#his autistic swag compels me
cosmospoons · 1 year
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admiralbroom · 8 months
Y’know, when I heard people say that the npcs in bg3 were racist to drow, I wasn’t expecting it to be like 70% of them
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genshinlesbian · 4 months
Y’all don’t even understand I love Neuvillette sooo so much
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21angryfrogs · 7 months
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his autistic swag compels me.
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lesbianrobin · 2 years
idk if this is a hot take but honestly i hate the entire "fruity four" thing So much not only bc nancy is the straightest woman in the world but bc honestly i don't see her being close with steve robin and eddie like. At All. like imo (in an ideal scenario where eddie didnt die in the dumbest way possible) they'd do the monster hunting thing together and then nancy would just go off with jonathan like she did for like. most of the show at this point and leave steve robin and eddie who imo would just mesh way better as a trio like idk i can see her losing touch with steve and like Maybe meeting him again when theyre both over forty and she finds out he's married to a man and has to reevaluate her whole worldview but i can't see them actually staying close friends bc honestly. i feel like steve is way better to her overall than she is to him and that robin and eddie would be too weird for her. sorry for the rant the spirit of haterism compelled me
don't apologize i absolutely agree with you and we here at lesbianrobin.tumblr.com welcome the spirit of haterism!
the only thing i'd quibble with is i do think they'd maybe keep in touch fairly frequently throughout their lives if only to check in and be like hey anything weird happening? no? good how ya doing :) yknow i think they're part of the whole upside down family now but everything else is SO right. like steve robin and eddie make a lot of sense to me as a trio but as you said nancy just doesn't really mesh with them. she doesn't like robin's autistic girl swag and she's such an overachiever and i just like. i Know she'd judge steve and eddie for their academic performance. in s3 she showed that she has like no concept of class divisions and i think that would cause problems with eddie and robin. while i'm sure all four of them like care deeply for each other i just can't see nancy casually hanging out with the others on a regular basis.
kinda off topic but in s2 they frame nancy's choice between steve or jonathan as like normalcy vs being weird but as the show has gone on it's pretty clear that like jonathan is a very safe and normal path vkekcjdj like while nancy and jonathan are a super average respectable heterosexual couple steve is out here like working minimum wage no direction in life besties with a lesbian looking after a bunch of teenagers for free because he just loves them etc etc. i recognize that steve himself isn't necessarily weird in the same way that robin and eddie are but like. he's attracted to that. like robin and dustin are both such little nerd freaks and he Adores them he drives robin around and has a nerdy secret handshake with dustin and he is wholeheartedly dedicated to being a lesbian wingman like he is so driven by his heart fuck whatever he's "supposed" to do and i think that's a very interesting sorta subversion of where we began in the steve v jonathan dichotomy.
also fruity four is an evil evil terrible name it sounds stupid and it's homophobic
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eye-of-yelough · 3 months
1 and 10 for me plz. With a side of fries. Small shake
okay swag that’ll the be 69.99. sorry, inflation.
What or who inspired your durge’s design the most? a particular vibe or idea or perhaps another hottie or baddie?
a lot of his significant development beyond “mascot for tortureporn scenarios” happened while i watching farscape and going insane about it, so… he’s named after Aeryn Sun, and his mannerisms, voice, and parts of his personality are inspired by Chiana (hypersexual little gremlin) and Stark (hyper-empathetic ferryman type character with off-putting autistic rizz) also of course elden ring’s masked war surgeon/mercy killers. “medicine is mercy, and mercy on the battlefield is ruthless, beware the killers clothed as men of compassion” “a sense of mercy is often a catalyst for bloodlust” yes i really do just. have those quotes memorised. i’m crazy about them. they made me think about durge’s inherent medicine proficiency and how totally plausible (and COOL!!) a durge as an actual medical professional would be. Hypodermic Sally from American Horror Story: Hotel is probably the biggest one tho in terms of similarities. sexy ghost haunted by an addiction demon who she has to find victims for otherwise it’ll torture her. heroin addict. enjoys scaring people and especially children for fun. good at stitching. sewed herself and her fuckbuddies together so they’d never leave her because shes insane. “say, “i love you, sally” and the pain will all go away.” funnily enough i only made all these realisations After a lot his development, so much of it is unintentional
aaaand i just reread and realised this question is about the design, not personality. it’s still chiana from farscape. and maybe a lil abe sapien from guillermo del toro’s hellboy. here’s some chiana gifs
How much of yourself can be found in your durge? Do they share the same personality, taste, and specific feature? Are they who you want to be or used to be? Are they entirely removed from you as a person?
