#hi baekhyun ily
wongyuseok · 11 months
tagged by @lee-minhoe @taedongz @xiaodejunz @jikyu @honeydewtual & @taengoo (I love you all 🥰💜) to post my lockscreen, homescreen, last song I listened to and first post on pinterest
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tagging @sunminshine +anyone else who see this and wants to do it! I'm not tagging more bc I feel like everyone's done this 😅
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0x1lovebot · 2 years
0.6k words. [657]
not proofread!! (like at all)
warnings; baekyn acting like a couple in the beginning.
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y/n watched as the volunteer models started to filter onto the set for the shoot. some she recognized from around campus, others she didn’t know at all but it didn't matter. she just wanted the shoot to go as smoothly as possible, no drama, no problems, just pictures. as she moved to fix one of the studio lights, she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist. she smiled and turned around.
“baek, shouldn’t you be getting ready?” she asked.
baekhyun grinned. “can I at least get a good luck kiss first?”
“no, you have to go change babe.”
“yes seriously,” y/n said as she gently pulled baekhyun’s hand off of her body. “now go. I have to get started.”
baekhyun pouted. “fine. I guess you can just make it up to me later.”
y/n smiled and shooed him away. she picked up her camera and turned to face the group of models. “so,” she called. “who wants to go first?”
“jake will!” riki said as he pushed jake, causing him to stumble forward. jake turned and glared at riki which only caused the boy to grin widely.
“sounds good to me. come on up genius.”
jake blushed lightly at the nickname and walked stiffly toward the setup in front of y/n.
y/n adjusted her camera lens before looking at jake. “are you ready?”
“not really. I’ve never been in an actual photoshoot before.” he said as he rubbed the back of his neck.
y/n giggled. “don’t be nervous jake! just stand there and the camera will handle the rest.”
jake nodded. ‘it’s just a photoshoot. just be yourself.’ he thought.
he took one last deep breath before turning back to face y/n.
“ok i’m ready, let’s go!”
y/n smiled and brought her camera back up to her face.
the shoot started pretty normally, jake seemed to be really comfortable with the camera much to y/n’s surprise. but as it went on, there was a shift in the atmosphere.
through the lens of her camera, jake looked different. he was still jake but he looked more confident, more sure of himself. y/n felt her face heat up from the way jake looked at the camera, she was pulled in by his sharp gaze.
she had known jake since high school and she had never ever seen this side of him. it made her feel something she had never felt before.
‘has he always been this hot or is it just me?’ she thought.
wait she shouldn’t be thinking this. she had a boyfriend, a loving sweet boyfriend. but standing in front of jake all she could focus on was him. nobody and nothing else mattered. as y/n continued to photograph jake, loud cheers erupted behind her.
“jake you look so sexy!” sunghoon cheered.
“take the shirt off!” riki yelled.
jake smirked at the camera, it seemed like the words just hyped him up even more. y/n didn’t know if she could handle him for much longer or else she would go weak in the knees.
“ok jake that was the last one. you’re all done.” y/n said quickly as she moved her camera away from her face.
“can I see?”
“of course,” y/n waved jake over and handed her camera to him.
jake’s eyes widened as he clicked through the photos. “woah y/n, these are amazing! you made me look hot.”
y/n smiled shyly. “to be fair you did most of the work.”
jake raised an eyebrow and smirked. “you think i’m hot?”
y/n took her camera out of his hands and pushed him away. “go away you idiot.”
jake grinned at her embarrassed face and walked away to join his friends.
y/n took a deep breath, she didn’t know what side of jake she just encountered but deep down she wanted to see it more often.
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taglist is open. send an ask or message me if you want to be tagged. bold urls couldn’t be tagged.
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© 2023 copyright. all rights reserved. @0x1lovebot.
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an-annyeoing-writer · 11 months
wolf bbh and g (obsessed with the title for this letter being "good boy" lol just imagine calling wolf bbh that 🤣), t, and b? ily queen
Ahahaha I feel like he would be absolutely CUTEST PUPPY GOODEST BOY EVER
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G - Good boy - What soothes them when they start to lose control?
When his wolf nature starts to take over, Baekhyun will start losing any humane bits even in his human form. So a good way to ground him back to reality is to treat him and comfort him like a human. If you display any fear of him, it will freak him out. But if you show affection and try to be close to him, he'll become vulnerable and putty in your hands. I believe the best way is to take control over the situation and guide him into his safe zone. Because the truth is, he's lost and doesn't know how to handle the situation - he will let you do anything if you show him that you know what to do.
T - Territory - Are they territorial? Be it in regard to the place they live in, or the people they associate with (friends, lover).
Baekhyun has a lot of wolfish instincts written into his personality. In general, a lot of his decisions will be strictly dictated by his pack. If he feels like protecting the territory is his obligation at the moment, he will do it. But if the pack decides to give something up, he will simply follow.
However, things differ when it comes to his lover, as he becomes much more independent and mature when he has someone that, pretty much, can't defend themselves. It becomes his personal priority and responsibility to take care of you, and he can get quite jealous and territorial.
B - Bitemark - Are they in any way animalistic towards their lover?
He would love to, but it just wouldn't end well, and it's biting (KEKW) at him.
As mentioned before, Baekhyun acts on instinct, so things like chomping for fun or jumping on top of you are something he will do without thinking. But he needs to learn that some of those may actually hurt you.
Unfortunately, as much as he understands the difference between human and non-human behaviors, he cannot really tell how much of the non-human ones he can let himself do. So once he comes to the realization that he can't behave this way with you, he will need to suppress all of these. But he's in absolute awe at how weak and fragile human body can be.
