#his friendship with birkin?
squeeshh · 1 year
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The bright year of 1977. ⛱️🥼🧪✨
#antijamesmarcus #fuckyouandyourleeches💥🔫✨
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corvinafeathers · 26 days
erm... Leon Kennedy because... Yes.
reader's dialogues are not prioritized in this. more Leon actually. can you tell I like Leon? this takes place in re4 and finishes in infinite darkness.
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"oh, yes. oh, yes. They both reached for the gun, the gun..."
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September 30th, 1998. It's a day Leon would never forget. the day his whole life collapsed, the hope of becoming a police officer. Shattered even before fulfilling it.
That day, the cop inside him had died, giving birth to a new him. No longer a police officer—an agent. Picked by the President to join an elite organization. They called it 'Division of Security Operations.' DSO for short.
Not that he had a choice in the matter, after all, it was his safety and Sherry Birkin's. He traded both of them for another life that would have him into death and battle.
After that, he was sent to be trained, to become a great agent. Suitable to become one of the President's shields against bioterrorism and whatnot.
The training, it was misery. Suffering, he felt it all. But at least in the meantime, it kept his mind off the tragedies that he witnessed in raccoon city.
Lucky—he considered himself. If it wasn't for the hangover, he would have been as good as dead as the zombies in raccoon city that night.
He endured six years, training to become a soldier. During those six years, he met another trainee for the DSO. [F. Name] [L. Name] she called herself.
From the times they've had the chance to encounter each other, Leon gathered three things about her. One, she's a lone wolf. Her presence during team activities is seldom, and she seems to dislike having to team up. She mostly works rogue. Two, she has a strict mental schedule she seems to follow. Three, she has an intimidating aura to her that makes it hard for others to approach her. However, her true strength lies in her nature.
Leon always finds himself studying her sometimes.
But, there are times where they get along well. Either way, they both had a silent friendship.
After six years of training under Major Jack Krauser, both passed all the training and were able to fulfill their duties before finally becoming full-fledged DSO agents.
Being a DSO agent comes with the responsibility of carrying out top-secret and important missions, and as of the moment, he and her are in the motion of carrying one out.
Moreso, more important than any other mission. Save the President's daughter, so were the orders. No space for any objections.
Now sitting behind on a cop car in Spain, Leon reminisces his memories of Raccoon City, the pain, the traumatic event. Nightmares that plagued him at night.
"So, tell me Yanqui, what brings you here to this horrible place? As close to nowhere." The local cop inquires, looking back at both of them in the backseat.
[F. Name] stays quiet, looking out of the window and to their surroundings. Woods, she notes. Leon rests his chin on his hand, "Let's say—looking for someone."
The man chuckles, "Must be very important—" he leans back in his seat, "—Chief gave the orders himself, help them he said."
Leon looked at him, "Well, I'm sure you boys didn't come out here to roast marshmallows..." The cops spare a laugh, and Leon shrugs. "... Or maybe you did."
The cop chuckles, throaty, "I'm gonna let you in on a little... Secret. People have gone missing here. Maybe it's been that way for a while now."
Leon's interest is piqued and so is his partner's. [F. Name] raises an eyebrow, intrigued.
Leon looks at [F. Name] from the corner of his eye, "Well, should just be another day at the office, right?"
The drive proceeds a bit longer before the car stops just at the entrance to the village. The older cop looks back at both of them, announcing his issue. "Nature calls, eh? Be right back."
The older one leaves the car and off to his destination. The other one laughs as they exchange words, taking out a pack of cigarettes, and offering it to the Agents.
He looks back to Leon, offering one. "You smoke?" Leon waves a hand in rejection, he moves his attention to the silent Agent. "You?"
[F. Name] looks back at him, eyeing the cigarette. "No thanks."
The cop tucks the pack back, lighting the cigarette between his lips. Leon turns his attention back to the surroundings.
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It's been minutes, and yet... The cop hasn't returned yet from his nature break. The younger cop hums, "He sure is taking his time? Did he fall in?"
The cop looks back at the pair, "Maybe you both should go look for him?"
[F. Name] looks at Leon, who looks back at her. They both get out of the car, and into the cold winds of the night.
The cop leans back in his seat, "I'll watch the car. Wouldn't want to get a parking ticket, hm?"
[F. Name] grieves a sigh, Leon murmurs. "So much for the help."
Together, they both navigate the dark. Searching for the officer, they come across a house. They both enter and are met with a man. They trail behind him, Leon speaks up. Asking the man a question in Spanish. But the man keeps whispering in his tongue, ignoring his question and sitting by the fire.
[F. Name] looks around the house, and Leon spots an object on the floor, picking it up, he notices it as the ID of the cop. Bloodied.
Suddenly, [F. Name] yells out. "Behind you!"
Thanks to his reflexes, Leon was able to stop the axe in the man's hand from impaling his skull with his knife. He pushes him back, kicking him to the wall. Breaking his neck in the process and rendering him dead for good.
[F. Name] whispers out next to him, "Shit... What the hell?"
Leon looks back at her, but before he can even say a word, a scream tore through the air.
The Agents lock eyes, before nodding and walking to the basement. The pair investigate the room, finding nothing.
But, the creaking of wood beneath feet resounds, and their guns are immediately taken out. From the staircase, pops out the man whose neck was broken by Leon—wasn't he dead?
In a heartbeat, they release bullets to the slowly advancing man. They shoot him, once, twice, and more. Finally, after the nth bullet, he relents and falls to the ground.
"What the fuck...?" Says Leon, as he looks at the now corpse.
[F. Name] stays behind him, eyeing the corpse with intrigue and a hint of distaste.
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Six years. Enduring six long years just for the sake of a mission, pretending to be a soldier. Guising herself into making others believe that the reason she became what she is right now is to avenge the death of those who perished in the Penamstan Civil War.
What bullshit. [F. Name] never cared about those things. The Organization, those shits never gave a damn. Prideful bastards who like to play God to feel superior.
It's become way too tiring to her, playing a good soldier just to obtain something that would destroy the world. Pretending to be a saint. Who gives a damn? Everyone in this world was stuck in hell either way.
That's why, [F. Name] deludes herself... That one day, she can just escape the mercenary life and live as a nobody.
Maybe she can die in the job too. At this point, Death is the only way to freedom from her views.
And that's also why, when she catches sight of a man dressed in a military get-up she clicks her tongue and shakes her head in disappointment. And that's also why before this mission comes to an end, she'll kill the rookie who escaped raccoon city and fake her death. Make it seem like both of them failed the mission.
That way, she can finally return and stop this false act of hers.
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Leon scours the room, finding a window open. Intrigued and a bit suspicious, he walks up to it, gun poised in his hand.
However, before he could fully come up to it, a gun cocks behind him and the sound of heels hitting oak tore throughout.
"You can stop right there, Leon." Leon can almost feel his breath hitch at that voice. How?
"Wouldn't want me to use this, now." The voice adds, and Leon drops the gun in his hand, the firearm clattering to the ground.
Leon raises his hands up, "Well after six years, that is one hell of a greeting—Ada."
The woman clad in red, Ada, hums in amusement. "You don't seem surprised. Interesting..."
Leon plants his left foot one step, before he winds around and takes the gun away from the mercenary but she puts up quite a fight and it ends up with Leon pressing his knife against her throat.
"Try using knives next time," He breathes out, looking into her eyes. "Works better for close encounters." A little something he learned from Krauser.
"Impressive." Ada comments, a smile curling on her lips. Leon steels his look, "Who are you working for this time, Ada?"
Ada separates herself away from him. "Oh Leon," she starts. "You know I don't work and tell."
Leon scoffs, putting the knife back to its holster. Ada looks at him, before she speaks again. "Leave them. That girl's lost no matter what."
