#hg: i the forgotten one
The meme where someone says: "Call the ambulance, but not for me" suits this pretty well
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dramioneasks · 1 month
Hy! I'm searching for ff that has a deatheater D who would burn the world for keeping H protected.
I just finished manacled and cruel and Beautiful World so kinda feels inspired.
I would also love a possessive/jealous D and please HEA🥹
Thank you for your amazing job!
Dragon’s Heartstrings by pinkinku - E, 34 chapters - High Reeve Draco Malfoy is not only Voldemort’s most trusted Death Eater but an undercover agent for the Order, plotting Voldemort’s downfall from the inside out as well. After a fair trade with the Order, the High Reeve asks for the highest sacrifice – to make the brightest witch of her age Hermione Granger his wife.
Secrets and Masks - Emerald_Slytherin - E, 75 chapters, Words: 465,554 - 9 years after the battle of Hogwarts, the war still rages on and everyone is much changed since their days at Hogwarts. Hermione is the most lethal soldier in The Order, spending her days on rescue missions to free captured Muggleborn slaves and fight on the front line. For years, she’s been meeting in secret with a spy within Voldemort’s ranks to exchange information. But, when she’s captured and made prisoner at Malfoy Manor,  of all the dark and evil ways she’d envisioned Malfoy would torture her, she never quite imagined anything this horrific. (I just wanted to make it abundantly clear that I was originally inspired to write this fic after I read the masterpiece that is Manacled, so I would like to thank SenLinYu for her amazing work! The memory searching aspect of  Manacled is what inspired me, and although I have adapted that, (and also made Draco head Death Eater, because… ya know… we all love it when he’s Voldemort’s right hand man 😅😉), Secrets and Masks will be a very very different fic all together.)
Desperate Measures By: cleotheo - M, 37 Chapters - When the war against Voldemort drags on, what lengths will Hermione go to, to be with the man she loves? DM/HG.
We Learned the Sea By: floorcoaster - T, 37 chapters - Draco Malfoy turns himself in after a very successful career as a Death Eater, then enlists Harry and Hermione to help him in a scheme to bring down the Dark Lord. DHr. A story of forgiveness.
Dreams and other Deceptions - cancerravenclaw - E, 45 chapters, Words: 268,520 - “That’s all I have left of him - dreams and other deceptions. All we were is all we’ll ever be.” Hermione Granger can’t remember the last time she dreamt —sleep came as a black abyss, an empty space between waking moments… not unlike her memory. There are so many months missing from the last two years of her life. She had made peace with those blank spaces, told they were the result of the trauma and torture from the war. So, when she wakes up from something that feels more memory than dream, something her mind would have never concocted on its own, she dives headfirst into the mystery of sixth year. Determined to illuminate the black spots in her timeline she can’t recall, Hermione finds herself caught up in nightmares from years past that are more than they appear. The more she remembers, the more she discovers that at the center of all her forgotten memories is Draco Malfoy – war criminal pending trial for his crimes as a Death Eater. Will navigating her past bring her closure or more unrest?
Shattered Trust [1 (Betrayal), 2 (Separation), 3 (Reunited), 4 (Victory)]  By: cleotheo - M - A mindless threat from Voldemort during a fight with Harry leads the Order down a dark path which will shatter lives, ruin friendships and tear families apart. Among those most affected by their rash actions are Harry’s best friend, Hermione Granger and her secret boyfriend, Draco Malfoy. Part one of a four part story.
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moiteneia · 1 year
Fear and Loneliness
Q!Forever and q!Cellbit love each other. They see themselves as a family, blindly trusting each other, talking about everything and always trying to help each other.
In recent days, with the disappearance of the eggs, we see that all the island's residents are having difficulty dealing with the lack of them, losing a lot of their sanity.
q!Cell is fighting hard against the urge to give up. And yesterday was a crucial point to understand how far he will go with this willpower to continue to hope and investigate.
