too much and you just need someone to hold you? He's not above bending and calling you "baby".
Has his proxies make food that suits your needs.
He will sit you on his lap and just hold you.
Slender's tendrils wrap around you like a blanket, cradling you.
He's surprisingly gentle!!
Slender will attempt to understand how you're feeling and the situation that's stressed you out.
He lacks empathy is what I'm trying to say but for you? For you, he tries his hardest.
If it's related to his society, he will make his proxies work overtime just to make you smile. Seriously, he will make them bend backwards for you.
If it's something in the real world and his proxies can't handle it? Then it looks like he's going to handle it.
Job giving you too much stress? He's sent one of his semi-proxies to handle it.
Family struggles? he's already on it.
Anything you want, anything you need, he is on it just to make sure you're in a safe place again.
After all, toys should never be broken.
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Whiskey and Photos
First, Previous (Chapter 20), Ao3
Words count: 1466
Warnings: alcohol, mention of murder, guilt, mention of human experiments, blood mention
Something was wrong.
Logan was sure of it.
Something about him wasn't the way it was supposed to be.
If he was honest that had always been the case but this was some new wrong.
He didn't like it.
Didn't trust it.
Heartrate's sidekicks shouldn't have dropped like that, the exact moment the lights went out as if someone had punched all the light switches at once.
He could do that to machines, electronics and the likes. Not people!
Those boys were definitely human. He had checked after they had passed out. So the reason was him.
He had made them pass out.
Had his powers changed?
How was that even possible?
Powers were developed and then they were supposed to stay that way.
In all his years of research he had never once even heard about powers changing.
It made him wonder if there were more ways his powers had changed.
It made him wonder if this forced shut down would have lasting effects.
It made him wonder if he might accidentally make Virgil shut down.
And that really was the biggest problem. The fear of hurting Virgil. The feeling that he was nothing but a danger. It tasted sour and familiar on his tongue.
 "I'm going to give him up for adoption," Logan said staring down at the whiskey glass he was spinning between his fingers. "I have to."
 "You don't have to do anything," Remy cut in. "Where the fuck is this coming from? You love the tiny gremlin!"
 "I loved her too!" Logan snapped, slamming his glass down. His hands were shaking uncontrollably now. "I loved her and I just..."
 He couldn't say it. Couldn't bring himself to put the true horror of what he had done into words.
 Remy knew anyway.
 "You're scared you'll kill him too," Remy said plainly. From him, talk about murder sounded like talking about the weather. Like a simple 'Looking good out today, doesn't it?'.
 Logan wondered how a person could be this cold. Sometimes Remy scared him. Right now he scared himself.
 "Well, I'm pretty sure I can speak for Emile when I say that we won't let that happen. You try to hurt him, we'll break your bones."
 The threat was delivered so casually yet it still send shivers down Logan's spine.
 "Don't give him away, Logan."
 He took a sip of his drink.
 "The kid's all you've got left now. Trust me on this one."
Remy and Emile couldn't do anything if he shut them down. He should have known he'd lose everything one day. People like him didn't get to be happy. Didn't deserve it.
When had he stopped wanting to throw up when he killed a subject during tests?
Why had he ever thought he could raise a child?
Logan took a shot of liquor and cringed. It was that weird stuff he had tried once and decided to never drink again. It tasted even worse than he remembered but the alcohol burned his throat the way he wanted it to.
He had to get his shit together.
One more raid then he'd be able to stay hidden from the public for at least a year.
Part of him wished he hadn't asked Virgil for help on this one.
But he needed someone as agile and small as him. There was no way he'd find someone else in time.
With a sigh he stood up and put on his jacket.
He only had to stay in control of his emotions. That was all.
After tonight he could begin to figure out what had happened to his powers.
Virgil met him on the rooftop near the lab they'd be raiding.
"What's wrong?" were the first words out of his mouth.
"Nothing," Logan lied. "Just... stressed."
Virgil nodded and did something that made strong metal hooks shot out from his underarm armour about an inch from his closed fist. He made the turn so that the curved hook faced out and a flat one in.
"Interesting mechanism," Logan noted.
"They're good for climbing," Virgil grinned. "Came up with it myself."
Pride dared to flutter its waxy wings in his chest and Logan forced it down. It had brought him enough misery already with every time he let it fly, thinking he could stop it from going too high.
"Let's go then," he said instead.
Logan disabled the security doors and set the cameras on loop with his ability and they snuck into the building.
A security guard rounded the corner and tried to grab his walkie-talkie but Logan made it shut off too. One of the lamps burned out with a bang. That hadn't been his intention. That wasn't good.
Why was his control slipping?
Was the security footage even looped properly?
The security guard pulled his gun and pointed at Logan before he froze and looked around confused.
"Where's the kid?" he demanded.
Logan glanced to his left.
Virgil was gone.
Up, his intuition told him but he forced himself not to look.
"How would I know?," he shrugged calmly. He had to stay calm.
A hook swung from the ceiling and hit the man at the temple, hard enough for blood to splash against the metal and the man to drop just like the sidekicks had.
Logan swallowed hard.
He had to stay calm.
Virgil landed next to the guards unconscious body.
"Should we hide him?" he asked.
Logan took the guards gun and shook his head.
"We should hurry. Best case we're gone before anyone finds him."
Logan led the way into the underground lab he had worked at what felt like a lifetime ago. Weird how people called him a monster but didn't see the human experiments they conducted around here under orders of the government.
He was a monster, he wouldn't deny that but he was far from the worst one.
At least he didn't pretend to be anything better than he was.
"I'll get the stuff I need up here. The shaft I told you about is behind that door. I disabled the alarms so you just have to make sure you don't fall down," Logan told Virgil. "Do you remember the code?"
"1342-3369," Virgil nodded.
"I can't guarantee that the cameras down there are off so you'll have to be careful."
He ignored the questioning look Virgil shot him and made his way to the main office.
Behind him he heard the door to the elevator shaft open and something get dragged into the opening.
The office was locked.
Logan kneeled down, pulled his lockpick and got to work.
At this time no one should come down here anymore but he still listened carefully for footsteps. Better safe than sorry. The most important rule of any robbery.
The lock clicked open and Logan slipped into the room.
He knew exactly how the files were stored.
He had come up with the system after all.
It took him less than two minutes to find all the files he needed, he quickly flipped through them and put everything else back in its place. He didn't want Laberts to know immediately that he had taken anything.
He went over to the elevator shaft.
Virgil was no where in site. He probably needed a little longer to get the safe open and get everything Logan needed.
He looked around the room and sauntered over to his old desk.
The chair had been replaced. It looked like it had been packed in a plastic bag. He didn't bother sitting down.
There was a picure and he picked it up.
A family of two woman, a toddler and a baby smiled at him.
The frame had been drawn on, probably by the toddler, with shaky hearts, loopy flowers and inept letters spelling out 'Love yuo Momma'.
Logan set it down again and ignored the feeling welling up in his throat. A family picture he had hidden away and done his best to forget came to mind and he pushed it away again.
He heard metal clanck by the elevator and looked up.
"Can you give me a hand here?" Virgil called.
Logan hurried over to him and took the pack Virgil held up for him before taking Virgil's hand and helping him up.
VIrgil let out a breath of air.
"That was a lot of blood," he muttered.
"Are you alright?" Logan asked. He could smell the blood on Virgil.
"I'm fine. Don't think those fellas down there are though."
Logan still gave him a once over to make sure.
"Can we get sushi tonight?" Virgil asked. "I'm hungry."
"Okay," Logan nodded slowly. "Let's get this stuff somewhere safe first."
He just had to stay calm until he was alone. He just had to make sure he didn't hurt Virgil.
@patton-cake , @isabelle-stars
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mynachopaper · 4 years
Heyo...I’d like you to answer all of the weird questions that say a lot please...😇🖤
That’s very naughty of you. I expect payment when I’m done...
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
Wine glasses. I love their shape
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?
Bubble gum, I like the oral fixation
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
Wierd, creepy, creative. “He needs to find an outlet or have a beating”- My arabic teacher
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
Glass bottles
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
7. earbuds or headphones?
8. movies or tv shows?
9. favorite smell in the summer?
river in the cedar forest
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?
Nothing (sometimes fruit if I need to)
12. name of your favorite playlist?
13. lanyard or key ring?
key ring
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
Turkish delights
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
Simon versus the Homosapien agenda
16. most comfortable position to sit in?
Legs to my chest on a chair
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
My trainers
18. ideal weather?
Thunder and rain
19. sleeping position?
Curled up on my side
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
Notebook but laptops are great for convenience
21. obsession from childhood?
Horror stories and or occult (Yes I cringe too)
22. role model?
Don’t have one
23. strange habits?
I like to practice voices and movements (mostly for DnD) anywhere. Shopping, cooking, with the cat. normally I’m on my own but I’ve been caught a few times.
24. favorite crystal?
25. first song you remember hearing?
Wide, wide as the ocean- My dad sang it to me as a kid
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
Bonfire jumping (used to do it with the scout kids)
28. five songs to describe you?
Fall into me- Alev Lenz
Rush- I am waiting for you last summer
Smile- Nat King Cole
Limb to limb- Fatal
Kiss breakdown- Micheal Brook (Perks of being a wallflower soundtrack) 
29. best way to bond with you?
Discuss your passions and your fears. Other than that, play silly games with me.
30. places that you find sacred?
Anywhere that is deemed so. 
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
My pajamas (honestly no idea)
32. top five favorite vines?
Don’t have favourites.
33. most used phrase in your phone?
I love you to the moon and back.
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
I have adblock so I don’t hear enough for them to get stuck. Maybe the old spice commercial.
35. average time you fall asleep?
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?
The orly owl
37. suitcase or duffel bag?
Duffel bag
38. lemonade or tea?
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?
Lemon meringue pie (obviously)
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
Nothing too weird. We did have a slew of dead birds that were killed and placed in weird positions. They were claimed to be omens.
The culprit was never caught. But I did have an old journal where I kept notes on them. I lost it in the move though..
41. last person you texted?
My online friend in the uk
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
Jacket pockets
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
Hoodie, I need the soft
44. favorite scent for soap?
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
Fantasy, DnD for life
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
Shirt and underwear
47. favorite type of cheese?
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
Already answered
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
When my friend and I got stuck in traffic so we listened to the John Mulaney story about the salt and pepper diner. Afterward we actually made the playlist and listened to it. We died, the song got to us and we lost our minds.
51. current stresses?
My Father being ok back home. Me not finishing uni. Breaking my promise to my friends back home of making something of myself.
52. favorite font?
Bree Serif
53. what is the current state of your hands?
Their ok, quite dexterous. My nails have grown out too
54. what did you learn from your first job?
People take production for granted. The public opinion of a show means little. The entertainment industry is weaker than everyone treats it.
55. favorite fairy tale?
The Bloody Chamber
Book by Angela Carter
56. favorite tradition?
Our family does breakfast in bed for the birthday person
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?
Self harm, the invasion of my country, getting out of my old life.
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
I improvise well, I remain calm in an emergency, and am often the first to act. I have good emotional skills. I will always find a way, though it often comes at great cost.
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
After someone tells me I can’t do something “HAVE YOU MET ME?!”
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
Probably Shonen. Love me some JoJoBA
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
Yeah, I stayed. I stayed, because every time you threw a brick at my head, or said I smelled, it *hurt*; but it could never hurt more than every day of my life just being *me*! I *stayed* because I thought, if anyone can change me, can make me... *not* me, it was you! - Kung Fu Panda
62. seven characters you relate to?
Tarzan-Stich-Quisimodo-Ginger (From Chicken run)- Po (Kung fu Panda)- Mulan (Yes really)- Charlie (Perks of being a wallflower)
63. five songs that would play in your club?
Shut up and dance with me- Walk the moon
Suzy- Caravan Palace
Rocket Fuel feat. De La Soul - DJ Shadow
Come with me now - KONGOS
Dance with me tonight - Olly Murs
64. favorite website from your childhood?
65. any permanent scars?
Some on my arms and a large one on my forearm 
66. favorite flower(s)?
I’m a cliche, I love roses
67. good luck charms?
My Celtic ring and my pride pin
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
It was chocolate shrimp in Sanfrancisco. Fad food with an abhorrent mixture.
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
Spiders don’t kill every prey that falls into their web. Sometimes they just wrap them up and let them squirm helpessly.
70. left or right handed?
Right, unless eating
71. least favorite pattern?
Uh... not sure
72. worst subject?
73. favorite weird flavor combo?
Fries and Icecream
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
75. when did you lose your first tooth?
I was 5
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
Baked potatoes, especially with Sour cream and garlic 
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?
A succulent?
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
Sushi from grocery
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?
School Id (not by much though)
80. earth tones or jewel tones?
Jewel tones
81. fireflies or lightning bugs?
82. pc or console?
83. writing or drawing?
Writing, though I wish I could draw
84. podcasts or talk radio?
84. barbie or polly pocket?
85. fairy tales or mythology?
86. cookies or cupcakes?
87. your greatest fear?
That I had no impact on anything
88. your greatest wish?
To gain the power to change the world
89. who would you put before everyone else?
The one I love. A partner (If we had a child then it falls to them)
90. luckiest mistake?
When I had an accident at work over my selfharm wounds. Some metal staging scraped against my arm.
91. boxes or bags?
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?
93. nicknames?
Teddy, Monster, Quis
94. favorite season?
95. favorite app on your phone?
Reddit is fun
96. desktop background?
My current Pfp
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?
2 My parents
98. favorite historical era?
Don’t really have a favourite
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Tanaka and Nishinoya (separate) with an s/o who’s afraid of the dark and feels v/ vulnerable in it please. How would they comfort them? Can it be I headcanon form? Thanks :)
I based these as if they’ve had like a power cut and it’s really dark? If you meant like outside at night and it’s dark or anything else please let me know! Hope you enjoy 💖
Nishinoya Yuu Headcanons |
-The second Noya finds out you’re scared of the dark he pulls you into a large bear hug, no one will hurt his y/n!
