#his nickname is Pez like the candy
beef-unknwn · 5 months
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Hey guys meet my cat his name is Pestilence because he's sick af
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envyangelic · 9 months
꩜˚₊‧⁺⋆♱⋆☠︎︎ CHANGES ☠︎︎⋆♱⋆⁺‧₊ ˚ ꩜
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Part i of the CHANGES series
“ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES” Three words preached to you since day one. Words that bounced on the walls covered in your drawings made by crayons when you were six. You were grounded and the hysterical tears melted your face.
Your mother kissed your tears away but for the next week you were grounded. Days went on maybe you learned your lesson of thinking before acting but there was all sorts of actions of things you didn’t think clearly of before doing.
You watched your brother get into all sorts of trouble and then same thing would happen to him;grounded grounded grounded.
And then your mom got cancer and couldn’t keep up with the healthcare bills, she slowly wilted away. Consequences.
Your entire life filled with different consequences. Different experiences and even more stuff happening to you. Then it happened. The beginning of your senior year, you were almost out of that god forsaken town. But that never really happened in the way you wanted it to. Something happened, you didn’t think before you acted.
The action? Indescribablely horrifying. The consequences? Losing everything.
The morning outside your warm and cozy room is cold and breezy. Rain droplets stick the window and fallen leaves cascade the ground. A fog hangs over the small town in the mountains making anything too far unseeable.
A knock on the door awakes you from your slumber. You groan getting out the bed stretching your arms above your head. Your bare feet tap down the hallway. You let out a yawn as you peek through the door’s peephole and you’re met with the sight of one of your friends. His light brown face with a memorable eyebrow piercing faces the door annoyed and waiting.Unlocking and opening the door you get ready to scold him for waking you up so early.
You wipe your eyes of exhaustion “Elijah? It’s too early what do you want?” You sigh, Elijah rolls his eyes. “Someone’s grumpy, it’s not early at all you lazy ass it’s 11 am.” Your eyes widen in surprise.
“11am?!” You gasp, Elijah smugly smiles in response. “Who rocked your world last night?” He jokes leaning on the wooden banister of the porch. “Work did.”
You roll your eyes as you notice something different about him. His black curly hair is bleached to a blonde with only the black roots. “Woah, what did you do your hair? You look sick.” You laugh as his pushes his hair back making a fashionable face. “OH oh this new hair? Thank you, hold your applause.” He says with confidence.
“No I meant as it looks sick like I wanna puke.” You joke with him pretending to throw up. He shakes his head and you motion him to come inside. “Soo, you better have a good excuse to waking me up.” You turn around into the house walking into the kitchen starting up the coffee maker.
“I found this really cool place. And I know what you’re gonna say. No, that’s so stupid we’re gonna get caught and fined. But, it’s really far from the police station and we’d have plenty of time to run before the cops come.” He tries to explain himself as you look over to him with the most disagreeing eyes.
“I don’t feel like wasting gas, nor could I. I’m way too low on cash right now.” You tell him but he shakes his head “I already got us a ride, Pez.” You roll your eyes but smile at the nickname. Pez, the nickname Elijah and Mason call you. When you first met them you were surviving on sweet candy in your beater car running away from your home. It’s long ago now, maybe almost 3 years. You don’t like to track the time or remember the past.
The memories rush back anyways. You were reluctant to trust them, but then again you were stuck in the middle of no where, in a state you weren’t familiar with. Almost all your cash has run out and you didn’t have enough for gas to go further so you trusted them. Without any questions, they helped you get a new id with a fake name and started you working at a local bar.
“Did you really rope Mason into this?” Ypu ask as you pour a cup of coffee. Elijah starts to put some sugar in his. “Yep, only took a night and I promised I’d get him something.” Elijah winks and you scrunch your face up. “Really? Did not need to know that first part.” You groan and he takes a sip of coffee. “I’m gonna go get ready.”
You slip away from the kitchen into the bathroom. Freshening up your hair and putting on light makeup, you put your hair into his signature style before returning your room. You decide to pick out a warmer outfit. Your favorite pair of cozy pants and a fashionable yet warm top paired with a jacket that will definitely keep you toasty warm.
Sluggishly, you put on warm wool socks and converse. The only pair of shoes you could really afford that were durable. “I’m ready.” You tell Elijah as he finishes his coffee. “We’ll just walk to the cafe, Mason should be getting off his shift in 20 mintues and lucky us that’s how long it’ll take for us to get there.”
You quickly lock the door walking down from the steps as Elijah pulls out a cigarette and lights it. “Want one?” He offers but you decline “I quit months ago.” You respond. Elijah rolls his shoulders in a ‘you do you way’. He inhaled the tar smoke before breathing it out. Its smell entraps you into wanting one. You bite your lip pushing away the wanted feeling of no anxiety for a few split seconds. You decide to concrete on something different.
You tug your cold hands into a ball warming them up before burying them deep into the wool aligned pockets. Your eyes dart to the large forest on the side of the road. It keeps you interested and takes you away from the nicotine sparked thoughts as you look at the long trees and all the leaves that stem from the branches. Some water trails down from the trees plopping you on the head. Elijah finished his cig as he throws it on the ground crushing it with his heel.
“We’re here.” We look both ways before speed walking over to the left side of the road and down the pavement leading to the towns “shopping area” if you could call it that. It was more of just bunch of small businesses littered around the roads. The town was small but still a lot of new faces would appear from time to time. Businesses would make their money off of people who stopped in the town. Your town is more like a resting stop, people come and go never staying. Expect for you, you want to stay here. You barely see cops only when they’re called. Most people keep to themselves not wanting to get caught up in other people’s business.
Your mind zones back in with the sound of wet gravel ruffling against the bottom of your shoes. You’re half way down the pavement as the cafes back door swings open revealing Mason in his light pink uniform. Mason’s dull stressed face lights up as he sees Elijah. Elijah spends no waiting as he hugs Mason and presses his lips against Mason’s pale white face. “You cheeky bastard! You really did rope him into this!” You laugh out as Elijah rolls his hopping into the front seat of Mason’s car.
Before Mason opens the door he looks over to me. “Just letting you know, I am NOT doing this by will.” He groans and opens the car door taking a seat. You join them too but sit in the back since Elijah chose the front. Mason turns the engine on and Elijah guides him on the road.
The roads twist and turn as you sit in the back trying to get comfortable on the soft leather car seats. Mason is more well off than Elijah and you. He’s studying at the pristine medical college in the nearby county a bit away from your town trying to finish his last few years. Elijah rolls the window down now lighting another cigarette. Masons white blonde hair blows in the wind as the cold nips your face turning it pink.
“Turn this way.” Elijah points to the right onto a dirt road. Mason pulls up through the rocky dirt path. You can’t see through the low hanging fog which makes you shiver. When doesn’t it rain here?
“You doing alright, Pez?” Mason asks in a worried voice. The car rumbles as it continues on the rocks. “I’m fine other than the fact that we’re strolling through a foggy fucking forest!” You groan out and Elijah laughs at your remark. “Why did I agree to this..” you mumble. “Because you miss having fun?” Elijah answers for you snickering.
“I told you, there’s no way the cops will see us… this time.” Elijah tries to explain himself but you shake your head looking out of the window through the endless forest. “And you don’t have to worry, you have me!” He says as he flashes a smile and Mason smiles at him.
“Besides, if anything happens Y/N we’ll protect you.” Mason says as he tries to calm your nerves. It works but as soon as the car stops your mind becomes foggy with worry. “It’s not about that, if we get caught we’ll probably be fined.” Elijah turns back with a grin “Then don’t get caught?”
The car stops in-front of a bunch of abandoned houses. A development of them, graffiti is sprayed across them. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t fascinated by them. Elijah goes to open the door but it’s locked by Mason who now holds his hand out. “Not so fast lover boy. Where’s my suprise?” He coos and Elijah rummages through his backpack on the floor.
He pulls out a little baggy with a rolled blunt in it. “Perfect. Bye now!” Elijah opens the door and gets out but you stay inside “What? Mason you’re not coming? You fraud!” You complain at him but he puts the blunt in his mouth lighting it and turning up the music.
