#highly recommend checking them out for those who haven't already
silverlizard012 · 1 year
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Incredibly late to the party but art block be damned I finally finished some vice/virtue fanart!
Envy Max and Sam belong to @pikaflute
Lust Max belongs to @lizardtheartist
Charity Sam belongs to @gaycrittercentral
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withered-blossoms · 10 months
(Withered-Blossoms) SAGAU Scheming Creator! Reader Imposter AU Part 5
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A/N: First and foremost, this AU is by @sena-shi
I do not own this series, nor the idea.
Secondly, I absolutely love this series, it is amazingly written and I would highly recommend checking it out to those who haven't. Third, after reading part 4, I suddenly had a tiny bit of inspiration and I wanted to try writing my version of part 5 of it (this will not affect the original author in writing part 5 of the series, worry not).
Edit: The original author has given me her consent to write my version of this series, admittedly I should have dm'ed her beforehand, and I will never make this mistake again.
Also this is not proofread, so apologies for some typos/spelling mistakes. The word count is 3878 words or so Google Docs says.
Anyways, enjoy :DDDD
꧁༺Main Page | Angst Masterlist | Fluff Masterlist༻꧂
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If every year of not being graced with your divine presence acts as a tiny blade that cuts a fibre of the impossibly thin thread known as Zhongli's sanity, then seeing you allowing these.....unworthy, mortal commoners to bask in the holy light you radiate would be the pair of scissors that snips the thread in half.
How dare they, when those foolish mortals are unable and consequently have not worshipped you for thousands of years, flit around you like the pesky flies they were? How dare they, not having devoted their entire being, their entire life, their existence's purpose to you, drink up your attention so hungrily? How dare they take the place that belonged, rightfully so, to him and only him when what they have done for you are nothing but specks of dust compared to the glorious acts he carried out in your name?
So why were you choosing to stay with them? When they have done nothing worthy of your grace? Why were you looking at him with a gaze that carried the heavy disappointment and disapproval that you never voiced? Zhongli does not understand, and neither do the adepti now standing beside him in a neat, uniform line, waiting for their archon's commands.
You find it amusing though. One would think that for someone who has lived for so long like Zhongli, he would be an expert at hiding his emotions and maintaining that mask of cool, indifferent politeness that he took pride in. And yet look at him now, losing that ability and reverting back to a child who knows not about keeping emotions from twisting their features into an ugly snarl.
Ganyu, on the other hand, looked pale and regretful. Under normal circumstances, should such a look appear on a face as pretty as Ganyu's, anyone else would have gone soft and thrown in the towel. But yet that sight filled your heart with this twisted sort of satisfaction. The desire for them to beg and grovel at your feet for forgiveness was thinly veiled behind a mask of betrayal and shock, and you were starting to find it hard not to let your eyes crinkle from the smirk threatening to curve your lips.
Not now, you reminded yourself, it's not the time for your facade to shatter.
And Xiao, your sweet, sweet child, who also happens to be the one responsible for the wound scabbed over on your leg. He, who was so persistent on making sure you were unable to escape, could not even look at your eyes now, amber orbs choosing to lock onto their targets instead. He couldn't bring himself to check your form, not when the chance of your bloody bandages catching his attention was so great.
After all, Rex Lapis needs his finely-honed weapon to carry out his commands now, and he couldn't break down in front of his divine creator. He's already shown such a horrifying part of him to you, one that slaughtered and knew nothing else, he would really go insane if you started fearing his more unsightly sides.
You would have applauded Morax and his little clique for the entertaining display of emotions had the boat not started to rock even more. It truly was a shame that they did not take up Sichuan Opera face-changing; they would have done so well even without the masks.
Meanwhile, Beidou was busy commanding the crew and making preparations for a possible tsunami, and Kazuha was ready to scoop you into his arms and bring you under deck. You, however, were not willing to miss this act, and thus stopped him by placing a hand over his. Temporarily ignoring how he froze up and blushed, you turned to the defenders of Liyue.
You could tell that the only reason why Zhongli kept up the intensity of the earthquake was because Xiao or the Cloud Retainer would immediately pluck you out of the ship before it was swallowed by the massive waves, but would you really just let yourself be taken to Liyue like this? Before even seeing the famed Inazuma? Of course not, after all you still had to see how Raiden Shogun, the one you personally raised alongside Zhongli, would react after seeing your face.
Choosing to let the winds carry your seemingly heartbroken words to their ears, you muttered, "Are you.....here to capture me? Is Liyue really unable to tolerate my existence?" And oh how much delight their flinches brought, especially the one coming from the ever-composed Geo Archon. Upon hearing your words, the group dropped to their knees, the seabed stilling as apologies and pleads spilled from their lips.
Beidou and her crew on the other hand though, you really got to give it to them. As if sensing your intentions to leave quickly, they took the chance to sail away as quickly as possible, with the winds guiding the ship. And of course, you were not going to let their efforts go to waste, choosing to keep the crazed adepti at bay with your sorrowful words.
"I've already given you my word to stay out of your sight, Morax. I apologise for breaking my promise to you, and if Liyue wishes so, I will disappear here and now. However, if you are still willing to listen to me, then I wish not for any harm to befall on these kind souls." You sighed, motioning to the Alcor's crew.
You weren't dumb; you could practically see the sparks forming from their clashing gazes. Beidou and Kazuha's were filled with hatred— disdain, even— and the adepti's a beautiful mix of hesitation and jealousy. What a wonderful sight it was, seeing the high and mighty adepti almost grovelling at your feet, and watching them struggle internally between their twisted desires and your commands.
The quirk of your lips was getting harder and harder to hide even behind your veil, and you had to turn your head before you burst out laughing at their foolish attempt at redemption.
But even the turn of your head was planned, not that they needed to know anyways. You know their rotten brains will just automatically decipher this action as a small try to hide your disappointment. Adding the facts that Zhongli had made you cry and Xiao had wounded you personally into the equation, the tides would no doubt turn to your favour.
Seeing how Zhongli's grip on his weapon tightened then loosened, you knew you had won the bet. He could only keep his head down low and motion for the adepti to retreat while stilling the earth, though his burning gaze stayed on your form until The Alcor all but disappeared into the horizon. He simply couldn't risk you leaving Teyvat for good, not when he finally had you in his grasp, and so he will wait patiently for the right time, just as he had for the past thousands of years.
"It is time for our divine grace to take back their throne." He muttered, the adepti bowing when they realised what his words entailed. He knew they would not run their mouth in front of the others; this was a matter only for the adepti to know. Not long after, Zhongli was left alone, the others returning to their posts and duties. He watched as the Alcor gradually disappeared from his sights, vowing that he would bring you back no matter what.
And with that grand finale, you finally left Liyue.
The journey to Inazuma was relatively pleasant, save for the terrifying thunderstorms at the lower-half of the trip. But eventually the ship docked, and you saw that familiar teleport waypoint where you once met the capable and friendly housekeeper named Thoma, except that he was nowhere to be seen this time. Oh well, it does not matter, he is probably at the Kamisato estate, waiting for his Lord's commands as usual. What was more important was playing your part as the kind and benevolent creator, and so you turned to the crew and smiled sweetly, thanking them for getting you to Inazuma safely with as much sincerity as you could muster to make it more convincing.
Travelling along the streets, without a friendly local guide this time, you could not help but subtly glance around. From the game, you always knew how the locals here treated foreigners, but experiencing it yourself turned that knowledge into the understatement of the year. It wasn't just overcharging you to a ridiculous degree; there were also the stares that never seemed to leave your figure and the whispers that revolved around you as if you were the eye of a tornado.
But it matters not. As long as they don't stop you from "vacationing" in this gorgeous nation, then you won't pay any mind to their actions.
However, this time the plot happened faster. You had no idea just how The Shogun managed to grasp the news of a fake creator being present when she was so....closed-off from the world, but clearly she had some amazing news sources. The streets were filled with even more patrolling officers than you recalled, and even the people on the streets had taken to scattering when the Doushin came around.
Well, this was clearly not a good time to be a foreigner huh? Because a Doushin was already heading your way, and in a condescending tone had asked for your identity, or any documents related to it. You did not have any, though this time even Kazuha could not save you with his smooth-talking, which in fact seemed to annoy the officer more.
Instead, the officer reached out to remove your veil, but Kazuha wasn't going to let him. Half because he knew you were going to get taken away, and the other half was due to the slight possessivenes swirling in his chest. Why should he have to let other people be graced by your beauty and light?
Although shielding you from the guard did seem to wear his patience thinner than the thread that made up Zhongli's sanity.
Sensing Kazuha's worry when the officer roughly grabbed your arm to take you away, you slyly patted the back of his hand and shook your head, putting on a comforting smile and whispering for him to go back to the Crux.
Despite his initial hesitation, you knew he'd listen to you anyways. After all, he couldn't fight the Doushin here and risk getting his kind, caring and benevolent creator injured or even exposed here could he?
Hence he retreated, hungrily drinking up your sweet smile as you were dragged away. He feared that this might be the last time he'll ever see of you and so he did his best to engrave the soft and beautiful curve of your lips into his memory as he went back to find Beidou.
You, on the other hand, weren't too worried. After making sure you had fooled Kazuha with a convincing smile, you opted to follow the guard instead. He was essentially your one-way ticket to the Raiden, so why not? Even though you would have to be thrown into a prison cell, you supposed that it wouldn't be the worst thing on Earth.
In the end, you will be the one seeing their arrogance and triumph morph into an amusing combination of regret and desperation anyways, and you certainly weren't in a rush to speed up the process.
".....Is this the order of The Shogun?" You asked, knowing that he most likely weren't going to give you an answer, but you still have to keep up the role, which was as fake as they had deemed your identity to be. So, you let out a seemingly self-mocking chuckle.
"First Mondstadt, then Liyue, and now Inazuma. It would seem that I am truly not wanted by my children. But at least they look happy and content. After all, even baby birds leave their nests one day...."
