#highheel sex
yuna542 · 1 year
Car Ride
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Pairing: Im Jang-Do × Reader|Myeong-Gils daugther
Genre: Smut, Fluff
Word Count: 5.2k
Warnings: Mentions of Alcohol & Sex, Explicit Smut, Oral (m receiving), fingering, Daddy Kink, age difference, pet names, swearing, public sex
Summary: Im Jang-Do. The strategy management director of Smile Capital and right hand of Myeong-Gil has to do his job as a personal bodyguard for the daughter of his boss once again, as she ran away and pick her up at a party. But this night something is different...
Note: Yes he‘s a villain, and yes he’s hot. So don’t blame me… Have fun with this OS and tell me if you liked it <3
"Such a pain in the ass," you muttered, though loud enough for the ex-cop behind the wheel to hear. Through the rearview mirror, you could see him raise an eyebrow, eyes fixed on the road as you sped down Soul at a hundred miles an hour.
"You know very well that your father doesn't like to see you partying wildly and indulging in pleasure..."
His deep voice literally vibrated off the walls of the black SUV. He had chosen his private car for this assignment. It was swanky, shiny, suited him.
You crossed your arms and looked out the window:
"I'm not that drunk."
He smirked and looked at your long crossed legs through the mirror, disappearing endlessly behind the seats under the black minidress.
"Oh yeah? I got you out of there just in time. You were standing on a table getting undressed."
A snort was the only response. You just wanted a night out, to clear your head and get away from all the stress your father put on you every day. He wanted you to take over Smile Capital one day, taught you all the disciplines. In addition to economics, credit business and proper behavior, there was also how to hold a gun, manipulate or intimidate people to your advantage.
You were almost an adult, still a teenager at heart. You longed for freedom, fun and passion. Jang-Do could understand that. However, you were always going overboard. When you entered a room, all eyes were on you, one or the other gasped in awe, others just stared with envy. You were intelligent, beautiful, with attentive eyes and a body that would drive any man out of his mind. He couldn't help but notice your cleavage tonight, as the dress seductively revealed a glint of your breasts. Your waist narrow, your curves soft, plush, thick. It would never occur to him to touch his boss's daughter. After all, you were so young and he had become your nanny by now. He liked to talk himself into working as a bodyguard and yet it was he who picked you up from excessive parties or criminal events. If your father knew half of what he had seen, he would be more than incensed.
Even though you'd had a long night, the car smelled like sweet honey laced with rose water since you got in, in addition to its pungent aftershave.
"It was just getting fun, you have to barge in like my babysitter and ruin everything," you opined, bobbing your foot slightly with the red highheel shimmering on your foot in the car's blue LED light.
"Better call me your bodyguard.... It's less humiliating."
You smirked and returned his gaze over the mirror for the first time that evening. Your lips gleamed from the lip gloss you'd just applied and one eyebrow lifted in amusement.
"Did you wake up because of me?" you asked, noticing his rumpled shirt, only half buttoned, and messy hair that was usually neatly styled. Others would have felt guilty, might have apologized. You just smiled, as if pleased by that fact.
"Couldn't sleep anyway," he grumbled, quickly averting his eyes as he lost track of the road for a second, caught in your eyes. That was the truth. The call from Myeong-Gil had reached him just as he was tossing and turning in bed, desperate for sleep. His boss had informed him that his only daughter, a hothead, barely tamable, much like her father, had gone off on her own. He had found your bed empty. You had once again gotten out of the window to escape the gaze of the guards Myeong-Gil had hired to keep an eye on you. But this was a job that had to be handled with discretion. Therefore, Jang-Do was given the job once again. He already suspected that you had gone to one of the three bars you preferred, and he was asked to pick you up and bring you back.
Annoyed, he slipped into his clothes, took his car keys and went to the bars. He found what he was looking for in the second one.
A bar called Pink Flamingo. He was just through the door when he spotted your long legs on the bar. All around you full of people cheering you on as you danced, drank shots and singing along loudly. The way you drew attention to yourself, enjoying it and playing with the attentiveness of the men below made him pause for a moment and watch you. Your bright laughter cut through the sweat-soaked air like a glistening light. The way you moved your hips to the beat of the music, letting your hands roam over your stomach, your sides, your breasts. He had been entranced until one of the young men who were far too normal, far too inferior to even breathe in your presence:
Directly others joined in. Both girls and boys. All charmed by you and your charisma. He couldn't help but think of the old tales of sirens and nymphs who made people run smiling to their doom with just the blink of an eye or a smile.
