#himiko toga does her thing
9trixieturner6 · 1 year
The mad lad did it, he actually did. He killed one of the main characters that was actually important. Holy hell since when did horikoshi have the balls. If this is legit then consider my expectations subverted. If this isn't a fake out and is legit I take back everything I ever said negatively about the man as a writer. Holy hell I didn't even think we'd stay here let alone get something as amazing as this.
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dekusleftsock · 4 months
I think about this sometimes but I personally love that Horikoshi took the Yandere trope, split it in two, and gave one half to Izuku and Himiko.
Like it’s so fascinating how you can just SEE how purposeful Himiko was as a character in hindsight standing next to him.
Himiko is a really interesting subversion of her trope for two reasons:
She hurts people because she loves them, not for isolation or destruction of the competition (gore/blood is love to her, not necessarily a means to love someone)
She’s not possessive. Like at all.
I’ve seen that hc a few times and it always bothers me. Ochako is for sure a possessive character (we saw that with Hatsume around Izuku way back at the sports festival arc), but Himiko? Really?
You mean the girl who had a crush on a boy AND the girl who also had a crush on the same boy? Her?
You mean the girl who doesn’t hurt people who love who she loves, rather actively encouraging it in the first place? That one? Really?
Like it’s such an integral part to her subversion too. It’s what makes her such a weird and fascinating character. Possessiveness is supposed to be whats ugly about love itself, yet her love remains ugly without it. She is ugly because the fundamental ways in which she sees and feels about the world are considered “wrong”, “dangerous”, and “deviant”.
But Izuku… ohhhh Izuku…
He holds this trait like a badge melted to his skin. My man cannot escape these allegations. It’s to the point where it’s honestly a fundamental to his narrative. Izuku does not act nor feel the same without it.
Izuku holds a cutesy nickname that literally every other childhood friend of Katsuki’s has long left behind, saying his real name instead (this is honestly why I’m also uninterested in a scene where Izuku calls him “Katsuki” instead of “Kacchan”, Katsuki doesn’t represent the same things the name Izuku does, imo at least), izuku “give him back to me” midoriya, holds his dead body to his chest on a cover, freaked out on someone either hurting/offending Kacchan.. 3 times(?), keeping big boy ofa secrets…. The list goes on.
So it’s this main reason that I think their characters are just so. Fucking. Intertwined. I’m glad this has become a more common interpretation because there’s just so much that aligns between them.
Both of them call their “special people” with -chan endings, both by their first names, both deemed deviants/irrelevant by society. It’s no wonder Ochako fell in love with Izuku, just like she did toga, they’re fucking freaks. They’re interesting. They’re weird. They’re overly friendly and socially inept and a little beaten down by the world yet have too much passion to stay on the ground. They’re envious of the ones they love (Ochako of her freedom to be a normal girl, Katsuki for his raw power and harnessed skill), and I guess I just wanted to make this post because I adore how it’s all done.
I LOVE how the yandere trope is used as societal commentary here. Not necessarily as a way to make the main love interest jealous and feel she must protect the main character, nor for some kinky reason surrounding her character, but because the trope is built off of real, ugly feelings that can and do happen. That love can and is considered truly beautiful in all its forms, especially those of queer people.
So I especially love it because it isn’t just limited to Himiko, but Izuku as well. He may never hurt the ones he loves, but he would hurt for them.
A perfect narrative foil on queer and deviant forms of love. Big fan Horikoshi.
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arceus-insanity · 2 months
With the Series Ending
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I decided to do this solely based on canon, except for F which are so bad that they transcend the rule. I also put this in the lens of do I enjoy watching them, or do they infuriate me. Most of the ones in G are there because I can't tell who they are from the picture, or are so minor I don't get why they were on the list to begin with
Hawks was the hardest to place because as I've mentioned before I love villain fanon Hawks, and hate Canon for all the missed potential and the guy being shit.
Before the last arc, Deku would have been in C, and I felt most criticisms of him were undeserved. I still feel a lot of them are dumb, however, he's canonically a hypocritical, suck-up to labels, abuse apologist, idiot, etc. As much as it feels like character assassination it's canon, same with Shoji. I also just don't care to read fanfiction of him, and feel he takes a lot of roles where other characters would make more sense. If I'm not already following someone I'm not going to read fanfiction with him in it
Most of E I hate as much if not more than F but the fandom either doesn't write about, or treat them like the pieces of crap they are, looking at Mineta of course.
Fun fact Edgeshot is in E for bringing Bakugo back, and causing me both meta and dramatic issues for me. What the fuck was the point of killing Bakugo to immediately bring him back. How the fuck did Edgeshot know he could do this? How the fuck did he know how to do this? Why the fuck is he doing this for some random teenager he has never interacted with before, in the middle of a war? And now why the fuck does this fucker get to live, no one gave a single fuck about Edgeshot but he gets to live!
Centipeder would have been in E if not for the fact I know what my ringtone for him would be, Red Flags by Tom Cardy
Uraraka owes her rank in B for her arc with Toga, otherwise, she would have been in D. For the plot forgoing her original motivations so they could turn her into a generic love interest. Toga tried talking crushes with her 'twice' everything else regarding that shit, which started before they ever met, is on her
I actually love Endeavor fanfics as most of them either a treat his abuse for what it is, or b I view them as an own on canon Endeavor and his incredible laziness and selfishness. But Twitter exists and they flock to him and his bullshit so to F with him.
Speaking of Fs, Bakugo is a whiney spoiled rotten brat with a silver spoon shoved into his mouth since birth. I hope he never breeds. Damn near every shit thing that has happened to him, was either brought on by himself, literally applied to everyone, he literally doesn't care, and even with the two exceptions I'd give this, the Sludge guy, and being chained up at the sports fest (he should have been disqualified), do not justify his shit
Congrats to Dark Shadow and Tokoyami for being the only hero (student) to make it past B
Needless to say I love villains, Dabi is by far my favourite, followed by Himiko, they are way more engaging and convincing than the heroes. And by convincing I mean it actually feels like they are going to put in effort to make their goals happen, not just wish really hard. I truly wish we could have seen how Shigaraki's goals shifted during his reign over the PLF. We had already seen how he wanted the League to be happy and an exception to his goal of destruction
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midnightwinters · 2 months
We are the readers, not the writer.
MHA fandom isn't bad because of the shipping the only bad thing about it is when people are trying to push a narrative that isn't real. (sprinkle of spoilers btw)
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Uraraka Ochao isn't made to be Midoriya Izuku's romantic partner, but she is indeed his friend. She is a HERO who's wish was to make her parents life easier and happier. YES she had a small crush on Midoriya and got teased for it. But at the start of it all she supported him at the beginning and suggested the name Deku in a positive light as his hero name. She was the first one to act when Deku was berserk asking Shinso for help. She upgraded her costume because of this and wanted to be better as a HERO. Deku looked up to her as a HERO because she was the one who took the initiative to ask the civilians to let him stay as a student and future hero.
She isn't a weak princess that needs to be saved by her prince Izuku. She may be a girl but she isn't a heroine because she is a HERO that wanted to save Toga Himiko, a girl that should've had support since she was little. Ochao even offers up her own blood and calling her cute despite being in a battle of death with Himiko.
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Bakugo Katsuki, isn't a bad boy or an evil bully that torments Izuku. At the start ever since he was young his quirk was considered highly due to it's power. He thought he was the king on a throne because of the praises but then comes in Midoriya Izuku a quirkless boy who thought highly of him and wanted to be a hero besides him. But yet despite bullying him he allowed kid Izuku to hang around him watching AM on tv, getting AM cards, hunting for bugs multiple times, and even that moment at the "lake." When Katsuki tells Izuku to jump off a building, he comes to later regret this.
He is the first one told about One for All and hides it from others and even goes out of his way to help Izuku nurture the other quirks within One for All. He took an injury for Deku but he's an evil bully? He thought of Izuku before he died and realized the pain Izuku went through during his journey but he's not good to be by Izuku's side right? He regrets not grabbing Izuku's hand as a kid, but he knows he shouldn't be the one to grab his hand. He bows and apologizes to Izuku in the rain for all the things he did and said when they were kids. Where we come to find out from the parents of Bakugo that he hates the rain. His apology was humbling but Izuku never gives him a response and simple collapses. He kept an All Might card that he got with Izuku till this day by his side. He wants to atone for what he did as kids, and wants to support Izuku. He's cried in front of Izuku 3 times:
losing to Izuku
being the reason for All Might's downfall
finding out Izuku only has the embers and may not be heroes together
Goodie Two shoes Kacchan: He goes to bed real early, he gets good grades, he wears all might merch in secret~
My Hero Academia started with Kacchan and Deku. It ended with Kacchan and Deku. If you can't accept that Kacchan is integral to the story and an important person to the main character Midoriya Izuku than you will never understand this manga.
(btw he accepts himself as Kacchan Bakugo the one nickname that Izuku continues to still call him to this day.)
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Midoriya Izuku the infamous boy that started quirkless and ended quirkless. Despite the setback in his life he still continued and pushed towards dreams of being a hero. He wanted to be as cool as his figure All Might and cool like his childhood friend Kacchan. In the beginning he is the first one to react to Kacchan and desperately tries to save him despite being quirkless. All Might who sees the hero in Izuku that day offers him the ability to be a hero, a quirk that would change his life.
Izuku has and will always be reckless with and without a quirk. It's one of the reasons why he can't hate Bakugo and wanted to save Tenko. All Might tells Izuku not to tell anyone about his quirk and who does he tell despite his favorite hero telling him this? his childhood friend Kacchan. Despite his whole class seeing Izuku reckless multiple times who is the one to worry? Ochao? NO it's his childhood friend Kacchan. Who is the person who desperately wants to visit Izuku while injured? Idk Ochao? NO It's Bakugo Katsuki not once but twice.
Izuku is a fanboy of heroes, but he's possibly the biggest fanboys of All Might and Explosive Murder God Dynamite. His room in the dorms and his room at home is filled with All Might. His first costume was inspired by All Might. He is able to copy All Might signature's smile. But when it comes to Kacchan, he reflexively starts to copy him at first it's when he needs courage to deal with villians at USJ but when Kacchan gets hurt by the semi fused All for One/Shigiraki he becomes so angry that he copies him. When sees Kacchan and everyone's lifeless corpse/bodies he's becomes so infuriated blackwhip starts to go out of control. Blackwhip came when Izuku was angry with Monoma when he started to back-talk Kacchan. But blackwhip was a canon izch moment? Not really, it was Ochao being a hero and another piece of evidence that Katsuki is Izuku's "weakness and strength."
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I don't hate any MHA ship unless it's just straight up weird but do know that this manga wasn't made explicitly for you. It was made by Horikoshi who intended to make this something that he could enjoy at the time he first started writing it. So please know the difference between canon and your ship.
The only characters in the series that are canonically the worst in the manga and the real world is All For One, Overhaul, and Endeavor.
The one's that redeemed themselves is Bakugo, Nagant, Yuga, Gentle and La Brava (Stain kinda).
The ones that deserved better in their youth are Shigiraki, Twice, Dabi, Himiko, and Spinner.
Goodbye My Hero Academia, you were everything <3
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77dekiru · 9 months
Himiko’s Feelings for Izuku:
(or my personal thoughts on them)
I think that the reason that Himiko fell in love with Izuku (or at least became so fixated on him) isn’t just that he looks like her first love, but also because she thought that he could be the one who could finally give her the life that she desperately wants…
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It’s the reason why Himiko was so curious about his motivations for wanting to become a hero, if he would save anyone no matter who they were…
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And why Himiko was so heartbroken when he rejected her feelings for him, while not even trying to understand them… because Himiko genuinely felt as if Izuku was her only hope for having the normal life that she wants at that point…
And despite the fact that Himiko loved the league so much (and still does) because they made her feel as if someday she could live the way she wants…
I think that when Jin died she finally realized that it was something she could never have with them if things continued the way that they were.
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Jin was the one who encouraged her the most about being able to live the type of life that she wants, and despite the fact that all he wanted was for her to find happiness…
He didn’t understand it.
Jin encouraged her to kill whoever she wants so that she could become whoever she wants, because that’s what he genuinely thought would make her happy…
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But that isn’t what she wanted.
Himiko wants to live a normal life, a life where she doesn’t have to be on the run or stay in hiding, one where she won’t be caught and imprisoned for the rest of her life, one where she will be loved and accepted…
A life where she can fully be able to live as Himiko Toga.
And even though she wasn’t able to find that in Izuku, it is a life that she eventually will be able to have with Ochako, someone who makes Himiko feel that she’s a normal girl with the cutest smile in the whole world !
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thekingofwinterblog · 2 months
Fundamental Flaws
So one interesting thing i noticed about the League's flaws, is that the things that kept them from working together at the start, remained the basic flaws that prevented them from helping each other overcome their own flaws.
