#hillman thriller
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- what the fuck.
- found a TERMINAL listing a bunch of films, i’ll transcribe to spare y’all the screenshots:
    - INVADERS FROM BEYOND THE GALAXY: Elliot Manfield stars once again as Blast Hannigan, dashing space rogue. As the evil Zebulon Empire plans it’s [sic] final push against the Earth colony of Neptune, Blast must make peace with the tribal Neptunians and their ruler, the intoxicating Queen Xarla. Can the Earth colonists and the barbaric Neptunians put aside their differences to repel their common enemy?
    - MANZILLOID VS. ROBORILLA - The giant man-lizard Manzilloid is back, and this time he has Seattle in his sight! But after 5 attacks, the U.S. Army is ready! They’ve created the perfect opponent. Meet Roborilla; 8,000 tons of Detroit steel and American ingenuity. He’s our only hope against the radioactive reptile![another GUILLERMO TOR DELO film i assume]
    - THE MURDER EXPRESS - Trapped on a train, no chance of escape, and a murderer is on the loose. Grant Hillman and Audrey O’Brien star in this thriller from acclaimed director Bernard Switchback. With more twists and turns than ever before, this one will have you guessing until the very end!
    (Note to Theatre Owners: The conductor did it)
    - ANIMAL MAGNETISM! - Jack Limes, Tony McKenzie, and Donna Monroe star in this madcap comedy about a couple of zookeepers vying for the attention of the zoo’s newest primate specialist, Dr. Jill Swinger [:|]. She’s an educated liberated woman, but they’re sure all she needs is a man to set her straight [:|]. Turns out, she’s about to make a monkey out of the both of them [o_o]! You’ll go bananas for this uproarious flick! Co-starring Bongo the Gorilla. [this either got a child-friendly comedy rating by accident or someone in the writers’ room would rather be writing for a different genre.]
    - INTO THE HOLLOW EARTH - Imagine a place where prehistoric monsters still roam free. At the base of a dormant volcano lies the entrance to a world within our world. Welcome to the Hollow Earth! A land of terrible beasts, lost civilizations, and savage magic. A world that Jules Verne [who exists in this universe] could only dream about, now available in spectacular DinoVision [?]!
    - (Note to Theatre Owners: DinoVision not available in most areas) [does this mean you just watch the movie without the dinosaurs??????]
- the first two were due to come out in december 2077, the murder mystery in february 2078, and the last two sometime later in 2078, so i wouldn’t have seen any of them.
- in other news, this place was Not Doing Too Well financially, raising prices to cover shortfall and so on, same old story. the two screens not working at the same time is also confirmed to be due to broken machinery.
- couldn’t find any posters for the “coming soon” movies, just ones for the two playing. also couldn’t grab the reels unfortunately, although i did find them.
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lovebooksgroup · 3 months
COMING SOON - #Virtualbooktour |Chapel Field by Paula Hillman @ pj_hillman @Bloodhoundbook | 28th March – 5th April | Proudly organised by @lovebookstours #BookTour #LBTCrew #Bookreviews
X Mail Print Facebook Pinterest Print Like Loading… Coming soon from Love Books Tours. Chapel Field by Paula Hillman 28th March – 5th April  Genre: Crime Fiction | Thriller  Publisher: Bloodhound Books Blurb A psychological suspense about silence and its sinister effects on a family and a village from the author of Blackthorn Wood. When Laurie Helm’s mother dies, Laurie must return…
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whitewaterpaper · 4 years
Ryttare i Blått (1959) [PdH#03] [SE]
Jodå. SVT fortsätter bjuda på Hillman-thrillers, och jag fortsätter se dem.
¡Oi! Spoilers, stavfel och alternativa fakta kan förekomma rakt föröver!
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John Hillman reser till England för att bistå Scotland Yard med sina kunskaper (bisarrt vad de skulle behöva en svensk privatdetektiv till) och hans fru Kajsa reser till Strömsholm för en kurs med Blå Stjärnan (en frivillig försvarsorganisation med specialisering på djur). Så det blir upp till Freddie och att hålla ställningarna på kontoret. Dvs, han skall svara i telefonen och säga nej till alla uppdrag, och ungefär i den ordningen. Det går sådär. När en kvinna ringer in om ett mord där liket försvann beger han sig åstad. Till Strömsholm. Där en mystisk ryttare hemsöker ängarna...