Seeing the Federation cross another line and not only manipulate a friend of his, but forcefully drug the president so that q!Forever doesn't feel the pain he's feeling and doesn't look for Richarlyson, was honestly one of the cruelest things they've ever made.
q!Cellbit spent the whole day almost crying. Imagine the empty feeling he feels, seeing q!Forever, someone who, despite them always arguing, listened to him, not listening to any word he was saying. Speaking well of the Federation, obeying Cucurucho, acting like a complete lunatic.
And worse, he didn't hear him beg for q!Forever not to leave him alone.
And (a headcanon) q!Cell must have a huge fear of abandonment.
We’ve seen thousands of times that he does everything for those he loves, be it q!Roier, the Brazilians, Richas or anyone on this island. And how much fear he felt when q!Roier called off their engagement, when q!Felps disappeared and now this. I believe that from his lore it makes a lot of sense that he has this terror of being alone.
Think about it: he went to war at fourteen years old, a little boy with no name, probably an orphan. He was separated from the one who protected him in war (hg!Bbh). He was arrested at the age of eighteen, where he was betrayed thousands of times, until he was abandoned on an island, trapped in a trap.
So he becomes attached and despairs at any suspicion that one of the people he loves might be in danger.
We don't even have to look very far into the island's lore to see this. Both when Dapper was kidnapped by q!ElQuackity, and when q!Cell learned the story of the egg Myosotis and the cat Zeno, he was attached, emotional and destroyed just by seeing another person/egg/animal going through something he himself went through and is afraid. Being locked up, abandoned and forgotten by everyone, with no one loving him, fearing him or not caring. And god, how he cares about everyone.
Now, imagine seeing the one he trusts most and who he helped put in a position of power and prominence, being drugged and emotionally tortured by the Federation. Fudge, q!Cell is sinking.
And if q!Forever takes a long time to return to sanity, I see it being very possible for q!Cell to give up on himself, because I don't know how he's going to bear this pain alone.
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rainbowvamp · 2 years
A never sent letter from Hob Gadling to one Nameless, Beautiful Stranger
dreamling fandom, I offer you this:
You sit across from me and I have the nearly irrepressible urge to reach across the table and lay a hand upon you. I wish to know if your skin is as cold as it looks. If your hair is soft to the touch. If your clothes are as fine as your manners or finer. I want to lay my head against your chest and listen to the beat of your heart. 
(Do you even have a heart? Does one such as you have a heart that beats like any mortal man or are you above such frivolities as lifeblood and souls?) 
I was to take your skin into my mouth, the taste of your fingers, shoulders, abdomen, lips. I want to memorize the smell of the inside of your thighs and the back of your neck. I want to know what your mouth feels like, what your breath tastes like, not just what they look and sound like.
I want to touch like I’ve never wanted anything, and I have wanted many, many things. 
I want to strip you bare and see your body. Worship you. I want to make you a king in my heart, prostrate below you, kissing your ruby, your ring, your feet. I want to feel your touch, your hands (will they be gentle?) against my skin, the back of my head, digging into my hair and gripping like ownership, like power.
(Take what power I have and make it yours. I give it to you freely and without coercion.) 
(Perhaps beauty is it’s own form of coercion, but I would never speak such blasphemy against you.) 
Make my eyes meet yours, give me the permission to look upon you as few others have. Eyes dark as night, but glittering with stars. Mouth soft and almost smiling. I cannot know if you are pleased or amused by me, but it doesn’t matter. A smile is a smile, whether it be with me or at my expense. I would sacrifice anything, everything to put just one upon your pink lips.
I don’t know if you’d be hot or cold. Fire or ice. Burning of one kind or another await me, I know. I am happy to have it, to burn for you, if it means that you may lay a single hand upon me, in friendship or in something else. Something other. That limbo space between lovers and friends where people meet but do not define themselves. I ache for your hands like I have never ached for another's, but the simplest touch would subdue me. 
