#hillcrest heights
istandonsnowpiles · 9 months
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Open & Covered
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ladyy--lazarus · 1 year
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Happy Bi Visibility Day 💗💜💙
September 23, 2023
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facelessoldgargoyle · 7 months
I’ve found a website where I can read The Autobiography of F.B.I. Special Agent Dale Cooper: My Life, My Tapes. I’m already weeping. My boy.
This is me, Dale Cooper, age thirteen, currently residing at 1127 Hillcrest Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It is a green house with yellow aluminum awnings that Dad bought from Sears to keep the fabric on the couch from fading. I am at present five feet three inches tall, have dark hair, can high jump four feet six inches. Expect at any moment I will begin a growth spurt that will take me to my ideal height of six feet.
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valandhirwriter · 4 months
Snippet fresh from last night
Usually I don't share snippets that I just wrote, but as a certain someone is going around whining again, I decided to put out something that is actually fun. @tigerlyla-of-metinna and @laurikarauchscat, this is especially for you, as you were impacted by the latest wave of nastiness. @regis-favorite-raven knows the story idea already, because we talk story ideas every chance we get. This is a story beginning, who knows where it will lead.
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Watchers and Hunters
Hello, hello, is there
Someone there who cares
For godforsaken souls
And godforsaken men?
Is there someone there who cares?
(MonoINC: Across the Waves)
Duny stumbled through the forest, hand pressed against his wounded flank, trying to duck behind bushes and boulders. Behind him, he could hear the baying of the hounds and the creaking of branches as the hunters followed him deeper and deeper into the forest. His three months of relative safety, hidden on an almost abandoned estate just south of the Amell Mountains had found their abrupt end through betrayal. Of the very few loyalists remaining another had decided that it was time to buy himself influence by betraying him to the Usurper. Duny had been warned, Ardal aep Dahy had again learned about the threat and warned him, but also letting him know that it was too dangerous to do anything more for him. Early in his flight, he had helped another man, saved him in fact, but had been forced to move on, once he had tended to his wounds. He was on his own, his feet carrying him further north, hopefully away from the hunters, hopefully, he would reach Cintran territory just soon enough for them to pull back or run into a Cintran border patrol. No such luck was forthcoming at the moment. 
The baying came closer and he could hear the sound of hooves, the hunters were catching up to him. Desperately he leaped across a boulder, racing uphill, deeper into the mountain forest. The huge trees offered little cover, and the underbrush wasn’t yet fully green, so he could not hide. The air burned in his lungs, as he reached the hillcrest, and looked panicked for a way down, the hillside was steep, and the woods stretching ahead of him, like an endless sea. Carefully he stepped downwards, maybe he could find an overhang, to hide under. 
The soft wet earth gave way under him and Duny lost his footing skidding downhill, his body thrown against rocks and bushes, unable to stop the tumbled until landing hard inside a mountain stream, the icy water soaking his clothes. The greater shock although was the head of a horse, standing beside the water to quite obviously drink, with a second horse only a few steps away. Beside the horses stood two warriors, one of them seemingly ready to go for his weapon, while the other had his blade already in hand, both of their eyes were trained on Duny. 
His stomach lurched, they had found him. The man with the sword was of medium height, appearing still tall to Duny’s eyes, with short dark hair and a short cropped beard, eyes hard and distrustful. Duny would have been frightened of him already, had his companion not been even scarier. Seven foot tall, broad shoulders, packing heavy muscle, with long slightly unkempt brown hair, and hands like paws. He didn’t need a sword to be scary. In broad daylight, Duny had no hope they could not see what monstrosity had just fallen into the stream, even if they were not with the hunters, who seemed to be on the other side of the hill at the moment. 
Duny scrambled backwards, falling over his own feet and landing in the water again, panic rising inside him. “Make it swift, please,” he whispered. He had been in a torture chamber once, he had no wish to repeat the experience.
Strangely the warriors did not attack him, nor did they show any fear or shock. The tall one looked up, his chin pointing towards the hill. “They after you?” he asked in Northern Common.
Duny had learned the language as a boy, a Prince had to understand the tongue of the neighbouring countries, but he had never had reason to use the language so far. “Tá, ceapaim… yes,” Duny struggled to use the correct tongue. 
The tall warrior suddenly advanced, faster than Duny could see, grabbing his arm, and pulling him out of the water, pulling him to their side of the stream. “Get behind me,” he said, his voice a deep resonant baritone. 
