#hinata is a slave owner
🤡: Hiashi is a horrible father for hinata! He forced her to become a kunoichi when she never wanted to! Hinata is far too kind to be a kunoichi,this is so cruel!
Yet you have zero problems with Chouza making Choji a shinobi. Hiashi never “forced” hinata to do anything at all—hinata always wanted to be a kunoichi and her speech about “ninja way” on chunin exam proves this.
Hinatafans made up a lie about “Hiashi abusing hinata”—there is not a single panel in the manga odd hinata actually being abused—solely so that they can remove any responsibility for her own actions and behavior from hinata and blame it all on Hiashi.
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Nobody calls “abusive” Shikaku,Inoichi, Chouza,Shibi, Tsuna,Fugaku for making Shikamaru,Ino,Choji ,Shino,Kiba,Sasuke and Itachi ninjas—Minato literally forced Naruto to become a jinjuriki what caused him to be badly bullied and neglected his whole childhood,but fandom still cheers on Namikadze as number one father. Because it NEVER was about actual abuse: hinatafans just need a scapegoat for hinata’s actions so they lie about Hiashi “abusing” and “forcing” her.
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When hinata trains Boruto and Himawari in non-canon novels,openings/endings hinatafans piss their pants from joy,but when Hiashi trains hinata this is suddenly labeled as “abuse”.
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leportraitducadavre · 11 months
You know there’s a weird connection between the fandom’s perceived idea of “good writing” and their personal feelings about specific characters. “I like this character, therefore, they’re well written” and viceversa, “I dislike this character, therefore, they’re badly written” –I’ve seen this in many fandoms and with different characters, but there’s no fandom where this is more noticeable than in the “anti Sakura” portion of the audience.
Before we start, let me be clear on something: I don’t personally like Sakura, I don’t consider myself a fan of hers (or her stans, which are just as annoying as Hinata’s), nor I believe she’s the “heroine” of a story that has no room for a character with such status (I’ve said this before, Naruto is the hero and Sasuke is the antagonist -there’s no necessity nor space for anyone else as Sakura is merely the female character with most panel time, yet she doesn’t move the plot forward and she isn’t relevant to the development of other key characters, as most of them completely ignore her existence).
“Likeability” isn’t a determining factor when it comes to labelling a character “well” or “badly” written, such notion relies on subjective factors which makes it impossible to objectively determine the overall value of a character inside a story.
The most important factor to label a character “goodly written” has more to do with how well they represent their theological narrative. For instance, Danzo -who I genuinely despise, is amazingly written, as he spot on tackles the subject of extreme-nationalistic world view, while Itachi -on the other hand, is sort-of all over the place as he subscribes to Danzo’s ideology and defends it with the same actions, yet Kishimoto desperately wanted to keep him inside the “good guys” group, which ultimately failed and took down anything Itachi might have had going for him (besides other inconsistencies as he’s presented as a genius who made nothing but mistake after mistake). There’s a reason why the antagonists are often the ones with the best characterizations, as they aren’t tied to been “morally correct” or “likeable” in order to reflect their thematic plot, which is why the better characters in Naruto happen to be Uchiha (Sasuke, Obito, Madara).
Sakura has no weight inside the plot, as she is mostly used for support of either Naruto and (to a lesser extent) Sasuke, she stands narratively in the same spectrum as most “good” characters of the show, so she’s thematically not much more relevant than the rest of K-11; yet she’s given more depth than many other characters, as she’s a layered character of whom we see both her strengths and flaws, something we can’t say for other characters, such as Hinata.
In the Hyüga princess™’s case, her personality is mostly one dimensional as she is a thematic piece used to deepen Neji’s character. In case you haven’t noticed, she was constructed in opposition to him: She needs to be shy in order for Naruto to take pity on her when Neji insults her (as Neji is mostly arrogant and outspoken), she’s comically bad because Neji is a prodigy, she’s “a freak” (said by Naruto himself) because Neji isn't, she’s a slave owner because Neji is her slave, and so on –the only thing she has that wasn’t built in order to oppose her cousin was her infatuation with Naruto, something she makes a priority.