I would be yours if you would but ask it of me. 
I would never love again, if you would but accept my love, a gift intended (I know this now) only for you. I was built from stardust to love only you in a way that is more complex than the love of man, but still so much it’s mirror.
I ache to know what our skin feels like against each other. I long for the simplest, smallest contact. I long to reach across the table and touch your hand, and I don’t know if you know it. I hope that you do not know it. I hope you do know it. I want every part of you that you will give me, and I want to give every part of myself to you that you will take. 
My mouth begs to say a name you’ve never given me, on the tip of my tongue like a dream forgotten. 
I wish to know you like I have never been able to know another.
I content myself with meeting you, once every one hundred year, in the White Horse. I wish for you to once again be with me, for just a few hours out of my infinite life. Because a few hours of infinity, in the end, becomes an infinity unto itself. 
I will have you, in whatever way you will give yourself to me, until the end of time.
With eternal devotion,
psssst look Art by @wordsinhaled
I wrote a follow up...
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for fandom asks, 5, 6, and 10!
I'll be answering all these for both DuckTales and Good Omens so bear with me
5: What's something you see in fics a lot and love?
DuckTales answer: FAMILY! BONDING! It's always so nice to see, and even though this is literally the Family Is The Greatest Adventure Of All fandom, it never fails to hit me in the feels in the best way.
Good Omens answer: Things set post-canon where Aziraphale and Crowley just get to be happy. I know, I know, it's very clichè, but I love it!
6: What's something you see in art a lot and love?
DuckTales answer: ALL THE DIFFERENT ART STYLES THIS FANDOM HAS!!! I know that maybe isn't the answer you were expecting but I LOVE THE VARIETY OF WAYS PEOPLE DRAW THE DUCKS
Good Omens answer: Ineffable Husbands in the rain, being cutely romantic. It just... it's the best.
10: A blog (mutual or one you follow) that has made your fandom experience brighter
DuckTales answer: THE ENTIRE CAFETERIA TABLE I LOVE YOU ALLLLLLLL @violetganache42 @writebackatya @tokuvivor @hueberryshortcake @secret-tester @justaboot @tealottie @puffyducks @minaduck @teleportzz @ everyone else I know I've forgotten a few of you but I LOVE ALL OF YOU SO MUCH YOU'RE AWESOME
Good Omens answer: @thehillywoodshow for their Good Omens parody, @thebookshoparoundthecorner for being Capital-A-Amazing, @hg-aneh for having one of the greatest artstyles known to humankind, @queenwillow77 for putting up with my insane duckposting, and of course, for making this all possible, @neil-gaiman.
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greycappedjester · 2 months
Hii, not a question, but I was re-reading the whole of Hq at Hg again because I love it sm, and while reading about all the discrimination against suga in the second book I wrote something impromptu and thought of sending it across to you for your review, I would really appreciate your writing advice. Its a student blog piece sort of piece written from the perspective of a Hg student.
Discriminating against the discriminator
As tension flares across the grand halls of the esteemed educational institution that is Hogwarts, fingers are pointed, and accusations are spewed in what is surely well-intentioned but unfortunately misguided fits of rage.
Many of these, guided by the unsightly lady coincidence, now point to Slytherin’s silver-haired boy, Sugawara Koushi. A valid deduction for aspiring detectives, as he comes from a dark lineage associated with blind hatred towards muggle-borns.
However, as the students of Hogwarts point at him with the conviction of their beliefs backed by research, one needs to, from an academic lens in this academic institute, critique the quality of this research, which they shall find and find lacking.
