#hieronymus bump x you
the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
Vice Principal Bump x Reader who has chronic pain
TOH rot may be long dead but sometimes I miss the old man <\\3
May or may not be self indulgent trash and I may or may not have had my silly oc in mind when writing this
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He gets it. In fact he can even relate! On days where it flares up he doesnt mind making arrangements for you to be taken care of, if it's a day where he has to go in for work. Perhaps he leaves an abomination or two, or if it's bad enough he might try to convince faust to let him take the day off to take care of you... which.. might be unlikely... but its the thought that counts..!
Plans low stress activities that don't involve much exertion so you dont make yourself feel worse, often they're in bed activities. Sometimes it's something you can both do together like a game.. or passively enjoy together like a movie or show.. or even something to do on your own parallel with one another.. like books or something!
He checks in on you between doing paperwork, and when hes at hexside he calls you on the crystal ball to check in on you during his breaks. If you need anything he might just try to run a quick errand for you on his lunch break
Generally very sweet with you and doting
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bugresources · 1 year
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★ 100 x 100 roleplay icons, free to use, free to edit. likes & reblogs are always appreciated, link back if you have a credits page. broken link? let me know.
CHARACTER: Principal Hieronymus Bump SERIES: The Owl House (2020) COUNT: 240 DOWNLOAD: MEGA ​
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bookishgalaxies · 9 months
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐀𝐝𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐋𝐮𝐳 𝐍𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐝𝐚
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summary: When Luz Noceda gets her Hogwarts acceptance letter in the mail, she was over the moon. Little did she know that a Hogwarts acceptance letter meant more than just the chance to learn magic.
pairings: luz noceda x amity blight, hunter x willow park, and eda clawthorne x raine whispers
type: ongoing story, updated 1.8.24
warnings: none
a/n: been twirling this idea around in my head for awhile, finally decided to write it.
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Luz Noceda had no idea that her day was about to brighten and her life was going to change. The walk home from her mom’s place of work was like every other; filled with trees and quaint looking houses. The summer air was fresh and for once the sky wasn’t just bright blue, but partially covered with clouds. Luz knew her house was near when she saw the familiar sidewalk chalk scribblings her neighbour’s had made of unicorns and dragons flying through the air. She approved of the colourful palette and crazy style used by the nine year old artists. Luz would give anything for her life to be filled with adventure, colour, and chaos.
Arriving home, Luz propped her bike against the front porch and opened the door, being careful not to step on the mail that had been dropped through the slot on the house door. Running upstairs to put her satchel and jacket down, she came back down to place the mail on the kitchen counter for her mom. Luz wouldn’t have taken any interest in the mail if it wasn’t for the fact that she spotted her name in the stack of envelopes and brochures. Her name was written in a beautiful cursive with forest green coloured ink.
The letter was in a cream coloured envelope, closed by a crimson wax seal. Luz spent at least three minutes tracing the crest that had been stamped into the wax in wonder. Finally deciding to break the seal, she pulled out the letter and almost collapsed.
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Headmaster: Hieronymus Bump (Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)
Dear Luz Noceda,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.
Yours sincerely,
Eda Clawthorne Deputy Headmistress
Luz had no words, what kind of main character event was this? Was she going to be the next chosen one? The next hero burdened with glorious purpose? It was all unclear, but she knew at the very least she needed to figure out what Hogwarts was and who this ultra-powerful Principal Bump guy could be. Her brain was already five steps ahead of her, forgetting about the fact that the letter could have been a fluke or a sales tactic.
She went straight to the best source for all research topics that were oddly specific: Wikipedia. The article for Hogwarts was long, which Luz considered to be a good thing. It meant more information and possible lore.
After scrolling, drawing, and pondering for a while, Luz had a scribbled guide and a bike route mapped. A quick note was scribbled on the back of a coupon booklet that read:
Be home by dinner, I went out on a bike ride. Love you mami!
Finally arriving at the place Wikipedia had described as “a run-down bar named The Leaky Cauldron”, Luz locked her bike against a light post and ventured inside of the place that looked like it hadn’t been cleaned in years.
Stepping into the pub was an experience Luz could have lived without. It smelled strongly of alcohol with an undertone of damp dust. It was bustling with people in robes that looked to be decades old. Luz scanned the room with determination to find someone who looked remotely in charge. Finally settling on approaching the old man sitting by the bar who looked like he had potential to be wise.
“I need directions to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry please!” Luz stated, proudly holding up her acceptance letter to the school.
The old man looked at her quizzically, then laughed a breathless laugh. He was balled and hunched over in a chair, as if he was barely holding on to life. He pointed to a man with a soft face sitting at a table across the room and yelled to him.
“Longbottom! Show the muggle-born to Diagon Alley!” The man, known as Longbottom, whipped his head around, nearly falling out of his chair.
He got up and said something to the white haired lady sitting across from him before making his way over to Luz. He bore a “Hi, my name is:” name tag on top of his knitted sweater. Luz read that his first name was Neville,
“Are you a real wizard? Can you do magic? Do you have a wand?” Luz bombarded him with questions the second he was close enough to hear her.
