#hilda spellman and dr cerberus
caossource · 11 months
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High res promotional stills from Hilda and Dr Cee's wedding (s4 ep2)
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jyou-no-sonoko19 · 2 years
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An altogether unexpected proposal (that she honestly should have seen coming)
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phantomstatistician · 2 years
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Fandom: Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
Sample Size: 2,521 stories
Source: AO3
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Chapter Thirty: The Uninvited, episode reaction.
See, I never open my front door, because I don't like people, let alone if someone knocked like that.
Oh, Sabrina, I do not envy you. The awkwardness.
Okay, so knowing what we know from Roz, i have changed my mind and I would open the door and feed the dude, then once he left, I'd move. Far away.
Satan has spoken, Caliban has rocking abs.
Satan sounds like my grandma who wants my sister to get married and give her great grandchildren.
While Lilith is a mood.
Oh shit, Lilith does not seem to like the idea of competition for her child.
Harvey can have sex, but can't say the word. Got it.
Hilda's ideal wedding sounds like fun, but from Zelda's expression I don't think it'll be happening.
Zelda, you don't get to take over this wedding just cause yours wasn't great.
Or apparently you can.
Ohhhhhh, Lilith has arrived.
Sabrina you're in trouble.
Lilith is a mood, immediately jumping to killing Caliban.
Sabrina, what are you up to?
What does gelded mean?
Sabrina talking about adoption is funny, but she is being really manipulative.
"Gently." Hilda that's not exactly how it works.
I am LOVING how much Salem is in the show this season.
And holy shit, that is a lot of dead people. Ambrose looks a bit queasy.
Apocalyptic drums, sounds cool.
Faustus, you're trying too hard. Way too hard.
Mary is me.
Oh lordy, Caliban, you seriously gave Sabrina your balls. *sighs*
Uh oh, Sabrina is miffed at other Sabrina.
Or she's not.
Faustus, you. are. trying. too. hard.
Ah, now he speaks, but not because you are cool, Faustus. Quite the opposite.
Ew. Ew. Ewwwwww!
Hilda is so pretty! And I love how she's refusing to let Sabrina brush off why she's crying, even though it's her wedding day, Hilda is and always will be there for her niece.
So we know Hilda's at least over 160, which likely makes Zelda around/over 200.
Uh oh.
Oh, Nick, you have made a grave mistake.
Oh shit, someone stop her from speaking, right now.
I love how Hilda is speaking through her teeth, like really.
Zelda grabbing Sabrina and putting her at the table with those other spinsters is golden.
Roz's shirt looks so smooth and soft and i want it.
Nick is a moron.
Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit
The dude is here.
R.I.P Dorian.
Dr. C looks like he's gonna be sick.
I think I'm gonna use the uninvited's speech at any wedding I'll have to attend.
I may alter it, just a bit.
Sabrina's just casually attending a wedding in Hell, no bigger Aunt Zelda.
Lilith is so beautiful, and her face when she's left with the Eldritch Terror. 😂
I'm starting to like Satan, and I'm shocked he's actually acting like a father to Sabrina.
Him being so taken aback by both of them. 😂
Oh lordy, getting married? That's just messed up to the poor Uninvited.
Everyone is so disgusted by the uninvited.
Dollhouse, yay.
Everybody chant now!
Farewell Sabrina.
Oh my god, they're all dressed up! Zelda's a witch. 😂
Hilda and Dr. C are goals and so freaking adorable and if something happens to either of them I'm gonna riot.
Zelda's crying!!!!!
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oliviabensons · 3 years
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madamsatanslefthand · 3 years
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This is just too cute
(Zelda clapping with that serious face is everything)
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incorrectspellmans · 3 years
Ambrose: I made tea.
Sabrina: I don’t want tea.
Ambrose: I didn’t make you tea. This is my tea...
Sabrina: Then why did you tell me?
Ambrose: It’s a conversation starter.
Sabrina: It’s a horrible conversation starter.
Ambrose: Oh, is it? We’re conversing. Checkmate cousin!
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Great "marriage" photo with family
#Repost @/miranda.otto
• • • • • •
The Heart
Family 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸
#caos #sabrinanetflix
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rosalie-starfall · 3 years
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They are so damn cute!!!
