#hindi songs piano notes
hoperays-song · 9 months
Jia Information!!!
Ok, so I recently realised I never posted anything about Jia, my OC version of Johnny's mum, and considering how important of a character she is in legit nearly all of my works, I obviously had to remedy that.
So here we go, some info on the one and only Jia Taylor!
(Picrew, Info, and Backstory actually lol)
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Legal Name: Jia Saanvi Taylor ‘nee Sutar
Common Name: Jia Taylor
Nicknames: Ji
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 34 (at death)
Birthday: February 13, 1975
Sexuality: Omnisexual
Gender Identity: Cisgender
Height: 5'7"
Ethnicity: Indian
Languages Spoken: Hindi, English
Diagnosis: Depression, PTSD
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Golden Brown
Scars/Tattoos/Piercings/Markings: Two piercings each ear
Family Members: Bio father (Aarav), Bio Mom (Reeva), Bio older sister (Jahnavi), Bio younger brother (Jahnu), and Bio Child (Johnny)
Habits/Stims: Tapping fingers like playing a piano, humming songs at random
Romantic Partners: Marcus Taylor (husband)
worked as a pianist and a music teacher
died due to complications with her Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy, just like both her siblings
moved to England when she was 12 years old
was a devout Hindu and a vegetarian
loved cooking since her father was a chef, and taught all the recipes to her husband before she passed
her final words were telling her six year old son she loved him
------Backstory: TW: Death, Chronic Disorders------
Born in Madurai, India as Jia Saanvi Sutar, Jia was the technical second child to her parents. However, her older sister had passed away suddenly as a baby and it was hardly ever talked about in her household. She was quickly flagged and tested positive for Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy and began using a cane as a child. Other than that though, early childhood for Jia was largely uneventful.
When she was around seven, she started playing piano and it became very obvious she was a prodigy. She was sent to a private music school so she could hone her skills. The next year was a mixed bag however as she lost her mother and her baby brother was born. Jahnu, her brother, quickly turned into one of the two center points for Jia's world, music being the other, essentially become coping mechanisms when her mother passed away due to complications with his birth.
But again, her life settled into a pretty mundane but steady rhythm for four years, only focusing on her studies and her family. When a job came up for her dad in London, she encouraged him to accept it, leading to the family moving. They all did well with the move and there were little problems on their end of things, the children even planning to get dual-citizenship when they got older.
Jia seemed to thrive in her new school and started playing gigs not long after the move. She was offered scholarships while still in school and it was pretty obvious that she had a good career ahead of her in the music industry. On the side, Jia became vocal in lots of local movements for equality and justice, even leading them at times. Her family were extremely proud of this and even helped her prepare for them, her brother making signs, and her dad packing food to hand out. Within two years, things were definitely looking up.
However, Jahnu also tested positive for Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy soon after, with his progressing scarily faster than his sister. he had to be hospitalized at eight, Jia and her dad moving across town so they could stay near his bedside. And while that was a harsh adjustment period, life continued as usual for the trio for a few years. It was during this chaos that Jia and her family also were finally given dual-citizenship, a small up not to their year.
Jahnu passed away after four years, spending his final moments with his sister and father. Jia was heartbroken, having lost her remaining sibling and the boy she had raised at the same time. Her father Aarav seemed to feel the same, as not long after, he passed away too, seemingly of a broken heart. This left Jia, by that time a music major in university, without any family or support system. This caused her to spiral a bit and throw herself into her work as a coping mechanism, though her mental health took a huge toll.
Somehow, she managed to scrape by for a year and a half on her own before running into a boy two years her senior at a protest she was organizing. After punching his older brother in the face for being an absolute arse to her, the boy apologized for the whole scenario for several hours, even helping her with the event as a way to make it up to her. By the end of the day, she agreed to meet him again the next day in the same spot, and eventually started dating the man, who's name was Marcus.
Jia and Marcus got on like wildfire, and spent nearly all their free time together, both glad they finally had someone that they could rely on to be there for them. She encouraged him to pursue his passion of being a mechanic and he encouraged her to write her own songs for her own album. They spent a lot of time together going to protests and fundraiser events, as well as work and school, with most of their dates just being them doing their daily routines together. Marcus moved in with her around a year into the relationship as well, though that was largely due to his disownment.
Jia graduated a year later with a master's degree in music and quickly began working as a music teacher for young kids and a piano tutor on the side. Money was tight for the couple, even after Marcus found a job as a mechanic. But surprisingly, not counting the usual couple spats, the two barely fought, and ended up getting married after a few years at Jia's temple. And the couple only seemed to keep doing well from there, with both of them very happy about life and looking forward to the future.
Jia ended up having her only child when she was 28 years old, a son she named Johnathan Demarcus Taylor, with nods to her siblings and parents being prevalent in both his English and Hindi names. The one original part of his Hindi name (aka the only bit not after a family member) was Jiyaan, meaning near heart, which was Jia's way of telling her son she would always be with him, despite her condition worsening.
Jia continued her life as usual after her son was born, still a leading figure in a lot of social movements as well as a music teacher. Her LGMD had progressed to the point where she was wheelchair bound but she claimed to her husband that it did not bother her much, and in fact, made bringing Johnny out a bit easier. However, neither of them actually believed it much. She started dealing with a lot more chronic pain than she had before and began working furiously again, feeling like she had to take advantage of every moment she could.
Jia was 33 was when her health really started deteriorating rapidly however. She collapsed at work, leading to her being rushed to the hospital. She was kept there for several days, before being told that with her current progression, she likely wouldn't live much longer. Jia insisted on returning home, saying that if she was going to die, she wouldn't spend her final months just sitting around waiting for it. The doctors were not fans of this but allowed it and released her into family care.
Jia waited a month and a half before taking medical leave for work, and dedicating her time to taking care of Johnny even more, teaching him as much as she could about their shared interest, music, hoping that that piece of her would be able to bring him comfort when she passed. When he was in school, Jia spent all of her time writing music and letters for her family to open in the future when she wouldn't be there, so at least a part of her would be.
Marcus also started taking more and more time off to spend with them. He had learned most of Jia's favourite recipes by heart years ago when cooking began to get hard for her and now the three spent time together teaching them to Johnny as well. Her son was too young to really understand what was going on and serval times tried to make his mum better with bandaids and kisses, something that Jia always played along with, even though it broke her heart to do so.
In September of that year, when Jia was just 34 years old, she collapsed again when Marcus was out of the apartment for only a second, leading 6 year old Johnny to make a desperate phone call to emergency services when she wouldn't wake up. Marcus returned right after and did CPR until the paramedics arrived and took over, taking Jia back to the hospital.
She remained there this time, too weak to move much on her own. Marcus brought Johnny to see her every single day, right after school and Jia made sure to at least pretend that everything was ok when he was there, singing and humming with him like usual, though at that point she knew she wouldn't be returning home.
Jia died mid-October, with Marcus and Johnny beside her. Her final words were telling her son how much she loved him and always would, no matter what. She has a memorial plaque at a cemetery not far from her old temple in London, besides her father's and brother's, which her husband and son visit every opportunity they have.
Jia was a huge impact on her family's lives but also the lives of others as well. She was a leading advocate for disabled, women's, and queer rights, touching the hearts and minds of dozens. She was also well loved by her colleagues, students, neighbors, and fellow temple goers. Jia was commonly described as loving, dedicated, and a spit-fire, never backing down from what she believed in. She also had a sarcastic streak a kilometer wide and a tendency to be a bit of a jokester with close friends and family.
