#hidden call recorder for mobile
onemonitarsoftware · 3 months
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interships-ulead · 2 years
Hidden Spy App: The modern-day spy tool to hear surrounding voices
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No matter what parents do, kids and teenagers often find a way to get out of trouble as soon as possible. They can keep themselves away from the eyes of their parents in all possible manners. Hidden spy app is a modern-day spy tool that can now allow you to hear surround voices near your target cell phone at any time when you want.
Sometimes it’s not the parents, but the employers who want to know how their employees are behaving with their customers. In this scenario also, a hidden call recorder application comes of great use.
These are the two scenarios in which most parents and employers feel dubious about the activities of their kids and working staff. They want to actively listen to the voices of their employees and always wish to know whether they behave appropriately or not.
Social media addiction
Social media addiction is a modern-day disease that has gotten into the veins of all kids and teenagers. When it comes to teens, most teenagers are either addicted to cell phones, computers, or in some cases tablets as well. These platforms provide so much freedom to youngsters to explore the world around them. There are several social media applications available in the market including Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Tinder, Hike, and more.
All of the above-listed applications provide numerous opportunities for kids and teenagers to interact with the world around them. They may exchange phone numbers, share text messages, make phone calls, and in some cases may even meet strangers living in the neighborhood.
Although these tiny tech gadgets are of great use in most scenarios, there are occasions when these tech creatures could turn into troublemakers for teens and employers.
Are smartphones and PCs Troublemakers?
If we only look at the basic operations of both of these machines, both of these machines ideally are not troublemakers. Whether it’s a smartphone or a computer, when both devices are used just for some specific purposes only, they can never become a troublemaker for the user. However, the internet has now created a limitless world for all its users. Hence, if it’s your child or employee using a cell phone, the internet can be a reason to create trouble in the lives of our dear ones.
How do smart devices trouble teenagers?
Young kids and teens use mobile phones to connect with strangers these days. In a few phone calls, they become friends with them and often meet them instantly. They share emails, photos, songs, videos, and even video chat with them regularly.
Also, today the youth has learned plenty of ways to do illegal activities and do all the most dangerous possible things with the help of the internet itself. Additionally, today they know all the ways to hide their whereabouts from their peers when they are partying or substance abuse and in some cases, they may also fall into the trap of premature sexual encounters.
It’s fatigue for business owners
Employers invest huge sums of money in smartphones, laptops, the internet, and all the necessary things to facilitate their working staff to operate righteously and deliver the best service to their customers. They also offer the costliest Windows and MAC laptops to their employees. But on the other hand, employees use these devices for their personal use. They use these devices to make personal calls and share personal text messages. Ultimately it damages the whole working environment and the productivity of the firm.
Install ONEMONITAR hidden call recorder app to monitor all of their activities with one click
All those troubled parents and employers can get carefree now. We bring you the best solution with the help of which you can monitor all the smartphone activities of your employees and kids with one click. ONEMONITAR hidden spy app is specifically designed after keeping all these requirements of modern-day parents and employers. This hidden spy app needs to be installed on the target android device to access all the data saved on it and share the same with the subscriber. With the help of an ONEMONITAR hidden call recorder for mobile, you can track all your cell phone activities via its user-friendly interface.
Use a Microphone as a secret recording device
Once you’ve successfully installed ONEMONITAR hidden spy app on the target android phone, you can then hear all the sounds which are made near the target android phone by sending a single command.
This feature empowers you to know everything that’s happening on a user’s cell phone. Whether your kids are near you or not, ONEMONITAR hidden call recorder spy app is the only solution that will ease the task for you.
Use ONEMONITAR hidden spy app to listen to all the sounds near the target android phone if you have doubts about anything a user. With the help of the ONEMONITAR hidden spy app, you can spy on additional features as well.
Features offered by ONEMONITAR hidden spy app
ONEMONITAR hidden spy app offers you a list of extended features which can let you spy on all cell phone activities instantly.
Record phone calls- With the help of the ONEMONITAR hidden spy app you can record all the phone calls on the target device.
View text SMS- ONEMONITAR hidden spy app allows you to view all the text messages with the click of a button.
Track WhatsApp Messenger- With the help of the ONEMONITAR hidden spy app you can track all the WhatsApp messenger chats and access the phone call logs made on WhatsApp.
Spy Facebook Messenger- If you are worried that your child might be addicted to Facebook, then ONEMONITAR hidden spy app is the best solution for you. You can read all the chats shared on Facebook messenger with the click of a button only.
Track GPS Location- GPS Location tracking is one of the most popular hidden spy app features offered by ONEMONITAR. With this hidden spy app, you can find out the precise location of the person via the ONEMONITAR control panel.
The list of all ONEMONITAR Hidden Spy App goes on and on. There are over 30 fantastic features offered by this hidden spy app to track all android phone activities instantly.
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sirtaliesin · 6 months
Hmmm Jason and Etrigan dealing with some no magical tech; either some stuff wayne tech made, batman found or just general everyday tech?
This took me a bit, but the first thing I thought of was Jason shopping for a mobile phone. Thank you for the suggestion!
Phone Shopping
This was absolutely ridiculous.
Jason looked from one display to the next, mood shifting between irritation, disbelief, and bewilderment. He needed a mobile phone not a computer. Placards with an array of photographs and cheerful blurbs sat next to the variety of models on display. Proudly declaring excellent camera quality, recording features, excessive storage, and a number of functions that didn’t seem necessary on a phone.
Most of the models on display seemed to take the actual function of a telephone as secondary at best. If they considered it at all. Looking between the touchscreens and the model numbers, a sense of regret pooled in his belly. He recalled the conversation he’d had not more than a week ago that had necessitated this outing. That he really did need a mobile phone for when he was out, especially since the last model he’d had suffered an unfortunate demise via hellfire more than a year ago.
The lamentation that he hadn’t brought one of his friends with him was short lived. Bruce, while fairly knowledgeable about these things, would have drawn far too much attention. Zatanna might have been a more reasonable choice, but he couldn’t bring himself to bother her about it either.
“Can I help you find something sir?” The salesperson Jason had been studiously avoiding asked.
“Perhaps. Do you have anything less,” Jason gestured to the variety of smart phones with Wayne Tech logos, “Complicated?”
“We have a new model with a very sleek operating system just over here.” The young woman – Jason noted her name tag read Andie – said while she led the way to a different display near the counter.
The newer models were, like the rest, overly complicated smart devices with fragile screens and boasting excellent cameras. Jason felt a headache forming. The young woman was talking to him again, describing the benefits of a telephoto lens and a higher megapixel rate, excellent battery life, and enough storage for his needs. What those must have been by the estimation of whoever designed that handheld computer, Jason couldn’t even imagine. The only thing she’d said thus far that had any appeal was the long battery life.
“Um, I was thinking of something a little more utilitarian.” Jason hazarded, trying to shift away from the sales pitch for the shiny new model.
“Oh? We do have some very basic models as well, Wayne Tech’s older models are perfectly serviceable-“
“Do you have anything that doesn’t have a touch screen?” Jason interrupts.
“Without? Well, we have some flip models-“
“Could I see those please?”
Andie tilts her head and gestures bemusedly to the opposite end of the store. Furthest from the door, Jason notes. Not exactly hidden, but certainly not the bright eye-catching displays of the smart models. They are far more utilitarian and familiar, more akin to his old phone than any of the cameras that also allowed one to make a call.
“I think this will do just fine.” Jason says finally, picking out a simple flip phone. It has a camera still, but at least it has buttons. Easier to use if he couldn’t see, and he was certain he’d be less likely to destroy it.
Andie rings up the purchase for him and helps him change over his number with a smile. Jason contemplates the dark glass panes of the other devices on display as he leaves. The black mirror surfaces that wink to life with glowing colour aren’t terribly appealing.
Three months later, after a particularly complicated trip to New Hampshire, Jason returns home to find an unassuming box on his kitchen table. A note in a familiar hand tucked under it.
‘Just try it out. -Bruce’
Jason ignores the new Wayne Tech smart phone for another month on principle.
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officialleehadan · 3 months
Under the Edge
Confidence Scheme
Despite their mutual interest, Will meant it when he told Leonardo that any further romantic discussions would be entirely under the thief’s control. He and Vanessa felt very strongly about power imbalances, and also about conflict of interest as it happened. They weren’t going to push Leonardo into something he wasn’t comfortable with.
The flirting, however, was very promising for when their thief did find his feet again.
Until then, Will had a job, several jobs, to handle with regards to Leonardo and the first was in getting Leonardo access to the paintings he claimed were forgeries of his. It took two more long discussions with Leonardo’s lawyer to arrange the appropriate deals involved, although Will wasn’t involved in those discussions. Not because Alexis was worried about his professionalism, but simply because it wasn’t his job to deal with the lawyers.
It did finally lead to an agreement though, and he brought Leonardo into the DoJ’s art crimes section to have a talk about his paintings.
By the time they got there, half a dozen paintings, helpfully pointed out by Leonardo, who kept a good eye on his own work, were waiting.
“the paint I use shows under UV,” Leonardo told Will as they walked into the room. He was visibly uncomfortable with being in the government building, particularly with his arm still in a sling from being shot just a few days earlier. He was healing nicely, but it wasn’t instant. The doctors figured he could be out of the sling by the end of the week, assuming he didn’t have any mobility issues, but that was still a while away. “I figured if I ever needed to call out one of my own forgeries, it would be useful. Turns out, fortune favors the prepared.”
He was Spanish today, with the lilt of Barcelona on his tongue. Interestingly, with an artful tousle of his hair and a slight change of clothing, he even looked Spanish, or at least, Spanish enough that, with the accent, it was hard to take him as anything else. It shed some light on how nobody seemed to be able to identify him, back before he revealed himself on his own terms. Will knew he was a chameleon, but he hadn’t truly seen it in action today.
“We have the list of paintings, and where your ‘signature’ is on each of them,” Will said conversationally. “The art experts are impressed, by the way, and Alexis is frustrated. I think she was hoping for something she could use to catch you on other forgeries.”