Yeah, you can find a lot of me in him, but more in the sense that he has a lot of traits i find compelling than traits in common. i’m gonna copy paste my answer to being asked what we have in common before: Probably the overwhelming feeling that we’re literally too stupid to be alive and need someone to tell us what to do every minute of every day lest we fall off the face of the earth. lol. aside from that we couldn’t be more different. he’s hypersexual, i’m asexual and have never gone further than handholding. he’s emotionally insightful, good at reading people, sensitive, intuitive. i’m uhhhh. Not. he can lie, i can’t for the life of me. he loves pain, i can’t stand it. he likes raw vegetables, i don’t. i associate him with electronic music despite not listening to it much. he’s a bit of a social butterfly and would probably love to be at the club rn, i can barely leave the house once a week. and i would simply not let gortash torture me like that, sorry to aeryn but i’m different 🙄
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priafey · 1 year
Gwilin of the Day: "Bearem" Gwilin
Today's Gwilin of the day is brought to you by: threeblueribbons on ao3!
Command Animal
Published: Feb 14, 2019 (the day of love, an apt day for a Gwilin fic to be posted)
Rated: Teen+
Length: ~7500 words
Featuring: Fem. OC, Temba, Wilhelm
Set in: Ivarstead
This here story starts off with a more pining/longing kind of Gwilin – which I am rather inclined to– but his character is written as being delightfully pert later on, when he and Claudette, the author's OC, get to chatting inside Vilemyr Inn. Still, he remains dote-y throughout, in the best way possible, with plenty of blushing and hemming and hawing despite his momentary bursts of confidence. Super endearing, overall.
However, there were a few moments where it leaned towards the chilvarous (the whole "gallant" thing is not my cup of tea). That being said, the general pushiness the author imbued him with really sets this Gwilin apart from the others.
One of my favorite things about this story is that there are lots of good laughs in it. One such laugh comes from an involuntary moan Gwilin releases while a healer is working on him, another from the strain that keeping a few bears docile using Command Animal puts on Gwilin (he bears through it –pun intended– so his bubbly lady friend can pet and snuggle the beasts), and another comes from a huge "Mommy? Sorry. Mommy?" moment Gwilin has while laying his head on Claudette's chest.
Moment that my mind chose to fixate on: When Gwilin puts his gloves back on to get back to work at the mill, at the very end of the story. It was barely mentioned/described, but I was suddenly reminded that Gwilin has hands, and I vividly began to imagine the leather gloves slipping onto his short, robust, calloused fingers, which made me very very fucking unstable tbh.
I. Compellingness
A pretty compelling Gwilin. He steals the show from the author's OC in multiple scenes. 8/10
II. Swagger
This Gwilin is significantly swagged up. Definitely one of the swaggiest Gwilins. 9/10
III. Talent
As the title of the story suggests, this is one of the few stories where Gwilin's command animal ability as a Bosmer is depicted. It's a pretty fun and interesting power of Gwilin's to explore. I am surprised this is the only Gwilin story on ao3 that features this. Additionally, Gwilin is one hell of a talented flirter in this fic. 8/10
IV. Backstory
Gwilin has family in Valenwood he sends money to, and he used to play an instrument a long time ago. It's an okay backstory, lets the reader know he cares about his family. 7/10
V. Pleasure of Reading
The author of this story is a superb writer. Very clean, concise, but still very illustrative prose, with some self-aware, almost fourth-wall breaking bits sprinkled in for extra fun. A tad too self-indulgent in some parts, though. 8/10
VI. Horniness
This Gwilin is a certified horn dog, and I loved every just-subtle-enough moment of it. 10/10
Final Tally
autistic ass
gives this Gwilin an 8/10!
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999moreyears · 7 months
his autistic swag and the way he keeps his book between his tits is very compelling to me.. also i want to disect him but thats besides the point
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many-gay-magpies · 2 years
okay i dont know why i suddenly felt compelled to decide this but my favorite ds9 character is julian. his autistic best friend swag has captivated me utterly
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priafey · 1 year
Gwilin of the Day: "Just Sorta There" Gwilin
Today's Gwilin of the day is brought to you by: angrymermaids on ao3!