Pssst... I did it SFW but if you'd like it NSFW, hmu because I wouldn't mind writing down some scenario now that Wolf Baek is around
Werewolf!AU Alphabet
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kpop---scenarios · 2 years
Never Yours (2)
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Pairing: Baekhyun x You x Jackson x Surprise! Jaehyun
Warning: None really.. yet
Word Count: 3.4k
A/N: Sorry about that! I did some re-writing and adding on! I hope you enjoy! Also a huge shout out to @making-me-blush for all your continued help and support! ily ����
You sit anxiously in the coffee shop as you wait for Baekhyun to show up, your heart feels like it is going to beat out of your chest.
Last night, Jackson left shortly after Baekhyun had sent that text to you. You had felt a twinge of guilt when you saw his name pop up on the screen, while Jackson's hand rested on your thigh. You had told Jackson you weren't feeling well, and that he should get going. You felt like you were going crazy, with your feelings for Baekhyun and now developing feelings for Jackson. Everything was amplifying it seemed and it made your head spin. You had spent the night texting back and forth with Baekhyun, talking about anything and everything. He was so easy to talk to. The conversation ended with him asking you to meet him at the coffee shop at 1pm so he could speak to you in person. You were happy to meet him, and anxious. You had been sitting there for hours before he was supposed to come. You thought being there early would calm your nerves, but honestly it made things worse.
You begin reading the book your brought along, one of those ones where the hero saves the girl so many times, there's so much sexual tension between the two and you love it. You finally made it to the part where they kiss for the first time, and a small smile spreads across your lips as you picture the intimate kiss you shared with Jackson the night before. It made your stomach flutter with butterflies when you thought about his lips pressed against yours. You wanted to feel his hands all over your body, you wondered what he tasted like. That feeling quickly faded, and you were brought out of your fantasy by the lovely feeling of guilt taking over the moment you saw Baekhyun walk in and walk towards you. His hair was shining in the sun, the smile on his face made you melt. He was so beautiful.
You didn't know why you suddenly felt guilty, it wasn't like he was yours, he was with someone who was supposed to be your friend. There was nothing for you to feel badly about. But that didn't stop the guilt from eating at you from the inside.
"Thanks for meeting me, Y/N." Baekhyun smiles as he sits down in the chair across from you. Now from up close, you noticed that he looked tired, prominent bags under his eyes, his hair was unusually messy and the buttons on his shirt weren't done up properly.
"Of course." You answer. "Is everything okay? Jennie seemed extremely angry yesterday." You tell him. He begins to frown, taking a deep breath in.
"She got pissed at me, and I don't get it. She was going on and on about.. uh, your feelings for me and I got annoyed." He sighs. "I told her it didn't matter and sometimes someone's feelings don't mean anything, especially if they're not reciprocated."
Ouch. That hurt.
"And she got mad at that?" You ask. Baekhyun nods, with his cutest puppy face.
"She said I must be in love with you if I'm sticking up for you, and then I snapped. I told her if she wasn't such a bitch, an insecure one at that then we wouldn't be having that discussion. She called me a piece of shit and then stormed out." He finished.
"So that's why she stormed into the apartment and slammed her bedroom door. Makes sense, she's got a temper, especially when you don't agree with her." You explain.
"The reason I wanted to meet with you is because I need your help. Desperately. We've been together for like a week and it's not supposed to be this hard, I know it's not. I'm sorry to drag you into my relationship problems but I just don't know what to do." He sighs, rubbing his eyes.
"I honestly don't know what to tell you." You begin. "She's one of those people who if you don't agree with her, she'll get mad at you. She holds a grudge like no other, it's her way or no way. If you get on her bad side you're fucked because she won't stop until she's ruined every good thing in your life. She's terrifying and I'm just trying to survive this year until I can move out." You continue. "If she ever found out that I met with you, she would make my life even worse and I can't deal with that. I'm sorry, but it's everyone for themselves with her. You wanted her, and now you've got all of her. Good luck." You finish. You give him a small pat on the shoulder before walking out of the shop. You felt bad for him, but he had to have known what he was getting into with her before he made it official.
"What did you get up to yesterday?" Jennie asks you as she spreads peanut butter across her toast. Your mind flashes back to your meeting with Baekhyun. Did she know? There's no way she knew about that.
"Not much, went for coffee and finally got to read some of my books again." You smile, pulling a bottle of water out of the fridge. "It's getting extremely juicy." You giggle.
"I want to read it when you're done." Jennie laughs. "It sounds really good."
"I'll lend it to you when I'm finished." You smile. You pack your book bag and walk towards the door, heading out for class.
"Y/N." Jennie calls. You turn around to look at her, and she looks sad. "Listen.. I wanted to apologize for my behavior. I know things got out of hand and I was terrible to you and I really am sorry." She says. You watch as one single tear rolls down her cheek. You wanted to believe her. But it was Jennie and she was hard to trust. "I'm trying to be better, I really am."
"Thank you, Jennie. I appreciate that." You smile. You open the door and walk out, you didn't believe her. But you'll give it to her for acting, she's great when she wants to be.
You pull out your phone on your walk and see a message from Jackson. Instantly your face lights up and the butterflies return. You and Jackson had been texting continuously the last few days, all day and night, trying to make a plan to see each other but unfortunately both your schedules clashed, making it nearly impossible. Luckily you had one class with him, which you were currently heading to.
"Hey beautiful." You hear from across campus. You stop for a moment, looking around but decide to keep going. You had a smile on your face at the thought of finally seeing Jackson again.
"Are you ignoring me?" You hear from behind you. You turn around and see a man you've never met before standing with a grin on his face. You didn't know what was in the water here because everyone was so attractive. He had dark brown hair, brown eyes and a smile to die for.
"Are you talking to me?" You ask, looking around, pointing at yourself. There's no way that guy was looking at you.
"Of course I am." He smiles. "You're the only beautiful girl here on campus."
Apparently it was you.
"Um.. do I know you?" You wonder.
"No, but I'd like to get to know you more." He says. "I'm Jaehyun. And you're Y/N." He says.
"Why do you know my name?" You ask, raising your eyebrow.
He laughs. "I had to know the prettiest girl on campus' name." He smiles. "You better get to class, Y/N. I'll see you later." He finishes, giving you a wink before he walks away, leaving you extremely confused.