“Bye!” Mason waves as you hesitated getting out of the car. Elijah, already walking towards the development yells “Come on, Pez!” You sigh and quickly catch up to Elijah. His eyes light up looking at all the houses.
“Let’s explore this one.” He leads you into a broken house that’s forgotten by time. The door is off the hinges with broken holes in it. Graffiti liters every wall and everything is broken. You try to push down every bad feeling but you can’t. Elijah on the other hand fears nothing. Like usual he strolls around the house pointing out stuff he thinks is cool. The wallpaper is old and ripped off molded with dried out dull colors. He’s gotten bored of this house and rolls out the door.
You trail behind him as he hops house to house. Each one varying on different appearances. Some having things left in its room and others having their possessions scattered on the floor broken. He leads you to another house that has less graffiti and the windows aren’t cracked. Following Elijah up the stairs you follow him in a pink bedroom.
The flowered pink wallpaper is cracking off the broken walls. A crib lays broken scattered on the floor with numerous dolls. All their heads were broken off. “Elijah, the dolls heads are all missing.” You scaredly point them out, Elijah just shrugs his shoulders. “Boo, scary.” He continues on with his exploration without a second thought. You bite your lip at the broke dolls. You pick one up and turn it around. It’s stitching all falls out, it’s fluff wet insides falling out. That’s enough of that.
You sigh out loud as he walks to the cracked window. He peers through it “Look at that cool house. There’s weird graffiti on it.” You squint your eyes trying to find what Elijah is talking about. In the distance, hidden by the fog you see a house. Elijah turns on his heel quickly pacing down the stairs.
“Wait!” You yell for Elijah but he sprints with excitement towards the house. You run up behind him as you both come closer to strange house. Its wooden structure is medium sized with what appears to be two stories if you minus the roof that’s about to collapse in. The wood planks have been ripped off the houses outside. The only planks there are graffitied with a weird symbol.
Elijah gets a great idea and you can see it his eyes. He takes his backpack off placing it on the ground pulling out a pink graffiti can. He holds the can out to you “No! NO!” You back away from him as he frowns. “Oh cmon, what happened to the fun Y/N? Fun Pez? The one who was up to any challenge?” He whines smiling at the old thoughts trying to pry you to do his bidding.
“Nuh uh!” You shake your head but he quickly thinks up a bargain to drag you in with his antics.
“If you do this, illlllll take your shift the next time something comes up for you.” Your eyes lit up at the fact you can get him to get a shift. A day to yourself that you can sit down and relax and sip on shitty coffee bought from the grocery store- okay that’s a good deal
“This so so fucking stupid.” You mumble under your breath grabbing the spray can out of his hand. You make no effort to make it cool, just writing down a boring tag and get it over with.
‘Pez Waz Here’
“Your ‘S’ looks like a ‘Z’” Elijah points out snort laughing. You roll your eyes as Elijah boots creak up the house. You go to follow him but he’s already trying to make his way up the stairs. “Are we done yet?” You ask as he turns around from on top of the stairs. “Yeah. Let me check this out first.” Elijah disappears upstairs.
You ponder around the house looking at the different rooms. The kitchen was almost destroyed completely with a hole in the floorboard. The cabinets ripped open and ran stacked from any goods. It bores you.
You walk down the hallway towards a door. Carefully, you swing it open quietly. A raggedy blanket and pillow lay on the ground. As you realize that someone might be living here, there’s a thud above you.
Your heart picks up an anxious pace. You back up out of the room with the bed and anxiously walk towards the stairs that Elijah once pranced up. You just want to yell out his name and hope he peaks around the corner with a yeah. But something picks at your brain ‘don’t yell’.So you catch your tongue and gulp down your fears.
Your feet quietly scatter up the stairs every creak you wince. Your hands press againist the wall preparing yourself for whatever scene is about to display infront of you. Peeking around the corner all your worst fears in that moment are confirmed A figure’s back is turned on you their hood is white with dark red blood stains spotted.
Black hair hangs out from their hood their hidden face staring directly down above someone. Your feet become heavy, terrified to take a step closer. Your mind rushing with thoughts but clouded with anxiety and fear.
But then you see it, shining off from the suns rays close to Elijah’s neck. Your mouth goes dry your eyes widen as your body becomes stiff. His eyes are and his hands try to move the figure but the figure mutters something to Elijah that makes him nod his head.
Your heart beats out of its chest the noises like the wind knocking the stray wood disappear into a loud buzzing noise of nothingness. You clench your fists, your blood thumps loud in your veins. Your body shakes, you have to do something.. something! Your body pushes off dashing towards the figure full force your hands clench and pound into the side of them pushing them off of Elijah with a loud grunt and slam.
“Elijah! Get up!” With no hesitation you grab his hands and he scurries off the floor. You both run out of the room. You hear a voice yell from upstairs “You’re gonna fucking regret that!” You and Elijah sprint out of the house towards the car. You can hear the person behind you getting closer, the sound of crunching leaves under your feet. The loud breathing of your lungs dispersing any oxygen you have left.
“MASON!” Elijah yells out to him but the music on the car is turned up all the way. The blondie in the front exhaling smoke from his mouth and his head bopping to the beat.
“MASON! UNLOCK THE FUCKING CAR!!” You scream and he remains unbothered. A hand grabs the back of your jacket forcing to fall backwards to the ground. SMASH
Your body hits the ground hard the world spins blurry and unregistered. Without thinking your mind works your body for you, your hands drop to the ground and lifts yourself an inch off the ground. SLAM .The figure grabs your left hand and you lose your little balance falling back into the ground. You let out a pained groan. Your eyes dart up to the face above you looking down feverishly hungry. His face half hidden by a surgical mask but his eyes. his eyes.. His blue lifeless orbs stare bullets into your fearful ones. Your eyes widen and you screech your free hand thrashing before he grabs it and pushes it forcefully back into the cold wet leaves layering the ground.
“You think you can get away that easily? You reckless you bitch now you’re gonna pay.” He pulls down his surgical mask. His face is pale, dark black covers around his half lid eyes. His mouth.. it was carved into the shape of a Cheshire smile. You gasp in freight trying to wiggle your way out of his grip. It’s no use. Your hands wet from the leaves slips out of his grasp, you clench your fist trying to punch him off but it angers him and he grabs your shoulders knocking you back on the ground as you gasp for air. He slams his fist into your nose. The world spins blurry. is this what it’s like to be close to death?
It’s a lie that you remember everything before you die because all you can think of is trying to escape this murderous man. He then pins both your free hands again down with one of his. You feel the warm blood start to gush from your nose. It’s warmth trailing from your nostrils spreading on your face. “Are you scared to die?” He teases strengthening his grip on your wrists. “I’ll make it nice and slow for ya? You’d probably like that you sl-“ “Fuck you!”
A cold surface makes contact with you neck “Try one more fucking thing and I’ll gut you like a pig in front of your fucking friends!” You don’t give up even if it terrifies you what he just said. You can’t give up now.. You cough up and spit right in the man’s face, his grip releases a bit giving you time to escape. One of your fists collides with his face, and you push him off as he tries to recover. It barely phases him that you punched him but it was enough time push yourself off the ground and turn on your heel.
“GET IN! Y/N!” You swing the door open slamming it shut as Mason locks it. The man tries to break into the car with his knife but Mason skids off before he can hit the glass.
The car twists and turns down the dirt path. Mason and Elijah clammer with each other over complete confusion. You exhale the anxious breath you’ve been holding. “What the fuck happened?” Mason argues with Elijah. They argue back and forth as your eyes feel heavy and your nose hurts so bad. They finally turn around and notice your injuries.
“Y/N? Holy shit, your nose are you okay?” Mason worriedly turns his head away from the road and the car turns right before Mason jerks it back straights “I-I’m fine keep your eyes on the road!” You clamp your hand over your nose trying to stop the bleeding. “What if your nose is broken? You gotta get the checked out.” Elijah recommends sweat rolling down his forehead. His eyebrows furrow worriedly.
