#his caretaker has his hands full today…but he'll do his best!
pixelatedraindrops · 1 month
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Yuma Month: Day 5: Sickness
Ah yes, my specialty. (making him suffer)
Bundled in a blanket, feverish yet chilled, vision very blurry.
whose cool hand and gentle voice does this belong to...?
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alt version featuring my own whump prompt :3
wanted to try drawing it at least once
he's getting dehydrated but can't move...
so he gets a helping hand from a capable detective <3
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sketchguk · 7 months
It is so cold today so I started wondering, how would gryfindor soonyoung and hufflepuff mingyu react to mc falling sick ? what are the differences in the way they react, and how would mc react to them caring for her? sorry if you are not taking questions on the au anymore ! hope you are feeling warm today <3
Hope you're staying warm !! I, on the other hand, have gotten sick :'( I need a doting partner to take care of me !!! Where is my mingyu, where is my soonyoung !!!
Mingyu is such a natural caretaker. If mc is sick, he is instantly in the kitchen, cooking her favorite soup. He'd sit by her bedside and spoon feed her, even if she stubbornly refuses. Mingyu would constantly tell mc to rest because she simply cannot sit still. She has to revise, do her homework, practice her spells, return to work at the library, water her plants because who will take care of them if not her?! But rest assured, Mingyu has it all covered <3
He's already made a copy of his class notes and set it aside on her desk. He tabbed all of her references so that she could use them for her assignments and practice her spells for another day. It didn't take Mingyu much begging to get Wonwoo to cover her shift at the library. In exchange, he just needs to clean the dorm and cook his dear roommate dinner every night for the next week :-) He would gladly do it all over again to ease the workload off of mc!! Anything for his bestie !
As for the plants, Mingyu rarely steps into the greenhouse because he's... dare I say... a bit too large to be in such a cramped space knowing how clumsy he is. But he's committed. He took mc's herbology notes and diligently watered her plants accordingly
She is so impressed with everything Mingyu has done for her. Of course, she's even more smitten. If her face is getting a bit warm, then blame the sickness!! Mingyu is quick to act because he'll grab a glass of water to make sure she's hydrated. He'll even wet a towel and dab it across her skin to reduce her temperature
Mingyu would stay the night to make sure there's always someone to take care of her. He'd climb into bed and wrap his arms around her to keep her warm :-( She gets flustered because she feels snotty and gross, and her crush is barely an inch away !!! She doesn't want him to get sick !! But he doesn't seem to care as he pets her hair and hums her to sleep, reminding her that she's still the prettiest girl in the world
Soonyoung is... well, he's Soonyoung. He doesn't know how to cook. He barely knows how to boil a pot of water. He isn't studious like mc, so how could he possibly be of help to her? But what Soonyoung doesn't know how to do, he makes up for in spirit
He'd fly to the ravenclaw tower, hovering outside her bedroom. He'd drop off a treat with a sweet note (probably something punny with a tiger drawing), knock on the pane glass, and duck away just to see her reaction in the shadows. Mc knows that she shouldn't have ice cream and chocolate, and Mingyu definitely advised against it. But they're her favorite! How could she refuse?
There's a smile on her face as she takes the treat and closes the window. But moments later, there's another knock on the glass and another treat left behind (with another sweet note)! Surely, Soonyoung's pockets are full of snacks. Thankfully, she entertains him and accepts his gifts before finally begging him to show his face and just come inside because it's cold!
Soonyoung's goal is to make sure she's happy and smiling even when she doesn't feel her best. So he plays games with her and tells her funny stories that she missed from class. Soonyoung even offers updates on events that she missed like the student union bake sale (it's not the same without her cookies) and his latest quidditch match (he searched for her in the stands, but she wasn't there). She promises that she'll go to the next game when she feels better
It's well into the night, and mc is half asleep. Soonyoung thinks it's best to return to his dorm. But mc protests with tired eyes. She tells him that he doesn't have to go so soon (he's been there for hours). It leaves Soonyoung feeling giddy :) He doesn't wanna go either, yet he tucks her into bed, pushing her hair out of her face. And he climbs out the window once again, flying back to the gryffindor tower. He keeps himself up all night just replaying the memories <3 and the way she flashes her pretty smile
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sicjimin · 3 years
Sashimi Chain of Sickness 🍣
A.N : askjdbskd ok so the cat is out of the bag, finally me and @spence-sickfics can post our babies here :D a chain of sickness in bangtan’s dorm ! idk what else to tell, but we have a fun time working it and i hope you guys enjoy this story as much as we enjoy writing it ! :D here we go for the first day ~ it’s a long ride but i hope you like it :] ((you can read it on @spence-sickfics blog too!))
