#hiro and tadashi are night furies in this
drkineildwicks · 2 years
BH6 Snippets - 2/18/2023
Did some work on the Ghost’s Fury sequel last night, we’re up to 22 consecutive chapters so some nice progress going here:
But did he want to learn that?  Part of him did, the part that always wanted to fly higher and farther, the part that was still that young Fury convinced that if he just flapped hard enough, he could reach the sun and pluck it out of the sky.
Another part, the sensible older-brother part, said that learning with the intent to dive in with his little brother on his back was a bad idea. Hiro could get ripped off by the contrary winds, and since he was too small to be able to use his weight against the winds, he’d be whipped around and around until enough ice coated him and the storm had tired of him before being blasted down to the ocean.  You know, if a Skrill didn’t nab him first.
And then there was the fact that a Yokai was wanting to go into the storm with him.  Forget all his reservations about having a Yokai strapped to his back, he didn’t know what the extra weight would do to him, and Hiro would be cross if the storm ripped Obake off his back and dunked him in the ocean.  Granted, it’d be a clean way to be rid of him…but still.
“Not today,” Tadashi said finally, angling away from the storm and towards the Yokai-nest, feeling Hiro and Obake turning to stare back at the towering clouds.  Felt like a pair of hatchlings on his back, the two of them basically on the same misbehaving wavelength.
Was that what bothered him about the two of them together? That either one enabled the other’s actions?  But that involved viewing Obake on an equal level as his brother as opposed to a cunning and dangerous predator.  Forget the fact that dragons themselves were cunning and dangerous predators, Obake had still shot Hiro down and that was a problem.
Tadashi: yes actually flying into a storm IS cool but Obake agrees so I’m against this on principle.
Also of the three mentioned Obake is the only one who isn’t a Night Fury in this.
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big4girl · 4 years
Heyyyy me again! I really loved your last fic so Imma request another, if that's okay! If you're still doing drabbles, could I possibly get a Hiccanna Angel/Demon AU fic with the sentence starter “If you don’t hug me right now I think I might fall apart.”? I'm in the mood for big boi angst lol (also kinda see Hiccup as the demon one here because of the dragon and fire connection, but reversed would be interesting too!)
I think I’ll go for what you suggested since it makes the most sense character-wise! I hope you enjoy!
Angels and Demons coexisted as enemies for many millennia. Good versus evil, light versus dark, virtue versus vice, Heaven versus Hell.
And Anna was okay with this. She was old, far older than the human numbers could reach. She thought she had seen it all. But that was before him.
The first time she was sent to Earth was on her first mission as a Guardian Angel. She had been protecting a little girl with brown hair and brown eyes who loved ice skating and playing with her brother.
Anna admired the way the family interacted; laughing, playing, creating. And how they created an orange and yellow light that kept the darkness away.
She listened intently one night when the little girl asked, “Mommy, why do we light the fire?”
The mother tucked her child securely in her bed, the covers pulled up to her chin. “Because there are evil things in this world, things that want to hurt us, and the fire keeps them away.”
Anna’s feathers ruffled at the mention of evil. How could someone even think about hurting people so innocent? Why they had never done anything wrong.
“Like the boogeyman?”
The mother smoothed back her daughter’s hair. “Yes, my love, like the boogeyman. But the fire keeps him away. You have nothing to worry about. And if the fire ever goes out, you have your guardian angel to protect you.”
Anna felt herself glow a little brighter as her ward’s eyes lit up.
“I bet she’s beautiful,” the little girl whispered.
Her mother kissed her on the head and said her goodnight, placing one of the brother’s head as well. How happy they were. How perfect that moment was.
Then that moment ended.
“Be careful,” the mother chided them.
“We will,” the boy replied with a laugh as his sister pulled him towards the frozen lake.
Anna walked carefully along the treeline above them, keeping a watchful eye, but she wasn’t worried. They had done this a hundred times before, what could go wrong?
How she wished she had paid more attention.
The ice cracked under the little girl’s feet, her sobs being drowned out by her brother's reassurances.
Anna couldn’t move, a force was keeping her rooted to the spot and she was furious.
She watched on in anger and fear as the brother coaxed his sister a few steps forward. The ice cracked, the little girl screamed and Anna was suddenly free from her trap.
She flew forward, grabbing the little girl by the armpits and flying her to the other side of the ice where it was thicker.
