#hindsight gio
lancelotslair · 2 years
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GO DIEGO, GO!!! || die forever you piece of shit ice cube.
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aheathen-conceivably · 7 months
Gio you piece of shit. WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO THE WOMAN YOU LOVE???? I'm going to go insane what is wrong with him (joking. Kind of) - LGL
Oh, LGL, however did I know this little wrinkle with Grocery Boy would bring you out of the woodworks…
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I could literally write a mini essay on this so I’ll try and overview it as fast as I know how because we have some toxic dynamics building up right now, and without seeing that clearly the story may go off the rails very quickly.
Let’s go back to the 1920s. I admit I did not show this dynamic as explicitly as I would have liked, but you can see it in this post. Josephine in some ways delights in knowing that Giorgio is “below” her, in feeling like she’s the one with the power in their relationship. She gives him just enough emotionally but never all that she knows he needs and craves (see this post too).
Despite this (and perhaps because of it), Giorgio is hooked on her. He’ll never admit it (not even to himself), but in doing this he’s trying to reverse that power dynamic. Now she is the one who needs him, and that’s all he’s ever wanted. At first this was just a desire for his partner to need and rely on him emotionally (again, here), but the more Josephine manipulated that and put him down, the more this evolved into a larger complex.
Of course the reasoning that he gives is not totally fabricated, and Giorgio knows better than any of them just how bad the economic situation is. His father is a mafia leader (which has been alluded to), and it’s clear that he has intel into the larger issues in this era. It’s important to note that while we see this clearly in hindsight, it’s perhaps not as clear to those living it day to day. So when he says that he’s doing it for them, he means it. New Orleans in the 1930s is in horrible economic straights, and he was offering the lifeline he has to his friends and the woman he loves. As we’ve now learned, this lifeline is far from perfect (looking at you barren soil and home loan), but when you consider the alternatives and the value of a home itself, it is at least a base to weather the storms of the decade.
However, he knows that Jo would not accept a lifeline, because it would make her dependent and indebted to that person, therefore giving them power over her (which she admits to herself here). So he told himself that he was obscuring part of the truth for her sake, not his own. But then we’re right back to Gio’s underlying, more manipulative reasons, which now color this new dynamic and put Josephine in a situation that while “safer”, ultimately robs her of making an informed choice and meeting Giorgio on equal footing if she had chosen this on her own.
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quigonjinnposts · 2 hours
On hindsight I'm very intrigued by Vernestra's evolution, I wonder what happened to her later in life.
In defy the storm, overwhelmed by grief, she briefly left the order. It always seemed to me she was evolving on the margins, be it with her unique perspective on attachments, with her hyperspace visions or with her lasso lightsaber.
However on the first two episodes of the Acolyte, she reminded me a lot of her late master, Stellan Gios, who was the poster child of the council. Stellan himself had started to question his position in the order with the help of Orla Jareni, but it seems Vernestra enforces a rigid structure, which could put the entire order at risk. I guess living more than a hundred years either gives you a larger perspective others don't have access to or makes you loose sight of the present. I can't wait to see more of her !!
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gnzma · 1 year
What are some things you are tired of seeing in the RPing community?
+ Wild card: The mun discusses any situation/problem they want.
[ gio once again uses munday to complain ; ACCEPTING ]
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[ i'll say it once i'm going to say it again: the occasional lack of partecipation when it comes to sending stuff and filling interest checkers and, most importantly, reblogging promos. it really feels like it comes in waves. right now i feel like we're back in our Lets Try To Send Stuff era and i'm forever grateful, but i know that in a matter of weeks we're going back to just reblogging prompts and that's about it
let's just... appreciate it while it lasts. or make it last as much as i can
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as for the wild card are you ready for the hottest take of my life??? magic anons were never that good
i mean yea like. 5% of them were okay, but most were used to either metagame or to do useless boring stuff like "male muse is now a girl XD" or "your muse is now a baby" which lead to everyone trying to pick them up and be. genuinely creepy in hindsight i'm going to say it when it comes to magic anons we see those memories with rose tainted glass. ]
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flawcdexistence · 2 years
closed for @illicitlcve​ .
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a combination of adrenaline and arousal runs rampant beneath her skin. sparks of energy illuminating in the proximity of him, as seems to be the case lately. every time she’s around him, her knees tremble, her skin feels like it’s on fire, and her panties are ruined by the wetness she feels from the hard stab of arousal twisting in her gut. now is no different, except her jaw aches from the force of the grip the other alpha had on her before gio showed up. in hindsight, it probably hadn’t been the best idea to go out on her own this close to her heat cycle, as her pheromones are likely off the charts, but rosie doesn’t like being cooped up. she likes to spread her wings, to do party, to do what she wants when she wants to, which is why she’s denied the strong pull between her and the alpha currently panting in front of her for so long. “i could’ve handled it,” rosie bites out instead of asking him if he’s alright, instead of addressing the fact that he’s just knocked out another alpha who’d had his hands all over her. all she wants to do is drop to her knees in front of him, to bare her neck and submit to him. she presses back against the wall of the club instead, brick biting into her bare skin. “you could’ve killed him.” 
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jon-astronaut · 3 years
Skam Italia College AU - Chapter 13 : Operation
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Monday 13:40 - Martino
Standing next to Nicco in a practically pitch black room wasn’t doing the best for Marti’s nerves. It was literally called a dark room. And, true, Marti had weeks to prepare himself for this, but instead, he kept hanging out with Nicco under the sun or in bright places, constantly re-scheduling this learning how to develop films thing.
“So, it’s really easy to do. I already prepared the solutions here.” Nicco said showing two big containers. “One is for the picture to appear and the other is for it to be set.”
Marti just shook his head up and down and wiped the sweat off of his hands to his jean. He could hear Gio or Eva making fun of him at the back of his mind.
“I swear it’s not complicated.” Nicco said with a little laugh and Marti knew Nicco did that to calm him down but it did the opposite effect.
Nicco’s laugh only made him more nervous and more unsure of where to put his hands.
“Yeah, yeah. I trust you.” Marti was only ably to say with an anxious smile.
“Back in the days it used to be so hard, they say.” Nicco continued moving onto the machine. “But now, you just cut up the piece of the film and put it here…” he added now, showing what to do on the machine. “…and put the photography paper underneath. Do the scaling and voila.” He finished off with a smile.
Meanwhile, to be able to see better Marti had gotten really close to the machine so close to Nicco. He wasn’t faking it; Marti actually wanted to pay attention to everything Nicco was talking about. Photography was something Nicco was passionate about and Marti respected that. He was getting to know Nicco for the past weeks and this was knowing him too.
This closeness though, didn’t work quite as well as he planned because as soon as Nicco’s sentence was over he turned his face to Marti and now, there were mere inches between them.
Marti knew it was his turn to talk but with their hands and lips and bodies almost touching with him feeling Nicco’s breaths on him, Marti was just speechless. Either he imagined it or it actually happened but Marti could swore he saw Nicco move forward and he did too.
But, of course, the door flung open at that moment.
“Oh, shit.” somebody cursed. “I didn’t realize you were working Nicco. Hope I didn’t ruin the film.”
Yeah, you ruined something, Marti thought but kept his mouth shut because one, he was well behaved and two, how the hell would he even say that out loud.