Den här filmen har ett stort problem: Freddy Sjöström (Nils Hallberg). Han tar för stor plats och bidrar med på tok för lite. Han funkade lite som comic relief i "Damen i Svart" där han inte är lika framträdande. Här står det klart att han är puckad, inkompetent och inte rolig för fem öre. Att John Hillman nästan inte förekommer i filmen, funkar förvånansvärt bra. Kajsa Hillman (Annalisa Ericson) klarar sig bra på egen hand och bär upp filmen förvånansvärt bra. Synd att man på manusstadiet inte vågade lita på det och gav Freddie en sådan framträdande roll. Som deckarmysterium är det här en spretig och tämligen oinspirerad historia. Mycket av handlingen spolieras av det faktum att Git Malmström (Gio Petré) så uppenbart är inblandad på något vis, det blir liksom lite för uppenbart när hon står och hånler i skuggorna i tid och otid. Och om det är en brist i regin eller ett medvetet val är svårt att säga. Hennes djupa agg mot Kerstin Renman (Mona Malm) är lite svår att förstå den med... Speciellt sedan hon uppenbart valt någon annan än Gits span Henrik. Men stalkers arbetar sällan efter oss dödligas logik.
Vi får se Björn "Dynamit-Harry" Gustavsson glimta förbi i en liten roll igen, denna gång polisen Boman. Ser i rollistan dessutom att Sven Wollter spelar pressfotograf. Kul.
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Filmen @ Vodeville.
Filmen @ SVT Play. 🆓 (Kan ses till 26.12.2019).
Filmen @ IMDb.
Svenska Blå Stjärnan @ Wikipedia.
Damen i Svart @ White Water Paper.
Mannekäng i Rött @ White Water Paper.
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Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality, which is all about sharing the books that you’ve acquired in the past week!
  Books I Borrowed This Week
Brown Girl Dreaming by Jacqueline Woodson
I borrowed this audio book from Scribd as part of my free trial and I adored it. It’s such a brilliant book and I’ve now added it to my wish list to remind me that I must get hold of a print copy for my bookcase.
Milkman by Anna Burns
I do already own this in print but I’d heard it was a good book to listen to so I borrowed it from Scribd and am very much enjoying it. I think this could be a five star read!
  ARCS I Was Sent This Week
The July Girls by Phoebe Locke
It was a brilliant surprise last Saturday to received a leaflet with a bracelet about the magpie choosing me. Then in the week a copy of The July Girls arrived! This book sounds like my kind of read so I can’t wait to get to it!
The Wayward Girls by Amanda Mason
I read a sample of this a little while ago and have been keen to read more ever since so I was delighted to be sent an auto-approval link for NetGalley yesterday!
Those People by Louise Candlish
I love Louise Candlish’s writing so I immediately requested this one when I spotted it on NetGalley! I know I’ll enjoy this book.
As Long As We Both Shall Live by JoAnn Chaney
I saw this in the Read Now section of NetGalley this week and it sounds so gripping and fast-paced that I couldn’t resist downloading it!
What Dementia Teaches Us About Love by Nicci Gerrard
I downloaded this one from NG too. I know what it is to care for a loved one who is losing themselves so am very interested in this book. I need to be in the right frame of mind to read this but hopefully I can read it soon.
I Want You Gone by Miranda Rijks
I downloaded this one from NG on a whim as the blurb just grabbed me! I don’t think I’ll be long getting to this one as I’m must in the mood for fast-paced thrillers.
The Bookshop of the Broken Hearted by Robert Hillman
I didn’t realise how many books I’d got from NG this week until I started writing this post! This was another one I downloaded on a whim… this time because I love the title!
Sister of Mine by Laurie Petrou
I’m going to be on the blog tour for this book in a few weeks time so will definitely be reading this NG book soon.
The Forgotten Sister by Caroline Bond
I’m also on the blog tour for this one and am really keen to read it as soon as I can.
      Have you bought any new books over the last week? Please tell me below. 🙂 If you join in with Stacking the Shelves please feel free to leave your link and I’ll make sure to read and comment on your post.
New Book Haul! (Stacking the Shelves 30 March 2019) Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality, which is all about sharing the books that you’ve acquired in the past week!
