#his fight with Jonathan in s1 is a great example of both of them hurting and acting like assholes about it
serpentinegraphite · 2 years
in the same vein as having characters always sound like they're trying to get a good grade in therapy, a common thing in fanworks that gets on my nerves is like how in a fandom where realistically one might expect the characters to experience some trauma as a result of canon events (even though it's not shown in canon), there are only ever like the most extreme trauma responses. it's full on panic attack in the face of a trigger and brutal, unending nightmares, and like nothing else.
I just want to say for anyone out there who isn't aware, not every trauma response needs to be turned up to 11!some days a trigger might hit harder than others.
sometimes a character's trauma response should say something about them! a character who hates being vulnerable and seeks a constant control might react to a trigger with anger!
a character who is great at repressing might "This is fine!" themselves all the way through a triggering and unpleasant encounter rather than show any outward distress! dissociation is a real and common trauma response.
aside from the complete homogenization of trauma symptoms being boring as shit, it's often a weirdly consistent Moral Purity signifier. there's never a chance for a nuanced or complicated or shitty response to a trigger, it's always straight into the harshest panic response, thereby inviting only unconditional support from the audience. (nevermind what this kind of weirdly narrow anxiety rep does to people in the audience who actually have anxiety that doesn't fit the One Kind Of Anxiety characters are allowed to have)
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skullrock · 4 years
Just came on tumblr and all I see is is billy discourse, I'm sorry but why go people to such lengths to defend a character who was written as a racist, bully, misogynist.... I saw a post somewhere that said Steve was a bully but got redeemed so Billy deserves it as well. I'm speechless, Steve never really was a bully, true he was an ass but most of his actions were somehow justified (breaking Jonathan's camera, fighting him bc he thought Nancycheeted on him) (1/
Throughout S1 Steve never really bullied people. He even lets Barb hang out with his friend group, even though she's far from popular. He helps her instead of laughing at her when she got hurt. He even replaced Jonathan's camera at the end and he wanted to apologise on his own to both Nancy and Jonathan. But most importantly the never ATTEMPTED MURDER unlike certain someone. So please don't compare Billy and Steve just bc they're popular and have daddy issues. Sorry for the rant 😅 (2/2)
You’re right and you should say it!!!
Steve was not a bully - @whookami has a really great post on this. I think that Steve probably did some shitty things at the whims of Tommy and Carol, but he was never an inherently bad person. He was neglected at home and wanted attention, wanted to feel loved and seen, and that’s why he did some things that were bad.
I also personally don’t understand the hate behind Steve’s character in S1. I think a lot of folks hated him immediately because he reminded them exactly of douchebag boys in high school. But Steve was never a douchebag, except for in that fight with Jonathan - which he immediately regretted and tried to right. Every single instance you listed is why Steve was always a good person, not even just deep down, but on the surface, too. 
It’s so ... insane to me... that people can even remotely compare Billy and Steve - or as @mrs-evadne-cake‘s anon wildly said, Billy and Nancy.
Every (main) character in this show has flaws, and those flaws make them seem more human. They make mistakes, they grow from them. Billy goes far beyond this - they weren’t mistakes, they were calculated risks and attacks. To think that Billy was just a lost guy trying to find himself like the other teenagers in this show is so fucking mind baffling and another example of mental gymnastics. 
Billy had a constant pattern of being an absolute shithead, whereas the other characters (especially Steve) so clearly realizes their errors. You can tell he made mistakes because he was immediately remorseful, and truly meant that remorse. Billy never had a single fuckin speck of remorse in his miserable ass life, and that’s why he’s terrible. He’s far beyond a flawed human - he’s simply fucked up. 