Muttering to yourself, you didn't miss the slight flinch from the officer, though it only earned you his panic, hidden behind a harsh shove into your cell once he's done reporting to his higher-ups.
"Do not act like you're the real creator, Their Grace may be forgiving and benevolent, but we certainly will not be merciful."
He snorted and walked off. Good lord, you have never seen anyone as arrogant as that. And of course you weren't complaining, it just makes their begging afterwards more.....satisfying, wouldn't you agree?
That doesn't make your time in the cell any more pleasant though, seeing how they saved the worst one for you.
You didn't have to wait long though, since it only took an hour or two before Kujou Sara was standing before you, peering down at your curled up form as if you were the most repulsive being she's ever laid her eyes on.
Instead, she settled for ordering the guards to free you from confinement and had them escort you while she lead the way to the Shogun's residence. Sara spoke not a word to you as usual, and you busied yourself with looking around subtly while keeping your head low to mask your lack of fear. The scenery was more beautiful than what you had seen in game; the colours were more vivid, and even the lavender melon that hadn't looked appetising were practically tempting you to take a bite out of their orchid bodies. Unfortunately, you didn't get to take in the beautiful view a little longer, for they had already brought you into the Tenshukaku.
It would seem that Raiden is eager to meet you, seeing how swiftly her subordinates dragged you to the Tenshukaku. Upon entering the room, your eyes landed on the puppet sitting serenly on her throne, eyes closed and meditating. Hah, what a nice facade to disguise the anger practically radiating off of her.
You weren't scared though. After all, even dogs don't bite the hand that feeds them, and you could easily take back everything you've ever graced them with.
Thus, 'long time no see, my strongest battery.' was your first thought, though you could not let that spill past your lips. Hence, you let out a small but sweet smile and mumbled in the sweetest voice you could let flow from your vocal chords.
"How have you been, Ei?"
The archon in question slowly opened her eyes, elegant and refined as always. Although, from the fury burning in her purple irises alone, you could already tell that she wanted your existence to cease, and that if it weren't for the fact that the creator had asked to bring you back alive, you feared she may have slashed you with her elemental burst right here and now.
You could sense how the Doushin and Sara froze upon hearing you address their archon by her real name. However, before Sara could reprimand you, a look from Raiden sent them bowing and leaving the room. And now, it was just you and her.
You were just wondering why she demanded to meet you alone when a thought popped up in your brain — could it be that because she couldn't execute you personally without the other archons present, she wishes to hurt you in a non-lethal way instead? Seeing the confirmation in the lilac eyes you once found beautiful, you almost let out a snort. My my, who knew that the almighty Raiden Ei was actually such a sadist?
You refused to let her hurt you though. How dare they hurt the actual divine being who had given them life and created this beautiful world for them to live in for a mere phony? How dare they give you scars just because they were too ignorant to see who's the real deal?
With that in mind, you raised your eyes to meet hers, yours ever so subtly showing the galaxies they hold, and hers slowly filling with slight confusion when she noticed the depth of your orbs. It did not hinder her from holding her precious sword to your neck though, so you cut her off before she could speak.
"You mentioned that when we meet, you wished for us to enjoy some tricolour dango together along with the finest tea you have. It is such a shame that we had to meet like this." You smiled, keeping your gaze and voice level as you took in every change in her expression from suspect, to shock, to disbelief and finally distrust.
"....I do not know how you dug up that information. It matters not, for that only applies to their Grace. You are but an imposter who is undeserving and yet seeks to take over the throne, and I shall not be deceived so easily. Since their Grace is too kind to the likes of you, I will take it upon myself as their loyal devotee to punish you for your atrocious attempt."
Before she could lift her blade, you grabbed it with a hand. You thanked the high heavens that it was as sharp as you hoped it to be, since you did not have to dig the blade too deeply into your skin for your blood to show. You weren't willing to leave scars because of their foolishness after all, and God knows that those maniacs would be more delighted knowing that they had marked you in some way, albeit under less ideal circumstances.
The two of you watched as the ichor slid down your arm before one, two, three drops of it splattered onto the pristine white clothing you had. It shimmered an ethereal gold before being absorbed, and Raiden had finally gone still for once. You could almost hear the non-existent gears turning in the puppet's head, where a brain was supposed to be, and before you could react, she had gently removed your injured hand from her blade and tossed the sword aside.
Kneeling before you, she fretted over your injury while keeping her head low as Zhongli and the adepti had, desperately trying to heal you. Frantic apologies flowed from her lips like a river, and she panicked slightly more when she noticed that you were still bleeding. She was selfish, not wanting others to know about your existence, but your well-being and health eventually won the mental debate taking place in the puppet's head.
"Your grace, I did not realise it was you. My sincerest apologies for being ignorant, and I am aware of how unworthy I am to touch you but I beg of you, do let me heal your injuries before you decide to take your anger out on me." Having said that, she called for Sara to bring a medical kit, and the lady swiftly came in worth one in her hand. She showed neither shock nor regret as she helped the Shogun patch up your hand, though you supposed that it was only normal considering the number of years she's had in learning how to keep her emotions from showing on her face.
Huh, even a short-lived mortal is more capable than long-lived archons in this aspect.
You were tempted to stay and see how Ei and Inazuma would react and repent for their sins, yet the beginnings of an earthquake warned you to leave quickly. Your time in the Tenshukaku was almost up, so you quickly grabbed a brush and paper and left a note for a certain angy dragon. Or maybe it was an angy Teyvat, you didn't know. Just in case it was the former though, you could only hope that a note would prevent the people of this gorgeous nation from being decimated.
'Morax, I wish not for the citizens of Inazuma to face your wrath. With that, I hope you spare them from death and suffering alike.'
The note was short and sweet, as you had liked. There was nothing else to say to him anyways, so you rolled up the paper and turned to Ei, placing it into her hands.
"If you wish for your people and nation to live on, pass this to Morax if he arrives. Do not fight, your people should take priority. I'm terribly sorry for ruining your eternity, but it seems that you are favoured by luck itself, for my time is up." You lifted the corners of your lips into a gentle curve as you patted her hand.
You really were too kind, so benevolent and so bright that Ei could not believe her eyes nor ears. Her people watched and talked about you behind your back, dragged and tossed you into the filthiest cell they had, and she herself had injured you personally. She wanted to make it up to you, to proceed and lavish you in the best luxuries Inazuma, no, Teyvat could provide. She did not want you to be absent from her side, so why was it that even though you were in her hold now, it seemed like you would disappear any second?
What did she have to do to make you stay? Did you want her heart? Her head? Or should she injure her hand the way she had injured you? Tell her, what did you want from the Raiden Shogun? She would give you everything and anything, from her eternity to the stars in the sky. So why? Why did you still want to leave? Why not stay with her for eternity?
Seeing the crazed looks in those purple orbs, you removed yourself from her tightening grasp and avoided her attempts to hold onto you to ensure your stay. You still had to visit either Sumeru or Watatsumi Island anyways, and being held in captivity was not a price you were willing to pay. You knew that she could and would easily pull you into her consciousness, and you sincerely did not want to live your life there.
Reminding yourself that, your eyelids fluttered shut and you let the wisps of power engulfing you take you away, finding yourself in front of the Alcor again. Technically speaking, you also did owe the crew an explanation for your sudden disappearance and some reassurance, the sudden hug from Kazuha only proving you right. Even though you weren't close to him or Beidou, you still felt a little guilty when you realised that he was shaking.
To make it up to him, you patted his back and offered Beidou to join in on the hug, which she appeared to accept begrudgingly but you knew better, especially from the way her shoulders sagged in relief. Once they had both calmed their nerves, you ushered them back to work. Despite them questioning your next destination, you knew it would be impractical for them to sail to the other nations with you, and teleport waypoints were a godsend. You told the two that, and as disappointed as they were to not be able to accompany you, they still respected your wishes unlike a certain duo, possibly trio, which you greatly appreciated.
Hence,for the first time since arriving in Teyvat, you gave your first genuine smile, making Kazuha swoon internally and Beidou turn away in order to hide her burning cheeks. You were very well aware that the archons could possibly see this, though you weren't worried. In spite of the lightning flashing in the background and the rumble of the earth, you knew that they wish not to end up in your bad books just for a few mortals. Having confirmed the safety of the people who had helped you, you could finally retreat to your room on the ship and decide your next destination.
Now, where should you grace with your presence next?
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Plastic Off The Sofa
Summary: Rest when one is injured it is important to take as to not strain an injury any further. It is equally important to take care of those who have been injured and check in on them to make sure they are okay.
Words: 2,982
AN: This fic is inspired by the song of the same name. I highly recommend you go give it a listen if you. haven't heard it yet. It's a song that discusses a deep love where you are willing to put everything on the table and accept each other's flaws. It very much fits how I see these two
It was rare that Y/N took a sick day. Most times when she did it would land on days she was to work on the surface, which made today a double rare. She was sitting on the sofa in her apartment taking a sick day forcing herself to listen to her own advice and rest. She wasn't ill. Not even seasonal allergies were causing a sniffle. Y/N had spent the day before teaching her younger cousins different dancing techniques. It was a fairly normal occurrence for her. But with an unlucky fall and the pain she felt from her ankle, there was no way she'd be able to easily move in the Fortress. Hell, there wouldn't even be an easy way of getting to the Fortress.
So all she could do was sit on her sofa and rest her ankle. At least she had books she could focus on getting caught up on. Most of the day had been spent resting much to her annoyance. Despite getting rest, she felt restless like she needed to move around already. At least by tomorrow morning, she should be able to walk with little interference from her ankle.
Her mother had dropped by around noon to check on her with lunch in tow. Along with the get-well cards her younger cousins had made so fast. It was quite sweet of everyone. It's not like it was a major injury. She had gone through small ones like this every three or four years. There really was no big fuss to be made over it. Yet, the fuss they were making was still touching. Bringing comfort knowing that if it had been worse her family would be there for her.