-100% chants the ‘go away scary monsters’ song that his Mum used to sing to him when he got scared of the dark, I mean you never know what actually lurks in the dark and he totally gets it! If it made him feel safe then it should hopefully rub off on you
-Has a little nightlight to avoid them feeling too vulnerable, he hopes the little glisten in the corner of the room makes you feel at least slightly more relaxed
-He’d try to put on a film or some youtube to distract you, something light hearted to make you feel more comfortable again
-I can’t stress enough how many hugs he would give you, he’d smother you you in them and tell you how safe you are with him
-Also so many blankets!! He’ll wrap you up like sushi and tell you it’s his special ‘defense mechanisms’ againsts any scary dark problems
-All he really wants is for you to feel safe and happy around him even in a place where you might not be at ease, he’s your boyfriend and it’s his job to make you relaxed!
Tanaka Ryuu Headcanons |
-This good boy is determined to do anything to make you feel less vulnerable!
You need a hug? Got one
Want a blanket? He’s got 20
Desire him to serenade you? He’ll try his best
All he wants is you happy :)
-HAS SNACKS!!! He’s hoping his secret stash of food will calm you down and occupy you for a bit
-He unfortunately has never struggled with fear of the dark so he can’t really relate but will still try his hardest to understand how scary it can be with you, when he’s scared he sometimes talks about it to himself? Like it make him feel it’s silly, so he would definitely ask if you felt comfortable to maybe talk about why you’re feeling this way, if you don’t feel ready to talk about it he’s totally ok though!! Wouldn’t dream of forcing anything from you
-Makes lots of jokes to relax the situation, some of them are absolutely ridiculous and stupid but others could be considered on the funny spectrum
-He’ll put a film on his laptop just as background noise to make the dark not seem too bad, but he will try his best to talk to you himself because he feels that socialisation would calm you more, hearing to see if your voice is wavering on being worried or if you’re ok
-If you sound worried then prepare for a big hug, he wishes to squeeze the fear out of you!
-In the end he really does hope you feel ok, he hates seeing you look so weak and would literally become the sun if he could to make you feel safe and comfortable with him in the situation
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Survey #265
“all is fair in love and war, i’m still rotten to the core.”
What's the latest youtube channel you've discovered and binge-watched? Ha, a WoW channel that basically gives advice and tutorials on stuff. She doesn't have many videos, but she's pretty successful already and chill as hell. Kraken Latte. Does it snow where you live? Occasionally. Very rarely does the snow stick, though, because the ground will be too warm. Do you think your hair looks better long or short? Short. Do you look best with or without bangs? Bitch I loved my emo bangs fuck off. Well, they weren't technically bangs, my hair was just parted far to the left. Do you enjoy editing photos on your phone? Well, my phone doesn't have GREAT camera quality, but I usually do some subtle edits if I take a pic on it. What's your favorite thing to do on your phone? Play Pokemon GO REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Which season do you wish would last longer? Shit man, fall. At least here, the phase of colorful leaves is VERY short. Goes from green to totally bare in what feels like just a couple weeks. How many outdoor birthday parties have you had? Hell if I know. How much taller or shorter are you than your mom? We're the same height. Who is your favorite sibling? Lol wow that's mean. Do you have neat handwriting? Yeah. Do you like sushi? I've actually never tried it, but I'm quite certain I wouldn't like it. Have you ever tried seaweed? Actually yes, I believe in the 4th grade? We had I think authentic Japanese (or Chinese, idr) food, and I recall there being seaweed. I didn't like it. The only thing I liked was the white rice, I think. Do you have an actual pig-shaped piggy bank? No, but I think I may have as a kiddo. Did you dream of becoming famous as a kid? No. Have you ever been to a gynecologist? I actually haven't because I've always said I wasn't sexually active (back then it wasn't a conscious lie, I just genuinely didn't realize what we were doing was just shallow sex). I'm absolutely terrified to go anyway because I'm just very very very private about this sort of thing and honestly think I'll have a panic attack when I do have to for the first time anyway. Name three games that you are good at. Shadow of the Colossus, Silent Hill, World of Warcraft. What was your favorite board game as a kid? Ha ha, somehow, it was this shopping game called "Mall Madness." Veeeery unfitting of who I was and what I enjoyed as a kid. Do you get on Facebook every day? Pretty much. Did you watch the Kids Choice Awards when you were a kid? No. What was your favorite girl group when you were growing up? Spice Girls, I think. Do you have memories that still make you cry? Yes. Have you made your own mask to help prevent the spread of the virus? No, considering I don't leave the damn house like ever. Do you know anyone who has the virus? Yes. Not personally, but distantly. Are you proud to be an American? (if applicable) Sometimes. What countries have you visited? I haven't left America. Have you ever had a controlling boyfriend/girlfriend? No. How many true heartbreaks have you had in your lifetime? Romantically, I only consider one to be a *real* heartbreak. Have you ever cut yourself? Yeah. Do you feel like everything is falling apart around you? BOY DO I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Was your first kiss romantic? Yes. Do you miss any of your exes right now? My PTSD has been awful awful AWFUL the past few days, so yes. A lot. Have you ever overdosed on anything? Yes. What would you say if you found out your last ex was in a relationship? I'd be happy for her of course, but I'd also be very confused. She's made it clear she doesn't believe a relationship is the best idea for her right now. Who was your date to prom? Jason took me to his senior prom, and I took him to mine. Do you still talk to your first love? No, I haven't spoken to him in over three years now. Wow. Whose wedding did you go to first? I don't remember. I'm sure it wasn't the first, but ONE of the earliest that I do remember was when my friend Summer's mom got remarried. He sadly passed away a long while ago though. Are you ashamed of anyone you've dated in the past? Tyler, yes. It was so pointless and a "let's see how this goes" versus a "I really like this guy and really want this relationship" thing. I honestly think I only said yes to dating because I didn't want to hurt his feelings and I was lonely. What about anyone you've been friends with? There were certainly times it felt very weird calling Colleen my best friend with how bitchy she could be. Especially when you consider how non-confrontational I am, while she charged like a goddamn bull into arguments. Have you ever made out with someone in a pool? Uhhh I think that one night when I lived at the apartment and it was just us out there late at night. He and I went back inside before Jacob and Amanda TO hardcore make out because we both way too obviously wanted it so I wouldn't be remotely surprised if we snuck in some action at the pool oof. Who’s the last person that slept over your house? Sara. Do you still talk to the last person you kissed? Yes. Have you ever kissed someone with a tongue ring? No, I was the person with the tongue ring. I actually took it out a little while back because I was tired of accidentally chomping down on it when eating and chipping teeth. I'd already told myself if I did it one more time I would, and especially right now, we can't afford to keep filling cavities that have come from it. I don't at all regret getting it and it'll always be one of the cutest piercings I think I've ever had, but it was just time for it to come out. Is it hard for you to get over a lover? I THINK I'VE MADE THAT!!!!!!!!!!! O BVIO US S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have you ever tried making someone jealous? Not to my recollection. Did your last relationship end because of you or the other person? Both of us really, but she initiated the breakup, you could say. Who is the last person you flirted with? Sara. Who's the most racist person you know? Jesus Christ, I live in the South. I know dozens of racists. I guess the worst is uhhh OH the aforementioned Colleen, holy fucking shit. I highly highly highly doubt that has changed at all since we last associated with each other. If you could be a film character, who would you be? Let me be Alice Liddell. Crunchy peanut butter or smooth? Smooth is the only way to go with pb. Would you rather always be in a crowd, or be the only person on earth? "Always be in a crowd. It wouldn’t be fun, but I think it’d be better than being that alone." <<<< This. I legitimately think I'd wind up killing myself in the other case. Would you rather be rich, or famous? Why? "Rich, because...what’s the point of being famous if you’re not rich? Just everyone knowing all of your business?" <<<< Also this. Do you squeeze the toothpaste from the top or the bottom? "I start off from the top until it gets used enough that I have to squeeze up from the bottom." <<<< Lemme just steal all this person's answers lmao. How many children do you want? Girls or boys? None, but if I was to have kids, I'd definitely want a girl. Is there a story behind your name? What is it? No. What was one of the most fun things you and your college roommate did together? I didn't have a college roommate. Well wait no, during my first college attempt is when I lived w/ Jason, Jacob, and Amanda. I'd honestly prefer to not think too hard back on it to answer this. Does anyone know your bank pin number other than you? Who? I don't even have a bank account. Have you ever had a boyfriend/girlfriend who was depressed? Yeah, multiple. Would you be embarrassed to buy pads/tampons/condoms? Which one more? Pads or tampons, nah. I'd feel awkward buying condoms though. Are your parents gullible? Dad probably is; he has very little common sense. I got it from him lmao. Mom, heeeeell no. Do you still own a VCR? No. What color is the computer/laptop you’re on? Did you buy it yourself? It's black. No. Does the smell of cigarettes, weed and beer repulse you? All three do. Was the last person you kissed younger or older than you? Younger. Have you ever purchased Girl Scout cookies? Yeah. How often do you drink Monster? Never, because I don't like it. Have you ever made totally pointless videos with your friends? HAHA I was a cringy teen once, my friends. Do you like sitting on the inside or outside of a restaurant booth? Inside. I feel safer. Do you own a nightgown? No, I haven't worn those since I was a kid. Have you ever worn fishnets? Fishnet gloves. I WISH I could pull off fishnet pants. Would you rather go out to eat or be eaten out? In times like THESE???????? Bitch I wanna go eat out at a yummy restaurant. Do you always wear your seat belt? ABSOLUTELY. I get so stressed out when I see people not wearing one. Have you ever liked someone much older than you? Not much older. Have you ever been in a play? Just school ones as a kid. Is there ice cream in your freezer? No, but there's popsicles from when I couldn't get my tongue ring out and it was massively swollen and in terrible pain. Thank God I finally got it out. Have you ever liked the lyrics of a band but hated the music? Probably. Does your bathroom have a window? Yeah, but it's very small and up kinda high. Do you go somewhere to get your eyebrows done? I used to, but I don't anymore. I just leave them be. Do you believe prayer really works? Nope. Have you been on a date in the park? No. Are there any diseases/health problems that run in your family? A whole. Fucking. Lot. To just name a few, depression, high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, diabetes... Do you have asthma? No. Last person to take off your pants, besides you? Jason. Least favorite alcoholic drink? Mother of God, this white wine I tried at Colleen's forever ago. It was fucking repulsive. How did you meet the last male you texted? I mean I literally came from his balls so like Have you ever had an embarrassing email address? Ha ha yeah, the one I've always had. It's not very adult-ish or "serious"-sounding, but I don't want to change it now. Do you put shampoo in your left or right hand? Left. I squeeze with my right. Do you have a bull ring through your nose? No, I don't feel that would look good on me. Do you and your dad get along? Yes. When was the last time you did clay work/pottery? My last year of art in high school. I made an anatomical heart for Jason. I wonder a lot if he still has it after how much work I put into it. Do you like art, hate it or just not mind it? I adore art. The world would be so much more boring without it. If you had to choose would you prefer dull pain for 12hours or sharp for 2? Ew, dull. Two hours with sharp pain sounds awful. Do you know the words to the national anthem of your country? Yeah. Would you rather be a Model, Famous Scientist, Singer or Chef? Scientist, probably. I'd love to be a biologist anyway, and that's a type of scientist. Would you rather be a pilot, crime scene investigator or estate agent? Ohhh, crime scene investigator. Does making others happy really make you feel happy? Yes! Did you ever swear at a teacher in school? Why? No. Have you ever pricked your finger on Holly or another ‘sharp’ plant? Yeah. Have you ever written your own short story? Yes. What about a novel? Or perhaps you started and couldn’t finish? "I started writing several novels, but abandoned them all." <<<< Same yo. Either of the above, if this was the case, place short synopsis here: The first one was about a very close meerkat family, divided into elemental "breeds," and the prince falling in love with another of his kind. His father had a stray brother who constantly aimed to destroy the family, but he was converted towards the end. That's all I can really remember about that one. There were others like two species of animals I made also falling in love, despite being predators and prey of each other, and fulfilling some sorta prophecy with their offspring. The other two I recall- yo fuck it I keep remember more and more okay I wrote a LOT. Do you prefer SciFi/Fantasy/Action/Horror or Rom/Com/RealLife? I'm guessing you mean in books, given the last three questions? I have a strong preference for fantasy. What do you have a lot of faith in [note: can be anything]? Hell if I know. Would you rather have a big house, a lot of kids or a high flying job? High flying job, easily. I don't want kids, nor do I need a large house, especially considering I hate cleaning even this tiny one. Have you ever been to a creepy/haunted/abandoned place? Yeah. What did it look like and what were the circumstances? It was this really old, mostly dilapidated shack full of cool stuff. It was by the field near our old house. Me, my sister, and our friend hung out there and explored all the time until this freaky woman showed out and told us we shouldn't be there. Do you know a Jack? What’s he like? Yeah. I don't him that well though, so idk. How about a Lisa? What’s she like? Yeah, she's one of my WoW friends that I've become really close with. She is an absolute sweetheart, but talks about herself way, way too excessively to the point it's hard to have a conversation sometimes. I know she doesn't realize it, though. When you have children, would you like twins? I say enough that I don't even want kids, SO FUCK NO. Do you know any twins? If so, what are they called? Yes. Tyler and Taylor. I know others, but idr their names. What personality trait does nearly everyone in your family seem to have? We're stubborn as all fuck hell. Do you have any nicknames that aren’t derived from your actual name? Yeah, some online ones and then my mom has called me "Twinkie" since I was a baby. Do you have any allergies? Yeah, of pollen and silver. What is the longest your hair has ever been? To or maybe even past the small of my back. Have you ever been on a blind date? No, not my jam. What is the oldest piece of clothing you still wear and how old is it? I really don't kn- oh yes I do. I have these oooold old thin and sewn-back-up-fifty-times Batman pj pants from when Jason and I were together, so maybe like... seven years? Thanks PTSD, I'm attached to them because Batman was his thing. How often do you eat out at a fancy restaurant? Just about never. Nutella or peanut butter? UGGGGGHHHHH I've been on a nutella thing lately. Have you ever hosted a wild party? Definitely not. Name/author of the last book you read cover to cover. Do you recommend it? Wings of Fire: The Lost Heir by Tui Sutherland. Yes, it was very good. How many of your Facebook friends do you actually hang with? Besides my immediate family, like... none anymore. Have you ever donated blood? Yes. From 1-10, how much do you like decorating for holidays? This is hard to gauge. I've never seriously done it myself, and I don't really have the motivation to do it just to take it all down a month or so later. I love it in concept, but yeah. Favorite animated Disney character? Probably Kiara from TLK2. Have you ever cooked a big family meal by yourself? Ha, no. Favorite winter activity? TAKING PICTURES IN THE SNOOOOOOOOW. Do you consider rapping singing? I mean I guess? Does your home have a fireplace? No. Do you listen to any religious music? No. Do you drink soda? If so, which one is your favorite? Ugh... soda is my weakness. I'd probably lose weight easier if I just stopped drinking it. Mountain Dew Voltage is my favorite, and I've also been on a serious strawberry Sunkist thing lately. How easily do you cry? I cry very, very easily. Can you handle spicy foods? What is your spice limit? Oh yeah. The only way I know how to gauge this one is that I enjoy the "hot" sauce at BWW lol. I've actually kinda cut back on HOW much I enjoy it, though; like I'm more into enjoying my food thoroughly lately than the adrenaline of spicy food. What day of the week is laundry day for you? I personally don't do the laundry because Mom prefers to just do ours together, so. It varies, I think. Have you ever played spin the bottle? No. Do you have any stickers on your laptop computer? If so, what are they of? Not on mine, but the one I currently have to use has tooons. I don't feel like looking at the lid trying to list what they are tho. How often do you say "y'all?" It's pretty much in my normal vernacular due to where I live. Do you believe in evolution? Yes. I have questions and curiosities about it, but when you consider how truly short it has been since considerable natural selection has been observed, why couldn't it exist on a bigger scale? Do you live in an apartment or a house? I live in a house. How long have you been at your current job? I'm unemployed. Have you ever ended a romantic relationship? Yes. Phrase you say the most? Probably "oof" lmao. Have you ever kissed anyone of the same gender? If so, did you like it? Yes and yes. Have you ever given anyone CPR? No. Have you ever learned to do anything from a how-to video on YouTube? Yes, mainly just editing stuff. Have you ever auditioned for a reality competition show? No. Have you ever been in the audience for the taping of a TV show? No. I've been at hockey games with Dad, but I don't consider those "TV shows." Have you ever given money to a street performer? I've never even seen one. Do you own any homemade clothing? Not that I know of. Have you ever bought anything from a flea market? Yeah, decorations 'n trinkets and stuff. I love flea markets. Have you ever quit a job? Yes. Are your birth parents together? No. Do you or have you ever worn glasses? I've worn glasses for years now. Have you ever been broken up with? AKA died in spirit? :^) Have you ever been the victim of a nasty prank? Not to my recolleciton. Favorite fandom? Y'all been known, the Markiplier fandom is a goddamn family. Can you surf? No. What motivates you to do well in life? The knowledge that I've most likely only got one life to make something of. How lucky do you consider yourself? I mean, ALL things considered, I'd say I'm at just below the baseline, maybe? I mean I could be homeless or dying of malaria or something. Have you ever been summoned for jury duty? No. Favorite summer activity? Swimming! Have you ever lived on a farm? No. I wanted to for years as a little kid, though. How often do you get mad at yourself? I've lately been in an almost constant state of anger regarding myself, honestly. Have you ever gotten any stitches? Yes. Favorite YouTube channel? The Marker Plier guy. Do you have a pool at your house? No. Last thing that made you laugh? Something on Game Grumps. Earbud or earmuff headphones? Earbuds. Earmuffs hurt my head and ears. Have you ever been a bridesmaid or a groomsman? Yes. Have you ever gotten a New Year’s kiss exactly at midnight? I don't think so. Have you ever voted for a reality competition show? The only time I did that I remember is when Landau Eugene Murphy Jr. won America's Got Talent. I adored him and voted like mad. Does anyone in your family currently serve in your country’s military? Ummm maybe distantly? I don't know anyone off the top of my head. Are you comfortable with watching rated R movies? Well yeah.