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indygirl890 · 7 years
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"Holy crap! What did I just read?" "Unforgettable!" "Evil at its purest!" Fans of psychological thrillers in the vein of Gone Girl and You will love Amnesia, the first book in the Centrifuge Duet by International Bestselling Author, Kylie Hillman. **READ FOR FREE WITH KINDLE UNLIMITED** Amazon US: http://amzn.to/2zmAs7u UK: http://amzn.to/2A79x2h AU: http://amzn.to/2zFQnkE CA: http://amzn.to/2zqeobs Paperback: http://amzn.to/2AnMMEC Goodreads: http://bit.ly/2jsbtvi Audiobook: coming soon Already read Amnesia? Attest, the final instalment in the Centrifuge Duet is now available! Amazon US: http://amzn.to/2hgTggk UK: http://amzn.to/2A8fs7k AU: http://amzn.to/2hWbJPG CA: http://amzn.to/2zp1hHl Goodreads: http://bit.ly/2hWZkLR Paperback: coming soon Audiobook: coming soon #kyliehillman #centrifugeduet #amnesia #attest
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lisentrailer · 4 years
Psycho Nurse Official Trailer (2020) , Thriller Movies Series
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davidosu87 · 4 years
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momscookingthebooks · 7 years
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Cover Reveal
Title: Exodus
Series: Centrifuge Duet #2
Author: Kylie Hillman
Genre: Psychological Thriller
Publication Date: March 28, 2017
Add to Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/34438268-exodus
#CoverReval #Exodus #KylieHillman #CentrifugeSeries2 #PreorderNow
Xander Barrett had it all.
Until it was stolen by the devil.
His life. His lover. His freedom. A chance encounter secures his release.
But, it comes at a cost--a debt he must settle before he's allowed to take his revenge. Luckily, it's a price he's willing to pay. Stripping a man of everything but his pride isn't smart. It creates a monster that's bigger and meaner than the original. Satan has spawned his match, and he's ready to cause an exodus. DISCLAIMER: This story contains triggering content and is not suitable for all readers, especially those under eighteen years of age. This story is the second installment in the Centrifuge Duet, and while it can be read as a standalone, reading Amnesia, Centrifuge Duet #1 first is recommended.
Pre-Order Links:
iBooks: http://apple.co/2lylCCk
Google Play: http://bit.ly/2lF13t4
Barnes & Noble: http://bit.ly/2m2Je3O
Kobo: http://bit.ly/2m10q9Z
Amazon: http://hyperurl.co/dnqml5
About the Author:
Wife to a Harley riding, boating and fishing, four-wheel driving, quintessential Aussie bloke.
Mum to two crazy, adorable, and creative kids.
Crohn's Disease sufferer and awareness campaigner.
She’s also an avid tea drinker, a connoisseur of 80's/90's rock music, and is known for lacing everything she says with sarcasm and inappropriate innuendo. Formerly working in finance, she was forced to reevaluate her plans for her life when severe Crohn's Disease brought her corporate career to a screeching halt. Restarting her childhood hobbies of writing and reading to alleviate the monotony of being sick and housebound, she found her calling and is enjoying life to the max. A typical day is spent in the "real" world where she hangs out with her awesome family and "book" world where she gets to chill with her fictional characters. Kylie writes the books she wants to read. A lover of strong men who aren't perfect and aren't afraid to admit it, straight talking women who embrace their vulnerabilities, and real life gritty stories, she hopes these themes shine through her writing. An avid reader of all genres, Kylie hopes to release books that keep the reader on the edge of their seat- be it with suspense, heart-stopping thrills, or laughter.
Author Links:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KylieAHillman
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorKylieHillman
Web Page: https://www.kyliehillman.com/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6918126.Kylie_Hillman
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Kylie-Hillman/e/B014USPEXK/r
Kylie’s Kollective: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1361904397169779/#_=_
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wesonerdy · 7 years
SPOTLIGHT: 'Amnesia' by Kylie Hillman
SPOTLIGHT: ‘Amnesia’ by Kylie Hillman
Amnesia by Kylie Hillman is a psychological thriller you shouldn’t miss! Read an exclusive excerpt here. (more…)
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lovebooksgroup · 7 months
#Virtualbooktour Blackthorn Wood by Paula Hillman @ pj_hillman @Bloodhoundbook| 27th November – 5th December  | Proudly organised by @lovebookstours. #BookTour #LBTCrew #Bookreviews
#Virtualbooktour Blackthorn Wood by Paula Hillman @ pj_hillman @Bloodhoundbook| 27th November – 5th December  | Proudly organised by @lovebookstours. #BookTour #LBTCrew #Bookreviews
Blackthorn Wood by Paula Hillman 27th November – 5th December Genre: Psychological Thriller Publisher: Bloodhound Books Blurb From the author of Seaview House comes Blackthorn Wood: What happens when bullying becomes lethal? Every workplace has its dark corners, places where the power-hungry lurk, where resentment and grudges fester. Former deputy head teacher] Cassie Clifton knows this.…
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whitewaterpaper · 3 years
Månadens Filmer: April 2021.