Sickie : Namjoon and Jungkook // Caretaker : Yoongi, Taehyung 
TW : emeto 
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Day One:
(by sickyoonminie)
Namjoon curled his body smaller. He’d been awakened early by a series of cramps seizing through his stomach. He pressed his palm deeper into his stomach, hoping that the pressure might alleviate the cramps.
But it failed.
He rolled onto his back and let out an exhausted groan. His right hand mindlessly stretched to his phone on the nightstand. He squinted when the bright screen hit his eyes. 7AM.
He let the phone plop down before nuzzling himself deeper to the pillow. He tried to sleep again but nothing was working, so he got up from his bed, stretching his arms high above his head.
After a quick shower, he put on fresh clothes, and headed downstairs.
"Joonie, why are you up so early?" Seokjin greeted him from the kitchen, his hand busy with the toast and scrambled egg. For some reason, the sight of food made Namjoon’s stomach swirl. He feels full, despite not eating anything since last night.
"Can't sleep again", he mumbled as he set himself to water. Gulping it down in one go. He frowns when it feels heavy on his stomach.
Something is wrong with him.
But he shrugs it off. Maybe it's his nerves, or maybe he's too exhausted.
"You want some?", Seokjin asks, placing the scrambled egg on top of the toasted bread. Namjoon shakes his head, taking another gulp of water.
Seokjin takes one for himself before sitting next to Namjoon.
After that, it’s silence between them. But the members started going downstairs one by one, and it didn't take long before the kitchen became “lively”.
Namjoon tries to fall into conversation, but he just—didn't have the energy for that.
" You okay, Joon-ah?", Yoongi slides quietly beside him as they walked to their car.
"Huh? What do you mean hyung?"
Yoongi shrugs, "I don't know. You look a little off today, or maybe that was just my feeling"
Namjoon hums, glancing at him as they get inside their car. They sit in the middle seat.
"I just, don't get enough sleep", Namjoon sighs and leans on the window.
" You should stop caved in your studio", Yoongi mumbles, gaining a scoff from the younger, "Says you hyung"
Yoongi chuckles, "Try to sleep for few minutes"
And maybe Namjoon will comply.
It's Namjoon's fault that he just brushed off the uncomfortable feeling in his body this morning. As a result, he just feels worse by now.
He curled on the couch in his studio. He's shivering, despite the air conditioner being off. His hand settled on his stomach that has been so upset, like nauseous, but at the same time it feels bloated too.
Everything just felt off for him.
A sudden knock interrupts his thoughts. He groans before getting up. His muscles ache.
"Hyung! Are you busy? We want to get dinner!"Jungkook's doe eyes and bunny smile is the one who greeted him as he opened the door.
Namjoon leaned on the door, feeling tired.
"We? Is everyone coming?"
Jungkook nods, "Yes! Even Yoongi-hyung"
Namjoon contemplates for a second. Maybe he just needs to eat to make everything that has been going on in his body go away. If he thinks about it, his appetite hasn't been the best as he was too busy with the album preparation.
He sighs before mustering a smile "Tell them to wait for me. I'm coming"
Jungkook nods before giving him a thumbs-up, "Thank you, hyung!"
"Woah, this place is .. crowded", Hoseok chimed in, throwing his arms around Namjoon's shoulder as they stepped into the restaurant. Namjoon wants to bat it away, as it pressed his sweater to his skin that had been prickling uncomfortably because of his fever. But he's too lazy to do it.
" Don't worry, we had booked a secluded place", Seokjin says from behind.
