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tadpole-apocalypse · 9 months
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Spicy sketch before bed 😴
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 5 months
Wear headphones :]
I'm- I'm coming just- Tch
I'm almost there... Agh~
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ok fine here's the context
Yay! I'm finally at the top of these stairs! *laughs*
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nico-moist-moses · 9 months
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Please don't take mental health advice from the emotionally constipated man, Dipper
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aunhinged · 1 day
Retail workers, Hilson AU
House and Wilson both work in retail, and it’s a disaster. Wilson is the “friendly” employee who tries to help everyone, while House actively makes customers want to leave.
Wilson: House, you can’t just tell people the store’s closed. House: If they’re too stupid to read the hours, they don’t deserve my service. Wilson: We’re on thin ice with corporate. House: Corporate’s too afraid to fire me. I make this place interesting.
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lovetriangled · 3 months
mike and will both babysitting holly brings up so many questions... did somebody ask them to bike her to school together? did karen ask mike who, annoyed, then got will to join him? did somebody sense some awkward tension and suggest that they pair up (for everybody else's sanity)?
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deathberi · 2 years
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death and strawberry
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I don't care what anyone says my personal headcanon of platonic JonDaisy friendship where they played Hide and Seek tag to feed her Hunt and go to trivia places to feed Jon’s Eye together stands STRONG
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glitteringcrab · 8 months
Nip this in the bud (2)
Okay, I think I finally figured out what Rick Prime was hoping to accomplish with this:
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Because I was all "WTF" during that scene.
First things first:
It's clear that Rick Prime has been monitoring Rick C-137 during this whole time. Maybe not continually monitoring him, but monitoring him often enough that he knows:
Rick lived in the Prime Dimension
Rick is hanging out with Morty Prime
Rick has two Beths now (LOL) "echoes" of Prime's daughter since C-137 Beth never grew up
Likewise, he knew Rick C-137 was accompanied by Morty Prime, and could tell (without actually checking nor monitoring this, because then he wouldn't have fallen for Evil Morty's trick) that one of the Mortys Rick C-137 showed up with was Morty Prime, his original grandson.
In a similar vein, it's theoretically possible that he has some inkling of Evil Morty's identity. I mean, otherwise why tell him "you're like an evil Morty, a clever one". Um, excuse me? Evil Morty didn't do a single "evil" thing during the Prime fight. Why the heck call him "evil"? Just because he's wearing an eyepatch? WEAK. Call him clever, sure. But evil? Nope.
UNLESS... Rick Prime has also sporadically been monitoring the happenings in the Citadel of Ricks. News of Evil Rick's killing spree might have reached him, he might have read witness accounts and known that Evil Rick was accompanied by an eye-patched Morty who disappeared (although I seriously doubt anyone would bother to write more than a single sentence on Evil Morty in any report). Or he may have noticed (you know, after he was teleported in the Prime dimension right after Evil Morty contaminated EVERYONE'S portal travel) that the Citadel blew up, that there was a breach in the Central Finite Curve, and he might have investigated the ruins out of curiosity. He might have found out Stuff.
(Edit: nah, the name "Evil Morty" was mentioned a couple of times in the box, so Rick Prime using it only means that he was paying attention to what was happening in the Box)
In any case, even if all that isn't true, even if Rick Prime had originally no clue that there ever was any animosity between Rick C-137 and Evil Morty, and him calling Evil Morty "Evil" was just a lucky guess, Prick Prime was definitely able to tell that was no love between Evil Morty and Rick C-137 during this scene:
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...in which he uses Evil Morty as a literal human shield and Rick C-137 shoots without hesitation (on a different note, I'd like to say how sad is that when strangled Evil Morty doesn't have the presence of mind to try and use any of his implants; he's just a 14 year old boy against an grown-up man at that moment. Forget shooting him with plasma guns; you can literally just strangle him).
And so we come to this scene:
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Okay, Rick Prime could already tell that Evil Morty and Rick C-137 weren't family, but the suggestion of "nip this in the bud" was still absurd!
(I've written a similar post in the past while venting, but this one is actually getting somewhere, so please bear with me)
Because Evil Morty and Rick C-137 were, at worst, temporary allies. Rick C-137 owned to Evil Morty:
his freaking life (Evil Morty revived him)
his revenge (Evil Morty let him kill Rick Prime)
and (depending on to what degree Rick Prime was monitoring his clones and the killing box) he might have also known that Evil Morty helped Rick C-137 track Rick Prime down and helped him to escape the box.
That's a huge debt. And I know that Evil Morty helped Rick C-137 to save his own skin from getting Omega-ed if/when Rick C-137 failed to win, and to get the weapon plans, but he wasn't at all obligated to save Rick C-137's life nor to hand him his nemesis on a plate.