“No, no. We didn’t start yet.” Nicco said taking a few steps back. While Nicco was talking with his friend he kept looking at Marti and Marti’s nervousness left its place to a sweet excitement.
Luca’s POV
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Luca’s POV (continued)
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Malik’s POV
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Nicco’s POV
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Giovanni’s POV
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Wednesday 19:28 - Giovanni
“Drinking with me means talking, you know that right?” Giovanni asked to Elia and took a big sip from his drink.
“Oh, yeah. People have warned me.” Elia said rolling his eyes. “Is it okay if I smoke here?” Elia asked basically pointing around in the living room.
“Well, I smoke and Marti is a social smoker and half the people that comes to our house smoke something so it’s fine.” Gio replied with a little smile.
Giovanni thought, in hindsight, maybe they should stop smoking. He was one of the people that was aware of the harms of nicotine and kept on going. At least he wasn’t getting high anymore and that was something.
“So why are you smoking?” Gio asked a few seconds later with raised eyebrows.
“You know nicotine is very addictive. Once you try it, you can never let go.” Elia shot back with a smirk.
Gio laughed a little and felt like he finally met his match.
“Come on.” Gio started throwing his head to a side and shaking his empty hand in the air. “Give me something. A theme. Family? School? More personal?” Gio started counting. “Love?” he finally said with a cheeky smile.
Elia shook his head and laughed at every item up until the last one. It caused a second of silence followed by a more awkward laugh.
“For you information…” Giovanni continued taking a sip from his beer. “People call me ‘the wizard of love.’” he finished off with a smirk.
Well, this did not translate as well as he hoped to Elia because he bursted out laughing. Gio reached for the closest pillow to throw into Elia’s face but unfortunately there was no pillow within his arms’ reach.
“Yeah, and that's why you have that look on your face whenever someone mentions Eva’s name.” Elia said still laughing.
Gio wanted to argue but he knew what Elia was talking about. It was like knee-jerk reaction. He just couldn’t stop himself from tuning into the conversation with knitted eyebrows whenever Eva’s name was mentioned. He was curious. It was Eva.
“Okay, then, talk to me because I could understand.” Gio replied with a half smirk, trying to play it cool.
A few seconds passed and Gio saw something shift in Elia’s eyes. It was like he weighed off the options, Gio knew that sometimes the distance helps and they knew each other shorter than any of Elia’s other friends.
“We weren't exactly dating.” Elia said finally with a sigh. “Not like you and Eva.” he continued while peeling off the tag on his beer. “I wanted more and…” a beat and Elia continued without looking up. “…he didn’t.”
Giovanni remembered the time Marti came out to him: all nervous, scheduling a special FIFA date. Right now, Elia just threw that information in. It was casual so Gio needed to act casual too, to match his energy.
“Well, that sucks.” Giovanni said with a shrug and Elia looked up. “But I bet, you can always find somebody better. I mean who wouldn’t want Elia Santini.”
With that Elia chuckled a little and then started laughing. He reached to Giovanni and raised his bottle so that they would clink them together.
“Cheers, I’ll drink to that.” Elia said, still laughing.
some notes: well, hello, hello. look who it is, me! coming back, what, like 3 months later. in my defence, universities aren’t really understanding about that fact that we are in a pandemic and all and they prefer to drown us in school work. anyway, i do plan do continue this story in a more calculated and organized way even if only a few people read it because i do enjoy writing it. as always, open to any feedback!
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glcrification · 3 years
╰ shiloh & old beginnings.
mindlessness is a bullshit tune that, to giovanna, sounds like the ringing of a high-pitched, trilling bell resounding in the thick summer air, and the relay of a hundred or more families’ laughter knocking on the cracked door of giovanna’s chest. gio looked around at her surroundings with a soft, parasitic gaze, wanting at once to taint all of it with her bad mood and, at the same time, leech every ounce of happiness from it to save for herself when she was alone later. she smiled like a giddy child at the sight: husbands showing off their strength for their wives, beside girls only a little bit older and a little bit younger than her twenty-three-year-old stature praying tonight would be a turning point in their minuscule, lackluster lives. it made her sick with happiness to be home. if there was one thing that made her feel electric and alive, it was the joy of being hidden in her hometown, letting cotton candy swirl kindly around her index finger, knuckles reddened from a day of gripping necks of wine bottles she couldn’t afford to drop and knitting tight patterns in a rocking chair beside her mother. everything gio knew about herself was simultaneously trapped in the essence of this humid, bright town that smelled of sea salt and sweat, as well as hidden somewhere far away from it in a safe she’d never be able to afford to unlock. it was hell, but it was her hell.
a glimpse of familiar black hair and the smell of chlorinated, salty freshness jump-started gio back into the world she loved to hate immersing herself in. immediately, her heart switched into overdrive and sent a flush up her chest and under her tired eyes. melting into the ambience she tried hard to stand out from regardless, she said in a soft assertion, “i’m not going home yet, owen...” gio let her peripheral gaze toward the figure on her left, inadvertently tensing her knuckles into a fist and letting them relax as she approached the carnival game, “we’re playing at least one game before we leave. it’s tradition, and i’m not leaving tomorrow morning unless i’ve got something to show for it.” 
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owen rolled his eyes at her and began bickering about the carnival game always being rigged with shiloh as judge, and other things giovanna was rarely interested in since her high school crush on one of her brother’s best friends had faded into a quiet, bashful drumming against her sternum. if gio was honest, she knew she tripped into shiloh’s life purposefully--often with intent and selfish rigor. in hindsight, the statement appeared to her out of the blue, and was pointed toward the comfort of seeing shiloh behind the cheap wooden counter of a familiar carnival game for the first time in what felt like too long, but might’ve only been a week at most. she yearned to see him look at her. she yearned to listen to him speak. “hey,” she said, the word rolling sweetly out of her practiced and intelligent smile. her eyes lingered on his features for an unabashedly long time, walking closer to brush her nails softly on the counter, pretending not to beckon for his attention as she leaned toward him and shot him a deceivingly private smirk in the midst of a crowd of people surrounding them, “do you know how much money a girl has to pay to win a prize around here?”
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nicolinocolino · 4 years
Marti x Nico fic rec list
Inspired by: 1) the ask I got requesting nicotino fic recs 2) the lack of fic rec posts in this fandom and 3) my own procrastination
my personal favorites are marked with a ★
explicit fics are marked (E)
and incomplete chaptered fics are marked with ✐
canon-compliant/divergent & post-canon & slice of life
Martinese by ginnyred ★ summary: Nico has always been fairly good at languages.
Londra A/R by ginnyred ★ summary: i miss you already. Or, Marti leaves on a four-day school trip to London.
tre giorni by akmongs ★ summary: "I think this summer is going to be good." Snippets of Marti and Nico's life over three days.
maybe... by Princess_sized summary: Hi! I didn’t like the idea of Marti being so upset after the fundraiser and not seeing any kind of resolution for him so... here ya go! Ele’s POV because it’s her season, of course.