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cancerousjojian · 6 years
eddie brock fluff alphabet!
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a/n: i saw venom again last night and was DYING to write some eddie fluff. also please send me eddie requets because i’m literally in love with this man so LET”S GET ONTO IT I HOPE YOU ENJOY!
A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
Eddie loves your eyes. They’re the perfect color, and they always seem to reflect your mood. He loves your legs, and how the skin there is always so soft. You think his smile is adorable.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
Well, yes and no. After he’d just gotten his life back together after the whole Life Foundation thing, he wouldn’t want to have a baby quite yet. Also with the whole monster-living-inside-him situation, that’s something to consider.
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
He cuddles you like a koala. Seriously. He wraps his arms around your torso, and hooks his legs around yours, bringing your entire body closer to his. Eddie would never admit it, but he loves to be the little spoon as well. It’s actually quite endearing.
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
So fun and unique! He takes you places around town you’ve never heard of that end up being phenomenal. He once took you to a hole-in-the-wall sushi restaurant for one of your first dates, and it ended up being one of your favorite places to go to on date night. Eddie actually exceptionally well at planning dates. It surprises you sometimes.
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…))
“You are my rock.” Thats one that you hear a lot from Eddie. He’s always telling you how you were the only thing that made him keep going every day, you were the light at the end of his tunnel. You didn’t know it at the time, obviously. But Eddie swore up and down that you were his good luck charm.
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
There was one time where he got hurt, really really bad. His face was a scarred mess, his hands were bruised and bleeding and his knuckles were busted. He was sitting on the edge of the bathtub, and you were crouched down next to him. You had a first aid kit sprawled out on the cold tile floor, tending to his wounds. He was so thankful for you in that moment, how you so delicately cared for him. He fell in love with you at that moment.
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
Listen. Eddie is so gentle with you. Like all the time. He almost doesn’t know how to behave any other way around you. It’s not that he feels he has to be gentle with you, it’s that he wants to. You’re the only calm part of his life, he feels like sometimes. That’s not to say that there isn’t a dark side to him. Of course there is, thanks to Venom. That dark side is rarely released, as Eddie does his best to reason with him.
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
Constantly and intimately. When you’re walking, laying in bed, driving. You hands usually sit in his lap and he traces the edges of your fingers with his free hand.
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
He thought you were awkward, kind of shy. Which you were, but only because you developed a major crush on him instantly. You thought he was dorky and cute, which proved to be constant through the duration of your relationship.
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
Not really. He doesn’t have anything to be jealous about. He gets insecure sometimes, but that’s about it. You’re the same way. You both feel secure in your relationship.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
A kiss from Eddie starts with a knowing look and a smirk. He leans in incredibly slow, forcing you to complete the gap between your lips. His kisses are warm and passionate. They seem to spark something in the pit of your stomach every time. You initiated the first kiss, though, since Eddie was too cautious of losing you to make a move just yet.
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
Eddie did. So much for not going too fast. He actually was talking to Venom and you overheard it. “Yes, we love her... No, I can’t tell her yet!” You happened to hear from the other room. You waited for him to tell you properly before you said anything about it.
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
He remembers once when he couldn’t sleep. He had a huge interview the next day, and was too anxious to rest. You found him to be awake in the middle of the night, sitting alone at the kitchen table. You made him a nice mug of chamomile tea to help him sleep, and massaged his shoulders until he could relax. He loves moments like those.
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
Eddie spoils you when he can, yeah. He doesn’t so much as spoil you with tangible items rather than experiences. He takes you on business endeavors with him whenever he can so you can experience the world with him. It’s really sweet.
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
Neutral colors remind you of him. Black, grey, white. It’s just kind of his aesthetic. But yellow also reminds you of him, because it carries the same energy as his personality. Reds and blues remind him of you.
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
You call each other babe, obviously. In the privacy of your own home, he’s partial to calling you more cliche pet names like sweetie, honey, darling. Of which Venom makes fun of him for, obviously.
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
Polaroids. Taking polaroids of you, specifically. You brought a vintage one home one day. You found it at a thrift store and decided to buy it to show Eddie. You tested it out on him, so now he loves using to take pictures of you when you look especially beautiful, he claims.
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
On rainy days, he likes to stay in and hang out with you. He wants nothing more than that. He curls up with you and watches marathons of old TV shows that don’t come on anymore. Sometimes he’ll put on a song and bop around the kitchen with you. It’s cheesy, but you love it.
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
He cheers himself up by distracting himself with work. Or, he’ll read a book. When all else fails, he turns to you. You’ll come over and make his favorite meal, which never fails to cheer him up in any situation.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
Everything and nothing. Some of your best conversations occur when you’re laying in bed, about to go to sleep. Pillow talk became a nightly occurrence for you and Eddie. You would start off talking about your days, and your conversation would evolve into something completely different. All of the sudden, you’re talking about New York vs Chicago style pizza, or something of that nature.
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
You always know how to help him relax. When he’s stressed, you cuddle up with him at the end of the day and knead his back, his shoulders, to relieve the tension built up there. When you do this, he find himself sleeping soundly in minutes.
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
He’s proud of you and your relationship. He likes to show off your relationship without exploiting it. He does this through small displays of affection out in public; holding hands, kisses on cheeks, etc.
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
Eddie thinks about marrying you all the time. He can’t wait to propose to you. He does it one night after a really sweet and planned out date. He does it inside your house, actually. He was fat too nervous to do it in public, he also wanted it to be intimate. He planned on asking you as soon as you got home, but he hesitated because he was so nervous. You went to the bathroom, already in pjs, to brush your teeth and get ready for bed when you heard Eddie whispering to himself in the living room. When you turned to see what was going on, Eddie was on knee in front of you with the ring in his hand. You were both so happy. Your night didn’t end until hours later if you know what I mean. *wink wink*
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
Your Love - The Outfield. It came on over the speakers of your diner on your guys’ first date and you both claimed how much you each loved the song.
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
Yes. Eddie wanted to marry you pretty much from the day you met. He planned on him proposing for a while, he always knew he was going to marry you.
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
You guys adopt a cat together. You find it roaming the streets one day, and it followed you home. You brought it home to Eddie, which he was a little apprehensive of keeping it at first. After begging him over and over to let you keep the cat, he finally caves. You name her Boots.
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kellykadesperate · 6 years
robron week 
Day 2 |  Past/Memories: 
come lay your weakness down - 
There's certain memories which are soft and kind and explored at half ten at night over a glass of wine or bottle of beer.
And they laugh and it's light and happy and Aaron watches the way Robert's cheek turn rosy with it all.
And then there's other memories which literally seem to slam into them both and it's hard to even try and say anything against it.
Respectively, they both have memories they try and suppress for dear life and it works half the time.
Only now, it's three am and Aaron's so fully aware that something is wrong with Robert that it physically aches him.
He moves his hand up to hold Robert's face and watches his husband flinch against it.
"Rob." Aaron says, eyes flickering out of control now because he's just been slammed with the conformation he was dreading. There is something wrong and he has no idea what to do or say.
Robert works to hide himself further and Aaron's been playing this game with him all day really.
He'd been quiet at dinner, even quieter when he helped Liv with her homework and just stared down at her, and then silent as he brushed his teeth and stared hard at his wedding ring.
Aaron won't let him hide, not now that all his kicking out and worrying has woken him up like this.
He rubs at his eyes, finds a warmth on Robert's chest and then smiles before Robert is practically yanking his arm away.
He doesn't hold a tight grip or anything but he does enough to startle Aaron into a wide eyed expression.
Robert just stares at him, and for a second his whole chest just burns.
"Sorry." He panics, holds Aaron's hand in his for a second and then drops it suddenly. "Just go back to sleep." He whispers, hand soft on Aaron's cheek.
Aaron doesn't buy that though, and then suddenly he's staring at Robert's bare chest and everything comes together as he looks at him.
"Robert." He tries, eyes flickering a little as he speaks.
Robert looks towards the door, and he's probably going to run through it if Aaron keeps going on, but something holds him back and it's Aaron isn't it?
"I got shot today." Robert gulps, eyes red and face puffy against everything he's saying. "Three years ago. I got shot."
He closes his eyes and hears it and suddenly he shudders against it.
"I remember it all Aaron." His chin wobbles, and he's so small, so suddenly and Aaron wants to hold him.
He remembers it too.
He remembers how much everything just ached and he has to look down and -
"I saw ya laying there." Aaron's got his eyes on Robert, tries to keep himself together. "And I had to -"
"I felt you there." Robert whispers, eyes small like he's trying to pull something back and Aaron frowns.
"Don't, Rob, don't think about it." Aaron whispers, strokes over Robert's arm lightly and pulls the covers over himself. He knows that Robert usually does stuff like this, tries to punish himself because he thinks he should.
Robert looks up towards the ceiling. "I can't help it." He whispers, tries to catch his breath as he lays there and feels Aaron all around him. "I was shot because I was such a horrible person and I don't think I'll ever be able to get over that." He shakes his head and everything is dark in his heart.
He's that person again and again and again and -
"I deserved it." Robert says boldly, clears his throat and Aaron just stares up at him with tears in his eyes, a small frown on his face.
"What?" And Aaron thought they were passed this, his own insecurities are sky high sometimes but he honestly thought he'd helped tackle Robert's. "Deserved to die? No, shut up." He wills but Robert just looks at him sadly.
"I was laying there, and I remember thinking about you. Just you. Being so sorry about what I had said and done to you." Robert's heart flips, and he suddenly feels so inferior that it honestly aches.
Aaron frowns, eyes watering. "That's all in the past." He whispers, "Robert. Look at us now eh?"
And Robert has spent the whole day looking at what he has and it just makes him even more confused.
"I don't deserve it." He shakes at his head and suddenly he puts his head into Aaron's chest and allows his husband to hold him.
Just hold him.
Aaron rubs his back. "Back then, we didn't deserve what we do now, because it was all just muddled." He says slowly, holds Robert a little tighter and then sniffs.
"They made me think you'd done it." Robert says, cheeks red, face nearly wet as he looks up at Aaron. "I wouldn't have blamed ya if you had."
