#his previous favorite movie was Jennifer’s Body
overallsonfrogs · 7 months
I think Nicky would have made the Monsters watch Lisa Frankenstein and it secretly became Andrew’s new favorite comfort movie
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lupinedreaming · 2 years
I have discovered something amazingly stupid — Conservapedia, a right wing Christian fundamentalist version of Wikipedia, and its page “Worst Liberal Movies.” I looked through what they have to say about some horror films, and here are my favorite brain dead Conservapedia horror takes from that page:
Alien franchise in general: “This pro-feminist, anti-capitalist film franchise was originated by atheist Ridley Scott. The first film was proven to be alarmingly similar to the 1965 film Planet of the Vampires,[1] but since it fitted the left's agenda, they didn't care and gave it biased reviews anyway. The second film, Aliens, is an anti-Vietnam statement[2]and, just like its predecessor, copies another previous feature (in this case, the 1954 film Them![3]).”
Aliens: “The second film, Aliens, is an anti-Vietnam statement[94] and, just like its predecessor, copies another previous feature (in this case, the 1954 film Them![95]). However, liberal pundits currently denounce it as a pro-war film, and it is to be noted that despite technically pushing anti-Vietnam messaging, it unintentionally ends up being a pro-Vietnam statement at the same time, as the Vietcong stand-in for the film was the titular antagonists, the Xenomorphs, hinting at the Vietcong being depicted negatively. Motherhood is also given a neutral depiction. Although the Xenomorph Queen, who is depicted as embracing her maternal instincts, is depicted in a negative light, the film's protagonist Ellen Ripley was also shown to embrace motherly instincts as well and treated positively for it, acting as a surrogate mother to the orphan Newt and going out of her way to protect and rescue her in the film (most feminists even back then, much less today, tend to demonize the concept of motherhood).”
Night of the Living Dead: “This independent horror abomination by George A. Romero vilifies nuclear energy, as nuclear fallout from an exploding space probe in Earth's atmosphere is said to be the cause of the recently deceased becoming reanimated. In addition, it negatively portrays police officers as racist: a group of officers kills Ben, the African American protagonist, when they mistake him for one of the dead, which Romero intentionally chose to have happen to accuse the police of being behind racial lynchings. Had two sequels , Dawn of the Dead (1978 Italian) and Day of the Dead (1985).”
They Live: “Capitalists are portrayed as evil aliens planning to rule the world. The director John Carpenter also claimed in interviews that the film was anti-Ronald Reagan[31]”
Get Out: “This racist horror comedy-drama follows an African American man who discovers to his shock that his white American girlfriend's parents transplant the brains of white Americans into the bodies of African Americans as if to strip their victims of African American cultural identity. It presents a false dichotomy between black and white culture and discourages American ideals such as interracial and intercultural integration, all while accusing white Americans of wanting to eliminate instead of integrate all racial subcultures in the nation.”
Jennifer’s Body: “This film starring Megan Fox and Amanda Seyfried promotes feminism and glorifies Satanism, and contains a lesbian kiss and them making out. It was a victim of Liberal false advertising that promised audiences it would be anti feminist. Even Chris Pratt, who had a minor role as a police officer couldn’t save the film. It gained a cult following among Liberals and those who believe in the homosexual agenda.”
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bewitchingbooktours · 2 years
Release Day Blitz The Waxing Moon by Elli Morgan #PNR #ParanormalRomance #NewRelease
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The Waxing Moon
Elli Morgan
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
Date of Publication: November 7th, 2022
ISBN: 978-1-5092-4400-3 
ISBN: 978-1-5092-4401-0 
Number of pages: 252
Word Count: 57649
Cover Artist: Jennifer Greeff
Tagline: How far would you go to escape mundanity, and what would you risk for eternity with your beloved?
Book Description:
Lilah Neumann has longed for something beyond the mundane for as long as she can remember. A chance meeting with a mysterious and sexy vampire turns her dreams into a reality filled with adventure and excitement. She has no plans to return to her previous dull life.
After spending 400 years as a lone mercenary, Cain finds more than a companion in 19-year-old Lilah. Yet he can’t shake his past and struggles to suppress his feelings to protect her from the dangers and temptations his kind offers.
When Cain abandons her to keep her safe, Lilah finds herself on a journey through Europe to overcome her human limits and fight for a place by his side. But can a human survive in a vampire’s world?
Book Trailer: - https://youtu.be/8FwCHzk7a4Y
Amazon     Books2Read
Excerpt Chapter 2
The crescent moon hung high in the dark sky as Lilah roamed the deserted streets of her neighborhood. Logic told her she shouldn’t be out alone at this hour, but she didn’t care. She’d always loved the mystery of the night. Even as a child, she slipped outside and gazed at the stars when she felt sad. They gave her hope that life offered more than what she knew. Besides, she needed to clear her head, and the fresh air on this warm summer night calmed her.
With worries about an uncertain future preoccupying her mind, she didn’t pay attention to her surroundings until a shiver ran through her body. She didn’t recognize the street she walked on, and her instincts told her she wasn’t alone. Someone—or something—was lurking in the shadows, watching her every move.
It’s not human. It was a silly thought or maybe wishful thinking. Most of the books, movies, and TV shows she devoured featured vampires and other things that go bump in the night. Meeting someone, or rather something, right out of her favorite works of fiction excited her.
Or maybe the prospect of something supernatural lying in wait comforted her more than the idea of a serial killer or rapist stalking her. Either way, she stopped to look around in hopes of finding a way out of a potentially dangerous situation.
Old-looking town houses lined the narrow, cobbled street. They were dark. Their inhabitants were asleep or not at home. The only light came from a single streetlamp behind her, about two meters from where she stood. Only her breathing interrupted the silence.
She took a few more steps before pausing again. Apart from her feet echoing on the cobblestones, there was no sound. Nothing hinted at anyone walking nearby, following her, or breathing in her vicinity. And yet, the goose bumps on her skin convinced her otherwise.
She preferred finding out about her pursuer sooner rather than later. As she couldn’t achieve anything by staying quiet, she summoned up her courage to speak. “Stop hiding yourself. I know you’re there…I can’t see or hear you…But I can feel you watching me.” With a whisper, she added the word “vampire.”
A chuckle coming from behind her broke the silence. She squealed, and when she turned around, a tall, young man with shoulder-length, chocolate-brown hair, pale skin, and a long, dark leather coat was standing below the streetlight. He hadn’t been there when she’d checked her surroundings earlier, and there had been no footsteps indicating anyone had walked up to her.
“Interesting,” he said. “I didn’t expect you to notice me. How did you recognize me for what I am without even seeing me?” He spoke softly, as if not to frighten her.
How indeed? She did not have a rational explanation.
“Call it a gut feeling or a verbalization of my deepest hopes.” Her heartbeat thrummed in her ears. Was she actually talking to a vampire?
“Your deepest hopes? Why do I, a vampire, instill hope instead of fear in you?”
“I’ve prayed for something more than a mundane life. Meeting a vampire is not an everyday experience, so I’m thrilled.” And possibly screwed, depending on what he wanted from her.
The vampire smiled, revealing his fangs. “Even if meeting me is the last experience you’ll ever have? Aren’t you afraid to die?”
She’d never contemplated her death. The possibility of her life ending in an instant stole her breath. But wasn’t a short, exciting life worth much more than a long and boring existence? Didn’t meeting with a vampire top everything she could hope for, in a world which often felt meaningless?
“I’m more afraid of living without ever feeling alive.” Despite her words, her voice trembled.
“So you’ll give me your blood and your life?”
“I don’t mind donating some blood, but my life is a different matter. If it’s up to me, I’d prefer to keep it.” She gulped. Did she have a choice? “Death by vampire doesn’t sound too bad, though. There are worse or more boring ways to die. And when you talk about taking my life, does it mean I’ll die for good, or will your bite turn me into a vampire as well?”
He answered with a dry laugh. “I’m sorry to disappoint you, girl, but a simple bite won’t turn you. We’d be out of food in no time if every human we bit became a vampire. No, we can choose to turn a human, but it’s not a choice taken lightly. I won’t condemn anyone to this miserable life.”
“You’ve got a sad view of your life.”
“You’re one to talk. Your life doesn’t seem to fascinate you either.”
“It didn’t until today,” she admitted. “You’ve shown me something fascinating. The existence of vampires and a world beyond the one I know as a human is giving me hope for a more interesting tomorrow.”
The vampire vanished from where he stood, only to appear right behind her. “What a pity there won’t be another tomorrow for you.”
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About the Author:
Elli Morgan was born in 1991 in a small town in Germany. Although she only started learning English in sixth grade, she quickly fell in love with the language. To improve her skills, she spent a year working and traveling in Canada and the US.
As a teenager, she devoured countless fanfictions and vampire novels. During that time, she also developed the idea for her first book, but she didn’t write it down until the COVID-19 lockdown in 2020.
Apart from being a writer, she’s also a trained mathematician, working as Business Intelligence Developer at an IT company. In her free time, she enjoys hiking, traveling, and all kinds of games.
Website: https://ellimorgan.com/  
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AuthorElliM
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Books2Read: https://books2read.com/ap/xogLN3/Elli-Morgan
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Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ellimorganreadingcave
GoodReads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/22705044.Elli_Morgan  
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chriscdcase95 · 3 years
Ginger Snaps: Brigitte Fitzgerald headcanons
This is a follow up of sorts to an older post of mine,  Ginger Snaps + Jennifer’s Body headcanons/prompts and some ideas in that post are carried over to here.
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This also has to do with an upcoming AO3 story I will work on once I’m done Loves Sacrifices, that’ll mix Ginger Snaps, The Craft, and Jennifer’s Body. So far it’s only in the idea stages and not all of these are set in stone.
I figured I didn’t put enough focus on Brigitte in the previous post, and Brigitte herself doesn’t get enough love on this site as her sister. Since Brigitte has been a comfort character of mine for like a decade, I figured I rectify that.
1. For all intents and purposes, werewolves differ here than they do in the Ginger Snaps movies. Since it’s not directly mentioned in the movies, I choose to ignore the idea of “permanent change” for these stories. Werewolves here are portrayed closer to The Vampire Diaries depictions.
2. Brigitte’s final fate, obviously isn’t trapped in Ghost’s basement. In fact, I see her escaping and going free just after the events of Unleashed. While I long subscribe to the idea of Ginger’s resurrection or even Sam not only surviving but becoming a werewolf himself, I’m not sure they’d have anything to do with it. The main events of this story are gonna be set in 2010.
3. In fact, I see Brigitte traveling Canada and the states to come to terms with being a werewolf - as opposed to fighting it or wholeheartedly embracing it - for about a decade before she see’s either Ginger or Sam again. I see Brigitte having few people she can trust, and had a few toxic relationships after she escaped Ghost. Brigitte undoubtedly deserves better, but I think it would be a few years before she goes back to Bailey Downs.
Among the places I can see Brigitte visiting over the years, includes Mystic Falls (The Vampire Diaries/Legacies), Beacon Hills (Teen Wolf) and Devils Kettle (Jennifer’s Body). If she got her high school graduate, she would attend Silas University (Carmilla: The Series). Whitechapel, Ontario (My Babysitter’s a Vampire) is also a neighboring town to Bailey Downs.
