#highview college
ljones41 · 2 years
Australian Sisters of African Descent Suspended from School Over Hair
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A high school in Victoria, Australia have suspended two Ghanaian Australian sisters, Amayah and Safhira Rowe, for not tying their braids back.  Here are two articles about this situation:
Article #1
Article #2
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nahashuman · 2 years
Course notes the earth and its peoples 4th edition
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Formulas Perfect Square Factoring: Difference of Squares: Difference and Sum of Cubes: B. Pdf In VCE Psychology, I received a score of… 50. Mandatory – All VCE students with Edrolo subjects must purchase these item(s). Subjects: VCE (Magic e) 2 Syllable Word Work with Interactive Google Slides.
Resources may be outdated/contain old information (e.
In VCE Psychology inquiry can include laboratory experimentation, observational studies, VCE Psychology Unit 1 Written Examination Question and Answer Booklet Reading time: 15 minutes Writing: 1 hour 30 minutes Student’s Name: _ Teacher’s Name: _ Structure of booklet Section Number of questions Number of questions to be answered Number of marks A 40 40 40 B 16 16 50 Total 90 The Psychology Study Design has changed this year!! What does it mean? A notebook organizes study materials for learners. There is a probability that the results will be obtained by chance. Listed by Unit: Introduction: Set the Record Straight. 1: Aspects of the subject matter of psychology INTEXT QUESTIONS 1. The Workbook is the perfect print companion to the series, with bite-sized activities to help students learn deeply. Edrolo is integral part of your daughter education your assistance in this matter is much appreciated. Some of the VCE Psychology resources including videos, solutions, notes and practice material. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The. VCE 1–4 students studying Chemistry, Physics and Psychology are also required to pay for the Edrolo Learning Activity 1. Pg 1 of 1 Notes based on Text Resource: van Iersel, H. Brainwaves (Sleep) diagrams - VCE Psychology. VCE Psychology Research Methods Workbook (2nd ed. Notes by Kevin O’Leary 1 AREA OF STUDY 1 HEREDITY 1. Buy book - nelson psychology vce units 1&2 student activity manual 3e - isbn 9780170365611 NELSON PSYCHOLOGY VCE UNITS 1&2 STUDENT ACTIVITY MANUAL 3E Nelson Psychology VCE Units 1 2 3rd Edition Student activity Manual Helene Van Iersel, Kenna Bradley, Natasha Young, Kristy Kendall, Jessica Yancos All in all 15/280 pages have been written on. All questions are separated into key topic areas, enabling students to master one topic at a time. Most genetic material is in the nucleus, but there is also DNA in mitochondria. Viscomm: A guide to Visual Communications & Design VCE 2022 VCE COURSE HANDBOOK 3 HIGHVIEW COLLEGE VCE COURSES 2022 This booklet outlines the requirements for students undertaking a course of study leading to the award of the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE), and provides details of the VCE units offered at Highview College. Psychology Unit 1 Exam 1 - Exam Practice Guide. Information about what exam markers look for. Can be printed and used for study throughout the year too. Products include: – Answers to past 2011 Studio Arts 3/4 exam, approved by teacher, that can guide your study for the 3/4 exam ($4) – Colour psychology notes to use as research in 1/2 or 3/4 folio ($1) Psychology VCE Comprehensive Notes PDF - For Exam Revision / Study - 19 Pages - for Units 3&4 Year 12. It includes details of the structure of the VCE studies offered at Woodleigh and information related to course selection. Brief summary of things learnt about sleep in psychology units 3 and 4 vce. Free Lectures for VCE Students – Strictly Limited Offer The Fastest Way to Prepare for the Exams! Mandatory – All VCE students with Edrolo subjects must purchase these item(s).
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Dates & Times: VCE Exam Revision Lectures 2020 – Part 2 Learn From the Best To ensure you receive every possible advantage in the VCE, our lectures are prepared and delivered by hand-picked, qualified, experienced VCE teachers from top ranking schools (not university students). View sample activities and answers from Chapter 1: Research Methods in Psychology. Bjornsen No Later Than The Beginning Of The Exam Period For This Class. Vce psychology notes pdf Unit 4 Psychology (Part 1 & 2) 6 $120 $96 Unit 4 Specialist Maths (Part 1, 2 & 3) 9 $170 $136 For the most comprehensive coverage of course materials, we recommend the VCE Exam Essentials Lectures.