And all of this is making Aaron cry because it was such a horribly dark part of them and it's just not talked about.
But Robert needs to hear reassurance.
"You think I could do that?" Aaron whispers, holds at Robert a little tighter. "I hated how much I was just - just madly in love with you."
"A monster." Robert whispers, and Aaron wants his husband back.
The one who eats sushi and tries to force Aaron to do the same.
Aaron sighs. "A messed up man." He whispers. "Never a monster."
Robert rolls his eyes a little. "It's okay to admit it." He whispers, "You know sometimes, I'm scared I'll be like that again. Confusing everything I love about you with things to - to hate."
And Aaron doesn't know what to say, a tear just falls down his face and he watches Robert look down at his wedding ring.
"And you know when we were in that car and you were sinking, just drowning in front of me -"
They never go there either.
"Robert -"
"I thought it was punishment." Robert blurts out. "For hurting ya the way I did. The minute I've finally got everything sorted, you're leaving me." His voice breaks and he can't get passed how awful everything felt. Aaron was going and there would be absolutely nothing left in the world.
"You never gave up though did ya? You got me out?" Aaron stresses, "You." He mumbles. "Because you're a good man."
"Back then though? I was awful and - you should have run a mile and that means that I don't deserve this now?"
"Why? Because you haven't proven yourself?" Aaron snaps, grabs the sheets tightly and Robert looks down. "Fuck off. You've proved yourself ten times over and we deserve this life we have and you getting shot is in the past and something you didn't deserve okay?"
He's holding at Robert's shoulders and he shakes him a little before pressing his forehead against Robert's.
He's shaken himself really and he doesn't know what he's supposed to say until Robert looks up at him and smiles a little gently.
"I love you." Robert whispers. "Even back then I - I just 'fell in love with you and there was no turning back was there?" He's gentle with his tone, it's less ragged and sad and Aaron wants this to stay.
He pets Robert's hair, guides them back down until the covers are over them. "No." He says gently. "There wasn't."
Robert gulps, eyes flickering. "Did you want me dead then?" He says, heart so heavy that it's nearly black and he sees the look of horror on Aaron's face.
Aaron's not sure if this is still Robert trying to punish himself.
The uncertainty makes him hold his breath against his words and then suddenly he shakes his head.
He can't speak because there's tears in his eyes again and he's suddenly hit with how horrible that period of their lives were.
"Told myself it would be easier if you were." And he half expects Robert to run from him because that's such an awful thing to admit. "Because I wanted so badly to hate you as much as I loved you Rob." He leans towards him a little and he's back there in the that hospital room.
"Then I saw you in the court room." Aaron steadies his breathing. "And I thought you hated me, I thought you blamed me for -"
Robert gulps again, "I thought it was possible. Anyone else would have shot me if I had done all those things to them but -"
Aaron holds him closer. "I could never hurt you like that. *Never." He whispers, hands stroking over Robert's hair and then he looks at the scar across Robert's chest. "A part of me just wasn't there when you were in that coma. I didn't care about anything, I even -"
He knows what Aaron thought about doing and he can hardly speak about it without wanting to cry.
"And I was so worried about you when I shouldn't have been." Aaron says. "But you still meant so much. And the thought of you dying before we ever got the chance to -"
Aaron wasn't supposed to break down like this and Robert is startled into action as he sees him.
"I didn't mean to -" Robert's eyes are glassy. "I didn't think you were effected so much like - like this I -"
"I was in love with you then too you know?" Aaron shudders, almost indignantly. "And it hurt everywhere." He whispers, before he stretches a hand down and places it tenderly on Robert's chest.
He can almost hear his heartbeat like this and it settles him so deeply.
"You shouldn't be ashamed of what happened." Aaron tells him. And Robert suddenly struggles to understand his point.
"Why not? I was shot because I was - was a horrible person who deserved to die."
And Aaron's eyes widen again. "No you didn't." He says, hands falling against Robert's arms and softly stroking. There's something so unsettling about the way Robert is so adamant that the person he was back then was so horrible that he deserved to not exist anymore.
He battles through what it does to his heart and then sees Robert sigh out a long breath.
"Did I deserve to die after all the shit I got up to?" Aaron says, "When I was setting fire to barns and chucking bricks through people's windows and beating Paddy up?"
And Robert is quick to say no.
"Then how can you -"
"Because I'm worse Aaron. I was awful. I still am. Deep down." Aaron's always been better, sometimes there's just no denying things and Aaron's goodness which juxtaposes Robert's darkness is always going to be there.
Aaron holds at Robert's face again, feels everything hit him in this almost relentless way and all he wants to do is protect Robert from how cruel his mind has the ability to be to himself.
"I love you." It's said kindly, fiercely even and Robert takes it. "Because you're brave, and you constantly try and make yourself better. For me, for our family." He's saying. "And I know, I know you're good. The man I married -" he goes to say something and Robert goes to brush him off but he keeps at it. "The man I married is the best bloke I know." He says and Robert looks like he's almost in awe suddenly.
"You don't have to -"
"I do." Aaron realises, "I don't tell you often enough." He whispers, "And you deserve to hear it okay?"
Robert's not sure about that, but then again, he's not sure about a lot of things today and his brain is this murky sadness which he can't contain.
He didn't want it to pour out like this and make Aaron have to say all the things he knows are truly, deep down, deep deep down.
"You were shot, and everything was horrible. But you made it through, you saved my life. You - you loved me when I didn't even like myself." Aaron says, and he's back to being on that sofa absolutely hating himself and Robert is there and he loves him.
Robert loves him with all his heart.
Aaron smiles a little at the memory and  Robert's forced to nod his head.
"Always have done." Robert shrugs, and he's a snotty mess of a man who feels a little lighter after actually talking about what happened and things he hates about himself. He's getting there, and Aaron's there holding his hand with a smile on his face.
"You want to watch a movie or something? I can't sleep now." And Robert smiles finally because he knows that Aaron could sleep easily but he wants to make sure he's okay.
Robert nods, watches as Aaron sticks on the least annoying Rocky they own and then climb back into bed.
"Rob, promise me you won't bottle things like that up again." Aaron whispers, a terrifying softness about him as he rubs his face against Robert's cheek.
And Robert blows out a breath. "I'll try not to." He says, and it seems like enough for Aaron who holds their hands together and is just this protective ball of softness that Robert is in love with.
"The past is the past Rob." He whispers, eyes soft as he looks at his husband. "What happened was awful, but we got through that, and a million other things n'all." Aaron squeezes his hand tighter. "And we're here, happy."
Robert watches the screen for a second, it's only just started but he's already cringing against it and then he's looking down at Aaron.
"Happy." Robert nods gently, reassures Aaron that he actually means it.
And the ghosts in his mind seem to ease off under the warmness of Aaron, and just how brilliant he is.
He's thinking about it as he closes his eyes, sees not him getting shot and Aaron crying over his lifeless body and this feeling of loss, but the way he was able to better his life after it happened.
And he got this, he got Aaron and this life and -
The past is the past is the past, he thinks, not suddenly certain of everything that aches his mind, but at peace with what he has and how deserving he is of it.
He feels himself let go of his regret as soon as Aaron points out his favourite bit of the film and he doesn't feel any sadness as he Aaron lays a hand softly against his chest.
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ciaossu-imagines · 6 years
For the 6/7, a coffee shop au for vongola 10 gen?
Of course, anon dear! Thank you for your request and I hope you’ll enjoy the headcanons!
Reborn owns the coffee shop and is a rather demanding boss. He loves coffee and is the customer most baristas hate and it shows in his demands for his employees - nothing less than excellence. He drives his employees to be the best they can possibly be, even if he’s coming off as a complete monster as a boss. However, while he stresses his employees out and some of them dislike him most of the time, not only is he an almost impossibly amazing businessman but he does treat his employees generously, paying better than normal wages, buying lunches for his staff once every week, backing them up when customers are horrible to them, and making sure they’re taken care of, often playing benefactor to them, though anonymously. He’ll deny anything if asked but he’s put employees through college, helped an employee out of an abusive relationship, and will accept workers that most other jobs wouldn’t. He doesn’t fire anyone either - he will keep riding his employees but he gives them unlimited chances to improve and get up to his standards.
Somehow Reborn is a family friend that Tsuna knows nothing about but his absentee father sent Nana a letter saying that Reborn was opening a new franchise in Namimori and that he’d been nice enough to offer Tsuna a job. Nana thought this was a great idea since she’d been after Tsuna to find something to do with his after school time (and sometimes school time since he often skipped classes) other than sit around or play video games. Poor Tsuna wanted none of it but he found himself unable to say no, especially when Reborn made a personal house visit to recruit him. Somehow, he’s ended up as the acting manager of the franchise, though he doesn’t quite know how that happened or why, especially since he keeps saying he doesn’t want to work there. He’s always stressed out from having to manage the crazy staff, deal with the shop’s often eccentric clientele, learn all the ropes to running the business plus deal with learning how to make all the drinks - he was horrible at it to start with but slowly improves, especially after undergoing several of Reborn’s spartan coffee bootcamps. He hasn’t quit....well, he thinks he’s tried, once or twice, but Reborn seems to ignore him and Tsuna just keeps showing up for work for some reason. Tsuna has very little idea that he’s being groomed to take over the company some day, though Reborn’s casually mentioned it a couple dozen times.
Gokudera had applied for manager as soon as he heard a franchise was opening in Namimori. He was not too happy to learn that somebody else had gotten the job and resented working under Tsuna. He wasn’t shy about showing it either, bullying Tsuna and making snide comments about how he was working out as a manager. However, Gokudera’s naturally bad attitude towards people came back to bite him in the ass when he was snarky to the wrong customer and they became both irate and physical. While Gokudera was strong, the other man was stronger and he would’ve beaten Gokudera to a pulp if Tsuna hadn’t shown up and, in a rare moment of bravery, demanded that the customer leave, even as they were screaming at him to fire Gokudera. Not only did Gokudera not get fired but Tsuna made sure that he walked Gokudera home that evening, even though the other boy scared him, just to make sure the customer hadn’t hung around to do anything bad to Gokudera once he left work. Gokudera was touched and found a new respect for Tsuna, almost idolizing him. His entire attitude changed and he became Tsuna’s self-proclaimed right hand man in the store. He puts in a ridiculous amount of hours and dedicates himself to bettering the store and making it all it can be. He’s horrible with the customers but is a genius with all the budgeting, accounting, ordering, and paperwork that would normally fall to Tsuna and now rarely works the counter, instead staying mostly behind the scenes. When he does work counter though, horrible as he is with customers, everyone admits he makes the best coffee. However, he’s no longer allowed to make lattes and cappuccinos - it’s not that they taste bad but Reborn demands art on the foamed milk and Gokudera’s artistic sense is somewhat lacking.
Yamamoto got a part time job at the coffee shop to pay back a favour that Reborn and Tsuna did in sending staff to help out his father’s sushi shop when his father fell ill for two weeks. Thanks to their help, YamaSushi not only didn’t lose any business but experienced a swell in popularity and Yamamoto wanted to be as much a help to them as they were to him. Though his shifts are fit around his many baseball practices and games (which several of the staff go to watch, especially Reborn, who also funds his school’s team when they need new uniforms and equipment), Yamamoto is one of the best employees and one of the ones who have been there the longest. Customers absolutely love him and the crowds are sure to be large when he’s working a shift, both from his excellent service and his good looks drawing his fan club from his high school. He always collects good tips but keeps little of them, always making sure to tip out anyone who helped him out or using some of his tips to help anyone who’s short on change for their order. He’s passable at making most of the coffee drinks but his specialty is the tea orders - he’s even worked with the shop’s tea supplier, Fon, to make a few blends that are exclusive to the shop and they are big hits with most of the clientele.
Nobody’s quite sure how Ryohei got the job. Rumour is he just showed up and yelled, demanding a job, and was hired. It’s honestly not that far-fetched to believe either. Like Yamamoto, he’s only part-time. He wants to become a boxer and Reborn is his sponsor, helping him find his boxing coach Colonello and funding his attempts to break into the big times of the sport. It’s through Reborn that he found out about the coffee shop hiring and it just became a thing that he worked there. There’s no actual paperwork saying he works there and Tsuna’s not sure how he’s getting paid since they don’t have him on file but Ryohei works there and somehow manages to collect wages. He’s too active and loud to do well behind the counter so he’s often tasked with standing outside and attracting crowds, handing out flyers or samples - tasks where his booming voice, high energy, and boldness come in useful, really.
Kyoya Hibari is feared and respected all through Namimori. Everyone knows that anything that happens in Namimori is closely monitored by him and the Disciplinary Committee. He helps ensure that the coffee shop is well protected from any thugs or misfortunes...for a small fee, of course. Hibari’s the opposite of Ryohei - Tsuna has paperwork saying Hibari works there and he’s on payroll, collecting a biweekly paycheck, but nobody has ever seen Hibari work there. It’s rare enough that he even comes into the shop but when he does, it’s always late and his order is always on the house. 
Lambo’s family owns the steakhouse next door and he’s always coming into the shop. He’s in there every day it’s open and even sometimes when it’s not. He just pops up out of the blue. He’s become almost a mascot, really. He loves to play around like he’s the boss of the shop and is a little bit of a nightmare for the employees as he comes behind the counter and plays around in the shop, bossing people around or causing trouble. Gokudera always argues with him, despite Lambo only being a little kid, and threatens to ban him from the shop but, to tell the truth, everyone would miss Lambo’s daily visits if they ever stopped.
Mukuro is a foster kid who works in a rival coffee shop just down the road. He delights in coming to the Vongola coffee shop on his way home from work or on his days off and being a nuisance, trying to cause mischief or trouble or, in some of his nastier moments, outright trying to sabotage their coffee shop to help business at the coffee shop he works at with his friends Chikusa and Ken, who cause trouble for the shop to varying degrees sometimes as well. Tsuna can’t bring himself to ever kick Mukuro out though since he thinks Mukuro isn’t a bad guy really and besides, it would hurt his newest employee if he did that.