Until now, he thought you were a pretty but headstrong girl who hadn't seen much and knew even less. But now that you were sitting in his back seat, your eyes fixed on the colorful lights of Soul, he could see a certain wisdom in you.
Before you could pull your dress up further, he had closed his hand around your ankle and looked up at you warningly. It had taken you a while to recognize your father's right hand and strategy management director of Smile Capital through the fog caused by the alcohol.
"Get down! Now!" his voice was calm, cutting, and as deep as the ocean.
The sharp jawline, the high cheekbones, the deep black eyes radiated a masculinity that made you bite your lower lip. No one, really no one dared to speak to you like that. Because of your name, your father, or your appearance.
Most trembled at your presence, despite your age. Not Jang-Do. He'd always been untouchable to your charm. At least, that's how it seemed.
Always grim-faced, he did not respond to your attempts at flirtation, nor did he succumb to your looks.
Not even there when you smiled, sat down on the bar, and pulled his hand into your lap.
"Jang-do! Why don't you come and have a drink with me?"
Unimpressed, he stared at you while the people around you eyed you curiously. Your hand was small and soft in his big strong ones.
"We're leaving. Now!" he ordered, pulling you on from the bar. You resisted, trying to fight off his hands as he pushed you through the people.
"Stop it! If you don't let go of me, I'll have you fired!" you hissed, but he only snorted what sounded very much like a laugh.
Even if you had the power, you would never do it. Jang-Do has been a confidant for too long, and there were few of those among your kind.
Outside, in front of the club, you successfully refused to go any further, clinging to a lantern. Sighing, he massaged his temples as you stubbornly glared at him:
"You can't do this! Leave me alone already!"
He shoved his hands into his pockets and watched you cling to the lantern like a drowning woman. It almost looked cute.
"I can't and you know it. Now come on and save us both some time."
You drew your eyebrows together and pushed your lower lip forward. Pouting, you slowly disengaged your arms from the lantern, careful, as if one wrong move could set off a shot. Jang-Do raised his eyebrows in anticipation, recognizing the flash of an idea in your eyes before you could run. Squealing, he caught you and threw you over his shoulder. Cursing, you drummed on his broad shoulders as he carried you to his huge car in front of everyone who turned to look at you. His fingers were tight on your thighs and with a red face you noticed how your dress was riding up. At the car he opened the back door, lowered you and finally you got in. But not before giving him the middle finger in the face.
"Fuck you," you whispered, tugging your dress back into place.
There was actually a smile on his lips as he slammed the door behind you and climbed into the driver's seat.
After you sighed emphatically the third time, he exhaled audibly and looked in the mirror:
You looked at his hands, veins trailing over them, like a ripened leaf.
"I'm hungry."
His index finger tapped up and down on the steering wheel until he finally said:
With a satisfied smile, you nodded quickly and he caught himself smiling too as you looked out the window again, appeased.
At a fast food joint, he pulled up. The stars shone in the cloudy sky. It was a mild night, with balmy breezes swirling the dust on the streets.
You ordered a whole menu. Burgers, fries, coke with lots of ice. The alcohol and the dancing had made you hungry. He himself took a ginger beer and paid for everything.
He drove you to the Han River so the people in the parking lot couldn't keep staring at you. The girl in the Louis Vuitton dress, with the Chanel heels, and her big muscular protector in the Gucci shirt looked strangely out of place in a cheap fast food restaurant.
He parked the car under a bridge and you sat down in the open trunk overlooking the water. It was quiet, cooler than right in the city, and he watched you kick off your heels, put them behind you, and devour your menu with dangling feet.
Right now you didn't look like the daughter of an influential loan shark and brutal gangster. You looked like a pretty girl, just coming of age, happy to have a burger and full of energy. He wondered if you only showed yourself like that around him. You were always perfect in front of the others. You never flinched. Eloquent and above it all. Even in front of your father, you never seemed relaxed or like yourself.