You walk into class, and sit next to Jackson who gives you his best smile as he wraps his arm around your shoulder. You smile back at him, your eyes darting down to his lips. He chuckles, pulling you in for a kiss, just before your professor walks in to start the class.
He's going to make you forget all about Baekhyun, you just knew it.
The next day, you and Jennie sit on the couch watching a drama when you heat a faint knock at the door. You knew who it was, he had texted you that he was coming over to work it out with Jennie and asked that you be there, just in case things went south.
"Can you get it? My foot is numb." You tell Jennie as you rub your perfectly fine foot. She stands up and answers the door. You can hear the whimpers the second that door opens.
"Baby doll." Baekhyun whines.
"Poo bear." Jennie pouts.
"I'm so sorry, I'll never do anything like that again, I'll never call you a bitch again. Oh baby." Baekhyun cries as he embraces Jennie tightly. She kisses his face while murmuring her half ass apologies to him.
"Y/N, I hate to do this but the walls are thin and I'm gonna be loud." Jennie giggles, pulling Baekhyun towards her room.
"Yep, I'm out." You yell, grabbing your purse and getting the hell out of there. You didn't want to hear that.
For the next few weeks, your feelings for Baekhyun severely dwindled and Jackson wasn't entirely to thank. You felt like you were in a fever dream when you were around Jennie and Baekhyun. After they made up, honestly they became pretty insufferable. They spent a fair amount of time at yours and Jennie's shared apartment, where you unfortunately were forced to listen to the pet names and the baby talk they did to each other.
"You're such a beautiful princess." Baekhyun coos, booping her nose as they take up the entire couch, tangled up in each other.
"No you are." Jennie giggles. "Who's my big stud
muffin?" She asks.
"That's a new one." You mumble, sitting on the chair trying not to vomit on them.
You didn't know how either one of them could stand it. The pet names, the baby talk, the giggling, kissing and tickling. It made you want to die.
Not to mention the way he chewed his food, you couldn't even eat in the same room as him when they were having dinner. The first night he was over for dinner, you watched in disgust as he spoke with food in his mouth, letting it fall out as he laughed and then scooped it back into his mouth.
"I'm actually going to throw up." You gag, placing your plate on the counter.
"Oh baby, you're so messy." Jennie giggles.
"I'm going to my room to suffocate myself now." You mumble, walking out of the kitchen. You wished they were fighting again, you hated it here.
The more Baekhyun was around, the more you found yourself realizing that there was a very big possibility that you were in love with the idea of Byun Baekhyun and not the actual man. And that made you feel relieved. You felt like you could finally give yourself to Jackson without the feeling of guilt trying to escape your body.
The next day as you were laying in bed, trying to drown out the sound of Jennie and Baekhyun, you get a phone call from Jackson.
"Hello?" You answer, instant smile.
"Hey you." He says. "I wanna take you out tonight. Are you free?"
"Am I free? Yes absolutely, definitely, yes." You say, already scrambling out of bed.
"Good." He chuckles. "Meet me at the pub in an hour. See you soon." He finishes before hanging up. You quickly change out of your sweats into some leggings and a nice shirt. You touch up your makeup before you do something with your hair.
As you were walking to the pub, you listened carefully to your heels hitting the concrete. The cool wind hitting your face, making you snuggle into your jacket just a little more. You couldn't wait to meet Jackson, as you walked, you felt someone beside you, you didn't even need to look to know who it was. Jaehyun has been haunting you for days now.
"Hello beautiful." He says.
For the last few days, he has been popping up almost everywhere that you are on campus, starting the conversation off with calling you beautiful. It was almost as though you had his voice memorized now, well it was kind of hard to forget.
"Hello Jaehyun." You sigh. "What are you doing here? I'm going to meet my.. Jackson, I'm meeting Jackson."
"I know you are. I am meeting a friend near that pub, she actually just had drinks with Jackson." He says. You stop and look at him.
"Like a date?" You ask.
Jaehyun shrugs his shoulders. "I guess so." He says. "She's pretty into him and she says he's into her so I'd assume so."
"I see.." you trail off.
"I'm sorry if that upset you. I just thought you should know. He's seeing a few girls." Jaehyun tells you. "Well, from what I've heard anyways."
"What?" You laugh. "He wouldn't do that. And why would I believe you in the first place? You know, I've asked around about you and you don't really have the best rep." You laugh as you continue to walk.
"Oh so you asked about me?" He grins. You roll your eyes.
"Yeah, I wanted to know what kind of person you were and it seems like you're just not the trustworthy type." You tell him.
"Fair enough, but people can change. A Lot of people will have different perceptions of me, just as I do, and you do. Why would I lie about something like this?" He says.
"I just.. yeah, thanks I guess. Why, though? Why did you tell me?" You ask.
"I like you, Y/N. And I don't want to see you get hurt. Just be careful, that's all." He says.
"You don't even know me." You laugh.
"Like I said, I'd like to get to know you. If you're up for it, I'd like to take you out. Take your time giving me an answer. I'll see you soon, beautiful." He smiles, running off a head to go meet his friend, who apparently has a thing with Jackson. Seemingly similar to your thing with Jackson. You walk into the restaurant, annoyed and frustrated. You see Jackson sitting there, smiling as you walk towards the table he was sitting at.
"Hey you." He says.
You sit down, without taking your jacket off. "I don't know how to say this. I don't like to share, and I don't want to be one of many girls. So if that's what you want, then I'm out. Maybe you can call the girl you were just with to keep you company tonight." You say, standing up and heading back towards the door.
"Hey." Jackson yells. "Hey, hey." He says, grabbing your arm. "What are you talking about? What girl? One of many? I'm so confused." He says. You don't want to fall for his lies or puppy dog eyes, so you refuse to look at him.
"Don't play stupid Jackson. I know all about her. What I don't know is if there are actually more. You do you." You finish, pulling your hand out of his and walk out the door without looking back.