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spellwoodmanor · 3 years
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From Witches Wear Daily on Twitter.
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caossource · 2 years
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Precious HilCee, re-united!
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jyou-no-sonoko19 · 2 years
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Their ideal future...
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frizz22 · 2 years
Growing Up Spellman-ch5
Read on AO3
Notes: Morgan 9, Sabrina 5
It’s been ages, I apologize. Hopefully people are still reading after the hiatus 😬
Morgan hummed as she deftly braided the colorful strings and beads together, forming a careful, precise loop. This was the last one she needed to make, and she couldn’t wait until Lilith and Beelze came next so she could give them her presents.
Except, Morgan sighed softly as she finished, except neither Lilith or Beelze had visited in a long time; a long, long time. Mama said it was because they had very important jobs in Hell, but Morgan wasn’t sure that was the only reason.
The last time they came was for Morgan’s birthday, and Lilith seemed upset; her eyes sad and tired even as she smiled and hugged Morgan. Even as she gave her a gift that Mama immediately took—while giving Lilith a scolding look—and said Morgan would have to wait a few years before she could use it. Even that hadn’t made Lilith’s eyes happy, and working Mama up was one of Lilith’s favorite games; or so Morgan overheard Auntie Hilda and Auntie Dee say once.
She didn’t like it when Lilith looked sad, but Beelze wouldn’t say what was the matter. So, Morgan decided to make a gift for Lilith to cheer her up. She worked extra hard on Lilith’s, the magic trickier than she thought, and Morgan had to throw away several batches of string before she got the spell just right.
The peal of the doorbell broke through her thoughts and had Morgan setting her gift aside before hurrying out of her room. Sabrina popped out of her room at the same time and the two shared wicked grins before darting for the stairs, each intent on beating the other to the door.
And though Morgan was older, Sabrina was quick and, with her bedroom closer to the stairs, she looked ready to win.
Certainly not about to let that happen, Morgan flicked her wrist to tangle her cousin in a flow of air that swooped her up into the air and dangled her upside down.
Shrieking in a mix of indignation and unbidden delight, Sabrina swatted at Morgan as she ran underneath her.
Breathless, Morgan swung the door open and exclaimed excitedly when she found Lilith standing. “You’re here!” She grinned, crushing herself against the witch in a hard hug. “It’s been forever!”
Lips curling up, Lilith hugged the girl back just as tightly, even going as far as to lift her slightly off the ground and sway her gently back in forth. “It has, little beastie, it has.” She murmured, pressing her face into Morgan’s mane of red curls.
Hell, she’d missed the little one.
Gently pulling back, Lilith brushed Morgan’s hair back. “And I brought a friend as well.” She stepped aside to reveal Beelze.
A delighted sound escaping her, Morgan released Lilith and launched herself at the demon.
Lilith shook her head in amusement and pushed inside, only to stop short, startled. “Hello, Sabrina,” she greeted the small girl, tilting her head to meet the blonde’s eyes.
Arms crossed and pouting, Sabrina returned the hello sullenly. “Hi, Lilith.”
Doing her best to hide her amusement, Lilith arched a brow. “What spell were you practicing, ‘Brina, to make this happen?” She asked, biting the inside of her cheek to discourage herself from smiling at the girl’s expense.
“Morgan cheated.” Sabrina informed her defensively. “We were racing for the door and I was faster so she used magic.” Face going red from hanging upside down, Sabrina’s pout deepened.
Her wrist flicking, Lilith slowly lowered the child to the floor, where she lay, arms still crossed. “Want to know a fun spell to try if she does that again?” She asked, as she crouched to be on level with Sabrina. While Morgan may be her little beastie, it wouldn’t hurt for her younger cousin to get the upper hand once in a while.
Expression immediately going from sullen to intrigued, Sabrina sat up and nodded eagerly. “Please!” She scooted closer, intent.
Double checking Morgan was still occupied with Beelze, Lilith bent and whispered into Sabrina’s ear. When she finished Sabrina’s mouth curled up mischievously, eyes bright.
Bouncing onto her feet, Sabrina clapped her hands. “I’m going to go practice.” She whispered conspiratorially before dashing off.