Research is appreciated when its primary data has been acquired in the most recent possible past, and our esteemed researchers seem to have forgotten this, for they made sure to scrutinize data of the past which certainly, as all families do, would have had a circumstantial influence on our silver study, but seem to have entirely skipped over taking into account direct and recent evidence, as provided to them by the doctrinal research available vide Sugawara Koushi’s presence, speech, acts, and abstentions within these castle walls over the last 3 years. Had our aspiring Sherlocks simply chosen to look at the key study required in this case, they would have found their hands hesitant in pointing. The years here have found Sugawara a kind and genteel student, friendly to all, including notably, his muggle-born roommate, Oikawa Tooru, and his young mentor, Shouyou Hinata. The reasonable next step would be for a researcher to take interviews of their witnesses. That step, too, is notably missing in this case, which is resultingly looking like a piss poor framing of an innocent bystander; however, unfortunately, circumstantial evidence might taint his hands red.
As fate would have it, and as irony would laugh, our students, out of rightful rage towards a foul, discriminatory presence in our midst, have ended up becoming their own opponent, discriminating in a manner not unlike the true villain.
Lest history paints us the anti-heroes, remember to don your hearts onto your ribs and your thinking caps onto your heads before raising your hand, students.
This is such a cool idea, I love the idea of writing this in the perspective of a Hogwarts student! Its such an interesting take on an outsider pov.
You have some really lovely phrasing. Out of curiosity, do you do poetry or anything? A lot of the metaphors and sound repetition reminds me of poetic pieces. I especially like "silver study" and "rightful rage towards a foul...". They have such a great sound to them, I enjoy the rhythm you set up in a lot of the sentences.
Thank you for sharing this with me. Its really really cool.
(Actually as a side note, your idea of kind of a student article reminds me of my favorite Harry Potter fiction Poison Pen. My browser is being weird with hyperlinks: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5554780/1/poison-pen)
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solradguy · 1 year
Alright. Reached the end of the Livejournal search results for "guilty gear scans." Didn't find a whole lot. There was the Christ doujinshi from yesterday, the Axl/Ky doujinshi, and a bunch of icons. Found a pile of dust that used to be a Testament themed Geocities site. Lots of dead links. Wayback Machine had more than I expected, but those niche fansites just do not survive well.
I knew Sol/Ky was the biggest ship in GG by a country mile, but holy shit it's way bigger than I thought it was. There was like one mention of Sol/Axl, Johnny/May, Millia/Jam (?!), and some others I've already forgotten. There was one very forlorn Millia page. More Jam than I expected, to be honest. So so so so so soooo many jokes about how gay this series is. GOD it's funny how it's been seen as "the LGBT video game" since at LEAST 2003 here in the English community.
Overture opinions were pretty 50/50 split. That game absolutely was the wedge that split the fandom back in the day and why it died off the way it did until Xrd. Most of the translators/archivists didn't like what it was doing to the lore and jumped ship while the people that liked the gameplay of it didn't pick up what the archivists were doing. There was more love for Missing Link than I expected too, and a surprising chunk of people working really hard to make GGX materials accessible to English-only speakers.
I used to think there was at one point a full/partial English translation of Lightning the Argent that had been lost, but after digging around tonight I don't think there was ever even a full first chapter translation. Just really detailed summaries of the story for it and Butterfly & Her Gale. That was haunting me, so I'm grateful to finally have that mystery solved lol What convinced me was that there were a lot of posts from people excited about what translations were in progress at the time, but LtA was this big mystery thing that was only mentioned briefly as something that existed somewhere out there over in Japan. No one was posting about how they were looking forward to it or referencing anything other than the summary off the old gearproject site. No one talked about Butterfly &HG at all. Not a single post about it.
Even though I didn't find anything really exciting to share, it was cool getting to see more of the old fandom and what their thoughts were on things. I want to add some of the site archives to my Neocities for other people to flip through soon. For now though I need to get to bed. It's almost 3am again lmao
Here are some icons I saved. Wretched Photobucket watermarks...
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eddyiewriting · 8 months
Just finished the demo and excited to see it completed It sorta reminds me of I the forgotten one but also has a sort of a War of the west and sword of rhivenia
Thank you! Glad you're excited for what's to come. The next update should be coming soon, I hope.