Matched by ginnyred summary: When Marti told him the five-a-side football tournament began in two weeks, Nico smiled gently and said: “That's great. Is Chinese okay for dinner?” With hindsight, he might have underestimated the whole thing a little bit.
tell me what you need by crucios (E) summary: There's something a little off-kilter tonight that Marti can't pinpoint. Nico's smile doesn't quite reach his eyes and there's a strained and anxious sort of energy thrumming through him. Like it's just under the surface of his skin but hasn't quite broken through.
quicken the heart by crucios summary: The words come spilling out a bit like a cup clumsily overflowing. Marti can feel his cheeks heat up a little. It's not even that he's embarrassed. Not really. It's Nico. He can tell Nico anything. It's just... a strange thing to hear himself say. Before Nico he had never properly imagined that he would ever be this intimate with someone—intimate enough to be able to have conversations like this.
clean breaks by ladyballs_and_manboobs summary: Mamma Rametta angst or Nicotino angst? Why not both!
let me face hurricanes by ladyballs_and_manboobs summary: Martino's courage is tested.
he ain't heavy by ladyballs_and_manboobs summary: Chapter 1: Gio reflects on Marti's confession (Episode 6) Chapter 2: Gio becomes the Love Magician (Episode 7) Chapter 3: Gio gets to know Marti's boyfriend better (Episode 8) Chapter 4: Gio takes care of his boys after the fight (S3)
Old Flames by claudinedelyon summary: Through sheer bad luck, Martino never receives Nico's post-its or the antidote. The next time they see each other, ten years have passed and they are back in very familiar territory.
don't know where you start, and where i begin by akmongs (E) summary: Marti thinks another reason why they have anticipated this trip so much is this. Having a hotel room to themselves for five nights. No one else's schedule dictating how much time they have. No one interrupting them. No biting his hand to keep quiet when Nico slips a hand in his boxers while his mom is sleeping next door. Just the two of them, alone in a room with a double bed and what feels like endless hours to spend wrapped in each other.
Forget The World Outside by givemesumaurgravy summary: “Stay with me,” Niccolò says, and it’s not so much a question as a request, one that Martino could never deny him. Martino would stay forever if Niccolò let him. Or, what happens after the pool kiss scene.
Buttons by Princess_sized summary: “I know it sounds crazy, but I never meant to hurt you.” Or, Marti starts wearing his shirts buttoned all the way up sometime between the end of their 3rd year and the start of 4th. This is why.
pda (private displays of affection) by lamourestout summary: s3 ep2 missing scene (except not really since it's not marti's season anymore) but after nico whispered to marti and they left while ele and eva were talking aka making out in edoardo incanti's guest bedroom because they're very in love with each other
Unforgivable by ginnyred summary: There is a moment, it lasts maybe a couple of seconds, in which Marti wonders if Nico has been listening to him at all. But then Nico looks at him. Really, really looks at him and Marti knows he knows. “What is it that you're ashamed of?” Nico asks, kind but resolute. He kisses his forehead and holds Marti's face in his hands. “Betraying your friend's trust? Or the feelings you had for him?” Marti tells Gio, but first he tells Nico.
alternate universe:
Nico the fitness trainer AU by ladyballs_and_manboobs ★ ✐ summary: Martino has to take pilates classes with the girls after losing a bet to Elia. It doesn't turn out as bad as he feared.
For art's sake by ginnyred ★ summary: Being an art critic, Marti thought he knew what posh artists were like. Not bothering to show up at one's own art opening has got to be a new low, though.
focal point by GiuliaMed ★ summary: Finding new friends is Niccolò's priority after changing schools, but somewhere along the line, one of the four boys he meets becomes more important. Snapshots of Nico slowly falling in love.
Mezzo Forte by silver_etoile summary: Martino knows falling for a straight guy is bad news, but his heart just doesn't seem to listen.
but nothing ever stops you leaving by akmongs (E) summary: Nico moves to Milan after university. Marti doesn't cope as well as he thought he would. Over a month since they last saw each other, he decides to book a train and surprise him.
Threading the Needle by claudinedelyon summary: Anybody who has so much as met Martino could probably tell fashion is not his biggest passion in life. But he has rent and bills to pay so he will happily take the position offered by Brava, a small but growing clothing company. The fact that the job turns out not as crappy as he feared and that the people working there welcome him with open arms, those are all perks that just make his life easier. And the presence of one dark-haired designer who seems to draw great amusement from his lack of knowledge or interest in the company's line of business, well, it's something else entirely.
Do you Feel a Comma in your Heart? by claudinedelyon summary: Martino is a professional, somewhat experienced, translator. He's worked with all kinds of proofers before, and it's mostly gone well. And then, he's introduced to the new proofer who is working with him on his latest project and has got green eyes, an infectious smile and opinions on the proper use of commas.
Io non ci credo, alle giraffe by Akira14 ✐ summary: Once upon a time, there was a boy who couldn’t sleep. This is the story of his quest for a cure, for the song of a wounded soul and the tears of a mythical creature. And what if he finds love, along the way? Love... Everybody seems so obsessed with that, but Martino had seen with his own eyes how dangerous, how painful, it was to fall for someone and he would rather avoid it. Will he?
Bewitched by ginnyred summary: Marti looks down at himself. Long, lean pianist fingers that are not his at all. He's swimming in his blue t-shirt, suddenly a lot slimmer. He puts his hands in his hair and it's weird because the feeling is familiar, but the angle is wrong. He touches his face, the long line of his nose, his jaw and prominent cheekbones. “What the fuck?” he whispers, looking up again, and his own voice startles him with how deep it is. “I'm you!”
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angelicspaceprince · 4 years
Ruined Suits
Author: Toby
Title: Ruined Suits
Pairing: Scarafaggio/Reader, Reader/OC
Character/s: Scarafaggio
Word Count: 2, 882 words
Warnings: Smut (18+ only please), BDSM, caning, collaring, being chained to the floor. All sorts. Also, I don’t really write Gio, so proceed with caution.
Tags: N/A
Prompt: You had no idea that Gio would even own a suit so expensive. In hindsight, his punishment for you was for good reason.
Notes: So, basically, there was some discussion a while ago in the discord about the dons catching you wearing their clothes. I, personally, wasn’t there when it went down but.....it left me for some food for thought. Gio isn’t my fave, this was more for a friend than anything else, so at the end it might be OOC? Idk, I’m still testing him out.
Requests are open, commissions are back open. HMU if you want anything so we can talk it out.
Buy Me a Coffee
Ruined Suits
In your defence, you had no idea that the suit was nearly $100, 000. The words ‘Dormeuil Vanquish II’ meant nothing to you. What did mean something to you, was that it was soft, it smelt nice and it was Gio’s. Gio, the man with good taste, the man who wants you to be comfortable. The man who would murder you if he found out you were stretching and warping the shape of his expensive suit as you wandered around the smoking room, fiddling with his cane, giving out fake orders in a very, very poor imitation of the man
It amused you, mostly because you knew you wouldn’t get caught. Gio was off at some function and wasn’t meant to be home for at least another hour or so-
“What are you doing?” You pause at the sound of a very, very unimpressed voice filling the room. You slowly, slowly turn to face Gio, taking note of the red beginning to thread through his hair. He takes in the sight of you, oversized pants scrunched up at your feed, a shirt that was meant for Gio being stretched out, even though you left some buttons undone in order not to pop them with your chest, his blazer and shirt sleeves rolled up so you had your hands free and his cane currently being used as a baton. 