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blogtozone · 1 year
How To Find The Notes Of Any Melody Or Any Song (Hindi)
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मेथड 1 - हिट ओर ट���रायल मेथड
दोस्तों पहली मेथड यह है की आपको जिस भी गाने के नोट्स निकालना है उस गाने की key (scale) ढूंढें। key (scale) ढूंढें के लिए आप उस गाने के ऊपर हमिंग कीजिये और हमिंग करने के साथ - साथ अपने पियानो या अपने musical instrument में सभी 12 नोट्स बजाके देखे, जिस भी नोट पे आपकी हमिंग बैठ जायेगी या मैच हो जायेगी वो आपके गाने की key होगी। या फिर आप सर्च करके भी अपने गाने का स्केल निकाल सख्ते है। तो स्केल पता करने के बाद आपको जिस भी गाने या धुन के नोट्स निकालना है उसकी एक - एक लाइन को बार - बार सुन्ना है और उसे अपने instrument पर बजाने की कोशिश करना है, स्केल पता होने की वजह से आपको बढ़ी आसानी होगी नोट्स निकालने में क्योकि आपका गाना स्केल के उन्ही 6 नोट्स पर रहेगा जो उस स्केल में है। आपको गाने की हर एक लाइन के एक - एक नोट को ढूँढ़के लिकना है और ऐसा करते - करते आपके पूरे गाने के नोट्स निकल जाएंगे। मुझे पता है की ये मेथड थोड़ी बढ़ी है और मुश्किल है, लेकिन अगर आप इसकी प्रैक्टिस रोज़ करेंगे तो आपके कान काफी आसानी से गाना सुनते से ही नोट्स निकाल लेंगे। तो आपको इस मेथड का जितना हो सके उतना उपयोग करना है।
मेथड 2 - वीडियो से नोट्स लिखें
दोस्तों यह जो दूसरी मेथड है वह पहली मेथड से काफी ज्यादा आसान है और अगर आपको गाने के नोट्स जल्द से जल्द निकालना है तो आप इस मेथड का उपयोग करके आसानी से गाने के नोट्स निकाल सख्ते हो, और अच्छी बात यह है की आपको गाने की key (scale) निकालने की भी जरूरत नहीं है। तो मेथड यह है की आपको जिस भी गाने या धुन के नोट्स निकालना है उस गाने का पियानो कवर किसी भी वीडियो स्ट्रीमिंग प्लेटफार्म पर सर्च करना है और उस कवर की वीडियो की स्पीड को धीमा करके जो भी नोट्स को वो प्ले करेगा उसे लिख लेना है। तो इस तरह आप बड़े ही आसानी से किसी भी गाने के नोट्स तुरंत निकाल सख्ते है। वैसे गाइस इस मेथड से आपके कान तो अच्छे नहीं होंगे लेकिन इस मेथड से आपका काफी समय बच जाएगा और आप कोई भी गाना बहुत जल्दी बजाना सीख लेंगे।
मेथड 3 - DAW और software की मदत से नोट्स निकाले 
तो गाइस अब बारी आती है तीसरी और आखरी मेथड की। दोस्तों यह मेथड पहली और दूसरी इन दोनों मेथड में से सबसे आसान और सबसे तेज़ है, इस मेथड को use करके आप सिर्फ कुछ मिंटो में किसी भी गाने या धुन के नोट्स निकाल लोंगे। तो इस मेथड को use करने के लिए आपको किसी भी DAW सॉफ्टवेयर को थोड़��� बहुत चलाना आना चाहिए। मै इस आर्टिकल में आपको FL-STUDIO की मेथड के बारे मै बताऊंगा, अगर आप कोई ओर सॉफ्टवेयर का use करते है तो आपके सॉफ्टवेयर थोड़े अलग होंगे लेकिन मेथड एक ही रहेगी। तो सबसे पहले आपको अपना FL-Studio खोल लेना है, फिर आपको अपने mixer मै जाना है और किसी भी एक mixer track मै एक plugin को add कर लेना है जिसका नाम है Newtone. दोस्तों यह plugin FL-Studio के साथ pre-install आता है। दोस्तों जो भी FL-Studio का use नहीं कर रहे वह search करके Newtone के जैसा plugin को अपने DAW मे install कर सख्ते है। तो Newtone के ओपन हो जाने के बाद आपको जिस भी गाने के नोट्स चाहिए उस गाने को Newtone के अंदर import कर लेना है, उस गाने के import हो जाने के बाद आपको plugin के header सेक्शन पर कुछ आइकॉन दिखेंगे आपको राइट साइड के 4th आइकॉन पर क्लिक कर देना है जिस पर लिखा होगा send to pianoroll. फिर आपको अपने channel rack पर जाना है और sampler को replace करके FL Keys को insert कर लेना है। फिर आपको piano roll पर जाना है, फिर इसके बाद आपके सामने पूरे गाने के नोट्स आजायेंगे। तो इस तरह आप किसी भी गाने के नोट्स कुछ ही मिंटो मे निकाल साखोंगे। गाइस अगर आपको गाने के नोट्स काफी मुश्किल लगते है तो आप newtone को फिरसे खोले और गाने के सिर्फ vocals को कही से सर्च करके इसमें import करदे और फिरसे send to pianoroll पर क्लिक channel rack पर जाए और sampler को replace करके FL Keys को import करे और pianoroll पर जाए, फिर इसके बाद आपके सामने और भी आसान नोट्स आजायेंगे। आर्टिकल की पूरी जानकारी जल्द से जल्द चलिए अब इस आर्टिकल का पूरा revision कर लेते है। तो सबसे पहले हमने हिट एंड ट्रायल मेथड के बारे मे जाना की हमे सबसे पहले गाने के स्केल को पता करना रहता है फिर गाने की हर एक लाइन को सुनके उस स्केल के मुताबिक़ बजाने की कोशिश करना रहता है। फिर हमने अगली मेथड मे यह सीखा की हम किसी भी गाने के पियानो कवर को सर्च करके उस वीडियो की गती को कम करके उस गाने के नोट्स को निकाल सख्ते है। फिर आखिर मे हमने FL-Studio का उपयोग करके किसी भी गाने के नोट्स निकालना सीखा, तो यह था इस पूरा आर्टिकल का सार। मुझे उम्मीद है की आपको यह आर्टिकल बहुत - बहुत पसंद आया होगा और आपने भी अपने पसंदीदा गाने के नोट्स निकाल के उसे बजाने की कोशिश की होगी। दोस्तों आपको कभी भी सिर्फ नोट्स के भरोसे नहीं रहना है क्योकि जो भी सिर्फ नोट्स के भरोसे रहता है वह अच्छा म्यूजिशियन नहीं बन पाता। तो दोस्तों आजके आर्टिकल में बस इतना ही, थैंक्यू अपना कीमती समय मुझे देने के लिए। Read the full article
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tilbageidanmark · 1 year
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Movies I watched this Week #138 (Year 3/Week 34):
Past Lives, another brilliant debut feature from a young female director, Celine Song. Exquisite, mature filmmaking, in full control of all aspects of the craft, juxtaposition, edit, use of music, layering, balance, staging. F. Ex. , at 55:00 min, the exact midpoint of the movie, when they finally meet for the first time, Song lets the camera lingers on train crossing the bridge... Tremendous, devastating accomplishment. Greta Lee is my new crush. 10/10.
“I met a lot of hard-boiled eggs in my life. But you, you’re 20 minutes…”
Before 'Sweet smell of success' and ‘Network’ and ‘Nightcrawler’ exposed the corrupt cynicism of mass media, Billy Wilder's Ace in the hole told the story of one newspaperman sensationally manipulating a story for his own sleazy benefit. Viciously unscrupulous, savagely frank, a sunlit, bright Noir.