The next moment Duny saw why: hooves thundering came their way, the riders had moved around the hill and came towards them. Their hounds first baying, but then falling back and whining in fear. Surprised Duny watched as the huge hunting hounds slunk back behind the riders, who halted their horses in a few steps distance of the two warriors. He searched their ranks and his heart sank. They were led by Islwyn of Betws-y-Coed, and he hated Emhyr’s family with a vengeance. 
Still Islwyn stopped his horse and raised his to signall the other riders to follow suit. “I have no quarrel with you strangers,” he said in Northern Common, “that one,” he gestured distainfully towards Duny, “is a fugitive from Nilfgaard, with a high price on his head. Let us have him, and the coin will be yours. How do 5000 Florens sound?” 
Duny bit his lip, the sum was large enough to entice much wealthier people, and these two warriors were most likely mercenaries, who wouldn’t say no to easy pay. He peered around, assessing where to run, when the tall one spoke. “Fuck off,” he didn’t waste any more words on the riders.
“Look around you,” Islwyn replied, seemingly unfazed, “we are a dozen men, and you are two. Why seek a fight with us, over a boy you just found?” 
The smaller one gave him a sardonic smile. “Forgive my comrade here, for not being a man of many words,” he said, in almost cultured tones. “What he meant to say is: Go fuck yourselves. There is a cave a mile east of here, that we can recommend for such activities.” 
Duny felt his mouth fall agape, when he heard the rude recommondation spoken in perfectly calm tones. Islwyn’s eyes widened, he obviously was shocked by the rudeness too, but he reigned his temper in, with visible effort. “This is my last offer, give us the boy and live, resist and you will die.”
The tall warrior slowly drew a long dagger, flipping it around in his hand. “Why don’t you come here, and we insert this into your pert little ass, see if you can take it like a man?” he asked, and Duny shuddered, was it possible that the warrior was spoiling for a fight?
Islwyn certainly was, because he spurred his horse forward with a scream, into attack. The dagger left the warrior’s hand, hitting the horses’ neck, making it fall, colliding with a second rider, pulling him down, a third horse falling over the corpses. The tall warrior sprinted towards them, drawing his blade, Islwyn never came back to his feet, he died from an almost casual hit to the neck, a second rider followed. The tall warrior moved with a speed and strength that seemed impossible, he whirled between his attackers, weeding them out faster than Duny could count. One, another, a third… 
It was over before Duny could truly process all that had happened. The last hunter was brought to his knees and beheaded with one clean strike. The tall warrior stood, his breath even, he wasn’t even panting and his eyes went to his comrade. “I know, you are still hibernating, Ivo, but why don’t you wake up and give me a hand here?” he asked. 
The smaller man - Ivo - barked a laugh. “You were having fun, Axios, and you are always itchy after a winter. And what do we want with those idiots? They were crow bait now.”
Axios had sheathed his sword and pulled Islwyn’s corpse from under the horse, swiftly searching him. “Mighty fine, cowbait, there’ll be coin, clothes, and boots, at the very least. Look at the mite over there, does he look well geared to you?” he asked. 
Duny felt the heat rise in his cheeks, about the offhand comment. “I am not a mite,” he said, pride refusing to swallow mockery. He might be a cursed abomination, but he would not be belittled. 
“No, you are a cute little hedgehog,” Axios replied, “and you won’t get far in those rags you are wearing,” 
Instinctively Duny touched his chest, the clothes he wore, were still the ones, he had worn three months ago, when he escaped. They were his last link to who he had been, to all that had been washed away in blood. He wanted to dispute the words, but instead he sneezed loudly, as his body began to register the icy wet clothes. 
“C’me here,” Axios got up, waving Duny close, as he slid his own cloak, a thick monstrosity made of fur, from his shoulders and wrapped it around Duny. “There, that’ll keep you from freezing, until we have you at a fire. Now Ivo - move it, or I will leave you in some heap of leaves to sleep for another month.”
The two warriors swiftly searched the corpses and saddlebags, collecting gold, a few other items, weapons, clothes, a saddle-roll, working were swiftly, they soon had stashed the haul on one of the horses. “Come,” Axios gently nudged Duny to approach one of the horses, it was a huge hairy animal, with a shaggy mane, shaggy tail and shaggy fur. It huffed, when he came close. 