So she sat there on her sofa too engrossed in her book to notice that it wasn't her mother knocking at her door. “You know where the key is!” She yelled out. It's something her mother never had taken the wrong way. If anything it was something they had become used to yelling at each other every now and then. It was a simple way of just letting the other know that they couldn’t make it to the door quickly.
She flipped a page in her book as her front door opened. Her back was to the door. “I told you I would be fine to make something small for dinner. You do understand I can still take care of myself, mama.” 
“Last I checked I wasn't your mother,” Wriothesley spoke before closing the door to her home.
Y/N's eyes widened as she quickly closed her book placing it on the coffee table before rushing to tighten the robe she had over the short nightgown. “What are you doing here?” She felt severely undressed for company with the cool touch of the silks feeling like flames against her skin now.
“I had some papers I had to drop off for Neuvillette and I figured I could at least come by and check on you.” It was hard not to let his eyes drink in the sight of his girlfriend. She looked relaxed with how dressed down she was. If anything it made him feel a bit overdressed for his visit.
She kept her eyes away from him, avoiding turning around to face him. Her face felt so warm. “I appreciate the visit. I just had a bad fall yesterday. I've just been following the advice I'd give to anyone else today.”
“It's good to know you're okay.” He let out a small laugh watching her struggle to use the dainty robe to cover up more. He took his jacket off and moved closer to the sofa. He placed the jacket on the front of her which she had been trying to cover up. “Better?”
“Thank you. To be fair I didn't expect any company other than my mother. If I knew you were going to stop by I would have gotten dressed. This just feels a bit inappropriate.” She pulled the jacket close using it as a way to hide that she remained in her pajamas all day long.
“You're overthinking again.”
“No, I'm not overthinking. I should go get dressed.” She reasoned as a quick way to fix her predicament.
“Yes, you are. You were in nothing but one of my shirts last week lying in my bed. I think we've crossed that line a long time ago to call what you're wearing inappropriate.” If it had been a year ago before they had gotten together, he would have given her privacy to go change. He probably wouldn't have even shown up at her doorstep. Wriothesley thought the shyness of seeing each other's bodies had already left that first night they had been together in his bed.
“But silks just feel more exposing than one of your shirts. Doesn’t help that I wasn't expecting to see you today.” The last sentence she spoke came out a bit more mumbled than the first.
Wriothesley laughed before leaning down to kiss her forehead. “Let’s agree to disagree on this one.” He tried lightening her mood. “Am I at least allowed to sit next to you while you tell me what happened to your ankle? Or are you just gonna sit here being a shy mess?” 
She frowned at his teasing. It sucked not being able to think of a good comeback. With her luck, she would probably be able to think of one long after the time had passed. “I guess you can sit next to me. And are you sure you want to know what happened to my ankle? It’s not that interesting.” She warned.
“It's the least you could do. The woman who subbed in for you practically interrogated me about how we were doing?”  Wriothesley shook his head at the memory of the morning.
“Was she short with red hair?” She moved over enough, creating room on the sofa for Wriothesley.
He sat down placing his arm on the backrest of the sofa. He tried to be comfortable while also giving her just enough space. Had it gone his way, she would have been curled up in his arms as they talked of their day. “Yeah, she had a nose ring too.”
Y/N leaned her back against him. Maybe she had been overthinking earlier. Sometimes it was easier to accept that fact even if she wasn’t sure of what exactly had caused her overthinking. “Elizabeth means well. She's just always getting her heart broken and just doesn't want it to happen to anyone else.” 
“Could have fooled me. It felt like she was waiting for me to slip up.”
Y/N laughed. “Well, I'll let you know if you passed her test.”
“Now what happened to your ankle?” He asked still wanting to know what had happened even if she found it to be a boring tale.
“I was teaching some of my cousins different techniques for dance. I was demonstrating something from ballet when my aunt's dog thought that would be a wonderful time to jump at me. See nothing that interesting.” She downplayed the simple event.
“You know ballet?” Wriothesley asked wondering how it hadn’t been brought up before.
“Navia wasn’t lying when she told you my mother put me in so many dance classes.”
“I just didn't think you were the ballet type.”
“It's not like I have a reason to talk about dance with you. Even then I don't practice It anymore. Haven't for the past seven years.”
“Why’s that?”
“It’s nice, it's just not what I wanted to do in life.” She explained not feeling the need to go any further. It wasn’t important to discuss. There was no need to focus on what she considered a small unimportant aspect of her life.
Wriothesley nodded in understanding. “So what have you been doing while you were resting?”
“Mostly reading. It has been a day of rest. I’ve done nothing of interest.”
“Was The book interesting at least?”
“It's interesting but not cause it's good kind of interesting. One of the ladies at work thought it would be fun to have a monthly book club. I just didn't think that this was her taste.” She thought back on what she had read throughout the day questioning if she should have just stuck to something she would have chosen for herself.
Wriothesley moved his free arm towards the book that lay on her coffee table. He picked up the book looking at the cover. “I'm glad that's the reason you're reading this. And you had me thinking I wasn't doing well enough in the romance department.” He teased as he put the book back. It was a book that had made its way into the Fortress a few years back making it something he had checked out of curiosity. 
“What would possibly make you think that?” She asked, entertaining his nonsense.
“You see, my girlfriend doesn't care to explain to me everything that happened to her ankle.” He began listing. “She suddenly finds it inappropriate for me to see her in silks despite having seen her in far less.”
“Wriothesley, did you come here to check on me or tease me?”
He ignored her second question remaining focused on her first one. “What's worse is that if she's worried about what she's wearing around me, I'll never get to kiss her. It would be horrible to make her uncomfortable.” He was being overly dramatic just to continue teasing her, even if his dramaticness contained an ounce of truth.
“You have issues, Ri.” She rolled her eyes with a smile before sitting up. Her words had no bite remaining playful, even when what she had said was something that held a level of truth. His jacket fell off of her onto the sofa as she moved. “I'm going to go get changed.” Y/N stood up making sure not to put too much weight on her hurt ankle.
“What if I don't want you to?” It was a question that was a tad selfish but it didn't hurt to say what was wanted. It wasn't like his wants were being forced on her. However, her wanting to change did make him question things. So all he could do was push the boundaries they had already broken once before. “How could I judge you for being comfortable in your own home when I'm the one who showed up unexpectedly?”
“Wriothesley…” her voice trailed off.
“I want you to be comfortable around me.” He tried playing it off with a laugh. Maybe he was just thinking too much into things himself. “Maybe I should just let you rest before I talk too much.” His words were softer as he forced out the sentence.
She looked at his face slightly defeated but filled with longing eyes. “I like hearing you talk.” She sat back down next to him. “You know I wouldn't have even told you where I hid the extra key if I didn't feel comfortable around you.”
“Yeah, I know. I just probably need to go back and get proper rest if I'm talking like this.” Wriothesley explained to not worry her. 
“Maybe I let my overthinking get the best of me. Don't let it get the best of you too.” Y/N placed her hand on his cheek. “How am I supposed to listen about getting out my own head if you just start doing what I do? You've done everything to make me feel comfortable around you. You’re even good about asking if I'm comfortable with the smallest things.”
“What else am I supposed to do? I know I'm not the nicest-looking guy around. I think I saw a kid hide behind their mom on the way over.”
“And I'm sure you gave them the sweetest smile.” Y/N placed a hand on his thigh giving it a gentle squeeze. “I know I said that I'm dressed inappropriately but I think it’s just the shock of you being here. I  got used to only having my mom check on me. I do appreciate that you’re here. I wasn’t expecting it even if you’re just here cause you had to drop something off.”
“I would have checked on you regardless. If not me going on my own, I'm sure Sigewinne would have dragged on up here.”
Y/N laughed at the mental image of his words. “It is funny to see her dragging you to the infirmary. I think it was my first month down there when I saw that for the first time.”
“She made a big deal out of it that time. I was nowhere near needing to go to the infirmary.”  Wriothesley shook his head at the memory.
“I thought it was cute.”
He rolled his eyes. “I don't think I would call that cute.”
“It calmed my nerves down back then. You know I only started working in the fortress as a way to get away from my problems.” She shook her head at her past self and smiled at what that choice had brought her in the end. “It might have been one of the few times I smiled that month. Seeing that you let Sigewinne drag you around was very cute.”
“I still wouldn't call it could cute.”
“Would you rather I call you cute?” She was half teasing.
“By any chance when you fell, did you hit your head too?” He teased back with a smirk knowing how her reaction was bound to go.
“You try standing balanced on your toes with a dog running at you!” She crossed her arms leaning back into a sofa before looking away from him. “I can't believe I attempted to give you a genuine compliment and you think it's out of an injury. I'm starting to think you really did come over to tease me.”
Wriothesley’s hand dropped from the back of the sofa onto her shoulder pulling her in close. “I haven't teased you once yet.”
With a roll of her eyes, Y/N turned her head towards him. “Now I know for sure you are just messing with me.” She tried to force a laugh down. “Quit looking at me like that.”
“Is it wrong to admire you?”
“You look like you are planning to do more than just admire me.”
“Only if you let me.”
“I let you know where the key to my home lies. I let you stay in my home despite your unannounced visit. I let you see me in my nightwear. Yet you still ask if I will let you. I think you know what I'll let you d-”
Was it right of Wriothesley to shut her up with a kiss? Considering the mini speech she gave it felt entirely right. Which only became reinforced by how she melted into the kiss. To be fair all he had craved was a few short kisses from her at least to make up for the ones he would steal from her while she was supposed to be working in the Fortress. They were always worth it even though every time she’d kick him out of the infirmary unable to hold back a smile or a laugh. 
Y/N had pulled away from the kiss, moving herself onto his lap effectively caging him in on the sofa.