Ada adds one more thing that has Leon pausing in his footsteps. And his heart pumping. "Especially that woman. She's your partner? Leave her—she'll bring you down."
Ada walks to the window, "And maybe, I'll give you that greeting you want."
Leon ignores the last part, burying it into his mind. Ada leaves again, and he's left to his thoughts.
Where's [F. name]?
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After all that training, Leon never imagined he would come across Krauser. Even more so here in Spain, he never imagined that Krauser would also throw away his humanity just like that.
"You know, you were always an asshole." Leon remarks, looking up at the Former Major who was perched up on high ground. "But at least you had some kind of code—some honour!"
Krauser looks at him, "Enough reminiscing." He jumps to a lower ground. "Move out and draw fire, soldier!" Was the only warning Leon got, before Krauser rained fire on him.
Not long after that, Leon and the man engaged in battle. Raining fire, blades clashing. It all ended in one way, Leon piercing the man's heart with a knife.
Krauser rasped out, "I trained you well... Leon."
Leon stood up, looking at the blade's shine, seeing his own reflection as he watched the blood drip down. "That you did, Major. That you did."
"Indeed." [F. Name] remarked, coming up from a corner. "Let's go. No use grieving a traitor."
Leon looks up at her as she walks away, looking back at Krauser's body he follows right behind her.
"Where did you go?" He asks, now walking beside her, matching her foot pace. She hums, "Took care of something."
Leon stays silent after that, thoughts pondering. About what Ada said... Why? What was the reason?
Leon shakes his head, dismissing unpleasant thoughts about his partner. I'm sure it was just nothing.
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Leon finds out that Ada was right. When he encounters Saddler, he finds his partner with him. By his side.
"[F. Name]! What are you..." Saddler chuckles, placing a hand on the woman's shoulder. The Agent—was she really?
"You see, this Lamb had become one of my hands. In the meantime that you ran around, she made deals with me." Leon's eyes dart from Saddler to his supposed partner. [F. Name]... For what? But, why?
"Just give me what needs to be given to me, Saddler. I owed my part, you should owe yours." Saddler chuckles, before giving her a container. A sample of the Plaga.
Leon shouts out at her, "[F. Name]! What are you doing?!"
[F. Name] regards him with a look, a look of dismissal. "What I've been ordered to from the start," she smiles, though it lacks mirth and more venom. "Thanks for the hand. I'll make sure to write your obituary."
[F. Name] taps the container, walking by Saddler and shooting the grappling gun to higher ground and boarding a helicopter before leaving the island, leaving Leon and Ashley to fend for themselves. Say Hello to Krauser for me in the afterlife, Leon.
Leon looks at the vehicle she left in, her betrayal sinking its fangs deep into him. Releasing the venom that she had struck him with.
That's... That's just not right, [F. Name]
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After that stressful mission, Leon comes back to the USA with the baggage of betrayal left by his former partner—and also a former friend.
He reports back to the DSO, telling them the details of what happened. As well as the betrayal of one of their own.
"Agent [F. Name] has betrayed the DSO. This proves after she had aided the Cult Leader Osmund Saddler and took a sample of the Las Plagas with her." He reported, still feeling the bitter sting of betrayal. The feeling as raw as a wound.
But, life still moves and rotates just as the way the world turns to give birth to day and night.
As the years pass, Leon is marked by life. Pain and grief making marks on him.
—2006, a hacking incident is reported in the White House. And Leon is called to investigate it, however, sudden issues arise and instead of the President greeting him, zombies are doing it instead.
He encounters another Agent, Patrick, was his name. There were two more Agents, Jason and Shen May.
They were called particularly to investigate, four of them, selected and trusted.
As they progressed, Leon learned that two of the agents—Jason and Shen May, were conspiring against Defense Secretary Wilson.
Jason had explained the situation to Leon after they escaped from the submarine. But, Leon had none of it and refused to help.
Which lead to now, Leon and Shen May came face to face with a mutated Jason confronting Wilson who sat on the metal floor holding his bleeding neck.
Claire Redfield was there too, bound by ropes on a chair. Thankfully, she was set free before the acid could even touch her.
On the floor, Wilson cried out, "Ah! [F. Name], help me! Get rid of this barbarian!"
Leon's Heartbeat quickened at that mention, before spotting a silhouette high up, a weapon in hand. Could that be... [F. Name]? Was she working with Wilson?
Before he could even process it, she had shot the mutated Jason, inflicting enough damage to allow Wilson to crawl away.
Leon was tempted to go after her, finally get the answer he's been depraved of. Especially when she locked eyes with him for a second before she turned away and disappeared.
But, there were more pressing matters at hand right now. They had to get out of here, and quickly before they too, get vaporized by the acid.
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After all was done and dealt with, Leon meets with Claire again. She's wearing a cast, no doubt from the fall she took when they were escaping.
"About the chip..." Claire starts, looking at the Agent. "Do you have it?"
Leon sighs, "I thought you called 'cause you wanted to grab dinner."
Leon looks down for a moment, "I can't."
Claire retorts, "What?" Her brows furrow and she lets out an angry sigh, "So that's how it's gonna be? You do things your way and I do things mine?" She shakes her head, "... Fine."
She huffs, before turning away and leaving. Leon stares at her back for a few seconds before he turns away, one thought coming back to his mind.
Why is [F. Name] here? And why did she get involved with Wilson in the first place?
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cho-aaacho · 9 months
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Hello! Thank you for reading my William fanfics! William is such an interesting character, and his friendship with Wesker is something I love about him. I've got an idea about this, and I hope you like it. Sorry for the wait!
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Tags : Fluff, Romantic Fluff, Crushes, Secret Crush, Admiration, Caretaking, Soft William, LUVORATORRRRRY! Reference.
Summary : It's not easy to unravel his feelings. Grasping the hues of his reds and blues, at least you try to feel them. But... did he feel that too?
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"Why don't you tell him yourself? I know William would be so happy if it came from your mouth." 
"What—you can't because—oh, okay. I understand. I'll tell William. After that, make sure to take your medicine, or William will go crazy when he finds out you aren't in the lab for too long."
"You don't want him to know you have a fever? Weird. But... you can't order me around! I'm the one in charge here."
Never thought in your wildest mind you'd call Albert Wesker in the morning.
You know very well what he was thinking. Strict demeanor, cold glare, and disinterested voice, criticizing not only your teamwork but also your choice of outfit.
He is the most hated scientist in the entire facility. The monster. A living Frankenstein. Though his face is extremely attractive to a scientist, he is still an asshole in the laboratory.
You always hope that Spencer transfers him to another facility so you can spend your lab days with William or Alex. He is so different from William Birkin.
In almost everything, they're so different. It feels like the two are like the moon and Venus.
William's supportive presence, soft-spoken voice, and eyes that always gleam when he talks to you give you a warm feeling in your heart. It seems like he is pouring something sweet yet intoxicating into your heart. It's cute, isn't it?
You only need two days to become close to him. To know his red and blue, to learn his cold and warm sides, to touch his divinity and comedy.
Ever since that day when he helped with your project and defended you from Albert, something has blossomed inside your heart. It's a cute feeling—too much warmth—and Alex says it might be love weaving through your heart.
You tried to get closer to him. You did. Like checking his mental health. Always. Reminding him to take his vitamins and driving when he's too tired to walk.
Sometimes you ate lunch with him, chose the same menu as he did. Eating his favorite food. Eating the same candy. Despite how terrible the taste was, you tried to be like him. Everything about him seemed to write endlessly in your mind.
Oh, he's so nice, warm, friendly, brilliant, and young. All of these make you insecure; they make you think that you're not worth it for him. Why is he so nice to you?