“No! Just take me home, please. I don’t have healthcare for fucks sake and I need to stay off the radar!” You beg them and Mason nods turning the steering wheel. Elijah gives you this sympathetic look, you try to look away but you can’t. “I know. But you’ve been gone 3 years your folks can’t be caring that much right? You’re not on any missing posters, I’ve never even seen one with your face or name. You’ll be okay.” Elijah tries to reassure but you can’t shake the feeling off. “Just take me home, please.
You put your head against the cold glass car window trying to nurish your god awful headache. The rest of the car ride is a blur as you pull into the driveway of Mason and Elijah’s home.
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roseaesynstylae · 1 year
I want to put down all the references in the Worst Generation (excluding the Straw Hats and Blackbeard) and the named members of their crews. I'm getting my information from the wiki and adding my own theories/comments where necessary. Ever since I read JoJo, I love finding references in manga.
Fire Tank Pirates
Capone Bege: His surname is obviously taken from Al Capone (whom he also shares his birthday with) and his given name is based on the English privateer William le Sauvage. Him being stated to cut animals' heads off is a nod to the horse head scene from The Godfather.
Vito: His name seems to be taken from Vito "Don Vito" Genovese, a mobster/crime boss from Al Capone's era, and the first name of Don Corleone from The Godfather.
Gotti: He seems to be named after John Gotti, a mobster who ran the Gambino crime family in the 80s (He was nicknamed 'the Telfon Don' due to him facing three trials and being acquitted every time -- the results were caused by jury tampering and witness intimidation-- before being finally sent to prison in 1992).
Chiffon: She's named after chiffon cake, which she also specializes in making.
Pez: His name is the Spanish word for fish, as well as a nod to the candy brand, keeping with the Charlotte Family naming theme.
Bonney Pirates
Jewelry Bonney: Her name is taken from the 18th-century Anne Bonney, who, like Bonney herself, was a noble turned pirate.
Hawkins Pirates
Basil Hawkins: His surname is taken from 17th-century English pirate Basil Ringosel and his given name from 16th-century pirate/privateer John Hawkins. Hawkins is also the name of the protagonist of the 1883 adventure novel Treasure Island (which had a massive impact on the depiction of pirates in popular culture) by Robert Louis Stevenson, who also wrote The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Visually, his design is based off of Joey Jordison of Slipknot.
Faust: He's named after the legendary character Faust, who sold his soul to the Devil in exchange for knowledge and worldly pleasures. The story was most famously told by 15th-century playwright Christopher Marlowe in The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus and by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe in Faust.
On Air Pirates
Scratchman Apoo: His surname seems to be based on the practice of "scratching" records when DJing, tying into his association with music. His first name is taken from the Qing dynasty pirate Chui A-poo.
Kid Pirates
Eustass Kid: He's named after the 13th-century pirate and mercenary Eustace the Monk and the 17th-century Scottish (which Kid would be if he existed in the real world) pirate William Kidd, who was also called "Captain."
Kid's Attacks: I decided this needed its own entry. Punk Gibson (Kid's giant arm) -- Named after the US guitar manufacturer Gibson. Punk Rotten (the giant scrap metal head and arms) -- Named after Johnny Rotten, the name John Lyndon used when he was the frontman of the influential punk band Sex Pistols. Punk Vise (Crushing a target with Punk Rotten's hands) -- As "vice" and "vise" are spelled the same way in katakana, this attack might be named after the British punk rock band Vice Squad. Punk Pistols (a harpoon gun made out of metal pieces that acts like a Gatling gun) -- Named after Sex Pistols. Punk Corna Dio (the giant bull he used to attack Big Mom) -- Corna is Italian for horns, alluding to the sign of the horns in heavy metal, while Dio references Ronnie James Dio, who was very big in that genre; no, I'm not making the obvious joke. Damned Punk (the giant railgun he used to blast Big Mom off Onigashima) -- Probably named after the British punk rock band The Damned. Punk Clash (after magnetizing someone with his Awakened Devil Fruit, they attract very large and pointy metal pieces) -- Named after the British punk band The Clash.
Killer: His laugh alludes to the song 'Psycho Killer' by the New Wave band the Talking Heads, as the chorus is the same ("fa fa fa fa fa"). The song might be the source of his name. His helmet strongly resembles that of Daft Punk member Guy-Manual de Homem-Christo.
Heat: He's likely named after the experimental rock band This Heat.
Wire: He might be named after the English rock band Wire.
Gig: In keeping with the Kid Pirates' music-related theme naming, a gig is slang for a live show.
Dive: She's likely named after stage-diving, a common practice among musicians and their fans.
UK: His name may come from the UK, where many classic punk bands originated from (ie, the Clash, Sex Pistols). Alternately, he might be named after the Sex Pistols' song 'Anarchy in the UK.'
Pomp: He's likely named after pomp rock, more commonly known as arena rock (examples of bands known for arena rock: Styx, Toto, Journey, REO Speedwagon, Boston).
Bubblegum: His name seems to be a reference to bubblegum music (rock and pop in a catchy and upbeat style marketed toward children), which influenced punk rock, new wave, and melodic metal.
Reck: He's named after the bassist of the Japanese punk rock band Friction.
House: She's named after the electronic music subgenre house music.
Boogie: He's probably named after the electronic club music subgenre called boogie.
Mosh: He's likely named after moshing, a rather violent form of dancing. Appropriate for a member of a crew known for their violence.
Hip: She's named after hip-hop.
Papas: He's named after the folk rock group The Mamas & the Papas, the indie rock band Papas Fritas, or both.
Jaguar: He's likely named after the Fender Jaguar electric guitar. Alternately, his name could come from Mick Jagger's last name, as "Jagger" and "Jaguar" are spelled the same way in katakana.
Quincy: Her name likely comes from the producer and musician Quincy Jones, who produced Michael Jackson's albums Off the Wall, Thriller, and Bad, and has 80 Grammy Award nominations and 28 Grammys.
Hop: She's named after hip-hop.
Compo: He might be named after an abbreviation of 'musical composition.'
Disc J: His name pretty clearly comes from disc jockey, more commonly known as DJ.
Fallen Monk Pirates
Urouge: He's named after the 16th-century Ottoman Pirate Oruc Reis. He seems to be based off of Grigori Rasputin, who needs no introduction, and/or Ji Gong, a Chinese monk known for having supernatural abilities, behaving bizarrely, and not following Buddhist monastic rules. Interestingly, both these figures have movies (Rasputin the Mad Monk, a 1966 Hammer horror film starring Christopher Lee as the titular character, and the 1993 Hong Kong film The Mad Monk) that might have inspired his epithet.
Drake Pirates
X Drake: Drake is sometimes synonymous with dragon, especially in Middle English; appropriate, given that dinosaur bones likely inspired legends of dragons. His name is also taken from 16th-century pirate and adventurer Francis Drake. Random (but likely not a deliberate reference) fact: He shares his birthday with the singer/rapper Drake.
Heart Pirates
Trafalgar D. Water Law: His surname is taken from Cape Trafalgar in the south of Spain, which was the site of a battle between the British and French/Spanish fleets which famously killed Lord Nelson. His name is taken from 18th-century pirate Edward Low, who was notorious for violently torturing his victims before killing them, which may have inspired Law's own reputation for cruelty.
Bepo: He might be named after Lord Byron's poem 'Beppo.' He's also likely named after bear, polar.
Shachi: His name is the Japanese word for killer whale, which makes his friendship with Penguin (who's named after killer whales' preferred food) kind of funny.
Jean Bart: His name comes from the 16th-century French privateer Jean Bart.
Ikkaku: Her name means 'narwhal' in Japanese.
Uni: His name comes from the Japanese word for sea urchin.
Clione: 'Clione' is the Latin name for sea angels.
Hakugan: His name means 'snow goose' in Japanese.
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klonoadreams · 6 months
Possible name for the potential Katakuri and Honey’s baby if you decide to down that route; bon bon.