“Horses don’t like me,” Duny said, knowing how this would go. He had tried to steal a horse, twice, and learned that tame animals disliked him with a passion. 
“He knows better,” Axios replied. “Get on the horse, let’s be gone when they friends show up, and they are only a mile out.” 
Duny mounted the huge animal, and Axios followed suit, mounting behind Duny. One arm wrapped around Duny, securing him, while the other hand took the rains, before he clucked his tongue, and the horse began to walk. Soon both horses were trotting steadily along a winding paths deeper into the mountains, miles and miles falling behind them, as they moved further and further away from where they had found Duny. 
Duny had closed his eyes, he was still shivering, but the warm cloak helped a lot, as did the warm arm, securing him. He wanted to sleep, let his exhaustion claim him, but he couldn’t. Since his escaped he could count the moments when someone had honestly helped him on one hand. And that was counting the man who had given his life to allow Duny to escape at all. Those others who had helped him, all had known who he was and hoped for some kind of reward or leverage later. The two warriors, Ivo and Axios, made no sense in that regard. 
“Only Nilfgaard after you, or the bitch in Cintra too?” Axios asked after a while. 
“Nilfgaard,” Duny replied, his mind racing. “I don’t… I am not sure whether Cintra would count too. I do not know what happened recently, whether they ventured forth with the trade agreement, and what conditions they added. There might be a bounty in Cintra too, depending on that.” 
Ivo made a face. “Tell me again, Axios, why we had to rescue this little chatterbox?” he asked with growl, before looking a Duny. “A simple: I don’t know, would suffice.”
“But that’s incorrect,” Duny found himself saying. “There are factors that weight both ways, after the Uprising. Involving Cintra into the hunt for survivors, would yield a valuable ally in the North, but also expose the names of Nilfgaards enemy’s to the Queen of Cintra, which in turn could be used against Nilfgaard. Not sharing that information on the other hand, would guard Nilfgaard’s secrets but would almost certainly open chances for people to escape north.” 
“Oh… shut up, will you?” Ivo grumbled, and Axios gently squeezed Duny’s arm with an amused chuckle and Duny fell silent.
They rode for hours, until the sun began to set in the west and the two horses stopped near a small mountain pond. Looking around Duny wondered how far from people they were, it felt like they were deep in the woods. In spite of still feeling cold he began to make himself useful around camp, all too aware that he was dependent on the two warrior’s good graces. When he returned from refilling all waterskins at the stream feeding the pond, a fire was merrily burning, and Ivo was busy throwing something into the small kettle hanging above. 
Axios waved Duny closer. “Let’s get you into some decent things, these mountains aren’t as warm as the plains down there,” he said, unrolling the things he had taken from the dead men, or extricated from their saddlebags. 
Duny was hesitant to get rid off his damaged clothing, a part of him wanted to hang on to it, to somehow keep that last connection to his home in existence, but he knew it was useless. He needed warmer clothes, and sturdier ones as well. He nodded slowly, and took the things Axios handed him. The black tunic must have belonged to the elf among the hunters, because it fit Duny’s fine-bonded frame well enough, the breeches were a tad too long, but otherwise serviceable and the boots Axios handed him, surprisingly worked too. 
A sudden wave of pain hit Duny, and he crashed to his knees, as he felt his body convulse and his human form assess itself, as the night came. He shuddered, trying to not make a noise. Huge hands clasped his shoulders, steadying him. “Breathe,” he heard Axios say. “In… out… the pain is just the wind, brushing past you…”
Duny panted, as the pain slowly abated and his human form fully emerged. He looked up, surprised to see Axios face free of disgust or revulsion. Why did he not react to Duny’s monstrous existence. In the semidark warm hazel eyes shimmered softly. The breath fled from Duny’s lungs when he realised what he had not seen before. “You are a vatt’ghren, a Witcher,” he said softly. 
“And the little Nilfgaardian get it,” Ivo replied wryly, while stirring the cauldron. “Name’s Ivo of Belhaven, School of the Bear.” 
“My name is Axios,” the taller one said, “also school of the bear. And what might your name be?” 
For a moment Duny was tempted to say the truth, to just admit who he was and be done with all of it. He was dead anyway, crow-bait as Axios had called the hunters earlier on. But no, he wouldn’t give himself away. “Duny,” he replied. It was a name from a story he had loved, and that he had chosen, because it made him feel somehow a little better.
