#his grandma being his first pick ofc
halohalona · 1 month
Netflix and chilling with logan ( fluff ofc)
Old Enough!
you invite Logan to watch a cute TV show
Logan Howlett x reader
ok i was sifting through my netflix looking for inspo and rediscovered this gem of a show, i recommended it if you're looking for something cute to watch in the background.
second logan fic, again it's been a while since i've written something so bear with me
warnings: none, just pure fluff, this one's a little longer than the last
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It was a saturday. You had nothing in particular going on and decided to watch something on Netflix to pass the time. After a minute of scrolling, you come across this show called "Old Enough." Reading the show description you thought, eh why not, it looks cute, and put on the first episode.
After the first episode you got hooked. I mean who wouldn't?? Little kids doing errands on their own was so adorable. You were about to start the eleventh episode when Logan walked in, beer in hand.
"What're you watching?"
"Old Enough." you answered without looking away from the tv. "It’s so cute! Come, sit and watch."
Logan makes his way to you and takes a seat, an arm resting behind you on the couch. "So what's this about?"
You pause the show before turning to him. "It’s a show where children run errands in Japan. In this episode, the two boys are supposed to cross a bridge to pick up some fish from their grandma in Tsukiji, cross the bridge again to pick up some diapers for their baby brother, and then buy yogurt from the supermarket."
"Children running around alone? Are they sure that's safe?"
"First off it's in Japan, it's pretty safe there. And second, they're not completely alone, there's a camera crew with them. They're just keeping their distance so they can run the errand independently." You unpause the TV.
"I don't see how this would be entertaining." just as Logan said that one of the kids pointed to the camera saying: Oh! There's a camera!
You giggle as they pan to a shot of the cameraman looking absolutely defeated. It didn't stop there though. The kids then noticed the other cameras and adults around them, and being the kids they are, asked what the "box" one of them was holding did. The man they asked also looked defeated.
After the crew member answered one of the boys then pointed out their matching rain boots then continued on to their destination.
You haven't heard Logan speak in a while. You look up at him and see him trying to hide his laughter as the boys in the show (each holding one end of a bag, by the way) walk into a pole, the bag in the middle getting caught on said pole causing the two boys to crash into each other.
A smile made its way to your face, and as you leaned in on his shoulder you couldn't help but think about what it would be like as you and Logan sneakily followed your own kids as they did their errands.
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enden-k · 1 year
remembering about trans!haitham headcanon, do you have any ideas you could share about it? (if that doesn't bother you) maybe about if his grandmother ever knew it, or if kaveh even knew alhaitham before the transition. maybe kaveh knows haitham's deadname? maybe kaveh actually helped haitham in his journey to affirm his gender? thinking about this makes me excited to do a fanfic about this AAAAAAAA-
ofc, i have quite a few (transhaitham just means a lot to me hhhsjdjk)
i like to imagine that his grandma knew and her love, care and support remained unchanged; all she wanted is for him to be content and comfortable, teaching him all that. she def helped him here and there; like seeing how he was bothered by his longer hair so she proposed to cut it short and seeing how his eyes lit up in his usual neutral face when he saw his reflection was prob one of her fav memories of little haitham. not only getting rid of the bothersome weight and heat of annoying hair but also seeing how he looked more boyish pleased him a lot (not that short hair = strictly masculine etc. you know what i mean there)
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(dysphoria is not "required" or smth every trans person experience(d), saying this right away (and also as a note to anyone actually unaware of this) - he def didnt experience it, just felt sometimes a bit bothered by some stuff) he just simply knew who he is and wanted to find more comfort with himself by aligning his physical appearance more with his feeling and identity (by transitioning)
(idk if i explain it well in english what i want to say. also def projected there)
so, kaveh and haitham def knew each other in the early stages; when haithams grandma passed away, he attempted to cut his own hair (usually his grandma did) and it turned out cutely shaggy and sloppy (not that it bothered him much, as long as it doesnt look too awful to him) kaveh couldnt take it tho and in a quiet homoerotic charged moment took it on himself to do it right and save it. haitham already went by his name there but if someone knows of his deadname other than his grandma back then, its def only kaveh as his closest friend
years after their falling out, when they meet again in the tavern it nearly had kavehs eyes bulging out when he recognized the person seating down next to him as haitham - so much broader and bulkier than he used to be (back then he was already working out a little just to stay fit and healthy and gain more muscle, but still much slimmer in early stages of t. but now? def could snap kaveh in half and he wouldnt mind at all), his voice deep but still that same aggravatingly confident tone---
(i just love the image of kaveh always being so attracted to haitham and haitham alone, always loving him in every way, for being himself just like haitham loving him in every way, always and without a break despite their falling out)
this is turning more into me being sappy about them than transhaitham thoughts LMFAO SORRY anyway i think kaveh helped haitham a lot with things like cutting his hair properly short or picking clothes (mostly bc he liked dressing haitham since he deems his tastes as awful) or showing him how to shave when he first grew facial hair, all that kinda stuff
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I’ve been at a family gathering all day so here are some hcs for a Curtis family gathering
As the eldest grandchild he was somewhat treated like an adult even before his parents died. But it balanced out by the fact that the entire family worshipped him just for existing. He’s his grandma’s favorite and she makes it VERY obvious.
After his parents died he completely stopped being seen as one of the kids/grandkids. He started helping at the grill and chatting with the other adults. It wasn’t the worst thing over because he was outgrowing a lot of the kids anyways, but it was still SO disorienting for him the first couple times. 
Every so often he’ll say something and the whole family will be forced to remember he’s still barely an adult. And then they’ll have to ponder that for a moment and it kinda kills the mood
One time he was offered a beer and reminded everyone he was underage. That one fucked with them for a while.
All the kids beg Darry to pick them up, carry them around, all that stuff. And he definitely does it every time. They get so pissed when he says he’s tired and stops. Like demon screeching ‘NO’
The big thing Darry doesn’t like about the gatherings is that everyone is trying SO hard to avoid mention anything about the Curtis parent’s deaths. To the point that it’s painfully obvious and very uncomfortable for Darry.
There’s this one asshole uncle and one time he started insulting Soda’s intelligence in front of Darry (Soda was outside) and the two almost fought. The uncle got kicked out after that
He makes an absolutely amazing burger (he learned from his dad)
The poor boy isn’t really anyone’s favorite. They all like him but don’t take as much pride in him as his brothers, he’s really overlooked.
The exception to this is uncle on his dad’s side, he sees himself a lot in Soda and dotes on him. They’re super close and the uncle always slips him five dollars to buy himself something nice
The younger kids definitely absolutely adore them. He loves just roughhousing with them and chasing them around the yard. Most of them call him their favorite cousin and it goes straight to his ego.
One of the kids hurts inevitably themselves and cries every time. Soda always will bundle them into his arms and clean them up before he can get in trouble lol. Most of the time only Ponyboy finds out and my boy isn’t a snitch. 
One of the kids just goes home with a big scrape and their parents are like ‘where did this come from-‘ but nobody has put two and two together yet
At the first gathering after their parents died he broke down sobbing halfway through. Darry found him crying in their moms old bedroom. They went home after that and it turns out they all had wanted to leave.
For extra spice, the reason he started crying is because a lot of those kids weren’t old enough to understand the concept of death and kept asking him where their aunt and uncle were
Him and Ponyboy will have heavy gossip sessions in their room once they get home. Darry knows about them and will sometimes join if the tea is really hot.
He’s their pride and joy. He’s so insanely spoiled and gets basically whatever he wants. Once it became clear college wasn’t happening for Darry everybody was all over him.
Being a fourteen year old he does NOT enjoy these gatherings. He usually just either sits in the corner with a book or hangs out with the only other cousin his age.
He sometimes likes watching Soda play with the kids because of how happy he looks. However he himself avoids those kids at all costs.
Back to the gossip sessions, Ponyboy ends up with so much knowledge because everyone assumes he isn’t listening or forgets he’s there. This dude knows everything.
He finds their doting so annoying and is like ‘leave me alone’ (he grows out of this ofc, 14 year olds just kinda suck lol)
When he gets older he joins the adults a lot, still not a fan of the kids
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imtryingbuck · 2 months
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OFC!Theo
Summary: Bucky has to marry a woman who surprises him more and more as their story goes along.
Word count: 1,511
Warnings: angst. Swearing. Fluff.
A/N: thank you to everyone who liked, commented, reblogged this series. I was worried that no one was going to like it because of it being an OC but I’m so glad that some people did, you’re the best!💕
Masterlist   Series Masterlist
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After a month long honeymoon in beautiful Romania they were landing back in New York, it was back to normal, sadly. Bucky really wanted to stay in Romania for as long as possible but they couldn’t.
Wanda all but rugby tackled Theo the second they got off the jet, Nat jumping in too. “I think they’ve missed her.” Bucky said to Steve and Sam.
“They wouldn’t shut up asking when she was coming home.” Steve laughed.
“What about me?”
“Don’t care about you!” Wanda shouts from the floor where she’s still hugging Theo.
“The disrespect.” Bucky mumbled with a shake of his head. “Can you get off my wife please?”
“She’s our wife now!” Nat and Wanda shout in unison causing Theo to giggle.
“She isn’t and we’ve got places to go, so let’s go.”
Bucky moves over to where the three lay on the runway and helps them all stand, his hands smoothing out Theo’s dress. “Come on pretty girl.”
In the Range Rover Theo told the girls all about Romania and the places they visited, she didn’t realise that they hadn’t arrived back home yet or that the car was pulling up to a large building. Even then she didn’t really understand what was going on.
“Pretty girl, this is yours.”
“It’s an art gallery.”
“Oh, it’s nice.”
“It’s yours.” He tells her again, they all chuckle as her feet stop dead. Her eyes wide as she looks back at Bucky.
“Mine? Why?”
“So you can show off your art work? Do you not like it?”
“I love it! Thank you Bucky! Thank you.” She ran over to him and practically threw herself into his arms. “Thank you!”
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*a year later*
Bucky’s heart was in his throat as he rushed through the hospital corridor, he couldn’t be late, he promised her that he wouldn’t miss this moment!
“She’s in here!” Wanda shouted as she saw Bucky running down the corridor with the guys in tow.
Three months after Bucky gifted Theo with the art gallery, the doors opened to the public - Theo was terrified that no one would come, she was left speechless when Sam came running in with a massive smile on his face telling her that there was people waiting down the street. And Bucky didn’t even have to threaten anyone.
Theo honestly didn’t think she was any good but when people kept asking to buy her artwork it gave her the confidence to carry on doing what she enjoyed doing.
That night Bucky and Theo celebrated a successful day at the gallery, just the two of them.
That was the night their baby was conceived.
“I’m here, I’m here pretty girl.”
Two hours after Bucky arrived at the hospital a healthy baby boy was born. Piercing blue eyes, patch of brown hair, a cute button nose, a dimpled chin. To his parents he was the definition of perfection.
“You did so well my pretty girl, so well.” He whispered as he puts her hair back up in a bun, kissing her forehead as he did. “Poor boys been cursed with the chin.”
“Shut up, I love it and yours.”
Their family came in an hour later all wanting a glimpse of their nephew and grandson. All quietly arguing with each other about who was going to hold him first.