Arguably, Evil Morty did this precisely so that he'd have an Omega-enslaved and morally indebted Rick to come to his aid in a hypothetical future hour of need. However, the truth is that Evil Morty and Rick C-137 worked well with each other since the beginning of the episode, before any Omega Device threat (nor carrot!) dangled in front of Evil Morty to influence his decisions (he had just wanted to... talk) and Rick had trusted him enough to leave Morty Prime alone with him.
Like, under normal circumstances, Evil Morty honoring their alliance during the Prime Fight could have been the beginning of a friendship (or at least a more honest and permanent alliance) between Rick C-137 and Evil Morty. Evil Morty is insecure and traumatized enough to need the failsafe of the Omega Device backing him up, but Rick C-137 was game...!
Rick Prime instead puts in Rick C-137's head the idea that Evil Morty might kill him in a tantrum. Not because their interests might clash in the future. Not because Evil Morty may get power-hungry when he grows up. But because he's young and emotional. (Mind you, this is about a boy whose whole characterization revolves around being extremely cautious and calculating; not someone who'd kill another person in a fit of fury.)
Of course, the first idea that pops up in our minds (at least... it was in mine) is that Rick Prime said this hoping that Rick C-137 will drop everything to go stop Evil Morty, and so Rick Prime would get a chance to escape.
...But that doesn't make any sense, either!
Rick C-137 isn't so stupid as to give Rick Prime that chance of survival. Even if he took Rick Prime's warning seriously, he'd hurriedly shoot him in the face before running out to deal with Evil Morty. Rick Prime was toast, and he knew that. This wasn't about his own survival.
Rick C-137 wasn't about to take his worst enemy's advice to turn against his temporary ally. Like, what the heck? Since when Rick Prime fancied himself trustworthy? He could have easily lied, made this up. Rick C-137 couldn't have actually known if Evil Morty really had the weapon plans at that moment, and he'd have to take Rick Prime's word for it. No way he'd drop everything at his worst enemy's word.
Rick Prime saw that Evil Morty downloaded the weapon plans straight on his person. There was no external device that you can just snatch away (like the cone thing Evil Morty used when scanning Rick C-137's brain). So Rick Prime knew that the only way to "nip this in the bud" would be for Rick C-137 to run outside, confront Evil Morty, find out that there was no external device to forcefully take from him, and promptly attack him with lethal intent. But, come on, Rick C-137 was not going to do that, because of the aforementioned debt. Even Rick C-137 isn't so ruthless as to have his own life saved one minute, and him returning the favor with a murder attempt. This was never going to work.
Even if Rick C-137 took Rick Prime's warning seriously, even he trusted his advice, even if he was willing to murder a version of his grandson (to whom his owned his life) in cold blood, I doubt he could do it. He was a mess physically, while Evil Morty was perfectly fine. If they did clash at that moment, I think Evil Morty could have escaped easily with a portal. So this was never going to work.
And don't even get me started on what a joke it is for the Rick who wanted to murder Rick C-137's whole family, one by one, to express Rick-to-Rick camaraderie. As if...!
So what was all this for? This would never work, Rick C-137 would not try to kill Evil Morty at that moment...
...but he can do it in the future.
Any seeds of trust or appreciation that were planted that day were promptly poisoned by Rick Prime's "well-meaning" warning.
Evil Morty himself did trample said seeds further by warning Rick C-137 he could kill him any time he wanted as of now, but he also said that "using a weapon like this doesn't get you. Left. Alone." His whole speech would have hit very differently without Rick Prime's warning. We would have trusted him, we would have trusted that he did all this with the single goal of being left alone and that this is going to be the end of it. Worse case scenario, we would have thought Evil Morty might demand Rick C-137's support for A Thing (like a slave) if he had no other choice, but we still wouldn't have thought Evil Morty would murder him in a flight of rage during a disagreement. Now, the idea that Evil Morty might become unhinged in the future has been planted in our heads, by Rick Prime!
We fans were discussing on how the narrative seems to be setting Evil Morty as the final villain, but it's not the narrative, not really! It's Rick Prime manipulating Rick C-137, hoping he'll attack Evil Morty sometime in the future, so they can kill each other.
He fueled Rick C-137' paranoia on purpose, so as to get delayed revenge on the Rick who dared to think himself better than him... and on the one person who actually bested him.
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hachiibun · 1 year
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Gen reliably has a sneezing fit after a shower... unless someone interrupts him of course. His nose's suggestibility goes both ways—
Once again ft. @sailormoon-snz's boy Zion being completely unhinged
If you like my drawings, and are willing and able to do so, please consider pledging to my Patreon or donating through ko-fi ☕! You're not obliged to, but every bit helps to keep me living decently and I really do appreciate it!
