#hey. if she's got dibs on killing him she might as well earn them
downspiral · 5 years
DAMON’S TWITTER MEME. / with this generator
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7soulstars · 4 years
hey there. I don't know if you are taking requests rn so if you don't just ignore this one. I was hoping if you could do various avengers x reader .. reader has the ability to manupilate emotions , she can take away emotional pain, negativity and sadness from anyone and replace them with relief, positivity and peace, by simply hugging the person! every avenger turns to her after a mission for cuddles and comfort, you can take it from there if you like! thank you💞
 Hey darling ! Thank you so much for requesting! I really really love this request it’s really so adorable oof- I made it into a fic and I hope you like it! Anyways, lets get straight into into it !!
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Pairing: Avengers x Avenger! Reader
Warnings: Little like really little angst, Hydra, Overwhelming fluff, Half the Avengers act like literal babies around Y/N . I HAVE ALL THE AVENGERS SAFE AND ALIVE IN THIS AND AVENGER LOKI !! Ooc characters??
Summary: Sometimes even the empath needs empathy but she refuses to say it
Euphoria ; the experience of excitement and intense feelings of well-being and happiness.
A silent motion walks down the streets, a silent motion called The Empathic Soul that was involved with them, The Avengers. While the rest protected, she distracted, like a guardian of the common folk who had never seen her. They wouldn’t know, but they praised, thanked and loved. Every time there was pain, there was war, there was casualties, she was there and they just knew it. They looked around but couldn’t guess. The sudden wave of calmness replacing their sorrow and panic distracting their attention from her, their silent protector.
That was what the world had named Y/N, The Empathic Soul as she watched the title flash on the TV screen at Stark towers as she sat beside Vision who was failing to crochet no matter how hard he tried. Y/N wouldn’t consider herself a hero, she didn’t fight bad guys although she was very capable of doing that, she didn’t go and almost get herself killed for the sake of getting rid of ‘pests’.
But she was an Avenger ? Yes. She was, but she didn’t consider herself a hero. 
She was behind the scenes, away from common eyes just there to clean up the mess and to take the worry of the mess out of everyone’s head. The Avengers had a polarising reputation. Although it got better after they won against Thanos there were still those who disliked them. But there was not a single civilian who would speak out the title of the Empathic Soul in despise. Y/N would like to keep it that way she had told Fury. She didn’t really have the best life growing up, the strain had given her the powers and she wouldn’t dare use it for anything other than the good of the people. She knew protecting someone came with a cost. Her powers can be used for things unimaginable, wrong things and that’s why she needed to stay anonymous.
Though not all praises about Y/N may be true, one thing was for sure. She was a gem, one of the most selfless person anyone had ever met. With or without knowing about her powers. She couldn’t stand seeing someone sad and that is what made her the sole person every single Avenger was ready to get along with each other for.
Y/N had been a part of the team for 3 years now and she had made all the trauma dissipate and had even managed to make the most unapproachable team mmates open up. She had made sure Stark Towers was always warm and fuzzy no matter how cold the world seemed.
The meanest of all things Y/N has done is manipulate the emotions of people like Zemo to make them confess and feel the pain of the people they caused pain to reflect and repent whenever Agent Everett called her in for.
The robotic voice of Vision snapped her out of her zone as she looked at him as he pointed at the elevator. As Y/N turned to look she felt an overwhelming level of tension.
Oh. It’s one of those days.....
The door opened to a familiar multitude of spandex and metal clad people filling into the living room all making an aggressive beeline at the empathic. 
“I CALL DIBS ON Y/N !”,yelled some simultaneously as they glared at each other and argued. Some went straight to the bar pouring themselves a drink and another very specific non alcoholic one along with it. Some stood frozen, colour drained off their face, to be more specific, Wanda,Peter,Bucky and Bruce. Peter walking straight into Y/N’s arms as she held them open as soon as she saw them. Wanda and Bruce following as Vision looms and floats behind them.
“That bad huh ?”, Y/N asked as she tried managing to drag the four towards the couch and plopped down with them. Bruce parted away from her and Wanda followed suit a pleasant smile slapping onto their face.
“18 casualties ”, she heard the blonde star spangled man as he wrapped an arm around her waist moving to hug her by the side as Natasha’s arms wraps around Y/N neck from behind the couch, her head plopped on top of Y/N’s for a few before she whispered a thank you and left to go find Bruce. “And 5 completely decapitated buildings you always forget the buildings Steve ! Now move I need a hug from our gal !”, Sam complained as he agressively made motions for Steve to move away from Y/N as he nearly tackles her. “Careful Sammy, it seems like Peter’s fallen asleep”, the empath notifies as she carefully rests the Spiderboy’s head on the couch from herself as Tony lays a blanket on his body. 
“Kid was really hard on himself today, he froze mid battle and was thrown right onto a car, the injury was not that bad but it sure was something. He kept asking if he could call you the whole way back”, Tony said as Y/N stroked Peter’s hair as she got up. “Made you a drink as I poured myself one”, he said offering the glass to her which she took and set back down on the table and then proceeded to take Tony’s glass away from him before he could even sip on it. “This is your third glass and I can sense your annoyance, come here ”, Y/N scolded him as he opened his arms for a hug. “My suit broke down halfway through the fight”,complained Tony into Y/N’s hug as she patted his back, concentrating on pushing the positivity strain in the man.
“I need to be back at the sanctum.... Y/N ?”, came a voice making Tony groan why is it that every time I hug her that you need a hug? The sanctum can wait ! Isn’t Wong there?” “Tony...”, warned Y/N earning a eyeroll from the billionare as he made her promise him hugs later as he sauntered away. Y/N let out a soft laugh before taking Stephens hands into hers and a gentle smile . Stephen placed his hand on her cheek as a smile plastered on his face. “You should have come with us......they-......I and the rest of them needed you.....”,he mumbled making sure no one heard. “I’m sorry, I would have joined but I had to get some Hydra agents to spill some secrets.....”,she reasoned. “If I did not have to return I would have loved to talk to you more about how I feel.....although you will feel it before me and-” “I come visit tomorrow”, she stated simply earning a sigh of relief from the other as he stepped into the portal still hesitating to leave your hand.
There were three left Y/N knew. And she knew where they would be. She walked down the hall that leads up to all their rooms, a door opened and before she could react she was lifted into a bone crushing hug who’s only culprit could be the golden retriever god. “Thor! I was looking for you! How are you feeling!” “Pretty usual Lady Y/N ! I suppose you are visiting my brother ! I couldn’t join today’s mission, I was visiting Asgard ! Anyways I shall let you be !”, and with that he went back into his room. He wanted stay but he knew so needed her more than him he decided he could bother her later.
“They were children ! Can Midgardians stoop this low, they were experimenting on children !”, Y/N could hear as she got closer to the door at the end of the corridor. She opened the door slowly and softly, right after knocking it once.
She saw a flash of black and and overwhelming sense of anger and sorrow before she was tackled by two bodies that made sure her head didn’t hit the floor.
“Hey calm down wow what the hell Loki? Buck? What went THAT wrong?” , Y/N asked the two who had gotten quite close to each other with help of her involvement throughout the years. They realized their similarity and now shared quite of lot of things with each other that they could never tell others. Well, other than Y/N. Y/N slowly replaced their emotions as they let out an appreciative grunt. Before sitting back up. “The people taken hostage by Hydra were children. They were beaten badly, hell some were flinching even when we tried getting them out. I may have done some questionable things in my life but I would never think of doing anything to children. This why this planet needs to be ruled !”,spat Loki in frustration as Y/N rubbed his back soothingly. They were silent for a while before Bucky spoke up. “Those kids were being trained, like Nat. Easier to manipulate, easier to make into soldiers like me.” Y/N sighed, her face dropping as she tried not to hiss in pain. “You saved them though right ? I will probably be called to rehabilitate them. I promise I’ll make them feel better”, she tried to assure them. “ It is not about that darling, I just wonder how many children might be there in Midgard that are being forced into things like this out of their will.” 
Y/N never said anything after that but what happened was bothering her and was clear as water. But every time they would try asking her she would quickly change their mood to a Euphoric state and distract them. It felt as if matters were getting worst and Y/N looked sicker and sicker. The team had no choice but to ask Fury.
“ I suppose she has not informed you about her mutation.”
“ What about it ?”
“Well it is not as easy as she makes it seem. You see, every time she replaces an emotion, she feels them. The malice, the pain and everything stays inside her and will stay that way until it is not given to other people. Y/N grew up in an abusive home. Empathy was never shown to her and it got worse by the time she was 15. She first started experiencing immense pain and one day it became intolerable. The pain, without her will got transferred to everyone in that house. No normal human could handle it the way she could and they eventually died because of it. She blames herself and that is why she is not allowed to go on missions with you because we fear that might happen again.”
Everyone was  bit shocked by the story they were bombarded with. The felt guilt. All this time it was her who was comforting them and never once had they asked her about how she felt. In fact, if Y/N had not interfered with certain things they might have regretted their actions or may have committed unforgivable acts.
She was their hero. And sometimes the hero needs to be saved to.
Y/N was startled to say the least when her bedroom door burst open and several bodies jumped on her making her feel a sudden high and the pain in her head trying to leave She closed her eyes and tried as hard as possible t not let go of it.
“Y/N I swear to god let it all out ! Were a lot of people we can handle it ! Be a little less harsh on yourself !”, nagged Wanda leaving the empath speechless over the fact that they found out her secret. After more perstering she let go. “Jesus Christ !/Oh my god!/How do you live with this!”, yelled different people simultaneously as they felt what Y/N has been holding to herself for all these years. “Lady Y/N I take back what I said about being the strongest it seems like you are the strongest one to be able to do this and take care of all of us with a smile”, Thor declared.
“You know we love you right miss Y/N ?”,Peter questioned.
Y/N couldn’t say anything if she did she would cry. Her heart swelled even more and for the first time in her life she felt like she truly belonged. The soft tune of Euphoria by Jungkook played in the background the lyrics etching the end of this story.
“Take my hand now, you are the cause of my Euphoria”
--The End--
....... I have never written such an intricate fic on this app. I do not know if it is good or not anymore because I am in too much feels. I really really hope you like this *crosses fingers in anticipation*.This was really fun to write! I did delete the draft like 7 times though because I wasn’t confident about it😅.. I really hope you like this🥺🥺.....Please like and reblog my posts if you like them! Feedback is highly appreciated and please do not plagarize my work. I really work my ass of on them! Thank you so much for supporting me darlings !❤🥰
~Love, Hri
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Zim had landed on another bush, and not a very comfortable one. He griped loudly to himself about the leaves and branches and Earth, absolutely refusing to think about what had just happened
for all of two minutes. Then Gaz's blushing face slipped into view in his mind's eye and it was all over. Zim groaned outwardly, but he understood well enough now that he wasn't going to be able to stop for a while. Separation was likely the ideal way to hurry up and be done turning it over in his head.
Even so, Zim found himself trailing after Gaz a few blocks. She could take care of herself, obviously, but just in case someone tried to hurt her in her weakened state... Maybe if he involved himself, she would--
No!! This was exactly what she had told him to STOP doing. Who CARED about some earth human girl?? Even if she DID have very sparkly eyes and a soft looking face that went red when he looked directly at it and hair he wanted to feel under his sharp fingers. Even if she did obviously want him to try. Even if she was incredibly powerful and scary and picked him up and threw him and that was, however insulting to his ego and bruising to his actual limbs, impressive for a human and a young one at that. Zim contemplated the image of Gaz throwing someone else like that-- preferably Dib-- and felt another pleasant-yet-horrible rush of heat in his guts. Disgusting. But it made him feel giddy.
Zim watched from a distance as Gaz walked up to her door and slammed it shut viciously. At that, he turned on his heels and stalked home, grumbling about bushes some more. He would have to put something on his skin to make it stop burning; the tiny cuts were incredibly unpleasant.
He found that when he let his mind drift to her, the pain faded slightly. But this focus was unhealthy, had to be bad for him. A small part of him was rioting whenever he allowed himself to contemplate her, focus on her too closely. It was almost a betrayal of everything invaders stood for, wasn't it??
"Nice antennae."
So why couldn't he bring himself to care???????
Zim reached his door. He hadn't realized how fast he'd been walking, and glared at it. He lived close to the Membranes, too close, much too close when it came to the Dib-filth. But it seemed a bit further when he thought about how Gaz lived there too.
. . . . Dib lived there, too.
Zim clapped his hands over his head and stifled a moan when the full implications hit him like a truck. This was the worst thing that could have possibly happened.
So it would be wonderful if his stupid, ANNOYING brain could stop acting like he had just had the best day ever.
Gaz's words had been angry, defensive. But her silence had been different. Her pause had said far more than her words did.
It would have been easy, easier than easy, to tell him to just stop. That she was annoyed and that was it. When she did eventually say as much, it was only after that conflicted silence. . .
She wanted his attention. Her blushes and reactions to his eyes made this much clear to him: Gaz wanted him to look at her just as much as he wanted her to look at him.
And the idea of looking at her had never been so appealing.
Zim nearly ran into his own front door-- he'd forgotten it was there. He nearly ripped the thing off its hinges in his haste to get inside.