“Duny,” Axios replied, “why don’t we go over, eat a bite, and you can tell us about your curse, or spell gone wrong, if you like.” 
Slowly Duny followed him to the fire, accepting a jar of soup from Ivo. The hot liquid felt good and only now he realised how hungry he had been. “I’d… I’d rather not talk about it,” he said softly, after a while. “You’ve seen what it does. I am human at night, and a monster by day. I am grateful you helped me, but… there’s nothing you can do.” 
He was grateful neither Witcher pressed him for answers. Instead they left him to eat in peace, Ivo handing him another cup of soup after a little bit, and with the food in his belly, Duny began to feel tired. It didn’t take long for him to fall asleep by the fire, warmly snuggled under Axios’ fur cloak. 
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beardedmrbean · 10 months
New York City Schools Chancellor David Banks on Monday staunchly denied allegations that the approximately 400 students who swarmed the halls of Hillcrest High School last week demanding the ouster of a Jewish teacher who supports Israel had been in any way "radicalized." 
"This is a really good school with wonderful young people. And I’m so taken aback by this notion that these kids are terrorists … or radicalized. Even that kind of language is just terrible, and it’s irresponsible," Banks said at a press conference, confirming that some students had been suspended or faced disciplinary action after the incident. Viral video showed students acting out after the teacher's social media profile showed she attended an off-campus rally in support of Israel.
Citing privacy and confidentiality laws, Banks declined to say how many students were disciplined or provide more details but said he did not suspend all the hundreds in the hallway. 
On November 20, a teacher at Hillcrest High School "was targeted based on her support for Israel expressed in a permissible way outside of school hours and her Jewish identity," Banks said, outlining how the "safety of multiple of our staff and students were put at risk after approximately 400 students acted disruptively during class changing time, roving the school and calling for the removal of a Jewish educator." Officials said the Jewish teacher was on a different floor at the time the crowd of students stormed the halls. 
"The teacher was never in direct danger," Banks claimed. Two days later, a student warned the principal on November 22 that another demonstration was planned during fifth period and the school was temporarily placed on lockdown as a result, according to the chancellor, who met with students at Hillcrest High on Monday as part of deescalation efforts. 
But conservative members of the New York City Council categorized the incident differently. In a statement released Monday, the NYC Council Common Sense Caucus said it "strongly condemns the deplorable antisemitic assault and riots at Hillcrest High School." 
"On November 20th," the statement claims, "students not only disrupted the school but also horrifyingly threatened to execute a Jewish teacher due to her pro-Israel stance, obtained her personal address, and demanded her dismissal." 
"This unconscionable behavior severely violates almost every value to which New York City Department of Education is purportedly committed," they wrote. "Furthermore, we are extremely troubled by what appears the lack of immediate response and an attempt to sweep this incident under the rug by an agency entrusted with the safety of our children."
Banks promised that the targeted Jewish teacher –  expected to return to worrk this week  – would be kept safe but also warned of a vague protest planned Thursday. 
"This notion that this place, these kids are radicalized and antisemitic is the height of irresponsibility. The height of irresponsibility. And I for one, will not accept that at all," Banks told reporters. "In fact, the greatest concern that the students had here today, as well as of the staff, was that there is a protest planned of people who are coming here Thursday, and staff fearing for their safety as well as students, very concerned with people just making statements who have never even been here. They don’t even know us. But somehow or another we have become the symbol of hate. Look at these kids. This is the ultimate teachable moment. That’s why I’m here today. Not to … cast judgment on our children. But to make sure we as a school community live up to what we need to live up to." 
At a school of approximately 2,500 students, about 30% of Hillcrest High schoolers are of Muslim faith, Banks said. 
"They consume their information through social media, specifically TikTok and others, and what they are seeing on a daily basis are children and young people in Palestine, Palestinian families being blown up. That’s what they’re seeing, that’s what they’re consuming," Banks said. "They feel a kindred spirit with the folks of the Palestinian community. And because this is a very visceral and emotional issue for them, and that is what they’re seeing, those images every single day, when they all of a sudden saw this image of a teacher that says ‘I stand with Israel,’ the students articulated to me, they took that as a message that I am affirming whatever is happening to the Palestinian family and community." 
The chancellor also rejected claims there had been a cover-up. "New York City Public Schools operates with transparency. We do not hide or cover up facts," Banks said. "Such allegations betrayed the trust that parents and caregivers place on us when they send their children to our schools. And as someone who has served as a principal, a teacher and a school safety agent, and now in my role as chancellor, I’m deeply offended by any suggestion that we would be less than forthcoming." 