Namely that they all joined together out of convinience, and they never really got to the level where that actually changed.
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When Himiko joins the league, she introduces herself with her seemingly rather confusing motives, namely that she wants a world that is easier for her to live in.
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Shigaraki does not understand her wishes at all, and of course lashes out shortly after this after dabi has introduced himself as well, having deemed both of them as not the sort he wants to hang around him.
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Dabi by contrast doesnt even try to explain his motives or goals beyond the very vague "fullfill stain's will."
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The end result of this is that Shigaraki doesnt even attempt to understand either, and decides to just kill them.
The funny thing is... this kinda attitude never really changes.
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Compress even notes it as one of the main reasons he loved the league so much. it didnt pry into his backstory and just took him in regardless.
This attitude is what managed to bring the league together as a force... but it also prevented them from truly truly growing as a group.
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Because of the fact nobody wanted or even tried to learn each other's backstories and deeper motivations, none of them ever managed or tried to Help Dabi make a possible future for himself where he could get his vengeance on Endeavor, and still get to live afterwards, instead they just let him burn on, even encouraging him to do so, with the end result that he came to a hellish innevitable march towards death.
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Dabi himself tried to help Toga emotionally by setting her childhood home ablaze and rally her heart towards vengeance and freedom, because that's what he is motivated by, but he completely failed to understand what she actually wanted out of life, the reason why out of the entire league, the only person she was able to transform into was Twice, because he was the only one who actually tried to understand her.
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This in turn means that Toga ultimately ended up seeking what she truely wanted amongst the heroes, and finally found in uraraka, what she had been afraid to seek/never got from most of the league.
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Something that ultimately cost them the war.
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this is best showcased when Shigaraki actually lays out his motivations and feelings for villainy, and the rest of his crew(other than spinner) is either completely disinterested, dissapointed or confused.
None of them actually cares about Shigaraki's motives other than spinner, not even Twice.
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only spinner and the doctor(who doesnt give a shit about Shigaraki himself) actually cares at all.
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of the rest, the only one who even attempts to understand Shigaraki is Toga, and not because she cares about how he feels about it, but because she begun to realise that her goals and interests are ultimately incompatible with shigaraki's(something that would come to fruition during the final arc).
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Out of the league, the only one who even tried to understand and did care about shigaraki's motives, and attempted to figure out how they allign with his own wishes, is spinner, and it's not a coincidence that at the very end, he is the only one Shigaraki left his final words to, even if Shigaraki loved the other main members of the league.
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The five people Shigaraki Tomura truly cared about in his hearts of hearts at the end... But even here where his feelings are laid bare, there is also another, sad truth.
Kurogiri, the man who effectively cared for Shigaraki as his own son isnt included amongst them.
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Kurogiri is a rather complicated character, but it's clear by his final words, that he truly loved the league, just like compress did, and hoped they would be reunited in whatever came next.
It's not clear WHY shigaraki felt like this(maybe once he learned the man was a Nomu that pretty much sealed his ability to think of him as an actual person) but it goes to hammer in the fact that the league was just on a fundamental level not able to try to reach out and understand the motivations of each other.
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the main exception to this, and the only one who seems to at least have wanted to understand everyone else is Twice, withouth any doubt the true heart of the League of Villains. The only one who everyone, even cold, brutal dabi considered a close friend.
he is the only one who understood Toga, who always opened his heart bare for the entire league, and when it seemed Hawks was about to join that number, he did everything he could to make him feel welcome and to actually understand what hawks was teaching him.
it's not a coincidence that it is when he dies, that the league really begins to come loose at the seams.
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Dabi completely loses it in a way he hasnt done since the time he snapped and tried to kill shoto as a baby, and afterwards any and all morals and reservations completely evaporates in his heart, which is is replaced by a fire that doesnt go out until he literarily cant do anything anymore, having become a burnt out husk.
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Toga as to confront the fact that she is living in a fantasy and has to actually commit to the league and it's goals or go her own way.
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Mr compress tries to step up to fill in the void Twice left behind, but the grandpa of the group ultimately realizes that somebody is gonna have to sacrifice it all, and decides that like any good father figure, the duty will fall to him. Thus any wisdom he might have been able to impart to the next generation is lost when he becomes the next leaguer to fall right after twice.
But he could have shared these bits of wisdom at any time before this... his goals, his background, the origins of his unique insight into the world. But he didnt. only here, at the very end is he willing to put all of his cards on the table for the league he loved so much.
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Spinner doubles down of his friendship to shigaraki, but in the process lets all of his other relationships in the league falter in the hour when they matter the most, when everyone needs to stick together, and by doing so ultimately fails shigaraki as well by not reaching out to him as he's suffering.
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Withouth twice and compress, Shigaraki in his most critical hour, when the question of wheter he or AFO will rule this new body, has nobody who has no reservations about reaching out to him to try to be his emotinal support, with all the rest of the league literarily just standing by listening/staring at this mental battle as he suffers.
In essence, all of the leagues problems and weaknesses could have been solved if they had actually been willing to talk to each other to understand their respective ideas and goals in life.
Instead, they did the opposite of what the members of 1-A and aizawa did, and let everything foster and grow until the rot destroyed all of them from the inside out.
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bibibbon · 1 month
Do you ever feel like the women of MHA barely matters in the story? Especially the heroes.
Short answer: yes! And this is a problem with a lot of shonen series MHA included which definitely ticks me off.
The thing is there are a lot of female characters yet nothing meaningful or strikingly iconic is done with them. In my opinion the most iconic and well written female character we have in the story is toga himiko (whose also a villain so that goes and adds a bit more to your point) and even with that her character arc is still flawed.
There's so many female characters and so much you could do with them. Class 1A has approximately 6 characters each of them can have interesting character arcs that never get developed. You also have very interesting female villains who don't get much attention compared to their male counterparts. Toga himiko the main female villain has a lot of her character time shared with ochako (which isn't like shigaraki or Dabi) and other female villains don't get much focus on like curious (I miss her) or lady nagant (she had a decent arc flawed but really good) oh and magne gets killed off before we know anything about her!
Heck horikoshi could even focus on the female parents like inko and Rei and give them their independent arcs where they find an identity and become better parents (get a redemption arc).
What about the female heroes who don't get much focus and are there to do one bad ass girl boss thing and leave instead of adding meaning to the story. This happens with star and stripes (the worst plot device character I have ever seen) or miriko. Heck it seems like horikoshi forgets a lot about midnight and she doesn't matter when it comes to the oboro plotline. In the end her death is meaningless and there for cheap tension, Mt lady doesn't get enough focus for her arc to truly hit and I honestly can't name any other female heroes.
Oh wait we have recovery girl whose actions are made a gag and not called out, or we have bubble girl who yikes (poor girl deserves better) or nejire who compared to Mirio and tamaki is an almost nothing character!!
Heck don't get me started on how horikoshi does some very questionable things with his female characters like what was that thing with toruu and drawing her naked?!?! Or having toga running around without clothes in the manga (like hello thats a child!!!) what about the endless mineta gags (its worse since horikoshi admitted to liking mineta and being a bit of a perv) heck we dont even talk about the explicit gore thats used with injured female characters like miriko.
In the end there's definitely more I have missed but gosh this is enough to show that horikoshi hasn't done a good job with the female characters (toga and lady nagant are decent) which is a shame since there was sooo much potential.
(Gosh I would add pictures but honestly I physically can't bring myself to post or search for them)
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darkonekrisrewrite · 1 month
This can't be the final "End", for both the heroes and the villains
(Spoiler warning, long post)
Deku and Ochako's stories didn't end well, and not just for the shipping or not keeping One For All.
The narrative endings they got, either don't make sense or flat out don't work at all.
The end of Ochako's arc doesn't work because it conflicts with what we've been shown to be true.
She does try to help others after hearing PARTS of Toga's backstory, a natural progression of her character.
But the problem is that it leads to this:
"Uravity to expand access to Quirk Counseling"
EXPANDING Quirk Counseling...
Not REFORMING and then expanding Quirk Counseling.
Remember that this is Quirk Counseling:
"Where they attempt to hammer out any bumps in your understanding of the world and program you to fit neatly into society's little boxes.
It's a far from perfect process, the counseling ends up emphasizing the inherent differences among us all, and that's one bug they've yet to work out of the programming."
Stated by Curious during the MVA Arc, then confirmed later in a flashback featuring a counselor talking to Toga and her parents:
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"Let's straighten you out so you can be "Normal".
Deviance is common in children with strong Quirks.
We'll fix it. It'll be like it never existed."
Focusing only on repression and the appearance of being normal, not actually helping the child at all.
So yeah, knowing that this is how Quirk Counseling really is, how exactly does expanding this help??
(Not being with her in the shipping sense but working, talking with her and just being together.)
Anything good about this project that Ochako is creating is only implied not shown, and it doesn't mesh well at all with what we already know.
And even if Ochako did do things right, it still wouldn't be a satisfying payoff.
Ochako wasn't fighting so hard and struggling so much to help random, unnamed, unseen people from the villain life.
She was fighting to help Toga Himiko.
Her failing to save Toga and only (implying) saving others we don't even know, will never carry the same weight.
It won't feel right in a story that's supposed to be "Hopeful", because there's no solid connection left for that sentiment to be attached.
And there was no saving going on between Deku/shigaraki and Ochako/Toga after their battles were over.
This is the sentiment put forth by Nana Shimura (and at the time agreed upon by All-might and Deku), on what a true hero saving someone means:
"When you have to save someone, they're usually in a scary situation. A true hero saves not only their lives, but also their hearts... That's what I believe."
"Saving" is supposed to be both the life and the heart.
Not just one or the other.
And even if Gran Torino was supposed to be the one in the right -
(The narrative sure as hell made it look like he was supposed to be in the wrong and Deku was going to be the one to prove that.)
- in that killing can be a form of saving.
Deku and Ochako didn't even save the villain's hearts.
Not fully.
Shigaraki tells Deku that he still needs to be a hero to the villains and that he fought to destroy until the very end.
Only giving a snide encouragement to Deku at the end of the fight because he's literally crumbling into dust and got his world view rocked by the "It was AFO all along~" reveal.
Toga tells ochako that she didn't make "the bad stuff", the pain in her heart go away.
Only telling ochako that her efforts and words made Toga feel happy, but that's it.
They couldn't save their lives, only partially saved their hearts, leading to the results:
100% - 50% - 25% = 25 % (final grade)
The rest of Deku's conclusion doesn't fair any better.
Deku's heroic finale ends the exact same way it ended in every filler bnha movie, only with even less payoff.
He didn't succeed in his goal, with who he wanted to save and he just goes back to doing what he always did at the start, being a hero.
He doesn't develop in any noticable way until the OFA embers run out off screen.
Even the symbolic saving of the scissors boy, Deku doesn't get.
It would have been a world of difference if deku had seen tenko's full backstory, then told it to the world.
Telling the civilians that they needed to do their part to help those in trouble.
(Knowing that there's no AFO left to potentially get in the way.)
Resulting in many civilians coming together to help the scissor boy.
That would have delivered on everyone's narrative payoff.
But instead the theme doesn't work here because the single old lady who does step up to help, does so out of guilt (Not helping tenko) rather than because it is the right thing to do.
Nobody among the civilians besides the old lady stepped up to help on top of that.
So it looks less like a societal shift and more like the redemption of one single person.
The narrative makes a half-hearted attempt to tie this back to Deku but it doesn't work there either.
Because how exactly does Deku punching shigaraki into powder inspire the old lady to extend a helping hand to someone who represents that same villain??
It doesn't.
Even if the sentiment is: that everyone must do their part to help, there is a giant disconnect between:
Everyone seeing the heroes helping each other, fighting and succeeding in destroying the scary villain.
Realizing that someone has to help the person who looks like a scary villain.
It doesn't add up together.
Doesn't flow narratively at all.
The 8 year time skip makes more problems with Deku.
The line of: "You too can become a Hero."
Is meant to be the payoff callback to All-might giving those same words to Deku in bnha's beginning, so now Deku says the same thing to another kid that has doubts about his ability to become a hero.
It is kind of sweet but thinking about it for more than 5 seconds should give pause because:
Deku was about to receive the most powerful quirk in the world from All-might.
And the kid Deku was giving those same inspirational words to could throw plates from his head.
It's not even confirmed whether or not the kid could control their size, telepathically manipulate them or something like that.
So if what that other loudmouth kid in the final chapter said is true, about how only the most capable can become heroes in the current time.
The entire conversation, just like many other things in this ending, reads like false hope from the heroes.
Not like Deku has to deal with any of that or the kid himself anymore because he gets a tech suit, allowing him to be a hero again.
We don't know if he keeps his teaching job or not, maybe he did, maybe he didn't.
But still, once again Deku avoids any difficult questions that the story puts in front of him.
