sztupy · 1 year
Amikor megtudtam hogy majd egyszer biztosan le fognak esni a körmeim
Azt valahogy úgy képzeltem, hogy így puff leesik ami van, alatta nincs semmi, csak ujjbőr, oszt egyszer majd csak kinő az új széria szépen lassan, és lesz majd ilyen új™, friss™ körmöcském amit minden manikűrös csak irigyelne
Ehelyett ez úgy nézett ki, hogy a körmöm alsó fele levált, és lógott a levegőben, de az ujj vége felé lévő rész ottmaradt, és erősen ragaszkodott a helyéhez. Az így keletkezett kétoldalú köröm bár lehetővé tette hogy az ujjam mindkét felével tudjam vakarni a szakállamat, ez inkább azt eredményezte hogy a hátsó rész mindenbe beleakadt, alatta meg felgyűllt a kitakaríthatatlam kosz.
Megoldási javaslat: mindkét oldalról kellett körmöt vágni, majdnem minden nap amíg el nem tűnt a régi köröm, és csak az új maradt. Időtartam: 2-3 hónap
A másik, sokkal ritkább változat az volt, hogy látszólag minden rendben van, de egyik napról a másikra picit felhólyagosodik a körmöd, aztán 1-2 nap múlva konkrétan leesik, de már ott van alatta az új köröm szépen rendben. Ezek is olyan 2-3 hónappal az egész cucc után kezdtek el történni, de ez legalább maceramentes, és az új körömis szép™
Na, 20-ból 17 már átesett a fenti kettő valamelyikén, már csak 3 van hátra
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paleflower · 10 months
My son might have hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) 😩
Some other toddlers he hangs out with have it since a few days and since this night he has fever as well... Not looking forward since I will most likely catch it as well and it sounds like no fun.
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drnikhilpathak20 · 2 months
Stay Healthy, Stay Happy: Common Viral Infections in Children Explained
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Hey there, parents and caregivers! It's time to talk about those pesky viral infections that seem to make their rounds through the playground and classrooms. I'm Dr. Nikhil Pathak, your friendly neighborhood child specialist in Aurangabad, and I'm here to shed some light on the most common viral infections your little ones might encounter. Let's dive in!
Common Cold (#CommonCold #KidsHealth #ParentingTips) Ah, the classic common cold! Runny nose, sneezing, coughing – sound familiar? This viral infection loves to hang around, especially during the colder months. Remember to encourage handwashing, teach your kids to cover their mouths when they cough or sneeze, and keep those immune systems strong with a healthy diet and plenty of sleep.
Flu (#FluSeason #ChildWellness #PreventionIsKey) Influenza, or the flu, is another viral villain that can make your little one feel downright miserable. Symptoms often include high fever, body aches, fatigue, and a cough. Luckily, there's a vaccine available to help protect against the flu. Talk to your pediatrician about getting your child vaccinated annually.
Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease (#HFMD #ViralInfections #KidsHealth) Don't let the cute name fool you – hand, foot, and mouth disease can be quite uncomfortable for your child. It typically causes a rash on the hands, feet, and mouth, along with fever and sore throat. Good hygiene practices, like regular handwashing, can help prevent the spread of this virus.
Chickenpox (#Chickenpox #ChildhoodIllness #Vaccination) Chickenpox is a highly contagious viral infection characterized by itchy red spots or blisters all over the body. Fortunately, there's a vaccine available that can protect your child from chickenpox. If your child does get infected, keep them home from school until all the blisters have scabbed over to prevent spreading the virus to others.
RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) (#RSV #RespiratoryInfections #ChildHealth) RSV is a common respiratory virus that can cause mild cold-like symptoms in older children and adults but can lead to more severe respiratory infections in infants. Keep an eye out for symptoms like coughing, wheezing, and difficulty breathing, especially in young babies.
Remember, prevention is key when it comes to viral infections. Make sure your child stays up to date on their vaccinations, practice good hygiene habits, and encourage them to avoid close contact with sick classmates or friends whenever possible.
If you ever have any concerns about your child's health or suspect they may have a viral infection, don't hesitate to reach out to me, Dr. Nikhil Pathak, your trusted child specialist in Aurangabad. Together, we can keep your little ones healthy and happy!
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drpedi07 · 7 months
Hand, Foot And Mouth Disease
Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD) is a viral illness occurring mainly in infants and children.
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mytinyatlas · 2 years
Hand Foot & Mouth Disease
What is it? Hand-foot-and-mouth disease is a mild, contagious viral infection common in young children. Symptoms include sores in the mouth and a rash on the hands and feet. There's no specific treatment for hand-foot-and-mouth disease.
How do you get it? The virus can spread to others through an infected person’s saliva, drool, Fluid from blisters or scabs or poop. They are usually most contagious during the first week that they are sick. 
So my wonderful daycare decided not to disclose that there were a few cases the week prior until after Anderson had already shown symptoms. Super upset because I in turn also got it as an adult (which is generally rare).