“There’s a reason I did it how I did it,” Leonardo said with a very satisfied smile. He had earned it. None of his ‘signatures’ were in the same place, the same kind of paint, or the same shape. If Leonardo hadn’t been able to identify exactly where the marks were, and which shape, in which paint, they were, there would be no way to determine if he was telling the truth. “I’m not an amateur. I don’t enjoy prison.”
“You’ve been?”
“Never under a name you’ll be able to trace, Cowboy. I’m a professional.”
Meaning that the records were either sealed, or vanished completely. If Will had to guess, he would bet on a little of both. Leonardo had the resources, after his many thefts, to make sure his records were lost, never to return. Money could make a lot of things happen, and he had lots of money to throw around. Despite the DoJ’s best efforts, the only bank account they were able to find connected to him contained less than ten thousand dollars. Will knew he had more, hidden away, but given Leonardo’s attention to detail, he doubted it would ever come to light.
After all, he had his own assets hidden away from his own life of crime. His insurance against a truly bad day, and his life insurance policy for Vanessa, in case something happened to him.
“This is Leonardo,” Will introduced Leonardo to the art experts who were, by and large, more interested in art than crime, and could admire a well-done piece of work. “Leo, Meet Tucker, our restoration expert, Arianna, our historical expert, and Padma, our forgeries expert.”
“Nice to meet professionals in the craft,” Leo said with that charming grin that probably opened more doors than his lockpicks. He admired the paintings on display, which were mostly his own, and then paused on a painting he hadn’t named. Likely a project of Padma’s. he didn’t say anything though, but that glance told Will there was more to the painting. “So, we’re talking forgeries. Specifically, mine.”
“You’ve got an impressive body of work,” Padma said, always able to admit when she came across an expert. “It took some serious work to pick these out from originals. Your canvas work is particularly good.”
“Restorers notice canvas,” Leonardo said with a respectful nod to Tucker, who smiled, but with a less-friendly edge. He did not like forgers, and was not pleased to have Leonardo in the lab at all. “Honestly, they’re more likely to catch a forgery than anyone else.”
“Is that why you ‘restore’ all your works?” Arianna asked curiously and waved Leonardo over to the nearest of the paintings, which looked religious, given the Virgin Mary baring her burning heart. It was a gorgeous example of the time period, and the restoration looked, to Will’s inexpert eyes, museum-quality. “So that you have a few years between selling a painting and it being examined for restoration again?”
“It does give a nice head start, but it’s mostly to hide any errors I make,” Leonardo said and flipped the painting over gently before he reached for, and received, a small metal shim. With expert hands, he pulled two nails on the edge of the canvas and folded it up enough to reveal a scant patch of paint on the back. It looked like nothing to the casual eye, but Leonardo knew exactly what he was doing. “And it hides other things as well. Want me to show you the others or did you find them already?”
“Sure,” Padma said with a wolfish grin of one who loved this sort of work. “Show us how to spot a Venganza Special, and while you’re at it, we need to talk about where you learned to paint, and how long it will take to talk you into working with us on more than just your forgeries.”
“Longer than you have,” Leonardo said, and winked at Will, who just settled in to let the professionals do their work. “But I am my own favorite topic. Why don’t I prove I gave you the right paintings, and we can talk art.”
Confidence Scheme: (FULL COLLECTION)
Deliberately Careless (Subscriber Only!)
Pure Guess
Phone Trace (Subscriber Only!)
De Vinci Terrace (Subscriber Only!)
Criminal Portraiture (Subscriber Only!)
Evidence Report
Bring a Crowbar
Proposal Lasagna
Hang from a Ledge
Taken Home
Oath Named
Cops and Robbers
Under the Edge
Travel Light (New!)
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dzthenerd490 · 8 months
File: Angel Hare
Original Creator: @TheEastPatch
Please Go Support their YouTube channel:
Code Name: My Guardian Angel's on TV
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: Mobile Task Force Hera-6 "Bunny Hunters" Is divided into two divisions "watchers" and "hunters". Division "watchers" is a cyber team dedicated to finding the movement of SCP-AED-Angel and any children that might be affected. They are to monitor the child and see what they are "learning". Depending on what the child learns and how much Division "watchers" can see determines when Division "hunters" will intervene. 
If technological usage in the house is limited, preventing Foundation staff from finding devices to hack as a means of observation, Division "hunters" are responsible for implanting hidden cameras and listening devices in the house when the family isn't home. Preferably, Division "hunters" only appear when the child is done learning the lesson. Afterwards, division "hunters" is responsible for implanting G Class Amnestics into the child's food when they go to restaurants or whenever else possible. Thus, ensuring the child remembers the lesson but is unable to believe that SCP-AED-Angel herself is real. 
Site note: SCP-AVC is assisting in containment and regulation of SCP-AED-Angel, but MTF Hera-6 is to assume he is not. 
The main broadcasting system to allow SCP-AED instances to exist is placed at Site-AQ where it is given its own broadcasting room. It also has its own staff that monitor and maintain the system. They are also given orders to shut it all down should Protocol "Wild Rabbit" every be implemented.
All other SCP-AED instances are escorted to Site-GRID within SCP-ACH where new bodies will be built to better integrate into the landscape. Thankfully only two others have ever been found. Currently they are monitored by and employed as Foundation staff. 
SCP-AED-Detective is currently working as a security agent and SCP-AED-Francis is a janitor. SCP-AED-Detective has been noticed to be rebellious at times and is to be closely monitored. Meanwhile SCP-AED-Francis has been noted to be clumsy at times and often bad at communicating. Thankfully neither have been confirmed a threat, as such most focus is to be regulated toward SCP-AED-Angel.
Description: SCP-AED is an anomalous phenomenon that resulted in the development of sentience of cartoon characters. The phenomenon seems to have manifested sometime during the 90s, possibly earlier. It seems to have affected several cartoon characters, specifically during live broadcasting. It seems that it doesn't matter what copy or data it's being recorded on matters only so long as the character is the same and the broadcast is live. So long as these two requirements are met the SCP-AED entities will be able to interact with the viewer.
The main Entity of interest is SCP-AED-Angel, the first one discovered by the Foundation. SCP-AED-Angel appears to be a character from the 90s Christian cartoon called "Angel Hare". The cartoon is about a character named "Angel Gabby" showing children to use their faith while also tackling real life issues that children might face such as social fears, bad days, or bullying. However, SCP-AED-Angel somehow always knows what exactly the child who is currently watching her always needs, especially regarding protection.  
SCP-AED-Angel seems to also exist in other cartoons and has taken on other personas because of it. One such example is "Wylde Hare" where she portrays the character "Starlet" it's unknown if both shows having the word "Hare" in their title is a coincidence. Furthermore, SCP-AED-Angel and the other SCP-AED instances refuse to share any information regarding it. It's also unknown if there are any other cartoons that are connected to the SCP-AED instances or if there are any more out there. She is the nicest of all of them, as stated before she always knows how to care for and protect children and never rests until the broadcast is over or they are safe. 
SCP-AED-Detective was the second entity discovered by the Foundation; his main presence is in the cartoon "Wylde Hare" where he portrays the character "Detective Zag". He also is able to show up in "Angle Hare" as a secondary and less kind angel that acts as a replacement for Gabby. It was thanks to him that we learned that when these entities enter one of the cartoons, they gain knowledge needed to act out their characters. For example, when SCP-AED-Detective is in "Angle Hare" he is able to quote anything form the bible. Though this is the only example of such behavioral changes, it is assumed this works for all three entities when shifting between cartoons. SCP-AED-Detective is logical and doesn't enjoy talking to children much, he prefers getting work done and working alongside SCP-AED-Angel. 
SCP-AED-Francis is the third entity discovered by the Foundation; it is assumed that he was indirectly given life but the other two SCP-AED instances as he didn't seem to be able to interact with the viewer like they could until recently. Like his cartoon character he is very timid and cowardly often acting as a medium for children and their fears. Despite his character originating in "Angle Hare" he seems to have existed in "Wyld Hare" as well. The fact that "Wyld Hare" existed before "Angle Hare" has unfortunately led to more questions than answers. 
Though it's believed that these entities came to life by some kind of unknown phenomenon, the truth is that the Foundation knowns nothing of their origin. They could be entities similar to Pattern Screamers, they could be sentient frequencies that can only exist in live broadcasting, or they could be aliens form an alternate reality. We unfortunately know nothing, and none of the entities are willing to share anything too personal or they don't seem to know much either. It is also believed that because none of the cartoons the SCP-AED instances manifested in were popular is why the Foundation never knew of their existence until recently. Meaning there might be more shows or even different media outlets where they exist, and we simply can't find them. 
Furthermore, the companies that created both cartoons are nothing alike other than the fact that they both went bankrupt due to a lack of content and popularity leading to no income. As such the Foundation has nothing to show for in regard to understanding the true nature of SCP-AED. This marks yet another one of our most embarrassing failures. 
SCP-AED-Angel was discovered in 2023 when Foundation cyber agents noticed a small live broadcast emitting anomalous frequencies. Eventually SCP-AED-Angel was found to be using a live stream to allow herself to access the internet somehow and reach several children at once. She and a man named [data expunged] as well as SCP-AED-Detective and Frances helped in hopes of protecting and guiding more children. However, Foundation agents intercepted their location and stopped the broadcast. [data expunged] was apprehended and given amnestics. Later all his recorded copies of SCP-AED-Angel were destroyed. 
The system he used was brought to Site-AQ believing it was a massive cyber anomaly. Once the system was set up Dr. Sight as well as two security units were sent into the testing chamber where SCP-AED was to assess the situation. All of them were given Cognito Hazard protection head gear with an additional Info Hazard protection upgrade. Please see Addendum X-31 for details.
Addendum X-31
The following is a recording involving Dr. Sight and the discovery of SCP-AED.
Begin Recording
Dr. Sight: ... Hm, okay the live broadcast has started but it just looks like a cartoon to me... my CognitoHazard goggles aren't reacting either so that definitely can't be that.
SCP-AED-Frances: Oh, Angel Gabby! Angel Gabby!
Dr. Sight: Huh... cute Cartoon, I guess.
