#yep if this challenge involves sickness you better believe i’m in
pixelatedraindrops · 5 months
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Yuma Month: Day 5: Sickness
Ah yes, my specialty. (making him suffer)
Bundled in a blanket, feverish yet chilled, vision very blurry.
whose cool hand and gentle voice does this belong to...?
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alt version featuring my own whump prompt :3
wanted to try drawing it at least once
he's getting dehydrated but can't move...
so he gets a helping hand from a capable detective <3
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ooohh Abi I'm soo happy you're taking prompts!! 8 and 16 together maybe? For you know who🥺🌺
[I know I should finish out the whump prompts first, but I’ve had this in my head for a couple days and I needed to get it down! originally, this was tacked on to the end of my padawan!Kenobi & baby!Soka sickfic prompt response but it’s already too long as a stand-alone so here ya go. it’s not necessary to read the other first, but it may provide some context.]
8=“I’ve got you.” 16=“I’m never letting you go”
using this angst/fluff prompt masterlist
“Who are you looking for?”
“Er, she’s six? Togruta.” He racked his brain for more identifiers. “No front teeth.”
“Does she have a name?” the padawan healer drawled, lifting a tired eyebrow at Obi-Wan.
“Oh. Right. Ahsoka.”
“I...I don’t know her family name,” he grimaced. “But how many Ahsokas can you possibly have in there?”
The padawan offered a less-than-polite glance at that comment, but returned her gaze to the holo-pad in front of her. “Ahsoka Tano. Looks like she’s fine. High-grade fever, nausea, and dizziness. Nothing serious.”
“That sounds serious,” he frowned.
“Well, it’s not,” the padawan bit off with a glare. “If you want to go see her, either go in or get out.”
Obi-Wan’s eyes widened. “Go see her?”
“Isn’t that why you’re here?” The padawan healer crossed her arms and looked at him with bored irritation.
“Oh,” said Obi-Wan. “Well, no, actually. I just–” he paused. “Yes–would you direct me to the room number?”
“Thank you.”
It wasn’t until he started walking down the hall that he considered what had just happened. He stopped walking abruptly, frowning at his own feet which had seemed to move of their own accord. What was he doing?
He didn’t even know this girl. It was one thing to stop by and ask the healers for an update. It was an entirely different thing to pop in for a visit. What would Ahsoka even say about the strange padawan from the Archives who had carried her to the healers? She’d been so out of it by the time he got her to the Halls of Healing, he wasn’t even sure if she’d remember anything at all.
Obi-Wan unfortunately didn’t think forgetting was a possibility for him, what with the vomit still crusted over his boots from the night before.
Somehow, he found himself at the room marked C201. He considered turning around and walking back to his quarters, but something stopped him. She really had been so unwell–and so cute.
He knocked softly.
The sound of springs and a thump–someone jumping off a bed. Then, the light pitter-patter of small feet crossing the room.
“You!” she cried as she opened the door, beaming up at him.
“Me,” he agreed, smiling weakly in return.
She catapulted herself into him, wrapping her arms tightly around his legs and constricting his knees with a surprising amount of strength.
“Ahsoka,” he chuckled, trying to shake her off. “This can’t become a habit. I can’t move, little one.”
“I’m never letting you go,” she muffled against his legs. 
Obi-Wan rolled his eyes with a smile, leaning down to untangle her arms from him. “Aren’t you supposed to be in bed?” 
She switched her grip to latch onto his arms. “Up,” she instructed, pulling on him.
“You can’t just command people to carry you.”
“Please?” She batted her eyes at him in a way he was pretty sure was premeditated but also was completely powerless against.
“I stand corrected. You can.” He scooped her up.
Ahsoka grinned, her face six inches away from his. “Hi, Padawan Kenobi.”
“Hi, Ahsoka,” he replied, with a blinding smile of his own.
“I told the healers you would come.”
“Oh, did you?”
“Yep. I knew it.” She nodded vigorously, her head bobbing up and down in a way Obi-Wan knew couldn’t feel good with a fever.
“I’m glad you had so much faith in me. How are you feeling?”
He lifted an eyebrow.
She deflated the tiniest of bits. “Still sick.”
“Then, perhaps you should be in bed, yes?”
“Ugh, yes,” she scowled.
Obi-Wan moved toward the small hospital bed, leaning down to drop her in. The Togruta climbed toward the head of the bed and crawled under the covers, sitting up and looking at him excitedly. He stared in bewilderment, taking a tentative seat on the edge of the bed.
This kid was so strange.
“What are we gonna do?” she asked, her shoulders bouncing a bit. Did this child ever stop moving?
He frowned. “What do you mean?”
Her eyes rolled around her head as she huffed in impatience. “Are we gonna sing or play or what?”
The older Jedi’s eyes widened. “Sing or...play?” 
“Well, why’d you come here if we weren’t gonna sing or play?”
Why had he come here? Obi-Wan wasn’t sure if he was qualified to answer that question. There hadn’t been much thinking involved between his waking up and immediately walking down to the Halls of Healing this morning.
“Just to check in on you, I suppose.”
She looked disappointed. “That’s it?”
“I didn’t know there were protocols for checking in on a sick youngling.” He reached across and lightly tapped her nose. 
“Protocols?” She went cross-eyed, her tiny nose scrunching up in response. “I hate protocols.”
Obi-Wan laughed, not doubting that at all. He could imagine the challenges Ahsoka provided to the creche-masters...and the challenges she would one day provide to her master. 
That would be a brave Jedi.
“You’re sick, little one. I don’t think singing and playing are in your near future,” he offered a compassionate half-smile. “Perhaps tomorrow or the next day.”
“Ugh,” she groaned, dramatically. “It’s so boring in here!”
“Do you like to read?” he asked, thinking of all the books he could retrieve from his quarters. It’s what he would do if he was the one stuck in here. It’s what he had done all the times he was the one stuck in here. 
She fixed him with a stare. “I’m six.”
Oh. Right.
Obi-Wan had done a few rotations in the creche and he’d found he had a knack for teaching the older initiates, but his assignments from Qui-Gon rarely found him in contact with small children. Ahsoka put him entirely out of his element.
“I could read to you?” he suggested.
“Do you do voices?”
“You know,” she said, gesturing wildly. “Voices.”
He didn’t know. The small huff that signaled her giving up on him led him to believe she could sense his confusion.
Even so, her eyes lit up suddenly. “We could fight!”
“I don’t think that would be appropriate,” he laughed lightly.
Ahsoka glared, as menacing as she could muster. “You don’t think I could beat you?”
“Oh, it’s not that at all,” he shook his head, quickly. “I only meant what with this being a healing ward, of course.”
This seemed to satisfy her and she snuggled back into the covers with a content smile.
“Padawan Kenobi? Do you think–” Her eyes shut and she grabbed at her stomach, suddenly. “Oh.”
“Ahsoka?” Obi-Wan reached for her shoulder in concern. “What’s wrong?”
“Tummy,” she groaned, miserably. “Again.”
He scanned the room for a bin. Spotting one, he summoned it toward the bed and helped Ahsoka out of the covers. She crawled pathetically toward the edge of the bed and immediately began to wretch into the bin.
Obi-Wan watched, painfully helpless against her discomfort. All he could do was lightly rub circles over her small back as she violently heaved. 
She looked up at him with pained eyes. “I’m...I’m sorry about getting sick...on your shoes last night, Padawan Ken–” Her words were cut short as another wave of nausea hit her and she continued to get sick into the bin.
“I have other shoes, little one,” he said softly. “There’s only one of you, though. I want you to feel better.”
She whined in response, coughing weakly. 
“Would you like me to get a healer?” he asked after she seemed to even out. 
Ahsoka shook her head, closing her eyes and hovering over the bucket.
“Does it feel like it’s over or do you think you need to wait a bit?”
She shifted in response, scootching toward Obi-Wan and practically falling into his lap. He pulled her fully into him, snaking one arm around her back and cradling her head with the other. Her small montrals bumped along his chin as she collapsed into his chest.
After a moment, she picked her head up weakly. “Can you...stay here?”
“I’ve got you,” he promised.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 years
A longtime affair revealed ; Brian May x reader
*Author’s note*
Hey guys well be prepared to do some binge reading because for my Rock Angel series I’ve got 3 chapters ready for ya’ll. Now for this one, I just wanna let you all know THIS IS PURELY FANFICTION!!! In this chapter we’re gonna get into how the Rock Angel soon found out about Brian and Anita. Now like I told my Wattpad followers and readers, if this causes any wars, harrassment or bullying in ANY SHAPE OR FORM. THIS. CHAPTER. WILL. BE. DELETED!!!
I’m writing through how the Rock Angel would react plus a bit of combination on facts that I have gotten from seeing/reading interviews from Brian about this topic.  
Warnings: Angst, cheating, affairs, swearing, more angst, maybe fluff (if you squint). 
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*April 14th, 1988. LA home*
Now don’t get me wrong, I love having the guys over and my door is always open to them but—this is just weird.  To brush you all up, around late February just a couple weeks after my birthday, Brian shows up out of nowhere on our doorstep in our home in LA wanting to stay with us for a while.
He didn’t give us any rhyme or reason just that he needed to be out of the country for a bit.  So Jack and I welcomed him in and he’s been a great help around the house. Helping with the laundry, cleaning the place, taking care of Kelly, and he’s also been helping me produce my music.
Since Queen hasn’t decided to do another tour in the past 2 years, Rog and Bri took this time to do some solo works.  Freddie also did a couple of solo stuff and Deacy’s worked with a different band playing the bass for them but his days are just spending it with Ronnie and the little Deaklings.
But back to Brian.  He’s been so secretive lately, late night phone calls (and I’m talking about phone calls at like 3am our time), wanting to keep certain letters or mail to himself, and anytime I mentioned Chrissie at all, he’d get all tense and try to leave the room by making up some excuse regarding Kelly or working on his next solo project.
One night at almost 4o’clock in the morning, I woke up cause I was thirsty.  So quietly I went downstairs to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of milk.  But just as I poured myself a cup and was about to drink it, I could hear the soft murmuring voice of Brian out on the back deck.
“I know, I know. I just needed to get away for a bit, besides, it’s been awhile since I’ve seen the Kline family and they are important to me.” I silently stalked towards the back door to see Brian standing with the cordless phone up to his ear. “I’ll be back by the end of the week. I love you too, bye.” He spoke with such love as he made his declaration of love.
Okay maybe I’m being paranoid but he couldn’t be—no not Brian Harold May. There’s no way he could be cheating.  Could he? No, no, no, no, no snap out of it! Just because it happened to you (and Dominique, god I wish I could just slug Roger sometimes) but there’s no way that Brian could do something like this.
I heard him sigh as he now sat on one of the lawn chairs we had along the back deck while I silently snuck back to the kitchen and quietly rinsed off my cup after I downed the milk.  After putting it in the dishwasher I snuck back upstairs and fell right back asleep.
The next morning I had made a full buffet for breakfast for my two hungry boys, myself, and my baby girl.
“Okay here we go breakfast. The most important meal of the day. Eggs Sunnyside up, bacon on a side of toast. A stack of humungous chocolate chip pancakes which do smell incredible, if I do say so myself. And for my favorite guitarist Jelly filled muffins, and wholesome banana bread with tofu dogs and a tall glass of OJ.”
“Alright mama lioness, thank you.” Jack praised as he cut his Sunnyside egg and ate the piece of it.
“Ba bou mama.” Kelly thanked me in her baby tongue.
“You are most welcome my loves.”
“It really does look delicious (Y/n).” Brian told me.  While the three of us began eating our meal, Brian just sat there with his hands in his lap staring at his food.
“You’re not hungry again?” Jack questioned as he paused from eating his bacon.  I set my knife and fork down and said as I walked up to him.
“Okay what’s going on?” Brian looked at me humming in confusion. “Last night for dinner you hardly touched my veggie lasagna, which you say is my best dish ever, and now you don’t want breakfast. Bri are you sure you’re not sick?” I cupped his face in my hands trying to feel for a fever.
“I’m fine darling, really I am.” He took my hands off his face and kissed the back on my right one.
“You sure?”
“Yes, I’m fine just—a little tired is all. Hadn’t really been sleeping well these past few days.” I raised my brow at him skeptically.  I hummed suspiciously as I went back to my seat and finished up my breakfast.
After breakfast, Jack went to work selling cars (ever since we officially decided to stay in LA around last year, Jack got a job at a local car dealership.  It pays well whenever I wasn’t working and it’s nice to see two breadwinners instead of it just being me).
While I was cleaning up the dishes and Brian was cleaning up Kelly of the chocolate from the chocolate chip pancakes she wanted to devour I said to him.
“Hey Brian.”
“Yeah poppet?”
“You know there are additional ways to try and go to sleep that don’t involve raising my phone bill.”
“Wait you knew?”
“Bri, I have a toddler that still wakes me up every now and again. I’m sorta trained to wake up at odd hours in the morning, even when she doesn’t need me. So who is it that you keep calling at odd hours of the night and risking a higher raise on my bill? Cause I sure as hell know it’s not Miami or the guys.”
“It’s uhh—it’s uhh well it’s…..Chrissie!”
“Yeah, yeah. She-she’s just been wanting to check up on me. In fact she’s in New York for a conference.”
“Ahh I see. So you wanted to call Chrissie at a time that was convenient for her because of the time difference.”
“Yes! Exactly because of the time difference!” Brian cheered.  I turned off the tap and dried my hands off agreeing with Brian.  I then took my baby girl out of her high chair as I told him point blank,
“So you waited until it was 1am her time. That makes perfect sense.” His face dropped but he suddenly blurted out.
“Actually!” my brow raised at him challengingly.  He better come up with the best lie right now. Hell he calls me a bad liar, well he’s even worse, especially once he’s put under the radar. “It was 7pm her time. See while she was in New York for business, she’s now been transferred to—Paris.” What?
But doing that cute little nod of his and smiling confidently, he thought he could make it believable.  I would’ve continued on but I was gonna be late if I kept at it.
“Nice save.” I took Kelly into the living room and set her down in her play pin where she grabbed her stuff lion that Roger gave her for her birthday. “Alright look Bon Jovi, I know you’re producing my new album but I need you to stay here and look after Kelly since Jack is working late today and we can’t find a sitter for her. Besides Elton’s coming over for our duet song today so we can handle that.”
“Okay sure. I can keep little Kelly company. Maybe we can go for an outing in the park today.”
“No outings! Remember what that bastard reporter did last month when all of us were out?” long story short, a vulgar male photographer from an LA tabloid stalked me, Brian, Jack and Kelly while we were out for a spring picnic.  He even went as far as to shove his camera in my baby’s face.  
Had it not been for Brian and Jack holding me back, I would’ve knocked that camera right into his eye. And he’d have a camera lens for an eye for the next 20 years cause technology of today wouldn’t be able to get it out of him less he dies.
Needless to say, my name went on the tabloids the next day as Rock Angel throws Raging Rampage! Of course I did my explanation to a radio station in England and now it’s divided fans on whether I was in the wrong or right to do that.
“Oh yeah. Okay fine, we can find some stuff to do here, can’t we Kelly?” she babbled as she continued to play with her stuffed lion. “See?”
“Okay. But—promise you’ll call if anything comes up.”
“No worries mama, I can handle things from here. We’ll see you both tonight. This time I’ll cook dinner.” He said as he came up to me, cupped my face and stroked my cheeks with his thumbs.  Looking down at me with those soft blue eyes finally made me submit to his will.
“Okay, love you both.” I kissed Brian’s cheek before going over to my baby girl and gave her many kisses all over her cheek and finally heading out the door to work with Elton on our duet song.
Later that night both Jack and I returned home exhausted and tired from a long day.  As we met up in the driveway of our home, we met each other and kissed each other.
“How was your day love? Sell any good cars?”
“Yep. Managed to sell off this old ’79 corolla that’s been in the shop since they came out. And for a good price too.”
“And how was working with Elton John? You know my mom would die if she found out. She’s a huge Elton John fan, ever since she was a teenager.”
“I know. She showed me her collection of Elton vinyl’s she’s collected in the past. But working with Elton is—certainly a challenge. I mean David was tough enough but Elton—yeesh. But they both are my idols and dearest friends. They have their own way of doing things, and you have to find a compromise.”
“I’ll bet.” Just before we went back inside the house, we saw walking right up the sidewalk a women around her 30’s possibly even 40 years old.  She had curly red hair, and she had that vibrant glow about her.
“Ohh sorry, I figured you both would still be out. But I guess it had to come out eventually.” I turned to Jack and he said alarmed.