“I-yes, my wand is uhm,” he he held up the stick-like object and showed it to Luz “I was never one for flashy spells though. Always was better with plants.”
Luz looked in amazement at the wand that was held out in front of her. Her eyes flicking up to his, she nearly jumped when she said.
“Show me where I need to go to get one of those!”
Neville spoke to her as he lead her to the back of The Leaky Cauldron. He told her about where they were going, how it was full of magical stores. Instructing her to pull out her list of items attached to her letter.
“So we aren’t going to Hogwarts?” Luz asked, her voice taking on a bit of disappointment.
“You won’t ride the train to Hogwarts until September 1st. Right now, I’m taking you to Diagon Alley.” Neville replied, tapping a series of bricks with his wand.
Luz squealed with excitement as she saw the bricks magically unfold. The pitch of the squeal causing the man to briefly place his hand over his ears. She ran past him into the bustling street and stopped to take it all in.
Shops lining the street with intriguing names like 2nd Hand Brooms and Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions. Each of there’s signs hanging having a different shape and colour. At the end of the alley there loomed a large building with a statue of a dragon sitting atop of it. Luz let her mind wonder if anyone had ever climbed on top of the building and sat on the dragon?
“Luz! Over here!” Mr. Longbottom called, waving her forward.
The next few hours could only be described as pure bliss for Luz. Trading her muggle money for nice wizard coins, trying on robes that made her feel like a true witch, and picking out the right quill in which she would be doing all her writing with.
Luz was completely mesmerised with her wand. The multicoloured, eight inch stick with a phoenix feather core was now her most prized possession. Ollivander, the ancient wand shop keeper, had handed it to her with a warning. Telling her to not get her hopes up since phoenix feather wands are picky about their owners.
She followed the instructions the shopkeeper gave her for casting a simple illumination spell. The light that came from the end of the wand could only be described as radiant. Luz swore she couldn’t see for a split second afterward. Seemingly from Ollivander’s expression, he hadn’t been expecting that.
“Did I do something wrong?” Luz asked nervously.
She didn’t know what the right wand was supposed to feel like. She did know, however, that she wanted all her magic to feel like what it just felt like: natural. She was delighted when the white-haired man looked at her and spoke in a knowledgeable tone.
“The wand chooses the wizard Ms. Noceda. That one has chosen you.”
Luz almost combusted out of excitement right then. Putting the wand back in its box and giving Ollivander the appropriate amount of money, Luz strides out of the shop with the largest smile on her face.
“So what kind of wand ended up choosing you?” Neville asked as he walked with her back down Diagon Alley.
“I think the wand maker said it was made of Phoenix feather?” Luz recalled
“I knew a kid in my day with a wand like that. He was quite the hero.” Neville commented
Luz’s stomach made a sound that could only be compared to a roll of thunder. Thinking back on her day, she remembered she hadn’t eaten since the late breakfast of cinnamon waffles she had with her mom. Luz had a funny way of forgetting to eat when she became hyper focused or busy.
After Neville heard this he offered to take her to the best ice cream shop the wizarding world has to offer. Of course Luz delightfully obliged. Feeling her mouth water as they entered into the shop with tables and chairs scattered throughout the place.
Sitting down, she felt her phone buzz in her pocket. She almost declined the call before she realised it was her mother, then quickly answered it. Greeting her mother, hoping her mom wouldn’t sense the bit of nervousness in her voice. Her mom talked for about a minute or two about how she would be running late and wouldn’t be home until around 7:00. Telling Luz to not wait if she wanted to make dinner for herself and giving a swift goodbye.
Holding the phone to her ear for just a second longer before her mother hung up, Luz locked eyes with someone. That someone being a green haired girl who looked around Luz’s age with enchanting golden eyes. The eye contact was brief however, as a woman that resembled the girl stormed out of the shop. Luz assumed the beautiful girl was her daughter as she scurried off after her.
Placing her phone back into her pocket, she took the ice cream Mr. Longbottom had bought her. It was pink with chunks of what looked like strawberry in it. Tasting it, Luz decided she never wanted to eat any other ice cream again. Even wizard ice cream was delicious! Much better than the ice cream that her mother always bought from the market. It was creamy and sweet with the perfect amount of strawberry flavour.
She spoke with Neville for a bit about his life and what Howard’s was like. He told her he taught Herbology at the school and was looking forward to seeing her around the castle. Telling her to keep her eager and curious spirit. He offered to introduce her to the divination teacher, who happened to be his wife. Luz liked her name, Luna Lovegood, it had a nice ring to it. She asked question after question until she observed the sun starting to set, realising it was time for her to head home.
Bidding Neville a goodbye and a thank you Luz set off back home with all her wizarding gear.As she unchained her bike from the lamppost outside of The Leaky Cauldron, she was happy her mom had her put a backer on it for grocery runs. It made carrying all of her home things much easier.