Councilwoman Vickie Paladino shared video on X that she said she obtained from a Department of Education source showing Hillcrest High School students had swarmed the hallway around a school resource officer and a brawl ensued. Responding to that video on Monday, Banks acknowledged that this was a separate incident that took place on November 15, and was "unrelated to the Israel-Hamas war." 
"I can confirm that the school safety agent involved was not assaulted," Banks claimed. "The school safety agent seen in that video was separating two students and was doing their job keeping students safe in tense situation. Violence of any kind is unacceptable in our schools, so we’re taking appropriate action with the student involved." 
Yet, the NYPD wrote on X, responding to the same video, that "The individuals responsible for assaulting the @NYPDSchools agents were taken into custody & charged according to NYPD procedures." Paladino doubled down with colleagues at a press conference of their own Monday, claiming Hillcrest High School culture prioritizes progressive activism over discipline. 
"Where are their parents? Who is holding them accountable?" Paladino asked.
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juni-ravenhall · 5 months
15. Which Race is your favorite? Why?
16. Which Championship is your favorite? Why?
17. Which Quests were your favorite? Why?
18. Which Event is your favorite? Why?
19. Do you prefer Story Quests, Side Quests, or Limited-Time Quests from Events?
20. What part of the Main Story is your favorite?
so many of the questions r so good i just sent a bunch sorry 0//0
- Jaoi
dw they are meant to be asked XD
Which Race is your favorite? Why?
i dont rly have one off the top of my head but i liked the new jumping course with an actual points system. sso races lack too much in well-designed challenges so i think its a good update. i also like the dressage in theory but i havent really played it yet this year bc im too exhausted to think. i prefer champs to single player crosscountry races since it feels like an actual challenge.
Which Championship is your favorite? Why?
firgrove is the one champ i actually do for fun... maybe new hillcrest champ can count in there too, tho thats more like "do it just to see the drama when the top spots die in the swamp". im still getting used to valedale champ but i keep getting lost and confused, it has potential but i feel like its a bit too chaotic so u dont even know whats going on and its easy to get completely lost if u get too far behind the other players. the other new champs are fine too.
Which Quests were your favorite? Why?
prob the nightdust story. i really wish sso had animated cutscenes throughout the game. (now we have some, but the current writing is so boring and disconnected from the existing storyline that i cant feel anything about the cutscenes. it doesnt feel like its the continuation of the same story.) i also liked the part of the main story when elizabeth died and we were stuck with alex in pandoria for a bit, bc at the moment that felt pretty dramatic and we were in like a unique location and stuff actually happened that had some kind of consequence. but even if i say that, lisa's song thing in that scene was kinda out of nowhere (bc they had just redesigned the soul riders shortly before and released her new music but it didnt feel connected to the previous lisa we knew yet - who didnt actually sing in sso at all besides us playing that harp one time? so her singing to guide us out felt generic rather than heartfelt bc we didnt really have a relation to this version of lisa.) and i liked the saving herman stuff.... and the rania and saving the lake in mistfall stuff.... i liked when we went with the rangers into wildwoods for the first time too.... theres also a lot of funny smaller quests i liked, like the original big bonny quests, the jarlaheim mayor guy, ed field, flooding the baroness cellar, igor stuff, the bridge building guy whos scared of heights, idk, stuff thats not really important to the story but silly in a way that made me laugh. i dont think the current writers are likely to write anything like that tho.
Which Event is your favorite? Why?
for now i dont really know, im not enjoying any of them that much. i guess it will be interesting to see what camp western is like this time. i love yule and winter time in general as a person but i dont necessarily care that much about the sso winter event, i love the snow though. halloween trail ride is fun but i feel like the excitement of seeing it the first time is completely different than doing it repeatedly year after year. i mostly wish that they would shave down the events into much smaller things and focus on the permanent storylines, fleshing out existing npcs and side stories and areas, and on releasing new areas alongside the story taking our characters there. i think making the events have so much going on (except none of it is especially fun) was a bad choice that took too much time and resources from the core development of the game. ppl wouldnt complain much about having nothing to do during events if we got consistent new quests and other stuff unrelated to the events imo.