“I swear baby I have no idea who this woman is.” I turned back towards the woman and said.
“Can we help you Miss?”
“Oh right, sorry. I’m just here to return Brian’s jumper that he left at my place.” His jumper? At her place?
“Okay well I can just give it to him, and—how exactly do you know Brian? And no offense ma’am but how did you get my address?” she softly laughed.  Laughed? What the—why the hell was she laughing?! Is this chic on something?
“No worries darling I’m not some deranged fangirl or anything. Freddie told me where Brian was staying at. I’m Anita Dobson.”
Wait, wait I know that name. Yeah I know exactly who she is. She’s an actress from the soap opera EastEnders.  She’s also a singer and rumors have been speculating about her and Brian—oh god no! Oh HELL NO!!
At that point my fist clenched up and my breathing grew sharp and heavy.  I turned back towards the house and stormed towards it.
The door slammed open and I cried out.
“BRIAN HAROLD MAY!! GET YOUR FUCKING ARSE DOWN HERE NOW!!” I heard a thunderous and rapid pacing of footsteps coming down the stairs as Brian with a horrified look on his face.
“What the hell (Y/n) you’re gonna wake up your own daughter.”
“Oh no you don’t get to talk back to me after what you’ve done!”
“What did I do? I-I-I-I hadn’t done anything.”
“You call this not doing anything!?” at that moment Jack came inside the house with Anita.  Nervous she waved at Brian and greeted him.
“Hello Brian.”
“Anita? Wha—what are you doing here? I told you I would be back by the end of the week.”
“I know, I know but—you know that jumper you left over at my place at New Years, I found it.” She then took out Brian’s jumper that I had given him as a Christmas present the first time I spent my first Christmas with them.
I crossed my arms over my chest as Brian awkwardly came down the rest of the stairs and took his jumper back.
“Thanks love.”
“Someone better start talking or I swear heads will roll.” I threatened.  Both Brian and Anita shifted on their feet as Brian said.
“(Y/n), Jack. Anita and I—well……we’ve been…..we’ve been seeing each other.”
“As in—”
“Yes Jack. Anita and I have been very secretly involved with each other.” At that point everyone went silent.  At this point I was beyond pissed off.  This was just like seven years ago when I caught Adam with that blonde bitch Becky in our bed shagging each other.  Now here was Brian.
Brian May! One of the four men who helped comfort me the day after I found out I had been cheated on.  And now here he was doing, what my dick of a boyfriend did, to Chrissie!
I just……I couldn’t even look at him.
“Look. I—I didn’t mean to impose, especially to you (Y/n), maybe I shouldn’t have come.” You think?! “Maybe I should go?”
“No, no Anita I can’t have you walking out this late all alone.” Brian said as he took hold of her hand.
“Well where am I gonna sleep, here?”
“Whoa-ho!” I warned them. They looked at each other and Brian said.
“We’ll go to a hotel. I think uhh—after tonight I—might not be welcomed back here.” Anita looked at Brian and said.
“If you insist.” They walked towards the door. I beat them to the front door and locked it saying in a low, threatening tone.
“No you’re not.”
“No we’re not.” Anita enforced as she and Brian walked away from the front door. “If you both go to a hotel you’re gonna be—” I tried to ease out my breathing trying to get them mental picture out of my brain. “Doing things. I want you both where I can see you!”
“Wait you’re gonna keep an eye on us?” Brian asked in a ‘are you serious’ manner.
“That’s right Brian Harold May and I don’t care how old you are. As long as you live under my roof, you’ll obey by my rules! And that means no sleeping with your girlfriend.”
“Wow, you weren’t kidding, she can be a fierce lioness.” I heard Anita whisper to Brian and he nodded.
“Now Anita, there’s a guest room down here you can rest in. Brian, you’ll stay in your room. Jack take Anita to her room.” He nodded and guided Anita just down the hall.
Once they were gone, Brian turned to me and tried to explain everything.
“Now (Y/n) this isn’t what it—”
“Oh so you didn’t invite your hussy to my house so that you could finally bring into light that you’re cheating on Chrissie with an actress? The typical Rock Star affairs! I expected this from Roger but never from you Brian! Do you realize how sick this makes me feel?”
“I just—”
“I don’t wanna hear about it anymore! Now go to your room!” I yelled as I pointed up the stairs.  He sighed heavily and walked up the stairs, shoulders slumped and his spirit broken.
As Jack and I now prepared for bed, I didn’t speak a word to my husband as I angrily got into bed.  After a long bit of awkward silence Jack said.
“You know I hadn’t seen you this angry since Prenter went on that interview and spilled out all of Freddie’s secrets.”
“If this is your way to try and cheer me up, I’m gonna boot you to the couch for the next month.” I turned away from him, “I don’t wanna discuss this anymore till morning, good night Jack.”
“Night (n/n). Love you.” I didn’t respond back. All I kept thinking was the rage I was feeling towards Brian about this whole thing.
The next morning, Anita showered up, got dressed and Brian helped pay for her cab fair to the airport.  Once she was out of the house, Jack went to take Kelly out for a walk leaving Brian and I alone in the house.
I was currently getting lunch started cutting up some cucumbers, peppers and onions for a sauce while Brian stood on the other side of the island I was cutting on.
“So……how long have you and……” I couldn’t even finish my sentence so I just went back to rapid cutting the veggies.
“Anita and I met 2 years ago, in Beverly Hills for a premiere. I even invited her to our show at Wembley stadium when we did our last tour. She said you were phenomenal on stage.” I ceased my cutting and looked up at him.
“Flatter will get you nowhere hound dog.”
“(Y/n) seriously you’re not playing fair.”
“And you’re one to talk about fair. Does Chrissie know about her?!” Brian didn’t say a word. “See? Brian you—you know what I went through when I got cheated on. Hell you comforted me! But yet here you are doing what that dick Adam did to me! Tell me something, does Anita provide you the same sexual pleasures that you used to have with Chrissie?”
“Oh my god (y/n) how do you…..”
“When you’re friends with one Freddie Mercury and one Roger Taylor. You hear a lot more than you should.”
“It has nothing to do with sex, lust or anything like that. I—I love her. I fell in love with Anita.”
“But what about Chrissie? Your kids? Would you really leave them for that actress?”
“The kids never. But—” Oh my god.  He would willingly leave Chrissie.  Oh my god that poor, poor woman. “Listen (Y/n), I didn’t want to tell you this but—my marriage has been falling apart for years. I just—I didn’t know what else to do, but when I met Anita, she was like—a light force had come into my life.”  I remained silent as I stuck the knife into the cutting board.
“I can’t do this anymore. I—I want you out of this house within the hour.” His eyes widened and he softly said my name.
“(Y/n). I—”
“GET OUT OF HERE!!!” I shouted as I turned my back on him.  Silence once again surrounded us and it was then I heard him gently tread up the stairs to pack his stuff.  Next thing I heard was the front door opening and then closing.
A few weeks later; I was cleaning up the house while Jack and Kelly were out having their monthly Father-daughter bonding time.  
As I turned the vacuum off, there was a loud, thunderous knock at the door.  I at first jumped, startled by the knocking, but I went to answer the door.  And I was surprised to see just who it was.
“Chrissie?” for the first time in 2 years since I’ve seen her she suddenly appears on my doorstep in LA with a bag full of groceries. “What are you doing here?”
“I first came to give you this,” she handed me the bag. “And this!” that’s when I got slapped hard in the back of my head.
“Owie! Why though?” she stormed into my house as she said.
“Why did you have to fill Brian’s head about trying to make things right!?” She sat down on my couch.  “Honestly (Y/n), now there’s some ice cream in there, put it in the freezer before it melts.” I quickly did as she said and I turned towards her and asked her in complete shock.
“Wait so—you knew?!”
“Of course I knew!”
“Why didn’t you say anything? To Brian or even reach out to me?” I said as I sat beside her.  She took a deep breath before saying.
“Sweetie I hate to tell you this but—our marriage has been failing for years.” I looked at her in shock.
“What? How long?”
“It’s been so long that I’ve forgotten now. But it’s really been hard since 2 maybe 3 years now.” What? But—they always seemed happy together whenever I saw them.
“Chrissie I—why didn’t you talk to anyone about it?”
“Brian and I tried to work in marriage counseling but with the final Queen tour it got too much, and once the tour was over it—felt like we were both wasting our time. So we just—agreed to not talk or be near each other for a bit till we both came to an agreement on what to do. Plus we didn’t want to upset the kids. Do you know how hard it is for a child so see their parents screaming at each other constantly?” From what I remember my parents rarely got mad at each other, they always had the perfect marriage.
Now I’m not naïve I know that some marriages never work out.  Some of my friends I once had in secondary school had to go through their parents getting divorce and it really affected them.  Hell I can even give my aunt and uncle, they hated each other and yet they continued to stay married to each other (to my knowledge I don’t think I ever heard them say I love you to each other).
“Plus all this fighting and the arguments it hasn’t been helping Brian mentally.” My brows furrowed in confusion. “There’s—also been some stuff going on beyond just us. His father got diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer and he’s getting sicker and sicker by the day. That, plus our marriage crumbling to bits, Brian he—he’s said if it weren’t for the kids, as well as you and Kelly…….he would’ve contemplated suicide.”
What? He—he never mentioned that to me. Oh god and now I’ve……shit.
“Chrissie if this is a way to try and guilt me, it’s working.”
“Oh sweetie I don’t mean to guilt you. I’m just telling you all on what’s been going on.”
“I knew Brian had his dark moments but—lately, especially since Kelly was born, he’s always put on a happy face around us. I just—I can’t believe I never saw it.”
“Even the brightest people can have their darkest moments.” No shit.  I mean I should know cause I’ve had those days myself.  God I feel like such a hypocrite now.
“I will say this though; ever since he did meet that—actress. He’s been more involved with the kids, he’s been more attentive to them, more loving, and involved in their lives. In fact I’ve never seen him happier than he is right now.” God now I really feel like shit. But what about Chrissie herself?
“But what about you?”
“I’ll be fine. I think—I think Brian and I have come to an understanding in the last few months that…..it’s best for us and for the kids that we get a divorce. Because at this point it’ll get too crazy. Now you little miss. You gotta make things right with him.”
“I don’t think he’ll listen to me. Chrissie I—I unleashed every ounce of anger I had. It felt like I got cheated all over again. I thought back to when—and then I thought of you and…….” She wrapped an arm around me and she said.
“Oh angel, I know you were thinking your heart was in the right place. Especially since I’m the mother of his kids and we’ve been married for over 10 years. And Brian told me what had happened to you when that bastard of an ex-boyfriend cheated on you. Being cheated on its—it sucks.”
“I agree it totally sucks.” I groaned out as we both softly laughed.
“Go get the ice cream, we can drown our sorrows in that instead of wine.” I went to the freezer and got the ice cream out as well as two spoons and we both shared the ice cream together.
After finishing the tube of ice cream, I was lying on the floor while Chrissie was sprawled out on my bed.
“Can I be honest with you Chrissie?” she hummed. “Since—you and Brian are gonna be….you know divorced, does—does that mean we won’t see each other again?” she slid down the couch to come close to me and she said.
“That’s up to you honey. I’ll tell you what; if you ever need a neutral ground to stand on, and rant about how crazy your child and future children make you, I’ll be there for you.”
“Thanks Chrissie. And I’m really sorry I screwed this up.”
“You should be. But—I forgive you.” she said as she hugged me.  As we both swayed from side to side she then asked me, “So—have you met her?” I knew that she was referring to Anita.
“Yes. You’re ten times prettier than she is.”
“That’s sweet. Could I take her?”
“With this right hook, no contest Lady Ali.” She chuckled and embraced me tighter.
After that, she left my house and she stayed at a hotel nearby before she would fly back to LA.  It was then I decided to call Brian to talk this out.  He agreed and so I was going to fly out to London to see him so that he and I could talk about this like reasonable adults.
So that night I booked a flight for tomorrow morning and told Jack what all was going to happen.  I would stay with Roger for a few days while Brian and I tried to talk things out.
When I got to London, I was sitting in Hyde Park with my shades (well an old pair of Roger’s shades he had back in the 70’s that I ‘borrowed’) on protecting my eyes from the bright sun.
“(Y/n).” I looked up and there wearing his own pair of shades was the curly haired guitarist himself.
“Shall we walk?” I nodded and soon the two of us walked side by side.  There was a bit of awkward silence between us at first till I finally spoke up.
“Chrissie came to the house and told me everything that’s been going on.”
“Of course she did.” He muttered.
“You should be grateful though. Bri—I really wanted to try and forget you after hearing about what you did. But hearing about everything that’s been going on in that head of yours—I can’t believe you’d think about killing yourself.”
“It’s—I’ve got no excuse. I’ve been feeling like an utter failure these past couple of years outside of Queen. Chrissie and I just….we were constantly fighting all the time. But when I met Anita—it was like finally coming out from the water I had been drowning in.”
“I don’t condone the cheating cause—you know how I went through it. After getting both sides of the story I—I know I can’t be involved in this situation cause it’s none of my business. This is between you, Chrissie and—Anita. But…..just promise me this. Tell me again this has nothing to do with anything sexual.”
“It had nothing to do with the fact that Anita was prettier than Chrissie. Nothing about appearances, not about urges. Nothing of that sort.” I nodded.
“It’s gonna take some time. I mean hell I don’t even know if I can accept her but—I’ll try my best to not be a total bitch around your new lady friend.”
“That’s all I ask for (Y/n). I won’t force you to be friends with Anita. I just…..want you to understand where I stand on this matter.” I nodded. “Are there any other questions you have for me?”
The rest of the day was just Brian and I talking about his relationship with Anita.  How it began, when they first started falling for each other, things like that.
By the first week of May, Chrissie and Brian finalized their divorce papers.  Brian May was now officially separated from his wife and he was now freely able to stay with Anita over at her place.  I’ll be grateful that they didn’t go off and get hitched as soon as it happened.
In fact Brian invited Jack and myself to have dinner to officially get to know Anita better.  It was a calm, quiet meal with small talk of just getting to know one another on a more stable level.  
I apologized to Anita on my behavior when we first met and she immediately forgave me (Brian had told her that I had been cheated on and that’s why I had flipped my shit on the both of them).
Now I won’t get into too much after this but I will say this, it took me a year and a half to finally come around to Anita and accept her into the ‘Queen/Angel’ circle.  Cause like Brian said, she is charming, witty, sweet, loving, a bit cheeky, but she is passionate about what she does and—she is definitely a force not to be reckoned with.
Chrissie and I still kept in contact but eventually when my schedule soon started back up with recording and doing my tours again, we lost contact with each other.  And I hate to admit it but eventually all contact suddenly just ceased from her end.
Yeah I was heartbroken at first, but I had a feeling deep down that Chrissie might have wanted to just cut ties with everyone. I’m even told by Veronica and Dominque that they hadn’t heard a word from her either.
In the end, not all relationships can be successful and eventually old ties must be severed if we are to continue on in life. But in my mind I’ll still remember the support and love Chrissie gave me.
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szopenhauer · 4 years
If someone has bad breath, do you tell him or her? doubtful, I don’t wanna hurt anyone, it’s awkward and a lot of ppl can’t change how they smell
Do you have an item that comforts you when you are sad/scared? used to have one special object, I still hold it sometimes, I suppose I might again at night from Friday to Saturday 
When are you likely to hide your emotions? when I’m face to face with an authority figure like boss, teacher or doctor, policeman too but I never been in a situation like this with them, I also hide my emotions from abusers at times to not show I’m afraid of them and to not provoke them more as well
Which is scarier: Dying of thirst or of starvation? I guess starvation as it takes longer
Have you ever tried to help someone quit smoking? it’s their decision to smoke, I don’t approve but I won’t get involved, I can only avoid them
Have you ever had to talk anyone out of suicide? self harm more likely, I mean... I was talking with suicidal people about them wanting to kill themselves but never at the moment when they were doing it so I don’t know if that counts
When you think of tomorrow, what feelings come to mind? packing, last day with my parents before I go to the hospital
What is the last thing you complained about? probably health related issues
What was the last curse-word you said? kurwa
When you fake sick to get out of school, what do you say or do to convince your parents that you are sick? I don’t fake sick, I might exaggerate but I won’t lie, I don’t want to worry my parents and because I’m chronicall ill I often was going to school even though I didn’t felt like it
Do you still talk to your very first best friend? no
When was the last time something went terribly wrong? basically everything goes wrong
How do you console someone when he or she is upset? depends
Choose one: Trip to outerspace, or trip underneath the oceans? no thx
How often do you feel overwhelmed? all the damn time
How do you deal with everyday life? poorly 
Who in your family do you act like the most? my dad
What is the most romantically sweet thing someone has done for you? my gf is doing many sweet things 
Have you ever been confronted by a mall cop for your behavior? I’ve never been confronted by the store guard - elseway I would never go back there out of anxiety
Is there someone that makes you feel like you’re walking on eggshells? my mom
Were you ever afraid of one of your past teachers? sorta XD
Have you ever been in a physical fight on school grounds? I was attacked but I didn’t fight back so...