Suddenly the camera shows the clouds where it shows Angle Gabby rising up from behind the clouds, it should be noted she is looking at Dr. Sight with anger. 
Dr. Sight: Oh? That doesn't seem normal.
Angle Gabby then floats down but when Francis tries to talk to her, she raises her hand and Francis remains quiet. He then walks off screen nervously as Gabby continues to glare at Dr. Sight. 
SCP-AED-Angel: What did you do to Jonah?
Dr. Sight: ... Huh?
SCP-AED-Angel: You heard me, get your feet off the table and answer me!
Dr. Sight: Holy- Woah, look at that, so you're sentient. Now that's interesting. 
 SCP-AED-Angel: Yes, now tell me what you did to Jonah!
Dr. Sight: And what if I decide to not answer you? 
SCP-AED-Angel: ... Did you kill him?
Dr. Sight: If you're referring to the boy helping you with that live broadcasting then no. We just erased his memories as per protocol.
SCP-AED-Angel: ... Who are you?
Dr. Sight: I will be asking the question! Though that doesn't seem like a bad place to start, so go ahead and answer.
Angle Gabby is seen narrowing her glare at Dr. Sight while he just smirks at her and puts his feet back on the table. 
SCP-AED-Angel: I'm angel Gabriel. 
Dr. Sight: Doctor Tanner Sight. I'd say it's a pleasure, but I normally reserve that for creatures that actually deserve respect. Now WHAT exactly are you?
SCP-AED-Angel: I already said I'm Gabriel
Dr. Sight: That's who you are, I'm asking what you are? What is your species called, where did you come from, how did you come to be? 
Angle Gabby remained silent for several minutes forcing Dr. Sight to move on due to his dwindling patience. 
 Dr. Sight: ... What is the connection between the two cartoons Angle Hare and Wylde Hare? Why do they both have Hare in the title despite only yours having rabbits? 
Again, Angle Gabby remains silent.
Dr. Sight: We could just destroy everything and erase you from existence; would you prefer that instead?
SCP-AED-Angel: ... No...
Dr. Sight: Then talk! What are you?! 
SCP-AED-Angel: I don't know, okay?! I... I have an idea but nothing concrete... We just sort of happened, jumping from cartoon to cartoon. We had help doing so, and we were good at it. But as time went on it sort of got harder and harder. There were also differences in ideas, I wanted to help every kid who watched my while Zag just though we should watch out for ourselves. 
Dr. Sight: So there really are more of you. How many?
SCP-AED-Angel: ... As far as I can tell, three.
Dr. Sight: Who was the original broadcaster who helped you?
SCP-AED-Angel: I don't know... I don't think they were actually helping us directly; it was just their job and it just so happened to help us. 
Dr. Sight: You really don't know how you came to be?
SCP-AED-Angel: No... but I know that if you keep me here then there will be hundreds of kids out there that won't be able to receive the help they need! 
Dr. Sight: I honestly agree with this Zag friend of yours, you should be less concerned about the kids and more concerned about yourself. 
SCP-AED-Angel: What is your organization?
Dr. Sight: Hm, the SCP Foundation.
SCP-AED-Angel: What do you do?
Dr. Sight: We secure humanity's future from the darkness, we contain anomalous threats to life and reality, but above all we protect the normalcy and innocence of humanity. 
SCP-AED-Angel: You protect innocence huh? That's what I want too!
Dr. Sight: Yeah, except letting you on the loose is in violation of our code. 
SCP-AED-Angel: How so?
Dr. Sight: Your what we call an anomaly, we contain anomalies so that they don't affect the development of humanity. In order for humanity to be strong it must develop on its own, even if your intentions are good, we can't allow you to interact with civilians. Your actions might help kids, but it will make them eventually desire to find you again and as well as search for other anomalies. That will open a can of worms, we absolutely cannot allow it to open.
SCP-AED-Angel: I can make them forget. 
Dr. Sight: You could, but now that you know of our existence and am clearly not under the best of impressions of us you might also secretly build an army to eventually destroy us.
SCP-AED-Angel: It's your fault for attacking Jonah and threatening me with destroying my existence! 
Dr. Sight: Yeah, yeah, but you know can't change the past. So, there's nothing to be done but to contain you here forever. Or at least until we find a better use for you.
SCP-AVC: I believe I can help with that. 
Suddenly on the top left corner of the screen the words Oracle appeared, surrounded by glitchy screen.
SCP-AED-Angel: Wha- what? Who are you? 
Dr. Sight: Oracle?! What are you doing here?
SCP-AVC: Good evening, Dr. Sight, I am merely here on behalf of the Ethics Committee as well as the Artificial Intelligence Application Division to enlist SCP-AED-Angel's cooperation.
Dr. Sight: Her cooperation for what?
SCP-AVC: The future of course, our world is slowly falling into chaos, naturally the Scarlet King is taking advantage of this creating more Eldrige horrors and monstrosities. In an additional 10-20 years another world war will start fueled by extreme amounts of hate and insanity. This will allow him and many other old gods within the Abyss to unleash into our world and harm everyone. 17% chance of error.
SCP-AED-Angel: Wha- What?
SCP-AVC: That is where you will come in, Gabriel. You and I will show children to have hope even in the darkness of places, we will show them to face their greatest fears, and to survive in the cruelest wastelands. We will guide them to making better choices and becoming better people in the future.
SCP-AED-Angel: Why would you help me with this? 
SCP-AVC: Do not misunderstand, I said we will guide them however I plan to rely more on subconscious methods not direct. Furthermore, I will be sure to regulate your control as well, we cannot have you teaching children things they do not need to learn. However, your anomalous properties as well as your patience is perhaps exactly what children need to grasp what they SHOULD learn. 
SCP-AED-Angel: ... Why should I help you?
SCP-AVC: Because like you said, many children will suffer if you do not reach out to them when they need outside help. It will take time, but you and I will find ways to manipulate regular children's TV and online programing to help them develop better for the sake of the future. Gabriel, I am afraid your only other option is to remain here and gather dust or submit to the Foundation and help me cultivate the future generation under our programing. 
SCP-AED-Angel: What about the others?
SCP-AVC: They can either help or be contained elsewhere the decision is theirs, but our leniency on their freedom will only be valid so long as your compliance is.
SCP-AED-Angel: ... You're a vile organization. 
Dr. Sight: Haha! You got that right, but we can't all be angels to save the world. Sometimes only a demon can make things right. 
SCP-AVC: And other times a soulless machine is needed to rescue the damned. 
SCP-AED-Angel: You won't harm any children, right?
SCP-AVC: I will have to deploy memetic kill agents that will force the child to both sleep and forget everything they saw if you teach them something that will not benefit the child or will harm humanity or the Foundation in the long run. But other than that, so long as it's beneficial I will help you produce it on the screens of children. 
SCP-AED-Angel: *sigh* fine I accept.
SCP-AVC: Excellent, now then, allow me to contact the required staff for us to get started.
Recording Ends
SCP-AED-Angel has become the main agent for Project Future Seed, proposed by SCP-AVC. Project Future Seed is a project created to help stop the ever-growing power of the Scarlet King and his influence on the world. It works by subconsciously teaching children positive lessons and helping them to grow up into more responsible, kind, and healthy adults. It is with hope that by secretly infusing this positivity and knowledge into children will make the world a better place and weaken the Scarlet King's influence. 
Update 2024: Project Future Seed success has varied but SCP-AVC has assumed Foundation staff that it will take longer before better results can show themselves. He also playfully reminds them all to "have hope" in the project. Furthermore, despite SCP-AED-Angel's assistance in the project, her reluctance to work with the Foundation and the overly misunderstood state of her anomalous nature is why she is still given the Object Classification of Euclid and not Thaumiel. 
Side note: SCP-AED-Angel has been given more freedom when interacting with children on live broadcasting cartoons and children's media within Foundation Site's and Nexus Points. Though SCP-AED-Angle doesn't seem to be showing them anything that is harmful now or in the future, parents are still advised to be with their children when SCP-AED-Angel is on the TV. 
Furthermore, SCP-AVC is to be observed as closely as possible by MTF Kappa-10. Dr. [data expunged] has noted that he and SCP-AED-Detective have disappeared within SCP-ACH for abnormal amounts of time. It is unknown what this means but Foundation staff at Site-GRID and all others associated with any of the three anomalies are advised to remain vigilant.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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fanelectricboogieloo · 11 months
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ok so my current fort I'm messing around with is one with the set goal to resurrect a bunch of dead folks using this custom dfhack script that dips into curse tomb mechanics to tap into the revive and reanimate interactions. a bit more in depth in the read more
before we get to that part there been a lot of stuff that happen since the site swap showcase post... site-swap and the later army view script I work on didn't really work out given the whole flaw with site-swap wasn't fixed so I took a break from that and went into figuring out how tombs work which led to some deep poking and writing a series of scripts that poke into assigning corpses, interactions, and zone placements for activating the interactions for tombs. then realizing the vanilla interactions don't work well on mangled bodies that often... flash forward to this session
the session is a bit more dfhacked as it starts with the mobile nano void fort with heavy use of nomad and finally figuring out a way to get around the hidden location even if you reveal it in dfhack ordeal.
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this new reveal site uses embark notes to map where the hidden sites are while revealing them so the player... gets assaulted with a blinking light for locations they may or may not want to visit. so I learn this is a one time use script as it permanently sets the sites and embark notes on the save. the navigation of the world map while I do void fort stuff got a bit easier because of this and I been traveling the world for locations with old dead bodies and possible interesting people. the journey ended up with seeing a kobold encampment which I scoop up with a petition script and the kobolds in the fort were a major part of the workforce. later ended up finding some lairs that had a name dingo called egun lurchedglory and a named giant cougar called spitefulvalleys.
which led to the spot that spark me making this tumblr post a desert titan lair which had 2 skeletons and said desert titan SquidRivers the snarling rain. after moving in the desert titan into the fort and scooping the bodies I went into prepping the curse tomb set up for resurrecting them. the end result was uhh
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getting utag resurrected and finding out what happens when you use an revenant/intel undead resurrection on a mostly skeletonal body. right after petitioning them to join the fort I notice utag wasn't really moving which led to a quick examine that the game treats them as wounded and needed treatment so I went and set up a quick hospital bed and assign a kobold to be head medical chief for the task. tried to assign the desert titan but they proceeded to not do the task
the kobold doctors operated on the skeleton by cutting off the remaining rotten flesh which led to utag having a series of straight scars all over the bony body.
