#him when he lost to taiga or whatever
starshine-valley · 11 months
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I think bro joined the wrong sekai…
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berrygoodjob · 3 months
Headcanons for Jin, haku, Alan, haru and Taiga who has a crush on the reader. But the reader is really introverted. Like social anxious, doesn't go out unless it's a must, has music blasting in their ears most of the time, BUT really good with animals. And when the reader gets comfy with them they're the most unhinged person they can meet. Btw I LOOOOOOVVVVVVVEEEEE your writing style
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TD x Introverted (chaotic) Reader
Ft: Jin, Haku, Alan, Haru, Taiga
Jin Kamurai
—he hates it at first
—he takes it so personally like you’re only nervous because it’s him
—But he quickly realizes that you have social anxiety after seeing you in the halls once, walking with your head down and your headphones blasting
—he’ll chuckle a bit and realize that he should probably be a bit more lenient with you walking on eggshells around him because it’s just you being anxious and shy
—he’ll still be a grump
—but he’ll try to honest with you so there’s no room for your anxiety to make you feel bad with him
—he doesn’t like to leave his room much, so he’ll have Tohma follow you for a day to see what kind of things you like
—that’s how he finds out you like animals
—he will try to buy you a pet,,, please do not let him because he’ll start arguing with his father about it bc no pets allowed at darkwik
—he has a hard time understanding that he can’t buy your affection
—he’ll eventually just start asking you to hang out in his room and do separate things in the same space
—he’ll work or read while you do homework or draw or whatever else
—when you start getting comfortable and letting him see your true self,,, he’ll chuckle and scold you like you’re a cat that pushed something off a counter
—he’s very entertained by your chaos
—he’ll keep you around even more just to hear what you have to say about various topics of interest at darkwik
Haku Kusanagi
—he clocks your social anxiety right away
—he’ll do his best to make sure you’re comfortable and feel okay around him
—he’ll do the classic stuff like walking you to class (even with your headphones on) or holding doors for you to try to get you used to his presence
—he thinks it’s adorable how good you are with animals
—you almost remind him of Suba in a way, how you’re so quiet
—once he gets to know you better though, that association fades
—he’s impressed by how chaotic you are.
—he eats it up though
—you say something wild and he laughs and plays along
—you do something unhinged and he’s right there with you
—hell tease you for it definitely, but nothing that might offend you
Alan Mido
—is also socially anxious,,, especially with you
—he really really doesn’t want to scare you
—he’s trying so hard,,, Leo will try to blackmail/make fun of him for this
—but Leo actually pulls through with some good advice “just hang out with them. Ask about their interests or something…”
—hell start doing this more
—he’s a bit awkward, but it’s a bit refreshing to hang out with someone that’s not just an asshole (like many of the other captains)
—He starts slow, just asking you if you’d want to get lunch together (far away from Vagastrom)
—he’ll even offer to walk you to class a few times
—he will get lost on his way to your dorm,,,
—he’ll see how good you are with animals and his heart will explode from how cute the sight is
—he stays back though, not wanting to scare off you or the cat
—he’ll apologize for watching and tell you he just didn’t want to ruin the moment
—he asks you more about animals and how you got to be so good with them
—he listens to you intently and asks questions about more things about you
—once he gets to know you well enough for you to let out the more unhinged side, he’ll be pretty amused
—he wouldn’t have guessed you’d be so mischievous, but he likes it a lot
—though he will always worry and try not to let you get too unhinged because he doesn’t want you to become a target of any kind
—(but even if you did he’d fight tooth and nail to protect you and keep you safe)
Haru Sagara
—Haru is gonna be the most understanding here
—He gets it, and initially he just leaves you alone for the most part, not wanting to stress you out
—it’s watching you interact with peekaboo and the campus cats that really makes him fall for you
—he loves how good you are with animals so much
—will probably approach you like an anomalous animal, will be very cautious and watch your reactions carefully
— he’s thrilled and a little surprised when you start getting comfortable enough to show your real personality around him
—he wasn’t expecting you to be so chaotic 😭
—you kinda remind him of towa in a way??
—he’s just happy that you’re being yourself with him now tho
Taiga Hoshibami
—he’s used to people being nervous around him, so you attitude doesn’t surprise him
—he thinks it’s funny to startle you or take you headphones off
—it’s not until he sees you being the exact same around everyone else that he starts to question
—he feels like a bit of an ass for trying to get your attention like a kid on a playground….
—so the switch feels like it came out of nowhere, but all of a sudden he’s being very defensive and protective of you
—he’ll point his gun at anyone that dares to look at you in a way that might make you nervous/uncomfortable
—he won’t say much to you during this time either
—he’ll just walk around with you like an aggressive guard dog(or guard tiger,,,,)
—soon enough everyone knows not to bother you, fearing taiga’s wrath
—he thinks it’s cute that you’re good with animals too,,,, he tries his best not to eat around you. He doesn’t want you to get upset about the way he eats and he really doesn’t want to have to explain himself
—will ask you to bring peekaboo to him though, only half joking
—once you get comfortable around him and start showing off your more unhinged side, he feels like he just won the lottery
—he loves it so much
—you match his freak <3 (maybe not all the way but he’ll take what he can get)
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danieyells · 4 months
idk if this has been brought up before, sorry if it has, and maybe I'm just thinking too hard on this but I keep looking at the official tokyo debunkers Twitter banner and like seeing taiga with that smirk, but then the broken piece has him with a wide eye + the theories of him seeing the future and such got me thinking.. or maybe it's just a cool banner, what do I know LOL
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lol i waited until i got home because i had it saved in HQ for reasons that probably won't come to pass off the twitter page on my laptop
I LOVE THIS BANNER it's such a good image and it shows off Taiga's crazy. Taiga is kind of the game mascot atm, interestingly enough. He's the first character you meet, he's the game icon and twitter header, he has some important knowledge of a major plot point. . .you'd think it'd be Kaito since he's kind of your sidekick and the one who teaches you everything at first, but Taiga's got all the impact.
But yeah, either he's losing his mind back there, or he's Seeing Some Shit. The broken gap in the image showing him with wide eyes is very much a little suggestion of 'there is more going on here than you see on the surface' which, admittedly, is kind of the setting of the game('there's more to the world than meets the eye and you're thrown into the world of anomalies common sense would tell you aren't real') but. . .yeah, if you think about Taiga possibly being able to see the future, which is similarly a hidden aspect of him, then the image is even cooler.
I'm honestly getting more and more attached to that theory as time goes on. Because I remembered today at work. . .Taiga doesn't wear gloves with his uniform, unlike with his house outfit.
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When the pc is in the torture chair and his hunger is triggered by their blood, he touches them, bare hand to bare skin.
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and then suddenly he snaps out of it, suddenly aware that Romeo was coming.
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to which I suspect. . .touching the pc caused them to enhance his stigma by accident. This happened to activate it automatically. And he saw the future without meaning to--perhaps in more detail than usual. That's also how he knew exactly where to shoot to hit the like dove--because he saw it fly in in his stigma's vision.
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That's also why he said Ritsu could close the casino and he didn't need it.
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The whole future he saw was so fucked(again?) and the casino wasn't helping to alleviate or avoid whatever he had made it for, or perhaps was causing more of a problem--it had, after all, spawned a dangerous anomaly. He just sort of lost steam and gave up all of a sudden. Yeah, take it away, we're fucked no matter what we do. (He got better, though. I too overcome my trauma and depression by forgetting things.)
. . .BUT UH YEAH. IT'S A SUPER GOOD BANNER IMAGE THAT SAYS A LOT. I really love it. Taiga is seeing into the code. It is traumatic but when he forgets in 15 minutes he'll be fine.
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sunshine-overload · 6 months
[BSTS] Taiga Crane Game 4* Card Story
ran pov
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chapter 1 -game centre-
saki: (Unei-san told me that a cast member had left a message that they’d like me to meet them here…)
taiga: Looks like they’ve installed a new action controller over there… Hweheh, it was worth coming to the first day of play testing. Next I’ll try a different combination of attacks~….
-saki walks over to him-
saki: Taiga-san, sorry for making you wait.
taiga: Saki-san…? Wasn’t expecting to see you here, what a coincidence.
saki: Coincidence…? You mean you weren’t the one that left that message asking for me to come here?
taiga: Message? Nope, that wasn’t—
-ran appears-
ran: It was me, me! I’m the one who left it! I was the one who called ya out here, Nee-chan. Actually, why are ya even here Taiga? Are ya bein’ all clingy actin’ like you’re her boyfriend or somethin’?
taiga: Scary, he just picked a fight with me as easily as he breathed. I’m here because an arcade version of a mobile game I play just came out, that’s all.
saki: So you play arcade games as well as phone games, Taiga-san?
taiga: Yeah, I guess. I play a bit of everything really. Despite being the same game there’s different skills in the arcade version compared to the mobile version… Like the cabinet that’s being play tested here for example has a rare special skill that’s only available in the arcade version. But well, if there’s anything about game’s you want to know more about just let me know.
saki: You sure know a lot, Taiga-san. It’s reassuring having you here.
ran: When ya played that fightin’ game way back I remember that ya lost hopelessly though~!*
taiga: That’s because my opponent was an anomaly.
ran: Oh really~? Makin’ excuses is lame ya know.
taiga: I mean, if you had been my opponent I definitely wouldn’t have lost.
ran: What was that just now? I don’t think I heard ya correctly?
taiga: I said that if it were a match between you and me, my victory would be guaranteed. My experience level is simply that much higher than yours.
ran: Damn you’re really talkin’ yourself up, aren’t ya? A match that uneven wouldn’t be fun at all! If ya wanna go then let’s have a crane game showdown!
taiga: Huh? I mean that’s fine too, but why the crane games?
ran: I have some tricks up my sleeve too.
taiga: Well whatever it is there’s no way in hell I’m losing. 
saki: (It suddenly became a competition…)
ran: I’m definitely gonna take out the win, so make sure ya watch me, Nee-chan!
taiga: Is it not obvious that I’m gonna win? Saki-san can be our witness then.
saki: Umm… Then, Ran-san, Taiga-san, do your best!