A homeless man asks you for 50 cents; how do you respond? dunno
When was the last time you visited a thrift store? recently
Can you handle constructive criticism? I can’t handle any criticism :(
Who is the most sensitive person that you know? me?...
When was the last time you wrote someone a note? few days ago
Do you tell your parents before you go somewhere, or just leave? I always tell
What was the last thing you tried to get out of doing? not sure what was last hmm...
Which season do you dread the most? winter
Is there a foreign culture you’d like to learn more about? maybe
Have you ever seen a famous painting and thought “I could have done that?” abstract art
What is the scariest thing about attending your school? which one?
Are you a good judge of other people’s intentions? I got better with time 
Shopping: best with friends, parents, bf/gf, or alone? depends
When was the last time someone told you to turn your music down? my mother sometimes asks me to because she has migraines
When you don’t know how to spell a word, do you look it up? not always *ashamed*
Are you one to spend a lot of time in the bathroom? nope but I’m the one that often goes to the bathroom 
Do you ever consider the challenges other races go through? sure
When was the last time you doubted your abilities? I have... abilities? :o
What was the last thing you wished for? health... not gonna happen tho :(
How many times a day, on average, do you look at the time? several, when I wake up then when I eat and between meals and then when I go to sleep and in the middle of the night if I go to pee
Where do you first remember living? I never moved
First fandom? woah I don’t remember 
First otp/ship? neither
How old were you when you first when on a plane? -
What was your first tattoo?  -
Do you remember the last movie you saw while on a date? show - She-ra, movie - A lot like love
Did you lose your virginity before you were sixteen? nooo
How many purses do you own? too many lol Are you bi? am not Who was your prom date? I never had one, I didn’t go to prom
Who was the last person to see you cry? parent[s]
Have you ever been used? yep
Do you like when girl takes you by surprise and kisses you? I like consent but... those were the best kisses ^^’’
Have you ever gone for someone despite knowing they were bad for you? I didn’t think about the future nor that I deserve love What kind of gift can win you over? what do you mean by WIN ME OVER? Are diamonds really a girls best friend? not mine, I don’t care for diamonds 
Have you ever dated someone with a child? no way  Have you ever dated someone shorter than you? Sarah was shorter
Who has made the biggest sacrifice for you? my parents and my current partner
What sound is annoying you right now? it’s quiet :3
What gives you a peaceful feeling? sleep?
Would you rather live in the city, suburbs or the country? country
Are you more of a maker and giver, or a taker and user? taker and user I suppose
Do you buy holiday gifts early or at the last minute? early
If someone else were to describe you what would you hope they would say? the truth
Do you think it is harder for a parent to outlive their child or for the child to outlive their parent? parent to outlive the child because it’s not common
When do you do your best thinking? evening/night
What was a choice that you didn’t want to make but you had to? majority of decisions are smth I’d prefer not to make
What age do you think it is most difficult to be? to each their own
Do you think you could handle a day in jail? who knows
Have you ever been on a trampoline? I have not
Do you pretend to be something you’re not to make friends? I’m being myself and that’s why I’m friendless :P
Are you more of a shy or outgoing person? I’m introverted antisocial and a loner but I’m not shy, I can be loud and talkative
Are you more of an athlete or artist? artist Are you the type to procrastinate? I put PRO in procrastination  Do you believe that you’ll always be a kid at heart? ;) What is something you want to improve on this year? health, I’m trying  How many times a day do you get angry? uh oh... If you could eat any food you want right now, what would it be? personal Can you sleep with your eyes open? I’m no Gandalf
Do you still have any living grandparents? If so, how old are they? I don’t wanna talk about that
What’s your favorite computer game genre? simulations Do you have any exes your parents never liked? pfft Do you ever keep things just because they might be useful someday? we are hoarders
Are you frequently in a bad mood? sorry... Do you ever fill out surveys while in a bad mood? I go through soooo many moods before I finish one survey  Are you a fast or a slow eater? slowest among my friends, fastest in my house  How old were you when you had your first relationship? no idea what I should call a relationship and what not  Do you get dental checkups at least once a year? yup Is there anyone in your family/household whom you frequently argue with? mom, sister before she moved out Have you ever used chewing tobacco? tha hell? that’s disgusting!
Do you play Pokemon Go? If so, what level are you and who’s your buddy? not applicable Do you ever sit indoors and wear sunglasses or a hat? hat Are you putting off doing something right now? If so, what is it? drying my hair, drinking water and going to sleep mostly
Are you like me and hoard notebooks and pens? pens now, I stopped buying notebooks... oh wait... no... I just got one because I wanted to save bees, nvm... Are you sitting in front of or by a window? What can you see out there? by, it’s dark but there’s my neighbor’s house Are there any coasters on your table? If so, do they have text or pictures? flowers Do you have a song playing in your head right now, too? not really Don’t you hate it when people answer to surveys with one word answers? lame *I realized I did that myself *facepalm* Ever watched a cat or a dog sleep and run/twitch in their sleep? adorable <3 What’s something we do every day but they don’t depict in movies? it bothers me that in fantasy/sci-fi movies there are no toilets and meals are rare
Is your style feminine, masculine or somewhere in the middle? in the middle, childish yet of an old person haha Do you usually carry a backpack, a shoulder bag or something else? shoulder bag or tote  Do you wear glasses? If so, have you ever tried to fix them when they’ve broken? helped my dad fix his glasses couple of times Are there a lot of dragonflies around your house? they don’t show up frequently
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Big Hero 7: The series
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Big Hero 7 S2
Write Turn Here
(Warning: The following will mention Child abuse so tread lightly)
*SFIT is going on its course despite the monster discourse happening lately. Thankfully, Cora had recovered significantly after that frightening experience at school. If Cora had thought that her father was overprotective, then she clearly did not know the gang nor her boyfriend Hiro. Following her recovery they waited on her hand and foot that immensely made Corra flustered and slightly touched by their concern. Baymax, as according to his programming, kept a close eye on her to check for any irregularities closely. And home was no different: If Cora so much sneezed Kaguya would immediately give her a cup of green tea, their Baymax would check her temperature, and her father would be coddling her all day as soon as he gets home from work. She could appreciate Kage for not being as close and in your face in regards to her health... but she couldn't help but wonder if that certain event during Open house never happened, would he be ok with even pressing his hand on her forehead? Either way, after getting the green light, Cora is free to join back SFIT, and even then the wishes of her well being were given to her. Hiro, the ever loving boyfriend he is, stayed by her side and would wrap his arm around her. When they got to Grandville's class Cora is met with even more wishes for her recovery and had received a gift or two... which certainly caught Karmi's attention. While Cora went to her seat across Karmi went over to the blue haired teen's desk and gave a death glare.*
Karmi:*Seething* Don't think I forgot about you puking on me Cora. You cost me a shirt and a month's worth of notes!
Cora: Look I'm sorry Karmi about your shirt and notebook-
Karmi: Sorry? If you had the time to wobble your way to the water fountain you should have turned around and-
Grandville: What is going on here?
*Cora and Karmi look up to see Grandville looking at the two girls.. and she didn't look pleased. Hiro turns up in time to see Grandville with the two girls, and he could only try to hold back a wince.*
Karmi: *Sickingly sweet smiles at Grandville* Oh! Professor G! I-I was just wishing her well after being sick! Isn't that right Cora?
*Both Hiro and Cora internally wince as they recall Grandville's previous actions regarding Karmi, and they thought without a doubt that she would let such an obvious lie slide.*
Grandville: I can hear you clearly from where I was and I am confident that was not what it is Miss Karmi.
*That caught all three teens off guard.*
Karmi: OH!... Bu-But-
Grandville: Your peer had fallen ill and all you care about is your notes and shirt? I assume you would be wise enough to transfer some of it to your files. As for your shirt, its replaceable. Third, nobody could control how we react Miss Karmi, and someone who had fallen ill would have even less control. You should especially know this since I also presume one of your classes had gone over the effects of the human body and viruses? I suggest you go back to your desk immediately. Class is about to start and I don't want you disrupting my student's attention.
*Karmi deflated after hearing that. She sulked all the way to the back of the class and mumbled under her breath. Hiro and Cora couldn't even blink at what they just happened...Grandville... had just talked back at Karmi. Adding even a 'Miss' to it despite always calling her by her name. Regardless, they were thankful for it. And so they go to class as usual, focusing on thermal dynamics; however, near the end of class is when Grandville drops in some news.*
Grandville: There has been some recent news that I think would interesting to experiment on. You see, there will be a creative writing contest on campus on Friday, and I want to see if any of you would be interested in participating the event.
*That got their attention. Hiro and Cora could hardly believe that Grandville, a thermal dynamics professor, would suggest creative writing of all things.*
Grandville: And those who participate will be receiving a bonus point for any up coming test in my class. After all, challenging your imagination makes you better thinkers... better thinkers or better scientists. I have a sign up sheet in my office if you do want to join in after class.
*And with that class is dismissed, and Hiro and Cora leave the room.*
Hiro: Well, that was a little surreal. Grandville, giving an opportunity for a bonus point, by joining a creative writing contest?
Cora: Yeah, that got me off guard to. Let me see what's it about.
*Cora quickly pulls out her phone and searches up the contest Grandville talked about and finds it... and more.*
Cora: Ooh! Turns out there's a prize where you get to hang out with a surprise author. Plus having your story be a apart of the library here!
Hiro: Hmm...*Gets an idea and smirks* Ya know.. I think it might be worth a try. What do you say? Wanna join the contest?
*Cora is taken aback with Hiro's idea, and yet she finds herself mildly excited for it regardless.*
Cora: OK then! Lets go!
*But when they head up to Grandville's office, they find Karmi signing in her name with a confident, smug, smirk on her face... which appeared when she saw Hiro and Cora arrive. They go through without argument thankfully, but they knew at least that Karmi will claim her story to be superior simply cause its hers.*
Grandville: Ah, Mr. Hamada and Miss Mizichio. Are you here to sign up for the contest as well?
Hiro: Yep.
Grandville: That is quiet a surprise. But regardless, I wish you luck for your creative writing entries. You should find the rules online.
Cora: Thank you Professor Grandville.
*With that the two teens discuss what they plan to do... especially since Karmi will be joining in too.*
Cora: Knowing her, she would probably write something about Big Hero 7... *Slightly shudders*
Hiro: Babe, its fine. We know better that she won't be as into it like last time.
Cora: Yeah, afterall, she doesn't know Big Hero 7 is actually us.
Hiro: That's it! I know what I'm gonna write about!
Cora: What?
Hiro: How about I write my own story on Big Hero 7! You said it before, we're Big Hero 7 so I know more about us than she does!
Cora: *Blinking* Ya sure you wanna do it? Not that I think you can't do it but I was hoping it would be something more original.
Hiro: Well, you're not wrong. How about I try to think of something else and then try to write about Big Hero 7 as a last resort K?
*Needless to say later on that night the three teens are at work on their story. Karmi is back imagining up a storm with her self insert story involving Big Hero 7 and Momakase. The two teens however are facing some sort of... blocks on their way. For Hiro, he found himself staring at a blank computer screen with no idea how to start.*
Baymax: You have been staring at a blank computer screen all night.
*Hiro groans in frustration as he tries to hit his head on the table, only for Baymax to cushion it. Cora's block is something a little more... unique. She was just about to type out whatever word she could think of first when she heard something downstairs.*
Mizuchi: What in the world is this?
*Curiosity go the better of her as she rushes down to find to her surprise: a bouquet of roses along with a brand new Truck waiting for him outside and custom made for Mizuchi to drive comfortably. And considering his height, that is a massive feat.*
Cora: Whoah!
Kaguya: Whoah is correct granddaughter.
Mizuchi: I-I can't believe it...
*He looks closely at the truck and he couldn't help but admire the craftsmanship and the fact that it can easily fit him.*
Kage: I can't believe it either, and I highly doubt it would be Krei who arranged this.
Cora:*Looks at Kage with questioning eyes* What do you mean Kage?
Kage: I doubt Krei would arrange roses to shape like a heart with the truck. Its clear... that he may have a secret admirer.
*And just like that, Cora's world freezes, finding herself unable to move or blink.*
Kaguya: Cora? Are you alright?
Mizuchi: *Turns his head to see his daughter frozen* Cora? Are you alright sweetheart?
*He goes over, dropping the bouquet of roses to the ground as he goes over to Cora.*
Mizuchi: How about we get inside and get hot cocoa? Doesn't that sound good?
Kaguya: I suppose.
Kage: If you say so.
*The four enter back inside the house where their baymax is waiting... while behind the shadows are two eyes... one brown and looking rather disappointed.. the other set of eyes being a familiar, robotic, red... and it didn't look happy.*
*Somewhere else in the city, in one of the abandoned warehouse Trina is looking up any formulas reserved in her father's computers before his.. untimely passing. Her Mecha suit is put aside to recharge as she scans through. Her pink shirt, purple beanie, and ripped jeans are replaced with a black tank top, black leather jeans, and dark red combat boots. However.. that's not to say that she isn't alone at the moment, as noodle Burger Boy had just arrived back, and now hoping up and down trying to look at the old schematics in front of them.
N.B.B: Howdy and Hello sis! I have some news about- *Distracted by the screen* Whatcha working on sis?
Trina: Its-
N.B.B: *Appearing in front of Trina* Shiny! *Pointing to everything else in the workshop* And whats that do? And that? And that? oh and definitely-
Trina: Noodle-!
N.B.B: Yes sis?
Trina: I'm trying to work!
N.B.B: Oh.. OK! Betcha I can guess what your working on!...give me a hint-
Trina: Maybe I could actually get work done if you were somewhere else.
*Trina pushes N.B.B aside as she goes to focus on the schematics again...only for N.B.B to get back again.*
N.B.B: Not much of a hint-
Trina: Take a hint! Go anywhere but here! And make yourself useful!
N.B.B:... OK Sis... I'll tell ya what I found later...
*Noodle Burger Boy slinks of while Trina goes back to the schematics. But as she did her processor brought up a particular memory file.
Trina had been recently reconstructed, in the form of a six year old. She was approaching a man who is working on a similar set of schematics in front of him.*
Trina: Daddy?
Obake: *Not turning around* What?
Trina:... You promised you'd read me a bedtime story tonight.. and I got my PJs on.
Obake: *Sighs heavily while pinching the bridge between his nose* Oh... that.. I'm sorry Trina but I'm a little busy at the moment. I'll just read your bedtime story tomorrow.
Trina:...OK...*Looks up to the screen* What's that Daddy? It looks really cool, could you give me a hint-
*Obake suddenly slams his hands on his keyboards, grunting in frustration before he turns to Trina with a frustrated look on his face.*
Obake: Do I need to repeat myself? Go back to your room right now. I am busy with my work and I don't want to be disturbed. Take a hint!
Trina trembled before she nods sadly. Obake shakes his head and hugs Trina, to which she happily gives back. But even a blind man could that that Obake's hug, while appearing loving outward, is completely hollow within.
Trina: *Shaking her head to focus on the schematics* Focus on this Trina. Sides, Noodle Burger Boy will come back.
*Later on the rest of Big Hero 7 grouped up for night patrol where currently Hiro is trying to pitch in his story idea to the gang.*
Hiro: Suddenly went completely black! *To Baymax* OK Baymax play that back.
Baymax: *Hiro's voice recording* As the concentration shifted, a chemical clock reaction suddenly went completely black!
*The audience in front of him are currently Fred and Cora. Cora appears a little distracted by her thoughts while Fred's look is a little...unimpressed.*
Fred: I don't get it.
Hiro: Its a scary story.
Baymax: A chemically accurate scary story.
Fred: sometimes accuracy does not equal entertainment. I as an English major should know.
Hiro: Ugh... Baymax erase it.
Baymax: Yeah, go ahead and erase all of it. Its super boring... sorry Hiro.
Hiro: Yeah... you're right.
Baymax: Deleted.
Fred: Hold on...Cora? How about you? Got any ideas for your story?
