#but he can tell he’s safe…he’s just very dazed and confused
pixelatedraindrops · 1 month
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Yuma Month: Day 5: Sickness
Ah yes, my specialty. (making him suffer)
Bundled in a blanket, feverish yet chilled, vision very blurry.
whose cool hand and gentle voice does this belong to...?
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alt version featuring my own whump prompt :3
wanted to try drawing it at least once
he's getting dehydrated but can't move...
so he gets a helping hand from a capable detective <3
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bangchansgirlsblog · 26 days
my dear! I'm your fan, I love your writing. Thank you for taking us out of our reality and allowing us to enter a world of our own! Could I make a request for a crazy idea I had? An anguished Y/N and Chan fight and he tells her to leave and leave him alone. When Y/N leaves in a daze he doesn't see the car and is run over. In the end I trust you. =) If it doesn't bother you and you can fulfill my request, I would be very happy!
Can we turn back time?
Warnings: blood, tragic, angst, accident.
Summary: ^^ Requested
A/N: hey baby :) not the best :/ butttt I hope you like it. Sorry for any grammar mistakes.
Her heart was beating at a fast pace. Why was he not understanding what she was trying to say?
“You always come home late Chan! I thought I could have this one night. This one night to ourselves but you chose to go drinking instead?!” She poured her heart out as she stared at her idol boyfriend.
“Please Y/n now now okay? I get you wanna talk but can I please just go to bed? We can talk about it tomorrow,” he pleaded as he put down his black leather jacket on the couch.
His curls sat neatly on his head and his black shirt fitting him perfectly and his jeans neatly ironed.
“Chan it feels like you don’t love me anymore!”
“Well maybe I don’t, okay?!” He got up and yelled. His anger was now full on visible as he aggressively slammed his hands on the table.
She stood there looking at him shocked. Tears pricking through her eyes. What was this mess?
His eyes softened as looked her scared figure. “I- I didn’t mean too,”
“Save it Chan.” She sobbed. Her hand was fiddling with her promise ring that Chan has gifted her on their 2 year anniversary. It was the most beautiful ring that she has laid her eyes on but as time went on she realized it was just a ring it was a stress reliever because anytime she was sad, frustrated, mad or confused she would play with the ring on her finger.
“Why can’t you see the things you keep doing hurt me Chan?” She sobbed and looked up at him. Praying that somehow she can find answers.
“I-“ he took a deep breathe trying to keep his own tears in, “I’m failing okay? Can you just leave me alone? Please?” He took a shaky breath before taking a step back and grabbing his jacket.
“Am I a burden now?” Her chest tightened. Chan couldn’t look at her. He had no courage, no strength.
“I’m going upstairs,” he simply said and walked past her.
She wanted to stop him, beg him to hold her, beg him to be there for her but the pain in her chest told her otherwise. She looked so silly, like a kicked puppy.
She wiped her tears and walked over to grab her shoes before leaving her house totally forgetting her phone and keys.
It was dark and cold. The sun had officially set and people were either out having dinner or rushing home from work.
Y/n couldn’t help but feel bad as she watched the couples sitting outside restaurants talking and laughing.
She felt empty, she felt deceived. Chan was the perfect boyfriend. He made sure of it but when they started becoming a hit he started slowly pushing her to the side leaving her at home and going out to drink and party or he would be locked up in the studio trying to make new songs.
She was lost without him. She had created her whole routine off of him and now she would wakeup every morning feelings lost not knowing what to do.
Her mind was runnning so fast that she couldn’t keep up. The tears in her eyes were were blurring her vision as she took quick steps to the park.
It wasn’t far. That was always her safe space. Everytime she would get overwhelmed or exhausted she would run away and hide behind the big old oak tree down by the river next to the park.
It was a little foggy, she couldn’t see anything but Chan’s loud voice kept playing in her head until she heard a loud screech. She looked to the side but it was too late. A painful scream left her body as she watched the car crash into her body.
She didn’t feel pain all she could hear was a ringing sound then a few sirens before everything went quiet.
“199 what is your emergency?”
“I-I crashed into someone, help! Please! I don’t know what to do-“
“Okay sir is she breathing? I need you to calm down and tell me what happened,”
“Y-yes she’s still breathing, I- I was driving and she just stepped infront of the car, I don’t know! It wasn’t my fault,” he sobbed as panic was filling his chest.
He looked down at the frail body, blood was everywhere and yet he still didn’t pass out. He tried to put pressure on the area that was bleeding the most but it wasn’t working. Blood was still gushing out of her.
She looked familiar tho, he thought.
“Sir, I’ve sent an ambulance. I just need you to keep breathing and tell me if she stops breathing. Keep your hand on the wound,” the dispatcher kept telling him over and over again.
“Oh God this is a lot of blood. Please God, please don’t let her die,” he whispered as he looked up at the car that was parked by them.
It felt like hours until he felt like who could breathe. He heard the sirens. They were here. The paramedics were finally here.
“C’mon Y/n please pick up,” Chan cursed at himself as he walked back and forth in the living room.
He was now in sweatpants and a hoodie. His hair wet from the shower.
When he had come downstairs he saw no sight of Y/n and at first he thought that maybe she had gone for a breather so he decided to do some work knowing that she wouldn’t pick up his phone even if he had tried to call so he just chose to distract himself.
He felt guilty for the fight they had. It was chewing him alive but he knew it was his fault and he needed to make it up. As time kept passing by; 30 minutes turned into 2 hours.
He started to feel uneasy so he decided to try her phone but she wasn’t picking. He called all the boys at the dorm asking if she was with them but they said they hadn’t seen her then he called her bestfriend and she too hadn’t seen her. That’s when the panic started to set in.
He called her phone over and over again while making sure to text her too. He rushed upstairs to grab his crocs and that’s when he saw her phone on the night stand table.
“Shit, Y/n,” he groaned and rubbed his eyes before grabbing his car keys.
He put on his crocs and rundown the stairs and that’s when he got a call from his manager.
“What is it Soon-hoo, I can’t really-“
“Chan we need to get to the hospital now,” he said in a panic. Chan’s blood went cold as he could hear shuffling in the background.
“W-what is it? What happened?!” He managed to say.
“It’s Y/n Chan,” Chan’s senses came to a hold. Everyhting around him felt like it was moving in slow motion, “she got run over Chan, I’m coming to pick you up,” their manager said as he started the car.
All Chan could hear was a ringing sound as he stared at the blank floor. Tears running down his cheeks as his heart was beating faster.
Don’t forget to reblog😋
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beardedjoel · 8 months
butt dial | a pretty little wife mini chapter
joel x f!reader
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series masterlist | main masterlist | ao3 | ✨kofi ✨
summary: 2.3k words; you're home alone while joel is out with his brother. he butt dials you, and you hear some very interesting things. warnings: 18+ MDNI, no apocalypse au, pre-established sub/dom relationship/dynamic, dirty talk, pet names for reader, joel says some dirty ass shit about pretty wife, allusions to smut at the end a/n: just a short little ditty inspired by this ask - you're an absolute saint for putting this idea in my head it had me kicking and giggling my feet to think about and write. enjoy!!!
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You sigh, leaning back on the couch and curling up a bit more. The blanket draped over you has fallen, so you tug it up a bit and snuggle your arms underneath the plush fabric. It still carries a lingering scent of Joel and you happily breathe it in as you train your eyes on the screen. You’ve put on a mushy romance film, the type Joel doesn’t typically jump at watching with you. It’s not that he won’t, because one look from your desperate eyes will have him rolling his and turning the movie you’ve requested on, anyways. But a man has his limits, and he’s said no more than one of that genre every few months.
Joel is out tonight with Tommy, grabbing drinks to fulfill their monthly tradition. They often have a beer at yours and Joel’s place, or go out for just one after work, maybe, but once a month they have a full-on night out. You encourage it, wanting Joel to stay close with his brother. You never had such a close relationship with your family like he does with his brother, and you know their tough upbringing drew them together. 
You also don’t mind having the house to yourself for the evening, you think with a wry smile, basking in the quiet comfort and being able to pick whatever form of entertainment without your well meaning husband griping about it. You’ve got on one of the newest rom-coms you’d noticed on Netflix the other day, and have a lazy smile as you watch, feeling fully content. You’d made a hearty batch of fried rice for dinner, leaving a plate made up in case Joel came home drunk and starving (he always did). 
A sudden trilling tone interrupts your daze, and you pause the movie and sit up to see your phone lit up and ringing. Joel’s name flashes on the screen, along with a photo of the two of you together, taken on a sunny day when you went hiking. It makes you smile briefly before worry settles in, wondering why he’s calling right now. It makes your stomach sink a bit, hoping he’s not gotten into trouble, or worse, hurt. You scramble to answer, your fingers fumbling with the buttons until you pull it to your ear, your breath hitching as you try to swallow and get the words out.
“H-hello?” you say quickly into the receiver, clutching it close to your ear. You hear a staticky sound, loud and grating as the call finally comes in. You yank it back from your ear, your brows knitting together in confusion. The sounds become a little clearer as you listen closer, and you can hear the buzz of multiple, overlapping conversations and music. You breathe out in relief as you realize Joel is okay, and nearly laugh at how worked up you got in the first place. Your mind just goes to that terrified place, wondering how the hell you’d ever live if something happened to him.
You almost hang up, smiling with the burst of relief when you catch the tail end of something Joel is saying. You know this was an accidental butt dial, and you really should hang up, but after your scare, you want to hear your husbands safe, comforting voice… just for a second. Just  a second, and then you’ll hang up, give him his privacy. 
You press the phone close to your ear, trying to make it out. You hear the distinct sound of both of the boys’ laughter, Joel and Tommy, and you can tell just from that noise that they’re well into their drinking for the night. It’s a lighthearted, deep laugh, one that he doesn’t do very often. It makes you smile and you sigh a little, putting your chin in your hand.
“-and then I fell right down, right there on the damn street… Theresa was pissed, lemme tell you…” you hear Tommy’s voice slurring out, a little distant but still clear enough to make out. Joel howls with laughter and you can picture him, trying not to choke on his sip of beer, clapping Tommy on the shoulder.
“Fuckinhellbrother,” Joel slurs, like it’s one full word.
“I know, I know. Your missus is lucky she ain’t out with us right now,” Tommy replies.
“She’d sure as hell be laughin’ at our asses, if ‘m honest.”
Your eyes widen at the mention of you. You feel a twinge of guilt press on you but you can’t find it in yourself to hang up just yet. You just want to hear a little bit more… you think devilishly to yourself.
“What’s she up to tonight? Probably sittin’ at home missin’ you,” Tommy teases his brother.
Joel chuckles. “Guarantee she loves it, probably got one of her sappy little movies on. Silly fuckin’ girl...” You smile at how well he knows you and press the phone a little closer.
“C’mon, know you watch ‘em with her, too,” Tommy slurs a bit.
“Can’t say no to a face like that… and a mouth like that…” Joel says boldly. You feel your eyes go wide and you hold back a gasp. You feel your cheeks starting to burn a little to hear the way Joel’s being so open with his brother, the implication behind his words heavy with innuendo.
“Chriiiiist, here wegoagain,” Tommy says quickly, slurring. You furrow your brow, picking up on the fact that Tommy has heard Joel talking like this before, like it’s completely normal for them. You start to feel a pleasant little swirl deep in your gut at the fact that Joel brags about those particular abilities of yours.
You think you hear them both chuckle a little bit. “Know I can’t help m’self Tommy. Fuckin’ body of an angel, mouth of a fuckin’ devil, lord. Could go on about it f’days.”
Tommy seems quiet for a moment, just listening. “You always brag too much, brother. ‘Sides, she says nothin’ but sweet things and you know it. Nicest little gal around.”
“Who said anything about the things she’s saying?” Joel quips back. 
“Fuckin’ hell. Yeah, I get it, your wife gives good head, yeah?” Tommy snips, but it sounds more playful than angry to you. 