Everything we “know” about Hinata was mostly fandom-made, Hinata is shy and soft spoken, why is she considered “nice”? We never saw her worrying about anyone but Naruto: She was glad Kiba lost his match and offered Naruto the ointment to treat his wounds, she diminished her cousin’s trauma and endorsed the oppressive system of her clan, we never see her visiting Kiba after he returned from his mission to bring Sasuke back to Konoha (something we see Ino and Sakura do with their respective teammates, and while Hinata was recovering from Neji’s attack, she had enough strength to train and go see the Chünin Exams final stage, at no point is mentioned she was bed-ridden, as Sasuke had enough time to recover from Gaara’s attack before escaping the village), she thought about Naruto’s warm hand seconds after her cousin died and she was the only character not shown to be glad about Shikamaru being alive as we saw her pouting and thinking about how much she wanted to be beside Naruto. Furthermore, is there any scene in which she appears where she’s not thinking or talking about Naruto or where he is not the main focus?
How come a character designed to be nothing more than support (for Neji and Naruto, as her infatuation with him was built in order to have some oppositional force to the idea of “nobody likes him”, as Naruto has an unrequited love for Sakura during the whole duration of the manga) is “better written” than Sakura, who despite herself being also support she has far more thematically ground to move around (Kishimoto explores through her different themes, even if they aren’t relevant to the plot itself, such as romantical obsession, low self-esteem and the decisions/characteristics that are driven by it, female friendship, and few others).
Honest question: It’s her sad background reason enough to like Hinata? Do you truly need a “compelling” backstory in order to claim a character is “better written” than others? Sakura was bullied because she was shy, Hinata -being the Hyüga heir, wasn’t shown to suffer the same fate at the hands of her classmates. Think about it this way, while Sakura was being bullied and had to be helped by Ino, Hinata was being trained by her father and witnessing Hiashi torture her uncle while Neji cried, helpless! –and just a few years later, she used that exact knowledge to insult him! So she’s not really that nice after all!
What is it with the obsession of both fandoms with the idea of “potential” and how, apparently, they were “robbed of it” (what “potential”? When did Hinata even hint at improving her fighting techniques? She was defeated every single time! When did Sakura, who canonically has a smaller chakra pool than both Sasuke and Naruto, have the possibility of surpass literally Ashura and Indra’s reincarnations? Them having more panel time will mean absolutely nothing as we’ll see them doing the exact same thing we already see them do only twice as much. “Potential” is about exploring a latent ability of them, Hinata has none and Sakura’s chakra flux control was properly exploited!).
There’s more to say about this, but I’m honestly tired at this point…
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nartml · 1 year
Hinata, Hinata, Hinata. How's my favourite little slave owner doing? She okay? Well, not for long now, because I'm about to rip into her.
Here's the situation. She's bland. Frumpy. Too timid, too shy, too "kind", too awkward, too privileged, too busy idolizing Naruto and putting him before her kids, to be a Shinobi. To have the guts to do something about the slavery going on in her own family. To even acknowledge it.
That's annoying. Unfortunately, she, much like Sakura, was born in a world much too harsh for her. She doesn't fit in. She doesn't have what it takes to live up to the expectations placed on her as the heir (which is why Hiashi had to pass it down to Hanabi, a much more capable kunoichi, and no matter how much you vilify him for it, he was right to do so. He has a duty to his clan, he needs to be responsible. There's no space for coddling). She's preoccupied with stalking her crush from afar.
She's unimportant. She's just...there. Neji suffered the fate of his father saving her, a true loss of a much more important, likable, skilled character.
And she, instead of at least realizing, acknowledging how fucked it is that there are literal slaves in her family, whose lives are treated as lesser than hers, she just fawns over Naruto again.
In the fight with Pain, her confession was selfish, a suicide mission which endangered the lives of everyone, and specifically the fate of her bodyguard that told her that he'd get in trouble if something happened to her. She blatantly disregarded every warning she was given to not approach the battle.
All to confess her feelings to a stranger (because that's who Naruto is to her. He's a stranger, whom she knows only about his never-give-up mentality. And she, well. She is someone Naruto barely spoke to ever), get one panelled, and traumatize Naruto who would have to suffer with the guilt of knowing someone died for him out there. You could say he went ballistic over the fact that Hinata was injured and he loved her so, but the fact that he never once sought after her and ignored her love confession is proof enough that he only cared about her well-being as a mere comrade. Just knowing she's alive was good enough for him. Because Naruto is Naruto, and like it or not, he generally cares about people.