Anna smiled as the little girl looked around, her eyes finding her brother’s.
It was a blissful moment that was ruined by the deafening sound of cracking ice.
The brother let out a cry of surprise as it gave way under his feet, pulling him into the freezing waters below.
Anna cried out, but she couldn’t save him, couldn’t even touch him. She wasn’t his guardian angel.
That’s when she saw him.
He was standing on the other side of the pond across from her. He had blood-red eyes and black scales running along his skin. He was frowning and. from a distance, Anna thought he looked angry.
“Hey!” She cried out angrily, leaving her ward’s side for a moment to fly towards the demon.
He disappeared when she reached him. She let out an angry shout before returning to the little girl’s side. Watching her sob as she ran for her parents.
Jack became an angel for his sacrifice.
Anna met him in Heaven. Shook his hand and apologized for not being able to save him. He didn’t hold it against her, just asked for updates on his sister every so often.
Anna would watch over the little girl until she was old and was ready to go.
When she closed her eyes for the final time, Anna was there; her hand out in greeting, ready to take her to Heaven. To her brother.
“I was right.” She said, taking Anna’s hand. “You are beautiful.”
Anna smiled. “I will miss looking after you,”
“You can come to visit me anytime,”
Anna knew it didn’t work that way but didn’t say anything, just smiled and nodded.
They were met at the gates by Jack and her other family members she had lost over the years. The moment she stepped through the gates, she was reverted to her child form, running to hug her brother for the first time in a long time.
Anna would have cried if she were human.
But her heart did feel funny, watching them.
Her next ward was a little girl in Scotland. The girl had a head of curly red hair and a bow and arrows at six years old.
Anna knew she had her work cut out for her.
She watched on from a tree as the little girl played hide and seek with her mother and received a brand new bow from her father, much to her mother’s dismay.
It was beautiful until the little girl screamed.
Anna was up immediately, landing in front of the mother and daughter, using her powers to still the bear until they were safely out of the way. She saw the way its eyes glowed red and she knew that this was no ordinary bear, but a demon-possessed one.
The father and his men charged the bear, pointing spears at it and a rush of panic flew through Anna. No, no, no not again.
The bear moved right past her and she was once again rooted to the spot, unable to move, unable to help in any way.
The bear slashed at the wooden spear, effectively ripping the sharp end of it off.
The father threw the splintered wood aside, ready to take on the monster with his bear-hands.
It roared, ready to go in for the kill.
“NO!” Anna screamed, breaking free of the hold with all of her ability and slamming herself into the bear. It staggered to the side, jaw sinking into the man’s ankle instead of his neck.
Anna watched as the father screamed and the demon came out of the bear.
It was the same one from the lake.
His red eyes met Anna’s gold ones. He seemed surprised, intrigued.
Anna, however, was livid. She lunged at him, only for him to disappear the same as he had before. Anna screamed out in fury.
The father was alive, at the cost of his foot. But he was alive.
And Anna was in trouble.
She was suddenly standing in the blinding white room of her boss.
Not God, much worse.
“Elsa,” Anna replied, turning to see the head Guardian Angel standing before her.
“Άννα,” She repeated, using Anna’s original angel name. “You meddled.”
Anna frowned. “I had to! That demon was going to kill my ward’s father!”
“You cannot meddle, Άννα. You should know better.”
“Come on, I saved somebody! Isn’t that what guardian angels are supposed to do?” Anna argued.
Elsa only gave Anna an icy glare. “I’m sorry. But I cannot allow you to watch over Merida any longer.”
"Acts like this have consequences, Άννα.”
“That’s so stupid! It wasn’t even my fault! If that stupid demon hadn’t been there-”
“Enough,” Elsa said sternly. 
Anna cowered underneath her gaze but was still stewing with anger.
“You are on probation from guardian duties. You will be assigned to another job until it is through.”
Anna was on probation for centuries and it felt like a millennium. When she was finally released on another mission, she was assigned a boy this time.
Who was a troublemaker, of course. She always seemed to get those. But Anna didn’t mind; in fact, she was overjoyed because she was always on the move. Being locked up in heaven will do that to you.
Her ward was living the life. Just accepted into college at fourteen and being praised by his brother.