Affection squeezing her heart, Lilith straightened and shook her head. Turning, she found Morgan leading Beelze inside by the hand. When the pair reached Lilith, Morgan took her hand as well and towed the two of them into the parlor.
Bemused, Lilith glance at Beelze who shrugged, then eyed the girl. “Want to use our words, Mo?” She asked when the beastie finally released their hands.
Morgan made a face at her. “Wait right here.” She ordered before dashing out the door and, from the sounds of it, up the stairs.
A chuckle escaping her at how easily a child ordered her around, Lilith shook her head as Morgan’s footsteps thundered back down the stairs and into the parlor in record time.
Hands behind her back, Morgan came to a slightly breathless stop in front of them. It was only then, that her confidence suddenly flagged a bit. “I, I made you something.” She murmured, head ducking as her cheeks reddened—a far cry from the girl who ordered the Dark Lord’s Left Hand around a moment ago. “I missed you lots when you were gone, so I wanted to make you something to let you know I was thinking of you. And maybe….” Morgan inhaled deeply before finishing in a rush. “Maybe it will help you think of me and my family too and maybe you’ll visit us more.”
Thrusting her hands forward, Morgan turned her hands palm up and uncurled her fists, revealing little circles of string in each one.
“They’re friendship bracelets.” She mumbled, chancing a look at them. “Something, something mortals make. But I made each one special.” The girl hurried to add, as if worried they’d reject the gifts because of their mortal origin. “Ambrose’s glows in the dark so he can read at night when Mama and my aunties say he should be sleeping. Auntie Hilda’s let’s her know if one of her plants needs watering. Beelze, yours changes colors based on—“ But Beelze was already grabbing hers and wriggling it around her wrist. “On mood,” Morgan giggled, clapping when the strings shone a vibrant, happy yellow and orange to reflect Beelze’s exuberance.
Grin showing sharp teeth, Beelze hugged the girl. “Thank you, fierce little one, the other demons will be jealous the great Morgan Spellman bestowed a gift on me. And look at the colors!” Said colors had shifted once more, now a lovely mix of green and blue, likely to demonstrate the demon’s gratitude and affection.
As Beelze gushed, Lilith hesitated.
While a great deal of thought, power, and time had clearly gone into the gifts, she couldn’t make herself reach out to take it. Though Lilith was willing to fight Lucifer on a number of things, she wasn’t quite sure she wanted to so visibly flaunt her connection with the Spellmans, especially given what happened during their last confrontation; her punishment of soul collecting had only just been lifted.
Did she really want to shove it in His face daily that she was indeed still interacting with this family? And did she want to reveal quite how many strings the Spellmans managed to tie to her without her knowledge or consent…. Or resistance?
Unaware of Lilith’s inner debate, Morgan slowly withdrew her hand, the bracelet with it. “You don’t have to wear it.” The girl mumbled dejectedly, wilting as she cast her eyes down when Lilith didn’t enthusiastically put the thing on like Beelze.
Stomach roiling at the thought of her future potential punishments, but unable to disappoint the little beastie, Lilith snatched the bracelet before Morgan could tuck it away completely. “Oh, so you think you can make an offering to the Mother of Demons and then take it back?” She tsked and wagged a playfully remonstrating finger at Morgan before sliding the craft onto her wrist.
Brightening immediately, and not entirely fooled by Lilith’s declaration about offerings, Morgan surged forward to hug Lilith hard. “Yours let’s you know when people who care about you are thinking of you, or missing you.” She breathed, her head almost reaching Lilith’s shoulder; when had her little beastie gotten so tall? And so insightful?
Did this girl of not even a decade truly see so much of Lilith that she recognized her isolation? Her loneliness?
Speechless, Lilith was saved from having to react to the special aspect of her bracelet by Morgan continuing. “Want to come to my room?” Pulling away, Morgan looked up at her excitedly. “Ambrose let me borrow his Sphere of the Future*. We could show false visions to the mortals who come to mess with the grave yard. There are lots of them around Halloween.” A wicked grin tugged the girl’s lips as she bounced on her toes.