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brightskiez · 4 years
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( taylor russell, cis female, she/her ) ❆ well, well, well, if it isn’t highview u’s own MOST LIKELY TO EVADE HER TAXES winner, DANIELLE "DANI" GARDENER! they are TWENTY-THREE and major in ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE. word around campus is that this SENIOR/FIFTH YEAR is INTELLIGENT and DETERMINED, but also PRETENTIOUS and ANXIOUS. they’ve got a big personality for the mix, so watch out for this one in the close quarters this break!
background !
dani was born to a pretty well off family in the big apple. when i say well off, i mean she was rich, but the gardeners were not uber relevant. her mommy was a neurosurgeon and her dad was a wall street ... whatever happens there, dani went to private school. lots of pressure!
dani never really knew if she was smart or just ... trained into being smart. impostor syndrome! she had the most expensive tutors, her parents had her hooked on classical music and baby einstein instead of colorful fun toys. she never watched a single disney movie until she was in high school. 
news flash: she’s actually smart. dani was quick on her feet, but not exactly charming. she wasn’t the most popular kid in school because she was either studying in the library or absolutely ripping into people on debate team. 
she thrived mostly under the pressure. straight A student, a million and one AP classes. no one could say that she wasn’t dedicated either — dani had a <3 serious girlfriend <3 from the time she realised she was bi her freshman year of high school and on.
depression tw / however, that girlfriend broke up with her freshman year of college — when dani was attending columbia. dani spiraled, stopped going to class. her best and only friend, and who she thought was the love of her life was gone, just like that. after nearly flunking out the second semester of her freshman year, dani decided to transfer to her dad’s alma mater, highview. 
at highview, dani did a lot better, after cramming in all the credits she’d lost in her semester of .... flop era. she was back on her A game.
 she made more friends, she had peers that she actually got along with. she was even invited to parties! however, without her intense studying, her senior yr, dani’s grades began to slip ... and by slip, i mean a b+ or an a- on a exam instead of perfect marks.
however, she was so used to success that she was not happy. long story short, she stole an answer key for one of the exams, got caught, and was given a pretty intense academic integrity violation. her parents had to do a lot of fighting and well, donating to keep her at highview, where she’s now having to repeat her last year of college. she’s not happy about it, and it’s pretty well known among any one in the science programs what happened to dani, whispers in class group texts travel fast! 
personality !
dani might be an environmental science major (and public policy minor, she won’t let u forget it!), but her skills are pretty well rounded. she knows classic literature, can do math off the top of her head, and has some practical skills too — she can change a tire, despite not being able to drive a car. 
the fact that she’s been propped up as brilliant her entire life has made dani a little pretentious. she doesn’t like to be corrected, and she has a habit of oversharing the knowledge she knows in effort to prove a point or prove she’s smart 
dani is plenty friendly, but she’s also a fighter! she’s mostly about her success, an if you fall, d she’ll only help you up if she won’t get slowed down. metaphorical fall, btw. if you trip in front of her she’ll help you up bc she’s nice <3 
anxiety tw / she’s a pretty anxious person in general, and often times dani will blow things a little out of proportion when she’s worried. she’s also a little anal retentive about deadlines and being on time to things. 
fun facts !
anxiety tw / dani has a therapy cat fr her anxiety, and it is a fat orange cat named romeo, like romeo and juliet. she’s big into shakespeare
film bro movie taste. what do you mean you haven’t seen ( insert something i haven’t seen because men talk about it here)?
massive sweet tooth, but a terrible baker. survives on vending machine twinkies and regular ice cream shop visits
cannot hold hard liquor at all — sticks to beer and wine coolers because if she has anything hard she will be falling over
weirdly good at vintage games and arcade games — she tries to get the high score on every pacman machine she sees. 