It was Winnie that won.
“Have you picked a name for the little boy?” Sam asked as he leaned over the back of Winnie’s chair as she held his nephew.
“James Junior but we’ll call him JJ.” Bucky smiled.
Both Theo and Bucky knew that baby JJ was going to be loved and spoiled by his grandma, aunts and uncles.
Bucky wrapped his arm around Theo as sleep started to take over her tired body. “I love you my pretty girl.”
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*five years later*
Not long after JJ was born Steve, Sam, Nat and Wanda decided it was time for them to fly the nest - as Sam put it - so they brought the house next door… they didn’t want to go far.
Since Bucky took over Michael’s businesses his empire grew, before Theo came along he would normally handle his operations himself but since Theo and the birth of his children he took a step back letting Steve and Sam take control. He still did go on business trips but never without Theo and JJ by his side.
Theo’s gallery had become so successful that she even brought a new building with her own money, her artwork was being brought and taken all over the world. There was one piece that many people had tried to buy going as far to offer millions for the piece but she wouldn’t budge. It was of Jess. It was the one project she took ages completing as she wanted it to be perfect.
As Bucky came home from being at the office, Martha greeted him with a soft smile her hand going out to take his coat off him but he shook his head. “You don’t work for me anymore Momma.”
“I know, just let me do this.”
“Fine but it’s the last time.”
The years were catching up to his other mom and with a heavy heart Bucky told her that it was time for her to retire, but making sure that she knew that she could always come home whenever she wanted. For her years of service Bucky brought Martha a new house, one that was closer to him. Winnie brought the house next to her, both Winnie and Martha now spent more time together… at Bucky and Theo’s house.
“They’re in the back yard.” She informed him. Pressing a kiss against her cheek he walked through the house to the backdoor.
He leaned against the door, watching as JJ drove his mini Range Rover - just like daddies as he said - as Harrison played in the sandbox, Theo trying to get him not to eat the sand.
Three years after JJ was born they were back in the hospital this time for Theo to give birth to a healthy baby Harrison. To them, their family was complete.
“Daddy!” JJ screamed as he saw him, driving over to Bucky - nearly hitting him in the legs.
“Hey buddy, you been good for momma?” He bends down to pick him up from the car.
“Yeah but Harry wasn’t he was eating mommas hair” the five year old giggled.
“Is that true little man?” Bucky asked Harrison who was now climbing all over Theo to get into Bucky’s arms.
“Momma hair.” Harrison began giggling along with his brother.
Putting JJ down, he quickly running off to get his car, Bucky picks up Harrison just before his foot hits Theo in the face. “You eating mommas hair again?”
“I know mommas hair smells nice but we can’t eat it, little man.”
“Want sand!” And just like the two year olds mind was onto something else and wanted to be put back into the sandbox.
Putting Harrison down he went back to his toy truck, Bucky turned to face his love. “There’s my pretty girls.”
Yes they thought their family were complete after Harrison was born but it was finally whole after Theo gave birth to a healthy baby girl, just two months ago.
“See that Jessy? We’re the last ones who daddy greets.” Theo winked up at him with a grin on her lips.
“I had to greet the men of the house first, please forgive me pretty girls.” Jessy makes a gargled noise that they both take as a sign that he’s forgiven. “What about you pretty momma?”
“I forgive you Buck.”
He gets down on his knees and presses a kiss to her lips, a kiss to Jessy’s forehead and one to Harrison’s as he came climbing all over Bucky, JJ is quick to run over to his parents and siblings pointing to his own forehead wanting a kiss too.
Bucky use to think about marriage, he had dreamt about coming home after a long day at work to his wife cooking dinner or happily playing with the kids, slow dancing with her throughout the house whilst the children are tucked in bed. Sharing his dreams, fears, stories and life with his other half, a wife who he can spoil with gifts and love, but Bucky never thought it was possible for him but here he is seven years after meeting Theo, coming home to his perfect wife and amazing children, sharing his dreams, fears and life with the better half to him. Telling their children stories as they get ready to go to sleep, he could spoil his wife and children with whatever their hearts desired and more. He had more love in his whole body than he ever realised especially when it came to Theo and their precious babies.
As the sun began to set Bucky sat on the grass - the exact spot where he and Theo married - and held onto his greatest achievement.
His family.
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Tags: @sapphirebarnes @bellabarnes1378 @unaxv @skulliecadaver-blog @mrsnikstan @sebastians-love @pattiemac1 @julvrs @undf-stuff @violetwinterwidow01 @cjand10 @angrykitsune01 @drdbnkl2008
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waterfalls-bunny · 4 days
can you tell me some bunny hc of yours i’m curious :3
Sorry for the late reply I was thinking about it really ;o; bunny hcs you say huh i love bunny but im a sane person ofc i dont have hcs of them! Why would I-
- They have 3 pets, 2 bunnies and a rat. The bunny is rescued, they're against buying animals.
- They also have rat and bunny matching pijamas (am i insane about these? Probably)
- Kenny spoils Butters a LOT with pretty little things. Butters will do 1% effort and have Kenny over his heels
- Kenny uses 1000000 nicknames for Butters while Leo uses Ken, but he's aware that he has a power whenever he says a nickname to Kenny (and will use it ofc c:<)
- They roleplay dated more than once
- Their favorite spot for playtimes is Stark's Pond bc is quiet, a lot of their dates happen there
- Kenny is indeed a bad influence for Butters, look at them secretly reuniting almost every day at midnight to have time to chat, sacrificing their sleep schedule 💔
- When they moved together, their first fight was about how messy Kenny is when it comes to both taking care of himself and the house, and Butters being too perfectionist with cleaning
- I can picture them being the sort of couple that prefers doing things offline and not make a fuzz of it in social media, if they go on a trip they wont take many photos and instead just enjoy whatever they were gonna do. Sorta childish?
- Although Butters is a sucker for romance, a genre people wouldn't picture him enjoying as much too is the fight/action genre, he's a very intense fan of these and Kenny its as well so they watch wrestling fights and similar activities together (they're both passionate lmao)
- Kenny surprisingly enough is also a fan of cute idle games (Butters and Karen introduced him to it but he's just a huge fan in any case). Example animal crossing or cat bar snack so he has a file exclusively for him in Butters phone/switch and if it wasnt bc is not his device he'd probably be more advanced than Butters file. Tho Butter's favorite will forever be Hello Kitty Island
- Kenny's taught Butters to do the grocery shopping to no avail, the other will somehow pick the expired products and things will always run out when he buys (bad luck boy)
- Butters at some point will be aware of Kenny's immortality (when his grandma died he asked him if she was in heaven, Kenny didnt want to tell him last time he went to hell she wanted to beat the crap out of him bc she found out they were dating on eart and he beat her in defense)
- Theyre the silly lil couple that does innocent things and would make a big fuzz about it (yes Kenny is a bitch but its 100% different when it comes to Butters its funny)
Oh my I didn't expect to list so many LMAO the worst part is that I can make hcs out if anything so lmk if yall want part 2!
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dingochef · 1 year
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Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x You (OFC)
Warnings: Not much, being ill, talk of periods, Jake Seresin being too fucking perfect, fluff
Word Count: 2.8k
Summary: The double whammy of being on your period and having a cold puts a wrench in your plans to go out with Jake.  He surprises you in the best  way in showing how caring he can be.
I needed some Jake fluff after having to deal with finally getting COVID this past week.
Part of the Jake and Elsa Universe 
Closed for Renovations
Jake: Hey doll. When can I pick up your fine ass tonight? 
You: This fine ass has got to bail.  Double whammy of lady parts closed for renovations and I've got a cold. You probably don't want to hang around this mess.
Jake: Is closed for renovations a clever way of telling me you're on your period?
You: Yes
Jake: Let me restate the question, what time do I show up on your doorstep with Mama Seresin's famous chicken noodle soup, chocolate, and other reinforcements?
You: You're serious?
Jake: As a heart attack or in this case a period cramp
You chuckle as you read Jake's latest message.  You're surprised that Jake is all in on spending time with you while you're both sick and on your period.  Most of your past boyfriends gave you a wide berth when Shark Week was upon you, some finding it "gross" or "weird".  As annoying as it was, it was also an easy way to gauge the maturity and long term potential of any guy.  Right now Jake was pulling into a very clear first place.  
It's still early on in your relationship, a few weeks after the craziness that brought you together. New enough that you're still encountering a lot of firsts and navigating the intimate details of a blooming relationship.  Your period being one of them.
You: I stayed home sick today, any time is good for me.
Jake: I'll swing by after work with ingredients.
You: Sounds great.
Jake: You're great
You: 🙄❤️☺️💋
With that settled you turn back to your cup of tea and trashy reality TV.  Somewhere along the line you must have fallen asleep because you awake to a gentle knocking on your door and the TV screen asking if you're still watching. You sit up abruptly, realizing Jake is here and your house looks like a NyQuil commercial with tissues and every kind of tea imaginable strewn out on the counter.  
Resigning yourself to the mess you peel yourself off the couch to answer the door and let Jake into the house. When you open the door, Jake is holding two large grocery bags filled with food and has his phone pinched between his ear and his shoulder.
He mouths,
"Sorry," just before he speaks into the phone.
"Yes, Mom, I got the fresh thyme, although I think Elsa has some growing on her patio. Speaking of which, I'm at her house…"
He nods agreeing with his mom on something,
"Yes, she is…someday, yes, love you too, Mom.  Thanks for the help."
A small smile creeps on your face as you listen to the exchange between Jake and his mom, his love apparent for her. You reach out and take one of the bags from Jake so he can hang up the phone to come inside.  
"Talk to you later, Mom," he says as he follows you into the kitchen.
Just as you place the bag of groceries down, Jake comes up behind you and gives you a hug and kiss on the cheek.
"How ya feeling, El?"
"Okay," you respond, obviously congested. 
"How about I get you another cup of tea, and you can keep me company while I make my Mom's literal county fair winning chicken soup," Jake offers putting the kettle back on the stove.  You sit at the bar and watch Jake as he unpacks ingredients from the bags.
"County fair winning? That's still a thing in Texas?" you ask, raising an eyebrow.
He laughs,
"Yes, it is and it's serious business. My grandma is still peeved at her neighbor for taking the 'good apples' from the tree that grew on both their ranches and winning in the apple pie category, 30 years ago." 
The kettle whistles and Jake holds up the box of lemon tea next to the stove in question.  You nod and he prepares a cup of tea and slides it across the counter.
"Thank you, so do I get to know the secret if you're making it in my kitchen?" you ask. 
He grins,
"If I told you, I'd have to kill you. But you can watch."
With all the soup ingredients on the counter Jake hauls two last items out of the bag.
"I didn't know if you were a milk chocolate or a dark chocolate fan, so I got some of each," he offers, holding up two giant chocolate bars.
"Oooh," you coo, "What if I said white chocolate was my favorite?" 
Jake grimaces slightly,
"Is it?"
"Haha, no. I don't consider it real chocolate and reserve it only for foofy lattes from Starbucks," you reply, his facial expressions easing.
"That's good, that could have been a deal breaker," he laughs.
"Gimme, please," you say, pointing to the dark chocolate bar.