Is it necessary to be that nice? To someone like you? What was he thinking about you?
Are you curious about that?
Thinking about that makes you hurt sometimes.
Now you're resting in bed with a fever and an eerie sense in your throat. You feel so useless right now.
This happens after being overworked and forcing yourself to stay with him. Standing behind his back and lending your hand to share your warmth with him, you add another chapter of your love to his heart.
William, on the other hand, hasn't slept in three days. But, strangely, he appears normal and healthy. Meanwhile, your own body is screaming and needs rest; as a result, you have a fever.
You fantasize about him caring for you, coming to your apartment, taking care of you, and supporting you as you supported him.
But when you think about it again, it won't happen so easily. After all, that man was consumed by his science project, and he had no time to cherish his coworker. You.
If only he had thrown his ego away for a day. If only he had noticed your condition right now. If only he had the same feelings as you.
The door buzzer rings, breaking your thoughts back to reality. You turned your head at the door, still feeling dizzy from your fever and lacking the energy to walk and check.
You felt compelled to glance up at the door and yell at the person behind it, or just ignore them and go back to sleep.
But... something was off when a familiar voice yelled at your name and called your name relentlessly.
Could it be?
You walked to the door, hoping it was William and not just a fever-induced illusion.
As the door swings open, there stands William with a huge plastic bag in hand. His body is covered with a lab coat. You assume that he might be sneaking from the lab just to meet you. To see your face.
His blue eyes fixate on you, scanning your face carefully as if he is trying to study you.
A hint of confusion draws across his face as he gazes at your presence, adding unexpected feelings to your heart.
"Hey," he uttered softly, gazing at you softly as he bit his lips. He was trying to find the right words to describe his feelings.
"Albert says you have a fever. He was mad, you know. Why do you keep it secret and only tell Albert about your health?"
"Oh, because I..."
"No, we're partners, aren't we?" He added, locking his blue eyes to yours, though his mind struggled to find the right words. He was trying so hard to understand the situation.
Then he continued. "...and you can't do this to me. I know you are always concerned about me. Why are you not telling me if you need me?"
You held back. That dizziness and heavy feeling in your head hurt you, and William's remarks only made it worse.
Honestly, you thanked Albert because William was led to believe in Albert's cold-hearted nature. However, why is William here? Was he coerced by Albert to meet you?
"Why are you here, William?"
He released a heavy sigh. Frustrating danced in his mind. "Of course, I'll look after you. I'll take care of you till you're well!"
"But, what about your science project?"
"Listen. I can work on another project with my team. I don't care if I lose it because I can make another masterpiece with my team. However, you. All I have is you. I won't be able to have you back if I lose you."
"So please take this medicine in this plastic bag and allow me to be your doctor. Of course, I'll treat you gently."
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The reference comes from this song. I've loved this song since I was in high school. 
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1-800anklebully · 11 months
Exchange ft King Kenny x black female reader
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Summary! In which old lovers reunite and Kenny still feels like Destiny is the one for him.
Warnings! Swearing,mature content,angst turned to fluff at the end, sappy and jealous!Destiny, and a whole other bunch of things.
Main character: Destiny Korma
➔ ➔ ➔ Excuse any errors!
“Please I’m begging you Destiny. Can you please be in the video?”Harry pestered, while holding his hands in a prayer form,to which Destiny side eyed him in disbelief. Her cousin was the biggest beggar of them all.
“Why does it have to be me, don’t you have a ton of woman in your DMS begging to be in a video with you lot?” She recalled seeing a woman on Instagram being hysterical, because Filly had brushed her hand in the club while he was trying to get through.
This was appalling, because she never understood the hype behind her cousin and his friends. They were normal human beings that lived a normal life except, they were rich and made entertainment videos for a living.
“Because the fans want you, Destiny. Sharky and them did a Q&A on Instagram,and they said they wanted you in a video.” Harry informed her, bored with how she was questioning him too much.
A smirk formed on Destiny’s plump lips and she cleared her throat crossing one leg over her other.
“Sharky? How is he by the way..”
Harry groaned loudly, shaking his head at his cousin's antics. He knew how much she fancied him, but Sharky found the whole thing amusing. So from time to time he would purposely flirt with her, just in spite to make Harry annoyed.
It’s not like he had a chance anyway, the two would never happen as she was his best friend's ex, plus Destiny wanted the real thing and Sharky was not ready to commit, at least not until he was ready.
Just like Kenny.
“He's fine Des. Now are you in or not, because I don’t have time to play cat and mouse with you. I got things to do—“
“Alright chill grumpy pants, I’m in. Just text me the details and I’ll come.”
Sighing in relief, Harry mumbled ‘’thank God’’pointing to the air and stood up hugging his cousin before leaving her apartment. Leaving her to dwell on the fact that she was going to have to face Kenny on Wednesday.
Wednesday had crept around the corner like nothing, ultimately Destiny planned to sleep in and watch Top boy. However, she received a reminder text from Chunkz, and NIKO. She knew better than to try and bail,because both of those men were persistent and would most likely rock up to her house and drag her out.
So she spent the majority of the day doing self care as the video was scheduled at 3:30. Such as doing her lashes, eyebrows, re painting her nails and even chucking in the time to go and do a workout.
She felt good so she had to embrace the moment.
“Hello.” Destiny picked up her phone while glancing at the caller, she was in the middle of getting her nails done so she had to multitask.
“BITCH ARE YOU ON CRACK, YOU'RE FILMING A VIDEO WITH MY HUSBAND. AND DIDN'T WANT TO TELL ME”. Meet Karin, she’s Destiny’s best friend and right hand woman.
The two met one night when they were at the club, and Destiny got bat shit smashed and she tried to steal Karin’s Birkin mistaking it as hers. Until Karin told her it was not and somehow the friendship formed from there.
They have been seeing each other since then. And haven’t turned on each other's back since. Destiny visibly flinched at her friend's tone, as she didn’t expect her to be as loud as a camel.
“What’s with the shouting? And I promise I was going to tell you, but I’ve been busy.”
“Too busy to call your friend right! Well what are you wearing, you better not be wearing some baggy shít or lord help me, I’m coming down from Australia to smack your ass.” Karin threatened, only for Destiny to laugh at the seriousness in her tone.
Destiny had a ugly habit of wearing clothes that were baggy, this was only because her family had taught her from a young age to not wear tight revealing clothes.
Ever since, she hasn’t tried to try and break this habit. It’s only now, at the ripe age of 27 she’s wearing clothes that show a tad bit more skin. Thanks to Karin who is carefree and is all about body goals.
“No I’m not wearing something baggy, I’ll show you when I get home. But don’t worry I’ll make sure to tell Chunkz that you’re sending your love from Australia.”
“Period! As you should, that man wants me; he's just too scared to make the first move, which is fine.”
As delusional as Karin sounds, everything she was chatting was indeed correct. Her and Chunkz have a little thing, and it’s been going on for awhile and he is yet to ask her out.
He’s always so quick to come to Destiny for not being open and honest about her feelings, when he can’t even take his own advice and do the same.
“Alright, well I’ll call you later I gotta finish my nails.”
“Okay bye baby, make sure you take photos and send them to me! Love you pookie!”
“Love you too wifey!”
By the time Destiny was done with everything, it was already 2:30 and she knew that she took forever to do everything. So she put on her crocs on sport mode, and sped home to get ready as the studio they were filming at was 30 minutes away from her house.
But with her crazy driving she would make it 20 minutes. Once she had gotten home she quickly did her make up, making sure it wasn’t too dramatic then put on her outfit and she was out.
Her estimation was indeed correct because by the time she got there it was already 3:00. Out of breath, she slammed her car door and bolted into the studio to find most of the women were already there and the boys were talking amongst themselves.