You can picture your husband, face flushed from the alcohol and hair a little messy, leaning forward and grinning in that devilish way. “Suckin cocks’s not the only thing she’s good at. Practically everything, really, but lord does that woman know how to do just what I want. She’s a real good listener, my girl.” Your thighs clench together and you feel your breathing hitch. Just Joel basically calling you a good girl from afar has you feeling like an animal in heat all of a sudden. You throw the blanket off as you feel your body starting to warm up and a soft smile comes to your face. 
You hear silence from Tommy’s end, maybe too stunned to speak, clearly giving Joel permission to keep going.
“Y’know the best part? I got her listenin’ so good, she’ll do just about anythin’. Let me fuck her whenver I needta, you get me?”
“Christ Jesus, Joel, whatever the hell was in this fuckin’ beer got you too open tonight…”
“Can’t a man brag about his wife without gettin’ hounded? Jus’ wanted to share a lil love for my sweet gal.”
“Alright, alright, but shut the hell up now,” Tommy says with a howl of laughter, and the phone goes a little quieter, assuming Joel adjusted in his seat. 
“Jealous, jealous…” Joel taunts. 
“Shut. It. Or we’re gonna have a real bar fight on our hands here,” Tommy threatens teasingly. Their words continue to jumble a bit, and you can tell they’re both reaching close to their limit on beer and liquor for the evening. 
“Oh, fine,” Joel finally says, vowing to get off the topic. 
You feel a surge of pride that you witnessed something so special, so pure, despite the filthy things he was saying about the two of you. It just felt like pure love and adoration, even when you weren’t in the room to hear it. It makes your heart skip a little bit to know that Joel talks so highly of you even when he isn’t around you, going so far as to brag about such intimate things with his brother. You know it was lewd, but it made you feel that warm feeling you get whenever Joel shows you off in any way.
Lost deep in thought, you’ve already started to tune out their next batch of teasing and laughter as they move on to a new topic, so you decide to hang up the phone and let them get on with their night. 
You feel a lingering pride to be Joel’s wife sticking with you as you when you go back to watching the movie. Your heart feels so light and free right now, and you find yourself yearning for him to come home just so you can unload some of this love onto him as it bubbles up inside of you. 
Another hour and a half later, you hear keys jingling outside the door before the lock clicks and the front door swings open clumsily. Joel spots you instantly, curled up on the couch with a wide smile as soon as your eyes flick over to him. You sit up and stretch a little, taking in the full, broad form of him fumbling about as he walks in.
“Oh, hello there,” he says in a low, goofy voice. He stumbles in a little, a goofy smile on his face as he tries to take off his shoes. 
“Feelin’ good, handsome?” you tease him, trying not to laugh at how absolutely adorable your husband is when he’s a little drunk.
“Better ‘n good, now. Home with my pretty girl…” he coos. You stand up, bounding over to him and wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling yourself close as quickly as you can. 
“Oh,” he puffs out as you practically slam into his chest. One hand immediately wraps around your waist, drawing you closer, the heat of his hand burning through your thin tee shirt, and the other splays across the back of your head, pulling you in for a long, deep kiss. You moan quietly, a little desperate mewl climbing its way out of your throat as his lips devour you. You can taste his evening - beers and liquor and… a cigar? You should chastise him for that one, you think, but you know Tommy can be a bad influence so you let it slide in lieu of some more kisses from him. You deepen it and slide your tongue into his mouth, and he happily returns it, tongues skimming each other for a few moments before you pull back, gently biting his bottom lip on the way.
“Hell, what’d a guy do to deserve a kiss like that, hm?” Joel muses, a little tipsy sounding. His hand comes around your head to stroke your cheek, thumb lingering as he traces down the soft skin there.
“Just wanted to show you all the things I’m good at, since that’s what you said, right?” you tease him, knowing he likely won’t even be able to piece in together in his current state.
Joel’s face scrunches up a bit, his brows drawing together as he tries to wrack his hazy brain for any clue of what you’re referring to.
“Not just good for ‘suckin’ cock’?” you say, your voice low, a furtive little whisper right near his ear. You peel back a bit to see his eyes widen a little, more confused than ever.
“Butt dial, darling,” you tell him, pecking his cheek.
Joel laughs, a nervous yet comfortable laugh, able to read you well enough to know you aren’t upset about what he said, just amused. His laugh turns to a low chuckle, a little mischievous glint in his eye. His hand slides down from the small of your back to you ass, giving it a gentle, swift pat.
 “And aren’t you a naughty girl for listenin’ in on my private conversation, hm?” he teases, bringing his lips within an inch of yours.
“Couldn’t help myself, had to hear what my husband really thinks of me.” You move your lips the slightest bit, brushing against his in a soft touch. “Good thing it’s not anything I didn’t already know…” You pull back suddenly, giving him a wink and putting a little space between the two of you.
“In that kind of mood tonight, are we, doll? Little bit bratty?” Joel asks with raised brows. “Gonna have to make you prove to me everything I told Tommy is true then, aren’t I?” Joel’s eyes go hungrier, a deep, feral need growing in his core and showing up right in his dark irises.
You shrug and turn to walk away, but Joel grabs onto your wrist, spinning you back against him. “Nuh uh, not so fast. You’re comin’ with me, darlin’” he spits out. In a split second his arms are on either side of your waist, hoisting you up and then tossing you over his shoulder so that your head is hanging down his back.
“H-hey!” You giggle, swinging your feet to try and get down, knowing it’s no use, and if you’re honest with yourself, you don’t want to escape, of course. Not from a hold this good.
Joel’s hand reaches up and smacks your ass hard as he carries you towards the stairs. “Now let’s go and you can tell me all about everything you heard me sayin’ tonight.”
You smile wide, feeling your mind and body already buzzing for your husband and all the things he seemed to have in store for you. It was going to be a fun night, indeed.
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plw taglist: @aphterthoughtt @bbyanarchist @amy172 @hazzaismyreligion @ohheypedrito @msmorningstaarr @kamcrazy123 @madhere @paleidiot @saverockandroll54 @daddy-din
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Hi I like your writing and saw your how housewardens react to you not sleeping at night to do things for other people
I was wondering if you can make one for leona, riddle (and ruggie if you want)
sleepless nights II
part 1 | join the taglist | masterlist | request rules | ko-fi
how characters react to you not sleeping at night to do things for other people
characters: riddle rosehearts, leona kingscholar, ruggie bucchi
𝑹𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒍𝒆 𝑹𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒔
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When he first catches you out late at night, he's confused by your hurried pace. He attempts to catch up to you to find out what you're doing, but he loses you too quickly.
The moment lingers in his mind for the rest of the night but is slowly forgotten over time as he deals with troublemakers who can't follow simple rules. He's reminded of it again when he finds you out late a couple of days later. This time, however, he can clearly see the strain and tiredness in your eyes.
Determined not to let you get away this time, he catches up to you before you disappear again. You're startled by his sudden appearance, and he apologizes before steadying your swaying form.
"Are you okay?" Riddle attempts to get you to look at him, but you're in a daze, drifting in and out of reality. He has to bring you back to his room in order to get you to talk or acknowledge him at all.
Concern is written all over Riddle's face as he tries to get you to snap out of whatever mind space you're in. You blink rapidly, shaking your head slightly as if you have to physically shake all the cloudiness out of your mind.
"Riddle… what-" You look around the room, not recognizing it from the previous location you remember being. "When did I get here?" You finally focus on Riddle, who's kneeling in front of you, a glass of water in his hand as he looks up at you sitting on his bed.
He's eventually able to get the answers he wants out of you, feeling anger and annoyance build up inside him when you tell him what's been happening. He knows how you are; how you'll try to help everyone you come across, even if it means hurting yourself in the process. Knowing this, he's annoyed at anyone who would try to take advantage of your kindness for their own gain, and he won't let them keep doing it.
When he watches you fall asleep on his bed, he takes it as his chance to find the person you're "helping." It's safe to say that you don't hear from them again after that moment, and Riddle constantly reminds you that he's here for you. Every time you want to help someone, make sure you're taking care of yourself in the process.
𝑳𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒂 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒍𝒂𝒓
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When Leona first heard you go out at night, he ignored it. It wasn't his business anyway. However, as the nights went on and he heard you leave the room every single night, he grew irritated.
One night, when he heard you about to leave the room, he grumpily asked where you were going. You jumped at his voice, not expecting him to be awake when he was usually sound asleep at this time.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," you whispered, even though there was really no point since the grumpy lion in front of you was already awake.
"Where do you keep going every night?" Leona asked again, his voice groggy and eyes closed as if he might fall asleep again at any second.
"I just need to help someone with something." Leona forced his eyes open at this statement, glancing at the clock on the bedside table.
"It's 1 a.m. Do it in the morning." You wanted to tell him that technically it was morning, but you knew sassing him right now probably wasn't the best idea.
"I'll be right back," you told him, but you weren't right back. You didn't come back the entire night, which resulted in a very annoyed Leona when he kept reaching for you in his sleep and you weren't there.
He heard you finally walk back into the room well into the morning. He thought you were going to get in bed finally, but instead, he heard you shuffling around the room. He opened an eye to see you moving around as if getting ready for something.
"What are you doing?" You looked back at Leona, who was still sprawled out on the bed, stopping yourself in the middle of grabbing the folder on the desk at his question.
"I have to get ready for the day, which you should be doing too." You turned on the small lamp on the desk, causing Leona to grunt and throw his arm over his eyes at the dull light illuminating the room.
"You didn't sleep at all." Leona's voice was slightly muffled from his position, but he could still be heard clearly.
"It's fine, I'm not that tired." You were clearly lying, and he could tell. He could hear the tiredness in your voice and had seen the bags under your eyes in the brief moment he looked at you.
Before he could say anything else to try to convince you to stay, you were already out the door for the day. Usually, you would try harder to get Leona to get up for the day, but you knew the longer you stayed in the room, the more likely it was that he would be the one to convince you to stay instead.
Leona finally heard you come back for the day and let out a relieved sigh when he felt you get in bed next to him. It was already dark by the time you came back, so he figured now he could relax fully for the night. Oh, was he wrong.
Not even ten minutes after you lay in bed, there was a knock on the door. You moved to get it, but Leona grabbed you so you couldn't move. "Just ignore it," he grumbled with his face pressed into your neck.
However, the knocking didn't stop, and you soon found yourself having to squeeze out of Leona's grip. You could tell the last of his patience was breaking, but you wanted to answer the door in case it was the person you'd been helping recently.
It did turn out to be the person who needed your help once again. You were about to step out with them in order to talk when the door you were holding partly open, just enough to see the person outside, swung all the way open.
Leona was standing behind you, gripping the door harshly as he let out a snarl at the other person. You saw them start backing away from the door before Leona slammed it shut, flipping the lock and dragging you back to bed.
He was finally satisfied with you by his side as he slept and got the best sleep he'd had in the last few days. He didn't wake you up in the morning either, not that you would really want to be with as much sleep as you'd lost recently, and you two ended up sleeping the whole next day away.
𝑹𝒖𝒈𝒈𝒊𝒆 𝑩𝒖𝒄𝒄𝒉𝒊
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Ruggie notices something is off when you appear more and more tired than usual. You're usually one to get fully rested at night to prepare for the next day. He starts to pay closer attention to you as a couple more days pass, thinking maybe you just had a rough night, but you still don't seem to be getting much sleep. You're meeting this person almost every night.
He's confused about how you know them, not having seen them around until recently. When he sees you exchange things with them, he assumes that they commissioned you for work, but that thought goes out the window when he doesn't see them pay you anything after you say your goodbyes and leave.
Curiosity gets the best of him at this point, and he can't help going up to you to ask. You don't look any better up close. It's clear that you haven't been sleeping recently, barely registering that Ruggie's in front of you until he says something.