He startled up from his thoughts, noticing that you had finished eating and were just sipping your drink.
"If you weren't here.... Where would you like to be?" you asked, looking at him with so much curiosity in your eyes that his breath caught.
Your thighs brushed his and he rolled up the sleeves of his shirt as he answered:
"You mean if I didn't have to babysit you?" he asked and you lifted your gaze from his muscular forearms.
He laughed. It was a strange sound, and yet you wanted to hear it again. You leaned against his shoulder teasingly.
"You know what I mean."
He ran his hand through his hair, looking at your silver necklace with a crescent moon on it. You'd gotten it from your mother one day. Just before she died. Since then, he had never seen you without it. It lay on your skin like liquid silver and he resisted the urge to touch the place where it touched your collarbone.
"I've heard Hawaii is beautiful," he said, and you smiled. Immediately, images of raffia skirts and hula dancers popped into your head.
"And you? If you didn't have to take over Smile Capital? What would you do?" he asked, his interest making your cheeks blush a little.
"I'd like to dance."
He frowned in wonder, feeling your body lean against his, warm and soft.
"Dancing, really?" he asked incredulously.
You felt directly silly. You had never told anyone about your hobby. Since childhood, you loved to dance. From ballet to hip-hop and standard dances, you had done it all.
"Yes. Anywhere. On stages, in the theater, or teaching it to others. It doesn't matter."
You expected him to laugh at you. Make fun of you, or even be disgusted. Instead, he looked out at the river, the way the city lights shimmered on the surface like jewelry.
"It suits you."
The smile widened and he thought he had never seen anything more beautiful. Now it made sense to him why you went out partying so often. There you could dance regardless of your surroundings, let off steam without the fear of being stopped by your father. Or of being dragged out by his right hand.
But that was his job and the life you were born into.
That's when his eyes fell on the time on his phone and he stood up. Almost in a panic, you looked up at him.
"I really should take you home now."
"Please don't!" it escaped you and he closed his eyes for a moment, building up all his resistance against your big pleading eyes.
"Why don't you just want to go back?" he asked, rummaging in his back pocket for the car keys.
"I hate it there. Always the same. I'm trapped, never free to do what I want," you said, realizing you were finally being honest for once.
"And yet I have to take you back."
You stood up and just as he had the car keys in his hand, you sped forward and got a hold of them. Quickly you ran around the car, afraid he might grab you again.
But he stopped, looked at you blankly and tilted his head slightly.
"What are you doing?"
You raised the key in the air and jingled it playfully.
"If you want them, you'll have to get past me first."
You grinned wildly and he laughed throatily again. Glancing at the ground, he kicked a rock away and looked back up at you.
"You don't want to do that."
You continued around the car, to the passenger side, wiggling your eyebrows defiantly.
"You don't know what I want!"
Actually, he hadn't gotten up to play catch with a rebellious girl, and yet he felt the need to bend you over his hood to see if you still had such a big mouth with his handprint on your ass. Slowly he walked around the car, keeping you in his eyes like a lynx on the lookout. Your heart leapt with excitement and before you could react, he chased you around the car. Squealing, you tried to escape, but he reached you at the hood at the latest, grabbed your wrist and pressed you against the cold metal.
You hid the key behind your back and withstood his penetrating eye contact. Defiantly you jutted your chin at him, even as his eyes roamed over your face, scrutinizing your lips, and you realized how close he was to you. His chest was pressed against yours, his hip against yours, and he pushed one knee between your legs to get to the key.
Only when his lips hovered right in front of yours did he seem to realize what had just happened. You thought he would back away, turn away and scowl. Instead, you felt his hot breath bounce against your lips and his hand find its way to your hip. He was older. Much older and yet the gleam in his eyes was young, his broad shoulders agile and his desire real. Your body heat made him increasingly lose his mind, and he whispered in a voice so low it made you shiver:
"What are you doing?"
Your eyes wandered up and down until you gently placed your free hand against his chest.
"What are you doing?" you repeated his question, barely more than a breath.
"I want my key!"
You slowly took out the hand with the key, but right now you could only pay attention to his firm chest, his attractive face hovering in front of yours, and his tart masculine smell.