"A woman of sophisticated tastes," he teases, handing you the bar. 
"Don't spoil your appetite," he admonishes, pulling a cutting board out of the cupboard.  He dons one of your aprons over his khakis. Jake prepares tidy rows of carrots, celery, and onion as he talks with you about his day.  
Soon, savory smells are wafting through your kitchen as Jake pours the rest of the chicken stock over the neatly chopped vegetables.  
"This is where it goes to the next level," Jake says, piquing your interest.
"Do you have flour, eggs, milk, salt, and a rolling pin?" he asks.
You nod and direct him around the kitchen.  
He takes the flour and scoops out some into a bowl following it with two eggs, a dash of salt, and some milk.  Using a fork, he stirs the ingredients into a shaggy dough. He sprinkles more flour on the counter and turns out the ball onto the counter. Flouring up his hands he kneads the ball for a few minutes. The way his strong hands and forearms push and pull at the dough sends your cold medicine addled, and apparently lust filled, mind in a different direction.  You've never wanted to be a ball of dough more in your life right now.
"That has to rest for a few minutes. More tea?" Jake asks, smirking, as he breaks you out of your naughty daydream.
"Yes,..umm, tea. Please," you stutter. 
"What are you making?" you finally ask as Jake heats up the kettle again.
"Homemade egg noodles for the soup," he answers, nonchalantly. 
"Homemade noodles? Wow."
"I said it was next level," he replies back.  
"That is next level. No one has ever gone to homemade pasta level for me before," you answer, in awe of this amazing man in your kitchen. Jake turns around from the stove and the kettle, a wistful look on his face. He walks across the kitchen and slides his hands around yours where they rest on the counter. He leans over to kiss your forehead sweetly.
"That is a travesty, because you are definitely worth the effort, you are homemade noodles worthy, El," he says, so earnestly it makes you tear up a little and laugh at the same time.  (Which you can only blame on the hormones of your period only partially.) 
"If I knew how to make homemade noodles I'd make them for you Jake Seresin," you say. 
"My nonna would be happy to teach you, but you'll just have to watch and learn for now," he breezily says, taking the rolling pin to the pile of dough. You tuck the mention of his Nonna and presumably meeting her and what all that means into the back of your brain to think about later. He pushes and pulls on the pin, flattening the dough out to a thin layer before he slices it up into skinny noodles. Jake grabs the mass and slides them into the boiling soup.
"Just a little bit longer," he says, working to clean up as you wait for the soup. You watch him contentedly as you sip your tea, enjoying his form and just how comfortable he is in your kitchen wearing a frilly floral apron.  A gift from Beth when one unremarkable boyfriend broke up with you because, 
"All he really wanted was a housewife, not someone more ambitious than him." Beth had written in the card, "Goodbye to the bastard, be your own trophy wife." You smile at the memory, a reminder of how much your relationship with Jake is better than anyone before him.
A few minutes later, Jake ladles out the steaming soup and slides a bowl over the counter to you. Inhaling the wonderful smelling steam in through your congested nose it almost feels magical the way it opens up your airways.
"This smells amazing," you gush, happy to be able to breathe again. He sits down on the stool next to you, his body turned towards yours so his legs can tangle with yours.  
You lift the spoon up, heaping with noodles, vegetables, and some chicken to gently blow on it, trying to cool it down.  Jake is watching you intently and hasn't taken a bite yet waiting for your reaction. Finally satisfied that you're not going to burn your tongue, you take the much anticipated first bite and it is perfect.
A fresh burst of herbs, the salty savory stock, and then the buttery smoothness of the noodles are all perfect. You close your eyes, it's that good.
"Wow, this is so good," you gush, enjoying the slight blush and sudden shyness on Jake's face.
"No wonder your mom won the county fair."
"I'm glad you like it, eat up. It's practically medicinal," he urges you.  You hum in agreement and savor the delicious soup, your appetite finally ignited for the day.  You and Jake sit in comfortable silence finishing your meal.  
You go to stand up to clear the bowls, trying to feel useful, when a familiar stab of pain shoots through your torso from back to front.
"Ahhh, shit," you groan, collapsing over your belly and crossing your arms. Jake stands up immediately, concern on his face,
"El, are you okay?"
You stand up, still grimacing, 
"Yeah, fine, just Aunt Flo being a bitch."
Jake smiles gently and rubs your back,
"You've got a lot of witticisms for being on your period. You need some painkillers or a heating pad?"
The mention of a heating pad makes you light up with hope and then immediately scowl when you remember that it broke last month and you haven't had a chance to replace it.
"I've got some ibuprofen in the bathroom, but I forgot to get a new heating pad," you inform Jake, glumly. Jake's face lights up,
"I've got just the thing then," he says, rubbing your back one last time before he steps away and grabs the last grocery bag. He holds up a box of heating pad patches.
"I wasn't sure you had a heating pad and I've used these for muscle strains before…," he trails off talking as he takes in your face.  You are definitely full-on crying, like maybe ugly crying, you can't believe this is your life.
"El, are you okay?" he asks, gently pulling you into his arms, "What's wrong?"
"Nothing," you sniffle into his uniform shirt, trying to avoid the ribbons, thinking those would be a bitch to clean snot out of, 
"You," you add.
Jake laughs, his sense of confidence unfazed by your comment,
"Me, I'm what's wrong? What are you thinking sweetheart?" he asks, tightening his arms around you as he starts to slightly sway in a comforting way. Another gentle kiss to your temple makes you sob a little.
"How are you so amazing? You cooked for me, brought me two kinds of chocolate, and brought back up heating pads. I bet there's both Tylenol and Advil in the bag, too."
He chuckles and you can feel him nodding in agreement.  You lean back and wipe your eyes,
"I'm just a little overwhelmed, no one's ever really taken care of me like this…wanted to more importantly. Like I don't deserve this. Oh my God, I'm so sorry for crying." Jake reads the panicked look on your face and pulls you back as you try to retreat, 
"Listen to me, El.  You are worth every bit of effort, every bit. You understand?" he asks, sincerely waiting for your response. You nod, not sure what to say.
"Not to disparage your past taste in men, but they sound like they fucking sucked. I can't complain that they didn't realize what a treasure you are, because I got the chance to show you." 
You sniff, taking a deep breath to get your emotions under control.  
"More importantly, you're the first woman that I've ever wanted to take care of, be there for you. Make you see your true worth. You make me want to be a better man, El. I love you," Jake says, earnestly his eyes imploring you to believe him. You meet his gaze and stare back into those intense green eyes for a few seconds before closing your own for a second to stem the tears. 
"Okay, Jake. I love you so much. So much it overwhelms me sometimes. God, I'm such a mess today, hormones and viruses are not being kind to me today," you say to Jake wiping away the tears.
"It's okay, El. You're my mess and that's what matters. I'll be here to take care of you when it gets messy, always," Jake reassures you, his arms still wrapped around you. You rest your head on his chest, letting his love envelop you. 
"How about this?" he asks as you look up, "Grab some Advil, wash your face, and I'll get one of those heating pads, some chocolate, and we can snuggle up on the couch and watch whatever cheesy rom com or trashy reality TV you want. I'm gonna change into some sweats, okay?"
"Sounds perfect, although you might regret giving me carte blanche over our viewing choices."
The rest of the night is spent cuddled up on your couch with Jake watching Pride and Prejudice. Between the warmth of Jake's embrace, the Advil, and the cozy heating patches you fall asleep not too long into the movie. You're awoken by a quick succession of text notification sounds.  Jake puts his phone down when he sees you awake. 
"Let's head to bed, El," he whispers, kissing your temple.  You nod sleepily and he scoops you up bringing you to bed. The last thought you have before you fall asleep again with Jake wrapped around you is that for a day that started kind of terrible it has ended up kind of perfect. 
Bonus Content Jake's Text Convo with his Mom. 
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rebouks · 8 months
Idk if you’ve already done this (newer follower and still catching up) but would you ever do a post on how you plan a post? Like what your planning process looks like with shots, poses, etc? You’re one of my favorite storytellers and I hope to get on your level one day but no idea what goes into a true story telling post
Ooooh hi hello, welcome! I don't believe I have ever gone into my process, no! but how interesting.. what better excuse! let's take yesterdays post as an example, shall we? 👀
First of all, we start with the premise/notes, which are very rough n' look like this in a word document...
Camping – the twins are fiiighting/being a pain, Oscar loses temper with em n almost says why can’t u be like ur brother?! throwing him into memories of Salton saying that to him all the time :[ he catches himself like no wait ur perfect I just gotta finish this, twins like wtf?? But robin ofc knows what’s going on with his pappy.. Oscar wanders off later n Robin sits with him, ur not like them u kno, what? Grandma n grandpa ur not the same, OUGH ;-;
2. I suppose this step changes depending on what I feel like, sometimes I'll make the poses/take the screenies first, then write the dialogue, other times I'll write the dialogue first.. I try for the latter since I can make more accurate poses, but time is usually my enemy here cos dialogue needs a nice quiet period to write lmao (let's call this step dialogue for now though)
3. Rip sims for blender, make poses, then head in game to dress everyone, set dress and take screenies, I take a LOT and choose the best ones but here're some unedited examples for you... In this case cos there was a flashback, I also had to remake Oscar/fam as a child n' whatnot, but luckily I have their old house saved so I plonked them all in an alternative save to take those.
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4. Now we have our dialogue/screenies, it's time to throw it all together in photoshop, I usually edit the screenie first to fix any clipping etc, fix the lighting, sharpen it up a bit maybe.. but that's about it! Then I press my handy lil (custom made) storyboard action and end up with smth like this, to which I add the text! (this step takes the longest prolly.. cos it takes me forever to pick the screenies I wanna use my GOD 🙈)
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VOILA! Once I've chosen all the screenies in the right order I go thru each of em in PS one by one to edit/add captions, then we're done! \o/
I realise this probably seems quite quick/vague or even streamlined if u wanna toot my horn lmaooo but I've spent a while doing this by now so ig I've kinda figured out the quickest way of doing it - still tho, I'd imagine the above still taking between 4-5 hours from start to finish! I usually spread these things over days/weeks in advance tho like.. during the week I mostly make poses/take screenies and write, then at the weekend I'll usually edit a bunch n' throw it all together, so it doesn't rlly feel tedious since I'm switching it up all the time/doing what I fancy.