4. If and when Ginger and Brigitte meet again, I see them having a relationship comparable to Eda and Lilith Clawthorn of The Owl House. I just haven’t decided who would be who in that scenario.
5. Speaking of Ghost, here’s a fun fact; Orphan Black and Ginger Snaps are canonically part of the same universe - same creators, same locations, etc. With this in mind I like to imagine that Ghost from Unleashed is a Project Leda clone. 
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This doesn’t have anything really to do with the story, but it is a headcanon I genuinely held for a long time. 
6. I’m not gonna lie, I have considered parenting prompts for either Fitzgerald sister; I’ve been writing and scrapping ideas for these two for a decade, but one that kept coming back to me was the idea of one of them becoming a mother. Some versions it’s Brigitte, others it’s Ginger
It’s not a set in stone idea admittedly, and honestly, I lean more to a Needifer parenting nowadays - and even then that was filtered by both Megan Fox and Amanda Seyfried being moms IRL. Again, it’s not set in stone.
7.  Brigitte is a not-co-closeted nerd and Star Wars fangirl.  We are talking Laura Hollis levels of cultured geek girl, that Brigitte rarely shows due to her usual demeanor.
Specifically, she’s a Star Wars Legends enthusiast (The Thrawn Trilogy and New Jedi Order are her personal favorites. Should she see the New Canon came out, Brigitte would be pretty cool with it, and take to writing on AO3, creating a fanon timeline that combines Canon and Legends. It turned into a collaborative effort with her friends.
With the above, at one point in their childhood, the Fitzgerald sisters dressed as Star Wars characters for Halloween. Brigitte went as Leia, and Ginger went as Mara Jade.
8. This one ties in with one of my previous posts; The Craft + Sarah x Nancy Headcanons. It’s also one of the few ideas that are set in stone.
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Among the people Brigitte encounters on her travels, I can see her meeting and becoming very close to Sarah Bailey and Nancy Downs.
I mean, all three of them are long time Comfort Characters of mine, and the fact that Emily Perkins is a Fairuza Balk fan IRL may have influenced this idea. It thought it would be a waste to not link the three together. I personally see Sarah and Nancy reaching out to Brigitte upon finding out her predicament, helping her come to terms with her being a werewolf. “Mentorship” isn’t exactly the word I’d use, but it comes pretty close to what I have in mind.
I don’t know if it will tie into my prompt of Sarah and Nancy as a swinger couple - I can see it happening, although the only other person I seriously shipped Brigitte with was with Sam.
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Either way, Sarah, Nancy and the coven are some of the few people Brigitte is on good terms with by 2010.
9. Brigitte has a hidden musical talent, and likes to sing when she’s alone or thinks she’s alone. She is a wiz on the piano, and has a singing voice comparable to Leona Lewis and Christina Aguilera. She isn’t open about her talents, and during her high school years, only about three people heard her singing voice and that was because they’d walk past a seemingly empty music class while Brigitte was alone with the piano.
Of course, Brigitte mostly does covers. In 1999, Brigitte did a cover to Nine Inch Nails Hurt, but Ginger told her that song wouldn’t exactly catch on. There was one song that Brigitte originally wrote, about her and Ginger’s relationship - it ended up being plagiarized by a toxic boyfriend Brigitte briefly had, who went on to use it in his band, Low Shoulder.
Another favorite of Brigitte’s as (surprisingly) Britney Spears Lucky - not that she’s a Spears fan in general, but Brigitte caught on to things pretty quickly and was way ahead of her time; she was in the Free Britney crowd all the way back in 1999.
The main reason why Brigitte doesn’t utilize her talents, on top of all her other problems, can be boiled down to her being stage shy.
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keanureevesisbae · 4 years
The alluring charm of Henry Cavill - Chapter 6
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Summary: Henry has some things to think about, especially after his agent Richard calls him
Henry Cavill x Adelaide Park (ofc)
Wordcount: 4k
Warnings: None
A/N: So it has been quite awhile since I updated this fic. Thank you for bearing with me! This chapter might not be the best, so I’m sorry in advance. But writing has been a pretty hard process for a few weeks. I can write a few important parts in a chapter, but it’s not a coherent story itself. It still needs tons of filler. However, I’m slowly but surely getting back into it! Also, I have reached 350 followers (353 to be exact) and I’m doing a little celebration, you can read about it here!
Masterlist // Previous chapter // Next chapter
Henry really needs to think this through.
He meant every single word that he said yesterday to Adelaide, he truly does. He is falling in love with her and he is falling way too hard, he is aware of that. He doesn’t even care about the stupid part of the show anymore, he just wants to get to know her and be around her. Right now and even after the show, with her is where he wants to be.
However, he also meant the other thing he said to her: she can go home if she feels like that’s for the best. However, deep down he doesn’t want her to go. Not yet at least.
That entire afternoon they had spend kissing, like they were two teenagers afraid of getting caught. By the time they had to go home, it was hard for him to focus and bounce back to their routine they had before their first kiss.
Should or shouldn’t he wrap his arm around her shoulders, push that strand of hair out of her face or use his thumb to wipe away the bits of food of her cheek?
During the night however, those doubts disappeared like snow in the sun. The whole world  would see how they slept after the haunted house incident, why stop now? While Adelaide was asleep, he would just stare at her, without her looking away as she would turn into a blushing mess.
He never expected her to be like the pro she is, but then he realizes: while she has never been in a relationship before, this woman is the queen of romantic comedies and the one that she starred in, all portrayed healthy relationships, compared to other movies. She knows what she deserves and while that is more than he can offer, he can always try.
Adelaide Park stole his heart and from the looks of it, she has no intentions on ever giving it back.
Not that he minds at all.
Over the course of the next few days, they do some challenges and somehow they manage to do pretty okay. For the YouTube page of the Celebrity Project, they even did a segment on how to cook some Korean dishes and the comments underneath were all about one thing.
Their chemistry.
He admits, there is a lot of chemistry between them and it may or may not have been multiplied ever since their kiss. During the cooking segment, he kept messing up, causing Adelaide to simply shake her head, before wrapping her fingers around his arm, placing the side of her head on his bicep. She would softy reassure him, something that not only warmed his heart, but also the hearts of the fans.
While they are second place now (the Biebers are behind them and Charlie and Jennifer are way ahead of them), they are the fan favorites and Adelaide continues to impress everyone watching.
Tomorrow they are going on a camping trip, as part of their final challenge. After that, it’ll all be over. No more camera’s, no more stupid challenges (meaning never eating fried tarantulas anymore) and it’s only him and her together, getting to know one another on an even deeper level. He even thought about maybe auditioning for her upcoming romantic comedy. Playing alongside her, that’s all he wants.
It is hard for Henry, not to kiss her every time he gets the chance. He looks at her as she is making breakfast for them, but the ringing of his phone disturbs their little moment. He sees it’s his agent Richard and he places his hand on the small of her back. ‘You need me for something?’ he asks her.
She looks up and shakes her head. ‘No, please, take it,’ she says. ‘I can manage.’ He earns himself a beautiful smile from Adelaide.
After he excused himself, he walks outside, away from the camera’s. ‘Yes, what do you want?’
‘You are not responding to my texts,’ Richard informs him of the obvious.
He sighs. ‘I have been busy.’
‘With Adelaide.’ He tries to formulate as a question, but his agent fails miserably.
‘What is that supposed to mean?’ Henry asks him annoyed. He really hasn’t got time for this, especially not when he can make breakfast with Adelaide, as part of their morning routine. He loves these little moments and their cottage has become such an important spot for them.
‘You’re losing, Henry. You know what that means, right?’ The asshole answers his own rhetorical question. ‘You’re not getting James Bond.’
He doesn’t care about James Bond anymore. He doesn’t even want to portray James Bond anymore. But he doesn’t want to come across as a simp. ‘We’re not too far behind,’ he says. ‘I’ll get her to man up, so we can win this.’ Like a dagger goes straight through his heart as he says that. He doesn’t want Adelaide to man up. He wants her to stay exactly the way she is.
‘Are you sure?’ Richard asks and he can even hear the cockiness and arrogance in his agent’s voice. The second Henry gets back, he is going to switch from agency. He hates Richard. ‘Because from the looks of it, she is continuing dragging you down.’
That is not the fucking case. ‘We’ll manage,’ Henry hisses through clenched jaws.
‘And I never knew you were such a good actor. I almost believe you actually care about her.’
‘Maybe after this I’ll get even more jobs.’ Henry doesn’t mean it and even saying it out loud, pains him, however, it left his lips before he could even think about it and that’s what worries him. Does he mean it deep down?
He looks over his shoulder, to see Adelaide placing everything on the table outside. He can’t possibly mean it, right? ‘I’ve got to go.’ Without waiting for Richard to answer, he hangs up and marches up to the table.
This idiot is making him furious from the inside, completely ruining his excellent mood. The only thing he wants is to spend his day with Adelaide, without distractions.
While he was fuming of anger a few seconds ago, all his annoyance disappears as he approaches her. ‘Just in time,’ she says with a genuine smile, that makes him regret all the things he said to Richard.
Normally he would sit across from her, but today he sits right next to her, as they watch over the garden. Birds fly from tree to tree, the clouds are slowly dissolving in the sky and a stray cat wanders around their yard. ‘What’s the plan for today?’ Henry asks, as he grabs a cracker from the plate.
‘I think we have… pre… per… pre-pa-ra-tion time for the the final challenge tomorrow.’ She looks a bit annoyed, for her tumbling over her words. ‘Fuck,’ she hisses under her breath.
‘Addy,’ he says in a soft voice, causing her to look up. ‘It’s okay, remember that. You are with me.’ He can’t help but push a strand of hair out of her face and as he is doing that, he knows this is what fans comment about, if this shot makes it into the episode. He doesn’t even care at this point. He actually quite enjoys the fact that they are the fan favorites now.
‘Sorry,’ she whispers, clearly a bit distraught from stumbling like that. She was doing great these past few days.
He decides not to continue this conversation, because he knows that it annoys her and makes her feel insecure. Especially on a beautiful day like this, he shouldn’t bring up something like that. ‘We could go into town, buy some things.’
She nods. ‘Of course. Sounds like fun.’
‘And maybe you and I could go for a swim later this evening.’
‘Because it’s fun,’ he chuckles. ‘Maybe you can finally swim by yourself. Just a little bit. You’ve been doing so good these last few days.’
Adelaide simply smiles at him, before taking a bite of her cracker. ‘Maybe.’ She lets out a sigh, placing her head against his bicep. Despite them wanting to keep whatever they have a bit of a secret, he loves this moment and doesn’t care about the camera’s picking this up. He doesn’t care about eventual comments from the fans. The only thing he cares about is that she feels safe enough to let her guard down around him and be vulnerable like this.  
He places his hand on her leg. ‘I saw there is a little cafe, maybe we can have something to drink there.’
She nods. ‘Of course.’
They finish up their breakfast and she quickly tells him that she is going to put on some make-up and get dressed. He doesn’t think that she needs that, but he simply stares after her. When she’s out of his sight, he lets out a deep, slightly frustrated sigh that he had been holding in for a while now.
Richard is really annoying the shit out of him. He means, of course he wasn’t too excited about working with Adelaide in the first place, but that was before he got to know her. That was before she looked at him with those eyes of her, that hid so much, but on the other hand told him a lot. That was before he felt her body against his. That was before she sat on his lap and kissed him.