The evening air was crisp as Luz rode home, blowing her dark brown hair from her face. The time was 6:04 last she checked, which meant she was pushing it with getting home and putting her stuff away before her mom arrived. If wasn’t that Luz didn’t intend to tell her mom….it was just that she wanted to do it without a pile of unconventional school supplies in her arms.
Arriving home, Luz propped her bike against the front porch of her home, carrying all of her things in her arms. She could barely unlock the door without dropping anything. Closing the door with her foot, Luz raced to her room, shoving all of her things in the back of her closet. Making sure to not break a single thing and leave the books at the front of the pile so she could grab them later. September 1st was going to be an interesting day when it eventually came.
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thank you so much for reading !!
remember to stay hydrated and rest well !!
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randomraytrash · 2 years
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Ho postato 165 volte nel 2022
Sono 134 post in più del 2021!
33 post creati (20%)
132 post rebloggati (80%)
Blog che ho rebloggato di più:
Ho taggato 161 dei miei post nel 2022
Solo 2% dei miei post non aveva tag
#the owl house - 45 post
#toh - 40 post
#lego monkie kid - 26 post
#ofmd - 20 post
#amazing art - 19 post
#lmk - 18 post
#toh spoilers - 17 post
#fanart - 16 post
#toh bump - 12 post
#hieronymus bump - 12 post
Longest Tag: 135 characters
#the master fighting for his life - fucking toaster should have dissembled you ages ago and scatter your useless pieces on a black hole!
I miei post migliori nel 2022:
SPN is like your ex that text you saying he's changed
you know it's not real...
But you answer him anyway
Conclusion: I'm a spineless idiot
52 note - Postate 12 ottobre 2022
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64 note - Postate 28 maggio 2022
Alador x Darius Brainrot
Fandom: The Owl House
Relationship: Darius/Alador, minor Raine/Eda and Luz/Amity
Summary: Post final battle with Belos. All have survived the Unity Days (not projecting at all, guys) and it's time to peace.
But Alador can't go back home and he hasn't a place for his kids to spent the night in. Darius is in a good mood and offer a solution: his home. I mean, he already has to take his adoptive son Hunter home, take in another two or three teenagers can't be that big of a difference, and he totally doesn't want to take his chance with Alador, since his marriage is a trash fire compromised right now. *Totally not*. Well, it's all fun and games, 'till they start talking and Darius discover that, maybe, he's not so cool as he thinks and Alador is not a total hack.
AKA Darius and Alador talk and they discover they are still pretty much crushing hard for each other. "Discover" is a big stretch since they absolutely known, but as all healthy adults they shoved it so deep down their chest they could not see it anymore.
84 note - Postate 23 maggio 2022
Anyway, Alador won't be only divorced, but f-ing dead when Eda and Darius will discover he put the children in danger by taking them with a blimp at the f-ing apocalypse
Blimp that he managed to crash land 💀
122 note - Postate 28 maggio 2022
Il mio post numero 1 del 2022
Listen, I love Princess Daisy as the next person, she's such a badass, and I shipped her with Luigi most of my childhood, but the new trailer?
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383 note - Postate 30 novembre 2022
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kakusu-shipping · 4 years
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Emile Hides - He/She
Agender - Fray/Panromantic - Asexual - Polyam
23 years old
Autistic - OCD - Major Anxiety
Age Regressor (4-8 years old)
Art Tag: Emile’s Arts
Writing Tag: Emile’s Writing
This is my Ship and Let Ship blog, where I post about ships I like, Self Ship an entirely healthy amount, write X Readers curated to me and me alone, and ramble about my F/Os in the tags of other people’s posts.
I love self inserting, probably more than self shipping. Writing lore and weaving myself into the plot of my favorite media is the best part to me, so please ask about my Self Inserts and their plot because I love to talk about it! And let me know if you want me to ask about yours as well because I always want to know about other’s S/Is and love sending asks!!
Very long F/O list under the cut, along with some navigational links at the bottom. Thankyou for reading.