The hood was pressed tighter and tighter against your butt and he made no effort to put distance between you. Gradually, pure fire rose in his eyes and desire slammed its claws into you.
"You can have them," you whispered, unable to speak louder.
Your hand with the key hovered next to his shoulder, but he was no longer interested. Instead, he pulled your chin closer and your lips collided. The key fell onto the hood with a click as he grabbed you by the hips, lifted you onto it, and stepped between your legs. Your hands flew into his hair, pulling at it as your lips collided hard.
It was a fireworks display of passion, lust and desire. Pure heat gripped you and you hurriedly unbuttoned his shirt, touching his abs, sighing into his mouth as he cupped your breasts, kneading them until you felt dizzy. Your legs were wrapped around his hips, pulling him closer
Desperately, he bit your lower lip until you opened your mouth a little. He let his tongue slip in and played with yours. His dominance made you melt like butter in his hands. His lips found their way down your neck, sucking on the crook of your neck as he pushed the straps of your dress off your shoulders.
"Shit... Jang-Do," you gasped, overwhelmed by the sudden excitement that gathered red-hot between your legs.
Your father would kill you both with his own hands. Jang-Do slowly and agonizingly, that was clear to him, and yet the idea that he was taking something that belonged to his boss fired him.
He pushed your dress down until your breasts sprang free and watched you for a moment. The cold air on your heated skin made you shiver. At your hips, the dress had ridden up so far that you sat with your bare ass on the cool hood. A red thong soaked between your legs.
"Such pretty tits... A shame I'm only seeing them now," he purred, and you gasped softly as he twirled your nipples between his fingers. Then he clasped a sensitive bud and sucked on it until you fell backward, clinging to his neck to stay even halfway upright.
He worked the soft flesh of your breasts with his mouth and kneaded the other breast until you felt dizzy and impatiently pressed your middle against his crotch.
"Jang-Do please!" you sighed, clawing into his chest. You could feel how hard he was. Even through the fabric of his pants.
"Please what? Use your words baby girl," he murmured in your ear, pulling lightly on your hair to press his mouth against your throat.
"Please fuck me. Please!"
You would have been embarrassed by the pleading otherwise, but right now, with him touching you in a way that made your body melt before him, you didn't care.
"Who would have thought? The little princess is a little whore...begging to be fucked by me," he murmured, stroking his fingers through your wet folds. Pressing his thumb on your clit, he murmured:
"Don't you think you should start by apologizing for making me work overtime tonight because of you?"
His eyes gleamed like those of a predator on the prowl. His jaw twitched and you would have done anything at that moment. He enjoyed the fact that the tough, untouchable girl looked pleadingly small with her big eyes, almost tearing up under his touch.
Quickly you nodded, gasping as he put more pressure directly on your clit and that's when he slid his index and middle fingers into your mouth. Greedily you sucked on it, circling it with your tongue as you would suck his dick and he grumbled:
"Fuck... You're way too sexy for your age."
Satisfied, you took his fingers all the way down your throat and bobbed your head until his pants were so tight it hurt.
"On your knees, princess!" he commanded, just as he commanded his employees, but with a hint of softness in his voice that immediately made you sink to the ground.
The sight made him tense as you knelt on your knees before him, tits out, lips plush and red, eyes sparkling with arousal.
He opened his pants, pushed them down along with his boxers, and sighed in relief when his hard dick finally sprung free.
You got wide-eyed, trembling at the size and doubting you could take it.
He took it in his hand, stroked himself a few times before saying with a slight grin:
"Suck my dick and maybe I'll consider fucking you senseless."
You put a hand around his base and first licked the bit of precum off his tip before licking the length of his massive dick once. He watched stunned as you wrapped your lips around his tip and began to move your head evenly. Each time you took him deeper until you were quietly gagging. The warmth and wetness of your mouth made him gasp and he buried one hand in your hair. The other landed on the hood with a loud clap as he guided your head to thrust deep into your throat. You couldn't breathe, his length teasing the back of your throat. Tears welled up in your eyes as his speed increased and he thrust ruthlessly into your mouth. The little sinful noises you made, the choking, the whimpering only turned him on more until he fucked your mouth roughly, hand tugging your hair and he gasped deeply breathless.