(*note: I think they’re referring to the trick or truth event story where taiga lost to gui in a fighting game)
chapter 2 -game centre-
taiga: When it comes to games there’s no way I’m gonna lose. I’ll show Ran that I can win this contest.
saki: Good luck!
taiga: My first target will be those boxes of sweets. It’s the most suitable for working out the specifics of how the crane’s arm and claw works. It’s an important factor you need to check.
saki: Those look like they’d be really hard to pick up… The box is smooth so it would slip easily.
taiga: That’s exactly why I’m going for them. Ah well, you’ll understand in a minute. Watch closely now.
-taiga starts playing the crane game-
taiga: Let’s see, for the horizontal placement… about there should be good. And then then… about that far back. Perfect. Go, Crane-chan!
taiga: Heck yeah!
saki: Yay, it picked the box up! Ah, but it looks like it might fall!
taiga: Don’t worry, this is all according to plan.
saki: It slipped out…? Amazing, you really did get it!
taiga: The centre of gravity on these kinds of boxes is right in the middle. However, if you position the claw in a way that’s slightly off centre, then they’ll slip and fall right into the prize collection shoot as you saw. Well, this is just scratching the surface of kinds of the techniques you can use. Here, you can take the prize.
saki: Thank you. I’m happy to receive a gift from you.
taiga: …….
taiga: I think I’ll try this machine again.
saki: Hm? Are you sure?
taiga: Yeah, it’s easy mode. It’s always convenient having some snacks around. I can munch on them whilst messing around on my computer… By the way, is there a specific kind that you want in there?
-time pass-
saki: Woah, you’ve won so many! You really are great at this. I wonder how your competition with Ran-san will pan out?
taiga: Competition…? Oh right, that was a thing. He started it didn’t he? At first I just didn’t want to lose to Ran, but then I started thinking that as long as you’re enjoying yourself then I’m a winner either way.
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yakuzacanons · 1 year
Karaoke And Music Headcanons - Yakuza 1-4 Protagonists Edition
Karaoke is one of my favorite parts of Yakuza and they are genuinely bangers tbh, plus the VAs do a great job so here are some of my thoughts on how our protags are when they go out to karaoke and what they like to listen to.
Kazuma Kiryu
Mostly listens to classic rock. Has a small vinyl collection at Morning Glory tucked away into a corner of his room. However, he rarely listens to music loudly as he does not want to disturb the kids.
Will not dance to music but will bob his head to the beat. Sadly his dancing days are behind him, along with the bubble era. He didn’t mind cutting loose on the dance floor when he was in his early 20′s though.
On the other hand, he loves karaoke. He will usually go by himself and just belt out his favorite songs. It’s honestly a form of stress relief for him. Sometimes he’ll take the kids with him and they all have a blast.
Since he does enjoy singing, he is extremely proud of Haruka for pursuing an idol career. He will never brag about Haruka to others to avoid ruining her chances at success but secretly he is THE proudest dad. Will memorize all the words to anything she sings.
Majima Goro
Mostly listens to pop music. Prefers 80′s and 90′s pop but anything on the radio suits his taste. If it’s catchy, he likes it.
Is very bad at memorizing lyrics so he hums all the time instead. He often gets caught at work humming some jingle to himself. Only knows all the words to his company construction song.
Despite this, he loves writing his own silly songs in his head. Usually they’re rather silly. He loves to annoy Saejima with whatever random tune he’s come up with.
At karaoke, he is good at singing if it’s a song he is somewhat familiar with. If he has never heard it before, he will just improv his way through most of it, cackling to himself. He prefers dancing to singing karaoke.
Saejima Taiga
Like Kiryu, he’s more of a rock guy. Also fond of blues. More of an old school music fan. He’s not up to date on new singers or bands.
He’s very self conscious so he will not play music on speakers or sing out loud. He prefers to wear headphones while listening to music. You might catch him humming VERY quietly to himself, which sounds like a low rumbling almost.
Rarely seen at karaoke but Majima drags him there anyways. Even if neither of them know the words or are good at singing, Majima wants to make up for lost time with his sworn brother.
Very shy when he sings but once he gets going, he has a smooth bassy voice. Prefers to do backup. Great at keeping a beat with a tambourine.
Akiyama Shun
Up to date on all the music trends. Part of the territory with running a hostess club, honestly. He picks up a lot of new music from the girls there.
As an extension of his work, sometimes he takes his hostesses to karaoke as part of their training for after hours dates. They’re all a little intimidated when he does this as he tends to sing better than all of them.
Loves going to karaoke, especially with Hana as she is the only one who can keep up with his energy. They sing a lot of duets.
He’s big on love songs. Akiyama is a romantic and daydreamer at heart so his music taste reflects that. Loves a sappy ballad. Also really into jazz music but he doesn’t talk about it much and prefers to listen to it in the comfort of his home when he’s trying to unwind.
Tanimura Masayoshi
Being able to speak so many languages has given way to Tanimura exploring a lot of world music. He’s really into k-pop lately but will not admit it, even if you ask him. The other cops tease him for it but he and Mei Hua bond over it. He is also fond of rap music.
He’s very shy about singing and will try to avoid karaoke as much as possible. However, if he does get roped into it, he’s a pretty decent singer, albeit he does tend to sing rather softly.
Surprisingly fond of dancing and is kind of good at it. He tries to learn choreography from k-pop or j-pop routines in his spare time as he finds it both entertaining and good exercise. Helps him stay light on his feet.
Usually listens to music with a pair of earbuds and a music app on his phone. Since he’s always on the go, he doesn’t really have any form of music system at his apartment.
Bonus Round! Haruka Sawamura
Despite being an idol, she’s pretty neutral on most pop music. She is partial to girl groups and other girl idols as she looks up to them but she mostly ever listens to them as a means to better understand the industry rather than out of enjoyment.
Actually a metal fan but keeps it under wraps. Listens to music using earbuds and will quietly mouth the lyrics to herself under her breath.
At karaoke though, Haruka will always belt it out. She’s a lot like Kiryu in that way. They have the best jam sessions at karaoke.
She is not shy about singing at all, given her career. However, she is not the showboating type and will never brag or boast about her abilities. She’s very humble and to this day compliments on her singing make her blush.
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◈Age: 24
◈Job: Manager of The Grand
◈Relationship Status: Current boyfriend of Arika Namikawa. The two have been together for a little over a year and a half. Goro's relationship with Arika acts as a form of escapism while he tries to get through his punishment in Sotenbori. He feels he's found a nice, sweet girl and he does what he can to make sure she isn't tainted by the likes of him (outside of the bedroom, of course).
◈Family: He's been on his own since he left his family during his teen years. His parents, never fond of him in the first place, disowned him fully once they'd learned he'd joined the yakuza. He later spotted his mother in a Tokyo supermarket when he was 20 and she walked straight past him as if she didn't see him. It eats at him. Still to this day, he wonders if she simply didn't recognize him or that was her way of reminding him that he was dead to her. The only family he claims these days are Taiga Saejima (incarcerated) and Yasuko Saejima, who he has not seen or heard from in 3 years.
◈Friends: Aside from Taiga and Yasuko (who he considers family), Goro doesn't have many people he would consider friends. Since living in Sotenbori, he's met plenty of people he would consider associates but it takes alot of trust to call someone a friend. He never knows who's genuine or who's simply a pair of eyes for Sagawa and Shimano.
◈Hobbies: He's lost the desire to really dabble in most of his previous hobbies for obvious reasons but since being placed in Sotenbori, he's picked up an appreciation for fishing, dancing and karaoke. He'd say that even staying in tip-top shape through training has become something of a hobby as well.
◈Favorite Food: Shio ramen. Plain and simple. It's good for lunch, after a long day or to help him soak up whatever liquor he's downed during the occasional night out. It never fails to hit the spot.
◈Favorite Item: He's never really cared for fashion and whatnot but ever since he saw his shoes on display at a shop down in the city, he knew he had to have them. They're unique to him. His own symbol. No one sees those steel capped beauties without recognizing the one and only Goro Majima. They're probably the flashiest thing he owns.
Want to learn a little more about the others?
→ Hiroshi → Arika → Edna → Kenjiro
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noeggets · 1 year
Fellow scan2go liker.... what do u think about the JET Kids.....