Lilith’s brow quirked up. “He let you borrow it, did he?” A Sphere of the Future was no commonplace household item, she doubted the only male Spellman that mattered would let his young cousin play with it—even if it was to torment a few deserving mortals.
A slight blush the only thing giving her lie away, Morgan nodded. “Uh huh,” she replied, and Lilith couldn’t help but mentally applaud the little witch’s poker face; likely another thing she inherited from her mother.
Smothering a chuckle, Lilith ruffled Morgan’s hair. “Perhaps in a bit, I need to speak with you mother.” Not really, but Lilith knew if she didn’t track down the Spellman matriarch first thing that she’d get absorbed in playing with Morgan, lose track of time, and miss her first chance in months to speak to Zelda in-person in her rush to get back to Hell.
Apparently satisfied with the answer, Morgan nodded. “Mama’s in the basement.” She informed Lilith, already skipping away.
As the girl disappeared around the corner with Beelze trailing her, Lilith’s eyes drifted back to the bracelet now sitting snugly on her wrist, unable to shake the feeling that the girl just won some kind of round in their odd relationship.
A round of what, Lilith wasn’t sure, but she was certain the child had accomplished something. A little impressed, if a bit confused, Lilith wandered down to the basement to find Zelda who was cleaning up after a patient, her thoughts consumed by the once more impressive display of power and control from Morgan at such a young age.
The sound of her footsteps on the spiral staircase, had Zelda turning, her face lighting up with a smile—and Lilith’s bracelet with it, the warmest, gentlest of heats emanating from it as she descended further.
“Lilith!” Zelda exclaimed, pulling the brunette from her observations, “I didn’t realize you were coming today.” She stated as she finished washing her hands. “Not that I’m not pleased, it’s been some time since we enjoyed your company.” Taking a towel from its hook, Zelda dried her hands.
Fingering the bracelet Morgan gave her, Lilith’s mouth opened and closed uselessly a few times. Between Zelda’s claims of enjoying her company, and Morgan giving love and gifts so freely, Lilith had turned mute.
She resisted glancing at the bracelet, which was still softly and comfortably warming her wrist, with some difficulty. It was almost equally as difficult to convince herself that the bracelet reacted because Morgan was trying to test whether the trick worked and certainly not because Zelda cared and was suddenly thinking of her.
Thankfully, Zelda didn’t make her suffer in her own silence. Not missing Lilith’s fiddling, Zelda’s grin stretched further as she nodded at the bracelet. “Ahh, I see she got you too,” she held up a wrist to display her own brightly colored piece of string jewelry. “Who’d have ever guessed the Dawn of Doom would wear friendship bracelets.” Zelda teased, setting her towel aside.
Cheeks heating slightly, Lilith grumbled, but didn’t move to take the bracelet off. It felt like a betrayal to Morgan to put it on in her presence but immediately remove it once out of the girl’s sight. And, well, her fingers ran across the carefully braided strings once more, it was rather nice to know someone was thinking of her fondly.
Sensing her conflict, Zelda’s face sobered. “Thank you, for taking it,” she added when Lilith eyed her in confusion. “I’m sure the Mother of Demons doesn’t normally wear such things, but Morgan was excited to give you one. She worked quite hard on it, spent more time on it than even mine,” she chuckled, affectionately spinning the bracelet on her wrist. “I didn’t want to—and frankly didn’t have the heart—discourage such creativity. I truly appreciate you indulging her.” Eyes softening in a way that did things to Lilith’s stomach, Zelda reduced some of the distance between them. “It means so, so very much to her that you visit. It means a lot to all of us.” Something Lilith would have labeled as alarm—if the emotion had lasted more than a second—flickered across Zelda’s face before the witch busied herself with a cigarette, paying unnecessary attention to fitting it in its place.
Emboldened by a few pieces of warm string, Lilith took the few steps forward necessary to close the remaining distance between them. “Well, your company, your family’s company,” Lilith quickly amended, “means quite a bit to me as well.” Her fingers traced the bracelet again before they tentatively reached out and traced the thin strings encircling Zelda’s wrist. “It is,” she swallowed before plowing heedlessly ahead, “it is good to know the feeling is reciprocated.” Not giving Zelda a chance to respond to her foolish, vulnerable comment, Lilith rushed to add, “what does yours do?” She nodded at Zelda’s bracelet.