Taehyung walks alongside Namjoon as they all walk to their table. Taehyung grabs the chair closest to the door before he sits down, while Jimin sits beside Taehyung. He scoots closer to Jungkook in the corner, as Yoongi takes the seat directly across from Jimin and beside Namjoon. Seokjin and Hoseok settle on the remaining orders, and Namjoon orders the same dish as Jungkook and Seokjin. Sashimi. It suits for dinner as it's not too heavy but enough to make him full. The waiter leaves as soon as their order comes. Namjoon lets out a breath as he relaxes.
They were having a nice meal, talking, and laughing. Namjoon can see that they're having fun. And the food is nice. He even got three servings, hoping that eating more could somehow drown out the pain in his stomach.
It was just as he finished his third plate when he felt an odd sense of pain in his tummy, and for some reason, the sashimi tasted funny too. He glanced at Seokjin and Jungkook. They seem fine, munching happily. He shrugs, maybe it's only his tongue messing with him. He had been felt off the whole day anyway.
He decided to just let it go. He'll think about it later.
"Hyung", Jungkook calls him when they are seated on the couch, everyone was retreating to their room. Ready to go to sleep.
" Hm?" Namjoon hums, not opening his eyes. He's tired. He's full. It feels like energy just sucked out of his body. And he could feel his fever going worse too.
"Um, are you feeling fine?", Namjoon tilts his head, looking at the younger with a frown, "What?"
"I mean. The sashimi .. it was fine, right?", Jungkook bites his lip, fiddling with his fingers. His eyes were wide, afraid of what Namjoon would say.
"What?", Namjoon blinks, "Yeah. Yes, it was".
Namjoon opens his mouth. Then closes it.
"Then maybe my tongue is just being funny", Jungkook said. A slight grin on his face. It looks more forced than usual. " Okay then I will get ready for bed, hyung. Go to bed soon, you look tired,", he adds, giving a squeeze on Namjoon's shoulder before he retreats to his and Namjoon’s shared bathroom.
Namjoon looks at the younger's retreating figure before looking at his hands. There is a dull pain in his stomach which started to hurt right after Jungkook asked him that. He doesn't like that. And he doesn't like the suspicion that comes after.
He stands up, heading towards his bedroom. Freshens his body and downing a Pepto-bismol along with some fever medicine that Seokjin bought a few months ago.
Maybe, it was just him being paranoid—in addition to his off-ish body the whole day.
It will be fine after he sleeps. Right?
—  — 
Night One:
(written by spence-sickfics)
Jungkook hadn’t been able to go to sleep until almost midnight. It seemed all the other boys had agreed on going to bed early, as everyone was most likely preparing for another long day at the studio. Jungkook, however, was too uncomfortable to sleep. Uncomfortable, mostly in his head. A nagging worry about Namjoon’s quietness throughout the day. Another worry, that the sashimi tasted kind of off. A bigger worry, maybe that Namjoon was sick or hurt and that’s why he ate so much. After knowing the leader for ten years, Jungkook was familiar with Namjoon’s tendencies to conceal any sort of discomfort he felt physically. And Jungkook also knew that the leader liked to eat a lot at meals that he didn’t want to talk at. To keep his mouth busy, probably. Maybe Namjoon was sick from the sort of strange-tasting sashimi? No, that didn’t make sense. He was acting weird before that. And if that was true, then both Jungkook and Seokjin should be sick by now. Come to think of it, though, Jungkook was noticing a dull ache in his belly as the hours ticked by.
Speaking of the hours, he’d lost track of time by around eleven pm. Namjoon was asleep in bed beside him by that point, in fact, he assumed everyone was asleep except for him. Jungkook had tried to go to sleep for around thirty minutes, but to no avail as the pain in his upper stomach grew. He’d taken a single painkiller at around 10pm, going back to bed and looking at his phone. But whatever he had taken wasn’t doing much to cover up the twisting sensation he experienced. He’d been able to distract himself, though, dully scrolling through social media and wishing he could fall asleep. He wondered if it’s what Namjoon had been feeling like every night recently, he’d overhead Seokjin and Yoongi expressing concerns for the leader’s insomnia. Whatever it was, though, Jungkook was able to fall asleep upon taking the painkiller. It hadn’t done much, but it had fogged up his brain enough to let his worries fade away.