I watched the English dub of the show so ima use the English names
KAZ - love him, hes trying his best me a d my friend talk about how we understand this is a kids show but it would have made him such a different person if he lost some of his battles. Like it would have helped him learn something but he never lost any of his races. And I still have a whole ask to answer about Tiga and his brother so I'll leave that out of me talking about Kaz lol
Remember the ep where they were at the racing school and Kaz wanted Shiro on his team but he also wanted his friends on his team? I feel like his friends were a little over reacting because they know hes dumb and he didnt mean he wanted a new team he meant he wanted Shiro and them on his team which he couldn't have and it was later explained to him but aggressively cause they were all mad at him I understand this is a kids show but c'mon! Me and my friend have long conversations about this little kids show and how it could be better alot
FIONA - alright squirrel girl, I enjoy Fiona but I feel like they always had her jealous for no reason like she would just always get jealous of things she never cared about. Like when Titi wanted to race or when the boys just wanted to get a autograph from her, there was never any indication that Fiona liked any of her friends so it makes 0 sense for her to be upset that Diego and Myron wanted to see Titi and then later they had a rivalry that made 0 sense but before that I believe Tete did get mad at her and tell her at least she gets to race whenever she wants or maybe I'm crazy and I just imagined that
HOWEVER I will say I do enjoy Fiona and Hebina having a Rouge and Amy kinda thing going on I just wish they would let Hebina win sometimea cause I feel like Hebina never wins but shes supposed to be a treasure hunter pirate thing
MYRON - this child has o business being this sassy and hes supposed to be the Tails character but I'm here for it. Love how he lashes out and doesnt stay in the stereotypical nerd character he will put you in your place as he has done Kaz and many others the sass on this child is out of this world lol I don't remember a whole lot of things besides this but he had his moments that's all I can say love him
DIEGO - gotta say I was concerned about this boi because when he left the team that one time and he was walking the train tracks me and my friend was on high alert cause we thought he was looking to get run over BETTER NOT
Also it was really funny when Taiga was talking to Ryu Kaizel and Digeo went into like Tigas head or whatever d he told him talking to him wasn't worth his time and Tiga was like yeah you know you right
Dndhdndjfnfh Diego is the goat
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king-of-better · 2 years
GGG.11: Beyond Life
As Hell and Heaven starts to overpower God and Devil, Palparepa doesn't understand how the Loud G-Stone could be overcome, but Gai knows that as the Zonder Metal turns stress to power, the G-Stone does it with bravery, and as an Evoluder he is the ultimate expression of that bravery. Palparepa is destroyed.
TenRyuJin faces Puranus, unleashing Hikaro to Yami no Mai, the reflective smokescreen manages to reflect Puranus' attacks or affect her aim, while giving TenRyuJin every opening, the attack was based on EI-01's abilities, distracting her for by placing her chestplate elsewhere, she then uses Double Lim a Ongles to bisect Puranus.
King J-Der faces Pia Decem PEAK, unleashing all cannons, when Abel reminds of Arma J says he's prepared to kill Arma, as whatever time his partner has left will be torturous of they lose, this is something he knows Arma to have accepted. Substituting their own bodies for the J-Quath, King J-Der launches a J-Phoenix at Pia Decem PEAK.
GekiRyuJin faces Ptulone, countering it's wind and lightning with his own using Xiang Tou Long.
ChoRyuJin, facing P-Vater, breaks the master's defences with the Ul-Tech Beam Full Burst.
Volfogg uses a Silver Cross on Polturn before combining with GunDober and GunGlue into Big Volfogg, breaking it's speed with DaiKaiten Madam, then unleashing 1000 Magnum, slicing with Murasame Sword, cornering his foe.
Against Percurio, Mic brings out the new Disc F, calling the Dokadoka V and using the Wave Riser, the power is so great the image of GaoFighGar with the Goldion Hammer destroys Percurio. However, the Master returns with a vegeancs, destroying all Mic's equipment with sound waves.
Big Volfogg finds the GunMachines hacked, destroying him in a suicide attack.
The regenerated P-Vater bisects ChoRyuJin, Ptulone zaps GekiRyujin, and Puranus impales TenRyuJin, removing her weapons and blasting from inside.
After J-Phoenix, an ES Window opens and Pia Decem PEAK emerges, and J has no energy to fight as an Anti-Mason barrage is launched.
Palparepa Plajna reforms, injecting Genesic, and Gai, with chemical nanomachines, and God and Devil shatters him. The Braves have lost. Aboard Tsukuyomi everyone is despondent, but Taiga says their moment is coming.
Lamia declares life is what can overcome the current crisis, communications across time and space the belief of their friends and allies that they can win, which resonates with Mamoru, so starts purification as Cain uses Hell and Heaven Vitas, initially holding strong, but Mamoru declares Pei La Cain a mere imitation of his father, as Renais' G-Stone resonates, as King J-Der barely escaped with an ES Window of it's own, attacking Pia Decem PEAK point blank by forcing the Mason Cannons inside the giant.
The GS-Rides are re-energised and the Braves reform to attack the Loud G-Stones directly, HyoRyu and EnRyu unleash a max lever Supernova, GekiRyuJin pulls out the GS-Ride from the damaged FuRyu side, TenRyuJin splits, the sisters unleashing their special Lite Projectile X attack, Volfogg uses a last decoy to impale with the Silver Moon from behind followed by Melting Siren, and Mic plays Tower Bridge as an instrument to create the right frequency.
Lamia communicates to Evoluder GUY that he must unleash his life.
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paraemu · 2 years
i saw some social media hcs that i didnt agree with so of course i had to share my own. smile
emu: mostly a twitter user. he has a public acc that hes been using since his gamer m days that has turned into a more general use acc over the years and a private acc where he tweets (sometimes explicit details) about his life. he has a professional facebook that doesnt see much use and an instagram mainly for browsing.
parad: shares both twitter accs with emu. hes a widly popular twitch streamer, occasionally he collabs with nico, and people go wild whenever emu has time to join his streams. he has a tiktok where he posts himself doing insane shit when hes bored
kiriya: surprisingly has a lot of followers on instagram just for being a cool guy, he mostly posts pictures of random things he sees, landscapes with fake deep captions, and the occasional candid picture of emu and poppy. he uses twitter when he needs to complain about having an absolute day at work. also has a tiktok where he does cool tricks or documents whatever adventure he went on with poppy
poppy: she has a lot of pinterest boards for outfit ideas, diy stuff, event planning, food recipes she wants to try, etc. kiriya convinced her to post herself dancing on tiktok and she briefly became an internet sensation. she has a twitter but really only uses it to show off her new outfits and see what her friends are up to
kuroto: he had a verified twitter that was infamous for its long threads about copyright that he stopped using after he left genm corp. he has burner accounts on every social media emu uses and a longstanding fake identity that he used to befriend emu and gain access to his private twitter. parad keeps taking down his burner accs but he just makes a new one each time. probably gets into reddit arguments defending genm corps long development cycle
hiiro: he thinks social media is a waste of time. he only has a linkedin to keep up to date with his colleagues
taiga: canonically he uses twitter to keep up with bugster sightings and presumably the stock market. hes always getting into arguments on reddit over stupid shit and hes friends with a lot of military otakus on facebook, also uses fb to trade stocks. hes in a discord server with his bang bang shooting buds.
nico: she does twitch streams regularly. her beef with parad is infamous in the gaming community. she has a verified twitter for the gamer n persona and a personal twitter that shes been using to stalk emu since she lost to him. she wishes emu would stop posting about his life but she wont unfollow him. also has an instagram for interacting with her high school friends
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wthjillie · 3 years
KNB Imagine - Kagami unexpectedly leaves for America for 6 months (Part 2)
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a/n: Hello again everyone! So here's part 2 of the Kagami Taiga imagine that I wrote hehe and I'm excited! I hope it's good and you enjoy it
Time stops and your breath hitches and you begin to cough
Did I hear him right? Kagami is coming back?
You look up to Kuroko, expressionless as per usual
"I know that idiot hasn't spoken to you in months. But his flight lands tomorrow afternoon and we're all going to see him, you can come if you want."
Kuroko sits in his desk and your teacher enters your classroom so you don't get a chance to reply
All you can think about is Kagami... is he really coming back?
After school, you stood at your locker, lost in thought, not sure how life would be now that Kagami was coming back
It wasn't until Koganei jumped up behind you, wrapping his arms around your shoulders screaming your name that you zoned back in
"Y/n!!! How are ya?! Where have you been?! We've missed so much at practice! You should start coming again since Kagami is coming ba-"
You turn around, wondering why Koga suddenly stopped talking and you can see that Riko punched him in the back of his head. Shortly after, you see a couple more guys from the team awkwardly approaching you
"Hey y/n..." Hyuuga says slowly, scratching the back of his head. "We're all really sorry for not telling you sooner about Kagami, but he's landing tomorrow and we were wondering if you wanted to come with us and the rest of the team to the airport after school."
A brief moment passes and you decide going to the airport to welcome Kagami was too difficult for you, but probably just as difficult for him too
What if you has said something or did something that made him upset? Maybe YOU were the reason he never communicated with you all those months
The pain and hurt of upsetting Kagami was too much for you, you didn't want to ruin his return to Japan so you decided it was best if he was just able to see all his friends welcome him at the airport
"I actually have plans with my Mom after school tomorrow, she last minute flew in to see me so she needs help with.. uh... groceries! Yeah, groceries, so I have to drive her and help out. I'm so sorry guys."
Teppei and Riko raise their eyebrows in confusion, immediately knowing that you're lying, while the rest of the team nods their heads, falling for yet another one of your excuses
They all say their goodbyes and see-you-laters and just as you think you're alone, a familiar voice creeps up on you
You jump up and yelp, turning around to see Kuroko blankly staring at you
"You didn't have to lie to us, you know. We all know what it's been like for you for that last few months."
There's nothing you can really say at this point that Kuroko doesn't already know
"I'm sorry Kuroko... I just-"
"You don't have to explain. But whatever you're thinking or feeling, Kagami doesn't deserve for you to take it out on him. You know how he is y/n, he's an idiot but whatever it is, he means well."
You nod your head, not knowing what to do anymore. Should you go to airport? Should you just give him a call when he lands? Who knows
"Oh and y/n?" You look up, noticing that Kuroko didn't leave while you were distracted, like he usually would
"Don't forget your keys." Kuroko lifts your lanyard that you probably dropped when you were jumped by Koga
"Oh, thanks.. I didn't realized I had-" You stop in your tracks as Kuroko hands you the lanyard with your house key, mail key, car keys and...
You hadn't used it in months. You forgot it was even there. But as Kuroko handed you your lanyard, the sun coming in from a nearby window reflected off your engraved initials on the key to Kagami's apartment
Kagami gifted you that key pretty early on in your relationship. It was that moment you finally admitted to falling in love with him and realized how much he actually meant to you
Since he lived in Japan alone, and your Mom only flew in once or twice a month to see you, you spent a lot of time at Kagami's apartment like it was home
But somewhere along the way, you mr heart realized what your brain didn't, that it was really Kagami who was your home. No building and no apartment could compare to the safety and security that your boyfriend made you feel
You look down at the key and run your thumb over your initials and then flipped it over to reveal Kagami's intials...