Her whole character falls apart the moment I erase her infatuation with Naruto; all the evidence you need that she's horribly written and shallow (Something also purposefully done by Kishimoto).
Hinata is simply privileged and irrelevant, in all the sense of the words. Seeing her stans point fingers and make fun of Sakura without realizing that they're both equally bad is hilarious.
Hinata wasn't made for the world of Shinobi, and it's blatantly clear.
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sueske · 11 months
Hi <33 just reminding you and all other sns blokes that while your sasusaku & Sakura takes are correct, doesn’t mean you know anything about Hinata <33 like i get it, you self insert onto Sasuke because you find Naruto attractive, completely valid because he is a very attractive character! But you need to understand that neither are gay. Sasuke and Naruto see each other as brothers at most and likely just close friends in canon. Sasuke would be more likely to date Hinata than he would Naruto, cause I mean think about it. Whether or not you wanna admit it, Sasuke and Hinata have a lot in common when it comes to their trauma. Sasuke can relate to Hinata in a way he cannot with Naruto. Hinata is genuinely an amazing character and is known for being the best girl of anime for a reason <33 no other anime girl has ever risen to the standard hinata has set and neither has any of you, people who blindly hate her all because she gets in the way of your non existent fetish ship.
Naruto loves hinata. They have kids together. They’re currently together while being sealed away. No, Naruto wasn’t guilt tripped by anyone just because Sakura was being the insane freak she always was. Naruto isn’t emotionally intelligent and is honestly written to be somewhat like someone with autism because of his hard time understanding feelings. He did not ignore it her confession, he just didn’t understand it at the time. You wouldn’t know that because you’re chronically online and never had a real relationship.
Whether or not you respond to this means nothing to me. You just need to know that you aren’t intelligent enough to understand hinata!! Nor do you want to in all honesty. She’s canonically the prettiest, popular with guys and is just a likeable person. Something you can’t relate to.
Also Neji literally deserved his death lol. He was abusive. You can try and go “b-but he’s a slave!” Or whatever but it’s very clear hinata does not act as a slave owner. She recognized Neji as a brother and not her slave and he was ungrateful for that.
You guys sound like abusive people ngl hating on a anxious girl with cptsd like bruh. Are you okay? Mentally? Lol.
Anywayssss pretty people love Hinata !!! <3 if you don’t well… you get the point ;D
Have a nice day hope you leave your delusions soon!!!!!
🥴🥴🥴 girl get some help.
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Reasons for submission under the cut
is a slave owner
obsessed with naruto
exists solely for fan service
contributes nothing to the plot
only acts using her instincts, making every situation worse
did not attempt to change the Hyuuga system
only character development is getting huge titties
did not care when her enslaved cousin died
a stand in so Kishimoto can no-homo Naruto and Sasuke
boring fighting style
kept coming back to life
not an interesting character
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kcuf-ad · 1 year
Neji's death is the most pointless death I have ever seen in my entire life, like wow.
Like I am sorry, but why is this important, and why? Just so Naruhina could be canon? Just so he could save his slave owner? Just so he could make Naruto feel like shit when clearly it wasn't his fault that the dumb bitch didn't just attack away the stick, but no she wanted to risk her life for the idiot that didn't even have the slightest romantic interest in her.
Also the way he died was such bullshit. He died to a stick when he could've just punched the attack away so both of them could be safe. Ffs he did that when he was a kid!
And also, the aftermath of his death, how did HInata feel?
No remorse.
She just slightly cries, slaps Naruto a tiny bit, and her next thought was "Oh, wow, Naruto's hand is so warm and gentle!"
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madara-fate · 6 months
I feel like the hinata is a slave owner argument leaves out that hinata was literally 3 when neji was branded as her slave. she was also 12-13 when the series started so she's a literal child who was in no position to stop the slavery happening in the clan. It also says far more about neji than it does hinata that he tried to kill her over a remark she said in retaliation to him insulting and taunting her. in no way does she deserve to be killed over that.
Yep, her age was one of the first things I highlighted during this post. And yeah I also made the argument that Neji's attempt at her life in response to her comments was in no way warranted, so yeah the fact that that person actually said "can you blame him from wanting to kill her?" says a lot about them.