He would see her tomorrow. That was fine. He wasn't going to get obsessed with anyone--especially a HUMAN-- especially after something so small.
Zim walked inside and rode the elevator down to the lab and sat down in his chair.
I want to see Gaz.
Zim stood up and walked out into the room with all the pods with human test subjects. One of them held a random person he'd snatched from the street a few evenings ago. She was sound asleep-- he'd been conducting tests to see how weak and fragile humans were when faced with emotionally taxing TV shows-- given how upset and unable to function properly GIR was after a series he loved ended, Zim was certain there was a method of world domination in television yet.
He kicked the glass of the tube, making the human stir, but not wake fully.
The woman's eyes popped open. When her eyes fell on Zim, disguise-less, they widened in panic and she began banging on the glass, trying to shout for help.
Zim groaned and pressed a button to drain the fluid from the tube instantaneously. The ugly human's legs gave way and she collapsed at the bottom.
"Don't start screaming, nobody can hear you anyway," Zim said disgustingly, as if it was obvious. "Annoying, unhelpful, and, worst of all, annoying."
The human breathed deeply and lifted her head. Finally, her voice returned, and she looked. . .  confused.
"You. . . . you said 'annoying' twice."
"THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!!!!" Zim hollered, slamming his hands against the glass. The woman fell backwards, but seemed to be calming down at Zim's childish outburst.
"Why am I here?"
"Listen, HUMAN. I normally would never stoop to the level of asking for help from your kind. . . but i believe this newest development requires some in-person questioning. You, you filthy, lucky human, are being given the chance to earn your freedom from my HHHORRIBLE LAIR. So listen carefully."
The woman nodded quickly. She seemed to be looking around carefully, taking in her surroundings, but she wouldn't be able to escape so it really didn't matter.
"You were once a smaller, younger version of your now old, ugly self, yes?"
The woman blinked. "I'm twenty four."
Zim squinted. "Twenty four. . . . . years? Old?"
". . . yes?"
Zim smirked. "Have you have retained a good memory of your youth, however long past it may have been?"
The woman was trying to brush her dripping, dark purple hair out of her eyes. "Yes," she said, in a resigned tone.
"Good. Are you in a relationship at the moment?"
The woman's head popped up and her eyes went wild. She fell backwards again, tripping over her own feet.
"CALM DOWN!!!! It's just for REFERENCE," Zim spat. "I have less than no interest in your disgusting, hideous body. I'm here to destroy your planet."
"That's comforting," she said sarcastically, turning around entirely. "No, I'm . . . not."
"Were you ever? And have you, despite your repulsiveness, had anyone ever. . . interested in you?"
The woman barked out a laugh. "Yes. I guess."
"So how did they fail???" Zim slammed his hands on the tube again, but this time it was out of desperation. "What mistakes did they make??"
The woman, apparently having not found an exit in the other direction, turned back to shoot him with a glare. "Why."
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN, WHY????" Zim's face flushed. "i MEAN-- EHHH-- YOU are in no position to ask ME ANYTHING, HUMAN!!”
"Wait. You're not. . . Why did you kidnap me?" she asked, completely confused.
"What? You were right there." Zim blinked.
"Wh-- you-- he didn't--you just happened to-- oh God, that's my luck, isn't it?"
"JUST ANSWER THE QUESTION!! How did your previous suitors fail???"
"Well, one of them tried to kill me."
Zim tilted his head. "And. . . . you didn't like that."
She just stared.
"Ok, no killing. No attempting killing. Got it!!!!!"
"So, you're trying to get a human girl to like you??" The woman looked him up and down.
"STOP!! STOP THAT IMMEDIATELY!!!" Zim waved his hands in front of the glass. "I said NOTHING about myself. I'm TRYING to conduct RESEARCH here!!!!! What else did they do???"
"Listen, alien-- what's your name, kid?"
"I AM ZIM." Zim announced.
"Zim. If you like someone, you can't interrogate someone you kidnapped for help. What if I just. . . intentionally sabotaged you or something?"
Zim, whose antennae had lowered, popped back up. "I wasn't going to let you go until it worked," he announced. "PF! What do you think I AAAAAAAM? an AMATUER???"
The woman smiled wryly and took a seat, leaning against the back of the tube casually. "What's she like, Zim?"
"Scary," he answered immediately, dropping to sit as well. "Also she thinks I'm 'cool.'"
"If she thinks you're cool, why are you asking me for advice? Hell, just ask her out. And let me go first."
"No. Also, that didn't work."
She squinted. "You asked her out?"
"Yyyyyyyyyyyy--not exactly?"
The woman gestured for him to continue. It was a testament to how shaken up Gaz had made Zim inside that he did.
. . . .
Zim leaned back on the outside of the glass tube, letting his antennae droop. ". . . And now I have to WAIT a whole DAY before I see her again!!"
"Why's that?" The woman examined her fingernails.
"What if you went to her house and asked her out properly?" she suggested. "It sounds like you led with accusing HER of having feelings when in reality YOU were the one who liked HER."
"RIDICULOUS. Invaders need NO ONE. I would never like such a pathetic earth-human."
"Okay, so you don't want my help--"
"HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO 'ASK HER OUT'?" he screeched. "Human rituals are NOTHING like Irken romance!!!"
She turned her eyes to him again. "What? What's your alien romance consist of?"
"WE DON'T HAVE IT!" Zim wailed, slumping down further.
"Uh-huh." She tapped her chin with her finger. "Go to her door. Knock. When she answers, apologize for yelling at her. Tell her you like her, and tell her you want to spend time with her and look at her."
"What the hell-- why--"
He turned around, glaring her down. "SHE WON'T. APPRECIATE SUCH A GESTURE. The Gaz-human is intelligent. She is far too smart to want such a. . such an UP FRONT method!!"
"Well, you'd be surprised." The woman turned away again. "Listen, are you gonna kill me if you get rejected?"
"So ask her nicely." From what she'd seen, she'd be able to escape if he stayed away for long enough. And this girl might be strong enough to incapacitate the alien--or, y'know, she might say yes. From the dazed, lovestruck way Zim talked about her, she might be just as violent and dangerous as he was. "And, uh, make sure you remember I'm the one who helped you."
"Yes, yes, yes. . ." The cogs turning in his brain were almost visible. "So. . . I tell her. And then she will blush. And agree to spend more time with me."
"All right." He announced. "I am going."
"Wait, bring her something-- but not something too big!"
The woman contemplated. "What kind of candy does she like?"
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ask-the-phan-site · 4 years
Phan Cam: Thanks all around.
>November 26. Thanksgiving.
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>The Virtual Track of Racer Academy. The Thanksgiving Day Race was now under way. The racers were ready.
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Welcome, ladies and gentlemen! Happy Thanksgiving! This Thanksgiving is different due to circumstances. However, we decided not to let that stop us from celebrating. Which is why we will still be having our annual Thanksgiving Day Race. Now, let us introduce the racers in our race. First up, my oldest nephew, X!
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I hope you’re all ready for this! This is going to be unforgettable!
Headmaster Spritle: Next up, my younger nephew, Speed Jr.!
NOTE: I apologize, but this is the only image that could work.
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Thanks, everyone! I hope this race will light up your day!
Headmaster Spritle: Next, Jared and Jesse Deucey.
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Slice: We would like to dedicate this race to our dad, Ace Deucey. Sadly, we could only spend our Thanksgivings with plait glass between us and can only see our races on TV.
Dice: But if he could be here now, we know he’d be proud of his boys.
Slice and Dice: Pops, this is for you!
>Meanwhile, in a prison, someone was watching TV in the prisoner lounge.
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(with a tear hidden being his glasses) My boys...
>Back at Racer Academy.
Headmaster Spritle: Next, from one of our overseas schools and has just made her transfer here despite the pandemic, Annalise Zazic!
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I know most of you have your doubts about me, being the daughter of a mechanical menace. But I can assure you that while I’m here, you won’t have to worry... (now sounding threatening) I mean it. I’m nothing like him!
X: (whisper) It’s here, alright. Not a robot this time.
Headmaster Spritle: Next up, our student lesion from Alpha Academy, Alpha Leader!
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This race will be a victory for both Racer Academy and Alpha Academy. And since the twins were honorable enough to dedicate this race to their father, I also like to dedicate this race a couple of close friends of mine... Wish me luck, Bobby and Cameron.
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Thanks, Alpha. You’re a true pal.
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You bet! Hey, we should go to Superboy’s bachelor party as soon as they give they okay!
Alpha Leader: We’ll see.
Nearby Race Fan: Question... Why is there a supervillain here?
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Relax, that’s why me and the merman came along. To make sure he behaves himself.
Icicle Jr.: (trying to sound innocent) Can’t I help it that Sterling jerk hurt my fellow ice-guy?
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We’re not going to take that chance. Miss Martian and Superboy would kill me if you did anything to hurt anyone. Especially in these times.
Icicle Jr.: Okay, okay.
Headmaster Spritle: Moving on. We have in the Mitch-mobile, Mitch Mitchson!
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Aww, I’m just doing this for the people who can’t come here... That, and I’m hopin’ to get more subscriptions for Mitch-Per-View. And more subscribers means more money in the back.
Headmaster Spritle: And now, for our special guest racers! First up, the young genius inventor who will be driving the Mach 60, Ronald Multon!
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(in an obviously fake accent) Roe-nald! It’s Roe-nald Muu-tan!
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Oh no. Don’t tell me in this timeline, Ronald is still...
Ronald Multon: ... (laughs and speaks in the normal accent) I’m just kidding. Still, it is a pleasure for you all time see me here.
Conor: (a bit relieved) Well, at least he’s using his real voice.
Headmaster Spritle: Our next guest was once a student here, but he’ll be participating in this year’s race. Trey Sterling!
>Everyone was surprised to see... Trey’s spot on the starting lane was empty.
Headmaster Spritle: Mr. Sterling, you did say your son was coming, right?
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Well, when I found his bed empty this morning, I assumed he already got up and got ready for the race.
Headmaster Sprtile: Are you sure about that?
Mr. Sterling: I’m sure he’ll be here any- Oh, here he is!
>Trey appears on the commentator’s balcony with an almost depressing air around him.
Mr. Sterling: Ah, Trey, you’ve come! The question is why are you up here when you should be down there with your car?
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... I have... something... to say...
>Trey goes up to the podium and Headmaster Spritle moves aside for him.
Trey: I... I won’t be in this year’s race.
>Everyone gasped. Especially Mr. Sterling.
Trey: The reason is... Because me and my father had the race fixed.
Mr. Sterling: (shocked) What!?
Headmaster Spritle: (grinning a bit) I figured as much.
Trey: I had some of the racers attacked or paid them to either lose or drop out... I especially attacked those who disagreed with me... I became a race champion through a lie... I’m not a champion... I’m a cheater... In both sports and in love...
Icicle Jr.: (grinning widely) I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT! JUST LIKE THE CALLING CARD SAID!
Kitty Pryde: (quickly) Yes, I know! Now shush!
Trey: I cheated on Bobby Drake and Annalise Zazic because I thought it would make me more popular... And I thought that because I was rich, I could get away with it... I treated them terribly... I even told everyone I would propose to Annalise at this race... But it was a lie just make more money...
Annalise Zazic: (shocked and enraged) WHAT!? You lying bastard! You never loved me, just my money!?
Bobby Drake: (smiling a bit) I know how you feel.
X: (thinking to himself) If Trey and Annalise are through, does this mean I have a chance at her? Wait, no, the race might still go on. I’ll think about this later.
Trey: But the one I need to apologize to most of all... is fellow Bostonian, Zack... Whose last name I never bothered learned... I treated him and his sister like like amatures when I myself was the real amature... (begins tearing up) They were a real professional team and I was just some spoiled brat living off his father’s money... I didn’t deserve that money... I’M THE REAL FAILIER! I’M SORRY! TO ALL OF YOU! (breaks down crying)
Mr. Sterling: (now sounding impatient, a first) Trey, my son, pull yourself together. You’re making a scene.
Trey: ...
Mr. Sterling: (now trying to pretend that this was all very normal) Come now, son, quit joking around, you have a race to win.
>Trey just sat silently without a response. Then, Mr. Sterling did something no one ever saw coming...
Mr. Sterling: (angry, real angry) Now you listen here, you piece of shit, I didn’t pull strings and bribed the board to let you back into this garbage school just to blow it! I swear... Sometimes I think I should have invested in Zack after all. At least he has real talent instead forcing me to fix races so I can bet on them to pay back Sharkhead Eddie for giving me the money start this wretched team!
Trey: (shocked) What?
Mr. Sterling: (realizing what he just said) !
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Something tells me you have some explaining to do, Mr. Sterling.
Mr. Sterling: (trying to compose himself) You can prove nothing.
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Are you sure about that? Because, we got this recording of you in our inbox this morning and we found the something very interesting about it.
>Mrs. Racer takes out a tablet wirelessly connects it to a holographic screen to show a scene of Mr. Sterling on the phone.
Holo Sterling: Relax, Eddie, I’ll get you your money. Me and my boy have this race in the bag. We fixed it. I paid some of the racers to go away for ‘certain reasons’.