A couple tears well up in your eyes, suddenly remembering all the intimate moments and all the first's that you and Kagami shared in his apartment
You quickly dry your eyes to stop the tsunami of emotions and quickly grab all your necessary belongings from your locker, slamming it shut and quickly pacing down the hallway
Before you know it, you're in your car driving home
a/n cont'd: ahhHhhHHHHH YOU GUYS I'M SO SOFT I'm so sorry this one was kinda anti-climactic but I'm hoping you still liked it!!! Part 3 is definitely coming sooner rather than later, I just have to run some errands and then I'm sure I'll be able to write it tonight! Also, just got a reply from Part 1 requesting to be tagged in Part 2 and I know it's not huge but this means a lot to me!!! So here it is @cocobutterbaby 🤗 thanks for reading hehe
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
Weird Secret Friends *Chapter 3*
I fixed it!!!! Huzzah!!!
If you didn't see it earlier, it was crap-tastic on my phone.
I'm glad so far people love this. <3
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Part 2
Part 4
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When you returned everyone was laughing at chatting, except for Sonny who was drinking vodka and soda while on his phone. He looked up and saw you both returning, he jumped up to meet you.
“Hey, counselor. I hope Y/N wasn’t too hard on you,” He half laughed.
“Are you kidding me, Sonny?” You scoffed.
“She’s fine, Sonny,” He smirked. “I like a little fire in a woman,”
“Oh?” Sonny’s eyebrows suddenly raised, causing you to give Barba a look. He was blowing your cover!
“I mean, I expect it from Jersey girls anyway,” He flipped his compliment quickly.
“God…” You muttered, looking at the floor. Pick a side, counselor.
“Anyway, um,” Sonny cleared his throat, trying not to think about Rafael and you together. “So when do we do presents and cake? I’ve kind of got an early--”
“I’m sorry, what?” Rafael furrowed his brows at Sonny. “Did you-- Carisi did you really just say that?”
“Do you see a present table? Do you see a giant rat mascot running around?”
“...What? Did I say something--?” Sonny became flustered.
“What do you think this is, a fucking Chuck E Cheese?” He suddenly snapped, causing shocked looks from both you and Sonny.
“I’m sorry Barba, I--”
“Alright that’s it,” You stepped in between the two of them, glaring at Rafael.
“Excuse you?” Rafael crossed his arms.
“Y/N, knock it off,” Sonny hit you softly.
“You have been nothing but rude to my cousin since we got here, Mr. Barba,” You pointed a finger to his chest.
“He was just trying to be nice, getting you a gift out of the goodness of his heart, something you would know nothing about!” Maybe now you were overcompensating.
“Y/N!” Sonny said through gritted teeth.
“What?!” You turned to see everyone at the party staring at the three of you in shocked silence. “Oh…” Your voice turned soft, your face turned red.
“Well,” Rafael straightened his suit and tie, recovering from your little rant. “I guess I should be a gracious host and open it then, shouldn’t I?” He gave you a look.
“...Holy shit,” You heard one of the guests gasp. “That thing is over $1,000! My wife wouldn’t even get me that for Christmas,”
“NO!” Sonny objected rather loudly,. “I mean, that’s not necessary Barba. It’s just a little something, it’s fine,”
“No no, your cousin is right,” He shook his head as he walked over next to Sonny’s chair and retrieved the large gift bag and placed it on the table. Sonny bolted over, you trailed behind quickly.
“No, seriously Barba, don’t,” Sonny began to panic. You suddenly realized how this was going to look, maybe you shouldn’t have pushed.
“Carisi why are you being like--” Rafael was questioning him but was silenced mid-speech when he pulled out the briefcase. His eyes went wide, you swore you heard a few people audibly gasp, You looked around completely lost, finally noticing the absolute horror on Sonny’s face.
“....Is this a Louis Voutton Robusto 2 in Taiga leather, Carisi?” Rafael whispered, running his fingers over the fine leather.
“Oh my god,” You couldn't watch this. Sonny had such a big heart, too big of a heart. He tried so hard...why didn’t you step in sooner?
“Uh y-yeah, sure Barba whatever you want,”
“Carisi, can I speak with you a moment outside?” Rafael blinked rapidly, trying to wrap his head around what was happening right now.
“Do you guys need somewhere to make out?!” An obnoxious man laughed, making the other guests snicker.
“Oh shove it Buchanan,” Rita hit him. “Sonny’s just his puppy,”
“Oh god,” Sonny muttered under his breath as he followed Barba outside. He didn’t know which was worse for people to think right now.
“This is totally inappropriate, why would you even--” He threw his hands over his head. God it was one thing knowing Sonny had a thing for him, but for him to finally make a move like this-- in front of his peers? His colleagues? The audacity.
You wondered if you should follow them. You were the one to cause this mess, after all. Also you really didn’t like the looks you were getting from the rest of the party-goers. You quickly began to follow after them, you could hear Rafael yelling from a mile away.
“What the hell is WRONG with you, Carisi?!”
“I-I’m sorry, Barba I--”
“WHAT?!” Sonny’s eyes instantly went to you. “W-Why would you…? Why would you say that?”
“I’m sorry, counselor I just thought--”
“You just thought what, Carisi?” He growled. “That if you bought some ridiculously expensive gift I’d suddenly realized you were ‘the one’?”
“What?!” Sonny suddenly snapped. “What the-- what the fuck are you talking about, Barba?”
“Uh I don’t know Carisi, maybe the fact that you have feelings for me?”
“What?” Rafael suddenly realized either you were wrong, or he was sticking to denial. Either way, he was probably busted.
“I bought you that briefcase because I want you to like me as a COLLEAGUE, Barba. Do you know what kind of clout you get in our field by being friends with the ADA? And-- And nothing I do ever seems to be good enough, I was afraid you’d never...accept me, unless I…”
“Bribed me?” Rafael asked softly.
“I--I don’t know, I--”
“Well,” Sonny shrugged uncomfortably. “When you say it like that it sounds dirty,”
“Right,” Rafael rubbed the back of his neck nervously.
“....But why, in the fuck--” Sonny crossed his arms now. “Would you ever accuse me of--- of that?!”
“Is it because you have feelings for me and you were hoping I felt the same way but it freaked you out when I made some ‘declaration of love’ in front of all of your work buddies?”
“WHAT?!” Rafael practically screamed. “Absolutely not--”
“I’m just gonna ask you one time, straight out,” Sonny approached Rafael, his stature over him becoming more obvious the closer he got to the ADA.
“Then why? Have I seriously given you an impression that I-- want your cannoli?” He tried to find an appropriate word. And he was genuinely asking, he had made damn sure not to act that way for so long, there was no way he had fucked that up.
“Uh...yes, yes you have,” Rafael tried to bluff. He had no idea how this situation had flipped, or if it was better for Sonny to think he had feelings for him, and not his baby cousin.
“That’s bullshit,” Sonny shook his head with a sarcastic laugh. “I have made damn sure--” He glanced at you again, he knew that look. That was the same look you had when you had broken his mom’s favorite vase and had blamed it on the dog.
“Damn sure what?” Rafael quickly tried to distract him.
“Damn sure you didn’t think that,” He answered hazily, thoughts filling his mind.
“Because you do,” Rafael tried to keep defensive.
“....This isn’t about me, this is about you,” Sonny’s eyes suddenly narrowed as he was quickly becoming aware of the glances you at Rafael were sharing.
“Ohh no I think it’s about--”
“WHY would you accuse me of trying to...seduce you?!” Sonny cut him off.
“Does that sound like something I would do, whether it was true or not?”
“So it IS--”
“DAMMIT, Rafael!” Sonny stomped his foot. He was getting bold now as the wheels started turning.
“What?” Rafael laughed like it was ridiculous, looking everywhere but Sonny’s eyes. “When would she even--”
“...Did my cousin say something to you?” His eyes were narrow, he was scowling between the two of you. Fuck. FUCK. Don’t panic. Keep your cool. Don’t move.
“When you followed her just now?” He crossed his arms again.
Whew. Well, thank God. At least that bullet was dodged.
"Was she? Because it seems like telling you was the worst thing she could do!!!" Sonny snapped.
“....She might have said something along those lines,” Rafael glanced at you with apologetic eyes as he threw you under the bus.
“Wha-- are you kidding me?!” You hissed at him, but Sonny was already fuming at you.
“Y/N!!! What the fuck is wrong with you?!” He started to stomp over to you. “You can’t just throw your assumptions at people, because you think your ‘emotionally stunted’ cousin can’t deal with some confusing feelings he has,”
“Ya can’t just SHOVE someone out of a closet!” He kept yelling, oblivious to the stares he was now getting. “Especially not to my boss!!!”
“Sonny, I--”
“See I knew it!” Rafael clapped his hands together, trying to rescue you after he threw you to the sharks. “I knew you had feelings for me, I didn’t need her to tell me,”
“FINE,” Sonny threw his hands up. “Fine, Rafael. You win, okay?” He struggled with tears forming in his throat. “Yeah, I’ve had some-- weird, feelings about you. For a while,”
You and Rafael just stared at him while he “came out” to an entire restaurant.
“And alright, maybe I went a little overboard with the gift, my bad,” He shrugged. "But that doesn't excuse Y/N for telling you her conspiracy theories!"
"Carisi…" Barba sighed. "She was just trying to help."
"Y'know what YN, would you mind finding somewhere else to crash tonight, i can't really look at you right now," he sighed as he turned and walked awkwardly out of the restaurant.
"Sonny I am so--" you tried to apologize.
"Well you heard the man," He grinned, totally unphased by what just happened.