The next day you dragged your feet through campus, feeling sad about the night before. It hurt your heart that Jackson was playing around with you and others.
"Chin up, beautiful." You hear from behind you. You turn around and see Jaehyun, the only seemingly decent man in your life at the moment.
"Hey." You sigh. "He didn't admit it, you know? But he also didn't deny it. He played dumb like he didn't know what I was talking about." You tell him. "So either you or him is lying and I don't have the time or patience for this shit."
"Y/N, it's not me. You can trust me. How can I prove it to you?" Jaehyun asks.
"I'm going to be late for class. I'll talk to you later." You say, walking away.
You see Jackson as you walk in the room, sulking with his head down
"Y/N." He calls, the second he sees you. "I'm sorry." He breathes. "I didn't know if this was going to go anywhere because of your Baekhyun feelings, I was just talking to someone else and we got a drink." He tells you.
"So you lied to me last night?" You question.
"I got nervous. I really like you and I didn't want to fuck it up." He explains.
"Had you, I don't know, talked to me then you would have found out that I'm definitely not in love with Baekhyun because he's disgustingly annoying and I was falling for you. I can't believe Jaehyun was right." you sigh.
"Wait, Jaehyun as in Jung Jaehyun?" Jackson asks.
"What other one?" You ask. "We've been talking on occasion." You say. "Well, he's been talking more. But he told me about the girl."
"You can't trust him." Jackson exclaims.
"Oh but I can trust you?" You scoff. Just before anything else can be said, Jaehyun confidently struts into the room.
"Y/N." He calls out loudly, too loudly. "Go out with me. Tonight. We'll go to dinner and then to the Alpha Pi party. What do you say?" You look around the room, all the eyes of your classmates are on you. You feel all the pressure, but also excitement building up in your body. A bold move, you liked that.
"Yes." You blurt out. It couldn't hurt, right? "Let's do it." You smile.
"Excellent, meet me at Earls, 7pm." Jaehyun grins before running off.
Jackson looks at you like you've just murdered his dog in front of him.
"Look, Jackson." You shrug your shoulders. "If you wanna play the field, feel out potential partners then do it, but don't think for a second I'm not gonna do the same." You tell him.
He looks extremely annoyed at what just happened. He doesnt reply, he knows he fucked up now. He picks up his books and moves to a different spot.
Later that evening, you were sitting at a table with Jaehyun, laughing at a story he had told you and honestly, you were having a great time with him, although you realized that you wished you were out with Jackson. You realized how much of an idiot you were and you just wanted to see him.
"Oh wow, it's already 930pm." Jaehyun laughs. "We better get going to the party." He says. He waves over your waiter, and asks for the bill. When it comes, he pulls out a credit card and slides it towards the man. You offered to pay your half but Jaehyun quickly rejected your offer.
"A lady never pays." He smiles. "We're running behind schedule." He murmurs. "We gotta go."
"What schedule?" You ask. "Is something happening?" He didn't answer you, ignoring your questions.
While Jaehyun drove the two of you to the party, you pulled out your phone, sending a message to Jackson.
[You 9:38pm] - Hey.. I'm sorry about earlier. I don't want to play the field, I don't want anyone else. I just want you. I'm ready if you are. Let me know.
You liked Jaehyun, but you didn't know if it would work with him. Especially since you couldn't keep your mind off of Jackson all night. Jaehyun was great but maybe the two of you were better off as friends.
You sent the text, placing your phone back in your pocket as Jaehyun pulled up to the house. He came to the car and opened your door for you, taking your hand to help you out. He was such a gentleman but he wasn't who you wanted. The two of you walk up to the door and head inside. Your eyes are darting around the loud, open living room filled with people. You landed on Jennie, she was dancing with someone. You couldn't see as his back was towards you. Seconds later, Jennie smiles towards you as she and the man make a turn and you see his face but he doesn't see you.
Jennie leans in, pressing her lips to Jackson, and he doesn't reject the kiss like you thought he would. Instead, he pulls her in, kissing her harder.
You turn around, your head landing in Jaehyun's chest. He wraps his arms around you, holding you as you cry into him. Maybe Jaehyun was the better man?
You were so tired of love hurting like this.
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husbandhoshi · 2 years
BAEKHYUN ofc (ily lily 💝💖💗💘)
trope: you have become an expert at protecting your peace. some would mistake it for cynicism, but you're much wiser than that. you much prefer nights alone on your wrap-around patio, wine-warmed with a book in hand, than the long years you spent in the city arguing with your deadbeat ex on the fire escape.
so the news that you're getting a new neighbor doesn't exactly thrill you. baekhyun plays loud music and drives the most obnoxious sports car you have ever seen. worst of all, your dogs are on the same shit schedule and you are forced to run the small talk circuit every 7:30 am and 5 pm and sometimes even past midnight (when you feed your dog something you probably shouldn't have).
turns out the schedule holding your life together is also its unraveling. your dog misses his dog when your mornings are out of sync, and the how are yous turn into i accidentally ordered takeout for two and have you ever really been in love? your patio starts to feel too big, too empty, and you know you're in too deep.
first date: you like to think you are always right--until you sit in baekhyun's loud, annoying car. it's comfortable and plush and he lets you play your music. for someone who surprisingly keeps to himself, he never runs out of things to talk about with you. a quick drive around the countryside melts into three hours and his hand is on your leg and you're thinking your peace could do without protecting for a while. it's nice talking to you without a bag over your hand, you say. i think it adds to my charm, he replies.
life has a funny way of working, though. stay the night. after i take my dog out, he laughs. one glance at him, bag over hand, and you can't say anything but yes.
mutuals, send me your fave for a silly trope + first date!
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byuntrash101 · 2 years
new pfp who dis?
Hi everyone!
if you're reading this congrats you literally survived my content drought and stuck by and ily.
i have plans for this blog. many times i thought of just closing it but i think what i need is just to let loose.