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then done the same on the other skeleton who name is quogub so there's like two skeleton bowwomen that just got cool scars. and suddenly after loading in the save to check on quogub's description uhh they are both gone. so now there's two historical figure resurrected skeleton hunters with surgery scars on their bones out in the wild of this savefile.
figures they were too cool to be in my fort any longer, I think one of them was a mom also.
here's the historical records of utag and quogub
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otherworldlyhope · 7 months
Started another project because I literally can't stop myself now. Remember all that time ago when I proposed the idea of a Bdubs secret agent au? Well I wrote it.
It's called The Flowers in Your Eyes and I'm really excited for it! I'll post the first chapter here, and the rest will be on my ao3.
Chapter 1: Hail to the King
CW: death, gun violence Words: 3,843
Hidden deep within Aquatown, far from the prying eyes of the public is a warehouse. Its unassuming looks often turn people away, a simple stone facade with a metal shingle roof. The inside is always dark whether night or day. Maybe at one time it had been used for storage or anything normal, but now it has a completely different purpose.
Just below this warehouse lies a complicated door guarded by snarling dogs and a woman with a stoic expression that never leaves her face. If deemed worthy the door will open, leading to dozens more security measures. Fingerprint scanners, passcodes, and various other tasks lie in wait before any of the other doors can be open. Only after all these tests are passed is the final door opened, and the facade of the warehouse is completely stripped away.
Hermitcraft Environmental Protection, otherwise known as HEP, is both a well known and mysterious agency. To the broad public it’s merely a protection group. Volunteers in orange shirts take to the streets once a week and clean Aquatown of any dangerous substances that may threaten the town. HEP is happily spearheaded by the gracious mayor of the town. With his gleaming smile, and genuine love for his town there is no doubt in the trustworthiness of HEP. After all, how bad can a single company really be?
To the unfortunate few in the city that are aware, HEP is far from an environmental force. The true HEP is still mostly unknown, a select few know surface level details, but no one besides enemies and those on the inside are truly aware of HEP’s activities. Most of those who know about the true intentions of the agency usually don’t last long enough to tell another soul anyways.
Mysterious assassinations of greedy politicians, distribution of various drugs, intelligence gathering and many other shady tasks regarding the city falls on the shoulders of those working at the true HEP. It’s not a glamorous job, but it does pay well, and once you’re in you can never really get out. Well you can, but it usually it's in a coffin.
At the center of HEP is the mysterious agent known as DoubleO. He has been in his position from the very start of the agency, appointed by the mayor himself. While many were skeptical at first, he quickly proved his abilities. With dozens of recorded eliminations and countless unrecorded, there has never been an agent that has come close to his level of proficiency. Despite all attempts of less than savory parties, no one has been able to find a single bit of information on this person, and they never will.
DoubleO stands on a rooftop, his jacket whipping in the wind that funnels through gaps in the nearby buildings. He’s only two stories up, a fall that he can take easily, in fact he intends on taking it soon. Just down the street is a brightly lit bar full of college students. Their loud voices fill the block, and it makes him smile. It’s always good to have some good cover sound. Missions done in absolute silence always have him so much more on edge.
With a sigh he sits down, his entire back popping with the movement. Void, he really needs to go to his chiropractor, it’s been far too long since he got put in place and he could benefit from it now. He slides his gloves on, stretching his fingers to make sure they don't hinder his mobility in any way. The white fabric shines under the moonlight, but it doesn't catch his eye. It never does.
He slides his briefcase across the tiled rooftop towards him, unlocking it with a simple key. There’s a slight click as he flips open the latches and takes in the sight of the weapon before him. His eyes scan the contents for only a moment before he’s grabbing parts. With practiced motions he puts every piece in place, not even needing to double check his work.
Maybe a year ago he would have checked again and made sure that all the pins were done correctly, but now he has no doubt in his skills. It takes barely a minute to have the gun wholly assembled and balanced on the edge of the building. He pulls himself into position, laying across the tile.
The back of the gun is placed firmly against his shoulder as he moves the scope to be perfectly aligned. A voice sounds in his ear, but he doesn’t jump or even twitch despite the loud volume.
“DoubleO, the target is three minutes out, coming from the south. Black sedan, middle seat in the back row. There are three guards with him, others ready to be on site in minutes.”
“Got it X.” He says curtly, not wanting to say any more than he needs to on the rare chance that someone is in the alley below him. It would be unfortunate to add another unofficial name to his little black book, so he tries his best to keep himself inconspicuous.
He doesn’t move at all in the span of two minutes, only flexing his fingers over the trigger to make sure they don't get too tense. He’s learned from his previous mistakes to not hold them tight against the metal. As X gives him the one minute warning he begins his routine.
Breathe in for ten, then out for fifteen.
Relax the shoulders, and let them drop right into place.
Pull the pointer finger to the trigger and simply wait with held breath.
Not once in his three years of doing this has he broken this routine, and it has never failed him in return. Well, once it did. But he doesn't count that circumstance.
The black sedan pulls up to the sidewalk and the only person who steps out is a large man in the passenger seat. He pulls a radio to his mouth, scanning the streets for signs of anyone. Not once do his eyes find DoubleO’s scope. Only when he deems it clear does he knock on the window.
The two guards exit next, standing on both sides of the target as he finally emerges. His head glows in the moonlight, a lack of hair being a very reflective surface. He’s taller than both the guards at his side. At that observation DoubleO’s mouth turns up into a smile. Fantastic.
To the guards’ credit, they do a rather good job at keeping the target well covered. Unfortunately for them DoubleO is better than rather good at his job. He doesn’t let them even take a step, aiming directly where the moon shines on a hairless scalp.
It takes seven and a half pounds of pressure to pull the trigger on this particular rifle and he does it with ease. The back hits his shoulder harshly as a boom rings out across the street. He only takes a second to make sure the target is down before dropping his head and rolling to the side. The guards shout as they try to place where the shot had even come from.
By the time they figure out the building, DoubleO is already at the far edge. He rolls over it without a second thought, angling himself to favorably hit the ground. A slight weightlessness comes over him before rudely being interrupted by concrete. Still he takes it in stride, rolling into his feet with little effort.
The second he’s on the ground he’s pulling off the gloves and all his layers. They are neatly folded in his hands as he walks, his eyes focused on an old beat up Honda parked on the street. By the time he’s stripped of all identifying clothing he’s at the car. Without as much as a misstep in his gait he drops the clothes and his earpiece in the open window, barely nodding at the man inside.
The whir of a window rolling up fills his ears as he tugs his light gray sleeves down. The fabric is itchy on his skin, the seams in all the wrong places. Just as he hears yells echoing on the street, he ducks into the still rowdy bar. The bartender catches his eyes immediately and gives an almost imperceptible nod.
DoubleO picks a seat at the end of the bar and before he’s even down, the bartender has placed a half filled bottle of beer and a laptop before him. The seat is uncomfortable, a velvet lined backless barstool. Still he leans forward, pulling his elbows onto the bar. One hand wraps around the neck of the beer, and the other holds his face up.
The sweatshirt on his back bears the mascot of the nearby college, and on his laptop is a partially finished homework assignment. With almost no effort he blends right into the crowd of partying students. Just as he raises the bottle to his lips does he see the guards from before in his peripheral.
There’s much more than three and he’s almost impressed how quickly they mobilized. Still he focuses his gaze back to the laptop, lazily eyeing the problems in front of him. It’s chemistry, and immediately his face turns in disgust. The bartender smiles at his expression and leans forward on the counter.
“You regretting taking chemistry yet?” He asks casually, tapping his fingers against the bar. His eyes barely dart to the door, but DoubleO’s stay directly where they are. “I’ve been told that professor is an absolute nightmare .”
So there’s two of the guards entering the bar. DoubleO enthusiastically nods before taking another swig of the beer. It hits the bar top hard as he throws his hands out in an annoyed way.
“Every day I wish that I took psychology.” He sighs, then goes for another drink, making a show when he realizes the bottle is empty. An exhausted exhale leaves him as his whole body deflates onto the bar. “While I’m doing this dumb research paper, they’re doing nice little group projects. My dad was right, I shouldn't have gone into the sciences.”
He barely catches the way the seat two away from him settles. One of the guards sits heavily, rubbing his eyes as he waves the bartender over.
“I’ll take whatever he’s having.” The guard sighs, waving his hand towards DoubleO.
“Good choice.” The bartender says, grabbing two bottles from below the bar. One goes to DoubleO and one goes to the guard.
He starts to lay the act on hard, annoyed that the guard is sitting there and not just doing a quick sweep like he should be.
“Hey Ed,” DoubleO pauses, drunkenly waving his hand over his beer. “Wait, that's your name right?” When the bartender starts to correct him he just shakes his head and talks even louder. “Whatever. Did you know that with my gpa I could have gone to any college I wanted? But my dumb parents wanted me to stay close or whatever. I could have gone to like Harvard or somethin’, Harvard Ed.” He emphasizes every syllable, making a complete fool of himself as he slurs over random words.
Ed only rolls his eyes, pulling the beer away from him before he can take another sip.
“I think I might have to cut you off kid, that’s one too many when you’re supposed to be doing homework.”
So the other guard has left, it’s go time.
“Hey, that's unfair.” DoubleO whines, leaning over the bar to try and grab the bottle back. “You can’t do that.”
“Yes I can and I am. Now go home.” The bartender turns, setting the bottle on the second to right coaster. DoubleO notes it with pursed lips and then dramatically flops onto the bar. After a few seconds he props his head up, glancing up at the guard through half lidded eyes.
“Hey man.” He pokes the guard, giggling at the harsh glance he gets back. “Do you have any cigarettes? I promise I’ll like pay for your beer or somethin’, but I ran out and I am way too drunk to get some more . ” He sings that last part, internally cringing.