And all of this doesn't even cover the other issues that the story brought up:
The popularity poll expanding instead of ending, as if that would prevent the Endeavor/Dabi situation from happening again.
Lack of social/government help for anyone who gets dealt more than a couple of bad hands in life, those caught up in hero/villain conflicts or other disasters (quirk based or not).
Remember how twice became a villain?
Now that AFO, shigaraki and the doctor (all of his research and technology) are gone, what's going to happen when children start wiping out whole city blocks?
(The doctor may be alive and imprisoned but with AFO dead, the doctor likely won't help anymore because AFO was so important to him.)
With the power and complexity of the quirks inevitably increasing, think Eri unintentionally killing her dad X10.
Then the next round of kids, make it X50 then X100.
And finally, in the last chapter it's stated that there's a: "Decline in the villain emergence rate."
Why exactly that is isn't said, but it's implied that it's due to the efforts of Ochako and Shoji.
Let's put aside the suspension of disbelief and assume that it's true, that what they did worked in stopping villains from being made enough to have a real impact.
What happens to the people that are already villains??
The ones currently on the run or in jail.
If the hero kids made that big of a difference in the demographic of villains just by expanding counseling and nonviolent resolution, then that only reinforces the truth that the villains are easily preventable victims.
The implications of that aren't doing the heroes or hero society any favors.
We don't know what happens after because Rehabilitation was never offered to anyone who wasn't a small time criminal (Gentle Criminal) or a former assassin of the state (Lady Nagant).
Are the other villains still currently stuck in their circumstances just out of luck, help came too late for them too just like the Lov?
We don't know.
You can assume, imply and head-canon the solutions to all these issues, with what the hero kids might do, as much as you want to.
But if you have to do that with the big questions and plot points, then the story hasn't delivered on what it said it was going to.
Maybe horikoshi isn't that good of a writer but it's hard to believe that.
Horikoshi put so much into this series and all the characters in it, the central villains and the hero kids being the most important ones.
That he'd just fumble everything and pull a Falcon and the Winter Soldier: "You need to do better" and then they did'-Type ending.
This can't be it.
Maybe the "Ending" endpoint of this narrative but not the end of the overall story.
For the villains just as much as the heroes.
Toga dying to a blood transfusion, despite everything other characters survived (Gran Torino donut, edgeshot worm, Dabi charcoal skeleton) and things that she herself survived already.
Having curious bombs go off inside her body leading to internal damage and severe blood loss, yet she still survived until she received help and recovered just fine.
They got Dabi to medical and kept him alive.
Other villains like overhaul, muscular, compress and spinner survived.
It's not like she either had to die or go to jail, she could have just escaped.
Leading to her meeting up with Ochako again in secret or something, to finally fulfill both of their arcs and iron everything out for what would have happened in the future.
Then the Quirk Counseling ending could have worked.
Shigaraki dying after finding out his life was entirely manipulated by AFO.
Strung along like a puppet, mentally and physically manipulated to believe he is a force of destruction, so much that by the time the series starts, it's all shigaraki can believe himself to be.
Twice and Kurogiri fight and die trying to save Toga and Shigaraki, so they can live and be reunited with their friends.
This all just meant nothing in the end??
Ochako, Deku, Toga and Shigaraki's stories can't be over yet because they are important characters and there's too much left unresolved.
Ochako's resolution is incomplete and undefined.
Deku's hero ending feels disappointing and tone-deaf.
Toga completely disappeared before Ochako was taken by the helicopter, nowhere to be seen where she should have been if she had died.
And how is shigaraki a force ghost still walking around in the world if there's no quirks left tethering him as a vestige?
ALSO this recent interview with Horikoshi himself:
(Warning: Spoilers for the most recent BNHA movie)
"Horikoshi says one thing to pay attention to from the My Hero Academia "You're Next" movie is the relationship between Giulio and Anna and how it connects with Deku and the others' goals.
He writes:
"The relationship between Giulio and Anna is a part of the goal point where Deku and the others will eventually reach.
The movie as a standalone in itself is interesting, but if you watch the movie then return to the actual story, then you might feel 'oh so this is where the story leads to.' As such, please pay attention to Giulio and Anna in the movie!"
To give context, by the end of the movie, Giulio is able to cancel out Anna's quirk using his own, allowing her to live a life without being sheltered in fear of her quirk or used as a weapon. So Horikoshi's comment is probably referring to how they help each other accept their quirks or lack thereof and still be able to live in harmony.
In regards to their relationship, Giulio tells Anna he will always be by her side no matter what, they hug and then walk off into the sunset together at the end of the movie."
And another heavily lampshaded moment in the movie novelization when Giulio inner narrates this:
'He knew that killing her wouldn't be a true form of salvation.'
What was all this about??
There has to be more left.
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angy-grrr · 3 months
I can't believe Horikoshi decided to parallel togachako with shigaraki and deku, but also with kacchan and izuku, because there are multitudes into their relationship.
Ochahimi has this obvious textual side going on for a long time that its meant to be seen along Shigaraki Tomura and Midoriya Izuku: a hurt villain and a hero who feels the need to stop the pain. Two sides of the same coin. Will they take their hand? How could they reach out? Is there any hope for the rejected? We have different scenes in which its clear Uraraka and Midoriya have this idea of saving someone who is hurt even if they are a villain, the flashbacks of their conversation before the war, but surprisingly Ochako doesn't think of it as much as Izuku in this final battle -clearly stated, is when Himiko is giving her own blood to save her and explaining how she felt like her heart was floating when Uraraka touched her. The flashback reminds us of Izuku talking about how "maybe theres no way to avoid a battle, but I cant ignore what I saw deep inside him".
But Ochako isn't happy even if she got there, even is Toga tells her she made her happy. She's tired, sad, and desperate to stop her when she cant even move.
Its difficult to analyze Izuku's emotions, but once again, we can try to work with what we currently have! As far as we know, Izuku isn't really having that much of a conflict in terms of if he should save Tenko or not -the problem was external. What would the OFA users think? He challenged them by staying true to his inner core, and they accepted him, but we don't see him struggling with the idea of him reaching out to Tenko in itself like Ochako, who actively tried to forget about Himiko.
I interpret his flashbacks to his conversation with Ochako as a reminder of the person behind the villain, because he is also feeling something else: anger. Izuku was really hurt during this battle both physically and, I would argue mostly, mentally. As he himself said, he can't forgive Shigaraki, just try to stop the crying child from hurting, and the reminder of Ochako's own goals and words are a reminder of his own intentions; lets not forget, moments later he took control after seeing Katsuki's dead body, he attacked Shigaraki in ways that would cause severe damage -like in the middle of his chest, causing a hole.
Uraraka doesn't actually try to hurt Toga, but use her martial arts training in order to both dodge and tackle her, so she can hear what she has to say. I re-read the chapters around Katsuki's revival, because I was wondering, "does Izuku remember this before or after he locked eyes with Bakugou?", and the answer is after*. The other time he thought about it was before leaving the togatsuchako battlefield, when Ochako encourages him to not worry and go get Shigaraki.
So, what I mean by this is, Ochako Uraraka and Izuku Midoriya are not the same person, and they don't feel the same way for their main villains, just like Tomura Shigaraki and Himiko Toga don't feel the same for their main heroes, and are not the same. Izuku actually feels resentment and anger for Shigaraki, he cant forgive him, but he also doesn't want to kill and punish like that; he is a savior, if he has to fight he will, but in his heart he knows what he prefers' maintaining peace, and help the ones who are vulnerable. He sees the villain, and he sees the child who grew up abused and sad; he is a sweet boy, ofc he would try to stop the crying somehow. His conflict with him now, Im guessing, is that he doesn't really feel like he actually saved him -after all, he disappeared after the last punch, and he still considered himself the leader of the league who wanted to destroy everything. He gave him his autonomy back and tried his best, but his last words and request feel like a completely different "task" than what he envisioned; it makes him think, about what heroes and villains even mean in their society, and who gets to decide those things. How can he continue with Shigaraki's legacy?
In another hand, Ochako's conflict don't come from her own moral compass, but from what she is supposed to do; before she even saw sadness in her face she thought positive things about her -she has a cute smile, she is really honest with her feelings, and isnt scared to be open with others, and she envies that. She envies the villain Himiko Toga, and relates to her, and feels connected to her. So her pain feels even more personal when it shouldn't; she isnt her family, she is someone who has tried to hurt her and her friends over and over while being so happy about it. She is weird!
Besides the thoughts about society and who helps both heroes and villains, which are really important for her character and goals, the other side of their problem is... the way Ochako was refusing to see and accept her own weirdness. Interacting with Himiko was chaotic, confusing, and left her full of doubts about herself and what she wants, because isnt she even weirder if she wants to be more like her? How can she admit those thoughts out loud? Anyone would agree that behavior is disgusting, but... she can't hate her. She can't try to punch her, or hurt her, and she never was able to no matter how much she tried to convince herself this is the only way.
Her conversation with Izuku opened her mind and heart to start accepting what she truly wants to do to Himiko instead of what she has to do as a hero. What does she want? To stop her. Her hurt. Her tears. To make her happy, and to keep her alive. She wants to see everyone happy, to get peace.
This is why her conflict is both related to Shigaraki and Deku, and Katsuki and Izuku; in one aspect its about morality, heroism, villainy and society as a whole. Himiko will question how things works constantly, and she can't ignore it. And at the same time, there's an emotional side to it; she has multiple confrontations with her, where miscommunication and holding back hurts them both. She pushes herself to be more like others, but it doesn't feel right anymore; Himiko makes her see her own self hatred, and jealousy and care grow more and more. Why can't see just do the right thing to maintain peace?
Just like Izuku was surprised by Katsuki's tears during their second fight, Ochako gets concerned by Himiko's, when she interpreted Uraraka's words as her rejecting her love -and therefore, whole self. Is not until the second war that she even realizes Toga actually loves her in the same way she loves Izuku, being a little clueless herself.
It doesnt sit right with her to do the "normal" thing, because she isn't normal at all; she thinks about making a villain happy, and how lovely her smile is. Her honesty and openness to be unapologetically herself, no matter how much others try to push her down or change her attitude; she hurts others, she knows that's wrong and agrees with that generalized sentiment... but hate her for it? She tries to do it, but it doesn't work. Inside of her heart, she knows what her emotions are telling her, and its not anger.
This is messy, my head hurts, but Im hoping I can write something better and longer in the future. I guess it makes more sense that drawing of Shigaraki, Izuku, Ochako, Himiko and Katsuki all together. I always wondered, if this is about heroism and society, Katsuki shouldn't be there, and if it is about emotions and rivalries, then it would be Tomura.
If you read this far, thank you for your time, and apologies for the confusion the writing could have caused you.
*My internet is going really slow, so im not re-reading all of the chapters after Izuku's arrival in the battlefield, so I cant 100% say this is the very first time he does remember it. Once im able to, or someone checks it for me -wether im right in my statement or not-, I'll edit it to be accurate with the material.
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shotos-wifeyy · 2 months
Himiko Toga would seriously be the best friend (or girlfriend) ever.
If she likes you, SHE LOVES YOU. Always offering a knife or asking if you want some blood 😭.
She’s always willing to jump and kill ANYONE for you. like anyone.
She would love karaoke or singing in the car. Maybe you on missions and she always forces you two to go on aux so you guys can sing together. she loves your voice, even if no one else does.
She’s the type to love doing everything with her best friend. Like, attached at the hip. Loves linking arms and skipping with you. holding your hand or laying her head in your lap, forcing you to love her. (You do love her it’s just funny to make her irritated. but also very, very terrifying)
She would share her food or a bed with you any day, loves cuddling. Her favorite thing is when you paint or decorate her knifes for her, it makes her so happy.
She would force you to do her hair every morning becuaze you’ve learned to be so gentle with it, carefully brushing through it and pulling it up for her.
Maybe you would add little ribbons. They would be covered in blood by the end of the day, but it was a good effort.
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tklpilled · 1 month
asking ochako what she and toga are would be like asking if tomatoes are fruits or vegetables. there’s the logical answer, the one that’s objectively correct: tomatoes are fruits, and she and toga are enemies. an undeniable fact. but there's another answer, the one that isn’t technically true but that feels right, like it would be true if circumstances were different: that a tomato is a vegetable. that ochako and toga are lovers.
ochako doesn’t think either answer is entirely right. she thinks they’re too gentle to be enemies. she thinks they’re too violent to be lovers.
toga pins her to the ground, blade in hand, sharp smile on her face. her love is an obsessive kind, one that acts like it wants to consume ochako whole. 