2 films about pianists who pretend to be blind:
🍿 Andhadhun, a Hindi crime thriller about a musician who pretends to be blind, who witness a murder happening in front of him, because the killers assume he can't see them. A mishmash of tropes. 3/10.
🍿 Supposedly, Andhadhun was inspired by a 2010 French short film L'Accordeur (The Piano Tuner).
First watch: John Huston's classic adventure-romance The African Queen, "Shot in Africa", as the titles state. Humphrey Bogart, Gruff, scrappy, in dirty clothes (!) is talking and gesturing exactly like Noah Cross. Excellent!
2 more by François Ozon:
🍿 Sitcom, a surrealist satire of a proper, uptight, upper middle class family, with a house in the country, a maid, etc. whose whole life turns degenerate, when the father brings home a pet, white rat. The rat acts like a 'Magical visitor', f. ex, in Pasolini's 'Teorema', and soon all the males start acting gay, and everybody's starts sleeping with everybody else, conducts orgies, and attempts suicide. Buñuel-lite: 4/10
🍿 By the Grace of God, a sober documentary-like true-story from Lyon (which is nice). A respected banker and a practicing Catholic with a family of 5 children, remembers how he was abused by the local priest, and starts a process to sue the church. Very much like Tom MaCarthy's 'Spotlight', it's measured, empathetic and un-sensationalist.
Tokyo Decadence ("Topâzu"), my second by writer/director Ryū Murakami [He wrote, but didn't direct ‘Audition’]. A depraved, convoluted "Pink" film about a young submissive and delicate prostitute, who works at a high-end call girl service, specializing in SM and Bondage. Erotic art, slightly different from 'real' Japanese fetish porn. Disturbing. (Found here)
2 more by Damien Chazelle:
🍿 Whiplash (2014). I'm not so crazy about stories of emotional abuse and humiliations between mentors and disciples, especially when one is an absolute asshole, and the other an obsessive over-achiever, and both are male "Perfectionists" who’ll stop at "Nothing" to become "Great Artists". But the use of music, especially jazz was so lovely, and innovative.
🍿 The English-speaking Spanish Grand Piano was written by Chazelle just before 'Whiplash'. It's a high-concept musical thriller, about a pianist attempting a comeback performance and an assassin who threatens to kill him on stage. But for that you have to suspends all belief and accept Elijah "Frodo" Wood as a ridiculously classic musician, and a preposterous "Play a wrong note and you die" plot. 2/10.
Where the Crawdads Sing, another woman-directed Southern Gothic drama, a story of abuse, pain and neglect. Flat 'Swamp Girl' full of clichés. The only, mild surprise was the final disclosure, of who was the real killer. 2/10.
Before directing his two masterpieces, ‘Columbus’ and ‘After Yang’, Korean-American filmmaker Kogonada was known for his sublime video essays, sometimes commissioned by Criterion, or ‘Sight & Sound’. 16 of his short-form video poems are posted on his old Vimeo account, including ‘Hands of Bresson’, ‘Way of Ozu’, ‘Auteur in space’ (Tarkovsky), ‘Tarantino, from below’, Sounds of Aronofsky, ‘Wes Anderson from above’, ‘Breaking Bad / POV’, Kubrick / One-point perspective, and 8 more.
And one I couldn't finish: The new German Seneca – On the Creation of Earthquakes. A philosophy-themed metaphor for today's Authoritarianism with over-indulgent John Malkovich grotesquely hamming it out, and just never stop talking, talking talking. And a 12-year-old Nero without any charisma.
Still life, a short Greek film by Dimitrios Karas (2017). A man wakes up on a dirt road in the middle of a desert.
Asking for Love was a 1973 Icelandic music video made by Egill Eðvarðsson. It showed Jóhann G. Jóhannsson walking backwards around downtown Reykjavík, and then reversed to make it seem everyone else’s walking backwards. Now, fifty years later, Guðmundur Kristinn Jónsson and Ívar Kristján Ívarsson have recreated the video with singer-songwriter Árný Margrét, walking the same route backwards, for her song Waiting. (Via).
(My complete movie list is here)
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anantradingpvtltd · 2 years
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] FLUTE FOR EVERYONE is designed in such a way that, readers across the world will be able to start in Flute / Bansuri, learn to play prelims, songs and gain interest in Classical Music. Goal is Read, Listen, Play & Learn. Notations are available in both Indian & Sheet Music. Step by step guidance is provided on holding the flute, first time blowing, playing the preliminary notes in multiple octaves, playing with beats & rhythm and then enter to play various world famous songs starting from Happy Birthday To You, Twinkle Twinkle, We shall Overcome, Do a Deer, Jamaican Farewell, Auld Lang Syne etc. Greatest advantage of this book is that, both notations are provided here - Indian Convention and Sheet Music. Music files are embedded in Kindle Ebook edition. Most of the songs are chosen in such a way that one can learn step by step on Rhythm, Gaps, beats and play methodically. This Book touches on Golden Era Bollywood Hindi Songs, Tagore Song, Bhajans and finally learning the classical ragas in Flute. There is no age barrier to start on the learning. Golden time with Musical Maestros picturize of life of musicians & composers. The Flute & Meditation section enters the world of positive vibes. Before jumping into course, the book will touch you on the brief history of Flute / Bansuri specifically how Pt. Pannalal Ghosh brings flute from the hand of cowherds into a classical instrument. The making of Bansuri is demonstrated from Guruji's words with the detailed steps to visualize the struggle to create a good quality Flute. Next step is to purchase a flute and this book will help you to choose your flute based on the years of playing experience. The Music Course is designed for the learners to get interest in Flute / Bansuri. With the interest of learner, they can finish the topics in 60 days to 6 month to complete. Music course is prepared starting from Holding the Flute, Prelims on the notes, Learn to play double notes at a time, triple notes at a time, 4 notes at a time, learn to pause for Gaps and gradually the notation systems are introduced. Learning Taal is an important factor in music and the learner can play in a Rhythm of various beats like 6 beat (Dadra), 8 beat (Kaharwa) and gradually in 16 beat (Tintal). Once learner can play with Rhythm, then the simple songs all are introduced. Finally the Ragas are introduced. Over the course, 5 Ragas are given with detailed notations, Alaap, Bandish, Antara, Taan and sample Tihai. The Ragas are composed in such a way that the entire musical verse can be practiced as well as performed in a function. For the simplistic progression of Raga in Flute, Ragas are given in most scientific learning order such as Raga Hamsadhwani, Raga Durga, Raga Bilaval, Raga Mand and Raga Bhupali. After every chapter, next steps are mentioned for the learner. For example, Raga Yaman or Raga Desh can be the next steps once learner completes the above 5 Ragas. After the course material, Musical Workshop, Demonstration & Function are illustrated from the Musical Diaries of last performance. In addition to Flute, several Musical instruments such as Guitar, Violin, Banjo, Piano, Harmonica, Tabla are introduced in the workshop & demonstrated to the new students. After that, research topics are discussed on Flute such as - Flute & Meditation, Improvisation to 8 Hole Classical E Flute. Anyone loves music, will get interest on the stories from Musical diaries and the advance topics. Hence, Plenty of learning content as well as musical stories are covered in the Course 1. Please provide your valuable feedback, suggestions, corrections and keep in touch. Let us know if you are interested in online / classroom courses with certification in Flute, Violin, Mandolin, Guitar, Keyboard, Sarod, Ukulele etc. Hope readers will enjoy reading, practicing and be part of the musical journey. ASIN
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How to Play Old Hindi Songs on Piano Keyboard
You can now learn from our wide collection of sheet music notes for Bollywood songs. The sheet music will be provided for PIANO KEYBOARD GUITAR VIOLIN SAXOPHONE UKUYLELE RECORDS to name a few.