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calciumdeficientt · 1 month
could you do hcs for Peanut Romano?? he's my favorite ofc
Peaaaaaaaanutttttt ought I’m now realising there’s none of these characters i couldn’t talk about for literal hours
Peanut very clearly has little man syndrome, he openly muses about being accused of having a napoleon complex. I think this stems from his childhood, sad asfuck but i think he became man of the house pretty early in his life, his dad was a big sack of shit who was nasty his mum and left early. He takes care of his mother and general household stuff and balances school with it too. He’s a pretty valiant little dude to be honest
Ironically i think he’s allergic to peanuts, not like deathly, but they make him all puffy and sniffly and generally gross, so he keeps an epi-pen tucked into his jacket in case of emergencies
He takes good care of his hair, its a source of his confidence, what he lacks in height in the body department he makes up for for in hair height. He touches up with pomade in the bathrooms pretty regularly and does his best to keep it looking nice and clean and tidy
He really looks up to Johnny as a paternal figure but its so difficult because he is so clearly pining for johnny to be his lover. It’s absolutely not that’s her hates Lola, he loves Lola too but johnny was definitely his first and strongest love, so it absolutely wrecks him to see johnny so torn up about a girl who doesnt know what she wants when peanut is right there, waiting, with his mind fully made up
He likes vintage cars, and has a little pot of money in his dorm to hopefully buy a car with one day. There’s a dude in old bullworth vale with a pretty nice hot rod that he’s had his eye on since he was a sophomore and as luck would have it, its not yet been sold. He frequently rides his bike through the neighbourhood just to check its still there, and to check if its been marked down and he can get his hands on it
Had a huge, gross crush on Marlon Brando as a kid. It started when his grandma had a streetcar named desire playing on her TV when he was sleeping over in grade school (while his parents sorted out their belongings and prepared to split) and it played a considerable role in his decision making to join the greaser clique. Not that he can be blamed, Marlon Brando is so fucking dreamy it should be illegal
Very nervous tagger, his hands get all sweaty when he’s nervous and nine times out of ten he messes up the slogan for fear of getting caught. Needless to say he’s relieved when he sees the police or school faculty washing them away when he’s done
Peanut is super embarrassed about his voice, along with his small sature he’s absolutely terrified that people wont find him intimidating wand will pick on him. If you go on a school computer after he’s had his turn you’ll find article after article of advice on how to deepen your voice, silly kitty.
His voice anxiety is part of the reason he smokes, he hopes if he keeps it up it might make him sound a little more rough around the edges, and a little less… girlish.
Peanut loves to dance, he actually considered taking classes for a while and maybe trying out some competitions. He bailed out when the whole Johnny and Lola fiasco kicked off for the first time, he just didn’t have the heart to leave johnny so defenseless and bordering on a nervous breakdown. He had to don the metaphorical johnny jacket and take charge while their clique leader was in the fetal position in the corner. The least he could do was hang around and wipe the tears off johnny’s pretty pretty face.
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mutsky · 2 months
love sea ep 6 running commentary
i think im finally in the right headspace to watch this (on the clock remotely)
-aww hes still wants to dress up his little ken doll
-if mut doesnt care what he wears might as well get him something nice
-mut: hes 30 but he has aegyo down
-the fluff i cant sooo cute
-sister there is still rice on your plate finish that first
-this is the first time tongraks eaten in his adult life so proud
-not his white wine mom coffee cup
-muts just like me ... has a death note
-mahasamut is the perfect man i knew hed be bc tr is like mames self insert ofc shed give herself the best male lead
-peats pretty eyes
-damn mama owns all of bangkok
-my poor meow meow
-prapaisky call backs we are so up
-ok vienus williams
-congratulations to love sea for being the first ever bl to pass the bechdel test (they passed it ep 1 but wtv)
-they just called her bitchless
-whyyyy is he getting in bed in jeans
-ok paid body pillow
-if i say the hands on the face is the most erotic thing thats happened in this show id be the bad guy
-tongraks literally gagging for it
-connor came too in the book :( wheres our white boy
-i love you island rain and sky
-finally some sense
-khom and tongrak have the same necklace/earring combo in different colors connor you are not slick it was bogo huh
-yeah terribly
-the picture is sending me
-when did he put on pants
-ngl im probably one of two people that care about connorkhom so i am enjoying this interlude
-its also HILARIOUS how connor only exists off screen
-no his phone is in muts hand how would he get in the taxi
-these two sulky kitties
-the only one out of the 4 of them with any sense is khom
-theyre literally 2
-"hug me" vie is too much
-gaslight gatekeep girlboss your way back into your girls heart
-these are not 13 year olds they look 5
-awww sad puppy is back
-30 year old man squeals into a pillow but is soooo not in love
-she has access to the internet which is BAD
-poor meena she has to be so vigilant :(
-yeah mook is sorta useless here
-tis a bit weird to have a 20 year old picking up a 13 year old hes not related to but i think its fine there are precautions in place
-using your uncle to get dessert a+ tactic incredible
-woah how do you know these words
-shes right this is a call back
-i think kaimook would beg to differ
-cuteeee awww
-he went from sad to horny in two minutes
-jesus fucking christ
-it could be her other grandma ... right?
-shes gonna take mook to france huh
10/10 no notes
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saveugoodmadam · 8 months
You should tell me about your tangled oc because I'm making a tangled oc and they can be friends uwu
GDUSUDISJSUAI I WILL INDEED HAPPILY TELL YOU!!! (in return for information on your oc)
Florian Leseratte is first introduced as the castle librarian's apprentice, although because the librarian is quite old he pretty much functions as the overall librarian despite being around Varian's age.
During the first half-ish of series one his arc is sort of him coming out of his shell, he acts as a reassurance to Cass, a point of information to Rapunzel and a helper to Varian. During the events of Queen for a Day, he mostly stays with Varian but gets scared and flees when Varian gets all emo.
Also during series one there's a prophecy teased about a secret prince (Rapunzel will still become queen though bc I can do what I want, idc about primogeniture)
I have talked about it like once before but it goes:
Closer than you think he may/The son of Frederick lies/Discovered by the golden tears/That leak from both his eyes
It's set up to tease Varian as the secret prince but at the end of The Alchemist Returns we see Florian crying alone in the library, with a single shot of a golden tear. This is then majorly revealed during Secret of the Sun Drop when he starts crying due to fear.
Series two for him is coming to terms with what happened, and there's a lot of exposition. We find out that after what happened to Rapunzel, Frederick feared the worst and basically handed off Florian to the servants and told Arianna that their baby had been taken seriously ill and passed when she was asleep.
There's also a point midway through the series when the librarian passes away and Florian has to choose whether he becomes a proper prince like his father wants or the head librarian. (He chooses the library ofc.)
He visits Varian in prison at some point in the first few episodes, and they have a super cute duet through the bars of Varian's cell, before he helps Varian escape prison.
In series three his arc is overcoming his fear of making mistakes, especially in the fact that he blames himself the most for Cass' corruption. He is super happy to have Varian back though and is a massive help in the kingdom forgiving him. This series is very much them becoming quite couple-y together and gets a lot of use out of how they fuel each other's talents.
Florian absolutely tags along for Vat7k, there's probably a shot of him with heart eyes after hearing the word 'library' and he's immediately sold on the quest. His role in the group is mediator- he gets on with pretty much everyone, although Hugo kinda hates him for how close he is to Varian.
His arc is mainly focused on how he's joining the quest because he's desperate to get away from Corona, and he realises at the end of it that actually he was running away from his title of Prince. Through Nuru and other royals they meet he finally realises that there is no one way to be a royal and at the climax he uses his title and ties to the kingdom's old magic to amplify the work done by Hugo and Varian. (Valorigo forever btw!!!)
If I had to pick a voice claim, I think Ryan Kopel would fit super well, especially as Florian has a lot of really good songs, his big 'I Am' song being "My Duty", sung during series two. He also has his and Varian's duet- "Something Breaks" and a few songs in Vat7k like "Can We Get Along For Once?" and "Mightier Than".
He's a little taller than Hugo and has shoulder-length wavy brown hair which Varian sometimes plaits when he needs to think. He's got lots of freckles and glasses and grey eyes. (yeah he's maaaaybe based off me. a little bit. a lot.) He wears mostly yellows and usually has a cardigan with him in a casual setting, otherwise a knitted waistcoat. Hugo's nickname for him is "Bookworm" or "Grandma" and Varian's is "Flor" or "Princey".
Fun fact: once I was really sleep deprived and half asleep in my German class and I looked down at the textbook and the name Florian was there (this is after I'd chosen the name) and I was immediately wide awake and also freaked out.
Also other fun fact: His surname is a way of saying bookworm in Germany. Technically his surname is "of Corona" after series one but eh he doesn't gaf and neither would the fans.
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illomilo · 1 year
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sup gvng gvng it's jade n happy openin day 2 us all!! i've brought along kang hanna w the big, ginormous, inflated ego that takes up the whole room [kevin hart vc] damn!! she's ur v own blind spot skele who's v loosely based on alice in borderland's akane heiya!! she's also an ex-olympic hopeful in skeet shooting & only rlly survived the apocalypse bc of her older brother who's the actual olympic champ 🤡 anw if u would like 2 hear me blabber on ab hanna then pls find alla that under the cut but if u wanna get 2 the juicier stuff, hit that LIKE button n ill come rollin :~) also if u r a filthy d*scord user like me pls send me ur @ tq luv u mwah!!
generally the most important info is at the top so: taurus sun / aries moon / leo rising
anw her parents were both olympic hopefuls but they alw just missed the cut so after havin their career go nowhere, they eventually switched gears and became olympic coaches in shooting!! bc their olympic career died down they also decided 2 start a family n that's how haneul first came along, n hanna 4y later!!
but her parents nvr rlly gave up on that dream and they rlly projected their ambition onto haneul n hanna!! what this means is the kang siblings grew up w a v regimented, healthy lifestyle n was taught shootin @ a v young age to hopefully one day fulfil their parents' dreams
the both of them absolutely hated it n from this shared trauma of their parents being coaches first n parents second, they became super duper close n were each others' support system <3 practically raised each other atp
both of them were also honestly rlly talented at shooting ( espc skeet shooting ) but haneul was v clearly the better one, and bc he's older too, naturally his parents prep him for the olympics!! bc hanna is considerably younger, they kinda gave up on her to focus on haneul but don't feel bad for hanna bc she loved that shit
ended up goin a lil wild in sch aka doin wtv she wanted for once in her life including!! bullying!! she was a huge rascal honestly n the prob was that she could get away w wtv she wanted bc her parents frankly only cared ab haneul winning gold..... which he did in the 2016 summer olympics : ))) this boosted her popularity n ego in sch so she loved that shit too
haneul thought that winning gold would make his parents finally happy n that they would ease up but he was wrong!! they j wanted more n nth was ever going to be enough n that's when he realised that he was nvr gettin off this train so!! burnt out n all he sneakily released a statement on his instagram sayin that he is retiring n to avoid gettin his ass whooped, he ran off 2 his maternal grandparents place in busan!! bc hanna is super close w her brother, she kinda tags along cause 🖕 her parents
they're hiding out at their grandparents' place when outbreak day happens!! grandpa eats grandma n hanna shoots him n is traumatised by it, but then grandma turns into a zomb n haneul grabs her crying ass outta there n they bolt to busan qz per the govt's instructions
when things settle they get given their tasks n haneul becomes a blacksmith while hanna's assigned 2 b kitchen help!! hanna ofc hates this, is offended by this, loses interest in life bc of this, until fast forward to fireflies origins when haneul tells her that he's been recruited as a fireflies agent!! hanna realises that if the fireflies succeed in overtaking the kdrt, she will nvr have to look at dirty dishes stacked in the sink again so she signs tf up n picks up a gun for the first time in a long time!!
fireflies wins n hanna and haneul remain as fireflies agents!! this is rly bc a) haneul starts 2 rlly believe in the fireflies, b) hanna will b able to watch his back as an agent herself c) hanna does nawt wanna go back 2 the kitchen and d) they're both rly good at shooting so!!