“ochako-chan,” she says, eyes glistening with bloodlust. “won’t you give me a taste?”
ochako squirms beneath her, some mix of fear and exhilaration coursing through her. “you’ll have to work for it.”
toga tosses her head back with a laugh and ochako thinks it may just be the prettiest sound in the world, a high-pitched giggle that makes her sound just like the schoolgirl she is. “you can never make it easy for me, can you?”
ochako grins, and in an instant she’s wriggled her way out and begins to run.
she’s not trying, really. she could easily run much faster, and she thinks toga knows that. it’s like this every time; ochako doesn’t run fast, or she doesn’t go very far, allowing toga to catch her every single time. she lives for the thrill of it.
she feels toga’s arms wrap around her waist before she’s on the ground again in quite a similar position as before, only this time she’s face-down in the grass. she turns her head to look up at the villain, a smug look on her face even though she’s lost this little game of theirs. in a way, she’s still winning.
toga leans in, her breath brushing against ochako’s ear. “caught you~!” she giggles, pressing most of her weight against ochako’s back. she taps her fingers against the hero’s arm. “you’re not going easy on me, are you, ochako-chan?”
ochako smiles up at her. “of course not,” she lies smoothly. “you caught me fair and square.”
toga sighs, her head drooping a bit. “you do look cute when you’re all bloodied,” she says, twirling her knife between her fingers. “but i don’t know…i’m thinking of switching things up!” she picks her head back up, grinning. “are you ticklish, ochako?”
“h-huh?” ochako squeaks out, eyes widening. 
toga continues, an almost disappointed expression on her face. “i see how you always laugh around izuku,” she complains. “i’m getting jealous of him, you know? why don’t you ever laugh like that with me?”
ochako stares in shock for a second before she snorts. “is that it?”
toga hisses, cheeks pinkening. there’s a clattering sound as she tosses her blade aside, manicured nails crawling up ochako’s sides before she can react.
“himiko!” she squeaks, her hands grabbing at toga’s. she tries activating her quirk, but toga is faster than her in this state. she grabs ochako’s wrists and pins them over her head with one hand, her other continuing her merciless assault.
“you’re so cute, ochako!” toga practically squeals, giggling along. “just laugh and i’ll stop, ‘kay? after a while, anyway.”
ochako tries to hold out, but among her list of weaknesses, both tickling and himiko toga are at the top. she falls into laughter, kicking her feet behind her, the only part of her body that she can freely move. she never wears her hero costume when she goes to meet toga, never seeing a reason to, but right now she wishes she had it to protect her.
or, well, a part of her does. the other part of her is undeniably happy, even despite her situation. because toga is smiling with her, and being playful and acting like a regular girl instead of a wanted criminal. ochako’s heart nearly bursts with want, to take her back to u.a. and kiss her and give her every last drop of her blood.
but all she can do is shove the thought away and enjoy the moment while it lasts.
toga lets go of her arms suddenly, grabbing her body and flipping her over to face her. she cups ochako’s cheek with her hand. it’s warm.
“stop frowning like that, ochako,” she says. her voice is always so gentle when she talks to her. “i’m trying to make you laugh. you’re ruining it, you know.”
“i love you,” says ochako before she can stop herself.
“i know,” replies himiko.
ochako looks down at himiko’s hand, still resting against her side. her nails are sharp, pointed. she once thought those nails would rip her apart. she wouldn’t care much if they did.
but they don’t, because himiko has killed and hurt and tortured but ochako is like a goddess to her. so, yes, they claw at her stomach and make her shriek, but no blood is shed and all ochako feels is love. 
“h-hihimikoho!” she squeaks, one hand flying up to her mouth to muffle herself, but himiko pulls it away just as quickly.
“don’t hide from me, ochako-chan,” she coos, lacing their fingers together. “let me see your pretty face!”
ochako falls practically limp, letting himiko toy with her as she wishes. “st-stohohop, stop, tihihickles,” she manages to piece together through endless giggles. the only thing racing through her mind is that it tickles.
it makes himiko laugh. “ha! because i’m tickling you, silly. it’s supposed to.” the tone of her voice makes ochako squirm, butterflies fluttering in her stomach and her face heating up.
there are tears in her eyes when himiko finally relents, brushing messy strands of hair out of ochako’s face. “you’re so cute,” she hums, leaning to place a kiss on ochako’s forehead. it’s one of the gentlest acts that she’ll ever perform.
and when ochako inevitably has to leave, to keep whatever this is a secret, she will give her a kiss in return as a farewell. and himiko will smile and blush in the way ochako loves, and she will place a hand to her lips as if to preserve the feeling forever.
and later, they will meet, and do the same thing again, and ochako does not hurt people and himiko does not save people, but somehow they still fit together perfectly.
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super-paper · 1 year
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"Thank you for such wonderful comedy."
I've been wanting to talk about how MHA plays with the concepts of "fiction vs reality, the characters vs the actor, the world vs the stage" for awhile now, bc I believe understanding how MHA utilizes these concepts is pretty crucial to understanding our Big Bad (and Tomura!) (...and Izuku!) (.. etc!) (y-yeah...!!!) (wooo.....!!!!!)
If this post is more incoherent than usual, I apologize-- I'm just really enthusiastic about stories that play with the fact that they're stories and characters who throw themselves into a fictionalized role as a means of coping. I love the way MHA handles these concepts in particular, so I lost all sense of restraint as usual.
Hori: "I'm Like Dropping Hints That Hero/Villain Personas Are Actually Coping Mechanisms Lol"
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"As Tomura Shigaraki and Tenko Shimura, I've got just one wish: the total destruction of everything that created that house." "If my origin as Touya and Dabi was such a simple thing, then... No, there are still things I want to say. Arguments I want to have."
I've seen a few ppl saying that it sounds awkward/strange to have the characters repeatedly asserting themselves in the third person, but imo, the emphasis on real names versus hero/villain names during these particular scenes plays into the idea of the villain/hero identities being "alter egos" that might not actually have the same core desires as the """"actors"""" that are behind these personas.
Tomura and Touya invoke both their real and villain names while asserting their respective wishes. Himiko also invokes her villain name, though it's less obvious to english speakers because she uses her real name as her villain name (in the raws, "HIMIKO TOGA" as a villain name is written using katakana-- and this is what she uses when asserting her wish). MHA plays with the idea of "fiction"/"Alter Egos" as a form of escapism and as a coping method, and at this point in time, the Dabi/Tomura/"Himiko" identities are still being utilized as a crutch/mask by these three very hurt individuals.
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*loud, terrifying chanting* PEAK FICTION PEAK FICTION PE--
Ochako's fight being like the second most thematically important fight in the whole series still makes me unreasonably giddy btw.
To contrast, Ochako uses her civilian name alone when asserting her wish-- and imo we're meant to read this as Ochako wanting to save Himiko as herself, not as Uravity. Saving Himiko is not something she can accomplish as her alter-ego-- Ochako is able to save Himiko by stepping off the stage and becoming a "real" person, while also acknowledging the person behind "Toga Himiko (villain name)".
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Izuku hasn't had his "I'm Izuku Midoriya"/"I'm-saving-you-as-Izuku-not-as-Deku" moment yet-- instead, we see Tomura intentionally making that distinction between the-hero-and-the-true-self by constantly referring to Izuku by his real, full name. And I'm pr sure Izuku is also the only one he does this to-- we see him referring to all the other heroes he encounters by their hero names alone, or by insulting nicknames (l-lol). Correct me if I'm wrong, tho!
(side note: Tomura switching to calling Izuku just "Hero" in the aftermath of Bakugate is actually a big step backwards imo-- it reads as Tomura trying to push Izuku away by shoving them both back in the hero/villain box and doubling down on enforcing their respective "roles." Not that I ever expected mister doomdere to make things easy, but, woof. Good Fuckin' Luck, Izuku ( ´・ω・) )
TL;DR The final arc has mostly been about tearing off the hero/villain masks to reveal who is hiding underneath— MHA's careful use of names and monikers plays heavily into that and its distinction between "alter-ego"/"true self" a lot. Which is... probably one of the many reasons why All For One still doesn't have a given name, as someone who has all but completely lost himself in his character.
Anyway! That brings us to the meat of this post: how does MHA take the concepts of "reality vs fiction" and "the character vs. the actor" and apply it to All For One (...and Tomura) (and Izuku--)?
"Pay No Attention to That Man Behind the Curtain!"
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"If you refuse to submit, then I'll just rewrite the story." - it's amazing how all of this coulda been avoided if someone had just introduced AFO to Demon Lord x Reader fanfiction. (/j)
AFO fancies himself as the author of MHA's greatest tragedy (the desecration of Shimura Nana's legacy via the sacrifice of Shimura Tenko), while simultaneously inserting himself into its overarching narrative and treating himself as the leading villain of the story-- it's self-indulgent and intentionally invasive in the way that most self-insert fanfiction tends to be invasive, with him going to extremes to make it seem as though the whole story revolves around him. AFO wants to be both the author and the leading character and the leading antagonist. This greed is typical of him, but it also establishes him as a character who's more caught up in (read: trapped by) his relationship to "fiction" than anyone else. Again, MHA explores the use of fiction and alter-egos as an escape from a painful reality-- so, it's entirely reasonable to assume that this applies to AFO as well.
To me, so much about AFO reads as an escapist fantasy of someone who is utterly terrified of being put in a position where he is truly seen. The idea of being vulnerable, of being naked, of being "human," is intolerable to him. But by not allowing himself to feel and "be a human," he has effectively cut himself off from what he wants most. The character of “Shigaraki Tomura” is as much an escapist fantasy for AFO as it is Tenko-- It's just another (younger, prettier) layer of skin he can hide his true self in.
"so basically you're saying that AFO is a never nude" yes, actually :)
AFO dehumanizes Tomura through his attempts to turn the boy into his personal comic book character, but he also dehumanizes himself by desperately trying to insert himself into that “character." It's only fitting that Tomura’s innate humanity and capacity for feeling ends up rendering AFO himself painfully, painfully human-- and ultimately causes AFO's carefully constructed character to start crumbling.
If All the World’s a Stage, Then Let’s Destroy the Stage
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"That stage is gone now. The theater's knocked down. How much longer can we afford to be spectators on the sideline?" "Once upon a time, a man named All Might showed all of us how to be a hero. But somewhere along the way, people forgot about the heart and soul that made the man." -MHA, Chapter 325
Tomura is attempting to destroy the stage, because without the stage there can be no "Shigaraki Tomura" (Or "All Might," or "All For One," or "Endeavor," etc etc etc). Without the stage, there are no more "characters" and no more tragedies. But-- without the stage, there are no more stories period. There are no more tragedies, but there are no more happy endings either. The world never recognizes the actor behind "Shigaraki Tomura" without the stage. The stage is not inherently a bad thing, so long as people can remember that the actors on the stage still exist outside of it.
But Tomura himself cannot imagine what happens after the curtains fall, and all that's left is Shimura Tenko. He is stuck in a role that was written entirely for someone else, but remains convinced that the role was always his and that the role defines him.
Tomura rebels against the story the only way he knows how--against an "author" who *LITERALLY* views him as a spicier self insert, and against a "setting" that treats his death as a happy ending-- but even so, Tomura still can't picture an ending that doesn't end in tragedy. His rebellion is not about him trying to wring a happy ending out of a miserable, mean-spirited book-- it's about burning the whole damn library down so he never feels let down or hurt by a story again.
Basically: Tomura cannot act outside the confines of his "character" in a way that will truly save him. Even as he rebels, he's rebelling in a way that is painfully consistent with the way his "character" is written-- and that's why AFO (the author) still poses such an enormous threat to him. Destruction cannot save him from this story when he was explicitly penned to destroy.
The only way to break this narrative is to act in a way "the author" doesn't expect, and to tap into all the traits that AFO desperately attempted to "write out" of him-- Shimura Tenko is someone who has always rebelled against his writing, his author, and the unfairness of this story with his kindness and his willingness to accept those that no one else will.
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AFO cuts off Tenko's own power at the root by reinforcing Tomura's belief that the world will always inherently reject him, without fail, always and forever-- so he should just reject the world, too (and I've talked at length about this before, but this is why a story that ends with Tomura dying or locked away from society is an ending that fails in its goal to save Tomura). The more Shigaraki Tomura rejects everything and the more Shigaraki Tomura is rejected by everything, the more he distances himself from his root and the source of his power-- and the more Shimura Tenko gets lost in this character.
While AFO is terrified of someone seeing behind his mask, Tomura longs for it. Tenko has been there since the beginning and has been begging for someone to finally see and acknowledge him (both in-universe and out of universe).
"I’ll Be There, Changing Fate by Your Side."
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AFO: "Blah Blah Blah Do you still believe myths can save you? Foolish creature. Let me be clear: every version of the story ends with you being slaughtered yadda yadda yadda :) :) :)" ENTER, MIDORIYA IZUKU WITH A STEEL CHAIR.