Your hands move as you bounce your two pointer fingers together, your other fingers curled in with your thumbs standing up, pouting up at him as you try to cute yourself out of the situation. “I thought I looked adorable?”
He. Was not impressed. “Take it off.”
“Make me.” The words fall from your lips before you have a chance to hold them back, but you stand your ground. No, this was your time to be the top. You were in charge.
“Y/N. I’m going to count to three.” He warns, taking a step forward, out of the doorway and closer towards you. His presence fills the room more than he actually does, almost intimidatingly so. But even then. He can’t knock you down, not when you are on your high horse.
“No.” You say again. “I’m Daddy now.”
Gio doesn’t respond with words more as he just lets out a growl and charges towards you. In that split second, your bravado waivers and you make a mad dash out of the room and towards the safety of your bedroom.
But he doesn’t chase after you, oh no. He takes his time, smelling you out as he slowly follows. It feels like he is in every corner of every room like Gio had managed to fill the house with himself. Every shadow appeared to be intimidating, every closed door just another place where Gio could be hiding, waiting for you. Every time you trip over the too-long pant legs, you stumble and look around the room, a deer in headlights, fearing that he would be just behind you. He never was. And that felt more terrifying than if he was in the room.
You manage to get up the stairs, breathless already as you pause to take a breather - knowing that you were using up valuable time. You are certain Gio is behind you, less than an arms-length away. Your belief only strengthens when you can hear him talking, clear as day. As if he was right there beside you. “Where is it you think you can hide from me? I know this house better than anyone, little mouse, I built it from the ground up. I know every brick, every pipe, every little pebble that is in this house, as well as every little hiding space that my home has to offer. If you think there is a single alcove or crevice that would keep you from me, you are sorely mistaken. You will never escape me, piccolo coniglio. So it’s best that you don't even try." His voice is low, echoing, full of an ancient power you forgot that he had, that being reason alone for causing a shiver to run down your spine. If you concentrate, it is almost like it is seeping out of the walls around you. Perhaps giving chase was a bad idea to begin with. Perhaps you should just give up now, hope he grants you mercy. That would be the saner idea.
You keep running.
By some miracle, you end up in your room, diving under the bed, trying to level and control your breathing as you listen carefully, hearing carefully measured footsteps enter each room and walk out. You were hoping that you wearing his clothes would, at the very least, hinder his endeavour to find you, just enough for you to escape to Zhuk or Bee, someone who can protect you from the angry Italian.
You managed to get one more breath before the door to your room opens. You curl in on yourself, wanting to be as small as possible as he slowly paces the room, audibly sniffing at the air. Your heart comes to a pounding stop when you realise he’s stopped walking, stopped sniffing. He’s just standing somewhere in the room but you have no idea where. A dark chuckle rings in your ear, causing a shiver to run down your spine. “Oh piccola, did you really think you could hide from me in here?” His amusement comes off in waves as you cling to his cane, ready to use it to defend yourself at any moment.
The hand that shot out in the dark to grab your ankle causes you to jolt in shock and scream as he drags you out from under the bed. “Wait, wait Gio, hang on-”
The sound of tearing fabric causes both of you to go still. You look down to see the back of his blazer and shirt were torn, having gotten caught on something on the way out. Your eyes quickly dart back over to Gio, swallowing when you see how angry he is. “It was an accident?” You say, hoping it’d be enough that he’d let you go and focus on his poor suit instead.
With a yelp, he has you over his shoulder, arms holding you down as he marches back down to the smoking-room, where it all began. No matter how you squirm, how much you plea, how hard you kick at his chest, his grip on you stays firm as he continues his march downstairs.
He, less than gracefully, throws you to the floor. In an act of adrenaline fuels desperation, your hand swings out with his cane in hand, hoping to get a good strike to his legs in order for you to make your escape. He calmly grabs at your wrist, yanking the cane from your hand before letting go and staring down at you, looming over you, finally giving a one-word command. “Strip.”
You have pushed and pushed and pushed at this point. The idea of disobeying more was not one you think you should follow through on. You slowly stand and start to disrobe, throwing item of clothing after item of clothing on the ground, wincing when you see how large of a rip Gio dragging you out of the bed had caused. When you stand there, just in your bra and panties, eyes to the ground as you sway awkwardly, Gio looks up from what he’s doing, tutting softly, disapprovingly. “All of it.” He prompts.
You swallow before undoing your bra and throwing it on top of the pile of clothing you have managed to create before carefully, slowly, peeling down your panties, leaving you completely bare. He hums, happy with what he sees as he walks in a slow circle around you, taking in every inch of skin he can see. You swallow when he stops in front of you, trying your best to remain quiet as his hand comes over to brush against your neck. You can feel the heavy leather of the collar resting in his hand as it slides against your skin and is locked shut.
“Kneel.” Comes his next command. You feel your knees hit the ground before you can even register what your body is doing. “Face against the ground.” You whimper but do as instructed, your ass staying up in the air as you do so. A faint click in front of you is your only warning before you feel his hand dart towards your collar, another click confirming your fate as you try to lift your head up only to be held back down. A small chain keeping your head close to the floor. You readjust, knees spreading slightly as you struggle to regain your balance.
You can hear him actively planning on what to do next as he walks around you, admiring you like he would one of his paintings, kneeling for him, spreading for him, presenting for him. “That suit is ruined, Y/N.” He starts, voice even and careful. “Do you know how much it will cost me to replace it?”
“I’m sure you can find the money to afford it.” You mutter out. A swish can be heard throughout the room before a loud crack echoes down the hall. You yelp as the sting left by his cane starts to heat up.
He tuts disapprovingly. “Have we already forgotten what to do during punishment?”
You swallow back another witty remark. “No.” There is a beat and you can almost feel him reaching to give you another whack with the cane. “Sir.” You finally tag on. “One, thank you Sir, may I have another Sir?” You grit out. This was unfair, it was an accident, why were you being punished for this?
He hums, accepting your begrudging count. “Now, piccolo coniglio, let’s count your transgressions.” He starts. “One, wearing my suit without permission, two, disobeying me when I told you to remove it, three, running away after being told to come to me, four, ruining my suit when you hid from me and five, your never-ending bratty, bratty behaviour.” He counts off. “One strike per misdeed? I believe that's fair.” You don’t even dare challenge him on that, once his mind is made up, there is no going back. “Y/N.” He warns.
“Yes Sir. That’s fair.” You mutter, mentally preparing for the rest of your punishment.
He hums approvingly. “Good.” Is all he says as he finally finds his stance behind you. “Four more to go, piccola, count them.” He reminds.
A whistle through the air is your only warning before a loud ‘crack’ fills the room. You grunt as you move forward slightly to try and escape the source of the sting and the heat currently radiating from your backside. A clearing of the throat prompts you. “Two, thank you Sir, may I have another Sir?”
There is a beat before the familiar sound of his cane rushing through the air can be heard and you try to relax in time for the feeling of wood hitting skin, the rush of blood and the painful throbbing sting that follows. You don’t miss it this time. “Three, thank you Sir, may I have another Sir?”