Jungkook woke up again at around two in the morning, to a sharper stabbing pain in his stomach that made tears well up in his eyes. He sat up quickly, placing and arm over his middle and realized how sick he felt. His stomach looked horribly bloated, it felt like the contents were fighting to get out and it was making too much noise. He felt nauseous, not in a particularly heavy way, but more the feeling of disgusting sickness. He felt Namjoon stir, but not wake next to him. Jungkook needed his hyung’s comfort badly, but didn’t want to wake up Namjoon as he knew how tired he must be. His stomach was rolling as he let a quiet burp escape him and moaned quietly, putting his head in his hands. He hiccuped, and a wave of vomit splashed in the back of his throat. Before he could even process what was really going on, Jungkook clamped a hand over his mouth and ran out of the room, into his and Jimin’s shared bathroom. At that point, he bent over the sink and let the surge of vomit come out from his mouth. He winced at the sight of barely-digested sashimi. It must have been bad, he thought before his stomach cramped and he was sent into another wave of throwing up. He kept feeling his throat constricting with gags, feeling fearful for a minute until he felt a warm hand on his back and saw the lights turn on.
“You’re okay, Kook,” Namjoon whispered, his voice hoarse from sleep. Jungkook panted, then turned on the water to wash the sink out. “You all done?” Namjoon asked, and Jungkook nodded. He still felt terrible. Lucid. He knew he didn’t have a fever and he didn’t feel like throwing up again but his stomach was killing him.
“Yeah, sorry Joon, I just feel really sick all of the sudden. I think it was the sashimi. Do you feel sick too?” Jungkook asked as Namjoon guided him to a seated position on the ground together.
Namjoon swallowed, and Jungkook saw how pale the older looked. “No, not really,” Namjoon said lowly. His words were punctuated by a low gurgle from his stomach, and Namjoon paled further.
“That didn’t sound ‘not really sick’, Joon,” Jungkook offered.
“Yeah, says you,” Namjoon mumbled, “Worry about yourself.” Namjoon hadn’t meant to come off so sharp, but being distracted from what he felt like was his job to take care of Jungkook was the worst. The pain in his stomach had gotten worse too, making him more irritable and a sense of nausea was now bothering him too.
Jungkook frowned. “I’m sorry, hyung.” He looked sad to be scolded, and Namjoon instantly felt terrible for speaking to him in such a way. He wanted to apologize, but he felt nausea rising in his chest along with the guilt. He opened his mouth to speak but all that came out was a gag and he leaned over the toilet, shutting his eyes tight and breathing heavily while waiting for it to come. Jungkook’s eyes went wide before he went over to put a hand on Namjoon’s back, and patted gently as vomit came rushing out of Namjoon’s mouth and splashed into the toilet. His body was shaking badly, likely a product of fever. It looked more than painful.
Jungkook felt himself get nauseous again just watching Namjoon and had to stand up before gagging again and throwing up a bit more into the sink. Namjoon was heaving, probably too loudly to hear Jungkook getting sick anyways. When Jungkook was done, he returned to Namjoon, who finished up a few seconds later after a few quiet dry retches.
“Namjoon,” Jungkook whispered, “Shit, you are sick. Lay down, please.” Namjoon obliged and lay as far as he could, upper body resting on the edge of the bathtub and hands over his face.
“Jungkook, can you please get Hoseok or something? I feel awful,” Namjoon admitted and Jungkook looked at him. His stomach was bloated, face pale and sweaty. He looked awful, and Jungkook almost said yes. But he was suddenly feeling really nauseous again, and his stomach was hurting worse.
“Uhm, I’m not sure if I can--huhghh--” Jungkook tried to speak but was cut off by a violent gag as he went back to the sink and threw up again, more undigested food pouring out in a thick stream from his stomach. It was Namjoon this time to stand up shakily and put a much-too-warm hand on the younger’s back, still feeling feverish but wanting to help Jungkook badly. He rubbed the back gently, until Jungkook was reduced to dry gags. His face felt sweaty as Namjoon pulled back the overgrown black hair into a ponytail to avoid getting it stuck in vomit. Namjoon’s hands were shaking badly, and Jungkook swore he could feel the body heat radiating from the older.