I was always worried about the aethetics of the blog but now i'm planing on reblogging a lot more. just he random shit that i like
also i was super worried about publishing anything not exo related. exo is my ub group but even when i started the blog i was multi stan. i want that to be the case for the blog too.
also during my break i came to realize that it ain't that deep. no one cares about this blog (i mean that in a good way) it's just a blog like there's thousands like it of on this site it aint special i should just have fun with it.
so im revamping it along with the masterlist post because this blog in no longer baekhyun exclusive (time for me to introduce my side hoes eventhough bbh will always be my husband and i will always be byuntrash)
i'm planning on working on two drafts i have in the making right now one is a reader x ateez (san & mingi) and the other is a reader x the boyz (hyunjae & juyeon).
i wanna have fun writing again. hope you'll have fun along with me
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rrxnjun · 2 years
HIIII i’m back <3 kinda, just have one more exam and i’m done hh i can’t wait to take a break from living the exam season’s special ultra hermit life 
AHHH i love looking for alaska sm ?? one of the best books i’ve ever read gosh and turtles all the way down was so raw and personal it took me sooo manyyy business days to recover from that one. AND YESS dystopian is one of the lomls  
OML YOU’RE GETTING INTO EXO yes they are just good, hard to skip, literally run on -34853 braincells etc etc. love them sm. ahjfg i literally check out baekhyun screaming compilations on youtube i’m SO not normal ab them. check this one out it hhh and this playboy is like one of those songs for me so that video made me go *SCREAMMMMMMMS INTO PILLOWW* 
your bias is baekhyun and chanyeol AHHH 2/3 of the beagle line alr they’re not even the maknaes or anything but they’re so chaotic. literally every reality show they’ve been in so far is just them doing their thing and suho trying to get shit under control. OML AND SEHUN ?? is that a thing for aries men pattern i see lmao man is so sassy, has like the most iconic lines to rap andd is so memeable (NOT EVEN KIDDING HIS MEMES ARE USED SM IN KPOP FANDOMS)  
also check out exo next door !! i saw it back when i was trying to get to know them better and it kinda helped bc IT’S LEGIT A KDRAMA WITH THEM BEING EXO. there’s like no plot and it’s just brainless romance w chanyeol as ml,  kyungsoo as second ml and moon ga young as fl (typical love triangle no surprises kk) but it’s funny and i think you need to know ab this hehe (baekhyun on top sehun in the bottom and ykw that’s the got to be the weirdest thing i’ve typed out BYE)
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YKJDF kyungsoo is funny when he’s not being a violent little dude 😭😭 so attractive tho. he’s the loml. period. 
NAURR you missed prom ahh pandemic era was so bad. literally the worst. fun fact: my batch missed a v important set of final exams bc of covid jj but i’ll be writing it this year (2023) so it’s not like i’m missing anything 🤧 oh new uni?? IN A NEW PLACE AHHH i’m so proud of you bar <3 moving to a new place for uni sounds so hard i hope you settle down soon. AGHHHHHH i’m of 0 help when it comes to social interactions 😭😭 but !! i can listen.     
no bc one of the first few thoughts that entered my brain after watching the yangynag cover was hjhk idt he knows how to play it tho lmao it’s like how ncit and that nct coding crew thing happened but they idt they actually code kfjg 
also thoughts on 2 baddies NGL I FIND THE NAME 2 BADDIES HILARIOUS FOR SM REASON LIKE 2?? BADDIES?? REALLY ?? catchy song tho i haven’t checked the album yet hh 
andjenonyfwjusthappenedkfj “our jeno baby went to new york totally naked” so true jaemin (not complaining tho)
ily too stay safe <33 gosh i hope the move wasn’t too hard <3 just so you know i'm here if you need to vent
hello!!! im so sorry for replying late but i was at uni very very drained of all time and energy :( and when i finally opened this and went to answer, tumblr decided to crash when i was ending my answer so i lost all of it and it was very late in the evening and i had driving class the next morning so i just went to sleep DKFJAL hope you dont mind! also im hoping exam season is officially over for you and that you get to rest!!!!!
HELL YEAH IM GETTING INTO EXO (well, as much as i can w my schedule rn hahaha) I WATCHED BOTH OF THESE VIDEOS AND WHY DO I KNOW PLAYBOY? I KNOW MORE EXO SONGS THAN I THOUGHT I DID LMAO also baek screaming is a big fat mood i am like that too. him and chanyeol are so chaotic i lowkey think thats why i love them so much they just own my heart with their chaos <33 A THING FOR ARIES MEN IM SCREECHING to be honest i actually have a thing for fire and air signs in general (mainly leos, sagittariuses, aquariuses and geminis lmaoo) and none of my biases are earth/water signs if i dont count baek, ningning and beomgyu LOL but SEHUN IS SO MEMORABLE and i love his raps. i listened to the exo-sc album when it came out and its stuck in my head 24/7 and for some reason every time im driving, 1 billion views always gets stuck in my head LMAO
ill make sure to check out exo next door when i have the time and energy!! also the screenshot is so random WHY DID YOU THINK OF SENDING ME THIS DFJKDAL NOT SAYING I HATE IT BC I DONT BUT WHAT EVEN IS THAT AND WHY ARE THEY LIKE THAT DKFA
yes i missed prom but it was actually a good thing bc i hated my class lmaoooo. also yea! i moved last sunday,,, cried for three days straight and then when i came home yesterday i cried again. uni is so hard and im so lost and lonely and homesick and i hate everything about it. i wish i could come back home but,, i just gotta battle through it for the next approx. 3-5 years :DD
YANGYANG FOR SURE DOESNT KNOW HOW TO PLAY THE GUITAR HE LEGIT WASNT EVEN PRESSING DOWN THE STRINGS. INAAWSIA YY CANT RELATE...... /j also the ncit coding thing was so wild for me for some reason bc you could SEE that they dk what theyre doing. the only person that could have some clue was jungwoo but....i doubt it LMAO but also hyuck in those concept photos...............still thinking abt him tied up in those cords on the floor w that bloody lollipop in his mouth im-
2 baddies is the catchiest song there exists the title makes me crack the fuck up its so funny DJFKLA i love it tho!!!!! havent checked out the whole album yet but designer's been on repeat its so good!!!! if you listened already, tell me your faves and ill make sure to get to it soon so we can talk abt it :pp
also jaemin sending that message on bubble im crying TT he really clowned him for looking so good !!