That afternoon, he was falling for her a little more with every kiss that they shared. It just clicked, it matched perfectly. Her petite frame fits right in his arms, like they were made for one another. He loves feeling her soft skin underneath his fingers.
‘Ready?’ Adelaide asks, when she walks back in. She is wearing a blush pink dress, that is pretty tight fitting. He bites his lip as he tries not to gawk at her, however he barely manages and simply nods. She grabs her purse and he holds out his hand. ‘What is it?’ she asks him, her voice as sweet as honey.
‘Give me your purse,’ he says with a smile. ‘Come on.’
Adelaide rolls her eyes and reluctantly hands him her purse. ‘Looks good on you,’ she chuckles. When they closed the door behind them, they decide not to take the car, but to walk instead. He holds out his arm for her to take. Her hand rests on his under arm, her finger nails grazing over his skin.
Henry can see them walking around like this in the future, her as his girlfriend and he wouldn’t be complaining about that at all.
◎ ◎ ◎
They have bought a few items, like some extra clothing and a first aid kit (that was something that Adelaide thought of), and now they are in a pretty fancy store, because Henry saw something in the window, that he really wants Adelaide to try on. He grabs the dress from the rack and a pair of heels that would match. ‘Try this on,’ Henry tells her.
She frowns, crossing her arms in front of her chest. ‘Why?’
‘Just to humor me. Pretty please.’
Adelaide simply rolls her eyes, before he spots a tiny smile on her face. She walks over to the changing room, as he follows her to shut the curtain. He watches as the camera’s start to spread over the store, capturing every moment. He hears her hum softly as she gets changed, forcing a smile on his face.
She is too adorable.
‘You done?’ Henry asks.
‘Almost,’ she says. ‘But you can open the curtain. Maybe you can even help me zip up.’
He would love that. With the upmost discretion, he opens the curtain, making sure the camera’s can’t pick up on them. ‘Give me kiss,’ he mouths, so the mic’s don’t pick up.
‘Why?’ she soundlessly whispers back,
‘Just do it,’ he says without making noise.
She steps into the heels, before leaning in to give him a soft kiss. Her plump and soft lips against his, nearly makes him hum in content. He wishes this moment could last forever, but it’s Adelaide that pulls him back into the real world. ‘Zip me up,’ she tells him, as she turns around.
He zips her up, glancing at her body and with a certain elegance and grace, Adelaide steps out of the changing room, twirling in front of the mirror. Henry has seen a few of her red carpet looks and he has to admit: she absolutely knows how to work the camera, with that an innocent look, but also a certain confidence.
‘You look beautiful,’ he says and quickly closes his mouth, because there is so much he wants to say to her. This tight black dress, shows off all her features that she should flaunt a lot more. The deep neckline, her exposed back and the way it hugs all her curves…
‘You like it?’ Adelaide asks him, looking at him through the mirror.
‘I don’t just like it, I love it, Addy,’ he admits, leaning with his shoulder against the wall.
‘Why did you want me to wear this, mister Cavill?’ she asks him, walking up to him, stopping right in front of him, with her hands resting on her hips.
‘Just because,’ he mumbles.
Adelaide scoffs. ‘That’s not a good enough reasoning for me.’
He wonders what it would be like to have an honest to God relationship with the lovely Adelaide Park. She teases him a lot, she uses him as a personal pillow and seems to enjoy his presence. Henry would love to do this a lot more often: take her out shopping. It doesn’t have to be extravagant like this, even a domestic run through the grocery store would suffice. Besides, just being around her would be all he needs.
Shit, he is really falling for her hard and fast.
Adelaide’s hand grazes over his chest and he places his on hers, engulfing her hand underneath his. ‘I just figured it would look beautiful on you and I was totally right.’
He can see it; she is lost in his eyes for a few seconds. She visibly shakes herself out of her thoughts, before simply rolling her eyes—a defense mechanism, pretending that she doesn’t care about his words, while actually she does. It’s adorable, really—and stepping back into the changing room. ‘Addy, give me the heels and dress.’
‘Why?’ he hears her ask from behind the curtain.
‘Because I’m going to buy them for you.’
‘I thought you were my partner, not my sugar daddy.’ She pulls the curtain aside and she is wearing her own dress again, while she is slipping on her own shoes again. ‘You don’t have to.’
‘I do,’ he tells her. ‘Please, let me buy this for you. Admit it: it looks really good on you.’
She scrunches up her nose. ‘It does,’ she whispers.
‘Then you should have it.’
‘It’s really expensive,’ Adelaide retorts.
‘Doesn’t matter. I have not one, but two cards with me. I think I will be fine.’ He takes the black dress and the heels with him and walks over to the counter, to pay for them.
Henry insists on carrying all the bags for her and when they arrive at the cafe, she slides next to him on the bench, so they can look at the pedestrians walking by. She sits so close to him, that he is afraid that she can hear his raising heartbeat. No matter how comfortable they are with one another right now, she still makes him a bit nervous.
‘You look forward to camping with me?’ she asks.
‘I look forward to do anything with you,’ Henry chuckles, causing her to blush intensely. ‘You’ve ever been camping before?’
That is such a stupid question, he thinks to himself. Probably not, since she told him about her family situation. If people barely have money for food, they don’t go on camping trips. Henry, you stupid fool.
She simply shakes her head and from the looks of it, she’s not bothered by his question. ‘You?’
‘As a kid, yeah. But I mostly just followed my dad.’
‘More experience than me,’ Adelaide chuckles. She takes a sip of her cappuccino and says: ‘Just have to tell you, that I don’t really like night time.’
‘Why not?’
‘It’s dark and outside,’ Adelaide tells him. ‘And I might be a little bit afraid in the dark, if you hadn’t noticed that already with the haunted house.’
Henry chuckles. ‘A little bit, but don’t you worry about a thing. I’m going to be right there with you. Besides,’ he says, ‘I don’t care about winning.’
‘Sure you do.’
He shakes his head. ‘No, I don’t and don’t fight me on that,’ he jokes, pinching her chubby cheek. ‘I just look forward to spend more time with you.’
◎ ◎ ◎
‘Henry, could you come in here?’
Adelaide’s voice is coming from the bathroom and he stops in front of the closed door. ‘What’s wrong?’ he asks, worry running through his veins.
‘There is a spider here and I want you to kill it.’
That’s actually quite the relief and it causes Henry to chuckle. He opens the door, only to discover that she is simply leaning against the wall. Adelaide places her finger on her lips and gestures to close the door. The door clicks shut behind him and she walks over to him. ‘What are you—’ He can’t finish his sentence, because she plants her lips on his, wrapping her arms around his neck. Henry melts against her body, placing his hands on her waist and chuckles. ‘Never knew you could be this sneaky, Addy.’ He lifts her on the counter and gives her another kiss. ‘I missed your lips.’
‘I missed yours too,’ she whispers. ‘I fear that this is because it’s all new and exciting, but I really can’t stop kissing you.’
He never expected her to be this bold, but he also feels like she has been holding back all along. The world is seeing one version of Adelaide Park, the one that she wants them to see, that she has gotten used to be. However, there is an even more complicated one hidden behind a large wall that she has build over the years. Slowly but surely, she lets her guard down every so often, to show him what she is like.
He can’t wait to see more of that.
‘I can’t stop either,’ he confesses, leaning in to kiss her again.
She tilts her head when he lets go of her, her thumbs slowly caressing his cheeks. ‘Henry,’ she whispers, ‘I’m worried for tomorrow.’
‘Why is that, Addy?’
She simply shrugs. ‘I’m just afraid that I’m going to let you down.’
Richards words flash through his mind for a single second, but he quickly shoves them aside. ‘Don’t be. I don’t care about winning anymore, especially because I won the greatest prize already.’ He buries his face in her nape, to press a delicate kiss on her skin. ‘We’ll see how it goes, okay? But remember, you and I are together every single minute. I’m not leaving you alone, because I know that is what you are worried about too.’
Adelaide nods, as she looks a bit caught. ‘Pinky promise?’
He holds out his pink, hooking it behind hers. ‘Pinky promise,’ he whispers, pressing a kiss on her fingers.
‘Now get out, I need to get ready for our swimming session.’ With a wide grin, she pushes him out of the bathroom and he can’t help but laugh. A blush is set on his cheeks and he grabs his own swimming trunks.
Henry sits on the bed, the smile still evident on his face. Shit, he is way too much into her. He waits as he hears Adelaide hum again, before she walks out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around her body and a huge smile on her face.
After he changed into the blue shorts, he walks out of the cottage, towards the pool. Adelaide is already sitting on the edge, her back as straight as a ruler and he sits next to her. ‘Ready?’ Henry asks her.
She takes a deep breath. ‘I am.’
He gets in the cold water and places his hands in the dips of her waist. Henry enjoys these swimming moments they share together. Her body is always so close to his and the evening sun making her like an ethereal goddess. He knows that it’s hard for her to trust anyone, but he somehow managed to build something with her.
Like usual, she hisses as soon as she hits the water and wraps her arms tightly around his shoulders. Her legs snake around his hips and that is the first time that she does that. While he is not complaining, Henry continues to tell himself that his teen years are over and that this shouldn’t make him this excited.
Adelaide manages to actually sort of swim, but he keeps his hand on her stomach, making sure she keeps floating. ‘Don’t let go of me,’ she tells him.
‘I wouldn’t dare.’
The water hits her in her face, but she starts to laugh.
‘You’re almost there, Addy,’ Henry encourages her and she places her underarms on the edge.
A chuckle of disbelieve leaves her lips. ‘I did it, Henry!’ She wraps her arms around his shoulders.
He pulls her closer to his body. ‘I’m so proud of you,’ he tells her. She pulls back and from the looks of it, it seems like she doesn’t care about hiding anymore, not when his hands are placed on her back. Her hot breath makes his lips tingle. ‘Thank you.’
It takes him all of his willpower not to lean in and kiss her, because the temptation is nearly killing him. He kissed her a few times today, however it’s not enough. He can’t stop thinking about her, about kissing her non stop and getting to know her even more. Maybe it’s because it’s all new and exciting.
Adelaide starts to shiver a bit and he presses his forehead against her temple. ‘Let’s get out of the pool. It’s becoming colder.’
He gets out and grabs her towel, holding it out her for her, wrapping her up in her large towel. He doesn’t want to let her go, but he keeps thinking to himself that in a matter of a few days, she is all his and the camera’s are finally out.
Adelaide takes a quick hot shower and walks over to the bed all dressed in her pajamas. He quickly gets himself ready, before he steps in the bed with her. He shuts out the lights, wrapping his arm around her upper body, as he presses his chest against her back. ‘Sleep tight,’ he whispers, burying his face in the back of her neck.
‘Good night,’ she says, holding his hand tightly in hers.
It doesn’t take long before he feels her asleep. He doesn’t know how she does it, but she always falls asleep pretty quickly and he has spend enough nights next to her to hear the change of her breathing. She twists and turns in his arms, like she usually does. Adelaide turns around and wraps her arm and leg around him and her face in the crook of his neck. He simply holds her body closely to his, as he feels her lips against his skin.