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generouskittensong · 4 months
Hi guys, I'm ranting a bit. It's sad that the SK fandom can't even be called a fandom anymore. I don't think that there are 20 people left are SK fans. Compared to the other couples there are only two couples that make sense. One is Sasuke and Karin and Tsunade and Dan.
Kishimoto made fun of every other couple especially spit on SS faces with Gaiden because let's face it Kishimoto detests SS and he showed us a lot through the manga, Gaiden and even made fun of SS in interviews, he has even said that he wants to divorce them because they are not compatible with each other.
Do you guys have Twitter?
I also have Twitter. I don't particularly like Twitter because of those nasty, trashy Sakura stans. One of the worst fans in the world are Sakura stans, and don't even get me started. How on earth do men like this garbage? For me it will always be wild. Sakura Stans are always thirsty, self-insert, middle-aged women who aren't good looking but want a hot guy like Sasuke and who have never accomplished anything in their lives. I swear I hate these people so much I want to throw up.
I hate this garbage character so much, I get even more annoyed when I have to read stupid comments about whether I like Sakura or Karin ON MY KARIN INSTAGRAM PAGE. Can you read? The account is called Karin! How the hell are you asking me this question? Or if I post other characters. The account is called KARIN!! I hate Hinata and Sakura. Both pointless, useless characters who accomplished nothing in the entire series. Both deserve to be cannon fodder. I also hate Team 7. A toxic team. Sasuke is not happy with Naruto and Sakura. He should have traveled the world with Taka, unlike T7, Taka is loyal to Sasuke. Taka didn't force Sasuke to do anything, they accepted him as he is while T7 wanted to create their own version of Sasuke for themselves in order to be accepted by him. Sasuke chose Taka for himself while T7 was chosen for him. That alone is the difference. Sasuke, who developed a new power for Karin and later told Tobirama that the Sharingan only reacts when the user develops "deep feelings" for the person, talks a lot about Sasuke's feelings for Karin. Just “biting someone to heal” is so sexual.
Biting is sexual and of all the possible techniques, Kishimoto chose this one for Sasuke and Karin. We've never seen Sasuke as intimate with anyone as he is in this moment and Karin is the only girl who made Sasuke laugh. After the genocide, Sasuke never laughs, only at Karin in the 2nd Chuunin Exam in the forest. really this smile is the biggest proof already. who ever imagine that part I sasuke would have a soft smile like Karin has developed a power for sasuke. Kishimoto knew exactly what he was doing. Same with Sasuke's reaction when he found out that Karin was an Uzumaki or that he only apologized to Karin WHILE a few panels before he told Konoha 11 clearly and clearly that he doesn't apologize to ANYONE. And his apology wasn't just "sorry." He chose a form of apology in Japanese that is used in two variants. Summanakata which is used by Japanese boyfriends to say sorry to their girlfriends. Kishimoto knows exactly why he chose this form for Sasuke. SK is the only couple that has a base in the series. I'm anti T7 but pro Taka/Hebi. I am anti-Itachi, anti Konoha, anti Naruto but pro Sasuke and his revolution. Pro change.
Sasuke is the best character in the entire series. No, I don't like Hinata. I don't like slave owners. Neji was right about everything. Sasuke, Pain/Nagato, Madara, they were all right. I'm also anti-Minato but pro-Kushina because she was the victim but I also don't like Kushina who called her murdered clan members "savages". In my opinion, Kishimoto is the best author who has brought so much politics into a story for teenagers that I find it funny how the majority didn't understand a story for pubescent boys. I like Karin as the only woman besides Konan in the entire story. You can throw the rest of the women in the trash can.
The manga just hints that Sasuke and Karin have already had sex. That's what Suigetsu meant twice and Kishimoto also talked about it in a databook in which he insisted on continuing to read the manga because it clarified what "exactly happened between Karin and Sasuke". There are "hints" here and there that indicate that this couple was already a couple before we saw Karin for the first time in the manga. The side text that talks about Karin how Sasuke was the only one who "recognized her" and in Sasuke's eyes "Karin is the strongest kunochi" says a lot about their relationship, not forgetting that Sasuke has not recognized anyone from Team 7 and Naruto until fights for the final battle for Sasuke's attention while Karin has already officially received it from Sasuke. There's a lot to say but I'll leave it at that. Likewise, I'm on the side of the "antagonists" because they had everything right compared to the fascist system called Konoha and the other 4 nations.