the move indeed was harder than i expected. going back tomorrow (i come home every weekend:p) and i hate the thought already. its been...a wild ride but im going to a party on tuesday so i hope to make some friends or just to generally have some fun haha
i love you, hope life is gentle to you! be safe, stay healthy, have fun!! thanks for sending this and make sure to tell me how you are and whats new when you have time! xx
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baekonbaek · 4 years
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byun baekhyun for @sefuns
[holidays 2020]
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exo-stentialism · 5 years
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Dreamy prince ✶ Prince Baekhyun 13/∞
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vitaminhwang · 6 years
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happy birthday kara ♡ (@wowhuns)  
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wongyuseok · 9 months
K-Pop Recap Of 2023!
Tagged by @xiaojuun @jaebeomtual @onmywayv @kihyunsgf (ty beloveds 💜)
Groups You Started Stanning?: ateez, sf9 & a.c.e. I knew some ateez & sf9 music and had seen an mv or two for both, but I didn't really stan either group before 2023. ateez happened in like January tho bc I loved halazia and one of my friends kept putting them on the dash. sf9 happened after watching doom at your service (hi dawon ily). a.c.e was completely new in every way to me. I found them weeks before sehyoon was freed and realized I had heard their 5sos youngblood cover before and quickly became OBSESSED. I also started listening to purple kiss for the first time in 2023 but idk the members 🤷‍♀️ oh and txt was new to me (tinnitus ily) but idk that I would say I stan them perse...
New Ult Biases?: believe it or not moon taeil 🤭 he was my number one nct boy before last year but I finally accepted that he was an ult like EARLY in the year
Idol(s) Who Got The Most Of Your Simping?: baekhyun & taeil with kun coming in at a firm 3rd place 😅 taeil may have even taken top spot but who's to say
Most Streamed Group(s): according to spotify wrapped: exo, a.c.e, svt, ateez, sf9, wayv, nct 127 and red velvet
Most Streamed Soloist(s)?: baekhyun, d.o, chanyeol, kai (tell me ur and exol without telling me), woodz, b.i, dpr ian, tabber, onew
Top K-Pop Song(s) Of This Year (Opinion Or Streaming, You Choose): I'm working on creating a top ten list based off opinions so we will have to go with spotify wrapped for this one so i don't sit here and agonize over this for hours. But my top 5 streamed kpop songs *FROM 2023* (betcha by bbh made my top 5) were: 1. Hear Me Out by EXO, 2. Let Me In by EXO, 3. Somebody by D.O, 4. Circle by Onew, 5. Cream Soda by EXO. But also omy the album by wayv ily 🫶🏻
Top Debut This Year: the only debuts i even tuned in for were kiss of life & riize (ty my best friends sungtaro)
Choreographies You Learned: I don't learn choreo. I instead dance like an idiot for fun lmao
Albums/Merchandise You Bought: exo, shinee, svt, ateez, kai but no wayv bc no money 😭
New Kpop Mutuals You Made?: ummmm like 99% of my mutuals were made in 2023 so hello ily all 🫂💜
Tagging (no pressure ofc <3): @jwooyoung @sunminshine @lee-minhoe & some newer mutuals @ninqz @jsuh @nfly5 @dongkwan @talksaxy @wifehwa +anyone who sees this and wants to do it just say I tagged you!
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0x1lovebot · 2 years
𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞; matchmaker.
~0.5k words. [496]
[not proofread!!]
warnings; language.
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as she put her phone in her pocket, y/n sighed and stared out over the horizon. she and the rest of the photography club members had gone out to the campus park to take pictures of the local flora and fauna. and while the other members had spread out in the park, photographing the scenery, y/n sat in the grass, fiddling with the lens of her camera.
why was it so hard for her to just ask one person a simple question? she was club president after all. her members shouldn’t be making her nervous like this, but asking for help wasn’t always easy for y/n. especially when it was school related. she felt embarrassed almost, for needing the help in the first place. but if y/n wanted to keep her average up, she had to ask someone about this stupid tutor! but who should she ask?
“what’s wrong y/n?” riki asked, startling her in the process. she hadn’t noticed that the boy had taken up residence in the patch of grass next to her.
“jesus riki! don’t scare me like that!” she huffed. “where did you even come from?”
“your mom’s house!” he joked. “but seriously, what's wrong? you look like someone just kicked your puppy.”
the chances of riki, a freshman who was into photography and the arts, knowing anything about a physics tutor were almost nonexistent in y/n’s eyes. but she had to start somewhere. she sighed and shifted in the grass to face riki.
“well for the past few weeks, i’ve been…struggling in my physics class. and there’s this one tutor my boyfriend told me about. one of his friends worked with him last year and apparently he was really good but he doesn’t remember his twitter. all I know is that his name starts with a j.”
riki’s eyes widened at y/n’s revelation. this was perfect! maybe if y/n spent more time with jake, she would see how much of a great guy he is and leave baekhyun for him.
“i think you’re talking about jake.”
“you know him?” y/n asked in disbelief.
“yeah! he’s one of my best friends! i’ve known him since high school.”
“no fucking way! are you serious?!” y/n couldn’t believe this. she should’ve just asked riki in the first place.
“hell yeah i’m serious! he’s a physics genius! i’ll send you his twitter! he just started tutoring again too so this is perfect!!”