He comes right out and asks if you're working with that person. He's taken aback when you say you're just doing them a few favors that they've been asking for, and you couldn't find it in yourself to say no because of how desperate they sounded.
"You're doing all this work for free…?" Ruggie has to sound out the sentence for it to come out as he intends, even though it doesn't make any sense to him.
"Yes," you let out a breathy laugh, not knowing where he was going with this. They needed help and you offered. There's not much else to it. Of course, you haven't been getting much sleep at all this last week because of it, but you're happy you're able to help them out a bit.
Ruggie's completely stunned at the revelation, not knowing why anyone would even bother doing something so strenuous for someone without even a hint of payment. "You're losing sleep because you're doing someone else's work, do I have that right?" All he needs is your slight nod to know exactly what he needs to do.
He doesn't give you a chance to say anything else before he's grabbing the few things you have in your hands and dragging you back to your room. You attempt to stop him, trying to tell him that you need the things he took, but he's not hearing any of it.
Before you know it, he's out of the room faster than he got you to it, and you're left there without the materials you need to finish the request. You fall asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow, well overdue for some rest.
You don't see Ruggie until the middle of the next day, and you can tell that you aren't getting the materials you need back anytime soon, if at all. He's just happy that you finally seem to have gotten some rest, not regretting it in the slightest when he passes the work onto someone else and blackmails has them do the rest of the work for you.
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buy me a coffee ♡
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@akaneredsstuff @sad-little-miao-miao @hathay
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get tagged for future stories
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jiminrings · 3 months
fail-safe; intermission 02.
wordcount: 2k
glimpse: you leave for the night, but hopefully for good in the future.
alternatively, jungkook offers you reprieve.
[ part one, intermission, part two, intermission 02, finale ]
as always, lmk what you think <3 send in feedback n love to my askbox anytime!! even reading ur thoughts in the tags give me life :) | series masterlist
You’ve come to loathe your childhood home.
You’ve come to loathe your room and most especially your bed. You’ve come to hate the people who inhabit it in one way or another, whether it is to guard the door to it or sleep on it.
You detest the floor space that makes everyone who enters it regard it as cozy as if it’s an embrace that’s waiting solely for them. You despise the way it smells, the mix of what lived-in comes off as a scent seeming like an invitation for just about everyone.
The start and end to everything that has caused you immense pain in your life had something to do with your home. From the evident patriarch that’s missing in all your family photos, to how the outside doesn’t seem lavish compared to the facades of your classmates’ houses, to even the visitor that has been hellbent since day one to treat it as his very own — everything that has given you grief comes from the same place you’ve sworn up and down gave you nothing but comfort.
You don’t know where to place all your rage; you can’t even start unpacking everything you hold inside because there’s no space in a house so little to even tolerate you. It houses everything from a past (you’re not so sure of the tense) lover to offspring of said lover, but what your home can’t do is bear you–
Which is why you find yourself driving up to the big city, crashing into a room you know the most outside of your own space in your own house, just to stay for the night. It’s maintained to the state of when you’ve last been in it, the sight of the city below you reminding you that even for just a second, you could pretend that it’s your own home.
It’s your own space in the big city where there isn’t a brother whose loyalties don’t lie with you. It’s your own home wherein you don’t feel like you’re the one who’s intruding on everyone else in there because out of all of them, you’re the one who’s the least-adjusted when it comes to family. You’re above everyone, even if it’s just pretend, and in your few moments of peace, it comes. The click on the door comes, and you freeze up instantly.
What you didn’t expect is for the owner of it to actually come home.
“Jungkook,” you gasp, immediately straightening up your form on his couch. You didn’t even dare to put up your feet on his coffee table but with the way you react, he’d almost think you defiled it in ways he can’t even imagine. “I’m so sorry. I couldn’t find any vacant hotels that could take me in such a short notice.”
There’s no confusion in Jungkook’s face. Surprise, sure, because he’s not used to anyone else having his key except for you, and when his eyes did settle to the light, his shock immediately dissipated. There’s no hostility. No arrogance, and no hint on his face telling you that you were unwelcome.
If anything, he looks warm.
“Oh come on, Y/N. You can crash anytime you’d like,” he laughs loudly once he figures that your startled expression looks amusing, the sound of his keys hitting the bowl snapping you out of your daze. “God knows you’ve saved my ass and let me crash in your house far too many times.”
Jungkook takes off his coat and hands you his own house slippers, sliding them from underneath your feet that you’re adamant to not put up anywhere else besides the floor.
You’re relieved for the most part, the guilt that you feel in your stomach creeping into your chest because Jungkook looks relaxed. Nonchalant, even, to know that you dropped into his home without even asking. It’s the total opposite of what you’ve felt seeing Yoongi do the same to you, the lone difference being Jungkook actually wanting you to be here.
“That’s because I’m your manager. That’s literally my work,” you sigh breathlessly, accepting the meal that he gives you sheepishly. You’d have to share with him because he wasn’t expecting anyone, but oddly enough, Jungkook’s more apologetic than you are because he didn’t check on you during your break. Your talent’s sorry because he didn’t anticipate you coming to him, and it’s a situation you’re completely unused to.
You’re not used to being on the receiving end of apologies.
“No, that’s beyond your work. A friend would do that. A manager would rat me out to the CEO and give me an ultimatum,” Jungkook corrects you, flipping his hair that’s grown out since his last project. The break the both of you are in on is literally the first throughout your whole careers, and the sudden reunion reminds you of the fact that he is correct.
Jungkook sees the knot in between your eyebrows, the same one that always appeared whenever you had to chew someone out for messing up something on his agenda, the chuckle that leaves him making you look up attentively.
“You could use a drink. You look like you need it,” he stands up to pour you a glass of his favorite liquor in his favorite glass, the worn-out milk cup freebie of his cereal being the perfect container whenever he wanted to get tipsy but not drunk. “How was going home?”
“It felt bad,” you admit with no shame. It’s Jungkook, and even if he has more stuff going on in his life success-wise than you do, you don’t feel a need to prove yourself. “I had to leave early.”
“And how was seeing Yoongi?” he raises a brow, still adept to the stories about him whenever you both took a load off busy schedules with drinking.
“Even worse,” you grumble, shuddering at the remembrance of a memory that’s still fresh in your mind. “I had to leave early because he was on my bed again, but this time, sleeping with his ex-wife and his son.”
Jungkook gasps softly, lips parting open in shock. “The same guy who fucked his high school sweetheart in your room?”
“Get this,” you chuckle with no real humor to it, looking down on your cup with a hatred that he could recognize. He doesn’t see it everyday, most especially not from you either, but Jungkook knows that look — that anger that could only come from someone who had to endure so much. “High school sweetheart and mother of his child and ex-wife? Just the same person.”
You’re not sure if it’s pity you should expect from Jungkook. You don’t expect any grand reaction because he should be desensitized to points like these (he’s done his fair share of dramas, both melodramatic and straight-up cheesy), but what you certainly don’t expect is for him to launch himself at you. To comfort you.
“Oh, Y/N. I’m so sorry,” he mumbles to your shoulder, large hand cupping repeatedly against your back.
“What are you sorry for?” you whisper, pulling away to wipe at the tears at the corners of your eyes before they get on Jungkook. You turn your head away, pretending that the city you look down on is Yoongi, and that the tears that pool onto your cheeks aren’t there at all. “It must be Yoongi’s birthright to go sleep in my room like he owns it.”
Your sarcasm can’t carry over not because you sniffled, but because Jungkook is perhaps the most observant person in the world after you. “But that’s not the worst, Jungkook.”
He’s nervous for a second before it turns into annoyance, the look of genuine concern filling his face. He has his hand on your forearm, trying to get you to look at him so when you do lie, he could catch it. “Do you need me to rough him up for you?”
“I have no right,” you mutter to yourself more than you do for him, kissing your teeth at the frustration that whatever it is to do, you can’t seem to pick yourself up now. “I can get angry at him for sleeping on my bed with no permission. I can even get angry at him for lots of things. For giving me this, this false hope that we’ll ever amount to something,” you shakily exhale, looking down on your hands that are far from Hyewon’s that have held him and their child. “But the one thing — the one thing I can’t get angry at Yoongi for is him sleeping with his family.”
You have no right. Absolutely no semblance, no fraction of anything that could ever lead you to the conclusion that you have a say on how Yoongi loves his family, even if he’s divorced Hyewon whom he’ll forever keep the porch light on for.
He can leave town and take his share, but Hyewon can always come home — that’ll never change because she was once someone whom he loved the most (probably still), and the mother to Haneul. The porch light is on and the windows are cracked open in the event that she wants to come home to them, be it their home in New York or Los Angeles, be it the home you grew up in.
“What can I do about that, Jungkook? I can’t fault him for that. That’s his family. I don’t play any part in it.”
“I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry, Y/N,” he soothes you, fingertips lightly scratching at your scalp. “You don’t deserve any of this.”
“Stop lying,” you cry to your hands even if Jungkook’s chest is right in front of you, the best he could do (the best that you allow because you’re not used to anyone going out of their way for you) only letting you cry the way you know how.
“I’m saying the truth,” he hums, unconsciously swaying you back in forth as you sit on the floor together. “People take so much from you, do you know that? Weren’t you the one that had to hustle and get a practical job because your brother was gambling on passion alone?” he tilts his head, wiping at your tears. “Weren’t you the one who had to carry all the hurt when it came to Yoongi?”
Jungkook even comes to a conclusion.
“I’m guilty of it too. I give you such a hard time.”
“Stop it,” you nudge him, effectively snapping out of your crying state when you hear Jungkook going into a train he shouldn’t even board in the first place. “That’s different. It’s literally my job to go through a hard time so you don’t.”
“But still. I feel like I don’t pay you enough for it,” he frowns, the immediate laugh that bursts from your lips making him smile.
“The agency does, but okay,” you roll your eyes. “Besides, the bonus you gave me enabled me to buy a new car.”
“Eh,” he shrugs exaggeratedly in faux arrogance, the smile on his face cheeky enough that it makes you throw your head back in amusement. “It is a nice car, isn’t it?”
Jungkook does it so quick, it being your reprieve, you don’t even notice that it’s the first long stretch of silence you’re under without thinking about anything but yourself; how you breathe, how you feel your fingers move, and even how steady your heart feels.
“Thank you, Jungkook,” you smile softly, turning to him as he does the same. “For letting me crash and making things a little lighter for me. Even if it isn’t your job.”
“We’ve known each other for years,” he reasons. “You’re there and I’m there, even we’re not on the clock.”
There’s weight behind his smile, the inkling that pops up into your brain making you chuckle to yourself as you straighten up once again.
“I’ll get out of your hair in a few hours. I need to beat the traffic on the way back.”
“You’re still going back? This has got to be torture.”
You shrug carelessly, sighing heavily. “Three more days. My mom’s been blowing up my phone telling me she wants the family complete so she wouldn’t look stupid in front of everyone for this big family reunion,” you nod to yourself, building up whatever dignity and resolve you have left. “I think I can endure that much for her.”
Jungkook’s mind is as set as yours is to go home.
“You don’t have to endure it alone,” he offers, eyes wide and honest.
“I’m an actor. Award-winning,” he adds, the smile that lingers on his face giving you more than just reprieve. “Even better than that, I’m also a good friend and an excellent debt-payer.”
“Jungkook,” you say his name as warning, partly in disbelief, and partly to convince yourself that he’s not thinking what you’re thinking.
“You’re a decent actress too. Just follow my lead,” he shrugs, shoving you lightly.
“You’re ridiculous,” you gasp, shaking your head adamantly. “Seriously, you don’t want to play any part in this chaos-…”
“I’ve been in worse settings,” he counters. “Stop taking shit, Y/N. Pretty woman like you doesn’t deserve anything of the sort.”
He knows he already has you partly convinced when you let him get another word in.