“Ughh, Namjoon, I’m so sorry,” Jungkook muttered, sliding a hand up under his shirt to put on his stomach, “My stomach hurts so bad, hyung.” He turned around to look at Namjoon, who still looked pale. Eyes half-shut, not able to pay attention to whatever Jungkook was saying. The singer gently placed a hand on Namjoon’s forehead and frowned when he felt how warm it was. “Oh, gosh, hyung, you feel warm.” Namjoon hummed in agreement, opening his eyes slightly. Jungkook was unsure what to do, still feeling sick himself when he saw Taehyung walk through the door. His eyes were puffy from sleep, but he could still see the situation at hand and was concerned immediately.
“Jungkook-ah? Namjoon-ah? Are you guys sick?” he asked, rubbing his eyes.
Jungkook nearly cried from relief. “I was sick a couple times, and he was too, I think he has a fever, thank you for coming, Tae.”
“Huh? Why are you sick? How is Namjoon even standing up, his eyes are closed?” Taehyung’s brain was too foggy from sleep.
“I think the sashimi, but maybe Namjoon-hyung was sick from something else too, he has a fever. He’s falling asleep right now, at first he was holding me up but now I’m holding him up, as you can see.” Jungkook responded, and cleared his throat. “Can you please get him some fever medicine? I can’t take care of him, my stomach still feels so sick.”
“Yeah, of course, please lay him down for a second. He needs some rest. I’m gonna get some medicine, and, uh...Seokjin-hyung. I’ll get him too. You don’t have a fever?” Taehyung responded.
“No, I feel really awake and lucid actually. My head is clear, it’s just my stomach, which --” he paused to inhale shakily as a worse cramp wracked his stomach “--could you get some medicine for, please?” Jungkook said.
“Yeah, of course. I’ll be right back.” Taehyung left the room. Jungkook spoke gently to Namjoon.
“Hey, let’s sit down for a second, Joon. Just rest a little and we’re gonna give you some medicine,” he said. Namjoon nodded and sat down, resting his back on the wall. His eyes were open, but glossy and not really looking at anything in particular. “Gosh, Namjoon, it really seems like throwing up made you so much groggier, yeah?” Jungkook tried to joke, but no response. Namjoon just closed his eyes slightly. Jungkook frowned in worry and felt the leader’s forehead again. Somehow, it felt warmer than before. And crap, he’d forgotten to ask Taehyung to bring a thermometer. He’d probably remember it anyway, though. And Jungkook was looking forward to nothing more than being able to rest. He could still feel the cramps twisting in his stomach, and he’d been able to bear through them for the past few minutes but now he wasn’t sure if he could do it anymore. He was beginning to feel sicker by the second, too. His lower stomach was churning as well, and it felt almost like there was a rock sitting in his stomach. He wanted to feel better so badly. His fingers played with his small ponytail, as they always did when he got anxious. The worst part of this was he knew what food poisoning felt like. He knew that this would last much longer than just a few hours, and he hated nothing more than feeling sick and useless. He needed more than anything a few cuddles from Taehyung once he got Seokjin taking care of Namjoon. Jungkook sighed to himself as he thought about it. A cuddle and a stomach rub from Taehyung was the best thing he could possibly imagine. Just a few more minutes.
A few minutes went faster than Jungkook predicted, and it felt like no time had passed when Taehyung came through the door again, followed by Yoongi this time. Jungkook stood up, “Tae, why is Yoongi here? I thought you were going to get Seokjin,” Jungkook asked.
Taehyung shook his head. “Yoongi said that Seokjin was complaining that his stomach hurt really badly before he went to bed. He ate the sashimi too, so he’s probably sick.” Taehyung paused. “Jungkook, let me take you to my room and get back to bed. You look really pale.”
Jungkook nodded. “Be gentle with him though, Yoongi, he’s so tired.” Yoongi nodded in understanding and kneeled down close to Namjoon as Taehyung helped Jungkook stand up. They were halfway out the door before Yoongi spoke.