things settle n haneul even finds love <3 then word ab div4 recruiting volunteers spreads n haneul, being the golden boy and olympian shooter, gets pressured 2 join!! n honestly, he would have in a heartbeat if not for his oopsie baby that's due in 8ish months!! no one knows ab it yet except hanna, but haneul feels torn ab fighting for a cause he genuinely believes in n not wanting to disappoint the fireflies, but also putting his life in danger so his kid may grow up without a father!! the night before div4 starts their mission hanna convinces him to let her join instead bc she wants to prove that she's more than just his sibling ( false she does not give a shit she knows she's top shit but it's the only way to guilt her brother into letting her do this for him ) but yes kids!! that's the story of how ur post-apocalyptic day mulan ends up in div4!!
thank u and more importantly sorry 4 makin u read alla that but !! ive also incl some plots below!! we can use them as startin points 4 our sick cool plots n threads 🤪
orite 20+ skeles line up them gen zs gotta unite!! also anyone who studied hs in seoul it wud b mighty cool for yall to b from the same hs
btw hanna n haneul, hanna is def the annoying one and haneul is rlly like the best most accommodating dude, dependable n mild-mannered, the man u bring home 2 ur parents so anyone who was mayb friends w haneul!! hanna n haneul didn't rlly share their friendships but bc of how close they are, it wouldn't be unlikely for u to have bumped into hanna at one point or another ( n maybe ur even like you are his sister?? damn yall r so different........ 1 is humble 1 is a peacock n yet that's also not the one who won the olympics huh weird )
on the topic of haneul i would love love love 2 have someone b related 2 haneul's girlfriend!! mayb her sibling or cousin or smth!! that would make hanna ur ( distant ) relative <3
also on the topic of haneul bc hanna cannot exist w/o him,, someone who was friends w haneul n not rly w hanna but yall see each other around a lot n mayb yall were both determined 2 volunteer for div4 then one day hanna appears from the shadows n is like don't put haneul's name down for him put mine instead n she tells u her super secret most brilliant plan that can only come from the descendent of einstein himself
hanna can get rly annoyin so mayb back when yall were fireflies agents on patrol she made a snarky comment ab the way u held a gun r u gna tolerate that disrespect!!!!
wud also b funny if back when the kdrt was ruling in busan qz n u were that bitch who were alw tryna sneak in seconds n hanna was like 🖕 refusing 2 help u out unlike the other kitchen hands bc she just didn't want to : )) kdrts rules sorry <3
yall were up in arms during the rebellion or mayb she even mistook u for a traitor / kdrt apologist n held u @ gunpoint until someone stepped in 2 clarify ur position
tw death wud also love 2 explore hanna's emotional side like ik her grandpa was a zomb but she still killed him n that shit haunts her......... mayb u idk found her crying on his birthday n yall had a heart 2 heart n now she's a lil awk around u bc she never lets anyone see her emotional side bc she doesn't have one she's Perfect lil miss can do no wrong <3
wud b cute for hanna 2 innocently crush on someone age appropriate <3 wud lov 2 see her flailing 4 once
also mayb yall dont know each other well n this mission is rlly the first time ur putting each others names 2 ur faces!!! will yall get along or argue?? crystal orb let us know!! 🧐
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keanureevesisbae · 2 years
↳ ❝ [a love story - 13.] ¡!❞
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Hank Voight x Kazuha Takahashi (asian ofc)
Summary: On her way home, Kazuha encounters someone she wasn't prepared for.
Warnings: Mentions of stabbing, blood.
Wordcount: 0.7k
Masterlist // One Chicago Masterlist // a love story masterlist
It’s been a weird few days. Ever since I got back from that trip with Hank, I’ve been living on cloud nine. Every morning before work, he’s already waiting by my car, solely to give me the biggest hug a girl can dream about and a wonderful kiss. Later on, when I’m all settled at work, he comes in, once again only for a kiss. It drives Josie absolutely crazy, but that’s mostly because she’s just a tiny bit jealous.
I’m absolutely loving being around Hank. We bring out sides of the other that surprises us both. I like sappy Hank, shy Hank, romantic Hank. 
I hold one cup in my hand as I’m walking in the 21st district. ‘Hi Trudy,’ I say with a smile. ‘Here is your hazelnut latte.’
Trudy drops the pen on the desk and says: ‘Bambi, something’s up.’ A deep frown appears between her brows. ‘Intelligence didn’t order anything.’
I’m not even going to question how she knows that. ‘I know, but I’m done for today and I thought you might be interested in your hazelnut latte.’
She now smiles. ‘You’re an absolute darling. I love you for it. I hope you know that.’
‘I do, Trudy.’
Trudy looks up and scoffs. ‘It’s like that man has antennas for you.’
Hank descends down the stairs and approaches us. ‘You alright?’ he asks.
I nod. ‘Yeah, I’m good. Just done for today and giving my girl Trudy her well deserved latte.’
‘Hank, I urge you to never lose this girl. I love her. If you break hearts, I will make your life miserable.’
He chuckles. ‘I know and you have full authorization for it.’ He carefully and lightly brushes his fingers against my side. ‘Is today the day you’re going to get your grandma those birthday cakes?’
‘Mhm. Want me to get something for you?’ I ask.
Trudy isn’t even hiding the fact she is eavesdropping. Hank grabs my hand and pulls me towards the exit. We both walk outside into the burning sun. ‘Can you maybe buy some kitchen utensils for me? I’ll pay you back, but… I broke some of mine.’
‘Do I want to know?’
He scratches the back of his neck. ‘Nah, I don’t want you to think low of me.’
I let out a laugh. ‘Okay, I’ll do that. Just text me what you need.’ I look around me, only to see it’s pretty vacant. I quickly press a peck on his lips and say: ‘I might really love you, Hank Voight.’
Hank smiles. ‘I might really love you too, Kazuha Takahashi.’
With the cake in a box and in plastic bag and the needed utensils on top, I make my way towards home. Because of the nice weather, I decided to just walk back home. It’s a beautiful day, the bright sun shining on the streets and my skin. I put on the sunglasses and enjoy the nice and wonderful weather. 
My phone rings and I fish it out of my purse. ‘Hi,’ I say with a smile as I pick up. ‘I bought the utensils. I hope you like purple.’
‘Really?’ I hear Hank’s voice. ‘You bought purple?’
‘Just the handles are purple,’ I say defensively. ‘It was that or black.’
‘Then you go for black.’
I scoff. ‘No, that’s boring. You’re not mad at me, are you?’
‘At this? Of course not. It’s nice to have some Kazuha influences in my house.’
This shouldn’t make me blush in the first place, but I still feel my heart flutter. ‘You like that?’ I ask.
‘I do.’
I want to say something, but someone stops in front of me. ‘Ma’am, do you have a few dollars to spare?’
I shake my head. ‘I’m sorry,’ I say. ‘I don’t have cash on me.’ I already opened my mouth to say something to Hank, when I feel something oddly sharp in my abdomen. I look to the side, only to see the man who just asked me for a few dollars to spare, with a bloody knife in his head. Red blood gushes out of the wound. For a moment I don’t know what to feel, what to think, but then that one stab is accompanied by more and somewhere in the background I hear a woman scream.
But I barely register it, as I collapse on the floor, hearing the voice of Hank coming from my phone. 
Chicago PD taglist (I operate one chicago pd taglist, so one list for all one shots and multichaptered stories): @acdassenza // @wanniiieeee // @one-sweet-gubler // @sofiebstar // @diegos-butt //
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grokebaby · 1 year
🌼🎹🎯🌂❤ for Nan, Grandefel andd Maiju maybe :333 answer as many as you want I just wanna know more about the ocs of all time <3 (also hi me again)
(Hi you again !!)
🌼 = How old? / age group
🎹= Hobbies?
🎯= What do they do best?
🌂= What genre are they in?
❤️= Best memory/ies?
I'm not sure if you meant that all these questions for every single character, or like?? Some other way?? But you said I can do however I want so I shall °w°
Nan being an elder is somewhere between 50-60, I think developmentally she's the oldest character here (not chronologically bc Grandefel has for sure existed for over a thousand years but ykno. What's equivalent to their species). Ofc nan has likely also existed for a little longer than that chronologically speaking? Can't say for sure but she's in the Early elder category. Maiju is AT MOST (equivalent to) in her 40's but I'd put her in late 30's. Middle aged to some capacity. Grandefel is funnily enough youngest of everyone despite having existed the longest lolol, for an angel she'd be considered to be in her 30's approx. She's in the generation between Kxxxtr and Lamera.
Grandefel - What hobbies? 😔 Yall got free time from your all consuming societally enforced role in life? Most her free time is spent with Deirdre and the kids, but if not she's out in the sky exhibiting cat behaviour (lounging on sunny clouds, napping in strange poses and knocking stars off counters their course just bc)
Nan - Something very grandma esque probably. I mean I'm sure she does alot of "hobbyish" activities but moreso because it's been a vital part of her duties growing up (sewing, gardening, cooking ect). But how she entertains herself? Pinecone cows. And talking to them. (Google Käpylehmä, it's a thing wi/ Finns)
Maiju - What hobbies? Looking at picturebooks. Not bc she can't read or doesn't care about reading but she likes to look at nice things especially if she hasn't seen them before. Either that or sitting around and thinking about cool things. If she's feeling extra adventurous probably going on a walk or something, stopping to smell the flowers and all that jazz
Maiju - I feel like I could put so much here and it'd be really obvious. Like decapitation. Wielding a Warhammer. However I think she's the best at being an advisor and second in command to Xerxes when he's Going Normal™ about things (as he does), and keeping the anchor down on stuff. However she's also great at supporting him in his decisions so who's to say..
I'm honestly a little unsure how to answer this for the other two, I'm not saying there aren't things they're good at but I can't think of something they excel either. I think I'll just say both Nan and Grandefel are great at defying the will of unfathomable cosmic forces, whether that be deities Or societal expectations (guess which one is for which character I dare you)
Funnily all these characters exist in the same setting haha? Minus for Nan being an intersectional character in another story of mine as well. Anyway I will go off of vibes
Grandefel - Gay workplace drama
Maiju - Doom with animal crossing music
Nan - that brand of horror where you're stranded in the forest and find yourself in a strange village.. / maybe the monster was the generational trauma all along
(prepares myself emotionally)
I don't think Maiju could pick just one, she can't pick favorites in anything. The first time Xerxes took her to earth to show her sunflowers? Having a ladybug land on her nose? Learning her hair isn't red but Maroon? Getting a tie in a duel against a Power angel? Seeing herself in a mirror for the first time? There's just so many
Grandefel would probably claim it was the day she was made the primary Persecutor after her mentor (father) stepped down, however in reality it was her opening up about her feelings to Deirdre for the first time and crying in the presence of another person. For the first time also.
I feel like.. Nan's favorite memory is still yet to come, because.. (side eyes my story outline) bc ykno (starts tearing up) because b
Future memories aside I too think she can't pick just one. The choice floats between the rare few heartfelt moments with her dad, the support of her relatives after That Tragedy, getting Siru some friends (at all), messing around with her friends at the cow barn, ykno..
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i actually think a lot abt hangman's family, like my headcanons.