“You and me, dating, driving back home. You can pretend you’re alright and unaffected with everything,” Jungkook grins. “We act it out enough, it’ll eventually come true.”
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feverishly-kpop · 2 months
Feverish Ateez Headcanons
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Hongjoong simply doesn’t have time to be sick. Ironically, however, it’s his workaholic tendencies that wear down his immune system, leaving him vulnerable to whatever bug is going around. He’ll try to hide it but won’t make it very long because, when he gets sick, he gets SICK. It’s never just a cold, it’s a full blown flu. Never a slight fever, but a shivering-sweating-can’t get out of bed-somebody make everything stop spinning fever. Despite the severity of his illness, Hongjoong needs constant reassuring that work is continuing to get done and that his dongsaengs are taken care of. Seonghwa has been known to instruct the rest of the members to stay tight lipped around Hongjoong when he’s sick, not wanting to stress him out any more than he already inevitably is.
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Putting himself first is a concept foreign to Seonghwa. If a member is sick it’s almost a guarantee that Seonghwa will be at their side making sure their every need is met, even when that means sleepless nights and long days. As far as he’s concerned, that is his job as the oldest hyung, but it’s only a matter of time before he has pushed himself to the brink emotionally and physically and falls miserably ill himself. Even then, however, he’ll keep testing his limits until he is incapable of continuing, at which point he will retreat to his own room where he’ll attempt to reject any efforts taken by the others to care for him. That is, he’ll try until Hongjoong pulls rank as leader, leaving Seonghwa no other choice but to acquiesce.
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Yunho absolutely hates feeling vulnerable which pairs very poorly with the fact that his fevers come on quickly and always run high - high enough that he immediately feels sluggish and dazed as soon as his temperature starts rising. That’s why Seonghwa or Hongjoong tend to realize that Yunho’s sick before Yunho realizes it himself, but from there things go downhill rapidly, leaving him achy, confused, and all around miserable. The members know to handle a sick Yunho with kid gloves, fully aware that Yunho likely has no idea what is going on around him. Seonghwa seems to have the magic touch when it comes to getting him to settle down, especially after he’s woken up by a particularly disquieting fever dream or nightmare.
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A sick Yeosang is a grumpy Yeosang. The members can always immediately tell when he’s coming down with something because his usually sweet demeanor turns sour at the drop of a dime. The minute that he’s sent home from work or sent back to bed he makes no effort to hide how resentful he is. Of course he knows that it’s nobody’s fault that he is sick but that doesn’t change how frustrated he gets when he’s feeling “left out.” Everybody knows to give Yeosang time and space to sulk but, by the end of the day, either Wooyoung or Jongho has climbed into bed with him, partially because they know how badly the chills hit him when he has a fever, but mostly because nobody can stand seeing him so upset for too long.
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San truly and honestly does not know when to stop. Even if he did, he doesn’t particularly know how to stop. He will continue to work through just about anything until his body finally quits on him. Best case scenario - he sits down and can’t get back up again. Worst case scenario - he faints. Both of which the members have witnessed too many times. Each and every time San thinks the embarrassment of this episode will be enough to keep him from going too far again, but somehow it never does. Once he’s been tucked safely in bed where the team knows he can’t do any further damage to himself, it usually only takes a matter of minutes before Yeosang or Wooyoung receive a text sheepishly asking them to come lie down with him so he has somebody to hold while he sleeps. Unless Yunho’s already asleep, in which case San simply invites himself into Yunho’s bed and wraps his arms around him, often times not even stirring Yunho awake.
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When Mingi is sick he just wants to be left in peace, quiet, and solitude. He’s insecure about letting people see him sick. It feels too close to showing weakness for his comfort. He knows it worries the other members but it is just easier that way for him. Mingi tends to push his boundaries. It isn’t that he doesn’t know what his boundaries are, he is extremely self aware in that respect. He simply values his art over just about everything, often including his health, and struggles to apply the brakes when he goes too far. But once he’s able to ground himself again he’ll see to it that he has what he needs and surrender to some rest. The members have come to respect his need for space, even the hyungs who fought him on it for quite some time before meeting in the middle - as long as Mingi was actually taking care of himself they’d allow it, with the caveat that the door opens if and when he gets too sick to be alone. Luckily for him, however, his symptoms tend to be milder than some of the other members when he falls ill.
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Wooyoung is rubbish at listening to the signals his body gives him when he needs a break and coming down with a fever is no exception. He’ll work until Hongjoong, Seonghwa, or Yunho realize that something is off and bench him, which will make him emotional 110% of the time, convinced that he’s being forced to sit down because he was underperforming and disappointing the rest of the team. His emotions typically remain dysregulated until his fever breaks and the members have a difficult time calming him down once he’s upset. They can always count on lots of tears. Without fail, he craves attention from Hongjoong, Seonghwa, and Yeosang and wants nothing more than to cuddle and, of course, nobody can say no to Wooyoung.
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Do. Not. Baby. Jongho. He is independent and that doesn’t change in the slightest when he’s running a fever. He’ll avoid his hyungs at all costs and, when he does happen to come across one as will inevitably happen despite his best efforts, he tends to be distant, citing somewhere he has to be to do something important that he’s running late for. Eventually he’ll break though, once he’s worn himself down enough. Then he’ll slink back home and snuggle into the side of the closest hyung he can find. Jongho doesn’t have to say a word, they all know by now that this is standard operating procedure when Jongho isn’t feeling well. He truly doesn’t care which hyung he finds first, as long as they don’t say “I told you so.”
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foressfaction · 4 months
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:Ticci Toby:{A Rewrite}
Chapter 7
WARNING:: This story contains EXTREMELY triggering topics such as Domestic/Child/Substance abuse, Death, harsh language, GORE and dissociation triggers. This story mentions mental illnesses and disorders such as Depression, PTSD, ADHD, and Tourette's Syndrome. !!TICS MAY BE TRIGGERING!!
Chapter seven
"Let's go out my window, they won't hear us." Lyra opened her room window that led to the roof and crawled out. Toby followed behind, slipping down the roof a little but eventually they were both able to jump off safely landing on the grass below.
The two siblings started to sprint down the sidewalk, slowly merging to the side of the road. Toby would pass Lyra immediately but the two would both slow down to a steady pace. Toby would fall behind shortly. "Where are we even going?!" Toby would yell, running behind his sister, her ponytail blowing behind her as she kept running, in the lead. Toby was getting out of breath but stayed competitive. "To the abandoned school! It's cool! I wanna show you."
The two kept running, shoes echoing off the old cracked sidewalk that has seen better days. The road was dead and it seemed no one was out at the time. The cold weather pinched at their faces, making their noses red and their faces a little pink.
About midway Toby stopped to catch his breath, bending down to hold his knees, huffing. Lyra stopped, no longer hearing him running.
Toby turned to see the woods, getting a very familiar feeling. He stayed huffing, holding his stomach tightly, he saw a figure…tall as the trees just facing him. It was all black, but definitely unnerving. This time though he felt like he was in danger…not that usual friendly feeling he got from the creature.
His eyes were locked on.
"Toby?" The girl called out. Toby snapped from his daze and looked at her. She was about 15 feet away. "You okay?" Lyra yelled out.
Toby nodded and went back to jogging, passing her who started after him.
He looked back a couple of times.
Lyra wondered why he suddenly went quiet
The two made it to the old school, both huffing to catch their breaths, especially Toby. "Wow, they painted it more since the last time I came here." Lyra hummed out, waking further inside. There was a hole just big enough for them to fit through the boarded door. Graffiti lined the walls on every corner. Almost no negative space was left. "Here!" She tossed Toby a can of spray paint. "Huh? Where did you ge-get this?" he asked, shaking it a little.
"It was laying in the corner over there, some dumb-nuts left'em." She shook her own can and tested it out on the walls. "A gift for us then huh?"
Toby laughed a little, joining her to mark up the walls. She wrote words while he painted his lil symbols, and stick people. That figure didn't leave his mind either. He started to spray paint the tall man, getting the proportions as correctly as he could. He was so concentrated that he didn't notice the girl looming behind him in confused awe. "Who is that, Toby?"
Toby turned quickly and sighed a little. "..A…a friend."
She tilted her head, concerned but played along. She was always worried about her brother. The kid was pretty slow and unique but she loved him anyway. That was one of the traits that made him so lovable. "Oh ahah, a friend? Well tell him I like his tie." She referred to the red tie that Toby painted on. The figure was in a suit.
The wind picked up suddenly. The two had been there for a while, and the sun was starting to set.
The brunette and the blonde girl were sitting against the wall playing with an old toy top they found on the ground. Toby was spinning it, trying to beat Lyra's high score of 30 seconds of pure spinning. His highest was 6..
"Hey, go see if you can find any other little things, I bet I can find one faster than you." Lyra always wanted to play a game out of something. She was a very competitive person. Toby got up quickly. "we'll see then!" He called out.
Toby ran down the hall of the old school, leaving the section they were in and entered a whole new one. His shoes echoed down the halls.
Toby really stopped to take a look at all of the halls. They were all painted on and just destroyed. People wrote satanic symbols, numbers. Some were confession letters and secrets.
'I wonder who Doug is.'  Toby thought to himself as he stood in front of a giant wall that had 'I really hate Doug' spray painted on it.
Toby finally caught the eye of a pile of boxes and bags. Bingo! "There has to be something in here!" He thought out loud as he ran over and started to dig through. There were a bunch of burned up books and papers. Toby dug deeper and eventually felt metal against his gloved hand. He pulled it out, a lighter?
He flicked it on and the flame bursted up, lighting his eyes and half of the semi-dark room up. "woaahh.."
"HEY!" A man's voice yelled out.
"What are you doing with my stuff you little twat!"
Toby looked behind him quickly and immediately scurried out of the room, taking the lighter with him.
The older boy chased him, grabbing at the boy's arm and successfully pulled Toby back violently.
"DON'T TOUCH ME!" Toby screamed out, kicking the other male in the shin, slipping away again and running as fast as he could.
He ran into his sister, nearly knocking them down. She huffed out and held him. Toby was practically hugging her. Lyra was in shock but saw the other guy approaching them fast. "Don't hurt my brother you asshole!" She yelled out, baring her teeth angrily.
"Oh, you're a cute one aren't ya~" The older boy cooed out.
Lyra groaned in an annoyed way and sprayed the guy in the face with spray paint. He screamed and grabbed his face, it getting into his eyes. Lyra took her brother's arm and started to run.
Toby had shoved the lighter into his pocket in the process. "Haha bozo!" Toby laughed out, being tugged away once more around the corner.
Despite that encounter, that was the most fun the two have had in a while.
After the two got home and got showers, they stayed up most of the night in Lyra's room, either reading funny stories from a book of jokes, or making a fort out of all of her blankets. It was the weekend so they didn't have to worry about school or work. Toby fell asleep on the floor in the pile of pillows and blankets. That day was really eventful. The tall man even paid him a visit in his sleep.
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ohnoanalien · 9 months
All You Need to Do Is Ask
Hi! I'm back, kind of!
I was planning to not post to keep the bots away-- but @hcdragoncat is an awesome writer, and @journey-to-the-au is awesome in general! I got inspired by this drabble based on the What If AU.
It might also be because the SEM posts are destroying me and I need some fluff, comfort, and humor (or at least, I tried). I see your ':)' and I know I'm in for a bad time. Pray for me before I strangle a myth from a 16th century book. ❤️
Regardless, thanks for being amazing writers! You're awesome!
"Absolutely not."
"Baije, please-- ow-- don't worry yourself. I'll be fine."
Haarini pleaded to no avail. Pushing her back down with stubborn hooves, the pig demon reached for a small bundle. All the while, Pilgrim silently picked at his meal from afar.
"Ah, but you seem to forget." Garnet eyes examined a swollen ankle, reaching for a roll of gauze. "I was once a farmhand. Injuries like these are terrible if left untreated."