Henry’s fingers run through her hair and carefully presses a kiss on top of her head. He doesn’t care about winning anymore.
The one thing he cares about, is Adelaide Park.
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mystic-lodi · 3 years
hi Lodi! for the ask game - blossom and cutsie? ❤
Hi love, thanks for the ask!!! 💖💖💖
Blossom - favorite book/movie/song?
I don't have a favorite song (it changes too frequently lol), but my favorite book is "Love and Gelato" by Jenna Evans Welch, and my favorite moving is "13 Going on 30" starring Jennifer Garner and Mark Ruffalo!! If you can't tell, I'm a big sucker for romance and comedy ^^;;
Cutsie - what makes you happy?
As per the previous question, romance and comedy fiction!! Also art, video games, sleeping, baking, being in nature, bath and body works candles, and getting a hug when I really need it :)
Send in cute asks from the list!!
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royaltee98 · 3 years
The worst sickle cell crisis
September 25-October 3.2021
Saturday September 25.2021
This was Sunday 2:00 in the morning mom just finished changing my foot and I was watching the golden girls.I fell asleep for a few minutes feeling this awful pain in my lower back I called my dad to tell him that I was having pain and to tell mom but instead I called her. She came over and laid with me rubbing my back and gave me some Motrin, until the next morning…. to be continued
Sunday September 26.2021
This was Saturday afternoon I told my dad I was going to shower while in the shower I wasn’t feeling so good I had to rush and wrap myself in a towel and go sat under the ac because I was feeling very tired and shaking. My mom came in my room and said I didn’t so good, still in awful pain I had a nail appointment that I made last week so I went with mom feeling ok, it took like 30 minutes to do. I got back in the car feeling very tired again, I walked into my house put my stuff down I crawled into bed and continued to watched golden girls I fell asleep again and mom was still rubbing my back. I just couldn’t get comfortable I was moving all my bed.
My mom said do you want to go hospital I immediately said yes it was so hard to get dress my mom helped me while getting the hospital bag ready. I was in so pain it was very difficult to walk so my dad swung me over his shoulders and put me in my mom cars. While driving to the hospital I felt every single stop, bump, and turn in the road. I was crying”. I need relief, I need fast” for me to say that means the pain was sky high. Couldn’t get comfortable always turning and sitting still was so hard in the car.
I got to the emergency room at this point the pain was beyond a 10 more like 10,000 I felt like drawing out of my skin and curling up into a ball until the pain was 100% gone. Once I got in the back and the nurses started an IV for fluids I got strong *pain medication. I would sleep for 10 minutes and right back up balling crying, turning, asking for more relief.
I was being transferred to the 3 floor which was orthopedic floor with a clean hospital bed. I was going in and out of pain in between trying to sleep to the prior medication I was given back at home. My mom was always rubbing my back, hips, and legs. Getting up to use the restroom felt like my legs were set on fire and about to break at any moment. I spent that night and half the that next morning in so much pain and agony.
Monday September 27. 2021
It was the next morning still in was much pain. I did a chest X-ray and take and *nebulizer breathing treatment. This sweet nurse told my mom and I, I needed to be *I.C.U because my oxygen level was at a 45 and had pneumonia, no one on this planet earth should be at a 45. SIDE-NOTE: I cried but I remember when my auntie I wasn’t allowed in the ICU to say my goodbyes because I was to young I was 14 when she pass away from cancer. My body was asking for help and I was transferred to the I.C.U. Once I got into the ICU the nurses put me on the this *high flow oxygen machine. It felt like I was growing in my air the oxygen was going so fast up my nose and the taste was horrible.
I really didn’t have an appetite but I knew I eat something so I won’t have another on my hands. I took a few bites for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Still coughing, in an *active sickle cell crisis , pain was going on. I was in misery I just wanted home to see my sister.
Tuesday September 28. 2021
This morning I did so much such as go get a *CAT scan, do a *echocardiography and I need to use the restroom today. The nurse get a wheelchair for me, it felt so good to come out of ICU. I did a CAT scan before so I was use to it. I got to my room I made a thumbs up gesture to my mom. A few hours went then the echocardiogram technician came to my room, I was pretty nosey she allowed me to look. I asked questions because I was curious the way my heart sounded when she put on the audio gave me more power to fight my way out of the ICU.
The pain management doctor came to ask how is my pain and have went yet. I said my pain is ok and no I haven’t went he said ok and said that he would make a medical mixture for me. I was ok with that.
For rest of the day doctors and different labs techincan came in my room.
Wednesday September 29. 2021
I sat up the chair cause the bed was staring to get uncomfortable and by this time I haven’t went to bathroom and it was kind of getting painful by I still needed eat still taking a few bites of breakfast and I said to my mom that my stomach was hurting. In the ICU there is a little separator dividing the room in the corner was a toilet. ⚠️ TMI ⚠️ Ever since I was born I suffered and still suffer from constipation. That morning I took the mixture pill with my other medication. Let me tell you when I sat on that toilet it was like WW3 I could destroy the whole of Afghanistan the smell that came out my body could have taken me out. It went on for some time back to back ever for the next few days.
After I went I was so hungry any time a nurse came in and ask me if I wanted anything I said yes I usually got ginger ale and chocolate pudding, I love me some snack pack chocolate pudding.
I want to shoutout to my mom because I had so many wires on me, she did everything for me if you know what I mean 😉
Every hour my nurse came to check on me and my mom and ever 4 hours to me my iv medication and if I needed any pain medication. I started to wean off the pain medication because I didn’t want to get addicted to them but if I needed I would ask politely.
I had to sleep on my left side because I had the pneumonia was in my right lung. So I facing the door to my room I prayed to God basically saying: Dear God, please heal my lung so I can get out of ICU and to be able to see my sister and dad. I know that you can do it I believe in you.
Thursday September 30. 2021
Still in the ICU feeling much still can’t take a deep breath but I was working on the *breathing spirometer that is mess felt like hell. More doctors came in to update me and my mom, they said I looked perfectly fine but my CAT scan and X-ray was showing that I had fluid overload, a small amount of fluid around of heart, and pneumonia.
In my head I was like I need to get out of here. Still working on the breathing barometer trying to cleat my lung coughing like a maniac and sitting up off my lungs.
That night the new season of station 19 and grey anatomy came on so my mom and I watched while I ate my hospital dinner and mom had her dinner. After that I FaceTime my sister as I did ever night in hospital saying goodnight and making jokes I say goodnight and can’t wait to get home to her.
Ever other night my mom changes my wound I had of 10 years now; she was coming to the end of wrapping the rolled gauze around my foot. Around the same time the I got a new night shift nurse she would so sweet and her charge nurse pass her a piece of paper. She read it and wrote on my room board 2258 and said that I was switching floors. At that moment I knew God heard my prayer for the night before I was so excited that I was moving rooms.
My mom stared to packed our belongs and checking the room to see if we had left anything in the cabinet.
Friday October 1 2021
It was barley 1:00 in the morning on our way to the new floor. This floor was called *PCU entering our new room 2258 where we spent the next three days in. I told my mom one day closer to seeing my sister; the nurses slid me over to my new bed which was super uncomfortable. Now on this new floor between 12 and 4 they you sleep which was very comforting to hear.
I really didn’t sleep cause cause there was lab technicians taking my blood and nurses taking vitals sign. Once the sun came up my mom and I started to get up. I had such an appetite I ate all of my breakfast and was still hungry but my mom kept a sash of little snack from previous breakfast, Lunch, and dinner trays that I didn’t eat prior to being backed up so I had my favorite combo ginger ale and snack pack chocolate pudding.
The same doctor from the ICU came up was updated my mom and I still looked fine on the outside but the inside was still acting up. After they left I did so research why are keeping it is because I had a low grade fever due to pneumonia that’s all.
The physical therapist came in to work with me and my limp due to the wound I had and still have for 10 years. I walked the entire PCU floor, basic excise like in and out kicks, stepping in place, hip opener, and muscle resistance.
The more I felt better the more food was on my hospital food tray that night for dinner I had pasta and meatball with ice tea, and chocolate pudding. For the rest of night my mom and I watched tv and was heading to bed.
Saturday October 2. 2021
That morning my mom and I had a mission I was to freshen up, take my meds, let the nurses give me my Iv antibiotic and we were going for a walk on the PCU floor. After all that I decided to sit up in the chair again. The doctors came in and still I was feeling better but the x-rays were getting clearer still had pneumonia but I since couching and using my breathing barometer is was getting better. They wanted to still keep me over night to watch me for any fever spikes.
The fever spikes will only happened at 12:00 in the night so they still concerned about that. Physical therapist came to walked me and this time I didn’t even realized that I walked the over floor I was going my speed like yesterday but it seemed faster.
My dad stopped by to give me some really pretty flowers and to relieve my mom so she can go home and freshen up and checked on to my sister. My dad and I went for a walk and by the time we finished she was on her back to the hospital. She brought Popeyes and we watched the movie Selena I almost cried because I heard how she died by never got to watch it, it was the older one with Jennifer Lopez.
We continue to watch tv as we went to bed.
Sunday October 3 .2021
This was the morning I felt that I was going to be discharged form the hospital and on our way home. For breakfast I had some pancakes and sausage to drink I had some orange juice and the nurse gave me my medication and I was just chilling. The doctors came in by now it was just the fever spikes at night was reason they kept me an extra night. The nurse I had was trying to discharge me I really appreciated that.
Lunch time had just begun at the same time the nurse had came into my room to tell me I had been discharged in mid bite of my pasta and meatball I just felt it I was so happy to see my sister and dad. She said do you want to finish your lunch or just want to be discharge I said I wanted to be discharged so she was took off my heart monitor, pulse oximeter, and the IV I had.
She read me my discharge papers that I had to sign after that she went to go get a wheelchair and my mom went ahead down to get the car. For a moment I was left in the room by myself I turned on some gospel music and was praising God and thanking him for bringing me out of this one.
I told my mom to not to tell my dad I was being discharged cause I wanted to surprise him. He even called me I said the I using the bathroom the truth was I was sitting sign my discharge papers. While being rolled down to the lobby I kept thanking God for all his had done.
Pulling up to my house I got out of the car rang the doorbell and my dad opened the door and was so surprised and my sister was still sleeping so I waited until she had gotten up to tell her that I was in the ICU she just was surprised.
Now it has been four days I been home feeling much better still keeping up on my water intake and taking my temperature, oxygen levels and working on my breathing spirometer. God has and will forever been by my family and I side in times of needs he is just so good, caring, loving, merciful. Thank you God.
*pain medication: Dilaudid: treat moderate to severe pain
*nebulizer: A device for producing a fine spray of liquid, used for example for inhaling a medicinal drug
*I.C.U: a unit in a hospital providing intensive care for critically ill or injured patients that is staffed by specially trained medical personnel and has equipment that allows for continuous monitoring and life support
*high flow oxygen machine: Only offered if traditional oxygen therapy isn't helping, high flow oxygen therapy helps reduce the effort your body needs to put into breathing. By decreasing the effort of breathing and creating a small amount of positive pressure in the upper airways, this therapy helps improve oxygen delivery.
*active sickle cell crisis (in my opinion): is the pain the starts you feel it as the bad cells dies off
*CAT scan: n X-ray image made using a form of tomography in which a computer controls the motion of the X-ray source and detectors, processes the data, and produces the image.