Cora: hm? *Snaps back at attention* Oh! I'm sorry I was just a little... distracted... with thoughts. I'm sorry Hiro.
Hiro: Its fine Cora, and sides it does sound boring in hindsight.
Fred: Science Horror might be too advanced for your first work of fiction. How about you write what you know!
Hiro: I guess so... But what?
Fred: Hmm... *To Cora* You wanna share your thoughts Cora? I heard that the first step to writing is to write immediately what comes in your head. Otherwise its gets puddles. Maybe sharing what you are thinking might be a good idea.
Cora:... I don't know how I would write about Papa getting a secret admirer would get me in the mood for writing...
Hiro: *shocked* Wait what?!
Fred: Really?
Cora: Mhmm…. We found a truck, a custom built one, along with a bouquet of roses shaped like a heart in front of our house!
Fred: See! that's something to work on! A romance mystery story!...*realization to Cora's words* Except you're clearly not in the mood for it...
Hiro: Nope.
Cora: You got that right. All that we do know is that it has to be someone crazy rich! And honestly I don't know if I could think on anything else...
*Thats when Gogo zooms up to the four up the roof.*
Gogo: You know if you focus on one thing too long you'd forget about everything else? We are not having a repeat of what happened again.
Cora: What should I do?
Gogo: Do what you love to do.
Cora: True...
*that is when Baymax comes up with an alarm.*
Baymax: There is a disturbance in night market square.
Gogo: Lets move out!
Fred: This conversation is T.B.C! That stands for 'To Be Continue-'
Gogo: *Dragging Fred to Baymax* Yeah.
*The five hop on Baymax and fly towards Night Market Square and soon land to find that the disturbance is none other than-*
Cora: Oh no...
Hiro: Noodle Burger Boy!
N.B.B:*Holding two gears* Perhaps these parts will fill the emptiness inside of me.
*That's when they all got a closer look on his face. It had went from its usual cheeriness to a sad face complete with a tear.*
Cora: What the?...
Fred: Is he OK?
Gogo: Whatever! Move in!
*Gogo jumps up to throw at Noodle Burger Boy the discs. It did hit the sides of his head but he had no immediate response.*
N.B.B: Great... happy hyperactive heroes... awesome..
*Noodle Burger Boy shoots his laser eyes to blast back Gogo, who is sent flying back while Baymax flies in with Hiro and Cora. The three land before Noodle Burger Boy as it continues its melancholy speech.*
N.B.B: Existence is an endless void.
*The burger bot half heartedly runs to Baymax starts to half heartedly to smack its head on the nurse bot's leg.*
Fred: *Picking Gogo up* Is it just me or is Noodle Burger Boy kinda… O.O.C?
Gogo: *Sighs*… what does that stand for?
Fred: Out of character c'mon!
Cora: Kinda have to go with Fred on this... this is super weird.
Hiro: I can fix that. Baymax, power kick!
*With one kick Noodle Burger Boy is sent flying through the air before crashing to a wall.*
N.B.B: Typical me..
*The bot falls down as Fred and Gogo regroup with Baymax, Hiro, and Cora.*
Hiro: Give it up Noodle Burger Boy!
N.B.B: Failure is the inevitable result of effort.
Hiro: OK... So y-you surrender?
N.B.B: Why not? My day can't get any worse.
*Cora looks up to see a billboard start to lean forward onto where Noodle Burger Boy is at oblivious to his surroundings.*
Cora: *Gasp* Noodle Burger Boy get out!
*But it was too late. The Billboard fell down, crushing the bot into pieces of robotic parts and wires.*
Fred: I can't believe it.. he's gone... taken out by a flying bill board!
Baymax: Fred, it was a falling bill board...*Patting on Fred's back* there there.
*Later on the gang meet up at the lab where Fred is cradling what remained of Noodle Burger Boy.*
Fred: Goodbye Noodle Burger Boy.. My heart is broken by the fact you represent one of my favorite foods in the whole world and for a brief time, delivered joy.
Wasabi: Until he became one of our top bad guys and started to try kidnapping Cora for *Hums out 'You know who?"*
Fred: Yeah, that is fair. Even so.. the memories are too real.
*That's when the gang turn to Hiro and Cora, who had just gotten off the phone.*
Honey Lemon:...How did Kage react?
Cora:...shocked... genuinely shocked..
Hiro: Alongside his numerous apologies about Noodle Burger Boy for... Wasabi already spelled it out. He's coming over to actually see if its true.
Honey Lemon: Really?
Cora: *Sighs sadly* Yeah really...
*Hiro looks at Cora before he pulls out his computer to show Cora what he is working on.*
Hiro: OK, how does this sound? *Clears throat* Reluctantly, Shiro held out his twisted hand to the disgusting, oozing claws of the Beast. The Beast gave a menacing grin, revealing shark like teeth with dripping blood and organs of his previous victims. He knew he had to do it, or else his boyfriend Hanzo would slowly suffocate under its vice like grip-
Wasabi: Woah woah! That's a little graphic!
Hiro:*Caught of guard* huh?
Fred: I second that! I mean, I get where you were going but you did two no nos in fiction!
Hiro: I was?
Gogo: The rules in the competition said that the rating at max is PG-13, and that sounds like its more than that.
*Hiro winced at that, especially since Cora brought out her phone to show the rules to prove it.*
Fred: Not to mention you wrote that Shiro's boyfriend was gonna die and uh... You know..
*That is when Hiro catches on to what Fred is trying to say. He quickly deletes the file and rubs his arm in embaressment.*
Hiro: Oh my god I am so sorry about that! I did not mean to uh..uh..
Fred: Do the whole 'Bury your gays' trope? Its alright, we know you Hiro. After all you are a novice and now you've been told what you did wrong so you'll know what to do better.
Gogo: Its how writers grow. You pay attention to when the critics say something is genuinely bad. And you can either whine how hard it is, or take out your notes and get better. Speaking of which..
*Gogo pulls out her phone.*
Gogo: I looked up Karmi's lastest update and its a little ridiculous.
Hiro: Really?
Fred: Let me see that. *Looks into fanfic and reading* Huh.. OK, this is a little weird. Why does Karmi have a gun? I-Its just doesn't make sense! And why did she do that with- Seriously!? Augh and you actually held promise!
Hiro: I take that Karmi's latest chapter is something?...
Fred: Theres now a ton of plot holes in this chapter that somehow evades common knowledge! Like, if Wasabi was still conscious, tied up with rope and Momakase didn't take the weapons off?! Like, he could literally snap off the bonds and free everyone else and knock her out!
Hiro: I thought you said that accuracy isn't very good for entertainment?
Fred: Accuracy can be played with and modified to fit the story's tone and theme. This is a blatantly obvious solution that's right there and could have been more interesting but instead wrote us dumber and weaker to get it where she wants!
Hiro and Cora: Wow...
Gogo: Yeah wow... and Fred's not the only one.
*Gogo then shows the reviews, the latest ones in regards to the plot holes, forced situations, and unrealistic approach is handled... and karmi's responses were less than stellar.*
Gogo: 16 years old and she throws a tantrum at being told her chapter didn't work.
Hiro: Wow... that is something...
Gogo: Yup. So you two... kick her ass.
Honey Lemon:*Goes over to place a hand on Gogo's shoulder* In regards to the competition! Not to you know..
Gogo:*Sighs and places her hand ontop of Honey Lemon's hands* I get what you meant Honey. But you know what Commander Carter said about this.
Honey Lemon: OK.. I don't like it, but if it means Hiro and Cora would be alright in the end I'll be ok with it.
*Honey Lemon leans down to kiss Gogo's cheek, which causes the shorter to slightly blush before she turns her head away. With that, Hiro turns his attention to Cora, who is currently scribbling down her notebook.*
Hiro:*Cora? You have something for the competition?
Cora: I-I think so... though they're only drabbles.
*Cora pulls out her notebook where it shows sentences in different colored pens with some rushed handwriting.*
Fred: *reading the drabbles* Hmm... well, its a start.
Cora: I can't decide between a sort of fairy tale version of how mom and dad met or make one of the lullabies, Grandmama sang to me as a kid into a song.
Kage: that's an interesting concept.
*The gang all turn up to see Kage arriving with his own Baymax waddling behind. He spots the leg Fred has in his hand before walking towards him.*
Kage: The leg please.
Fred: O-OK...
*Kage looks closely at the robotic leg, his eyebrows burrowing as he looks closer... to which his eyes widened.*
Wasabi: Um... Kage?
*Kage turns his head slowly to the gang, his eyes widened with fear as cold sweat starts forming on his temples.*
Kage: This isn't Noodle Burger Boy...
Hiro: What?
Gogo: Sh!
Cora: Wait what do you mean-?
Gogo: Shh!*Whispering* I hear something...
*Soon enough the metallic slide door is pierced through, leaving a hole big enough for...*
Fred: Noodle Burger Boy's back!...*Horror sinking in* Noodle Burger Boy's back...
*They all hit the deck when the second N.B.B shoots his laser eyes again.*
*Once the dust settled down the gang manage to get a good look at this new bot. It looks exactly like Noodle Burger Boy, but he possesses a monocle and a mustache.*
N.B.B: *British accent* Salutations and good tidings gentle sirs and madams. I've come to relive you of your disserving views.
*The fancy Noodle Burger Boy starts rummaging around the area while everyone else manages to hid behind a wall. Baymax one is currently holding Kage close as the man looks like he was about to have a panic attack. Gogo peeks around and soon spots something that would help them.*
Gogo: Purse.
*The chem purse is on Honey Lemon's chemistry table. Honey Lemon picks up a wrench close to her and throws it at Gogo, who catches it and smiles at her girlfriend. Gogo runs out and throws the wrench at the fancy bot to get his attention. And it worked.*
Fancy N.B.B: Fisticups sir? Then it shall be!
*The other bot goes in to fight Gogo one on one while Honey Lemon uses the time to grab her chem purse. Once she does posses it Gogo runs off to her girlfriend where soon enough Honey Lemon throws a chem ball that traps it inside.*
Fred: Nice Honey Lemon!
*But that victory is short lived as the fancy bot uses its lasers to blast himself up in the air and spinning around to cause more damage. The gang move out of the way as the fancy bot lands on top of Wasabi's tools and starts dancing around it.*
Wasabi: I just finished arranging that!
*Cora spots a pile of ping pong paddles nearby to which gives Cora an idea, grabbing as many as she can she starts throwing it at the fancy bot. The first shot knocked him down and now properly facing Cora.*
Cora: OK Noodle Burger Boy 2! Step down or face your doom!
Fancy N.B.B: Ooh~ a Blue haired maiden? You seem oddly familiar... along with that gentleman over there.
*The person he so happens to point to is none other then Kage, who at this point is shivering as he stares at Noodle Burger Boy's eyes. With that the other bot rushes towards the teen first, to which in response Cora finds herself trapped in a cycle of memories with Noodle Burger Boy repeated attempts to kidnap her.*
Honey Lemon: Cora, duck!
* Cora snaps back just in time to hear Honey Lemon's warning and duck as Honey Lemon throws a chem ball that made the floor beneath the other bot slippery goop. and it just so happens to hit back and activate Wasabi's plasma lasers and fall down on it. They all couldn't help but flinch at the sight, especially Kage and Cora. Hiro's Baymax waddles over to Cora as he holds her gently.*
Cora: I am sensing a rise of fear, shock, and discomfort. There there.
*Baymax pats Cora's head, but all she could do is think about Noodle Burger Boy... and look at Kage's face ridden with shock and guilt. They all meet up Fred's house to discuss about the rise of the Noodle Burger Boy copies. Kage is looking around the room as to avoid eye contact with everyone else. The gang had been quick to assure him that he didn't need to join if he is uncomfortable with it, but Kage refused on the basis that he knew how Noodle Burger Boy is built and how he programmed it, so they would need his advice. The Baymaxes are made sure to stand close to Kage in case of anything.*
Wasabi: What is with these random Noodle Burger Boys?
Fred: Maybe they time traveled from the future.. or the past! We're talking about different timelines in the noodle-verse. *Gasp* I just blew my own mind!
Gogo:It could be Trina.
Honey Lemon: *To Hiro and Cora* What do you think you two?
Cora: Hmm.. multiple Noodle Burger Boys...wait a minute! *To Hiro* Hiro, do you remember when Noodle Burger Boy got you and Krei to that factory to get you to fix him? What if around that same time he found copies of himself!
Hiro:...You're right! If Noodle Burger Boy and Trina found his copies they could easily program them like him!
Kage: That is a reasonable assumption... which means the original Noodle Burger Boy I...employed... must be around. But just how can we find him and the copies?
Baymax: Noodle Burger Boy is attacking the shipyard.
Hiro: Lets suit up and head out. *To Kage* Kage… do you want to join us?
Kage: *Bites down his lip before looking up* Yes. I made Noodle Burger Boy to what he is... I can easily help you destroy it.
Fred: Ooh.. suspense!
*And so they all fly off the shipyard, with Baymax carrying three members of Big Hero 7... who is followed by the second Baymax dressed ultra armor with the other three on his back, with Kage on top. They had given him a mix-match set of Wasabi's visor and chest plate armor, Hiro's gloves, and Gogo's discs for protection.*
Cora: There it is!
*They all land down to see another Noodle Burger Boy swinging on a hook wearing an eyepatch.*
Captain N.B.B: Argh! What mighty treasures await me discover ye here?
Cora: OK... we have emo Burger Boy, then British Burger Boy, now he's-
Hiro: Pirate Burger Boy.
*Pirate Noodle Burger Boy lands down on a metal crate with a seagull passing by.*
Captain N.B.B: Yo ho yo ho! Me hearties yo ho!
Fred: Ok, I kinda like this version!
Kage: You may want to change your mind on that...
*That same version soon pushes off a crate labeled Frederickson onto the docks where they were all standing. They all run off as lasers soon join in, marking the same crate with an X.*
Fred: Yeah, I take it back.
*The new bot opens up the second crate of Frederickson which catches Hiro and Cora's attention immediately.*
Hiro: What's he up to Baymax?
Baymax: It appears to be-
*The sliced crate lifts up via crane and spills out fish onto the heroes.*
Baymax 1: Sea food.
Wasabi: *Shudders* Why sea food?
Cora: *Sniffs one* Ugh... Exposing them like that in the open will guarantee their decay at a faster rate. They look fresh but smell like its been a week old!
Hiro: Now's not the time for that lets go!
*And so Hiro and Cora's Baymax flies off to stop this new Noodle Burger boy.*
N.B.B: What be this? Hostiles? Argh!
*The pirate bot shoots out his lasers before Baymax's rocket fist hits it over the crates and into the clearing of the rest of Big Hero 7 plus Kage and his Baymax. Wasabi goes in with his laser hands trying to slice apart the bot.*
Captain N.B.B: Have at ye bilge rat!
*The bot hops over Wasabi's shoulders and pulls out a fish that had been stuck to his hair. Surprised and disgusted by the fact that this fish had been in his hair he would of course, dodge the bot's fishy weapon instead of easily slicing the fish like tuna. Fred goes in and tries to flame broil the bot but it simply punches him away. Honey Lemon joins in the fight using her chemballs to chase after and capture the scurvy bot.*
Captain N.B.B: Yo ho. Yo ho. Yo ho!
*With that last word the bot fires its lasers and shoots Honey Lemon away and falling into Fred's arms who catches her on time. the bot continues running away until it sees another Baymax with an entirely different person.*
Kage: Surrender now!
Captain N.B.B: Never ye traitor! You had abandoned us at the deepest blue and live a life of warmth while we shiver down below.
Kage:...*Shocked* What?
*The bot jumps up and starts smacking his Baymax with a fish and soon they were about to fall off the edge. But thankfully for him; Baymax, Hiro, Cora, and Gogo join into surround the bot.*
Captain N.B.B: Ya think ya got me better you blooming cockroaches!
*And so the fight begins. Gogo zooms in to land the first strike only for the bot to whack her hard with his fish. the bot chooses to go after the baymax with the two teens, landing punches and kicks while Baymax tries to fight back.*
Baymax: Why is he hitting me with a fish?
*Cora notices the seagull that always seemed around N.B.B and the fish. She quickly grabs the fish and lets out a whistle to the bird before throwing it up to the air to which the seagull happily catch. Gogo joins in to throw in the disc, at first appearing to miss him only to strike him back in the head and land face forward with his laser eyes snapping the chains holding the third Frederickson crate which so happens to be directly on top on him.*
Gogo; We got a man over board.
Baymax: Fred, Cora, do not look.
Baymax 1: Do not look Kage.