Do you prefer Story Quests, Side Quests, or Limited-Time Quests from Events?
story and side quests, i really dont care about the events (aside from that one ydris halloween when galloper was trapped in the tower. i remember walking up to the portal and hearing the party music fading in for the first time, and how mc actually got to use magic.... cool times, but i still dont think they should do stuff like this for events unless they have a really good idea and the resources to execute it. its better as part of the main story.)
What part of the Main Story is your favorite?
mostly already answered in a question above, i feel like prob my fav is when we went into epona and started discovering the whole CHILL thing and saving herman bc that had a lot of excitement and mystery building up (which then fizzled out due to bad management). i used to really like talking to the different npcs across jorvik bc they had distinct personalities and problems, and often its like, its actually a bigger problem connected to the larger plot, but what we hear is how that thing affects local people on a smaller scale and they dont even necessarily think about some grand evil plot, theyre just annoyed they have extra paperwork, or confused why their thing isnt working anymore. idk old sso writing was both silly and really fun and immersive.
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lavendcrhaze · 1 year
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( Taylor Zakha-Perez, 26,male,he/him) oh! it’s that [ GREASER ] from {THE ANGEL RIDGE DEMONS ], they live in [ HILLCREST ]. they’re called [ SECOND IN COMMAND(LION) ] but their real name is [ LEON 'LEO' HAKIM ]. they work as a [ MECHANIC AT KING'S GARAGE ]. i heard they are [ SPITEFUL ], i also heard others say they are [ HUMOROUS ]. but who knows? the gossip mill says [ HE'S STARTING TO DEAL POT ON THE SIDE FOR EXTRA MONEY ]. (brie, 28, she/her, est, suicide/self harm) 
TW: Mention of the following; Domestic Violence, Abuse, Alcoholism,Drugs(marijuana)
FULL NAME: Leon Ivan Hakim   NICKNAME(S):  Leo, Lion (only by other greasers) NAME MEANING: Lion(of Greek Origin) AGE:   26 DATE OF BIRTH: September 9th CURRENT LOCATION:  Angel Ridge, CA ETHNICITY: Middle Eastern/Mexican GENDER:  male PRONOUNS: he/him SEXUAL ORIENTATION: heterosexual RELIGION: agnostic OCCUPATION:   mechanic at King’s Garage EDUCATION LEVEL: high school diploma & Trade Certification in Automotive Repair GANG AFFILIATION: Greaser ( Angel Ridge Demons) POSITION: Second in Command SPEAKING VOICE AND ACCENT:  semi deep with a slight rasp SPOKEN LANGUAGES: English and un poco espanol
FACECLAIM:   Taylor Zakhar Perez HAIR COLOR AND STYLE:  black curly hair that is usually at some variation of mid length COMPLEXION:  Type IV - Olive skin, rarely sunburns, always tans. EYE COLOR:  dark brown EYESIGHT:  20/20 HEIGHT: 6’2” WEIGHT:  178.5 lbs BODY AND BUILD:   athletic build TATTOOS: n/a PIERCINGS:  ear CLOTHING STYLE: jeans and some sort of button up layered over a t-shirt or his work uniform.   DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS:  Tall stature, Prominent Adam’s apple, Fuller lips, Defined jawline
SIGNATURE SCENT:  either smells like grease or his knock off Acqua Di Gio Cologne. FAMILY, RELATIONSHIPS, ETC.
MOTHER: Angelica Hakim (nee Perez) FATHER:  Hugo Hakim SIGNIFICANT OTHER: n/a BEST FRIEND:  tba EXES: Samantha Clinton (secretly) SIBLING(S):  n/a PET(S): cat named odin
Plot points: TW: Mention of the following; Domestic Violence, Abuse, Alcoholism,Drugs(marijuana)
Pre Leon his father was one of the best men the Greasers had in their ranks. He was second in command of the Angel Ridge Demons. His father's reputation began to slip as Hugo began drinking more and more heavily.
The drinking turned to yelling which ultimately lead to his father beating Leon’s mother; Angelica. This carried on for years, and his mother became very good at hiding bruises. It wasn't until Leon was about 10 years old that Leo stood up for his mother. From there the lashing was directed at Leon anytime his mother set his father off. After an altercation which landed both the men in some hot water during Leon's early teenage years the abuse tapered off, his father now knowing Leon could hold his own.
He spent most of his childhood anywhere that wasn’t his parent’s trailer in Hillcrest. Most of the time you could find him loitering around the junkyard which is what sparked the beginning of his automotive career. 
