UAW Strike: Big Wins for Auto Workers in GM Negotiations #autoindustryimpact #betterworkingconditions #faircontractdemands. #GeneralMotorsinvestment #GeneralMotorsnegotiations #healthcarecosts #higherwages #jobsecurity #MaryBarra #nationalstrikethreat #negotiationsoutcome #newjobs #reachingadeal #UAWleaderGaryJones #UAWleadershipstyle #UnitedAutoWorkersstrike #USfacilities #wagedisparities #wagesandbenefits #workerorganizations
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यूएस कैलिफ़ोर्निया बिल फास्ट-फूड श्रमिकों के लिए वेतन बढ़ाकर 20 डॉलर प्रति घंटा कर देगा
अमेरिका के कैलिफोर्नियां में फास्ट फूड श्रमिकों को लंबे समय से ही श्रम कानूनों द्वारा नजर अंदाज किया गया है। उन्हें कम वेतन पर लंबे समय तक काम करने के लिए मजबूर किया जाता है। फास्ट फूड उद्योग में श्रमिकों की बहुत ज़रूरत पड़ती है
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Unions at Starbucks Demand Higher Wages - Kivo Daily
The recent union efforts of Starbucks employees prompted the company to increase its wages. In addition to the increase in salary – to take effect on Monday – labor leaders call for extended benefits. According to them, no bargain should be made in this case.
Following its employees’ efforts to organize into a union, Starbucks declared in May that it will raise the wages of its employees. The business has also stated that other benefits like credit card tipping come along with the wage increase. A Seattle-based Starbucks chain, however, stated that it would not extend the benefits since it must first go through a negotiation procedure...Read More
Source: Kivo Daily
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Park Slope, Brooklyn.. #ufcwlocal342 #union #local342 #higherwages #benefits #protest #keyfood #parkslope #brooklyn #keyfood #demonstration #streetphotography (at Park Slope Brooklyn NY) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwiZNUZgsAU/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11xsbr3e35uom
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eastern europeans deserve a little gaslight gatekeep girlboss. yk. as a treat.
enough gaslight gatekeep girlboss when can we get hospitals humanrights higherwages
#i was gonna make a joke where only one or two of the three begin with h and i#change the first letter of the third to h but ended up with 3 h-s anyway dhdjdjdjx#i got mail!
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ADPVoice: How Business Owners Can Survive -- And Profit From -- The New Higher-Wage Environment
ADPVoice: How Business Owners Can Survive — And Profit From — The New Higher-Wage Environment
By Bryan Borzykowski
Earlier this year, 18 states and 20 cities saw their minimum wages rise. Maine experienced the biggest jump, a $ 1 increase to $ 10 an hour, while seven states, including New York, had hourly rates climb by 50 cents. The changes took effect in January, but many businesses are still figuring out how to survive — and even thrive — in the wake of these hikes.
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#VoteGOP #Republicans #Conservatives #Conservatism #BlueWaveLOL #RedWave #MoreJobs #LowerTaxes #HigherWages #AmericaFirst #DemsCreateHateGroups #HistoricLowUnemployment #HistoricLowBlackUnemployment #HistoricLowHispanicUnemployment #ThinkRight #NextGeneration #crmnextgeneration #CRM #ConservativeRevivalMovement #Rippon #RipponWisconsin #Milwaukee #Wisconsin #FourthDistrict #TermLimits #EstablishmentCrooks #RetireTheEstablishment #RetireCareerPoliticians #LockHerUp #TeachThemYoung
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When people say #MakeAmericaGreatAgain or #MAGA, what time in America's #hustory do you picture? The 1890's when robber barons monopolized our industries, crushed workers, exploited our land, and fostered economic injustice? Or is it the 1950's, when the corporate tax rate was around 90%? When #corporate #taxbreaks came in the forms of #higherwages, #research and #development, and #investing in the #business and not the #board. What if #educated and #informed #consumers isn't in the #businessplan of the #job #creators? If #consumers are less ignorant, they tend to be more healthy, and less likely to treat people as less or more than equals. An #informed #electorate keeps #politicians honest and #governments #transparent. So when people say #taxbreaks #create #jobs, and the #economy has recovered, ask them if a country full of #fastfood and #hotels is what the #foundingfathers had in mind, or if it was for @uscongress to "regulate commerce"? The #constitution is not a #capitalist #manifesto. We the people, and a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, is a #socialist statement. #Society is in charge, and it is not a crime to look out for your self. #budget2018 #taxcuts #taxreform #maga @realdonaldtrump @berniesanders @whitehouse @theyoungturks @cenkuygur @thejimmydoreshow #Medicare4All #wethepeople #whatwouldjesusdo (at Mokane, Missouri)