Romantic F/Os
Koro-Sensei - Assassination Classroom (+Friendship Irina, Karasuma)
Kazuaki + Hitori - Hatoful Boyfriend (+Familial Nageki)
Toko Fukawa - Danganronpa (+Familial Masaru, Jataro, Kotoko, Nagisa)
Hifumi + Celeste - Danganronpa (+Friendship Chihiro, Taka, Mondo)
Teruteru Hanamura - Daganronpa (+Friendship Kazuichi, Sonia, Gundham)
Ryoma + Gonta - Danganronpa
Shirokuma - Danganronpa
Mario + Luigi - Super Mario
James - Pokemon the Series (+Friendship Jessie, Meowth, Wobbuffet)
Guzma - Pokemon Masters (+Friendship Kukui, Molayne)
N - Pokemon BW (+Friendship Cheren, Bianca)
Drayden - Pokemon BW
Wilkstrom - Pokemon XY
Lillie - Pokemon SuMo (+Familial Molayne, Sophocles)
Molayne + Sophocles - Pokemon SuMo (+Friendship Kuikui, Guzma)
Milo + Gordie - Pokemon SwSh (+Familial Opal, Bede, Allister)
Clavell - Pokemon SV
Salvatore - Pokemon SV
Inteleon - Pokemon SwSh (+Familial Mincinno)
Chesnaught - Pokemon XY
Armarouge (Charlos) - Pokemon SV (+Platonic Koraidon)
Ghetsis’ Hydreigon - Pokemon BW2
Ted B. Grizz - Splatoon
Jel La Fleur - Splatoon 3
Papyrus - Undertale (+Familial Sans, Gaster)
Vulkin - Undertale
Spamton - Deltarune
Swatchlings - Deltarune
Dick Gumshoe - Ace Attorney
Raymond Shields - Ace Attorney
Phineas Filch - Ace Attorney
Ginko - Mushishi (+Familial Adashino)
Muta - The Cat Returns
Scorpia - She-Ra
Bismuth - Steven Universe (+Friendship Peridot)
Eda + Raine - The Owl House
Hieronymus Bump - The Owl House
Billions and Billions - Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts 
Tad Mulholland - Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts
Alfur - Hilda
The Snork - Moominvalley 2019
Zenyatta - Overwatch (+Familial Genji, Mondatta, Ramattra)
BOB - Overwatch (+Friendship Ashe, McCree, Bars)
Maximilien - Overwatch (+Familial Ramattra, Mondatta)
Ramattra - Overwatch (+Familial Zenyatta, Mondatta)
Lynx17 - Overwatch (+Friendship Hana, Lucio, Jamison)
Iggy - Overwatch (+Friendship Lena, Emily)
Brooster - Animal Crossing
Toshinori Yagi - My Hero Academia (+Friendship Hizashi, Aizawa, Midnight)
Taishiro Toyomitsu - My Hero Academia (+Familial Tamaki, Kirishima, Tetsutetsu, Momo)
Atsuhiro Sako + Jin Bubaigawara - My Hero Academia (+Familial Tomura, Himiko)
Ojiro + Monoma + Shinso - My Hero Academia (+Familial Nezu)
Makarov Dreyar - Fairy Tail (+Familial Erza, Juvia, Laxus)
Jackpot - Fairy Tail
Toma E. Fiore + Mato - Fairy Tail
Chushaku Kometani - Komi Can’t Communicate (+Queerplatonic Naruse)
Riri - Romantic Killer
Junta Hayami - Romantic Killer
Otsu - Manly Appetites (+metamour Minegishi)
Anna - Dead by Daylight
Sun - FNaF Security Breach (+Platonic Moon, Freddy, Gregory)
Funtime Freddy + Toy Freddy - Five Nights At Freddy’s
Leshy - Inscryption (+Familial Magnificus, P03)
Magnificus - Inscryption
Candyman - Lethal League
Gabocha - Suikoden 2 (+Familial Ridley, Boris)
Mae Browski - Night in the Woods
Viktor Humphries - Slime Rancher
Sisu - Raya and the Last Dragon
Rockhoof - My Little Pony
Tadano + Haida - Aggretsuko
Takashi Morinozuka - Ouran Highschool Host Club (+Familial Kyoya)
Harunobu Nikaidou - March comes like a lion
Franky Franklin - Spy X Family
Tetsuo Takahashi - Interviews with Monster Girls
Lynn - All Saints Street (+Familial Ira)
Skull Boy - Ruby Gloom
Al-An - Subnautica Below Zero
Peter - Your Boyfriend Game
Robot Husband - 10 Billion Husbands
Zach Binspin - Moshi Monsters
Isaac - Castlevania the Animated series
Teddy - Bob’s Burgers
York + Grendan + Rose - Drawtectives
Allhands - Drawga
Leuvis - The Promised Neverland
Theodore DaCabe/The New Prince - Chzo Mythos
Kyle + Brett - Drive Time Radio
Andras - Hell’s Library
Reed + Leigh - Middle Game
Vermont + Kass - My friend Gabe’s OCs
Toshimitsu Kubo - Baka and Test
Chihiro + Taka + Mondo - Danganronpa
Kazuichi Soda - Danganronpa
Shirokuma - Danganronpa
Winston - Overwatch
Peridot - Steven Universe
Grime - Amphibia
Queen - Deltarune
Entrapda + Hordak - She-Ra
Skull Boy - Ruby Gloom 
Snufkin - Moominvalley
Flug Syls - Villainous
Irina + Karasuma - Assassination Classroom
Hunny + Reiko - Ouran Highschool Host Club
Hizashi + Shota + Nemuri + Sekijiro + Ryo - My Hero Academia