"You can't just assume--" Pigsy's sharp glare met hers, cutting her thorny words at the stem.
"Tell me. How many years did you spend outside your temple, honing your survival skills?" He moved to wipe a stinging cut on her cheek. "Because I can assure you that, when you are a wanderer, pain endurance isn't a requirement."
From beside the campfire, Sha Wujing's eyes traveled from Haarini's bloodthirsty scowl to Pilgrim's endless shivering. With gentle footsteps, the demon sat down beside him, nudging him with a large shoulder.
"You're eating very slowly. Is everything alright, my friend?"
No response. The eldest disciple sniffled, rubbing a flushed nose.
"Wukong?" The monk asked again.
Ao Lie raised his head.
Zhu Baije and Haarini stopped their bickering. Their eldest disciple finally looked up, startling when he was met with a sea of curious eyes.
"Do I have something on my face?" The stone monkey chuckled nervously.
"Well, no." Wujing hummed to himself, "You just seem-- oh, what's the word--"
"Distracted." Tripitaka furrowed his brow from his spot under a tree. "Absent-minded. Weak."
Weak. Weak?
In an instant, Wukong's fur puffed at the accusation.
"Master, you forget that our eldest disciple can’t possibly weaken. He's immortal several times over! He's probably just cold from his little dip in the river." Zhu Baije snorted.
"He's right, Master! I'm p-perfectly..." A raspy breath hitched.
Haarini frowned, pushing herself to her feet. "Wukong, what’s going–"
A loud sneeze rumbled through the night air, fire flickering at the force of it. Dazed and confused, the pilgrims surfaced from the shock, ears still ringing. The deity's face reddened through his fur, hovering a paw over his nose. 
"Excuse me. I– snff! I need to go…patrol the area." He mumbled. And with that, the great sage was gone.
"...Should we go after him?" Wujing finally piped up.
Haarini took her time limping through the mountain path. She was insistent on checking first-- despite the group’s overflowing concerns.
"Please do not search for too long." Tripitaka guided her towards the brush that circled their little safe haven, "You might exacerbate your sprain."
"And watch for roots." Zhu Baije examined her wrappings…again. "Tripping over anything in your condition would make things much worse."
"And please be aware of your surroundings." Wujing added, hands wringing. "If a demon attacks, we wouldn't want you to fight alone. So remember to ask for help when you need it, okay?"
Haarini's eye twitched. "Anyone else want to give me advice that I already know?"
Like clockwork, the youngest disciple whinnied. The warrior threw her head back, glaring up at the moon. "Thank you Ao Lie. Very helpful."
The forest itself was much better company, lively with conversation. Owls hooted. Crickets chirped. Haaniri stepped from the dapples of moonlight into a wide meadow, its rolling garden seeming to stretch on for miles. Fireflies gracefully floated above the flowers, flickering in the dark like embers on the wind.
A coughing fit broke the peace, and Haarini couldn't help the giggle that passed her lips. The Monkey King was never one for stealth, was he? She carved her way through the tall grass and up to a familiar patch of golden fur. 
And there sat her patient, sniffling and rubbing at his face.
Haarini frowned. Was. Was he crying? Is that why he was so quiet? Is that why he refused to come near us? Is he too prideful to face his friends?
The langur paused. She steeled herself, a nimble paw reaching out to his shoulder.
And then all chaos broke loose.
The Monkey King sneezed. She screamed. He yelped. They scrambled backwards, perched on all fours and fur puffed like feral cats. For just a moment they were frozen in time, backs arched, staring wide eyed between a storm of windswept petals.
"...We’re going back." Haarini said flatly, loosening up to pick freckles of pollen from her fur.
"I’m fine."
"I am! Don’t you trust your Grandpa Sun?"
The langur sighed, moving to sit beside him. "Do you know how stubborn you are?"
Wordlessly, ruby eyes traveled to her ankle. Haarini scoffed, tail blocking its view with a silver swish. "Th-that’s not the same!" She huffed, arms crossed.
"I see." Wukong wheezed out a chuckle-- which spiraled into a coughing jag. Blood boiled under his dear friend’s fur. Golden eyes narrowed. 
Fine. If the idiot wasn't going to help himself, she'd just have to do it for him.
All too suddenly Haarini hissed in pain, reaching to clutch her ankle. And as she predicted, the deity immediately leaned forward, ignoring his own state. He suppressed a shiver. She fought the urge to strangle the immortality out of him.
"Will you stop that? I said I'm fine!" Haarini grasped at his cheeks to push him away.
Her friend immediately obliged, concern weighing heavily on his drooping shoulders.
“What a terrible illness. His mind must be half-melted by now…" The patient muttered, flexing her fingers.
"What was that?"
"Oh! Sorry. Just mumbling to myself, that’s all. Being treated in the presence of a king must have rattled my nerves quite a bit." She threw a wrist over her forehead, shooting him a teasing smirk.
A snort broke the monk’s worry, and Haarini couldn't help but mirror his laughter as he sprung back to life. Wukong scooched just a little closer, emerald grass pooling at his waist. "Oh, I completely understand. After all, you are in the presence of someone so great."
As he tried to calm his giggling Haarini leaned on her elbows, scanning every inch of his body. "The long walk here hasn’t done me any favors either. Would you mind...?" She extended her leg.
Without hesitation, Wukong rolled up his sleeves.
Then cracked his knuckles.
Then cracked his neck.
Haarini raised a bushy brow.
“What?” The Monkey King sniffed, nose in the air, “I’m just preparing.” And with that, he began to message a twisted ankle.
The langur hummed, a round ear flicking absent-mindedly as she dipped lower. "You know, I was wondering. You can't swim without sinking. Why jump into a river to save me from drowning?" 
For just a second, the deity’s carefree smile bent. "Come now, you’ve traveled with me long enough! Any challenge I've faced is just flimsy kindling in my hands. This was nothing! A fluke! A bump in the road!"
Another sniffle.
"But you could have easily let Sha Wujing do the honors. Or Zhu Baije. Or a barely sturdy tree branch.” Haarini said with a sigh of irritation.
The Monkey King’s face grew hot with embarrassment, but her thoughts marched on.
"It. I just. If there's anything wrong. If...if I did something wrong--" All concerns flipped on their side as the great sage’s lower back twitched, unable to stop a pitiful whimper from slipping out.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Last chance, dumbass.
"Don't worry! Don't worry! As I said, I'm perfectly well, th-thank you." Wukong's voice crackled, and he paused to rub at an aching throat. He gazed down at the flora beneath him, feeling its soft strokes between his claws. "Don’t assume, my friend. You didn't do anything wrong. It's hard to explain. Your presence is like...sitting under the cool shade on a hot day. Or the warmth of a snowy hot spring. I feel...relief around you. And I don’t want to lose something so precious."
"Tail's not moving at all..."
"Ugh! Forget it!" The king scratched at his scalp as he turned back to his patient-- just missing the way Haarini straightened like a ruler.
"Noted.” She agreed to the unknown, one-sided conversation with every bit of false confidence that she could muster. “Before I head back to our camp and leave you be, can I ask for one more favor? It's nice and painless this time, I promise." She implored.
"Of course." Wukong smiled, looking like he was one slight twitch from passing out in a fit of pain. "Anything for you."
She gently slapped a paw to his cheek, all innocent mannerisms dropping.
"You need to lie down before your injury gets worse."
Sun Wukong blinked slowly, eyes dull and glazed over. “...Excuse me?"
"Oh, don't give me that!" Her touch moved back to his forehead, "Your fever is most likely from an infected wound, as well as exhaustion from so much moving around."
"I'm-- snff-- I'm fi--" He stumbled, rubbing his eyes to clear a dizzy spell. Haarini immediately took the chance to crawl along the king’s back, lifting his robes, and he quickly sobered with a mortified squeak.
"Just as I thought." A puffy gash trailed down his back, blood matting his ginger fur. "For gods' sake, there's still grime stuck in the damn thing!"
Surprise turned to anger, and the immortal whipped his head around. Offense and shock pierced through the langur like arrows. Nonetheless she persisted, circling The Monkey King and toeing the line that could easily yank her down to the bottom layers of Diyu.
"Oh I know your type well." She growled. A silver claw poked him over and over, forcing him to stumble backwards. "Unwilling to admit weakness, unwilling to communicate, unwilling to keep yourself safe because-- despite your strength and cunning-- you believe yourself to be perfect and flawless and never make a single mistake!"
Wukong couldn’t help but flinch in pain as his back hit a tree, pinned to the wall by a single finger.  "And of course immortality is an incredible power to wield, but it’s also completely useless if you spend an eternity unable to walk! So please, for my sake, stop pretending you're so invincible and let me help you already!"
The world paused. Fireflies danced over a pair of flushed faces. And ever-so-slowly, Haarini pulled away. 
"I'm not very good at being subtle, am I?" She moaned, pressing a palm to her head.
"Maybe a little." Wukong trilled, wincing at a searing heat that shot up his spine.
Haarini opened her mouth for another lecture– blinking in surprise when the Monkey King obediently took a seat on a nearby rock. 
"I don't suppose you brought any medicine...with..." He gasped, and Haarini’s paws flew up to her ears before they could burst.
“...ow.” Cracking a cautious eye open, Pilgrim felt a handkerchief press into his lap.
"Maybe let's start with this." Haarini chuckled, whacking his shoulder with a snowy tail. "You need it more than I do."
Her ankle throbbed. She shifted from foot to foot, snowy tail extending as she tried not to fall. But a gentle arm wrapped around her back, and a warm side pressed against her own.
For a body made of boulders, his skin was surprisingly soft.
"If I ask my master for help, will you promise to stay off your feet for a few days?" Wukong smiled sheepishly under half-soaked fabric.
A giggle brushed his ears like swaying wind chimes. 
“We really are a wreck, aren’t we? Ahahaha!” Through her wobbling Haarini returned the favor, pulling her monk ever closer. "Alright, alright. Anything for you."
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i've been slipping really small and its kinda scary :(
could you maybe do a hellfire one where reader slips real tiny even goes nonverbal maybe cuz they are small and eddie is there and makes it less scary?
no pressure of course!
love your stories <3
-bug :)
Hellfire Babysitting Club (Part Eleven)
Little, Little, Little
Eddie Munson x Little!Reader (They Them Pronouns used) / Hellfire Club x Little!Reader (They/Them Pronouns Used)
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Warnings - Holiday theme mentioned, no specific holiday, just sort of a part takes place celebrating the upcoming school break! shout out to the anon who asked if I would do anything for the holidays! I guess I am! Little terror regresses to a young young age and is non verbal!
Notes - I am so sorry that this is happening bub, I hope this are looking up and you're able to navigate the really young regressions safely, I am wishing you luck and happiness and am here if you need to talk! I hope this can help comfort you, even just a little bit! Love you Bug!! <3
SFW - Please keep all interactions with this post, and this blog, SFW, if you do not comply, you will be reported and blocked <3
+ + + + + +
Eddie was thankful for the break from his dramatic story telling's, as much as he enjoyed leading the group he felt burnt out, happy, and willing, to have a party celebrating the upcoming weeks off, everyone brining baked goods and card games instead of their usual game faces and juice box donations to the Little Terror that they all loved so much.
"Eddie?" He was quickly snapped out of his happy daze, soon finding the worried face of Lucas, his eyebrows furrowed, his eyes unsure. "Fairy isn't talking." He said, unsure of his own words as he explained the situation.
"What?" Eddie asked, confused as to what the boy meant.
"They were babbling as usual, but they stopped like five minutes ago, just looking around and smiling." Lucas explained, talking with his hands as usual, pointing to Y/n who was sat with Dustin and Gareth, the two of them trying to get Y/n to talk.
"Okay." Eddie tensely said, not totally sure how to navigate this sudden situation. "Okay." he said again, a little more sure this time.
"Come on Fairy, just one word?" Dustin said in such a high voice, a huge smile on his face. "What is this?" He held up a cookie, waving it in front of them, their grabby hands reaching for it."