Sharkhead Eddie’s Voice: Good. With this virus still going on, I think it would be best to gather up on old debts while I still can. So you better get me my money soon. Because if you don’t, then perhaps I should pay a visit to your mother at St. Terrence Retainment Home, unless she, like most of everyone else there may have COVID. Or maybe I should go see you sister, the beloved Dr. Sally Sterling, at her clinic in Chinatown, if she isn’t busy with the same virus. Or perhaps your brother, Samuel Sterling. I hear he could use more patrons at his restaurant. Or maybe your other brother, Professor Shelby Sterling, at Harvard University. Yes, I think we should visit him since his students switched to online learning. So, are we clear?
Holo Sterling: (scared) Y- Yes.
Sharkhead Eddie’s Voice: Good. Sharkhead out. (hangs up)
Holo Sterling: (nervous and enraged) That spoiled brat better now blow it.
>The recording ended and everyone stared at the nervous Sterling.
Mr. Sterling: Well, (nervous chuckle) I guess this is quite the predicament.
>Some security guards came and and cuffed Mr. Sterling.
Trey: (still sobbing a bit) I want to make up for what my father did. I will use the money I did earn and donate it. If that is alright.
Mr. Racer: Well, what you did was still a bit unforgivable, but I guess it’s a start. How about to us since the money your father donated to us is clearly not his?
Trey: I could. As long as I have enough for B.O.M.G.T.M. or W.E.B.
Mr. Sterling: (in disbelief) W.E.B.!? You want to give money to those idiots? Especially the fat homo who disappointed me by not rebuilding the school that I was actually hoping to invest in it this time, so instead, came up with that?
Trey: (getting upset) His name is Max Modell. And it was his old lab partner, Peter Parker, who came up with W.E.B.
Headmaster Spritle: He’s right. I think you should start there... But for now, all your attacks on the students and other racers could have gotten them hurt. Even killed. So you still have to answer to the police.
Trey: I... I understand.
>The guards came and cuffed Trey and lead both him and Mr. Sterling away.
>Down in the pits, we saw the whole thing unfold.
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Yes! We got it.
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We shouldn’t forget to thank Futaba for recording that conversation. We had a feeling something was up.
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I just happened to be browsing the school security system and just happened upon this footage. I just thought that something like this needed to come out.
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You did well, Futaba chan. I’ll see if you can get an extra helping of pumpkin pie.
X: Forget it. Grandmom says you only get one each. She said getting second helpings of anything wouldn’t be fair for the others.
Speed: It’s true. You should have seen her at the Easter Party. I’ve never seen anyone so mad just for asking for another chicken leg. But there might be some left-overs. We’ll see.
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I call dibs on the left-over turkey and ham!
Oracle: Not before I get the turkey first.
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Hands off the stuffing.
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I would like try all of them. I remembered the last Thanksgiving Dinner we were invited to and liked it.
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Yes. I miss that tofu turkey. And I should really ask Dogg what herbal spices he used in it.
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If there are any left-overs, I wonder if Grandmom Racer will let me take some back to my father.
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I doubt you can get any of it past customs. Especially during a pandemic.
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Oh, we have our ways.
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(on Carmen’s phone) I’m not sure what that means, but okay.
Oracle: Wish you could be here, Player. It’s way more better than having to see it from a “dark little cave”.
Player: Hey, I’m happy in my dark little cave. Besides, you know us Canadians have our Thanksgivings way earlier than Americans.
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Hold on, I think they’re continuing.
>Back on the balcony.
Headmaster Spritle: With that out of the way, we should move on. Good thing we only have one left. And now coming all the way from Los Angeles...
>The sound of an engine can be heard coming. But sounded more like... the roars of flames.
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Th- That car!?
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That’s a 1970 Plymouth Roadrunner. And it appears to be in great condition.
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I think they’re more concerned on who is driving it.
Joker: Fox?
Fox: It... It can’t be...
>The car opened... and the driver came out.
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Here I am, Racer Academy. Happy Thanksgiving.
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D- Dad...
REMINDER: This is a fanmade timeline. Fox and other Persona characters are not really related to characters from other franchises as according to ATLUS. These relations exist only in this fanmade timeline. Please do not hate or sue me for this. Thank you.
Everyone: (except Joker) WHAT!?
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Shush! I don’t think he heard you guys!
>But he did. The man the Fox and I were going to see was right here. He turned to us. He seemed to have recognized Skull as an Idol, Panther as a model, and Crow as a famous detective. Then, his eyes fell upon Fox... He was slightly shocked.
Taro Kitano: ... Kitagawa Sensei?
Headmaster Spritle: It looks like the Leader of the Scorchers has seen a ghost. But let’s not cross into that thorny territory. Now, we shall-
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If I may, Headmaster Racer, but now we have an empty space in the starting lane. This simply will not do.
Headmaster Spritle: But we’ve had races with one less racer before. I don’t see why that should be a problem.
Professor Aniskov: True. But this time, I must insist. We need someone to replace Trey Sterling.
>Back down with us.
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Conor: Chim-Chim’s right, Zack, this is your big chance to race again.
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That’s great, Conor. You, too, Chim-Chim. It would be like a dream come true... But I’m gonna have to turn it down. My racin’ days are long behind me now. Me and Ivy got a new goal in life.
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I’m sure we will race again someday. But right now, Carmen needs us and we need her. Until V.I.L.E. is down for good.
Carmen: And besides, Player says our little calling card got A.C.M.E.’s attention. They’re on their way here now, so we gotta leave.
Joker: I see. That’s a shame.
Carmen: Hey, we had a wonderful time with you guys. We should try this again some time.
Sophie: Will we see each other again?
Carmen: (winking) Sooner than you think.
Joker: Carmen, before you go...
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If you ever cross paths with my favorite cousin, tell him I said “Hi”... Even if they will happen soon.
Carmen: I’ll be sure to do that.
Player: Hey you guys, they just passed the gates.
Carmen: Happy Thanksgiving. And Happy Holidays.
>With that, Carmen, Zack, and Ivy run off and were gone... Who knows when we’ll see them again. Then, a black car drives up to us and two people in suits came out.
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La Femme Rouge! We just saw her here! Where did she go!?
Joker: I’m afraid we have no idea who you’re talking about, Agent Devineaux.
Agent Devineaux: (a bit surprised) How did... Never mind, I know you saw her!
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Calm yourself, Devineaux! If we just saw her, then we should follow her where she might have went.
Agent Devineaux: ... I knew that. I just wanted to see if you knew.
Oracle: (whispering sarcastically) I’m sure.
Agent Zari: Happy Thanksgiving.
>With that, the two A.C.M.E. Agents leave.
Conor: I wonder if I should have told them that I put cloaking technology in their getaway car?
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As detectives, me and Wolf frown that you aided and abetted a criminal...
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But as Phantom Thieves, we say “Right on”.
Conor: Thanks.
Headmaster Spritle’s voice on the speakers: Speed, X, can you send our Japanese guests up here, please? We wish to talk to them.
Speed: Alright! You guys better go. We’ll meet up after the race. If we’re still having it.
Joker: Right. See you all later.
>With that, we leave Conor and the others for now.
>Meanwhile, with Taro Kitano, he goes back inside his car... He is not alone.
Taro Kitano: So the rumors are true. Aren’t they?
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I am truly sorry you had to find out this way.
Taro Kitano: So what now? You want me to talk to him? To get to know him?
Goemon: (shaking his head) Yusuke's in no hurry to meet you. Right now, he is content with how things are. He’s in college, he’s a talented artist, he has many good friends... And even someone he can share his heart with.
Taro Kitano: You mean that frizzy-haired guy with the glasses? I see. They look so happy together. It definitely reminds me of... me and her. When I look at Yusuke, I see his mother. And when I see his boyfriend, I can’t help but see myself. And I don’t even know the guy... Except in the ring.
Goemon: You’ll know soon enough... Speaking of comparing yourself with Ren, I have a favor to ask you.
Taro Kitano: (confused) Me?
Goemon: Or rather, someone on your team.
>Up on the balcony, we meet up with Headmaster Spritle, Speed Racer Sr., his wife Trixie, and Professor Aniskov.
Queen: You wanted to see us, Headmaster?
Headmaster Spritle: Professor Aniskov insists we can’t start the race without someone taking Trey’s place... And he suggests one of you do it.
Phantom Thieves: WHAT!?
Professor Aniskov: If it’s not too much trouble.
Mona: Well don’t look at me, Ryuji, Yusuke, Futaba, Haru, or Sumire. We’re still learning.
Wolf: Me and Akechi were asked to assist things with the Sterlings. They thought having a couple of detectives would make things a little more smoother. So we’re out.
Queen: I don’t think Sis would be too happy for me to spontaneously join in a big race like this.
Panther: And I promised the modeling agency I would take a few pics here as inspiration for their next session.
Fox: Then that would just leave...
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?????: Pretty much.
>Then, my parents arrived with the wheelchair bound Defensive Driving teacher, Professor Winn, and Speed and X’s grandparents, Mom and Pops Racer..
Joker: Mom, Dad, so glad you guys decided to stay.
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You didn’t think we’d actually miss this, did you?
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Nor I. This is proud day for all of us.
Jonny: And who knew it would be on Thanksgiving.
Mrs. Racer: What do you mean?
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As some of you may not know, but Mr. Amamiya here had just taken his driving examination with me as the supervisor.
Jonny: I’ve been helping him, too. Ever since last summer.
Professor Winn: Well, after much evaluation and seeing how well you managed your driving, whether it be regular, casual, cruising or even racing, I can honestly say... You passed.
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For real!?
Queen: Congratulations, Ren.
Crow: Well done.
Mona: That’s our Joker.
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I’m very proud of you, Ren.
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Thank you all... Especially you, Yusuke.
>Me and Fox embrace each other lovingly.
Professor Winn: (taking a camera from her chair) Okay, smile!
>Everyone and Fox moves aside as Professor Winn takes my picture. Then, something prints out and she gives it to me.
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Jonny: (smiling) You did good, kid.
Mom: Yes, well done. We’re so proud of you.
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Thank you all.
Professor Aniskov: (clapping a bit) Now that that’s settled, I think we can get this race started.
Joker: I’m still not sure about this. I don’t even have a car. I mean, I do have one, but I don’t think it’s meant for racing.
Jonny: Professor Aniskov says he has that covered.
???? ??????: Hey, down here!
>We look down at the track. We saw that members of the Scorchers were hauling in a car.
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Taro Kitano: Everest is letting you borrow his car for the race! So you better get down here, now!
Mom Racer: Well I’ll be.
Pops Racer: Yeah... (We finally have a speaking role here.)
Speed: (calling from down below) I have something for you, too! Chim-Chim!
Chim-Chim: *Chirp*
>Chim-Chim takes a package up to the balcony and give it to me. I open it up to find it had a white racing suit with some black and two patches on the chest. One a red circle with a white 5 on it that looks like it came from the logo our game. The other patch had a picture of a white coffee cup with some steam coming out with a fancy CL on the cup. There was also a white helmet with a large black stripe in the middle with a red line on each side of it.
Speed: (calling through Chim-Chim) It’s my old racing suit. I don’t use it anymore, so you can have it. But I did change the patches. Consider it an early Christmas present. And a thank you.
Joker: You’re welcome.
Mr. Racer: (a little confused) Thanks for what?
Speed: (awkward) I’ll tell you later, Dad. Right now, we have a race to get going.
Pops Racer: (looking stern) You better tell us later.
Mr. Race: (also looking stern) You bet.
>Chim-Chim climbs back down to Conor. Panther snaps her fingers and I magically change into the racing suit.
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(this is the only picture that could be found that is similar) How do I look?
Headmaster Spritle: A bit like Speed when he first started here. Seems only yesterday he first started here... Wait, hasn’t he always? Never mind. It suits you well.
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I think my heart just skipped a beat. If only I had my sketchpad, I would preserve this moment for life.
Joker: (smiling) You can do it later. I’ve got to head down.
Wolf: And me and Akechi have to deal with the Sterlings.
Crow: I just hope Trey will be cooperative.
Panther: And I have some pictures to take.
Queen: The rest of us will be at the stands if you want to join us. Text us when you’re ready to join us.
Mom: We will join you.
>We leave. Then, Professor Aniskov stops me for a bit and does something no one would ever think he would do... He gave me an encouraging smile... And a wide one at that... Wait a second.
Professor Aniskov?: (whisper in a very familiar voice) Good luck out there... Favorite cousin. (wink)
Joker: ...
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(also whispering) Thank you, favorite cousin. (out loud) It’s showtime!
>We leave the balcony.
Headmaster Spritle: Ladies and gentlemen, filling in for Trey Sterling is one of our Japanese visitors, Ren Amamiya!
>I get in the Thunderbird. Then, I get a call from Speed, X, Slice, and Dice.
Dice: Good luck, Leader!
Slice: You’re gonna need it.
X: Hope you can keep up.
Joker: Can you?
Speed: Pretty bold. Let’s race!
>With that, we begin our engines. A holo-screen shows staring lights.
>Ready... Set... GO!
>We drive off. We go around the regular track once before the arch to the Virtual Track opens.
Automatic Voice: Virtual Track, activated!
>We drive into the Virtual Track. The track was made to look like we were on a giant table where a giant Thanksgiving Dinner was set up. The dishes, foods, and drinks were the obstacles, including a gravy boat spilling gravy around.