coffee fiend, always has a cup. it could be 10pm, and dani will have a cup of coffee in her hand.
was a soccer player in high school to pad her resume, but was benched for most of the season because she’s not terribly good at it at all. she’s quite unathletic.
has terrible eyesight, and has worn contacts since she abandoned her glasses at age 11 
has a tattoo of her star sign, virgo, on her arm. astrology is the one superstitious thing she wholeheartedly believes
like i said, no driver’s license. she also can’t ride a bike. #selfinsert
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ftcobyz · 5 years
hmu/like this if you wanna plot
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« ooc info — case, 20, pst, he/him » though they strongly resemble lucas wong, you’re not going to see coby zhang in hollywood. instead, they go to highview u, where he studies computer networking. the twenty year old is cis male and has a reputation among their friends as being fickle and ambitious, but there’s no choice but to keep them around. pc gaming, loud cars, and music, always remind me of them, but i might just be going stir crazy.
- Coby was born in Hong Kong, both his mother coming from old family money whilst his father had built up his own company (with the help of the mother). This resulted their companies going international and it ultimately led the Zhang family to New York.
- Coby had loved the city life, he had ended up always traveling to different cities such as San Francisco, Los Angeles, Toronto, Melbourne, etc. He was a nomad. He hated consistency, he was always changing his mind on where to go
- He got himself in some trouble in New York and ended up coming to michigan for college
- he is definitely privileged and can sometimes flaunt it without knowing. 
- sometimes if its not his way hes not down for anything. he can be an ass
-under the his cocky lil shit persona he can be soft goofball
- hes probably in his room rn gaming.
exes gaming buddies frenemies/ fwb
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fflores · 5 years
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« ooc info — staci, 23, aest, they/them » though they strongly resemble alexa demie, you’re not going to see francesca flores in hollywood. instead, they go to highview u, where she studies cosmetology. the twenty one year old is cis female and has a reputation among their friends as being directionless and dramatic, but there’s no choice but to keep them around. failed tests, glitter from the nigh before, and snakes hidden in the grass, always remind me of them, but i might just be going stir crazy.
name: francesca flores.
age: twenty one.
gender: cis female.
sexuality: bisexual. 
major: cosmetology.
occupation: social media influencer.
story / personality
michigan native
comes from a rather wealthy family and never had any real plans for her future. 
assumed she could always live off of her family and their handouts. was fully prepared to live a life of luxury with minimal effort.
when she turned nineteen, though, her parents sent her off to college to “make something of herself” and she’s resented them ever since.
chose cosmetology and beauty as a major because she’s always loved dolling herself up and experimenting with her own makeup.
kinda sucks at applying makeup to other people, though. fails tests like it’s goin’ out of fashion.
literally just full of potential but she’s just....not willing to put the serious work in lmao.
100% that bitch.
she’s always been queen bee, prom queen material. actually she was absolutely prom queen at least twice. 
makes some money of youtube and instagram and, while she’s not super famous yet, it gets her by, and it’s the only thing she’s ever really cared about. 
the personification of do it for the vine. will put anything and everything online if it means she’ll garner more attention; has been known to lie ( STORY TIME: I WAS ALMOST MURDERED???), post callout videos just to start drama, and saturate instagram with paid promotions for literally anything. 
will be filming herself and u 90% of the time ur hanging out. 
dumb. just so fuckin dumb. but it’s part of her Charm i guess.
has had a multitude of short-term boyfriends but never anything serious. she’s beginning to tap into her attraction to women recently bc she only just realised it was attraction and not, like, jealousy lmao.
ride or dies.
hook ups / fwb.
ppl who let her do their shitty makeup lmao.
honestly anything let’s Write.
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Gloucester Goings On | Community
New Post has been published on http://doggietrainingclasses.com/gloucester-goings-on-community/
Gloucester Goings On | Community
Listings may be sent to: Goings On, Gloucester Daily Times, 36 Whittemore St., Gloucester, MA 01930; or emailed to Joann Mackenzie at [email protected], at least two weeks prior to the event.