"Don't be mean." Gareth scoffed, plucking the cookie out of Dustin's hand, handing it to Y/n, only to be met with them leaning into his hand and biting the cookie, taking the small bit and chewing it, leaving the rest of the cookie, Gareth sat confused, Fairy never let anyone hold their food, so this was new.
"Little Terror." Eddie said, his voice soft and smooth, even more calm than usual, trying to keep Y/n happy and content. "You okay?" He asked, tilting his head, Y/n following suit, tilting their too, giggling when Eddie smiled. "You're just a baby huh?" He asked, sitting down next to them, Y/n crawling to sit in-between his legs, still facing the two other boys, opening their mouth, waiting for Gareth to give them another bite of the cookie.
"Ew Terror!" Gareth winced. "You slobbered all over my hand."
Eddie took the cookie from Gareth, holding it for Y/n as they happily looked at Dustin, who was now playing peekaboo, making Y/n giggle every once in a while when he made an especially funny face.
"I know we call them Terror, but honestly they are a very content and easy baby." Mike chimed in, a candycane in hand as he watched on, smiling when Y/n began bouncing up and down laughing, just enjoying all of the attention.
"No one even think about handing Y/n anything that could be thrown and broken, and no one yell or make mean faces, Fairy is all sweet right now, but I swear if one of you little ..." Eddie covered Y/n's ears with his hands, their hands covering his in amusement. "Meanie pants." He uncovered their ears. "Make Y/n cry, you will get to deal with it, okay?" He asked, his tone non-joking, another serious moment in the books, the boys a little shocked, but understanding. The boys all nodded, Dustin standing up, not willing to take the risk of making the wrong face when playing the game.
Y/n huffed out a breath, leaning into Eddie, their head laid on his shoulder, thumb creeping into their mouth. Eddie just kissed them on the forehead, placing his hand on their forehead and running it over their scalp, something his mom used to do to him when he was a kid, something Y/n had grown to love. "Where is orange?" He questioned, sending the boys on a quest to find the little stuffed ball, Lucas handing it to Y/n as they snuggled closer to Eddie, closing their eyes, clearly exhausted.
"Why don't we put a movie on?" Mike asked, pulling out some movie cases from a self, the boys all agreeing, setting everything up, happy to chill out and sit down just like Little terror.
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HOUSEMATES [k.s.m] [f][m] MDNI***
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Warnings: cursing , smut , alludes to sex
Content: moving out for the first time is hard but it’s even harder when your apartment seems to be double booked and that too with a man like Kim seungmin
“Yes mom I’ve checked everything it’s safe don’t worry… no I haven’t met my neighbors I just got here- yes I know -I will “ you spoke as you walked the hallway of the apartment complex , it was your first time moving out and the nerves and tension was high not for just you but for your parents too “ mom it’s fine - yes I’ll show you what it looks like when I move in “ you said approaching the elevator “ hold the lift please” you called out phone pressed to your ear as you scrambled with your box waving whoever was in the elevator to keep it open .
You smile curtly at the man in the lift thanking him for holding it open for you , he was handsome to say the least , brown hair , glasses that fell just on the bridge of his nose and pretty hands however you were cut out of your dazed state by your mother screaming at you from the other end of the phone . Your eyes squeezed shut as you moved it further away from your ear her voice booming on the other endangering both you and the man in the elevators hearing
“Yes I get it don’t worry mom it’s going to be fine “ you said rolling your eyes her worry was understandable but it seemed she was pushing it a bit too far teetering on the end of being overly worried ,you sighed listening to her ramble about inexpensive markets near you and places that sold fresh vegetables as the elevator stopped on your floor you walked out first the man shortly following behind you .
Weird you thought probably just a coincidence but one too many turns later leading you both to the same door proved that this was indeed not a coincidence. Apartment 32D that’s what it said on your key and so did it on his , you stared at him in awe “ I uh rented out apartment 32. “ you said watching his confused face grow even more confused “ I rented apartment 32 D too …” He said showing you his Keys .
The landlord waved you both off telling you to just settle and work something out , live togther or don’t stay here at all she didn’t really care but neither you nor seungmin could afford to live elsewhere so it was decided that you and Kim seungmin would share the apartment for as long as your lease held up . Kim seungmin wasn’t a terrible housemate , he was clean and neat , often did the grocery shopping making sure to stock up on snacks you like and doing his own laundry, his only downfall was his snarky personality that he seemed to let flow so freely . It started off with small remarks , funny ones really but soon grew to absolutely annoy you leaving you with no resolve . “ Seungmin can you take out the trash “ you called from your room hoping he was somewhere in the apartment “ it’s Thursday “ you bellowed” we can’t miss trash day again “ you said ensuring your camera and microphone was muted during your online lecture “ Kim seungmin “ you whined “ I know you’re free “ you said now trying to Stick your head out the side of the door but being met with no avail.
You stood up walking out clad in your sleep shorts and sweater finding a very comfortable seungmin perched on the couch bowl of cereal in one hand tv remote in the other playing the latest reruns of some soap opera he was way too invested in . You sighed snatching the remote from his hand “ are you deaf or are you just ignoring me “ you started . His eyes never leaving the tv as he replied “ I’m busy “ .. busy? Busy was the last thing he was distressed tshirt , messy hair and pajama pants didn’t seem very busy .
“Seungmin it’s Thursday please take the trash out I’m in the middle of class “ you whined stomping around like a kid throwing a tantrum “ not my problem “ he replied in a taunting tone , your ears perked up at the mention of your name from you lecturer dashing to your room leaving seungmin plopped infront of the tv . You huffed and heaved as you pulled the large trash bag out of the apartmyfoor and too the shoot in the hall, dusting your hands off it was finally done , all the whining was for nothing seeing you had to do it yourself , you approached the apartment door twisting the door knob only to be met with retaliation as Your body bounced back from the force … locked , it was locked “ SEUNGMIN “ you howled fists clanking agaisnt the wooden door , seungmin stuck his head out the gap only big enough for just that as he smiled at you
“Something wrong” he asked flashing you a smile as your eyebrows knitted together “ seungmin let me in I’m not even dressed properly “ you said watching as his eyes raked over your legs landing on your thighs “you look fine “ he said smiling brightly before resuming to lock the door “seungmin please “ you begged as you noticed the elevator bell dinging off loading people into the building
You smiled awkwardly greeting the people who eyed you up and down like a charity case “ I live here “ you said smiling politely after being met with a scoff from one of the residents . After much retaliation seungmin caved and opened the door “ do you have any idea how embarrassing that was “ you started off watching as he walked away with you trailing behind him “ they looked at me like I’m crazy “ you said watching as he resumed his comfortable position on the couch looking oh so cuddly and oh so soft . Stupid seungmin. Stupid handsome seungmin . “ serves you right for wearing those slutty shorts around the house “ he said eyes never leaving your thighs “slutty !? These aren’t even that bad “ you said feighing an exaggerated sigh . Seungmin stood up inching closer to you watching as you walked pressing your back Into the wall “ do you think they’re appropriate” he asked pulling on the band of your shorts as his fingers trailed against the flesh of your hips “ I mean they are really short “ he spoke bitting his bottom lip watching the way your thighs caused the bottoms to roll up as you squeezed them together , seungmin backed away leaving you pressed against the wall “take Keys with you next time “ he said walking into his room leaving you plastered and flustured agaisnt the wall .Seungmin always bugged you he made it his personal mission to annoy you at any given moment throughout the day regardless of the circumstances. Breakfast he was there meddling with the settings in the toaster ulitmately leading to you burning your toast tutting at you when you sulked “poor thing , can’t even use the toaster right can you “ , during your class he was there rearranging the apartment causing loud scraps and grunts to be heard in the background of your lectures usually leaving you to be met with a sweaty seungmin “ you’re staring “ he’d say as he collected the bottom of his shirt to wipe his forehead leaving his tummy on display and ..even when you showered seungmin was there running the hot water in the kitchen draining it from the bathroom leaving you’re surrounded by spurts of ice cold water “ be nice and maybe I’ll stop if you beg well enough ” became the sentence he raked through your brain often leaving you in the cold water longer just so he could hear you beg on the verge of tears as you pleaded with him. Seungmin loves annoying you it was his favorite task of the day that and his trips to the coffee shops downtown in winter , he couldn’t find joy like that anywhere else although it confused him as to why you never caught on , surely you didn’t think he was doing this for nothing? I mean you couldn’t be that dense .Today was your final straw after letting the hair dye you’ve been talking about recently sit on the roots of your hair in an attempt for a touch up to your terrible dye job courtesy of seungmin you thought you would be in the clear for a nice hot shower , you stepped in rising the product out of your hair watching as it disappeared down the drain when the pipes rustled, cold water overcoming your body ruining your once hot shower surrounding you in waves of cold . You cursed out grabbing your towel wrapping it around you as you stormed into the kitchen “ seungmin what the fuck” you said watching the culprit leaning against the counter top as if he was innocent , the reminents of water dripped down your legs , and your arms leaving your skin with a sheen in the light surrendering seungmin completely speechless . “Can I take one fucking shower where you don’t fuck shit up” you said your tone harsh , you were angry, who wouldn’t be . Seungmin tilted his head in confusion he never meant to make you angry you never did get angry before was this your end point?did you hate him?
Seungmin couldn’t cast away the way you looked at him earlier eyes dark and angry as your hands balled into fists , he thought you looked delicateable , skin so soft and hair perfectly coating your shoulders but he couldn’t help but feel bad , laying in bed that night restless and upset at his own actions and what they caused you , lugging himself out of bed he walked to your room door knocking briefly to be met with a groggy “ come in”
Followed by a “ it’s 3 in the morning seungmin” as he waddled towards your bed sitting on the edge of it
“ I’m sorry “ he started the words seemed so foreign to his mouth that he almost couldn’t bare to say it “ I’m sorry I took things too far “ you sat up rubbing the sleep from you eyes , your outburst long forgotten as you looked at him confused “ what..” you mumbled your words slurring together “ what are you talking about “ you said squinting at him in the dark trying to make ,
Out the features on his face “I upset you and I’m sorry “ he said head held in his hands as if he committed the biggest crime ever and was now repenting for his sins you sighed crawling over to him gently placing your hand on his back” I was upset but I’m okay now you don’t have to apologize “ you said drawing light circles on the expanse of his back ignnightinv the skin underneath him in a wave of warmth as you touched him “it’s not yn” you shifted closer to him “ it’s not I do these things because I like you “ “I’m an idiot “ he sighed
Rubbing his temples as your hand stilled “ you like me ?” You asked the words coming out of your mouth hushed and quiet barely heard by either of you .seungmin tensed up he let it slip he didn’t plan on letting it slip but it just flowed so freely out of his mouth that he now had no where to escape to “yea I do a lot actually since I first saw you to be honest “ he said now smiling at you , he might as well commit worst that could happen is you moving out calling him a creep and never wanting to see him again
You were lost for words all these months you thought seungmin bugged you just because he didn’t like you but here he was hunched over your bed in what looked like the comfiest sweater hair tussled and his hands slightly sweaty , you laughed , a smile tugging on your lips as you threw your head back . Seungmin looked up at you a pained look on his face , we’re you laughing at him? At his confession he couldn’t believe it , his eyes searched wildly across your face for any signs of interpretation as to why you were laughing
You wiped a tear from your eye looking at seungmin throwing your arms around his neck engulfing him in a hug “ you’re right you are an idiot Kim seungmin” you said holding him as close as you could “ I thought you hated me , I thought I was going crazy for liking you I can’t believe it I was so dense “ you said watching as seungmins cheeks coated with a light flush “ you like me too?” He asked his eyes wide
You nodded cupping his face between you hands “ I like you too … a lot actually “ you said kissing the expanse of his forehead as his eyes fluttered shut . Seungmins breathe ragged , unstableness taking over as he stares into your eyes , they were warm and inviting under the blue hue of the moon that crept in through your curtains , he smiles bring your face closer to his latching his lips on to yours moving them across the witdth of your neck , your head fell back his lips pressed against the sensitive skin too soft causing your brain to short circuit . Your hands gently threaded through his hair as he placed his mark on you moving and alternating between your shoulders and your collar bones “ min” you sighed basking in the feeling of his lips he hummed against your skin the feeling overwhelming you as you held him closer his hands running across your thigh gripping and squeezing as much as he could .