Before she could approach them, a man had gently tapped her causing her to spin around.
“Hey are you Destiny? If so,we would like you to come with us so we can show you your room and where you can put your stuff.”
“Oh okay.”
Trailing behind him, she was quickly pulled into a room where they adjusted her hair, while attaching a mic to the back of her dress, in order for the fans to hear when it’s her time to talk.
Cluelessly, Destiny followed the man and she watched as he motioned for the women to all come together so he would explain what’s going on.
There were a total of 8 eight women and they were all Caucasian, Destiny being the only black woman. She silently cussed to herself, as she was going to give her cousin a handful later about being more diverse.
“Alright as you all are gathered here today I’m pretty sure you are all aware of what’s going on today. Kenny is going to be our lucky man,who’s going to have to distinguish which one of you is the gold digger.” He spoke to no one in particular.
“You will all stand behind this white wall in number order based on the number that we have given. Kenny will then go around asking each individual to introduce themselves. And we’ll go from then on, the last 3 contestants will then go on a 5 minute date with him and he’ll decide the winner from there.
“Now me personally I don’t care if you’re here for money or for love. That’s on you. All I’m asking is that we just tone it down with the swearing and let’s all be respectful is that simple? Any questions?” The women all murmured to each other and he nodded.” Great, now let’s line up please.”
The man had gone around ordering all the girls with a number and Destiny had landed on number 5. They all got into their positions and the video had started.
All she could hear was Nikos booming voice echoing throughout the room, as he was giving the intro. This gave her some sort of comfort, that he indeed was here like he promised.
Now they had gotten all the girls to introduce themselves and it was Destiny’s.
“Contestant 5 it’s your turn.”
“Hello my name is Destiny. I am 26 years old and I’m from Sierra Leone.”
“Oh an African queen, I like that.” She overheard Filly say, and she almost laughed, however she covered her mouth to prevent it from coming out.
“That’s cool love, and what’s your occupation?”
Swallowing, Destiny was hesitant to answer as she didn’t want them to suspect it was her, but she didn’t have a choice but to answer.
No one else besides Harry and Niko, and chunkz were aware that she was invited to the video. As they wanted it to be a surprise to the fans and the other boys.
“I’m a physical trainer in the NBA.” She revealed and heard multiple gasps, some of the girls even rolled their eyes or scoffed in envy. But she didn’t give a damn, she worked hard to get in the position so she was going to earn it.
“Nah she’s waffling.”
“Ain’t no way she works in the NBA.”
The boys suddenly became a bit more quiet then Kenny spoke.
“Oh okay I see you girl, what team?”
“The Atlanta Hawks.”
“Lads, I think I just fell in love…” Kenny exaggerated clutching his chest, causing everyone including the camera crew to laugh.” I LOVE THE HAWKS, You think you can get me Trae Young’s number?’” He asked, almost sounding genuine, and almost sounding like he wasforced into it.
“We’ll see.”
The boys oooo like teenage boys and Destiny rolls her eyes with a smile. Who knew the boys were still childish after all these years.
“Alright next contestant!”
As the time went on ultimately, Kenny had kicked out the contestants he didn’t like. Remaining with Destiny; and contestant number three and number 6. Now Destiny was not really stressed because Number three was named Bree.
She was a brunette and was a model of course, but she lacked the confidence and she was just talking about herself the entire time, not even asking Kenny the right questions.
Then Number six was named Sasha. She was a blonde and actually seemed genuine. Her only problem was that she was only here for money, unfortunately Kenny didn’t know that but he was getting the sense.
Sasha had told Destiny that she was purely only here to get money to pay off her BMW. Like girl, get a damn job the last thing that should be on your mind is trying to be famous and being on YouTube.
“So what are you into?” Kenny had asked Bree who was grinning so hard that her mouth could snap.
Now he was not entirely convinced that she was genuine so he analysed her response carefully.
“I’m into dancing.”
“Oh yeah, what kind of dance are you into dancehall?” Kenny jokes, showing his dimples however his grin soon dropped,once she stood up from her chair and began doing some tap dancing.
Instantly, Sasha m lol and Destiny made eye contact and bursted out laughing. The two began running to each other, grasping each other's arms, as they cried to themselves.
Filly and them were also heard laughing from the other room because what the hell was even that. Gathering themselves together, Kenny bit his lip to contain his laughter.
“Wow, that really was something.”
“Awwww thank you Kenny, I wish I could do better but these bad boys were in the way.” She patted her heels, thinking she really did something.
Fast forward to Sasha, obviously Bree was let free because Kenny was not feeling that whole dance plus she was giving very much desperation.
Next was Sasha, she was nervous for some reason and kept cracking her knuckles every few seconds. It was only until Destiny approached her that she calmed down slightly.
“Hey, are you alright?”
“No,just nerves. I guess Kenny seems so sweet, just don’t want to ruin it.” She rambled, playing with her fingers and Destiny hummed.
Kenny was her ex, so she knew what he liked and didn’t like. So if Sasha was to go out there flaunting her humongous breasts,he would immediately not show interest.
Sure he loved a more curvy woman, he didn’t discriminate at all. He just didn’t want her to have to show off her body, in order to gain his attention.
He mainly went for personality, yet he wanted something to look at of course. Maybe even something to grab onto if you get my drift.
“So Sasha, I’ve been told that you like boxing, why’s that?”
“I’ve learnt that it was a great way to take off my stress, and my father used to do it with me all the time when I was younger until he passed away.” She recalled, causing Kenny to frown sympathetically.” Oh my gosh, I didn’t know. I’m so sorry for your loss.”
“It’s fine how could’ve you. It was years ago, but at times I still find myself lingering on the fact that she’s not here.” She cleared her throat, to prevent herself from crying.
Kenny reached over grasping her hands in his large ones causing Destiny to scoff, earning a side eye from the producers. Why was she so bitter, it’s not like she still liked Kenny. Her and Kenny were done, and he’s moved on.
So why is she suddenly so bothered by seeing the way he was gazing into Sasha’s eyes. I mean she was the perfect fit, she was more on the slim thick side. Educated, with a wealthy family and was a boxer. All she needed was a lover.
What was there to not love about her!
Destiny on the other hand, she was also educated and wanted to settle down just like Kenny. It was just finding the right man that was troubling her. The men her age weren’t taking her seriously, she only had one serious relationship after Kenny.
Was with a guy named Stefan, he was African American and came to London for some cruise. While on the cruise, Destiny happened to be there and she had a one night stand with him.
The two went on to date for a while until she found out that Stefan was just using her to get closer to her brother Dean, who was a famous football player he just wanted to be like Dean. So she broke up with him and never saw him again.
“Okay contestant 5 can you please come out and reveal yourself.” Sharky’s loud voice boomed from the other room, and Destiny sighed bracing herself.
With one last deep breath, she adjusted her skirt and made her out from where she was and walked over to the table where Kenny was.
As soon as she came into the camera, the boys began screaming loudly and clapping. Kenny’s face had dropped and he visibly looked as if he had seen a ghost.
Once all the commotion had died down, Kenny had cleared his throat and began laughing foolishly.
“You can’t be serious… If this is a joke, Niko come out here right now.” Kenny became angry, because he hoped the boys were not playing with his feelings.
They all knew that he still loved and cared for Destiny tremendously, words can’t even describe how much he cried the day they split, she had an immense impact on him and she didn’t even know.
Ask anyone, even the loyal fans they would tell you that boy was sprung over Destiny.
“I promise bro, if this was a skit I would’ve told you but this wasn’t me.” Niko defended himself, also bewildered by the sight of Destiny. More at the fact that she actually showed.