Nezu - My Hero Academia
Fafnir + Makoto Takiya - Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid
Taurus - Fairy Tail
Gildarts Clive - Fairy Tail
Samuel - Fairy Tail
Tsukasa Kazuki - Romantic Killer
Professor Elvin Gadd - Mario
Metal Mario + Gooigi - Mario
Doctor Mario + Mr. L - Mario AU
Cheren + Bianca + Hilbert + Hilda  - Pokemon BW
Jessie + Meowth + Wobbuffet - Pokemon the Series
Hau + Gladion - Pokemon SuMo
Penny + Giacomo + Mela + Atticus + Ortega + Eri - Pokemon SV
Jacq + Raifort + Tyme + Salvatore + Dendera + Miriam + Hassel + Saguaro - Pokemon SV
Koraidon - Pokemon Scarlet
Jaques - Animal Crossing
Riou + Joey + Nanami - Suikoden 2
Nina - Suikoden 2
Klaus + Sierra - Suikoden 2
Chaco + Tuta + Yuzu - Suikoden 2
Hero + Ramiel + Claire + Brevity - Hell’s Library
Goobert - Inscryption
The Mycologist - Inscryption
Anghel Higure - Hatoful Boyfriend
Shuu Iwamine - Hatoful Boyfriend
Freddy + Gregory - FNaF Security Breach
Moon - FNaF Security Breach
Bon Bon - FNaF Sister Location
Helpy - FNaF Pizzeria Simulator
Steve + Dustin + Eddie - Stranger Things
Makoto Katai - Komi Can’t Communicate
Watanuki + Domeki - XXXHolic
Liontari - Children of the Whales
Ayato Naoi - Angel Beats
Tony + Pauline - The Mario Movie (Parents)
Entei + Heatran - Pokemon (Parents)
Ginko + Adashino - Mushishi (Parents)
Toadsworth - Super Mario (Parental Figure)
Captain Craig Cuttlefish - Splatoon (Parental Figure)
Iroh - Avatar (Parental Figure) 
Gaster - Undertale (Parental Figure)
Nezu - My Hero Academia (Parental Figure)
Mondatta - Overwatch (Parental Figure)
Reaper Leviathan - Subnautica (Mother)
Opal - Pokemon SwSh (Mother)
Beware - Pokemon the Series (Mother)
Alder - Pokemon BW (Father)
Ganon - Legend of Zelda The Windwaker (Father)
Mr. Grizz - Splatoon 3 (Father)
Ridley Wizen - Suikoden 2 (Father)
Columbo - Columbo (Father)
Sekijiro + Mitsuki - My Hero Academia (Siblings)
Mirai Sasaki - My Hero Academia (Twin Brother)
2P!Canada - Hetalia (Brother)
Victini - Pokemon BW (Brother)
Molayne - Pokemon SuMo (Brother)
Arven - Pokemon SV (Brother)
Boris Wizen - Suikoden 2 (Brother)
Ramattra - Overwatch (Brother in the monk sense)
Genji Shimada - Overwatch (Close enough to be Brothers)
Kyoya Ootori - Ouran Highschool Host Club (Close enough to be Brothers)
Kaoru Toudou - Baka and Test (Grandmother)
Clavell - Pokemon SV (Grandfather)
Elvin Gadd - Mario (Uncle)
Burgh - Pokemon BW (Uncle)
Drayden - Pokemon BW2 (Uncle)
Sophocles - Pokemon SuMo (Cousin)
Ingo + Emmet - Pokemon BW2 (Cousins)
Mario + Luigi - Mario (Cousins)
Gooigi + Metal Mario +Robot Mario - Mario (Cousins)
Ira - All Saints Street (Cousin)
Snufkin - Moominvalley 2019 (Nephew)
Katsuki Bakugo - My Hero Academia (Nephew)
Sonic + Tails - Sonic (Nephews)
Masaru + Jataro + Kotoko + Nagisa - Danganronpa (Adopted Kids)
Luz + Hunter + King - The Owl House (Adopted Kids)
Tamaki + Eijiro + Tetsutetsu + Momo - My Hero Academia (Adopted Kids)
Himiko + Tomura + Suichi + Dabi - My Hero Academia (Adopted Kids)
Cohozuna + Horroboros - Splatoon (Adopted Kids)
Koopalings + Bowser Jr - Super Mario (Adopted Kids)
Juvia + Erza + Lucy - Fairy Tail - (Daughters)
Bede + Allister - Pokemon SwSh (Sons)
Neito Monoma - My Hero Academia (Son)
Inasa Yoarashi - My Hero Academia (Son)
Ichiban Natsuno - Mix; Meisei Story (Son)
Ryoma Terasaka - Assassination Classroom (Son)
Berdly - Deltarune (Son)
The Collector - The Owl House (Son)
Hastur - The Baby in Yellow (Son)
Black Hat - Villainous (Son)
505 - Villainous (Grandson)
Laxus Dreyar - Fairy Tail (Grandson)
P03 - Inscrypton (Grandchild)
Drayden - Pokemon BW (Trainer)
Wilkstrom - Pokemon XY (Trainer)
Salvator - Pokemon SV (Trainer)
Weavile - Pokemon BW (Partner)
Castform (Bozu) - Pokemon SuMo (Partner)
Mincinno - Pokemon SwSh (Partner)
Armarouge (Charlos) - Pokemon SV (Partner)
Shiintonic - Pokemon the Series (Partner)
Aguri Yukimura - Assassination Classroom
Kendo Rappa - My Hero Academia
Rikiya Yotsubashi - My Hero Academia
Mei Hatsume - My Hero Academia
Shisuto Naruse - Komi Can’t Communicate
Reedus Jonah - Fairy Tail
Minegishi - Manly Appetites
Baron Humbert von Gikkingen - The Cat Returns
Peach + Daisy - Super Mario