Now this name has layers; first, a bon bon is a small sweet confection and is literally the French word for candy, so you have the Charlotte’s family naming scheme covered. Secondly, bon bon differs in only one letter from bun bun, so if you take a little leap in logic you could say that name is also referencing Honey’s devil fruit. Thirdly, it makes sense that Honey would name her beloved child partially after her beloved younger sister, with also having bon bon be a nickname that Honey calls her sister by, just to add the extra sweet factor
But yes, the image of Kuma being handed his grandchild to hold before he succumbs to the programming, gently holding this small tanned bundle that shares the same pink hair as his beloved wife and daughters. Knowing that even after all of the horrible times that his daughters have gone through, that they’re still living and surviving, making families of their own….
I think that it would, if not grant him a complete sense of closure, would allow him to be calm and think about how proud he his of his daughters in his final moments
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part of why Honey also ended up as a rabbit is also because of "honey bun", so it was part of a pun. BUT BON BON IS SO CUTE.
BABY BON BON, I HAVE TO KEEP THE BABY NOW. And Honey does call Bonney, Bon-Bon as a cutesy nickname, because she loves her baby sister SO much!!!
Was genuinely thinking of this scene, while Kuma is guarding the Thousand Sunny, with Honey going to Sabaody to show Bon Bon off to Kuma, like while he's still in the throes of his programming, but the slight reaction from it, shows her some hope. Because despite it all, he is still in there. That love that keeps him strong no matter what.
Also, Bonney holding Bon Bon and just falling asleep with the baby on a massive pillow, and drooling on the pillow after the two just eat a LOT of food.
I know Katakuri was just picked out because out of everyone, he fits best with Honey (but also hair color made my brain go, owo), but I also genuinely think his time with Honey has actually been very good for him, for the way Honey never made a comment about his face, and more than anything, demanded he eat with her
It's official, I'm going this route, it's too damn sweet and I'm sobbing over this baby, and Bonney also loving this baby, and while it was a mess of a start, Honey also realizing HOW Kuma was able to love Bonney at first glance, cuz Honey had her mixed feelings at first because she was like, only ten when Bonney was born, and her Mama is gone. Obviously, it would take her time versus an adult like Kuma already having a far more complex development with his feelings. He can manage them better while Honey is still a child, her brain still developing and all that. Then she holds Bon Bon for the first time, she just sobs cuz she realizes how it clicks so well, and also realizes that these feelings of unconditional love are what Kuma would have felt as well, despite how Bonney's birth came to be. And it just gives her a sense of calm and bittersweet happiness. Because she and Katakuri can make the most of it, despite Big Mom's presence. Just like Chiffon and Bege, with baby Pez. Baby Bon Bon coming out like a baby girl, maybe on the androgynous side with long hair and a boyish appearance that's somewhat like Katakuri. Bon Bon likes Papa, but Bon Bon will follow Mama more and Katakuri will let them leave, if it means keeping Big Mom away from them. at least until everything is safe. :V
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katecarteir · 6 years
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ask me to stay. | chapter one | 6k.  
“Your lip is all busted,” Eddie said, as though pointing out that Richie’s lips were injured would somehow make it okay that Eddie was paying attention to them. Richie’s hand came up, long fingers wrapping around Eddie’s tiny wrist, and he gently guided Eddie’s touch away.
Eddie finally wrenched his eyes away from Richie’s lips and met his best friend’s gaze. There was a softness there that he rarely got to see, not even the smallest hint of teasing or joking there. It was just Richie, just Richie looking at him and Eddie looking back. For a single moment, it was just Richie and Eddie alone in the world. Nothing to bother them, nothing to live up to.
[or: the year is 1994, and Eddie Kaspbrak is in love.]
chapter warnings: minor depictions of violence, gay slurs. it’s the 90s man.
click title to read on AO3! 
The final bell rang through the class, and it took every inch of self control that Eddie Kaspbrak had not to toss the papers on his desk up in the air and cry out with joy. Richie Tozier, it seemed, had much less self control than Eddie did- and Eddie had Richie’s papers landing on his desk and Richie’s shouts in his ears.
“ Mr Tozier,” Ms Campbell, their junior AP English teacher, gave him a long withering look but Eddie could see her fighting off a smile. Richie seemed to be the only person in the world who’d mastered annoying and amusing somebody at the same time. “I can still give you detention for this afternoon.”
Richie gave her a small half smile. “But I’m pretty sure that you’re just as excited as I am to get out of here, so you probably won’t.”
Richie Tozier was all things that a good girls’ daddy would warn them about. His hair never laid flat on his head, and his clothes were always rumbled with wild patterns and mix-matched styles. He still forced his feet into the same pair of Dock Martens from freshman year, even after growing up them back at the beginning of the year, and it gave him a permanent skip in his step. He wore braces on his teeth even at sixteen years old, and the grudging white women down at the salon always seemed to have something bad to say about the Tozier family.
Eddie wasn’t like Richie. It sometimes felt like Eddie’s mother still dressed him, even if he technically chose out his own outfits every morning. Eddie Kaspbrak was similar to Richie in one way; he was also the kind of boy that men didn’t want around their daughters. No man wanted their daughter running around with a boy who dressed like a faggot. Eddie may not choose his clothes, but that didn’t make all of their claims untrue.
Ms Campbell shook her head, fully smiling now. “Get out of here, Richard.”
Richie let out another excited noise, slightly quieter this time, and grabbed hold of Eddie’s hand. Eddie barely had enough time to grab up his own things before Richie was dragging him from the building. He seemed to not have any regard for his own belongings that were scattered all over the classroom. Eddie had known Richie Tozier for pretty much as long as he could remember. A real sandbox love, and Richie had been this obnoxious ever since Eddie could remember. Richie had been a messy child, loud, and Eddie’s mother had forbid him at four years old to ever see the boy again. Being friends with Richie Tozier had been the first time Eddie had ever disobeyed his mother, and every time since had been Richie inspired.
Richie openly pranced into the hallway, slipping and high fiving some random person that Eddie barely recognized. He looked ridiculous in his too small boots, and jean overall matched with a Hawaiian print shirt that lost what little fashion cred it had back in the early 80s. Richie quickly returned to Eddie’s side, tossing an arm around his friend shoulder and pulling Eddie into his side. “Eds, my love, I have a feeling that this is going to be the best  summer of our lives. I can feel it in my bones.”
“Don’t call me that, dick,” Eddie shoved at Richie, but not enough that they actually broke contact or that Richie would pull away. Richie just grinned down at him. “You say that about last summer and then I spent the whole six weeks with a  cast on my wrist. Thanks to you, I might add. So, sorry if I maybe don’t take your word for it.”
“Eds…” Richie sighed, shaking his head. “I’m telling you. This is the summer of Losers.”
Richie dropped his arm from around Eddie’s shoulder and skipped towards the doors to freedom. Eddie slowed his steps and watch Richie move, a small smile growing on his cheeks.
→  → →
Beverly Marsh tucked her hands into the pockets of the much oversized jean jacket that she’d stolen from Richie, and watched Bill Denbrough upend his pack into the green garbage can outside the school. She was pretty sure at least three calculators and an actual full-sized novel fell out and into the garbage, but she didn’t make a peep.
“Don’t you think you’re going to need those things?” Ben Hanscom asked as he approached. Ben had always been a cute kid, Beverly remembered when they first met in the seventh grade. He had been, for a lack of better word, fat. He’d hit a good growth spurt the year before, and gone out for the football team with Mike Hanlon in sophomore year and it had slimmed him out a little bit. His sandy brown hair still flopped all over his face, and his cheeks still pushed out with chub, and Beverly wouldn’t have had any other way. She would never tell anybody, but she thought that out of all her friends Ben Hanscom was her favourite.
Bill Denbrough looked up and smiled. This past year, Bill had started letting his hair grow out and it now tickled at the back of his neck, and fell well into his eyes. Richie hadn’t yet managed to convince Bill to tuck it back into a ponytail, and Beverly often wondered how Bill even saw. He glanced down at the bag, seeming to think about it for a moment, then tossed the whole bag into the garbage behind his belongings.