*echocardiogram:a test of the action of the heart using ultrasound waves to produce a visual display, used for the diagnosis or monitoring of heart disease.
*breathing Spirometer:a common office test used to assess how well your lungs work by measuring how much air you inhale, how much you exhale and how quickly you exhale.
*PCU: The Progressive Care Unit or PCU is a telemetry (vital signs) monitored unit that provides care for adult patients requiring continuous cardiac monitoring
Love T.B.❤️
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keanureevesisbae · 4 years
The alluring charm of Henry Cavill - Chapter 6
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Summary: After their first kiss, Adelaide and Henry prepare for their final challenge. 
Henry Cavill x Adelaide Park (ofc)
Wordcount: 3.3k 
Warnings: None
Masterlist // Previous chapter //
Henry really needs to think this through.
He meant every single word that he said yesterday to Adelaide, he truly does. He is falling in love with Adelaide and he is falling way too hard. He doesn’t even care about the stupid part of the show anymore, he just wants to get to know her. Right now and even after the show, he only wants to be around her.
However, he also meant the other thing he said to her: she can go home if she feels like that’s for the best. But deep down he doesn’t want her to go.
Not yet.
That entire afternoon they spend kissing, like they were two teenagers. However, by the time they had to go home, it was hard for him to focus and bounce back to their routine they had before their first kiss.
Should or shouldn’t he wrap his arm around her shoulders, push that strand of hair out of her face or use his thumb to wipe away the bits of food of her cheek?
During the night however, those doubts disappeared like snow in the sun. The whole world saw how they slept together after the haunted house incident, why should they stop? While Adelaide was asleep, he would just stare at her, without her looking away as she would turn into a blushing mess.
He never expected her to be like the pro she is, but then he realizes: while she has never been in a relationship before, this woman is the queen of romantic comedies and the one that she starred in, were all pretty healthy relationships, compared to other movies. She knows what she deserves, even more so than he can offer.
Adelaide Park stole his heart and from the looks of it, she has no intentions on ever giving it back, something that he doesn’t mind at all.
Over the course of a few days, they do some challenges and somehow they manage to do pretty okay. For the YouTube page of the Celebrity Project, they even did a segment on how to cook some Korean dishes and the comments underneath that clip were all about the same thing.
Their chemistry.
While they are second place now (the Biebers are behind them and Charlie and Jennifer are way ahead of them), they are the fan favorites and Adelaide continues to impress everyone watching.
Tomorrow they are going on a little camping trip, as part of their final challenge. After that, it’ll all be over. No more camera’s, no more stupid challenges (meaning never eating fried tarantulas anymore) and it’s only him and her together, getting to know one another even better. He even thought about maybe auditioning for her upcoming movie. Playing alongside her, that’s all he wants.
It is hard on Henry, not to kiss her every time he gets the chance. He looks at her as she is making breakfast for them, but his phone rings, disturbing their little moment. He sees it’s his agent Richard and he places his hand on the small of her back. ‘You need me for something?’ he asks.
She looks up and shakes her head. ‘No, please, take it,’ she says. ‘I can manage.’ He earns himself a beautiful smile from Adelaide.
After he excused himself, he walks outside, away from the camera’s. ‘Yes, what do you want?’
‘You are not responding to my texts,’ Richard informs him.
‘I have been busy.’
‘With Adelaide?’
‘What is that supposed to mean?’ Henry asks him annoyed. He really hasn’t got time for this, especially not when he can make breakfast with Adelaide, as part of their morning routine.
‘You’re losing, Henry. You know what that means, right?’ The asshole answers his own rhetorical question. ‘You’re not getting James Bond.’
He doesn’t care about James Bond anymore. But he doesn’t want to come across as a simp. ‘We’re not too far behind. I’ll get her to man up, so we can win this.’ It hurts him to say something like this. He doesn’t want Adelaide to man up. He wants her to stay exactly the way she is.
‘Are you sure?’ Richard asks and he can even hear the cockiness and arrogance in his agent’s voice. ‘Because from the looks of it, she is continuing dragging you down.’
That is not the fucking case. ‘We’ll manage.’
‘And I never knew you were such a good actor. I almost believe you care about her.’
‘Maybe after this I’ll get even more jobs.’ Henry doesn’t mean it and even saying it out loud, pains him. He looks over his shoulder, to see Adelaide placing everything on the table outside. ‘I’ve got to go.’ Without waiting for Richard to answer, he hangs up.
This idiot is making him furious from the inside, completely ruining his good mood. The only thing he wants is to spend his day with Adelaide, without distractions. But when he sits down with her, all his annoyance has disappeared. ‘Just in time,’ she says with a smile.
Normally he would sit across from her, but today he sits right next to her, as they watch over the garden, seeing the birds fly from tree to tree, a stray cat wandering around the yard. ‘What’s the plan for today?’ he asks, as he grabs a cracker from the plate.
‘I think we have… pre… per… pre-pa-ra-tion time for the the final challenge tomorrow.’ She looks a bit annoyed, for her tumbling over her words.
‘Addy,’ he says in a soft voice, causing her to look up. ‘It’s okay, remember that. You are with me.’ He can’t help but push a strand of hair out of her face and as he is doing that, he knows this is what fans comment about, if this shot makes it into the episode. He actually quite enjoys the fact that they are the fan favorites now.
‘Sorry,’ she whispers.
He decides not to continue this conversation, because he knows that it annoys her and makes her insecure. ‘We could go into town, buy some things.’
She nods. ‘Of course. Sounds like fun.’
‘And maybe you and I could go for a swim later this evening.’
‘That’s fun,’ he chuckles. ‘Maybe you can finally swim by yourself. Just a little bit.’
Adelaide simply smiles at him, before taking a bite of her cracker. ‘Maybe.’ She lets out a sigh, placing her head against his bicep. Despite them wanting to keep whatever they have a bit of a secret, he loves this moment and doesn’t care about the camera’s picking this up. He doesn’t care about eventual comments from the fans. The only thing he cares about is that she feels safe enough to let her guard down around him and be vulnerable like this.  
He places his hand on her leg. ‘I saw there is a nice little cafe, maybe we can have something to drink there.’
She nods. ‘Of course.’
They finish up their breakfast and she quickly tells him that she is going to put on some make-up. He doesn’t think that she needs that, but he simply stares after her. When she’s out of his sight, he lets out a deep, slightly frustrated sigh that he had been holding in for a while now.
Richard is really annoying the shit out of him. He means, of course he wasn’t too excited about working with Adelaide in the first place, but that was before he got to know her. That was before she looked at him with those eyes of her, that hid so much, but on the other hand told him a lot. That was before he felt her body against his. That was before she sat on his lap and kissed him.
That afternoon he was falling for her a little more with every kiss that they shared. It just clicked, it matched perfectly. Her petite frame fits right in his arms, like they were made for one another. He loved feeling her soft skin underneath his fingers.
‘Ready?’ Adelaide asks, when she walks back in. She is wearing a blush pink dress, that is pretty tight fitting. He bites his lip as he tries not to gawk at her and nods. She grabs her purse and he holds out his hand. ‘What is it?’
‘Give me your purse,’ he says with a smile. ‘Come on.’
Adelaide rolls her eyes and reluctantly hands him her purse. ‘Looks good on you,’ she chuckles. When they closed the door behind them, they decide not to take the car, but to walk instead. He holds out his arm for her to take. Her hand rests on his under arm, her finger nails grazing over his skin.
Henry can see them walking around like this in the future, her as his girlfriend and he wouldn’t be complaining about that at all.
◎ ◎ ◎
They have bought a few items, like clothing and first aid kit, and now they are actually in a pretty fancy store, because Henry saw something in the window, that he really wants Adelaide to try on. He grabs the dress and a pair of heels that would match. ‘Try this on,’ Henry says to her.
She frowns. ‘Why?’
‘Just to humor me. Pretty please.’
Adelaide simply rolls her eyes, but does walk into the changing room. He hears her softly hum as she gets changed and the camera’s are spread over the store, capturing every moment. ‘You done?’ he asks.
‘Almost,’ she says. ‘But you can open the curtain. Maybe you can even help me zip up.’
He would love that. With the upmost discretion, he opens the curtain, making sure the camera’s can’t pick up on them. ‘Give me kiss,’ he mouths.
‘Why?’ she soundlessly whispers back,
‘Just do it,’ he says without making noise.
She steps into the heels, before leaning in to give him a soft kiss. Her plump and soft lips against his, nearly makes him hum in content. He wishes this moment could last forever, but it’s Adelaide that pulls him back into the real world. ‘Zip me up,’ she tells him, as she turns around.
He zips her up, glancing at her body and with a certain elegance and grace, Adelaide steps out of the changing room, twirling in front of the mirror.
‘You look beautiful,’ he says and quickly closes his mouth, because there is so much he wants to say to her. This tight black dress, shows off all her features that she should flaunt a lot more. The deep neckline, her exposed back and the way it hugs all her curves…
‘You like it?’
‘I don’t just like it, I love it,’ he admits, leaning with his shoulder against the wall.
‘Why did you want me to wear them, mister Cavill?’ she asks him, walking up to him, stopping right in front of him.
‘Just because,’ he mumbles.
‘That’s not a good enough reasoning for me.’
He wonders what it would be like to have an honest to God relationship with the lovely Adelaide Park. She teases him a lot, she uses him as a personal pillow and seems to enjoy his presence. Henry would love it to do this a lot more often: take her out shopping. It doesn’t have to be extravagant like this, even a domestic run through the grocery store would suffice.
Adelaide’s hand grazes over his chest and he quickly places his on hers. ‘I just figured it would look beautiful on you and I was totally right.’
He can see it, she is lost in his eyes for a few seconds. She visibly shakes herself out of her thoughts, before simply rolling her eyes—defense mechanism, pretending that she doesn’t care about his words, it’s adorable, really—and stepping back into the changing room. ‘Addy, give me the heels and dress.’
‘Why?’ he hears from behind the curtain.
‘Because I’m going to buy them for you.’
‘I thought you were my partner, not my sugar daddy.’ She pulls the curtain aside and she is wearing her own dress again, while she is slipping on her own shoes again. ‘You don’t have to.’
‘I do,’ he tells her. ‘Please, let me buy this for you.’
‘It’s expensive,’ Adelaide retorts.
‘Doesn’t matter. I have not one, but two cards with me: think I will be fine.’ He takes the black dress and the heels with him and walks over to the counter, to pay for them.
Henry insists on carrying all the bags for her and when they arrive at the cafe, she slides next to him on the bench, so they can look at the pedestrians walking by. She sits so close to him, that he is afraid that she can hear his raising heartbeat.
‘You look forward to camping with me?’ she asks.
‘I look forward to do anything with you,’ he chuckles, causing her to blush. ‘You’ve ever been camping before?’
That is such a stupid question, he thinks to himself. Probably not, since she told him about her family situation.
She simply shakes her head and from the looks of it, she’s not bothered by his question. ‘You?’
‘As a kid, yeah. But I mostly just followed my dad.’
‘More experience than me,’ she chuckles. She takes a sip of her cappuccino and says: ‘Just have to tell you, that I don’t really like night time.’
‘Why not?’
‘It’s dark,’ Adelaide tells him. ‘And I might be a little bit afraid in the dark, if you hadn’t noticed that already with the haunted house.’