And who is this newest employee? Why, it’s Mukuro’s foster sister Chrome. She wanted to get more independent and had decided to get a job. When Mukuro laughed at the idea of helping her get a job at his work, she applied at the Vongola coffee shop and was hired. She’s a bit of a mess as an employee, since she’s so shy that taking orders from customers freaks her out and she thinks that every drink is made better with chocolate but Tsuna can’t think about firing her - despite her troublesome family, she’s a model employee in other ways, always showing up on time, always quiet, always willing to pick up extra hours and she does try.
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lightningcola · 7 years
((I said I’d post info on my ocs eventually so here it is lol. Also here’s a link to all art I have posted of them.))
ღBasic Infoღ
Full Name~ Sommy Childs/Booker Meaning~ none
Nickname/Preferred Name~ Sommy
Age~ 24
Age They Look~ 17-19, they age way slower than they should
Birthday~ February 13th Zodiac Sign~ Aquarius
Gender~ nonbinary/agender Pronouns~ they/them Sexuality~ aro/ace
Ethnicity~ generic white
Voice~ nasally, annoying. Loud when they're trying to be Extra™, no particular accent
Known Languages~ English
Theme Song(s)~ Young and a Menace - Fall Out Boy, Monster - Imagine Dragons
Theme Color~ bright green
ღPhysical Appearanceღ
Species~ human Skin color~ pale, pallor, a little sickly
Birthmarks~ none
Hair color~ black and green Hair length~ right above their shoulders, slightly curly and choppy, it grows super fast so they’re constantly trimming it, sometimes they get lazy and it grows out pretty long
Hair Texture~ generally kinda greasy, the dyed part is fried
Hair Dye(s)~ green streak on their left side Eye Color(s)~ dark purple Height~ 5′2 Weight~ 120 lbs but it varies pretty drastically
Body Build~ they’re short but they’re pretty strong
Blood Type~ AB-
Freckles~ none Tattoo/Scar/Piercings~ scars below left eye, right cheek, and hands from being thrown out a window. Scar on neck from getting their head almost chopped off by a couple cult weirdos. It gives them a raspy voice and affects their breathing, they just start wheezing sometimes. Scars on palms from themself. Scar on right shoulder from getting shot and scar on left thigh from getting slashed that causes their arm and leg to get stiff if it gets cold or if they don’t move it for a while. Glasses/Contacts/General Eyesight~ no glasses, good eyesight
Dominant Hand~ right
Scent~ coppery or metallic, hair bleach
General Description~dark clothes with collars or scarves
◇Formal◇ Switches between dresses and suits. They prefer dresses that they can run in, normally with long sleeves and a collar to cover up scars. ♧Pajamas♧ T-shirt and boxers usually, their favorite sleep shirt is an old Fogbank one ♤Usual Clothes♤ Turtleneck with black jeans and their usual trench coat, also their terribly edgy boots
Smoker?~ heavy Drinker?~ yes Drugs?~ used to do party drugs, due to their healing factor though drugs affect Sommy less and less as the time goes on. Endigo still affects them, though they only take it occasionally since it heightens their abilities then wipes them out for like a whole day, also they get pretty sick afterward, like the world's worst hangover. Issues?~ boi u bet
Allergies~ none
Mental Disorders~ none diagnosed
Physical Disabilities~ none Medication?~ sleeping pills, they have to take like way more than the recommended dose
Addictions?~ smoking, drinking Diet~ whatever's cheapest and closest. Since they use a lot of energy healing, they have to eat a lot more than the usual person.
Sleeping Habits~ They really don’t sleep well ever, they have a lot of nightmares. They actually need more rest than the average person so the lack of sleep double affects them. Sommy lives off mostly coffee and energy drinks. They can really only sleep comfortably when they’re around other people they trust. Because of this they always fall asleep when people hang out with them. Most people think it’s pretty rude, Rinnah especially. Sommy never explains why they fall asleep like that either so that doesn’t help anything. Void and Azariah do their best to accommodate this and often just hang around Sommy so they can actually get enough sleep. Neither really mention that they go out of the way to do this because Sommy would probably get super defensive. Sommy secretly really appreciates it though.
Bus?~ sometimes Train?~ sometimes Car?~ if they can steal one Others?~ would Love to ride a motorcycle
Neighborhood~ Usually a sad motel or a shitty apartment Upper/Middle/Low~ middle? I guess?
Education Level~ didn’t finish high school
Occupation~ hitman, works for Adelaide, professional older sibling to a bunch of mutant kids
Past Occupations~ bodyguard, courier
Dream Job~ FBI agent
Income~ $30,000 minimum each job
Goals~ not be such a terrible person, make a difference in someone’s life, help all the kids their parents fucked over, kill Adelaide 
Living with~ their own self-destructive ass, later they sorta kinda move in with Void.
Optimistic or Pessimist~ pessimist Dangerous or not~ dangerous Daredevil or Cautious~ daredevil Introvert or Extrovert~ extroverted introvert Unorganized or Organized~ unorganized Logical or Emotional~ wants everyone to think they're very logical but they actually get emotional quite a lot Workaholic or Relaxaholic~ neither Confident or Shy~ tries to present themself as confident but it's just false bravo Stressed or Relaxed~ can get overwhelmed easily especially if they’re tired, which is all the time. Normally they’re pretty good at compartmentalizing stress but not all the time.  
Timid or Assertive~ assertive but in the most asshole way possible
Loud or Silent~ loud Naughty or Nice~ naughty (not sure how I feel about this wording tho) Bookworm or Not~ not Philosophical or Realistic~ realistic Believer or See to Believe~ see to believe but boi have they seen some shit
Usual Mood~ Tired™, grumpy, existential despair Habits~ scratching their skin off because they like to watch it heal, falling asleep around others, nail biting (like their hair, their nails grow super fast as well)
Values~ really skewed sense of justice, everyone is bad in some way, they blame themself for their parents' mistakes and do their best to try and fix it at all times Social Skills~ bad, like really bad. They usually come across as arrogant or sarcastic though they can act pretty well if needed. So it's more like they can fake social skills if they care enough but normally they don't
Strength~ good fighter, loyal, very rel8able if you get to know them, would die for you if they could actually die Weaknesses~ bad, mean, addictive personality, won't take their problems seriously ever, blames themself for too much shit, would fight you over nothing Soft Spots~ people who actually care about them, fuzzy socks, cats (they like to feed the stray cats that hang out in the alleys where they stay) Angry when~ someone goes after their friends/family (cliché, I know), being mislead, gaslighted Relaxed when~ with friends, in quiet places, cats Nervous when~ in large crowds, asking people for things, talking about themself
Phobias~ crippling loneliness, the inevitability of life, people they care about hating them
Pet Peeves~ people misgendering them, people hitting on them, people touching them in general, loud drunk guys
Likes~ fighting, funny socks, sitting around with people they like, when they actually get real sleep, cats, they love cats
Dislikes~ nightmares, themself, most of the people they work with, Murder Mom
Natural Talents~ fighting, being weird
Skills~ being the unwilling older sibling to a bunch of random mutant kids
Secrets~ they’re kind of a depressing open book if you ask the right questions, they would tell you most things about themself, they just get really anxious and nervous when they do it
Biggest Secret~ the fact that they’re still alive and who their adopted parents are (they’re hiding from Booker)
Does Anyone Know?~ Void
Regrets~ their entire life
Color~ bright green, black, muted greyish colors
Season~ fall
Holiday~ Halloween
Food~ anything home cooked
Animal~ cats
Book Genre~ mystery/thriller
Movie Genre~ horror
Music~ emo bs, Fogbank but only on the dl
ღLeast Favoritesღ
Color~ any bright color that’s not green
Season~ Summer
Holiday~ Valentine’s day
Food~ gas station sushi, they keep buying it and it keeps making them wicked sick
Animal~ rats
Book Genre~ romance
Movie Genre~ romance
Music~ sappy love songs
Type of Power~
Hemokinetics: they can control their own blood and any they touch. Usually, they form stake-like weapons since they're the easiest to make though they can make sharp edged weapons as well. Anything complex takes more energy and focus. They can only lose so much before they pass out from blood loss though they can absorb other people’s blood. Sommy can also sense injuries and illness in others and track people. They can also warm and cool their body temperature which allows their emo ass to wear their trenchcoat in the middle of summer.
Healing Factor: they heal faster than a normal human, but not at Deadpool or Wolverine levels. A cut or scrape takes anywhere from a minute or two to an hour or two to heal, bigger wounds take maybe a couple days. Cracked bones take about a day and broken bones can take up to a week depending. The problem with their healing is they can heal wrong very easily, like shattered bones can cause bone fragments to get lodged in muscle or joints which cause a lot of pain and they’re really hard to get out, bones can heal crooked which means Sommy has to re break them. When they were younger, they healed by producing a lot of scar tissue which is why old injuries still affect them/get stiff and stuff. They assume they got some bad internal injuries when they were a kid because they just get stabbing pains or they cough up blood. They know they can’t die from this but it scares the fuck out of Void. Sommy also can’t really have surgery or anything unless they counteract their healing ability, which they can do but since they still have old internal injuries they get pretty fucked up from that. They’re immune to blood borne illnesses but they can still get colds, the flu, stuff like that, they just recover faster. If they get too injured and don’t have enough energy to heal, their body starts to eat away at itself, if it gets too bad they go into a coma like state.
Other: They’re immune to mental manipulation from other anomalies, often the result is the feeling like someone is scraping at their brain. It’s not unbearable just uncomfortable and annoying. This goes for all anomalies.
Flaws~ they have to keep account of how much blood they've lost or else they will Die™, their healing factor will fuck them up if they’re not careful Accuracy~ relatively accurate? Control~ they're really good at the crude stakes and blades but anything too complex is difficult even if they're not fighting, though they get better with practice, they’re working on a claw thing
Choice of Weapon(s): •hunting knife •handgun •shotgun, if they wanna get fancy Favorite/Main Weapon~ handgun Control~ pretty good Accuracy~ they are a great shot Flaws~ they always frickin run out of ammo because they never bring enough, they usually have to use a gun or something if they don’t plan on killing the person because they’d rather not show them their freaky blood power
Carol Childs. Sommy's birth mother, she was not ready for a kid and didn't want one either. She mostly liked to watch Sommy react from her yelling at them. She wasn't pure evil but she didn't have many good qualities either. She was the enforcer and the business part of the family business.
Joyce Booker. A police lieutenant, Joyce turned to adopting kids after witnessing too many shipped off to foster care. She tried her best in raising Sommy and Ophelia, giving them all the help she could think of, though she could be too over enthusiastic and overbearing at times. Sommy regrets not telling her how much they appreciated her. She was the kind of mom that the kid thinks is a little embarrassing but everyone else thinks is really cool.
Lyle Childs. He was a master scientist, the creator of the drug that caused Sommy’s powers. Sommy would have loved to hate him but he didn't interact with them long enough for them to know anything about him. Though Sommy did look him up after they were adopted, reading up on all of the terrible stuff he did.
Craig Booker. He was a quiet man, always worried about saying something wrong. However, he did love his children and tried to express that as much as he could, even when Sommy had gotten into Another fight and he had to go pick them up early from school again. Sommy liked just sitting with him because they felt like they didn't have to talk or say that everything was great.
Ophelia Booker. She was 3 years older than Sommy, however, they both got along like they had known each other forever. They could talk to each other about all the stuff that had happened to them. Ophelia supported Sommy any way she could and Sommy did their best to lend a hand in Ophelia's cyborg rights activism. Even after they ran away, Sommy still donated to her cause every year. People would try to convince Ophelia that they were dead but she wouldn't listen and continued to look for Sommy for years. She was eventually rightfully pissed off when she found out they were still alive and had been hiding from her for years.
Connie “Void” Greenglass. Sommy and Void didn't really talk outside family get together's before Sommy disappeared. To be fair, Void was 3 years younger than them. However, they reunited after Sommy found them 7 years later. In that time, Void was working as a reporter, mostly writing fluff pieces, waiting for a big story. Sommy brought them the story of a criminal empire that had its fingers in almost every facet of the city. After minor convincing, Void agreed to write the story as long as they managed to dig up enough evidence. In their “investigation” time they saw more shit than they ever wanted. One of the worst times was when Sommy got their side ripped open by the guy they were supposed to be following. Void is a bit of a doormat and doesn't really call Sommy out on a lot of the shit they probably should. They also promise Sommy not to tell Ophelia about what they've been doing, which really does not go over well when Ophelia eventually finds out.
Rinnah Iyver. Sommy and Rinnah don't get along due to their clashing personalities and the fact that Sommy's super annoying. Also due to the fact that Rinnah knows they’re involved with Endigo. Since her father was killed due to her mother’s inability to pay back her debt owed to Loorka, and her mother was in debt because of her drug addiction, Rinnah tends to blame the substance and anyone related to it. However, they both kind of have to get along because Sommy is best friends with Rinnah’s brother and Rinnah is dating Sommy's sister.
Cypher Nox. Sommy has a weird feeling around him, like someone’s scratching the back of their brain every time he talks, also they can't shake the feeling that he looks really familiar. Despite this they both get along well enough, often bonding over traumatic childhoods which Cypher is really cryptic about.
Viper Anguis. Sommy deemed Viper the “coolest” of the group. They often join him and Cypher for a drink. They also like to spar with him because he's a skilled hand to hand fighter due to his experience in an underground fight club.
Lacy Rosecrans. Sommy met her after hearing reports of weird mass mood fluctuations. After investigating the area they found Lacy, an anomaly with empathic abilities that she couldn’t control. Since she was one of the first anomalies Sommy had found at that point, and the most understanding and, well, normal, they bonded pretty quick, Sommy being like an older sibling to her. They both talk often and Sommy will do whatever is within their power to help her when she occasionally loses control over her abilities.
Asher Iravit. One of Void’s closest friends, after he told them about his ability to turn invisible, Void introduced him to Sommy. Ash is a bit too goofy for Sommy but they get along well, especially with having Void as a sort of buffer. He’s often called to “babysit” Sommy by Void when they’re especially worrying them.