>In the stands, Fox, Mona, Skull, Queen, Noir, Oracle, Violet, and Sophie were watching the race when Bobby Drake, Kitty Pryde, Icicle Jr., and Lagoon Boy come to them.
Bobby Drake: Enjoying the race?
Queen: Well, Ren is still in 7th Place. But all in all, it’s going great.
Icicle Jr.: I don’t know about him, but I’m rooting for Alpha Leader. Look, he’s already in 4th.
Oracle: (laughing) Until he drives into the mashed potatoes.
Commentator: Oh, right into the mashed potatoes.! Hope Alpha Leader can dig his way out. Now, Annalsie Zazic has passed him, narrowly missing the yams! But can she get by the slicing ham?
Kitty Pryde: (cheering) Don’t give up, Alpha Leader!
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Yeah, you can do it, Alpha Leader! Keep going!
Skull: (surprised) Yoshizawa san, just who’s side are you on?
Violet: (a bit surprised herself) Sorry, senpai. I can’t just disagree with my favorite X-Man when she’s sheering for her favorite racer.
Kitty Pryde: (smiling a bit) I’m your favorite? I’m quite honored.
Violet: I’m so glad to hear that, Shadowcat san.
Kitty Pryde: Oh, you can just call me Kitty, Sumire Yoshizawa.
Violet: You know about me?
Kitty: I know a thing or two about the world of gymnastics. Plus, we know Spider-Man and the Future Avengers and they told us a lot about you guys.
Bobby: Yeah, we recognized you guys from what they told us, the past two Dream FESs, and those Dancing in Starlight videos.
Lagoon Boy: Yeah, Nightwing and the others told me about you as well. And a certain connection.
Queen: I see. So you have also been having dreams.
Lagoon Boy: How do you think we came to know Alpha Leader and each other?
Icicle Jr.: Yeah, we’ve been having dreams about him and each other for a long time. Ever since the last Dream FES... Along with that guy.
Skull: What guy?
Bobby: Well, maybe it would be better to show you. If you don’t mind.
Fox: Actually, I wish to stay and support Ren.
Sophie: I can record the race for you so you won’t miss much.
Mona: Thanks, Sophie. Okay, we’re coming.
>With that, Mona, Skull, Queen, Noir, Oracle, and Violet follow Bobby, Kitty, Icicle Jr., and Lagoon Boy.
>In a parking garage, they arrive at a black SUV with the X-Men logo on it. It was parked next to an old fashion roadster. Then, Lagoon Boy knock the back of the roaster with the “Shave and a Haircut” rhythm.
??????: Finally! I thought we were gonna die in here!
??????: Hurray! This lovely bear can become the prince he was meant to be! It was getting cramped in here.
??????: Only because you were wearing the suit when we got taken! You should have taken it off when we were leaving!
??????: But I lost my mask! I needed something to protect me from the virus!
??: I’m sure you were only doing what you needed to do.
??????: Thank you for that, Sensei.
??????: Kiss up.
??: Don’t worry, Yosuke, you’re still my best partner.
Yosuke?: (happily) Thanks, Partner.
Kitty: Okay, enough with the shouting, we’re getting you out now.
Bobby: Just try not to kill us when we let you out.
>Bobby opens the trunk. And out comes...
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Ah, at last, fresh air! You guys know we can’t get to close like that, do you? We might get the virus.
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I feel like an can survive anything with Sensei around. Even in enclosed spaces.
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What!? You guys!?
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Ryuji san? And the others? You’re here, too?
Queen: Yes, but how are you three here?
Yosuke: (unhappy) Ask him. (points to Icicle Jr.)
Icicle Jr.: (putting his fingers together) Well...
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>Junes Department Store, Electronics Department in Inaba. Yosuke had just finished work for the day. However, it was a slow day.
Teddie: Not many customers today, huh, Yosuke?
Yosuke: What did you expect? Because of the virus, only essential businesses are allowed to open. So the customers are only going to parts of the store that sells the essentials. And I doubt they include electronics unless they need replacing or if they want to do some early Christmas shopping.
Teddie: I see. (sighing sadly) I sure miss playing with the kids that come here. I haven’t even seen Nana chan in a long time. I miss her.
Yosuke: You just video chatted with her this morning.
Yu: (coming in with three take-out bags from Aiya) Talking to each other on the computer and talking in person are very different from each other.
Yosuke: Yu, you’re here?
Yu: I didn’t have time to make dinner tonight, so I picked up some take-outs. I would have ordered it, but due to the lockdown order, Aika’s really busy with other deliveries... There should be some left over to take to Nanako and Dojima san. So I guess we can visit them after all.
Teddie: (dramatically) Thank you so much, Sensei!
Yosuke: (unimpressed) Don’t get too excited, bear. We need to save some for Nanako and Dojima san.
NOTE: Before we go further, let me explain. By this point and time in this fanmade timeline, Yu, after graduating, moved back to Inaba. This time, for good. Yosuke had also moved out of his parents’ house. However, Mr. and Mrs. Hanamura didn’t want to be left alone with Teddie because of the messes he always leaves behind, so they convinced their son to take him with him. Yu, Yosuke, and Teddie all move in together in an apartment that was just a block away from the Dojima residence so they can visit each other whenever they want. Yu and Yosuke attended college in Okina City, though, Yosuke continued to work part-time at Junes and Yu started work as a gas station attendant at Moel. After they finished college, they still work their jobs because Yosuke is still trying to figure out what to do with his life. Though, after a long time of always listening to music on his headphone, dancing at the Love Meets Bonds Festival, and performing at the Dream Festival, he might consider something in music. As for Yu, he wishes to work in Psychology, but that requires him to study a little more into it, so he’s still works at Moel. And Teddie... Well, he does have an “exclusive contract” with Junes.
>Yu, Yosuke, and Teddie make their way through he parking lot to Yu’s car where Yosuke’s scooter was also parked. Then suddenly...
?????? ??: Hey, are you Yosuke Hanamura?
Yosuke: Yeah, who wants to-
>They turned and are surprised by who they saw.
Yosuke: Y- You’re...
Icicle Jr.: Sorry about this. Don’t worry, I’ve been training with Iceman.
>With a blast of ice, Icicle Jr. froze Yosuke and Yu. Luckily, they were both still alive.
Teddie: (boastful) Ha! Betcha didn’t know that ice doesn’t work on moi!
>Teddie is suddenly knocked out by a wrench. He didn’t see who did it.
>End of flashback.
Teddie: So that explains the small bump on my head. Good thing I was wearing my bearskin or else it would have been serious.
Queen: So you kidnapped three people from Japan and smuggled them across the sea to America in the middle of a global pandemic?
Yosuke: I think the real question is... Why?
Icicle Jr.: I just wanted to confirm some stuff... Like that you guys are the Phantom Thieves. Besides, do you have any idea how hard it is to book a flight overseas in a global pandemic?
Noir: So you know who we are, huh?
Lagoon Boy: Don’t worry, we won’t tell anyone. This is out of respect for your friends. And we warned Icicle Jr. that we would send him off to Belle Reve this holiday season.
Icicle Jr.: I’m really hoping to spend it with an old friend of mine... To help her get over that her boyfriend isn’t around to spend it with her.
Kitty: (unsure) I don’t think she’s ready to go back into the fray yet.
Lagoon Boy: It’s true.
Icicle Jr.: (shrugging a bit) I don’t know. If Superboy and Miss Martian can even get engaged, there maybe hope for me yet.
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I think we got bigger issues here. Like how you brought these guys here without even testin’ ‘em first.
Kitty: Got you covered. (takes a scanner from the SUV) We bring some with us whenever we go looking for new mutants. We may have powers, but apparently, we’re not immune to COVID. (scans Yu, Yosuke, and Teddie) They’re good.
Yosuke: Well that’s a relief. (rubbing some sore spots) But even though I’m not sick, I’m hurting all over from being stuck in there. Why couldn’t you have just kept us in the nice roomy SUV instead of the tiny trunk of this antique? Who owns this thing anyway?
Bobby: Another good friend of ours... Including you, Yosuke.
Yosuke: (confused) Mine? Who would... Wait, now that you mentioned it, I have seen this car before... in a dream.
Yu: Same here. When I think about that dream, I have the oddest feeling that I should thank you. But for what? I know you helped me a lot, Yosuke, but what I should thank you for is something else.
Yosuke: Yeah. But I just can’t remember. Then again, that dream isn’t as clear as... No, we should think about that one.
Yu: I agree.
Teddie: (confused) I don’t get it.
Yosuke: If this car is what we think it is... Where’s the owner?
Lagoon Boy: Most likely outside watching the race.
Yu: Race? What are you talking about? And where are Joker and the rest of the Phantom Thieves?
Sophie: (on Oracle’s phone) You’ll meet Fox, Panther, Crow, and Wolf in the stands. As for Joker, you should see for yourself.
>Sophie was now showing me now neck and neck with Annalise on a bridge over a casserole.
Yu: Is that a casserole?
Violet: We’ll explain later. Right now, they’re waiting for us.
>With that, they all head back to the stands.
>Back on the stands, Fox, Panther, Crow, and Wolf were surprised to see Yu, Yosuke, and Teddie here. They explained what happened.
Wolf: (whining) Please, one crime at a time. We already just dealt with the Sterlings, and we’re celebrating here.
Icicle Jr.: I just said I was sorry.
Queen: By the way, where is this friend of yours?
Bobby: I guess he stepped away for now.
Yosuke: Can you blame him? It would be awkward for a French guy to be at an event for an American holiday.
Violet: Hey, Senpai’s catching up to Taro!
>In the Virtual Track, I was catching up to Taro Kitano with rows of glasses of sparkling cider surrounding us. Some of them kept falling to try and drown us.
Commentator: Ren is gaining up on Kitano. Can fresh college student pass a seasoned pro?
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Just so you know, I’m not going easy on you just cause you and my son are dating, kid.
Joker: I don’t expect you to. I wanna beat you fair and square. We’re all equals here.
Taro Kitano: Good. Hope you’re ready for this.
Announcer: This is it, folks! Speed, X, Kitano, and Ren are at the final part of the race. The man course itself: THE TURKEY!
>Before us was a giant cooked turkey the was guarded by robot turkeys with titanium drills for beaks.
Speed: Time to carve this bird!
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You bet! It’s showtime!
>We managed to tear are way through the robot turkeys. They drill hard, we be are harder. Then, some of them were now ganging up on Speed and X.
Joker: We can’t let them get drilled by robot turkeys, will we?
Taro Kitano: I guess. Fine, we’ll save them from the robot turkeys... Now that’s something I never thought I’d say.
>We managed to drive up and beat the robot turkeys with the cowcatcher on the Thunderbird and Taro Kitano with his car’s hook. Finally, they were gone and Speed and X drove up ahead.
X: Thanks for that.
Speed: Now let’s go!
>We make it to the end of the rack. The exit portal arch looked like an eaten-through pumpkin pie. We drive in and back into the real world. Once out, Speed was the first to cross the finish line, then X, then Taro Kitano, and I was the last one. The remaining racers followed.
Commentator: And that’s that! Speed Racer Jr. comes in a spectacular 1st Place! His older, brother, X, in 2nd! Taro Kitano in 3rd! And Ren Amamiya in 4th!
>The crowd was cheering loud. I could see my friends in the stands. Wait, why are Yu, Yosuke, and Teddie here? Actually, never mind, this is a great moment for me. Then, I look up to the commentator’s balcony. The Racers were smiling and waving that Speed and X came in 1st and 2nd. Then, I look to my parents who are waving to me. Then, I looked to “Professor Aniskov” who was also waving to me. Finally, I turn back to the stands and see Fox.
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????????? ???????: WHERE IS HE!?
>Uh oh, the jig is up. I see the real Professor Aniskov wearing nothing but his boxers, a white tank-top, and a very angry look on his face. With him is my favorite cousin’s favorite every-vigilant inspector.
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Excuse me, Racer Family, but I found this man tied up in a closet somewhere. You wouldn’t happen to know where to find a man who looks just like him, would you?
>The other Aniskov was already gone.
Jonny: (smiling) Not at all, Inspector.
Mr. Racer: ... Not me, either.
Headmaster Spritle: Nor me.
>The other Racers just shook their heads.
Professor Aniskov: (upset) Are you serious!? He was just here!
Inspector Zenigata: Don’t worry, Professor. I’ve been chasing Lupin for the longest time. Knowing him, he can’t be that far.
>You don’t know that half of it, Pops.
>In the same parking garage, the other Aniskov had just come in when a car shows up.
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Cutting it rather close, aren’t we? I’m not sure Fujiko would want to spend Thanksgiving alone this year.
Professor Aniskov?: (laughing) Don’t forget, Jigen, I have family, too.
Jigen: Even though he’s not related to you by blood?
>Then, the other Aniskov removes his disguise.
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True... But do you want to tell his Persona that?
Jigen: ... Good point.
>Suddenly, someone comes running in. It was Pops Zenigata.
Inspector Zenigata: LUPIN, YOU’RE UNDER ARREST!
Lupin III: Took you long enough, Pops. Probably because ACME came here looking for my rival and told you to stay back. But I’m afraid I have other plans to get to. Happy Thanksgiving!