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People and Places Tens of thousands of public school #teachers in #Kentucky and #Oklahoma plan to attend rallies on Monday at their state capitols in what they hope will be the latest display of muscle by the nation's educators demanding #higherwages and better #classroomresources. #SchoolTeachers / #Education . Article by Bill Hutchinson BRENDAN RAND via ABCNews
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Make Amazon Pay: Workers Demand Fair Wages & Safer Conditions #MakeAmazonPay #AmazonCEOJeffBezos #Amazonlaborpractices #bargaincollectively #betterwages #careergrowthanddevelopment #competitivepayandbenefits #exploitationofworkers #greaterscrutiny #higherwages. #improvedworkingconditions #IncomeInequality #largecorporations #MakeAmazonPay #multiplejobs #oppressivemanagementpractices #poorworkingconditions #richestpeopleintheworld #righttounionize #saferworkingconditions #solidaritywithworkers #unfairlaborpractices
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When you ask for $15/hr #helpless #money #higherwages #mcdonalds (at McDonald's at 8116 Biscayne Blvd)
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ADPVoice: How Business Owners Can Survive -- And Profit From -- The New Higher-Wage Environment
ADPVoice: How Business Owners Can Survive — And Profit From — The New Higher-Wage Environment
By Bryan Borzykowski
Earlier this year, 18 states and 20 cities saw their minimum wages rise. Maine experienced the biggest jump, a $ 1 increase to $ 10 an hour, while seven states, including New York, had hourly rates climb by 50 cents. The changes took effect in January, but many businesses are still figuring out how to survive — and even thrive — in the wake of these hikes.
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#VoteGOP #Republicans #Conservatives #Conservatism #BlueWaveLOL #RedWave #MoreJobs #LowerTaxes #HigherWages #AmericaFirst #DemsCreateHateGroups #HistoricLowUnemployment #HistoricLowBlackUnemployment #HistoricLowHispanicUnemployment #ThinkRight #NextGeneration #crmnextgeneration #CRM #ConservativeRevivalMovement #Rippon #RipponWisconsin #Milwaukee #Wisconsin #FourthDistrict #TermLimits #EstablishmentCrooks #RetireTheEstablishment #RetireCareerPoliticians #LockHerUp #TeachThemYoung
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When people say #MakeAmericaGreatAgain or #MAGA, what time in America's #hustory do you picture? The 1890's when robber barons monopolized our industries, crushed workers, exploited our land, and fostered economic injustice? Or is it the 1950's, when the corporate tax rate was around 90%? When #corporate #taxbreaks came in the forms of #higherwages, #research and #development, and #investing in the #business and not the #board. What if #educated and #informed #consumers isn't in the #businessplan of the #job #creators? If #consumers are less ignorant, they tend to be more healthy, and less likely to treat people as less or more than equals. An #informed #electorate keeps #politicians honest and #governments #transparent. So when people say #taxbreaks #create #jobs, and the #economy has recovered, ask them if a country full of #fastfood and #hotels is what the #foundingfathers had in mind, or if it was for congress to "regulate commerce"? The #constitution is not a #capitalist #manifesto. We the people, and a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, is a #socialist statement. #Society is in charge, and it is not a crime to look out for your self. #budget2018 #taxcuts #taxreform #maga @realdonaldtrump @berniesanders @whitehouse @theyoungturks @cenkuygur @thejimmydoreshow #Medicare4All #wethepeople #whatwouldjesusdo (at Mokane, Missouri)
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I noticed...
That the indentured servants lessened due to higher wages in Britain and thus, more slaves were needed to make up for the lack of servants.
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Class Struggle Heats Up in China. 1.8 Million Workers Soon to be Sacked
With the world demand for Chinese exports declining, Chinese authorities are planning to lay off almost two million workers in the coal and steel industries. This is not likely to be taken passively by the Chinese working class whose strike actions have doubled in 2015 to a total of 2,774 strikes last year. As the Chinese workers start to expect more, this will probably include a demand for higher wages. If they get those wages, goods coming to the US will no longer be dirt cheap.
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