Henry chuckles. ‘A little bit, but don’t you worry about a thing. I’m going to be right there with you. Besides,’ he says, ‘I don’t care about winning.’
‘Sure you do.’
He shakes his head. ‘No, I don’t and don’t fight me on that,’ he jokes, pinching her cheek.
◎ ◎ ◎
‘Henry, could you come in here?’
Adelaide’s voice is coming from the bathroom and he stops in front of the closed door. ‘What’s wrong?’ he asks, worry running through his veins.
‘There is a spider here and I want you to kill it.’
That’s actually quite the relief and it causes Henry to smile. He opens the door, only to discover that she is simply leaning against the wall. Adelaide places her finger on her lips and gestures to close the door. The door clicks shut behind him and she walks over to him. ‘What are you—’ He can’t finish his sentence, because she plants her lips on his, wrapping her arms around his neck. Henry melts against her body, placing his hands on her waist and chuckles. ‘Never knew you could be this sneaky, Addy.’ He lifts her on the counter and gives her another kiss. ‘I missed your lips.’
‘I missed yours too,’ she whispers. ‘I fear that this is because it’s all new and exciting, but I really can’t stop kissing you.’
He never expected her to be this bold, but he also feels like she has been holding back all along. The world is seeing one version of Adelaide Park, while there is an even more complicated one hidden behind a large wall, that she build over the years.
‘I can’t stop either,’ he confesses, leaning in to kiss her again.
She tilts her head when he lets go of her, her thumbs slowly caressing his cheeks. ‘Henry,’ she whispers, ‘I’m worried for tomorrow.’
‘Why is that?’
She simply shrugs. ‘I’m just afraid that I’m going to let you down.’
Richards words flash through his mind for a single second. ‘Don’t be. I don’t care about winning anymore, especially because I won the greatest prize already.’ He buries his face in her nape, to press a delicate kiss on her skin. ‘We’ll see how it goes, okay? But remember, you and I are together every single minute. I’m not leaving you alone, because I know that is what you are worried about.’
Adelaide nods, as she looks a bit caught. ‘Pinky promise?’
He holds out his pink, hooking it behind hers. ‘Pinky promise,’ he whispers, pressing a kiss on her fingers.
‘Now get out, I need to get ready for our swimming session.’ With a wide grin, she pushes him out of the bathroom and he can’t help but laugh. A blush is set on his cheeks and he grabs his own swimming trunks. Adelaide walks out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around her and a huge smile on her face.
After he changed into the blue shorts, he walks out of the cottage, towards the pool. Adelaide is already sitting on the edge, her back as straight as a ruler and he sits next to her. ‘Ready?’ he asks.
‘I am.’
He gets in the cold water and places his hands in the dips of her waist. Henry enjoys these swimming moments they share together. Her body is always so close to his and the evening sun making her like an ethereal goddess. It’s such an honor that she trusts him this much. Nowadays they don’t stay near the edge, they actually go a bit more to the middle, so she has more room to move.
Just like usual, she hisses as she hits the water and wraps her arms tightly around his shoulders. She wraps her legs around his hips and that is the first time she actually does this. Not that he is complaining at all.
It’s just that he keeps thinking to himself that he is not a teenager anymore and this shouldn’t make him this excited.
Adelaide manages to actually sort of swim, but he keeps his hand on her stomach, making sure she keeps floating. ‘Don’t let go of me,’ she tells him.
‘I wouldn’t dare.’
She reaches the edge, placing her underarms on it. A chuckle of disbelieve leaves her lips. ‘I sort of did it myself.’
‘I’m so proud of you,’ he says with a smile, standing right next to her. He know he shouldn’t be this obvious, but he can’t stop himself. He places his thick arm right next to hers, his hand covering hers. His other hand is still hidden underwater, but his heavy hand is firmly on her back.
Adelaide looks up and it looks like she doesn’t care about hiding anymore. She leans against his chest, her hot breath and lips against his skin. ‘Thank you,’ she whispers.
It takes him all of his willpower not to lean in and kiss her, because the temptation is nearly killing him. He kissed her a few times today, however it’s not enough. He can’t stop thinking about her, about kissing her non stop and getting to know her even more. Maybe it’s because it’s all new and exciting.
Adelaide starts to shiver a bit and he presses his forehead against her temple. ‘Let’s get out of the pool. It’s becoming colder.’
He gets out and grabs her towel, holding it out her for her, wrapping her up in her large towel. He doesn’t want to let her go, but he keeps thinking to himself that in a matter of a few days, she is all his and the camera’s are finally out.
Adelaide takes a quick hot shower and walks over to the bed all dressed in her pajamas. He quickly gets himself ready, before he steps in the bed with her. He shuts out the lights, wrapping his arm around her upper body, as he presses his chest against her back. ‘Sleep tight,’ he whispers, burying his face in the back of her neck.
‘Good night,’ she says, holding his hand tightly in hers.
It doesn’t take long before he feels her asleep. He doesn’t know how she does it, but she always falls asleep pretty quickly and he has spend enough nights next to her to hear the change of her breathing. She twists and turns in his arms, like she usually does. Adelaide turns around and wraps her arm and leg around him and her face in the crook of his neck. He simply holds her body closely to his, as he feels her lips against his skin.
Henry’s fingers run through her hair and carefully presses a kiss on top of her head. He doesn’t care about winning anymore.
The one thing he cares about, is Adelaide Park.
Taglist: @thelastsock​ // @jolly-polly​ // @henrythickcavill​ // @maan24​ // @diegos-butt​ / @agniavateira​ // @onlyhenrys​ // @turkish276​ // @summersong69​ // @coldmuffinbanditshoe 
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Post-production Expected June 4, 2020 Plot unknown. A sequel to the 2017 superhero film ‘Wonder Woman.’ Director: Patty Jenkins Writers: Geoff Johns (story), Patty Jenkins (story) | 4 more credits » Stars: Pedro Pascal, Gal Gadot, Kristen Wiig Updated:   Storyline Plot unknown. A sequel to the 2017 superhero film ‘Wonder Woman.’ Plot Keywords: action heroine | princess | based on comic book | based on comic | sequel | See All (34) » Taglines: A new era of wonder begins. Genres: Action | Adventure | Fantasy Parents Guide: Add content advisory for parents » Details Official Sites: Official site Country: USA | UK | Canada | Mexico | Spain Language: English Release Date: 5 June 2020 (USA) See more » Also Known As: Wonder Woman 1984 See more » Filming Locations: Landmark Mall, Alexandria, Virginia, USA Color: Color Aspect Ratio: 2.39 : 1 Ever since hulking lawman Hobbs (Johnson), a loyal agent of America’s Diplomatic Security Service, and lawless outcast Shaw (Statham), a former British military elite operative, first faced off in 2015’s Furious 7, the duo have swapped smack talk and body blows as they’ve tried to take each other down. But when cyber-genetically enhanced anarchist Brixton (Idris Elba) gains control of an insidious bio-threat that could alter humanity forever — and bests a brilliant and fearless rogue MI6 agent (The Crown’s Vanessa Kirby), who just happens to be Shaw’s sister — these sworn enemies will have to partner up to bring down the only guy who might be badder than themselves. Watch Wonder Woman 1984 Online Free Streaming, Watch Wonder Woman 1984 Online Full Streaming In HD Quality, Let’s go to watch the latest movies of your favorite movies, Wonder Woman 1984. come on join us!! What happened in this movie? I have a summary for you. It’s the first rose ceremony of the movie and the drama is already ratcheted up! Two very different men – Blake and Dylan – have their hearts set on handing their rose to Hannah G., but who will offer it to her and will she accept? All About The movies Euphoria centers on CDC researcher Abby Arcane. When she returns to her Wonder Woman 1984 home of Houma, Louisiana, in order to investigate a deadly swamp-borne virus, she develops a surprising bond with scientist Alec Holland — only to have him tragically taken from her. But as powerful forces descend on Houma, intent on exploiting the swamp’s mysterious properties for their own purposes, Abby will discover that the swamp holds mystical secrets, both horrifying and wondrous — and the potential love of her life may not be after all. #cineleven Watch Online Wonder Woman 1984: Complete movies Free Online Strengthens Crusaders and mountan Moorish commanders rebelled against the British crown. How long have you fallen asleep during Wonder Woman 1984 Movie? The music, the story, and the message are phenomenal in Wonder Woman 1984. I have never been able to see another Movie five times like I did this. Come back and look for the second time and pay attention. 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In a March 2020 study that assessed “The Impact of movies of Streaming on Traditional DVD Movie Rentals” it was found that respondents did not buy DVD movies nearly as much, if ever, because streaming had taken over the market. So we get more space adventures, more original story material and more about what will make this 21st MCU movie different from the previous 20 MCU films. Watch Final Space Season 2 — Movie 6, viewers don’t consider the quality of movies to differ significantly between DVDs and online streaming. Problems that according to respondents need to be improved by streaming movies including fast forwarding or rewinding functions, and search functions. This article highlights that streaming quality movies as an industry will only increase in time, because advertising revenues continue to soar on an annual basis across industries, providing incentives for the production of quality content. He is someone we don’t see happening. Still, Brie Larson’s resume is impressive. The actress has been playing on TV and film sets since she was 11 years old. One of those confused with Swedish player Alicia Vikander (Tomb Raider) won an Oscar in 2016. She was the first Marvel movie star with a female leader. . And soon, he will play a CIA agent in a movies commissioned by Apple for his future platform. The movies he produced together. Unknown to the general public in 2016, this “neighbor girl” won an Academy Award for best actress for her poignant appearance in the “Room”, the true story of a woman who was exiled with her child by predators. He had overtaken Cate Blanchett and Jennifer Lawrence, both of them had Wonder Woman 1984 out of statues, but also Charlotte Rampling and Saoirse Ronan. Watch Wonder Woman 1984 Movie Online Blu-rayor Bluray rips directly from Blu-ray discs to 1080p or 720p (depending on source), and uses the x264 codec. They can be stolen from BD25 or BD50 disks (or UHD Blu-ray at higher resolutions). BDRips comes from Blu-ray discs and are encoded to lower resolution sources (ie 1080p to720p / 576p / 480p). BRRip is a video that has been encoded at HD resolution (usually 1080p) which is then transcribed to SD resolution. Watch Wonder Woman 1984 The BD / BRRip Movie in DVDRip resolution looks better, however, because the encoding is from a higher quality source. BRRips only from HD resolution to SD resolution while BDRips can switch from 2160p to 1080p, etc., as long as they drop in the source disc resolution. Watch Wonder Woman 1984 Movie Full BDRip is not transcode and can move down for encryption, but BRRip can only go down to SD resolution because they are transcribed. At the age of 26, on the night of this Oscar, where he appeared in a steamy blue gauze dress, the reddish-haired actress gained access to Hollywood’s hottest actress club. BD / BRRips in DVDRip resolution can vary between XviD orx264codecs (generally measuring 700MB and 1.5GB and the size of DVD5 or DVD9: 4.5GB or 8.4GB) which is larger, the size fluctuates depending on the length and quality of release, but increasingly the higher the size, the more likely they are to use the x264 codec. With its classic and secret beauty, this Californian from Sacramento has won the Summit. He was seen on “21 Jump Street” with Channing Tatum, and “Crazy Amy” by Judd Apatow. And against more prominent actresses like Jennifer Lawrence, Gal Gadot or Scarlett Johansson, Brie Larson signed a seven-contract deal with Marvel. There is nothing like that with Watch The Curse of La Llorona Free Online, which is signed mainly by women. And it feels. When he’s not in a combination of full-featured superheroes, Carol Danvers Wonder Woman 1984s Nirvana as greedy anti-erotic as possible and proves to be very independent. This is even the key to his strength: if the super hero is so unique, we are told, it is thanks to his ability since Wonder Woman 1984, despite being ridiculed masculine, to stand alone. Too bad it’s not enough to make a film that stands up completely … Errors in scenarios and realization are complicated and impossible to be inspired. There is no sequence of actions that are truly shocking and actress Brie Larson failed to make her character charming. Spending his time displaying scorn and ridicule, his courageous attitude continually weakens empathy and prevents the audience from shuddering at the danger and changes facing the hero. Too bad, because the tape offers very good things to the person including the red cat and young Nick Fury and both eyes (the film took place in the 1990s). In this case, if Samuel Jackson’s rejuvenation by digital technology is impressive, the illusion is only for his face. Once the actor moves or starts the sequence of actions, the stiffness of his movements is clear and reminds of his true age. Details but it shows that digital is fortunately still at a limit. As for Goose, the cat, we will not say more about his role not to “express”. Already the 21st film for stable Marvel Cinema was launched 10 years ago, and while waiting for the sequel to The 100 Season 6 Movie war infinity (The 100 Season 6 Movie, released April 24 home), this new work is a suitable drink but struggles to hold back for the body and to be really refreshing. Let’s hope that following the adventures of the strongest heroes, Marvel managed to increase levels and prove better. 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youshouldbemanic · 5 years