ITFO was a big inspiration for how the IF works, actually. It's my favorite HG game. Sword of Rhivenia was very good, too. I never played War of The West, sadly, but I heard a lot of good things about it.
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idlenight · 10 months
WIP Wednesday
I was tagged by @punkranger and it’s actually still 30m of Wednesday here so!! Let’s Go.
Tagging @flystep, @sidesteppostinghours, @rozarria, and @villainsidestep!
Funnily enough they posted a Hollow ground related snippet and it unlocked a memory of an old writing wip about Hg i also had sitting somewhere!
So woe, Hollow Ground sibling au snippet be upon ye.
“Jake.” The name is spoken like a command by a familiar voice and River almost sobs in relief.
“Boss?” the man - Jake - loosens his hold only marginally but it is enough wiggle room to slip out of his grip with a harsh tug. Jake cries out and cradles his nose, freshly busted by a well placed elbow.
He is forgotten immediately in favor for the boss in question.
He is still tall as ever - marginally taller than River himself - and is wearing a dark teal suit instead of his favored rust colored ones. The snakebites are new and they dig into his lips with the confused frown that quickly turns into surprise.
‘How is that possible?’ Is the thought that slips trough his mental shields.
“Cory!” River cries out and rushes at him.
Both of them almost fall over with the force as River crashes into him. He finally lets the tears slip - a weakness he couldn’t let himself have in the farm - and his brother’s hold on him tightens. Fingers grazing over the buzzcut and the surgery scars, River can feel him frown against his neck.
“How did you survive?”
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euclydya · 1 month
part 7 of these sorry it's Late we've been. sleeping all day,
61. When did you first discover your System? - 3/13/2010. That's the date we realized somethin was Off. But we found the words fer all of this about 4 years later. The only reason we remember this date is cuz heartgold n soulsilver dropped in america on the same day HAHASHSJDJFND (which By the way. yes we did preorder both of em. and picked em up that day. best ds pkmn game tbh we need to beat our hg file fhdjsjchc)
62. How many Members did you know about during your Syscovery? - Bout 8 or so I think? We refer to these guys as The OG Crew shdjdjdjsfj
63. Was accepting your Plurality a challenge for you? - Oh no finding the words fer it all and learnin that there were others out there like us made us SO happy, it showed us that we weren't broken or anything
64. How did you learn about Plurality? - through a goddamn. Callout post?? lmao????? Someone said something about someone else's headmate doing a thing and our host at the time was like Wait. Pause. The fuck's a headmate. And. Well,
65. Where there any signs of your Plurality, if you look back at your past? - OH YEAH LMAO we were very imaginative and had a lot of starmates as a young kid it turned out and we'd openly talk about em too. Of course family thought we meant imaginary friends but imaginary friends don't control your body alongside you or make comments on how to live yer life y'know? We never did tell anyone that part though. lmao.
66. Do you think your Syscovery changed a lot in your life? - I mean. Yeah. Realizing we're plural was one of the best things that coulda happened to us I think. Cuz then we didn't feel like a fucking weirdo lmao
67. If you're out to others as plural, have they ever told you later on that they already thought about it before you realised? - No lmao we're friends with like one person who knew us before our syscovery and she's never said anything of the sort before, afaik anyway
68. What was the biggest struggle during your Syscovery? - shrugs. hell if we remember tbh
69. Was there any big event that led to your Syscovery? - Not... Really no. Or if there WAS we'd since forgotten about it. Our memory for all of that year starts at 3/13/2010 tbh.
70. What is something you want questioning plurals to know? - Fucking,, listen. If someone tells you you're faking or like. says anything Negative about the possibility of you bein a system? Kill them.
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that-spider-witch · 5 months
Ok now that the initial excitement passed I must confess: I don't know how I feel about Thorns' BoC skin looking so much like what the Inquisition wears except fot the colors.