Margot Mentior. She’s a counterfeiter who provides Sommy with passports, fake IDs, and other documents. They both met when she tried to ask Sommy out at a bar, after declining, Sommy and her began talking. They found out both their jobs were outside the law and Sommy did their best to warn her about Adelaide. Margot appreciated the advice and offered Sommy a discount if they ever needed her services. They stayed in contact and she is one of the few people Sommy trusts almost absolutely.
Best Friend~
Azariah Iyver. Sommy saved his life after he was attacked by a couple assholes. He lost an eye but probably have lost more if Sommy hadn't stepped in and kicked their asses. After recovering, Azzy realized he had never thanked the person who had saved his life. Using his computer skills and connection to other hackers, he tracked Sommy down. They didn't remember saving him and he didn't bring it up. They talked for a long time online. They told him about Adelaide and he convinced them to do something about her. Azzy is probably the only one who believes Sommy has the capability to change for the better.
Adelaide Creed. Originally Sommy viewed her as a parental figure. She taught them the ins and outs of the criminal business and started to groom them to be the second in command of her empire. After a while though, Sommy realized that she really wasn't as nice as she had originally seemed. They realized she was a monster. Adelaide had made Sommy her project and spent her time gaslighting and manipulating them into what she wanted.
Needlehands. He's a back alley monster doctor who does as much experimentation on his patients as he does actually fixing them. After his creator died, Needlehands tried to continue his work. He met Sommy when they were bleeding out from, what looked like, a half decapitation. He was amazed how they were still alive and patched them up. After finding out about their abilities, he just wanted to study them further. Needlehands made a deal with Sommy, he'd fix them up and help them out and they would let him look into what actually happened to them in regards to their abilities. After a while, Needlehands began to get really protective over them so now Sommy has a monster dad. He also helps Sommy research Endigo, its effects and a way to counter it.
Lewis “Trace” Harvey. He's a mediocre hacker employed by Adelaide. Sommy started blackmailing him to get him to do things for them. He's a disrespectful, insensitive asshole but Sommy has to put up with him if they want anything techy. However, after they meet Azzy they planned on killing Trace to make sure he didn't spill any info on them. Lucky for him, Void stepped in to watch him which they later regret.
Hydrea “Drea” Vannie. She is obsessed with Sommy, constantly trying to be their girlfriend. Too bad for her, Sommy absolutely despises her. They would love to kill her but Drea’s dad is a high ranking politician and she's also employed by Adelaide. Sommy assumes she was hired just to annoy them as Adelaide has said she finds her “very amusing”.
Johnny Clayborn. He also works for Adelaide and is one of the few people that genuinely scare Sommy. After he first got hired, Sommy was tasked to follow and observe his methods. Turns out he’s a cannibal that eats most of the people he kills and dissolves the rest. His love of zombies and weird, quiet nature really doesn’t help the unbelievably creepy vibe he gives off at all times. Sommy tried to hide the fact that he scared the piss out of them, especially when he kept inviting them for dinner.
Past Relationships~ none
Current Relationship~
Relationship Status~
single, forever
Birth/Infancy~ Sommy's birth parents were about as criminal as you could get. Involved in drug cooking, they were both hailed as geniuses due to their creation of a new drug, named Endigo. Taken as an adult, the side effects could vary from sleep paralysis type hallucinations to seizures. However, children exposed before birth and who have suffered traumatic events can develop brain anomalies leading to strange abilities and for some reason, strange eye color.
Childhood~ Sommy was involved in their parents' drug manufacturing, doing small tasks like packaging and the like as soon as they were able. They saw more than their fair share of shit during that time though they don't remember much. When they were 9, their parents were caught and arrested. Sommy seemed to be headed for an orphanage when they were adopted by a couple, the Bookers. Mrs. Booker was the Sergeant involved in the arrest of Sommy's birth parents. Along with new parents, Sommy now had a sister as well, Ophelia Booker, she was 2 years older than them. The Bookers did their best to take care of Sommy and help them recover. Teenhood~ Sommy was a handful as a teenager. They were rebellious and often lashed out at those around them because they didn't know what else to do. Their parents tried to curb this behavior by signing them up for fighting classes, hoping that they wouldn't have to fight other kids then. In this time Sommy's powers were also developing, though they keep this mostly to themself in fear of being seen as a freak, especially by their new family. They didn't want their irrational fear of being abandoned because of being so terrible to come through. At the age of 16, both Sommy's parents were killed in a home invasion gone wrong. They were out with their sister at the time. They always suspected there was more to it than that though. A lot of evidence just didn't add up. Infuriated by everything getting swept under the rug, Sommy ran away hoping to find out the truth. AdultHood~ After killing the man who was directly responsible for their parents' death, Sommy realized that they couldn't go back home to Ophelia like this. They viewed themself as a horrible person and was at a loss of what to do with their life. They felt like they didn’t deserve their adopted family’s love so they started using the Childs name again. Spiraling down, they started taking jobs as bodyguards for low lives and then that escalated to doing hit jobs. During that time, they made friends with a monster of a back alley doctor nicknamed Needlehands who did just as much experimentation on people as he did actually patching them up. Obviously, Sommy raised him up to be their father figure. They also fell into business with a woman named Adelaide Creed. She ran an empire on the backs of criminals, getting her hands on anything she could use to further her power and wealth. As more of a personal project, she warped Sommy's sense of purpose and self-image and gaslighted them until they couldn't remember the person they used to be. She wanted Sommy to be her successor, especially after finding out about their abilities. Eventually managing to snap out of the bloody haze they had been in for seemingly years, Sommy realized how much of a monster Adelaide really was. They decided they needed to tear her down from the inside. It was around this time that Sommy started to notice vague reports about kids with strange abilities. Realizing there were more people like themself, Sommy started looking for answers, eventually realizing it was their parent’s drug that was causing the anomalies. They took it upon themself to help these kids and keep them out of the government’s, or anyone’s radar. By blackmailing a chemist with reports of him falsifying results causing children's deaths, Sommy managed to get a sort of reverse version of Endigo that nullified abilities for a short while. They still had all their parents research that they had stolen years ago. Sommy killed the chemist after he gave them instructions on how to make the stuff. They then set out to help as many kids as they could because if they weren’t gonna do it who was? They also saw it as fallout from their parents, which fell on them to clean up.
OldHood~ Sommy continues to deal with the anomalies even after they outlive everyone they had known. Due to their healing ability, they can’t really die and just focus on moving forward and doing what they can.
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10skyline16-blog · 5 years
If you decide that you’re happier moving on and eventually find someone else...
To the one who loves her next,
There are a few things I think you should know since you’re the person she probably calls home now.
She absolutely loves animals. Or anything in need of help. She has the most beautiful soul and will always put those in need before herself. So I hope you like zoos lol. But please don’t be weak or lazy. She’ll put all of her effort into making you feel special and happy and she will forget to take care of herself. She deserves to be happy, not to take care of someone. Let her have all of her animals for that please.
For food, remember that she’s a bit picky. Loves strawberry, hates mango. Weirdly likes beets and brussel sprouts- she really makes an effort to eat healthily. If she’s a bit grumpy, sushi will almost always do the trick. Make sure that you have some extra money set aside for this. I didn’t until it was too late.
Always call her before bed if you’re not there to cuddle her. She won’t be able to sleep otherwise. And for cuddles, she’s the most amazing little spoon you could ever have. When she’s comfy, she’ll give a little grunt of approval, while she wiggles her butt closer to you. I promise you that you will never feel so lucky. Make sure to save room for Layla though. And If she wakes up and you’re not cuddling her, she will be upset and her eyes will fade to a grey-brown. Please don’t let this happen like I sometimes did. It will leave you feeling terrible for the entire day. And nothing will make it better until you get to climb back in bed with her and cuddle her again. Sometimes this will happen though, so make sure to surprise her with a nice breakfast in bed and coffee is key*** (a little bit of sugar and milk should do the trick, but Starbucks in the real mvp for her)
She’s had a really rough childhood, so make sure that you never raise your voice around her or she will be terrified. If you have anger issues like I did, please work them out before it’s too late. There’s nothing worse than the look on her face when this happens. It will crush you and you will feel like a monster.
She really values the little things. Whether it’s helping out with Layla, making her food, massaging her shoulders, tickling her back while she falls asleep, or anything else you can think of. These things will make her feel special. She deserves to feel special. Please make her feel special.
Also make sure to plan dates and take her out. I didn’t do this enough and I will regret it until the day I die. She works hard and deserves to spend quality time with you. Try for once a week at least. That’s what I would do if I had the chance.
Tell her she’s beautiful when she wakes up in the morning and her eyes are all sleepy and she has no makeup on. Kiss her forehead late at night when she’s had a long day at work. Rub her feet as well. Her arches collapse from being on her feet all day and she completely deserves it. Make sure to remind her how amazing she is every day.
Her mom has never complimented her growing up, so make sure to shower her with compliments on her many achievements. She doesn’t take compliments very well and usually replies with “you’re a _______,” but they do mean a lot to her if they’re genuine. Try to look past her stunning appearance and compliment her on more genuine things. It’s hard when she’s that beautiful, but it will mean a lot to her.
She’s also a very social person and loves talking to people. Please never stop her from talking to anyone. She deserves to talk to whoever she wants to regardless if you feel they’re hitting on her. She’s stunning as you know- get used to it before it’s too late. Please don’t push away her friends.
Sometimes she likes to smoke weed. Please make sure that you never judge her when she does. She gets anxiety most of the time when she’s high. Make sure to hold her tight and tell her it will be okay. If she holds your hand and tightly wraps her pointer and middle finger around yours, she’s feeling less anxious. Proceed to hold her close and tickle her back. If she’s still feeling anxious, wrap both arms around her and wait for her little grunt of approval. If she does it, she’s feeling secure.
Shes young and needs to be able to experience going out and parting still. Don’t make her feel judged for doing it like I did. She will always be loyal to you and will always tell you the truth. Don’t question her about her nights out, just enjoy the cuddles afterwards. They need to be cherished. Seriously. We only have one life, let her do anything she wants to do while she’s young, there’s no shame in going out once a week or so.
There are reasons why she’s distant at times. Don’t take it personal. There are things from her past that still haunt her. It’s not that she doesn’t trust you. It’s just that she’s lost so many people in her life and been so let down so many times that she just feels empty sometimes. She also finds it hard to let people in and to realize she can count on them.. Give it time. She will always be an independent person though, so don’t try to assume the role of doing everything. She can more than handle it herself (and has since she was little... she had to single-handledly take care of her sister growning up) but she will always appreciate your support, and will cherish it.
When she goes to volunteer, make sure you go with her as much as possible. And please don’t complain about it like I did. Sure you might be busy and stressed, but this is one of the things that brings her the most joy in life. Please let her enjoy it and be there to support her.
You’re probably wondering why I’m telling you all of this. The truth is that she was the best thing that ever happened to me and I took it for granted, didn’t change enough when I had the chance, and made her feel like she had to take care of me. Please don’t let yourself go down the same path.
This is what I ask of you: Respect her. Love her. Be honest with her. And most of all, make sure that she is happy and feels special. She deserves nothing less.
I sincerely wish you the best,
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thedrowsydoormouse · 4 years
If you could make any household pet enormous what would it be? My dog is already pretty big (he sat on my throat the other day and I almost blacked out).
Favourite mythology/fairy tale etc? I don’t know if this really counts but I really love hearing ghost stories from the Disney parks. I love the contrast between the super clean, family friendly, safe image Disney prides themselves on in the parks versus the darker underbelly of the hauntings showing the not so safe and family friendly side.
If you could design a planet what colours would you choose? Every color of the rainbow, made metallic/sparkly, with a black background so they really pop.
Sentient plants or sentient machines? Machines. I’m basically vegetarian so sentient plants would be a nightmare.
Disney, Pixar or DreamWorks? Disney who also owns Pixar so I guess both of those!
Ice cream or soup? It depends on the weather and what I feel like having because I love both.
If you could live in any TV show/film/book which would you choose? Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist because I would love to know what songs are playing in my head so I can make a playlist.
Futuristic or steampunk? Steampunk. Give me corsets and top hats and all that crazy shit any day!
Space travel or time travel? Time travel because eventually, if you travel far enough into the future, you wind up in space anyway.
Superhero or sidekick? Hero. I hate being told what to do.
Favourite guilty pleasure? I don’t believe in guilty pleasures. If you like something just own up to it and own your truth instead of feeling like it has to be at all shameful.
Best comfort food? I live in Southern California and grew up eating a lot of asian food so my comfort foods have become Chinese takeout, sushi, thai food, and stuff like that.
Least favourite school subject? Biology. My teacher was the worst and it was so boring.
Weird quirks/actions you’ve noticed you do since rp? I don’t rp nearly often enough to have developed any quirks.
Favourite scene from any book/show and why? I have way too many but in the most recent episode of Zoey’s her powers were glitching and she was singing all her inner most thoughts out loud and that entire episode was fucking brilliant!
If you could come back as an undead being which would you choose? Vampire. I’m already basically nocturnal, I’m inhumanly pale, and I can totally get behind the aesthetic.
Rp scene that was the most difficult to film. See previous rp question.
Oddest things you’ve used to make a costume or film stand? When I was in college I had to make a ball gag out of a couple headbands and a dog toy for a student film I worked on. It was a very fun, interesting Halloween.
Favourite type of chocolate? Milk chocolate.
Do you think you’re best known for fluff, angst or crack? I haven’t actually published any of my writing yet but a lot of it is very angst-y.
Favourite hot drink? Tea. I could drink nothing but hot tea all year because there’s so many variations and flavors to suit my moods.
Outfit aesthetic you aspire for? “Is she a witch, a vampire, or a rock star. Or maybe she’s a pirate. I honestly can’t tell but I wish I was her because she is fabulous.”
Sun, moon or stars? Moon AND stars.
If you could master any five languages which would you choose? French, Irish, German, Spanish, and Italian.
Favourite place? It depends. My favorite place here in California is New Orleans Square in Disneyland. But my two favorite places to travel to are New York and New Orleans.
Something that’s bothering you at the moment? I can’t tell if I’m bored or hungry.
Favourite headcanon? Jimmy Palmer (NCIS) is openly bi but completely forgot to come out at work which is why it’s never mentioned or talked about.