Izuku's role is that of a completely average boy who gets pulled into a narrative ''that wasn't for him"-- he has no heroic lineage, no hidden powers, and no connection to the centuries old conflict that drives the plot. He's just a boy who did the right thing at the right time and was rewarded for it. Izuku is someone who was "never supposed to be a hero" the same way Tenko was "never supposed to be a villain" per the "rules" of their world-- and Izuku, like Tomura, is someone who exists to destroy those rules and the expectations of their narrative, completely changing the ending.
But rather than burning the book and ending the story forever (like Tomura wants to do), Izuku believes that the story and characters can still be salvaged. There's always something worth saving. It doesn't have to be a tragedy, they can still change the ending. They can talk specifics after Tomura's crazy ass puts the lighter down.
Izuku, like Tomura and so many other characters, throws himself into an alter-ego in an attempt to redefine himself and escape from pain ("Nobody's been saved yet. Don't be the worthless old Deku who can't save anyone" 😬). He almost loses himself in the role of "OFA's torch bearer" the way All Might did-- but just as Izuku managed to find Toshinori Yagi and helped in convincing him that his life as Toshinori has meaning, Izuku ends up getting saved by his friends who couldn't care less about OFA's ~protagonist power~ and know that Izuku is just a goofy, awkward, human boy who needs help.
Like.... If we explore quirklessness as like... a narrative stand-in for characters that the story typically views or dismisses as irrelevant extras/npcs, then AFO's barely restrained anger at Izuku and Toshi (and possibly Yoichi if we're being honest) for daring to ''act beyond their roles'' becomes even funnier. AFO can't stand the idea of his power/the protagonist role being passed on to someone who seems so utterly unworthy, unremarkable, and plain. He can't stand the idea of someone without a quirk/"role" standing up to him, the leading character. Dude really is a toxic comic book fan to the core.
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afo really said "I didn't like how things were going so I stopped reading and just wrote a better ending to the story :^)" like...... @mhareddit that's u buddy...........................;
Anyway...........!!!!! AFO is someone who cherry picks what he likes about a story while ignoring the actual intent/message of the work (#theabsolutestateofthemhafandom), but he has no intention of breaking down the dichotomy between heroes/villains and instead actively enforces it (.............#theabsolutestateofthemhafan--). He just wants to flip what side wins in the end.
Tomura wants to break the narrative because he sees that as the only way to escape from his pain (but in doing so, he permanently cuts himself off from being a part of a story with a happy ending). He wants to destroy the dichotomy between heroes and villains because heroes and villains "will never understand each other and never stop creating each other" (lol. lmao, even).
Izuku wants to break the narrative because he's realized that there's something more to this story than your standard "Hero versus Villain," "good vs evil" affair and that he cannot explore what lies behind those masks and labels without tearing them down, first.
These three work together well as a narrative set of Fucking Nerds, and AFO works well as both Tomura and Izuku's villain for all of the above reasons (& also bc he's the only one who is actually benefitting from their current society) ((which basically offers him an endless buffet of hurt and angry children he can exploit on a silver platter)).
Anyway! Kick his ass, Izuku.
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dekusleftsock · 1 year
Dekus no good, very bad, faceplant into masculinity and internalized homophobia
I made this a thought post from chapter 402 originally, but I can’t let these thoughts fester any longer. Gotta be correct about it 🫶🫶🫶
Alright so when I originally talked about this on a couple of platforms (not just tumblr, tiktok too and a bit on Twitter that has no connection to this account lmao) I feel like people told me that I was “stretching” with my assumptions.
But then Toga’s backstory being told to Ochako was… directly referenced to a queer allegory. And in 394, she directly says that she likes girls. It’s the thing said last, implying it’s something she’s still ashamed of feeling.
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This chapter basically confirmed in my mind that Himiko’s blood quirk was the equivalent to the homophobia that was probably in her own household. And in my mind, that means that blood quirk = metaphor on her queer experience.
And then suddenly, the pieces clicked into place.
In 348, Izuku disagrees with Himiko and Ochako’s ideals—not only at the idea of girly romance, but also at unconventional romance.
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Ochako has distanced herself due to Izuku’s inability to confront his own feelings. Shown both physically and metaphorically.
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Ochako took all the steps to walk away because from Izuku. Because Izuku held her back.
Or more rather, she realized that Izuku was no allmight, but rather just an average boy in need of saving as anyone else. He is someone who’s flaws cannot align with Ochako’s own ideals for a relationship.
Because ochako is weird.
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Izuku holds her back. She can’t be everything she needs to be while around him.
And that’s something Izuku’s not going to understand, not like how she needs him to understand.
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And Himiko knows who Ochako is on a more fundamental level than Izuku ever will, and that’s okay.
I feel like whenever I talk about these character flaws having to do with Izuku, it almost sounds like I’m bashing him? I swear, I’m not, it makes complete sense as to why he is this way. And there are people (Katsuki) in the world who can have this in a relationship under the right communication, and some people can’t. And that’s just how we exist. That’s okay. We don’t all have to be compatible with everyone.
Back to the main point, the pieces and the people putting those pieces together were starting to see their parallels.
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Even the manga placement parallels them, especially with how clever I feel horikoshi can be with his paneling.
Looking down, looking up. Both three quarter angles. Small mouth expression, big mouth expression. And that blush.
Fake smile when unhappy. Falling for someone who is dying, who you’d do anything for, even toe the line of death defending them, fixing them—just because you can’t help but love someone you wish had walked into your life sooner (or in Izuku’s case, accepted into your life sooner).
Someone you’d sacrifice for. Someone you’re violent for. Someone you’d kill for.
Someone you’d rather let an entire population of people die for than live without.
Someone you’re undeniably, unequivocally, selfish for.
And yet Izuku doesn’t recognize his same symptoms of love through Himiko Toga as Ochako does.
Himiko must be dehumanized to Izuku, because if she’s a person, then she is him.
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(What’s even more interesting about this panel, is that if the characters were reversed and it was about Izuku’s violent feelings over protecting Katsuki, danger sense would be going off constantly. So toga is the perfect counter, but Izuku is the ultimate weakness.)
So, okay, how exactly do these things matter? How does this have to do with Izuku’s own personal struggle over his masculinity?
I think what’s important to clarify here is that when I say “internalized homophobia”, I don’t mean that he necessarily is beating himself up over the fact that he likes a boy instead of a girl.
I think it’s connected to his fear of rejection, and his own personal issues having to do with remaining a “strong man” instead of a “weak man”.
Izuku may not believe that liking men is anyone’s business but his own, but does Katsuki think that?
Izuku has called his feelings of admiration gross. Not that he himself is an awful person for feeling them, but that Katsuki will be the one to think they’re gross. And he’s worked so hard to get to this point in their relationship, he doesn’t wanna let it go over some stupid feelings.
And this is where toga comes into the picture, his parallels between her, because just how is Toga supposed to know that Ochako isn’t judging her for her feelings? Technically, all of the things she’s said before the final fight between them have only proved the inevitable. That Toga is gross, a freak, a predator, a danger, because she loves a woman.
How is Izuku supposed to interpret being called a stalker by Katsuki? How is he supposed to interpret when people call him creepy for his muttering and analyzation? How is he supposed to interpret being called a crybaby by his idol, Katsuki, and everyone else when he cannot control that?
How can he handle feelings that are out of his control, and still believe that they’re okay?
And at the very least, even if homophobia doesn’t exist in mha, heteronormativity does. Especially shown through Ashido, a straight girl.
None of that is necessarily Allmight, Katsuki, or even Ochako’s fault, because of course they’re just teasing him—but it doesn’t change the fact that it affects how he perceives himself.
So when I say that Izuku has problems with internalized homophobia, I mean that he is afraid of how the people around him will perceive him, than a constant feeling of self hatred due to not liking women.
And when I say that his internalized homophobia is an extension of his masculinity, I mean that because he has no confidence in himself and his more vulnerable emotions, he is unable to accept what or who he is. This ofc affects the people around him, like saying that Ochako CANT be weird because she’s just “so amazingly normal” without realizing that he’s just downplaying who she is and what she thinks, or dehumanizing the most openly queer character in the series because it benefits the perception he has of himself, or even silently rejecting Katsuki’s feelings simply out of a need to “control his heart and control his quirk”.
In Izuku’s mind, the only way to keep Katsuki is to not be the weird kid he was in his childhood. In a way, Izuku is still performing for Katsuki.
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sarahjtv · 2 months
My Hero Academia Chapter 428 Spoiler Talk: Did Kohei Horikoshi Just Blueball Us???
So, that just happened, huh? Not a bad chapter by any means. It was a solid, slice-of-life-ish chapter that continues to give us our beloved Class 2-A kids some idea of how life is going to be like now that the war is over:
The chapter starts off where we left off 2 weeks ago with the new first-years (the new Class 1-A) fangirling over Shoto and Bakugo. Iida has to step in to stop the chaos while Bakugo and Shoto hide behind him like little kids using their big brother as a shield 😂! It's cool to know that our kids have fans now and seeing them as Senpai to new Kohais is a nice idea to think about. I also like that there's a panel of Shinsou in the class to remind all of us that he's part of the main group now.
There's also a tall 1st-year who is inspired by Deku and wants to be like him after seeing him fight in the war! I love that for him 💚! I don't think Deku's really had any fans outside his classmates before, so it's nice to see how people are looking up to him like how he looked up to All Might.
A little later, we see our Class 2-A working to help clean up the wreckage from the war with Fat Gum, Best Jeanist, and Edgeshot who FUCKING SURVIVED (BRO, HOW???) and is now just a big strand of string with a face and tiny string arms 😂😭! It's a funny visual for now, but Edgeshot says that he'll be better than ever hopefully which makes Bakugo show a wobbly, awkward smile 🧡.
I also love how much Bakugo has changed in general. It has been a slow, general progression, but it's clear that he's softening up and opening up more to the people around him. It's such great character development for him. I love this dude so much 🧡
It's also cool to see the kids work and use their Quirks to help clean up all the rubble. We've seen them do this a little before during the Provisional License Exam, but it's good to see it again because it's a good reminder that there's more to Hero work than just beating the bad guys and saving civilians. I can absolutely see how a lot of their Quirks can help out with clean-up duty, but I can't help but wonder how people like Jiro, Shinsou, and Kaminari use their Quirks though can already think of some ideas. Actually, Kaminari can restore power to towns and cities, but he can't use his Quirk to help pick up rubble.
The civilians and even the new Class 1-A kids come along and are more than willing to help clean up the mess too. The heroes are being trusted more again and then getting help from the people who they thought lost faith in them is a great sign for that bright future everyone hopes for. I also have high hopes for the new UA kids. They're already heroes in their own right by wanting to help during their first few days at the school. I also really like the look of the few new designs we get out of these kids. As expected of our mangaka!
Later that night, we are told that the students at UA aren't forced to stay at the dorms anymore, probably because things have calmed down after the war. This is good to hear because while I know the kids loved life at the dorms, I'm sure they missed their families too. I won't be surprised if some students in general decide to stay home for a while. I'm sure this also gives Horikoshi an excuse not to draw so many characters in one panel because god knows this man has his work cut out for him over the next 2-3 weeks.
The last couple of pages boil down to beautifully drawn panels of Ochako who's still keeping up that fake smile and optimistic façade and Izuku and Tsuyu worrying about her because something is CLEARLY wrong. Ochako does eventually break down remembering Himiko Toga and her fate. This chapter doesn't outright confirm nor deny what happened to Toga, but I'm pretty sure she's dead. I don't think Ochako would be this sad if Toga was alive in any capacity. It sucks because Toga had a change of heart in her final moments and I think she would have been given something of a second chance had she lived. But, maybe not because I don't know how society would really treat her if she was allowed to go out in public again. I would love for Toga to be alive, but I'm betting my gatcha money that she isn't... Still, this is a big loss for Ochako and I feel for her. I still can't help but feel we got blueballed on Toga's fate, though and I'm not sure how to really feel about that.
The final page shows us that Izuku used some embers of One For All to get to Ochako who's on the same hill back during the "We're Weird" conversation they had before the Final War. First off, Izuku bby 🥹💚. Second, this absolutely sets up Izuku and Ochako finally talking to each other since the Final War ended. I assume some kind of love confession is going to happen, but I'm not 100% sure because I don't know if now is a good time for that or not. Ochako definitely needs a shoulder to cry on and Izuku needs to talk to someone about what happened, so we'll have to see where things go from here.
Regardless, we have 2 chapters left and something has to happen before the end. It's going to be bittersweet next week though because we are getting the Cover and a Color Page in WSJ! These will be the last ones we get, so I hope they're special. Knowing Horikoshi, the art and coloring are going to be immaculate and I am going to cry happy tears for the next 2 weeks.