Mike walked up to them, still wearing his red-and-white letterman jacket that Ben would never be seen wearing outside of game days, and grinned. Mike Hanlon was definitely the nicest jock that Beverly had ever met in her life. The Hanlons were on the of only black families in the very town of Derry, Maine and they lived out of the outskirts on a beautiful farm. Beverly practically lived out there when she could. Mike had been homeschooled through their elementary school days, and she’d only known him through reputation until then. He’d fit right in their little group of Losers immediately, and they’d all been inseparable since.
“That was overkill, Billy, don’t you think?” Beverly asked, pulling out the package of cigarettes from the pocket of the jacket and lighting one up. She supposed technically they were Richie’s, but she told herself that Richie would never have started smoking if it hadn’t been for her, so that made them partly hers. “You really didn’t need to throw out the whole bag, dude.”
“I don’t want to th-th-think about school for the next s-s-six weeks!” Bill announced, cheeks turning pink the way they always did when his stutter came through. It was remarkably better than it was when they were children- the speech therapy his parents had been taking him to Portland was working wonders- but it seemed to slip through just often enough that he couldn’t quite live down the nickname of “Mush Mouth.”
“That doesn’t mean you’re not going to need that stuff next year, man,” Ben said with a laugh. In the past few months, it had seemed that Ben Hanscom had been trying pretty hard to give himself a newer image. His sentences got shorter, he’s words got rougher, and his little black notebooks stopped appearing in his hands. Beverly figured that he was still writing poetry- or at least, she hoped he was- but Ben had effectively been shutting himself out the last few weeks.
“What are we talking about?” Richie’s voice carried over to them, wrapping an arm around Beverly and pressing a kiss to the top of her head. Junior year had done wonders to Richie’s height factor, springing him up almost a foot and prompting him to finally catch up to the other boys in their grade.
“Bill here thinks that because the school year is over that he can just throw out all of this stuff from this year- backpack included.” Ben informed Richie, reaching into his own bag and tossing the curly-haired boy a PEZ dispenser that had Daffy Duck from the Loonie Toons on it.
Richie caught it without concern, grinning a little sheepishly as Eddie Kaspbrak came up to them. He was a little wheezy from trying to keep up to Richie’s larger steps, but had that same mischievous grin on his face that he always did. “That’s nothing,” Eddie said with a cocky wiggle of his eyebrows. “ Richard here tossed all his shit up into he air once the bell rang like they were graduation caps, and then left them laying around the classroom.”
Beverly and Mike burst out laughing in the same moment, turning Richie’s slightly embarrassed grin to the genuine smile that always came out his friends laughing. Eddie looked at Richie’s smile, and the sound of Bev and Mike’s laughing sort of dimmed in his ears.
“Where the hell is Stanley?” Bill finally asked, looking around as the court yard quickly emptied around them. Most days the courtyard would be filled for hours after school let out, with clubs and teams all loitering around for meetings, but nobody wanted to stand around on school property once summer had officially started. “It’s not like him to be late.”
“He had a meeting with the counsellor after school, said it wouldn’t take long.” Richie said, popping out three of candies and popping them into his mouth.
“Probably discussing a way to get Stan valedictorian over you,” Mike said with a smirk. Richie clicked his tongue and winked at him.
Eddie’s gaze moved towards the loud rumbling of a certain Chevy truck that was moving down the road towards the school and his chest hitched. “Oh, shit. Incoming.”
Beverly groaned, quickly reaching down to tighten the laces on her combat boots. “Don’t they ever get tired of harassing innocents?”
“Nah,” Richie said, looking towards the truck with the few expression of true disgust that he owned. “People never get tired of the things that get them off. Why did you think I spend so much of my time picking fights with Eddie’s mom?”
“Oh my GOD!” Eddie squeaked, whacking Richie on the air. “You’re so fucking gross, Tozier, I swear-“
“Okay, we gotta move,” Mike said suddenly, reaching out and taking hold of Bill’s arm. Bill had already squared his shoulders, readying up for the fight as he always did at the sight of Henry Bowers and his gang. It was sometimes like there was a tiny part of Bill’s soul that burned for getting his ass handed to him by bullies twice his weight.
“What about Stan?” Eddie asked hesitantly, glancing back at the building. The last thing Eddie wanted was to be caught in any sort of altercation with the Bowers gang that he’d so carefully avoided since they’d graduated from Derry High the year before but he also wasn’t the type to leave a man behind.
“Don’t worry about it,” Richie said, patting Beverly between her shoulder blade and ushering her towards Ben. “Patty boy and I have an understanding. You guys just get out of here.”
Eddie’s chest clenched slightly, and he noticed the same panic settled over Beverly’s face. “Babe, we can all go. We don’t even know how long Stan is going to be in there, we don’t know that they’ll even still be around when he’s done.”
“I don’t know,” Richie said in a voice sung with false confidence. “I’ve sort of missed them. It would nice to have a reunion with our old pals.”
“You’re on your own feeling that way,” Mike said with a nervous laugh. The truck was approaching rather quickly, and he pressed an arm around Beverly’s shoulder. She ushered her away, Ben right on their heels. The truck started to honk, and Eddie squeezed Richie’s wrist before taking off after the others. Richie turned slightly, making eye contact with Bill, who grinned back at him. Richie lowered his hand slightly, and Bill met it with a low five.
Patrick Hockstetter was jumping out the passenger door before the truck had even skidded to a stop. His black hair was longer and greasier than Richie remembered it being, and his clothes looked like they hadn’t been washed since the last time they’d seen him. His boots were caked in mud, and it was definitely the same flannel that had once been oversized. He grinned at them wolfishly, actually going as far as to lick his lips. “Well, well,” Patrick said with a chirp. “If it isn’t my two favourite Losers. Where are the rest of your gang?”
“Oh, haven’t you heard?” Richie asked, raising his brow and matching Patrick smirk for smirk. “Seems the end of days has finally come. Everybody else was raptured up to Gods playground and we’re the only poor bastards left on Earth.”
Bill snorted and tucked his hands into the back pockets of his jeans. As Patrick limbered closer, Richie realized that he was actually the same height now and he couldn’t control the pride that settled in his chest.
Henry and the other two minions that mattered a whole lot less all came strutting out of the truck and towards them. “Huh-huh-huh-huh-hey buh-buh-buh-Billy,” Henry Bowers exaggerated stuttered as he approached. It was weak and overused means of teasing, but it still made Bill clenched his fist and grind his jaw. “You guys all alone here?”
Richie exhaled hard, with an overdramatic roll of his eyes. “We’ve been over this. If you’re going to show up late, at least have the courtesy to be quiet.”
“Oh, Trashmouth Tozier is telling me to be quiet? That’s rich.” Henry stepped towards Richie, a good several inches shorter now. For the first time in his life, Richie Tozier felt he might have the upper hand in a situation. Until Patrick opened his mouth again.
“Hey, Tozier, where’s you’re little fairy friend?” Patrick slurred over to him. Richie’s posture stiffened and he heard Bill let in a small inhale behind him. “I wanted to give him a special hello if you catch my drift.”
Richie saw Patrick grabbing at his crotch from the corner of his eye, and forced a smile onto his face. “You know what I love about bigots.” Richie said, forcing laughter into his voice. He could practically feel Bill vibrating behind him. Richie turned quickly from Henry to Patrick, socking the bully directly in the nose. “Nothing.”
“OH SHIT!” Bill shouted behind Richie, grabbing at his friend’s arm and pulling. Richie stumbled slightly as they took off in the opposite direction of the school.
I picked the wrong day to wear shoes that don’t fit, Richie thought to himself. He could hear the angry shouts of Patrick and his buddies as they chased the two of them through the crowded Derry Park. Richie took a running jump over the park bench, and laughed breathlessly when he heard the distinct thud of Belch Huggins running into it.
Bill took a sharp left and slid underneath the singing out legs of a child on the swing, and nearly fell when he heard Vic Criss shout when the girls feet landed directly in his face. Glancing over his shoulder, he watched Hockstetter mad dive forward and tackle Richie into the sandbox. Wincing, Bill turned away as Patrick began to rub Richie’s face into the sand.