Plot of a story/show you wish had been completed? I wish we had actually seen the Tiva reunion in Paris instead of just hearing about it second hand through the notes Senior had Jimmy deliver.
Favourite trope? Sexual tension you could cut with a knife.
Favourite flavour of crisps/chips? Zapp’s Spicy Cajun Crawtators.
Sweet or sour? Both
Spicy or savoury? Both again.
What would be the theme tune to your life? Monster by dodie
Favourite breakfast food? I hate breakfast.
If you could live in any historical era which would you choose? Sometime between the late 60′s (Vietnam Conflict era) and the 80′s when punk and goth were just starting out and counterculture was becoming more of a thing.
Premise of memorable childhood TV shows? I grew up watching a lot of Food Network more than actual kids tv and my favorite show was about how various sack foods are made.
If you could be any shape what shape would you be? I’m already pretty close to an hourglass shape.
If you could switch lives with any character who would it be? Breena Palmer from NCIS. I want a husband who loves me and our kid as much as Jimmy does and it would be kind of awesome to work as a mortician!
If you could switch the limb of one animal with another (e.g a spider leg to a fish tail) what would you choose? I would swap out my dog’s paws with cat paws because his nails hurt like a mother fucker when he steps on me.
If you could create a country what would you name it? Addamsland.
Do you make ny resolutions? Never have, never will.
Season you’re most looking forward to? Fall. I’m ready for Halloween.
Fish scales or reptile scales? Fish. They tend to be more metallic or holographic!
Paper or parchment? Paper because I’m not pretentious.
Paperback or ebook? Paperback. 
Warm tones or cool tones? I am painfully cool toned.
Creative subjects or analytical subjects? Subjects that require creative analysis.
Fog or snow? Fog. Give me those horror movie vibes!
Make up a premise for a TV show you’d want to see. Everyday life of a Chosen One post revolution in the style of B99 or Parks and Rec.
Any unpopular headcanons? Sam never actually got his soul back, he just got better at hiding it.
Favourite story genre? Urban fantasy. Give me magic in a big city like modern day New York and show how it seamlessly weaves into everyday life.
Trope that is most overrated in your opinion? Enemies to lovers but only if it’s done wrong like with (this is gunna piss off a lot of people) Reylo. Don’t have a girl fall in love with her abuser. If it’s done right in a way that doesn’t promote domestic abuse then I’m fine with it and sometimes even enjoy it. But it’s done wrong too often for me to ignore.
City lights or candle light? City lights. I want to bathe in neon.
Which element do you think best represents you. Fire. I can be really useful and helpful but I can very easily get out of control and destroy everything.
Opinions on valentine’s? Fucking hate it.
If you could feasibly live on one other planet, which would you choose?
Wood or marble? Wood. Marble, to me, is a little too Kardashian. I’d rather see an ornately carved wooden entrance way than one with giant marble staircases and marble pillars and the walls painted to match the marble.
Are you a spontaneous planner or an in advance planner? I like to have some idea of what I’m getting myself into but I also enjoy being able to go with the flow the day of and seeing where my moods take me.
Did you have any weird beliefs as a kid? The mirror in my bedroom was a portal to a different universe.
Any famous historical figures you think don’t deserve it? 90% of the famous white men. Like fuck Elvis and fuck the Beatles.
If you could be any plant which would you be? Mistletoe because of my red hair and my love of poison!
Any weird facts? Teeth are actually closer to calcified skin than bone.
Did you have a treehouse as a kid? No.
Rabbits or ferrets? Rabbits.
If you could switch lives with someone you know for a day, who would you choose? My dog. He does basically the same shit I do all day but he doesn’t know what’s going on so he never stresses about anything.
Opinions on nicknames? Some are fine. It depends on who gave it to you and their reason behind it. 
If you could become instantly skilled in one new skill, what would you choose? Fixing computers.
Ink wells or biros? normal pens.
If you had to switch one: fish in the sky or birds in the sea, which would you switch? Birds in the sea. 
Cheesecake or sponge cake? Both.
Weirdest deja vu moment? Last night watching TOWIE and talking with my mom.
Field of wildflowers or a forest? Forest. Weird shit happens in forests.
Nymph or merperson? Nymph.
Funniest story behind an inside joke? My freshman year of high school I was in the fall play and during my costume fitting they had me try on a dress that fit me like a second skin. The problem was they put it on me backwards so I had to rush to get it back on the right way. At the same time, one of the guys in the cast was trying to get into the wardrobe room and was pounding on the door telling us to hurry up which led to my friend, who was helping me with the dress, yelling at me to suck in my boobs (which were shockingly big for my 90 lb., 14 year old self) while twisting the dress around and another friend stopping the guy from opening the door. The whole thing gave off very B99 cold open vibes and it was great! Every time my friend saw me after that she’d yell “suck in your boobs” and we’d both die laughing, much to everyone else’s confusion!
If you could, would you choose to erase any of your memories permanently? I would erase all my memories from 9/11. Hopefully that makes me not as depressed and anxious.
@anangelamuse-castiel-spnfam I don’t know how I finished mine first because that never happens but now it’s your turn!
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seanskeithley · 6 years
Baby’s 1st Birthday Party Ideas and Planning Guide
Your Baby’s first birthday is the most important one ever—not just for your special little girl or boy, but also for you! You are the proud parent of your bundle of joy, but planning your child’s 1st birthday party can be incredibly stressful. YTE Events in Tampa has helped dozens of Moms and Dads make baby’s first birthday party memorable, fun, and completely stress-free! As the best entertainment solution in the Tampa Bay area, YTE has everything YOU need to plan the best one-year-old party!
Where do I have my child’s first birthday party?
The best place to host your baby’s birthday is at your home. Your home offers all the amenities that you, your baby, and your guests need:
Convenient location
Baby-proof surroundings
Changing table and diapers
Crib for emergency nap-time
High chair and baby furniture
Favorite baby toys
Comfortable & familiar environment
Is your house too small for your baby’s special day? Try asking your friends and family if you can host the party at their house—bonus points if their home is already baby-proof! Just be sure to put the correct address of the birthday party location when sending out your Baby’s 1st Birthday Party invitations!
When is a good time to host my baby’s 1st birthday?
As a parent, you KNOW that your baby is the boss when it comes to scheduling. When choosing a timeframe for baby’s party, take into account:
Nap time
Play time
Meal time
The best times to host your child’s first birthday are in the late morning (after breakfast but before lunch), or early afternoon so long as lunch is provided for your hungry friends and their ravenous kids.
 Theme and Decoration for baby’s first birthday
Get ready to unleash your creative instincts! Your one year old won’t recall the decorations, but all your friends and all the photos certainly will! Some of the most popular themes for baby’s 1st birthday include:
Sock Money theme
Thomas the Tank Engine theme
Wild Animal theme
Rubber Ducky theme
Pink Elephant theme
Elmo or Cookie Monster theme
Little Man & Mustache theme
My Little Princess theme
ABC Alphabet theme
Where the Wild Things Are theme
Circus theme
Garden or Ocean theme
Rainbow party theme
Owl theme (Look Whoo’s One!)
Lady Bug or Bumblebee theme
Very Hungry Little Caterpillar theme
Of course, choosing a party theme based off your baby’s nursery works wonders too! You can also encourage your guests to dress accordingly to your party’s theme for beautiful, memorable photos and lifelong memories.
Best Entertainment for babies, toddlers, and parents
It doesn’t take much to entertain your 1 year old and their teething toddler friends—but it’s important to make sure that whatever “toys” you have lying around are baby-proof, stain-proof, and indestructible! Besides your typical Fisher Price toys, the best entertainment to have at your baby’s 1st birthday party are:
Pots, pans, and wooden spoons for musical melodies (or torture)
Foam Pool Noodles cut in half for harmless swordfights
Soft Plastic Balls inside an inflatable Swimming Pool or large Playpen (children absolutely LOVE this—and so do the adults!)
It is also a good idea to coordinate professional entertainment for your guests older than 3 years old. YTE Events has the best party entertainers in Tampa, and our skilled artists have been specially trained to handle all partygoers at baby’s 1st birthday:
Balloon Artist
Face Painter
Princesses and Super Heroes Characters
Letterbrush Artist (perfect for Garden or Ocean themed parties!)
Caricature Artist
Bubble Show performer
Don’t forget the photographer! You will want lots of photos from you and your baby’s super special day, so if you are not camera-savvy, YTE has professional photographers that will make baby’s 1st birthday unforgettable. Click here to submit a free, no obligation event request with Tampa’s top entertainers!
Food Options for one year old birthday party
You think your baby is a picky eater? Just imagine the picky palates of all the kids (and their adults companions) attending your baby’s first birthday. But do not fret—with all the baby parties that YTE Events has served, we know the best baby-approved food choices to serve at your party:
Pizza Cupcakes
In a greased cupcake pan, place refrigerated biscuit dough, pizza sauce, and cheese, and/or any other toppings such as pepperoni, spinach, or sausage. Bake at 350 degrees for 10-12 minutes, or until fluffy and gooey. Kids and adults will love ‘em!
Mini Corn Dogs
In a greased mini muffin pan, pour Jiffy Corn Muffin Mix along with a slice of a hotdog pressed in. Bake in a 400 degree oven for 10-15 minutes, or until golden brown. Try not to eat them all before the party guests arrive!
Rainbow Spaghetti
Taste the rainbow—literally! Using different Food Coloring colors, place 20 drops of one color + 2 tbsps of water in a large Ziplock bags (so 1 bag for Blue, 1 bag for Red, etc). After cooking the pasta of your choice and straining it, transfer equal amounts of pasta into each bag of food coloring; let sit for at least 2 minutes. Strain out the pasta again, and enjoy!
Peanut Butter and Jelly “Sushi” Rolls
Use rolling pin to complete flatten piece of bread. Spread 1 tbsp Peanut Butter and 1 tbsp of Jelly or Jam. Roll slice into a tight spiral, then cut into 4 pieces.
Banana Dogs
The healthy alternative to hot dogs! Line hotdog bun with peanut butter, place a small to medium sized banana inside, drizzle strawberry jelly on top, and watch the smiles commence! Cut into half or thirds for minimum waste and maximum YUM.
Deli Sandwiches & Wraps
Make them at home, or make things easy by picking up sandwich trays from your local supermarket Deli.
Pizza Delivery
With so many other things going on, sometimes it’s better to leave the fan-favorite food to the professionals. Order a bunch of cheese and pepperoni pizzas from your favorite pizza joint and appease the pickiest of eaters.
Snacks and Finger Foods are an absolute must at any party, especially your child’s first birthday. Popular snacks for baby parties include:
Animal Crackers
Especially awesome at Circus, Sock Monkey, and Wild Animal themed parties
Goldfish and Cheez-Its
Cheerios, Alpha-bits, or other cereal
Carrot, Celery, and Apple slices
Skewer them to create caterpillars
Freeze grapes for fun chilly treats
Fun Fruit shapes
Use cookie cutters to cut out fun shapes in watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew, and pineapple
Ants on a log
Celery, peanut butter, raisins, YUM
Pretzels and Chips, with Hummus and/or Vegetable Dip
And don’t forget the drinks! Be sure to supply enough water bottles, fruit juices, and adult beverages (along with plenty of ice!!) to keep you and your guests happy.
The perfect birthday cake for baby!
Picking the perfect cake for your baby’s first birthday is NOT a piece of cake! Your one year old’s birthday cake will undoubtedly be the most memorable one for years to come, so it will be difficult deciding which decorative dessert is right for you and your baby and your guests.
Main Birthday Cake:
Fancy 3 tiered cake that matches the theme of the party
2 tiered cake is less expensive but still fancy
Make-at-home cake (circular or rectangular) with colored frosting and/or fondant shapes
Baby cakes are small “wooden block” inspired cake squares, individually covered in fondant and individually decorated. 1 baby cake square yields 2 perfect triangle cake slices when cut diagonally.
Cupcakes and Cake Pops
Cupcakes are easy to make, easier to buy, easy to eat, and easy to clean up
Cake Pops are a perfect choice at baby’s first birthday party, providing the most MMMM and the least amount of waste and cleanup.
Your baby is a master at destroying confectionery creations. Have a smaller, simpler cake ready for your one year old to smash and devour while capturing picture-perfect photos
You can make this doomed cake at home, or purchase a cheap round sacrifice at your local supermarket Bakery.
If you are a culinary wizard, or have a gifted friend or family member, you can create any of these tasty treats at home. For the challenged baker, your local supermarket has plenty of decadent options to choose from. And if money is not a problem, find a specialty bakery to transform the cake of your dreams into a reality!
If you are planning your Baby’s first birthday party, or know anyone looking for baby-approved entertainment for their party, send us an event request form and allow YTE to make baby’s 1st birthday the best one YET!
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jeaniegenlow · 6 years
Baby’s 1st Birthday Party Ideas and Planning Guide
Your Baby’s first birthday is the most important one ever—not just for your special little girl or boy, but also for you! You are the proud parent of your bundle of joy, but planning your child’s 1st birthday party can be incredibly stressful. YTE Events in Tampa has helped dozens of Moms and Dads make baby’s first birthday party memorable, fun, and completely stress-free! As the best entertainment solution in the Tampa Bay area, YTE has everything YOU need to plan the best one-year-old party!
Where do I have my child’s first birthday party?
The best place to host your baby’s birthday is at your home. Your home offers all the amenities that you, your baby, and your guests need:
Convenient location
Baby-proof surroundings
Changing table and diapers
Crib for emergency nap-time
High chair and baby furniture
Favorite baby toys
Comfortable & familiar environment
Is your house too small for your baby’s special day? Try asking your friends and family if you can host the party at their house—bonus points if their home is already baby-proof! Just be sure to put the correct address of the birthday party location when sending out your Baby’s 1st Birthday Party invitations!
When is a good time to host my baby’s 1st birthday?
As a parent, you KNOW that your baby is the boss when it comes to scheduling. When choosing a timeframe for baby’s party, take into account:
Nap time
Play time
Meal time
The best times to host your child’s first birthday are in the late morning (after breakfast but before lunch), or early afternoon so long as lunch is provided for your hungry friends and their ravenous kids.