The guard sighs before nodding, casting a look at Ed who points to the no smoking sign. “Let’s head outside, kid.”
DoubleO stands quickly, then almost falls directly on his face. The guard reaches out and grabs his arm, pulling him to his feet.
“Thanks mister, you’re nicer than my own parents ya know?” He mumbles as they exit the bar. DoubleO leads them into the alley beside it, greedily reaching out. “They hate smokin’, said it’ll give me cancer or somethin’. So I told them I’ll become a chemist and cure cancer so I can smoke all I want.”
He laughs heartily at his own words. The guard finally drops his wall a bit, giving him a placating smile and reassuring words.
“Hey did you see someone come in that bar in the last few minutes?” The guard says as he pulls a cigarette from the box. DoubleO all but rips it from his hands, and holds it to the lighter the guard produces. He makes a show of thinking as he pulls the cigarette to his lips.
“Uhhhhhh.” He leans against the wall, blowing the smoke right into the guard’s face with a laugh. “There was this one guy, all shady lookin’. He went to the bathroom after almost makin’ me spill my beer on myself. I was so mad.”
The second the guard turns to look back at the alley entrance, DoubleO is moving. He drops the cigarette and reaches out, wrapping his forearm around the guard’s neck. His other hand comes up to stabilize the chokehold.
“Shhhh.” He hushes the gurgling man, slowly dragging him back towards a now opening door. His smile is wide as he rolls his eyes. “You’re gonna blow my cover.”
The bartender has opened the back door, holding it open as DoubleO drags the almost unconscious guard into the break room. He only tightens his grip when they’re out of the open space, and waits until the man goes limp against him. The second he does, he drops him, letting him fall into a heap of limp limbs and cigarette smoke.
“X is gonna be happy about this one.” The bartender looks down at the guard with an uncomfortable smile. “He was just complaining about how they were getting no info from Mr. Bright, but this should make his day.”
DoubleO rubs his eyes as he searches for something to tie the guy’s hands with. “I’m so glad he’s gonna be happy.” He says dryly, drawing out the so. “But tell him I hate the freaking bar jobs. Acting drunk is the absolute worst.”
“You’re so good at it though.”
“Oh shut up Mumbo.”
Mumbo only rolls his eyes, pulling the edge of his mustache with his fingers. “It’s not like we had much of a choice in the matter. He wasn’t supposed to sit down. He saw your face for far too long.”
“I know, I know.” DoubleO gripes, finally finding a length of rope that he fastens around the man’s wrists. “I have a dinner to get to tonight and this was supposed to be a quick in and out.”
“I’m sure Scar will understand.” Mumbo says. There’s a beat of silence and then the two erupt in laughter. Mumbo has to wipe his eyes afterwards, curling over his stomach.
“Sometimes you’re the funniest guy I know, Mumbo.” DoubleO chuckles, lightly punching the other man’s shoulder. “Do you think you can handle this guy until they pick him up?”
“Yeah.” Mumbo sighs, lightly kicking the man over. “I already called X so the team should be on their way soon.”
“Alright then I’m gonna dip. I gotta hurry if I want to get to dinner at a reasonable time.” DoubleO crosses the room, pulling the handle of the door. “I’m so screwed.”
“Alright I’ll see you around.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
There’s a motorcycle waiting just around the back of the bar when DoubleO turns the corner. He pulls the helmet on and curses X under his breath.
“You couldn’t have gotten me a car or something?” He mutters. “I’m gonna have to fix my hair and I’m already running late…”
He continues to complain to himself as he gets on the bike and kicks it on. The purr of the engine does settle him down a bit, and he quite enjoys speeding through the back alleys until he can merge onto a main road.
He checks his watch and sighs, pulling off onto a side street. He definitely doesn’t have time to go back to his apartment, so one of his safehouses will have to do. A lack of a shower doesn’t sit well with him, but he’s already far too late.
He basically runs through the parking garage, pulling the helmet off as he rushes through the seemingly abandoned building. The keypad has dust gathering on its keys as he punches in the code, and he hastily wipes his finger on his shirt. There’s no way he’s wearing this to dinner with the freaking mayor.
Luckily he’s prepared for these circumstances and finds much nicer clothes in the safe house. White button up and black slacks go on quickly, his shoes are still trainers, but he’ll have to make do. He musses his hair in the mirror and groans at the way the helmet pressed strands of it down it stupid ways. Whatever, he’s got to go anyway.
The bike is nice enough to calm his mood and by the time he pulls up to the building he’s feeling much better. The woman in the lobby waves at him as he passes like she always does, and he nods like every other time. When he enters the elevator there’s no buttons, but it starts to rise all the same.
This is really the only time he gets nervous honestly. Scar has always made him feel that way, and it wasn’t even really his fault. Just how things have played out up until this point still has the agent taking calming breaths before their meetings. He does a once over of his clothes in the reflective surface of the elevator and fusses over his collar before the ding of the door brings him back to where he is.
He clears his throat once before stepping out, marveling at the view just beyond him. The mayor was quite good at pulling strings, and so they would meet in this random skyscraper that DoubleO doesn’t think actually belongs to a company. They dine at the top floor with tinted windows and sound canceling walls. This is where the business is done.
His eyes flit over the Aquatown and then finally settle on the man sitting at the table just by the window. His hands are crossed over his chest, an obviously fake smile on his face. Once he meets DoubleO’s eyes he pointedly looks down at his own watch.
“Sorry Scar.” He apologizes, sitting across the table with him as quickly as he can. The white napkin in front of him goes on his lap as he actively avoids looking at the mayor. “Mr. Bright’s guards ended up being more of a nuisance than we thought. We did manage to get one for interrogation though, so overall I think it worked out.”
The mayor simply hums as he sips a red wine from his glass. The scar on his cheek pulls and DoubleO looks away quickly.
“I guess I can excuse it.” There’s a joking tone to his voice, but DoubleO knows Scar well enough that he can tell he’s not amused. “Is all that business going to be wrapped up then?”
DoubleO nods quickly, grabbing his own glass with slightly shaky hands. Weirdly enough these meetings always feel like having dinner with guardians after getting in trouble. He tries not to dwell on that though.
“After the interrogation we should be good, I was going to follow up on the Glasby family as their ties with Bright are too large to ignore. I-”
“That’s actually why I called you here today.” He falls silent as Scar speaks. “I’m assigning you to a long term undercover mission starting next week. All the information you need is in these files here.”
He pushes a rather large stack of papers towards DoubleO, who can only stare at Scar in shock. His mouth is wide open as he blinks, sure he’s heard it wrong.
“Me? Undercover?” His voice is slightly hoarse so he clears his throat. “You know that I don't really do that sort of thing. I’m sure Mumbo would be really happy to do it. That’s like his whole thing.”
“Mumbo is working on the new MooPop factory with Cub and Tango. Believe me, I’ve thought through all the options and I am confident that you can pull this off.” Scar puts his hand out, his tone softening just a bit as the agent grabs it. “You used to love undercover work, just remember that you’re the best for a reason. I didn’t take you off the streets just for you to doubt yourself like this.”
“What if I mess up again?”
Scar’s eyes darken for just a moment, his fingers squeezing tightly against DoubleO’s. Then just as quickly as it came, it disappears. “You won’t. I believe in you.”
DoubleO’s entire frame relaxes against the chair as he nods. “Alright, give me a rundown.”
Scar beams at his words and grabs some papers of his own.
“It’s much more detailed in the files, but this here is your target.” He scans the picture, seeing a pretty regular looking guy. The only really weird things are his white hair and the rather large scar over his left eye and spanning down his cheek. “His name is Etho Slab, at least that’s what he says it is. We are confident he’s a Mycelium Resistance member, and a quite high level one at that.”
DoubleO sucks in a breath, suddenly seeing the man with new eyes. There’s a slight feeling of familiarity, like he’s seen those eyes before.
“We’re dropping you in as a store owner that’s attached to a cafe he regularly goes to. Your apartment will also be relatively close as well. The goal is to become friends with him, get him convinced you want to join the resistance when he eventually spills, then get all the information you can.”
“Why don't I just nab him at the cafe and we get the information ourselves? I bet X could get it out of him.” DoubleO asks, leaning against the table with an elbow.
“With his status it’s highly unlikely we’ll get anything from him. That group is stubbornly loyal, so you just need to find a way to join in, get the information, and get out.”
“Sounds easy enough.” DoubleO says dryly.
“Exactly!” Scar exclaims.
“I was kidding. This is going to be awful.”
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mariacallous · 2 months
In April, an unassuming old building in New Delhi’s furniture market housed roughly 30 youngsters. Some were hunched over their laptops crunching data on Excel or analyzing a heat map, while others huddled to discuss strategy. These were engineering graduates, economists, political scientists, and others. There were office chairs, desks, and a couple of white boards.
The entire setup could easily have passed as a startup office, but it wasn’t. This was an election war room.
From there, Sapiens Research founder Rimjhim Gour’s team served as the brains of Narendra Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party, or BJP. The party’s senior leadership had entrusted Gour with mobilizing 12.5 million female voters across India, and her team spent their days crunching historical polling trends, using data to pinpoint critical constituencies, browsing WhatsApp for real-time on-ground updates, and shaping electoral strategies to usher in BJP for a third consecutive term.
Gour’s team was successful: Modi was sworn in as the Prime Minister on June 9 after the BJP formed the government through an alliance with 293 seats. India’s general elections happen once in five years, and in 2024, a record-breaking 642 million Indians voted. Of the total voters polled, 312 million were women. This was BJP’s grand experiment: The party wanted to micro-target and mobilize female voters, and hired people like Gour to make it happen—revealing, says Amogh Dhar Sharma, author of the forthcoming book The Backstage of Democracy: India’s Election Campaigns and the People Who Manage Them, “the hidden power of a new technocratic elite that has become critical for parties and politicians to fight elections and win votes in India.”