“You ever going to learn to watch that fucking trashmouth of yours?” Patrick growled at him, pressing his face angrily against the dirt. Richie flailed, but he knew it was no use. He and Patrick may be nearing each other in height these days, but Patrick had always had superiority upper body strength. Or really, all types of strength except possibility intelligential but given his recent actions- maybe even there. “Always been a problem for you, hasn’t it, Tozier? Never, never learn.”
Richie could dimly hear how Henry and the rest of the goons were cheering Patrick on, but he was pretty sure he was getting sand in his eyes at the moment so he couldn’t make out any words. Patrick’s words, he could still hear nearly clear as day. “Are you really this stupid? Is that what this is? Or is it because I made fun of your fairy friend there? You protective of little Kaspbrak?” Richie thrashed all the harder, even though he knew that it was only going to make things worse for him in the end. “Oh, ho ho! Did I hit a nerve, Tozier? Should I go find him, maybe? Do you think that you could save him from me?”
Richie managed to push himself onto his back, fighting at Patrick’s chest and trying to blink through the sand that had settled all of his over face. Patrick was grinning down at him and there was something hard that was not a knee pressing into Richie’s side, but he couldn’t think about that right now. It seemed like Henry was gone- bad news for Billy – but Richie had to focus on Patrick right now. He’d take the most brutal beating Patrick Hockstetter had in him if it meant that he’d leave Eddie alone.
Patrick was practically drooling, so if that was any sign to what Richie was in for then this was going to be a long couple minutes. Richie spit out a mouthful of playground- possibly peed in, oh god, was there pee in this? – at Patrick and scowled up at him. “Why don’t fucking pick on somebody your own size, Hockstetter? Afraid to loose?”
“Last I saw, Tozier.” Patrick’s breath smelled like the worst kind of mixture of marijuana and the Orangesicile smoothie down at the Prince’s on main. Richie’s stomach churned, and he had to fight not to turn his face away. “We are the same size.”
Richie’s last thought before Patrick’s fist came falling towards his face was- predictably- fuck. He didn’t know how long it went on, could have only been a few minutes but it easily could have been hours. But the next thing he knew, Patrick was pulling back and kicking at Richie’s side. Richie groaned and curled into himself.
“Be seeing you, Tozier.”
Richie laid there for a short moment before Bill seemed to appear from thin air and help him up to his feet. “You’re a piece of shit friend, you know that, right?” Richie groaned, pulling on the sleeve of his shirt to wipe at the blood underneath his nose. “Just let ‘em beat me.”
He wasn’t serious, and Bill’s laugh sounded that he knew it. “Hey. N-not all of us are guh-g-gonna go Huh-huh-Hulk to defend suh-suh-somebody who isn’t even h-h-here.” Bill said, letting Richie move to stand on his own. “P-p-pick your b-b-battles, Rich.”
“I pick plenty of battles,” Richie shot back, winking at Bill even thought it definitely hurt his rapidly bruising eye. Bill rolled his eyes.
“Pick fewer battles, Richie.”
→  → →
Eddie rubbed his hands together, and looked up out the window of the Denbrough’s kitchen. Eddie had always thought it was weird how Bill’s kitchen faced out onto the street, growing up neither his, Richie nor Stan’s had been placed that way, but he was thankful for it right now. Every year on the last day of school, starting way back in the second grade, they had always had a sleepover at Denbrough’s house to celebrate the start of summer. Throughout the years, the sleepover had gotten larger, then smaller again last year when Bev’s aunt had deemed it inappropriate for her to be sleeping over with so many boys.
Eddie was fretting, and he knew it. Bill and Richie weren’t back yet, and it had caused a deep anxiety to settle itself in his gut. It had been nearly a year since Eddie Kaspbrak had needed to use his inhaler, and it had been three years since he- with the help of Richie’s overly enthusiastic support – had started weening himself off it. At thirteen, Mr Keene down at the pharmacy had told him that all of his medication were actually falsehoods brought up by his mother. Misted water and sugar pills, all of them. It had broken Eddie, for a long time. He was sure that he’d never be the same person again, that he would never trust the same way again. He was better now, stronger he believed, but if Richie and Bill didn’t show up soon- Eddie might regret not bringing his inhaler.
"Why don’t you wake outside, Eddie?” Georgie Denbrough asked from he kitchen table where he seemed to be doing some sort of homework despite school being over for the term. “It’s the perfect kind of summer night you love. The kind where you have to wear a sweater.”
Eddie smiled softly. Bill had been complaining for the last few months that Georgie had become a pain in the ass, going through some sort of angst-y teenager phase that was annoying to Bill and his parents alike, but Eddie had never seen that sort of behaviour from him. Anytime Eddie was around, Georgie seemed like the same sweet child to Eddie.
Eddie picked up his hoodie from the couch on his way outside, nodding at Stan and Ben who were sitting on the couch. He walked out the front door and hummed to himself as the soft summer wind hit his face. There was a chill to it, but Eddie sort of like the sting it brought to his skin.
He walked across the Denbrough’s lawn, that was sort of getting a little overgrown and no doubt Bill would be roped into mowing in within the next few days. He looked up to the big maple tree on the front of the lawn, and grinned to himself. A good hundred times a year, Eddie could have to yell at Richie to get out of it before he’d hurt himself. Last summer, he’d finally let Richie convinced him to go tree climbing with him- and it hadn’t been a normal sized maple in their friend’s front yard.
“I made soup.” Bev and Mike both startled and looked down at Eddie.
“What did you make soup for?” Beverly asked, still giggling slightly and Eddie shook his head. Richie and Beverly had been together so long that Eddie could barely remember that days before their relationship. Dim memories of believing that Bev and Ben were going to be together, even dimer ones of the days when Bev and Bill were childhood sweethearts. Yet, sometimes Eddie believed that he knew Richie better than Beverly ever even tried. But maybe that was just wishfully thinking.
So Eddie just shrugged, and contemplated it for only a second before scaling up the tree himself. He wiggled himself in between Mike and the trunk, looking down at the ground a little nervously.
“It’s not that high,” Mike said with a small smile. “Don’t worry.”
Eddie cast him a dark look, frowning deeply. “Last time somebody said that to me, I broke my fucking arm.”
“I…” Mike cleared his throat then nodded. “Okay, yeah. That definitely happened.”
“Why are you guys in the tree?” Stan called up to them, Ben standing beside him. Stan had shown up at the Denbrough’s house not long after the rest of the Losers had gotten there. He’d been quiet since he’d gotten there, more so than usually, and kept worrying his bottom lip. He hadn’t given up any sort of information about his meeting with the guidance counsellor, and Stanley Uris wasn’t the kind of person you pushed. (Unless you were Richie Tozier, who pushed everybody.)
“We’re waiting for Bill and Richie,” Eddie and Beverly answered in unison. They quickly pointed at each other and shouted “JINX!” and then burst out laughing. Mike smiled and looked back out to the street, tuning out Eddie and Bev’s continue attempt at jinx through their giggles. He saw Bill and Richie making their ways down the street before anybody else, and Richie wasted no time coming forward and slapping Stan on the shoulder.
The boy looked a little worse for wear, dirt and blood streaked on his cheeks, eye already seeming to be bruising. But he was smiling none the less, a regular old Tozier grin, and he looked up at his friends in the tree. “Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!”
Beverly giggled but Eddie jumped out the tree as though he had some sort of Spider Man powers and hadn’t just been fretting about the height. Mike crinkled his brow, as Beverly jumped down from his other side.
Eddie touched the cuts on Richie’s cheeks and his lips tugged down in a worried frown. “What the hell happened to you?” He asked in harsh words that didn’t match the concerned tone of voice.
“Patrick beat him up in the sandbox.” Bill came practically skipping up onto the lawn. “It was like being seven again, which i-i-isn’t something I thought I n-n-n-needed but I really enjoyed.”
Richie scoffed and rolled his eyes. “The only thing you enjoyed, Denbrough, was chatting up that weird newspaper girl in the park.”
“That’s n-n-not true,” Bill challenged, but the flushing of his cheeks implied that it was at least a little bit true. “I also enjoyed you p-p-p-punching P-P-Patrick.”