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Några dagar sent, men ändock så kommer här månadens skörd av filmer.
Arsenik och Gamla Spetsar (2012). 👍
Fredriksdalare som tillfälligt låg uppe på Eva Rydbergs YouTube-kanal. Trevlig liten fars om två systrar med en dödlig hobby.
Assassins (2020). 👍
Dokumentär om mordet på Kim Jong-nam, eller kanske framför allt det som framkom i utredningen efteråt och om hur två unga kvinnor blev en bricka i Nordkoreas maktspel.
East, the (2013). 👍
Thriller från den utomordentligt kompetenta duon Zal Batmanglij och Brit Marling. En privar säkerhetsfirma tar sig an att infiltrera en anarkistisk grupp och agenten som får uppdraget känner hur världen mellan gruppen och verkligheten blir allt mer otydlig.
Fantasy Island (2020).
Förväntade mig blodig splatter-skräck men fick en väldigt väl berättad skräckis. Har en fullständigt onödig twist på slutet men är bättre än recensionerna gör gällande.
Final Target ¤ Ava (2020). 👎 📺 🆓
Finns att se gratis på Viddla för oss med samverkande bibliotek.
Dramaaction om en lönnmördare som börjar tvivla på sitt jobb. Vill inte riktigt lyfta -- trots en skicklig Jessica Chastain i huvudrollen.
Gudarna Måste Vara Tokiga ¤ The Gods Must Be Crazy (1980).
Klassisk komedi som fortfarande kan vara rätt rolig. Tror inte jag sett den tidigare.
Kassören i Auschwitz ¤ Accountant of Auschwitz, the (2018). 👍
Dokumentär om fallet Oscar Gröning som en av de sista levande SS-medlemmarna ställdes inför rätta för medhjälp till mord på 300 000 personer. Dokumentären centrerar sig mycket kring den etiska debatten och Tysklands kämpande med att gå vidare.
Love and Monsters (2020).
Postapokalyptiskt drama med lätta stråk av teenegeangst. Avgjort bättre än väntat och jag gillar att monstren faktiskt inte är invanderade rymdvarelser.
Moon 44 (1990).
Inte så pjåkigt action-mysterium signerat Roland Emmerich.
Mord på Ljusa Dagen ¤ Evil Under the Sun (1982).
Mer Agatha Christie! Mer Hercule Poirot! Och som alltid när det gäller den sistnämnda är det en väldigt avancerad förklaring till vem mördaren är och hur det hela gått till.
Once Upon a Mattress (2005).
Förra månadens “Sicken Ärta!” följs upp med spelfilmsversionen av samma pjäs. Inte fullt lika vass som fredriksdals version, men ändock underhållande.
Robin Hood (1991). 👍
📜 Jag säger en del av vad som är värt att säga här.
Thunder Force (2021). 👍
Ack så skicklig Vivian Falcone är som en yngre upplaga av mamma  Melissa McCarthys rollfigur. En superhjälte film vars största behållning (förutom huvudrollsinnehaverskorna) är att det är en superhjältefilm utanför MCU och DCEU.
Tom i bollen ¤ Caddyshack (1980). 👎 🔁
Är det bara jag eller är Chevy Chase rätt överksattad? Rodney Dangerfield är nog den enda som är genuint rolig. Har sett den tidigare och mindes typ ingeting på förhand, förutom golftemat.
Troy: The Odyssey (2017). 👎
The Asylum ger sig på klassiska Odyssén i vad som bara kan kallas gisten Eka med segel.
Vita frun (1962). 👍
Intressant story, och ungefär lika bra som de övriga filmerna i Arne Mattsons filmserie. Lite besviken dock att enfaldige Freddy hängde med in i den här filmen men inte fru Hillman.
Wheels of Fire (1985). 👎
Post-apokalyptisk bilåkaraction. Vill mycket men stannar vid “Casha in i kölvattnet på Mad Max”-nivån.