Sasuke at least saved Karin from the bear in the Forest of Death and she had a reason to immediately appreciate him. When Sakura was first interested in him, it was not based on any personal interaction or knowledge -- only that he was the aloof, cool genius who all the other girls fancied. I always felt Karin's flashback (so late in her story) was to reinforce her parallel to Sakura. She's the anti-Sakura. She is not Sakura 2.0. But oh well, now I stop my ranting :) Thanks for reading if you read so far.
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fafaspace · 1 year
men love hinata because she is shy, cute and submissive -the perfect “waifu”- and she was the only girl who went for the loser instead of the popular boy - the "nice men" mindset- . women love her because she is a shy woman who they can relate because she seems to have anxiety and daddy issues and that’s the reason she never spoke to naruto and showed him that he was a human being worthy of being loved and recognized, when it was the thing the boy she “love” was craving for, instead she stalked him like a weirdo. also who has not had a crush that has not paid attention to you? it is a universal experience! i think this is the reason cherry blossom and slave owner are so loved because in the end they got their men.
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p8567899754nhu · 1 year
@alexkh2108 @plumsaffron SASUKE AND THE FASCIST STATE
in this post ill respond to some queries regarding sasuke and konoha from the forementioned user
1."Btw, how Naruto failed Yame, Neji and the Branch? Another disinformation?"
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first off to ame and nagato he promised he will bring peace to the hidden rain village and subsequently to the world and infact it was because of this promise made with such confidence that Nagato ressurects every single hidden leaf ninja he killed during his attack on konoha which also gives naruto in turn the attention he always seeked (unlike sasuke, who wanted to become hokage to actually bring structural change to the system that caused his family's and his misfortune naruto wants to be hokage because he is an attention whore- not insulting naruto here just showing how important attention and validation of other people is to him and how nagato indirectly made him get that alongwith ressurecting everyone) ok and what does naruto do now with the trust that a dying nagato - who essentially commits suicide for naruto and Konan placed on him naruto had the moral obligation to do something about it even if he didnt become the hokage but despite being a homage having the milatry power, authority and literally being a reincarnation of a god along with a brainwashed ssasuke who is also super poweful , he shuns away from the rain village , the village is destroyed in boruto and also used for human experimentation . lulz
2 .how he failed neji and the branch hyuga
he did zilch to free the branch hyga as he promised neji in chunin exams and like naagato he got neji to comply even indirectly die for him becuase of that fudging promise . heck the slave owner hiashi who tortured the shit out of nejis dad (whio happens to be his sibling btw , one can only think the treatmentt he gave other branch family members if this is how he treats his own brother) for "looking at hinata a certain way " , we dont see him banning the cage seal he basically does nothing and after he explicity promised neji to change the hyuga in the chunk exams arc and what does he say to the dying slave neji "you were going to change the Hyuga". damn you naruto plus a branch hyuga(once in a generation prodigy) yet again died to protect a useless main branch(who is not even equal to chunin arc neji during the war arc, she is barely able to perform the 8 trigrams 64 palms despite it being a main family Jutsu) member what does he do? he holds that main branch members hand who also gets lubricated as she comments on how soft narutos hand is :| . tf.
oh and , he is not capable of empathasing with people whose expiriences differ from the reason he can understand Nagato-to some extent because nagato calls him out on his hypocrisy and does the same to him hence giving him the " experience" that he requires to even understand someones POV
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Naruto doesnt consider nejis problem as major as his-"trivial stuff" although neji very clearly suffers more thoughout the series (he dies a slave should -protecting the master ) than naruto and also has a more traumatic past and naruto says he should stop WHINING about TRIVIAL stuff like his dad being LEGALLY BUTCHERED or him being a slave whose life was at all times at mercy of a master.
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leportraitducadavre · 8 months
It is quite striking how the main plot of Naruto focuses on the problems brought about by a military system whose foundations are intrinsically patriarchal and how much of the “feminist fandom” focuses on the little to no inclusion of women within that system, rather than its dismantling, which was proposed to and tried to be carried out by other characters such as Konan (to mention a female character as bringing Sasuke to the picture might “compromise” the fandom’s idea of “feminism” that upholds itself under the notion that only women can be part of it).