"I'm sure he'll--" his face went from a soft smile into a horrified expression.
"Are you fucking kidding me Rafael?" You scoffed at him in disbelief.
"Well at least he doesn't suspect anything between us!" He pointed out.
"Yeah just that I'm a horrible outing twat," you rolled your eyes.
"Aw carino," He pulled you into a soft comforting kiss.
"What's wrong?" You asked softly, afraid to turn around.
"How fucking DARE you say that, Barba. I'm not some fucking jealous teenager, although clearly that's your type,"
"Oh my god..." you heard Sonny's voice behind you. "Oh my God!"
You definitely didn't want to turn around now.
"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Sonny now stormed over to the two of you.
I can't fucking believe you Y/N! What the fuck is this? How did this happen?"
"Sonny I--" You tried to explain,
"And YOU--" He glared at Rafael. "You had the fucking audacity to sit there and start yelling at me for "inappropriate feelings'," he growled.
"Carisi…." Rafael put a hand up.
"What the fuck do you call seducing my baby cousin??" He snarled.
'Look Carisi I know you might be jealous, but--" Before Rafael could finish his sentence, Sonny's fist was hitting his face and he fell to the ground.
"Hey!" You exclaimed.
"This isn't about my feelings, jackass," he went to punch him again but you ran over and tried to pull him off Rafael as a crowd of spectators was forming.
"Which by the way, you have zero worry of those anymore, I'm not into perverts," he spat.
"Sonny!" You gasped. "...the hell is wrong with you?!"
"We're leaving," he instructed you.
"Like hell we are," you went to help Rafael up.
"Sonny, even if you were my dad, I'm a grown woman," you snapped. "You can't drag me out of here like a child,"
"YN," Sonny had that soft, scary, angry tone. "I practically raised you. I'm the closest thing you have to a dad. So when I say we're leaving, we're leaving."
"Either you come with me right now, or I'm disowning you," he threatened.
"Are you fucking kidding me Son?" You laughed at the absurdity of the threat.
"I'll stop paying for your classes at the community college," he threatened.
Well not only did he just threaten your academics but he embarrassed the hell out of you revealing you weren't even in a real college.
"So?" You stood your ground. "Go for it,"
"I'll stop paying your rent," He kept going.
"Well that's--" You started getting nervous.
"I'll stop payments on your car,"
"OKAY," You finally caved. You just wanted to stop revealing what a fucking sad sack you were having him pay for everything, just like a dad.
You looked at Rafael who was standing now, winding his bloody mouth with a handkerchief from a pocket in his suit.
"I'm sorry," you barely whispered with tears in your eyes and throat. The last thing You wanted to do was leave him there but as Sonny so blatantly pointed out, he basically owned you.
You gave him one last long kiss goodbye, to which Sonny made a disgusted scoff.
Rafael gave you a look of pleading, begging you to stay with him while he held onto your hand. You pulled your hand away from him and turned to Sunny
"Alright let's go Son," you said softly trying not to glance back at Rafael.
Sonny nodded triumphantly and walked out of the restaurant with you close behind, leaving Rafael alone.
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aurabird · 3 years
For All It’s Worth
Legend tells of a great war between two stags and their champions. Scott is the reincarnation of Aeor's champion, Alinar; but the reincarnation of Exor's champion, Connel, remains unknown to him.
He doesn't think he'll ever get the chance when crystalline corruption consumes the Empires he has come to know for centuries and leave only him and two others the sole survivors of the land.
That is when strangers come from worlds beyond his own, one such individual offering to use demigod-like powers to save them all.
But with this plan comes consequence, and with that consequence comes prophecy.
Inspired by @phoenixfyrebird​‘s crossover AU where 3rd Life is after Empires and is where Scott finally meets Exor’s champion
Ao3 Link
For as long as Scott could remember, the twelve Empires had existed together; their rulers granted longevity of life and immortality from everything but old age due to ancient magic left behind by Gods when they banished a horrible corruption from the land centuries ago.
All elves knew the story, but Scott had only recently learned of the underlying prophecy that came with it. The reincarnations of Connel and Alinar would fight for their respective Gods in a battle for the fate of the world; and that failure to stop the evil of the former would lead to an eternal winter.
Scott knew that he was the reincarnation of Alinar but he had no idea who Connel was reborn as. He had suspicions of course; Fwhip's affinity for the crystalized redstone that corrupted whatever land was around it and Sausage's constant practicing of blood magic being the most likely in his mind, but so far they really didn't seem to give off 'reincarnation of a great evil' vibes, despite their chaotic and unhinged behavior.
Eras of war and peace came and went for them and, just when all twelve empires had found harmony, destruction arrived at their doorstep in a familiar form.
It was all an accident, but it claimed its cultivator first. Count Fwhip of the Grimlands had become infected and twisted by the very magic he studied until his own sister had to cut him down to save him from madness. Her kingdom fell shortly after along with that of the Undergrove and the Lost Empire.
Mezalea and the Ocean Empire were next to fall, the latter ruler sacrificing herself to save her husband. The Cod Empire where the heartbroken king settled was not spared, nor was the neighboring Mythland, whose ruler perished trying to help the Cod and Mezalian Kings. Pixandria's ruler went shortly thereafter, followed by those of Smallhold and House Blossom.
Rivendell was the only kingdom left unaffected, protected by the magic of Aeor. Twelve rulers had been reduced to a mere three in just a few months time, and even now the crystalline corruption had begun to creep closer, bypassing the protection of the elven kingdom.
 Joel didn't want to die, for it was his wife's last wish that he survive.
Jimmy knew he had to live in order to keep the memories of the fallen alive
And Scott knew that as Aeor's champion, he could not surrender until the prophecy came to be
 They would have to flee, leave everything they knew behind with nothing but what they could carry. Even then, though, the corruption would never slow, it would catch up to them eventually, it would consume everything in its path until nothing was left.
Still, they took their chances.
Several days they traveled, several days the corruption just followed them. Sometimes they'd get a few days of reprieve, others they barely had time to rest. While Scott himself could fly with his natural wings, Joel and Jimmy's elytras had long broken by this point and with no time to rest and repair them, they would be forced to walk from this point on.
It was a battle they knew they'd never win and the trio was well aware that they were on borrowed time, why bother running anymore?
But, that is when two purple rifts tore open nearby them, pulsating and hissing with magic unlike they'd ever seen. From these portals came people, eleven to be exact. Ten from one, and a single person from the other. They'd been told the stories and fables of worlds beyond their own, and these strangers couldn't have been from anywhere else with the entrances they made.
As it turned out, these strangers were the sole survivors of worlds that had faced destruction of their own. The first group, from a world they called Hermitcraft, had once housed twenty-six individuals; of them, only ten remained. When asked about the cause of their home's destruction, three of them had guilt flash across their faces.
Vengeful beings called Watchers had destroyed the world, punishment for the guilty trio's insolence. The avian in the red jumper was a Watcher himself once, but fled from them with the only two survivors of his original home, Evo. He used most of the power he had to open a portal and escape with the group behind him now.
As for the other, the man in a sleeveless and torn suit, he came from a world known as Legacy. He had not been there very long before Withers and the decay they brought with them consumed and torn it apart.
That was when the three former-kings shared their tale, lamenting that these individuals had only left behind two destroyed worlds in favor of what would soon be another. There was no escaping the crystalline corruption that inched closer and closer by the hour, it would consume them all in time.
However, there was a small ray of hope. The avian from Hermircraft explained that he had enough power left from his time as a Watcher to teleport them all far away from the corrupted lands and put up a barrier that would protect them should the corruption ever reach that far. It wasn't the most ideal scenario, but it was all they had. In agreement, the fourteen found themselves in an area protected within a 700 x 700 radius. Plenty of room to thrive, plenty of room to live...
...then they realized a fatal flaw.
The magic that brought them back upon death, Respawn Magic, as the world-jumpers had called it, was limited within such boundaries. The avian, Grian, deducted that there was only enough in the area to bring them all back twice. Three lives to live, they had to make them count.
It didn't take long for the universe to alert them to the next flaw. With the dwindling respawn magic came consequence; a slow decent into madness would come with each death. Those on their second life would grow paranoid, flighty, and hostile. Those on their last life became  chaotic, aggressive, and bloodthirsty.
Collectively, they decided to call this curse by a fitting name:
3rd Life
Scott and Jimmy had grown close in the journey prior to the current living accommodations the fourteen of them were faced with, and the two of them took up residence in a flower forest with Joel not too far off. Joel had been invited to live with them, but the former king could not bear to live with the now-lovers, heart still broken by the loss of his wife. Instead, he befriended wolves, living alone with his canine companions.
Hermitcrafts survivors scattered; Cleo, Bdubs, Impulse, and Tango in a castle, Scar and Grian now bound by debt settled in the desert, BigB lived on his own, and lastly Martyn, Ren, Etho and the one Legate survivor, Skizz, ran an enchanting business in the taiga.
Despite the lingering threats of limited respawn magic and the curse of death slowly leading to madness, things went relatively fine...until Scar fell into a ravine, costing him his first life.
After that, he became antagonistic and manipulative, getting whatever he wanted through fear from everyone he swindled...
...until he didn't. Ren didn't surrender to Scar's tyranny and remained defiant; something that cost the hybrid his first life, and the second ones of both Skizz and Jimmy. It also caused Ren to do something drastic, something that struck Scott with fear and realization.
Scott was present when Ren asked to be sacrificed by Martyn, as it was the only way to make him strong enough to bring about the Red Winter. At first, the elf had thought nothing of the words, but when Ren lifted his head and Scott saw the veins of corruption webbing across the hybrid's face, once-blue eyes now glowing red as blood and full of a lust for destruction and chaos, the pieces fell into place.