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palmviolet · 4 years
Hopper for the character ask?
send me a character and i’ll list:
favorite thing about them
so i’ve been rewatching s1 lately and it’s made me realise how perfectly pitched he was in s1 & s2. he’s a broken man, certainly very flawed, but he trusts in his gut and he’s willing to take leaps that others would never make, just based on a hunch. he’s a government man that doesn’t trust the government – he’s willing to address his beliefs about what’s true and what’s real and change them if necessary. he’s a great character in that s1 fundamentally changes his outlook on life, because people start needing him again. he’s a protector at heart - he was purposeless before will went missing - and that’s what’s so great about him. he takes on others’ problems and it’s not about solving them - it’s about shouldering the burden himself instead.
least favorite thing about them
s3. oof. there’s been a lot of debate about this but to put it frankly - he was grossly out of character. take it from someone who’s been thinking and writing about this show since 2018. in s3 the duffers were aping the big, flashy 80s action movies etc, which i understand, but if they wanted a series in which they could change their characters to fit their style they should have kept st as an anthology instead. hopper doesn’t work as an aggressor. in s1 and s2, if he shouts or gets violent it’s for a reason, a purpose - such as his fight with el. it’s ptsd induced, i have no doubt in my mind about that, and in that moment the only thing he can think about is preventing her from going out and getting caught and hurt again. he goes about it in the wrong way, because he’s unaccustomed to being a parent - but there you can see where his rage is coming from. (namely, fear.) in s3..... not so much. there’s so much anger and very little good storytelling to back it up. tell us about him almost shooting a dog all you want (something i’m assuming is meant to indicate ptsd) but if you don’t show us... it’s the same with the letter at the end. it was an attempt at explaining why he was behaving so poorly, but it was too little, too late. i can’t believe i’m saying this about a TELEVISION SHOW (it’s literally in the name, guys) but the duffers got complacent and they stopped showing, and started telling instead. the byers’ moving plot? offscreen. the development of hopper’s feelings for joyce? offscreen. joyce deciding that she might stay in hawkins afterall? pretty much offscreen. what made s1 in particular great was that it had a character focus, and a lot of introspection. it was thoughtful. s3? s3 was brash, forceful, and in your face, much like s3′s iteration of hopper. 
favorite line
the black hole speech. ugh it’s so good
i love hopper & el but hear me out for a sec..... hopper & jonathan,,,,,
jopper. i mean what did you think i was gonna say? s3 characterisation aside, what’s so perfect about their dynamic is that they approach the world in fundamentally different ways. i spoke about hopper being a protector, more likely to carry your problem for you than to solve it? joyce would solve it. not necessarily in an analytical way - more often in an emotional way. she’s actually one of the most active characters in the show, when compared to figures like jonathan for example, who is definitely more passive. anyway. they do make a great team, when hopper isn’t yelling at her or subtly calling her crazy :)))
anything that’s not jopper. 
random headcanon
he shaves his beard into a mustache because he thinks it looks dashing, and beside the beard is hot in the summer. when he comes out of the bathroom, looking all smug and pleased with himself, el doesn’t even notice the change. he stands there for a few minutes like “el. el. what d’ya think?” and she’s buried in one of her soaps so she looks up briefly like “about what” and it takes another few minutes before he gives up and is like “about the mustache” and finally she twigs and stares at him with wide eyes. “you look like magnum” she says and he preens. (fun fact - when i was a child i was on holiday with my mum and dad, who had a beard. he shaved it and came out of the bathroom all proud of himself and neither of us noticed for a good ten minutes lol)
unpopular opinion
i’ve spoken about this before but he and joyce should not get together immediately after he... returns from russia. *eyeroll* they both need to work on themselves and learn to understand each other again before that. 
song i associate with them
ooh i have a few. rudy by supertramp, definitely (and we know he likes supertramp in canon). ain’t no grave by johnny cash. and it was a very good year by frank sinatra, which is so reflective and sad and perfect for him.
thank you, feel free to send more!!
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tonyajace-182 · 5 years
WHERE IS MY SEASON FOUR!? [Contains Spoilers]
Overall Conclusion:
I don’t feel satisfied, like at all.
So much happened and I loved every single bit of it, but it felt too much like a build-up. It actually felt a lot like a season 1 than it did a season 3 (if that makes sense).
I don’t care about Nancy and Jonathan. Their story line bored me from S1. Don’t get me wrong I’m happy they lived and have such a strong relationship between them; but their story line is of no interest for me. They are definite side characters to me that would rank like in the way way lows on my ‘characters of importance list’.
I’m actually really really proud of Karen Wheeler. She said no to temptation and that is admirable. I feel like I owe her an apology because I literally expected the absolute worst of her. As in, I was mentally and inwardly hating on her before I even watched ep1. I feel bad, especially after she had the heart to heart with Nancy.
Sorry Mrs Wheeler.