Theme and Decoration for baby’s first birthday
Get ready to unleash your creative instincts! Your one year old won’t recall the decorations, but all your friends and all the photos certainly will! Some of the most popular themes for baby’s 1st birthday include:
Sock Money theme
Thomas the Tank Engine theme
Wild Animal theme
Rubber Ducky theme
Pink Elephant theme
Elmo or Cookie Monster theme
Little Man & Mustache theme
My Little Princess theme
ABC Alphabet theme
Where the Wild Things Are theme
Circus theme
Garden or Ocean theme
Rainbow party theme
Owl theme (Look Whoo’s One!)
Lady Bug or Bumblebee theme
Very Hungry Little Caterpillar theme
Of course, choosing a party theme based off your baby’s nursery works wonders too! You can also encourage your guests to dress accordingly to your party’s theme for beautiful, memorable photos and lifelong memories.
Best Entertainment for babies, toddlers, and parents
It doesn’t take much to entertain your 1 year old and their teething toddler friends—but it’s important to make sure that whatever “toys” you have lying around are baby-proof, stain-proof, and indestructible! Besides your typical Fisher Price toys, the best entertainment to have at your baby’s 1st birthday party are:
Pots, pans, and wooden spoons for musical melodies (or torture)
Foam Pool Noodles cut in half for harmless swordfights
Soft Plastic Balls inside an inflatable Swimming Pool or large Playpen (children absolutely LOVE this—and so do the adults!)
It is also a good idea to coordinate professional entertainment for your guests older than 3 years old. YTE Events has the best party entertainers in Tampa, and our skilled artists have been specially trained to handle all partygoers at baby’s 1st birthday:
Balloon Artist
Face Painter
Princesses and Super Heroes Characters
Letterbrush Artist (perfect for Garden or Ocean themed parties!)
Caricature Artist
Bubble Show performer
Don’t forget the photographer! You will want lots of photos from you and your baby’s super special day, so if you are not camera-savvy, YTE has professional photographers that will make baby’s 1st birthday unforgettable. Click here to submit a free, no obligation event request with Tampa’s top entertainers!
Food Options for one year old birthday party
You think your baby is a picky eater? Just imagine the picky palates of all the kids (and their adults companions) attending your baby’s first birthday. But do not fret—with all the baby parties that YTE Events has served, we know the best baby-approved food choices to serve at your party:
Pizza Cupcakes
In a greased cupcake pan, place refrigerated biscuit dough, pizza sauce, and cheese, and/or any other toppings such as pepperoni, spinach, or sausage. Bake at 350 degrees for 10-12 minutes, or until fluffy and gooey. Kids and adults will love ‘em!
Mini Corn Dogs
In a greased mini muffin pan, pour Jiffy Corn Muffin Mix along with a slice of a hotdog pressed in. Bake in a 400 degree oven for 10-15 minutes, or until golden brown. Try not to eat them all before the party guests arrive!
Rainbow Spaghetti
Taste the rainbow—literally! Using different Food Coloring colors, place 20 drops of one color + 2 tbsps of water in a large Ziplock bags (so 1 bag for Blue, 1 bag for Red, etc). After cooking the pasta of your choice and straining it, transfer equal amounts of pasta into each bag of food coloring; let sit for at least 2 minutes. Strain out the pasta again, and enjoy!
Peanut Butter and Jelly “Sushi” Rolls
Use rolling pin to complete flatten piece of bread. Spread 1 tbsp Peanut Butter and 1 tbsp of Jelly or Jam. Roll slice into a tight spiral, then cut into 4 pieces.
Banana Dogs
The healthy alternative to hot dogs! Line hotdog bun with peanut butter, place a small to medium sized banana inside, drizzle strawberry jelly on top, and watch the smiles commence! Cut into half or thirds for minimum waste and maximum YUM.
Deli Sandwiches & Wraps
Make them at home, or make things easy by picking up sandwich trays from your local supermarket Deli.
Pizza Delivery
With so many other things going on, sometimes it’s better to leave the fan-favorite food to the professionals. Order a bunch of cheese and pepperoni pizzas from your favorite pizza joint and appease the pickiest of eaters.
Snacks and Finger Foods are an absolute must at any party, especially your child’s first birthday. Popular snacks for baby parties include:
Animal Crackers
Especially awesome at Circus, Sock Monkey, and Wild Animal themed parties
Goldfish and Cheez-Its
Cheerios, Alpha-bits, or other cereal
Carrot, Celery, and Apple slices
Skewer them to create caterpillars
Freeze grapes for fun chilly treats
Fun Fruit shapes
Use cookie cutters to cut out fun shapes in watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew, and pineapple
Ants on a log
Celery, peanut butter, raisins, YUM
Pretzels and Chips, with Hummus and/or Vegetable Dip
And don’t forget the drinks! Be sure to supply enough water bottles, fruit juices, and adult beverages (along with plenty of ice!!) to keep you and your guests happy.
The perfect birthday cake for baby!
Picking the perfect cake for your baby’s first birthday is NOT a piece of cake! Your one year old’s birthday cake will undoubtedly be the most memorable one for years to come, so it will be difficult deciding which decorative dessert is right for you and your baby and your guests.
Main Birthday Cake:
Fancy 3 tiered cake that matches the theme of the party
2 tiered cake is less expensive but still fancy
Make-at-home cake (circular or rectangular) with colored frosting and/or fondant shapes
Baby cakes are small “wooden block” inspired cake squares, individually covered in fondant and individually decorated. 1 baby cake square yields 2 perfect triangle cake slices when cut diagonally.
Cupcakes and Cake Pops
Cupcakes are easy to make, easier to buy, easy to eat, and easy to clean up
Cake Pops are a perfect choice at baby’s first birthday party, providing the most MMMM and the least amount of waste and cleanup.
Your baby is a master at destroying confectionery creations. Have a smaller, simpler cake ready for your one year old to smash and devour while capturing picture-perfect photos
You can make this doomed cake at home, or purchase a cheap round sacrifice at your local supermarket Bakery.
If you are a culinary wizard, or have a gifted friend or family member, you can create any of these tasty treats at home. For the challenged baker, your local supermarket has plenty of decadent options to choose from. And if money is not a problem, find a specialty bakery to transform the cake of your dreams into a reality!
If you are planning your Baby’s first birthday party, or know anyone looking for baby-approved entertainment for their party, send us an event request form and allow YTE to make baby’s 1st birthday the best one YET!
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darrencpritt · 6 years
Baby’s 1st Birthday Party Ideas and Planning Guide
Your Baby’s first birthday is the most important one ever—not just for your special little girl or boy, but also for you! You are the proud parent of your bundle of joy, but planning your child’s 1st birthday party can be incredibly stressful. YTE Events in Tampa has helped dozens of Moms and Dads make baby’s first birthday party memorable, fun, and completely stress-free! As the best entertainment solution in the Tampa Bay area, YTE has everything YOU need to plan the best one-year-old party!
Where do I have my child’s first birthday party?
The best place to host your baby’s birthday is at your home. Your home offers all the amenities that you, your baby, and your guests need:
Convenient location
Baby-proof surroundings
Changing table and diapers
Crib for emergency nap-time
High chair and baby furniture
Favorite baby toys
Comfortable & familiar environment
Is your house too small for your baby’s special day? Try asking your friends and family if you can host the party at their house—bonus points if their home is already baby-proof! Just be sure to put the correct address of the birthday party location when sending out your Baby’s 1st Birthday Party invitations!
When is a good time to host my baby’s 1st birthday?
As a parent, you KNOW that your baby is the boss when it comes to scheduling. When choosing a timeframe for baby’s party, take into account:
Nap time
Play time
Meal time
The best times to host your child’s first birthday are in the late morning (after breakfast but before lunch), or early afternoon so long as lunch is provided for your hungry friends and their ravenous kids.
  Theme and Decoration for baby’s first birthday
Get ready to unleash your creative instincts! Your one year old won’t recall the decorations, but all your friends and all the photos certainly will! Some of the most popular themes for baby’s 1st birthday include:
Sock Money theme
Thomas the Tank Engine theme
Wild Animal theme
Rubber Ducky theme
Pink Elephant theme
Elmo or Cookie Monster theme
Little Man & Mustache theme
My Little Princess theme
ABC Alphabet theme
Where the Wild Things Are theme
Circus theme
Garden or Ocean theme
Rainbow party theme
Owl theme (Look Whoo’s One!)
Lady Bug or Bumblebee theme
Very Hungry Little Caterpillar theme
Of course, choosing a party theme based off your baby’s nursery works wonders too! You can also encourage your guests to dress accordingly to your party’s theme for beautiful, memorable photos and lifelong memories.
Best Entertainment for babies, toddlers, and parents
It doesn’t take much to entertain your 1 year old and their teething toddler friends—but it’s important to make sure that whatever “toys” you have lying around are baby-proof, stain-proof, and indestructible! Besides your typical Fisher Price toys, the best entertainment to have at your baby’s 1st birthday party are:
Pots, pans, and wooden spoons for musical melodies (or torture)
Foam Pool Noodles cut in half for harmless swordfights
Soft Plastic Balls inside an inflatable Swimming Pool or large Playpen (children absolutely LOVE this—and so do the adults!)
It is also a good idea to coordinate professional entertainment for your guests older than 3 years old. YTE Events has the best party entertainers in Tampa, and our skilled artists have been specially trained to handle all partygoers at baby’s 1st birthday:
Balloon Artist
Face Painter
Princesses and Super Heroes Characters
Letterbrush Artist (perfect for Garden or Ocean themed parties!)
Caricature Artist
Bubble Show performer
Don’t forget the photographer! You will want lots of photos from you and your baby’s super special day, so if you are not camera-savvy, YTE has professional photographers that will make baby’s 1st birthday unforgettable. Click here to submit a free, no obligation event request with Tampa’s top entertainers!
Food Options for one year old birthday party
You think your baby is a picky eater? Just imagine the picky palates of all the kids (and their adults companions) attending your baby’s first birthday. But do not fret—with all the baby parties that YTE Events has served, we know the best baby-approved food choices to serve at your party:
Pizza Cupcakes
In a greased cupcake pan, place refrigerated biscuit dough, pizza sauce, and cheese, and/or any other toppings such as pepperoni, spinach, or sausage. Bake at 350 degrees for 10-12 minutes, or until fluffy and gooey. Kids and adults will love ‘em!
Mini Corn Dogs
In a greased mini muffin pan, pour Jiffy Corn Muffin Mix along with a slice of a hotdog pressed in. Bake in a 400 degree oven for 10-15 minutes, or until golden brown. Try not to eat them all before the party guests arrive!
Rainbow Spaghetti
Taste the rainbow—literally! Using different Food Coloring colors, place 20 drops of one color + 2 tbsps of water in a large Ziplock bags (so 1 bag for Blue, 1 bag for Red, etc). After cooking the pasta of your choice and straining it, transfer equal amounts of pasta into each bag of food coloring; let sit for at least 2 minutes. Strain out the pasta again, and enjoy!
Peanut Butter and Jelly “Sushi” Rolls
Use rolling pin to complete flatten piece of bread. Spread 1 tbsp Peanut Butter and 1 tbsp of Jelly or Jam. Roll slice into a tight spiral, then cut into 4 pieces.
Banana Dogs
The healthy alternative to hot dogs! Line hotdog bun with peanut butter, place a small to medium sized banana inside, drizzle strawberry jelly on top, and watch the smiles commence! Cut into half or thirds for minimum waste and maximum YUM.
Deli Sandwiches & Wraps
Make them at home, or make things easy by picking up sandwich trays from your local supermarket Deli.
Pizza Delivery
With so many other things going on, sometimes it’s better to leave the fan-favorite food to the professionals. Order a bunch of cheese and pepperoni pizzas from your favorite pizza joint and appease the pickiest of eaters.
Snacks and Finger Foods are an absolute must at any party, especially your child’s first birthday. Popular snacks for baby parties include:
Animal Crackers
Especially awesome at Circus, Sock Monkey, and Wild Animal themed parties
Goldfish and Cheez-Its
Cheerios, Alpha-bits, or other cereal
Carrot, Celery, and Apple slices
Skewer them to create caterpillars
Freeze grapes for fun chilly treats
Fun Fruit shapes
Use cookie cutters to cut out fun shapes in watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew, and pineapple
Ants on a log
Celery, peanut butter, raisins, YUM
Pretzels and Chips, with Hummus and/or Vegetable Dip
And don’t forget the drinks! Be sure to supply enough water bottles, fruit juices, and adult beverages (along with plenty of ice!!) to keep you and your guests happy.
The perfect birthday cake for baby!
Picking the perfect cake for your baby’s first birthday is NOT a piece of cake! Your one year old’s birthday cake will undoubtedly be the most memorable one for years to come, so it will be difficult deciding which decorative dessert is right for you and your baby and your guests.
Main Birthday Cake:
Fancy 3 tiered cake that matches the theme of the party
2 tiered cake is less expensive but still fancy
Make-at-home cake (circular or rectangular) with colored frosting and/or fondant shapes
Baby cakes are small “wooden block” inspired cake squares, individually covered in fondant and individually decorated. 1 baby cake square yields 2 perfect triangle cake slices when cut diagonally.
Cupcakes and Cake Pops
Cupcakes are easy to make, easier to buy, easy to eat, and easy to clean up
Cake Pops are a perfect choice at baby’s first birthday party, providing the most MMMM and the least amount of waste and cleanup.
Your baby is a master at destroying confectionery creations. Have a smaller, simpler cake ready for your one year old to smash and devour while capturing picture-perfect photos
You can make this doomed cake at home, or purchase a cheap round sacrifice at your local supermarket Bakery.
If you are a culinary wizard, or have a gifted friend or family member, you can create any of these tasty treats at home. For the challenged baker, your local supermarket has plenty of decadent options to choose from. And if money is not a problem, find a specialty bakery to transform the cake of your dreams into a reality!
If you are planning your Baby’s first birthday party, or know anyone looking for baby-approved entertainment for their party, send us an event request form and allow YTE to make baby’s 1st birthday the best one YET!
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