Like yay boy! Go cosplay as the people responsible for the systemic oppression/borderline ethnic genocide of your people go king slay! (???)
Yes I read SN, yes I know Lumen exist BUT STILL. It just feels a little weird.
Glad to see more confirmation that HG has not forgotten about my boy, but if you had told me that one of the Iberian boys was gonna get an Inquisition-looking BoC, I would have immediately guessed Lumen, 100%, no hesitation, not Thorns...
(Also rip to all those fanartists who seemed under the impression that Thorns' next skin was gonna have him wear the Church of the Deep robes because they got the complete opposite lol. He does look cool in that cloak in those fanarts I've seen tho, not gonna lie...)
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On the subject of low-effort sketches that got out of hand all because I was trying a new brush... I thought, why not draw all the knights and royal soldiers OCs of mine 🙃
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|High-Res Here|
Starting from bottom right to the top: Undine (Their Majesties' Pleasure), Lillian Lynzal (The Exile), Camille d'Arcadie (Arcadie: Second Born), Marshal Mora (I, The Forgotten One) and Mordred Le Fey (Bastard of Camelot)
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imarara · 2 years
So, Fallen Hero: Retribution is out, and I'm obsessed.
We have a looooong wait for Fallen Hero: Revelations before us, so I thought we all might get some outlet for talking about all that happened.
sorry for the lack of proper etiquette (i tried to google that but nothing of substance came up really, so I'm open to all suggestions). If you don't mind being spoiled the whole game, different routes or endings, or don't mind being spoiled, please, indulge me, I'm in my exam month and I cannot think about anything else lmao.
With that out of the way, let's discuss. One last warning, I'm going to be detailed in the descriptions and theories - and I'm starting with the biggest one that comes to mind.
Also, a disclaimer; for the time being I have used only two of my Fallen Hero: Rebirth saves, both of them being a cis woman MC with a woman Puppet, both times with the same eye color. My MCs have never killed and strived to expose truth about corrupted systems. I've replayed Retribution a few times already, trying out different routes in those scenarios to fish out all I can.
After finishing the game by going to Hollow Ground in MC's body, there is something weird going on; weird enough to make Ortega think that MC and HG are blood-related. I've only played as a female, but I've read somewhere that HG's gender is dependent on the gender of out MC (though I'm not sure how it is when the MC is trans, whether HG is of the gender we are after transition or before, or even how it is with nb MCs).
As mentioned above, MC's and Puppet eyes are the same color - green. During Heartbreak, MC looks the telepath straight in the eyes. They are too, green.
It might be a very suspicious coincidence, but I do not think so. My first theory is that Heartbreak actually is our Puppet. The body is found is the hospital, comatosed, forgotten for years, no family ties and as MC puts it, it's a shell.
It is heavily hinted during interactions with Lady Argent, that the MC won't know everything the body is capable of, at least after there is the possibility of probbing consciousness of the host - which the Puppet lacks.
I've read that something weird begins happening to Puppet just at the end of Rebirth, if Mortum is with you in the hospital. In Retribution, there are constant reminders that something is off with Puppet, and at the very end in numerous routes it is HEAVILY suggested that the Puppet calling our henchperson is not MC.
If Chen let's the MC go into his head after Puppet and Ortega get into the accident, we find out that HG either is or works with, but probably is, a very powerful telepath with ability to influence what people say (maybe even think) about them, which is also hinted at when MC themselves goes into a meeting with HG.
HG has been a kingpin in LD for over 20 years at the time of Retribution. Our MC is made in the late eighties, which makes them around 30. My guess would be that HG might have been the source of their genes at that time, as well as Heartbreak's. Or, HG and Heartbreak have similar genes.
Heartbreak's age was not established as far as I know. HG is a very private person, that would not be too far-fetched to think they wouldn't try to out themselves for, let's say, getting back the body of their comatosed child.
