#hi twi
Give mr halo your go to treat and see how he reacts ?
Thanks for the prompt! Here's Chief and his Chieflings out in public. I got hungry writing this.
"Do you have that mobile order done yet?"
"The one that's four bags and tipped 30%? Of course I have it done." She calls over from the register where she's writing "Thank you" in curlicues and hearts on the brown paper bags.
The door chime lets her know someone has entered and she finishes drawing the last heart when she ends up double-taking at a group of off-duty marines and the tallest, most scarred person she's ever seen.
The group moves with the giant, floating in their orbit like remoras around a shark. The giant takes hesitating steps towards the pick-up counter and the marines shuffle closer in their PT gear.
She watches with wide eyes, pen forgotten, until the giant asks in a low voice. "Is the order for John ready?"
A second ticks by, the marines are holding their breath, the giant is a statue with the most piercing blue eyes. and then she smiles. "Yes, right here!"
With no small effort she lifts the bags up to the counter and lists off the contents. "We have the family platters of falafel, chicken schwarma, chicken schnitzel, and beef and lamb schwarma here." She huffs, "and the sides of hummus, fries, falafel, and pitas are in here with the canned drinks." She smiles brightly under the strain of the last two bags, "And here's the bags with the pita and wraps, we marked the foil with the filling's initials. The one without eggplant is labeled with a sticker as well. The last bag here has the bowls and desserts."
"Dessert?" The giant frowns. The marines turn in tandem, eyes wide as if pleading for the giant not to ask.
"On the house! Almond cookies and baklava. Thanks for your order!"
The giant nods and scoops up the heaviest bags with no problem, nodding a thanks before turning to leave. The marines break out of their trance and grab the remaining bags with a quick thanks. She watches them quietly bicker about opening the bags now vs waiting to get back.
The giant turns and eyes them, their lined face dropping into a slight frown and a quirk of one eyebrow silencing the arguing marines. "Yes, Chief." They sigh and march quietly out the door, trailing the giant like ducklings down the sidewalk.
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faffreux · 15 days
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me to you every night before you go to sleep hehehehehe
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bellygunnr · 1 year
Ryosuke stares at the dirt under his nails, the plant matter staining his fingers. Fumihiro had offered the gloves but he'd denied them. He regrets it now. But at least it's not engine grease.
"Here, Ryosuke. Loosen up these roots."
He looks up. Fumihiro is offering a naked bundle of fledgling plant to him. One of the herbs or the zucchini-- he's embarrassed he doesn't know yet. But the roots, he knows how to handle. Fumihiro had taken the time to show him.
The why hangs over his neck.
Gingerly, he accepts the task. Apparently, they don't grow as well if you leave the roots compacted, so he gently shakes them free, nervous he's going to tear something. When he's done, he kneels down at the garden bed, near Fumihiro.
"Good work. Here, let me show you..."
And Fumihiro, with his hands clad in green, settles up against Ryosuke's side and shows him how to return the-- seedling-- back to the dirt. He smells like sweat and grass. Overhead, a bird screams.
"Wouldn't you be the better candidate, Fumihiro, to plant-- everything?" Ryosuke dares to ask.
Fumihiro pauses, leans deep onto his haunches, smiling faintly. "I know what I'm doing, Ryosuke. Just trust me."
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comfycozycrossfox · 1 year
the friend that told me that my new gauges look like worms on a string and the one that told me they look like tentacles both understand my vibe exactly in wildly different directions
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sciderman · 2 months
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Deadpool/Wolverine WWIII (2024) #3
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1caru · 3 months
hi!! I saw your art requests were open, if you ever wanted to would you be willing to draw LU Sky, Warriors, and Twilight? I love the older brother dynamic and would love to see them in your style!!
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all tuckered out after a long day of being the big brothers <3
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sleepylink · 2 months
In Wind's Era, Legend is in Mermaid form and swimming in the water next to the pirate ship, he calls up to Wind-
Legend - "Wind! What is that at the bottom of the ocean!? Do you know!?"
Wind - "Oh, that's Hyrule Castle! It was recently filled with water because the seal to protect it broke!"
Legend looks down in the water then back up a few times - "I wanna explore it."
Wind - "I mean, I feel like we should tell the others-"
Time comes running up and dives into the water putting the Zora's mask on, and transforming mid-air, diving in next to Legend yelling - "NOT WITHOUT ME!"
Time pops his head up for 2 seconds to yell - "Twilight is in charge! We will be back in a few hours!" and dives down.
Legend laughs, shrugs, waves goodbye and dives in after him.
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krissis-averted · 9 months
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not alone read left to right contextless thang i just wanted to draw it... smth smth twis big bro mentality
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nyastri · 2 months
I would like to inform anyone who didn't know that Legend has canonically been engaged before.
To a tree.
Oracle of Ages was crazy and I love it for that.
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“So, babysitting?”