To quote @dushman-e-jaan:
What’s even funnier is that the military as an institution is deeply patriarchal: it’s patriarchy at its best. So wanting Sakura’s inclusion into its apparatus is just a dull, neo-liberal contextualization of locating a “middle-class side-lined girl” into patriarchy and its state strongholds, its militia arms, extensions that are extensively, liberally, and fully utilized to maintain state’s oppression. Something which we saw in the case of Ame’s mass-starvation, Uchiha Massacre, Hyuuga Clan’s slavery, etc. In this regard, to Sakura fandom, inclusion in this oppressive-apparatus is a power-fantasy, a means to cut in on the action not cut it out; so therefore, the question shouldn’t be as to why Sakura isn’t included; it ought to be that why should there be any expansion on the basis of inclusivity into patriarchal institutions in lieu of smashing these systems? However, Sasuke’s just a mean “terrorist” who made “weh-men tears” flow, so the misogyny is just Q-anon deep, and nothing but tumblr feminism can unfurl its insidious tentacles.
In lesser terms, the problem with this idea of “inclusivity” within an intrinsically repressive patriarchal system is that it is sustained on a smoke screen that hides the rottenest veins of the state, because then what is relevant is not the dismantling of an oppressive, enslaving, and genocidal political system, but the lack of female participation within that oppressive, enslaving, and genocidal political system. To this specific “woke feminist” fandom that is the real problem, that is the real issue within such a mindset.
Women are forbidden or diminished from positions of power in a structure specifically designed to oppress different groups of people to keep others at the top of the pyramid, and instead of seeing such a construction as a direct reflection of the real world’s dogmas and the characters that oppose them as real world’s feminist, you lot complain about the lack of female representation or “female power” within that maniacal structure! You’re more concerned about women not being “housewives” inside a military state that rewards blind nationalism and punishes criticism with literal genocide, than dismantling the entire structure upon which such a patriarchal notion is built.
[The idea that women cannot show off and are forced into a lesser role or have their capabilities diminished in pursuit of the enhancement of male abilities is absolutely in line with the patriarchal structure that Naruto's military system reflects. Even the "sexism" that Kishimoto reflects within the manga is consistent with the political system he puts forward and disputing it to make it more "feminist-friendly" does nothing but detract from its verisimilitude.]
Funnily enough, even when I point this out, they will find a way to twist it to their own benefit, because then Kishimoto is the one responsible for not “allowing” female characters to rise against such a patriarchal system (despite Sakura never suffering any of its worst consequences as she was taught by the Hokage herself, or even Hinata getting to be a slave-owner). Inclusivity is everything that this argument boils down to, your twisted wish to see women at every single panel whether it’ll be against or in favor of a genocidal state.
That’s what “woke feminists” taught you and that’s what you’ll defend with your breath, the problem gets again individualized and the real issue, the real problem that the plot is trying to reflect, gets buried upon piles of these arguments.
“The problem is about the military state that at its core it’s patriarchal” =/= “Then why did he write it as a patriarchal state?”
“The military state it’s patriarchal at its core so it’s the real world one” =/= “Then why didn’t he write female characters rising against it?”
“There’re characters that oppose such structure, which is feminism at its finest.” =/= “But they aren’t female.”
And so on… it’s impossible to “win” or get our point across as you move the end goal every time a new argument arises. It’s about fulfilling your power fantasies of invincibility rather than bringing down the patriarchal structure; just like with Naruto’s character, is about gaining acknowledgment within the oppressive system (becoming a renowned/desired individual) rather than dismantling the power sphere to guarantee other minorities’ safety.
Their idea of feminism comes down to women having a more important part inside that tyrannical paradigm, bringing the power scale towards them. It’s not about stripping oppressive institutions of their power, but rather having influence over such spaces.
This is an example of White Feminism’s victory; white feminism doesn’t want the oppressive structure to be questioned, they don’t want their faint position of power to be argued; they want to expand their influence and reach beyond the usual cultural “female” spaces, so they bring down the discussion to simpler topics, like the idea of female participation in such affairs; if they are involved, then it’s good if they’re not, then it’s not.