It's a big family, 2 parents happily married, 3 girls and 2 boys, and the grandma from the dad's side. They live a simple life, they have a farm, etc etc.
Jake is the youngest of them all. 2 older sisters, then an older brother, and then an older sister. Then Jake. That's the order. And even tho they always thought of having a big family, Jake's mom really just wanted to have babies. The fact that they grew into kids n then teenagers was something she kinda tried not to think abt too much.
So, she just kept having them, thinking she might lose her motherly touch if she never had a baby to coddle. That meant that was basically a year difference between the siblings, two years between baby number 3 and 4 because of some money complications.
After Jake was born, and he lived 1 glorious year of being coddled and babied (as he should ofc), an accident happened, and his mom got seriously hurt. It meant she had to be bedridden for a while, which meant no more making babies for a while.
His dad cared for his wife as much as he could juggling 5 kids and a whole ass farm. As the kids grew older and started going to kindergarten and having friends and getting personalities, the couple had to damage control, which meant putting a bunch of responsibilities on the eldest daughter, which they thought was a quick solution to their problem.
But she never took any of their shit. Their first born was the toughest kid they've ever met, and she never, no matter how much they screamed and punished her, let herself become a mother to her siblings. She was their oldest sister. That's it. And the most they would get from her is her help around the farm.
So the oldest kids started getting their chores while the mom healed. The second Jake could walk on his own, it was like a relief. "He can take care of himself now. I can rest." and Jake knew this.
Every time he went to his parents with anything, for help, for affection, for questions, they always had this air of resignation to them that lil Jake always picked up on. Like he was an afterthought.
The person that always advocated for him was his eldest sister, but even her grew up and had her own problems and life. Which led to Jake doing anything he could to get his parents attention. Anything.
At first he went for his own siblings, pulling the girls hair, destroying their toys, ripping drawings apart. But he always felt so guilty when they cried and ignored him. He was trying to get his parents attention, not his siblings hatred. So he started going after other kids when he got to school.
He'd annoy everyone, disrupt the classroom, anything to get the teachers to say they're gonna call his parents. He thought it was soooo funny how they only looked at him when he messed up. He started doing it out of spite, just to see them fume.
That is until his brother and him got into a fight. His brother always got cool stuff while Jake always got the scraps, and it led to Jake stealing things from him. They got into a serious scuffle that ended when one of their sisters saw Jake getting choked by his brother and started screaming. From then on, Jake knew that if push comes to shove, his family could just end him like that. They didnt love him, he was just there taking up space.
So he did a 180. He became quiet and withdrawn, but had fits of anger. They came with crying until he was 7 and the kids his age told him "boys dont cry" and he got so scared his parents would abandon him that he never cried in front of people after that.
A year later, when his sister was 13, she was caught kissing a girl by one of their neighbors.
There was a lot of screaming and sobbing, and for years to come, the eldest Seresin daughter refused to call their parents as such. She'd always call them by their names, and would ignore them all the time. The only time she was there was for her siblings, who might have their own thoughts on the matter, but they were still her siblings, and she'd never abandon them.
Things got quieter after this. It's like they were afraid to make noise, lest they anger their parents. So, the kids kept to their own. The parents just thought they had grown up quick and were leaving them more n more, becoming more independent, which was a good thing.
Except they all became their own versions of fucked up.
The eldest had her dream of becoming a horse riding teacher, and plans to do it all on her own. Secretly, shes afraid she'll never be loved and believes this fully. She thinks not having her parents support is better than having it. She ignores how much she misses having their love and approval, and knows she'll never have it. She never lets any of her siblings too close, shes just there to be useful and then shes gone. She assumes they like it that way but they all miss her.
The second oldest wants to be an actress, in theater specifically. Her parents dont approve, but she follows in her sister's footsteps, and rebels against them. She finds out rather early that she's not like other teenagers, in the sense that sex strongly grosses her out. She thinks its because of her being too religious, but secretly she knows she doesnt rly believe in god. It distances her from the rest of her family, since she thinks she's kinda of a freak. She ignores all pregnancy comments her mother throws her way. She compensates by dating a lot of people, but it never ends well since they always expect it to go further and she just cant do it.
The eldest son gets closer to his grandma, which had a love for tapestry. So while he stays on the farm, mostly to appease his parents, secretly he wants to pursue tapestry full time. Him and his grandma have secret tapestry meetings. He feels stuck, like he has to stay or else the whole family will fall apart. He never lets himself live his life lest it ends up being too divergent from what his parents want, and at this point he just wants peace.
The youngest daughter is more of a free spirit, and the older she gets the less she is home. She just thinks theres no point in doing anything grand when she can just stay at the farm with her parents, who r too busy with their trouble children to pay attention to her. She has no ambitions, and isnt interested in falling in love and starting a family. She just wants a place to fall back to if she needs it. She becomes a sort of ghost, there but forgotten. She thinks she likes it that way. She doesn't.
Jake grows up to be in denial over his sexuality. He knows what happens, and he prefers having his parents support than not. He becomes the quiet kid they can depend on when his brother is busy, and thats it. He goes to the navy just to do something, but do it well. In fact, do it so well its all his parents can talk about. Its also a great excuse to not be home all the time. He assumes if he doesnt do good in this thing he chose, he'll lose whatever respect his parents have for him. So he'll just play perfect son, perfect man, etc. etc. and ignores all marriage talk ever. Mostly ends with him saying that they'll have plenty of grandkids with his siblings, so dont bother him abt it.
Its with growing up that the siblings start to own up to the fact that 1) their parents fucked them up bad, and 2) they miss each other a lot.
So they become a strong squad of 5, the eldest sis caring for her queer siblings best she can, secretly emotional abt them confiding in her. The 2 brothers stop fighting, and Jake joins the tapestry meetings, much to his grandma's delight. She always saw right through him. They attend every performance of the second oldest, and shes amazing. The youngest sister judges everyones crushes whenever pics r sent to their groupchat. And its not perfect, but its amazing, and they're healing.
One day tho, they're all there for Christmas. They managed to convince the eldest to come, to surprise their parents. She hadnt been there ever since she got her own place at 21. It's very stilted at first but they manage, mostly because the siblings actually like each other now.
It comes crashing down when their grandma accidentally starts gushing abt the boys work with her, completely forgetting its supposed to be a secret. It gets tense, and then their father makes some comment abt it being smth girls do. And all hell breaks loose.
Because grandma scolds her son and his wife for all the shit they've done over the years. The kids watch as the 3 elders fight over the dinner table. Everyone thought, if somebody is ruining Christmas, then it would be the eldest daughter. She thought so as well.
Their mom is crying, saying how she did her best and all she ever wanted was a happy family, and smth just snaps in Jake. All that anger over never being thought of first, all those years of just not being seen as himself, but just their normal, charming, well adjusted son. And he's the one screaming at them, abt how they're all fucked up because of them, and jsut because they did their best doesnt mean it was enough. If they couldnt be there for their 5 kids, they shouldnt have had them. And that stuns them, and in their silence all of the kids talk over each other on how they've had to be each other parents over the years, while all they did was stay in their conservative little bubbles and never trying to get to know their kids.
The rest of the dinner is quiet, and the kids are the first to get up and leave the table, the brothers and their grandam doing their tapestry session in the living room for all to see, while the second oldest puts on her fav playlist and makes her younger sister dance and sing with her, much to the youngest dismay. The eldest quietly helps with the dishes and ignores any looks her parents throw her way, before joining her siblings and wanting to try tapestry as well. Their parents watch, not knowing where they fit.
The next morning, Jake wakes up first. He's always been an early bird, and the navy didn't help. He's 24 now, and he still has the same routine from when he was a kid. He's not expecting his mom to be awake.
That's when the family finally starts getting together. It starts with Jake and their mom and a very emotional conversation, where she watches her son cry for the first time since he was seven. He comes out to her. She says she will accept it, with time. And it's all she asks. Time.
After that, the kids try to include the parents on their things. The eldest sister reveals her girlfriend of 5 years, and asks her dad how he proposed to mom so she can do it himself. He's overcome with feelings because her girlfriend had asked for his blessing earlier to marry his daughter. The mom discovers that she really likes screen writing, and bonds with her second daughter over it. They talk abt theater and acting, and why she'll never conceive children in the traditional sense. She does want to adopt one day, when she finds her person (her mom doesnt miss the word "person"). The oldest brother reveals that he actually has a personality, which is a lot sassier than the parents thought. They also start receiving tapestry presents whenever he finishes one he likes. The youngest daughter reveals she and her friends want to open a cat cafe, and enthusiastically shows her plans to her parents, that choose to ignore the blunt shes smoking in lieu of asking what the fuck a cat cafe is. And Jake sends them letters, pictures and stories abt his time in the navy. He talks boys with his mom, assuming his dad wouldnt be very interested, but he has a thirst for gossip apparently after crashing one of their son-mom sessions, and now will be personally offended in Jake doesnt talk boys with him there. He's more judgey than Jake realized. No man is good enough for his little boy. Ever.
And its not perfect, but theyre trying, and its fucking bliss.
(names i've finally chosen for Jake's siblings, by order of oldest to youngest: Anneliese, Catherine, Corey, Mia, Jake. their parents names are: Grace and Harrison. their grandma's name is: Madeleine.)
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howdyfriend · 2 years
walks in strutting like a model. i would like to know more about dwight please (if ur comfortable sharing ofc ehe)
I will always share everything about my ocs
Ok so Dwight lives in a Victorian esque town/timeperiod. His father is a surgeon, so he had lost of medical books and papers around the house, which he used to read when he got the chance. His father also had his clinic in their home, so he would listen in on his father's appointments. His mother homeschooled him, and he didn't have many friends.
One day, people started noticing weird growths on their bodies. At first people assumed it was harmless, then it started doing more damage and people started to die. Dwight's father was one of the leaders in trying to figure out what the fuck is going on, and despite preventative measures, Dwight ended up being exposed and falling ill. The disease in question was actually a fungus, which would grow its mycelium not too far below the surface of the skin, before traveling deeper to gain energy for the fruiting bodies. Nobody knew this however, and started treating the fungus as a death sentence.
Dwight however, got a different treatment. Due to being in such close proximity to his father, he was treated as an experiment. Multiple scientists and doctors would be in and out of his room, poking and prodding. This put strain on his relationship with his parents, as they became less loving and more like jailers. One night, he was picking at the growths and realized they didn't extend that deep yet. When his father ignored his observation, he took matters into his own hands. In an act of desperation, he cut off the affected areas, sewing himself back up with patchwork. His parents were both horrified and furious at this discovery, and realizing he wasn't safe, Dwight fled through his window and out into the streets.
This proved a challenge, however, as now he had to adapt to his injuries, keep them clean, and find necessary shelter, food, and water. He would remain lost for a couple of weeks, scavenging what he can, when he meets the granddaughter of a nice old lady. Her name is Alice, and the two became fast friends. After, of course, she got over his patched up body. He was invited into her home, with Alice's grandma being blind and unable to see Dwight, carved out a spot at their dinner table. He would spend time meeting other kids in the neighborhood, creating a group of friends he can rely on to navigate the world around them :)
I always think of them in a sort of morbid slice of life type story. Stealing trinkets form bodies and running away laughing type beat. I'll probably draw him with his friends eventually. I think about them a lot after all.