Alberu follows after the delinquent. From the record the vice-principal gave him access to, Cale frequently drinks alcohol, he often gets himself into a lot of fights, and he barely passed his classes at the end of the grading period. The teachers never call on him in class, girls and boys avoid him alike, and he is- supposedly- completely intolerable.
Which is why Alberu Crossman, who’s only a little older yet infinitely more mature has been assigned by the principal (his father) to get the troublemaker under thumb. Cale's father is quite wealthy, actually, and since there isn't much known about the successor to the Henituse family... it'd be bad if he had to be expelled.
Cale scowled. “Yes, babysitting, your highness. Please, leave if you must,” He jeers at Alberu, but internally he thinks, 'No, really. Please leave.' Otherwise, he might get caught in the act.
Of not actually being Cale.
Roksu aims a sour expression at Alberu, who returns it with a more flowery one. Acting as his twin for the day had been easy enough, mainly because being trash is great!- until Alberu Crossman strolled into his lunch period and introduced himself.
He is even following him out of the school to his job. Well, this job is Roksu’s and not Cale’s, but because he can’t ditch work nor can he get glib-tongued Alberu off his tail-
Well shit.
Thankfully, the kids call him hyung. Except Raon, who calls him human. Hopefully Alberu doesn’t look into it too much. If everything goes right, Alberu Crossman will be Cale's problem to deal with tomorrow. As it should have been.
“I didn’t know you liked kids, Cale,” Alberu smiles charmingly, walking side by side with Roksu. “Can you introduce me?” Roksu struggles to not put on his own disarming smile out of spite, instead plastering on a classic Cale Sneer™. It fits on his face perfectly, like he’s playing a character in a play.
They enter the building and ‘Cale’ guides Alberu to a colorful playroom, decked out in toys and a fountain of running water as the centerpiece (A gift from his father, who is still upset that Roksu doesn't visit more often). There’s a tray of fruits and oatmeal on the small table in the corner of the room, except not a soul to be seen. Picking up a bowl of oatmeal and finding the ceramic to still be hot, Roksu almost smiles.
Alberu frowns. Where are the kids he's supposed to babysit?
Roksu tells the empty air, "Come on out."
Three children appear out of nowhere in front of them.
“Human! You’re back!”
“Hyung, nya.” On examines Alberu some more.
All of the kids had been revealed the moment that Roksu spoke, as Raon unveiled the invisibility on them.
Raon runs up and grabs Roksu’s hand, who places it on his head, rubbing the black hair comfortingly. “Mm.” Raon beams at the affection.
“Raon, On, Hong,” they each look up at him at the call of their names. “This is Alberu Crossman, he is doing a report on my trashy behavior. Don’t be rude."
All three children become hostile immediately. “He isn't trash!”
On observes Alberu with an intense glare. Raon shifts under Roksu’s hand, his deep blue eyes glinting with magic. Roksu positions him away from the older teen’s view. Raon grips onto Roksu’s pant leg with a vengeance. Hong stares openly, offensive.
Alberu smiles at them.
"I'm visiting with Cale Hyung for today, nice to meet you."
Hong gasps suddenly.
“He-!” On gives her brother a look, and he clamps his hands over his mouth. Alberu feels a deep curiosity, as if something isn’t quite as it seems.
Roksu sighs. It’s going to be a long hour.
At the midway point, Alberu has easily disarmed the children. They look fascinated at the magic he shows them, while Roksu can only rub a palm over Raon’s shoulder as a warning to keep his dragon magic under control. He's still just a child that wants to brag. Everything is going well.
“Hey Roksu! How was-“ Cale bursts through the door, bright red hair equipped with a shit-eating grin, wearing clothes far less fancy than his usual. He tenses up, frozen in place when he spots Alberu on the floor, politely sitting "crisscross applesauce" with the children. Roksu narrows a withering glare at his twin.
“… Roksu?”
Alberu looks at ‘Cale,’ sitting next to him, the one he's spent the entire day with, who is trying to send what must be the real Cale into the sun with his eyes.
“Ha… ha?” Cale winces. Roksu wipes his expression from his face.
“Cale-hyung, run! That’s the human’s bad look!” Alberu’s eyes widen as he watches the confirmed real Cale bolt back into the hallway and out of the front door. Alberu whips his head back toward the stranger behind him, who is a perfect replica of the Cale who ran like Hell. Cale has an identical twin?? Since when? Why doesn't he go to school?
Roksu levels an emotionless gaze at Alberu. “Hello, your highness. Don’t mind me.”
Alberu can only watch in astonishment as this stranger walks out of the playroom, with a smooth and deadly gait as he hunts down his twin like a predator would to prey. He recalls the look 'Roksu' gave him and it sends a shiver down the principal’s son’s spine. That gaze held secrets.
Something about this stranger is even more interesting than the sudden appearance of a twin.