*And so the bots saved their respective charges from witnessing another gruesome end to Noodle Burger Boy. The next day, after delivering everyone home safe and sound, meet up at the café.*
Wasabi: OK, any theories on why pirate burger boy is after fish?-
Fred: OK! Time for a break from all this thinking. Its exhausting. So Hiro, Cora: have you two come up with anything regarding your stories?
Hiro: Nope, I'm still kinda stuck.. *To Cora* How about you?
Cora: Well, I made a decision.. but I don't know how you'd react. Its not against the rules or anything its just... I don't know...
Baymax: It is OK to be feeling this way. Doubting your work is natural, but you must also remind yourself that what you create is what you love.
Cora: Hmm.. OK then.
Hiro: *Mutters to himself* Create what I love...
*But before Hiro could ponder on that phrase they felt something... the large, trembling, waves of the Earth moving around and screams. They all run outside to see the Kentucky Kaiju Robot stomping its way through the streets.*
Hiro: Oh no.
Cora: Oh no is right.
*And the one operating on it is none other than noodle Burger Boy... the Original Noodle Burger Boy.*
*The team suit up and go towards the inner city of San Fransokyo, its screaming citizens running away in fear of being stomped at.*
Fred: Ya know, I'm kind of surprised the bad guys just now managed to steal my Kaiju again.
Gogo: And honestly not sure why you keep rebuilding it.
*Baymax flies in with Hiro and Cora and stop in front of the kaiju.*
Hiro: Give up Noodle Burger Boy! You can't stop all seven of us!
N.B.B: Howdy and Hello misters and missus! We are delivering this ten ton of kaiju bun as a present for our sister!
Wasabi: Our?-
Honey Lemon: Hiro, Cora watch out!
*They are shot back by a set of familiar eyes... and familiar bots.*
N.B.B: Meet the latest models of my burger brothers! They are fresh off the grill!...Sis told me to make myself useful...So I made myself... and they are useful! Its Over Big Hero misters!
*The other bots jump up as to shoot Baymax down while Cora looks ahead at the Kaiju.*
Cora: Omega Danger! Rocket fist!
*The rocket fist launches... only to be repelled back as a flash of green shields the kaiju.*
Hiro: What?
*They fly away before they are hit with any more lasers from the other Noodle Burger Boys below.*
Fred: *Sheepishly* Did I mention I had the exterior reinforced after the whole giant shock wave about to destroy the whole city incident?
Baymax: You did not.
*The other bots keep shooting their lasers as to have the chance to strike down Baymax mid air.*
Honey Lemon: They're so quiet... its a little creepy.
Hiro: Uh, anyone have any ideas?
*A laser starts cutting through the wall behind them as they all get out of dodge. Honey Lemon uses her chem balls to bounce up and create a shield for them.8
Cora: Anything sounds good right now! We need to defeat Noodle Burger Boy and his copies!
Hiro:Hmm… Hey Noodle Burger Boy! Lets say you were writing a story about us, at this moment. How would you write about defeating us?
N.B.B: Ooh~ Lets see.. We would have a dance off! 'That is the ultimate form of battle misters!' says Electro Alpha! "Misters, I do not think we can win' says Omega Danger. ' I heard that his dance moves are out of this world!' says Aqua girl"Golly misters, we can try~' But you were no match for dance moves as you were all blown away. You all decided to join me as my back up dancers thus allowing my victory once and for all! Hee hee. Hee hee!
*However, it seems that the story Noodle Burger Boy had told had been nothing but a distraction as while he was gloating, the team had used the team to focus defeating on the burger bot copies.*
Gogo: Wow.
N.B.B: My burger brothers! What happened?
Hiro: That was a distraction.
*Noodle Burger Boy turns around to see that Hiro, Cora, and Baymax had managed to get inside the Kaiju.*
Hiro: Baymax. Rocket fist.
*From outside the kaiju moves until it falls down to where the gang is, thankfully they had gotten out on time... except for the copies. But by this point, Fred and Cora's reactions to it are mute. In some way, Noodle Burger Boy crawls back to Trina, still studying the schematics ahead.*
N.B.B: Guess what I did sis!
*Trine goes over to Noodle Burger Boy and picks him up under his arms.*
Trina: Play time's over little bro. Time to get rid of Big Hero 7.. We must avenge father.
N.B.B: About that Sis. There's something I learned... turns out.. father is not dead.
Trina: What?
*N.B.B uses his own eye cameras to show what he had managed to record. It really was their father... alive, and well. Trina could only stare as she sees how he was joined by Mizuchi, Kaguya, Baymax… and Cora.. they were laughing... they were smiling...*
Trina: No...No no! That's not father! Father is never like that with us!
N.B.B: But it is father. My scanners said so last night that its him.
Trina: No! I know father! And he would never be like that with us! That is not love! Regardless.. here's how we get our revenge.
*That's when she finally shows N.B.B the ultimate plan.*
N.B.B: Ooh~ Its so shiny!
Trina: In the meantime... I want to meet this imposter.
*At the same time, Hiro is in his room with Baymax, finally typing and thinking over his story.*
Baymax: Hiro, would you like me to help you on your assignment? I can run fanfiction simulation that are separate from Karmi's stories.
Hiro: Its OK Baymax. Sides, you actually gave me an idea earlier. I'm just gonna write it in my own style.
*That's when he pics up a photo of himself and Tadashi, smiling warmly.*
Hiro: I'm gonna write from experience and do what I think is best for my story.
*The entry date arrives where they all have to turn it in to Grandville. Hiro and Cora wait for Karmi to drop off her entry before going in. And so they gave it her, in their own unique folders with different stories.*
Grandville: I'm very impressed. If you two don't mind, could you tell me what these stories are about?
Cora: Umm... for me, its about a demon king and a water fairy and how over time... they found what they in each other.
Grandville: Interesting. And what about you Mr. Hamada?
Hiro: Well... its about a boy, his brother, and a robot.
A.N: Howdy and Hello! I'm back! So yeah, Write turn Here gave me ideas and as you saw I changed it around. Sorry it had to come so late, school and all. Also, I want to give a reminder that I do not want spoilers in any of my reviews. Overall, thank you for following Big Hero 7 the Series!
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farmhandler · 5 years
In Your Veins - CH3
Rating: E
Relationship: Shiro/Sendak
Additional Tags: Werewolf AU, Mpreg
Chapter: 3/4 | WC 4.1K~
Read on AO3 | Read CH2
Chapter summary: On the next inhale, Shiro catches whiff of Sendak’s pervasive scent, and all hell breaks loose.
The room isn’t completely empty. However, most of Sendak’s things are missing, including the few items that Shiro gave him for scent-exchange purposes. The dust ring on the shelf is the only indication that the mug he gave Sendak was ever there. Like everything else, it's gone.
Shiro walks over and sits down on his bed, thinking about how Sendak insisted multiple times on giving him a set of his sheets so Shiro could build a nest with them. 
His fingers curl over his knees as he gazes at the evidence of Sendak’s disappearance—proof, finally, that he’s leaving. 
Was he going to tell me? 
He doesn’t want to know the answer as much as he’s desperate to hear it from the man himself.
“You should build out a nest here. With me,” Sendak had told him.
The corners of his eyes sting with a familiar burn. Shiro blinks rapidly and shakes his head, willing the heartbreak down. He breathes out slowly, the fingers over his knees trembling a little.
The threat of his rampant emotional state has been a constant battle for Shiro; he hasn’t let himself fall victim to his emotions since this whole thing started, but the moment that Sendak’s scent drifts up from the bedsheets, he breaks. 
He tried to resist, to rationalize Sendak’s disappearance, but as the days rolled on by, it got harder to deny that maybe when he told Shiro to stay, that meant he was going to leave. 
Shiro buries his face his hands, covering it to block out the sight of Sendak’s betrayal. He cries until he can hardly breathe, shoving his face into Sendak’s pillow like he can commit the scent to memory. 
His biggest regret is not getting Sendak’s number. It’s one of many, in fact. Scent in the city only takes him so far, and he always rationalized that if he put his number in his phone, was it really as casually as he was pretending? 
The answer is no, no it wasn’t. Because he might have been a little in love with Sendak, and he was hoping Sendak felt the same. 
Shiro cleans himself up in Sendak’s bathroom, trying and failing not to recall the way that he would hover over the sink like he is now with Sendak behind him; sometimes idly touching him, dragging his knuckles down the knobs of Shiro’s spine; or laying his hands on his hips, tugging him close, hair tickling the back of his neck.
Shiro locks the door on his way out. The air outside feels cooler than he remembers. He takes the steps two at a time, shivering from the chill. It feels as though whatever warmth had sustained him on his way to Sendak’s dissipates with each step that leads him away from the apartment and pulls him further from the place where Sendak and he made love time and time again. 
This sucks, Shiro thinks, holding up no resistance to the tears that slide down his cheeks. It doesn’t matter that there are people on the street; they’re all hurrying towards their destination, too consumed with their own lives and fighting against the cold to notice the man huddled next to a building, crying his eyes out.
Shiro’s shoulders rise up to his hairline. It’s Pidge’s voice.
God, of course it would be Pidge. It couldn’t be Hunk, or Lance, or even Keith; no, it had to be Pidge.
“Pidge! What’s up?” he asks, feigning innocence while furtively wiping at his eyes. Acting like he hasn’t been crying himself silly for the past twenty minutes is going to be a challenge. “What are you doing here?” 
“Uh, getting some supplies at Best Buy. I needed some cables.” She rubs the back of her neck, her pad dangling from her fingers, all but forgotten when faced with a member of her pack clearly in distress. “Are you…okay, Shiro?” 
He can smell her concern, and if they were in a place where she could shift freely, she would curl around his body to offer what comfort she can.
���I’m okay,” Shiro croaks, and doesn’t know why he can’t manage even that. She frowns at him, and the tears threaten to spill over at the soft worry coloring her expression. “Really. I’m fine. I was just…out.” 
“By Sendak’s place,” she deadpans. 
“How do you know he lives here?” 
“I didn’t.” She grins. “Okay, I knew he lived around here, but I never bothered to figure out exactly where.” 
Shiro shrugs. Neither of them says anything for a moment, and she starts fiddling with her pad, turning it on and off.
“So, was he there?” 
“Nope.” His answer is curter than he’d like, but the realization is still fresh and stinging. “He’s gone. Or is currently going. Most of his stuff is moved out.”
The weight that the single word carries is more than Shiro can bear. He shrugs his shoulders and angles his body away, rubbing his hand across his throat. 
“I, uh. I should get back. I was on my way to get groceries since we’re out of milk. Again.”
Neither of them mentions that the nearest grocery store is a ten-minute walk from the pack house. Sendak’s apartment is across town.
“Lance does love milkshakes,” Pidge says, chuckling a little. “Want me to come with?”
“Nah, I’ve got it. Anything you want from the store?”
“Prenatal vitamins.” 
Shiro freezes.
“For you, dummy. Make sure you get some. We’re gonna need to start taking care of you now.” 
We, as in the pack instead of Sendak. Not that they wouldn’t be involved, but…
Pidge sighs at his silence and gives him a pat on the shoulder before she starts walking away, waving her fingers at him.
“Get those vitamins! And don’t forget your doctor’s appointment on Monday!” 
Shiro watches her leave, wishing he could fully appreciate the effort everyone is putting into helping him, but all he can think about is Sendak. 
After rubbing his eyes one final time, he walks to the nearest store and picks up whatever he can recall that they need. Then he goes home. 
Saturday, Shiro tries to take his mind off Sendak by hanging out with pack, and it helps. He’s nauseous the whole time, and his mood swings around occasionally, but it’s nice. Then that evening he spars with Keith, and then Hunk, although they’re a lot gentler than he’d like. He can tell they’re avoiding certain parts of his anatomy, and while he gets it, pretending that it’s not an issue sounds a lot more fun than continuing to worry. 
On Sunday he starts on his nest, beginning with the blanket that Sendak made him months ago. After the initial reveal that he’d kept it, Shiro would bring it over to his place periodically so Sendak could continue to rub his stink all over it. 
Looking back, it’s a wonder that anyone believed he wasn’t seeing Sendak when it was so obvious.
He shoves the blanket in the corner of the room and steps back, deciding where best to start. The bed, of course, would be best, but the way the light shines in his eyes in the morning makes him hesitate. 
A few hours later, and Keith walks in on Shiro moving most of his things to one side of the room. The bed has been haphazardly dragged to the center of the room, but it’s angled towards the far-right wall.
“Shiro,” Keith says, hesitantly, “what are you doing?” 
“I’m—” Shiro pauses to grunt as he moves a heavy stack of books, “moving my things around. Spring cleaning.” 
“Then why is Sendak’s blanket on your bed?” 
“Where else would I put it if I was going to move it?”
Keith doesn't say anything about the obvious way his blanket has been positioned, and instead his eyes scan the room, taking it in in a single glance.
“You’re nesting,” he realizes aloud. 
Shiro opens his mouth to deny it, then thinks better of it. 
“Maybe. I don’t know.” He scratches the back of his neck. “I’m trying to figure it out. Can you help me move this?” 
He gestures to his bed. Keith glances at it, then at Shiro, the tension in his jaw suggesting he’s a few seconds away from pulling Shiro out of the room, but then he marches over to the bed and starts pulling at it. 
Keith shoos him away when he tries to help. Sometimes Shiro forgets that despite Keith’s wiry figure, he’s just as strong as any of them. He has it moved in moments, and then he starts hauling the blankets that Shiro has piled in the corner on top of the bed until Shiro stops him.
“Wait! Put those…” Shiro taps his foot, arms crossed. “You know what, I’ll do that later.” He waves his hand at the messy side of the room. “Just leave them.” 
“Uh huh.” Keith’s eyes sparkle with mirth; he’s seen nesting. They all have. Shiro will likely move the sheets a dozen times before he’s satisfied with their placement. “Anything else?” 
It’s the way he says it, like it’s an honest question, and not a snarky demand, that makes Shiro appreciate having Keith as pack. All the things he says, and all the times he sticks up for Shiro—he really means it. 
“No,” Shiro says warmly, “thanks, Keith. You’re awesome.”
Keith’s cheeks flush, and he ducks his head. “You’re the awesome one, Shiro.”
“Am I awesome if I got pregnant from an alpha in another pack?” 
“Yep,” Keith says, without hesitation. “You’re making our pack bigger. Stronger. Sendak is a dicknugget and he doesn’t deserve you or your pups.”
A grin stretches across Shiro’s face at Keith’s words. “Did you just call Sendak a dicknugget?” 
Keith shrugs. “Lance came up with it. It’s kinda fitting.”
Shiro doesn’t want to agree. On one hand, Sendak is sweet: he was careful and thoughtful, he made him food many times, and on one memorable occasion bought him flowers. 
On the other, he left, and hasn’t come back. 
“Maybe,” Shiro says, and Keith grins, walking over to butt his head against his shoulder. 
“We’re piling up tonight. Lance’s idea. He thinks it’ll help you relax before your appointment.” 
“I am plenty relaxed,” Shiro defends. 
“You threw up three times this morning.”
“I was nauseous, Keith. With morning sickness.” 
“Two of those were after we mentioned Sendak. Admit it: you’re stressed out about this whole thing. And that’s normal! This is all new and scary, even with us to help you.” 
Shiro shrugs, pulling away from Keith to walk towards the doorway. Stressed would be putting it lightly. 
“I’m fine, Keith. But you know what would help me de-stress? Some fresh air. Come on.”
Keith follows behind and doesn’t press him anymore, which Shiro is grateful for. By the time they’re out in the open, he can feel himself relaxing. The air is freezing, but it feels good to take it in. 
Shiro stands there and breathes in a few times, hands on his hips, embracing the cool air before Keith inevitably insists that they turn back inside. Keith stands next to him, closer than Shiro feels is appropriately necessary, but he doesn’t blame him. He never does. 
They both gaze out at the forest surrounding their pack house. The chilly air burns in Shiro’s lungs, but there are birds in the distance, their calls echoing high above, proof that there's still so much life at this time of year. Some leaves to Shiro’s left rustle in the wind, caught in a swirling vortex before dispersing.
It’s peaceful. 
On the next inhale, Shiro catches whiff of Sendak’s pervasive scent, and all hell breaks loose. 
Keith is already a wolf the moment that Shiro realizes Sendak is at the edge of the forest, walking their way casually, like he hasn’t been missing for over a week with no way to contact him. 
“Keith!” Shiro shouts, but Keith is off like a shot, a blur headed straight for Sendak, who shifts the moment he realizes what Keith is doing. Pieces of fabric and some fur goes flying as they tumble. Keith’s a lot smaller than Sendak, but that isn’t stopping him, not even a little bit.