The following two strikes are just as hard as the others, and you are certain you are going to have welts that will make it difficult to sit down for a few days. Each strike is followed by your count, your final one you leave out the last part of your scripted response, as per Gio’s liking. There is a semi tense silence that follows as the tears in your eyes that had started to well after the fourth strike threaten to spill over. It hurt so bad but oh so, so good.
The feeling of cool leather gently palming against the sorest part of your ass breaks you from your thoughts with a gasp, it helping settle the pain currently burning under your skin. “You did so well, piccola.” He purrs, hand slowly drifting down, moving to cup at your dripping wet heat. “I suppose a reward is in order, yes?”
Before you even have a chance to respond, you feel a leather-clad finger slowly work its way inside of you, followed by a second as he stretches you out slightly. He begins to pump his fingers inside of you, pressing up against all those sensitive spots that only Gio seemed to know how to find. His rumbling chuckle vibrates down your back from his chest when you whine as he begins to narrowly miss that one spot he had been teasing, his lips pressing against your neck as he slowly pulls out, his fingers moving to rest against your mouth.
“Clean them.” Your mouth drops at his order, sliding over the smooth material of his gloves as you suck your slick clean off of them, a mix of leather and something undeniably you dancing on your tongue as you map each groove, each divet, along the stitching and along the seams. You can feel your eyes roll back into the back of your head as you work on autopilot, going over the material covering his hand again and again until all traces of you disappears and the flavour of expensive leather grows stronger and stronger until it’s all you can taste. You are so lost in continuing to run your tongue between his fingers that you don’t feel the blunt probing of his cock against your entrance until the stretch of him filling you once more makes you realise what he’s doing. With a broken moan around his fingers, you push back until he bottoms out inside of you, filling you completely as Gio presses his body against yours with a grunt.
You wait for him to move, but the seconds keep ticking by and he’s taking. Too. Long. You press back, the slightly muffled ‘move’ leaving your lips, causing him to chuckle again, teeth nipping at your skin. “Hush now, coniglietto. Let me take care of you. You were doing so well for me, piccola, don’t ruin that now.” He warns before he gently rolls his hips, making sure you feel the drag of every inch of his length as he slowly starts to fuck you against the carpet, your small moans only growing into a slow crescendo as he picks up his speed, his hand slipping from your mouth as his glove disappears in time for his fingers to press into your hips as he pulls you back against him, nails digging in until small scratches start to appear beneath them, small praises falling from his lips, whispered gently in your ear.
You can feel a heated coil in your belly start to tighten just as his hand starts to drift down, fingers moving to play expertly with your clit. Your moans turn into grunts, your grunts turn to cries as he brings you closer and closer to that edge. You tighten around him, feeling the coil in your belly burst as warmth shudders through you, clenching around his cock as you come with a loud cry. You can barely hear his praises, his hips beginning to fall out of rhythm as he approaches his release. You feel his lips press a gentle kiss just below your collar as he spills inside of you, causing you to whimper as your body finally gives out and you collapse onto the floor with a loud ‘thud’, eyes fluttering closed as exhaustion takes over your body.
When you come to, you’re back in Gio’s bed, feeling clean and warm as you lay in his arms under silk sheet, his hands tracing at your skin lightly as he lets you wake up fully. “Good morning, piccola.” He greets, amusement in his voice.
“Mornin’.” Is all you get out, voice thick with sleep as you snuggle up closer towards him, resting your chin on his chest.
“What did we learn?”
“That expensive material tears easy and that it really shows that money doesn’t equal quality?” A low growl rumbles from his chest as you move to press a kiss against his skin. “I just wanted to see how it felt to wear something like that, that’s all. And, ya know. I think I looked pretty damn good in that suit.”
“Indeed it did. Worth every cent.” He sounds almost proud.
“I’m sorry that I ruined it though, I didn’t mean to-”
“Get caught?”
“......well yes but I also didn’t mean to ruin it.”
He hums. “I could buy a hundred more if I wished, tesoro. There is no need to fret about it now. What’s done is done.”
“How much was it anyway?” You pale when he tells you the price, feeling rather than seeing his smirk, feeling his lips against the top of your head as he tells you not to worry about it. “I feel like I need to make it up to you though.” You confess, a small sound of surprise leaving your lips when he pulls you up so you’re sitting in his lap as he lays flat against the bed, a playful smile on his lips that few got to see, eyes glinting with promises of future plans you are yet to be informed of.
“I think we can think of something.”
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timoswerner · 4 years
this is a long post that is just me rambling about this season lol ignore it
this season.... was a ride. after the ucl final i really thought we were gonna do a bit of a liverpool, you know lose the final then improve the next season. we bought tanguy and gio and i was though yeah this is it!!!!! and.... it wasn’t
the champions league run had really papered over the cracks and i had definitely ignored that our form since Christmas that season was like. relegation level. something had gone wrong somewhere. the players were done. poch just lost it, whether it was all the talk of him going to united or the final broke him. whatever, we took the bad form in the new season. honestly that week where we lost to colchester, bayern and brighton was truly embarrassing. bayern and brighton definitely should not have happened like that. the players gave up.
i love poch, i always will. but honestly... he did need to go. i know thats probably controversial but i’m gonna stand by it. i was gutted at the time and i was SO vocal about not wanting jose lmao i was full on having a breakdown at work the next day when he was announced. but looking back... yeah it had to happen. the team we’d grown to love was done, poch was done. personally looking back he should have left after the final, like that would have been a nice end to the cycle. i’ll always love him, i’ll always be thankful for everything, but all good things come to an end.
anyway, i know people are probably never going to love jose or even like him. i get that, he’s a... character. but fuck who ever would have thought we’d be in a position that JOSE MOURINHO would come and manage us.... things started well, got a bit shaky, getting knocked out the fa cup and the champions league was definitely shit but neither was as embarrassing as the fucking colchester/bayern/brighton week so you know. but he’s taken us from 14th to 6th. i honestly don’t think poch would have pulled us out of it. i think we’re finally seeing the players respond to jose (aside from today lol i started typing this last week) and quite frankly i don’t give a shit if the footballs boring if it means we’re winning games. playing ‘nice’ football at the end of the day got us nowhere in terms of wanting trophies (i still maintain that trophies aren't the be all and end all of football but when you get so close so many times it starts to get frustrating). in hindsight i definitely feel like we a bit too much of an underdog mentality, so when we weren’t winning those semi finals or whatever it was ‘well we weren’t expected to anyway’. which is yeah true, but jose isn't going to settle for that, obviously what he’s said about winning europa might come back to haunt us but god that’s the mentality we need. the manager and players both need to believe they can do it.