Finnish literary history on Cape Ann
On Tuesday, July 23, from 3 to 5 p.m., the Lanesville Community Center, 8 Vulcan St., will host professor Kirsti Salmi-Niklander of the University of Helsinki discussing newly-discovered materials in the Finnish-American literary history of Lanesville and Rockport, where Finns shared books, newspapers, political broadsheets, poems, and songbooks in Finnish. Salmi-Niklander’s research has uncovered the 1903-1925 issues of the hand-written newspaper Walotar, which would have been read aloud at meetings of the Salon Leimu Temperance Society in Rockport. Also found: an 1899 children’s primary reader and other books reflecting strong ties to Finland and evolving assimilation in America, including the development of “Finglish.” Those in attendance are welcome to bring similar materials they might have. Traditional afternoon coffee and Nisu will be served.
Finns Celebrate Heritage
On Sunday, July 21, at 7 p.m., guest conductor Paul Niemisto will raise his baton at the bandstand at Back Beach to lead Rockport’s community band and guest musicians in a free, outdoor program of Finnish-American music. Sure to evoke nostalgia among Cape Ann’s Finnish-Americans, the concert is a rare opportunity for this now assimilated group to unite in a demonstration of their presence on Cape Ann and to celebrate their heritage. The band pays tribute to its 32 charter members, and gives thanks to the immigrant generation. Come early with family, friends, blankets, chairs and kanteles to picnic seaside ahead of the concert. If rain, see you at Rockport High School auditorium. Questions? Call 978-546-7529, 202-420-8548 or email [email protected].
Lobster Fest
Gloucester Legion’s second lobster fest gets steaming on Saturday, July 20, from 1 to 6 p.m. at American Legion, 8 Washington St. Ticket includes one fresh cooked lobster, unlimited clam chowder, corn on the cob, salad, bread and watermelon. Legion volunteers will provide service throughout the meal, with open seating and full bar. All proceeds benefit Legion’s holiday meals programs for seniors and veterans. $25 for full dinner. For advance tickets call 978-979-2224. Walk-ins are welcome.
GHS ’49 Reunion July 25
Gloucester High School’s Class of 1949 will gather for a reunion luncheon Thursday, July 25, at 1:30 p.m. at the Gloucester House Restaurant. For more information, call Bill Reilly ASAP at 978-283-3527 or 978-290-8097.
Sargent House recreates 1919 exhibit
The Sargent House Museum’s 100th anniversary brings together more than 25 works by John Singer Sargent, Theresa Bernstein, Childe Hassam and others from Saturday, July 13, to Sunday, Sept. 1, at the historic 1782 house’s new gallery at 42 Middle St. The exhibit is a recreation of the 1919 show that launched the museum, has as its centerpiece a portrait by John Singer Sargent of his cousin Charles Sprague Sargent, the Harvard botanist who co-founded the Sargent House Museum. Period costumes will evoke the era. As part of a centenary collaboration, the Sargent House and Cape Ann museums will partner on a variety of exhibits, lectures and events, including the display at Cape Ann Museym of a large portrait of Judith Sargent Murray by John Singleton Copley, on loan from the Terra Foundation in Chicago. For more information, visit www.sargenthouse.org.
Concerts on Meetinghouse Green
The fourth season of free Friday evening concerts on Meetinghouse Green is underway. The concerts run from 6 to 8:30 p.m. on the shaded green of the historical Unitarian Universalist Church, corner of Middle and Church streets, in Gloucester. This Friday, July 12, hear classic rock ‘n’ roll from the North Shore-based band Livin’ On Luck. Bring blanket or lawn chair. The Causeway Restaurant will cater, and donations for Pathways for Children will be appreciated.
Youth Acting Workshop
Classes start Friday, July 12, at the Gloucester Stage Youth Acting Workshop. A professional theater training program for ages 5 to 18, the workshop runs Fridays, July 12 to Aug. 16, providing a chance to develop self-confidence, communication and teamwork skills for daily life as well as the theater. Workshops cover theater basics, improvisation, movement, vocal and physical expression, character preparation, scene study, storytelling, writing and public speaking. Award-winning actress Heidi Dallin teaches in collaboration with special guests. Classes are divided by age. For details, visit www.gloucesterstage.com. The Gloucester Stage Company is located at 267 E. Main St. For information/registration, call Heidi at 978-283-6688 or go to the website.