"So good for me... Taking my cock like a slut. Fuck," he murmured, and you pressed your thighs together to soothe the moist heat a bit.
Your throat ached, as did your knees from the gravel floor, and yet there was this insatiable arousal. His curses became throatier and heavier as he was about to cum. He thrust deep into your throat a few more times until your nose bumped against the soft fuzz on his lower belly and you gagged with narrowed eyes.
Then he came and his hot cum shot into your mouth, leaving you gasping and struggling for breath as you swallowed it all.
He pulled his still rock hard dick out of your mouth with a plop and the corners of his mouth twitched as saliva and his cum made your lips glisten.
With his thumb he brushed away a few remnants and hummed animatedly as you licked them from his finger.
He offered you a hand and helped you back to your feet, where he gently brushed the sweaty hair from your forehead and removed the smeared makeup from under your eyes with his hands. The sudden caring was a strange contrast after he had just abused your face so violently.
But the heat between your legs was by now so unbearable that you whimpered softly.
He noticed how you rubbed your legs together, smiled knowingly and kissed your lips lovingly.
"For sucking my cock that well, you should be rewarded..."
Happily, you pressed against him and nodded.
"Do you want to be rewarded, baby girl?" he asked, running his thumb over your nipple.
"Yes, Daddy."
The words came over your lips without you knowing how he would react. Surprised, he raised his eyebrows and with satisfaction you felt his dick twitching uneasily against your belly. He liked the nickname.
"Don't worry, Daddy will take care of your pretty little pussy," he growled and everything inside you cried out in anticipation.
That's when he spun you around, pressing you fast and hard onto the hood so that your hands banged loudly on it. Until your butt was raised and he pushed your legs apart with one foot so he had a better view of the wet spot between them.
"You think you can take my big cock? Have you ever had one this big?" he asked, hungry and full of desire as he pulled your panties down until he finally had a view of your shiny hole. Rattling your breath, you propped yourself up on the car and shook your head.
"Never. Never been fucked by such a big cock."
He nodded slowly, stroking his fingers through your folds, gathering your wetness until you gasped desperately. Then, without warning, he pushed two fingers into you from behind, began pumping them inside you, curling them so they hit your sweet spot each time. Gasping, you tried to see straight, but his long fingers were too good, too deep, for you to even think clearly.
"Fuck you're tight. I think I might be gonna break you..." he murmured, but sounded like he was looking forward to it.
You couldn't take it any longer, reaching your hips out for him to finally fill you up. You needed his dick as the air to breathe, which is why you breathlessly said:
"Please break me, Daddy! Ruin me! Have it your way."
He laughed softly, pumping his fingers inside you a few more times until you rolled your eyes with a moan. Then he put his tip to your entrance, teasing you by running it through your lips, and murmured:
"If that's what the princess wants, I can hardly refuse her wish."
Your head went blank as he sunk into you. Your body cracked in half and your eyes rolled to the back of your head as he stretched you, painfully widening your walls while groaning loudly.
Your knees went weak, but he held you so tightly at the waist that you couldn't fall.
As he slowly pulled out again, and slammed into you again tears welled up in your eyes, and from your throat only ticked off sounds escaped you.
"You're crushing me.... Fuck..." he gasped, throbbing deep inside you.
"So... so big..." you moaned, and as he began thrusting fast inside you, the curses and words became an incomprehensible high-pitched mixture of sounds. Soon the pain mixed with pleasure and the night air was filled with the slap of his hips against your ass and the wet sound of your aching cunt coupled with your naughty noises and his muffled moans. Your cunt swallowed his length deeper and he never wanted to sink into another pussy again. Yours was made for him. Your body arched under him, your breasts pressed tightly against the hood of his car and his fingers so tight on your hips that imprints would be left by his hands. He thrust into you faster, harder, enjoying how your walls welcomed him and you crumbled beneath him.
Curses escaped him as you moaned his name like a mantra between the pornographic noises.
The coil in your belly ruptured with a loud pop and a wave of white pleasure swept you along. Your orgasm rolled over you like a tsunami wave, leaving you world fading and your body trembling.
Jang-Do cursed between clenched teeth as you nearly crushed him and after a few deep thrusts that made you see stars he came inside you too.