“I thought your ankle was hurting.”
“I’ve been resting all day. I’ll be fine.”  Her hands had wandered onto his chest where she had begun to play with his tie, giving it a pull ever so lightly bringing him closer.
“Just making sure. I wouldn’t want you stressing your injury just cause eager for anothe-” He had been caught off guard,  a welcomed change.
Y/N pulled him in close, placing a peck on his lips. “You definitely don't get to judge how I take care of an injury. I think I've lost count of how many times I've had to get on you about taking care of yourself.” The unintended double entendre lost on her for a second.
“I might listen more if you got on me like this.” Wriothesley kept a hand on her back keeping her close. The other hand was left on her thigh almost still as his thumb traced small circles.
Y/N barely had a chance to roll her eyes before she had been kissed again. She pulled away only for Wriothesley to keep planting kisses on her face. “I doubt you would.”
He spoke between kisses. “I’d listen to you read one of those medical books I see you going over on your breaks.”
She laughed. “You mean the medical records I’m writing in while I’m working?”
He kissed her once again. “Yes, those.”
“I know you’re joking but that is very much against the law for me to read to you unless it involves me trying to get a patient to the surface for more intense medical care.”
He leaned his head back. “I know what I said but if you start explaining anything like that for work again right now I will just leave to pick up dinner for us instead.” He warned, trying not to let their mood get ruined.
“You're lucky. I could have gone into chemical formulas or how there's a painkiller derived from mold.” She joked partially. There had been quite a large number of times that Wriothesley had walked in on a long discussion on the origins of certain drugs. As much as he cared for her, it was one of the driest conversations to ever witness repeatedly.
Wriothesley rolled his eyes. “I am begging you to shut up.”
“Do better at making sure I can't talk then.” She knew her words were bait, a challenge that she hoped he would take. Her face looked akin to a siren that was ready to invite him underneath the waves. And Wriothesley was happily willing to make good on what she told him to do.
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flightfoot · 7 months
Top Ten Best Completed Miraculous Fics Of 2023
So I've made reclists for a ton of the Miraculous fics and series I recommend that finished in 2023, but as you may have noticed, those are rather expansive. So I decided to do a ranking of the ten best Miraculous fics from 2023 as well! (at least in my eyes). These naturally trend towards longer fics, though there are some that are on the shorter end. The shortest is under 30,000 words!
A lot of these you could swap around the order on, but the top fic... yeah the top fic is top for a reason.
Some of these fics were really popular, while others are virtually unknown, they run the entire gamut. I hope everyone checks these out though if they haven't already, there's both some hidden gems and some very well recognized gems in here!
All of these were part of earlier reclists that I made. All of those fics are in this collection I set up on AO3 called "Keyseeker's Choices For Best Completed Miraculous Fics of 2023". I really hope everyone checks it out, I've got commentary/reviews for every entry in the collection, and there are over 150 entries!
I'm gonna just be copying the descriptions I wrote for the fics on the earlier reclists, as I wrote those shortly after finishing reading the fics when they were fresh in my mind, and as great as these fics are, I don't have the time nor bandwidth to reread them all.
Found by @trishacollins
Chat Noir and Ladybug need to tie up some loose ends. Unfortunately, one of those ends is Felix.
This is a fantastic fic! It’s part of a wider series wherein Adrien and Felix were friends with Nooroo and Duusu from a younger age, but Adrien’s memory was wiped of it by his parents, but this is the first fic you really need to read. Basically, after the events of Emotion, Chat confronts Felix about what he did, and Felix confesses to being a Sentibeing, and Duusu reveals to Chat that he is one as well, leading to Felix cooperating with the heroes. 
Of all the fics I’ve read that tackle the subject, this one does the best job of giving Felix a redemption arc for his actions in the season 4 finale, focusing not only on how he hurt the heroes, but the kwamis. I loved that he truly understood how much he fucked up with the situation he put the kwamis in, how much suffering he put them through, and that the kwamis were allowed to be angry at him for awhile afterwards, to be suspicious and untrusting towards him at first (and that Marinette was allowed to do the same). Felix screwed up and hurt people, and he had to really show that he understood what he did was wrong, why it was wrong, and try to help the people he hurt.
The Ghost in the Machine by @jheqiawrites
As part of this function, Adrien knew about Monarch, the akuma butterflies, the victims, and, of course Ladybug and Cat Noir, the heroes of Paris. He was authorized to contact the Ladyblog as well as the citywide alert system if one of his platforms was active during an akuma manifestation, allowing his friends to get somewhere safe until Ladybug and Cat Noir could deal with the situation
While the necessity of these functions was disconcerting, it was programmed to be his routine so he gradually grew used to the inconsistencies. After all, humans tended to be selfish, highly inconsistent, and often flighty, but once you had observed them for a while an intelligence such as his could begin to see the patterns.
That is until she came online.
This is just a beautiful, though bittersweet story. I adore how Alliance!Adrien grows and changes throughout the story, how he develops as a person. He starts off not being able to figure out what he’s feeling, needing to make new modules in order to try to process the emotions he has welling up, and not totally understanding his own reactions. But as time goes on he grows and gets a better handle on himself. This isn’t an “evil AI” story, he’s just a person who’s slowly figuring out who he is and how to handle himself. 
Not that it’s entirely about Adrien Alliance figuring out his own emotions, there’s other things going on as well. He’s worried about why there seems to be weird surges in the Alliance Network right before akumas attack, for instance, and why the details about the reason for that seem to be hidden from him, making him more paranoid about the Alliance system the more he looks into it...
 It’s just... it’s really good and absolutely worth a read. 
Kwami Magi Homura Magica by Crossoverpairinglover
After eighty-four loops in time, Homura Akemi takes a new path to Paris to save her friends.
The sixty-third loop after that, Homura arrived at the Agreste Mansion.
After clash after clash with the heroes of Paris and its greatest menace, events have reached a tipping point.
Ladybug faces someone verging on a second wish, a wish that endangers space and time to save a friend.
This was an absolutely AMAZING story that crossoverpairinglover dropped out of NOWHERE. Seriously, if you like Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Miraculous Ladybug, this is a real treat - but be prepared to sit down and binge, because it’s over 100,000 words and only has three chapters. 
Anyway, I adore the care that’s taken with going through Homura’s mindset here, she gets a lot of character focus. And the lore! There’s some good explanations here for the history behind kwamis and Incubators’ interactions, and the Order of the Guardians normally treats Magical Girls, and why the Incubators are wrong in their assessment of the universe needing more energy to stave off entropy (hint: it involves Plagg), and just... there was a lot of love put into this.
And the action! Most Miraculous fics don’t have much in the way of fight scenes, and what they do have is mostly just functional. This is one of the rare exceptions. There’s some really long, detailed fight scenes in this (roughly the entire second half of the second chapter has one between Ladybug and Homura), which are a treat to read! 
We also get some glimpses into a variety of other universes here, other timelines, alternate ways things could have gone down - I’m especially partial to the rather detailed view we get of one where Homura sent a message asking for help to the Ladyblog on her third time loop, and how things progressed from there. 
The ending I also thought was really good, a happy ending that generally made sense and dealt with the issue of the Incubators. 
If you can’t tell I’m really happy with this fic, it was incredible and unexpected. The length of the individual chapters can be daunting, but if you’re up for the task, I highly recommend giving it a shot!
you made me a hero - reverse crush short stories series by @non-fantasy
This series is just plain fun! Like the title says, it’s a reverse crush AU, so Adrien’s head-over-heels for Marinette, while Ladybug’s smitten with Chat Noir. Which means that Adrien’s constantly trying to woo Marinette while Ladybug’s attempting to have normal conversations with Chat Noir (and failing), and both of them are oblivious to each other’s feelings. 
I love the way non-fantasy executes it, with Alya literally carrying around a spray bottle because of how eager Adrien is, and Ladybug being VERY SCARY if you ever lay a finger on Chat Noir (seriously akumas will literally beg for their akumatized object to be broken just to escape her wrath). 
Oh, also, Ladybug regularly stops by Adrien’s room so they can both lament how difficult of a time they’re having wooing their crushes, and just have fun together.
There’s a lot of entries in this series - 29 of them in fact - but most of them are pretty short, making it great if you want to devour some quick, cute, hilarious romcom action! 
Some stuff does actually change over the course of the series, it’s not just slice-of-life. Like identity reveals, dating, and even Hawkmoth’s defeat, so there’s clear progression and changes in circumstances as well.
The Parable of the Caller by @nemaliwrites
A week after Hawk Moth’s identity has been revealed, Adrien finds himself with nowhere to go, nothing he can do, and worst of all, strange gaps in his memory he can’t explain. In a stroke of luck, he stumbles upon a burner phone filled with voicemails from one of the Saviors of Paris: Chat Noir himself, who disappeared following Hawk Moth’s arrest.
But with each new voicemail Adrien listens to, he’s forced to confront the fact that there might be some kind of connection between himself and Chat Noir — and discovering it might leave him more broken than before.
I absolutely adore this fic, it’s a fantastic character study for Adrien! Basically in this universe, Ladybug and Chat Noir talked about who should be Guardian, with Chat eventually convincing her that he should be the one to take it on, primarily due to the whole “the Guardian gets amnesia about Miraculous-related matters” situation, and wanting to protect Ladybug from that. Then he finds out Gabriel is Hawk Moth, they take him down, and he relinquishes the Miracle Box and his guardianship to Su Han - all without having a Reveal with Ladybug, since well, he’s not in the greatest shape mentally at the time.
It’s a real treat to see Adrien’s thoughts and feelings about one of the Heroes of Paris leaving him all these voicemails, treating him like this close friend for reasons he doesn’t understand, and just seeing Chat Noir as this outside person. He’s got a very different viewpoint on Chat when looking from the outside than he would from the inside, with being able to see his heroic and good qualities far more easily when he doesn’t know that he is Chat.