We have pleasure in publishing sheet music of the best Romantic Songs of the 90s from Bollywood Movies. We will be updating with the new sheet music for popular songs from 1960 till date.
The sheet music will be provided with the western notes for the songs with Lyrics, Chords. To make you play authentic, we provide our sample video sheet music to better understand the notes.
How to start to learn from the Sheet Music Notes?
There are a few ways to learn songs from the sheet music notes.
You should be familiar with the clock referred to as Beatsin Music
You should learn the sequence of music sounds in terms of the Solfa language
The song you want to play should be well registered in your mind
You should have regular practice with few finger exercises to play smoothly
You should have desire to achieve what you like to do
There are 3 formats s to play the songs from the sheet music using Western or Indian methods
Lyrics below the notes a vital role for your getting better results when you follow them with notes.
Basic theory is needed to develop your skills further.
For getting ideas about sheet music please visit our site https://www.bollywoodsheetmusicbooks.com and follow and share in social medias for more updates.
I wish you all a wonderful beginning to learn your popular songs from Bollywood Movies.
Looing forward to see you with new guidance for playing Old Hindi Songs on Piano Keyboard.
Musically Yours
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veworcompare · 2 years
Aye malik tere bande hum notations
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provides all informations related Indian music. Ni – – – / – –Īye malik tere bande hum song sargam notes in english I Lyrics I Lata Mangeshkar is described in this post. Ga ( k) – Re Sa Ga ( k) – / Re Sa – Re / Sa. Pa – Ga ( k) – / Ga ( k) Ga ( k) Re – / ( Sa ). Ho rahaa / bekhabar / Kuchh na / aataa nazar Pa Pa – Ma Pa – / Ma Ga ( k) – / Ma – Ga ( k) – Sa – – – – – Aye Maalik Tere Bande Hum (Instrumental - Piano) Vasant Desai, Sawan Dutta, Ajay Prasanna - Morning Melodies Taqdeer Ka Fasana (Male Version) Ramlal, Mohammed Rafi - Sehra Taron Men Sajke Apne Suraj Se Mukesh - Jal Bin Machhli Nritya Bin Bijli Tu Chhupi Hai Kahan C. Pa – Ga ( k) – Ga ( k) Re Sa / Re – ( Sa ). Re- Ga ( k) Re Sa / Ga ( k) – Re Sa – Re / Sa. Pa – Ga ( k) – Ga ( k) / Ga ( k) Re – / ( Sa ). Swars written “ReGa” in this manner means they are playing fast or two swars on one beat.“-” is used for stretching the notes acc to the song.4 versions of notes are given for this prayer song, Based on the starting note for the.
Listen to AE MALIK TERE BANDE HUM song in high quality & download AE MALIK TERE BANDE HUM song on. AE MALIK TERE BANDE HUM Album has 1 song sung by Ajay Shankar.
Ma(t) here “(t)” is used for showing teevra swar Ma(t). Piano Notes for Aye Malik Tere Bande Hum Western Notation (CDE FGAB). AE MALIK TERE BANDE HUM is a Hindi album released on.
“ni” small characters are used for komal swars.eg – (re, ga dh ni).
“.”is used for Mandra saptak(lower octave notes) swars.eg- (.Pa).
Orijinal scale – G# How to play Aye malik tere bande hum song on Harmonium,Keyboard Flute Guitar Voilin Aye malik tere bande hum song sargam notes in english I Lyrics I Lata Mangeshkar is decribed in this post of Onlinesangeet.Īccurate sargamnotes in english of hindi songs from original scale are available on Onlinesangeet.
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picsvewor · 2 years
Kuch kuch hota hai piano sheet music
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Read More What is the translation of the Hindi song title 'Kuch To Hone Laga'? If you get enough of the notes correctly, you will pass the challenge. The timing should have you playing the song. As each note reaches the box above a piano key, press that key. Read More How do you pass the piano challenge on Great Pumpkin Island?Īs the music plays, colored dots (notes) will descend toward the piano. Also when she performed on American idol this year if you saw she sung that song and played the piano in the beginning. If your asking if Miley Cyrus plays the piano in the song 'When I look at you ' the answer is yes. Read More The when i look at you by Miley Cyrus on piano? As each note reaches the circle above a piano key, press that key. Read More Where do you get the piano notes on great pumpkin island?Īs the music plays, colored dots (notes) will descend toward the piano. how about you try mary had a little lamb instead. Really, you want the letter note for that song. Read More What are the piano letter notes for scary monsters and nice sprites? Read More What is a good song for piano?Ī very pretty song for the piano is a song called The River Flows In You. I was looking for it the whole song.if some body up there know pleas let us have it to. You can play any song in any keys so you can start on any note Read More What is piano note for ethiopian national anthem? Read More What are the notes to Happy Birthday in piano music? Another song that is an easy piano song for beginners is the Farmer Jack song adapted for the piano. One easy piano song for beginners is the song Chopsticks. Which movies has a song with the lyrics Kuch tumhare hain kuch hamare hain hum dono ke sapne? What are some easy piano songs for beginners?
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bananaprotection · 2 years
O ri sakhi mangal gao
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Accurate sargam notes in english of hindi songs from original scale are available on Onlinesangeet.
Heri Sakhi Mangal Gao Ri sargam notes in English is decribed in this post of Onlinesangeet. Heri Sakhi Mangal Gao Ri Ganga Ghat Whatsapp Status videos Download Movie download 720p, 480p, mp4, 300mbmovies Heri Sakhi Mangal Gao Ri Ganga Ghat Whatsapp. Ĭlick here for Heri Sakhi Mangal Gao Ri sargam notes in hindi Heri Sakhi Mangal Gao Ri harmoinum notes in english is available on online sangeet. Heri Sakhi Mangal Gao Ri sargam notes in English Unki / chhab se / dikhu / main to / pyaari Mohe kaala tika lagaao ri ….same as heri sakhi mangal Sa- / Ma – Dha – / Pa – (Ma)Ga(k) – / Re– Sa. ( Re)Sa– Re– Pa / Pa – Ga(k)(Re) – Re– Sa. How to play Heri Sakhi Mangal gao Ri sargam notes in english on Harmonium,Keyboard, Piano, Flute Guitar Voilin Heri Sakhi Mangal gao Ri Flute Notes Original scale – e Vikrit swar – Ga(k), Dha(k), Ni(k) Heri Sakhi Mangal Gao Ri Harmonium Notes Sthai – is used for showing Khatka in which swars are playing fast.Swars written in this manner they are playing or singing in sliding mode means Meend acc to Indian music.Swars written “ReGa” in this manner means they are playing fast or two swars on one beat.“-” is used for stretching the notes acc to the song.Ma(t) here “(t)” is used for showing teevra swar Ma(t).“(k)” small characters are used for komal swars.eg – ( Re(k), Ga(k), Dha(k), Ni(k) ).Listen to good music, download high speed mp3s for free. “.”is used for Mandra saptak(lower octave notes) swars.eg- (.Pa) Listen and download mp3 songs o ri sakhi mangal gao ri kailash kher, shown by the best singers, in the category of high quality Latest Songs, Download mp3 on this site the fastest way.Heri Sakhi Mangal gao Ri sargam notes in english Instructions – Learn Harmonium Keyboard Piano Flute Violin Banjo Sitar Hawaiian guitar Veena Sarod Mouth Organ Jal Tarang Heri Sakhi Mangal gao Ri sargam notes in English (Sa, Re, Ga, Ma ) is decribed in this post of Online sangeet.