He extended his climax by thrusting sloppy into your sore pussy a few more times and then pulled his dick out of you. Strings of his white hot load pulled out of your cunt as it ran down your thigh and you remained motionless on the hood. Fucked out and cockdrunk. Your thoughts only returned in shreds. Control of your body only much later. You heard him zipping your pants and looking at his handiwork.
"So pretty... Filled up with my cum," he murmured, catching what leaked out of you with his fingers to push it back into your hole.
You moaned and your fingernails clawed into the hood as he finger fucked his cum back into your cunt.
"We don't want to waste anything," he murmured, then helped you put on your panties and dress.
You still couldn't say anything, your head was buzzing too much and your body was completely wrecked. He helped you into the car. This time into the passenger seat and only when he sat next to you, slipping the key into the ignition, did you look at him. Your makeup was ruined, as was your hair, but Jang-Do could never look away. He had never seen anything more beautiful than your swollen lips, your tear stained cheeks, and the feathery expression from the orgasm that reverberated across your face.
"My dad will kill you if he finds out."
Your voice still sounded brittle, your throat felt sore.
He let the engine rev and pulled back onto the road.
"Then I hope he won't find out. But that's your decision."
His gaze was on the road, his handsome mouth contorted contentedly into a smirk. He placed his fate in your hands, just as you had revealed your soul and body to him. In doing so, he proved that he did not take it lightly. It had meaning. And he would pay with his life if it depended on it.
You nodded slowly and leaned back in your seat. The streets were empty so late and your eyelids grew heavy.
The silence was comfortable and you reached for his hand that lay loosely between you. Surprised, he gave you a quick glance as you placed it on your thigh, but then he closed his fingers around your soft flesh.
He accompanied you to your front door and gave you a curt nod before turning to leave, but you held him back by the arm. Questioning, he turned back to you and saw you smiling warmly.
With your hands firmly on his chest, you kissed him. It was more the promise of a kiss. Your soft lips feather light on his, barely a second before you pulled back and opened the door. Before you could disappear inside, your eyes met and your cheeks grew hot again.
"See you tomorrow," he said goodbye, memorizing every detail once more before the door would slam shut.
The line of your shoulders, the shape of your cupids bows, the shape of your legs under the hem of your dress.
Tomorrow you would meet again and today would never have happened. This was important to both of your survival and yet it didn't feel final.
"See you tomorrow," you murmured. Your voice sweet as caramel. He nodded curtly, turned, and before he could walk the long stone path to the mansion's exit, you stopped him once more:
He turned to you again, as he had so many times before.
You leaned your temple against the door and said:
"Turn your cell phone on loud tomorrow night. You might have to work overtime again."
The corners of his mouth lifted slowly and he walked backward a few steps, a knowing gleam in his eye. Respectfully, he tilted his head and you thought you could really get used to the sincere smile.
You waited until he was out of sight and the engine of his car died away somewhere in the distance. Then you pulled the door shut, freezing as you felt the cool tiles beneath the soles of your feet.
A giggle escaped you in the darkness of the hallway as you realized you had left your shoes in Jang-Do's trunk.
© Sky-yuna — 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝.
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hunting-songs · 6 months
To whoms Muse is Senritsu the most attracted to?
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Sexual Sunday: Ask my muse questions about their relationships or sex lives! Senritsu is ridiculously physically attracted to @muddsludge s Hisoka. She is in general attracted to muscular, big men (same with women) , but above anything else Senritsu is a artist and she loves watching a preformance. Especially preformances going after gender stereotypes and norms, and Hisoka, who might be physically a very big, muscular man is just so amazingly playing with gender stereotypes (Highheels, feminine poses, and the usage of softer, feminine pronouns in japanese) that he is a beautiful spectacle in her eyes. So she is just happily and in utter awe enjoying the beauty of the show in that manner. In the same manner,everything else about Hisoka- his personality indulging restrainless in his passions that are hitting a little too close to home for Senritsu, his lack of care for anyone but himself and his obvious disregard for life in general; are the most disgusting for Senritsu to witness. However, including the former points- for someone whos job-description includes "I will yeet myself faceforward into the sun if that means getting even an inch nearer to what I am hunting for" Senritsu also has a suprisingly well working survival-instinct (suprisingly well-working for a Hunter, that is. Which is still not very much.) , so while she finds Hisoka very beautiful to the eyes anything else about him is the equivalent of a icewater-shower. Which might explains why she interacts with him on armslenght.