“riki you’re the best!”
riki smiled and laughed when y/n tackled him to the ground in a hug. maybe trying to set up a taken girl with his best friend that’s in love with her was a bad idea, but riki isn’t called a menace for no reason.
and as for y/n she didn’t really know who this jake guy was, but with all the good things she’s heard about him, she was sure they would get along just fine.
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𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭🏷️; @quokkasunggie @lilactangerine @ckline35 @theskzvibe @ily-cuz-i @iloveoceaneyesss @gongiz @jakewife @yenqa @kaislinging-slasher01 @bangchan-fairy
taglist is open. send an ask or message me if you want to be tagged.
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© 2023 copyright. all rights reserved. @0x1lovebot.
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jayflrt · 3 years
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SUMMARY ▸ after you and jay broke up, you created a set of rules: 1. no hooking up 2. no simp texts and 3. no sharing of mr. gubbles. problem is, you both want to keep the goldfish.
GENRES ▸ social media au (smau), crack, fluff, exes to lovers, college au
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AUTHOR’S NOTE ▸ hi !! so i told yall i would post this after sugar daddy and then i lied so !! here it is finally <3 despite the summary this is very sfw. i’ll probably start this fr a little later so the masterlist will be posted after my riki fic/collab with addy :’’)
TAG LIST ▸ @mmsriza @changmin-wrlds @fiantomartell @iconjaeyun @maknaechu @liliansun @c9tnoos @nyujjan @mishtidoie​ @baekhyunstruly​ @flameykeese​ @jaesvelvet​ @yeonwon​ @ohmy-fandoms​ @yangrden​ @yougeans @zukotheefirelord @emobeomgyu @yourlocalhotgf @hrtattcker @dazumis @xueyangcr @baekhyuns-lipchain @wonwushu @blank-velvet​ @freckledwinterfalls​ @13isacoolnumber​ @from-xero​ @yangrden​ @acciomylove​ @sakuracoffe​ @nyujjan​ @goldenhypen​ @bbanggami​ @honeyju​ @lvsunq​ @notmangojuice​ @luvrjn​ @cb97curls​ @ac-ewow​ @ily-cuz-i​ @msxflower​ @baekhyunstruly​ @mykalon​ @heelariously​ @hobistigma​ @simplyxlea​ @wntrsgf​ @person-standing​ @ja4hyvn​
CAN’T TAG ▸ @upper-side-dreamin-supremacist @badbishriki @i3rbyjane @afiaaa19 @changminniebb @leohee @heeseungi
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an-annyeoing-writer · 11 months
ahh im happy you felt the love with my message!!! honestly, you've made many of my days infinitely better because i get to read your works and get consumed by these concepts you come up with. so you really deserve all the love and recognition, i can't even explain how much joy you've given me whenever i go back to re read derision 💕 there's something about it that tickles a part of my brain that nothing else has.. i mean come on bh going through hell and naive reader is involved in his suffering but has a connection with him and genuinely wanting to help, then the tables turn and bh gets to put reader through hell and suddenly acts cold, wanting to inflict suffering on her as his revenge BUT STILL CARING ABT HERRRRR DSGJNLK why is that so hot and alluring HELPP it's dark and mysterious and obsessive but heartwarming and sweet in a twisted sick way and it's perfect and i love it, this ask doesn't even come close to expressing my love for it either but just know derision is my favorite plot ever i swear. you seriously popped off when you came up with that concept. and yes i have read (and loveee) sweet lies and unhealthy obsession! you're the master of these dark unsettling concepts dear god o_o also bh is somehow so perfect for dark plots.. it's his trojan horse outward aegyo but inner cool mature manliness sweet boy charm.. ooohhh ill be excited for that upcoming lucky one insp fic too omg!!!!???! i am SEATED. the lucky one vibe is really just too good i love it. and ily more!!!!!
Jesus 🥺 I already said it before but it means SO MUCH to hear these things, you're spoiling me for real  😭😭 I just hope you're always happy and safe and all because you're one treasure of a human being 🥺
You're so damn right about Baekhyun though, the Monster MV was literally the reason I got into KPOP to begin with, he did catch me with that vibe, he's VERY perfect for that. He's just a master of facial expressions that send shivers down your spine... I mean,
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He looks like a literal alien here. Like just, both scary and somewhat soft/innocent at once???? That's just so surreal. I am DEVOURING this concept.
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He can be so goddamn ominous too. Like is he even a real person???????? IDK???????????????????????????
But YASSS it won't be anytime soon since I want to finish Bloodline first before starting something more serious (and those series will be more lengthy for sure), but I'm pretty excited as well. And I mean... now that we started talking about it, I'm going to be definitely writing many more ominous Baekhyuns. I MUST.
Also below is a random snippet without a context of Demon!Baekhyun that I started writing some time ago just because I thought you might like it.
He lifted his hand and carefully rested the edge of the knife at your neck; no pressure needed for the slight prickle of pain to appear and your breath to hitch. You felt your heartbeat quicken, slowly but surely bringing your other senses alive as well – some vibrating sounds in the background, the smell of fire, dark background and soft crystal-looking light coming from above your head. Where the hell were you….? “D… don’t” you choked out with difficulty, your voice hoarse and strangled; something seemed to be stuck in your throat and you started coughing. The tension of the knife on your neck didn’t cease, but neither did it strengthen, held right at the edge of causing the littlest amount of pain without damaging the skin, as though to remind you it’s still there. “Why not?” His voice was nicer than you expected, youthful and not at all expressionless, oozing with childlike innocence. “You are dead already, love. I just want to have a feast” he informed with a pinch of arrogance. “I’m not dead” you snarled. “Hardly” he scoffed in response. The knife’s edge trailed down your neck, stopping right above your sternum and pressing into the soft issue. You coughed again and gagged on whatever was stuck in your throat. “In fact, I am the only thing keeping you from burning alive. That would not be pleasant at all, love. Don’t worry, I will be gentle with you. Gentler than the flames would be.”