Head snapping up from where it’d still been fixated on her cigarette, Zelda looked her directly in the eye for a moment, as though unwilling to let Lilith’s comment go. Then, finally, thankfully, she answered. “It let’s Mo find me, allegedly no matter where I am. I’m tempted to travel realms just to see how comprehensive her magic is…” she joked half heartedly, eyes full of love, but also haunted over Morgan feeling still the need to make this the power of her bracelet even with the experience in Hell having been years ago. Clearing her throat, Zelda finally broke eye contact. “My not so little anymore demon astounds me every day.” She murmured affectionately.
Visibly shaking off the painful memories, Zelda took a step back from Lilith, her walls climbing back up. “I have a query you might be able to help with.” She changed the topic, knocking ash from her cigarette into a tray, her tone and demeanor forcibly back to normal. “Cerberus, Hilda’s mortal lover, recently became possessed by an incubus.” At this Lilith’s eyebrows rose, but Zelda held up a hand to forestall any questions. “He was playing with ancient tomes that never should have made it to his hands,” she explained, rolling her eyes. “Thankfully, Hilda had already made him aware of her status as a witch and he came to us immediately for help. We’ve contained it, so far, with Damascus steel. But I wasn’t sure if you, as our resident expert on demons, could think of a more permanent solution.”
Her heart fluttering oddly at the the term ‘resident’, Lilith hummed and took a seat, fiddling with the bracelet unconsciously as she thought. “I do know how to remove the little one from him…” she admitted, teeth catching her lower lip. “But I believe doing so may be counterintuitive.”
Forehead furrowing, Zelda frowned and took another draw of nicotine. “How so? Demon possession is hardly beneficial for one’s health.” She chuckled slightly at the absurd idea.
Inclining her head in acknowledgment, Lilith smirked. “Typically, no,” she acquiesced, “typically they drain their hosts dry and leave desiccated corpses behind. But, Incubi are not like most of my demons.” She informed Zelda, hiding a smile when the witch came and sat next to her automatically out of interest. “They are generally rather lazy in any aspect not related to sex. Once they claim a body, settle in, they don’t like to leave. To prolong having to find a new body, an incubus extends the life of whatever vessel it inhabits; keeps it healthy. Your sister’s fling with the wannabe vampire just turned into something with a much longer shelf life. Cerberus should live well into his 200s at least. That is, of course, if the mortal agrees to remain possessed. I don’t see why he wouldn’t, the incubus is all but neutered with the Damascus steel, he should experience no side effects beyond the extended life.”
Any emotional wall building Zelda managed moments before disintegrated completely at the news and the redhead laughed in disbelief. “Truly?” When Lilith nodded, Zelda speared a hand through her hair as a wide smile split her lips. “Would you like to give the good news to them?” She asked, face bright, her usual mask falling away in her happiness for her sister.
Nonplussed, Lilith blinked. “I, certainly you can inform them.” She sputtered when she regained herself; while Lilith was happy for Hilda in a way she’d never been happy for anyone else before, that didn’t mean she needed to be involved further.
Being further involved, she was discovering, instigated deeper feelings… different ones for the varying Spellmans, but feelings nonetheless. And that certainly wouldn’t do.
Completely ignoring her protest, Zelda grabbed Lilith’s hand, smile still wide, and towed her upstairs to the kitchen where the duo in question were baking and Sabrina, Morgan and Beelze—the latter two having apparently abandoned their torment of mortals in exchange for snacks—sat perched at the table impatiently waiting for an already finished pie to cool enough to eat.
Her hand remained wrapped in Zelda’s until they reached the kitchen, only for the redhead to suddenly transfer her hand to between Lilith’s shoulder blades to push her forward into the room. “Lilith has wonderful news.” Zelda announced, smile smug as Lilith whipped around to glare at the woman.
Unable to avoid the situation now, especially with the group’s collective attention on her, Lilith ran her tongue over her teeth. “I, uh, well, Zelda brought your predicament to my attention.” She remarked, looking at Cerberus who ducked his head, embarrassed. “And I truly see no reason to remedy your situation beyond what’s already been done.” As Lilith went on to explain why, Hilda covered her mouth in shock and excitement while Cerberus clumsily grasped at the kitchen counter for support before managing to slump onto a stool before his knees gave completely out.
