#hiddles birthday week 2021
darkalinas · 4 years
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Happy 40th Birthday Tom Hiddleston!
“Never, ever, let anyone tell you what you can and can't do. Prove the cynics wrong. Pity them for they have no imagination. The sky's the limit. Your sky. Your limit. Now. Let's dance.”
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hiddlesbirthdayweek · 4 years
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Hello fellow Hiddlestoners!
It’s that time of year again where we all come together to celebrate Tom Hiddleston’s birthday. This year we are going to be hosting Hiddlesweek again and we would love it if you could join us as it’s Tom’s 40th!
We’re keeping the same themes that we introduced last year, and hopefully it will continue to make the event more accessible for everyone who wants to join in but doesn’t normally create content on Tumblr.
So, without further ado, here are the prompts we’ve selected for #Hiddlesbirthdayweek2021.
Day One: Wednesday (3rd February)
Favourite Quote/Interview   (tagged as “TH40: Quote”)
*          There are lots of interviews that leave lasting impressions. Did one include a particular quote that inspired you personally, or that made you laugh out loud. Or did you find the entire interview engaging or inspiring? Maybe it was a funny interview, or one where Tom was extra sassy with his responses. Perhaps he answered a question that you’d been wondering about for a while? It could be Tom’s views on a particular food, or his insight on a character. This day is open for long interviews like Popcorn Taxi, published interviews, or even little ones like one of the many junket videos. You might even have a favourite quote from one of Tom’s characters. This is your opportunity to share it with everyone.
Day Two: Thursday (4th February)
Favourite Role  (tagged as “TH40: role”)
*        Pretty self-explanatory! What’s your favourite role? Any of Tom’s roles apply to this prompt. Theatre, film, television, or even radio if you would like to make an audio post. Is it Jonathan Pine, Loki, or Robert from Betrayal. Tell us which role holds your heart.
Day Three: Friday (5th February)
What Do You Admire Most About Tom?  (tagged as “TH40: trait”)
*        Is it his work ethic? Do you find his advocacy of UNICEF and other charities inspiring? Maybe you admire his friendly and compassionate nature. Whatever it is, this is where you get to talk about it.
Day Four: Saturday (6th February)
Favourite Costume  (tagged as “TH40: costume”)
*        We all know how much Tom loves his day-to-day uniform, so this year let’s talk about the costumes he’s worn instead. Maybe you go weak at the knees for one of Loki’s leather ensembles, or Jonathan Pine’s suits (or even his casual t-shirt and jogging pants!) Perhaps you prefer Tom dressed for action in one of his period roles: the blue velvet sported by Hal; the top hat and tailcoat of Thomas Sharpe; the traditional Shakespearean breeches and boots of Cassio; or even the 1970′s wide lapels of Robert Laing. Whatever look you love the most, tell us about it here.
Day Five: Sunday (7th February)
Favourite Platonic Friendship or On-Screen Partnership   (tagged as “TH40: friendship”)
*        Do you enjoy the professional banter and insightful interviews between Josh Horowitz or Jenelle Riley. Or does Tom’s off-screen friendship with a cast member or colleague always make you smile? It could be Tom and Charlie Cox bonding over their failed auditions when they were younger, or his longstanding friendships with Eddie Redmayne and Benedict Cumberbatch. Maybe you love it whenever one of Tom’s character’s shares the screen with another character. This is your chance to share .
Day Six: Monday (8th February)
How did YOU become a Hiddlestoner?  (tagged as “TH40: Hiddlestoner”)
*        Perhaps one of Tom’s role’s particularly moved you, and you Googled his name. Maybe it was through one of his interviews. Or did you just get sucked down the Hiddles Rabbit Hole while browsing Tumblr?! However you discovered Tom, tell us about your personal experience of becoming a Hiddlestoner. This isn’t about proving how much of a fan you are or who has been a fan the longest. This is about YOU. You might have been a fan for 10 years, 10 months, or 10 days. There’s no judgement. Share as much or as little as you’re comfortable with.
Day Seven: Tuesday (9th February)
Happy 40th Birthday! (tagged as “TH40: bday”)
*        Today is Tom’s 40th birthday!! That means it’s time to celebrate! Make whatever you want to wish him an excellent year! On this day we will also be reblogging miscellaneous posts that are not tagged as “hiddlesbirthdayweek2021” but are in celebration of his birthday.
So, now that you’ve read the prompts, it’s time to create your own posts and join in! These can be in the form of text posts, audio, gifs, edits, fanart or even poetry. 
Remember you can always be part of the fun simply by liking posts, reblogging, and spreading the word about the event. You don’t have to post something each day either. The perfect gift is, of course, a little donation to UNICEF via Hiddlestoners Have Hearts.
Finally, we do have a few guidelines:
Please tag your posts with the tag corresponding to each day’s prompt plus #HiddlesBirthdayWeek2021 (It will help us find it!)