“He’s not lying. Harry was the one that was invited for the video. So take it or leave it, either you can sit down or you can send me home. I don’t mind.” Destiny chimed, taking a seat across from Kenny.
It looked almost like he was having an internal battle with himself. Almost instantly, he gave in sitting across from her and he just stared.
“Yo, cut the cameras.”
“I said cut the cameras bro, I don’t want this recorded!” He snapped, and the guy sighed but obeyed, turning the camera off temporarily.
“So what’s your aim? Why are you here Destiny?”
“If you want the money you can take it and leave. Because I’m not about to do this again.”
“Do what.” She frowns, not getting why he was so upset at seeing her appear in the video. After all he always wanted her to appear in a video and she was here.
“Be with you again! You left me remember, I told you I wasn’t ready and you just ran off like what we had was nothing.” Kenny argued, Destiny scoffed not liking his tone one bit.
It was almost as if he was blaming her for the fall out that occurred between them, and that was the last thing that Destiny liked. Was when someone accuses her of being the problem, when she wasn’t it.
“Well excuse me for being smart, why waste my time on someone that wants to be a man child forever. I told you from the start Kenny, I wanted the real thing, and you couldn’t give me that. So what did you expect me to stay?! No because I’m not one of those women that will tolerate that Kenny!” She shouted back and it suddenly became silent. It felt almost as if no one else was in the room, just these two.
Suddenly Kenny got the urge to ask her a question that he knew could go either way.
“Do you still love me Destiny?”
Suddenly Destiny’s face had become tense and her face had fallen a bit at his words, why was he switching the attention to her all of a sudden. She was meant to let all her anger out on him, not vice versa.
“Are you serious Kenny, this isn’t about me it’s about the fact that you’re trying to blame me for leaving, when you couldn’t even meet me halfway—“
“Just shut up for a second!”
Everyone had become even more quiet and all Destiny could do was sigh and gaze helplessly into the distance, where Chunks and the rest had all come out from behind the room putting their thumbs up to encourage her.
They knew that she was probably never going to want to make a video with them again, if it was going to be this chaotic but this drama was going to gain views.
“See how you avoided my question? I asked if you still loved me. Not what I did 4 years ago, so I’m gonna ask you again, do you still have feelings for me Destiny.”
“Okay fine, yes I do! I still love you for some reason, after the messy break up I can’t seem to let go of all those years we spent together. And then for us to just break up like it was nothing. You don’t know the damage that you did Kenny.” Destiny could feel her eyes burning with tears, but she wiped them before they could spill.
It physically made Kenny sick to see the love of his life in tears because of him, lord knows the unseen tears that she shed while in private. But he was here now and he was ready to make things right.
Leaning forward, Kenny interlocked his hands with hers and she didn’t fight it. Instead she glanced down at his fingers not wanting to make eye contact. Then he used his other hand to lift up her jaw so that her eyes were glued to his.
And she folded.
“I know, baby. And I’m sorry alright, if I could take back my actions I would do it a thousand times.I was young and dumb, and I wasn’t ready. But I’m 26 now and I’m ready to give you my all.
Looking back. I realised how lucky I was to have you, a woman that was willing to settle down and be there for me. And I was dumb even enough to lose you. So I’m here now and I want you back Destiny.
We’re too grown to be going back and forth about our feelings. I want you and I’ll be damned, if I let you leave this place without being my girl.” Kenny finished and, the boys all cheered loudly at his speech.
Heck even the producers were joining in on the applause because Kenny was a good man. The girls Bree and Sasha, were even tearing up in the corner with smiles. They could tell from the start that Kenny was not as interested in them as he was with Destiny.
As soon as Destiny appeared his whole demeanour, had shifted so quickly that anyone could tell that they had history.
“So what do you say Destiny ?” Niko wraps an arm around him.” Are you ready to take him back?”
“Because if you don’t, I’ll gladly take him. He’s quite leng. Have you seen his abs?!”Aj added, and this made all of them laugh at how unserious he was.
“You lot actually crack me up, but to answer your question yes I take you back Kenny. I’m ready to be your woman.” She gleefully says,and the boys all awe as Kenny pulls her by her waist pulling her into a deep and long sweet kiss, kissing her as if his life depended on it.
The day ended with the boys all going to eat at a restaurant, and the whole time Kenny would not let Destiny out of his sight. He clung onto her like a Koala. Not because he was afraid of losing.
Moreso,because he missed her touch for 4 years which he attempted replacing with multiple women. No one matched her energy, her love was one in million. She was irreplaceable. Overall, he was just glad that he was with her finally.
Kenny finally had his girl back
The end.
Author's note!
Please, this was sooo long. But I was having a Kenny era so I had to write a little something for him. And I know it’s so all over the place, but I just wrote what came to mind.
So I really hope y’all liked it. And maybe in the future I might write for the beta squad, cus lord knows I love all of those men!
Once again thank you for reading and supporting my writing, it means a lot and if you have any ideas in mind you want me to write please don’t hesitate to ask!
I’m down to write for whoever that’s if I like them…
Anyways Ciao! 🩷
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pinkscaped · 6 months
can we get some info on myrah plz? 🤞🏾
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"I never said she wasn't talented. I just said she wasn't good."
Said during an AllTalkMe episode between her and former Allume member Bora, Myrah would openly criticize their former member Sooah, who she had publicly feuded with for years at this point.
"I never said she wasn't talented. I just said she wasn't good." Bora laughs into her microphone at Myrah's deadpanned statement before turning away, covering her mouth. Myrah, with one hand out and wrist limp, chuckles like she doesn't get the joke before looking at the camera, the video zooming in on her.
"What? It's the truth."
"Yawn! Next."
Most of these are from AllTalkMe, but this was a reaction to her and Bora getting an ad for a DeepDive music video which she instantly skipped. Later, Myrah would admit to not even knowing who DeepDive was, saying: "I don't listen to boy groups. I barely listen to Kpop."
"Well, if I owned a company, I would also a slut. Who wouldn't?"
She said this during an Instagram live when someone asked for her thoughts on the Angelico vs. Baebi trial. She'd also go on to say...
"Yeah, totally on her side. I'll be honest, she could've beaten his ass, and I would still be on her side. Sue men if you can."
"Sue men." Would soon become a popular term used on Twitter primarily. She would then go on to make a tank top with the phrase on it, putting it for sale on her merch store where it would sell out in 30 minutes.
"We kiss sometimes."
Immortalized by a fan-taken video during Paris Fashion Week 2018, Myrah was signing autographs for fans waiting for her outside the building. Waiting patiently and holding her Metallic Birkin 25 was her boyfriend of two years, Gong Yoo. When asked by an unknowing reporter if they were together, Myrah would laugh and tell him: "We kiss sometimes." With a shrug.
"Sometimes I wanted to rip your hair out and shake you until you got what I was saying, but you always meant the world to me, you know? That's true love to me. We're in love."
Said during the fifth-anniversary episode of AllTalkMe between Myrah and Bora. The pair reminisced on their time together and their friendship. Bora, who would be quietly crying during this spill, would sniffle and nod before giving Myrah a simple finger heart then bursting into tears. Myrah would burst out in laughter, dabbing her eyes as tears would slip out.
"Just fucking do your job. Your job is to sing and dance. Sing and dance!"
Known to run her generation like the navy, this iconic quote would be shouted during a rather tense practice session that was filmed for the Allume documentary. Myeah would actually yell this at member Sora and surprisingly not Sooah, who she would later go on to snap at for missing a beat.
"Stop asking us about groups we're not in. We don't care."
Myrah would interrupt an interviewer when they would start to ask her about BigBang. In her defense, this was the fourth boy group the interviewer had asked the girls about, and Myrah was over it.