looking back at our summer signings.... well..... we got who, according to every journalist, poch wanted. we did spend money. gio, well, what can i say. every time someone says put him in the 16/17 team and we’d have won the league i want to cry a bit.i don’t know why poch wasn’t playing him, like it was always kinda frustrating how he didn’t play new players because they needed time to settle or whatever but the fact that he forced us to buy him in january by absolutely taking responsibility and playing for his life. yeah, we’ve got a good one there. tanguy... i don’t even know. i want him to do well, obviously. and he’s got the talent, you see it in flashes. but god it’s so frustrating like is he lazy? does he have an attitude problem? or like can literally only do it in bursts? is jose just being a cunt? i just don’t get what's going on honestly. i hope whatever it is, that it gets sorted quickly because if he is a real talent we don’t want to waste it and if the problem is tanguy then we can't afford to have passengers. kinda feel like his season has summed ours up quite well. i feel a bit sorry for sess, he’s had injuries and it’s not really a great time for a young player to come to the club. he’s definitely still got a lot of potential so hopefully he can kick on next season. jack clarke... literally don’t know. 2 loans and wasn’t playing much (i don’t know how much he was playing for qpr by the end but i know at first he wasn’t getting a game) but my estimations went down about him after finding out he called maya jama a slag that dont sit right with me anyway thats actually irrelevant lol but theres a chance that only 1 of our signings is gonna make it and that, quite frankly, isn’t good. whatever happens, we have to look at our recruitment because it hasn't been good for a while now.
but yeah, its been a weird season. it was write off before poch even left so to get 6th is beyond good, let’s be honest. god knows what next season will bring, but i’m interested to see what jose will do with us with a full season and hopefully refreshing the squad
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lancelotslair · 2 years
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idk I think its neat when pokemon, especially starters, take on small traits that resemble their trainers, also put items on your pokemon this has been a psa
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inmyarmswrappedin · 4 years
Can you rank the isak/Jonas friendship in terms of friendship dynamic and the characters individually
Hi anon 🍃 lol sorry, this is so late. I hope you’re still paying attention to these. 
Isak/Jonas: It's funny because, in hindsight, I feel like other remakes developed this friendship more, or gave them more dialogue so that certain things were explicitly expressed (like the Jonas' remorse about the homophobic jokes of yesteryear), or they simply come across as closer friends because we get more insta content. But I think that both Isak and Jonas are fully realized characters. I love Jonas Vasquez and I can totally see why Isak idolized him, even when Jonas was a little shit. And I just about adore Jonas' reaction to Isak coming out, it feels 100% true to his character to take it in, put himself in Isak's shoes and say the one thing Jonas would like to hear if he were telling Isak about a girl. Isak and Jonas may not necessarily be the closest Isak and Jonas pair, but they feel like two good, teenie male friends, and that counts for a lot in my book.
Shay/Marlon: Surprise? I love these two and I think they're tight as fuck. I'm basically headcanoning here, but I think one of the reasons Shay isn't out to everyone yet isn't so much because what other people might say, but what Marlon might think. (And here it helps that Marlon is fairly woke, but nowhere near tumblr standards. We know Marlon will react well because he's a Jonas, but there's some room for uncertainty.) As for Marlon, while I think he's pretty self-centered, I can't help but have some fondness for this dumb teenie who's so devoted to his friends that he's selling his meds in order to make their band happen. I mean, it seems like he's financing their soundcloud rapping career all on his own, and I'm supposed to frown upon his drug dealing ways? Absolutely not. Anyway, I love that Shay and Marlon are friends from way back. I love that Marlon is such a lesbro and that Shay knew she needed to become bff with a white guy for protection.  
Lucas/Jorge: Remake Jonas stans will argue that this or that Jonas figured out early on that their Isak was gay, but Jorge was the only one who canonly noticed early on and tried to be there for Lucas without pushing him. There's a reason that the Spanish boy squad isn't homophobic (and yet, as per one of Lucas' videos, not immediately educated about everything ever) and it's because Jorge would have never allowed that shit. And you know it. Jorge loves the shit out of Lucas, and Lucas knows that he's loved. Sometimes a best friend that you know will always be there is way more important than a love story, and this is true for Lucas Rubio.
Matteo/Jonas A: I was really, really conflicted about these two. I'm more of a David fan, and I generally don't care for Jonas A. But after some soul searching, I realized I couldn't list Matteo any lower than this without feeling like a TRAITOR to him, and for all his faults, Jonas A is a fairly good friend. I feel like there's a lot of love between Jonas and Matteo, but at the same time I also feel like there's nothing much that binds them together? Like, I actually think as the years go by, Hanna will become Matteo's go-to confidante over Jonas, because I feel like she and Matteo have more in common. But that's just, like, my opinion, man.
Lucas/Yann: I'm only rating them this high because I really love Yann, despite how dirty the writing team post s2 did him. The thing is, many Jonases do make homophobic jokes in s1, but the one big gay joke Jonas makes in s1, about Isak only liking gay songs, was not what Yann said in s1. He said Lucas only liked songs for virgins. (I haven't watched s1 a lot so I might be missing some examples.) So I just don't get why Yann had to be scapegoated like that. I would've been fine with it if they hadn't made Yann leaving Lucas at the bench the damn cliffhanger for episode 6, if episode 6 had started with that scene and finished with the table football scene. But Skam France didn't want to have it like that, and yeah, it still bothers me. But I do like Yann, and I thought he was a great friend in s1 and s2.
Lucas/Kes: I feel like I don't have a ton of insight into this friendship, because Skam NL favors visuals over dialogue a lot. I feel like Lucas and Kes are only friends because they're both cool kids in the same way and they go to the same school, but nothing beyond that. Lucas comes across as a free agent, and Kes and Noah read as much closer with each other. That said, Lucas and Kes have the most sexual tension out of any Isak/Jonas pair (I'm thinking specifically of that dancing scene in the cabin episode), in a sort of unspoken way. I don't think Kes is into Lucas necessarily, but I feel like he does pick up on Lucas' crush subsconsciously and fucks with Lucas' head to test his reaction. So they're not the closest of friends in my opinion, but they have a unique dynamic among the pairs.
Martino/Giovanni: The thing about Giovanni is that I've had enough of this dude, essentially. I liked him well enough in s1 and s2, but I love Jonas V more than any Jonas and I really disliked how Giovanni was hailed not just as a better friend than Jonas V, but also the gold standard of what a best friend should be. And it's just weird as fuck to me that every remake Jonas should be compared not to the Skam character, but to a copy of this character played by a more conventionally attractive actor? And like... Don't tell me that's not a factor on why Giovanni has such a fandom, because I saw with my own eyes how Chris/Eva shippers reluctantly shipped Eva/Gio over Eva/Federico, because Giovanni is more gorgeous (and tbh, a better actor) than Federico. But anyway, Martino and Giovanni are fine, I'm just really tired of people bringing Giovanni up in any discussion about the Jonases.
Robbe/Jens: I watched Wtfock before s3 started, and I just never got the appeal of Robbe. I couldn't imagine why people were looking forward to his season because there was nothing interesting about him as far as I could see. (Whereas I find Yasmina more interesting.) As for Jens, I thought the actor was better looking than the one playing Luka, so it's one of those cases where I wondered why anyone would ship Jana/Luka based on looks alone, lol. And then s3 came along, and for whatever reason, the writers decided that they were going to make a plot point of Robbe urgently needing a place to live, and Jens turning down his requests to stay over. It's just so unlike what I'd expect a best friend to do, that I can't fuck with Robbe/Jens at all. I don't care if Jens later became the biggest LGBTI ally, that's a dick move.