Also Marinette’s struggling in the background of the fic with the loss of her partner and guilt over sending Adrien’s father to prison. It gets touched on at various points, and you can tell that she’s having her own story off to the side that we’re just not entirely privy to, what with this tale being told entirely from Adrien’s perspective.
Dreams of You by @chocoluckchipz
Dreams had long been his only escape. Dreams of Ladybug, the girl who had always been there for him.
If only in his dreams. And only while she was also sleeping.
Because with the first rays of sunshine gliding over her skin, with the first fluttering of her eyelashes, from the moment she opened her eyes in the morning, memories of Adrien would vanish from her mind.
She would go on living her life.
He would always be the only one who remembered.
At least until they meet in the real world and fall in love all over again, something that would’ve been easier to do if Adrien wasn't a prisoner in his own home.
Chocoluckchipz has some of the most beautifully executed lovesquare fics I’ve read, and this is no exception. Most of the fic is dedicated to Adrien wooing Marinette, spending time with her, with her own dream self acting as his wingman, giving her tips on how to get her to fall for him, all the while frustrated that she can’t share memories with her waking self, and that she and Adrien can’t share as much information as they’d like while asleep, due to limitations of the “curse” that allows Adrien to share dreams with his soulmate. 
It’s not all cute Adrienette fluff though. There’s a threat in the background waiting to erupt, as the weirdness of Gabriel’s ultimatum to Adrien about finding Ladybug or else being forced to marry Lila keeps on gnawing at him - and with good reason. This is a world with magic and kwamis still, and that fact makes itself very relevant in the last third of the story. 
It’s a well-written tale and very much worth a read!
Accidents Are Also Miracles by @liiinerle
After a few turbulent days where four new people discover her secret identity, Marinette loses faith in her ability to keep the secret hidden. Wracked with doubts and insecurities, she pleads with Alya to take over as Scarabella, but she still can't let those worries go. Especially not once Monarch starts taking a particular, and personal, interest in her.
Along the way, she also starts to date Kagami, and has to deal with changing feelings about herself, Adrien, Alya, Kagami, and the idea of being Ladybug. At the same time, Alya works to uncover Monarch's secret identity, while Kagami struggles against a controlling parent, and a girlfriend who seems bent on destroying herself - with or without Monarch's involvement.
Fantastic Marigami fic here! You’ve got three major POVs in this fic: Marinette, Kagami, and to my delight, Alya. I loved getting to see Alya cope with taking over as Scarabella especially.
But of course, this fic centers more around Marinette and Kagami, with Marinette struggling with Monarch targeting her, and Kagami struggling against her abusive parent, as well as both of them trying to navigate their relationship together when they know that not everyone will approve. 
There’s also some other plots going on in here, like Sabrina breaking away from Chloe and becoming more independent (and closer to Adrien in fact), as well as a Lila takedown plot, though thankfully not one that involves demonizing other characters. While there are conversations about people believing Lila and siding with her, no one’s actually attacked for it except for Lila herself.
Oh yeah, and while this fic may not have much focus on Adrien, he’s still treated fairly and with respect, even when he messes up. He can make mistakes, but people understand where he’s coming from, and are still kind to him and want things to be okay, and to help him escape his abusive circumstances.
Between the Heavens and the Embers by @readersmoon
Everyone in Paris remembers the fateful night of January 16, when the city was attacked by the most powerful and destructive akuma ever created. The assault, which lasted for hours, resulted in the death of 439 people.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng was among the casualties.
Years later, Adrien hasn't been able to move on, haunted by the memories of her broken body. So, when the opportunity to leave Paris for a while presents itself, he doesn't hesitate. But this trip might end up giving him more than he ever dreamt of.
This is a fantastic fic, though a serious and a dark one - make sure to mind the tags, and it’s M-rated for a reason. Vee - or rather, Marinette - is going through a horror story here. Imagine finding out that your life is a lie, that everyone you thought you could trust was manipulating you, that you were just being continually gaslit for years. 
As for Adrien, Alya, and Nino... well, none of them took Marinette’s “death” all that well, especially Adrien. Finding out that she’s been alive all this time, in these horrible circumstances, and they had no clue... it’s hard on them as well.
I love how this fic goes into how much trauma everyone has even after the immediate danger’s dealt with, you don’t just walk off this kind of experience, especially with how many years this lasted.
drowning (in plain sight) by @buggachat
Everybody had expected Monarch's defeat to be a moment of triumph. Nobody had expected Gabriel Agreste, unmasked and mind frayed from continual abuse of the miraculous, crying out to all who would listen and making Paris certain of one thing:
His son, Adrien Agreste, is one of his sentimonsters.
And now he's missing.
Nobody can find him— not even the superheroes, and not even his closest friends. But Marinette, Nino, and Alya aren't ones to give up so easily. They'll find him, no matter what it takes.
(But, geez, would it kill Chat Noir to lend a hand?)
I’m sure everyone saw this one coming. If there’s one thing buggachat’s good at, storywise, it’s capturing raw, tumultuous emotions, frantic breakdowns as the characters desperately try to navigate bad situations. This was a real treat to read, as I’m betting most people reading this will agree, given just how popular the fic has been. It also has a ton of fanart, both by buggachat and by random fans, if you go looking for it (there’s a drowning in plain sight tag which I’d advise perusing). 
one does not love breathing by @wackus-bonkus-maximus
All of Paris watched as Hawkmoth murdered Chat Noir, taking the Black Cat Miraculous for himself. Ladybug swears revenge, but her enemy—and every miraculous in his possession—disappear without a trace.
Six years later, a new team of villains launches an attack for the last remaining Miraculous: Volpina, armed with new powers; Queen Bee, with questionable loyalty; Argos, the new holder of the Peacock Miraculous; and Cat Walker, who Ladybug hates the most.
Takes place after S4 - Strike Back.
This is a simply phenomenal fic. You get to explore a lot of different perspectives, like Felix, Kagami, Marinette, and Adrien’s, just to name a few, and see their different thought processes and plans and priorities, and how it can cause their plans to collide with each other, even when they all ultimately are aiming for a good outcome for everyone. The characters are pretty complex and can mess up at times, even when they’re doing things (or not doing things, looking at you Luka) with the best of intentions. It was a joy to read and a real nail-biter the whole time, I actually wrote a fic for it halfway through just to resolve some of the tension for myself, One Does Not Love Shadows.
It also features the version of Luka I’ve connected best with to date, as he feels like Luka, but also is a lot more fleshed out, and can make some major errors while simply trying to avoid missteps. It’s helped me get a better handle on a character who I’ve generally had a lot of problems with really understanding.
It is an M-rated fic, though I think Wackus is being overly cautious on that front. There’s no sexual content and I wouldn’t put the violence or gore above a T-rating, so I wouldn’t let the rating scare you off.
So that's my list! I'm sure many people will disagree with me (especially since most of these fics haven't even cracked 1000 kudos, so there are a lot of other fics out there that people have read more of), but these fics made the biggest impression on me this year, and I hope they make an impression on you as well!
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dyke-pollinator · 1 year
(this ask is a get-out-of-jail-free card to infodump about osrs)
OSRS is by far the best mmo as far as I'm concerned. You can do literally anything in it. It's so simple. Its just a little medieval fantasy point and click RNG simulator. But that simplicity is what makes it so addicting.
You can literally just do whatever the fuck you want on it. The game doesnt hold your hand at all, and while I can see how that would be overwhelming for new folks getting into the game, its an aspect that keeps me coming back.
It's kind of a single player mmo. Like sure there's content to do with other folks, and it can be social at times, but like your account is yours. Everything takes such a long fucking time in that game, especially if you're playing as any type of Ironman account, that the game feels more personal.
Like I don't play nearly as much as some folks that I know and I still have nearly 5000 hours of in game time on a single account and its not even in the late game yet.
Like sure these stats are pretty decent for an iron, but I haven't even started going most of the end game content like Raids, CG, Nightmare, ect.
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No only that but I legitimately that the osrs content creators are some of the absolute best gaming content on Youtube. By far. It is insane what some of these people do with the game, all because of how much of a sandbox it is.
Even if you know nothing about osrs or Runescape in general, I would HIGHLY recommend checking our SoupRS on Youtube and watch his Gielinor Games series. All of them. Start with the first season, and watch them all if you like it. Its like a survivor style game with challenges, voting, bannings, and testimonies, all through the lens of osrs.
Settled is one of the funniest motherfuckers on Youtube and has multiple videos about region locked accounts that are still easy to understand for folks who have never played the game.
Jeporite has a NorthernUIM series that leaves me in hysterics every video.
J1mmy is one of those content creators that turns everything he touches into something good. I cannot praise all of his videos enough, including the ones he makes that arent related to osrs. However, his osrs F2P series is one of my favorites.
Hannanie is a trans woman content creator that just makes some of the most off the wall insane videos I've ever seen. Seriously, she made a fucking 21 part series about cutting fucking trees in this game and managed to make every installment a banger. Hannanie is a treasure and everyone should know her content.
Imo the only gaming content on YT that comes even close to osrs is probably Minecraft, but that is mostly because you can do so much modding that the content stays fresh.
Also look at my silly little pets:
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I promise you I spooned the shit out of every single one of them.
Rock Golem at 89 mining, Groot at 86 farming, TWO fucking rex pets before 140kc, 42kc thermy.
Plus with the RuneLite client, you can make your in game interaction as customizable as you want. My whole client is fucking Miku themed lmao. The community has made so many amazing plug ins for this game including a full HD client with dynamic lighting effects, increased GPU distance rendering, ect.
OSRS is a great fucking game and you should definitely be playing it. I will take full responsibility for the thousands of hours that you lose to it. I could go on but this post is already a lot longer than I was expecting it to be.
As an aside: Ironman does something to you. Why do I have 117k Light Orbs in my bank? Idfk might need em. 20k gold tiaras? Just in case. 10k snake skin? You never know when something might pop up. Hoard Everything.