Anna watched on with admiration as the two talked. Her siblings up in Heaven never showed any emotions, perhaps that came with being an angel, but Anna longed for love.
Maybe that made her a bad angel, she didn’t care. Love was a fascinating prospect.
Then everything went bad. Just like it always does.
Anna noticed the fire right after the two boys did. She flew alongside the two brothers, terrified as she watched multiple guardian angels flying around the place.
Where was Tadashi’s? Anna suddenly realized, looking around to find Rapunzel.
She finally caught sight of her near the sidewalk, completely frozen in place, unable to move, to do anything.
“No,” Anna said with sudden terror. “No, no, no, no-”
She turned to find that Hiro and Tadashi had moved, gone closer to the flames.
“Tadashi no!” Hiro cried, latching onto his older brother’s arm.
“Somebody has to help.”
“No!” Anna cried flying forward, trying to catch Tadashi, but it was too late. All she could do was stand in front of Hiro and shield him from the blast.
Hiro’s cries were faint in Anna’s ears as she looked around the scene. Guardian angels were flying everywhere, following people away from the fire and helping the firefighters put out the blaze, Rapunzel was free from her hold and she was crying, and there was that demon again.
Anna’s eyes landed on him at the steps of the building. He was gazing up at the fire, reflecting ominously in his red eyes.
He wouldn’t get away this time.
“Hey!” Anna cried out.
He didn’t move and Anna flew forward, tackling him to the ground.
He let out a cry of surprise and a grunt as they landed against the hard earth.
“What’s your problem with me, huh? Why do you keep killing the people my wards care about? Every time you’re around one of them dies!”
The demon below her didn’t say anything, just took on her wrath with surprising calmness.
This made Anna even more furious. “You don’t feel guilty at all? Ha. Should expect that from filthy demons like you! You probably take pleasure in killing people-”
“We don’t kill people,”
“What?” Anna asked, glaring at him.
The demon cleared his throat, as the best he could with Anna sitting on his chest. “We don’t kill people. We just cause chaos. Posses them, mess with them, make bad things happen, yes, but we don’t kill people.”
“Then how do you explain-”
“Do you think you guardian angels would let us get that far? We can’t overpower you, you know that. So, how can we kill anyone?”
Anna’s mouth went dry at his words.
No. He had to be lying. He had to be.
“Then how are these people dying?”
“Don’t ask me. Maybe you should take it up with the higher authorities.”
Anna’s world was crashing down around her. Heaven wouldn’t- they couldn’t-
“It’s not the Devil who chooses when people die, Angelface.”
Anna ripped her hands off him, stumbling backward, trying to get away from him.
“Then why were you there? Every time you were there.”
“We’re in tandem, I guess. I’m just a worker Demon. Like you. At least” - he frowned. “-I was.”
“We are nothing alike.” Anna spat.
“Keep telling yourself that, Angelface.”
“Stop calling me that! My name is-”
Anna was transported into Elsa’s room again.
“What?” Anna yelled, turning to face her superior, who was stone-face. “What, huh? What do you want from me? Want me to go on probation again? Because I’m sick and tired of watching people die, Έλσα.”
“You interacted with a demon,  Άννα. This is serious.”
“So what? He was some beat demon, there to start a fire that was killing people.”
“Demons don’t kill people,  Άννα. The lord decides when they are to come to Heaven.”
“What?” Anna said, angrier than ever. “But we’re Heaven! We’re supposed to be the good guys! The light! Killing people is wrong!”
“Άννα. Calm down.”
“No! No, why? Why does some unseen celestial being get to decide the fate of good people? Old age, okay, fine, but young people? Children? That’s wrong.”
“We serve the lord, Άννα. We don’t question.”
“Well, the lord can beat it! I don’t care! This is wrong! How can you not see that?”
“I’m sorry, Άννα.”
Anna was cast out of Heaven immediately. Her halo stripped from her, her wings turning a dark black to signify to the other angels her crimes. She would walk the Earth as a ghost.
She hit the ground near where her last assignment had been.
“So,” the demon said, sitting next to her when she came to. “I’m guessing taking it up with the higher authorities didn’t go so well?”
Anna felt something for the first time in her life. She left a million things at once and it hurt.
She turned to the demon with watery eyes and she noticed for the first time that his eyes weren’t red anymore. In fact, they were a really pretty green.
“If you don’t hug me right now I think I might fall apart.” She said.