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brainrattlers · 2 years
Play It Cool - Tyson Jost (23/n)
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Author's Notes: Tyson's struggling a little with the first round loss, and the love of his life being so far away, but AJ made the leap, she packed it up and made her way north. She didn't realize just how far north she'd be going this summer! Tyson had some plans that he had to clue AJ into, but she's doing her best to just go with what life throws at her right now.
Pacing on this chapter is a little weird. There is always so much build up when traveling to get somewhere you want to be, and then it seems to slow down once there. Or maybe I have that backward - it takes forever to get there, then things go fast? Either way... the journey to St. Paul was a long one. But don't think that's the only traveling this summer... oh no. The traveling has just started... I've always heard that if you want to make or break a relationship, you travel with your partner. Will Tyson and AJ survive this? (Duh, of course.)
Also I'm driving to St. Paul here in a few weeks, and... yeah I'm dreading that drive too. It isn't from Denver, but still a good 8-9 hour drive. I feel AJ's pain. Pairing: Tyson Jost x OFC (AJ)
Word Count: 4478
Warnings: Language. Tyson's a little handsy at the beach but... he's a guy and this is easily PG-13 if not less.
Chapter 22 is at: https://brainrattlers.tumblr.com/post/695900532270874624/play-it-cool-tyson-jost-22n
The last two days were rough on Tyson. He was still pretty upset about the Game 6 loss, which was understandable. But he waited, albeit impatiently, for the best thing he had going to arrive. 
AJ had texted Tyson as she was getting ready to leave Denver, heart pounding and fingers fidgety as she was starting a new part of her life.
AJ: Packed up, in the car. Getting my last Dutch Bros. Be there in about 13 hours… ready to start writing this new chapter with you.
Tyson squinted with one eye looking at his phone screen, a grin lit up his face.
Tyson: Counting the MINUTES. Drive safe love.
Confined to his small room at the extended stay hotel, he flipped on the TV to find something to watch to pass the time. He ran downstairs and ate breakfast before they picked up the food for the morning, and did some running on the treadmill at the hotel gym as it was raining again. Tyson was just not good at sitting still when he was looking forward to something. 
The plan was to actually meet up with AJ at the storage unit he snagged, since not all of both of their things were going to fit in that tiny space that they were now going to share. It wouldn’t be a long time, since they both started actually looking at listings and sharing them back and forth. But there was also a lot of random plans Tyson had for the summer, and was trying to figure out how to keep AJ incorporated in those plans. But until there was a more permanent residence, they both were going to have some things at multiple locations.
Checking in along the way, AJ posted various things to Instagram, and responded to comments on posts when stopping for gas for her car, or sent silly texts to Tyson.
AJ: Things I think about while driving… are zebras white with black stripes? OR are they black with white stripes? Speaking about white stripes, I’m listening to The White Stripes right now. I’m somewhere in Nebraska. See you soon babe.
AJ: Des Moines was originally named Fort Raccoon. It then became Fort Des Moines, and finally, in 1857, was shortened to Des Moines. Little less than 4 hours, can’t wait to kiss you.
Tyson: I can’t wait to kiss you either. Speed a little more? Just don’t get caught. I’ve heard stories from the guys about the cops out here
AJ: I’m in your state!
Tyson: You’re in OUR state! (smile emoji)
It hit different that AJ was indeed almost to her new home. Although now it would really be that home is a feeling and not a physical place, necessarily. 
Tyson had planned on traveling up to see his family, bringing AJ with him so she could finally meet Grandpa Jim and Grandma Emily. It’d been months since he’d seen Kacey. He was also going to train with some specialist coaches and work on what he felt were weak points in his game. Seeing friends, maybe hit the lakes a bit. It was going to be a summer of whatever Tyson wanted to do… as long as AJ was okay with it as well.
He hadn’t exactly ASKED if she were okay with these ideas, but, he certainly hoped she’d be okay with traveling a bit. Tyson wasn’t joking when he said he wanted to spoil her more. What good was money if he couldn’t spend it within reason? 
As AJ approached St. Paul, the last few texts to Jess were sent, letting her know of the arrival.
AJ: I can’t believe we won’t get to watch the games together, with pre-game margs and tacos. This sucks.
Jess: I know, right? Is it too soon to ask when you’re coming back to visit?
AJ: Probably a little. We’ll figure it out though, okay? I'm not ditching you for a boy. I mean I kind of am. A really hot one. But I promise he will not get in the way (evil imp face)
AJ: On that note… I’m in traffic and am almost to the storage unit to drop off a few things. I’ll text you later. Miss you already!
With a few turns onto some side streets, AJ saw Tyson’s Grand Cherokee parked near the entrance to the storage unit facility, with him leaning up against the vehicle, face engulfed in a smile as bright as the sun that afternoon. Unlocking the door, Tyson opened the front seat, but then realized that Maple was in the way, and was stuck cramming himself into a tiny corner of the backseat, getting AJ and the trailer to the correct unit. Thankfully it was just the trailer getting unloaded, the things in her car were coming with - you know, clothes, computer equipment, toiletries, pillows…
Working as a team, the couple unloaded and stacked things into the small storage unit, trying not to crush Tyson’s sofa and a few things he already had in there. With the trailer empty, AJ had to take it to a drop-off location, and Tyson said he’d wait for her at the hotel - he had to get things set up so that she could park and have in/out privileges like he did, and wouldn’t have the hassle of waiting for the valet. He saw her car on Grand, so he hopped outside really quick to show her where to park. 
“Hey babe, should I be jealous that someone is getting out of the passenger side of your vehicle? Should I text Jess asking what I should do?” Tyson started giggling as AJ shot him a glare as she unbuckled and pulled Maple the Bear from the front seat.
“Zip it, Jost.” AJ rolled her eyes but joined in the giggles.
Everything had been brought upstairs within two trips, and AJ collapsed next to Maple on the chaise lounge section of the sofa. It was 1000% an emotionally draining day, not to mention driving thirteen hours. Tyson was on the complete other end of the spectrum, with energy to burn. However, the way this duo worked is that they compliment each other, they balance each other out. Tyson took a hint and laid across the sofa with his head in AJ’s lap, her fingers aimlessly playing with his curls, waking up slightly. On the other hand, Tyson simmered down, cozying the back of his head into AJ’s thighs, smiling up at her. 
“Welcome home, Eggo.”
AJ smiled softly. “It’s good to be home, Maple Syrup Man. So… what’s the plan? Other than I think I’m crashing early tonight, no offense. This week has been a blur, especially the last two days.”
She didn’t mean to cause it, but Tyson felt an emotional stab to his heart. HE was the reason she was so tired, because he was so needy, in his own mind. He closed his eyes, trying to push back those thoughts. AJ immediately picked up on it, and softly slid her finger along his forehead, and down the bridge of his nose, and back up again, soothing the creases in-between his eyes. A tiny sigh from Tyson happened, as AJ felt his neck loosen up more leaving his head to press more against her legs. Leaning over, a small smile formed on AJ’s lips as she looked at the far more relaxed Tyson.
Opening his eyes, and looking up into her light blue ones, Tyson made AJ an offer she couldn’t turn down.
“So, I hope this doesn’t come off as too forward, I think you’re pretty cute. Would you wanna have dinner at my place tonight? Maybe… spaghetti and meatballs?”
“Gee, I don’t know, is it far from my place? I’m new in town and am not familiar with the area.”
Tyson lifted his head up as AJ leaned down for a quick kiss before he hopped up off the sofa and took a few steps to find himself in the kitchen grabbing a few utensils and kettles. AJ was going to join him to help out in the kitchen, but it truly was small. Granted it was still bigger than the one they danced in the last time she stayed at the hotel, but still, slow dancing and cooking are two very different choreographies that require different amounts of space.
Plus, sensing how tired AJ was, he insisted he cook dinner tonight so that she could recover a bit. She found herself sitting at the tiny kitchen/dining room table for two, her chin propped up in her hand watching the festivities. Something caught her eye though, and she squinted.
Attached to the side of the refrigerator were tons of post-it notes with familiar handwriting.
Tyson caught AJ staring at the collage of notes. “Yep. I’ve kept every single one I’ve found. I’m still finding some. You really went all out on those, but that’s what kept me sane while you were still in Denver. When I felt alone, I read every single one over again. It was like you were right here with me.”
A boiling pot of water was salted slightly, and a box of pasta splashed into it. Meatballs were tossed in a bowl, and put into the microwave as the room didn’t have an oven this time around, as opposed to his old place in Denver. (“I’m sorry they won’t be as good this time.” “What do you mean? This is the first time I’ve had dinner with you, handsome man that invited me to his place for dinner…”) Sauce was poured into a small kettle to be heated up on the second burner on the tiny stove.
While everything boiled, simmered, or was zapped in the microwave, Tyson was grabbing bowls and silverware from the cabinet and drawer. Hands shoved into oven mitts, the pasta was drained masterfully, and divided between the two bowls. Sauce was ladled onto the steaming noodles, and finally the meatballs were placed on top. Tyson placed the two bowls on the table and sat down.
“You know I could get used to you being all domestic and hot.”
“Wait until you see me do the dishes,” Tyson wiggled his eyebrows.
Maybe it was the fact that AJ was enjoying hot food that wasn’t takeout (it’d been a few days considering she was emptying out the old place), maybe it was that she wasn’t in her car. It might have even been the company in AJ’s presence. It took a moment, but a huge sigh slipped from AJ’s lips, fighting a yawn. It wasn’t even a yawn because she was tired physically - it was more of an emotional release. The stress of being on the road was gone. The frustration that they were only going to be able to facetime tonight was gone. Things were all lining up the way they should. The tiny space may not be ideal, but it didn’t matter. Things were going to change up in the next few weeks, months, years… none of it mattered as long as Tyson was right there with her.
And the feeling was apparently subconsciously mutual, as Tyson watched AJ figure out whatever was going on inside her head, and agreed by tapping his foot on hers under the table. Realizing she was staring at her pasta, AJ looked up, and found Tyson’s eyes crinkled as his lips curled up, seeing her sitting in front of him.
Dinner was pretty much eaten in silence, other than the occasional smile and giggle at each other. The two fell right back in sync. For these two, quiet wasn’t uncomfortable. They could communicate with body language , no words spoken. Just knowing the other person was there was enough. One of the things that AJ missed the most during the last couple months was lazy afternoons spent on the sofa, Tyson strumming on his uke, AJ playing a game or reading a book, and literally her foot was on his thigh. They could be doing completely unrelated things in each other’s physical presence, but it was the simple fact they occupied the same space that made everything feel right in the world.
With the last noodles slurped and bowl scraped, it was AJ that hopped up and grabbed Tyson’s utensils and headed for the sink.
“Babe, I told you that I’d get this, you’ve had a long day.”
“Hey, if we’re living together, I can’t not do my part. You cooked, I’ll clean up. It’s only fair.” AJ was honestly NOT wanting to do the dishes, she really just wanted to crawl into bed and sleep about twenty hours. But in her heart, she knew this was right.