“Taehyung. He has a fever of nearly 101 degrees (38.5 celsius). Should I call the staff?” Taehyung turned back around.
“101 isn’t too high. Just let me know if it gets worse. I’m bringing Jungkook to my room, and since I don’t have a roommate right now we won’t wake anyone up. You should bring Namjoon back to your and Seokjin’s bed. Keep an eye on them both, okay?” Taehyung responded, still gently using his hands to stabilize Jungkook.
“Sounds good,” Yoongi said, and Taehyung walked off with Jungkook. "Come on, Kook-ah. Let's get you to rest, hm?"
Yoongi kneels down as well in front of Namjoon who looks in pain, brushing his damp hair slightly, “Joon-ah, let’s rest too?”
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Hey, hi, hello! Haha I love your bitties and would like to adopt a full-sized Meral please! (One-shot please! Your writing is really good by the way! Also- I'm 5'3" tall so he'll probably look down on me XD Also, also! Navy (my saf) is doing well and now everyone is pretty much his nap buddy, whenever he wants a nap and wants a cuddle pile everyone just agrees with him and sleeps in the same spot together)
((aaaah, hi hi! got a quick thanks actually, for the fanart with your Saf, it has been one of the biggest delights ever to see when I open the site and always brings a massive smile to my face! I’m also so so so so so happy to see Navy getting along so well with your Teablemare, Bean. The blanket was an awesome idea, and I love the idea of them being snuggle buddies!! I hope this was okay, and that you liked it!!! <3))
You make your way back to the bitty centre you had visited before to adopt your Saf bitty, Navy. When you enter, you wave happily to the caretaker, who practically squeals in joy when she sees you. She rushes over to you, nearly forgetting the bottle of hand sanitizer that was on the counter, to greet you.
You hold out your hand for the sanitizer, rubbing it into your hands. “Welcome back to the Centre!” The dark haired girl exclaims, “Seeing Navy so happy in his new home has been such a wonderful sight for me and the bitties here! What can I do to help you today?” She smiles brightly.
“I was hoping to adopt a Meral! I love the bitties in your centre, and was hoping to add another to my little family at home. Navy has been a real addition to the family and all my other bitties absolutely love to get into a massive snuggle pile with him!” You mention joyfully, and Lynn nods ecstatically at the little update, looking incredibly happy.
She guides you towards the side window at the left of the centre, closer to the shelves. There were many bitty-sized Merals calmly reading or walking, but your attention is immediately drawn by the tall full-sized Meral sitting against the wall opposite the shelves packing some medical kits with bandages and such. He was definitely over 6 foot tall, you could assume when you considered his leg and torso stretched out and standing, and as you moved to sit next to him and observe what he was doing, you realised he nearly towered over you, even sitting down. 
He notices you rather quickly, as he turns towards you, moving the medical equipment and his doctors coat out of the way for you to sit next to him without sitting on anything. He gives you a gentle, patient smile. “Hello. How Are You Today?” His words are soft, and tone comforting, and you feel yourself become very relaxed. 
You offer a smile of your own to him as you reply to his questions, his curious and caring nature reflecting itself as he softly, cautiously leads the conversation. It was incredibly pleasant and the two of you went back and forth for a while. When Lynn comes back to ask the Meral about the medkits, she notices the two of you talking together.
“I see you found the doc, huh?” She asks you warmly, as she walks over. You look back at the Meral you had been talking to, who now had a soft mint coloured blush across his cheekbones. “He’s one of the best healers in the Centre.” She expands, when she notices you looking over at him.
Your eyes widen, and the Meral seems to hide in his palm-less hands, his blush visible through the holes, and looking much darker.
“I’d like to adopt him, if that’s okay with the both of you.” You respond, smiling gently. She nods with bright eyes, and the Meral also shares his agreement with a soft tap on your shoulder, followed by a wide-socketed expression accentuated with a wide smile.
You walk out of the Centre a second time, with a new bitty, a new addition to your wondeful family. “Be careful, and stay safe! Please keep sending all those wonderful updates, hopefully with your new Meral!”
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