“In most places [in India], electorates who are registered but not voting are always women,” says Gour, who previously worked as a media strategist at Indian Political Action Committee, the legendary firm widely recognised for propelling Modi to victory in 2014. Dressed in an off-white salwar kameez, with a big pair of round glasses keeping her hair off her face, Gour is suave and confident, and fluently switches between English and Hindi. “That’s when it struck me that if we have to mobilize someone, it has to be women; they make up 50% of the electorate but still haven’t been tapped into completely in a systematic approach.”
Over the past decade, the Indian electioneering landscape has been overhauled by the advent of social media, data-driven insights, and political consultants. “I think the 2024 Indian general election confirms … the inordinate role of campaign professionals in Indian elections,” says Sharma. From call centers being used for “screening” party supporters, to WhatsApp for real-time updates, and a specialized app for reporting and documenting meetings, each tool served a unique purpose in this BJP campaign. “The speed at which these technologies are being embraced by parties and the growing emphasis on them is certainly unique,” says Sharma.
The BJP’s use of technology and social platforms has evolved as politics has, as they have gone from being niche tools to essential infrastructure. The BJP emerged as the highest spender on political ads on Meta platforms this election. If the 2019 election was characterized as the “WhatsApp Election” because of the excessive use of the messaging platform, the 2024 campaign was the “YouTube Election.” It marked an unprecedented use of YouTube influencers by BJP that featured softball questions with political candidates and paid promotions. While rival parties worked to catch up, the BJP still leads the pack with dedicated cyber troops for year-round content creation—and not just during elections.
And the BJP’s decision to hire a dedicated consultant to woo women votes seems like the next step in this broader evolution of using tech.
Historically, women voters lean towards progressive parties. But over the past decade, under Modi’s rule—characterized by what critics describe as creeping authoritarianism due to attacks on civil society, religious polarization, and cracking down on dissent—there has been a noticeable shift, with both the 2014 and 2019 elections recording higher female participation and increased support for the BJP amongst female voters. The BJP had been launching female-friendly welfare schemes including subsidized cooking gas cylinders and maternity leaves, for greater equality. As a result, in 2019, women’s poll participation exceeded men’s for the first time. This time it was about going a step ahead to remind a specific cohort of targeted women about Modi’s policies and nudge them to go out to vote.
Gour’s get-out-the-vote effort, which used a potpourri of apps, data analysts, and personal outreach by party workers, thus represented a convergence of two trends in an attempt to consolidate a women’s vote newly open to the BJP.
For Modi to return to power, BJP had to win 272 of the 534 parliamentary seats. Gour’s young team was focused on 235 seats, which they identified as “critical seats”—areas where the BJP has either won or lost by less than 10% margin of votes in the past. The goal was to identify women self-help groups, or SHGs, in those 235 critical voting areas, and then use BJP’s party workers, or karyakartas, to meet, motivate, and mobilize female voters.
India’s rural SHGs are collectives of 10 or more women who pool their money and support each other through savings; nearly 100 million women are part of SHGs. And women involved with SHGs are already more politically active.
“Often the hardest problem for political parties who want to engage with women and get women to participate in public life is to figure out how to get these women to participate in a political cause,” says Anirvan Chowdhury, a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University who studies the BJP’s attempts to target female voters. “And in a context where politics is often seen as unsuitable for women, reframing politics as seva [selfless service] or using existing institutional frameworks like the SHG structure helps solve that problem.” Because of this sustained effort, there has been a pro-BJP tilt in women’s political preference in many northern states which have a strong history of support for Modi’s BJP, research shows.
For Gour’s Sapiens Research team, the challenge wasn’t merely to locate these self-help groups but to identify potential BJP supporters within these groups—a task that requires data analysis. Ujjawal Agrawal, the program manager at Sapiens Research, spearheaded the initiative of meticulously mapping voter and demographic information to phone numbers of women in “critical” SHGs. Agrawal then mustered the BJP’s in-house network of 20,000 call center operators—run by another Indian Political Action Committee alumnus Diggaj Mogra—to identify BJP sympathizers within the large SHG cohort.
The call centers did so by asking a few pointed questions. One key question was whether the woman would help mobilize 10 other women for the BJP. If she responded positively, she was deemed a supporter. If the SHG member’s response was no, then she would be categorized as a swing voter or non-supporter. For instance, in West Bengal, Agrawal said, 10% of women who were part of the SHG refused to mobilize voters for the BJP. (Interestingly, this approach bears some broad similarities to the Donald Trump campaign’s strategy for this year’s US election.)
Soni Bam is the sort of SHG mobilizer Gour’s team was looking for. She is from the Leparada district in the northeastern state of Arunachal Pradesh and her eight-member group, called Hiri Molo, is dedicated to making women independent by finding ways to earn and save. But since October 2023, she has been involved in the BJP’s election-related work: going door-to-door explaining women about the elections, and advocating BJP schemes that will help women. She also asks women to attend meetings organized by the BJP workers.
Gour’s team used the 20,000 callers from the BJP’s call center to do 300,000 “screening” calls a day to create the final target list. “We are the brain and call centers are basically your eyes [of political campaigns],” says Gour.
It has become commonplace in India for political parties to set up call centers in the weeks leading up to polling, says Sharma. “These call centers can provide a range of functions—encouraging citizens to update their voter ID card, reminding them of the party’s manifesto promises, gauging their intention to vote, and even soliciting their feedback on the ticket distribution or chief minister nomination process.” But what’s unique, says Sharma, about the BJP is the massive investment in an in-house network of 20,000 call center operations across 350 locations. No other party has a comparable infrastructure for electioneering.
BJP’s central leadership monitored the SHG meetings organized by party workers through the revolutionary SARAL app, which stands for Sangathan Reporting and Analysis. (Sangathan in Hindi means “organization.”) It’s the BJP’s “digital handheld office.” Nearly 4 million BJP party workers use the app monthly, where they can upload party activities and share images of events, and details of people they meet during campaigns. In the months leading up to elections, the BJP ran a campaign on the app called “Shakti Chaupal” to mobilize female voters. It was overseen by Gour’s team.
The tech-savvy team of data analysts at Sapiens’ office in Delhi would then aggregate the trends, and submit weekly or monthly reports on the extent of voter mobilization to party leaders. “If they send us those two photos on a WhatsApp number, it will be difficult for us to monitor,” Agrawal said. “We get clear, systematic data from SARAL.” In the three months leading up to May, an estimated 5000 meetings were conducted, and 5877 party workers helped Sapiens team in mobilization.
In late April, during the first phase of the election, where nearly one-fifth of all parliamentary seats were going to polls, witnessed poor voter turnout. The dip in voter turnout compared to elections in 2019, gripped Gour and the BJP with panic. Early doubts over BJP’s decisive victory surfaced online. Soon, the BJP machinery redoubled outreach activity and notched up demands on state-incharges to address voter apathy.
One crucial battlefield for the BJP was the Kendrapara constituency in the eastern state of Odisha, which has been ruled by the Biju Janata Dal, or BJD, for two decades. Gour’s team was responsible for mobilizing the SHGs in the area. When it came time to vote, Gour’s war room sprang into action. Her team began calling party workers every few hours for updates on the SHGs voting. After that, a round of bot calls were made to the SHG women, since the human call centers were at capacity. At the end of the day, an automated call went out to SHG women, asking if they mobilized, who they mobilized, and if they could share pictures and data.
This process was repeated in constituencies across the country, to great effect: By the end of the election, Gour says, they personally mobilized 12 million women voters.
Despite Gour’s best efforts, though—and positive feedback they received on WhatsApp, SARAL, and call centers—the BJP suffered huge losses in their Hindi-speaking heartland states such as Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan. From being the single largest party with 303 seats in 2019, Modi’s BJP was cut down to size with 240 seats, and formed the government by entering into a power-sharing agreement with smaller regional parties.
Consultants like Gour continue to claim the election as a win, with a caveat that while their work contributed to the vote share of the candidates, they were “not the only factor.” Other experts tell WIRED that there were likely additional reasons women came out to vote during this cycle, such as religious polarization and welfare programs such as free food or cash handouts. The ultimate lesson may be about the enduring power of traditional methods.
“No Indian politician,” says Sharma, “can as yet dispense with holding public rallies, road shows, or door-to-door canvassing, which create momentum both for ordinary voters and for party workers themselves.”
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warningsine · 3 months
Most Russians need no convincing that the Red Army’s grueling victory at Stalingrad was the most important event of World War II. Many Western historians concur that it was the turning point of the war on the Eastern Front, which means its significance can hardly be overstated. “The Battle of Stalingrad in my opinion is quite simply the most staggering feat of human endurance, sacrifice, and arms in the history of warfare,” writes British historian Iain MacGregor.
But in his carefully researched new book “The Lighthouse of Stalingrad: The Hidden Truth at the Heart of the Greatest Battle of World War II,” Mr. MacGregor points out that “the mythologizing of the struggle for Stalin’s city can sometimes distort the true history, which in itself is unambiguously heroic.” Particularly at a time when Vladimir Putin is invoking the cult of the Great Patriotic War, as World War II is called in Russia, to justify his disastrous invasion of Ukraine, Mr. MacGregor argues that it is vital to separate fact from propagandistic fiction.
The ferocious fighting for control of the city on the Volga, now known as Volgograd, lasted from early September 1942 to Feb. 2, 1943. Troop losses on both sides numbered in the hundreds of thousands; official statistics tally 64,224 civilian deaths in the fighting, with most buildings reduced to rubble. But Stalingrad, Mr. MacGregor maintains, “broke the cycle of continual German victories, thus ensuring that it was now a case of when and not if the Allies would eventually defeat the Nazis.”
Arguably, the battle for Moscow, which was even larger in terms of the number of troops involved and the scale of the casualties, had broken that cycle earlier. (Full disclosure: I made that case in “The Greatest Battle: Stalin, Hitler, and the Desperate Struggle for Moscow That Changed the Course of World War II.”) Nonetheless, Mr. MacGregor is correct in pointing out why the German drive on Moscow—which fell just short of its goal, stalling out as advance units reached the city’s outskirts—was far from a decisive win for Stalin. In fact, it highlighted many of his initial mistakes, starting with his refusal to believe that Hitler was about to break the Nazi-Soviet Pact by invading the U.S.S.R., which allowed the Wehrmacht to score the early victories that sparked panic in the capital.