Despite everything Scott had not forgotten the prophecy he'd learned so long ago, and until that moment, he didn't expect to ever meet Exor's champion before dying to a fraying world. But before him stood the reincarnation of Connel, the harbinger of eternal winter.
That night, he confided the info and the prophecy to Jimmy and Joel, both of them in disbelief. They didn't get to talk about it much, however, before Ren and his Hand showed up and demanded tribute and sacrifice through threat and force.
Jimmy burned their banner in defiance and Scott's gaze met that of Ren, allowing him to see the realization that flashed in the Red King's eyes. He too, had made the connection; why else would he proceed to have Skizz to shoot Jimmy down in the desert when there were plenty of other targets? He wanted a reaction from Scott, he wanted to send a message.
Lives were taken, blood was spilled. Joel and Scott had been the hunters of Ren and Martyn at first, but now they were the hunted, pinned down in the crater of what had once been the desert. If the elf had any doubts about the hybrid's true identity before, they were gone now. Ren openly admitted to being Connel before lunching forwards with the intent to kill.
Scott heard the sound of a body being skewered onto metal, but upon opening his eyes he realized that it wasn't his body impaled on Ren's sword...it was Joel's.
"Run..." was the dying order given to him, and with a heavy heart Scott followed the command, making his way to the Crastle where he took refuge within the building's walls. That night, he told the tale, of the corruption and the eternal winter; of his destiny to stop Ren...no, Connel. He asked them to fight by his side in a final battle. They all agreed, they had vengeance in their hearts as well.
The battle of Dogwarts was brutal, crimson dying the water and staining the grass as it pooled from fallen bodies. Now, Scott faced Ren alone, the two of them the only survivors of their respective armies.
Like prophecy foretold they clashed, the reincarnations of Alinar and Connel fought with unyielding vigor, staining snow with blood as their weapons tore through flesh and arrows pierced through skin.
But only one of them would win, with a final cry full of anguish about those he'd lost, Scott drove his sword through Ren's heart. Exor's champion was dead, he had won.
The victory felt hollow to him; he was surrounded by bodies and had already buried countless more, he was the only one left in a fraying world and Scott could already see the crystalline corruption that'd taken everything from him already at the edges of the magical barrier. He was out of time...and there was still one life left to go.
After burring the bodies of the newly-fallen, ally and enemy alike, Scott made his way to the highest peak near Dogwarts...and let himself fall. His instinct told him to catch himself and fly, but he didn't listen, only welcomed the air blowing past his face.
A sickening crack...agonizing pain as bones shattered...and then blissful darkness.
Scott's eyelids flickered open, light and color filling them as he looked at the sky from between the thick canopy of the jungle...
Wait, jungle?
He jolted up as the gears began to turn. He knew this place, but the last time he'd seen it, it was corrupted by red crystals and the colors of everything were far more vibrant compared to the muted shades they were now.
"There you are! I was wondering when you were going to show up!"
Scott's blood went cold at the voice...the last time he'd heard it was...
The elf dared to turn around, his heart skipping a beat at who he saw before him.
Dressed in his Codfather attire, stood Jimmy with a goofy grin on his face. Behind him, the rest of those that had ruled empires lost to corruption so, so long ago. "J-Jimmy? Guys? Where are...?"
Jimmy extended a hand and spoke "This is it, this is the end."
"Is it...home?"
"It's home, Scott. It's home."
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danieyells · 4 months
I'm the anon who asked for the Taiga lines, thank you so much for sharing!
I did not have much thoughts on Taiga before, other than him being surprisingly chill despite being a lil freaky but omg seeing his max affinity line along with his line on the ditched future.... the angst is unmatched.
You're stuck with him till death do us part? Whether you like it or not? Especially in a time loop situation, imagine that either of them have a high likelihood of dying within the year. One or both of them have tried to fix it, to no avail. Maybe they were a thing in one of the loops but only Taiga (vaguely) remembers it and that would make the max affinity line extra bittersweet because he's only succeeded at freaking out MC in the current timeline lol.
Maybe Taiga was invested in saving (everyone? himself? mc?) before but no matter what he does nothing changes? iirc he was an exemplary student going on a ton of missions to find anomalies, maybe he thought one of the random anomalies out there had something to do with their situation? But at some point between then and now he stopped giving a shit.
Also I find it interesting how the ghouls are constantly destroying anomalies instead of capturing them. It could be that they just don't give 2 fucks but also can't help but wonder if maybe the older ghouls have some kinda truce like don't bring back any anomalies if you can help it, nothing good can happen by giving the academy/institute more info on these things (bc at the very least Leo in the prologue implies the people up top are responsible for whatever messed up situation they were in, and he's the most likely person to uncover a conspiracy with his skillset + Jin and Tohma want to dethrone his dad as director or whatever his position was, possibly also found out smth behind the scenes)
It's all just speculation but god they are so good a pulling me around by the nose with this mystery when I had 0 expectations of this game (I mean, it still kinda sucks gameplay-wise but the story is so good)
Can't wait for new chapter soon, tho rn I am in gacha hell with wuwa, 18trip and gakuenmas.......
Thank you for being patient about them! I love Taiga so much hahaha
Yeah, the potential is there for this to be something big and for Taiga to be heavily involved in it, or at least the person who's most aware of it so far(Jin's "i know this won't last forever" line also kind of carries the implication that he knows but that has many other explanations.) It would probably be more angst-heavy if his memory weren't garbage lmaooooo THEN AGAIN maybe he'll remember you forever now that he loves you as much as he does haha. He definitely didn't remember you before this, or he didn't show any sign of remembering, so if he knew you in another timeline or you were together in another timeline i suspect he forgot, just like with everything.
As for dying, the PC is going to die within the next year if their curse isn't lifted and the prologue shows that someone else dies in the destruction of the school with the pc still alive(so either before the year is up or after the curse is lifted). So they both definitely have the potential to die in that period of time, if nothing is done to change the future. . ."if death do us part" is something Taiga very well might know will happen eventually. In fact, if his stigma actually does allow him to see the future like I'm beginning to suspect, he might know that that's what going to happen. I mean everybody dies eventually but I mean outside of a natural death.
From what Hyde says(I checked both Japanese and English) Taiga used to play more of an active part in the past, so yeah it seems like he's lost some of his enthusiasm. . .although it's very likely he's referring to that Sinostra's on probation and he can't go on missions at all right now, considering just a few months prior he was on a mission and seemed plenty enthusiastic. But as far as operating as captain goes(he's only been captain for around 6 months as of the start of the Sinostra chapter) it seems like he doesn't put any effort in. . .according to Romeo he only cares about anomalies and gambling, but if that were true he wouldn't care to tell you about the spy because he wouldn't even know. (Romeo also says he doesn't go after humans anymore which is. . .not true, so Romeo may just be blissfully unaware since their relationship is so bad these days.)
It'd make sense if this lack of enthusiasm arose from seeing an unfavorable future and thinking it isn't worth it to try at this point. He does say he's been telling someone(likely Romeo) that things will fall apart if they keep going the way they have been but since that person's been uncooperative with making changes he doesn't see a way things will change. . . .so why should he put in work? I assume he can see the future, not travel through it--hence 'ditch this future' he's simply refusing to play any part in impacting it. Even when he jumps from the ledge in the prologue if you choose to save him, he asks what he could have done to change things. I wonder how long he's been trying.
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he doesn't even talk the same was he normally does, so you know it's kinda serious. He would love to know how to prevent this.
As for ghouls destroying anomalies, I think it's a matter of safety in the situation as well as a general lack of powers that can actually capture the anomalies. Most of them have weapons with destructive powers and stigmas that are destructive. But in almost every case capture wasn't much of an option due to safety concerns.
Frostheim had human children present. Jin's stigma only seems to work for a few minutes at best even with the PC buffing him. They didn't have a means to keep the anomaly contained and keep the children safe, not to mention the last living one was about to kill the PC and one of the kids. Like Kaito said, in a situation dealing with monsters it's hard to think to incapacitate and capture them, especially when someone else's life is at stake. To ensure their survival and minimize damage to civilians, the anomalies needed to be killed.
Vagastrom's anomaly was a tulpa and couldn't be captured in the first place. If people kept believing in it it would just reappear elsewhere. People no longer believing in it took it out of existence. No room at all for containment.
Jabberwock. . .well, they know Towa's unstable. Princess Oto severely injured Haru, and Towa wasn't going to let it get away with that. The Kraken and Calamari were allowed to escape because capturing them would do more harm to the ecosystem than good.
Sinostra had to destroy it theirs to prevent the destruction of the casino and prevent harm coming to the general students, Romeo, and the PC. Also Taiga's just a killing machine so--
Hotarubi. . .I kind of think I know what happens with them thanks to spoilers and one of Subaru's voicelines, but I won't spoil it.
If Obscuary doesn't accidentally kill their anomaly because it touches Rui I will be disappointed /joke
I feel like Mortkranken are going to successfully capture their anomaly simply because Yuri wants to run experiments on it. but it does depend on what their Stigmas are. We know that Jiro's chainsaw doesn't actually cut very well(Yuri told him to get them a Christmas tree and he said that his weapon doesn't cut stuff very well) and we also know that Jiro does all of the fighting in Mortkranken, whereas Yuri is ineffective in combat. They have the highest chance of capturing anomalies I think.
so like. I think that ultimately in those situations it was kind of the safest option for everyone present, killing the anomalies. Cornelius acts like 'just capture the anomalies it's easy!' but these are life or death situations. There were so many in Frostheim's case that they had to collapse a building to reduce the risk of them getting back out to the public. On the other hand, Jin probably could have teleported at least one of them back to Darkwick before they collapsed the building or instead of them killing one, but in the heat of the moment that probably doesn't occur to him as an option--also he probably wanted to make sure the pc was okay since he'd never be able to use his stigma again if she died, so going back in there to pull one of them out wasn't going to happen. Also he may or may not be rebelling against his dad, president of the Japanese branch of the Institution.