Bowser - Super Mario
Prince Peasely - Superstar Saga
Cheren - Pokemon BW2
Nemona - Pokemon SV
Cobb + Doc + Raddle + Petri - Animal Crossing
Tom Nook + Isabelle - Animal Crossing
Rouxls Kaard - Deltarune
Genocide Jack/Jill - Danganronpa
Genji Shimada - Overwatch
Winston - Overwatch
Metal Mario - Mario
Emmet - Pokemon BW/BW2
Hassel - Pokemon SV
Saguaro - Pokemon SV
Ash’s Sirfetch’d - Pokemon the Series
Lady Sneasler - Pokemon
CQ Cumber - Splatoon 2
Marco Pagot - Porco Rosso
Ryutaro - Pom Poko
Baptiste - Overwatch
Doomfist - Overwatch
Roadhog - Overwatch
Sid - Suikoden 2
Richmond - Suikoden 2
Humphery - Suikoden 2
Luca Blight - Suikoden 2
Hugo Oak - Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts
The Nowhere King - Centaur world
Masaru Bakugo - My Hero Academia
Katsuki Bakugo - My Hero Academia
France - Hetalia
Souichi Nishimura - Baka and Test
Nokoko Inaka - Komi Can’t Communicate
Pantherlily - Fairy Tail
Gaster - Undertale
Siren Dogen - Ace Attorney
Iroh - Avatar the Last Airbender
Shigure Souma - Fruits Basket
Kyubey - Madoka Magica
Alastor - Hazbin Hotel
Neclord - Suikoden - Ex-Husband
Monokuma - Danganronpa - Ex-Husband
Mask Seller - A Whisker Away - Ex-Husband
Redd - Animal Crossing - Ex-Husband
Alan Ituriel - Villainous - Ex-Husband
All For One - My Hero Academia - Ex-Husband
Belos - The Owl House - Ex-Boyfriend
Jacques - Animal Crossing - Ex- Boyfriend
Big Mac - My Little Pony - Ex-Boyfriend
Hizashi Yamada - My Hero Academia - Ex-Boyfriend
Thankyou very much for reading.
More stuff you should check out:
Fictional Foe List - Kin List - Ship List - Koro-Sensei’s F/O List - Fanfic Request Rules - Pro-Ship Self-Ship Discord Server
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the-s1lly-corner · 2 years
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Call me cringe all you want, but I love how his mouth is literally just the
I love the way its built, the lil lip dip thing is cute
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the-s1lly-corner · 2 years
Principal Bump HCS
I know!! This isn't creepypasta but my owl house brainrot is back in full swing and this man is once again, the center of my brainrot
Also there's hardly any bump content so imma help my fellow hieronymus enjoyers out
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But I'm writing this like you and him are a long time couple who grew old together because this idea applied to bump makes me soft
Very "You're as beautiful as the day I lost you" type beat but instead of being gone for years you just left for a few hours/j
No but starting at the beginning with VP I feel like he's a very tender lover
His love language is acts of service
Oh? You can't reach something? He's got yoy covered!
Need help keeping things tidy? He's already on it!
Cooking? I like to think he's a great cook!
Seriously, if he could he would even breathe for you
Even in his older years he'd probably still have the same way of doing things, it's just how he is
Great listener too, and gives great advice if you need it
It won't always be what you want to hear, but he does mean well and want the best for you
So he will!! Call you out if you're being whack!!!
Appreciates it if you do the same for him because he can be a stubborn ass sometimes
Easily embarrassed though, both in his younger and older days
If you walk up to him and kiss his cheek he'll still be as red as he was the first time you did it
I adore the idea of his S/O also being part of the staff at hexside
Like I legitimately made my oc that I ship with him be a teacher
But that's a whole bucket of cringe I'll never spill
Oh he's also very bad at hiding the fact he's been flustered
"Have I told you how much I adore you?" "Everyday, Hieronymus,"
He does get more confident with age, though, and becomes more and more likely to initiate affection
He likes physical touch, if it's comfortable with you and the setting is appropriate, he'll at LEAST have your pinkies intertwined
Likes offering you his arm while you walk together
Not necessarily a romantic hc but yk how in the Eclipse Lake episode Luz gets sick and Amity uses an abomination to look over her?