>Lupin III gets in the car where Goeman was already seated and Jigen drives them off. Pops tries to chase after them... But the car they my friends were just at drives up and blocks him. Lupin, Jigen, and Goemon get away.
Inspector Zenigata: (angry) Hey, what’s the big idea!?
>Icicle Jr. walks in.
Icicle Jr.: Sorry, Inspector! My friend was just leaving.
Inspector Zenigata: I should have known crooks like you and him stick together.
Icicle Jr.: Hey, don’t blame me for that thief’s escape. I was just seeing my friend off before I go to the feast with my other friends.
Inspector Zenigata: Grr! Fine. But you better watch yourself. One of the heroes you face is here today.
Icicle Jr.: (smiling) Who do you think invited me?
>The inspector just stood silent with his teeth gritting. Then, he ran off after my favorite cousin. Then, Icicle Jr. goes over to the driver of the car.
Icicle Jr.: Hey, thanks for helping Lupin and his friends escape... And thanks for helping me bring Yosuke and his friends here. I really appreciate it.
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Anytime, Cameron. Anytime.
>Another successful heist.
NOTE: I apologize that this post was a bit long, we tried to cram as much of this day in as possible.
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darksaiyangoku · 5 years
Bloodlines AU: Apex Cosplays
Joethefriendlyponybro: I've got another skit for y'all. And this time, it's a skit based off of DarkSaiyan's cosplay stories but set in my next gen RWBY AU. Let's see what I can share what strange stuff me and DarkSaiyan came up with, shall we?
[Vale City Comic-Con, the Belladonna-Wukong family's planned vacation spot for quite some time was just down the street. At a nearby bus stop stood Sun and his and Blake's daughter, Alexandria. Alex for short.
Sun wore a mustard-yellow jumpsuit along with brown gloves and tinted orange goggles. His hair was scruffier than usual to reflect his cosplay getup as Mirage from Apex Legends.
To his side sat Alex wearing a mostly black but also purple getup, her long and scruffy black hair wrapped up in a ponytail as Wraith from the same game.]
Sun: Whoo!!!! Haven’t been in cosplay gear in such a long time. I feel like I’m back at school again, hehe.
Alex: *removes eye contacts, revealing green eyes* Dad, when was the last time you dressed up?
Sun: Let’s see.......I think it was back when Team CFVY were visiting Vacuo. We all decided to cosplay as the MCU heroes. *chuckling* I called dibs on Star Lord. Neptune was piiiiiissed!
Alex: *jumps on top of bus stop* I think Elsa wanted to go as Sif this year. But, with tending to her folks' restaurant, I guess she had to work on filling out orders for con-goers.
Sun: Well, at least Ren and Nora are making some great cash with their kids this year. *muttering* Blake isn’t taking this as well as I thought she would...
Alex: Is mom taking it that bad? Sorry, cat ears. Couldn't help but pick it up.
Sun: Not really. She just hasn’t been in cosplay in long time. It’s kinda strange for her to be back in the den of the nerds. That.... and she’s getting looks from some thirsty boys.
Alex: You're both running Menagerie's own combat school. Not to mention ensuing Faunus relations across Remnant- -Wait. Who's ogling my mom? Who do I have to cast a hex on to remind them she's a married woman?
Sun: *points* That guy on the right at the bench on the end of the street.
[She turned to see a man thirsting over a photo of Blake on her Scroll. Alex immediately went into pack mode, shouting at the creep.]
Alex: *glares at creep, eyes glowing turquoise* HEY SHITHEAD! My mom is taken, so why don't you back off before I twist you into a pretzel, fondue you and feed you to an Ursa?! *bares teeth, resembling fangs*
Perv: *looks up* Oh my- -! *runs away*
Sun: *nods head* That’s my girl!
Alex: *grins at Sun, eyes no longer glowing* I aim to please! *looks around* Where is mom, anyway?
Sun: *smiling* Getting a smoothie. I might join her later. You're still meeting up with Rhiannon, right?
Alex: Yeah. Rhiannon and I are supposed to meet up at that smoothie joint. I wonder what's taking both of them so long?
Sun: Probably got sidetracked. You know what Remnant’s like.
[Before they continue, Alex gets ambushed from behind in a surprise embrace by a red-haired, ponytailed girl with green eyes and a blue tunic.]
Rhiannon: Sneak hug!
Alex: MREOW!
Sun: WOAH!!!! Rhiannon, hi!
Rhiannon: *sets Alex down, cackling* What's good, Mr. Wukong?
[Blake shortly followed. Dressed in black military-style gear as she noticed her daughter's friend being as sneaky as ever. She was panting as if she were out of breath and holding a drink.]
Alex: *stands down, blinking* Rhi? I thought you picked a costume.
Blake: *panting* Finally...got...that...smoothie.
Alex: *looks up* Uh, what was the hold up?
Blake: The thirsty boys, honey. They can be a handful.
Rhiannon: Mrs. B tried jogging in her Bangalore costume as well. Guess that thick padding got to her, first.
Blake: In my defense, I didn’t think it would be that heavy. I've definitely jogged in padding before.
Alex: Never said you didn't. So me and Rhi are headed to the park. Dad told me a bit about your cosplay funk. *lowers ears* Something wrong?
Blake: I haven’t done this in a while. I feel kinda rusty. But... *blushing* I needed a break from all the stress so we could be with you and Rhiannon. *looks down sadly*
Alex: *puts hand on Blake's shoulder* Mom, you look fine. That's why we dressed up for this con, right?
Rhiannon: *folds arms* She's got you there, Mrs. B. Not like I went for it. I just wanted to hang with you guys.
Blake: *smiles* True. You’re all right, I gotta loosen up.
Alex: *points up* I request as your daughter and aspiring Huntress to enjoy yourself since there's a lot on our plate once the school year starts back up again. Besides, *phases out torso, arms and lower legs* I can look the part as Wraith with my Semblance.
Blake: *laughs* Okay, I surrender!
Alex: *phases back in* Also, I'll be sure to smoke any thirsty boy who gives you bedroom eyes.
Rhiannon: I can tie 'em up with one of my rope bolts if it'll help.
Blake: I'll handle them myself, girls. But thank you.
Alex: Whatever you say, mom. *hugs Blake* And thanks for paying for this trip.
[Blake smiled, embracing her daughter back.]
Blake: Oh, honey. You deserve a treat for your hard work.
Sun: Did it have to come from my bank account though?
Alex: *releases Blake* Oh. Uh...Rhi?
Rhiannon: I 'unno. Some major bounty or escort mission he undertook? *checks Scroll* Come on, Alex. Let's get our photoshoot done.
Sun: Have fun, pumpkin. Try not to cloak in public.
Alex: Sure, dad. *walks off to the park with Rhiannon*
Sun: So, what mission was it last? The- -The one where I would split my paycheck with you to pay for this con trip?
Blake: I think it was the mission where I teamed up with the Red Flowers to stop a horde of Creeps.
Sun: *puts finger up to chin* Or, was it the trawler escort at Sockeye Junction? You know how pirates get around fishing villages.
Blake: Or maybe it was the one where Yang almost set a town on fire to kill some Arachnoids?
Sun: That's still a dumb name for spider Grimm. I don't know how Professort Port outvoted Oobleck on that but- -Nevermind. *half hugs Blake, wrapping tail around her waste and holding her like a dancer, barely spilling the smoothie* That's a good look for you, bee tee dubs. *grins*
Blake: *giggles* Sun, stop it! We’re in public.
Sun: 20 years of marriage. I think I've earned the chance to do stuff like this with you.
Blake: Gods. You’re so mischievous. *wraps her arms behind Sun’s neck* And that’s why I love you.
Sun: *picks up smoothie with tail* Love you too, babe. Shall I give you some sugar?
Blake: *pulls him in* Do it, honey.
[Sun pulled Blake in for a kiss. They practically glowed like bioluminescent mushrooms as their auras glowed with their embrace. They let go upon hearing a sloshy splat hit the pavement.]
Sun: *notices spilled smoothie* Uh, whoops.
Blake: Oh no! *teary-eyed* Damn you gravity!
Sun: Uh...I think there are milkshakes at the local Beetroot's we can get instead. Plus, their new salmon burger looks pretty good. *pulls out debit card* And I got membership there! Huah! *tosses debit card into smoothie pile* ...Man, how did the shopkeep do it back then?!
Blake: ...I like salmon.
Sun: See? Win-win! And I'll pay for the milkshakes.
Blake: *small smile* I’d like that.
Sun: Good husband powers no jutsu! *roundhouse kicks, tripping and landing ass-first into the smoothie pile, crushing cup* Ah, crap. These jeans were a rental.
Blake: *laughing* I guess now we’re even!
Sun: Yay. Anyway, onto the burgers! *wraps arm and tail around Blake* I'll let you wear my cosplay goggles for sex tonight~! *winks*
Blake: *purring* Mmm, I like sound of that.
Joethefriendlyponybro: Well, that was certainly something. Hopefully your viewers enjoy it as much as I enjoyed doing this skit with you. This was fun, thanks.
DarkSaiyanGoku: Don’t mention it bro, always happy to help out. I might do more of these RPs more often with anyone else, if they ask.
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onieoak · 5 years
the fall of order | excerpt
a/n: this is a small excerpt I wrote as a way to get to know each character. I hope you enjoy and hopefully, I can develop the story more. You can find all introductions to the characters here word count: 1.7k
Ren’s Proposition
Everybody was gathered in the kitchen; the first time all of them had been in the same room together. Sasha sat at the edge of the dining table, a small booth with three long horizontal windows in the walls around it. She had both arms resting on the surface and hands clasped together, looking as if she were in a classroom. Brock was sitting beside her, leaning against the back of the bench with his arms crossed, his leg bopping up and down impatiently. Mars placed herself on the windowsill, feet on the leather bench. She was already in the kitchen when Ren called the meeting, watching jet races on her portable tv. Dameron and Kota were leaning against the wall, Dameron with his arms crossed and Kota with their arms behind their back, their eyes staring at the ceiling as their mind wondered. EZ was sitting on the counter against the fridge, eating cold leftovers off his lap, hardly paying attention to what was around him. Jin rested her upper body on the island counter, one leg propped up on the counter behind her, as she listened to Ren continue to ramble on. Neo sat on the island, pretending to play the drums with a pair of knives. Ren snatched them out of his hands.
   “So,” she said, glaring at him. Everyone lifted their heads and listened, some hoping she’ll recap her speech since they weren’t listening. “To sum up, I want you all to help me destroy the Order.”
The room was silent while everyone considered what she said. Neo, who was still offended by Ren ruining his fun, spoke first.
   “Why should we help you?”
   “Because I’m asking- no, I’m telling.”
Sasha took a deep breath, mentally preparing herself for what might be the biggest debate of her life. She knew the other's opinion on this and it seemed she’d be the only one opposing. “My answer is no. I’m not going to help you kill innocent people and control the Order. That’s just insane and wrong.”
Ren frowned but she had expected that kind of answer from Sasha: Little Miss Perfect.
   “Yeah, I agree with Sasha,” Brock said, uncrossing his arms and sitting up. “The only person who will be benefitting out of this will be you.”
   “I’m all for rebelling against the Order but I don’t think I’m ready to hurt people,” Mars added. Sasha looked to Brock and Mars, relieved to have people on her side.
Dameron cleared his throat. “I mean, I can see why you want to take over the Order and screw the people in it but it’s the Order; everything would be chaos without it.”
   “I’d do it,” Kota said, raising their hand. “As long as I get paid.”
Ren smiled. “Thank y-”
   “And you give me one of the best spaceships and a science lab with all the equipment I need.”
   “Same for me, plus, you have to promise that we don’t hurt anyone,” EZ said with his mouth filled with food. “Also, let’s look at this as a team effort. I mean why the hell should we follow you?”
   “Well, it’s my idea-” Ren was cut off again but this time but Jin.
   “I’m in, but only if I get first dibs on those scumbags in office.”
Sasha pulled back, screwing up her face in horror. “Scumbags? Who? Our leaders?”
Jin stood up straight. “They’re corrupt assholes.”
Mars scoffed. “Haven’t you noticed the state of the Order? They’re running out of money and making people like us practically break our backs working and give them our hard-earned money. You know what, one second though, I’m in.”
   “Hard-earned? Mars, you do nothing but 360s in the air,” Brock said to which Mars rolled her eyes in response.
Sasha looked wide-eyed at everyone in the room and landed on Dameron. He saw the desperate look in her eye and while he knew the consequences of what Ren was asking of them, he could also see the truth in it. He also knew it’d take a little more convincing.
He looked to Ren and said, “What can you offer us that the Order can’t?”
   “I…Wh…Can’t anybody be better than them?” she stuttered. Clearly, she wasn’t prepared for such a question and Dameron took note.  
   “You don’t know how to run a government.”
   “Who says she has to do it alone anyway?” Neo said. “We could make a new council or something. We’ll all run it.”
   “That’s exactly what I said,” EZ muttered, opening the fridge and reaching in for more food.
   “Hang on, this was my idea. I should be the one in charge,” Ren said, squeezing her eyes shut. She cursed herself for believing that everything would go her way. She was dealing with the most complicated group of people in the universe.
   “No, actually that sounds perfect,” Jin said. “I already have some great ideas.”