On walks up to him, sitting down in his lap and looking into his eyes. “Roksu-hyung will be back soon, nya!” Hong bounds over and sits next to his sister, grinning widely. Raon huffs and looks at the door. He wants his human to come back.
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luna-loveboop · 4 months
There's a lot about Twilight's injury arc that makes me wanna cry but every time I read through it Legend is what gets me
Because Legend took his hat off out of respect when going into Twilight's room while he was injured
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I don't I ever have or ever will read a "salty and traumatised and not-nice but still good" character as well written as Legend. Because he's mean and snarky and grumpy- and almost always at least one of his eyebrows is down. Twilight even saw him as a bully at first. (Ref. comic 'bully' in Lu archive)
But this is a warrior who will take off his hat for another who got hurt. Legend shows love in almost invisible ways, and his heart is guarded enough to have spikes. But if he's going to see someone who's injured he shows respect and care.
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And he showed his care in other ways too- he has so much love for Twilight to show this much past his guarded heart
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Legend is always wearing his hat- it is literally something he puts on just as much as his shoes or tunic.
He shows so much love for Twilight through his injury. And him pulling off/putting on his hat is just one small way that was shown.
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*dies drowning in tears because legend took off his hat and it means so much and*
Art and comic by Jojo @linkeduniverse au
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12 16
12. a trope you’re really into right now
I'm trying to break out of more than a week of no writing but I have gone insane earlier this year and published A Lot More than I usually do. Looking at my ao3...it looks like fluff and slice of life stuff is what I've been doing more than my usual hurt/comfort angst train. The chili cook off fic, linda in the vents fic, the halo infinite bathing in the river fic, lots of little moments. I like filling in the gaps :o)
16. favorite place to write
At my desk! My best ideas might come from drives, shower thoughts, and talking with friends but my best, most-polished writing is at my desk, with or without noise, depending on the brain and with the power of two monitors to support many trains of thought. I can have wikis open and recheck my mental notes of timelines and quotes.
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raycatz · 7 months
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small man with a baton
animated pixel art
do you see my vision?
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adrift-in-thyme · 5 months
Can I hear your thoughts on this panel?
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I feel that Hyrule looking at Legend as Four says that is important somehow... What do you think?
Well one thing I’ve noticed in the last couple of updates is Hyrule and Legend have been around each other A LOT
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Practically ever since Hyrule finished healing Twilight and helping Four they’ve been hanging around each other. In close proximity too. Which, given that Legend usually only stands close to the people he trusts (principally Sky) is a big deal.
If Dawn pt. 5 is any indication, it seems that Hyrule is mostly initiating this lol
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But Legend is letting him
Excuse me while I fangirl over the downfall duo for a moment. ALDNDLSDJSLDNSL THE BROTHERS EVER
Ahem ok let’s continue
Now, I’m overdue for a LU reread so correct me if I’m wrong BUT I seem to recall that they’ve never stayed this close to each other before. Could just be that they take comfort in one another’s presence. Seeing the panel you shared, though, I’m gonna say it’s more than that.
Idk if they’ve figured out their place in the timeline yet (I’m assuming not due to how everyone acted in Timeline Talk pt. 1). That doesn’t mean, however, that they haven’t begun to guess. Jojo has hinted at many interactions that the Links have had offscreen. Plus, Legend and Hyrule met up before they ran into the others. They’ve had time to get to know each other. I guarantee they’ve got suspicions about their places in time.
Which leads me to believe Hyrule is afraid of losing Legend. He must have figured out that Legend was a hero sometime before his journey began. Meaning, somewhere along the way he perished and the darkness he struggled so hard against spread over Hyrule anew. With Twilight just having escaped death (plus the cryptic comments he continues to make regarding Time’s fate), I’m sure untimely demises are on Hyrule’s mind.
I don’t think he knows Legend’s fate (unless there’s something in his games that hints toward the previous hero’s fate). But I believe he wants to. I can’t be the only one who sees the striking similarities between Legend and Time. He likely came to the realization that a guy like Legend will most likely die a wanderer or a warrior (doesn’t mean he did. I don’t like to think he did. One blorbo with a tragic end is enough XD But still). And being a hero and Legend’s friend he’s wondering if maybe, just maybe he can change that.
If it’s possible to know a future occurrence, it could be possible to transform it, right?
All image credits to @linkeduniverse
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lidoshka · 8 months
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mini conference
AU where the chain meet Wild and Twilight, but these two have been on adventures by themselves for years, so they are hesitant to join the other links...
-Link/Wild has already finished their second quest. They never got their arm back.
-Link/Twilight is older too, and he carries a crossbow. in Lieu of the Master Sword, he carries a Sage Sword, which is just as useful when battling darkness.
-Gerudo Twilight? *nods* Gerudo Twilight.
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theecholegend · 5 months
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Is that you Wolfie?
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