"Why would I have children? I'm too hot and successful to take care of a child. Be serious."
Another iconic quote from an Instagram live stream. Ever since Myrah turned 30, she's been constantly asked if and when she'll become a mother. Though she's been mothering since 2000, Myrah has stated multiple times she has no plans to actually birth a child and will continue to focus on her career until she dies.
"Never date an idol. Idols don't last unless you're me but-"
This piece of advice was given to a viewer of AllTalkMe during their call-in segment, which has since been discontinued. Due to her inflections and quickness, this was one of the first clips of Myrah to go viral. Plus, Bora's reaction of bursting out into laughter, hitting the desk, and falling over in her chair was the cherry on top.
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albert-tsum · 6 months
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I just decided to ramble a bit about my sexuality hcs, ships etc about Wesker.
(I never thought I'd make so many text posts)
These are not going to be extremely precise analyses and will be influenced by my personal wishes and hopes. If I've written something that goes absolutely against the canon feel free to inform me.
It may become a bit uncomfortable since I wanna address some serious topics.
And it'll be too long again.
1. General headcanons
Personally I see him on the aroace spectrum and/or as pansexual. He's not easily romantically or sexually interested in someone. I'd even say it happens almost never. He may be able to sleep with people he isn't into (maybe to manipulate them) but rarely does so (I also don't think he slept with Excella like some do, she clearly wanted it but he was able to manipulate her without sex). To be into someone this person needs something that intrigues or excites Wesker e.g. their intelligence, willpower, physical combat skills etc. But I don't think he would care much about the gender of his partner. He probably has more experience with women (e.g. he says in the OG RE1 that "he's not used to escort men") but is also open for men. As far I am aware his VAs Richard Waugh (a) and DC Douglas (b) said that he's not gender specific (a) and probably wouldn't limit himself (b) to one gender.
Either way I see him as queer.
2. My ships
As you see in my reblogs I ship him and William Birkin. He was Weskers only real friend whom he admired and trusted. That's a really big thing for Wesker so I like the hc that there was more than friendship between them and I would love to see them interacting more and learn more about their shared past.
The only other ship I like with Wesker is himxChris Redfield even tho it's kinda problematic. I like the STARS version of them where Chris looked up to Wesker who was fond and proud of him (but probably doesn't want to have feelings like this since he knows he will betray them at one point). I also kinda like the hc that Wesker maybe wanted Chris (and perhaps Jill) to join him if they hadn't make fun of his tyrant. Since I kinda like enemies to lovers and complex relationships like that I also enjoy post RE1 Chrisker. I'd love if it's not sheer hate between them but more like a mix of disappointed expectations, obsession and that they need eachother and the secret wish to have eachother on their side.
I am not the biggest fan of huge age gaps so Chris and Wesker having a difference of 15 years is something I am not too happy about. So early 20s is the lowest age I'd accept (like Jake's mother was).
3. My hopes and wishes
As I said I don't like huge age gaps so I dislike the ships WeskerxRebecca and WeskerxClaire. Rebecca was 18 und Claire 19 when they met Wesker and they are way too young for him. Because of that I really hope that Wesker isn't attracted to Rebecca. That would be a no-go even tho it's fictional and it'd destroy Wesker as a character for me. So I really hope Capcom won't make him someone who absolutely does not care about age to the extent where it's becoming creepy.
(that isn't meant to offend those who like these ships, it's just my personal opinion)
CW: r@pe
I also came across people claiming that he may be a r@pist (for e.g. controlling Jill in RE5). That's another case of yeah he is absolutely evil but that does not mean that he has every evil trait or crime committed. I am pretty sure he didn't do anything sexual to Jill (who had the control device on their chest not because Wesker is a pervert but because the devs wanted more fanservice). I don't think Capcom would make a important character like Wesker (who you can also play as) a r@pist (unlike Irons who was a really hateable side character who was hated even by Wesker)
Thx for reading 😅
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luckyythirteen · 4 days
Sry for the shipping question but do you have any hcs about Wesker and Birkin if they tried to be in a... more-than-friends-relationship with eachother? XD
- this happened during their researcher days when they worked together
- it was... awkward. They both are work oriented people and are used to simply being friends
- Their dates usually consist of working together since they didnt have much time for anything else
- slowly though they started to navigate their relationship. Wesker shows small gestures of affection to Birkin, placing a hand on his shoulder or waist
- after a long night they unwind with a glass of wine
- wesker gives Birkin shoulder massages while clinically lecturing him about the dangers of overworking himself and high levels of stress affecting the physical body
- bicker 24/7 ... even worse than they did as friends. Wesker firmly believes in seperating work & personal life but birkin has 0 concept of that
-meaning if wesker ticked Birkin off doing something at work (disagreeing with his findings professionally, etc) Wesker is going to 100% have to deal with it at home
- overall their friendship comes first and foremost rather than their romantic one
- they arent overly affectionate with each other. From an outside perspective its like "best friends who sometimes kiss"
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unnerving-presence · 1 year
"he doesn't act like that in game" mfers seriously think wesker would react to being flirted with the same way he does to being repeatedly kicked and shot in the head
it’s also crucial to note that in order for wesker to be THAT mad at you, you would have to be chris redfield. who he despises.. i feel like a lot of people forget he acts the way he does in re5 because chris is actively exceeding his expectations which is making him more angry. he is never that mad unless it is chris.. or spencer (maybe claire since she’s associated with chris as well, though his anger for her wasn’t as strong as it was for chris)
like there is so many baseless takes on how apparently his disgust for one character means it applies to all characters when that really ain’t the case. even sergei, who is wesker’s nemesis didn’t get that much of a reaction out of him. these emotions are exclusive to people he has a bad relationship with, as wesker doesn’t show many negative emotions despite saying “hatred became my master” this would show more in cv, but it’s likely this line is referring to his earlier failure of the tyrant that has killed him. he said it was intentional in the wesker report, but was also said it was an accident. it’s a bit thrown around but i wouldn’t be surprised if both were the case. either way despite saying that, wesker does not display very prevalent emotions of anger besides when red queen went ‘nuh uh uh. you didn’t say the magic word’ on him. though you can see tiny bits of his wavering emotions at times. everyone feels anger, yknow
anger, contempt, hatred, disgust for one character ≠ anger, contempt, hatred, disgust for every single person he meets. he does not have a general liking to people but i don’t think it’s something he always thinks about. nor would he randomly kill people because of those beliefs, especially if he barely know them
yes, there is an instance of wesker seemingly killing his researchers out of nowhere (he himself didn’t do it but he did assign it meaning he had a part in it) but as the note reads, it is to prevent information leaks, and they are put into a coma before being killed. it is inhumane, but it’s not done brutally and is done for a reason as unfortunate as the event is.
this post is so mixed up but you get the point. wesker does not display the same negative emotions he would to a normal person like he would for chris. it is very different circumstances for why he acts that way and is in no way meaning he would act that same way to anybody else
also did we forget that he had a friendship with birkin. and has a strong sibling bond with alex. and put up with excella for years and let her touch him without his consent. like he would not kill you for staring at him when he has to put up with excella constantly flirting with him. what r some of y’all on
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godstrain · 1 month
ok now back to your regularly scheduled wesker content (unless i really just pass out lmao) uhh hmmm sexy sunday post ... more like it's just sorta sad / a normal meta because i can be unhinge and horny on any day i want i don't need a certain day lmao anyway uh
can safely say that albert wesker has felt some romantic attraction to like. 4 people in total in his life- those 4 people are: william birkin, jake's mother, jill valentine, and chris redfield (the last two happening around the same time and causing a bit of confusion, but really, wesker would've been fine with both- he has a habit of wanting 2 things ... and then getting neither looking at the mansion incident ... also i love polystars thanks)
he didn't know how to handle any of these and that is also because he doesn't know how to handle love (but deep down he'd love to learn how to!).