Unexpectedly…. I think I might have a new ship or bromance. Murray and Alexei were just so cute to me. The child like marvel Alexei had was endearing, plus Murray’s attentive enlightening was cool to see. They may have been minor but when they got screen time they really brought the sweet fluff vibes.
I noticed that everyone was split into small groups (probably because they are too big to properly develop altogether as one big group). What stood out to me a lot was the dynamic’s always tended to take on a rather family vibe. Two characters would play the parents roles and the others would act the role of children. For example, Jopper were the parents, Alexei and Murray the children. Steve and Robin were the parents, Erica and Dustin the children etc. Between that, they would also switch it up with a bit of Teenage dramatude (Drama plus attitude). Jopper bickering and Murray calling them out. Jancy having real adult talk about life. Steve and Robin talking about that hard knock life. The teens being actual teens.
Real talk though, I’m proud of the kids.
I felt Lucas had a lot more to offer this season. Although, at times he really did seem a bit clueless, I don’t know. He definitely came off as a bit of a dick sometimes (both him and Mike) towards Will. Glad he chilled out later, said his apologies and stuff. I love the Mileven scenes, but Lucas and Max deserve a tonne of credit for this season.
But Max deserved the most.
I loved Max the second she was introduced, I thought she was awesome. This season I seriously name her the ultimate Wifey/best friend a guy and girl could have. She sticks to her guns, you know. Dating a boy doesn’t change her. She knows who she is and what she wants and fights to get it. She was a GREAT influence and pal to Eleven, exactly what El needed, in my opinion. My heart broke for her when she faced Billy. For whatever reason, I got the impression that she and Billy had bonded or something since Season 2. Either way, it hurt to see Sadie/Max slapped out of the way like that. Then when she cries over Billy- It broke me.
I’m glad Will kind of got a break this season. A little disappointed he didn’t really get to do much, other than be an informant. I spent a lot of the time expecting him to reveal he was actually still infected by the Mind flayer the whole time. Also, no one is going to convince me that Will is not gay or bi. The way he stares after Mike and El every time they run off together says so much. I just- after everything he’s been through, both physical and emotional intimacy is something I think he’d crave a lot of. It’s the gender I think he wouldn’t care about. Regardless, Will needs love and gods someone better give him some next season. Also, did no one else keep thinking he was like Spiderman with his mind flaying senses?
Mike was the real Nerd or Geek boy representative this season. I enjoyed seeing how gangling and similar to S1 he was. It was nice not seeing emo Mike. However, the constant doubt and questioning slowly became a bit much. Frankly, I was relieved when he and Max had that argument. I don’t like Mike when he’s in doubt or unsure on stuff. He was okay, but not really an interest for me this season. As I said, I thought he and Lucas were assholes for their treatment of Will. The car ride he has with Hopper will forever be my favorite scene of Mike’s this season.
I really felt for El this season. She’s been put through so much and-…… It’s still too raw and fresh. I can’t talk about it without getting upset. But to summarize: I’M SO FUCKING PROUD OF HER!!
Dustin. Any chance I get to hear Gaten sing is a blessing to my ears and food for my soul. I love his voice and he is so talented. He’s been my fave since the first episode okay. When no one believed him about Suzie, honest to god I wished I could be there to tell him I believed him or some shit. Beyond that, I laughed when he basically said he won’t tell the others about the Russian message because they didn’t believe him about Suzie. That was so petty but I loved it. The bonding between him and Erica was also great. Regardless… out of all the kids Dustin made me the most proud and is still my favorite.
I live for Erica’s sass, but at some points she did test me a bit.
Or maybe I just wanted her to ease up on the feisty attitude towards my baby Dustin.
Steve and Robin had me fucking scared! When they got captured I was shitting my pants imagining all the worst ways they were going to get tortured. I knew since the promo pics that I would love Robin- because I loved the expression on Maya’s face that promised so much attitude and sarcasm. She wasn’t too much of a nag, and while I had mentally labelled her a lesbian queen in my head. When she confesses to Steve I lost my shit. I fucking lost my shit and had to take a break and everything. Then Steve was perfect with his response. I don’t care Steve Harrington will be revealed as BISEXUAL before this fucking show is over!! He just has to!! He is both a MOM and a DAD!! Let’s just say I need more Steve and Robin scenes in the future. Jancy can get like cut or less scenes ok! I need Steve and Robin!!