It’s been a week since Manic and I wanted to get this up a few days ago so I’m just going to post the track claims I have received 
Reviews and reactions of Manic ✨
ASHLEY: ok so I really liked ashley especially as an opening track because it deals with a subject that's tricky for both halsey and fans; when fame becomes too tough or if halsey falls out of love with it, what will happen? i really liked the lyrics, especially the line about bursting into flames, because a lot of people can identify with that feeling. I loved the sound of the song, the production was so good!! it's one of my top favs from the album :) - @halseylockscreens
CLEMENTINE: "Clementine" exemplifies so much of what makes Manic interesting - the lyrics are sad and introspective, while the tone is playful and almost whimsical. It's inspires nostalgia and hope all at once. The way Halsey embraces the contradictions in herself - not needing anyone, but also needing everyone - is something that so many people, myself included, can relate to. It's sweet, sharp, and cathartic - especially the final "and then some" she belts in the background. It's in my top five for Manic! - @manic-nightmare
GRAVEYARD: I’ve said it before but Graveyard was the song that I heard and knew that this would be my favorite album. I think the use of guitars in the album is really pretty and really sells that it’s Ashley. Halsey singles are usually fast past and flashy but Graveyard feel so personal. Even the upbeat parts remind me of a heart beat after running for a while and you’re trying to catch your breath. The first time I heard it I thought that it was about G-eazy and abusive relationships but the more I listen to it and the music video makes me think it’s also about her relationship with herself. Ashely and Halsey are two different people Halsey represents all the bad and good of mental illness she’s loud,speaks her mind,gets angry, she feels everything so intensely and Ashley is in the background trying to keep up. The gasp is one of my favorite parts of the whole song, one thing she’s always done and has perfected on this album is whispers/talking in songs that makes it feel like she’s talking to you. I think I love Halsey so much because a lot of her songs feel like a friend telling you all their secrets and thoughts.- @leocaitelin 
YOU SHOULD BE SAD: You Should Be Sad is a very strong fourth track on Manic with a country influence to what is an angry pop song. Lyrically, the song has a nice flow to it that is complimented by the upbeat guitar. As Halsey stated in a tweet this is the “after he cheats” song; as she looks back at her relationship with an ex. Sure, this is not the poppunk song we all expected from the original snippet of the bridge that is “hey hey hey hey” and not “yeah yeah yeah yeah” but the anger soaks through her lyrics and into her words that it coats how you feel. By the end the song becomes sad, almost remorseful and finishes with a soft harmony. All in all, not a bad song.- @hunterthewriterworld
FOREVER...(IS A LONG TIME): Let me tell you right now that even though this isn’t in my top tracks of the album, I was destined to claim it as my track simply because of the rain sounds in the background... rain is my favourite thing and the second I heard it I knew it was a sign. I love how it starts sounding all cute and then at the ‘just right’ part it sounds like doubt is starting to creep into her mind and then the song takes a complete turn. I think Forever... is one of the most interesting songs on the album and I love how it goes into Dominic’s interlude! - @youshouldbemanic 
I HATE EVERYBODY: Alright “I Hate Everybody” is so fucking good musically and lyrically speaking. This one blew our minds because halsey is so fucking honest about how she let someone elses opinion about her have a bigger impact or effect on her than just being enough on her own. She´s so self reflective on her behavior in this song it´s almost as if she´s discussing it to get a clear pattern or picture about it for herself - she´s analyzing her previous behavior to state the point that SHE is important - not anyone else in this context. There seems to be a shift in her self perception. We immediately fell in love with this song because it is so relatable in our opinion. We immediately understood that feeling and could relate to it in some way or another. This song kinda feels like sitting down with halsey to talk about what is going on superficially speaking and then internally speaking because both those aspects often differ a lot from each other (e.g. how your friends, your partner etc. sees you or thinks you´re feeling vs. what is going on inside your head). We also loooove how the music is pretty tender and it seems as if the persona halsey is kind of telling a story very calmly and then when it comes to the chorus it seems as if ashley is coming through - this is when the music and the lyrics become more dynamic in a way. And we don´t know if it´s just our perception but we love how the music is giving the song a kind of sarcastic tone that adds to halsey´s criticism of herself. -@twinzmoon
WITHOUT ME: I've seen a lot of people say that they are tired of this song. That it came out too long ago. That it doesn't belong on Manic, etc. I get it, but I don't agree. I will say that I love the live performances of this song better than the album version. I think more emotion and more pain come out in her vocals when she sings this live. Most of the lyrics are talking about helping and supporting the other person and only a little about the hurt and anger of being betrayed. It's what goes along with that, what goes on in your head after being cheated on that gives this song a place on Manic. Having been cheated on myself in a previous relationship, I feel all of that extra, unstated in the lyrics turmoil everytime I hear this song. The why wasn't I enough? What did I do or not do that they needed someone else? Am I lacking something that they needed? Is it something about the way I look? The way I act? The way I talk? The self doubt, self loathing and distrust when you start a new relationship. I got lucky and I have a wonderful, amazing girlfriend now, but it's taken me a while to be able to trust in this relationship after being cheated on in the previous one. I both love and hate this song. I love it because maybe not in the exact way, but I've had this happen to me. I got through it and I'm in a better place now. I hate it because I feel all of the confusion, anger, doubt and self loathing everytime I hear it. Either way, it's a powerful, emotional song. - @anf-stuff 
KILLING BOYS: I had to listen to this song a few times through before I was truly able to appreciate it, mostly because it wasn't really what I was expecting. With the title "killing boys," and the obvious allusion to the movie Jennifer's Body, I guess I was expecting something angrier, more violent and aggressive, maybe more "Nightmare"-esque. And there's definitely a lot of anger in there, but it's not so loud and hostile and combative; it's all tempered by this kind of reflective, retrospective, "over it" attitude that you see throughout the album. She describes these bitter and vengeful actions like kicking in doors and keying cars and breaking windows in the verses, but they're all followed by a lot of "not anymores" and "never agains" in the chorus. And even the music itself gives the same effect; the whole song has that kickass percussion running under it, but the melodies aren't very harsh, and her voice is soft and almost somber. I love this song because I feel like this is the song on the album that fully embodies, both lyrically and musically, what Ashley said about setting out to write "dark and angry" music and realizing she simply wasn't angry anymore. -@gaygirlslove1d
SUGA’S INTERLUDE: I have to admit that I kinda put this song aside for a little while. I only listened to this song once when it was first released. It was released the same day as Finally // Beautiful Stranger and I was a little obsessed with that song.  Obsessed enough to change the words a little so I could sing it to my girlfriend. But enough about that, on to my review. After listening to Suga's Interlude more, I like the song a lot. It's not one of my top favorites from Manic, but it's really good. Halsey's voice is interesting on her part. Sweet with a hint of sadness. Suga has a very nice flow in this song. I had to look up the English translation for his part. I have seen several interpretations about the meaning of the song, but to me it's finding out that just because you reach your goal or are living out your dream, it doesn't mean it'll bring you happiness. The song fits really well on Manic in my opinion. So maybe not the best song that Manic has to offer, but still a very good song.- @anf-stuff
MORE: This is a deeply personal song. I had mentioned this yesterday, I feel personally attacked for having picked this song. As a mother of two boys, I feel like I can say that. “Wooden floors, little feet.” “Little screen, photograph.” “When you decide it’s your time to arrive, I’ve loved you for all of my life.” It’s a known fact that Ashley has endometriosis. It makes it hard to get pregnant. It’s also been mentioned that she suffered  miscarriages—not only that, she was performing on stage while going through at least one of them. Ashley has always been open about reproductive health and her story with it. It hits hard at special place—whether you want to be a mother or not. The lullaby, like off a mobile over a crib. The end that sounds like a sonogram, before you were to hear a baby’s heartbeat. How the audio is muffled as if you were listening from inside the womb. I was crying by the end of it, let me tell you. It is one of my favorite tracks, by far. The soft ones always are. It is a song of hope and heartache. Anger and longing. It is filled with truth that is Ashley’s, but so many can relate to. - @stopitchris
STILL LEARNING: I loved it, it’s not one of my favourites but it was fun and has a really good message!!!!And it’s also something I’m still working on myself; learning to love myself. It’s a hard journey but its achievable. The beat and lyrics were moving and deep and overall enjoyable!!!! -@pinklemongay
929: First impressions- cool strumming, OH NO HOSPITAL BEEP I AM GONNA CRY, OK GOOD ITS HER TALKING HER KITGLE LAUGH I LOVF JER SO MHCJ FUCKKKK SHES SO CUTE 🥺🥺, can’t remember half the time i’ve been alive, don’t meet ur heroes 🥺, THE FEATURE FUCKING LINE!!!! okgbn!!!!!, I wANT TO THORW UO, I HACE NEVER CRIED HARDER, AHHH, I CANT EVEN PROCESS IT SORRY, no lyrics to say bc i cant breathe properly, I KNOW DONT KEEP THEM TO YOURSELF 🥺🥺🥺🥺, sorry i need to listen to this again, MY MORAL COMPASS IS ON A VACATION, big coming of age movie vibes, this will be my Special Song i can feel it 🥺, i have felt every emotion. -@wreckageofmylife
WIPE YOUR TEARS: Wipe your tears is a very airy song that is almost reminiscent of the room 93 era. It has a twinkly aspect and deals with much darker themes. Yet it is also reminiscent of nightmare in the sense that it sounds more like a poem put to music. This song is also one of what the fans would call a “bi-anthem” as Halsey is talking about a girl which is very nice to hear. Personally I’m glad that this is only a bonus track as it is really short and does not fit the theme of the album. Yet it is still a bop and the better of the two bonus tracks. -@hunterthewriterworld
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lesbian-fabray · 4 years
my favorite movies of all time in no particular order
little shop of horrors - (1986) - musical/dark comedy - starring rick moranis and ellen greene: a lonely and awkward florist named seymour gains fame and fortune after buying a mysterious plant. the only downside is that this plant just happens to feed on human flesh and blood.