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mecachrome · 8 months
for an incredibly new f1 follower, what would you recommend for getting up to date with teams and racers and performances and history? apart from dts lol
oh that is a good question!!! i don't think i'm even the best person to answer this but honestly i think it all comes naturally if you pick a specific thing/team/person you're interested in and set out to learn more about that topic, because everything is so connected and with time you can fill in those knowledge gaps pretty quickly :') more under the cut:
dts is imo perfectly acceptable for learning names and faces for the first time and basically creating a vague outline of a given subject (i've said it's like using duolingo for learning a new language lol), so if you watch it and are like oh—i'm interested in charles or mercedes or learning more about technical regulations or whatever, then you can just dive deeper into that via wiki / youtube / podcasts + published media + old race archives and build up from there!
otherwise i think the main thing is just to start watching the actual races when the season gets underway, and in order to properly appreciate them then also read up on + watch videos about the technical/strategy side of the sport as well. back in the day i used to really like chain bear and i still always recommend it to anyone who asks! after that i would just seek out like... a community/server/place where other people are discussing news real-time; this could be meeting people on tumblr and twitter, but personally i'm subscribed to r/formula1 because it's the most active composite source of f1 news and Discourse. if you're reddit-averse i also just keep a big list on twitter with a bunch of random data accounts, official driver/team accounts, journalists, etc. that helps me keep up with the season in a tidy fashion—though honestly f1 journalism is so unserious that you don't really need to do that because most journos regurgitate the same three quotes in slightly different formats, so if you want to follow One Guy who won't disseminate bs info i'd recommend chris medland. or just general sport publications like autosport, motosport.com, the athletic if you're already subscribed to it (pretty lacking for f1 though since it's american lol), etc... some sites like the-race are very contentious though so i'd say just tread with caution!!! on the data side i personally enjoy fdatanalysis and f1telemetrydata (i've also used f1-tempo to do my own telemetry analysis but idk if that's useful). but again i'd highly recommend the subreddit since it keeps everything i just mentioned in one place anyway 😭
other media recs:
f1tv, if it's available in your area, has pretty much everything you need to follow f1 in its entirety. i hate to shill for paid media but i genuinely think it's good; you can watch every f1, f2, f3 session real-time, as well as go to the archives and revisit old races for each series from most seasons. it also has technical shows and a whole host of minidocs with bite-sized info that are probably less sensationalized than dts. if you don't have f1tv though then a lot of decent content is cross-posted to the f1 youtube so honestly the official channels are all pretty good for keeping up with the sport.
podcasts: if you're an auditory person then podcasts are a great way to deepdive into f1 history. personally i believe that 80% of men running f1 podcasts should be legally barred from ever having an opinion on motorsport, so i don't listen to that many, but i do enjoy the official f1 podcast beyond the grid (i listen to it on spotify but you can also find full transcripts on the f1 site) since, you know, they get official personnel on and i appreciate the wide range of personalities interviewed—from drivers to tps to various types of engineers. i've also heard good things about shift+f1, the race, and engine braking, but i haven't checked them out so i'd recommend just looking podcasts up yourself and seeing what vibes with you! though some podcasts are just like... I'll eat this because you're interviewing my guy but i would never watch/listen to you otherwise. (cough pit stop...)
books & autobiographies: again if you want to dive more into old f1, then you can always read a book!! i read jenson's autobiography life to the limit earlier and was very endeared, it's a super breezy but charming read ❤️ adrian newey's memoir is also a decent overview of a clearly brilliant and accomplished mind, i enjoyed the technical details and found his early career path especially interesting.
docus, movies, tv: there's also plenty of f1 media outside of f1tv, so you can always check those out; f1 movies aren't necessarily that accurate or frankly good but sometimes it's fun just for the Vibes and the love of the sport. for ex rush (2013) covers james hunt & niki lauda's rivalry, netflix has a schumacher (2021) doc, the brawn gp miniseries ft. jense came out last november, just things like that... some current individual drivers also have their own random miniseries so you can always seek those out, for ex i watched maxv's anatomy of a champion the other day just for the fun of it LOL.
i don't know whether any of this is helpful... but maybe other people can reply with their own recommendations!!!
also if you're interested in f2, f3, etc. then honestly just follow feeder series on whatever platform since they cover everything pretty well; feeder_series on twitter, r/f1feederseries, plus they do interview podcasts on youtube/spotify so i like watching those to keep up with young drivers. you can also watch chasing the dream for succinct f2 narratives; it used to only be on f1tv but it gets uploaded on youtube now so it's fairly accessible. lmk if you have any other questions or something specific you'd like more info about!!!
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levishika · 9 months
Time gets de-aged and meets his hero The story.
a/n: This is heavily inspired by the fic Fanboy by Cerame which I highly recommend. It's a lovely fic and gives such good vibes whilst reading. Please go check it out. So inspired by that here is a fic of Time meeting his hero and maybe just maybe healing his inner child a bit...
Please mind that there may be some ooc behaviour at times but I'll try my best to stay true to the characters. I hope you enjoy reading this story.
Link to Fanboy by Cerame: Fanboy
For Time being the hero was a horrible experience that he would never wish on anyone. The horrors he faced during his adventures often made him feel like an outsider, an anomaly. Till his third adventure when he had met two heroes from future eras. Meeting Warriors and Wind had helped ease the feeling of exclusion but their separation at the end of the war that had brought them together allowed the feelings to return. Those negative feelings persisted till he eventually confided to Malon.
"Haven't you heard of the hero of the skies or the hero of men?". Malon had asked. Time responded negatively and this led to Malon introducing Time to his two predecessors.
The stories and legends of the hero of the skies felt at points too 'perfect'. They felt more like tales for children to listen and gain good qualities from than an actual adventure. Time had felt more skeptical of his first predecessor's tales from certain parts of the stories which felt fabricated to paint a more interesting tale of the hero's adventure.
The hero of men's stories on the other hand... Time felt a sense of kinship with his tales. Like Time he had gone on three adventures and he had also faced hardships that harmed him more than help. The shattering of his own soul from the blade he helped made was a prime example. However, in spite of all that the hero of men had survived he had gone on to live a happy and fulfilled life, something Time had seen as impossible. Learning that there was someone like him who had gone on to live a happy life gave Time hope, it gave him strength to find his happiness in life.
And he did find happiness. Happiness was at the ranch with Malon. So he made his home and swore on the hero of men to live a fulfilled and happy life just like him.
At least that had been the plan till for some unknown reason he once again had to travel through time to save Hyrule but this time it was with the heroes from the different eras. Time in his innermost thoughts hoped that he may meet the hero of men, see the person who inspired him.
The hero of men being the smithy seemed like the most likely option to Time and hearing the name of the sword he carried had all but confirmed his suspicions. This gave Time a new perspective and further proved that his faith and adoration of the hero of men was well deserved. The smithy had had his three adventures already but was still a well adjusted individual and most importantly he was living.
Despite the revelation Time had, this new adventure went on and the chain kept moving forward....
A/n and that is the prologue I hope you've enjoyed the story so far and look forward to the first chapter ^^.
This is my first time posting work for this fandom so I hope I do the boys justice despite the ooc-ness at times...
Chapter 1
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followthebluebell · 1 year
Bluebell!! As you know, I’m working with that tuxedo baby boy! I actually have a couple questions I’m hoping maybe you could answer…
Once he gets neutered, I’m concerned about his recovery and what I should do. Initially I was thinking about setting up a kennel with a bed + litter pan at least for a couple of nights while he heals, but when I asked the vet about his recovery, they said it really depends on the cat and that I may have to just let him back out if he really hates being inside. They mentioned I should try to get him a little used to being inside before the procedure, but he’s definitely full of worms and fleas, and we already have two cats and a dog here. I want to socialize them all eventually but I don’t want to risk the other animals getting worms right now. I’m hoping he can get dewormed while he’s at the vet. Would you happen to have any ideas that could work?
Second question- while he loves getting pets and even loves to be on my lap, sometimes he still swipes at my hands even if I’m not doing anything. He does NOT try to bite me. Could he just be over stimulated? Learning how to act around a human? What can I do to deter that without upsetting him? Or is it just something that might go away over time? (Also I’d like to follow this up with I thoroughly wash my hands after every interaction and I change my clothes if he sits on my lap).
anyways… if you’re able to help, i’d really appreciate it 🥺 i just want to get everything right.
I'm following the adventures of the very dignified boy and hoping he settles in quickly, ngl!
Cats usually recover from neuters pretty quick. It's a very, VERY small procedure (sorry to all toms reading this; your balls are not that impressive). There's usually not even a check back to get stitches taken out or anything. I do recommend crate rest, just to be sure he doesn't pull anything. It also helps to monitor how much he's eating, drinking, and eliminating.
so, the type of dewormers used are really going to depend on what kind of worms he's got. Since you've mentioned fleas, he's got tapeworms at the very least, which isn't as bad as it sounds. They're the easiest to get rid of, with just a single dose. Drontal is the typical form used, since it covers a larger spectrum of parasites than just pure praziquantel.
It's worth knowing that dewormers aren't JUST available in oral forms either. There are some that are transdermal, which is super handy when you're working with a cat who's not 100% used to human contact and might not be easy to pill.
The problem is, it's also SUPER easy to get contract them again, because their eggs are carried in the fleas. Cat grooms off an infected flea, eats it, and gets tapeworms all over again. So getting rid of tapeworms includes getting rid of the fleas, and the right flea medication depends on where you live.
I happen to live smack-dab in the middle of flea country. Fleas in my area have presented with a REALLY high resistance against most flea medications. The ones that still work in my area are selamectin (revolution, and revolution+; also a handy one since it takes out a lot of internal parasitic worms), spinosad (less effective in recent years, but includes comfortis), and spinetorem (cheristin; this is what I use on my personal cats, and it's also the active ingredient in Advantage XD). I've heard good things about bravecto and credelio, but haven't used those personally. Absolutely ask your vet what's working in your area right now.