GHS Class of 1963 Reunion July 14
Gloucester High School Class of 1963 will hold its annual reunion barbecue on Sunday, July 15, at 11 a.m. at Stage Fort Park, across from the Cupboard. Bring your own food and beverage; a cook and grill will be on hand. For more details call Bob Whynott at 978-283-8230 or Rick Gonsalves at 351-444-8506.
GHS ’74 Reunion Aug. 10
Gloucester High School Class of 1974 will hold its 45th reunion on Saturday, Aug. 10, at the Gloucester House Restaurant, 6 to 11 p.m. with cocktail hour, dinner buffet, and DJ Leo Francis. $45 per person. If you or someone you know has not received notice, or have questions, contact Cyndi Bolcome at [email protected] or 978-546-3961. Checks are made payable to GHS Class of 74 and mailed to Class of ’74, 7 Highview Road, Rockport, MA 01966.
GHS Class of ’59 Reunion
Gloucester High School Class of 1959 will hold its 60th reunion on July 27 at the Gloucester House Restaurant, from 4:40 to 8:30 p.m. with cocktail hour, dinner buffet and a DJ. Mailings have been sent out, but only some have been returned. If you did not receive a mailing or know someone out of the area who would like to have the information, contact Gerri Kippen at [email protected] or 978-491-1781; or Id Doane at [email protected] or 508-878-5832.
Solo shows at North Shore Arts
The North Shore Arts Association is presenting two new solo shows by Faripour Forouhar of Avon, Connecticut, and Helene Pierce of Wolfeboro, New Hampshire. On display are more than 20 works by Forouhar in oil and more than 20 works by Pierce in watercolor. The shows, which run through July 8, are on view, are free and open to the public, at the NSAA galleries, 11 Pirates Lane, Gloucester. For more information, call 978-283-1857 or visit www.nsarts.org.
’39 Steps’ at Gloucester Stage
Patrick Barlow’s witty mystery “The 39 Steps” will be on stage through July 28 at Gloucester Stage Company, 267 E. Main St., Gloucester. This award-winning comic thriller adapted from the 1915 novel by John Buchan and the 1935 movie by Alfred Hitchcock, has played in more than 40 countries, winning Olivier (United Kingdom); Helpmann (Australia); Moliere (France) and Tony Awards. Gloucester Stage Artistic Director Robert Walsh directs this adaptation, in a production running Wednesdays through Saturdays at 7:30 p.m. and Saturdays and Sundays at 2 p.m. Single tickets are $15 to $48 with discounts available for preview performances, senior citizens, military families, and college students and those under 18 years of age. For ticket information, visit www.gloucesterstage.com. On Saturday, July 6, the 2 p.m. show is “Pay As You Wish” for access to the arts for all. For more information, call 978-281-4433 or visit www.gloucesterstage.com.
Page2Stage, a new collaboration between the Sawyer Free Library and the Gloucester Stage Theatre, is Thursday, July 11. The group will meet for the first time pre-show at 5:45 p.m. at the Gloucester Stage Theatre to discuss “The 39 Steps” by John Buchan. In this pre-show discussion of theater performances, participants explore the play’s subject through facilitated discussion of related content, including biographies and novels. The program is free and offers discounted $25 tickets for registered members. Registration is required at www.sawyerfreelibrary.org. The next program is Thursday, Aug. 8, and includes readings from Ben Butler’s autobiography and a presentation of Ben Butler. All books will be available at the library. For members’ discounted tickets, call 978-281-4433.
Aquarium summer passes
The Sawyer Free Library has received summer passes for the New England Aquarium, which is celebrating its 50th anniversary. Generally, the library only offers passes from September to June. But these special summer passes, which allows for a 50% discount on admission, are dated for the months of July and August. The passes and can be found on the “Reserve a Pass” link on the library’s website.