Joyce….. I can’t talk about her without-….. I just can’t.
Hopper…. Fuck…… I can’t.
Stranger things season 3 was so good but just not enough. It was too short- too brief and left me with so much to process!!
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falafel14 · 7 years
The Stranger Things Kids: Sorted into Hogwarts Houses
I recently listened to this Weird Sisters podcast sorting all the Stranger Things characters into Hogwarts Houses. And while I didn’t agree with all of their sorting choices, I loved their take on the four boys being a conceptual representation of the Hogwarts founders. Now I can’t help thinking that if our boys actually went to Hogwarts together, then they would all choose to be in the same house and that house would undoubtedly be Ravenclaw. Nerdy Ravenclaw traits are something they all have in common and it’s at least the secondary house for three of them, but the primary house of only one of them. Our Hawkins boys are actually ideal representations of each of the four houses and how these four character types can work together as an effective complimentary unit. So I wanted to expand on why the boys fit their houses so perfectly and then ponder which house Eleven might possibly be sorted into. The jury is still out on her.     
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Mike Wheeler: Gryffindor
Like the great Taystee Jefferson before him, Mike is a Gryffindor soul with a Ravenclaw mind. Like all the boys Mike is fiercely intelligent, but it’s his bravery, compassion and recklessness that drives him. Mike’s classic Gryffindor moment of course comes when he leaps off a cliff to save Dustin. It’s worth noting that in this scene Troy actually gave Mike the option of pissing himself or jumping to his possible death. And Mike with his insane impulsive Gryffindor courage chooses to show his bully that he’s ready to sacrifice himself for a friend at any moment rather than trying to negotiate for Dustin’s safety through fulfilling a lesser dare. Mike has another “You will have to kill me before I let you hurt my friend” scene when Brenner’s soldiers come for El at the school. And in the S2 finale Mike is not content with being benched or even just creating some small diversion to help El close the gate. No it’s Mike plan to go right to the roots of the Shadow Monsters hive mind and then set it on fucking fire.
The balls on this kid, seriously. But it’s not just his bravery that makes Mike a Gryffindor. We also see it in his desire and ability to be a leader. As the Dungeon Master of his group, Mike is assertive, motivational, a little controlling and a lot of a show off (as seen in his hilariously theatrical Thessalhydra death performance in the S1 finale). Mike can be arrogant in his leadership sometimes, expecting that no other party members will make decisions without him and furious when he finds out important decisions have been taken out of his hands. Like many a Gryffindor Mike has a hot temper, he shouts a lot and he gets his big ‘caps lock Harry!’ moment when he rages at Hopper for hiding El from him. That scene is the perfect clash of Mike’s righteous Gryffindor fire with Hopper’s cold cunning Slytherin survivalism. I suspect these two will continue to have conflict in future seasons as all great Gryffindors and Slytherins do. I’m also predicting that once they’ve grown out of their sibling squabbles we’ll start to see a stronger alliance between Mike and his sister. Nancy is also a Gryffindor with Ravenclaw wit and Hogwarts house traits tend to run in families, even though the magical Wheeler kids were born to oblivious muggle parents. Just as Nancy grabs a gun when the Byres house is under attack from demodogs, Mike snatches the first improvised weapon at hand, a candlestick. Mike surely doesn’t know how to fight with a candlestick. Point is the boy’s a fighter by nature.     
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Dustin Henderson: Ravenclaw
Do not tell me that Dustin is anything other than a Ravenclaw. I will fight you. I will grant that Hufflepuff may be Dustin’s secondary house, but it’d still be a very distant second because this kid is so Ravenclaw it hurts. Though he may at first appear to be the goofball of the group (not that Hufflepuff’s are actually goofs but this is the common misconception) Dustin is really the brains of the operation. It is shown time and time again that while all the boys are smart, Dustin is by far the smartest. Take the scene where Dustin comes up with the plan to use their compasses to find the gate and is a little pained at how long it takes Mike and Lucas to grasp a concept that instantly makes sense to him. This is what makes Dustin so Ravenclaw, his quick comprehension of crazy complex ideas. Though  it is more often Dungeon Master Mike who first comes up with theories on their supernatural problems, it’s Dustin who takes Mike’s ideas, expands on them and guides their party towards possible solutions. Look at how Dustin takes charge of explaining the Veil of Shadows and the Mind Flayer to the group, using textual references from the D&D handbook to support his thesis. He also fussily insists that everyone starts using his newly invented ‘demodog’ terminology, which is another classic Ravenclaw quirk. Dustin is full of them.