The request didn’t seem to shock the demon. He just opened his arms and allowed Anna to hug him, to sob into his shoulder.
He wrapped his arms around her and squeezed as hard as he could.
Anna felt something she had never felt before, but couldn’t place the emotion. Over time she would learn, but now all she wanted to do was cry and be held.
“Any chance you’ll give me that name now, Angelface?” he asked softly.
“Anna,” She choked out. “My name is Anna.”
“Nice to meet you, Anna. My name’s Hiccup. And I think we’re gonna be spending a lot of time together.”
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fireember345 · 4 years
Sunfire’s Away Prompt
A Big Hero 6 and Marvel Crossover Prompt
Do not own Marvel
Anyone can use the Prompt
 Tadashi lives but the fire changes him into a mutant with the powers of fire
He was forced to be locked up in a lab so he could not burn anyone and only allowed webchat communication with his family
Tadashi snuck out as he got a suit to control his fire and became Sunfire
After stopping Yokai with his brother and the team, Tony Stark recruits Tadashi as an acolyte when he’s really being recruited as an Avenger
He would be gone for a long time but promised to keep in touch with Aunt Cass and Hiro
Sunfire would be given a partner, the Silver Samurai as he worked in a team with Spiderman, Iron Fist, Nova, Power Man, and White Tiger under Nick Fury
Spiderman often reminds Sunfire of his younger brother as Sunfire acted like the older brother of the group
Hiro misses his brother as Tadashi makes sure to say goodnight every night through his phone
Sunfire tells his team about his friends and his brother as they saw a cute picture of Hiro
Sunfire made fun of his brother about his identity getting a crush and being called Captain Cutie
Tadashi was given a break to return home for few weeks when Hiro got sick
When Doc Oct works with the Clone of Liv Amara, Tadashi returns home and the team stay in a hotel room, with the cover that their fellow interns that needed a place to stay while Mr. Stark has business with his company in the city
Big Hero 6 soon meet Spiderman’s teams as Hiro is excited to see his brother again
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drkineildwicks · 2 years
Writing Snippets--10/27/2022
Okay yeah it’s a little late today but apparently this week my sinuses decided to go eff you in particular so yay. XP
In other news--change of pace, we’re doing some more Ghost’s Fury stuff!
But it did make him wonder.
Finish up the sketch he planned on fielding by the fishers later (probably delegate to Carl, he’d know who actually did up the nets—hopefully not someone who left with Callaghan), put it aside and go flipping through his notes.  Let’s see let’s see…there.  That sketch Hiro had done, once upon a time, possibly explaining why the dragons had attacked to begin with.
I should hope that’s not to scale, firstly.
Consider this, tapping his pencil against the table.  If there were, in fact, large dragons that drove the other dragons to attack settlements…it bore asking the question of where the one for this particular flight was.  Couldn’t be out there lurking nearby, he thought, it’d be obvious that they were out there still feeding it, most certainly wouldn’t be bringing food here after robbing them for so long.  No, it had either died or been killed…but how?
Obvious answer was the dragon that the others now deferred to: Tadashi.  Made sense, Night Furies were dangerous in their own right, although now it made him wonder if there was just—a whole species of alpha dragons, or if once a dragon became an alpha it would then grow to immense size.
Had a brief imagine window of Tadashi squashing him like a bug before dismissing that.  Hiro had shown that he could draw Night Furies, and the creature he had drawn that day was not a Night Fury.
So.  The takeaway was that he didn’t have to worry about some massive, possibly untamable dragon in his future.  That was good, he could live with that.  Far better to focus on some of the issues in front of him, like fiddling with the saddle design some more.  Do that until Carl came by with fish fillets, traded him the net designs, telling him to tell the fishers to figure it out, shooed him out before he could make anything of it.  Oi vey.
Obake’s still working out the logistics of chieftain-ing so he’s not having a good day.  In other news, Tadashi the Night Fury can totally take on all comers don’t mess with his little brother.
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drkineildwicks · 2 years
Writing Snippets--10/26/2022
Oh gosh we’re getting a break from the time-travelling Obake AU I wrote four pages on something else last night. :O
Anywho--remember Ghost’s Fury, that one where Hiro and Tadashi are Night Furies?  Yeah got some progress done on that one. :D
“You’re supposed to be giving this a fair shake, Older-Brother,” Hiro pointed out.