“Two, two hundred years?!” He repeated with a rasp, eyes wide. “At least?!” The addition was even more of a croak.
Framing his face with her hands, Hilda grounded the obviously overwhelmed man. “Only if you want, darling. We can remove it should you want a normal life.”
A partially strangled laugh emanated from Cerberus. “Normal? If I wanted normal I’d have stayed a weather man. If I wanted normal I’d have run when you claimed to be a witch. I don’t want ‘normal’, I want to be happy. I want you. And I will happily keep this demon chained inside me if that means I get to spend more time with you.” Cerberus pushed off the chair and hugged Hilda hard.
The peanut gallery at the kitchen table squealed and clapped, though Lilith could tell the girls didn’t fully understand what was happening, they just knew their aunt was happy and were happy in turn.
Her thoughts were interrupted when suddenly Cerberus enveloped her in a hug as well, lifting her off the ground momentarily in his excitement. “Thank you, thank you Lilith, I, this news is what I’ve been wishing for.” He murmured fervently, releasing her before she had a chance to recover from her shock enough to return the gesture. Without waiting a beat, Cerberus spun back to Hilda and dropped to his knee. “I nearly didn’t let myself do this, afraid it’d be more painful for the both of us in the long run. But now that I won’t be gone in a blink of your eye, Hildegard Antoinette Spellman, will you do me the honor of marrying me?” Deftly pulling a ring from his pocket, Cerberus looked at Hilda hopefully.
Tears springing to her eyes, Hilda nodded, a squeaky ‘yes’ escaping her as she crushed her lips against her incubus’.
Cheers sounded around her and Lilith tried to back out of the room unnoticed in the excitement only to bump into Ambrose and Diana as they wandered in, confused.
“What’s all the noise?” Diana asked, bemused.
Hilda simply held out her hand in response, the biggest smile stretching her lips.
Yelping in pleased surprise, Diana yanked Hilda into a hug as Ambrose shook Cerberus’ hand.
Contagious excitement filling the air, the girls and Beelze leapt up from the table and began to dance in a circle, giggling as they spun.
When Zelda was finally able to hug her sister, a beaming smile stretched her lips as she murmured soft words that had Hilda tearing up once more and her wide smile wobbling slightly as she nodded and laughed.
Touching her sister’s cheek sweetly, Zelda turned to the rest of the room. “This calls for a celebration!” She announced, waving a hand and glasses floated off the shelves, several bottles of alcohol joining. The pie sliced itself and plates landed on the table for the girls and Beelze.
Lilith gaped at the scene, the effortless use of magic for numerous things, the joy and love filling the space. The warm glow of the bracelet around her wrist constant and unwavering as every Spellman grinned at her and was clearly thinking fondly of her.
Overwhelmed by the rush of strong, positive emotion—a good deal of which was directed at her—Lilith tried to discreetly back out of the room. She wanted, needed, to actually process the truly thoughtful and incredible gift Morgan had given her; the magnitude of it. And the fact that, despite her earlier qualms, Lilith now knew she would never take this bracelet off.
Before Lilith could even make it through the kitchen door, though, Zelda caught her—too wrapped up in celebrating her sister to notice Lilith’s slight discomfort at the happy attention.
Her unease was lessened slightly when Morgan gave her such a sweet, pure smile it wrung something inside her chest Lilith couldn’t explain. Taking a seat next to the beastie, Lilith accepted a drink and a slice of pie.
The next hour made Lilith’s head spin.
The Spellman clan laughed and chatted and made suggestions for the wedding and all the while included her as though she were one of their own.
When Cerberus and Hilda turned one of the many toasts that evening to her and her knowledge, a flush heated Lilith’s chest and cheeks, but, by some unholy miracle, Lilith managed to smile widely and make a sarcastic comment that had the Spellmans laughing and she wished the evening could go on forever….
Because maybe, maybe strings, being tied to people, maybe it wasn’t such a bad thing.
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phantomstatistician · 3 years
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Fandom: Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
Sample Size: 2,234 stories
Source: AO3
95 notes · View notes
Chapter Thirty-One: The Weird, episode reaction.