So I doubt it's something like an agreement between the third-years. I feel like it's just coincidence.
As for what Leo says in the pre-prologue, by then he would definitely be in on the situation simply because he's paying more attention than others and Alan is about as subtle as a firework no matter how hard Tohma tries to keep things secret. But maybe he gets roped in instead, since his power would be beneficial--they just have to make sure they can trust him first. . . . He does say that someone is responsible, but I think he means that regarding that life sucks, not the catastrophe occurring? Although that very well might be referring to the people at the top of the Institute too. . .on the other hand I would assume it's referring to whoever the spy is working with, and the Institute themselves aren't bad people(although Jin's dad sounds kinda like a piece of shit.) That or the Institute is the problem, or the prophecy somehow. . .if I could see the Japanese text I could see if there's a difference lol. . . .
Jin is going to inherit the position of president I'm pretty sure. I don't think that's a matter of usurping or anything like that where "Jin becomes the new president" is like, they take down Jin's father first. Like I'm pretty sure this is a familial inheritance thing--I feel like it's a "you're the eldest son so you're expected to take on the position of running the company" deal. You see it all the time in manga with office/business settings. Even Haku is supposed to take over the shrine his family owns. I don't think Jin and Tohma are dethroning Jin's father, it's just a matter of 'we need to prepare you to be in power here, you need to learn to be responsible and better than your father so you can do better than he does.'
BUT. YEAH. A LOT OF THEORIZING AND STUFF but I'm definitely surprised by how into it I ended up getting haha. My hyperfocus said "yeah I fuck with this" and now I'm stuck here. I don't really remember the abandoned concept they originally had(afair I was more unique than the current one, which is trying to stay in line with what's popular with the industry right now) but I really still would've loved to see it. . .but I'm still enjoying the current result and looking forward to the new chapters. (One week away for Hotarubi!!! Home stretch, just gotta survive one more week of work!) I feel like it's much less of a mystery as more. . .slowly growing suspense haha like it feels like a mystery because of the investigation we do as fandom, but the story itself is gonna reveal everything eventually. . .probably. So it's just anticipation on our parts hahaha. (And yeah the gameplay elements are uh nonexistent haha. Pretty sure the only reason I'm able to keep up with the chapters is because I spent money. 🙃)
Good luck with your other gacha games tho!! Fortunately the only other gachas I play I've got pretty good units for so I'm not so worried about what pulls I do or don't get. . . . I hope all of your future pulls are what you need them to be!!!
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galaxxiwrites · 3 years
Heya! =D so you can decide if you wanna do it, but can you do a headcanon reaction of how Akira, Zakuro and Mizuki would react to their darling protecting them like a shield when they noticed that someone was about to try and hurt them and ended up getting badly injured from the hit. Again completely fine if you ignore this request.
Angst? *cracks fingers* Hegg yeah.
warning: these ended up being super long
edit: I forgot to mention, it has mentions of blood and shot!!
prompt: You and your lover were merely enjoying your date together, until you noticed a glint of something hiding in the shadows. It wasn't until you heard a loud bang did your mind register it was a gun. Despite your confusion, your body moves faster than your mind processes anything and you shove your lover away from the bullet's path—unfortunately leaving you to take the bullet in his stead.
Taking a hit (ft. Mizuki, Akira & Zakuro)
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Mizuki is stunned. His mouth agape as he stands there, unsure of what to do first.
His mind wrestles with thoughts of getting the bastard who shot you or helping you, but when he sees the pool of blood slowly growing bigger, his body moves by itself.
"Hey...hey...! (Y/n)!"
Mizuki screams and shakes you, but your lack of response makes his heart drop.
He's racing to grab his phone, and his hands were too shaky to properly work the touchpad, but despite the odds he was able to properly pick out Kokuyo from his list of contacts and calls the one man he looks up to.
"Mizuki, what is it? We're in the middle of practice—"
Kokuyo sounded annoyed, but immediately fell silently when he heard Mizuki's sobs.
"Kokuyo...what do I do—?"
Mizuki can't talk properly, but does his best to explain the situation to him.
Kokuyo tells Mizuki to wait there with you while he calls an ambulance. Not like Mizuki had much of a choice anyway, as he didn't want to leave you alone.
The ambulance arrives after what feels like forever, and Mizuki's sobs that finally dried a while ago start up again as he sees you being whisked away into the vehicle on a stretcher.
For the remainder of what happened, it was all a blur to him. All Mizuki remembers was crying in front of the ER while they worked on stabilizing your condition.
After those gruesome hours of worrying, the doctors finally leave the ER. They tell Mizuki they did what they could—and that your chance of survival was 50/50 at best.
Mizuki was about to beat the doctor for not doing a better job of saving you, but Kokuyo stopped him before he could grab the doctor by the collar.
Mizuki asked for a few days off Starless, and even asked Sotetsu to dig up some information on your the attacker.
"Don't worry, (y/n). I'll make sure whoever did this to you is gonna pay."
He says, though not really waiting for a reply. After all, how could a person in deep slumber ever answer back?
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Akira immediately calls the ambulance, and tells them everything despite his shaky voice almost failing him multiple times throughout the duration of the call.
Akira also tells Kokuyo about what happened, and excuses himself time off from Starless until he was assured that you were no longer in critical condition.
He stayed up all night outside of the ER, unable to even sit down despite his feet almost giving out from the fatigue of him pacing back and forth.
"We tried to close the shop as fast as we could. How is (y/n)?"
Takami asks, shocking the daylights out of Akira who was too focused on his thoughts of you to even realize that they arrived.
Akira's voice failed him. All he could was stare blankly back at the doors leading to the ER room, where you were.
Some time after, some doctors and nurses finally left the ER room. The one handling your operation told Team W that your condition has stabilized, and that you should be fine soon.
Finally, Akira was able to calm down. He just dropped to the floor, his whole body trembled as a murmurs of relief could be heard.
Taiga on the other hand, decided to dig up some information. After all, the world now revolved around the internet—it wouldn't be surprising if some wackjob ended up posting whatever schemed they had on their social media, especially if it was a throw away account.
Luckily, this sort of thing was childs play for the tech expert, and after a few hours of searching, was finally able to trace the fake account to its real owner—one of Akira's delusional fans.
The singer is mortified to see the latest post on the person's social media.
"Soon, he'll be mine."
Again, Akira's nerves tensed. Kokuyo smacks Taiga for showing them such information when Akira hasn't rested yet, but the singer thanks his team member. He even commits the person's face to memory, despite his mind feeling light from all the stress and lack of sleep.
In the early morning after her surgery, a nurse was scheduled to come in to monitor on (y/n)'s condition.
Akira stands to greet the nurse, but stops himself when he recognizes the face. This woman was no nurse, it was his fan.
He absentmindedly mumbles the person's social media handle, staring at them wide-eyed in disbelief.
Hearing her name being called out excited the fan.
"Yes! That's me! Don't worry Akira...once I get rid of this pest, we can finally be together. Like how it's supposed to be!"
Akira couldn't fathom the words that came out of this deranged fan's mouth. Without realizing it himself, Akira had his hand clenched into a fist, ready to punch this lunatic and hopefully fix whatever brain wires needed repair.
"Oi, give it a break. Jeez, a man can't even enjoy a smoke break."
Kokuyo came just in time to stop Akira from beating the woman in front of him to death, meanwhile Sin held the woman down. Akira was about to ask how they knew, but Taiga waved his phone to show hom some kind of gps app.
"It's a tracker. I had a feeling she would be making a move, so I decided to track her phone. Sorry not sorry for invading on your privacy, miss stalker fan." The tech master announces proudly.
"Takami's gonna give her over to the police. Meanwhile...you should sleep. Those eyebags don't suite you, pretty boy."
Kokuyo says, before leaving with the rest of Team W to give the two of you some silence—one that Akira desperately needed as he finally dozes off to sleep on your bedside.
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Zakuro has a menacing look on his face—it's a smile, but so distorted with pain that he looks like a maniac.
He shakes your limp body and calls out your name.
"O—ya...? (Y/n)...?"
Zakuro's voice cracks as he realized your body remained unmoving. Zakuro's mind is blank— for the first time he's never felt so lost.
It wasn't until he received a text message did his mind finally managed to start working again.
"Good job on luring her out, ×××"
Read the text message from the unknown number. It doesn't take a genius to connect two and two together, after all, no one should have known his real name. You were targeted by Black Card—but why? What did you have to do with any of this?
Zakuro, instead of directly calling the ambulance, texts Qu to do it in his place, as he knew their number two would ask later rather than sooner.
Zakuro hides himself among the crowd, but he feels his heart drop when he sees you out on the stretcher.
He wants to be there with you, at least holding your hand while they take you to the ER. But now was not the time, not when someone from Black Card might still be monitoring his movements.
He returns to Starless, and it was only until Kei asked Zakuro about the source of the bloodstain on his clothes does he realize his garments were soiled—with your blood.
Quite ironic, considering how this is the perfect literature imagery of a person's blood on one's hands. So ironic that Zakuro breaks down into a chuckle.
Team C's singer asks Kei for some time off on Starless. Naturally, Kei can't just give anyone time off, they were employees in an industry that requires one's constant presence to remain relevant.
Kei tells Zakuro that of the latter would explain, then he might consider it.
"(Y/n)...She was shot."
Was all Zakuro utters before taking his leave from the building. All the others who were in close proximity were shocked, not just at what he said but how he said the news. Zakuro sounded absolutely broken, his voice lost all hints of mischief he once had.
Zakuro wished he was able to visit you and give himself some peace of mind that you were going to be alright, but he can't.
He refused to rest, not until he learns everything. About your connection to Black Card, or why you were specifically targeted. He knows it won't be easy, but he's willing to risk it all for you.