   “No! This is my thing. You can’t just pretend to hate the Order now that I brought up the idea to destroy them.”
Neo laughed. “Fine. We’ll do it without you. Good luck trying to destroy them by yourself.”
Ren stamped her foot which amused Neo; he always got a kick out of stirring people up.
  “Ugh! Alright, but I’m the head of the council and I get final say on all decisions.”
Everybody suddenly started talking over each other, protesting against Ren’s offer. EZ smiled and put away his food. He jumped down off the counter and stood next to Ren.
   “I have a question.” The room fell silent. “Why do you need our help?”
Jin smiled. “Yeah, you’re always going on about how other people just slow you down.”
Ren gritted her teeth. “I don’t need your help. I just thought it’d be nice to do it together. You know, have a fun day out with the gang.”
   “No, you need us. Come on, tell us,” Mars said, enjoying this a little too much.
   “Tell us or you’re on your own,” Neo said taking back the knives.
Ren sighed. “Fine. I’ve…lived here for a while and I suppose I’ve seen and… observed you all and realised how great of a team we’d make in taking over the Order and ruling forever.”
EZ put his arm across Ren’s shoulder, squeezing her into her chest. “Aw, she loves us.”
   “I do not-” She pushed EZ off her.
Mars laughed. “She wants us to be a team.”
   “She thinks about us.” Neo threw his head back, a wide grin on his face.
   “Fine! I take it back!”
Kota caught their breath from laughing. “No, I’m still on board. I want my lab.”
   “Yeah, me too,” EZ added, finishing his chuckle.
Neo raised a knife in the air. “I’m in.”
    “Same,” Jin said.
Dameron nodded. “Okay, but I think we need to lay some ground rules because we can’t do this if we all have different agendas and don’t work together.”
Sasha quickly stood up, her cheeks red with rage. Jin felt her stomach drop, never seeing Sasha so livid.
   “We are not going to do this!” Ren and EZ turned around to face her. “What is wrong with you? Y-you’re talking about galaxy domination; killing innocent people; ruining lives; you’re talking about changing everything just for the sake of doing it!”
   “We already told you, Sasha. The Order we’re living under is oppressive. We need real change.” Sasha’s stomach twisted at Mars’ calm tone.
   “And you’re going to leave it up to her?” Sasha pointed a harsh finger in Ren’s direction; her arm felt strained. “Ren, the psychopath? Ren, the girl who’s been lying to us ever since she got here?”
Brock let out a breath. “I hate to do this, Sasha, but they’re right.” Sasha turned around, feeling betrayed by the one person she thought would have her back. “I haven’t been able to find a steady, well-paying job for years because of the Order. If we do this, we might actually be doing something good. We can give the people a say, a voice.”
   “This all means differently to everyone in this room but the bottom line is, we’ll be taking back what’s ours. We’ll be taking back what we deserve,” Kota added.
Neo set down his knives and got off the counter. “If you don’t help us, you won’t be able to make any of the changes you want. You won’t be able to help people because you won’t be in charge. Do you really want just us to be in charge while you have no power at all?”
Brock scooted forward in his seat, gently holding onto Sasha’s wrist in an attempt to really get her to listen. “Think about it, Sash. All you want to do is make a high rank and make the world a better place. How are you gonna do that where you are now; with people in the Order holding you back? This is your chance.”
The hard creases between Sasha’s eyebrows slowly relaxed. She saw the honesty in the one person she trusted truly in that room and knew to pay attention.
   “Before I agree to anything, I want Brock, Dameron and Kota to make the ground rules. They’re the only ones I trust to do this right.”
   “Hey, I believe in the rules,” Jin said, holding out her arms.
   “You do anything to find loopholes in the rules and use them to your advantage.”
Ren groaned, rolling back her head. “The idea of taking over the Order has gotten so boring I almost don’t want to do it anymore. Sasha’s probably going to want us to ask them nicely. ‘Please sir, won’t you please step down so we can save the universe, please?’”
Sasha sat back down next to Brock.
   “No matter how hard you try Sasha, there’s no way we can do this peacefully. People will fight back,” Mars explained.
   “You send those people my way, alright?” Neo replied, winking at Mars.
   “She’s right,” Kota said. “We’ll try to do this without hurting anyone…”
   “I won’t,” Ren whispered.
   “But there might come a time where we don’t have a choice.”
Sasha nodded. “We’ll deal with that when the time comes. Now, let’s plan.”
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swanky-batman · 6 years
Damaged Part 3
Kylo Ren (Ben Solo) x Reader
Warnings: some language and violence for sure.
Part 3 gets a little emotional, after Ben sees Y/N after thinking she’s been dead for months now. :o Hope you guys enjoy! :D
Part 1    Part 2   Part 4
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“H-How is this possible?” He shook his head, “You were gone, dead.”
“I fell.” You gulped, your throat getting tight. “I wasn’t dead.” You met his eyes, “But all of our colleagues are.”
He shook his head, stumbling back. “You were dead- you were gone- they had taken you from me.” His voice quickly turned angry. “I had to stop them-”
“Ben,” You started and he shook his head.
“I’m not ashamed- I’m changed. And my name is Kylo Ren.” He opened up the saber, showing you how fearsome he could look.
“You’re a fool if you won’t listen.” You shook your head, tears forming despite your struggle with them.
“You’re a fool for joining the rebels.” His face was emotionless but his voice seemed strained.
You chuckled a little, “What questions were you going to ask me as a jedi? Obviously we’re going nowhere as myself.” You looked down, a million thoughts running through your head. He hadn’t denied that it was him, and he hadn’t really defended himself on the matter. You felt his eyes running over you and couldn’t tell if he was angry, relieved, or flat out in denial.
“Were you going to let me believe you were dead?” Apparently- hurt was the tone in his voice. You were a little surprised at this take.
“What was I going to say?” Your eyes flashed to his, “Hey, Ben,” He flinched but you continued, “Just so you know, after you flipped your shit and killed all of our fellow Jedi’s- I made it up to the hill at the end of it. Early enough to see the damage but late enough to save no one!” Your voice bubbled over with pure rage now. “Everyone was dead! I was left for dead- damaged and bleeding. You left no one and nothing undamaged.” Your voice was cracking from the tone you had taken. “You might as well had been the one to push me over the cliff that night.” Your tone was quieter but every bit as fierce. “And now you tell me you’re not even sorry? You’re not even going to apologi-”
“Enough!” He boomed back, finally over my speech. “You do not get to tell me how I was supposed to feel, you were not in my position.” His eyes were filled with pain. “You were everything to me!”
There was a beep at the door.
“What?!” He turned, opening it. The leader of the stormtroopers was there and talked quietly to him. He paused, nodding after a minute. “Fine.” He turned back towards you, “We are not done yet.” He walked out of the room. You hadn’t realized you were holding your breath for part of the conversation and finally released it when the stormtrooper walked in again.
“What? Come to attack me now that I can’t fight back?” You smirked. They took off their helmet, revealing a woman underneath. She walked up and punched you in the gut and you forced a laugh, “Did I hurt your tummy?” Again, and again she hit, blood leaking out of your mouth before she popped your helmet back on.
“Not so perky right now, are you- stupid rebel.” She spit, hitting your face now.
“Put your purse down and try hitting me again.” You laughed, feeling the bruises already forming on your core and face.
“Once we get the word, I’m going to kill you.” She leant down and whispered into my face. “Slowly.”
“Is that the only way you can get off anymore, love?” You mocked, earning yourself another punch in the face. You despised the woman standing in front of you.
The door beeped and she took a step back, throwing on her helmet with a satisfied smirk.
“You may leave.” Ben nodded towards her and she went to leave.
“Awh, see you later best buddy!” You tilted your head to see her pause for a moment before she left the room, “Nice lady.” You nodded towards Ben, who looked to you without emotion. It seems the couple of minutes he was out, he regained his composure.
“We need information.” Ben spoke, sitting down across from you. His brow twitched a little seeing your mask back in place and his hand twitched towards you. “Trying to hide from me?” He strode across the room and swiped off the mask again, smearing blood as he lifted it off.
His composure broke, his face angered again. “What?”
You met his eyes as best as you could, one of your eyes already swelling a little, “Seems like someone else has dibs on you.” You chuckled through the pain. You would not cry in front of him, not now. In fact, it was funny. This whole situation was laughable. If it weren’t then you would feel a wave of emotion hit you- so laughter it was.
He was shaking a little, his whole face red, “Why are you laughing?” He rumbled through his teeth, “Do you not-”
“Feel?” You questioned, “Not really. Last time I did the person I loved literally killed everyone in a mile radius.”
He flinched a little, clearing his throat. “I’ll get someone to transport you to a medical lab.”
“Don’t bother.” You spat. “Are we done?”
He met your eyes, sighing a little. “No.” He confirmed, “We haven’t even started.” For over an hour he tried to talk to you- interrogate you. At times you were both angry, yelling- others you were both very quiet.
“I’ll be back in a bit.” He bit his lip a little before striding out of the room.
You breathed again, this time a little shakier than last. A couple of minutes later, a stormtrooper walked in. “Another interrogation?” You tried to smirk, “Lucky me to get so much attention.”
“Ace?” Poe popped his head around, “Jesus.” He gasped.
“Is my hair messed up?” You smirked but were unsure what was going on.
“I met a friend here. We’re gonna call him Finn.” He patted him on the back, “We can talk about this in a minute, though, we have to go.” He ran over and Finn unlocked your bindings, you slumping to the floor.
“Nice to meet you, Finn.” You nodded to him, Poe helping you up and you let out a slight wimper. He threw one of your arms around his shoulders.
“Can you walk?” He met your eyes, worry running through them.
You snorted, “Please, I’m just being lazy right now.” You chuckled a little, grabbing your helmet off the ground. “Let’s roll, boys.” You felt better, more confident. You met your biggest fear and came out on top- he wasn’t going to control you. Ever. You all moved as fast as you could towards a hanger bay. Someone had spotted you and started shooting, leading to an alarm going off as you got to a flyer. You plopped down in the ship as Poe started it and Finn went towards the guns, flipping off his helmet.
“Kick some stormtrooper booty, will ya?” You shouted out to him and he nodded with a grin.
You held your stomach, as Poe shouted back to you, “You might want to buckle up- you know how I drive.”
You hissed laughter, crawling up to the passenger seat, buckling. “That I do.” He started moving forward, spinning around to get out of the doors. You flew out of their base, followed by other fliers.
“Finn- we have a tail at 5 and 8.” You checked.
“I see ‘em.” He spoke into the headphones, seeming a little worried.
He got them, though, and after some more ships we were finally free of the Order. You sighed, beyond relieved that you lived another day.
“So where are we going?” Finn came up, excited.
“Jakku.” You both answered in unison.
“Jakku?!?” He shouted, “You’re going to get all of us killed if we go back.”
“Our BB unit is there.” You responded.
“Rebuild it!” He squeaked but we argued he was one of a kind. He shook his head, “I can’t believe I’m going to die the same day I escape.”
Poe turned to you after Finn went into the other room. “Are you sure you’re okay?” His face looked worried.
You smiled to him, “Poe. I’m fine.”
“After all that jerk put you through before he had to do this to you again?” He pondered.
You sighed, “Poe. I have to tell you something. I need you not to hate me.” Your eyes lowered.
“I could never hate you, gorgeous. You know that.” He smirked to you through your shiner in all it’s glory.
You snorted, but then told him how you knew Ben. Told him a little more about what went down that night and how it was the Captain and not him that had hurt you.
He set his face, “Even after all that- You deserve better.” He shook his head. “We have a couple minutes without me having to be here.” He called for Finn to keep a watch out. “Let’s fix you up a bit, huh?”
He led you towards a table that you hopped onto in the other portion of the ship. He opened up the first aid kit he found on board. He started with your face, cleaning the cuts gently and disinfecting them. He had you remove your outer suit and lift the bottom portion of your shirt to see better what happened.
He touched your stomach, lightly poking around and judging your reactions.
“Probably a couple of bruised ribs,” He sighed, “Swelling and bruises-” He paused, feeling a little more, “I don’t think anything is broken, though.” He used more disinfectant on a rag, going over the open cuts. “You’re a tough one, I’ll admit.” He smirked to you, looking into your open eye.
“You aren’t so bad yourself.” You smirked back and was shocked when he kissed you on the forehead, lingering. “Poe?”
He purred a little at the sound of his name, “You are so unique. And wonderful.” He leaned his foredhead against yours. “Can- can I kiss you?” He asked, biting his lip.
Your jaw dropped open a little, your brows furrowing. “What?” You were confused. Maybe you hit your head.
“I like you.” He stated, “A lot.”
“Are you serious?” You shook your head, “This isn’t the time to mock me.”
“I’m not mocking you.” His jaw locked, his eyes drawn to your lips.
You nodded a little, still unsure, and he gently came up and kissed you, your mouth moving with his.
*beep beep beep*
“Guys!” Finn called.
Your heartbeat rushed, that shouldn’t have happened. Poe was your best friend- you immediately regretted compromising the only relationship you enjoyed. You had to focus on the incoming fighters now, though. You went down to the guns, shooting off a couple of them, more falling in.