We will also get a 16-chapter tie-in chapter for the new You're Next movie by Yoko Akiyama, the mangaka for the spin-off Team Up Missions manga! I love her art so much! It's very similar to Horikoshi's, but the style and the coloring especially is so soft and cute! It's perfect for a slice-of-life-esque spin-off like TUM and she hasn't disappointed me yet. Plus, I'm 99% sure she did the manga tie-ins for the 2nd and 3rd movies too, so this was expected.
We're finally at the penultimate and final chapters of the series. I still can't believe it's ending. Just 2 weeks to go starting this Sunday.
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itsabouttimex2 · 11 months
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Yandere ‘Sister’ Himiko Toga
“She needs help. I can’t just do nothing.”
Those words sound like they’re straight from the mouth of a hero. It’s the sort of thing she’s wanted to hear since her childhood, ever since her parents decided that the proper way of dealing with a “deviant child” was to send her to a shady therapist and demand that she become normal for the sake of keeping up appearances.
You step to her side, gently taking the back of her head into your hand and boosting it up, using your other hand to support her thighs as you pick her up. You carry her close to your body, sharing your warmth with the young girl.
This is all she’s ever wanted, she thinks.
Then she wakes up on a couch, a blanket draped across her form. A change of clothes is folded neatly next to her, clean and inviting. Water, painkillers, and two granola bars. She rips into the bars with reckless abandon, scarfing down the water and pills after them. However, she’s almost ginger with the nightgown, tenderly stroking her fingers across the soft fabric with a little smile. She wastes no time in tearing her clothes off, throwing them one after another into the laundry basket across the room. She pulls the nightgown on, humming and twirling around like she wasn’t face down in the streets a while ago.
When she’s spun herself dizzy, she flops back onto the couch, snuggling into the blanket once again, snatching up the note you’ve left for her.
“I’ll be back around 5 PM. Help yourself to anything in the fridge. You can use whatever you’d like in the restroom if you want to take a bath or shower. I’ll wash your clothes when I get back.”
Himiko grins even wider, clutching the note to her chest. It’s nearly 5 already… so she’ll get to meet her rescuer soon, won’t she? You’ve been so nice already, and all without even speaking a word to her.
Until then, she has a date with the shower and all of your nice smelling soaps.
“I hope you don’t mind stew. I didn’t have a chance to head to the the store, so I’m using leftovers today.” You place a bowl loaded with beef and vegetables in front of her, and she snatches it towards herself with glee.
Today. Does that mean she’ll get to come back? That you’ll let her stay?
She tilts the bowl to her lips, taking deep gulps of the hearty broth. It’s filling and savory, warming her inside and out. It tastes like home. It tastes like love. She has a second bowl, and then a third, longing to fill herself with that taste.
You smile as you wash the dishes, noting the fluttering of her eyes as you scrub down a pot.
“If you need to stay the night, I can fix you up the guest room.” Your tone is warm and soft, completely sincere.
You ask no questions. You offer no judgement. You ask for nothing in return. You just… give. Selflessly, you give.
It feels like home already. So why would she leave? If you’re letting her stay… then you’re basically already family, right?
Hope you enjoy having a bloodthirsty little sister, Y/N.
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kelin-is-writing · 2 years
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warnings: +18, fwb to lovers, college au, quirkless au, protected sex, public sex, overstimulation, body worshipping (?), tiny bit of angst, hint of breeding kink (if you squint hard), touya is one year older than reader, lots of pet names, two dorks pinning on each others.
characters: touya todoroki x fem!reader
words count: 7,9k
notes: look... i’m confused as much as you guys are over the length of this fic. but i got inspired so much by a bunch of songs in my dabi playlist and before i knew it things turned out like this. hope you guys like it 💜
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you remember meeting with touya todoroki a month after the new semester at your college started, at a party thrown by toga himiko who was a new acquaintance of yours that is friend with the handsome white haired senior; everything started when you two got introduced to each others by the blond girl and his intense gaze fell upon you making a shiver run down your spine, this resulted in you straightening your posture under his amused expression while you replied with a glare that only made his grin widen.
as the party progressed, a glass of drink lead to another and before you knew it his lips were on yours ferociously, hands down palming your butt cheeks and fondling them as he made you walk back into toga’s room and fall onto your friend’s bed while you kept running your hands through the senior’s hair. if you two had sex that night? hell yeah you did, the most fantastic sex you’ve ever had to date.
touya knew what he was doing and he was extremely good at it.
after that night the two of you run a lot into each other since toga was your common friend. in one way or another you two always ended up having sex again which is why after the fifth time you two did it, at his shared apartment with shigaraki and shuichi when they were out with the group, the two of you settled for a friends with benefits relationship seen how good your chemistry was whether under the sheets or out of them.
when choosing the rules for the agreement, one was to not fall in love with the other party and that in the case one of the two does, your relationship would end right away.
needless to say that despite knowing the rule and what you were getting yourself into, you ended up falling for touya eventually but never said a word about it and just act around him like you always do, so that relationship would last as long as possible because you weren’t yet ready to cut ties with him (nor you will ever be, but yeah...).
another rule was that if any of the two parties wanted, you could have sex with whomever you want outside of your relationship and you obviously agreed at the beginning since falling for that cocky and arrogant dumbass of touya wasn’t exactly in your bingo book.
ohh how bad you regretted agreeing to that dumb rule when last week you saw him make out in the school’s corridor with a female senior who was clinging to him like an octopus, making you clench your jaw and swallow the urge to scream at her to get off from him because he’s yours only to kiss, but of course that was out of question.
you two were almost nothing to each others after all.
after that you spent the next week either ghosting him, avoiding him, making up excuses to not meet with touya or came out on the spot with commissions to do, appointments and such, also limiting like this the remote possibility of being with him in a room and get swept into the mood only to end up having sex somewhere like always.
it was thursday, already, and you were packing your things to go at home hopefully without coming across touya, when another male voice reached to your ears:
“y/n do you have the chemistry notes from this morning’s class? i came in the second hour so i couldn’t follow the lecture.”, your classmate, shinsou, asked walking up to you after your last class of the day, standing next to you at the very end of the classroom as the other students left.
“sure, just bring them to me tomorrow okay?”, after some fumbling where you took out almost everything from inside your bag, you hand him a blue notebook before glancing up at the boy with a mocking grin. “you slept in again?”, when the boy looked away annoyed clicking his tongue you giggled slightly, amused by how chaotic he was despite the image that everyone pinned on him, which was the opposite of his actual personality.
“shut it please, i got mocked enough by fucking monoma.”, that made you giggled once more lifting an hand to cover your mouth. he looked down at you silently for a brief moment before keeping on. “are you not sleeping well? you got eye bags and your eyes are a little swollen too... is everything okay?”, he inquired lifting an hand to rest it on your cheek and rubbing his thumb under your eye; as expected from shinsou, of course this smartass would notice easily these kind of things.
“oh... you know, midterms are coming up and the perfectionist in me wants everything to be spot on, maybe i overdid it though...”, you ended with a little giggle while moving away from his touch, trying to not seem awkward.
it’s just that it felt so weird and wrong to you for someone who isn’t touya to touch you, and yet for the white haired senior seemed easy to replace you with some other unknown girl.
ahh damn... now i feel like crying..., pressing tightly your lips together you tried with all your might to not shed a tear and miraculously you succeeded, sniffling briefly from your nose while moving a strand of hair behind your ear.
the boy looked at you in contemplation for a while before he decided to keep talking:
“y/n do you have some time one of these days? i would like to–“
“oi shinsou, did you get lost or wha–“, kirishima cut himself off freezing at the door when he saw the two of you in the middle of talking, eyes fixed in your direction and his usual carefree smile on, arm lifted mid-air with a waving frozen hand. “ah shit...”, he cursed unfreezing from his pose and looking at you too exasperated with his own self.
shinsou sighed heavily before turning to you, his usual deadpan expression on as he put the notebook inside his bag.
“guess i’ll talk to you tomorrow, keep some minutes free for me okay? see you.”, he simply greet a confused you with an enigmatic smile on his lips that you didn’t get very well, so unnecessarily mysterious.
“sure, see you.”, was your empty reply said while wondering what was that he wanted tell you, after all yeah... you two were friends that got closer this last week, bonding over every students’ struggle, but not even remotely that close so it made you really curious.
you watched him walk up to kirishima and give him a whack on his chest, making the red head back out of the classroom apologizing loudly, as they left your line of sight quickly leaving you alone in an empty class too big for your small frame.
sighing tiredly you turned to your bag starting to put all your things inside once again; while working your books and notebooks inside it your hand brushed against something that made you jump slightly.
when you took it out you saw a keychain with a small white tiger plushy attached to it and your heart sank. it was the one touya got you after school because you laughed about how it reminded you of him and now the urge to cry came back right away.
you miss him so damn much. you were down for him horrendously to react this way about every single thing that reminds you of the boy, even the slightest thing.
something white at the front door off the classroom caught your attention, you looked up right away and when you saw who was there your eyes went wide from the shock.
touya was standing at the doorway leaning against its side with hands in the pockets of his jeans, a glare full of anger and something else you couldn’t pinpoint directed at you that made your breath hitch briefly.
“why are you here?”, you asked in a small tone, doubting he heard you with how minuscule your voice was when you spoke.
he parted from the door side walking up to you with a spiteful smirk on his handsome face that made you shiver, the boy looked more than ready to demolish you and it was obvious only by the aura surrounding him.
“ohh well you know, a certain someone has been avoiding me aaall week so i had to come pick her up once for all and guess what i saw?”, his tone was so sarcastic and full of venom that it had made you wince slightly when he made that question. his eyes turned darker and more intense as they looked at you, a cold smile on his lips. “i saw her wagging her tail at someone else, when she’s mine.”, touya finished in one breath, an inch away from you, voice becoming deeper and raspy as his eyes bored into yours with a burning desire inside him that made your throat dry.
“whatever you’re talking about.”, you brushed him off trying to play it cool before moving in front at your desk, going back to put your things inside your bag so you could leave faster that room filled with much more tension than you could handle. “and i’m not yours. can you keep your possessive hands off of me senpai?”, and sighed heavily exhausted from all that situation, wanting only to finally get home and get to bed after a long bath.
“spare me the ‘senpai’ bullshit, you’ve never called me that way so why start now?” silence. touya clenched his jaw tightly, the veins on his neck pulsing from the rage. “and you now even have the guts to say that after everything we’ve done together?”, touya barked gritting his teethes as he stared darts into you while standing in the hallway between the desks, clenched fists, trying hard to face you about what’s going on between the two of you these last weeks while you keep running away from him.
“what have we done exactly?”, you asked turning to him gazing up at the older with exasperation and pain all over your features. “aren’t you misunderstanding something here? we’re just friends with benefits, nothing more nothing less.”, you reminded him with a bittersweet feeling inside of you that kept heaving up inside your chest; you found yourself speechless though when seeing the white haired boy stare back at you with wide turquoise eyes that had pain and disappointment deep inside of them, lips parted not letting out a single sound from how speechless he was, you felt a pang inside your chest that made you waver.
touya collected himself so fast that for a moment you thought of having dreamed of that expression, he swallowed thickly looking down for a brief second before lifting his gaze on you and was about to speak if only you hadn’t spoke up, cutting him off:
“besides, why don’t you go nag to that senpai you were kissing the other day? i bet she would be more than happy to get your full attention on her.”, ugh... that came out more harsh and less collected than how you wanted it to sound, now he was going to get pissed at you and break off your agreement, this way there was nothing to tie you two together anymore.
touya stared at you shocked by those words blinking few times while a little satisfied smile tugged at the corners of his lips, he forced himself to turn serious right away by clearing his throat though, because there was no way that what he was thinking was true right? right?
“wait y/n, don’t tell me you’re jealous...?”, he asked leaning a little to the side to get a glimpse of your face; when the boy saw your face beet red, eyes narrowed, eyebrows furrowed and pouty lips his heart skipped a beat as he stared shocked at you for a few seconds.
“o-of course not! why would i be jealous? we ain’t dating or anything after all!”, you replied putting frantically your belongings inside the bag, not having enough courage to look at him and the face he was making.
“you’re such a bad liar.”, he whispered huskily inside your ear making you jump slightly and turn behind only to find yourself caged between his body and the desk, azure clear eyes burning on your skin hotly and you automatically held your breath back.
“i-i’m not–”
your surprised expression melted into a pleading one as you felt so conflicted by that whole situation between you two.
god... that expression made touya want to pounce on you so bad, it was too tempting to not do nothing about it.
he took your chin between his rings decorated thumb and index lifting your face a little more, before you could say anything the boy leaned down pressing his lips against yours.
you were taken aback for a moment by that, but afterwards you put an hand on his chest pushing him away parting with a loud ‘smooch’, head dropped down and lips pulled back painfully.
“please don’t do this...”, you breathed out squeezing your eyes close to not let tears come out.