“Keith!” Shiro bellows. Neither of them listens. Shiro swears and sprints towards them, his thoughts slow, like his brain hasn’t quite caught up on what’s happening. 
“Keith! Keith!”
Sendak lifts his head for a brief moment, zeroing in on Shiro, and it’s like being thrown back in time. All Shiro wants to do is shift and curl up against Sendak’s side. He wants to invite him into his nest and show him his progress and make it smell like the two of them. He wants to kiss him until he can’t breathe.
The distraction gives Keith the needed opening to bite at his throat. Sendak howls, and then they’re back at it. 
“Keith! Sendak! Fuck, they're not listening,” Shiro breathes. 
He has no idea how he’d supposed to stop the two of them from fighting before the rest of the pack detects Sendak’s scent. He could jump in, but even if they stopped in time, there’s no telling what kind of injury he might incur. 
Is this really happening right now? he thinks, swiping his hand down his face. He watches as Keith gets a claw in Sendak’s side, raking it down his heavy flank and drawing the scent of blood. They’re going to kill each other. 
Calling Allura would make the most sense, but there’s no telling she wouldn’t join Keith. She hasn’t been feeling generous with her opinion of Sendak either. Shiro’s no stranger to helplessness as of late, but it hurts to see Keith doing exactly what Shiro doesn’t want, ignoring his wishes in the name of protecting Shiro. 
And then there’s Sendak. 
I don’t know what to do.
It’s overwhelming, seeing him after what feels like such a long time. Keith attacked him before he could even get a good look at his face. 
“Please, just stop,” he says, weakly, because he’s three seconds from bursting into tears, and his voice lost to the wind burning his dry throat and the loud snarling from the two wolves. “Stop.”
Shiro is tired of crying. He’s tired all the time, just plain exhausted in a way he hasn’t felt since before he was a wolf. He manages not to lose it completely, but his lip trembles and he has to swallow against a lump that won’t go down. After letting out a rough huff of air, he lifts his head, blinking up at the sky. 
“God, I hate you both. You stupid, goddamn werewolves, you’re going to—” He lets out a sound of pure frustration and rage, swiping at his eyes to ward away his wayward emotions. “Fuck. Fuck.”
He doesn’t realize the growling has stopped and the air has lost the sounds of their fighting until someone grabs his hand. Shiro’s head whips around, a scowl quickly forming on his face once he realizes who’s standing in front of him. 
“Shiro—” Sendak begins. 
“Don’t touch me,” Shiro snaps, yanking his hands out of Sendak’s. Or at least he tries to. Sendak doesn’t let him go, but instead takes a step closer to him, looking for the world like he’s the one that’s been missing out. There’s blood on his chin and his neck, but it’s already healing. “You—let me go—you left.”
“I intended to come back,” Sendak explains. Though calling it an explanation is generous. 
“How the hell was I supposed to know that?! You didn’t say a word to me about it! You didn’t call, you didn’t text—” 
“I did not have your number!” 
“—you could have come back at any point, but you didn’t—" That’s where Shiro nearly dissolves into tears again, barely holding them back, “—you didn’t even do that. It’s been almost two weeks, Sendak! Now let me go.”
“I was preoccupied with my plans. Time was short. Shiro, please—”
“He said let him go!” Keith growls, taking a threatening step towards them. Both of them are naked, and the scene is so ludicrous that Shiro would laugh if he wasn’t so upset.
Sendak looks very much like he’d rather do anything but listen to them, but he releases Shiro’s hands, stepping back to reach for his tattered jeans. Shiro can hear the rest of the pack coming their way and doesn’t bother to look behind him.
“I was returning to you,” Sendak says. “I said to you…” His chest expands on a quiet inhale, his voice purposefully low and gentle. “I thought it was obvious when I told you to stay that I would return.”
“No!” Shiro all but shouts, vision blurring. “It wasn’t obvious at all! You were so happy to get away from me that you barely said goodbye!”
Sendak pauses, considering what Shiro said. 
“I did not realize—I thought you knew.”
“Knew what?  Sendak, I know you’re not big on communication, but you can’t just leave me like that with no idea where you were or what you were doing. I even went to your apartment and you were—” 
Shiro stops with his hand over his eyes, trying desperately not to cry. When he speaks, he does so slowly and deliberately. 
“You weren’t there. All yours and my things were moved. What was I supposed to think?”
Shiro won’t look at him, even when he feels Sendak’s arms wrap around his waist. He remains stiff and unmoving, ignoring every signal his body is sending out, telling him to relax into the embrace of his alpha. 
“I thought you knew,” Sendak insists. “I thought I had made it obvious that I was interested in doing this with you. And your pack,” he adds, after a moment. 
Shiro twists in his grip, looking back at the rest of his pack. They’re a dozen feet away, watching the proceedings from a respectful distance. They all look pissed. 
“Preparations took longer than I expected," Sendak continues. "The moving truck went to the wrong house.” 
“Moving truck?” 
“I should have contacted you,” Sendak says, thick with regret. “I did not realize, caught up in my own excitement. These days I am not often around people, and you are the first that has captured my heart like this. I apologize, Shiro.”
Shiro is trying to process what Sendak said, and so far his mind is just…blank. 
“Moving truck?” he repeats, and like magic he hears the sound of an engine. When he turns to look, a moving truck appears around the bend on the road leading to their house. 
It all starts clicking into place. 
When Sendak said stay, and wait, he meant wait for me.
“You were planning on joining our pack all along?” he asks.
“Yes. But I needed to commit. I did not want to have any reason to leave when you needed my support. I must have been too…eager to get started with preparations that I neglected to explain myself.” 
Shiro stares at Sendak’s chest, finally allowing the hope that he had refused to let live flow up into his chest. 
“So, you’re happy?” Shiro asks tentatively, lifting his hand and placing it over Sendak's right pec. “About the pups?” 
The look of pleasure and satisfaction on Sendak’s face at the mention is indication enough. 
“Yes," he rumbles. "I should have made it clear then, when your alpha announced you were carrying our litter.” 
“You absolutely should have, yes.”
“I should have,” Sendak agree, taking a step closer and pulling Shiro into his embrace. He sniffs at his jaw, the press of his lips hot against Shiro’s icy skin. “Do you understand what you’ve changed in me, Shiro? I was never interested in a pack, and I never considered having pups of my own. But with you, I would like to try.” 
“Oh,” Shiro says. It’s not nearly enough of a response to what Sendak has revealed, but he’s all out of processing power.  “I…okay. We’ll talk to Allura. We can figure it out. We will.” 
Shiro feels numb as they walk to where the pack is waiting. Keith is dressed in his ratty jeans and a ripped t-shirt, waiting beside Lance. They stand like guardians of a sanctuary, and their positions don’t relax, even as Sendak begins to explain essentially what he told Shiro in condensed form.
They don’t go easy on him. Lance spends five whole minutes telling him how stupid he is for not being clear with his intentions and his feelings, and the rest chime in when necessary, including Allura, who looks half a second from wolfing out on him.
Shiro watches it all from the sidelines, feeling a mixture of things. 
Mostly, he’s feeling…happy. 
It’s going to take time to get to know Sendak, really know him, and for all he knows, this could end up being a huge mistake, but it feels amazing to know that Sendak cares and he wants to try this with him. 
“You are absolutely ridiculous, you know that?” Allura says, directing her words at Sendak. She lifts a box from the ground, the muscles in her thighs flexing as she brings it up into her arms. “You did not tell us anything about the truck that was coming today. What if we were gone?”
Sendak says nothing; he’s heard it enough times, and he’s busy nuzzling up to Shiro. The two are sitting by the door, waiting for Allura and Pidge to grab the last few boxes. Sendak had been scenting Shiro constantly, running his hands up and down various parts of his body, while Shiro sits back and enjoys the attention, red-faced though he may be.
“Do you know how many?” Sendak asks in a quiet murmur. 
Shiro shakes his head. “I have an appointment tomorrow. Rosie—the doctor that saw me at the cabin—thought it was a pretty big litter.” 
Sendak rumbles something in his throat, planting his hands flat over Shiro’s belly. It looks more distended when he’s sitting, the slight swell hard under Sendak’s hands. 
Once Sendak is moved in, the pack has to decide on what exactly to do with him. Even as an alpha, normally Allura would have him submit to her, but when faced with truly initiating him she doesn’t feel as keen. 
They decided to wait, allowing his scent to intermingle naturally over time, and see about initiating him then. 
In Shiro’s room, Sendak takes naturally to mean something entirely different. 
“Sendak,” Shiro breathes, leaning his head back into Sendak’s shoulder. His thigh twitches; he has it hooked over the crook of his arm so Sendak can angle his cock better, sliding into Shiro with greater ease. “Fuck. Missed your cock.” 
“Two weeks is far too long to go without having you.”
Shiro’s chuckle fades into a moan as Sendak rocks his hips, burying his cock all the way inside him. His knot isn’t inflated yet, but the extra girth is nice. 
Shiro lays his head against his arm, breathing through the initial push. Sendak is molten hot against his back, and he brings Shiro even closer, splaying his hand across his belly to feel at the soft swell. Shiro tilts his head back, reaching up and curling his arm around Sendak’s head. 
“Touch me, please.”  
Sendak fists his cock for a few moments, enjoying the way Shiro squirms and whines, but then his hand drifts over to his nipples. 
Shiro shudders when Sendak’s twists his nipple in between his fingers, timing it with each powerful thrust. It only takes a few minutes of Sendak kissing the soft skin at the base of his throat and the hands running up and down his stomach, alternating between tugging at his nipples and his cock, for Shiro to start riding the edge. 
“Knot me,” he gasps, twisting in Sendak’s grasp so he can move freely. Sendak screams alpha, alpha, all the time and Shiro just wants to follow the instincts urging him to present. 
Once he’s in position, Sendak’s thighs bracket his, and a moment later he slides back in, short thrusts bringing his knot right up to Shiro’s prostate. 
Shiro squeezes his eyes shut and enjoys the sensation, digging his nails into the sheets. Ever since he learned he was pregnant, the shift has been harder to ignore. Like now, when all he wants to do is shift so he can feel Sendak the way it feels best. 
He comes when Sendak knots him, keening as quietly as he can manage in a house full of wolves. Sendak follows shortly after, but unlike Shiro, he makes no attempt to quiet his deep groans of satisfaction. Shiro would feel embarrassed if he wasn’t so happy. 
They lie there for a while after the knot goes down, curled up around one another. Sendak’s hands won’t stop drifting towards his belly, where their pups are growing.
“You’re gonna be a dad,” Shiro says quietly. He hands find Sendak’s, and he squeezes. “And by the way, did I tell you that I have to give birth as a wolf?”
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prettywordsyouleft · 6 years
Dad! Kang Daniel A-Z
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So I see a lot of those NSFW A-Z’s of idols and decided to try something different and do Dad! Daniel A-Z. I hope you like this, it was a bit of fun for the afternoon! These are just my thoughts, not what I expect Daniel to do in the future lol!
I’m open to writing actual Dad! Daniel fictions in the future too, if you’d like something more than scenario based!
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Daniel is very affectionate with his children. He loves cuddling with them, and was sad when the older girls started to grow out of enjoying his hugs constantly. He loved the feeling of being their security blanket, and relishes it whenever they let him now.
He was there throughout every birth. He couldn’t imagine letting you go through it all alone. Anything you needed, he got you. The type to come with a bag of snacks that he knows you like, but eats them himself because he’s grown nervous. After the first child he had a little more understanding of what was going to happen, but since each delivery was different, he would still find himself questioning how to be your biggest support. Wanted to cut the umbilical cord of your first child but felt too hesitant. Definitely did it for the others.
Daniel is mostly consistent and follows through with your mutual parenting regime. If he’s really tired he’s most likely to give in then, and so you try your best to make sure he isn’t left alone when in that state - after your daughter convinced him to buy her the expensive doll house you had told her she couldn’t get, you weren’t prepared to take any further chances.
Understanding how to communicate well with each of your children depending on their age and stage. Changes his language to suit their needs and all your children have always felt at ease because communication for needs and wants flows easily.
Hands on approach more so than with books. Likes to set up fun experiments in the weekends to teach and play with. Very interested in sports and helps his children with them. Likes being involved in the school as much as he can and fosters a program for performance. Your children that are in school are all pretty well known because of their Dad and are very proud to point out their Dad whenever they see him at school too.
Has almost as much fun playing with some of the toys and activities as your kids do. Is known as the fun Dad within the neighbourhood and at school. The type to not batter an eye through an intense pretend tea party with the girls, and gets really into eating all that yummy pretend cake that it makes you laugh.
Daniel was always supportive. The type to get up and buy you the thing you’re craving at 3am even if he’s just rolled into bed an hour ago. Was always worried when you suffered from morning sickness, even after the first born. Went to every scan and read pregnancy books with you in preparation. Knew when to comply and challenge your hormonal behaviours well.
Four. You wanted two, he wanted three, somehow you ended up with an extra. Three girls and a boy. Whilst Daniel was thankful for his son to not outnumber him alone, he loves raising little girls and is pretty chuffed to be known as the Daughter-Daddy within your group of friends. Does a lot of rough and tough with his son, after years of tea-parties, he’s all too happy to have a son to experience new adventures with.
Despite having children, your intimacy is still pretty decent. The kids groan cheekily whenever they see you both kiss, but hugging is constantly something Daniel does with you regardless. The kids all love it, snuggling up for movie night is a family favourite.
Your sex life isn’t as active as it once was, about 1-2 times a week. Which when you think about it, with four kids, it’s pretty great to be that active still!
Daniel’s idol life continued through the first baby, but after that he opted to run his own company, helping train idols with the knowledge that he gained through a very successful career. He still managed to do spot performances with WANNA ONE for anniversaries, and with his fellow MMO members, but he knew with four kids, and his age, he needed to find something more stable and city-based. His schedule was still packed, but he ensured he made time in it for activities with his family too.
You both made a point to have date night every fortnight where you went out for the night. Admittedly you both messed up in the beginning, still talking about the kids, but after setting the rule not to discuss anything parenting wise, your date nights became something you both looked forward to a lot.
Whenever the kids were in bed and you both were home you’d just cuddle up and catch up with each other and waking up in the morning without a kid(s) in between you was rare, but very well received (and an easy way to get in one of those more intimate sessions – normally quickly with the thrill of getting it out of the way before being disturbed to start the daily grind, hah!)
You were both looking forward to the times where your kids could go on camp, but it was a wee way off to have all four out at the same time.
Since he works with large groups of young people every day, loudness is never a problem for Daniel. Nor is bustling activity, because he could just lay there and supervise if he was feeling a little tired. However what he couldn’t handle was the children fighting. He literally struggled with seeing them argue or physically hit each other, it really got under his skin. He would come down on them all pretty hard then, almost regretting it as soon as his harsh words left his mouth. He would often feel pretty low after it too, turning to you for support and building himself back up as a parent.
He also found the department store with four kids all wanting this that and another thing as well; all too overwhelming and either buy them everything or nothing at all to deal with the environmental chaos.
Daniel was pretty hands on with most things, but the one thing he couldn’t deal with is sickness. If one of the kids was sick, he panicked so much that your calm and collected approach was the one chosen in the end. He’d always flitter outside the door worriedly asking you how they are every few moments, and when your second daughter broke her arm falling off her bike he was an absolute wreck. He really is emotional for his kids. Funny thing, he could take very good care of you if you’re sick. Which with four kids, when it made its rounds, you were very grateful you had him for nursing you back to health.
Loves making meals for his family with you. As a unit you’re both big on meal prep. Looked up good healthy kids snacks and most of the time insists on them. But also the type to blow their entire diet and throw them on a sugar high at least once a month as a treat. Uses ice-cream as a bribery tactic often. When your eldest daughter had her first dental check and had early tooth decay signs in one of her baby teeth (lol), Daniel insisted on a month long stringent of eating well, until the tooth fell out and he realised that brushing twice a day and eating well in moderation was better than preventing pretend cake at the tea parties. The girls had been very anti-Daddy during that stage.
Very close with Seongwoo’s, Jisung’s and Minhyun’s families especially and every summer would organise a vacation together. Would turn to Minhyun for a lot of parenting advice, even when you were the first out of the group to give birth. Good thing Minhyun’s full of sound knowledge!
You still have three cats and although he wanted more, it was hard for Daniel to share his cats with his kids. They would pull their tails and Daniel would just about dive on them to protect them. Spent a lot of time teaching the children the importance of respecting animals. Takes them to petting zoos often whenever he feels like there’s just not enough paws at home. Tried to convince you along with your third daughter that another cat would match the number of kids, but you didn’t buy into it so three it remains.