Ah, so Judith and Judas are still there. Neat.
Jeez Mary, let me guess, you'll be the trojan horse?
Or not.
Spellman Sisters Mortuary is doing really well this year.
A growing boyfriend needs lots of water, good to know.
Oh my god, Zelda has never not had her sister there to take care of her!😂
Zelda, you're a witch, you could light you're cigarette with magic.
Hilda is living life and doing great.
Awwwwwww, Zelda looks so lost. I want to hug her.
Mambo Marie, if that even is her real name, is definitely up to something and tho I am interested to know what it is, I am not pleased because Zelda deserves happiness for once.
The teacher reminds me of a mouse. I think it's the haircut.
Lucas Hunt. Suspicious.
It's not Harvey.
WHY ARE YOU HERE, MAMBO MARIE! God, you can't just go into people's houses.
I mean you can, but you shouldn't.
OOOOOO, Roz is a muggle-born witch. Or a half-blood.
Okay that is so freaking creepy with that lighting.
Mambo Marie is up to no good.
They are in fact very cunning women, indeed.
What would Sabrina and Lucas's ship name be? Spellhunt? Brincas?
Talking about having extensional crisis at 16/17 and then Lucas saying he had one at 8, is relatable af.
Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming.
That is such a creepy dream.
And it gets even creeper.
Caliban you jerk.
Zelda looks offended that Lilith is preggers.
Zelda is going to save Lilith! I mean the coven is going to save Lilith...
No I don't.
Oh god, is this going to be like twilight? I don't want to suffer through another birth scene like Renesmee's. 😳
I'm cackling thinking of them shooting this scene.
Sabrina didn't know about Lilith and the Witches sharing her pain.
Is that kissing scene really necessary?
That is disturbing.
Annnnnnd I'm just going to fast forward through that scene of Sabrina getting surgery by Ambrose. Because I have medical vtsd and I don't want to add this weird thing onto it.
And it didn't work.
Show me Lilith's baby! I want to swoon too!
Ambrose there is 24 minutes and 46 seconds left in the episode something horrible is going to go wrong I just feel it. DO NOT DISSECT IT.
Caliban, I very much would like to throw you into the fiery pit, myself.
For one moment I literally thought that the statue dedicated to Hecate was of broccoli.
Prudence not remembering Roz. 😂
I want Prudence to eat her words about Roz being mortal.
I'm laughing with Marie. IN YOUR FACE PRUDENCE!
Nooooooo the kings are coming for Lilith's child.
Good looking Zelda's eyes after Lilith mentioned the baby she just delivered, I can't- !
OOOOOO power posing on the steps of the academy!
Every time they mentioned the babe I just keep thinking of the song Magic dance.
This is freaking awesome!
They ripped him apart with the pain of childbirth! 😂
Hilda just about skipped into the room to visit Lilith and her baby. 😂
She's so proud of him biting her. XD
Lucas, if I were you I highly recommend you- yeah, you know what? Just run don't come back to greendale just run.
Am I the only one that finds this scene in biolab kind of triggering?
Oh my dirty, dirty mind.
My mom never let me and my siblings watch SpongeBob when we are kids because she thought it would rot our brains. Maybe Sabrina should just try that.
Oh, casually singing the song 16 going on 17.
Can someone get her a tissue please?
Nicki singing to her!
He's not over her, not at all.
She really does not look 16 anymore, could pass for 18 though.
That was kind of adorable though how she just starts singing that she's 16 going on 17.
Oh Lucas you've transferred to Riverdale? Poor soul.
Finally, Sabrina, you don't need a man!
The new Weird Sisters.
My heart aches a bit for Prudence because she lost both of her sisters.
Of course The Perverse is his favorite.
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sam-crevellari · 3 years
The things I loved from the fourth season of CAOS:
-Prudence existing
-Prudence being soft
-Prudence being a badass
-Prudence dismembering Blackwood
-Prudence being a loyal friend
-Sabrina Morningstar’s wardrobe
-Vinegar Tom!
-Aunt Hilda and Dr. Cerberus wedding (the small one)
-The OG aunties + Salem
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