Cris/Amira: I don't really consider them an Isak/Jonas pair because they only have like... two scenes that I'd call Isak/Jonas scenes. Cris only ever crushed on Amira in my mind, and only ever ruined Amira's relationships with dudes in my mind, so they don't have that Isak/Jonas history. But I really love how Skam España approached and adapted this friendship for Cris. I love not just that Amira is Cris' Jonas, but how she is Cris' Jonas. They're childhood friends who are becoming two different women, and yet that's not a cause for them to grow apart, but to love and value each other more. Sometimes remakes rely on Skam for exposition, like we have to assume a remake character did this thing because that's the reason the Skam character did it, even if it's not actually stated in the remake in question. With Cris/Amira, Skam España actually relies on Skam to provide some context for who Amira is and what she gets out of her friendship with Cris before we've actually watched her season. We don't know everything that Amira went through when she started wearing hijab, but we can guess based on what we saw in Sana's season. And that's why the Amira/Cris friendship is so powerful, because Cris constantly professes that their friendship is forever. It's one of the cases where knowledge of Skam actually compliments the remake, rather than Skam doing heavy lifting for the remake.
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SkamIT Rewatch: 1x02
- Eva looks so hesitant about adding Eleonora on FB that for a moment I honestly thought she was crushing on her... - Mr Brighi, everybody knows the old “Natale con i tuoi, Pasqua con chi vuoi” adagio, come on - Ohhhhh, Bracciano! Little did we know how important it would get in SkamIT back then... - Well, at least GioEva waited until they got on the bed to start undressing - Martino, you still deserve karma to bite you back and someone walking in while you go down on Nico U_U - “Mia madre ha sbroccato, voleva fare le pulizie” and you help her clean up, Marti, come on! - Martino, what do you think they were going to do alone? Play chess? You totally showed up on purpose... - I loved Marti’s hair in S1 but I’m so happy he ditched the cap, it just doesn’t make sense for him - Gio, you could have found something you ALL enjoyed come on - “Truth or dare” doesn’t make sense in a group of 3 people, Eva... and I find it acceptable only back in middle school when you don’t know better and enjoy other people’s misery - Eva, you should have gone for the heart with a “when is the last time you’ve seen Laura” - “Who’s there?” : well, if that’s a burglar they are sure not gonna answer you Marti! - Are you sure you aren’t the one wanting to make a move on Martino, Elia ;P ? - Well, you should have discussed it with Eva. It’s disgusting how you always make her the villain, Gio.  - Martino the food critic U_U - Gio you’re such a bad liar, come on - Martino, torn between not wanting to lie and being a good friend to Gio turns the question to Eva: good strategy - Oh, I wonder if in S4 Marti’s mind went back to this convo with Eva asking him if Gio was seeing Laura...  - Martino, don’t make you ‘bambi maniaco’ eyes at Eva please. Even though you’re already thinking about Gio’s prowess in bed - Bracciano saw many happy faces :D - Marti is lucky Gio would never press him for details, ‘cause other people would have gone “come on, I did tell you all about that time at Villa Sciarra... and you’ve yet to tell me when you first kissed Nico!” - Awww, Martino is so sweet here. In hindsight I do wonder if he was feeling even more guilty about his crush on Gio because he genuinely likes Eva  - I hope Marti and Elia here can see that Eva is not being the drama queen here, but Giovanni is being quite a jerk - Gio, the biggest problem here is that you think you smoking weed is worse than you telling lies - I love S1 colours so much, especially in the last clip of this episode <3 - Ditch Gio and go for Ele, Eva <3
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alessandrxs-a · 4 years
𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑   𝐅𝐎𝐑   :      @giorxcci   . 𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍   :      gio’s   office   .
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            𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆   𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕   𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒔   across   the   beach   close   to   their   villas   has   become   a   necessity   for   ale   when   he   needs   to   think   .   the   calm   ,   almost   soundless   waves   crashing   as   they   meet   the   sand   on   the   shore   gives   the   scenery   an   almost   tranquil   feeling   .   in   hindsight   ,   perhaps   walking   earlier   would   mean   he   would   be   able   to   enjoy   the   sunset   ,   but   he   likes   the   feeling   of   the   night   .   he   loves   to   see   the   stars   in   the   cloudless   night   sky      &       hear   the   silence   that   comes   with   the   evening   air   .   somewhere   between   walking      &      thinking   ,   his   gaze   filters   upwards   to   the   villa   that   belongs   to   his   brother   ,   drawn   to   one   thing   in   particular      ;      the   light   to   his   study   .   alessandro   knows   giovanni   better   than   anyone   .   they’ve   gone   through   more   things   together   than   most   people   do   in   their   lives   ,   so   he   knows   for   a   fact   that   if   that   light   is   on   at   this   hour   ,   it’s   because   his   brother   is   working   .   with   a   smile   ,   his   feet   carry   him   towards   giovanni’s   temporary   home   ,   offering   a   friendly   greeting   to   the   security   guarding   the   front   door   .   after   taking   the   stairs   ,   he   stops   just   inside   of   the   doorway   to   his   brother’s   office   ,      &      prior   to   taking   one   look   at   giovanni   ,   alessandro   knows   he   was   right   .      ❛      i   know   that   look   ,      ❜      he   points   out   as   he   takes   a   seat   across   from   his   brother   ,   not   bothering   to   wait   for   an   invitation   .   he   doesn’t   need   one   .      ❛      what   are   you   planning      ?      ❜
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tidesreach · 5 years
Calling Gio and Eva toxic is a stretch. It was toxic -- or perhaps it's more accurate to say that they weren't particularly good for each other. But they have had time apart and time to grow. Hindsight offers a new perspective -- they know what not to do, they can learn from their mistakes. Claiming their relationship would be toxic if they were to eventually get back together is ehhh. You can't predict that. People aren't stagnant, they have the ability to grow and learn and mature. Sometimes people find their way back to each other and are all the better for the time apart. I mean, you don't have to want them to get back together. But leave people be who do.
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mentalcurls · 5 years
3.5 Ammucchiate
Here’s a masterpost of my thoughts on and reactions to 3.5 Ammucchiate, translated from this post, that I mostly compiled from my tweets from that day, because I had A LOT to say. They’re not properly in chronological order and I’ve added a couple of observations I made in hindsight at the end of the season.
While the girlsquad is singing “Bello e impossibile”, Emma sings along and she touches Marti’s shoulder to catch his attention and communicate to him something like “Hey, hear me out, I’m singing about you” but he’s impassive, then lowers the sunglasses to his eyes and doesn’t smile until his eyes are hidden by the lenses
“Bello e impossibile”, by the way, stops right when Emma says “Io adoro i gay”/”I love gay people”, so right at the beginning of Niccolò’s roast
So let’s talk about Niccolò roasting Emma: first thing he does is retract his arms from around Marti’s and Emma’s shoulders (breaking the united front of the three “disertori del terrazzo” he himself had established earlier), then he makes the most unimpressed face ever, then he quotes an extreme example that forces a polarization (“Tutti gli arabi sono terroristi”/”All Arabs are terrorists”; this is a bit of a fallacy, but it’s also a pretty smart move because it makes Emma sound homophobic by association and forces Marti to side with Nico in the event he needs to choose between the two of them), while he could have chosen as an example of generalising something like “All women are bad at driving”, which would have been closer to Emma’s personal experience, but also closer to a direct attack on her (therefore counterproductive if Martino had to pick sides)
Kudos to Niccolò for studying Greek and Latin rhetoric very well, and philosophy too, YAY FOR LICEO CLASSICO
Martino’s dumbstruck expression when he breaks away from kissing Emma, aka when he hears that Niccolò has gone to them and is talking to them. Marti, by the way, doesn’t smile at all during the rest of the conversation with Niccolò (whereas when he was alone with Emma he smiled most of the time, but with his eyes hidden by the sunglasses, which makes me think they were fake smiles)
(I do believe Marti’s positive reactions during the conversation about Apparat were genuine)
Niccolò Fares sitting on the couch between two people who were making out until a second before without an hint of shame, which means he not only positions himself near Marti and manages to put his arm around Martino’s shoulders, but he also physically separates his boy from his love rival Emma. An inspiration.