Please, no explicit/NSFW or disrespectful or disparaging content. No paparazzi images. And please be careful when sourcing copyrighted images, given the Tumblr policy towards these. We want to celebrate our love of Tom and his work. We don’t want anyone to get their blogs deleted! <3
PLEASE DO NOT REPOST OTHER PEOPLE’S WORK. If you didn’t make the art, gif, or edit yourself, don’t right-click and post it as your own. This also includes EDITING existing gifs. If you didn’t make the gif yourself, don’t use it please (Using the insert gif option is fine as that will link back to the original creators post).
We hope you enjoy this years celebrations!
To learn more about the original Hiddlesweek and why we wanted to continue celebrating it, take a look here.
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laeviss-loki · 4 years
Hiddles Birthday Week 2021 day 4: Favourite costume
I had to think a lot about it and it was so difficult to make a choice, so here it is: the "welcome" magazine in High Rise
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Definitely my favourite costume👌
Ok let's be serious, it's Stuttgart Loki costumes in the first Avengers movie
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And that threatening strut...
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Honorable mentions:
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andrew3garfield · 4 years
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hiddles birthday week 2021: day two ~ favourite character
it’s so difficult to choose solely one , but truth be told if it hadn’t been for loki idk if i’d ever fallen in love with tom . so it’s pretty self-explanatory that my favourite character is loki. i remember watching thor (2011) at the cinema and being completely starstruck by loki/tom . my “friends” said i was weird for liking a villian ugh . he’s so cute and tom is wonderful
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Hiddles 40th Birthday Week 2021
Day Seven: Tuesday 9th February
It's Tom's Birthday!
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Reasons why this precious Aquarius has stolen so many of our hearts.
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mcfiddlestan · 4 years
What is going on with Tom and Zawe? I’ve been away from tumblr etc. and a bit confused, as anons on @celeb-as-fuck are saying they are a legit couple, are dating/in a relationship together...
Hey, nonnie. So I’m not sure why you’re asking me, lol. But I will try to answer as best I can.
Yes, I am a fan of Hiddles, but at the moment I’m not really following his private life all that closely. I’m in the middle of writing my senior thesis so I’m not on tumblr as much these days. As far as I know, Hiddles has been stuck in Atlanta waiting for filming to resume on the Loki series since early this year. I don’t know (and neither does anyone else for sure) if he’s with anyone or not.
There are a number of sites here that you can check out who absolutely believe Ms. Ashton has been in Atlanta this entire time. There are others who, like me, don’t know and don’t really care. Because I, unlike the shippers, have bigger things to worry about. Like my thesis or my mother’s cancer, or praying to every god imaginable that Cheeto Satan will be voted out next week (on my birthday!!), or all the doctors appointments we have scheduled from now until Christmas...2021.
I promise I’m not trying to be facetious or sarcastic to you, specifically, Anon. I just don’t think this is a subject that deserves any kind of attention right now when we have so much other stuff to worry about.
Thank you for the message and, seriously, do not hesitate to send me messages at any time. I will answer anything about Hiddles’ movies, roles, career or my opinions on any of those. Hope this kind of helped.
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laeviss-loki · 4 years
Hiddles Birthday Week 2021 day 7:
Words cannot express what this man means to me. His kindness, compassion, humility, united to his talent and passion for his work really warm my heart and make me want to be a better person.
The world really needs more people like him.
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Happy birthday to the kindest eyes that i ever seen 💙
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laeviss-loki · 4 years
Hiddles Birthday Week 2021 day 2: Favourite role
2021 belongs to Loki, no doubt... How could it be otherwise?
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What are you up to, baby?
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laeviss-loki · 4 years
Hiddles Birthday Week 2021 day 1: Favourite quote/interview
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"Thinkers across human history have always talked about this idea of... the darker aspects of our nature, and I think some of the bravest thinkers have said that if you can almost reconcile yourself to those aspects, your light shines brighter. And actually so there is some kind of completeness to a human being if there's a yin and yang. If you can reconcile your 'monstrous' aspects, then maybe you can be even more positive, more optimistic".
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hiddlesbirthdayweek · 4 years
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Sunday (7th February 2021): It’s Day Five of Hiddles Birthday Week! Here’s a reminder of today’s prompt and how you can join in.
Prompt: Favourite Platonic Friendship or On-Screen Partnership
*         Do you enjoy the professional banter and insightful interviews between Josh Horowitz or Jenelle Riley. Or does Tom’s off-screen friendship with a cast member or colleague always make you smile? It could be Tom and Charlie Cox bonding over their failed auditions when they were younger, or his longstanding friendships with Eddie Redmayne and Benedict Cumberbatch. Maybe you love it whenever one of Tom’s character’s shares the screen with another character. This is your chance to share.
Please tag posts as #tagged as TH40: friendship and #HiddlesBirthdayWeek2021 (It will help us find them!)