This is a kid who steals library books and interrupts his science teacher’s dates and justifies it by saying he’s on a curiosity quest. Dustin doesn’t tend to be as bold as Mike and Lucas in fights (he’s the one who initially cautions Will to cast protection) but Dustin is a fearless adventurer when it comes to expanding his knowledge. I’d say that it’s his Ravenclaw inquisitiveness rather than Hufflepuff sweetness that drives Dustin to risk keeping Dart as his pet. And while Dustin keeping Dart could be considered a dumb move from a supposedly smart kid, Dustin is vindicated in the end when he successfully uses his bond with Dart to help him and his friends escape the tunnels. Dustin doesn’t get too sentimental over leaving Dart (presumably to die?) seeming more interested in his scientific discoveries as he tells Steve to preserve a dead demodog in the freezer. Indeed, Dustin’s discovery that they can tame monsters from the Upside Down could prove really useful in future seasons. Lastly, I will add that Dustin’s Ravenclaw mind doesn’t always serve him well. He has a tendency to overthink things and assume his theories will always work in practice - such as if he copies the way Steve acts with girls, he will get girls like Steve does. This is why Ravenclaws like Dustin (and dear Luna) are often kooky misfits. Things that make perfect sense in their heads don’t always fit in with reality.        
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Lucas Sinclair: Slytherin
This is not to say that Lucas is the dark or corruptible kid of the group. Lucas is actually a great example of how a Slytherin can be a powerful ally, particularly a Slytherin with Ravenclaw brains (see Stiles Stilinski as another great example of this type). Lucas, like all Slytherins, is fiercely loyal to his own people yet very suspicious and hostile towards those outside his circle. To say that Slytherins have a strong sense of self-preservation is not to say they’re cowards. Lucas is clearly a little badass, but he’s also far more cautious, cunning and prepared for battle than impulsively-jump-off-a-cliff Gryffindors like Mike. Lucas has his wrist rocket and his army-style kit bag and he thinks before he acts or trusts anyone. Whereas Mike immediately took El in without question, Lucas gave her a hard time but also exhibited a rational mistrust of a girl so strange and powerful. But when Lucas comes to trust El, he is devoted to her. Lucas initially holds back on bringing Max in and telling her any of their secrets too. Like Mike he has a crush on the girl who he wants to be their new party member, but unlike Mike he is not blinded by his emotions. When Lucas brings Max into the fold he plans for it, he does it in a secure setting, he acknowledges the risks and he makes sure Max is aware of the consequences. And he does all this without consulting the group, because if Mike can take charge and recruit new members then so can he. And he will vet his newcomers more than Mike ever did.
So I guess the main thing that makes Lucas Slytherin for me is how he clashes with Mike. He’s one member of the party who challenges Mike as their leader. Their little row over both wanting to be Venkman speaks volumes. It is not just because Lucas resents being automatically cast as the black guy. It’s because Lucas and Mike both want to be the main man. There’s a sense in S2 that Lucas has taken the leadership role away from Mike, given that they are now playing arcade games, not D&D. As Dungeon Master, Mike led them in a game where they would all worked together as a group, though he was the one shaping the adventures. In the arcade, the games are competitive and Lucas is clearly the best at them, having the most high scores. While Mike seems disinterested and forgets to collect quarters, Lucas is out mowing lawns so he can show off his skills and brag about being top of most of the score boards. This is his Slytherin ambition coming through. Lucas is initially attracted to Max because she is a worthy arcade competitor and he treats his love triangle with Dustin and Max as a competition he’s determined to win. And just like Lucas gets the princess on Dragon’s Lair, he also gets the girl at the Snowball. Ironically though, I’d place Max in Gryffindor, meaning that like Mike and Lucas, they are likely to have a stormy relationship in future. But in Lucas’s case as an intellectual ambitious Slytherin, he thrives on people who challenge him.     