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 2 years
310 of 2022
► Aesthetic Dark colors. Bright colors. Neon colors. soft colors. blood. forests. space. mansions. ghosts. asylums. wastelands. fire. injuries. hands. bare feet. dolls. fog. storms. galaxies. snow. dawn. midnight. cold. animals. sharp teeth. Neck. shoulders. bruises. Freckles. legs. feminine. masculine. burns. weapons. colorful hair. witchcraft. Lips. webs. fields. corn fields. tears. sweat. glitter. flowers. plants. magic. fear. pain. murder. guns. blood in the snow. scars. missing posters. old paintings. strange eyes. explosions. creatures. weapons. Lingerie. kissing. playfulness. metal. diamonds. rust. iron. stealth. running away. steel. glass. wood. porcelain. paper. fur. lace. leather. synthetics. robots. monsters. childhood fears. cigarettes. alcohol. cameras. video cameras. Polaroid cameras. storms. angels. phones. computers. war. peace. decay. sadness. red lipstick. powder puffs. abandoned cars. skeletons. strangling. overcoats. puppets. torture. syringes. old cottages. loyalty. hospitals. teeth. scary basements. butterflies. prosthetic limbs. cats. dogs. dreams.
► Appearance Thick ass. bubble butt. flat ass. toned ass. Thick waist. narrow hips. average hips. wide hips. curvy frame. muscular frame. chubby frame. petite frame. lanky frame. voluptuous frame. lean frame. skinny. long legs. stumpy. average legs. thick thighs. muscular thighs. toned thighs. slender thighs. beer belly. toned stomach. flat stomach. feminine frame. masculine. frame. six pack. Big boobs. small boobs. no boobs. harsh facial features. baby face. soft features. freckles. scars. moles. dimples. braces. tattoos. piercings. pigtails. messy hair. pixie-cut. bald. long hair. shaved. ponytail. clipped back fringe. shoulder length. bob cut. old-fashioned hairstyle. dreadlocks. Bun. braids. shaved side. mohawk.  buzz cut. Afro. Asymmetric. crown braid. wavy short. cotton buns. Fade. Comb over. Side part. Other.
► Wardrobe Tight pants. Jeans. Shorts. Short-Shorts. Jean shorts. Pajama pants. Dungarees. Skirt-Dungarees. Leggings. tights. Yoga pants. Basketball shorts. Lingerie. Boxers. Briefs. thongs. knee-high socks. socks. Pencil skirt. Long skirt. Mini Skirt. Tutu. Corset. sports bra. T-shirt. Sweater. vest Sweater. tight shirts. leather jacket. lace bra.Tanktop. Blouse. Cardigan. Button-up shirt. V Neck. Crop top. Flannels. Hoodies. Polo shirt. RacerBack shirts. Boob tube. Sun dress. 1-shoulder Dress. Strapless. Jumper Dress. Apron Dress. Shirt Dress. Ball gown. Nightgown. Highheels. Ballet shoes. Jelly shoes. Sandals. Rain boots. sneakers. Stripper heels. Flats. Knee-high boots. Cowboy boots. timberland boots. Dr.martens. Slip-ons. Slippers. Motorcycle boots. Chukkas. Loafers. Dress boots. lots of layers. beanies. top hat. sunhat. cap.
►  have you ever… Broken something. Had a Near Death experience. Killed someone (and succeeded). Killed someone (and Failed). self-harmed. attempted suicide. had surgery. kissed the same sex. had sex. had sex and regretted it. lost a loved one. had a pet. Gotten arrested. gotten married. Divorced. cheated. gotten shot. been stabbed. witnessed death. Taken Drugs. gotten Drunk. Played with an ouija board. been in a car accident. Gotten stitches. Invented something. Had a Kid. Had something slipped into their food / drink. Been kidnapped. Been Sexually Assaulted. Been Bullied. Bullied someone. Had a stalker. Been betrayed. Been a Traitor. been abused. Gotten away with crime.
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