Skall ni bara plocka en film ur den här listan, rekommenderas den politiska thrillern “The East” eller “Kassören från Auschwitz”.
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wickedbabesblog · 7 years
Release Blitz for Amnesia by Kylie Hillman
#NewRelease #Amnesia #KylieHillman #PsychologicalThriller #SpecialPrice99c Amazon : http://hyperurl.co/jqggpq iBooks: http://bit.ly/KHAmnesia Nook : http://bit.ly/BNAmnesia Kobo: http://bit.ly/KBAmnesia Smashwords: http://bit.ly/SWAmnesia
  Special Release week price of only 99c   Amazon iBooks Barnes & Noble   Kobo Smashwords       Amnesia, a Psychological ThrillerDr. Jaxon Ray has only ever wanted one woman. He’s loved her from afar since their Junior School days, worshiping the ground she walks on, intent on having her for his own when the time is right.Amber St. George isn’t interested in the trappings that come with her…
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Blitz and giveaway - Amnesia by Kylie Hillman
Blitz and giveaway – Amnesia by Kylie Hillman
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Amnesia Kylie Hillman (Centrifuge Duet #1) Publication date: February 27th 2017 Genres: Adult, Psychological Thriller
First, he steals her mind. Then, he owns her body.
Dr. Jaxon Ray has bided his time. He’s watched Amber St. George from afar, plotting and calculating the best way to get her back, until he realised that the answer was simple…
Steal her mind so he can own her body. Program her…
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italianaradio · 5 years
Torino Film Festival 2019: le prime anticipazioni
Nuovo post su italianaradio https://www.italianaradio.it/index.php/torino-film-festival-2019-le-prime-anticipazioni/
Torino Film Festival 2019: le prime anticipazioni
Torino Film Festival 2019: le prime anticipazioni
Torino Film Festival 2019: le prime anticipazioni
In attesa della conferenza stampa di presentazione del programma, prevista il prossimo 14 novembre, il Torino Film Festival annuncia alcuni titoli selezionati per la prossima 37a edizione (22-30 novembre 2019):
LONTANO LONTANO film diretto da Gianni Di Gregorio con Ennio Fantastichini, Giorgio Colangeli, Gianni Di Gregorio, Daphne Scoccia, Salih Saadin Khalid, Francesca Ventura, Silvia Gallerano, Iris Peynado, Galatea Ranzi, Roberto Herlitzka; (2019, Italia). Presentato in prima mondiale nella sezione Festa Mobile.
Non è mai troppo tardi per dare una svolta alla propria vita. Attilio, Giorgetto e il “Professore”, tre pensionati romani stanchi del loro quotidiano arrabattarsi, sognano di scappare in qualche posto esotico. Cominciano a raccogliere il capitale necessario, ma non è facile lasciare le proprie abitudini. Di Gregorio continua il suo racconto di uomini dolcemente estranei al mondo, immersi in una Roma pigra e solare. Con lui, Giorgio Colangeli ed Ennio Fantastichini nella sua ultima, vitalissima, prova d’attore.
Prodotto da Bibi Film con Rai Cinema in coproduzione con la francese, le Pacte, uscirà nelle sale cinematografiche giovedì 5 dicembre distribuito da Parthènos.
FRIDA VIVA LA VIDA film documentario diretto da Giovanni Troilo; (2019, Italia). Presentato in prima nazionale nella sezione Festa Mobile. Un viaggio in sei capitoli alla ricerca di Frida, nel cuore del Messico, tra interviste, ricostruzioni, opere d’arte e documenti d’epoca conservati negli archivi del Museo Frida Kahlo normalmente non accessibili al pubblico, per raccontare il legame passionale della pittrice con la sua terra natale, quello con il dolore fisico che la tormentava e che sublimava nella pittura, il suo impegno femminista e la profonda influenza culturale che ha avuto, che va ben oltre il mondo dell’arte. Nel documentario, con la colonna sonora originale di Remo Anzovino, l’attrice e regista Asia Argento conduce lo spettatore alla scoperta della pittrice, seguendo un fil rouge costituito dalle parole della stessa Frida.
Prodotto da Ballandi Arts e Nexo Digital, in collaborazione con Sky Arte, sarà distribuito nelle sale cinematografiche il 25, 26, 27 novembre.
