#high charisma tav
sad-endings-suck · 1 year
Astarion: *with 10 charisma* I have been manipulating and seducing you all along, and in truth it was simply too easy.
My Sorcerer Tav: *with 20 Charisma plus proficiency and expertise in persuasion, deception and insight* Wow, you don’t say.
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ryuichifoxe · 5 months
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Back from PopCon with con funk but, hey, I finally let myself have bg3 and this is my tav, Malphas.
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segme17 · 1 year
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My INT 8 (-1) Sorcerer 🤡
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manitapaleta · 1 year
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If anyone’s wondering y I hardly post anymore it’s bc I been playing baldurs gate 💃🪩🕺
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dothegravitybounce · 11 months
Trying to fit in a halsin romance playtrough on my bg3 schedule
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more screenshots of rina bc i simply adore her
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anteonnix · 7 months
Saw this on Twitter and had to draw ma boi for it-
We love a good durge
And bad durge
Any kind really
I love BG3 🖤
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Have my tavs in game appearance under here vvv
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They were right only someone with high charisma can pull that obnoxious robe off
Good thing Astarions charisma is high
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thegoldheartmonk · 4 months
Tobias and Ezekiel; w/ Wyll
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just-a-trans-nerd · 10 months
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grapecaseschoices · 10 months
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Hehe, what if I made Andy and Kendis on BG3?
But Nat, you ask, aren't you tired of putting them in everything? [Excuse, Andy is only in TWO! Also yes ... but also, I miss them]
So, I am THINKING maybe a half-drow cleric with a noble background. A war domain cleric with deity as Tyr.
OR it could be a rogue assassin with acolyte bg. I did originally consider oath of vengeance of andy but I feel that is TOO on the nose? Or maybe I'm just so indecisive.
Thoughts below:
OG Andy was born to loving parents who died when he was young [mystery. I feel I've mentioned this before but I don't remember my own shit. Why should you?] and went to live with his aunt who was Not A Fan of his mom [his mother had mafioso bg but Andy didn't know it then]. His aunt ended up marrying this super Christian homophobe and Andy bounced when he was 13. He ended up with his older cousin [who he saw as an uncle]. Who was like a godfather but at the time Andy parents died was too young to raise a kid, let alone a grieving one.
Anyway they moved from the US to Spain bc of family business [but also Family Business]. And Andy got involved in stuff that his uncle wasn't a fan of. So they moved back to the US and Andy did his best to keep his nose clean. Went to school and church and etc. Eventually joined the military [to his uncle's exasperation] and got married. But left and got divorced. He ended up working with his uncle's event planning business, Andy went to school for landscaping architecture and was good with plants. Eventually his uncle and other family met Disaster during a family reunion in Spain. So commences Andy's Vengence is Mine sayeth the Lord life.
So MY THOUGHT is half-drow bc Andy gives half-elf energy [also the straddling different worlds] but half-drows are also shitted on [hence touching the bs he dealt with under his aunt's house].
Acolyte does touch his faith but I also want his rich person bg to be addressed hence noble. I wanted ranger or rogue at first, BUT ION KNOW! Sorcerer was also a thought. I really like Cleric bc even though I could do more with it his faith is so much to Andy *cute southern gothic music*. I feel the war domain would touch having had been a Marine. And Tyr can be the vengeance paladin sub. And the whole Old Testament vibe.
Actually, you know what I have decided. Though I am open if anyone wants to give an opinion!!
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duskfallsfang · 8 months
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don't mind me I just wanna show off some of Scra'el's greatest hits since i finished his playthrough a while ago and i miss him 👉👈
he's a half-drow archfey warlock. I have a whole backstory made-up and ready. And I'm a little obsessed with him still...
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yippieyiyo · 1 year
*A boss appears*
My Tav sorcerer:
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If there's one thing the shadow-cursed lands proved, it's that Neven (who, by all accounts, should be the one normal dude in the entire party) is the most dangerous man around.
Neven, who everyone makes fun of for being too much of a goodie two shoes: "We don't have to fight. You could just kill yourself instead."
Random baddie: "Yeah, ok."
Astarion: *inspired*
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agabus · 2 months
at the risk of sounding like an asshole sometimes you can really tell when bg3 fans don't actually know shit about dnd. like my favorite recently is ppl calling astarion's 10 charisma stat "low" and headcanoning him as a bumbling awkward moron basically based on his (imo) intentionally OTT pickup lines & that one cute shadowheart interaction. which is fine, but like, in case any non-dnd players need/want to hear this:
10 for any stat means a character is completely average at that thing. if you have 10 strength, you aren't any stronger or any weaker than the average person. stats influence each other in a lot of characters, for example jaheira has 8 intelligence, but 17 wisdom, so as a character she still comes across as knowledgeable/ "intelligent" (in the way we use that word irl).
so, yeah, astarion's charisma is average (not low, average), but he has high dex and int. basically, he's a really really good bullshitter, which works well on marks for seducing and/or scamming, but not so well on your friends who actually know you, i.e. tav or shadowheart.