I'd think that Heartbreak could be a Re-Gene as well, but there is something off - Ortega found somebody's files, somebody looking like MC, somebody's that was jailed (and we know government and the Farm are rather close), and in the memory sequences there are memories that do not belong to MC.
One that strikes me the most is a mention of a parent and a ballon - i might be completely wrong here, but I think there is one painting of a ballon tangled in a tree somewhere. I will find where it is and then will update this post.
Also Heartbreak's and Shroud's (they fight Lady Argent at the Casino Auction) descriptions are very similar if I recall correctly. It's just something that caught my attention, so there.
Aaaalso, it's very suspicious that MC always ends in the accident if they go to HG's meeting, ant then they cannot reach Puppet. Seems like someone is pulling the strings, and it is most possibly not HG themselves.
Additionally, neither Steel or Ortega seems to know what exactly Heartbreak was, and MC tbemselves struggled to look at the telepath, so it is possible they would not recognize Puppet. Though then again Ortega saw somebody's file with photos similar to the MC, and if it was Heartbreak's then the Puppet would have to be the same gender as well, so that's not exactly a foolproof theory.
We know Locus, who is officialy missing, is connected to Dr Regina experiments. Dr Regina is heavily implied to be behind MC's trauma. We don't know if Locus is officially working with the Farm, or was she officially missing because she's got taken by them and then ran away from them.
Dr Mortum at one point, seemingly, mentions Locus. In some endings (probably when we give her the prototype Lady Argent was after) they say something very similar to what MC would say when questioned about their time at the Farm after Heartbreak, something along "doing things for the name of science".
We also know they aren't exactly an example of sound morals.
So, Lady Argent's nanovores tried healing her. I just know it will be a turning point in the future, and Mortum will probably make it or break it.
I'll be trying to add some stuff later, bit rn it's 1AM and I have two projects to finish and deliver before 9am, so please discuss with me 😭
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moiteneia · 1 year
Only mortals are capable of forgetting- Headcanon: Hg!Bagi; Hg!BBH e Hg!Cell
I have as a headcanon that hg!Bbh was the one who took care of hg!Cell during the war, when hg!Cell was only 14 years old. But I ALSO HAVE the heacanon that q!Bagi is q!Cell's sister. Let's connect them both, okay?
What if he was never truly alone? Imagine before of all the chaos, deaths and betrayals, before he even met hg!Bad, he wasn't alone. hg!Cell had a twin sister. Both were selected, however, for different experiments. To be guinea pigs for different things. This is what broke hg!Cell and hg!Bad remembers. He watched his desperate partner, being shocked by the guards to stop trying to save his sister. Being held down while being forced to watch her being taken onto a train into the unknown. hg!Bad heard the screams and cries of that child during the nights while he missed his sister. Hg!Bad remembers the promise hg!Cell made about finding her and saving her from whatever could be happening. And Hg!Bad was the one to make sure that the promise could be fulfilled in any way. He taught everything he knew so the boy would survive, even the most unforgivable sins. If he had to become a cannibal to keep from starving, so be it. They would get out of that arena and the three of them would survive. He silently promised the boy. But he didn't expect f!Cell to be taken. hg!Bad didn't expect the boy to scare those who controlled the arena so much. And he blamed himself knowing he was now in f!Cell's hands, he would need to get out of prison himself.
When they met on the island, hg!Bad felt relief, his partner was not only alive, but he had managed to save his own mind. He had grown up. But something in him had disappeared, just as it had disappeared from the demon's own mind - their memories were confused, erased, jumbled together. And that hurt q!Bad, because the boy had forgotten the promise, the reason they had gone through all that horror. q!Cell had his own sister erased from his memory.