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nagthings-blog · 5 years
Psycho Saiyaan Sargam Notes
Notations on this blog:- Aaroh : S-R-G-m-P-D-N-S’ Avroh : S’-N-D-P-m-G-R-S Komal swars : r, g, d, n Teevr swar : M
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Notations are in this scale
Tera main, tera main P G G P G G Tera main dumi dumi duma dum P G G D D D P M G Tera main, tera main P G G P G G Tera main dumi dumi duma dum P G G D D D P M G
Pehle tu neeli akhiyaan ladayi gayi P P P M G G g G M M Raaton ki meri neendein udaayi gayi P P P M G G g G M M Nashe mein tere mujhko dubayi gayi P P P M G G g G M M Aise mujhe ghoore tu kaayko, kaayko ‘N ‘N S ‘N ‘N S ‘N ‘N ‘N g M Ke jhoothe vaade karke banayi gayi P P P M G G g G M M Na jaane kitno ko rulayi gayi P P P M G G g G M M Oh thumko se dil ko churayi gayi P P P M G G g G M M Aaja tujhe leke chale chai ko, chai ko ‘N ‘N S ‘N ‘N S ‘N ‘N ‘N g M
Oh saiyaan saiyaan ve N N D D D N D P Possesive saiyaan ve N D D D D N D P Naa chhod kalaiyan N D D D N D Mod ke bahiyan jaldi se side ho, side ho N D D N D D N D D D M g M g M Aaya mora saiyaan psycho M M M M M g g M
Full Notes:- https://instrumentalkeys.com/psycho-saiyaan-sargam-notes/
To learn Western Piano Keys basics click on the link given below:-
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sinhadigital-blog · 5 years
Best Site To Find Hindi Song Lyrics And Hindi Bhajan Lyrics
If you are a musician and looking for a place where you can find hindi lyrics with piano notes of hindi songs , this article is just for you.
Introducing Lyrics Bhandar , a site where you can find bollywood lyrics , bhajan lyrics and many more. If you are a musician you can also find piano notes for hindi songs and hindi songs guitar chords.
This site updates new hindi lyrics as soon as a new hindi song is published or released in market. This site is created to help musicians who are looking for a way to learn music and play hindi songs on piano and guitar.
we hope this article will help you to get benefits from this awesome site named Lyrics Bhandar. Site link are as follows.
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blogsoch · 4 years
Let’s Play Doraemon Theme Song in Hindi Piano Notes
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blogtozone · 1 year
Mann Bharryaa 2.0 Piano Notes | Shershaah
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Mann Bharryaa 2.0 Piano Notes Notes :-  Music D3 A3 G3 F3#, E3 D3 E3 D3 D3 A3 G3 F3#, G3 A3 B3 A3 Ve Methon Tera Mann Bharrya D4 D4 E4 D4 C4# C4# C4# D4 C4# D4 Mann Bharyaa Badal Gaya Saara, Ve Tu Mainu Chhad Jaana D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 E4 G4 F4# E4 E4, D4 D4 E4 D4 C4# C4# C4# D4 C4# D4 Gallan Teriyan Ton Lagda Ae Yaara, Ve Methon Tera Mann Bharryaa D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 E4 G4 F4# E4 E4, D4 D4 E4 D4 C4# C4# C4# D4 C4# D4 Gallan Teriyan Ton Lagda Ae Yaara G3 G3 B3 B3 B3 G3 B3 C4# D4 C4# B3 A3 Gall Gall Te Shaq Kardein, Aitbaar Zara Vi Nai D4 D4 D4 C4# B3 A3 A3, A3 B3 E4 D4 D4 C4# B3 A3 B3 A3 B3 A3 G3 F3# Hunn Teriyan Ankhiyan Ch, Mere Layi Pyar Zara Vi Nai E3 E3 B3 B3 B3 A3 B3, B3 B3 C4# E4 D4 D4 C4# D4 D4 C4# D4 Mera Te Koyi Hai Ni Tere Bin D4 D4 E4 D4 C4# C4# C4# D4 C4# D4 Tainu Mil Jana Kise Da Sahara, Ve Tu Mainu Chhad Jaana D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 E4 G4 F4# E4 E4, D4 D4 E4 D4 C4# C4# C4# D4 C4# D4 C4# B3 A3 Gallan Teriyan Ton Lagda Ae Yaara D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 E4 G4 F4# E4 E4 E4 D4 Kaash Aisa Ho Sakda, Rabb De Pairi Pai Jaandi A4 A4 G4 E4 G4 F4# D4, D4 A4 A4 A4 G4 E4 G4 F4# Teri Jagah Pe Jaani, Maut Mainu Le Jaandi A4 A4 G4 E4 G4 F4# D4, D4 A4 A4 A4 G4 E4 G4 F4# Jo Tu Na Mila Maanenge, Woh Dehleez Nahi Hoti D4 D4 D4 C4# B3 A3 B3 A3 A3, A3 B3 E4 D4 D4 C4# B3 A3 B3 A3 B3 A3 G3 F3# Rabb Naam Ki Yaara, Yahan Koyi Cheez Nahi Hoti E3 E3 B3 B3 B3 A3 B3, B3 B3 C4# E4 D4 D4 C4# D4 D4 C4# D4 Ho Rabb Ohnu Kho Lainde D4 D4 E4 D4 C4# C4# C4# D4 C4# D4 Jehda Howe Ohnu Jaan Ton Pyara, Ve Tu Mainu Chhad Jaana D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 E4 G4 F4# E4 E4, D4 D4 E4 D4 C4# C4# C4# D4 C4# D4 Gallan Teriyan Ton Lagda Ae Yaara G3 G3 B3 B3 B3 G3 B3 C4# D4 C4# B3 A3 Tu Sabb Jaanda Aen Main Chhad Ni Sakdi Tainu F4# E4 F4# E4 D4 B3 D4 D4 E4 F4# E4 F4# E4 D4 B3 E4 D4 D4 Taan Hi Taan Unglan Te Roz Nachaune Mainu B3 B3 B3 B3 E4 E4 E4 D4 E4 D4 E4 F4# E4 D4 D4 C4# B3 E4 D4 D4 Agle Janam Vich Allah, Aisa Khel Racha Ke Bheje D4 D4 D4 C4# B3 A3 B3 A3 A3, A3 B3 E4 D4 D4 C4# B3 A3 B3 A3 A3 B3 A3 Mainu Tu Bana Ke Bheje Tainu Main Bana Ke Bheje G3 F3# E3 B3 B3 B3 A3 B3 B3 B3 C4# E4 D4 D4 C4# D4 D4 C4# D4 D4 Haaye Ikko Hundi Ae Ve Zindagi D4 D4 E4 D4 C4# C4# C4# D4 C4# D4 Tu Milna Ni Mainu Ve Dobara, Ve Tu Mainu Chhad Jaana D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 E4 G4 F4# E4 E4, D4 D4 E4 D4 C4# C4# C4# D4 C4# D4 Gallan Teriyan Ton Lagda Ae Yaara D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 E4 G4 F4# E4 E4 Ve Methon Tera Mann Bharyaa D4 D4 E4 D4 C4# C4# C4# D4 C4# D4
About Song :-
Mann Bharryaa 2.0 is a Hindi song from the 2021 Indian biographical war film Shershaah. The song is sung and composed by B Praak, with lyrics by Jaani. It is a reprised version of the song Mann Bharryaa from the 2019 Punjabi film Ardaas Karaan. The song is a soulful ballad about the love story between Captain Vikram Batra (played by Sidharth Malhotra) and his fiancée Dimple Cheema (played by Kiara Advani). It also captures the pain and sacrifice of Indian soldiers and their families. The song was released on August 15, 2021, on the occasion of Independence Day in India. It was an instant hit with listeners, and has become one of the most popular songs from the film. The music video for the song features scenes from the film, showing the relationship between Vikram and Dimple, as well as Vikram's sacrifice in the Kargil War. The video is very emotional and moving, and has resonated with many viewers. Mann Bharryaa 2.0 is a beautiful and poignant song that pays tribute to the love and sacrifice of Indian soldiers and their families. It is a must-listen for anyone who has been touched by the story of Captain Vikram Batra and Shershaah. Read the full article
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srbachchan · 4 years
DAY 4531
Covid ward,  Hospi               July 31,  2020               Fri 10:41 PM
So the site that had been mentioned somewhat briskly but with reserve has been through some tests at the ‘back end’ .. which to ignorant me means the tech team that does all the work in designing the property to make it a viable attractive and have the ease of practicality , has done its job and continues to work each hour to make sure all that shall be up for viewing, works efficiently ..