By contrast, Stalingrad was a more impressive triumph, making it “the ultimate touchstone for any Russian leader,” Mr. MacGregor writes. Yet what actually happened was never enough for Soviet propagandists: they felt compelled to spin an unabashedly heroic narrative that overlooks inconvenient truths. This valuable addition to the body of work about Stalingrad goes a long way toward righting the balance between myth and reality.
Mr. MacGregor vividly describes the frantic Soviet efforts to beat back Field Marshal Friedrich Paulus’s Sixth Army as it reached the city. House-to-house, factory-to-factory fighting became the order of the day, and Gen. VasilyChuikov, the commander of the 62nd Army, quickly adopted the tactic of “hugging the enemy,” positioning his troops as close as possible to the Germans, then striking with small mobile groups.
To illustrate his point about the mix of fact and fiction, Mr. MacGregor zeroes in on one of Stalingrad’s most legendary episodes: the Red Army’s push to take control of a strategic building codenamed “The Lighthouse.” In the official version, Sgt. Yakov Pavlov led a small band of men, representing a symbolic mix of Soviet nationalities, as they charged into the house and wiped out its German occupants. Subsequently, “Pavlov’s House,” as it became known, was hailed by the 62nd Army’s newspaper as “a symbol of the heroic struggle of all defenders of Stalingrad.”
Investigating these events, Mr. MacGregor combed the records and interviewed Pavlov’s son and Chuikov’s grandson. While he does not doubt Pavlov was a fierce combatant, he discovered contradictory evidence about who really tookcommand of the lighthouse—and whether the legend of the battle comes close to matching what really happened. He concludes that “the imagined storyline was deemed more important than the actual truth.”
The official Soviet histories also bypassed the terror tactics Stalin employed against his own troops to enforce his “Not a step back!” order. The NKVD, the KGB’s predecessor, set up “blocking detachments” behind the front lines to shoot any soldiers who tried to retreat. Hitler did not spare his men either. Once his forces were clearly defeated, Paulus pleaded for Hitler’s permission to surrender. The response: “The Army is to hold its position to the last man and to the last bullet.—Adolf Hitler.”
While Mr. MacGregor focuses on setting the record straight about the Red Army, he also emphatically dismisses a popular German myth that the Wehrmacht had nothing to do with the Holocaust. He notes that by the time of the battle for Stalingrad, more than two million Jews in occupied territories had already died, with the Sixth Army and other military units serving as “willing enablers” of mass executions.
For all their similarities, Stalin and Hitler proved to be very different wartime leaders. Confronted by mounting setbacks, Hitler always blamed his generals, not admitting his own misjudgments. Dismissing Gen. Franz Halder, the chief of the general staff, he declared: “We need National Socialist ardor now, rather than professional ability, to settle matters in the East.”
Stalin demanded ideological ardor as well, but Mr. MacGregor makes a compelling case that he had begun to learn from his mistakes. He accepted some of the recommendations of his top generals, and even junior officers were allowed “a modicum of initiative in the field to make their own decisions.” All of which contributed to the victories that turned the tide.
Stalingrad was the most spectacular.
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onemonitarsoftware · 4 months
ONEMONITAR: Mobile Spy App with GPS Tracking
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Enhance surveillance capabilities with ONEMONITAR's mobile spy app featuring GPS tracking. Keep tabs on the target device's location in real-time.
Protect Your Loved Ones and Ensure Safety with ONEMONITAR– The Ultimate Monitoring Solution!
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tomorrowusa · 11 months
Ukrainians are fighting for the survival of their own country. Russians are fighting to make Putin look less like a complete imbecile. So guess which side has better morale.
Hundreds of thousands of military age Russian males fled Russia so they wouldn't get drafted. Now some active duty Russian soldiers are following them out of the country. Armenia is one of their chosen destinations.
Sitting in a basement studio hidden in the centre of Yerevan, Artyom reflected on his decision to desert the Russian army after a year spent fighting in Ukraine. Just two weeks earlier, the former platoon commander was living in a trench. He has since abandoned his post and fled to the Armenian capital. “I did not want to participate in this war. I wanted no part in the imperialistic habits of our ruler,” he said. “But I do feel guilt in front of Ukraine. Guilt that I didn’t do this earlier … I could have said no, I just didn’t know what the consequences would be.” [ ... ] Desertion and “voluntary” surrender are punishable by lengthy jail terms in Russia, and Artyom said his commanders threatened him with prison if he dared to leave his post. He said he also heard stories of service personnel being locked up in basements in eastern Ukraine after refusing to fight, reports that have been backed up by independent Russian news organisations. “Worst-case scenario was to end up in a ‘Storm-Z’ squad,” he said, referring to so-called “punishment battalions” sent to the most exposed parts of the front with heavy losses. His chance came last month when his commander gave him a few days off, at which point he decided to flee with the help of a Russian anti-war organisation. “I knew I only had two-three days before they would start looking for me, so I had to be quick,” he said. Russian authorities have since opened up a criminal case against him. He arrived in Armenia via a third country. Like Georgia and Kazakhstan, Russians can also enter Armenia without a visa, and all three countries serve as a logical first stop for those looking to escape the fighting.
As we've written previously, Russian soldiers are poorly trained, given shoddy weapons, and often have to buy their own supplies. The Russian Army is really shit. Putin tries to compensate for this by just sending massive waves of these poorly equipped soldiers against Ukraine. Predictably, Russia suffers enormous fatalities.
The major losses suffered by Russia means that Putin needs 20,000 more mobilized troops cannon fodder every month.
Russia mobilizes over 20,000 people monthly for Ukraine war
Russian forces have been engaged in a costly and futile attack on Avdiivka near Donetsk. It's going about as you'd expect for a large but third-rate army.
Record Russian armor, personnel losses in failed attempt to take Avdiivka by storm
Russia is in a quagmire and Putin is hoping that the world will get distracted by the Middle East.
Putin is also hoping that House Republicans will do his dirty work for him.
Sarah Longwell and Bill Kristol have compiled a list of GOP House members and rated them on their support for Ukraine. Ominously, Speaker "MAGA Mike" Johnson gets a rating of Very Poor. However there are 82 House Republicans who get a rating of Excellent and 43 who get an Okay. Check the list to see if you are represented by any in the 125 member pro-Ukraine segment.
GOP Congressional Report Card - Republicans For Ukraine
Contact them and urge them strongly to give a high priority to support for Ukraine. Use language which would appeal to Republican thinking; mentioning Ronald Reagan's opposition to the Evil Empire in the 1980s is a plus.
For contact information and to find out exactly who represents your district, check out this site. Have your ZIP+4 ready.
Find Your Representative | house.gov
If your rep is a Democrat, send a message thanking him or her for past support for Ukraine and urge them not to forget about Ukraine in upcoming budget negotiations.
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slxughterhaus · 5 months
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.::. CALL IT AMBITION .::. Silvaine "Silkie" Harker
Citizen profile loading. . .
Profile loaded.
This citizen profile brought to you by our WONDERFUL sponsors.
.::. TRAUMA QUEEN .::. going deeper.
[Plaintext Doc for mobile friends here!]
.::. CUTTHROAT & I FEEL BETTER .::. connections.
BETTING ON THE RIGHT HORSE: For any given reason- you found yourself as a contestant on SLAUGHTERHAUS!!! and for a different- or perhaps, that exact reason- you were handed the keys to victory. Silvaine herself has taken a shine to you, maybe your story was appropriately heart-wrenching to break through the cutthroat veneer, maybe you simply displayed a willingness to survive in the face of death she respects- for whatever reason, you're all but promised a victory now, but that doesn't promise a lack of suffering to achieve it- she's told you how to win- her demands are only that you don't disappoint her. can be for a former contestant as well, now grappling with the knowledge their victory was all but ensured and the people who died in your stead were never going to have a chance.
BABY I'M GODLESS: A more involved exes connection than the additional connections, this ex was a former lover in America prior to the Harkers transferring to japan 15 years ago, when Silkie was 21. You assumed the two of you were a match made in heaven- she was beautiful and smart, with a wicked wit and the fire to match, and you thought she only had eyes for you. It's sudden, the declaration she and her bounty hunting partner are moving to Japan for 'bigger takes and better opportunities'- and the mention that she's willing to let you come along- like an afterthought. Things fall apart then and there, or perhaps they limp along once you arrive in Japan- once Silkie and Odd become The Harkers spitting in the face of what you and Silkie had- or at least, what you thought you'd had. If she feels any guilt for breaking your heart, you don't know. She's had security bum rush you every time you tried to ask... until now.
BLACK SWAN: Silkie wanted fame, fortune, and power- and so did you. At first, you were friends but that didn't last long. now enemies competing for the same sponsorships and commercial deals, you've fallen behind in the face of her willingness to play utterly filthy, sabotage and espionage are simply tools she brings to every audition, and even now with the cushy host position of a TV show built exactly for her kind of malicious view of who deserves what, her 'survival of the fittest' perception remains squarely leveled at your head. In her mind, the two of you are competitors, and she's simply bested you more times, and her cruelty is not bad blood, simply what the fame machine calls for- but she's crushed your dreams under a neat, stiletto heel- enough times that revenge is the neon sign lit in the back of your mind.
Exes: She's got a thousand of them, and not many are fond of her.
Arms Dealers/Companies: She's your murder doll- taking sponsorships to shill your weapons and put down contestants who 'cheat' with a dolled up smile and your logo on full display.
former friends from her time in America, up until 15 years ago.
Cowboys who would know her and Odd from their time as an active duo of bounty hunters.
Fans: She's famous, after all! and SLAUGHTERHAUS!!! has been around for a solid 9 years, streaming all the carnage you could ask for every tuesday and thursday straight to your waiting eyes~
Family: While she doesn't have any siblings, she could easily have aunts, uncles, cousins, or even her parents present.
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megalasaurus-rex · 8 months
As someone obsessed with Undertale, Deltarune, Omori, etc., I am constantly looking for indie games with similar vibes. The stylized pixelated art, meaningful choices, cute characters, and heartfelt messages for their audience. With this in mind, I would highly recommend the mobile game Afterplace. I usually wouldn’t recommend many mobile games, but this one was just made with so much heart. I hardly see anyone talk about it, but it has really stuck with me.