The child:
Day 1: fever 102.7 (administered Motrin 2-3 times a day)
Day 2: very cranky, loss of appetite (administered Motrin 2-3 times a day)
Day 3: visible bumps around the mouth, bottom, and knees (administered Motrin once a day)
Day 4: appetite has returned, bumps still visible and multiplied to feet, hands, and interior of mouth (administered Motrin once a day)
Day 5-6: crankiness has subsided a bit
Day 7: interior of mouth seems clear, demeanor back to normal
Day 1: fever 103.6 (my symptoms began 3 days after the child’s) took adult Tylenol
Day 2: loss of appetite (most likely cranky)
Day 3-5: immense sore throat (visible blisters inside mouth)
Day 6-7: blisters still present, some pain has subsided, fever of 102 on both days (however working could have exacerbated my condition) took adult Tylenol
Day 8: fever subsided, blisters still present and difficult to swallow
Treatment: We went to the doctors and there’s nothing they can prescribe since it’s a virus. Cepacol and other numbing medications have not worked/helped. Even my usual honey/orange hot water concoction is not doing it for me. Oddly the only relief I get is every time I brush my teeth and use mouthwash – weird.
Food: fruit was our enemy, anything acid was just awful on the throat. Soft foods (and surprisingly spicy foods went down well). So a lot of overcooked rice (porridge), mashed potatoes and soft serve ice cream was consumed during this time. Other things I made: tteokbokki, jello, yubuchobap, eggs.
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It sucks because I’m over here sick taking care of another sick being – who’s taking care of me man?
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drsharad · 2 years
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What is Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease (HFMD)? | DR. Sharad ENT
Hand-foot-and-mouth disease is a mild, contagious viral infection common in young children. The symptoms include sores in the mouth and a rash on the hands and feet. Hand-foot-and-mouth disease is most commonly caused by the coxsackievirus A16.
Visit site: https://www.drsharadent.com/what-is-hand-foot-and-mouth-disease-hfmd-causes-symptoms-diagnosis-and-treatment/
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bharatlivenewsmedia · 2 years
मुलांवर संकटाचा डोंगर, टोमॅटो फिवरनंतर HFMD रोगाचा कहर, ही 3 लक्षणं दिसता हे 1 काम करा
मुलांवर संकटाचा डोंगर, टोमॅटो फिवरनंतर HFMD रोगाचा कहर, ही 3 लक्षणं दिसता हे 1 काम करा
मुलांवर संकटाचा डोंगर, टोमॅटो फिवरनंतर HFMD रोगाचा कहर, ही 3 लक्षणं दिसता हे 1 काम करा कोरोनाचा संसर्ग (COVID-19), मंकीपॉक्स (monkeypox) आणि टोमॅटो फिवर (Tomato fever) हे चिंतेचे कारण बनले असतानाच आता मुलांमध्ये हात, पाय आणि तोंडाचे आजार पसरणे हे पालकांसाठी आणखी चिंतेचे कारण बनले आहे. याला हँड फूट माउथ डिसीज (HFMD) असेही म्हणतात. आतापर्यंत चंदीगड, पंजाब, महाराष्ट्र, गोवा, ओडिशा आणि पश्चिम…
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dryingzangel · 2 years
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Hand hygiene is extremely important for children and in child care settings. Recently Hand, Foot and Mouth Diseases (HFMD) is rampant in Malaysia with 106,477 cases reported as of 18 June 2022. This is an approximately 39 fold increase compared to the 2,710 cases reported for the same period last year, according to the latest report by the Ministry of Health Malaysia. HFMD is highly transmissible, and childcare settings are the most common places for HFMD to be contracted because of toilet training, diaper changes, and the fact that children often put their hands into their mouths. Read more to find out how to curb the spread of HFMD using sanitizing products @antabax https://www.dryingzangel.com/2022/07/antabax-and-real-kids-partner-to-reduce.html #travelsafewithkids #hfmd #handsanitizer (at Teluk Cempedak,Kuantan) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf4_CPoBr84/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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friendsyoyo · 7 months
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doodles i made while i was sick (not with a psi fever)
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tinystarscapes · 1 year
You guys I had an ear infection and hand foot and mouth all in the same week.
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floraleevee · 6 months
They call me ulcer mouth. Because of the ulcers in my mouth.
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sztupy · 2 years
Month 1 ½ of the Walking Dead
a múltkori epizódban az szerepelt, hogy valószínűleg a körmeim túlélték az eseményt. A Sztupy mikroblog szeretné azt a közleményt kiadni, hogy a fenti információ szemenszedett hazugság, amit a Tumblr Mendzserem talált ki, helyesen úgy szól a mondat, hogy néhány körmöm valószínűleg nem fogja túlélni az eseményt.
Ugyanitt tudja valaki hány hónap mire újranő egy köröm? Asking for a friend!
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georgechal · 6 months
entering your 30s literally means planning extra off days after your vacation in case you get sick
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parenting-help · 2 years
Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD): Know the Causes, symptoms and treatment
Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD): Know the Causes, symptoms and treatment
Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease: All You Need to Know What is Hand, foot, and mouth disease? Is it Contagious? Hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) is a highly contagious viral infection that typically affects young children. The virus is most commonly spread through close contact with an infected individual, such as through sharing cups or utensils, or through contact with respiratory secretions.…
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bookishmemes · 2 years
Help a student?
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I am so truely desperate to ask this here, but I can't ask the professor directly because it is unfortunately one of the many ~potential~ questions that could be asked for an exam. however, I do not have the resources? the brainpower? to locate the name/museum tag of this specific object because it wasn't correctly credited in the course in the first place. 
I know its a glyptic impression from the near east, likely Uruk, but thats all I can gather. My ancient Near Eastern studies have only began a few months ago, so my knowledge of anything further is severely restricted.
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Deleted the pics but from the comments I got sounds like you guys agree it's HFMD. We are off to the doc in a bit.
I freaking hate this part of being a mom.
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