His hands hovered over your core , the wet patch catching his attention seungmin slipped his hand between your thighs , your arousal coating his fingers as he laid his fingers on your clothed covered clit . You moaned out seungmins presence engulfing you completely leaving you feeling like he was everywhere but no where all at once “please ..” your words were mumbled into the darkness of your room as seungmin crawled between your legs “please what .. use your words or have you forgotten how to “ he teased placing a kiss at your hip before sliding your shorts off of your legs discarding them somewhere on the floor. “ please touch .. “ you spoke breathless and panting from the feeling of his breath against your wet core he hummed “ poor thing you’re so gone you can’t even form a proper sentence “ he said watching your lust filled eyes glisten in the light . “Don’t worry ..I’ll take good care of you “
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sparkles-and-trash · 8 months
dabihawks witchcraft au, late Halloween treat for you lot ♥️
Keigo is a novice witch, but he has no idea just how powerful he is, has no idea what he can do, who he decends from.
How could he?
He knows nearly nothing about his parents, how his roots on his mothers side goes all the way back to the kitsunes of aincent times.
It’s not until he sits on the blood stained ground with blue fire raging around him, with the shell of the most imporant person in his arms that something truly snaps inside him.
He feels as much as he sees Touya’s soul slip away from his body, and he knows deeply within his soul that this is wrong, this is not the plan.
Something has to give.
He makes sure the body is safe when he works, and he spends close to three nights and days researching, but he finally finds what he’s looking for.
The details of the ritual is not important to the story, nor are they something Keigo wants ro remember, but for Touya he’d to them again in a heartbreat.
The wait is excruciating, but when familiar clear blue eyes opens slowly and blinks up ay him with confusion clouding them greatly, it’s all worth it within a second.
Touya’s body is not what it was.
It is burned, and parts of it had to be put back together, and Keigo is no surgeon, but he did his best.
The important thing is, after all, that while Touya is dazed and confused, he no longer feels any physical pain.
It’s obvious that his soul is still there, but it’s also obvious that something is off.
The once graceful way Touya moved has been taken over with a clumsyness that frustrates him greatly.
His once soft snow white hair has turned rough and harsh, and Keigo had to staple some of the scarred skin of his body to the healthy ones to keep him in one piece.
But things are not all bad.
The way Touya’s whole being lights up from the inside out whenever he sees Keigo, the way he wraps his cold but strong arms tightly around Keigo every night, even though Touya himself doesn’t sleep he gets to watch his lover sleep safly and peacefully trough night.
Their main problem is Touya’s lack of control when it comes to Keigo.
It can be thrilling, like when they’re entangled in each other in passion and love, life itself, and Touya can’t help but touch, taste, smell, hear and feel everything Keigo has to offer, feeling as alive as he can ever remember feeling.
But sometimes it’s lack of control, it’s the anxiety and dissconnect he feels on the longest nights.
Somehow, even in those times, Keigo finds a way to light Touya up from the inside.
He’ll look him in the eyes with patience and understanding, he’ll hold his face as if it’s the most precious porcelain, and he’ll kiss his lips with such a lifeforce behind it, it trickles into Touya’s very being with every touch of their lips.
Keigo may never tell Touya what horrors he had to perform to bring him back to him, and Touya will never ask.
They are both way too content to live in their own limbo, their own version of life, to let anything cloud their existence and happiness as it is.
They are eternal.
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spurious · 9 months
mcshep for the kiss drabble: 38
kiss roulette
38: a kiss while one party is carried :3
They'd started the trip back to the gate with John's arm slung over Rodney's shoulders, but he'd still been able to put one foot in front of the other.
After maybe thirty minutes of walking, John's breathing is turning labored, his steps stumbling more often than they landed safely. Rodney knows the bleeding's stopped, knows the fever's stabilized, knows John isn't in grave danger, but it doesn't stop him from feeling scared, from hating the way that John's barely even replying to his attempts at distracting conversation now.
He slows down, brings them to a stop next to a tree. Rodney had been one-sidedly discussing one of his favorite topics, that being the fact that so many planets in the Pegasus Galaxy bear a resemblance to British Columbia—he'd even gotten into his personal theory that the ancients had deemed Canada the perfect biome, and done their best to replicate it everywhere they could.
Usually, John would've stopped him before he got that far.
He props John up against the tree, catching his breath and getting them both some water, and John just watches him, dazed and heavy-lidded. Rodney does not appreciate the silence.
After a quick assessment of how far they are from the gate (farther than Rodney wants to be) and how likely John is to make it there on his own two feet (not very), Rodney makes an executive decision and scoops John up, pulling his arm around Rodney's neck and holding him tight against his chest.
"R'ney?" John mumbles, blinking up at him. This close, Rodney can see the flecks of color in his irises, gold-green and clouded over with pain and confusion.
"Yeah, John, I've got you," he says, already winded but trying to sound reassuring.
Improbably, that statement makes John smile, broad and dopey. "'S good."
"We'll be home soon," Rodney promises, ducking his head and brushing his lips across John's too-hot forehead, and John hums, like he'll trust anything Rodney tells him.
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juneknight · 2 years
Hurt request! Marc with a mirgraine
Thank you! Marc is having a migraine with aura 🤍
About this: Marc/gn!reader, migraine, very soft.
Marc doesn’t catch. His hands come up reflexively, but the mug glances off of his fingertips and falls to the linoleum where the ceramic shatters. Both you and Marc stare at it, as if the laws governing physics should not have applied.
Marc never misses. This is a routine long ago established: after meals, Marc washes, you rinse. You dry, then you toss to Marc, admiring the quick reflexes he during his more nocturnal activities. The Moon Knight ones. Not that his reflexes don’t come in handy during other nighttime endeavors—
“I’m so sorry,” you say, meeting him down on your knees at the site of impact. “I thought you had that one.”
“I thought I did too,” Marc says. He watches your hands as you carefully pick up the largest shards. God, it was your favorite mug, too. But such is life.
Out of the corner of your eye, you see Marc waving his hand in front of his face, the way someone else might do if he were dazed and unresponsive.
“What is it?” you ask.
“There’s something in my vision. I can’t see.”
You drop the shards of ceramic and kneel up so that you can cup his face and turn it towards you. His eyes look fine to you, brown and warm, a little bloodshot, a little confused. Your brain begins to process the worst case scenarios: a tumor? A stroke? “You’ve lost your vision?”
“Just in one spot, but it’s right in the center. It’s—glittering.”
Your shoulders drop. “Any funny zig-zags?”
“No. Or, wait, yes.”
“It’s a migraine. Sometimes they come on like this. Have you had migraines before?”
“Yeah, but they didn’t start like this. Those just hurt,” says Marc, rubbing his eye with his open palm. You gently take his hand away.
“The hurt is probably coming. We should get you in bed.”
“What? No—I’m fine—“
You roll your eyes. “To bed with you. Unless you plan to summon the suit and see if it helps with less traumatic status ailments.”
“Status ailments,” he snorts, letting you guide him to the bed where he sits heavily on the edge. “You play too many video games.”
“Can’t talk; you’re losing HP. I have to get you supplies.”
“Go talk to the guy with the cart at the building entrance, maybe he sells potions with his brooms,” Marc calls wryly.
By the time you get back, he is sitting with his elbows on his knees, head in his hands. The way he squints up at you at the sound of your arrival tells you everything you need to know.
“Come on, love, lay back.”
You give him a warm, wet cloth to rest over his eyes while you shut the blinds. The flat already maintains a nice level of perpetual darkness, but it can’t hurt to be safe.
“That guy with the cart does strike me as an NPC,” you whisper, crawling in bed beside him. He hums, hand reaching out to grasp your own tightly.
“Thank you,” he murmurs.
You card your fingers through his curls, massaging his scalp. He can’t see your smile, but you smile anyway. “Anytime.”
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pussynibbler69 · 1 year
!! Teen! Eric Cartman x gn!! best friend! Reader !!
"Early wake up call..."
Idk i don't have any requests and I'm now writing random shit for my entertainment
Tw// mention of partying, drugs/boos, and (playful 😇) death threats
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Lovely, calm, and graceful Saturday morning for none other than [Name] [Last Name].
That's what you would think, right? With the delicate stray light forms falling in between the cracks of your curtains, the small noticeable chirping birds resting outside your window. The start of your summer holiday, the first day where you can happily sleep in and you know there's more days to come like that.
The faint smell of coffee was swift in the air, as well as freshly baked goods from a bakery not so far by. In the small mountain town of South Park, Colorado. Your mother must have gotten them on her small trip out, and although you were tempted, you didn't want to leave the soft safe restraints of your comforters. Not for anything, and not for anyone.
Well, that was what you were certainly planning.
You're now more aware of the chirping birds behind the blaring song of Poker Face by Lady Gaga, which was recconisingly your ring tone. You stare at your ceiling for a moment, dazed, the warm soft covers making your skin slightly sweaty as you have been tangled in sheets all night. Who chose that song as a ring tone?
Certainly not you, so it must be the second most trusted person with your phone. Eric Cartman. The shorter, round shaped boy with a voice breaking complexion. He was chestnut hair messily cut into a mullet, by yours truly, that somewhat suited his disliked American white-man problematic persona. But even with that he's a bit gay.
You'll forever remember things that you want to forget, relating to that subject. Let's hope he's a bit different now, but you can never really tell.
He sounded like Alvin from Alvin and the chipmunks at the ripe age of ten, but now of that being a couple years ago he sounds more like Alvin's rejected cousin thats slightly deformed and going though puberty.
Yeah, maybe thats about right.
Maybe if you don't pick up he'll go away? You seriously consider, not moving from the space on your bed. You met him when you were younger, more like when you were both in diapers, as you're mothers were both very close in school years. Both single push over mothers, and yes you are ashamed of how you treated yours of when you were younger.
But Cartman hadn't really changed much. He'd still whine in a high pitched voice to get what he wants, while in recent years you've been soft spoken and more willing to listen to your mother. At ten years old though you couldn't see a difference in you and Cartman's behavior, you were like two peas in a pod.
And not in a good way.
But ignoring your faults, because it's embarrassing to remember, you let Lady Gaga ring out in your room. She sang a bit longer, but finally died out at some point while you had spaced of. It's silent for a moment, and you rest your eyes even so you weren't all that tired anymore, but there's a disruption in the quiet air.
It's Lady Gaga. And because you were on your side, facing your window and away from the bedside table and your phone, it's like she's looming over your shoulder practically begging the phone to be picked up. You sigh, irritatbly, struggling to get up in a sitting position. You quickly unplug the phone from the charger and press the green button.
You hold it up to your ear, just listening to any sound that passed through from the end. Theres voices immediately, but you're confused on topic of conversation. "—Kahl, you friggin' asshole, that's none of your business—" "What." You dismiss the confusion and his conversation, wanting to get the point of the call.
"[NAME]! YOU FINALLY PICKED UP YOU BITCH, STOP IGNORING ME!!" it was unbelievable how he quickly changed the subject from who he was talking to, to you. The tone of voice and everything— you're flattered that he changed it that fast to talk to little ol' you. Dispute your fake internal flatter, you face stayed blank.
"What do you want." You slightly curse, not even scared about pissing him off. It's not like he'll grind your parents up into chilli too, because he also knew that you used to act exactly like him in that way. You'll bite him even harder in the ass than he did to you, whether that be literally or you killing him. Ew. You cringe, but you'd take action if it came to it.