I HIGHLY recommend getting a flea control that kills adults, larvae, and eggs. Right now, the best thing is to keep him on quarantine for a week or two, just in case he's got something nastier than parasites.
As far as his behavior, I'm guessing he's still learning how humans work. It's possible he's giving some sort of signal that's just too subtle for humans to catch. Just keep doing what you're doing and he'll figure out how to communicate with you. If he continues to swipe, you can work on finding a sort of comfortable compromise where, instead of sitting on you, he sits next to you in a little bed.
Good luck with the little guy!
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wolfkitty42 · 1 year
My Thoughts On The 2023 HoYoFair.
Wow. This year was full of utter gems. I'm just going to link a couple of the ones I especially enjoyed, and put my thoughts on them below.
I was extremely hyped up for Shadows in the Sand. It's always been a quest I enjoyed, and Jeht is by far one of my favorite npcs. (Although I hope some day she won't just be an npc... Make her playable, Mihoyo!) While I felt like the short was a little rushed, it was still a wonderful tribute to the quest. I love the reveal at the end with Jeht removing her mask. It was also nice to see Lumine!
I was also very hyped up for Times Changed after seeing teaser images for it. I adore Lumine's new outfit! I didn't really enjoy the short that much, but I admire the quality of the animation. If you're looking for Genshin fan animations to watch, try this one!
When I saw PROGENITOR: Albedo had gotten a second episode, I was thrilled! For those who haven't seen any of this series, I highly recommend checking it out. Here's hoping we'll see a third episode next year!
I actually only got onto the stream right before Riptide started. I love this song! The animation is beautiful and I think the singing and lyrics fits Childe's personality very well. Check it out!
Writing on the Wall is genuinely one of the most amazing songs I've ever heard. Up until hearing this, I have been a Kaveh hater. Sorry! Haikaveh just didn't really appeal to me that much, and... That was pretty much all of the widespread Kaveh content I had seen. I knew Kaveh had more nuance in his character, but I felt very unmotivated to look into him.
That being said, this song helped clarify what I knew about him. I started crying halfway through the song. (And okay I'm sick with a cold so my eyes are already leaking 24/7, but still!) Writing on the Wall perfectly captures the feeling of losing motivation to finish your art. At least for me, I used to often find myself making paintings for friends. This became incredibly demotivating over time because I felt like I had to perfect details and I lost the sense of fun in drawing. Over the past year and a half, I've been trying to draw for myself more.
This song spoke to me so much. The lyric about the architect remaining inside their buildings especially stood out to me. You can see an artist in any of their works. Even if there's no written signature, every stroke and line is a signature in itself.
So... Am I converted to being a Kaveh fan now? Honestly, I'm not sure. That being said, I do have a c6 Kaveh... (cough cough Baizhu pulls x3). Maybe I'll finally try building him.
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thefannishmkp · 11 months
On Kudos, Comments, & Community
(also featuring resources!)
I think there are some basic principles most fannish folk will agree on:
fen share their fanworks for community and interaction
comments are a better way of building community than simply leaving kudos
kudos are a useful low-spoon way to indicate appreciation and positively affect the number of potential future readers
longer, more personalized comments are a better way of building community than very short and generalized comments such as 'thanks for sharing!'
longer, more personalized comments take more time and energy than shorter comments
shorter comments take more time and energy than simply leaving kudos, albeit not by much [n.b. whether this difference is significant is going to depend very much on how many spoons you have to start with!]
more advanced principles that different fannish folk disagree on:
very short and generalized comments such as 'thanks for sharing!' are a better way of building community than simply leaving kudos
very short and generalized comments such as 'thanks for sharing!' feel impersonal and are not helpful for building community
comments consisting entirely of emojis are a cute/fun way of indicating a more personalized level of enjoyment
comments consisting entirely of emojis are disappointing and demoralizing [yes I've seen at least one author beg readers to not do this as they find it so upsetting; no this is not a widespread take]
comments consisting entirely of 'kudos' 'kudos+' 'additional kudos' or similar are a cute/fun way of indicating a reader is re-reading or still reading and enjoying a work
[probably some people also feel weird about additional kudos comments but I haven't actually seen complaints so I'm mentioning it but not listing it as such]
some commonly noted barriers to commenting:
lack of spoons/energy
anxiety over getting a good grade in comment
anxiety over possibly getting a response back
anxiety over possibly not getting a response back
difficulty verbalizing thoughts
difficulty translating thoughts
multi-step process of getting back to the fic url, as the reader downloaded the fic for offline reading
just don't think about it/not in the habit
The best way to get more community interaction between writers and readers, imo, is always going to be minimizing those barriers. Framing it as a requirement of reciprocation has some elements of truth to it, for sure! but I've found that once you start talking about it like an expectation, you get pushback from people who have a knee-jerk reaction to any sort of command, and induce guilt and anxiety paralysis in people who would like to comment but aren't capable of doing so on a regular basis.
So! What can we as readers, writers, and fans in general, do to lower these barriers and improve the quantity and quality of community interaction?
@longlivefeedback is a blog dedicated to discussing just that! Their LLF Comment Project is a really cool initiative for authors that lets them make very clear what kinds of comments/feedback they like and (if applicable) what they dislike. It also as a template suggests authors may want to include a statement about their general policies about responding to comments.
They also have an interactive tool for readers meant to help users learn to comment and lower barriers such as anxiety, mobility, fluency, etc. - the LLF Comment Builder.
There are also a bunch of userscripts various fans have created that make it easier to leave comments! Check out the full set of userscripts I've collected on GreasyFork here:Fandom-Relevant [Archive of Our Own]: For Readers.
A userscript I personally highly recommend is the AO3 automatic rekudos converter - if you've previously left kudos on a fic, and hit kudos again, it converts the button to a question Rekudos? which (when clicked) will randomly generate a comment from a pre-approved list of comments. The script author already included a basic list such as 'kudos+' 'additional kudos'; I personally added some fun ones such as 'but what about SECOND kudos?' and 'a fic so nice, i kudosed it twice!'.
The reason I so highly recommend this one is because I a) read a lot of WIPs and b) re-read fics so often - this lets me very quickly let people know I've re-read their fic yet again or am continuing to read their ongoing saga!
I've found over time as I have more and more strictly followed a policy of rekudosing any fic I've already kudosed, I've actually found it easier to leave free-form ad hoc comments as well! YMMV there, of course.
Other notable userscripts:
AO3 Random Nice Comments
ao3 Comment Assist
AO3: Add gifs to comments
AO3 Floating Comment Box
AO3: Comment Formatting Options
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huntingorbits · 7 months
Review: The Door to Witchcraft, by Tonya Brown
I just finished reading this book earlier this year, and thought I'd write a review on it. This is also going to help me determine how I want to review other texts going forward. So without further ado, let's get started.
I highly recommend this book for both beginners and more experienced witches who are looking to expand their practices or gain additional resources. Brown takes a practical approach and breaks things down beautifully in a way that's easy to understand and follow. (Such as steps to creating a spell, steps to spellcasting, etc.) The second half is spells that may take a different approach to what we're used to seeing in other books, which in and of itself is very useful.
What's Inside (Contents)
PART I: Witchcraft and Practical Magic
1. Understanding Witchcraft 2. Core Beliefs and Values 3. How to Tap into Your Powers 4. How to Practice Witchcraft
PART II: Spells (Begins on page 87)
5. Love 6. Health and Healing (in Yourself and Others) 7. Career 8. Friends and Family Matters 9. Spiritual Work 10. Protection
Glossary Resources References Index
Part I: Witchcraft and Practical Magic spans 86 pages and includes a lot of information.
"Understanding Witchcraft" is your fairly standard introductory chapter, addressing questions such as, "What is Witchcraft?" and, "Are you a Witch?", before diving into a brief history of witchcraft.
"Core Beliefs and Values" is a high-level tour of the most common tenets of witchcraft among witches of all varieties, not just Wiccans.
"How to Tap into Your Powers" and "How to Practice Witchcraft" are more instructional than educational, but Brown includes a lot of education in those chapters nonetheless, including a handy breakdown of the structures of rituals and spells, sabbats, and some basic correspondences.
Part II: Spells is approximately 90 pages in length (some pages are just illustrations). Brown prefaces these pages with a few notes, including:
"Some of these spells may not align with the stereotype of spellcasting that you've seen in the media. They may seem too simple or they may seem too complicated. I implore you to come to these spells with an open mind..." (pg.89)
The spells that follow offer a variety of complexities, though most of them take less than half an hour to cast.
Provided Resources & References
Following the Spells section of the book is 3 pages of Glossary, 2 pages of Resources that appear to be reading recommendations, and 3 pages of References - titles cited or referenced throughout the book. Going over these materials, the book appears to have been written using carefully curated resources, which is very encouraging.
About the Author
From Amazon:
TONYA A. BROWN is a current resident of Florida, where she is the editor-in-chief of Witch Way Magazine as well as writer and host of the podcast The Witch Daily Show.* Tonya is a Lenormand reader, medium, and magical guide for other witches.
*Formerly The Daily Witch.
Her other titles include Evolution of a Witch: 150 Journal Prompts for Witches; (Witch Way's Book of) 100 Love Spells; a children's book titled Tutty Learns About Witches; and The Hectic Witch's Planner (currently only for 2022 and 2023).
I'm already a fan of both her magazine and podcast (which I started listening to last year), though I have yet to check out her other works. It's encouraging to see a witch-positive children's book in the lineup, though.
As for the podcast, Brown does briefly recommend Lilith as a goddess that could be followed in the "Badass Goddesses" episode on January 17, 2023. This is, of course, problematic, but I haven't listened to each episode since then to see if she has recanted that statement or revised her perspective on the subject.