“Hold on, let me see if I can’t help.” He twisted the ship around, moving closer to the surface. You lost a couple more, one shooting you as you shot him back, you felt the ship shift, “I can fix this, hold on.” He spoke up again, as you had lost the immediate ships following. You felt the ship going down and ran up towards the front, getting tossed.
“Hey, you alright?” You felt a tapping on your cheek, your vision blurry as you tried to focus. “Wait here.” He put you down, running towards the ship trying to get in.
“Poe? Poe!” He screamed, scrambling about before you felt yourself lowering. He must have noticed about the same time because he walked towards you, pulling you further out.
“No!” You screamed, trying to get up to go towards the ship.
“We can’t- he’s gone.” He tried to convince himself, pulling you even further before you passed out.
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kitgilmore · 7 years
"So you're just leaving," Thomas said, Thomas Knight was her piano partner, on more than one occasion they had been forced together during a concert, and sure he was a great piano player and often kept up with her, but he was also a minute man. Track to be more specific. Thomas was typically handsome they kind of guy when his hobbies are described you think sure that sounds right. It wasn't in until one night both high from the spring recital, the two shared a very heated kiss that Kit began to notice the finer details about Mr Knight that he could quote blade runner backwards or how he always smelt like the ocean, that he hated being called Tommy. Beginning the first romance of Kit Gilmore, as her mother had grown to call it, short as it was only lasting 3 months before they both agreed, their professional relationship was far more interesting.
"I'm moving school, Thomas not countries, I'll promise you'll survive." She told him, grabbing the notebook, textbooks, an old sweater and makeup bag out of her locker and dumping them into the box the tall boy was holding.
"Yeah I know" he replied, Kit just raised her eyebrows at him trying to be cool, slamming the red rusted door shut for the last time. She tried to take the box from him but he just shook her head and motioned her forward.
"I'll still be around for Miss Patty and recitals and we can even do that Christmas Hanukkah Winter medley you were talking about the other night," she told him as they walked down the hall and out the door, Kit turned when she heard the sound of her sister's voice.
"30 Minutes with traffic." Rory was walking towards the town centre with the new boy, Kit remembered someone mentioning he moved here from Chicago during her French class.
"Okay, then I guess it alright that you're leaving," Thomas said, returning her attention to the dark haired boy beside her she sniggered, wondered if he heard what he just said.
"Thank you, kind sir, for your permission, how will I ever repay you." Kit said with extreme gestures.
He just shook his head at his friend and the two of them made their way towards her house.
That night, at Luke's dinner the three of them we're all picking their food, Kit was worried about her cello audition, about catching up in her classes, while Rory was now unsure whether she wanted to move schools and Their mother, her big secret was, that she'd asked her parents for the money to pay the tuition of the girls new school.
"I forgot to tell you both, that we're having dinner tomorrow night at your grandparent's house," Lorelai told them, breaking them out their own thoughts the twins exchanged a look.
"We are?" Kit asked
"Mhmm" she replied before taking a sip of coffee.
"But, it's September," Rory asked her.
"So, there are no national holidays in September, expect National fortune cookie day but i don’t think grandma knows that." Kit told them with a smile, taking a sip of her own.
"Look, it's not a holiday thing. It's just dinner, okay?" Their mother told them.
"Fine, sorry," Rory told her sheepishly.
Luke brought their burgers to the tables and conversation stopped, pulling the check of the pad he said "Red meat can kill you. Enjoy."
"So, I finished hemming your skirts today"
"Thanks, mom" Kit said as she started to enjoy her food, while her sister was stabbing her burger with her folk.
"A grunt of acknowledgment might be nice," Lorelai said, directed at Rory.
"I don't understand why we're going to dinner tomorrow night. I mean, what if I had plans? You didn't even ask me." Kit couldn't help but snort at her sister's words which earned her a slide glance, boy her sister was in a mood tonight.
"Well, if you had plans I would have known." their mother said completely missing the point Rory was trying to make.
"Well, you would have told me." She stated
"I don't tell you everything. I have my own things." Rory snapped back.
"Fine, you have things".
"That's right. I have things."
"Hey. I had dibs on being the bitch tonight" Their mother said, Kit watched as she took a breath and tried to calm herself it was a habit Kit herself had picked up, I didn't always work.
"Just tonight" Rory muttered.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" Kit joined raising her voice slightly.
"I'm not sure I want to go to Chilton," Rory told them, her eyes refused to catch theirs.
"What?" Kit roared, where had this come from.
"The timing is just really bad." She began to explain.
"The timing is bad?" Lorelai repeated.
"And the bus ride to and from Hartford, it's like thirty minutes each way."
"I can't believe what I'm hearing."
"Plus, I don't think we should be spending that money right now. I mean, I know Chilton's got to be costing you a lot."
"Oh, you have no idea." Their mother said Kit knew it was a loaded statement but was too shocked by her sisters change in attitude.
"All of your money should be going toward buying an inn with Sookie."
"Except the part that's paying for me to go to Chilton because I'm still going". Kit said turning to her sister who just let out a breath.
"What about college? What about Harvard?"
"We don't know that I can't get into Harvard if I stay where I am, you don't even want to go Harvard." she said to her sister.
"You don't have enough diversity for that, and maybe I don't but how about I take your spot." Kit retorted.
"Okay, enough. Enough of the crazy talk, okay? I appreciate your concern but I have this covered."
"I still don't want to go." She said with a huff.
"Because I don't."
"Rory!" Kit exclaimed.
"I have to get out of here," Lorelai explained, getting up from her sit in the dinner and starts to leave, Kit followed after her opening the door into the cool night streets.
"We have to pay first," Rory stated as if that was the problem.
As they walked home in silence they saw, Lane on her awkward hayride date, sandwiched between two Korean boys, when they reached Miss Patty's dance studio, Kit was recreating not finishing her dinner.
One-two-three. One-two-three. One-two-three. It's a waltz, ladies. Susie, do you have to tinkle? Then uncross your legs, darling.
"Oh, Rory, good. I think I found a job for your male friend." Miss Patty said standing the door way, light silhouetting her, as she smokes a cigarette, looking as fabulous as every.
"What male friend?" Lorelai asked, and now Kit understood. STUPID LEATHER JACKET BOY.!
"They need a stock boy at the supermarket. I already talked to Taylor Doose about him. You just send him around tomorrow."
"Okay, thanks."
"What male friend?"
"Oh, he's very cute. You have good taste."
Miss Patty turned back to her dance class she said.
"Hands in the air, not in the nose"
For someone who wasn't athletic Rory sure moved fast, Kit was so mad at her sister, maybe it was more disappointment than anger. Why would she do this?
"Oh, you're gonna have to walk faster than that. You're gonna have to turn into friggin' Flo Jo to get away from me."
Once they reached their house Rory walk in and slams the door, not caring that her mother and sister were behind her.
"This is about a boy, of course. I can't believe I didn't see it. All this talk about money and bus rides. You got a thing going with a guy and you don't want to leave school." The mother said as she walked through the house into the living room, normally if one twin was arguing with their mother the other was stay out of it but this was the exception.
"I'm going to bed."
"God, I'm so dense. That should have been my first thought. After all, you're me."
"I'm not you," Rory said gathering her book bag from the sofa.
"Er yeah you are, turning in to some high school cliche, throwing away your future for a boy, that doesn't sound like my sister." Kit said, before turning to her mother and saying "No offences."
"So who is he?"
"There's no guy!"
"Dark hair, romantic eyes? Looks a little dangerous?"
"No.. His move the boy next door type right?" Kit said.
"This conversation is over."
"Tattoos are good, too!"
"I don't want to change schools because of all the reasons I've already told you a thousand times. If you don't want to believe me, that's fine. Goodnight.." Rory closed her bedroom door, their mother continued.
"Does he have a motorcycle? 'Cause if you're gonna throw your life away, he better has a motorcycle!"
"He was carrying her books." Kit scoffed her eyes widen before she shook her head. "I have to go figure out what piece I'm going to play for my audition at.. Chilton". she said a little too loud, her mother kissed her forehead before she followed Rory into her room.
"Well, I think that went pretty well, don't you?" "Thanks for the knock."
Once in her room Kit kicked off her boots, pulled out her journal from her book bag, before she began to shuffle through her closest looking for an appropriate dress for dinner at her grandparents.
All three Gilmore's were standing outside their grandparents house, They were all nervous, not Kit so much she liked her grandparents, she didn't think that they were unrealisable for them to want, Lorelai and Christopher to get married then they got pregnant at 16 but also understood why that was the choice her parents took. In the end, she went with a peace blouse and black shirt, tights and ballet flats.
"So, do we go in or do we just stand here reenacting The Little Match Girl?" Rory said she was still sulking, about Chilton.
"Rory, stop."
"Okay, look, I know you and me are having a thing here and I know you hate me but I need you to be civil, at least for dinner and then on the way home you can pull a Menendez. Deal?"
"You guys are ridiculous" Kit breathed out as she rang the door bell, and her grandmother opens the door right away. Kit wondered if she heard the conversation they previously had and blushed slightly in embarrassment.
"Hi, Grandma," The twins said in unison.
"Well, you're right on time." Their grandmother said as she leads them through the door into the foyer.
"Yeah, yeah, no traffic at all," Lorelai explained as she took off her coat, looking for a place to throw away her coffee cup.
"I can't tell you what a treat it is to have you girls here." Their grandmother looked nothing but elegant with her silk blouse and pearls, she took the girls coats and hung them up.
"Oh, well, we're excited, too." Kit said, she didn't feel the same discomfort regarding her the 'Gilmores' that her sister had, he mother had her own reasons but in Kit's eyes her grandparents had always been nothing but kind and generous to the twins.
"Is that a collector's cup or can I throw it away for you?" Emily comment.
"Oh." Lorelai begins to toss her empty coffee cup into the trash can located next to the door frame. Kit wondered what if would ever be used for.
"In the kitchen, please" her grandmother retorted, before turning to the twins and saying.
"So, I want to hear all about Chilton."
"Well, we haven't actually started yet." Kit said as walked the twins through the house, through the hall way and into one of many sitting rooms in the Gilmore's grand Hartford home.
"Richard, look who's here."
"Rory, Kit.... You're tall." their grandfather said looking up from their paper to view the twins properly, both girls were the hair down so it framed their face, the blue sweater Rory was wearing brought out her eyes. Kit had convinced her to add some blush to her usual makeup.
"I guess," Rory said, Kit looked at her grandfather and thought he was adorable.
"Well, what's your height?"
" 5'7"." the girls said again in union
“That's tall. The girls are tall." he said to himself and their grandmother, Kit didn't think that she had grown that much since Easter but maybe they had.
"Hi, dad," Lorelai said, entering the room behind them.
"Lorelai, your daughter's are tall."
"Oh, I know. It's freakish. We're thinking of having them studied at M.I.T." Kit shook her head slightly she knew she mother was nervous, her witty commentary was proof of that.
"Ah" he responded slightly deflated.
"Champagne, anyone?" Emily asked, bringing a silver tray, with crystal glasses, each of the girls took one.
"Oh, that's fancy." Kit said.
"Well, it's not every day that I have my girls here for dinner on a day the banks are open," Emily said slightly bitter.
"A toast - to entering Chilton and an exciting new phase in your lives."
"Here, here. " Both Kit and Richard said together, Kit smiled, before she sipped her champagne, oh how sweet those bubbles are.
"Mmm. Well, let's sit everyone." Rory sat next to her grandfather, while Kit took the seat next to her grandmother, taking another sip of her drink.
"This is just wonderful. An education is the most important thing in the world, next to family."
"I couldn't agree more grandma" Kit said looking at her sister, who quietly looked down.
"And pie," Lorelai said, and no one laughed.
"Joke, joke."
"Ah," Emily said, Kit finished her champagne, as her grandfather handed Rory a section of the paper.
An hour later the Gilmore family was seated around the dining table, candle light filled the room as they ate of china plates. Rory sat next to her sister, opposite their mother.
"Rory do you like the lamb?" Emily asked her granddaughter trying to fill the silence with polite conversation.
"It's good". Rory answered taking another bite.
"Too dry"
"No, it's perfect."
"Kit?" Emily turns her attention towards her youngest grandchild.
"Lamb's my favourite grandma, the gravy is wonderful."
"Potatoes could use a little salt, though." Their mother commented. Kit just tilted her head as if to say was that really necessary.
"Excuse me?"
"So, Grandpa, how's the insurance business?" Rory asked and Kit was thankful for her sister's good timing.
"Oh, people die, we pay. People crash cars, we pay. People lose a foot, we pay." he said sounding rather crass. Kit just continued to eat her dinner, it really was rather delicious.
"Well, at least you have your new slogan."
"And how are things at the motel?" Richard grumbled at his daughter, Kit could feel the tension that was building in the dining room.
"The inn? They're great." Lorelai said proudly, hating that she had to remind him of her career path.
"Lorelai's the executive manager now. Isn't that wonderful?" Emily said, both the twins smiled at their grandmother as she gushed over her daughter's success.
"Speaking of which, Christopher called yesterday," Richard stated, taking a sip of his red wine.
"Speaking of which? How is that a speaking of which?" the conversation of the twins Father was slightly awkward one, their mother never denied them their father, and every time she spoke of him or saw him there was nothing but love and warmth.
"He's doing very well in California. His Internet start-up goes public next month. This could mean big things for him." Richards returned before turning to the girls.