I do not know how this can be initiated, but those that have been given the work will of course eventually bring it up at the time of the launch and explain all the workings to the Ef of course, but in general also, to all that shall wish to use it.
So just as a vague example what the team informs me is that most of what the visitor needs to know shall be in an easy access mode. The visitor shall not have to go separately to say, the social media platforms - all of them shall be on site once you tune in. Information regarding activities past and present shall be available at the press of a single button. I do not wish to take names just yet , that would not be prudent or ethical, but maybe some of the platforms that are being used to convey, may have to take a back seat or no seat at all.
The whole idea of the concept has been in discussion for long, and the central thought that comes through in each of these discussions is how can we make accessibility to the Ef, to the fan , a lot easier a lot more rapid and a lot more gregarious. Most of this of course cannot be spoken or revealed just yet but I do feel that there shall, hopefully, be a dedicated and lasting connect with all that connects with me - not just the present, but also the past - not just me but also of the family ; in particular Babuji.
For a man of his eminence, as has been said so often, he never did  receive his due. It was his modesty and reserve that kept him away from immodestly blowing the horn of his achievements. His autobiography though has kept the feel of his self in great detail .. in great honesty .. 
Those that have read his prose speak volumes on its literary value and how some feel it has the superiority over his poetic works. This needs to be brought about. This needs to be put across in voice, in audio books, in the compositions of his works in music and recitation - by me ! Not just his poetry, but to be able to bring chapters of his prose that he has most creatively linked to his verse. 
Poets often write from a vision of the world .. a vision that they could have experienced themselves .. a vision that the world could be dictating and whether he agrees with it or not .. a vision that has deep philosophic value .. a vision that makes you sit up and think ‘ why did I not ever think so’ .. a vision that opens the value of the usage of words .. a vision that could become uncomfortable because of its reality and truth .. a vision that decades later still find meaning in whenever you encounter it .. 
How did a man of his background his lower middle class life, have the capacity to think so deep .. how did a man who excelled in his rendition of the Hindi work, encompass in the simplest usage the elements of the emotion he conveyed which touched all .. how did a man of his Hindi eminence, become a Professor in the English Department of the Allahabad University, an institution that was and still is renowned for its educational  and academic merit  .. how did a man of such exemplary qualification translate important Russian works .. how did a man of his eminence write the Bhagwat Gita, in the language and graph and tone of the Ramayan - the Jan Geeta .. how did a man of his eminence join the UOTC - the University Officers Training Core - a subsidiary of the armed forces, initiated by the British during the Raj ..
‘मैं क़लम और बंदूक़ चलता हूँ दोनो ; दुनिया में ऐसे बंदे कम पाए जाते हैं  !’
How did a man of his eminence design the music of most of his recitations , so closely identifiable even now. The tune of his famous ‘Madushala’ his own creation , as also many other prominent works of his , still bring so much nostalgia and awe when we sit down with my music partners to put his words to instrumentation melody. They are all being done. Many have already been recorded by me and wait for the right platform for them to be made public. To put them not just in audio form but to give it a visual ; hopefully with my personal participation. 
On the more personal front , activities of a ‘day in the life of’ shall have tons of footage of activities on set on recording on dubbing on KBC or events where stage shows were conducted .. on events where I was asked to speak .. the recordings of those speeches .. 
.. and remember there are other family personalities that shall be in their presence on the site .. 
.. already remixes of my own songs have been done, where the orchestration has been souped up and so has the singing - hopefully.
The moments I spend on a piano keyboard .. I do not know how to play, but the music partners have connected the piano via some computer technology to a lap top where every time I just randomly spend time on the key board it records automatically and transmits to the music partners who could pick up a note or two and make something of it .. not necessarily of great music value but at times a mood title is created and makes for gentle listening pleasure. 
AND .. here is where I shall ask and request my devoted dedicated Ef to make contributions. Many do even now every day. In paintings and photo shopped designs. In their opinion in verse. In their thoughts. I shall welcome all .. and if found creatively expedient, shall not hesitate to render them in my voice and to expose it to the entire world - much like what we did during the promotions of ‘Badla’ ..
There is so much to say and disclose, but at the right time. The time now is to repair. If God willing I do survive this Covid, a lot will be asked of you, and I know that the contribution shall be so forthcoming that I shall never have to fear the lack of content.
I am blessed to have my Ef ..  of who they are ..  and what they have meant to me all these years ..
My gratitude and my love ❤️
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Amitabh Bachchan   
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atimefordragons · 4 years
Get to know me tag game
thanks for the tag lovely @queen-of-salt-and-fury! 
Nicknames: lol, I mean, my fake internet name is basically a nickname, also “C”, all the broski, brosauce, etc variations me and my bestie use, speaking of, could also consider Elsa a nickname, or Cristina, because we are stone cold adults to refer to each other as our respective personality double in favourite duos (Elsa and Anna, and Meredith and Cristina) - yeah, we know we are fucking lame. My sister calls me “Titly”, which means butterfly, you may now also refer to me as Your Majesty, because I bought Elsa’s crown as a birthday gift for myself and gave myself a coronation, thereby legally making me Arendelle’s Queen. This is how it works now right? Declaring something online immediately makes it true. 
Real name: Clara, lol, it’s not, it’s just what I’ve been using online for nearly a decade or so now, so what’s the point? But my real middle name is “Taika”, which is a name I share with Taika Waititi, which is cool. 
Zodiac: Scorpio 
Favourite Musicians / Band: Taylor Swift, Dima Bilan, Sergey Lazarev, Anime OST (deep into Code Geass and Bleash OST atm, god they were iconic), OST in general, KAZKA (thank you again so much @pulltheskydown for introducing me to her), Alma, Amir, Rihanna, Polina Gagarina, been in a Britney mood the last few weeks. Idk, I just have music I like, and music I don’t like, and some people I am very thirsty for. Also, also, literally any song from any Shahrukh Khan movie. I always was, still am, and always will be, one of those SRK loving bitches. The man is ICONIC. 
Do I get asks?: Once in a blue moon. 