Published: Aug 3, 2014 (almost ten fucking years ago. i should call this one "Relic" Gwilin)
Rated: Teen+
Length: ~2500 words
Featuring: Male Dragonborn OC
Set in: Ivarstead
Though Gwilin is not the focus of this short story, the author paints a flattering picture of him in the form of a prettyboy who possesses the perfect amount of understated perkiness and neediness. Gwilin is very sweet with this Altmer he's spent the night with, and helpful towards him when he finds out his horse has been stolen. He literally gives him the shirt off his back when Calmerion, the author's OC, needs to head up to High Hrothgar and lacks the necessary garments. Other than this act of kindness, however, the author really didn't do much with Gwilin in this fic.
The way he's depicted is almost girl-like in how flat of a character he comes across as. His demureness, to me, was palatable, and disappointing: it feels very similar to how I remember a lot of female characters being written circa 2014 (and some still to this day). This makes his interactions with Calmerion feel mostly unremarkable –not to mention heteronormative– to me. Just because these two characters are not soulmates doesn't mean there wasn't something more meaningful or, at the very least, more sensuous, that could've been illustrated to have come from their encounter.
Moment that my mind chose to fixate on: Didn't really gravitate towards any part of this story. My mind sort of hummed a little at the vague tone with which Calmerion recalled his attraction to Gwilin, like he was just some pretty little thing he liked to bounce around his mind, I guess? Meh.
I. Compellingness
Not a compelling Gwilin at all. 2/10
II. Swagger
The way in which Gwilin sort of owned his clinginess toward Calmerion imbued him with a trace of self-love swag, I suppose. 3/10
III. Talent
At one point, he gives his male companion some rolls but it is unclear whether he baked them or not. Thus, this Gwilin seems talentless. Very sad... 1/10
IV. Backstory
None to speak of. However, this is a very short story, so no tally here. __/10
V. Pleasure of Reading
The writing was okay. Nothing special, for the most part. However, if you've ever read really bad writing, you know that this isn't something to take for granted. 6/10
VI. Horniness
Decently horny Gwilin. The mentions of the hickies he left on this guy's neck were a silver lining in the story. 7/10
Final Tally
autistic ass
gives this Gwilin a 3/10!
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priafey · 1 year
Gwilin of the Day: "Get Footsie'd" Gwilin
Today's Gwilin of the day is brought to you by: LadyTanithia on ao3!
Dalliances with Dunmer [Chapter 12]
Published: Apr 28, 2022
Rated: Mature
Length: ~4500 words
Featuring: Fem. OC, Talvas Fathryon
Set in: Ivarstead
I dove into this chapter thinking I was in for a real corpulent chunk of story "meat", but all that was available was a couple of dainty bites. Such high hopes, such little Gwilin...
Currently, Gwilin only exists in this fic within a scarce few 300 words near the beginning of this chapter. I got about 1000 words in when I realized Gwilin would make no further appearances in the story, and immediately lost interest.
I have to give it to the author, those 300 words were fun: a pleasant, if frustratingly tiny, nugget of frisky playfulness from Gwilin as he gets his nether regions played with by the author's OC's foot under a table. When they part, Gwilin is rather forward in letting her know he's eager for them to meet again. No doubt so they can finish what she started.
Moment that my mind chose to fixate on: When he took her foot and moved it to his crotch. Manslut Mode activated...
I. Compellingness
This Gwilin didn't start off too compelling, being characterized rather plainly as "friendly" and "positive", but his reaction to the author's OC putting the moves on him and his goodbye to her teased the existence of a surprisingly slutty –perhaps even coquettish– side to this Gwilin. Too short to rate any higher than 5/10
II. Swagger
Foot to crotch move was rather swag. 7/10
III. Talent
Nada... other than telling fun stories about Narfi and keeping a straight face while he gets fondled, maybe? 4/10
IV. Backstory
None to speak of, but, I mean, come on. It's 300 words. No tally. __/10
V. Pleasure of Reading
Most of this story is told in a matter-of-fact way. Not a whole lot of colorful prose, which doesn't usually bother me, but even I was left feeling like a little more picture-painting and less "x happened, then y happened, then z happened" would've been nice. 5/10
VI. Horniness
Good amount of horniness from Gwilin, for the amount of text he inhabits. 8/10
Final Tally
autistic ass
gives this Gwilin a 5/10!
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