You hear him scoff on the other end, shuffling of feet against his flooring surprisingly easy to hear as he made his way from the living room into the kitchen. You can tell that he had gone into the kitchen because of the faint sound of the fridge door opening as he talking to you. "I need your help, and when you do I owe you."
You slightly raise a brow, deadpanning soon after thinking of his definition of a 'owe'. You lean yourself against the headboard of your bed, boredom consuming you slowly but surely. "Yeah—no. Kill yourself." You blow a raspberry down onto the microphone, only now waiting for a reply. He huff and sputters, you can basically see him hesitate on the other side of the phone.
"But— but—" the words seemed to be caught on his tongue, but you practically heard his voice change to a more high pitched squeal like a switch. It's like him complaining to his mum, his pace in voice becomes quicker as his reason started to blur with other words. "But Clyde is having a house party and we want to throw a betteronesothatthey'renotbetterthanusand—"
You outwardly sigh, only just about catching to jist of his sentence through the many years you've known him. You pitch the bridge of your nose between your forefinger and middle, furrowing your brows. "Eric, what. I'm not your mum so don't speak to me like that you stupid fat bitch—" "OI I'M NOT FAT—" "You're certainly not skinny babes.."
"Oh yeah? Well let's talk about you." "Excuse me? You look like you look like—" you two continue to bicker over the phone, obviously he leant off his fridge to slightly pace around his kitchen— and whoever he'd been talking to before became silent or out of ear shot of the phone— Kyle. You remember.
Of course you knew of his other friends that he mainly hung out with, but to be honest you're not into their stupid lifestyle. Always getting into stupid shit, unexpected things happening, detetions, enemies (that can be people they don't even know!). Plus, even though he is you're so called "best friend", he is a prick.
"I mean— a party? An alcoholic party? Why would you even want that at our age—" "Don't question, I know you've done worse things then this." It's true, you guess. You two are like partners in crime, and the part will be on the bottom of the list of the worse things you've done. You sigh, already pulling on your sneakers resting by the front door.
God's sake.
"I'll be at yours in five." You grumpily say, over his whining and comments. They turned sickly sweet since a couple minutes ago where he was basically shouting slurs at you through the phone, him trying to sweeten you to his liking. He celebrated on the other end and he said something, but you hung up without an answer.
You pulled on a coat or jacket, ready to open the door before your mother called you from the kitchen. "Hunny?" She said, peering into the hallway in only a few seconds. "Where are you going in your Pajamas, sweetie?" Her voice was soft and kind, but regardless you openly roll your eyes and scowl at her. You're tired and not in the mood, but you reply regardless.
"Seeing Eric, Mum. I'll tell him you said hi." Without a question or a scold she smiled, hand plastered to her chest. "Okay sweetie! Have fun! There's cinnamon rolls and coffee here for when you come back!" She disappeared as soon as she came, leaving you to yourself to leave and close the door. You feel bad again, but your bad behavior surfaces without warning sometimes.
You step out, the winds slightly less cold then usual months as you take an icey breath in. You sigh, annoyed again, stepping further and started the path to his house. It requires no mental energy anymore, it's like your feet mindlessly take you to your destination. What could he want from you? The alcohol? Something else?
You doubt its the alcohol, as him Mum would get it for him without question. Whatever it might be, it has to be stupid, and leaves you dreading the arrival at his door.
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chaosmultiverse · 7 months
Cyrus doesn't know what triggered it, but all he knows is that Stanley seems to be having a fit of some sort. It doesn't look good, not good at all, and in fact, he doesn't like the way he's gasping for air, it reminds him a little bit too much of the way his own Stanley was acting right before he died, the way he was gasping, like he couldn't breathe.
Oh god...
Has the mist come back? Has it gotten into this Stanley too? Is he now suffering the same fate?
Cyrus goes from zero to sixty and launches out of his chair faster than he ever has in his life, calling out to Stanley as he goes.
"Stanley! Breathe, Stanley! Breathe!"
He has no idea that Stanley is having a flashback and doesn't know if he should or shouldn't be touching him. That doesn't even cross his mind. The only thing that crosses his mind is to try to offer him some comfort, help him through this, help him fight whatever is happening, and if it is the mist again, he'll help him. They defeated it once and they can do it again.
An arm goes around Stanley's back in an attempt to comfort and support him, and he keeps telling him to breathe, over and over, until hopefully he does start breathing again.
(For the flashback meme!)
He had been on his own for a little, Doon was up to something, he wasn't sure, same for Thursday, and he didn't want to deal with Arthur and he had only met that Thisday guy once.
And he didn't want to bother Cyrus every time he was feeling a little lonely, that would be a lot to expect out Cyrus, that would be a lot to expect of anyone.
So he was by himself in one of the multi cubical office rooms sitting by a window, he was focused on a note pad, looking at it. It didn't look right, there wasn't a logo, there was a logo of a hand pointing or something-
There was a noise in his ear, a pattern of rain, he knew the sound well, sometimes when he dared to get close to the windows, there would be the sound of rain, hell sometimes Narrator would comment on it, one of the rare times he'd acknowledge the idea of what directly surrounded the office, his office-
There was no logo on the note pad, the pen was a different brand, no was no narration in his ear telling him what to do.
Just quiet rain, and wind, some distant wind and dripping water from some corner.
From a outsider looking at Stanley it would look like Stanley stared off into space near a window, then suddenly got up and started to wander, not randomly no no, it was a very set path straight to the 'choice' room, it was only in there that Stanley was really moving like himself again, his legs nearly tripping over each other instead of the almost automated way they were moving before, he stumbled and was on the ground, this is when the panicked breaths and holding his own throat kicked in.
He had tried to get to the broom closet, that's why he got up, he needed quiet, he needed to not be seen, he needed somewhere 'safe', not a ending room, not somewhere too off from the intended path, somewhere thorugh that was Stanley's choice to be in, the broom closet, Stanley might hate buckets but he would be totally down to marry a broom.
He obviously couldn't make it there, no no, his feet weren't right, they were moving all very wrong, like not him, like how he used to walk around, like someone real-
He hadn't meant to end up on the ground, but it was nice, nice to be kneeling over himself, lungs racing trying to choke him out by not holding in air more than it was forcing out, trying to not throw up stomach acid, holding his own hands tightly around his neck trying to keep air in (that totally was how it worked right? You could physically hold air in and it would help catch your breath.). All of that was nice.
A real person couldn't do that, he was Stanley.
Then he's hearing something, faintly somewhere 'Stanley!- Stanley-'
"Narrator?" A dazed and confused murmur came out of Stanley, that didn't make any sense did it? Where- When? Did some reset- No his was...
At first Stanley tensed when he was touched, holding his breath for a moment, before he quickly leaned into it, letting go of his throat, for a moment his arms dangled there by his knees as it was starting to reenter his mind, his arm hurt, the floor was different.
There was no logo, no voice in his ear, and he was not trapped in a room with a damned button.
He was somewhere else and... Cyrus, Cyrus was there saying something, 'Stanley- something- Stanley-'
Stanley turned around and was now hugging Cyrus, or more desperately holding onto Cyrus's lower body and trying to not vomit still, it was a very nice grounding thing, for there to be another person, someone to hold onto.
Stanley was making some noises, less words and more false starts, attempts to say something, anything but his throat felt tight, his mouth felt glued together so he just held on while he regathered himself.
Depending on how much attention to detail Cyrus was paying, he might notice that despite everything seeming physically fine with Stanley now, he wasn't breathing, there was no movement in his chest and no breath coming out, but he seemed to be physically fine.
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larcenywrites · 1 year
headcanons for affection with tony? like the ways he shows it, his favorite ways to receive it. specially physical affection since I think he'd be quite touch-starved
aww yes❤️ he would be really touch-starved and just melt at the gentlest touch 🥹
Headcanons | Receiving and Giving Affection ❤
💠Affection can be confusing and hard for him at first, both giving and receiving, but that doesn't mean he doesn't love it and want it!
💠It's just... the few affections he's used to aren't exactly, uh- soft, or innocent, or loving, or real 💔 So when it is suddenly soft and innocent and loving and real, he might not exactly know what to do, but he does know that it feels... well, good ❤️‍🩹
💠His favorite ways of both giving and receiving affection are definitely physical. He was always handsy, confidently putting a hand on your lower back and cheekily sliding a hand up your thigh. But when you held his hand and snuggled into his side, all that confidence in touching turned into a blush and an overwhelming warmth in his chest. He probably went a little stiff at first, but he learned to lean into it! He was 1000% smitten when he was working at his computer one day and you unexpectedly wrapped your arms around him. His head instantly flopped to your chest and he could've fallen asleep with the fingers and kisses in his hair!
💠It just makes him feel so safe and adored when you hold him tight or smother him, and it makes him feel so special and like your protector when you bury yourself in his neck or chest and let him smother you back! It's a language he understands best, after all, so he hopes you feel the same way 🥹
💠Definitely lots of kisses, too. The easiest way for him to say thanks or let you know you're being cute wherever and whenever. He may just come up and litter your face with sweet little pecks when you tell him something exciting or do something nice for him. Or maybe you just look extra cute while he's walking by and he'll suddenly trap you in a long, deep kiss before going about his day and leaving you dazed 😘
💠Gifts!! He loves giving you things that reminded him of you when he saw it, or maybe he thought it would look pretty. Maybe he gets you something that you had your eye on but kept brushing off, or maybe just that lion plushie at the zoo that was super soft and you kept coming back to it. In a way, it's one of the few ways he feels he can repay you for everything you do for him and how much you love him, and show you just how much you mean to him. They say money can't buy happiness, but you usually look pretty damn cute and happy when he gives you something soooo 😌
💠He's not as big on receiving gifts (besides, what do you get for the man that has everything and can buy anything?). Low key feels like that's His Thing™️, and also doesn't want you to feel like you owe him anything :( He will appreciate anything you do, though!! If it's something small and thoughtful, handmade or meaningful, he'll feel pretty sappy 🥲 After all, it's another language he understands pretty well, so he knows you're thinking about him and want to give him everything you can ❤️
💠It may be annoying at times how overprotective, nosy, and occasionally controlling he can be, but it comes from a good place! Yes, he may have constant access to your location via phone or even your favorite necklace he gave you and noticed you wore it everywhere so he may or may not have bugged it... and yes, it might also have a sort of 'panic button' in case something goes wrong and you need him...
💠He might call to ask where you're at, even though you told him three hours ago, but he just thought you were taking too long 🙄
💠There may be a very specific road he's decided you aren't allowed to take 🤨 or a specific area he'd rather you not go to anymore 🫤 And while he can't really do anything about it other than pout, he can see your location (and may even get notified about it)
💠He just really wants to keep you safe and wants you to know he's looking out for you and cares about you! And let you know that he can protect you, and wants you to feel safe! He can't bear the thought of something happening that he could've prevented, and now that he has something so safe and loving he'll do anything to keep it!
💠He doesn't expect anything like this in return, but in a way, you protect him too! He's incredibly grateful when you chase off any press when he's tired, or sass those agents away that won't leave him be. Even when you drag him out of the lab for some rest, or 'forget' to tell him about something that would've just stressed him out more than he already was, but now it's been dealt with or it's passed now anyway. It lets him know you care about his well-being too, and want to keep him safe in your own way 🥰
💠And while it may be hard for him to say back sometimes, a simple 'I love you' can do wonders. He'll always look over and smile, with a little kiss to your cheek to say it back. But he says it in many other ways! Like those check-in texts at three in the morning making sure you're okay, or asking if you need anything, or silly compliments when you walk by. It may be when he's thanking you for something so mundane, or thanking you for being his 🥺❤️
💠He knows he may not be the easiest person to love sometimes, but he'll make sure to let you know he appreciates you for sticking around! And loves you 'til the end of time ❤️
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