Leon had always loved the 'Greaser' lifestyle and emersed himself in their world pretty early on in life. As he got older and with a little bit of help from his nepo-baby privilege he rose in the ranks. When his father's drinking got to the point it was affecting his ability to do his job Leo often found himself stepping in for him. Leon finally burnt the bridge of any sort of relationship with Hugo when he usurped his position from the unfit man.
Through working odd end jobs Leo rebuilt his first passion project when he was 16. His bike is his baby.
Flirtatious by fault not by nature
Growing up he took pride in the ‘Menace to Society’ title he had received from the local PD. By the time he was 14, he had a rap sheet that was as long as he was tall.
Has really only had one serious relationship. His ex-girlfriend being the ‘Soc Princess’ herself. He was deeply wounded by her when she flipped on him to save herself once they were caught sneaking around. He didn’t care that she lied and had gotten him locked up because of it he more cared that he let someone in and they double-crossed him. He’s still pretty pissed she narced on him when the only thing ‘wrong’ he did was let his guard down and let her get to close.
He can be a bit of a douche but to his friends and fellow Greasers, he’s loyal to the end and would take a bullet for them.
Currently working at King’s Garage as a mechanic. 
Has recently started to sell weed out of his trailer on the low as a way to bring in extra money.
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sidewalkstamps · 1 year
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D. C. Messinger Contractor (Photo taken by me March 26, 2023)
There were many listings for Messinger’s work, mostly as a designer but earlier included some contracting. He was the designer and contractor for a residence for an Emma Thompson at 408 E. 66th St. He was a contractor with L. O. Fiscel (?) on a bungalow for Ruth Williams Ingraham in Washington Heights at Reservoir & Gladstone streets. At that time Fiscel & Messinger were located at 315 W. 61st Street. In the same year, he was released from a lien by National Lumber Company. (Southwest Contractor and Manufacturer, Volume 3, Engineers and Architects Association of Southern California, 1909.)
Messinger was located at 216 (and sometimes also 217) Bradbury Bldg in 1919. That year’s notices included designing two bungalows and garages on Hillcrest Terrace for D. H. Harrocks. Messinger “prepared the plans” for G. F. Sloan to build a “2-story 19-room hollow tile residence on Irving Blvd. near Sixth St. for J. E. Adams” and for a double bungalow to be built at “163 East Forth-seventh Place” for Chas. Roth, containing “two flats of four rooms and bath each” with “concrete foundation, redwood siding, shingle roof, pine trim, oak and pine floors, disappearing beds, water heaters, plumbing, wiring.” Messinger was designer and superintendent for the construction of a bungalow and garage (5 rooms) at 1239 Kenmore Ave. for A. M. Shaw (Southwest Builder and Contractor, p. 23, December 19, 1919).
He also “prepared plans for a 2-story frame and plaster flat building to be erected on Gramercy Place between 6th St. and Wilshire Blvd., for Gertrude R. Nash., was the designer for a bungalow and garage at 1839 N Van Ness Ave.,  and was the designer for a 2-story, 10-room resodemce at 857 S Bronson Ave.
This was the best little blurb I found about him:
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Most of this information was from Southwest Builder and Contractor, F. W. Dodge Company, 1919.
By 1925, he had moved again to 1210 Taft Bldg. in Hollywood (some say that was the fictional Philip Marlowe’s office) and had “completed plans [to] build two-story, 6-stores, 12 offices at the northeast corner of Porter Ave. and Brand Blvd., San Fernando, for B.A. Munn” (Building and Engineering News, Volume 25, Issue 1, 1925).
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beautybythaoly · 20 days
I am a licensed esthetician and skincare specialist in Mission Valley, San Diego and near El Cajon, Bonita, Poway, La Jolla and Del Mar. Contact for best Permanent makeup services in El Cajon, Bonita, University Heights, Mission Hills, Fashion Valley, HillCrest. Poway, La Jolla and Del Mar. Look glamorous and beautiful with our Permanent makeup in San Diego. Contact us for Permanent Ombre Brows, Facial, lash lift and tint services in San Diego. Call now
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istandonsnowpiles · 9 months
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bskhealingcenter · 23 days
The integration of the Internet of Things (IoT) into mental health care is revolutionizing the field by providing innovative solutions for both patients and providers. IoT technology offers numerous benefits that enhance the effectiveness of behavioral health care in Hillcrest Heights, Maryland. By utilizing smart devices and interconnected systems, professionals can monitor, analyze, and address mental health issues more efficiently and accurately.