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jawbreaker - (1999) - dark comedy - starring rose mcgowan, rebecca gayheart, julie benz, and judy greer: after accidentally killing one of their best friends in a birthday prank, friends courtney, julie, and marcie start to drift apart due to courtney making dramatic attempts to cover up their crime and julie wanting desperately to expose it.
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but i’m a cheerleader - (1999) - dark comedy/lgbt - starring natasha lyonne and clea duvall: due to suspicions that she’s a lesbian, a naive cheerleader named megan is sent to true directions, a gay conversion camp, where she discovers there was actually more truth to the claims of her family and friends.
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booksmart - (2019) - comedy/lgbt - starring kaitlin dever and beanie feldstein: best friends amy and molly realize that they robbed themselves of the “high school experience” by focusing so hard on academics and decide to use their last night before graduation to make up for lost time.
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scott pilgrim vs the world - (2010) - comedy - starring michael cera and mary elizabeth winstead: after meeting a mysterious girl named ramona flowers, bassist scott pilgrim learns that he must defeat her seven evil exes to be with her.
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the rocky horror picture show - (1975) - comedy/musical - starring susan sarandon, barry bostwick, and tim curry: after their tire goes flat, newly engaged brad and janet find themselves in the castle of dr. frank n furter, a crazed alien who has just created his ideal man, but brad and janet had got dragged into affairs that went far beyond using the telephone.
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the perks of being a wallflower - (2012) - drama/coming of age - starring logan lerman, emma watson, and ezra miller: charlie starts high school incredibly lonely but very quickly meets two seniors, sam and patrick, who provide him with a friend group that supports him through his struggles with mental illness and adjusting to high school.
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heathers - (1989) - dark comedy - starring winona ryder and christian slater: a member of the in crowd at her school, veronica sawyer, meets jd and they begin killing the most popular and horrible of their classmates and making their deaths look like suicides, but veronica quickly realizes that this is in no way what she wants, and has to do everything in her power to stop jd’s killing spree.
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mean girls - (2004) - comedy - starring lindsay lohan, rachel mcadams, amanda seyfried, lacey chabert, lizzy caplan, and daniel franzese: cady, a gril previous home-schooled in africa, enters the world of high school and quickly befriends janice, who convinces her to infiltrate the most popular group of girls in the school, but over time her mean girl act becomes less and less of a facade
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jennifer’s body - (2009) - dark comedy - starring megan fox and amanda seyfried: after a tragedy in their home town, anita “needy” lesnicki begins to suspect that there is something evil about her best friend jennifer, who she believes may be responsible for the numerous deaths that have happened in the past few weeks.
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the children’s hour - (1961) - drama/lgbt - starring audrey hepburn and shirley maclaine: two teachers are accused of being lesbians by one of their students and the lie starts to ruin the lives they’ve built.
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a simple favor - (2018) - dark comedy/drama - starring anna kendrick and blake lively: after stephaine’s new best friend, emily, goes missing, stephanie learns that there’s much more to emily than meets the eye.
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He is someone we don’t Greys Anatomy happening. Still, Brie Larson’s resume is impressive. The actress has been playing on TV and film sets since she was 11 years old. One of those confused with Swedish player Alicia Vikander (Tomb Raider) won an Oscar in 2017. She was the first Marvel movie star with a female leader. . And soon, he will play a CIA agent in a series commissioned by Apple for his future platform. The series he produced together.
Unknown to the general public in 2019, this “neighbor girl” won an Academy Award for best actress for her poignant appearance in the “Room”, the true story of a woman who was exiled with her child by predators. He had overtaken Cate Blanchett and Jennifer Lawrence, both of them had run out of statues, but also Charlotte Rampling and Saoirse Ronan.
The Boys Season 2 Episode 8 Episode Online Blu-rayor Bluray rips directly from Blu-ray discs to 580p or 120p (depending on source), and uses the x255 codec. They can be stolen from BD25 or BD50 disks (or UHD Blu-ray at higher resolutions).
BDRips comes from Blu-ray discs and are encoded to lower resolution sources (ie 580p to120p / 517p / 580p). BRRip is a video that has been encoded at HD resolution (usually 580p) which is then transcribed to SD resolution. The Boys Season 2 Episode 8 The BD / BRRip episode in DVDRip resolution looks better, however, because the encoding is from a higher quality source.
BRRips only from HD resolution to SD resolution while BDRips can switch from 2170p to 580p, etc., as long as they drop in the source disc resolution. The Boys Season 2 Episode 8 Episode Full BDRip is not transcode and can move down for encryption, but BRRip can only go down to SD resolution because they are transcribed.
At the age of 25, on the night of this Oscar, where he appeared in a steamy blue gauze dress, the reddish-haired actress gained access to Hollywood’s hottest actress club.
BD / BRRips in DVDRip resolution can vary between XviD orx255codecs (generally measuring 120MB and 1.5GB and the size of DVD5 or DVD9: 5.5GB or 8.5GB) which is larger, the size fluctuates depending on the length and quality of release, but increasingly the higher the size, the more likely they are to use the x255 codec.
With its classic and secret beauty, this Californian from Sacramento has won the Summit. He was Greys Anatomyn on “21 Jump Street” with Channing Tatum, and “Crazy Amy” by Judd Apatow. And against more prominent actresses like Jennifer Lawrence, Gal Gadot or Scarlett Johansson, Brie Larson signed a seven-contract deal with Marvel.
There is nothing like that with Watch The Curse of La Llorona Free Online, which is signed mainly by women. And it feels. When he’s not in a combination of full-featured superheroes, Carol Danvers runs Nirvana as greedy anti-erotic as possible and proves to be very independent. This is even the key to his strength: if the super hero is so unique, we are told, it is thanks to his ability since childhood, despite being ridiculed masculine, to stand alone. Too bad it’s not enough to make a film that stands up completely … Errors in scenarios and realization are complicated and impossible to be inspired.
There is no sequence of actions that are truly shocking and actress Brie Larson failed to make her character charming. Spending his time displaying scorn and ridicule, his courageous attitude continually weakens empathy and prevents the audience from shuddering at the danger and changes facing the hero. Too bad, because the tape offers very good things to the person including the red cat and Greys Anatomyng Nick Fury and both eyes (the film took place in the 1990s). In this case, if Samuel Jackson’s rejuvenation by digital technology is impressive, the illusion is only for his face. Once the actor moves or starts the sequence of actions, the stiffness of his movements is clear and reminds of his true age. Details but it shows that digital is fortunately still at a limit. As for Goose, the cat, we will not say more about his role not to “express”.
Already the 21st film for stable Marvel Cinema was launched 5 years ago, and while waiting for the sequel to The 50 Season 16 Episode war infinity (The 50 Season 16 Episode, released April 25 home), this new work is a suitable drink but struggles to hold back for the body and to be really refreshing. Let’s hope that following the adventures of the strongest heroes, Marvel managed to increase levels and prove better.
He is someone we don’t see happening. Still, Brie Larson’s resume is impressive. The actress has been playing on TV and film sets since she was 11 years old. One of those confused with Swedish player Alicia Vikander (Tomb Raider) won an Oscar in 2011. She was the first Marvel movie star with a female leader. . And soon, he will play a CIA agent in a series commissioned by Apple for his future platform. The series he produced together.
Eps.01to the general public in 2011, this “neigVikingsr girl” won an Academy Award for best actress for her poignant appearance in the “Room”, the true story of a woman who was exiled with her child by predators. He had overtaken Cate Blanchett and Jennifer Lawrence, both of them had run out of statues, but also Charlotte Rampling and Saoirse Ronan.
Watch Vikings Season 16 Episode 17 Episode Online Blu-rayor Bluray rips directly from Blu-ray discs to 680p or 720p (depending on source), and uses the x211 codec. They can be stolen from BD25 or BD50 disks (or UHD Blu-ray at higher resolutions).
BDRips comes from Blu-ray discs and are encoded to lower resolution sources (ie 680p to720p / 571p / 180p). BRRip is a video that has been encoded at HD resolution (usually 680p) which is then transcribed to SD resolution. Watch Vikings Season 16 Episode 17 The BD / BRRip episode in DVDRip resolution looks better, however, because the encoding is from a higher quality source.
BRRips only from HD resolution to SD resolution while BDRips can switch from 21p to 680p, etc., as long as they drop in the source disc resolution. Watch Vikings Season 16 Episode 17 Episode Full BDRip is not transcode and can move down for encryption, but BRRip can only go down to SD resolution because they are transcribed.
At the age of 21, on the night of this Oscar, where he appeared in a steamy blue gauze dress, the reddish-haired actress gained access to Hollywood’s hottest actress club.
BD / BRRips in DVDRip resolution can vary between XviD orx211codecs (generally measuring 700MB and 1.5GB and the size of DVD5 or DVD9: 1.5GB or 8.1GB) which is larger, the size fluctuates depending on the length and quality of release, but increasingly the higher the size, the more likely they are to use the x211 codec.
With its classic and secret beauty, this Californian from Sacramento has won the Summit. He was seen on “21 Jump Street” with Channing Tatum, and “Crazy Amy” by Judd Apatow. And against more prominent actresses like Jennifer Lawrence, Gal Gadot or Scarlett Johansson, Brie Larson signed a seven-contract deal with Marvel.
There is nothing like that with Watch The Curse of La Llorona Free Online, which is signed mainly by women. And it feels. When he’s not in a combination of full-featured superheroes, Carol Danvers runs Nirvana as greedy anti-erotic as possible and proves to be very independent. This is even the key to his strength: if the super hero is so unique, we are told, it is thanks to his ability since childhood, despite being ridiculed masculine, to stand alone. Too bad it’s not enough to make a film that stands up completely … Errors in scenarios and realization are complicated and impossible to be inspired.
There is no sequence of actions that are truly shocking and actress Brie Larson failed to make her character charming. Spending his time displaying scorn and ridicule, his courageous attitude continually weakens empathy and prevents the audience from ITVing at the danger and changes facing the hero. Too bad, because the tape offers very good things to the person including the red cat and young Nick Fury and both eyes (the film took place in the 1990s). In this case, if Samuel Jackson’s rejuvenation by digital technology is impressive, the illusion is only for his face. Once the actor moves or starts the sequence of actions, the stiffness of his movements is clear and reminds of his true age. Details but it shows that digital is fortunately still at a limit. As for Goose, the cat, we will not say more about his role not to “express”.
Already the 21st film for stable Marvel Cinema was launched 5 years ago, and while waiting for the sequel to The 50 Season 16 Episode 17 war infinity (The 50 Season 16 Episode, released April 25 home), this new work is a suitable drink but struggles to hold back for the body and to be really refreshing. Let’s hope that following the adventures of the strongest heroes, Marvel managed to increase levels and prove better.
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