QUEEN & SLIM film diretto da Melina Matsoukas con Daniel Kaluuya, Jodie Turner-Smith, Chloë Sevigny, Indya Moore; presentato in prima internazionale nella sezione Festa Mobile.
Al loro primo appuntamento, un commesso e un’avvocatessa vengono fermati dalla polizia per una banale infrazione. La situazione precipita, con risultati imprevisti e tragici, quando l’uomo uccide il poliziotto per legittima difesa. Terrorizzati e preoccupati fuggono attraverso gli States, aiutati e nascosti dalla comunità afroamericana. Il video della sparatoria diventa virale e i due diventano, loro malgrado, un simbolo del malessere e della paura. Un “On the road” in un’America laterale, bella e terribile.
Con una colonna sonora targata Motown Records e con un inedito nuovo brano da solista di Ms. Lauryn Hill.
Presentato da Universal Picture e Makeready in associazione con 3BlackDot e Bron Creative; prodotto da Makeready / De La Revolución Films / Hillman Grad /3BlackDot. La Universal Pictures distribuirà il film in tutto il mondo. Il film uscirà nelle sale italiane ad Aprile 2020 distribuito da Universal Pictures International Italy.
THE GOOD LIAR film diretto da Bill Condon con Helen Mirren, Ian McKellen, Russel Tovey, Jim Carter e Jóhannes Haukur Jóhannesson. Presentato in prima nazionale nella sezione Festa Mobile.
Il genio della truffa Roy Courtnay ha messo gli occhi su una nuova preda: Betty McLeish, una donna da poco rimasta vedova e milionaria. E Roy non intende farsela sfuggire. Fin dal loro primo incontro, Roy inizia a manipolare Betty con il suo collaudato modo di fare, e Betty, che sembra alquanto affascinata da lui, lo asseconda. Ma questa volta, quella che sarebbe dovuta essere una semplice truffa si trasforma in un gioco di fughe e rincorse, dove la posta in gioco metterà in luce i più insidiosi inganni che li porteranno entrambi attraverso un campo minato di pericoli, intrighi e tradimento. I leggendari attori Helen Mirren e lan McKellen recitano per la prima volta insieme sul grande schermo in questo thriller brillante e ricco di suspense della New Line Cinema, sui segreti che le persone nascondono e sulle bugie che vivono. L’inganno perfetto è diretto da Bill Condon, lo sceneggiatore vincitore dell’Oscar per “Demoni e dei”, da una sceneggiatura di Jeffrey Hatcher, tratta dall’acclamato romanzo di Nicholas Searle. Il film sarà distribuito in tutto il mondo dalla Warner Bros. Pictures ed arriverà nelle sale italiane il 5 dicembre 2019.
Cinefilos.it – Da chi il cinema lo ama.
Torino Film Festival 2019: le prime anticipazioni
In attesa della conferenza stampa di presentazione del programma, prevista il prossimo 14 novembre, il Torino Film Festival annuncia alcuni titoli selezionati per la prossima 37a edizione (22-30 novembre 2019): LONTANO LONTANO film diretto da Gianni Di Gregorio con Ennio Fantastichini, Giorgio Colangeli, Gianni Di Gregorio, Daphne Scoccia, Salih Saadin Khalid, Francesca Ventura, Silvia Gallerano, Iris Peynado, […]
Cinefilos.it – Da chi il cinema lo ama.
Chiara Guida
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lasteles · 5 years
La espía roja
Título: La espía roja
Título Original: Red Joan
Género: Biopic, Drama, Thriller
Nacionalidad: Reino Unido
Año: 2018
Director: Trevor Nunn
Guión: Lindsay Shapero
Reparto: Judi Dench, Sophie Cookson, Tom Hughes, Tereza Srbova, Laurence Spellman, Kevin Fuller, Simon Ludders, Ciarán Owens, Robin Soans, Phill Langhorne, Irfan Shamji, Steven Hillman, Stephen Samson, Adrian Wheeler, Freddie…
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(via BOOK REVIEW: EAT THE RICH BY RENEE MILLER) New #bookreview Lesley Ann Hillman   reviews Eat The Rich by Renee Miller "a fantastic grotesque look into the idea that we can all be equal."http://gingernutsofhorror.com/fiction-reviews/book-review-eat-the-rich-by-renee-miller#bookreviews #BookWorm #bookish #bookworms #bookblogging #horror #thriller
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