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s-eokie · 3 years
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀baekhyun textual locs!
necessidade: (n.) 1. aquilo que é necessário 2. não se pode evitar, inevitável 3. carência (do que é preciso) falta 4. 𝗯𝘆𝘂𝗻 𝗯𝗮𝗲𝗸𝗵𝘆𝘂𝗻.
hi, b͟a͟e͟k͟! ★ thank you for being light in the middle of the darkness to me, ily more than anything :D
..♡︎💭 060592, the day that a star was about to be included in this world — 𝙗𝙗𝙝.
( ☆ ) . . like or reblog · don't repost. ‹3
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kaisooficrec · 3 years
Hi beautiful admins can you please recommend more hurt/comfort fics 🥺🥺 Thank you and have a nice day ❤
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@piciwai hi and thank you cuties!! yesss empathy is still on repeat she's indeed aoty like - look at those nominations 🥰 btw we've got a bunch of great hurt/comfort and some insecure fics fit in this well~
hurt comfort:
Christmas Day - kyungsoo's having not so happy christmas family visit and jongin cheers him up
Revenge served sweet - they broke up and and deal with it much difficulty
Wild Rose - kyungsoo who's raised in a very religious family falls for his best friend jongin. jongin is such a soft caring bebe here and i feel for kyungsoo's inner conflict omg
Vinyl Hearts (For the Record). - time travel au! jongin is a music producer in cali but time travels to korea and a hundred years back to meet kyungsoo
Sharing is Caring - kindergarten teacher jongin (swoons!) adores his pupils very much and 5-year old sehun's dad as well :))) so cute!! amorkaisoo-nim come through!
Hello Stranger - hurt/comfort more like fluffy comfort!! wedding singer jongin befriends hotel housekeeper kyungsoo. hit's so soft and wholesome honestly, i like how it blooms into a friendship in a natural and easy pace. and we demand more singer jongin au pls
Promise You Still Love Me - non au, their relationship is threatened to be exposed so kai has to date jennie
Memories of You - is this the obsession au we deserve? absolutely!! ft. x-exo and exo members but dw still kaisoo-centric :) amorkaisoo ily
Dancing With Your Ghost - break up make up, they broke up but patch things up before kyungsoo enlists
The Last Time - graduation, break up make up, high school sweethearts with painful twist but a happy end :)
Loved and Found - kyungsoo stutters when he's anxious but jongin finds him cute. and ksoo has soo many pets :)
falling is never easy - neighbours au. kyungsoo notices his neighbours has some minor cuts and bruises and helps to tend to them and questions how jongin gets these injuries
Days In the Sun - jongin wants to have a meaningful life and not deal with the town and his family while kyungsoo lost his parents at a young age and had to grow up with people calling him a monster and now i want to cry :’(
I See You - soo loses his parents in an accident but survives; in another realm he meets a soul who accompanies him and guides him which is jongin (happy ending!)
with insecure soo and protective jongin / taking care of him
Visiting Jongdae - we've got some non au here :))) kaisoo go visit jongdae and his family .-----
Croquembouche - domestic fluff with kid!chanbaek. this fic shows kaisoo’s journey from childhood friends to husbands and parents to chanyeol, whose little friend baekhyun starts to worry a protective jongin
when a tree falls - army veteran kyungsoo suffers from ptsd and decides to get help
Hold me in your arms - married kaisoo! a tiring day at work has kyungsoo counting down the minutes until he gets to see jongin, his husband and safe haven, again
remember the beautiful us - non au! just a typical day in the life of jongin and kyungsoo, which somethings can get hard
I Think It's Love - non-au with pre-debut kaisoo. tho it’s tagged with light angst, worry not!! this will give you a warm feeling
Melting - pregnant kyungsoo is just craving some ice cream when a tired jongin says something really hurtful to him. tw: rape mention
Safe - sad, also sweet. kyungsoo is afraid of losing jongin, who reassures him that nothing bad will happen to him
Kintsugi - after an accident, kyungsoo was left with multiple physical and emotional scars
I'll Follow You Till You Love Me: A Guide By Kim Jongin - jongin befriends his new roommate, cat hybrid soo who is a bit reserved and guarded
give you all of the stars - because of low self-esteem, it’s hard for kyungsoo to understand why jongin loves him
Warm Me Better - family au. adoption, also mentioned mpreg. kyungsoo has a great family and he's happy but also insecure he can't give jongin their own children
A Storm is Brewing - barista jongin helps kyungsoo, who is afraid of thunder, get through a stormy night
Stitch My Heart (And Kiss It Better) - zombie!soo has insecurities and thinks he's not worthy of beautiful vampire!jongin
Blossom Out - Kyungsoo is a maintenance man, and he has a crush on a cute uni student!jongin but instead first talks to him via notes due to his anxiety
Snapshots - soo likes dressing in feminine clothes but get insecure and misunderstood but his very suppportive jongin proves him wrong
while we're at it, here's also insecure jongin / protective caring ksoo :
Itsy Bitsy Vampy - supernatural/halloween au this one is so cute omg. kid au also, smol jonginnie dresses up as a vampire (he is a vampire too!) and is a bit upset he's made fun of. it's also so fluffy!!!
No tomorrow - titanic au/historical, ballerino/model jongin, commoner kyungsoo. jongin wants to start off modelling in nyc and escaping from his manipulative manager and ends up in the arms (literally) of cabin boy kyungsoo
By Your Side - non au, jongin can't help but be upset he made a tiny mistake on stage but kyungsoo comforts him well :')
you're doing great (i mean it) - jongin is busy with his solo, photoshoots and super m activities and is tired and stressed out but kyungsoo got his back (even if he's in the military!) lovee ittt
Here, With Me - jongin suffers from ptsd but kyungsoo is with him to shelter jongin from his nightmares. also mpreg
more great hurt comfort fics we've listed! (or just click on 'r:hurt comfort') we hope you'll enjoy these :)
- Admin J & Admin Mimi
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