#i love him too dw
cosmospoons · 1 year
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piscsprincsa · 9 days
i would like to give mc in yoosung’s route my earphones, and which she’ll then listen to Norman fing Rockwell
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orthodera · 14 days
Obsessed with the way that the Doctor, instead of explaining literally anything about the misunderstanding, just tries to seduce his way out of being murdered.
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crunchchute · 2 months
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swoonzee · 2 months
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ryssbelle · 3 months
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He's alive!
Accidentally launched my Clay minifigure off my desk at mach 5 speeds but now hes sort of standing up so it's a win!
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Floyd's still concerned tho
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useryoongis · 9 months
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snack time !
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confused-disaster32 · 12 days
omg was SO SCARED that Rogue would take the detonator (or whatever it's called idk) and then press the button - ignoring the doctor's wishes and hurting his friend, but HE DIDN'T.
The fact that he accepted that the doctor couldn't do it, kissed him and then sacrificed himself for someone that the doctor cared for - omg. I'm literally so in love with these two and their relationship I WILL NOT STOP TALKING ABOUT THEM AAAA
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tardxsblues · 1 year
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Doctor Who | 8.11 Dark Water
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corallapis · 7 months
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shima-draws · 9 months
My brain: Haha yeah I dunno if I’ll ever get into One Piece I mean it’s so long and such a huge dedication timewise—
Me, already 13 episodes in: Um. Well,
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starleska · 3 months
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a gifset of the Sixth Doctor in Timelash, trying to free the TARDIS from a Kontron tunnel! requested by the lovely @outismm who is joining me in Six brainrot hell 🙈💖
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secondbeatsongs · 6 months
it's really funny, because now I look back at early David Tennant doctor who gifs and I'm like, "oh. that man is untoasted bread to me."
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varpusvaras · 20 days
The doctors had told him that things would get easier after the first trimester.
Fox had believed them. He had kind of had to, to preserve his own sanity. He had to believe that at some point, he would stop throwing up, sweating and shivering and being so damn tired that he'd fall asleep just about anywhere.
It had, in fact, been true. Of course he still occasionally felt a little sick when he smelled something unsavory, but it was only occasionally. He didn't wake up to being hot and cold in tandem so much anymore either. He was tired, still, but only to a degree that he had to sit down a couple of times a day, and maybe take a nap. Otherwise, he had been feeling pretty good during the start of the second trimester.
But then, a new challenge had crept up on him.
It had started small, so small that he had barely even felt anything at first. When he had noticed it for the first time, he had actually been happy about it.
What a fool he had been.
It had only gotten more frequent from then on, and most importantly, stronger. So much stronger.
So much stronger, in fact, that he had looped back around being tired, since every time he tried to sleep or even rest for a moment, it would start again.
It was happening again now, as he lay in their cooled bedroom, the lights dimmed and the blinds shut to escape the summer heat. He would've loved to take a nap, but he was yet again realising that sleep would not be happening.
There was a light knock on the door, and Breha peeked in.
"You're still awake?" She asked. She kept her voice quiet, in case Fox was somehow sleeping.
"Yes", Fox answered. "I don't think I will be getting any sleep."
Breha made her way to the bed, and sat on the edge of it next to Fox. Her fingers very quickly found their way into his hair, pushing it back from his face.
"Try to at least close your eyes", she said. "It's better than nothing."
"I know, I know, I'm trying-" There it was again, cutting his words into a breathless gasp.
Breha sighed softly, continuing to pet his hair.
"Is it that bad?" She asked.
Fox pressed his hand against his abdomen, and poked at it slightly. It was still, for the most part, hard muscle he had spent so long acquiring during his training, and had took even more time and effort to keep during serving. He hadn't even needed new clothes, yet, apart from a pair of dress pants he had very much liked and sorely missed now.
Fox had no idea how there was a whole baby in there, somewhere, but there was no mistake of it, not since-
Fox hissed slightly when there was a blow straight into his ribs.
"Yes", he said. "I'm going to send Bail a very pointed message. Those are definitely his elongated legs kicking my insides around the clock."
Breha barked out a laugh, that she quickly tried to cover up behind her hand.
Fox turned to glare at her.
"You think this is funny?" He asked. "You think it's funny that our husband's giant long-legged offspring is trying to break my bones?"
"No, no, of course not", Breha hurried to say, but she was definitely still grinning behind her hand, and-
-and maybe Fox was tired enough, because the longer he laid there and watched her laugh about it, the funnier it suddenly got in his mind as well.
"How dare you", he said, trying his hardest to keep himself from breaking out into laughter as well. "How dare you make me laugh when I'm miserable."
Breha could no longer hold it in. She broke down into loud, bright laughter, and Fox could only hold his own in for a few more seconds, before he eventually followed her suit.
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agentark · 6 months
in the span of maybe an hour, clara oswald goes from, "I already know - don't say it." to, "people like you and me should say things to each other" and I'll never get over it
she literally gets pulled out of time the moment before her death and learns he's been clawing his way back to her for 4.5 BILLION years?? Just to save her??? I would also suddenly and urgently have words
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