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dclandlords · 1 month
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DC Landlords our Maintenance Service Team will be in Hillcrest Heights SE DC TOMORROW. Partner Members, your 1st $250 in Maintenance work (no minimum) is FREE 202-793-8600 https://www.dclandlord.org/blog/maintenance-request
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epacer · 2 months
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City of San Diego Improves Crosswalks in Time for Students Going Back to School
It’s that time — back to school!
San Diego is making safety improvements to several key intersections before students return to school this month.
Over the last few weeks, crews from the city’s Transportation Department have added or refreshed crosswalks outside 11 schools located in Hillcrest, Logan Heights, 4S Ranch, Chollas View, City Heights, Pacific Beach, Loma Portal, Mira Mesa, Scripps Ranch, Point Loma, and Cherokee Point. 
“Providing the latest and most effective safety features for pedestrians and all road users is one of the highest priorities of the Transportation Department,” said Transportation Director Bethany Bezak. “In this case, we were able to maximize our available funding by making data-driven decisions on which school crossings to refresh as students and their families prepare for the back-to-school season.”
Upgrades to intersections include installing or repainting continental crosswalks, which provide greater visibility and improved guidance for pedestrians and motorists. Thermoplastic pavement painting and school crossing signs have been added in both directions to provide drivers with advanced notice before approaching the crosswalk. While crews were on site at these locations, they also refreshed street infrastructure, including repainting curbs and re-striping nearby roadway markings.
The safety upgrades and new crosswalks were selected based on location data generated by Get It Done reports and other requests for service. The schools where nearby crosswalks were updated include:
·        Florence Elementary School
·        King-Chavez Primary Academy
·        Del Norte High School & Design 39 Campus Elementary
·        America’s Finest Charter School
·        Clark Middle School
·        Sessions Elementary School
·        Loma Portal Elementary School
·        Jerabek Elementary School
·        Point Loma High School 
·        Edison Elementary School
·        Sandburg Elementary School
Upgrades to these crosswalks near C=city schools come as Mayor Todd Gloria’s FY25 budget.
“Protecting Our Progress” budget provides record investments in street repair, critical infrastructure, and pedestrian safety. This latest budget allocates more than $40 million to the Transportation Department to implement the city’s Vision Zero goals to eliminate traffic fatalities and severe injuries in San Diego. This includes projects and safety improvements to intersections, bicycle facilities, guardrails, sidewalks, streetlights, traffic signals, and medians. 
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Street map repairs near to Crawford Senior High
To view construction, street repair, and other projects and events near you visit here at the following link: https://sandiego-public.dotmapsapp.com/map
*Reposted article from the Times of SD by Debbie L. Sklar on August 2, 2024
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themarketupdate · 3 months
Sensor Fusion Market to Scale New Heights as Market Players Focus on Innovations 2024 – 2030
The technology termed as sensor fusion refers to a combination of sensor data from different and disparate sources to provide a more meaningful and relevant set of information. Situation awareness is what sensor fusion offers. This technology has been around for a while now, with advances taking place rapidly in conjunction with the developments in the sensors industry. With new sensing capabilities being rolled out regularly, the idea of combining such functionalities is on everyone’s mind.
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furnitureplaceusa · 3 months
Find premium Sofa Maryland in Maryland & Manassas, VA. Get fast delivery in Forestville, Oxon Hill, Silver Spring, Hillcrest & Marlow Heights . Shop the best selection near you
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heypapipromotions · 5 months
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🔥📣Back by Popular Demand!
📆Starting April 29, 2024, every Monday night from ⏰️7:30 PM to 11:30 PM the Monday Night Gospel Skate will return LIVE at the old Crystal Skates, now the Isaiah 58 Skate House on 3132 Branch Ave, Hillcrest Heights, MD 20748. 🚨The event will feature 🎧music powered by ⭐️DJ DK! 💸The admission is only $12 and $3 skate rental. 
👨‍👨‍👦‍👦Everyone is invited! ➡️Bring your whole family, church group, young adults, college friends, birthday parties, youth groups, and more! 
🙏Come out for food, fun, and fellowship! ♥️Please share this with your family and friends! 
#ChristianNightLife #GospelMondayNights #GospelSkateNight #DJDK #Isaiah58SkateHouse
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