Welcoming Center volunteers
Love Gloucester? The Stage Fort Park Welcoming Center is looking for people who know the city and want to welcome the world to it. It’s more fun than work. Those who can give three hours per week, Friday-Sunday, now through Columbus Day, should contact Carol Mondello 978-281-8865 or [email protected].
A ‘life in pieces’
The Cape Ann Museum presents “My Life in Pieces: Painting with Stuff,” the first public exhibition of Rockport mixed media artist Stephanie Cole’s sculptural and eclectic collection. A Connecticut native, Cole studied at California College of Arts and Crafts and later at the Hartford Art School at the University of Hartford. In the mid-1960s, she and her husband settled in Rockport where Cole taught art in the Rockport Elementary School and her work evolved into intricate multimedia mosaics she called “memory sculptures.” The works are on view through July 7.
Holy Family Parish invites those ages 18 or older to Friday night Bingo in the lower church hall of St. Ann’s, 74 Pleasant St. Five different types of pull tab tickets. All paper books and ink markers are available for sale at the game. For more information, call 978-281-4720.
Archive access
Sawyer Free Library’s local history Librarian, Jackie, will help you find out what the local history and archive collection contains. Some of it is online, on the library website. If you’re curious, ask for Jackie when you stop into the library, 2 Dale Ave., main desk.
Dog license renewal
Dog license renewal forms are enclosed in the census mailing for dog owners’ convenience. Residents are encouraged to license dogs online at www.gloucester-ma.gov. Mail in registration and in office registration is also available.
Pet adoptions
Cape Ann Animal Aid at 4 Paws Lane, located off Route 133 near the junction with Route 128, has dogs and cats available for adoption. Some dogs may have a reduced adoption fee and there is no adoption fee for cats 6 years or older. Photos, hours and adoption fees are posted on the shelter’s website, www.CapeAnnAnimalAid.org, or call 978-283-6055 for information.
Cape Ann Referral Group
The Cape Ann Referral Group, a membership of local business networking and referrals, meets every other Wednesday at 7:30 a.m. at the Masonic Building on Eastern Avenue. Visit www.CapeAnnBiz.com.
Insurance help
Financial councilors are available at Addison Gilbert Hospital, 298 Washington St., to assist you in accessing health insurance: MassHealth, Commonwealth Care, Commonwealth Choice, Medicare, Medicaid and other health insurance issues. Visit the hospital’s Financial Service Department, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Adult Education
Action Inc.’s Adult Education classes are offered in the evenings on Mondays and Wednesdays or Tuesdays and Thursdays, depending on learning level. Classes take place at Action Inc.’s Timothy L. Riley Education Center at 5 Pleasant St. in Gloucester. Classes include reading, writing, math, work skills and referrals to support services as needed. Classes help students prepare for their high school equivalency test (formerly GED). For more information, visit www.actioninc.org or 978-282-1000.
Babson Library
Isabel Babson Memorial Library, 69 Main St., is open Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Named for Gloucester’s first midwife, the library’s books feature all aspects of family life including maternity, child care and women’s health. The collection is updated monthly. All are welcome to browse. Call 978-283-5624.
Legion Post
The Capt. Lester S. Wass American Legion Post 3 opens its smoke-free lounge for members and guests, Monday through Friday, at 3 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday at noon; and during many holidays. The upstairs hall may be rented for special events. Call 978-283-9710 after 3 p.m.
Notary services
Free notary services for seniors are available at the Rose Baker Senior Center. For an appointment, call 978-281-9765.
Cape Ann Special Olympics
Cape Ann Special Olympics provides athletic opportunities for individuals with intellectual or physical disabilities. The goal is to provide year-round sports training and athletic competition at no cost to these individuals. Program currently offers bowling and basketball on Saturdays. Bowling is at 11 a.m. at Cape Ann Lanes, and basketball is at 4 p.m. at the Cape Ann YMCA. All special needs athletes are welcome. Email Shawn Williamson at [email protected] or visit www.facebook.com/GloucesterSpecialOlympics.
DAV meetings
Cape Ann’s Disabled American Veterans, Chapter 74, meets on the third Tuesday of each month, 6:30 p.m., at the Veterans Center. All members and perspective members are encouraged to attend.