I feel like Bump would do the same thing + use abominations for some house work
Idk I'm usually better at making hcs when theres a scenario to base it around <\3
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the-s1lly-corner · 2 years
Hieronymus Coming Home After a Rough Day
Hiiiii im still alive!! Ive just kinda been going through a little depressive episode (and tbh I'm still. Blugh.) so I've been lacking in posts and ideas <\3
Requests are open! So I'm definitely open to do some to get my brain juices flowing
Written with VP bump in mind**
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With Head Witch Snapdragon sending praise over to Faust, things have gotten a little... Chaotic
All thanks to one student, by the name of Eda Clawthorne. Self proclaimed agent of chaos, professional troublemaker, and top tier prankster
Thanks to that little message from Snapdragon, Faust had begun to turn a blind eye to the student's antics, much to the displeasure of her peers who were still being punished brutally
And it just kept escalating
Months passed, and the semester ended
Faust moved on, and Bump became the new principal and took over when the second semester started
A lot of days, Hieronymus would come home in a slightly soured mood, and plop facedown into the couch in the living room
So onto the headcannons
He tends to go quiet when he's stressed; stuck in his own thoughts as he rewinds whatever atrocity that child had done that day
Sentient abominations, large beetle things..... the griffin.... euughm..
He doesn't ignore you, though. You didn't do anything and he doesnt want you to think you did
Draw him a bath, light some nice candles, and perhaps even give him a massage... he gets real tense in the neck and shoulders, and hunching over so frewin can perch on him doesn't help
Poor guy
Let him rant and ramble, this man has a lotta steam to let out
This dude is going through all the stages of grief rapidly, over and over
Titan help him, he's only two months into this semester
Anger, anguish, annoyance
Then relief when he realizes the semester ends in a few months
Then to hopelessness when he remembers eda is a sophomore and will be back next year
Usually it ends with you and him snuggled together and listening to him ramble on and on about everything and offering support
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
Random bump and s/o headcannom but
But during handholding vp bump subconsciously swings your hands around
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the-s1lly-corner · 2 years
I know this imagines prompt is weeks late, but Bump reacting to getting a secret admirer love letter
Bump w/ a secret admirer!
Heavy breathing
Shameless fluff is never late
Writing this for VP bump!! Hope thats alright!! I just think this man would be more likely to get all blushy n stuff
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So hypothetically
Lets say
You and him are both working at hexside; and you somehow manage to get your little love letter somewhere where he can easily find it
He finds it, initially confused on who left the envelope
He opens it and
Immediately, his cheeks go red and.. did frewin just giggle at the man's predicament? Rude!!
He just
Slumps into his chair and keeps rereading the letter
Over and over
Who sent this?
Snapping him out of his thoughts, Faust called for him; so he pocketed the paper
It wasn't the last letter, though.
And sometimes, every now and then the letter would be accompanied by a small gift
Flowers, candies, small stuff like that
He keeps all of them, his face still burning up the same each time he receives another gift
And it keeps going like that for a while, before he catches you in the act
Actually, for a second he's marveled by your stealth before realizing that you're the person actually writing the notes
Hes frozen
Hes silent
And for a sinking moment, you fear that you made your coworker hate you
Suddenly, he stiffly points at you, as if in shock. And then his expression matches his vibe; brows raised, eyes wide, and mouth drawn straight
"You-" he begins, but you cut him off with a slew of apologies. You're speaking a mile a minute, all while Hieronymus slowly blinks at you
"Im not upset-!" He blurts out, his voice a little louder than he intended. It seemed the situation finally fully sunk in for him; as now his face was as red as his palisman. His hand, that was previously pointed at you, now hung at his side
At least, until he gestured towards you
"You.. you've been leaving all these notes?" He asked, only earning a shy nod from you
You both shifted your feet awkwardly. The air was thick, you could cut it with a knife... so much for having an entire cute scene for when you had the courage to ask him out in person...
"I can stop if you want-" you began, but he held his palm out to you, cutting you off
"I.. actually looked forward to seeing them," Hieronymus admitted
That sentence
That single sentence
And it was like the vibe of the entire room shifted, lightened
The following events were a blur; but some things of note were:
Hieronymus revealing that he kept all the letters, and made sure to keep them in pristine condition
A draft for his own letter.... which he admitted, would've never been sent as he realized he didn't know it was you
And Frewin nudging Hieronymus to finally asking you out that weekend
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the-s1lly-corner · 2 years
Faust: (sorting through files at his desk, the office is dead quiet)
Faust: (pauses)
Faust: why does your spouse call you babygirl
VP Bump: how about we stop talking for a while.
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the-s1lly-corner · 2 years
Cuddling HCs w/ Bump
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Look me in the eye and tell me doesn't look like he gives the best hugs and cuddles
I dare you
Do it
Thats right, you can't
Switches between big spoon and little spoon; this man likes being held every now and then
Tucks your head under his chin while tugging you to his chest when he's big spoon
Slings his arms around you and loosely tangles his legs with yours when hes little spoon
Bed has loads of soft pillows and blankets, so its real nice and cozy
Sometimes Frewin will snuggle up with you two, your own palisman is free to join in on the fun
I feel like he's v warm
Not like "oh this man is a generator" warm, but like, warmer than the average person
Probably because he's getting all flustered while close to you
That's probably it
He smells nice, me thinks
I don't think abomination goo would smell the most pleasant, so he probably uses scented sprays to keep the smell hidden
This man will make you feel so protected and loved while he's holding you
Absolute king in bed
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the-s1lly-corner · 2 years
S/o taking care of a Sick!Bump
Silly inverse of that list of hcs i made for bump taking care of you when you're sick
Mostly written while thinking of VP bump but its not really that important
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He's like a sad clingy puppy
Which is equal parts funny and sad
Funny because when you're the one sick he makes sure not to risk whatever you have spreading to him; though he's not particularly callous when leaving you hanging for affection.. just a sad but firm little explanation on "you're sick, im not cuddling you, im sorry dear"
Sad because this man is.. again, like a wounded puppy
Its like a switch gets flipped when he gets sick enough, gets a lil clingy, you know?