Despite his schedule, Daniel insists on quality one on one time with his children. He takes each girl on a Daddy date which they all love, and often goes out with your son to play. Tries to read to each child before bed in the weekends, though your eldest now reads to him and puts him to sleep instead, oops.
Daniel isn’t the type to like telling your children off. He’d rather negotiate and find a happy medium than scold and take things from them. He’s a sucker for their tears too, but overall if he has to; he will give them consequences and will stick to them too. Usually the harshest when he finds them physically pushing one another around, and he really has no time for disrespect in his household.
Yep. The “perks” of raising three princesses means they all have princess rooms and all the things they generally wanted, except the knight in shining armour (Daniel is not prepared for this stage and often worries about it even though your eldest is only seven lol). His son has the latest games, a bunch of bikes and skateboards and the backyard is full of play equipment to entertain them for hours. The type to think of his children (and you) and buy little gifts whenever he travels. Hates when you purge the toy room as much as the kids do. He tries to be modest but the fact is, the kids have him whipped, sigh.
Prefers your kids to have fresh air and exercise over being in front of devices. You mirror these thoughts and were very conscious about how much time they got in front of technology. Is freaking out about when puberty hits, since your eldest is already asking for her first phone.
Known also as the fun uncle. Invites all the kids over in the weekend and lets them play on all the fun things at your house. Believes in child play being the best time of your lives and really instils this in all children he crosses paths with. Sungwoon is always whining to you that his son loves Daniel more than him. Comes up with crazy over the top children days with Jaehwan and you’ve given up trying to calm them down.
Believes a family that talks about how much they love each other is the type to have a good constant flow of communication. And so he always makes sure everyone is talking well to each other, and it’s why he gets so upset when the children pick on each other.
You wonder where your homebody of a husband went, but having kids truly made him want to make life as magical as he could for them. Even though he loved staying home, he’d always be pottering around the house doing something with them. It was somewhat a plus, because it meant you could do your own things when he was home, and allowed you some much needed me-time, but the change could still throw you off some days.
Was very into seeing what talents your children would have early on and supporting it immediately. Your kids had gone through various hobbies like they had their underwear at times, but eventually you found that your eldest loved dance, your second child was in gymnastics, third loved horse riding, and your son was playing soccer and hockey. Daniel was very attentive to any need they had for pursuing their interests and was a very proud Dad with all their achievements.
Daniel’s life dream from here is almost complete. He’d love to move to the country one day, to let your children run free, but he likes the city life too, knowing how accessible it is for good education and amenities. Admittedly he’s happy with his four kids, but now and then, especially since Daehwi’s got his first kid on the way, Daniel can’t help but envision you pregnant again, he loved rubbing at your baby bump whenever you were pregnant.
The kids’ bedtime starts at 7pm and the older two have until 8pm which is generally the busiest time of the night, considering it’s you putting all of them to bed alone because Daniel’s still at work. You have a routine in place which thankfully works, and you’re able to get a few hours peace to yourself until bed around midnight. Daniel is generally home around 10pm. In the weekends you both aim to sleep in, but due to poor sleep schedules from being an idol, Daniel still rises to his current schedule. Which is great because weekend cartoons with the kids is one of his favourite morning pastimes.
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sheewolf85 · 6 years
Writing Challenge – Day 33
Prompt: Imagine Person A of your OTP just found out they’re pregnant.  Now imagine them coming up with a creative way to tell Person B.  Bonus if Person B misunderstands hilariously. Pair: SpicyHoney Rating: M Tags/Warnings: language, mpreg, skelepreg, I don’t think this counts as kinkshaming, but there’s a misunderstanding involving kinks, Edge might be kind of an idiot, anxiety over a misunderstanding, internal fears NSFW/SFW – mostly? Notes: I’m only rating this an M because of the kink in the misunderstanding.  I’m not sure if PG-13 would be more appropriate, but I guess I’d rather rate higher than lower than necessary. AO3 Link
Stretch stared down at his pelvis for a long moment, unable to believe what he was seeing.  At first, he’d thought he missed a spot showering that morning, but when he’d looked closer…well, that wasn’t spent magic.  He’d poked at it gently, curiously.  It was strangely spongy.  Inside the tiny, orange orb, he could see an even tinier soul glowing white.
It was a womb.  He was pregnant.
He sucked in a deep breath and let the initial wave of panic ride over him.  He and Edge had never talked about having kids.  Edge was very particular in his life plan, and this would throw a kink those plans.  The money they’d managed to raise for that vacation Edge had talked about for two years now—all of it would have to be used to get ready for the baby.  They’d need to get a bigger place. They’d need to buy shit.
He gave himself five minutes. Five minutes to panic and feel overwhelmed and scared.  After those five minutes passed, he straightened his spine, wiped his face, and forced himself to think about this logically.
Pushing his own emotions aside, he asked himself if Edge would really be upset.  No.  Edge was a master at adjusting to shit life threw at him.  He would understand that Stretch hadn’t done this on purpose, and together they would figure out what to do.
And maybe for the first few months, Stretch could work extra to make up for the money they’d be using out of the vacation fund.  Maybe they could still do that before the baby came.  It was a long shot, but Stretch wouldn’t give up hope.
After he’d managed to calm himself down and stay calmed for a while, he told himself it was time to think about how he was going to tell Edge.  A part of him wanted to just get it over with and face the consequences, but another part of him wanted to drop cute hints until Edge figured it out.  The one outcome Stretch wanted to avoid at all costs was the one where Edge didn’t think he was happy about this.  Because he really was.  He’d thought about kids before, but never really felt it was time to bring it up.
He thought of an idea and smiled to himself.  It would be perfect.  Part puzzle, part confession, part hopeful plea to be happy about this.  With that thought, he finished dressing and went to get started.
Edge eyed Stretch carefully.  Something was off.  He couldn’t put a phalanx on it, but something was different with his boyfriend.  He didn’t like it.  He had thought if something was wrong, Stretch would talk to him.  Instead of talking, Stretch was acting like nothing was amiss at all.
Stretch noticed the way Edge was looking at him.  He wanted to say that everything was fine, but he knew once he opened that conversation it wouldn’t stop until Stretch confessed.  He hoped Edge would hold off on confronting him until after dinner, because then Stretch could put his plan in place.  He had tried to act normal, but in doing so had overcompensated and raised Edge’s hackles even more.
“WHAT’S GOING ON?” Edge finally asked as they sat down for dinner.
Stretch figured it was a miracle he’d gotten this close.  Instead of making Edge wait any longer, he got up.
“i have something i need to show you. stay here.”  He left to get the bag from the closet.  It was a pink and green gift bag with no words or hints on the outside.  He set it down on the table in front of Edge’s plate.
Edge furrowed his brow bones.  “WHAT IS THIS?”  He eyed it like it was going to attack him.
Stretch smiled.  “it’s the answer you’re looking for.”  He leaned forward on the table, resting on his elbows, and waited for Edge’s curiosity to get the better of him.
Edge looked his boyfriend over carefully.  Nothing in his face or his stance showed any kind of malice or trickery.  Perhaps a bit of excitement and worry, but nothing bad.
“ALRIGHT, ASSHOLE; I’LL BITE.”  Food forgotten, he picked up the gift bag and pulled out a handful of pink and white tissue paper.  Inside was a card and a small, wrapped box.  He set the tissue paper aside and pulled out the card.  Eyeing Stretch the whole time, he opened the card.  The front of it was white with three words printed in bold letters:
Happy Father’s Day
Edge raised a brow bone and opened the card.  Stretch had written, “i love you, daddy” on the inside in his messy scrawl.  Edge coughed.
“UM…” He wasn’t sure how to feel about this.
Stretch waited semi-patiently for Edge to open the box.  He did slowly, picking the tape off carefully instead of ripping it open.  Inside was a dark blue pacifier with a skull and crossbones on the front.  Edge picked it up and looked it over, his chest roiling with discomfort as he contemplated what Stretch was trying to tell him.
Stretch bounced his leg impatiently, waiting for any sign that Edge was going to be happy about this.  He couldn’t let himself believe that Edge was disgusted, and yet that was what his face was showing.
“so…?” Stretch prodded.  He leaned forward again, this time pushing down a wave of panic.  Edge’s face hadn’t changed.
Stretch felt his soul fall to the ground.  He swallowed and looked down at his plate.  He should have just told Edge.  He shouldn’t have tried to make it cute.  Edge was from a world that didn’t appreciate cute.  He should have known better, dammit!  He took a deep breath and told himself not to panic.  Everything was going to be okay, one way or another.  He loved Edge, and he knew Edge loved him back.  They’d figure something out.
Edge watched as Stretch all but fell apart beside him.  He felt bad, but he wasn’t going to lie about his feelings just to appease someone else.  That was asking for trouble in the long run.  He reached out and placed a hand on Stretch’s arm.
Stretch nodded.  He knew he wasn’t going to be able to eat much, but he tried.  He felt sick.  He couldn’t help but think of the worst possible scenarios, one after another running through his head and making him nauseous.  Edge could ask him to get rid of it.  Edge could leave him.  Edge could…
He flinched and looked at Edge, realizing that he was breathing erratically.  Edge stood up and took Stretch’s hands, guiding him up and leading him to the couch.  They sat side by side, and Edge didn’t let go of his hands.
Stretch tried to calm down.  He wasn’t sure how.  How was he going to explain to Edge that he wanted to keep the baby?  If Edge wasn’t comfortable being a parent, they were going to have to either compromise or split up, and Stretch wasn’t okay with either of those options.
“i never thought about it before, but this morning…it was there, and i…i don’t know, edge.”  He shook his head and leaned into Edge’s side.
Something clicked in Stretch’s mind.  He realized at that moment that they were having two very different conversations.  He suddenly understood why Edge would be uncomfortable.  He couldn’t help it.  He pulled back and burst into laughter.  Relief tore through him at the same time as the absurdity of the situation.  Edge thought the gift was him proposing a new kink!
Edge watched with hesitation as Stretch lost his shit next to him.  It took several minutes for him to calm down enough to say coherent words.
“oh…oh my stars…hahaha!” he took a few breaths and leaned in to kiss Edge.  “i love you, even if you are an idiot sometimes.”
Edge bristled.  “LISTEN, FUCKFACE, I’M NOT THE ONE—”
Stretch waved him off, shaking his head.  “no, no…see, i don’t want to call you daddy.  not like that.  but, you are a daddy.”
Stretch leaned back, lifting his shirt and pulling the front of his pants down just far enough to expose the tiny womb nestled above his pelvis.  “i’m pregnant, asshat.”
Edge sat still for several long moments, staring at the evidence of their offspring.  Before Stretch had any time to get worried again, Edge’s face broke out into a wide smile.  He pulled Stretch onto his lap and kissed him hard, one hand going down to very gently touch the womb.
“yep.”  Together, they watched Edge’s fingers trace the outside of the baby bump.  He leaned into Edge’s shoulder.  “are you okay with this?”
Stretch nuzzled Edge’s jaw.  “i really love you.”
Edge turned his head to kiss Stretch deeply, pouring every ounce of love and devotion he felt into it.
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nightwingswing · 7 years
“My little star” (Riddler x Reader)
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Hello! Im back!! 💖
Please forgive me, please.
I’ve been drepressed for almost all summer and also on an hard writers block for some time and now college just started and its even more stressful than before. Im sorry for the hiatues. Ill try to update as often as i can! I promise!
 For now, I’ll update “The family’s girl” next, following it will come “Stop that wedding!” and in between will come part two of “Notre Dame de Paris” (Hunchback au) So IF YOU STILL HAVENT VOTED for  (STW) and (NDdP) , VOTE NOW!
Requested by Anon!
Request:  We are lacking some Riddler, May v we hey some Eddie lovin' please?
Requested by Anon!
Request:  Could you write a Riddler x Reader? Pethaps he takes them hostage and....? Idk. Take it where you will! Please keep it SFW if you can. Thank you!
He may take you hostage in the future... who knows...he can become quite like Jon in stalker *wink wink* ;))
Tags: @hamsterforlive @plethora-of-things @wonderlace19  @cursedfaechild
If you want to be tagged or have any request, message me any time!!!
💖 Now, Enjoy!! 💖
It was a peaceful Gotham morning in your work, you were the head of the Gotham gazette. Your drive to get as involved as possible in the crime scene is what made you one of the best and more truthful of Gotham’s journalist. You always told the truth of the cases, making you also amongst the most hated people of Gotham.
The truth hurts sometimes.
But it also made you very respected in the hero and villains community. The first ones for your values and honesty, amongst the seconds because you didn’t demonize them. You treated them right.
You could kinda say you had a fan club.
A pretty big fan club.
They even have a president!
Edward Nygma.
He was a big fan of yours, since you started on your College newspaper. He felt attracted to you on an intellectual level at first. He soaked in your work, drinking every letter as if it was water in a desert. He was so intrigued in meeting you … That knowing your drive to get into the wolf’s mouth you would come directly to his trap.
And he would finally meet you.
Eddie smiled at your new article that shone in his barely lit room.
“(y/n)! Have you finished the paper in the new rector elections?” One of your coworkers asked.
“Here” You said as you gave her paper. “Parker will bring the photos later this evening.”
“Perfect.” She turned around and ran into the frenzy that was your editorial.
“(l/n)!” Your boss yelled. “Come here, now!”
“Coming boss.” You hurried to the office, a bit worried. Once inside you stood up in front of the table. “Is something wrong?”
“No. But we have received a note. The Riddler is about to strike! And you will be covering up!”
“Yes boss!” You smiled, reading the note. “I’m on it.” You ran to your spot and investigated the Riddler’s movement to discover where we will strike. You received an email that said:
“Riddle me this…Riddle me that…
If you want to find me
Tell me what I am...
·    Until I am measured
I am not known,
Yet how you miss me
When I have flown.
·       I never was, am always to be,
No one ever saw me, nor ever will
And yet I am the confidence of all
To live and breathe on this terrestrial ball.
 ·       What time belongs to men twice a day?
 ·       At night they come without being fetched,
And by day they are lost without being stolen.
·       Whilst I was engaged in sitting
I spied the dead carrying the living
 Good luck, miss (y/n).
Hmm…quite though…but if you want to find him you have to crack them…
After staying afterhours, you finally cracked the code.
“I got it!” You write down:
·       Time
·       Tomorrow
·       5:14, Upside down on a digital clock it spells “his”
·       Stars
·       Ship
Hm…. this is kinda…like..a meeting place?
Time: Tomorrow at 5:14 pm in the..the Starship! The boat stranded in Gotham!
“Gotcha!” You smirked and write down everything. Then you changed in your pajama and went to sleep.
Tomorrow you were meeting a criminal.
The Riddler was wearing his best suit, ready to meet the little star of Gotham. He grabbed the flower and drive to the boat, the shadows covering him until he made it to the boat. There he set a table and two chairs, a candle and drinks too.
“hm…ready.” He smirked. “I wonder if her mind is capable of matching mines...oh well, I guess we’ll find out!” He sat in the chair, his can on his lap and waited for her.
You arrived at the boat and carefully entered, making your way up.
“Riddler?” You asked.
“Hello Miss (y/n)” He smirked. “Sit down please.”
You entered the place looking around, it gave of a kind of love vibe. You shrugged and sat down.
“What is your plan?” You got your notebook out.
“Wow, down to business, eh?” He smirked and served a glass of (f/d).
“No thank you, and yes, that’s why we are here…no?” You raised an eyebrow and he smirked.
“Indeed. I see you solved my riddles.”
“I did. clever hide your location on riddles. Very your thing”
“Thank you, it was a challenge. See if you can measure to me. I guess you can.” He smirked.
“Thank…you?”     You raised an eyebrow at him.
“Now…I guess you want to know what I am up to?” Edward smirked.
“Well, obviously?” You raised an eyebrow and he smiled, his cheek got a bit redder.
“First, let me tell you, miss (y/n) that you look beautiful tonight! “He got a beautiful (f/f) out of nowhere and gave it to you.
“Oh... thank you…” You smiled and grabbed the flower, smiling and blushing. He smirked and got his bowler hat. “Now…what’s your plan?”
“Well, my beautiful maiden. My plan is and has always been prove I’m smarter than batman.” He shrugged his shoulders. “And destroy him, of course. But for now, I just want to know more about you, my dear. You know, you quite had the fan club back at Arkham.” He smirked.