Richie grinned and nodded but Eddie let out a horrified squeak. “You punched Patrick? Have you lost your absolute goddamn mind, Richard? What could be possibly say that would make you do something so stupid?”
Richie and Bill exchanged a quick look between the two of them, almost a silent conversation, before Richie was reaching out and ruffling up Eddie’s meticulously styled hair. “Awe, don’t you worry about it, Eds. Just trust that he deserved it.”
“Of course he deserves it,” Eddie snapped but he was starting to smile. “Doesn’t mean you should be stupid enough to actually do it. Now, come on. Let’s get those scratches cleaned before you get an infection and they have to cut your dumbass head off.”
Richie wrapped an arm around Beverly and grinned as Eddie pulled him towards the house by his hand. “Did you at least make soup? You know I love soup after getting my ass handed to me.”
→  → →
Richie was rested on the Denbroughs kitchen counter, as Eddie rummaged through the cupboards and complained about how ill stalked it was. Mike chuckled into his bowl of soup, knowing that all Richie really needed was a some soap and hot water. Toss the lanky boy into the shower, and he’d be good as new.
He turned to where Ben and Beverly were both sitting, talking quietly to each other and seemingly blind to Eddie’s frantics not three feet away from them. They all snapped to attention as Bill and Stan came into the room. They both seemed a little knocked off kilter and Mike felt concern settle into his gut at the sight of them.
He didn’t seem to be the only one, Richie shifting to sit up straighter on counter. “What happened, dudes?”
“Somebody is m-m-m-moving into the old Gr-gr-Gray house.” Bill stumbled through his words. “A f-f-family, I guess. There was a g-g-girl…”
Richie waggled his eyebrows and grinned deeply. “A girl, yeah? Is she hot?”
Beverly grabbed one of the bread rolls off the dining room table and wiped at Richie, nailing right in the head, at the same time that Eddie whipped him with the dish cloth in his heads. Richie yelped, rubbing at his arm and pouting. “DAMN! Forgive a man for asking a damn question.”
“You’re not a man,” Stan told him dryly. “You’re an extremely tall, skinny infant that was somehow cursed with the ability to speak.”
Richie blew him a kiss, and Stan rolled his eyes with the tiniest hint of a smile playing on his lips. Stan moved over to reached past Eddie to the rubbing alcohol that was on a shelf just out of Eddie’s tiptoe’d reach. Eddie tried to force himself to sound grateful as he accepted it.
He moved back to Richie and took his chin between his hands. Looking the marks over. It wasn’t as bad as it had looked outside, a singular black eye and some scraping on the side of his cheek. Richie had winced when he’d jumped onto the counter, which likely meant his ribs were bruised but Eddie saw no point in fussing with them just now. Richie had been walking fine, so they weren’t broken.
He still couldn’t help but frown as he dabbed Richie’s cuts with the rubbing alcohol. Richie let out a louder cry than was necessary, and Eddie gave him an unimpressed look. “Aren’t you getting a little old to be running around getting into fights?”
“Aren’t they a little old to still be beating up kids?” Richie challenged with a smirk that quickly turned into a wince as Eddie dabbed at his slit lip.
“Your lip is all busted,” Eddie said, as though pointing out that Richie’s lips were injured would somehow make it okay that Eddie was paying attention to them. Richie’s hand came up, long fingers wrapping around Eddie’s tiny wrist, and he gently guided Eddie’s touch away.
Eddie finally wrenched his eyes away from Richie’s lips and met his best friend’s gaze. There was a softness there that he rarely got to see, not even the smallest hint of teasing or joking there. It was just Richie, just Richie looking at him and Eddie looking back. For a single moment, it was just Richie and Eddie alone in the world. Nothing to bother them, nothing to live up to.
Then Bill’s voice broke through and shattered the moment, and Eddie tried not to be annoyed. As soon as the moment was over, Eddie had to question if there had even been a moment at all. “Did you m-m-manage to convinced your aunt to let you stay, Bev?” Bill asked, no doubt knowing what the answer would be. Almost immediately after Beverly’s fifteenth birthday, sleepover with the boys permission had been yanked. Eddie wasn’t sure what her aunt been trying to stop from occurring, as Beverly already been dating Richie for years. It certainly wasn’t stopping her from having sex, if Richie’s jokes were anything to go by, and Eddie knew from personal experience that if Richie wanted into somebody’s house… he got in.
“Nah,” Beverly responded with an eye roll. “Got her to let up and extend my curfew. 12:30. Which means if I’m not home by 1, I’m dead meat.”
“I’ll walk you home, babe.” Richie said, popping his lips. He dropped his hand, letting Eddie’s wrist fall from his grip and down to Eddie’s side. His skin was cold where Richie’s touch had just been and it felt him feeling unsettled.
Stan scoffed from where he was leaning against the counter at Richie’s side. “Please, Tozier. We’d have to be way more concerned about you out in the night than Bev.”
Richie pouted for a moment before breaking into a large grin. “Okay, then Eddie and I will both walk Bev, and my Eds will make sure we both make it back here to Billy’s safe and sound.”
“Don’t call me Eds!” Eddie snapped, ignoring just all too many things lately. “And who the fuck said I agreed to that? Why would I leave a perfectly comfortable house to go baby-sit your ass in the middle of the night?”
“Because you love me?” Richie suggested with a toothy grin. Eddie pursed his lips together to keep back his smile. There had never really been any doubt that Eddie was going to walk with Richie and Bev, and he tried to ignore the little thrill it gave them that Richie was inviting him along when he easily could have been using it as an excuse to be alone with his girlfriend. He cursed himself for being so weak.
“Oh, Eddie, don’t bother pretending.” Stan said, waggling his eyes at Eddie from Richie’s other side. “We know you’re going to do it.”
Eddie stuck his tongue out at his friend and tried to ignore how he was flushing right down the back of his neck. Richie squeezed his eyes shut and leaned closer so that Eddie could resume wiping at his face.
It didn’t help Eddie’s whole blushing issue.
→  → →
The dark streets were a comfort to Richie. He’d always preferred night over day, it made him free in a way that he could never been when the sun brought light down on all of his actions. He could more himself at night. He could put down his walls, remove his false face and be just a little bit more true.
Not very many got to see how Richie got under the darkness of Derry’s street. Derry felt endlessly safer at night, when the peering and judgment eyes of his snobby neighbours had gone to bed. Sure, he had to worry about Henry and his goons but he had to worry about them just as much in the light of the day so it couldn’t be a bother to him.
He looped an arm around Eddie’s shoulder as he guided him down and away from Beverly’s house. It wasn’t the best part of town to be hanging around in, he knew that, and it was far from where you wanted to get yourself stranded or cornered. And even so…
“I don’t want to go back yet,” Richie said, quieter than he would usually speak. It just felt a little wrong to be breaking the soft stillness of the night. He felt Eddie stiffen for a moment, before he learned into Richie’s touch. “Let’s go to the Quarry.”
“I am not swimming in the middle of night!” Eddie squawked, a little predictably. Richie chuckled, squeezing Eddie’s shoulder to keep him from pulling away when he felt his friend start to squirm. ”Don’t laugh at me, jackass! Even if it’s kind of warm out, you can still get pneumonia! And die! Do you want to die?”
Richie pursed his lips, shaking his head a little bit. “Can’t say I want to die right at this moment. Ask me again tomorrow, maybe.” He could feel Eddie’s startled and concerned expression pouring into them and Richie wanted to shut this possible emotional moment down before it started. “I didn’t mean swimming, Eds. Let’s just go and... sit at the end of the world for a while.”
Richie glanced down at Eddie, finally, and found his best friend looking back up at him with an expression that Richie couldn’t read. Eddie seemed to realize that Richie was trying to get inside his head, because he wiped the look from his face and replaced it with a soft smile. “That’s pretty profound, Richard. What are you thinking?”