My Overall Review
I really enjoyed reading this book. Though it was designed as an introduction to witchcraft, I learned several new things and gained resources I didn't have before. The breakdown of spell structure is especially appealing to me, as at the time of this writing, I've just started writing my own spells.
The language Brown uses is conversational and easy to follow, using accessible vocabulary and staying on track through each subject. I greatly appreciated this aspect because we've all read enough books that meander and tangent into unrelated thoughts and information. We don't see that with Brown; her writing stays on task and only "wanders" to provide necessary context.
Additionally, where she makes claims or presents facts, she always cites her sources in a way that isn't distracting. It was quite refreshing to see in an area of study where sources are often an afterthought.
Final Word: I will definitely be keeping this on my bookshelf and I look forward to seeing more from Brown in the future. I do sincerely hope she'll be more thoughtful on the subject of Lilith in her podcast going forward, as well.
Thank you for staying with me throughout this review. I hope it helps you to make an informed decision if you've been pondering this title.
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cetra · 9 months
This Christmas, I won't be celebrating as God's children in Palestine are facing a horrible genocide and Christmas can't even be properly celebrated in Jesus's birthplace. If you also find yourself struggling right now, or simply want to learn more about the situation in Palestine through a Christian perspective during this holy season in the religion, i highly recommend if you haven't already checking out the following notable Palestinian Christian resources
Rev. Dr. Munther Isaac, a Palestinian pastor in Bethlehem
Sabeel and its North American branch Friends of Sabeel
Rev. Mitri Raheb of the Christmas Church in Bethlehem
who has written many books!!!
Lina Abu Akleh, niece of the martyred Palestinian-American Christian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh
Given that Lina is also Armenian which she briefly mentions in the linked article, I'd like to dedicate some space in this post to those from the Indigenous, Armenian state of Artsakh who have been displaced in their recent ethnic cleansing from the region at the hands of Azerbaijan and with the help of Israel. As Armenian Christians (among the oldest Christians in the world) traditionally prepare to celebrate Christmas on January 6th, you can consider sparing some extra holiday cash to AGBU, or simply taking the time to educate yourself on the plight of Armenians whether they be from Artsakh or reside within the Armenian quarter of the Old City in Jerusalem where they also face age old struggles
And to further combine this shared struggle of Palestinians and Armenians at all times of the year and throughout history you can also check out A Palestinian Armenian: The Intertwine between the Social and the Political by Varsen Aghabekian w/ a foreword from aforementioned Rev. Raheb
Anyone else with some more additions please feel free to include them in the notes. No matter what faith you come from or not at all, please keep these vulnerable people in your thoughts this Christmastime, and may God bless them all 🧡
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just-emerald-star · 1 year
Some Extra Thoughts About Check Please
Sooooo I didn't mention it in my video essay about Check Please, but I have some further thoughts about the different depictions of coming out shown in the comic.
First off, if you haven't already, check out my video essay on the comic. it was the last full-length essay I made before I retired from video essays & I highly recommend it. You can watch it HERE.
Now onto my extra thoughts!
I failed to mention it in the video but I absolutely loved the mini arc between Bitty & Whiskey. It was honestly such a nice subtle way to depict the idea that folks aren't ready or even want to come out publicly and how that's totally fine. At that point in the story, Bitty & Jack are already public knowledge, putting them both in the spotlight at every turn. Naturally Whiskey notices this and realizes that he's not quite ready to be open about his sexuality. He says as much near the end of the story.
I bring all of this up cuz it reminds me of how people are trying to force celebs aka REAL LIFE PEOPLE to come out or give them grief for "queerbaiting" even tho that can't be the case. I always go back to the biggest example via Kit Connor (of Heartstopper fame) being forced to out himself cuz a couple of biphobes couldn't handle a man holding a woman's hand. Oh no, the horrors.
In the moments that Bitty saw Whiskey fooling around with a fella at that party, he could've said something. But instead, he kept it to himself and made it clear that it's Whiskey's business if they choose to be open about it or not. And just that small moment alone warms my heart & gives me hope.
It's unclear if Whiskey ever truly came out or not. IDK if we'll ever know. and the gag is we don't have to. But the fact that he has that choice is even better. Cuz irl nowadays, there are many folks out there who have to remain closeted for their safety or simply have no interest in ever being public about it. And they deserve that privacy just as much as someone who's out & proud deserves to be treated with respect for how they choose to identify.
I can admit that I was one of those "if they're not queer, they shouldn't play a queer character" folks all those years ago. But as I came out in 2016, further explored my own sexuality & actually took a deep dive into more queer media...my whole view on that completely changed. It's a very nuanced convo and honestly, how one feels about it will vary & that's ok.
I just find it fascinating that a quirky sports comic about a couple of gay hockey players managed to depict 3 different ways queer folks deal with their identities while living their lives. I adore Check Please for managing to do that, among other things.
Anyway, these are some extra thoughts I had about the comic that, for some reason, I didn't mention in my video essay back in May. But hey, it's out now so here ya go lol
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plantcrazy · 11 months
Update 26/10/23
In case you're wondering how progress is going on stuff, it's looking a little like this;
Tumblr media
Lots of paper. Lots of ideas.
It's the writing summit this week (today is the last day) and as always, the talks inspire new ideas and I learn new ways to better write or do things, which leads to... redoing some stuff ^^;
I also found this fantastic writer called Abbie Emmons who's got some fantastic free writing resources and her videos explaining stuff are some of the best I've seen. Highly recommended checking her out.
Ch. 8 & 9 are done, I just... I'm not 100% on them.
I feel like my voice for writing Henry is still quite weak, but I have a funny feeling it's one of those things which is only going to get better with writing more chapters in his POV. That's how it was for writing Reginald, Carol & Macbeth. The more I wrote, the easier to hear & more defined their voices became.
So I'm thinking, for the sake of not holding up the story, I'll swing back to this one in 6 months and see if I still feel it can be improved upon.
The other option, I'm thinking, is this chapter might benefit from a beta reader (as you know I normally do this myself). I dunno, I just... I don't feel like I'm quite placing my finger on what the issue is.
So, if anyone would like to beta read this chapter and let me know their thoughts on how it reads are, I'd sincerely appreciate that.
There's nothing wrong with this one. It reads perfect, POV voice is solid.
I'm not sure on the amount of info being given. It's a CCC heavy chapter, and I'm just... a little concerned I could be coming in too early with this information. I've already made the edits so the chapter would read with or without the heavy stuff, I'm just... on the fence about keeping it in or not.
It's a minor thing, and all those papers above, that's me trying to figure out further down the timeline to see if there's a more appropriate place to put in.
Still gotta do that editing in the middle, had an idea to slightly change the ending, which might take me a few extra days to do.
I haven't had much time this week with the writers summit, chaos irl stuff and my shoulder/wrist has been playing up (because clearly they felt left out >> )
I'm on the hedge about uploading chapters without their cover art, and I also don't want to keep delaying chapters, so I think my plan is to see how I do for time this week & next, then decide on what I'll do about those.
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spookymans · 2 years
okay why the hate against those fonts, i feel like people in discord rp have used them for a while without any issues?
okay first i highly recommend checking out @sapphicrpc , they've answered some asks that really lay out the issues with those fonts. but here's my personal take:
screen readers / text to speech programs often can't read them, they don't display on all devices AND they are only there for aesthetic purposes. and by that last point i mean that this is not a case of conflicting needs, it's a case of prioritizing aesthetic over accessibility.
as far as people having used them for a while without issue, i pose a question in response: is it that there hasn't been an issue or that you haven't heard of the issue? because personally as someone who uses text to speech programs fairly regularly due to various reasons, i've always had some level of problem with them. but until recently, i could generally find ways to make the situation work.
but now the fonts are in tupper names, they're in channel names, category names, replies, starter/plotting calls, the rules, everything. and i can't make that work anymore, it's fucking exhausting. and beyond that ... your rps should be accessible regardless of if someone in your rp has an issue. because if i ( and probably other folks ) join an rp and it's already set up with all of these fonts, i am not asking you to change it, i am just leaving.
tldr; those fonts aren't accessible to everyone and if you use them you should be aware of that fact.
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desertdollranch · 1 year
Hi there! I have a non-doll related question if that's alright. Do you have any advice on making friends here in the community? Everyone seems really nice but I don't really know how to approach anyone. I've been posting my dolls on my sideblog and have been reblogging other people's dolls too, but so far I've had no luck making any friends on here. If you have any advice I'd be grateful to hear it!
Hi! I'm sorry you're not feeling included in the community here. I know it's definitely not due to unfriendly people, since in my experience pretty much everyone here is awesome, and plenty of folks would be thrilled to make new friends.
The first thing you can do is check out my masterlist of American Girl and adjacent fan blogs, and reblog it if you want to be added to the list too. (If you've already done that, I apologize for slacking on updating that post--I don't always stay on top of checking my reblog notifications, and so I haven't updated it in a few months). I highly recommend browsing the list to see the diversity of blogs and how unique everyone is even with similar topics that we blog about.
When you find a kindred spirit, don't hesitate to reach out via private message or through their ask box, and strike up a conversation about something specific that you would love to talk more about. If someone makes a lot of posts about their favorite American Girl books, and they have similar thoughts as you do about your favorite character, you can bring that topic to the conversation table! For example, "I just want you to know that I totally agree with your post that said Molly, Linda, and Susan opened their own bookstore when they grew up, but I also think they would have opened a record store too." Things like that. Bring up a topic of discussion that can go back and forth for a long time.
I also know there is at least one Discord chat room for fans of American Girl, 18 inch dolls, and that kind of thing, and a lot of bloggers here use those as a way to meet new friends. That's a great way to connect to people with similar interests. I don't really visit those very much since I have a hard time sitting down and doing one thing on the computer for very long. I don't remember where to find them so if anyone who does visit the Discords knows, feel free to drop the link in the notes!
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