Idk if its because I'm soft for stuff like this, but imagine you go to leave after checking up on him and he just
Gently grasps your wrist, trying to keep you by the bed n just
Quietly asks you to stay with him
Doesn't ask for cuddles, but will keep a hold on your hand and sleepily run his thumb over the back of your hand
This man will still try to do work around the house; you will have to restrain him
What having acts of service be your way of affection does to a mf
Imagine he's got a fever and you're putting a rag on his head to keep him cool and he just
Looks at you with these awestruck eyes
Since Frewins not on his head
This man already tells you how much he loves you when he's healthy
But all thats put into overdrive when hes got a fever
Seriously its like his mouth is a faucet that keeps running
His words are a little slurred but he's still going
Love this man
The goober
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the-s1lly-corner · 2 years
Bump with an S/o who struggles with sleep
Pretend this isnt self indulgent as hell
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Once he notices that you seem more tired and irritable than usual, he's immediately asking questions
Are you sick? Stressed?
You.. can't sleep?
This man is already making several plans to help you
Potions to help with sleep
He'll run you a warm bath before bed
He'll even bust out stuff that helps promote relaxation and sleep (he might get some lavander (or the BI equivalent) scented stuff, for example)
Bans stimulants before bed
No caffine, especially!
If he sees you drinking some he's gonna slap the cup out of your hand
He wouldn't actually, but he'd probably gently scold you for drinking a cup of coffee or tea so close to bed time
Makes sure the bed is as comfortable as possible, and that the rooms temperature is just right
Seriously this man is a king
Anxiety and/or stress keeping you up? He'll listen to anything and everything you have to say. He'll even offer a shoulder to cry on if you get teary eyed
Encourages you to let it all out, that he won't judge you, or make fun of you
If you're comfortable he'll give you a hug
And if you're okay with it, he'll hold you through the night
Mans will gently wipe your tears away while reassuring you that you're doing your best
He may or may no subtly do more work around the house to make sure you dont have any added stress
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the-s1lly-corner · 2 years
Valentine's with Bump
I CANNOT!!! Believe I almost didn't get this idea!!! Its so!! Sweet!!! Mf!!! I was even already planning on making lil fics with my oc that i ship with bump with valentine's scenario!!! Mf!!! Anyways, enjoy this is for the fellow hieronymus likers
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You're waking up to breakfast in bed, this man will wake up early to make you something even if it's a school day
Speaking of, regardless of if it's a school day or not, he's not gonna hold back
Okay well he might since it wouldn't be very appropriate in the workplace, buuuut
I am once again making you a teacher at hexside, all for the simple idea of "haha what if he leaves some flowers or something on your desk"
When you're both done with the days work and off campus, he's mushier than usual
He's a romantic, what can I say?
Does a mix of stereotypical gestures, and doing stuff he knows for a fact you enjoy
Seriously, you guys could've been together for decades but he'll remember something super small you mentioned in passing from years ago, and he'll use that to make sure you're pampered in just the right way on the BI's valentine's equivalent
Speaking of Boiling Isles stuff ik there's probably going to be some horric bit of it, like. Idk, gifting partners an actual heart, buuuuuut its 4am and I lack the creativity rn to think of some potential Isles tradition, so!! Yeah
Of course, he wouldn't mind being spoiled as well
Please please PLEASE give him some extra affection, this man is so easily satisfied
Will probably shed a tear or two if you give him a gift, and he will treasure it forever
This dude probably saved every note and thingamajig you've given him over the years
This man would do love letters and notes I just KNOW it
Romantic homemade meals, this man cooks.
Autism be damned this man can COOK
10/10, ultimate rizz
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the-s1lly-corner · 2 years
Jealous!Hieronymus hcs
Rubs my hands
I don't usually enjoy prompts like this, but its a good character writing exercise me thinks
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I don't think he gets jealous that often
Why would he? He trusts you, and knows you respect him; just as he trusts and respects you
So instances where he is jealous sre few and far between, and never really that intense
At most, he may get a little quiet, but once he has the chance to bring it up, he'll respectfully talk about it
Doesn't demand you cut anyone off or change or whatever, unless the person you're interacting with seems to be a legitimate danger
Boundaries are very important to this man and he honors them deeply
In short; he doesn't beat himself up over it nor does he take it out on you, but he will bring it up respectfully if it hurts him enough and/or is getting genuinely off vibes from the other person
^this applies to vice and current bump
Frewins a different story, he WILL bite/j
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