That was the question, wasn’t it? What was Richie thinking? God, wouldn’t it be so much easier if he knew. As it was, Richie was more confused now than when they first introduced Algebra into his life. Sighing, he kept his arm around Eddie’s shoulder and guided him to walk towards the Quarry in the opposite direction of Bill’s house. Eddie slipped away from Richie’s hold, and they walked side-by-side, not touching, the rest of the way. Richie supposed that it should have been awkward, but it wasn’t. It was never awkward with Eddie, always comfortable.
They hiked up the cliff and moved to sit with their legs dangling over the edge. Richie tilted his head back to stare up at the stars- always more visible out here than anywhere within town. He wanted to put his arm back around Eddie, missing the warm weight under him. He’d learned better, though, in the past few years. He’d stopped chasing Eddie after the boy pulled away, knowing it often only lead to a fight. There was only a few times that Eddie would pull back but want back under Richie’s touch- and he always made it clear.
Like now, when he pressed up against Richie’s side when they were settled and seated. Richie pressed his lips together sharply to hold back his smile, and let his arm drop around Eddie’s shoulders once more. “I’m thinking of breaking up with Beverly,” Richie blurted out in a typical-Tozier fashion. Eddie blinked at him, tilting his head back.
“What? Why?” Eddie didn’t sound as though he felt one way or another about it. Or maybe he did, and he wasn’t letting it show. Didn’t make Richie feel any better, and it sure as hell didn’t give him an answer to Eddie’s question.
“Why?” Richie asked with a bit of a nervous chuckle. Then he hummed, scratching the back of his neck with his free hand. “Why… I don’t know. I’ve been thinking about it for a while, I guess? I’ve been with Beverly so long, and I never really… planned on it at all. We just kissed at that party, and suddenly- you know? Bev and Rich. Rich and Bev. And it’s been… years, yeah? And I just… I don’t know if I see myself being with Beverly for the rest of my life.”
Eddie was looking at Richie very seriously, a little softly, and Richie could get lost his Eddie’s eyes in this moment. And he felt a little guilty about it, and he had to look away. “Like, I love her. Obviously. But I don’t know if I’m… actually in love with her. You know? Sometimes it just feels wrong.”
Eddie swallowed loudly enough that Richie could hear him. For a long moment, it was just the two of them breathing. So close together that they shared air, and Richie’s heart was thrumming with anxiety. “You need to do whatever makes you happy, Rich.”
Rich just hummed, and dropped his head down on top of Eddie’s and stared back out to the endless water.
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shonizu · 4 years
Mateo Pérez
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Mateo Pérez was born in Tijuana, Mexico, on a warm Thursday afternoon in the mid 1980’s. Shortly after his birth, the Pérez family moved to Newark, New Jersey. During his childhood, Pérez was involved with Robin Hood like heists with the other children on his block, stealing candy from the local convenience stores. The kids who followed Pérez coined him with the nickname “Pez the Bancho” alluding to the street they lived at, known as Sumo Village. 
“Pez was an energetic kid always up to any challenge, stood up for us even if we were wrong, but there was always something off about him, something different with his mind,”quoted childhood friend and artist Elsie Davis.
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Tag, 1971
In his highschool years, Pérez and his friends came to be known as the Candy Crunch Bunch, a group of delinquents who held reign to an underground market of goods in the Junkyard, the lower parking lot of their high school. If there was something sweet you needed, the Bunch had it. In the Junkyard, they cultivated a community in the arts using whatever materials they had. Paintings that were made with melted chocolate bars, sculptures made of jello, drawings made with sugar they caramelized with cigarettes, they did everything. But, their work was ephemeral, and more so edible, being eaten soon after created. 
This time would affect Pérez and his work greatly, especially when he moved to New York City in the 1970’s. As a now well-known printmaker with an advent sweet tooth, Pérez was only known to consume sweets. This was until the Spice Price, a direct challenge from street artist Juniper “Juno” Chudo who had a detest of Pérez’s palette, both in taste and in color. The Spice Price was a street installation, a callout to Pérez’s work, stating: 
“For a sweet guy, you sure don’t have any spice. No Takis.” Followed by phallic imagery. 
Enraged by this, Pérez bought a bag of Takis and counted the number he ate as he finished an entire bag. Pérez’s collection of street art is a direct response to Juno’s piece, The Spice Price. It is work that is spread throughout the five boroughs. A statement that is direct and simple: “Taki 183.”
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Bio of Reign the Goddess of Void
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~ ~ ~ ~Reign~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Birthday  ~~  June 18th
Nickname  ~~  Roach from Xigbar since I can eat anything, Titanium from Ansem because all I've survived, and Mouse from Isa because I used to be timid as a kid
Family Life  ~~  Murdered blood parents as a child, grew up with heartless
Favorite Animal  ~~  Wolves, Cats
Favorite Color ~~  White
Favorite Movie  ~~  So many! Willow?
Favorite Show  ~~  Sailor Moon
Favorite Cartoon  ~~  Pokemon?....Maybe
Favorite Food  ~~  Ice Cream!
Favorite Flavor of Ice Cream  ~~  Green Tea
Favorite Candy  ~~  PEZ
Do you Drink?  ~~  Mead only, like a Dwarf!
Hobby  ~~  Video Games, braid Xemnas' hair, listen to music
Religious  ~~  Spiritual? Does it count if you yourself are the Goddess of Void?
Favorite Video Game  ~~  Dragon's Dogma
Last thing you did today?  ~~  Curled up on Ansem's perfectly amazing chest and snuggled
Childhood Memory  ~~  Fighting with Isa over the soft spot on the couch when we watched movies together
Last Purchase?  ~~  Nice Bass Boost headphones for Ansem because he's been such a good boy and hasn't asked for anything
What would you do with a billion dollars?  ~~  I'd buy a nice house for us somewhere away from the world and build a nice video game room!
Describe yourself  ~~  I'm a Gemini/Cancer cusp with the fighty heart of an Aries!
How would others describe you  ~~  Very odd and wild, almost feral but with a good heart
Favorite Pokemon  ~~  Gengar! I love how he runs with his little fat legs!
Most expensive thing you own  ~~  XEMNAS, a diva who needs a lot of presents....but he's adorable and spoiled so it's fine. Xemnas' should be spoiled!
Most precious thing you own  ~~  My handmade engagement ring that Xigbar made himself for me. It's flawed but it's so special. I love it!
Stuffed Animals  ~~  Isa's old panther stuffed animal he used to sleep with as a kid, my old teddy bear from when I was a toddler, and Axel's old bunny
Favorite Season  ~~  Winter! I can't sweat so I overheat super easy, and the snow is so pretty!
Strange or Funny Memory  ~~  One time I was wrestling with my imaginary friend in the backyard and I looked up to see the terrified old lady from next door staring at me...awkward
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neareasuhn · 7 years
sour patch and nearea!!!
( @asourpatchkid )
Name: Lira Charms Maynard-Suhn
Gender: Female
General Appearance: Dark hair like her father with a heart shaped face and cute childlike features like both her parents(becuase how would she not be cute). Honey yellow eyes with purple edges that people find mesmerizing. 
Personality: Bubbly and kind, she is the innocence and light of both the Ohana and Sugar Rush gang. 
Special Talents: Alien form(with candy colored fur)She loves to race and often uses her alien skills while racing. She admires her mom’s job but would much rather be racing.
Who they like better: Sour Patch (Daddies girl all the way)
Who they take after more: Both
Personal Head canon: Her nickname is Lucky Charms. Her racer is a spaceship that shoots rock candy shaped like starts and asteroids. She can often be found sporting a cute star at the corner of her left eye which she’s drawn on with makeup.
Face Claim: Im Nayoung
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Name: Vektor Pez Maynard-Suhn
Gender: Male
General Appearance: Much like his father he has dark hair and purple eyes.
Personality: He is rather quiet and shy compared to his younger sister. He is very soft spoken despite his deep voice.
Special Talents: He is quite skilled with a blaster and prefers the quiet of space
Who they like better: Both
Who they take after more: Nearea
Personal Head canon: After a visit to Heroes Duty, Vektor found a love and skill for using a blaster and after learning more about his mom and uncles jobs pursued a job in the galactic federation.
Face Claim: Kim Seokwoo
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