birkin was his closest friend, and wesker doesn't have Friends because he's so emotionally stunted and really it's a case of he cares for will and will married annette and wesker isn't actually a huge fan of homewrecking- so he had this feeling and basically did nothing with it- (although he would've been super down for a polyamory with will and annette)
with jake's mother, it was his first Serious Relationship and of course once again he had no idea how to navigate it, but with how she evidently spoke highly of him, he was actually doing a pretty good job being a romantic partner? but also any time he has any connections ever, umbrella comes to fuck them up and wesker isn't dumb so he sent her back home and then never saw her again which was really painful because he DID love her very much, and wesker then decided he didn't want to deal with romance because it hurt. it made him vulnerable and if he had his way he never would've felt a goddamn thing ever again.
this man then played himself like a fool, because chris redfield and jill valentine came into his life and threw everything off track- because now he has to deal with feelings. again. it wasn't that anything started in a "friendship" sort of way, because wesker doesn't do friends- he just has people he doesn't wish an immediate painful death upon- ( and on that note, he actually cared about S.T.A.R.S. as a whole, which is why he was like lmao nah i'm going to fuck over umbrella AND i'll have my team there for the moment of glory- which didn't go like he planned at all??? but i digress ) and he had a habit of being impulsive- taking hits or bullets meant for his team, meant for chris or jill and it was so??? not normal for him, and so instead of being a well adjusted person he showed his feelings for chris and jill in the form of "not letting you die for 10 years and consistently being there to cause problems so you HAVE to come fight me and see me and i am ALWAYS on your mind" and "mind control so you will never leave my side"
tldr wesker is very not good at processing and expressing his feelings, especially love, and it shows
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antiibow · 1 year
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Slightly Canon divergent SHEVA ALOMAR  from RESIDENT EVIL 5, this blog will contain gore,  death, body horror,  course language, sexual implications  &  violence. verses are under the cut. written by nia ( she / her 18+ ) estb. 06.09.21 divergence found in headcanons link.
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LINKS: wiki , interest tracker rp server headcanons bio
EXCLUSIVES: @redactar ( leon s. kennedy)  , @nichtmeinvater ( jake muller), @sseizonsha ( leon s. kennedy ) @drearyknight ( rebecca chambers)  & (albert wesker) @red9 ( luís serra ) @gviral (William Birkin)
MAINS: @lasplaga ( osmund saddler )
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PLAYTHROUGH 1: After the events of Kijuju, life continues on as ordinary for Sheva as an agent. She returns to the states, meant to be temporarily, for Adam Benford's funeral, re-encountering Leon S. Kennedy ( @sseizonsha ) at the event. Unpredictably, as the pair struggled somewhat at communication given his part in Adam's death, the two eventually begin a solid romantic relationship, and even married sometime before RE8.
PLAYTHROUGH 2: In 2009, shortly after her mission with Chris Redfield, Sheva returns to the states during her leave of absence to spend time with her father, as she attempts to deal with her new PTSD brought on by the Kijuju incident. Unbeknownst to her the home in DC she picked out for herself, so that she may have some alone time while recovering, effectively made her neighbors with Leon S. Kennedy ( @redactar ). As both parties remain oblivious to what the other does for their day job, they form a decent friendship. Despite his ( complicated ) relationship with his girlfriend, however, there is something about said friendship that emotionally blurs the lines between platonic and romantic.
PLAYTHROUGH 3: Potentially default / requested sub verse where nothing of note from the original content has changed, and Sheva is not initially romantically paired. Leon ( @redactar ) and Sheva met when she was just a teenager and new to the states, and have been involved in each-other's lives ever since. Thus, he is seen as something closer to another brother much like Josh Stone.
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V.RE5: Will take place during the events of the game , she is still on accompanying chris on his mission.
V.POST 5:  Directly after the events in kijuju.  Sheva is still working with the BSAA & has returned to the U.S temporarily as a representative of the west African branch, as she has willingly taken leave from field operations.
V.RE6: Sheva returns to Africa and attempts to suppress the continuous resurfacing of Las Plagas and the Majini, supporting the fight as a FOS and only deploying herself when absolutely necessary.
V.RE8: Sheva joins Chris Refield's Hound Wolf Squad at his request under the code name Goldie, after she and Chris become mutually disillusioned with the BSAA.
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manufactoredxbyxdesign · 10 months
hc + 🧡 for a friendship-themed headcanon
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[He did not have many friends during his lifetime - even those who would have called him one without any question would not have received the same reciprocation back.
William Birkin stands out as one person he did allow to get close to him. To some degree Chris as well although on Wesker’s end there was a lot of resistance and attempts to keep him at arms length when they first started working together.
He is pretty vague about who he considers to be his “friends” inside of The Fog. There is a general feeling of coldness on Wesker’s end when someone tries to befriend him.]
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tyrantmade · 2 years
Do you miss Birkin?
Send in Anonymous Questions for My Muse to Answer | Asked by Anon | Still Accepting
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❝ What did you just Ask Me? ❞
His back went rigid, footsteps froze him in place. As he heard someone speak, the voice was low but he heard what they had asked. Did they forget who he was, or what he was capable of. Anyone knew the friendship between him and Birkin was genuine. Birkin was literally the only person Albert wouldn't harm, in fact he would protect with his life. The man was like a Brother, to him and to be truthful. He had grown very fond of him too. Lips thinned, stretching into a snarl. Umbrella had did what they always fucking did, they came after someone who was vulnerable, and a prime candidate.
And he wasn't there to save him, another person that society didn't care if they lived or died. Cause to them, he was a monster too. Labeled and filed away for nothing but hatred and a gnashing of pointed fingers. And didn't bother to realize why they were, the way they were. Cause they were taken from there homes, after watching there parent's get shot down in cold blood in front of them. And then, not given a moment to grieve. No they were drug away, out of there Mother Land to be brainwashed and groomed by a fucking psychopath. WHO Kept them locked up and forced to learn what it was that he, wanted. No these people in society didn't stop to earn why, or ask questions. And now, they had the nerve to ask him, in condescending voices, if he missed the very man that he had come to Love like family.
❝ Why the fuck should I tell you a fucking thing about me. I'd much rather, rip your throat out. And watch you bleed all over the ground like the pig you are! ❞
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cannonfullofcanons · 7 months
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▌real name: Sherry Birkin
▌single or taken: Single
▌abilities or powers: Very talented in virology, computer whiz, rapid cellular regeneration (verse-dependent!), the best judge of character this side of the US, and able to build the coolest things with magnets
▌eye color: Blue
▌hair color: Blonde
▌family members: William Birkin (Father), Annette Birkin (Mother), Albert Wesker (Unofficial Uncle)
▌pets: Do her insecurities count N/A
▌something they don’t like: Cruelty for the sake of cruelty; overzealous aggression; disrespect to her friends/family; insulting the memory of William & Annette, whom she still loves regardless of what they've done; cold tea
▌hobbies/activities: mind games/puzzles; sudoku; board games; experimenting with new blends of tea
▌ever hurt anyone before: Yes
▌ever killed anyone before: Yes
▌worst habits: Bites her nails when she's anxious; gravitates to sugary foods when stressed; diet in general gives her high blood pressure
▌role models: Contrary to what she may say - her parents are up there. In spite of their not-exactly-excellent parenting, it made her independent, able to fend for herself better. Her father's dedication to his work, while obsessive, inspired her later, into adulthood. Leon & Claire being role models to her goes without saying.