Thankfully the amount of dishes was minimal. AJ started scrubbing the dishes, and Tyson waited patiently for a couple to hit the rack so he could dry them and put them away. There might have been a small delay as he wrapped his arms around her from behind, and let his lips barely brush above AJ’s collar on the back of her neck. Dropping the sponge in the sink, she was able to turn around and use the dish towel slung over Tyson’s neck in two ways - first to dry her hands, and then second to use as a way to pull his face closer to hers. This really was the first time the couple stopped and really kissed since AJ arrived earlier that afternoon.
Just like everything else that evening, it was soft. The biggest difference though was that it was much lengthier and involved arms and hands slowly wrapping around the other as lips stayed connected. Once the kiss had run its course, they stayed wrapped up in each other for a few more moments, AJ had buried her face into the crook of Tyson’s neck, slowly brushing the tip of her nose along his collarbone. Needing a little more connection still, Tyson’s lips found AJ’s forehead, grazing with featherweight pressure against her skin. The silence was barely broken by the sounds of the two breathing each other in and out. 
AJ opened her eyes and slowly tilted her head upward.
“As much as I wish this moment could last forever, because it feels so perfect, I’m fading fast. Some of us have been up since 3am Denver time…”
“Yeah yeah, you make it out that you drove 13 hours today,” Tyson smirked, “Let’s get these dishes done and get some sleep.”
Drying the silverware and putting it in the drawer, Tyson watched AJ grab her suitcase and pull out a tee and boxers to slip into before ducking into the bathroom to take out her contacts and brush her teeth. It occurred to him that they were going to need to find a bigger place soon – not that he minded the closeness - it was just more that they were combining two living spaces into a tiny one and inevitably they’d probably snap at each other at some point for being in each other’s space TOO much.
AJ emerged from the bathroom, and flopped onto the bed face-first. Turning her head though, she noticed that her pillows were on the other side of the bed from where they normally are when the two would crash with each other. Rolling onto her back, she admired the view in the bathroom as Tyson was brushing his teeth. The very edge of his boxer brief-clad butt was in view in the doorway. AJ shifted just a bit to see Tyson shaking his behind to an imaginary song in his head, toothbrush moving to the same beat. 
His ears must have been burning, feeling AJ’s observing eyes upon him. Leaning back a bit, he caught AJ staring. He shook his hips with more exaggeration, and went back to brushing his teeth.
A few more minutes were spent in the bathroom, flossing his teeth and washing his face. He leaned back again while drying his face to check on AJ, only to find her already asleep, diagonally across the bed. Sneaking out quietly, he didn’t want to wake her up, but was finding he was going to likely have to - she was on mostly his side of the bed.
“Eggo…” Tyson whispered softly near AJ’s ear, “can you scootch over a bit? You’re on my pillows.”
AJ was pretty asleep already, and there was no response. He tried again, touching her arm lightly, not wanting to startle her.
“Baby girl…”
The words roused AJ just a bit, because usually that was something she got called when Tyson was trying to get her riled up. The tone was not deep though, so she wasn’t triggered too much.
“Mmm?” AJ questioned, still half asleep.
“Babe, I need you to scoot just a bit, you’re on my side of the bed.”
“Hmm mmmm.” AJ gripped Tyson’s pillow harder and nodded back off.
At a loss of what to do, Tyson tried to pry the pillow from AJ’s extreme grip, and roll her over to more of her side of the bed. He got her a quarter of the way there when she started murmuring and was seemingly grumpy about the situation. (I mean, if you’d driven 13 hours and had just fallen asleep, you’d be grumpy too, right?) With enough room to at least get onto a portion of his side of the bed, Tyson slid under the duvet and wedged himself under AJ enough to slide her a bit more over. She finally let go of her deathgrip on the pillow.
“Finally!” Tyson thought to himself, as he slid his pillow away to put under his own head.
But instead, AJ grabbed onto whatever was closest to her to hug tight. It happened to be Tyson himself. The two of them are in this giant king-size bed, and are taking up a third of it, pushing Tyson close to the edge.
Making the best of it, Tyson cradled AJ in his arms, trying to keep from losing circulation in them. And a bit later, he finally drifted to sleep. The two woke up as the sun started streaming through the sheer curtains, very much still crammed to one side of the bed. Definitely confused, AJ looked around and realized where she was, and also that she was not even close to her side of the bed. She rolled back over, and Tyson stretched, wincing slightly as his arms went over his head.
“May have to call you Koala Bear instead of Eggo the way you were clinging to me last night.” 
AJ’s eyes went wide. “Oh no, I am so sorry. I don’t even remember falling asleep. I remember watching you dance while brushing your teeth and… then I really don’t remember. I feel awful about taking up the whole bed. Our first real night together and I’m an absolute jerk. I wasn’t actually that curled up with you, was I? Oh no…”
Tyson sheepishly grinned. “Yeah babe, you… kinda were. It was cute though.”
A lazy morning was had, the two snagged breakfast before it shut down in the lobby. Tyson was a little fidgety though, and AJ wasn’t sure why. She finally questioned it, noting that he was tapping his foot inadvertently against AJ’s.
“Something bothering you? You’ve seemed to be a little off this morning. Was it me stealing the bed last night?”
Tyson looked down, trying to figure out how to say what he was needing to. 
“I know you just got here, but… I’m thinking about heading home for a bit. Nothing too long, but I was thinking maybe late next week or so. I’m looking to do some training with Dynamic, and want to see family.” He paused, then looked AJ in the eye. “I was kind of hoping you might want to come with? You know Grandpa and Grandma want to meet you. Kace and Mom will be around too.”
AJ nodded, adding, “Okay, it’s not like I really have plans or anything, babe. I’m just going with the flow right now. How long would we be gone?”
The two discussed plans, and it would be a couple weeks, and Tyson even insisted if she wanted to come back to St. Paul, she could. He didn’t want to hold AJ captive in a country that wasn’t her own if she didn’t want to be there the whole time. AJ saw it as a chance to connect with Tyson’s family more… her at some point soon in-laws.
Over the next few days, AJ and Tyson had time to themselves, and it honestly was spent just roaming around the Twin Cities area. That date that kept getting put off in Denver of visiting the zoo finally happened, albeit much further north. AJ brought Tyson to Electric Fetus to find out what was new in the music world. A day was spent at Lake Minnetonka with some of Tyson’s teammates, past (college) and present. 
In fact, Lake Day was probably Tyson’s favorite day since AJ permanently arrived, as water is definitely his element. Skating on frozen water, and doing tricks on the wakeboard - it all makes sense with Tyson being a Pisces. Oddly enough, AJ is a fire sign as a Leo, but she’ll also claim she was born a month early (truth) and would have been a Virgo, another water sign. Sure, Tyson enjoyed seeing friends new and old, and playing in the water (and was happy to see AJ wasn’t worried about getting her hair wet and dove right into the water), but his favorite part of it was a bit more… handsy.
You see, AJ is a pale, pasty gal of Western European ancestry. A large chunk Irish, German, Italian, and Polish - and that is just her mom’s side. Regardless, she burns within minutes of being in the sun. Tyson took this into consideration and was consistently asking if she needed more sunscreen. Sure, he didn’t want her getting sunburned, but the ulterior motive was clear:
Putting sunscreen on someone is one of the few times that it is 100% acceptable to get handsy in public.
Tyson was more than willing to rub the lotion onto AJ’s exposed skin. Shoulders? Check. Neck? Got it. Back? Happy to oblige. He was even trying to get a bit cheeky (no pun intended) by smoothing it up AJ’s calves, knees, and thighs. She literally had to tell him to stop before he got any ideas further up (too late, of course).
Otherwise, even though AJ had no experience with wakeboarding, he was so excited to see her try, fail, try, fail, try… and finally actually stand up for a few moments. Even Tyson’s friends were cheering her on as she was doing better than a few of them were. With a little practice she’d probably get much better, but for what she accomplished that day, AJ was even proud of herself. It wasn’t the actual standing on the board that made her feel good - it was the fact she was doing something new in front of people she didn’t know, and did not care. Incredible wipeout? She was the first to start laughing when she found the water’s surface, exclaiming “Tell me that looked as epic fail as I felt like it did! LET’S GO AGAIN!”
Tyson couldn’t understand that AJ ever felt like she was out of place, she always seemed to mesh well with everyone she talked to. Just like in Colorado, everyone in Minnesota was understanding why AJ was so different in the best possible way.
With that, AJ noticed that the anxiety and worry that seemed to be lurking just under the surface of Tyson had receded over the last few days. And with the anticipation of heading back home, it was the most relaxed she’d seen him be in… months really. Tyson couldn’t wait to show AJ where he grew up and experience all that Edmonton had to offer.
After just a couple more days in St. Paul, AJ kept her promise to Tyson she made weeks prior, showing just how good at packing luggage she was. A small carry-on and her backpack had a week and a half’s worth of clothes, toiletries, and all the electronics she’d need to survive. Tyson had a full size suitcase and was still worried about not fitting all of his things. She helped him re-pack and found that he had a lot more space if he’d fold things differently.
The two got up early and snagged an Uber to the airport, and went through security. AJ downed a handful of Dramamine with a bottle of water. She fidgeted with the label on the bottle, tearing it into little pieces.
“You good?” Tyson’s voice was laced with concern.
“Y'know how I get motion sickness? I mean I haven’t in a while because I’m used to your driving, or I am the chauffeur… but me being a little tired to start with at the lake? Dramamine.” AJ paused. 
Tyson nodded for her to continue.
“I’m a terrible airplane passenger. They won’t let me fly the plane, so… Dramamine.”
The joke caught Tyson off-guard causing laughter to erupt from him. Once the chuckle was under control though, he knew just how anxious she could get, especially if she started feeling the dizziness and nausea that plagued her.
“Aww, Eggo, you know I’ve got you.” Tyson wove his fingers into AJ’s.
Those fingers stayed intertwined until the plane had taken off, despite AJ trying to break Tyson’s hand while squeezing it as the plane leaned back to gain altitude. Finally the Dramamine really did it’s thing, and AJ fell asleep against Tyson’s shoulder.
“Hey, hey babe?” Tyson squeezed AJ’s hand, “Wake up, we’re in Calgary.”
AJ groggily looked around and rubbed her eyes, contacts dry from sleep. After a turbulent landing (and potentially bruised hand for Tyson as AJ squeezed it really hard again… he asked her to try to loosen her grip slightly for the next flight as he was going to need those hands for practice the next few days), they had a quick layover, snagging some brunch and doing some people-watching until their next flight into Edmonton.
Calgary to Edmonton, thankfully, was pretty uneventful. AJ stayed awake and watched out the window nearly the whole flight, sans takeoff and landing. Those were some of the things that set off her vertigo for sure. But she did her best to simply loosely hold onto Tyson’s hand, this time succeeding. Once on the ground, with carry-on items in hand, the two exited the plane and made it to the baggage claim, finding Tyson’s suitcase.
Just outside of security, Tyson’s face lit up. In front of them, just down the corridor, the whole Jost clan (including Grandpa Jim and Grandma Emily) stood with their own sign.
“Welcome Home, Tyson! Welcome to Canada, AJ!” Ready for Part 24? https://brainrattlers.tumblr.com/post/697160469821194240/play-it-cool-tyson-jost-24n
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