Favourite sports team: I support the national teams ‘cause Go Canada Go or whatever. Also more invested in the Raptors than I ever thought I’d be, but hey, them winning the NBA last year gave me more serotonin than I ever thought boring sports could give me. It’s still so boring, but I do follow the scores when they appear on CP24 (local news channel), feels good when your city’s teams win. Guess that means by default I also support the Blue Jays and the Maple Leafs, but whatever. 
Other blogs: lol, you are talking to the Queen of Too Many blogs right here. My first ever main was @livesinabluebox (which has gone through a few url changes, namely melanin-monster and moonrxvenge, but it’s 2012 again so I switched back to my og url), I’m trying to clear out all my likes so I’m still posting there, but trying to move to my new main over @moonrxvenge. And I also have 600 million sideblogs for characters and roleplays and resources and whatever. I have so many that I need to keep a masterlist, and yes, it is HELLA out of date. (I still say hella)
Tumblr Crushes: meh, I never really befriended people on tumblr until much more recently, and like all those people are friends I made elsewhere, ie polyvore (I shy, tumblr scary and got far too many stupid peoples opinions). 
Obvs, shoutouts to my loves @kzombi3 / @thots4daze @themadmonarchist @celestialfairies @alittlebitluna @eternalsailorstar @ayzrules @themonsterslut @turquoisesiren @pulltheskydown 
some tumblr people who are v cool and maybe I say things or just do that whole “senpai notice me” lowkey stalking from my main, main: @queen-of-salt-and-fury @daenerys-targaryen  @salty-sailors-unite​ @wellstartled​ and loads of others I’m probably forgetting rn
Lucky numbers: as a kid I considered 7 and 13 lucky, also 735 or something like that for islam reasons I forgot, but I don’t have any now. I think it’s all bull. 
What am I wearing: blue pajamas. my shirt says “happy monday - said nobody ever”, it is thursday. 
Dream holiday: Russia and Japan are definitely my number ones, all the historical places like the Winter Palace and Himeji Castle, and the cities.
Dream car: Tesla, it was a blue Model S, but that was 5 years ago (4? 3? idk, a time ago) and I’m sure there are newer models now that I am too lazy look up
Favourite food: Macarons
Drink of choice: Tim Hortons Ice Coffee with a shot of caramel
Instruments: I technically played the flute for a year (maybe three) in middle school music class, but it was mandated and I don’t remember. I could play the beginning of To Love’s End from Inuyasha back then, but not now. I can play the main tune, like just the first few notes, of Kuch Kuch Hota Hai’s main theme on the piano, but I just memorized the keys. Idk the actual notes. F or G or E I guess? Idk. 
Languages: English, Bengali, Hindi, Urdu, technically French, but I didn’t really retain anything from it, like I can read French, but got little to no idea what I’m saying. Straight up surprised when I do understand. I think it’s in there, but barely. Also supposed to be able to speak Arabic, but retained less of that than French. 
Celebrity crushes: Chris Evans, Jenna Coleman, SRK (lol, since I was born probably), Kajol, Bruna Marquezine, Yuki Kimisawa, and loads of others. I’m a hoe for the fictional and the theoretical, what can I say?  
Random facts: Buying notebooks and using them are two entirely different hobbies, and, okay, this isn’t like interesting in the least but I am OBSESSING over the drama that went down between Salman Khan and Zayn over his cover of Allah Duhai Hai - yeah, I know I’m 2 years late to this, but whatever, no fucking told me about it and I can’t find any definitive information and I’m going crazy! Please, someone explain what happened 'cause I am dying!!! I need to know!! (also, salman fans don’t interact, vo kuni hai yaar, tu phagal hai kya?) 
I’ll tag: all of you lovelies  @kzombi3 / @thots4daze @themadmonarchist @celestialfairies @alittlebitluna @eternalsailorstar @ayzrules @themonsterslut @turquoisesiren @pulltheskydown @queen-of-salt-and-fury @daenerys-targaryen @salty-sailors-unite​​ @wellstartled​ + whoever else wants to do it (and ofc tag me and befriend me, I am but a thirsty ass hoe for friendship) 
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bollywoodirect · 4 years
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Tribute to Sajjad Hussain, one of the most innovative and unique music directors in Hindi cinema, on his  death anniversary (21/07). Sajjad was born on June 15, 1917 in a village Sitamau in Madhya Pradesh, India. As a child, he learnt the sitar from his father; he was also very proficient on the mandolin. In addition, he learnt to play a plethora of musical instruments like Veena, Violin, Flute and Piano. In 1937, the young lad came to Bombay to try his luck in Hindi films - not as an actor, but as a composer. The Hindi film industry was ruled by studios then, and young Sajjad first found a job in Sohrab Modi's Minerva Movietone. From there, he moved to Wadia Movietone. Thereafter, he worked assisted several music directors, Meer Saheb, Rafiq Ghaznavi and Master Ali Baksh amongst others. It was while he was working as Pandit Hanuman Prasad's assistant that he got his first break, to compose three of the songs for Gaali (1944). Soon, he was composing for Dost (1944), a film made by Syed Shaukat Hussain Rizvi, starring the upcoming songstress Noor Jehan (Rizvi's wife). This was his first film as an independent composer. Sajjad's introduction to Lata Mangeshkar came a few years later. According to him, he was recording the songs for 1857 (Gaddar) (1946) when he ran into Amanat Khan Devaswale, who sang praises of one of his disciples. Sajjad was intrigued. Amanat Khan, a noted singer himself, never praised anyone, and certainly never to this extent. Sajjad made up his mind that he would, one day, ask Amanat Khan's disciple to sing for him. And so he did, for Hulchul (1951). The first song that Lata Mangeshkar recorded for Sajjad was Aaj mere naseeb ne. Unfortunately, it was deleted from the film. And Sajjad never completed Hulchul. (Mohammed Shafi composed the other songs.) But Sajjad retained his fondness for Lata Mangeshkar, even stipulating that he would compose only if she sang his songs. In 1952, he would begin composing for his biggest film yet. Sangdil, an uncredited adaptation of Jane Eyre. It would be the pinnacle of his career. Unfortunately, despite the songs becoming hits, and the background score (also by Sajjad) much appreciated, his career would never reach these heights again. It is said that the temperamental composer had a falling out with the male lead, Dilip Kumar, during the making of this film, and swore never to work with him again.Assignments became fewer and far between for the composer, and his next release was Rukhsana (1955). After this, another long gap intervened before he composed a handfull of wonderful melodies for Rustom Sohrab (1963). Suraiyya's Ye kaisi ajab dastan ho gayi hai would be her swansong. And Lata's Ae dilruba nazrein mila (which she stated was her favourite Sajjad composition) would be the last released solo she recorded for this very talented composer. He teased Talat Mahmood as 'Galat Mahmood', Kishore Kumar as 'Shor Kumar' and even commented adversly on Lata Mangeshkar once. As a result of which he had problems with Lata for some time. It was his rude behaviour that he got few chances. He also rejected an offer by S. Mukherjee of Filmistaan. The result of his tussles and controversies was that he has just 14 films and less than 100 songs to his name in his 20 years long film career spanning from Dost (1944) to Rustam Sohraab (1963). Most of his songs were hits and are memorable but his behaviour kept him from a rich film career and us from many more good songs. Anil Biswas' compliment gives us the insight of the capabilities of this great composer, according to Anil Biswas, Sajjad Hussain was the only original composer of Hindi cinema. Every note of his was an original.
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sahidchettair · 4 years
A collection of small memories including songs from Sahid’s life.
Sahid rested their head against their father’s shoulder, closing their eyes as they listened to the song being played. They couldn’t understand a thing, it was all in Hindi, but their father seemed to be enjoying the quick lyrics. 