For an overview of HiddlesBirthdayWeek and a reminder of our guidelines, please check here, but above all, let’s have fun!
Team HiddlesBirthdayWeek
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laeviss-loki · 4 years
Hiddles Birthday Week 2021 day 6: How did you become a Hiddlestoner?
Once upon a time, in the middle of a boring march afternoon of three years ago, there was me, feverish and bedridden. I was so bored... chatting with a close friend of mine, she suggested me to watch Thor to kill time (she KNEW....it was premeditated).
The result? All Thor movies watched in a day. Then i googled the cast, you know... i noticed someone in particular... so i discovered that this someone was in a movie that i was planning to watch already: Only Lovers Left Alive (i love Tilda... and vampires!). And before i knew it,
✨rabbit hole✨
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Then i discovered the man behind the roles... So kind and gentle hearted, empathic, well read, humble... so bright!
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hiddlesbirthdayweek · 3 years
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Wednesday (9th February 2021): It’s Day Seven of Hiddles Birthday Week! Here’s a reminder of today’s prompt and how you can join in.
Prompt: Happy 41st Birthday!  (Tagged as “TH22: bday”)
*        Today is Tom’s birthday!! That means it’s time to celebrate! Make whatever you want to wish him an excellent year! On this day we will also be reblogging miscellaneous posts that are not tagged as “hiddlesbirthdayweek2022” but are in celebration of his birthday.
Please tag posts as “TH22: bday” and #HiddlesBirthdayWeek2022 (It will help us find them!)
For an overview of HiddlesBirthdayWeek and a reminder of our guidelines, please check here, but above all, let’s have fun!
Team HiddlesBirthdayWeek <3
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hiddlesbirthdayweek · 3 years
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Saturday (5th February 2021): It’s Day Three of Hiddles Birthday Week! Here’s a reminder of today’s prompt and how you can join in.
Prompt: What Do You Admire Most About Tom?
*        Is it his work ethic? Do you find his advocacy of UNICEF and other charities inspiring? Maybe you admire his friendly and compassionate nature. Whatever it is, this is where you get to talk about it.
Please tag posts as #TH41: Trait and #HiddlesBirthdayWeek2022 (It will help us find them!)
For an overview of HiddlesBirthdayWeek and a reminder of our guidelines, please check here, but above all, let’s have fun!
Team HiddlesBirthdayWeek <3
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hiddlesbirthdayweek · 3 years
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Tuesday (8th February 2021): It’s Day Six of Hiddles Birthday Week! Here’s a reminder of today’s prompt and how you can join in.
Prompt: How did YOU become a Hiddlestoner?  (tagged as “TH22: Hiddlestoner”)
*        Perhaps one of Tom’s role’s particularly moved you, and you Googled his name. Maybe it was through one of his interviews. Or did you just get sucked down the Hiddles Rabbit Hole while browsing Tumblr? However you discovered Tom, tell us about your personal experience of becoming a Hiddlestoner. This isn’t about proving how much of a fan you are or who has been a fan the longest. This is about YOU. You might have been a fan for 10 years, 10 months, or 10 days. There’s no judgement. Share as much or as little as you’re comfortable with.
Please tag posts as #TH41: Hiddlestoner and #HiddlesBirthdayWeek2022 (It will help us find them!)
For an overview of HiddlesBirthdayWeek and a reminder of our guidelines, please check here, but above all, let’s have fun!
Team HiddlesBirthdayWeek <3
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hiddlesbirthdayweek · 3 years
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Sunday (6th February 2021): It’s Day Four of Hiddles Birthday Week! Here’s a reminder of today’s prompt and how you can join in.
Prompt: Favourite Costume  (tagged as “TH22: costume”)
*        We all know how much Tom loves his day-to-day uniform, so let’s talk about the costumes he’s worn instead. Maybe you go weak at the knees for one of Loki’s leather ensembles (maybe even that TVA ensemble), or Jonathan Pine’s suits (or even his casual t-shirt and jogging pants!) Perhaps you prefer Tom dressed for action in one of his period roles: the blue velvet sported by Hal; the top hat and tailcoat of Thomas Sharpe; the traditional Shakespearean breeches and boots of Cassio; or even the 1970′s wide lapels of Robert Laing. Whatever look you love the most, tell us about it here.
Please tag posts as #TH41: Costume and #HiddlesBirthdayWeek2022 (It will help us find them!)
For an overview of HiddlesBirthdayWeek and a reminder of our guidelines, please check here, but above all, let’s have fun!
Team HiddlesBirthdayWeek <3
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andrew3garfield · 4 years
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hiddles birthday week 2021: day five ~ favourite platonic friendship / on screen partnership
tom hiddleston + elizabeth olsen; i loved their chemistry in I saw the light (2015). though they’re both stars of the mcu, they’re characters haven’t yet shared the screen and i’d love to see that. i think they’re so adorable , their friendship is so cute
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