"Very talented man, your father."
"He's also got a new motorcycle" Kit said under her breath. Kit had a stronger bond with her father than Rory did, the two of them talked all the time at least once a fortnight, he was more honest with her than with her sister. They were both wanderers, wanting to try lots of things before deciding what they wanted, what they liked.
"They know." Their mother said slightly more angry than before.
"He always was a smart one, that boy," he said "You girls must take after him." added quickly, "Speaking of which, I'm gonna get a Coke....Or a knife." their mother said leaving the table, after a minute Emily went after her while the twins and their grandfather sat in awkward silence, the conversation behind the wall a little too loud to be private, started out well enough with her grandmother trying to calm down her daughter but soon took a turn.
Why would he bring up Christopher? Was that really necessary? He likes Christopher. Isn't that interesting? Because, as I remember, when Christopher got me pregnant, Dad didn't like him so much. Oh, well, please, you were sixteen. What were we supposed to do - throw you a party? We were disappointed. The two of you had such bright futures. Yes. And by not getting married we got to keep those bright futures. When you get pregnant, you get married. A child needs a mother and a father. Oh, Mom. Do you think that Christopher would have his own company right now if we'd gotten married? Do you think he would be anything at all? Yes, I do. Your father would have put him in the insurance business and you'd be living a lovely life right now. He didn't want to be in the insurance business and I am living a lovely life right now. That's right, far away from us. Oh, here we go. You took those girls and completely shut us out of your life. You wanted to control me. You were still a child. I stopped being a child the minute the strip turned pink, okay? I had to figure out how to live. I found a good job. As a maid. With all your brains and talent. I worked my way up. I run the place now. I built a life on my own with no help from anyone. Yes, and think of where you would have been if you'd accepted a little help, hmm? And where the girls would have been. But no, you were always too proud to accept anything from anyone. Well, I wasn't too proud to come here to you two begging for money for my kids' school, was I?
The Twins exchanged a look at that piece of information, Kit saw a look on Rory face that she knew meant she changed her mind about Chilton, knowing how difficult it must have been for their mother to ask her parents for the money to provide an education for her children. After saying goodbye to their grandmother, they walked out the door.
"Mom?" Kit said as they stood outside in the doorway
"I'm okay. I just. .do I look shorter? 'Cause I feel shorter." she joked, leaning her head on the shoulder of her youngest.
"Hey, how 'bout I buy you a cup of coffee?" Rory said pulling her coat to stay warm or because she was nervous about the upcoming conversation she knew she needed to have. "
"Oh, yeah. You drive, though, okay, 'cause I don't think my feet will reach the pedals.”
Kit drove them back to Stars Hollow, parking at the house before they took off towards Luke's
"So, nice dinner at the grandparents' house," Rory said breaking the tension.
"Oh, yeah, her dishes have never been cleaner." the mother replied.
"You and Grandma seemed to have a nice talk." Kit asked nudging her mother slightly.
"How much did you hear?" she asked her children.
"Not much," Rory said
"Snippets," said Kit.
"Snippets?" Raising her eyebrows, the three of them stood in the doorway of Luke's this was becoming a habit of this evening.
"Little snippets."
"So basically everything?"
"Basically," Kit said opening the door.
"Well, the best-laid plans." the mother said taking off her coat and sitting down.
"I think it was really brave of you to ask them for money," Rory told her.
"Completely" Kit added.
"Oh, I so do not want to talk about it." she dismissed.
"How many meals is it gonna take 'til we're off the hook?" Kit asked.
"I think the deli spread at my funeral will be the last one." Lorelai looked at her eldest daughter who just smiled.
"Hey, wait, does that mean..."
"Can't let a perfectly good plaid skirt go to waste." she smiled.
"oh.. We're private school girls." Kit exclaimed, raising her eyebrows suggestively at the sister, who sniggered in response.
"Oh, honey, you won't be sorry."
Just then Luke Danes arrived at the table both Kit and her mother had to do a double take, instead of his usual backward baseball cap and plaid shirt, he was wearing slacks and a blue collared shirt.
"Wow, you look nice. Really nice." Their mother commented.
"I had a meeting earlier at the bank. They like collars. ... You look nice, too." The twins exchanged a look, both laughing lightly.
"I had a flagellation to go to."
"So, what'll you have?" he asked the table.
"Coffee, in a vat."
"I'll have coffee also. And chili fries." Rory ordered.
“Yes coffee and do you have any pie, cherry maybe." Kit asked.
"That's quite a refined palate you got there." he said before walking away.
"Behold the healing powers of a bath....So, tell me about the guy?" Lorelai asked Rory.
"You know what's really special about our relationship? The total understanding about the need for one's privacy. I mean, you really understand boundaries."
"So tell me about the guy."
"Is he dreamy?" Rory blushed while Kit just nodded slightly.
"Oh, that's so Nick at Night."
"Well, I'm gonna find out anyway."
"Really? How?"
"I'll spy. Kit will tell me" she said as if it was the most obvious thing.
Minutes later Luke returned with their order
"Coffee. .fries... pie"
"Thank you, kind sir." Kit spoke politely.
"...I can't stand it. This is so unhealthy. Girls, please, put down that cup of coffee. You do not want to grow up to be like your mom." Luke commented look at the twins who smiled at each other.
"Sorry, too late." The twins answered before tucking into their food.
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iwillbeinmynest · 8 years
Deep Dark Secret - Sam Wilson x Reader
Prompt: Sam fic prompt: You and Sam are on a mission together doing recon when you come across, and he learns of, your greatest fear.- @agentraven007  (It went a little askew of the prompt but here it is.)
Notes/Warnings: Character death, violence and mentions of past violence. This one gets pretty angsty, y’all…
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 You made eye contact, bone chilling eye contact, and took off after him. The man was in dark clothes with a hood that covered most of his face but the headlights of a passing car revealed his terrible stare long enough for you to know that he had to be stopped.
 You peeled away from the rest of the team but Sam and Steve caught your rushed exit.
 Steve looked at Sam, silently wondering if Sam knew what was going on. He shook his head but turned to run after you.
 “You focus on the bad guys,” He told Steve, via the com in his ear. “I’ll find out what’s gotten into her.”
 Sam activated the mechanical wings on his back and lifted off the ground.
 “Sam,” Steve called from back with the team. “You got eyes on (y/n) yet?”
 Sam put two fingers to his ear to respond. “Not yet, she’s faster than she looks.” Sam’s eyes darted around the dark streets below when he spotted you on the ground. “Hold up, I think I’ve got her. It doesn’t look good, though.”
 Sam swooped down to see a hooded figure running, like the devil, away from you. You were hunched over and holding your side, trying to keep pressure on the knife wound you had, so violently, received. Sam scooped you up and took off back to the jet.
 Two weeks recovery and you were finally approved to be back out in the field. Sam and Steve had done their best to get you to tell them what happened and regardless of the story you stuck to, they weren’t quite buying it.
 Steve sent you to go with Sam on recon on the teams latest target and the two of you were currently chasing a lead in London.
 Sam walked beside you as you both casually made your way to the cafe where you typically grabbed coffee before the boring job of surveillance. He bumped you with his elbow and grinned.
 “You ever gonna really tell me what happened the other week?” He smirked, knowing your other story about witnessing a purse grab was a load of crap.
 You shook your head and pursed your lips. “I told you, saw a a guy steal some old lady’s purse, tried to intervene.”
 “Uh-huh.” He nodded, with a roll of his eyes. “I don’t get you, (y/n). You never leave the team, then out of no where you take off and get stabbed. You honestly, expect me to believe…” He trailed off when he noticed you were no longer beside him. He looked back to see that you had stopped in your tracks and were staring, frozen, down an alley.
 Your jaw went slack and your skin turned a ghostly white. Sam jogged back to you and grabbed your arm. He followed your gave to see a man at the other end of the, narrow and dark street, take one last final drag of his cigarette and wink at you before turning and disappearing behind a building.
 Before he had time to inhale, you were running again chasing the smug son of a gun who had been so bold as to even look your way. Sam called after you but you didn’t bother to listen, you just kept running, fueled by hate and terror. You weren’t going to let him get away this time.
 “(y/n), what’s going on?!” Sam continued to yell after you but you kept chasing him.
 The three of you pushed though the crowded street and ended up inside an abandoned office building. You focused all your energy into your legs and you tackled the man to the ground, wailing on him with your fists.
 You smirked at the pain you knew you were causing him. Good. He deserved it. Next thing you knew you were ripped from him and being held back by Sam.
 “Hey!” He yelled to get your attention. “Hey! (y/n), will you please tell me what’s going on!?”
 You huffed and tried to catch your breath from the chase and the beating. “That’s the guy who stabbed me last week!”
 Sam let go and you charged the man to kick him as he tried to stand up, sending him crumbling back to the ground.
 “How’s it feel, Sean?” You screamed as you kicked him again, tears welling in your eyes. “How does it feel?!”
 Sam grabbed you again, paying no attention to the groaning man on the dirty floor. “You know him?”
 “Yeah, I know him!” You didn’t mean to yell at Sam but it happened. Sam’s eyes widened and he waited for you to explain. “He…” Your chest heaved and you felt sick. “He killed my sister.” You sobbed. “..and he left my son for dead…” You screamed in anguish at the painful memory and charged at Sean, again.
 Sam didn’t move for a minute. He just stood their listening to you beat this man to death. Finally, as Sean stopped responding to each impact of your foot or fist, Sam slowly walked out of the building.
 He stood outside for another ten minutes before you shuffled beside him, chest heaving and knuckles bloodied.
 “Did you-” he started.
 “No,” You sighed and clenched your jaw. You just wished you could stop crying. Sam wrapped his arm around your shoulder. “I couldn’t finish it.”
 “That’s okay.” He huffed relieved. “I, uh, called Steve.” Your head snapped up to his and he held a hand up in defense. “I didn’t give him details, just said you weren’t feeling well. He’s sending Nat and Bucky over to finish the recon. I’m taking you home.”
 You didn’t resist and he escorted you all the way back to the hotel. He helped you clean the blood off of your hands and then grabbed you a couple of ice cubes wrapped in a washcloth to try and reduce the puffiness of your eyes.
 “Okay,” He finally broke the silence. “I think I’ve earned a few details.” He said respectfully but firmly, the crease in his brows revealing his genuine concern.
 You bit your lip and pushed the cloth to your eyes hoping to absorb the tears that already threatened to fall. You tried to find the words but didn’t know where to start.
 “You have a son?” He prompted.
 You nodded quickly. “His name is Jacob and he’s four. His father left before I even knew I was pregnant,” You waved your hand in the air. “That’s a whole ‘nother story. But, um, when Jacob was six month’s old my sister was watching him for me while I was at work and, uh…” You took a shaky breath and Sam took your hand in his. Encouraged by his reassurance, you went on. “She was dating Sean at the time. I never liked him. He was always getting drunk and I told Kelly he wasn’t allowed to be around Jacob.”
 “Kelly was your sister?” Sam said out loud.
 “Yeah. She was respectful of my request, she didn’t let Sean near Jacob but, one night when I was working, He got so drunk and barged in while she was babysitting and…” You choked on a sob but pressed on. Sam deserved to know, especially after what he just saw you do. “He beat her to death.”
 Your tears fell freely now and Sam sighed and pulled you against his chest.
 “Thankfully, Jacob was in another room and didn’t see anything. He woke up later and the neighbor heard him screaming and called the cops when Kelly didn’t answer the door. He skipped town that night and I hadn’t seen him since. Until the other week, he was just standing on the corner of the street, smoking, like nothing was wrong. I couldn’t let him get away again.”
 “That’s why you took off.” Sam answered himself.
 You nodded against him. “When I caught up to him he didn’t even recognize me. I was so angry that I didn’t even see the knife in his hand and before I knew it…” The both of you were caught up now, no need to finish that thought.
 “What I don’t get,” You wondered. “Is how he found me here, in London.”
 “Honestly, I don’t think it matters.” Sam almost chuckled, but thought better of it. “I bet he remembers you now. I, also, don’t think he’s going to bother you ever again and the best of luck to him if he does ‘cause he’s gonna have to go through me to get to you.”
 You squeezed his hand. “Thanks, Sam.”
 He smiled down at you before you sat up from his embrace. Where is Jacob now?” He asked, boldly.
 You smiled. “At the tower, he stays a few floors below mine. Stark set it up form me when I joined. I have an elevator on my floor that goes straight to his. No one else has access to it but me.”
 “Are you serious?” Sam beamed. “Do you think I could meet him?”
 “Well, after the stunt I just pulled, I have a feeling everyone will be meeting him soon.” You grinned.
 And it was true. As soon as Nat and Bucky arrived to replace you, you confessed everything ans she immediately called dibs on being the godmother, ignoring the gruesome morning you had. Bucky just smiled and said, “Good call, I’d have killed him, though. Still might.”
Forever tags: 
@heismyhunter @beccaanne814-blog @tatortot2701 @pickledmoon@whimsicalrebirth @marvel-lucy @thisisthelilith @james-bionic-barnes@thedreamingowl @poemwriter98 @kimistry27 @annie-lujan @buckyandsebsinbin @lilasiannerd @gypsy-storm-15 @cassiopeiassky @earinafae
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