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Will Byers: Hufflepuff
Here’s our Hufflepuff. I was impressed that the podcast correctly sorted Will into Hufflepuff after only S1. It shows just how well Will was characterized even in a minor role. Though as they also rightly point out, Will was always most likely to be in Hufflepuff because he was raised in a family of Hufflepuffs. Not Lonnie of course but Joyce and Jonathan are both shown to be hard working, quiet and kind-natured and incredibly loyal to their loved ones. Will might not be working long hours to bring money into the Byers house like they are, but his preference for drawing over action figures hints that he’s a worker bee too. Unlike the other boys who favor games where they fight and win, Will would rather spend time quietly creating something. And while his mom is so gushingly proud of Will’s artistic talent, Will himself is quiet and humble about it. Just as he is humble in the games he plays with his friends. In D&D, the demogorgan gets Will because he was trying to do what was best for their group. He lacks the ambition to win for himself. Will always chooses to be kind and to please others. Like in the story Joyce tells about him giving away his Tonka truck to a little girl who was crying. It makes Will the best peacekeeper of the group - his little “Why can’t there just be two Venkmans?” line was so perfectly Hufflepuff.
However, for all his sweetness it’s not surprising that Will has had the darkest storyline so far. While Hufflepuffs are kind souls, they can also be perilously naive. See Jesse Pinkman as the perfect example of a sweet Hufflepuff who is especially vulnerable to evil influences and manipulation. His open and trusting Hufflepuff nature is partly what makes Will prey to the shadow monster. In S2, Will’s first mistake was to follow Bob’s advice, dear Bob who meant well but had no comprehension of the powerful forces Will was up against. Will is not a fighter like Mike and Lucas are. He survived the Upside Down mostly through hiding and holding on until he could be rescued. When he becomes possessed Will survives in the same way. Will takes Mike’s advice and he quietly spies on the monster inside him and selflessly works to leak his knowledge of the monster through his maps and Morse code messages. Even when being mind controlled by evil forces, his Hufflepuff nature shines through.  
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Eleven: Undecided
So all this brings me to El, the character I find that Stanger Things sorting hat posts struggle with the most. The Weird Sisters put Eleven in Ravenclaw on the basis of her telekinetic abilities, but I’d argue that having superpowers in your brain is not the same as being intelligent and cerebral. Ravenclaw is actually the last house I would sort El into, because she lacks a complex perspective on all matters. She tends to view people as either good or bad, she gets angry over lies and broken promises while ignoring any complicated reasons behind them. El does not act based on rationality but on her raw instincts. Her powers may be concentrated in her mind but in S2 they made it clear that her powers are fueled by her emotions. Dustin has described El’s superpowers as being like a battery that they need to recharge. But at the school, it turned out that El didn’t need chocolate pudding to take down Brenner’s men and the demogorgan. The thing that charged up her powers was her love for Mike. It was Mike kissing her and sweetly promising her she can have a normal life. That gave her strength to fight back when she was drained. So given that El is a feeler more than a thinker, I’m stuck between Gryffindor and Slytherin for her house.
As I’ve said with other characters like Will and Mike, Hogwarts houses often run in families. Eleven is a girl who’s been raised by Slytherins. And not just by bad Slytherins like Brenner, but by a more decent Slytherin like Hopper. She has a third Slytherin influence in her lost sister Kali. The Slytherin breeding has rubbed off on El. Like a Slytherin she is also fiercely loyal to her loved ones but hostile to outsiders, like Max. Like a Slytherin she has strong self-preservation instincts. And I suppose most of all like a Slytherin, El has a real potential to turn dark and have her powers become monstrous. However, El is in love with a Gryffindor and it could well be said that their shared Gryffindor spirits is what brought Mike and El together. It’s too early to say for sure but I think El is one of those characters who will slowly move away from her family house. Clarke Griffin was born into a family of Gryffindors and started off Gryffindor herself, but she developed into a diehard Slytherin. I could see El developing in a similar way, but in the other direction. Bred to be Slytherin, yet born to be Gryffindor.    
Other Gryffindors: Nancy, Steve and Max.
Other Ravenclaws: Bob, Murray and Mr Clarke.
Other Hufflepuffs: Joyce, Jonathan and Barb.
Other Slytherins: Hopper, Brenner, Billy and Kali.   
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