#his scale pattern
vex-bittys · 8 months
Hi! I finally finished crocheting my Corny bitty, and I wanted to show him to you! I'm really happy with how he turned out! (I accidentally overstuffed his arms, that's why he looks like he's T-posing😅)
I'm also almost done crocheting my Coral, I can't wait to show you when I'm done!
Have a good day!
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*OMG, this is amazing! Is he T-posing, or offering a hug? That's for you to decide, but I think he's adorable whether he's flexing on me or not. I especially love the way you made his scale pattern!
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puppetmaster13u · 2 months
Prompt 274
You know what is fun? Baby Ghost Jason. You know what could be even more fun? Ghosts are Dragons. 
Jason? Aware of none of this. 
He was on comms, y’know listening and rolling his eyes at Dickwing, who used his real name, really Dick, he mocks. It’s just a stakeout, nothing new there, honestly boring when he could be blowing something up instead. It should have just been a stakeout. 
Yet there’s something suddenly there, something behind him. Something that causes his hair to stand on end and his comms to spark into static like some sort of horror movie. Something, something with clawed hands with corpse-pale skin tipped in black, stained or dead or something else, tilting his head up and up and up as he’s frozen. 
“A child, out here? Alone?” a voice crackles, hisses, hums, and purrs, somehow all at once, unnatural in its tone. He can’t move, he needs to move, he has to move, but it’s like the space around him has gone cold and dead, like he’s stuck in the Pits once more as claws hold his head and his vision blurs. “Sleep, child. Rest- we’ll be home soon.” 
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pangur-and-grim · 7 months
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now for the dog round!
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ratwithhands · 1 month
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Snakemas! Based on these guys, Iwakuni snakes (albino Japanese rat snakes):
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This AU is (unfortunately) still in early development while I'm busy with school but there's some basic lore bits.
Half-monsters (hanmon) are a third group of organism between humans and pokemon. They are the result of ancient species from both groups combining and evolving over millenia to become specialized species of their own. They have monstrous appearances akin to pokemon, but wield only physical abilities like humans. Due to the nature of how they were formed and how they are viewed, most live in hiding, with only a few thousand individuals being observed and recorded
White Mountain Snakes are native to the Sin-Joh regions, showing up in traditional manuscripts as messengers of regional deities to guide and bring good luck to humans. Ingo and Emmet are children in a family that moved from Sinnoh to Unova. As such they consider themselves part of three cultures, and speak three languages
The twins are one of the only well known examples of hanmon in the present day. Most people are divided on their feelings about half-monsters, so they try very hard to skew the perception in a more positive direction. They act very proper with others and in public, only letting up and relaxing at home
Ingo does end up falling through the rift to Hisui. His main concern is that he fell right as the different clans were fighting over who was right, and having a "divine messenger" appear in Pearl Clan territory has caused a whole new mess for Ingo and the clanspeople
As for the serpents themselves:
The twins are constrictors, lacking fangs and instead having insanely muscular lower halves for wrapping and crushing prey in their grip. Depending on the size of the food they're eating, they might also just crush it with their bare hands to make it more manageable to swallow quickly
They are looooong, something like 10m in length from head to tail. The subway has multiple posters up warning patrons to watch their step in case they trip over them in traffic
They are awfully sensitive to temperature change. They sleep under a giant electric blanket, wear thick uniforms, and set the driving car temperature to be warm. Summer is their best working season, however they tend to stop working in winter to hibernate for about 4 months, much to the dismay of Battle Subway fans, staff, and local grocers
They'll shed about thrice a year and assist each other with peeling it when possible. This is mostly since they aren't dexterous enough to reach parts of their back. Shedding time means it's time for this little competition of theirs where they attempt to pull the longest pieces of shed possible off the other. Ingo is not very good at dealing with Emmet's dry ass and ends up accidentally cracking it most of the time. They sometimes give the scrap shed to Elesa for use in fashion outfits
Ingo's mouth is much narrower than Emmet's, he often has to stretch his jaws to accommodate something Emmet can eat easily. As a result the tissue connecting his jaws in the front is more stretchy
The twins have different organ locations due to their long structure. This usually doesn't affect their job but if you give them a hug you will feel the heart pumping in their abdomen
Thanks to all for reading this far. As a treat have Ingo and Emmet in their separation outfits, Emmet in his uniform and Ingo in the garb gifted by the Pearl Clan.
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tj-crochets · 7 months
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The elusive arboreal octopus (currently in its winter coat, to better blend in with the snow)
aka I made my giant octopus pattern with faux fur and it turned out, according to my dad, “vaguely prehistoric”
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wake-up-lieutenant · 10 months
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[DATE OF ACTIVATION - 08-15-2038]
edited in Photoshop inspired by this post
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mesherew · 2 months
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I've had this sketch sitting in my wip folder for months now so i slapped on some colors real quick
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isa-ah · 18 days
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I finally finished my buni doll! he's taller than my arm and pretty hefty. it was my first time embroidering, wire armateuring, using this specific pattern making process, etc.... so I think he turned out better than I ever expected lol!
he's mostly posable tho the wire I had access to isn't strong enough to combat the minky. live and learn 🤷‍♂️
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*& dr pepper for scale LOL
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gg-is-a-loser · 3 months
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i posted lark with whalefall earlier but here’s his ref !! i place these ocs 10ish years after the war i think.? i think during ruby’s reign, sporting events that don’t involve murder become popular among the skywings. lark here is a star athlete !!
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coastalraccoon · 5 months
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Decided to make some basefills for my oc DoD. Relined bases are by k9pestilence. Image descriptions are in the alt text for each image.
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they literally can't do anything else but give us his skin after teasing us like this with it. like. come on now.
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puppetmaster13u · 3 months
Prompt 262
Pondering Ghosts are Dragons, and just rotating each design in my head I have for them. That is the ghosts we see in the show more than just once or twice lol. Just pondering each of them and potential types and descriptions and how the people of Amity see them, as they’re used to the dragons around, vs say someone from Outside, crossover or no, who are Not used to the maybe slightly eldritch undeath interdimensional dragons around everywhere. 
That is not normal for other people. 
To the Amity Parkers? Boxy is simply a chonky dragon with small boxy wings and covered in blue scales. To people just coming into the city, it’s like seeing a giant komodo dragon when you’re just walking home- not something you exactly want to see and something that is dangerous. 
Kitty’s and Johnny’s weekly relationship tussle? Par for the course really. But to visitors? Two giant wyverns tearing into each other, shimmering greens that could be scales, could be tendrils, and shadows lengthening and thrashing like a living beast all its own. 
And this is just the small dragonlings, not even beginning with larger ones like Pandora and Fright Knight, chill as they may be. 
Outsiders don’t understand that they’re more than just animals. Amity is used to this, but people who have no clue what’s going on? They don’t.
They call the police, the heroes, the government, for help, for answers. And that? That the GIW can use. 
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bylertruther · 2 years
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my vision of modern au mike wheeler in all his glory
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orionis13 · 18 days
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New dnd character yall it’s cowboy time💪💪💪
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a-casual-egg · 10 months
Okay, hear me out, au where Lady Liliana brings villains from the oxventurers' past that could make up basically an evil oxventurers team.
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relmint · 2 years
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I was originally gonna design Patriarch Puti but I ended up doing Ao Lie instead 💀
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