▌sexual orientation: Hetero-leaning bisexual
▌thoughts on marriage/kids: She's terrified of being like her parents were to any potential children, but if she could be reasonably convinced she won't wind up neglectful, as she definitely would not, she'd love to have kids. Her ideals of marriage are a little corrupted, as her parents were less lovers and acted more like they were just coworkers. She doesn't want that. She wants love - real love. Someone who would go to the ends of the Earth for her, and she for them.
▌fears: Becoming too much like her parents; turning into a monster; the G-Virus; Leon/Claire/Jake/ANYONE she loves dying; Chris in the damned sailor suit
▌style preferences: Scarves are comfy! She tends to gravitate to softer but simultaneously warmer clothes in fall/winter months; Sherry loves fleece and has about 19 fleece sweaters. In summer months, she tends to swap between early 2000s styles and 2010s, though if she's in a hurry or especially lazy, she'll just throw on a random t-shirt and khaki shorts.
▌someone they love: Even though she's not always so willing to admit it as such -- William Birkin. If she were faced with him as an adult, somehow alive, she'd cry for hours before she could say anything remotely comprehensible.
▌approach to friendships: Sherry's loyalty doesn't have much of a limit. She's more likely to try to fix negative changes in friends. She's dedicated and will lay down her life for her friends, anyone who truly earns her trust will never lose her as a friend - unless they kill her, of course.
▌thoughts on pie: Depends on the pie! Sherry loves blueberry pies, but isn't altogether fond of apple pies. If you give her a banana cream pie she might marry you.
▌favorite drink: Chamomile tea! It's soothing, helps with throat pain, and calms her down when anxious; it helps her keep a level head.
▌favorite place to spend time at: She has two! There's a family-owned sandwich shop a few blocks from her home, and she loves the people running it. She helps out there from time to time and buys from them regularly. The second, is a small clearing in the woods near to where she lives; she can't exactly just revisit Raccoon City whenever she wants. What's left of it is closed off. She set up makeshift graves for William and Annette and visits regularly to tell them about how things are going. She likes to think they're listening. She's careful to make sure no one finds the site, though; honoring her parents, who were labeled bioterrorists, would bring some suspicion unto herself.
▌swim in the lake or in the ocean: Lake. There is nothing in the ocean she has any business with. Except maybe sushi.
▌their type: Jake Muller Tough, protective, unapologetic about their hobbies/views/values. Strong, and most importantly, the type of person who would make her mother furious. They have to be independent, able to take care of themselves, but also willing to let her in and let her help.
▌camping or indoors: Indoors! She's not fixing to be jumped by a bear!
Tagged by: It's been sitting in drafts for ages I don't even know anymore lmao Tagging: Anyone who wants to!
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hostiae · 11 months
i feel like unless you are very close to birkin ( annette, wesker, etc. ), particularly pre-outbreak, he comes off as incredibly cold. not only is he arrogant, but he's very emotionally cut off.
he's 15 when he's first brought to umbrella and i do think that umbrella helps shape his moral compass. the way he's able to look at lisa trevor with no compassion, but instead wants to continue to experiment on her is proof enough of that. he's able to compartmentalize in a terrifying way.
he's so so focused on work. and because he was a child prodigy, he has an inflated sense of self-worth.
with that said, i think it's also important to state that my portrayal of birkin doesn't carry that energy towards everyone in his life. for instance, i don't portray him as a cold father towards sherry by any means. who birkin is around family is different, but he is often distracted.
i think what attracted him to annette is not only that they worked together, but that he was able to relax and be more of a person around her. birkin's entire life was under intense pressure from childhood academics to being recruited into umbrella. i do think he loved his family, but he has shitty priorities ( and didn't know how to betray umbrella without getting himself "killed" ).
birkin's perception of wesker is also that of camaraderie and friendship. it's legit the equivalent of meeting someone in high school and working with them until you die ( in birkin's case at 36, but still ). he isn't cold towards the people in his life who have been a part of his inner circle.
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newagesispage · 1 year
                                                                      AUGUST            2023 
Hooray for Ben and Jerry’s. They have ended sales in occupied Palestine territory. To celebrate the 4th, they asked for the return of stolen indigenous land to the Native American people. I am heading out to get more Ben and Jerry’s right now. They do have a lot of new flavors! 
Days alert: It seems that Ava will be back on the canvas. August will finally deal with Victor Kiriakis and we will miss him. Is Eric going to have more babes that he knows what to do with? The ex -man of God sure gets around. It sounds like Sloan’s bro is leaving and hooray for that. 
Ryan Murphy and former writers strike leader, Warren Leight, got into it. Leight tweeted that Murphy had threatened employees to cross picket lines. Murphy denied and wanted to sue. Leight stepped down. ** I have a dilemma about American Horror Story this season. To watch or not to watch??** SAG-AFTRA has joined the Writer’s Strike. 
My Pillow is auctioning off equipment as most stores have removed their products. The CEO also owes $5mil to Robert Zeidman but has filed a motion to toss out the ruling. 
Maine passed a bill to allow abortion whenever a doctor deems it necessary. ** States like Texas want it both ways, stop abortion but blame the doctors.   
Tom Bodett and Al Franken should work up an act. 
The Washington football team was sold to Josh Harris. 
New Jersey ‘s democratic Gov. Gave Chris Christie a free plug on Face the Nation. He boldly says, “I won’t be going to CHRIS CHRISTIE.COM.” 
There have been 2 pink dolphins seen in the waters off Louisianna. 
Pete Davidson has been given 50 hours of community service. 
Get ready for a George Santos censure. 
Biden has a 7th grandchild.** Bidenomics was used as a put down but it is turning out just fine. 
Bees are back. Thank you Obama!! 
6 states have instituted a universal free lunch program. 
Is this true?? Fox news used a photo of a married couple to promote ‘traditional marriage.’ It was later found that the pic was actually that of a same sex couple. 
David Byrne is bringing us Here Lies Love about Ferdinand and Emelda Marcos. 
Rex Heuermann has been arrested as the Long Island Serial Killer 
Leslie Van Houten is out of prison. Her parole has been reversed 5 times. She began a friendship with John Waters while confined when he wanted to interview her for Rolling Stone magazine. She declined at the time, but he did write a chapter about her in his book, Role Models. Leslie is 73 and will spend a year in a transitional facility. 
The Eagles are on a final tour. 
Pee Wee Herman was one of the greatest creations that I can think of. Our world without the playhouse seems very wrong. 
OMG.. First we lost Jackie Zeman then Andrea Evans. What is up over at the Bay?? 
Have ya heard this Dolly Parton and Ann Wilson take on Magic Man?? 
R.I.P. Lawrence Turman, John Deyle, Mark Seiler, Jane Birkin, bobby Osborne, Joseph Pedott, Carlin Glynn, Tony Bennett, Bill Geddie, Sinead O’Connor, Randy Meisner, Elise Finch, Andrea Evans, Angus Cloud, Paul Reubens and Sam Cutler. 
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luckyythirteen · 5 days
Maybe NSFW?
Hi, I have a question: I saw you answered a question about sexual attraction and Wesker and I wanted to ask if you think that he felt any attraction (romantically or sexually or mentally idk XD) to any character that actually appears in the games? (I exclude Jake's mom since she didn't really appear in the games)
Tbh I belong to the people who like WeskerxBirkin so I like to hc there was more than just friendship XD
(And personally I tend to ignore the Rebecca pic, for me it's just a tasteless joke/easter egg by the devs who are also kinda weird and creepy for making that easter egg...)
I think he for sure felt an attraction to Birkin with the way he was glazing him in Wesker's Report. I think for Chris he was intrigued by him and had a weird psychosexual obsession revolving around breaking him but I dont think it was genuine attraction or anything that would actually blossom into a relationship even during the STARS era
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