"If you bastards think I'd choose my memories over (y/n), then you're dead wrong. All of you are going to regret this."
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yakuzacanons · 1 year
Ahhh that "s/o cheats on the characters" was sad but damn so accurate. You do an amazing job of writing the boys! <3
Wanna turn the sadness up a notch? >:] How would they react to s/o's death? (Or, if you're not comfortable with writing about death, maybe how they would react to s/o getting seriously injured.)
I live for the angst!!
Angst hours fr fr, I'm gonna spin it as reacting to an s/o being seriously injured as I wouldn't wanna put the boys through any more deaths than they already deal with. Headcanons below da cut and thanks again for waiting!
Kazuma Kiryu
He's doing his best not to just flip a table over, honestly. Kiryu tries really hard to not fit that yakuza stereotype of unleashing physical anger when he's upset, but he is REALLY upset by the news.
Once the initial reaction of anger cools, Kiryu just feels lost. There are few things he values more than his loved ones and even if you're safe in a hospital and in stable condition, he won't stop worrying about you.
Blames himself for not being there for you. Will sit silently in a chair in your hospital room, head in his hands, just kicking himself. When you wake up, he honestly might cry.
Majima Goro
Immediately starts freaking out. What happened? Who was involved? Whose ass does he need to kick? He'll immediately drop everything and be on his way to wherever you are, probably with all of the Majima Family in tow just in case a fight breaks out.
If police or hospital staff get involved before he does, he will demand answers to his questions. He won't rest until he finds out exactly what went down. He seems irrational during all of this but in actuality he's trying to rationalize everything in his head. He's wondering if something could've been done to prevent this.
Paces outside your hospital door like a watchdog. When you wake up, he'll practically leap to your side, taking your hands into his gloved hands, happily crying out about how glad he is to see you.
Saejima Taiga
The most level headed boy, honestly. When he hears the news, he will be on his way to you immediately, silent and focused. He has his own questions he wants answered but his priority is to make sure you're safe and in a place where you can recover.
Brings you meals in the hospital and even feeds you if your injuries are that serious. Helps you bathe and brings you fresh clothes from home. Always wait until you fall asleep before he does.
It's only when you're healthy enough to start caring for yourself more that he starts investigating what happened and starts to look for answers. He thinks it would be too risky to do so while you're in recovery, as he fears something bad will happen again if he leaves your side to selfishly pursue his own questions.
Akiyama Shun
He's just in shock. Unlike most of the boys, Akiyama is just a civilian so he honestly didn't think much of anything bad would happen to either of you. If he's at work when he gets the news, he'll tell Hana to hold down the office and take care of business while he throws his coat on and rushes out the door.
Very respectful to hospital staff. He knows freaking out won't help anyone, although he is still freaking out internally. Likely won't be able to sleep or eat much the first night after hearing the news.
Will absolutely bring you flowers. Perhaps TOO many flowers. He just wants you to wake up feeling safe and loved. Will also have Hana order you any food you desire for delivery.
Tanimura Masayoshi
He's furious he wasn't able to protect you. His police coworkers will honestly have to hold him back from rushing the scene. They know if he saw the condition you were in, he would just burst into tears. Secretly, he knows that too, but he also wants nothing more than to be by your side as soon as he can.
If your injuries were in any way not accidental, you can bet that Tanimura will pull any strings he can at work to make sure he can get to the bottom of whatever happened. Won't rest until he knows you are definitely and entirely safe from harm.
Will totally bring his own blanket, pillow, and toothbrush to the hospital. He's very much like "I'm staying right here!" in your room. Very much your own personal bodyguard during your hospital stay.
Ryuji Goda
Immediately in his private car and on his way to the hospital. Very organized and has some men out looking for answers and a couple of men guarding your room, just in case. Will spend the most to make sure you get the very best treatment.
Chances are, Ryuji's thinking someone did this to get to him and if that ends up being true, revenge is definitely on his mind. However, he will wait to act on it until he knows the full details of what happens and until he knows you're in stable condition.
Brings you lots of soups and teas. Totally believes that warm drinks and warm meals will heal you just as well as modern medicine will. Type of guy to tell you stories until you fall asleep.
Nishikiyama Akira
He is a total and complete mess. A wreck, really. He's not taking the news well at all and is not even trying to hide it at this point. After what he went through with his sister, he can't even begin to fathom the possibility of going through the same thing again with you.
Frantic as hell and honestly is just having a full blown anxiety attack until he knows you're in the clear and will recover. Will absolutely burst into tears when he gets this news and is so happy to know he won't lose you.
Also will cry when he first sees you wake up and might hug you a bit too tight, but it's just because he's genuinely so glad that you're okay. He's also the least likely of the boys to care about revenge or getting answers right away, he just wants you to be safe.
Mine Yoshitaka
He's freaking out about the same amount as Nishiki except he is trying VERY hard to keep it internal. His logical nature means he's going to try to rationalize the panic he's feeling. However, he will absolutely air out his feelings on his punching bag at home.
The most patient boy. If you're in surgery for hours on end, he'll wait in the waiting room without moving. If you're asleep in your hospital room, he's right there with you, nodding off in a chair. Refuses to leave your side.
Puts all of his work on hold until he knows you're awake and safely recovering. His secretary will try to gently push him to call people back only for him to just turn his phone off. Work can wait.
Daigo Dojima
Blames himself more than anything. He's always felt in his gut that his lifestyle and work would one day gets his loved ones hurt. He can only hope this was an accident and that you didn't get put in harm's way simply by being with him. He ultimately feels selfish and like he wasn't good enough to protect you.
If your injuries were intentionally caused by someone looking to harm Daigo, he has the whole Tojo Clan on the case. Meanwhile, he'll personally see to it that you get the best care, the best room in the hospital, the works.
Once you're well enough to go home, he's practically your maid. Will do anything for you and get you anything you need. For a while, he probably will refuse to let you go anywhere without him because he fears something bad will happen if he's gone.
Tatsuo Shinada
A blubbering mess. He's just some writer who used to be a baseball player, why the hell would anything like THIS ever happen to someone like him? He has no idea what to do except sit in the hospital room and wait nervously, probably bouncing his leg or biting his nails.
Bursts into tears the first time he sees how bad your injuries on. It isn't that he finds you disgusting or anything like that, he's just so heartbroken to see you in so much pain. He honestly won't be able to speak for the first few hours once the news breaks.
Type of guy to hold your hand while you're laying in your hospital bed. Will totally fall asleep sitting in a chair with his hand still in yours, his head resting against the edge of your bed. Brings his laptop on his hospital visits so he can work while in the room with you so he can pay your hospital bills as best as he can.
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tenacityreturns · 3 years
he is loud, he doesn’t understand everything right away, and he is hot-tempered. he assumes that everyone is out to get him, but is determined to swing first. he believes that if he isn��t careful, everyone will leave ( and it is so tiring being careful ). it takes him a while to get comfortable with new people. he doesn’t always know when they’re having a moment until the moment has gone. and when he does let someone in, it isn’t always clear. but he’ll text first, and he’ll invite to hang out, and he’ll go out of his way for his friends. he is loyal, and kind, and has a huge heart. when he loves, he loves more. or, he’s worried that he does. taiga was not raised on love. he lost his mother when he was very young, and his father has always been distant. he is awkward around it. he doesn’t know how to process someone loving him for him, and not for what he can do. he is nothing special off the court. he is not important.           so with this in mind, here is what you must do! it will come naturally, he is not as difficult to be around as first impressions might lead you to believe. ( you may even get used to his shouting! he isn’t very good at volume control, and won’t usually take it personally if he’s reminded to use his inside voices. )
give him space. he knows brawls, and boisterous pats that leave a mark, and punches between friends. he is better now, but he still quickly resorts to violence. if he’s acting up, smack him. he’ll smack you back but it’ll ground him. but if you touch his arm in conversation, he’ll move away. his hands are for hitting, not for holding. hugs make him uncomfortable unless under extremely specific circumstances.
give him a moment. whether it’s a matter of translation, or a meteor jump to conclusions, sometimes it’ll take him a second to decipher someone’s meaning. he’s very frank, he doesn’t mince his words, and appreciates that in return. but he picks up on turns on phrase quicker than tone. you’ll hear a lot of “WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN BY THAT” and “WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY” and “YOU JUST PISSED ME OFF SAYING IT LIKE THAT”
be passionate about what you love. taiga is drawn to people who love wholeheartedly. he wants to know what you’re good at, your hobbies. maybe he likes them too? and if not, tell him more about that because assuming he isn’t distracted by something ( and this happens often, don’t take it personally ), he will want to hear it. he’ll want to see the light in your eyes. it’s great if that favourite thing is basketball, because same, but it’s also cool if it isn’t.
don’t ask him, he’ll tell you if he wants you to know. he hates nosy questions. he doesn’t like talking about his home life at all, unless he knows that he can trust the person with his life. it’s much too personal. for as loud as he is, taiga is very private and likes to keep to himself. he’s just waiting for the right time to bring it up, that’s all. 
don’t fuss. he absolutely won’t do whatever kind gesture it is that he’s done again, if the other person makes a big deal about it. that is so embarrassing, and his nightmare is just that. he also doesn’t really like that much attention, so he doesn’t like being fussed over if he’s sick or injured, and he doesn’t like to be treated any differently than what he considers normal.
be yourself; don’t hide. he respects insecurities and self-confidence issues as much as the next person who never knows how to talk about them, but seeing people be their most truthful self makes him feel as though it’s okay if he is, too. usually, it’s taiga who is so relentlessly himself that it reminds others that he absolutely doesn’t care if you do a weird thing or act a certain way, as long as that’s true to you. testimony to this is how much he respects midorima, of all people, for being himself despite everyone thinking he’s weird for it.
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