DID THEY REALLY HAVE TO USE ELIO of all possible names, in the year of CMBYN (I know the reference here is to Elio Germano, not Pearlman, but my brain only recognizes some types of references)
LATENT HOMOSEXUALITY  did he really say that oh God help me
Can we talk about the way Niccolò says “homosexuality” in a normal way, the emphasizes “latent” stressing every syllable?
My heart hurts both because of Nico’s little speech about generalising and because of the way Marti and Emma just leave him alone on the couch
Niccolò looking at his hands, his smile disappearing and the corners of his mouth turning down
During Self Control, Martino doesn’t consider Covitti at all, she tries to get his attention dancing closer, putting her arms around his neck, turning his face to kiss him but 2 seconds later he breaks the kiss and even when she goes for his neck he completely ignores her (p.s.: and we know now that Marti actually likes “neck action” a lot so this is very significant)
This lasts until Niccolò starts watching him, of course, then Marti has to try and make him jealous(?)/show off(?)/follow some kind of weird mating ritual (?)
Martino doesn’t stop watching Niccolò even when he stops watching Marti
10 minutes standing ovation for Rocco Fasano’s eyes 🔥🔥🔥
So that was Martino in the Self Control scene, now let’s talk about Eva. Her expressions! At first she smiles, then she sees Marti with Emma and she stops smiling, she studies them, she notices Marti is distracted, then when they start making out she makes a face and turns away (p.s.: she’s definitely disappointed, because at this point the things she knows are 1) that Marti told her he likes her before the summer 2) he allegedly made her and Gio broke up because of that 3) he has gay porn on his phone 4) he hasn’t approached her and he turned her down just a couple of weeks before with an excuse, so up until now her working theory is that he’s gay, has a thing for Gio, lied to her cause he’s in the closet/in denial; except now? he’s kissing Emma? a girl? who’s not her? She feels confused and betrayed, a feeling that stays with her at least until 7.1 Era per lui)
Then there’s Federica, poor thing, heartbroken and for the completely wrong reason
Eva directing everybody to hide any and all evidence of the party is very me tbh
(except that if it was me and I sent one person out with the trash and he DOESN?T COME BACK AT ALL, I’d kill him? I mean, I appreciate the moment as a fan, but not as my group of friends’ designated problem-solver)
Martino and Emma freezing and not doing anything even after Eva yells “Regà che cazzo mi guardate, dai, dai!” and freaks out
Maddalena and Emma are shown while they do the same thing aka taking the red cloth off the lamps (and this details gives me feels that are entirely unreasonable given that I was about to link this detail to Schopenhauer’s Veil of Maya) (p.s.: I mean, there’s definitely a lot of symbolic meaning I couldn’t quite articulate at the time of the clip, because unveiling = revealing and this is the clip in which the boys reveal their mutual attraction beyond any doubt, plus it’s Emma and Maddi “eliminating” the red light which is so important for Marti and Nico’s relationship, it’s their thing for their most intimate moments)
“Elio” and “Colino” keep silent for 11 second after throwing the trash in the bins, 11 second of fidgeting, 11 second of I’m-looking-I’m-not-looking, 11 seconds of awkwardness, 11 secondi of disaster gay Marti not knowing whether to say something or not
BAM! Niccolò smiles, steals a joke from Emma and Martino starts smiling again for the first time since Nico arrived to the party, since he interrupted Emma to kiss her (and no glasses this time!)
God, how sad is this pet name? The allergy pseudo-explanation is even worse, sorry Maddalena, you do you, but Colino is afwul
Martino: ”How long have you been together?” Niccolò: "Since we were 16, but we’ve known each other since middle school. To be honest, we’re more like siblings than anything else. We haven’t fucked in, like, two months.” Let’s analyze this answer: Niccolò gives the information Marti requested, adds a relevant qualifier, then an unnecessary qualifier and another even more unnecessary information (that’s unnecessary when compared with the literal content of the conversation, discounting the context, [which is Niccolò trying to justify his being with Maddalena while undressing Martino with his eyes at every chance to Marti himself])
Marti’s confusion when Nico says “But I can’t break up with her” breaks my hearts, just like the fact that despite everything he genuinely feels bad for Maddalena’s “hypertrichosis”
Seriously, what’s with Niccolò and feet? They’re part of the human body, let them live, or is always mentioning them with a negative connotation some kind of reverse psychology thing to tell the world you’ve got a fetish?
8:53 is the precise time at which Nico cracks and you can see just a hint of a smile at the corner of his mouth AND MARTI SEES IT RIGHT AWAY I mean, with all the Nico-watching he does of course he’s carefully catalogued his every tiny change of expression and of course he can’t possibly not notice
So how much time will Martino lose trying to decide whether Niccolò was only joking about the hobbit feet thing, about the whole hypertrichosis thing or about the fact that he can’t break up with Maddalena, too?
That hint of hope and affection you can read in Nico’s eyes while he’s watching Marti right before he starts to move his pinky (thank you Rocco, ily)
My son Niccolò? who can’t stop smiling? when he’s alone with Marti? and who acts so brave??? going for his hand first????
Martino, you’re such a dumbass though, that’s a classic movie move and you look down like an idiot, look at the stars you can’t see instead, look at the street lamp!
Martino’s absolute lack of chill when he looks down towards their hands as sson as Nico touches him kind of makes me homicidal (because it breaks the convention a classic rom com scene), but it makes his answering, reciprocal move even more significant because it’s intentional (p.s.: over time, I actually got a different perspective on this? And I actually completely love it now, cause it makes sense for Marti, it makes sense for a teenager like him and it gives us a feel of disbelief over the whole situation he has to be feeling too cause that shit happens in movies alright, but not in RL, not to people like him, except it’s happening; on top of that, I love LudoBesse for breaking another stereotypical romantic trope and making our boys fucking FEARLESS - I mean, if something like that happened to me I’d be shitting myself and I would ignore it as hard as possible out of fear that if I pointed it out it would scare the other person away, but that’s me)
And then, a herd of mammoths DARES TO INTERRUPT MY CHILDREN you deserve the worst things, folks
Finally, I would just like to state for the record that I’m kind of disappointed Silvia’s 80s party only had 80s music, Eva and Silvia dressed up kind of eighties and a girl in a Madonna-ish outfit, stop
It’s a real shame, I have see no huge bows, no fluo tutus, no legwarmers, no oversized blazers with the big shoulders, no Memphis group style prints on sweatpants, no Puma-Fila-Kappa-Champions N O T H I N G WHERE’S FIORUCCI? 
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