This was horrible to realize. He wanted to shake the boy's shoulders and remind him. But...What would be the point? They were trapped on that island, far from any possibility of finding q!Cell's twin sister. And that's what kept q!Bad silent. It was preferable that q!Cell forgot and never felt that loss again, the loneliness, the part of his soul that was missing. But, he, q!Bad, would keep his promise for him. He would remember hg!Bagi until they could both look for her outside the island. Until...They met her. He went into shock seeing the two fighting and playing with each other... Without recognizing each other. Q!Cell looked good next to her. Wow, they were...The same. However, q!Bad noticed the naivety in q!Bagi. Yeah... She had not suffered anything similar to what her brother had gone through, either outside or inside the island... Or, just maybe, the Federation preferred to erase her memory to the point that she didn't even remember that. Honestly? What did she remember besides her name and her love of animals? - Q!Bad wondered, noticing the twins' similarities, especially the gray strands in their hair. The Federation Marks. Marks of what they had lost. Brands that made them even more similar...But more distant. He took a deep breath once more. Silently promising once again. He would tell, not now, but when they were ready for the truth of those who cannot die. That despite the time, the marks, the pain and tears... Ties will never be erased. Then, he ran again with the twins following him, playing tag inside the maze... Just like the old days. And he smiled with this thought.
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dramioneasks · 1 year
Can't remember the name of a fic!
A law was passed where all muggleborns have their memories erased. Draco pursues Hermione intentionally to get her pregnant. Marcus Flint has a family with Katie Bell and Theo has a really messed up relationship with Cho.
I remember reading in on fanfic.net but if its on Ao3, even better.
Thank you!
Better Off Forgotten By: Delancey654 - M, 48 chapters - The Light side won the battle but lost the war. By Ministry decree, all Mudbloods have been Obliviated and “repatriated” to the Muggle world. When Draco Malfoy seeks out Hermione Granger, he wants only one thing … but gets far more. HG/DM, KB/MF, CC/TN.
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vivalavillain · 11 months
{I have been writing Archer since 2013, back in the days of him having only a handful of written lines of dialogue in HG/SS. If you wanted to look a little harder at FR/LG and Stadium 2, you could technically add another handful of lines to that count but you were still left with barely anything to draw inspiration from. You could also go a little further and look at the AI for his NPC in the HG/SS games (wherein he is coded to be as tough a fight as a same-level gym leader, giving him a higher difficulty count than all previous Rocket encounters with Ariana coming in as a close second with gym-trainer-level AI) to get an idea of what the developers wanted you to think about his character and how they wanted you to come away from his encounter but, again, there still wasn't much in the way of official inspiration (which, to be clear, there's no complaint there; it meant there was a door left wide open for anyone to interpret him as they would like to and heaven knows I've taken every ounce of advantage of that as I could over the years).
{Then he comes back in Let's Go, Pikachu!/Eevee! and we get all this additional dialogue and can I just say how much I absolutely adore every single line of his in those games? It's so easy for Game Freak to take a character, especially a very little-known and often forgotten character like Archer, and just absolutely ruin them by just completely forgetting/disregarding what they had established for them originally and going in a completely different direction or by shafting them entirely in some other form or fashion (by, say, giving them a poorly accented voiceline in PokeMas, for instance, which I'm grateful to say is not the case for Archer) and yet it feels genuine to Archer's character and what little is established to be his personality/manner of speaking when he makes his appearance in LGPE.
{I was, briefly, absolutely devastated by the quote in LGPE where he writes the player-character a letter, waxing poetic about how happy he was for them and how much he didn't hold a grudge and all this sappy nonsense that was not in keeping with his character at all. Having read the quote online (but not having experienced it in game yet), I was convinced Game Freak had ruined my favorite character and I was resolute to not even go through with facing him a third time in game. Then, bored and frustrated and giving in because it was a chance to see him on screen one last time, I decided to give it a go and just... he's grinning the entire time he reads that letter. You don't see anything of him on screen besides that wicked, snarky grin and by the gods it. was. perfect. I had never been more happy to be wrong in my life. It's not often a game franchise writes a character and keeps them true to themselves as much as they did with Archer in this case but good gods I am delighted they did.}
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