“why?”, he inquired with grim voice staring down at you upset by your words, hands resting on the wood surface behind your figure.
“because i don’t want it...”, you half lied to the older, never looking up at him; the kiss wasn’t a problem itself, but you were too much in love with touya right now to let him do that so casually and with no feelings whatsoever.
“you got no problem with that shinsou fucker touching you, but when i’m the one doing it is no good? what the heck...”, he spat coldly frowning deeply at the thought of that brat’s filthy hands touching you, it made his blood boil with rage.
you stared at him with wide eyes, never expecting him to say something like that and tilting your head slightly to peek at him, you finally broke the tense silence around the two of you:
“touya are you perhaps... jealous?”, it was your turn to tease him a little with a little amused smile curling your lips, hearing another round of silence you kept on to clarify yourself right away, thinking he may have got mad at that assumption. “i was just kidding so–”
“what are you gonna do if i was to say that, yes i am jealous?”, he cut you off lifting his head to stare intensely into your eyes, making a shiver run down your spine when you saw the seriousness inside his azure orbs mixed with possessiveness, lust and... love?
after a few seconds where you just kept staring into his eyes, heart thumping hard and fast inside your chest, you moved closer resting both hands on his chest tippy-toeing leaning closer to his handsome face pressing your lips flush against his.
touya felt his breath hitch inside his throat as he looked at your closed eyes longingly, a whimper escaping his mouth and disappearing into the kiss, arms that went right away to surround your waist pulling you against him while licking your lower lip hungrily and biting onto it not able to wait anymore after being deprived of you for a whole week.
he sneaked his tongue inside your mouth the second you parted your lips angling his head on his right kissing you so possessively and with such a passion your knees were about to give up on you making you crash onto the floor if the older wasn’t holding you up. for some reason, today you were feeling it more than the other time... was it because it has been a week since the last time you two met? or was it because this was your first kiss after you’ve finally come to accept your feelings for him? you didn’t know, what you knew though was that you wanted desperately more.
when the two of you parted, out of breath, his hazy half-lidded eyes meet your teary with lust ones while a string of saliva connected your mouths for a brief second before dissolving into thin air, leaving behind only both of your lips swollen and red.
“i love you.”
to your complete surprise, the one to say that first was touya, leaving you completely speechless staring at him with wide eyes like he was some kind of alien which made the boy snort, amused by your expression.
“you’re kidding...”, you spoke with trembling voice, trying to convince yourself rather than pointing it out at him, tears blurring building up in your eyes unable to believe the words you’ve wished to hear from him probably since even before your ‘friends with benefits’ relationship has started. have you been always in love with him and never realized or what? because how were you this overwhelmed by those three words said by him.
“you know i’m not.”, and he was right, inside his eyes there wasn’t even the slightest hint of joking and that made your tears start roll down your cheeks. “whatta cry baby you are, y/n.”, and resting an hand on the crook of your neck he leaned in at the side of your face going to delicately lick away a tear that was on your cheekbone, the gesture making you flinch slightly and turn red because he was used to do it every time the two of you had sex.
“who’s fault is it?”, you teased resting your hands on his chest and shying away from his touch, looking away completely flushed all over your cheeks while touya stared down at you with a satisfied grin.
“mine. i know baby, i know.”, he giggled back hugging you flush against his body, hand going behind your head caressing it tenderly as he kissed the side of your neck after moving away your hair from it. “just like when i make you mine over and over every night.”, the white haired senior whispered against your skin licking the spot he had kissed previously, chills running down your back making you let out a brief pant while resting an hand on his shoulder and moving back to face him.
“you’re so annoying seriously!”, you exclaimed turning your back at him peeved at how he kept winning over you, even managing to have your heartbeats fasten up with the slightest touch or movement.
“that’s not what you really want to tell me, isn’t it?”, he whispered huskily holding you from behind and looming his face close to yours from above your shoulder, nose pressed against your cheek as his eyes looked down at you, cocky. “come on, say it... what you’ve been dying to tell me...”, touya kept on leaving a brief kiss on the back of your ear that covered your skin in goosebumps, while his hands went to rest on your hips as he pressed his chest flush with your back.
you pouted timidly before turning to your left and being meet with his shit-eating grin, eyes looking down at you satisfied by seeing you like that because of him, it tickled his ego so good.
“i love you.”, you whispered softly gazing up at him from under your eyelashes, sending him and his heart into the orbit without even realizing it; god weren’t you the most beautiful, sweetest and precious princess to him who has behaved like an heartless villain to you only for the sake of protecting himself from losing his mind too much because of you. in the end, even when trying to put a limit to his own being, he ended up falling for you to the point of no return.
touya leaned into you placing a brief kiss on your bottom lip before pressing your lips together and forcing his tongue inside your mouth confidently, knowing very well that you wouldn’t refute him, it was written all over your face how much you missed and wanted him despite that cute pout on your pretty face.
suddenly you felt the tip of his index press on your clit from over your skirt, sending a spark of pleasure through your whole body that made you moan into the kiss, while his lips curled instantly up in a cocky smirk that did piss you off a little bit honestly.
“is my babygirl turned on?”, he mumbled between kisses opening his eyes and staring into yours hungrily. “in a place like this? that’s a lewd~”, touya cooed smirking wolfishly while twirling his finger over your clothed clit, his other hand sneaking up to play with your left breast making you start breath heavily from your nose as he kept kissing you with no pause.
“that’s because... you keep... touching my clit– ahh!”, you moaned out against his mouth nearly falling down from the amount of pleasure, he dropped his hand to rest on your abdomen and press you  against him to support you though and that alone made your cunt clench around nothing inside your panties.
“yeah, that’s mean of me... want me to stop baby?”, the older whispered against your lips staring down at you intensely, lust completely blurring his eyes as he kept his ministration on your bundle of nerves; that friction, unfortunately, wasn’t nearly enough for you.
pressing your lips together your eyes looked into his even more turned on than you already were, it was embarrassing because you two were inside a classroom with both doors open wide for everyone to see and you felt so... weird about it.
“don’t– don’t stop... please...”, you cried out with begging eyes while placing your hand above his to press it more against your core, desperate for a release right now and that made him shudder in anticipation.
“then... what do you want me to do?”, he asked swallowing hard while staring at your face trembling with pleasure, mesmerized by it.
“touch me...”, you breathed leading his hand with yours under the hem of your pleated skirt, hearing him hiss between gritted teethes as his fingers got drenched by how wet you were and that made you smirk proudly, especially since his hard dick was poking now against your ass.
“open your legs more for me.”, touya spoke lowly, his deep and husky voice reverberating through your whole body getting your legs to shake weakly, the older smiled down at you lovingly as his hand went to hook on your inner thigh inviting you to spread them more out you complied with no complaint. “good girl.”, he cooed kissing you on the temple and staying still with his lips pressed there while going to palm your clothed pussy with three fingers, pressing his middle one against your slit and starting to rub between your folds slowly meanwhile the heel of his hand stroked your clit creating the perfect friction.
“ngh... m-more...”, you demanded softly gasping toward the end as he began to move his fingers and hand in circle motions, touya’s face leaning down towards the crook of your neck inhaling your scent before kissing the other and start sucking on that spot harshly as the pace of his fingers.
you started panting and even letting out choked out moans, but as the friction of his palm against your clit sent a spark all over your body forming a knot in your lower abdomen, you let out a moan so loud it echoed inside the classroom for few seconds before subsiding.
realizing what you just did, you went to bite down on your lower lip right away before covering your mouth with an hand, beet red from cheeks to ears with embarrassment and fear of being heard by someone outside.
touya giggled amused against your neck letting out a satisfied heavy sigh while lifting his free hand to move yours away from your mouth, before he sneaked it inside your shirt from your collar and even went past your bra starting to massage your breast slowly, giving it a little squeeze that made you let out another moan.
“it’s way too late to regret it, babydoll.”, he reasoned with you giving your slit a long drag that made a pitiful sob come out of your mouth as pleasure started to make you burn up, tears building up in your eyes for a different reason now that made you so dizzy. “i don’t think i’ll be able to stop even if you ask me to.”, the older whispered against your cheek groaning as he felt your ass brush ever so slightly against the erection inside his skinny jeans, he wanted you so desperately.
“i don’t want you to stop...”, you managed to say biting down on your lip, while letting out restrained moans, needy eyes looking down at his hand under your skirt.
he froze for a moment expecting you, the responsible one out of the twos, to try stop him with all your might saying that you can’t do something like this in public, but damn... would you look at that? not only you weren’t minding it, by the way your pussy was throbbing against his fingers touya could tell that you actually liked all this.
never judge a book from its cover, huh?, he thought with a wolfish grin forming on his lips as he want to pinch your nipples, another moan erupting from you as your back arched away from his chest.
“i won’t, gotta make up for the whole week i didn’t got to touch my baby.”, and as of cue his fingers started working your cunt the way only touya knew you liked it; god it felt amazing, the moans kept coming out of your mouth and you couldn’t stop them even in the remote case you would’ve wanted to.
“ah–! god–! touya–! i’m close–!”
“go ahead y/n, cum all over my fingers.”, he encouraged you sweetly to rub circles over your clit more frantically getting sobs, gasps and moans of pleasure out of you that made his ego raise over the roof enhanced even more by how you were grinding on him desperately, chasing your climax.
he wasn’t even touching you directly but still had you turn into putty in his hands like it was nothing. really, no one would get you down so bad for him to this point like touya does and both of you knew that very well.
“mhn! ah–! ngh–!”, and with another slow movement of his wrist, the knot in your lower abdomen unleashed making you rest your back against his chest, hand resting on his arm, trembling as you came with a breathless moan, soaking your panties and his fingers completely.
“so fucking cute...”, he coated a little his fingers with your juices, dripping at the sides of your clothed cunt, before moving back letting you bend forward as you tried to catch your breath keeping yourself up with both hands resting on the desk in front of you, bringing index and middle fingers to his mouth licking and sucking them languidly. “and delicious, like always.”, commented the older gazing at your back with a devilish smirk, full on desire inside his clear orbs as he saw your arms trembling, struggling to keep you up after the intensity of what just happened.
“so noisy... you literally just ruined my panties...”, you complained weakly looking at him from above your shoulder, eyes that were gleaming with as much desire as he had for you, he could tell only by your gaze that you wanted more than what you were letting off.
“i think that should be the last of your concerns, babydoll.”, he bit back while looking at you with a lifted eyebrow and cocky grin on his lips, grunting amused at your confused stare he crouched down behind you grabbing your butt cheeks giggling at the yelp that came out from your mouth, gazing then at his work of art between your legs. at the sight of your drooling pussy covered by black laced panties he groaned feeling his dick throb inside his pants.
“wha–? wait–! someone might see us!”, you piped in a whisper blushing at feeling his intense contemplating gaze on your cunt; god only his stare was enough to rile you up, it was insane.
“that didn’t seem to bother you earlier.”, he recalled with a snort as the left corner of his mouth curled up arrogantly, you glared at him irritated by that constant attitude of his. “besides, at this hour there’s barely anyone around here, so don’t worry and just focus on me.”, touya continued with half-lidded lusty eyes as he moved up your skirt while sticking out his tongue and leaning in between your legs.
you wanted to say something back, but completely forgot what the moment his tongue lapped from your inner thigh up to the side of your pussy agonizingly slow pace, a shaky moan coming out from your mouth as your arms gave up on you making you lean your upper body wholly on the table as he kept calmly licking all the juices covering your inner thighs sucking on the skin in some spots loudly.
“t-touya...”, you slurred resting your head on the surface of the desk and staring in front of you without really seeing, feeling your pussy start throbbing again because of the arising pleasure.
“uhm?”, the older mumbled still glued to your right inner thigh where he just left a purple mark, licking his lips satisfied, still unfazed by the fact that someone could walk in on you.
“you’re so mean...”, you cried out lifting your head slightly to peek at his face with teary eyes as one of your arms reached out to rest an hand on his, one of the most adorable pout on your lips that made his brain melt. “stop teasing me already...”
something inside his head snapped and his eyes darkened right afterwards as he stood, never breaking eye contact with you as he unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned his pants and pulling down the zipper to free from any more restrictions his hardened shaft whose tip was reddened leaking pre-cum.
“if you’re enticing me so much, it means you’re ready for what comes next right?”, he questioned with raspy deep voice grabbing your hips, going then to hook two fingers to your panties and move them aside lifting an eyebrow as he smirked down at you wolfishly.