Once he noticed the head against his shoulder, he moved to wrap his arm around Sahid, pulling them closer. He sang along a few lines, then turned to his son. 
“What’s the song about, Bapa,” Sahid asked. 
Their father smiled. “It’s about a young woman who falls in love with a man she cannot have, so she tries to prove that she deserves to be with him.”
“Does it end up alright?” 
He nodded. “Good things happen to people who do good, Sahid,” he said.
“So you’re the new kid.”
Sahid nodded, straightening the jacket their mom got them. 
“How old are you?” 
“I’m eight,” Sahid said in return, trying to look taller than they were. Then they looked away from the pack of kids. A group of kids had started singing in the back of the church, no piano or other instruments, just them. This was their first time in church, but something about the music drew them. When the moment was over, and they turned back, the kids had turned away from them. 
Mr. Ansel was playing some piano version of a Rihanna song on the piano in the back while the youth choir took a break. Sahid formed the lyrics in their head as they took a bite from their sandwich. They looked up confused when Sally sat down next to them. 
“Hey,” she said, smiling brightly. 
Sahid cocked an eyebrow. “Hey.” 
“You have a very good voice.” 
“Thank you.” 
She giggled. “Do you want to hang out maybe... after practice?”
Not this again. “Sorry, soccer practice.”
“Yeah... maybe some other time.” Then Sahid quickly stood and walked to Mr. Ansel. Blonde haired twenty-something year old Mr. Ansel who tapped those keys with intensity and a love for music. 
“Nah, not a slow song again!” one of Sahid’s friends yelled. 
Left and right people started moving through the small space. Girls to the middle, dancing mostly with other girls since most of the boys were avoiding them completely. 
Sahid would argue that Fireflies by Owl City wasn’t regarded as a slow song, but when Jimmy pulled them with him outside for a smoke, they didn’t think about actually raising their voice. A smirk rested on their face as Jimmy produced a cigarette that smelled far too sweet to be just tobacco. 
“You don’t actually hate that song, do you?” Sahid asked, drunk and ready to get stoned as well, leaning against the house next to Jimmy.
“Fuck no, I love it, but that’s between you and me, right?” Jimmy laughed, clearly having had some already. He lit it, sucked out good breath out of it, then handed it to Sahid.
Their hands touched. 
“Sure, don’t see what the big deal is if you liked it,” they said. 
Jimmy turned to them, huge grin on his face. He was sixteen, prettiest boy in school, mob of dark blonde hair, blue eyes, strong jaw line, a smile that you only got if your parents could pay for an expensive dentist, and where Sahid was praised for their singing qualities, Jimmy was the sports star. 
Sahid had leaned in for a kiss before they even knew what they were doing. 
“Jesus Christ, what the fuck?!” Jimmy yelled, pushing Sahid away roughly. 
Realising their own mistake, Sahid just leaned back against the wall and shrugged, pretending nothing had happened. 
“Didn’t know you-”
They already knew what he was going to say, so before he got the chance to do so, Sahid had turned, grabbed his shirt and thrown him to the ground. He was drunk anyway. They pushed his head in the dirt and held the joint close to his eye. “That’s between you and me, right?” they said, an edge to their voice. 
“Yeah, yeah!” wide-eyed Jimmy said, shivering. 
Sahid pushed the joint in the ground and let go of Jimmy, who crawled away from them. They stared at him angrily, before making their way back in the house. Pretending they weren’t just rejected, while Fireflies kept playing.
Sahid held the ice bag against their forehead, the music continued playing in the background as they balled their fist again. Normally Franz Ferdinand’s Take Me Out was enough to get their blood pumping and help them forget their own rage, but not tonight.
Sally sat down next to them with a cold beer. “Trevor wants to call the cops,” she said. 
Sahid scoffed. “He’s just saying that because he lost.” 
Trevor was sitting inside the house, surrounded by five others, someone trying to pour alcohol on the cut on his forehead. He was obviously crying. 
“Why, probably, but that doesn’t mean he won’t do it.”
Did they care? At this point not really. They smirked. They enjoyed it. The look of terror on Trevor’s face when he realised he had picked the wrong person to fight, the shock on the faces of others when they realised that too. All their other friends were inside, some in the kitchen. Only Sally stood by their side, and they weren’t sure why. 
They took a sip from the beer and placed the ice pack on the ground, standing up. They held out a hand to Sally. “I hate to let this song to go waste,” they said, smiling. 
She took their hand and they danced. 
“Oh come on Brandon, play it again, she loves it,” Sahid yelled at their stepbrother, while a four year old Cassie was sitting on the floor next to them pouting. 
“I have heard this song far too many times,” Brandon said shaking his head. 
“Play it!” Cassie yelled.
“Yes, play it!” Sahid added their voice to his. “Play it or I’ll start singing it on my own.”
“Yes! Shid will play it!” She never could pronouns their name correctly. 
“Don’t you dare!” 
Sahid started with the first few notes, their voice clear in the silent house. They quickly came up from the floor when Brandon ran at them, still singing as their Stepbrother chased them around the living room, while Cassie was clapping along on the floor. “Happy! Happy!” she yelled along as Sahid sang Happy from Pharrell as loudly as they could. 
Sahid walked into the house, bag slung over their shoulder. They ears picked up music that didn’t seem to fit with the household he had grown up in. The music was cut short, but it resonated with a part of them they had long since given up on. They walked into the living room and saw their mother slip into the kitchen. They were certain it had been something Hindi, something their dad had always listened to.
They walked into the kitchen and gave their mom a peck on the cheek. They could still envision what their old house had looked like, what their mom had looked like back in the day. Now she was just another suburban house wife. She acknowledge their presence with a nod. “I’m off to spinning class,” she announced, closing her bag and setting off towards the front door. 
The door was closed loudly behind her, and as soon as she was gone, Sahid walked back to the stereo. They opened it to find an unmarked cd in place, then hit play. 
Sounds that reminded them of better times. They sat back down on the couch and smiled, closing their eyes. 
They shot back up when they heard the front door opening, running to the cd player and shutting it down. 
Their mother walked in, rage clear on her face. She walked to them, studying them quietly, then smacked them into the face. And as they stood in front of her perplexed, she opened the stereo again and took the cd out, breaking it in two. She walked out of the house again with the cd, and without whatever she had come back to get. 
Loud music was blaring from the tiny cd-player Sahid had bought on a wimp. They were laying on the couch, beer bottle in their hand, empty. They placed it with the rest of the growing collection on the table. 
The radio was playing songs from the last decade, hits as they called them. Sahid had lost focus on all of them, but when Adelle started singing Someone Like You, they added their voice to hers. Their voice and soon their tears. All alone in their trailer, far away from family and friends. 
Sahid put on Oblivion by Grimes again, singing along absentmindedly as they looked at the meager meal they had produced for themselves. They had tried to call Brandon earlier, but no response. They were supposed to meet up later that day, but Sahid felt like the lack of response was in itself a rejection. 
Suddenly there was a loud knock on the door just as Grimes went to the bridge in her song, and they tucked their phone back on the charger as they walked up to the door. 
As they opened it just a little, someone pushed up against it, Sahid jumped backwards as the door flew open. The first person through the door was their stepfather, who was carrying a fire arm the size of a small child, aiming it at their stepson. The second person through the door was their old neighbour, who reached forward and grabbed Sahid by the collar, pulling them out of the trailer without explanation. 
The last piece of music Sahid ever heard were the ominous tones of the end of that song, waving them off as they struggled against the hands that pushed them into the woods behind their trailer. 
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