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amorvavi · 8 months
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Happy Valentine’s Day! 💕💌🌹
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spearxwind · 2 years
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It's those gay eels I keep talking about
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would you mind drawing mick and seb with maybe seb’s chickens or alpacas? your animal drawings are also soooo cute but no worries if not, hope you can get some rest today 🧡
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Farm boys!🐣
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etapereine · 3 days
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vellhighbandi · 1 year
Men So Ghastly
Our brothers that supported and cheered for us When did they turn into mysogynists who leered at us When do sons turn into the very monster mothers warn their daughters about When do the boys we played with start believing in the words some idiots spout How can he be a doting father a moment and a bloody molester in the next Since when was stalking romantic, was consent only to be found in an old text I ask a question, so many whispered to their soul so quietly How did the boys so lovely, grow into men so ghastly? Was it the society that poisoned young minds to force us apart Did it shape those malleable minds into an axe that cleaves our heart Was it the wrong parenting, that somehow instilled these ideas of superiority Gave their children the ridiculous notions of being the ultimate authority But then how did siblings grow up to have ideologies so different The fault never truly laid solely at the feet of their parent If they were born that way then how do brothers differ so. If it's the peer pressure then where did the conscience go? Should the question be flipped to look at what some did right? Instead of only looking for the faults of the ones that went off the light These men that respect everyone, where were they brought up? These that talk instead of hitting when a disagreement does flare up I hope for a world where they aren't like a needle in a haystack A world where women don't always have a set of eyes on their back A world where the girls can play into the night with the boys Where a girl doesn't lose her innocence at an age to play with toys
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turtleations · 3 months
Interview with Shouji Noriko (reporter)
Published in the hide BIBLE (by Akemi Oshima) 2008
Q1: When did you meet hide for the first time?
A: 1990, as one of the members of X.
Q2: Please tell us what kind of impression you had at the time.
A: Gorgeous, and yet extremely kind.
Q3: Please tell us of an episode with hide that left an impression on you.
A: I remember so many! He let me call him hide-chan. I can’t forget a conversation I had with hide, who was recording the promotion for “Rocket Dive” in January 1998.
Hide: “I took a risk with the money I am spending on this set. I shot a video until now.”
Me: “hide-can, this song is good, it’s going to be a hit.”
Hide: “You think so? Nothing really good came out of last year. There was the disbandment and the accidents. But this year is going to be different. It’ll be amazing. We’ll go with a bang! I’m going to use the internet for the Mix LEMONed Jelly event in August, and think of a dress code.”
Me: “Dress code? Can I come?”
Hide: “Alright. You can come as well, Tokaibayashi-san.”
He looked like he was really having fun and thought it was going to be a good year. And so, for the first time, I gave him a New Year’s Gift.
Hide: “Huh? For me? Thank you~!”
He was happy like a child. I still can’t believe that four months later, he would be gone.
Q6: Out of hide’s songs, which is your favorite and why?
A: My favorite is “Tell Me”. Every time I listen to it, I start crying.
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thelostgirl21 · 5 months
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(Edit: Someone pointed out I'd mixed up Francesca and Triss! My apologies!)
Okay, but should we... worry that Dijkstra and Emhyr switched seats at some point during the reading or...?
I mean, does it actually mean anything? Are we supposed to be concerned about that?
They had seemed to start the reading by sitting everyone with who they were last seen with in S3, or "thematically", at least, somehow...
With Yennefer being where she is because she's part of the main cast, and they needed people to see how she and the new Geralt looked together, I guess!
Otherwise, you have Jaskier next to Geralt and Milva; and since Regis is at the end of the table I'm guessing they kept things a bit more Hansa or Hansa-mission related on that side...
Ciri next to Yennefer with her new girlfriend and the Rats on the other side...
Radovid sitting opposite Jaskier (a bit to his left, I think) with the Redanian Intelligence...
Vilgefortz next to Philippa with Triss and the Lodge of Sorceresses... So Yennefer and Ciri are sitting in front of a wall of the mages...
Then, suddenly, Philippa's flanked by... Vilgefortz (that was already there) and Emhyr Var Emreis (ah... where the fuck did you come from)?!?!?!
Did they start S5's reading, and had some actors "relocate" accordingly?
Did Philippa have a falling out with Dijkstra?
More importantly, where's Radovid? And who's looking after him now?
You had one job, Dijkstra! (Although, no offense, Radovid might be better off without you... Not sure, however, that the fucking Emperor of Nilfgaard is a better replacement! I wouldn't exactly trust him to have the King of Redania's best interest to heart, let me put it that way...)
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