“Oh? I do?” You felt flattered really. But for some reason, being idolized by the likes of the joker didn’t make you feel really…safe.
“Indeed darling. I, myself am draw to your truthful approach to the news.” His hand came to rest above yours, a charming smile on his face.
“Really? It usually makes me hated.” You looked at his green eyes thought the black mask.
“Nonsense, darling! People can’t stand the truth! You’re better than them! Smarter, more honest!” He said with so much passion as he clutched your hand in his. You blushed at the flattering speech.
“Thank you, Mr. Nygma” You smiled.
“Please, call me Eddie” He smiled loving.
“Okay…Eddie” You smiled.
You two keep talking for hours, exchanging riddles, theories and arguing about hot science topics.
After a wonderful 3-hour chat, he helped you down the boat and to your car. Before you could enter he pulled you flush against him, his hot breath mingled with yours. You blushed, and for some reason, your heartbeat had become faster and your cheeks burned in a blush.
“I like you, my little star...I like you very much…Maybe, maybe we could go out again? Tomorrow? There is a really interesting symposium in Bludhaven…maybe we could go, you know…together?” His cheeks became red as his green eyes looked around, shyly.
“Cute” You though as a smile took place on your lips. “Well…If any nothing comes up…. I don’t see why not.” You smiled.
“YES!” He though. “Perfect! I’ll send you a new note with the place and time!” He smiled exited.
“Great, can’t wait to know what you come up with!” You winked at him, making him blush. “Have a good night, Eddie.”
“Have a good night, (y/n)” He smiled before his eyes widened “(y/n) wait!” he grabbed your hand and pulled you in a sweet, chaste kiss. You froze in place, blushing madly.
As he pulled away a few seconds later, you looked at his dreamy eyes and blushing face.
“Now, Have a sweet night, my beautiful star.” He smiled dreamily, you smiled back.
“Good night” You smiled back and sit inside your car, a silly smile took place on your face and you couldn’t shake the warm feeling off.
“he was pretty cute...” You bit your lip before shaking some sense on your head and drove back to your home, to write that article you had to hand tomorrow.
He smiled one last time on the direction your car took before sitting inside a black car, that took off almost immediately.
“How was it, boss?” One of his lackeys asked.
“Perfect. Now, the other plan starts now.” He smirked evilly as his lackeys smirked back.
“Batman won’t know from where the hit came!” One of his crooks laughed.
“Down, down,down,down!” They cheered. 
Eddie thoughts drove of the cheering crew and to your beautiful smile, your soft luscious (h/c) hair. Yous beautiful mind, your enchanting eyes…he sighs dreamily….
“Down, down,down,down! YAY!” They cheered loudly.
Edward smirked.” Easy boys…” He looked outside his tinted windows to see the characteristic shadow of the bat and his Robin jump in the direction they just came from.
Eddie smirked evilly.
“Riddle me this, riddle me that…who is afraid of the big, black, bat?”  
Meanwhile, at Arkham Asylum:
“THAT GREEN ASSHOLE THINKS HE CAN DESTROY THE BAT, TAKE GOTHAM AS HIS OWN AND TAKE THAT PLESURE FROM ME?! NO FUCKING WAY!” The joker screamed as he his fist against the bulletproof crystal as the other inmates looked at him with a bit of fear. “IM SICK OF HIM! OF HIS FREAKING ANNOYING RIDDLES!.unless…” The manic grin on the joker face became crazier as he let out a more than usual, manic cackle that sounded in all Arkham. “He thinks riddles are funnier than jokes? Hahahahahaha well see about that!” The Joker banged his blood-stained hands on the clean crystal, imprinting his handprints in it.
His catlike smirk widened, almost splitting his face in half.
“This is war.”
(so...Want a part two?)
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deadly-kitten-kay · 7 years
okay, let's try this again! also, i almost didn't find your ask box. the top of your page is asterix??? but if hovered i could see where your ask box is. okay, so #3 and/or #4 (i could see them easily together) but I couldn't pick a ship last time. I was gonna let you pick. Destiel or DCJ (or, if you ship them, because i can't remember if you do, a third choice could be Denny)
3. Drunk/sloppy kiss & 4. Awkward kiss
1,612 word Featuring DJC (Also on Ao3 for those that prefer to read there) 
feel free to leave me a kiss prompt and pair
It had been years since Dean was able to spend time with his two best friends from high school. Castiel and Jimmy Novak moved on to bigger and better things after high school. Jimmy and Castiel both went to medical school. Both studied to be surgeons, one cardiology the other pediatrics. Dean was proud of both of them and never let it know how much it had hurt him to be away from the twins. He knew they would accomplish great things. That's why when Dean had gotten the call from Jimmy boasting the good news about himself and Castiel, he wasn't surprised. Both men had made it through undergrad and graduate school, about to embark into their residency. While it had been over eight years since he had seen either of the brothers, Dean was bound and determined to see them now.It was also a good way to see if he still felt the way he had in high school. Dean sighed at his own thoughts. He was such a moron in high school. He was so far in the closet about his bisexuality that he surpassed Narnia. In fact, he's pretty sure the closet was really the Tardis because of how big and well hidden he was.Jimmy outed Dean first. True, it was only to Castiel, but it was enough. But with that outing, Dean was able to breathe and be himself around the brothers. At least, until he fell in love. But that wasn't the biggest problem. The biggest problem was that he had fallen in love with both of the Novak boys. And it was hard not too. The two of them were like yin and yang. They balanced each other perfectly. Jimmy being more carefree and reminding both Dean and Castiel to let loose and live free, while Castiel was more reserved, a good head on his shoulders. It was a long running joke between the three that twins were the devil and angel that would help Dean decide. Castiel being the angel and Jimmy the devil.But regardless of how well the three of them got along, it was absurd of Dean to even fathom having both of them. Even at his young age, he had known it was wrong to date them both, essentially cheating on one with the other. Of course, no matter what his rational mind tried to think, his irrational heart would often lead him into fantasies with the twins. Downright pornographic fantasies that would leave him hard and achy and needing to run to the shower, before either one woke up when staying over on the weekends.Then after the boys left to study medicine on the East coast, the rumors started. Everyone in their godforsaken town would tell anyone who was listing about those “incestuous Novak kids” and how Dean's parents should be thanking God that their sinful ways didn't rub off on him. Once he hit twenty-one and some asshole started blabbing at the mouth, speaking ill of his best friends, Dean suddenly had himself a bed in the county lockup.No matter what, he had refused to let his desires believe the talk. He never pushed the twins when they talked to each other or face timed. He wouldn't even tell him what he had heard. Dean had felt it better than if they were involved with each other, that maybe they would trust him enough to tell him.This line of thinking wasn't currently helping him at this moment in time as his train from Kansas pulled into the Baltimore station. He felt like he was going to be sick from the combination of anxious and excited nerves.
Jimmy laughed as his brother bounced on the balls of his feet, desperate to see over the heads around him. They had both heard the announcement that Dean's train had pulled into the station. Jimmy thought it was silly that Dean was still adamant in his refusal to get on a plane. Thank God, Castiel had a strange fascination with modern ways of transportation and was able to convince Dean that take the train was far more economical than driving himself. Truth be told, Jimmy was ninety-nine-point-nine percent sure the only reason Dean relented was that Castiel laid a mother of a guilt trip on the poor guy. Regardless how it came to pass, the day that both he and his brother had longed for was here. And for the first time in who knows how long, Jimmy was witnessing a side of his brother he doesn't see very often.“Cas, seriously...” he pulled his brother's wrist, the only acceptable way to hold him in public. “Stop bouncing, you're going to pull something.” he teased.Castiel looked back at his with a wide smile and crinkly blue eyes. “I can't help it! I've missed him. And he's going to be here for a whole month. That's thirty-one days, Jimmy!”“Yeah and I'm excited too, Cas. But what if he isn't okay with things?”That made Castiel stop his movements as he turned to look at his brother. Even now, while Jimmy had filled out more in the shoulders, he was Castiel's mirror. And in that mirror, Jimmy had voiced the one thing Castiel had tried his hardest to keep from coming to light. Knowing that it would affect Jimmy just as much as it did him.Castiel stepped closer, hooking his pinky under Jimmy's watch band. “You need to have faith in Dean.”Jimmy smiled at that. Of course, Castiel would say that. “You still okay being the DD tonight?” Jimmy asked, a signal that he was okay. Castiel flashed him another brilliant smile before looking for Dean again.“Of course. I still say we should drink that the apartment. That way I can do it too.”Jimmy snorted. “No way, dude. We would need to buy out two BevMo's just to make you have a buzz.”.Castiel was poised to say something in response but a familiar baritone calling their names snapped both of their attention to the right. They had barely made visual confirmation before both brothers were wrapped into the stronghold of Dean. Jimmy tried to ignore how right it felt.
Castiel had gotten his way. Once Dean had heard wind of how he wanted to stay home and drink rather than a bar crawl, Dean sided with him. Dean had a point when he mentioned to Jimmy that they missed their chance to celebrate their twenty-first together and tonight would be their do-over.“But what if we lost our virginity that night?” Jimmy challenge, already feeling a buzz from the locally brewed stuff Cas preferred.Dean scoffed and shook his head. “Are you kidding? You two are far too good looking to have not had gotten laid before then.”Jimmy shrugged. “We were fifteen and it was awkward as fuck,” he giggled a little at the memory and Castiel frowned at him.“It was only awkward because Anna walked in right after.”Dean couldn't help but laugh at the image of their cousin walking in on their post-coital fog. He shook his head. There was no way that did that together.“Actually there is,” Castiel said softly causing Dean to gape at him.“Did I say that out loud?”Jimmy laughed and nodded. “Cassie was my first,” he sang as he crawled from his spot on the floor over to Cas who was suddenly more interested in his bottle of gray goose.“No way...” Okay, Dean was officially fucking drunk, Castiel thought as Dean stared at them in wide-eyed fascination.“Yep. He taught me how to kiss. And I learned how to make him come apart with just my tongue,” Jimmy explained, stopping himself on all fours near Cas. He face was so close that Castiel could smell the beer on his breath. “Jimmy,” Castiel hissed trying to get his brother to stop as Dean made a whining noise. “Wanna see?” Jimmy asked looking over at Dean who nodded. “Look, Cassie. Dean wants to watch.”“Jim-”Castiel's words were abruptly cut off by his brother's very drunkenly, sloppy kiss. It was too much tongue and way too wet to be enjoyable. Seriously was Jimmy trying to lick Castiel's face like a cow does a salt lick? Normally Castiel could handle his drunken brother but this was just too much for Castiel and too awkward. He pushed Jimmy back, who made a sound of protest.“You're drunk,” Castiel said flatly.“And horny!” Jimmy laughed as Castiel rolled his eyes before looking at Dean who was watching them with interest.“I apologize, Dean. It was not my intention for you to find out about us while under the influence.”Dean shrugged. “It's okay, Cas. I just wish you guys would have told me sooner.”That made Jimmy sit back on his haunches as he darted his gaze between Castiel and Dean.Castiel sighed. “I understand, that what we do is taboo. But I love Jimmy. I can't help that.”“Cas?” Castiel looked up to see Dean smiling at him. “Dude, you don't have to explain it. I've been in love with you both since sophomore English. I just didn't know how to tell you or act on it honestly.”“Easy. You just did. Can we go fool around now?” Jimmy asked causing the others to laugh.Castiel shook his head. “No. Water. Aspirin. Bed. We'll talk about this when we're sober.”They did talk about it. For all of ten minutes. After which the twins took turns showing off their skills to Dean. Jimmy was a much better kisser when he was sober. Just saying.
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chaosunmasked-blog · 8 years
And Yet...She Lives!
Well, I made it to Sunday and was admitted to the hospital later that evening. My breathing got worse, my abdomen was bloated and in pain, my muscles were cramping, I was extremely weak, and was just suffering. I was denied my home medication for three days, which just made everything worse, and my dad sent in a psycho doctor who did nothing for me, but increase my stress levels.  But all in all, I finally cut my dad out of my medical treatment, which had resulted in delays in my healthcare and got a decent doctor who got to the bottom of all of my suffering.
So, it was  a happy ending overall. The reason why I was having these lung and mild heart issues was due to...overmedication, undertreated acid reflux and my dad's meddling. The winning combination of medication was Pepcid, which I was on before and an Anoro Ellipta inhaler. I didn't need Ventolin, Symbicort, Atarax, Claritin, Prednisone, Carafate, or any of the ten other medications that were added in the past month. In fact, the medication I was on before I left for school was pretty much all that I needed. I also discovered that my dad had gotten involved in my care and had told my doctors to put me on all of that medication, which had worsened my condition tremendously.  
How did he do it? I mean, I'm 22, so I should be the in the driver's seat of my medical care. Well, I have some pretty feckless doctors who don’t do their jobs. Not all of them are weak and easily manipulated, only a select few. I assumed that their decisions were based on their clinical impression of me, but nope. When I pressed them, I realized that it was at my dad's insistence that I be placed on these meds or taken off of some of my meds. One doctor ignored me, had my dad give a factually challenged rendition of my medical history (which my dad doesn't know much of it at all) and didn't even ask me what was going on. Ignored my meds and prescribed me an inhaler which was responsible for sending me to the hospital. Look it up, LABA (long beta-agonist) inhalers are deadly when more than one is used together. I can't believe she's even a doctor.
That was extremely troublesome to me. I have a complex illness and you are relying not on your knowledge and observational skills but on a man whom you haven't seen (in some cases) to dictate the care of one of your patients? That to me is a red flag. What the hell kind of doctor does that? In this case, if I called up pretending to be Joe Schmo's daughter, I could have a doctor change his entire medication regime and kill him.  
Regarding the psycho doctor, my dad is at fault once again. This man that he sent to me, according to him, tried to persuade my dad to kill a man by unplugging his ventilator and labeling his death "natural". The man in question was a patient of the doctor who had undergone an experimental surgery that went terribly wrong, landing said man in a coma. The doctor wanted to push it under the rug. My dad said he heard the man had changed and wanted him to take a look at me.  
Hold on. A man, who wanted you to kill someone. You want him to evaluate me because someone said he changed? I don’t care how much he changed. When a person is willing to kill someone else, I would not care how much said person changed. I would not let them oversee the care of someone I love. That's just over the pale.  
So, from now on, my dad is officially blocked from my health care team. That's it. It's final. I thought my dad changed. He did. But, he is also lacking in proper decision-making skills. I mean. Who the fuck thinks that would be a good idea? He's a doctor, which I forgot to mention. So, wouldn't the fact that I garnered ten new medications in the last month (and from the same doctor) be a warning flag? And 3 of them are known to cause deadly interactions. What the fuck is going on with him?  
This suspicion I also relayed to the doctor at the hospital because it's been a month,  and I'm getting worse despite all the medications the doctor is throwing at me. I'm glad I did because he took a good hard look at my med list, and took me off of half of them. Now, I'm down from 20 meds to 10 in only a four-day stay at the hospital. And I'm feeling much better because of it.  
I've also got a new doctor where I live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. He seems promising and willing to help me sort out what the hell I've got going on. So, we'll see what happens. He's helping me get the physical therapy rolling at least and willing to help me get a better treatment plan in place.  
Honestly, since I'm feeling better, my first instinct is to get moving and go back to college. But, this is the second time that symptomatic treatment has made me see Jesus. I might as well follow this doctor's advice and stay put for now. I have a year to restart my studies, and everyone at my college recommends getting my affairs in order first anyhow. In the meantime, I am  preparing for the next step in my life. I'm not only sitting idle at home, ranting at the world. I'm learning a few languages just in case I have to make a career change. (If I have to change this will be my fourth college, and I just can't afford American schools.)
As I side note, I just want to comment on how far and fast my hometown has fallen. When I was admitted to the hospital, which is one of the best in my area, it reminded me of a third world country. Sick people lined up against the walls outside of hospital rooms. IV poles and heart monitors everywhere. They didn’t have enough rooms in the actual hospital to accommodate admitted patients and we were placed anywhere that they had room. The staff was not trained to handle us, but I do commend their efforts. It was crazy! A few years ago, I remember when admission meant an actual hospital room equipped with a bathroom to wash up in and monitoring equipment. Yep. The area where I was staying did not have a shower room to keep clean. And I broke out in a rash because of it. I just stewed in my own sweat.  
Welcome to the life of the everyday American. It sucks. You just can't put lipstick on a pig. We're a developing nation masquerading as a developed nation. And that's the truth and has been the truth for several years. No matter what anyone says, Trump is the president this nation deserves. Anyone who says otherwise is just delusional.  
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