CAST scholarship
Cape Ann Shakespeare Troupe will award a $500 scholarship to a senior studying at one of Cape Ann’s secondary schools, or one who has worked with a CAST production, who plans to continue studying performing arts. CAST has been awarding this scholarship for several years. For more information or an application, email Ray Jenness at [email protected].
Gloucester400 design competition
Organizers of Gloucester’s 400th anniversary celebration are holding an international commemorative medal design competition open to amateur and professional designers. Commemorative medals are a time-honored part of Gloucester’s historic celebrations. The competition is accepting entries for Phase I. Designers must upload their original sketches to GloucesterMA400.com by Aug. 31, after which three semifinalists will be selected and receive a cash award of $3,000. In Phase II, the semifinalists’ designs, submitted as three-dimensional plaster models, closes on Dec. 1. The final winner will be announced in February 2020. The winner will receive a cash prize of $10,000 and his or her initials will appear on the final medal. See complete guidelines at www.GloucesterMA400.com.
Lanesville Al-Anon
Al-Anon support group, based on 12 Step Program, meets Sundays, 7:15 to 8:15 p.m., at St. Paul Lutheran Church, 1123 Washington St., Lanesville. Al-Anon is anonymous and free. Group welcomes people dealing with difficult and challenging alcoholic relationships. Call 978-546-6698.
Health care help
PACE at Element Care in Gloucester has openings for patients. The nonprofit health care organization and primary care doctors office specializes in taking care of elders age 55 and over who are either on disability or have medical conditions. For those on MassHealth, PACE can help cover health care expenses, medical needs, home care, transportation, medication and more. Call 877-803-5564 or stop in for a tour at 29A Emerson Ave. (across the street from The Open Door) and ask for Carol Pallazolla. Visit www.elementcare.org.
Veterans counseling
Many veterans experience difficulty in adjusting to problems in civilian life after serving in combat. The Lowell Vet Center offers counseling at the Gloucester Veterans Center for area veterans and their families, free of charge. For an appointment, call the Gloucester Office of Veterans’ Services at 978-281-9740.
Handy Sewing Lady
The Council on Aging Handy Sewing Lady is at the Rose Baker Senior Center on Mondays, from 10 a.m. to noon. Items needing repairs may also be left at the reception desk, along with your name, phone number and a description of the work needed.
Senior Scrabble
A group of seniors meets to play Scrabble on Tuesdays, 12:30 p.m., at the Rose Baker Senior Center. New members are welcome. Call 978-281-9765.
Free educational classes
Never finished high school? Have trouble with math or writing? Give yourself the gift of a free education with free classes at the Adult Learning Center at North Shore Community College. To apply, contact Erin O’Brien at 978-236-1226 or email [email protected]. Onsite classes are available on the Danvers campus, or study from home in the online Distance Learning program. If you are interested in distance learning, contact Zoe Fogarty at [email protected].
Community socials
The Lanesville Community Center, 8 Vulcan St., has launched monthly senior socials for the community, open to all on the first Friday of the month from 1 to 3 p.m., with games, knitting, hand work, chatting, lots of laughs and games (bring your own to share). Coffee and tea will be provided, but bring something yummy. Door prizes a bonus. Any questions or comments, contact Cheryl Davis at [email protected] or visit the Lanesville Community Center website.
Manship Ribbon Cutting and Tour
On Wednesday, July 10, at 6:30 p.m., join city and state dignitaries as Manship Artists Residency (MARS) celebrates the opening of its international, interdisciplinary artists’ residency in Lanesville. Then, on July 28 from 3 to 5 p.m., in conjunction with the Cape Ann Museum, join Rebecca Reynolds, curator and art consultant specializing in American sculpture and president of the MARS board of directors, on an intimate tour of the private home and grounds of sculptor Paul Manship, now the Manship Artists Residency & Studios in Lanesville. Light refreshments will be served. $10 CAM members; $20 nonmembers. Reservations required through Eventbrite. Address will be disclosed after RSVP to [email protected] or call 978-290-8438.
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