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sorrelchestnut · 1 year
I've seen a fair number of posts both here and on reddit that question why Tav (or the Dark Urge) would end up as a group leader for any other reason that "game mechanics say so." There's the requisite "okay, well if you play a high charisma character I guess it makes sense," or on the other end of the spectrum, "if you're playing Durge and murder someone right off the bat everyone would be too scared to tell you no." And I get where people are going with this! I really do. But it also fundamentally misunderstands a facet of human nature, which is that the vast majority of people do not actually want to be in charge, because that means being held responsible for the outcome. Accordingly, most people will dither when a group consensus is needed: have none of you ever tried to get a group of friends to agree where to go for dinner? Yeah, it's like that, but waaaay worse.
A lot of times "leadership" is just the willingness to say, "fuck it, y'all do what you want, but I'm doing this." I see it all the time in a corporate environment, where people will go back and forth on group meetings without anyone making a decision until finally one brave soul goes "in my opinion the clear answer is x" and then everyone gratefully goes along with it. Because now it's not their responsibility when something goes wrong! They're just following along with someone else's suggestion, and maybe it works or maybe it doesn't, but at the end of the day they don't have to worry about the consequences unless they're personally affected. In which case they might step up and argue back, and then they're stuck being a leader, too. Welcome to adulthood!
Lae'zel is the only one who ever even tries to exert some kind of control, when she tells you to follow her lead on the ship, or calls you her subordinate in the Grove. But, crucially, she doesn't ever make any serious attempt to take control: you can just tell her, "lol, no," and she sort of confusedly gives way, because she doesn't know how to handle this scenario. In her world there are commanders and subordinates, and everyone knows where they stand and falls in line. She's never actually had to take control of a situation and so at the first sign of resistance she falls back on the dynamic that's familiar to her, which is executing the commands of someone older and more experienced. She goes through a lot of growth over the game, to the point that she can take over as a resistance leader in her own right by the end, but at the beginning she's a wet-behind-her-ears private with some decent combat chops and it shows.
Otherwise, your party consists of:
Shadowheart, who's trained in infiltration and assassination and does NOT want a lot of attention brought to her or her mission for a variety of reasons;
Astarion, who has literally been a slave for two centuries and canonically takes a while to realize that he can exert an opinion beyond complaining about it;
Gale, whose only friend is his cat and couldn't project-manage his way out of a wet paper bag;
Wyll, who was probably trained for command at one point but has been doing the lone-hero thing for a decade and has a very large secret that he's trying to conceal; and,
Karlach, who's only ever been a bodyguard and a soldier and is genuinely just happy to be here.
Honestly, it would be more a surprise if Tav/Durge didn't end up as their unofficial leader, given the general power dynamics at play. The first time Tav/Durge says something like, "fuck it, we need to do something instead of stand around arguing about it, let's go check out those ruins over there," it's a done deal. They're The Captain Now! As long as they don't make decisions that fundamentally oppose something dear and important to the other group members, they're not even going to get any argument. Because at the end of the day, not one of these walking disasters has enough trust in themselves and their decision-making skills to feel any kind of certainty that they can choose the right path forward. If someone else is going to take that decision out of their hands? They're going to follow, no questions asked, right up until the moment they can't.
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eff-plays · 1 year
Some camp role headcanons because I'm one of those bloggers now.
We all know Gale is the cook, and that's what he does best. Also Keeper of Arcane Secrets (organizes the book stash and relevant documents, gets really upset when someone doesn't follow this week's order (it's alphabetical by author, not title) or forgets to put stuff back where they found it).
Lae'zel keeps everybody's weapons sharp and oiled and ready. This is not innuendo, she's fucking dead serious about always keeping your blades in top condition. If you can't kill well, you'll be well killed. Or some shit. Idk, give that sword here, bitch.
Astarion doesn't want to have an official camp role aside from "prettyboy nuisance," but one day he offers to patch up the embroidery on Tav's sleeve, and it's all over. People come to him to mend their clothes and armor. He's good at it, because he's been forced to keep whatever he has in functional and presentable shape for decades.
Wyll, with his high charisma and noble background, keeps the camp's guests happy, particularly those who stay temporarily, and mediates minor conflicts. He's in charge whenever Tav isn't around, and tries to keep people content but also moving on quickly, so there's no pressure on the rest of the team.
Karlach is in charge of the inventory, mostly the mundane stuff. Keeps the camp stocked on food, but also sorts loot by stuff to sell and stuff to keep, so they're not lugging around pointless crap. Can't always tell if one enchanted blade is better than the other, but if Tav hasn't given it to someone by now, into the sell pile it goes.
Shadowheart is the medic, but very reluctantly. She won't offer you any gentle words or affirmations, and will probably just call you an idiot for stepping into a pool of acid that reduced your toes to goo. She'll grow them back, but also make fun of you relentlessly, and gossip about it later. She will NOT touch the weird rash WHERE?
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