Even the fact that many of these "feminists" jump to the other side and incur either in the over-festivity of the capabilities of female characters (some being basic skills such as moving with speed) or in the minimization of such to compare them with the "better" male capabilities (which only serve in more violent, clearly patriarchal issues to which these people consider superior given a clear misogynist internalization of the little relevance of powers that are not aligned with the intrinsic violence of the military system) contradicts their supposed dogma.
Under this premise, and I repeat myself because I must keep my arguments as simple and repetitive as possible, the patriarchal system against which they claim to rebel is sustained and deepened since the women who claim to subscribe to the feminist movement have modified their bases to obtain greater relevance, greater individuality among the exploited community -they stop being oppressed to some degree as a reward for their contribution, they become what they swore to destroy in exchange for “inclusion.”
True feminism is about the dismantling of an oppressive structure, passing through the various spheres of repression; gender disparity is only one of many power relations to be questioned, not the only one.
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misscoolisback123 · 4 months
Why are the Sasuke x Hinata and the Sasuhina tags two completely separate entities on here? I went to check out the Sasuke x Hinata tag, and one of the latest posts was a pro Sasuke anti Hinata post. It was talking about Hinata being a slave owner. There's still fanart of them, but there were some really bizarre anti Hinata ones. The Sasuhina tag is basically everything it should be. But then you get the Eren x Historia and Erehisu tags, and they're the same. There's no pro Eren anti Historia or anti Eren pro Historia type posts. Some of the Sasuke x Hinata posts in the tag contain anti Sasuke x Hinata posts. I don't know why the anti stuff would be in a tag about a certain ship. By this, I'm talking about if the ship is well liked, meaning why would you have anti Sasuke x Hinata tags in a pro Sasuhina post? It's super bizarre.
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narhinafan · 7 months
What's the origin of Hinata is a slave owner discourse? Yeah an argument can be made that keishimoto kind of swept the birdcage seal under the rug and didn't really address it except in dialogue. That's a criticism that's worth talking about but Hinata being a slave owner is just dumb and I don't understand why such discourse exist mind you I have not been on Tumblr for more than a year and I barely paid attention.
Sakura fans pulling ridiculous arguments in order to hate on Hinata cause of ship wars and just plain being insecure when it comes to Sakura that is where it comes from. Proven by how they only focus on Hinata the only main branch who was considered unsuitable cause she was too kind and treats all members of the main branch like equals. Rather then Hiashi, Hanabi or Grandfather who are all the traditional Hyuga and not as opposed to it and treat branch members more like servants then family.
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At least Hinata didn't cover up a clan massacre (SAKURA).
Hinata’s character is that of a slave owner who did nothing to change the fate of the branch family, even though she absolutely could. How many faceless, nameless Hyuugas had to die because they received the curse mark? How many didn’t have to? We will never know, and Hinata sure doesn’t give a shit. She’s a selfish, obsessive, opportunistic and creepy stalker, with no other defining character arch than having her lifelong obsession notice her (and even that she couldn’t achieve on her own, without him essentially being brainwashed by everyone within a five mile radius, act so ooc that even the average viewer thought it was off-putting, and not to mention actual canon lore being utterly ignored).
Sakura is a terribly written character, and so is Hinata. They didn’t need to be, but the story didn’t redeem them in any way. Which is a shame, because it’s not like they lacked (presumed) potential to have some proper development in the very beginning. Not sure if the purpose of this ask was to make me prefer Hinata’s character over Sakura’s. If that’s the case, you’re barking at the wrong tree.
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Reasons for submission under the cut
is a slave owner
obsessed with naruto
exists solely for fan service
contributes nothing to the plot
only acts using her instincts, making every situation worse
did not attempt to change the Hyuuga system
only character development is getting huge titties
did not care when her enslaved cousin died
a stand in so Kishimoto can no-homo Naruto and Sasuke
excused because people think he’s sexy
perpetuated the myth of the curse of hatred
codefied oppression and subjugation of the Uchiha into law
one of the main proponents to why Madara was shunned
destroyed his brothers dreams
created the ANBU black ops
didn’t mind making children into soldiers
keep seeing his dick and balls
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lunaneko14 · 1 year
Is it just me or is everyone in the "Hinata is a slave owner" crowd non black? I can't think of any other explanation as to why the hell they're comparing the branch discrimination in Hyuga clan to American racism
Especially when the clan is blood related and not different races????
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