“just hurry up and fuck me...”, was your simple answer as you crossed your arms on the desk resting your head on them, lustful gaze looking at him enamoured by his whole being making touya’s dick even more hard than before if it was possible.
he let out a breathless laugh trying to not lose his mind right on the spot, the boy took a condom from the back pocket of his jeans and teared the dark purple envelope open with his teethes before rolling it long his length under your needy and waiting stare:
“as you wish, princess.”
touya pressed both thumbs at either sides of your fold stretching open your pussy before taking his dick and aligning the tip with your entrance; with a groan from the white haired senior, the first half of his cock slid with no problems inside of you, a choked moan leaving your gaping mouth as you rested your forehead on the wood of the table, pants erupting from you as you held onto the border of the desk tightly until your knuckles turned white.
“fuck... in only one week you got this tight, that won’t do y/n...”, he giggled deeply as his eyes watched your juices coat his whole length to his pelvis, making him shudder excited.
“aahh...”, you cried out feeling his dick rub against your walls slowly as he pulled out.
he leaned toward you gripping the border of the table with an hand as he moved closer to the side of your face, shit-eating grin curling up his lips devilishly while pulling down the sleeve of your shirt.
“i’ll put a remedy to that... ngrh!”, touya cooed against your ear as he snapped his hips forward, thrusting his dick into you sharply and deep this time making yet again another loud moan come out of your mouth, the sound of his pelvis smacking against your ass echoing inside the classroom, driving you crazy.
“mm! the sound... it’s so loud... ah!”, you commented rising your head and turning back to stare at him dazed, completely out of it from the pleasure as he kept drilling his cock inside your cunt.
“what? you don’t like it from behind?”, he inquired while the smirk on his lips only kept getting wider, azure eyes fixed on how your face kept twisting every second from the pleasure he was giving you.
as he kept pounding into your pussy and rubbing a spongy spot inside of you that kept sending shivers up your spine, you leaned the side of your forehead onto the desk looking at touya with honey dripping eyes that made him satisfied beyond anyone’s imagination.
“no... i like it... nnh!”, you answered biting down on your lip as he gave a sharp thrust, the desk under you trembling with the motion, his breath fanning your ear in pants making your heart thump faster than it already was.
“‘s that so? am i hitting your sweet spot?”, he whispered pressing his lips against your shoulder and staring to suck on it harshly, hips increasing the pace of his thrusts as he kept groaning against your skin.
“yeah... it feels so good...”, you kept answering sincerely between moans and whimpers, with only riled up touya more; your honesty always managed to make him lose his mind over you, it was like this since the first day he meet you.
“then i’ll make you feel even better...”, the senior claimed before tightening the grip on your hip and the border of the table, he then started to pound into you faster and stronger making the whole desk rattle because of the power of his thrusts.
“ahh! ah! mhn! so good! touya!”, you moaned out without a care in the world, as if you two weren’t still in school, that was how amazing it felt to have him finally fill you up after a week apart.
“fuck–! you’re squeezing me so damn hard! shit–! y/n–!”, he groaned back resting his forehead on your shoulder starting to pant hard against your hot skin, eyes closed in pure bliss as your walls fluttered around his shaft.
“ah! there–! i’m cummingh!”, was your last cry out as the boy kept hitting the spot that makes you see the stars over and over, never missing it once, making you cum all over his dick while moaning his name whole heartedly.
in response he thrusts as deep as possible inside of you, wishing there wasn’t the veil of gum separating you two, stilling himself after a while with the tip of his dick kissing your cervix before his seed spilled inside the condom as a throaty groan left his mouth.
he looked up at you genuinely smiling at your dazed expression with droll rolling down from the corner of your mouth to your chin as you panted heavily, your legs trembling from how much strained they were and not only because you were standing until now, he really went all out letting off the need that had build up in those days.
“was it that good? your face has melted completely...”, he questioned straightening up and moving your hair away from your face as he caressed tenderly your cheek with his thumb, your eyes finally moving to look at him still hazy from all the pleasure.
“that’s ‘cause you did that to me...”, at your answer his dick twitched slowly hardening once again, as if you two didn’t just nearly broke down the desk from your early session from few seconds ago.
“well, i can keep going you know?”, touya spoke licking his lips as he stared down at you, eyes sparkling with a new found motivation. “turn this way.”, he ordered softly grabbing your leg and moving it to the other side, turning you on your back, an hum coming from you as his dick rubbed in circle your walls.
an evil smirk formed on his lips as he looked down at you before suddenly pulling out of your pussy:
“oops! it popped out! sorry babydoll, i need to put it back in.”
“touya, you jerk! that was on purpose!”, you whined glaring up at him mad while slapping the older across his chest, lifting yourself from the desk.
“i’ve no idea of what you’re talking about darling, it was a good thing it happened anyways no?”, that little shit lied with a cocky smirk on his face as he massaged the spot you hit, faking being hurt while actually enjoying the whole situation. “or do you want the condom to break and get knocked up?”
“wha–?!”, you blushed at his words.
“not like i would mind, since it’s you.”, he then took off the condom tying it up and leaving it on the desk to throw away later, because for now he had other plans.
touya plopped himself on the wooden bench with legs spread shamelessly, he then extended his arm towards you holding out his hand with a calm smile on his lips and an overall chill vibe.
“come here.”, yet it was so naturally commanding at the same time, making you never think twice about doing anything he says.
taking his hand enchanted, as if he put you under a spell, the older made you sit on his lap making a gasp leave your mouth as his dick brushed against your pussy slightly, stimulating you more than you already were from the previous session.
“here, put it on for me pretty girl, my hands are busy.”, he told you as he handed you another condom pulled out from the pocket of his leather jacket, never looking away from your face that he kept staring at with an excited smirk, making your cheeks flush because of it.
when you were about to talk back at him, since his hands were doing nothing, a yelp left your lips as his hot hands sneaked under your shirt lifting it up as he roamed them slowly all over your abdomen to your chest, pulling down the cups of your bra as worry took over your features.
“no one is going to see you, nobody came over despite the loud moans remember?”, touya reassured you in an hypnotic whisper as he put the condom between your hands and guided them slowly long his shaft, a gritted teethes groan coming right from the back of his throat.
“i’m gonna kick your ass so bad if anyone sees us, really...”, you threatened planting your knees on the wood bench and lifting yourself from the older’s lap to align your entrance with his dick, face so close to his that your breathes mingled fanning each others cheeks while your eyes were fixed into one another’s intensely.
“that’s it, if you’ll still be able to stand.”, and gripping your waist, with a sharp movement of his hips upwards, touya thrust his whole length inside your cunt, a devilish smirk curling his lips as azure eyes stared at you burning with desire.
you let out a choked moan while falling against his chest stunned by the sudden movement, hands holding onto his shoulders and head resting on it as an absurd amount of pleasure spread inside of you from how deep the tip of his dick was hitting inside of you.
“so deep... ahh...”, you moaned looking down where your pelvis was connected with his, head spinning.
“how is it princess?”, he asked looking at you fondly as an hand kept caressing your hip tenderly, knowing very well what you were thinking but he was an insufferable little shit who loved to tease you just like that, so of course he was going to ask.
“it’s so good... ah!”, you moaned at the end as he rolled his hips in slow circles erupting a whimper out of your lips, who now where pressed against his neck giving touya chills.
“thought you were afraid of being heard, y/n... ngh!”, he groaned surrounding you with his arms to hold your body closer to him, hips bucking up as he kept thrusting into your pussy relentlessly.
“well... nobody has come until now...”, you replied avoiding his gaze timidly, knowing that he was going to tease you for switching your opinion just like that; he was so annoying my god.
“puah! you’re such a little minx.”, the older giggled amused before letting out a choked groan when feeling your hot lips pressed against his skin as you started suck hard onto that spot. “shit... you nearly made me come just now ugh–!”, he breathed out feeling your lips curl up into a sly smile that made him shudder. god, he loved you so fucking much.
“do you think saena-senpai will notice it?”, you questioned instead gripping hard onto his shoulder as you started to bounce on the boy’s dick, moaning onto his neck while sucking hard until a red mark didn’t start to form on his porcelain white skin.
“y-yeah... but princess, don’t tell me you’re sill thinking about that... i already told her to scram off, forget about it...”, touya spoke panting as he matched his thrusts with your movements, teethes clenching hard as your walls tightened around him sending a shiver down his spine.
“no. i can... ngh... get... pretty possessive too you know... ahn!”, you chimed back moving to be face to face with him and doing your best glaring at the white haired boy, but no matter how much convincing you tried to look your expression melted in few seconds as he kept pounding into you.
“so fucking cute for me...”, he commented with a proud yet cocky smirk as he leaned in and shoved his tongue inside your gaping mouth, tongue circling yours before stroking it against the surface of yours, smiling into the kiss when he felt your arms surround his neck.
“mmhn...”, you hummed against his lips arching your back a little, whimpering as the tip of his cock hit your cervix once again.
“fuck– agh! ngh... keep tightening around me like that baby and i won’t last that long...”, touya grunted while parting from the kiss and resting his forehead on the crook of your neck, that scent of yours invading his sense making it even harder for him to not come on the spot.
“ahh i can’t help it... it feels amazing where you’re hitting...”, ah that honesty of yours seriously, truly an hazard for him.
always holding you closer, he rested his hands on your ass cheeks starting to pound more sharply inside of you so to hit more powerfully that spot each time, your moans grow only louder at that.
“here?”, he asked in a groan while moving to look at your face, completely enamoured with the sight in front of him.
“ah! yes! t-there! there! my god, touya–! ahh!”, you cried out throwing your head back while bouncing faster on his shaft, the way it kept on hitting that soft gummy spot inside you it made you see stars, it was sublime how good he was doing you.
“that’s it baby–! keep screaming my name and i’ll give you more ugh!”, he growled between gritted teethes gluing his lips to your collarbone and sucking hard on that spot; you’ve actually lost count of how many hickeys he has given your only today, you could swear that there was one on your inner thigh and even close to your cunt.
“touya! more... please nnh...”, you whined as your pussy clenched on his dick harder, his thrusts stuttering for a brief second before their pace grew faster and stronger into you, your mind starting to go blank as you were close to your climax.
“so damn– needy...”, he was so happy and delighted by that, a satisfied smile on his lips while he stared at your fucked out expression. a masterpiece, seriously.
“only... for you...”, you replied between pants without even realizing, touya’s cock twitching inside of you making an hummed moan come out from your lips that were pressed in a thin line.
he didn’t expect that answer, which is exactly why his dick twitched so hard it sent a spark right to his pelvis.
fuck this feels fantastic..., and he has never really thought it about sex, not until you came around and conquered him like it was nothing.
his hands slid up to grip at your waist strongly and held you on place as hips moved upwards, slapping against yours hard as he kept grunting at feeling your walls start quivering around his cock.
“i told you to stop entice me so much–!”, touya spoke pressing your body onto his while bucking his hips faster and faster until his name didn’t start to come out slurred, too much pleasure for your brain to keep up without melting totally.
“ahn! that’s–! i’m coming–!”, you cried out holding onto him tighter, your cunt clenching around his dick hard.
“fuck–! shit, shit, shit–! me too baby!”, the boy growled as he thrust hard one last time before he stopped deep into you, the tip kissing your cervix, before finally coming all over the inside of that damned condom while you squirted all over his length moaning his name against his ear.
god he wanted to fuck you without that piece of gum so bad and fill your pussy to the brim with his seed. the only thought made his hips push further inside of you with a deep husky groan, making a whine leave your lips because of the overstimulation.
“‘s too much...”, you cried out staring at him dazed with tears of pleasure clouding your beautiful eyes.
“sorry... it just felt too good...”, he explained giggling weakly while resting his cheek on your chest, listening in silence to your erratic heartbeats and loving that sound so much. “i love you so bad...”, touya said out of nowhere with a peaceful expression on his face.
“i love you too...”, was your reply while looking down at him with a tender smile as you caressed his hair gently, a comfortable and wholesome silence surrounding you two. “you still owe me a new pair of panties.”
“we were having a moment there!”, the older whined upset, only for you to laugh at him wholeheartedly.
“here you go y/n, thank you for lending them to me...”, shinsou spoke while handing you your notes, eyes hesitating to look at you or the white haired senior whom you were talking with at the door of your classroom.
“you’re welcome...”, was your reply as you batted your eyelashes a few times, confused by that unusual behaviour from him.
he bowed to you and touya before pacing away towards his sit as fast as possible.
you stared at your classmate with eyebrows crossed, eyes furrowed and mouth moved into a grimace, not understanding what was happening.
“what’s gotten into him suddenly?”, you questioned out loud, arms crossing over your chest while tilting your head to the side innocently.
touya looked unbothered at you with lips pursed before he stared at shinsou, who right now was trying hard to not look at you two, and smirked arrogantly with a lifted eyebrow:
“maybe the show was too much for him.”
“huh?”, you questioned turning to the older exasperated by his random wordplays.
“nothing you need to worry about.”
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 tag list: @dynamars, @dabislittlemouse, @cl-0-vr.
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2023 © kelin-is-writing — do not repost or translate my work. likes, reblogs, and comments are welcome!
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