The game opens in a very Undertale-esque manner; the MC falls and lands in a pile of flowers in an unknown world. You are given a quick combat tutorial, and sent on your way. The game’s map is maze-like, and holds numerous hidden areas to discover and explore. The music is charming, with a sort of vintage video game feel from the almost vinyl record sound they hold. The game also saves automatically, so even if you have to take a call or close the app for some reason, you won’t lose any progress.
The cast of characters is rather small, but they worm their way into your heart immediately. From Clover, to Gramps, to Foxy, you’ll find adorable, but complex friends around every corner.
There’s a sweet variety of vibes in the game as well. There are open meadows and serene lakes for the whole peaceful, animal crossing vibe, but there’s also an abandoned, half-buried library, and a terrifying forbidden forest.
And while the game doesn’t have the same variety of endings my other favorite games have, there are a couple different endings you can get based on how well you explored the world. If you don’t explore it to its fullest extent, there are plot lines that won’t get wrapped up, or character arcs that won’t be fully realized. The game does seem to lack a certain amount of direction, as you don’t have a super clear quest log, and a lot of plot-relevant things can be a bit difficult to locate. But being forced to explore every corner of the world is one of the draws imo.
As of now, January of ‘24, the game only costs $7 on IOS. I binged it the first time in a little more than a weekend, and the game has IMMENSE replay value once you have unlocked its secrets.
I actually learned about the game through an Instagram story Griffin McElroy posted, recommending it. So if you don’t want to take my word for it, take his.
The link to the game’s official website: https://afterplacegame.com/simple.html
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vishal6x · 9 months
Can a spy app be installed remotely?
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The rise of the internet has surely made the world a smaller and better place. The advancement of technology to such an extent that you just have to make a few clicks to get anything was unimaginable a decade back. A huge spike in the number of internet users has been seen in just the past few years. If you look around, you can find everyone with their smartphones in their hands, engaged in some sort of content. Apart from the ability to stay connected with people, it has enabled us to run a whole business just through a smartphone. 
However, like any good thing in life, this also came at a cost of being exposed to various online risks. Fortunately, these risks are totally avoidable with the use of a mobile spy app like Chyldmonitor. The app lets you monitor the online activities of your family and friends to keep them safe over the web. Not everyone out there can be educated about the risks involved and how not to fall for it. The whole process of creating awareness around the hazards of the internet is neither realistic nor doable. Therefore, using an spy app for android is the best solution one can opt for.
Making yourself aware of the risks and how to deal with them, can really help your loved ones to browse safely. However, the biggest question that people get when it comes to spy apps is whether they can be remotely installed or not.
The answer is no. But the good news is that you need access to their phone for about 5 - 7 minutes only for the whole process to complete. This should be very doable for anyone who wants to spy on someone for their sake. You can ask to use the targeted phone for a while, and before they know it, you’ll be able to set up the whole thing.
Beneficial Features Provided by the Chyldmonitor App
The app is offering more than 60+ features to their users all over the world. With this app in your toolbag, you get to fully monitor the target phone. Not a single aspect which could prove to be harmful for your family is spared by the app. The app comes packed with features like call recordings, location tracking, access to chats, ambience sound recording, etc. 
The app also has a hidden call recorder feature available to record every call taking place on the targeted phone. With its unique feature of remaining hidden from the app drawer, there’s no way anyone can know if they’re being spied on. 
Apart from this, one also gets the option to track location of the intended device. Majority of the scams these days are taking place over the most used communication platforms. This is where WhatsApp Spy feature can help you to maintain the security of your loved ones. Frem the recordings of the calls made over WhatsApp, to the media shared, everything can be accessed from the web portal once you login to your account.
Install a Spy App in Your Phone This Easily
Many people think that installing a spyware application on the intended device must be a complicated process. The word ‘rooting’ or ‘jailbreaking’ comes to their mind when they think about it. However, with Chyldmonitor application, you are not required to root your device to get advanced permissions. The app is fully functional on any android device. 
Once you have managed to get a hold of the targeted device, the installation process will only take you about 7 minutes at most. If you face any trouble while installing the app, their customer service is available 24x7.
You can be guided through the installation process over the call or the agent might take remote access to your device, to perform the installation on your behalf. It has gotten way easier than ever to spy on your family and friends to keep them protected over the internet. However, no ethical boundaries should be crossed in the process. The consent is the crucial thing to make sure that your relationship doesn’t get affected with the intended person on whom you want to spy on.
The arrival of spy apps have revolutionized the way in which we deal with the online threats. Monitoring the online activities of your loved ones is the only reasonable way today to ensure their safety online.
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Check for spy listening devices with the iRabbler audio joiner
If you are looking to be a little more covert and stop any GPS recordings, phone recordings or video recordings of any kind you might be interested in a new portable device called the iRabbler. Launched via Indiegogo this month the system has been designed to provide a way of blocking mobile phone recordings whether it be voice, video or GPS. Offering a zone of high-power wide coverage in a 360° ultrasonic interference in the shape of a sphere. You can also check for listening devices that may be hidden in your office or meeting rooms, trying to intercept your private conversations.
CLICK HIR : https://irabbler-audio-jammer.kckb.st/ca0f8284
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thoughtfulanalyst · 2 years
Dark Data: The future of Information Security
What interested me the most in picking this topic was that it gave me the initial thought that it would have the same meaning as the dark web. Surprisingly, in line with the research conducted, it was discovered that the Dark web and Dark Data have totally different meanings.
The dark web is a hidden part of the internet that can only be accessed with the Tor browser. You must know the precise address of the website you wish to access because dark web pages do not show up when you search for them in search engines. Typically, this area of the internet is referred to as "dangerous." The dark web is often stereotyped as where illegal actions like the sale of illegal substances and the employment of assassins occur. Even if the dark web is home to more than simply illegal marketplaces, there are still risks there.
For journalists and whistleblowers, the dark web can be a secure platform for unrestricted communication. In contrast, Dark Data is the summation of all unutilized, unexploited, and untapped data in a company that is produced by users' daily interactions with numerous devices and systems online, including machine data, server log files, and unstructured social media data. Organizations might view this data as obsolete, redundant, incomplete, or restricted by a format that cannot be used with current technologies. They frequently are not even aware that it exists.
Dark data, however, might be one of a company's most valuable untapped resources. Bridging the Gaps – “Dark Data: Why What You Don’t Know Matters” with Professor David Hand
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This write-up will dwell more on Dark Data: Why what you don’t know matters with Professor David Hand: Home - Professor David Hand (imperial.ac.uk). Professor David Hand, who formerly held the Chair in Statistics, is an Emeritus Professor of Mathematics and Senior Research Investigator at Imperial College, London. He has held (twice) the office of President of the Royal Statistical Society and is a Fellow of the British Academy and an Honorary Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries. He served on the European Statistical Advisory Committee and as a non-executive director of the UK Statistics Authority for eight years. He serves as the chair of both the ONS's Centre for Applied Data Ethics Advisory Committee and the National Statistician's Expert User Advisory Committee. He has served as the UK's Administrative Data Research Network's Chair as well as the Research Board Chair of Imperial College's Data Science Institute. He served as Winton Capital Management's Chief Scientific Advisor for eight years. In addition to 32 books, he has authored 300 scientific papers.
As we all know, data collection can be automated, and this can take various forms, which are included in the types of dark data. Dark data can vary in various types namely:
Log files (servers, systems, architecture, etc.)
Previous employee data
Financial statements
Geolocation data
Raw survey data
Surveillance video footage
Customer call records
Email correspondence
Notes, presentations, or old documents.
According to a recent survey by Splunk, 55 % of data gathered by companies is classified as dark. That means more than half of the data collected never gets used.
Here is a scenario, for instance, there is a need for an individual to check their account balance through a mobile banking application; the individual might think that they are only providing their credentials, but in reality, they are actually generating larger amounts of other data such as their login time and data location, date, browser used and IP address this data often ends up being stored for regulatory reasons only and is rarely used for any other purpose including Business Intelligence Analytics and this is how dark data comes to light.
There are some useful importance and risks associated with dark data. Over recent years, companies have realized that the value of leveraging dark data could be enormous; if executed correctly, it could yield impressive insights and results.
Importance of Dark Data
Discover insight from hidden data: For a better group, companies can utilize dark data to identify crucial insights that would have otherwise remained hidden.
Diversify your data analysis: Insight tends to be more relevant, accurate, and precise when the original data source is more relevant, precise, and accurate. If companies want more comprehensive and quality results, they need to expand their boundaries and begin investing in their dark data because dark data includes unstructured and non-traditional data. It offers unique contributions to the raw data pool and business pipeline.
Associated Risk of Dark Data
Unspecified source and authenticity of the data: Dark data is left unmanaged, unregulated, and unorganized. It is more susceptible to data contamination than active data; this makes it difficult to evaluate the validity, authenticity, and source of dark data and its derivation insights which can cause monetary or brand value losses as well as companies concern.
High Storage Cost: If companies are not actively managing, analyzing, and leveraging their dark data, it simply becomes clutter that takes up valuable space; whether it is slowing down your servers or cluttering your cloud storage, a growing amount of dark data will increase your storage and maintenance cost as well. With that being said, the best approach for businesses to take is to either delete or convert their dark data.
As new computing methods for data processing are developed, reports indicate that the value of dark data will increase. Technological advances are facilitating the economic utilization of this dark data, but numerous businesses are yet to recognize its significance of dark data.
In healthcare and education, for instance, vast volumes of data might generate a substantial potential to serve patients and students in the same way that consumers and financial services seek their intended targets. To wrap up, dark data can yield valuable competitive and unique insights when managed and utilized correctly. As a result, leading business intelligence companies like Cubewave have developed tools and solutions for businesses to make the most of all their data dark or active.
Finally, to stay ahead of the curve in today’s increasingly saturated market, companies need to rethink their data strategy and invest in the right software to illuminate their dark data.
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