“Well gee, all things considered I’d think me even being here counts, don’t you?” Tadashi asked. “Like, it wouldn’t be THAT hard to grab you and tell everybody ‘hey it was fun but we’re leaving now.’”
“Yes it would, there’s a lot of dragons who have started training Yokai.  You can’t ask them to leave them behind, it’d be mean.”
Tadashi huffed and grumbled at that, looking uncomfortable enough that Hiro felt kind of bad for hitting him there.  yes, technically as alpha he could force the flight to do as he wanted…except he didn’t want to be that kind of alpha.  He wanted to be the kind that listened to his flight and made decisions based on that, and at this point a good chunk of the flight was starting to swing towards Hiro’s opinions.  They liked the idea of an exotic pet that was also low-maintenance; that they were also highly deadly was just a bonus for some dragons, a little bit of extra danger to add some fire to the whole thing.
Tadashi, however…yeah Tadashi had basically lived through his worst nightmare of something bad happening to Hiro and yes Hiro was aware of the fact that asking him to play nice-nice with the same Yokai that shot him down (and they couldn’t even lie about it, Obake was the only one with that skull-face) was asking a lot.  Really going to have to work on considering all the angles here…maybe he’d ask Baymax for some help with all the noodley bits regarding the touchy-feely stuff like emotions and expectations and stuff.
The gang’s POV is basically How to Train Your Dragon but with Dragons doing the training.  It makes for some interesting writing.
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drkineildwicks · 2 years
Writing Snippets--10/29/2022
Happy Mischief Night!  Got today and tomorrow and then I can go back to my usual writing schedule success.
Anywho, more from that Ghost’s Fury sequel we’re up to fifteen consecutive chapters so yay!
For context, Tadashi is a Night Fury and Fred is a Monstrous Nightmare in this:
“My dude that was AWESOME!” Fred exclaimed, arching his neck down to look at a terrified Obake. “Did you mean to do that?”
“Sorry, Fred, my fault,” Tadashi said, winging over.  “Mind giving him back before Hiro gives me grief for flinging his Yokai?”
“My dude, you definitely shouldn’t be flinging him around like that I don’t think he liked it,” Fred counseled.  "I mean look at him he's shaking—oh wait sorry my dude that’s probably not comfortable hold on.”  Pinched Obake’s leg in his mouth before letting go and swinging him up to his back. “See?  Much more comfortable fewer claws and by the way dude no stabbing or biting and maybe don’t roll off the wings okay that does not spark joy.”
Obake didn’t respond, Obake seemed much too preoccupied with clinging on for dear life.  Or maybe trying to strangle Fred, that was an option. Fred didn’t seem to notice, though.
“Aw, he’s cute!” Fred said—looked at Tadashi.  “So how is this whole thing going besides the accidental yeeting I’ve been wanting to do this with Dibs but you’re taking FOREVER about it are you still working out all the kinks?”
Okay Tadashi needed a moment.  “Who’s Dibs?”
“My Yokai, my dude—got him all picked out, really digging his personality, definitely has the right amount of enthusiasm for this, our epic merging of flights.  Got a canto about our growing relationship, want to hear?”
“Uhhh maybe later.”
Fred, in lieu of comics, instead memorizes epic sagas and recounts his and his friends’ epic tales of awesomeness in cantos.  Obake, meanwhile, probably has opinions about being flipped around like he’s nothing.
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bh6-fanfictionfeed · 4 years
Ghost's Fury
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/33QV9Yl
by Kineil_D_Wicks
It is a dark night indeed when the youngest Night Fury in the nest is shot down by the Ghost of Ghosts. The older Night Fury has but one option: rescue his little brother no matter the cost.
Because the ghost who shot him down has other plans….
Words: 1737, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Big Hero 6 (2014), Big Hero 6: The Series (Cartoon), How to Train Your Dragon (Movies)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Obake, Hiro Hamada, Tadashi Hamada
Additional Tags: crossposted on ffn, This idea hit me and wouldn't leave me alone, seriously, there's like two sequels because the idea smacked me so hard, some characters are now dragons, others are not, Obake is not a people person, Felony Carl is the team mom, Felony Carl is also the best character after Obake fite me, Crossover, fusion fic, kinda both
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/33QV9Yl
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