#his willingness to learn and help😭😭😭
nat1volition · 1 year
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sandersonposting…..forgive me they’re just too slay
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hoebiirama · 10 months
✑ Anonymous sent : "Hey, Anli! I hope you're doing well <3 if ok with you, can I request some hcs for Madara and Tobirama with a fem friend who has Kamado Tanjiro's personality (from Kimetsu no Yaiba tho if you haven't watch it yet then someone who's just really kind, innocent in some way and respectful) some friendship hcs would be interesting. Thank you in advance if you accept my request! Take care 💙" ✑ Anli's useless comment : I am indeed unfamiliar with Kimetsu no Yaiba so I went off of the description you gave me, so I apologize if I didn't go in depth enough ! 😭😖 Thank you so much for requesting though 💚
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うちはマダラ • Uchiha Madara
↳ Madara would be concerned for you. I don't think he sees all types of kindness as weakness (showing mercy to your opponent is the type of "kindness" he considers weak), but in your case, it's different. The fact that you always assume the best in people deeply unsettles him, and he's always worried that someone will take advantage of you one day because you're too friendly. Your willingness to help others is both your strongest and weakest asset. He doesn't like that.
↳ I feel like he would scold you like a strict dad. A lot. Because he grew up being told to constantly hide his emotions, he never learned how to properly express them, so it often comes out as anger or frustration. Is the scolding annoying ? Yes. Do you understand why he's like this ? Also yes. You wouldn't have a problem telling him off, but this man invented the concept of being stubborn, so your words would have virtually no effect on him.
↳ It's a different story entirely when that kindness is directed towards him. Madara is used to people feeling extremely intimidated by him, never looking him in the eye, never approaching him unless it's absolutely necessary, and being overly polite out of cautiousness and fear of summoning his wrath. And I feel like your kindness and positive attitude towards life would both feel like a breath of fresh air and very unnerving (definitely at first). He probably wouldn't know how to deal with that.
↳ But that's also the reason he came to care about you, because no matter how much of an asshole he was to you at first, you never reciprocated the sentiment. You were always nice to him. You never took anything he said personally because you understood why he was so guarded all the time and that alone was enough to make you special in his eyes. Madara has never received any form of empathy from someone other than his brother.
↳ Your kindness is pure, and he would feel it. You're not nice to him out of caution. You don't show him respect because you fear him. It's genuine. It's something you can't fake. And while he'd definitely be thrown off at first, he'd warm up to you and eventually come to deeply care about you, even if he has strange ways of showing it.
↳ What I'm saying is, Madara is biased. Showing him kindness and openness is fine. Encouraged, even. But towards others ? Hell no. That won't pass. And yes, it is partly due to his possessiveness. Because if you think that's just something he'd display with his s/o, you'd be deadly wrong. Whether you're his friend or his lover, you're still his, period. He'd be able to put up with it without too much complaining if it's with Hashirama, but with strangers and Tobirama especially, he won't stop himself from making some kind of comment about how they (read : Tobirama) don't deserve you being nice to them.
↳ Pro tip : a good way to shut him up if he starts lecturing you again is to tease him a little and tell him "well, I have you to protect me, don't I ? Why should I worry about these things when you're there ?" and his brain might just stop working for a hot minute, lol.
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千住扉間 • Senju Tobirama
↳ I feel like Tobirama would share some similarities with Madara, but not even nearly to the same degree. He'd also be a lot more comfortable expressing his feelings through words, so he wouldn't get frustrated the way Madara would. It's just that sometimes he thinks you're being too trusting with people you should absolutely be wary of, or going too soft on people who don't deserve it.
↳ Thankfully, Tobirama is always ready to defend you from anyone who tries to imply that you're naive or easy to manipulate, because he knows it's far from the truth. You're no pushover; unfortunately, in the world you live in, it is often seen as a bad thing to be kind. Tobirama would have no qualms telling people off for you if need be, and by that I mean that even if you can stand up for yourself, you're not as harsh on people as he thinks is necessary, so he takes it upon himself to finish the job, lol.
↳ This one is obvious but I still have to say it : he'd also absolutely hate seeing you being friendly with Madara. I feel like all of the concerns Madara has in general would apply to Tobirama in this specific scenario. He'd be worried sick that the man would end up hurting you in one way or another (he feels the same way about Hashirama's friendship with Madara). Tobirama knows better than to straight up just tell you to stop talking to him, but if he catches you with Madara, he'd probably find any excuse to pull you away from him.
↳ Your friendliness and kindness also reminds him of his brother, and he'd definitely have a soft spot for it. I feel like he'd ask you a lot of questions to try and figure out why you're this way and how the world you live in hasn't seemed to completely ruin your innocence. It would be such a wild concept to him, and as the curious mind he is, he'd definitely try to understand your point of view.
↳ He would definitely come to you for personal advice if you're close enough. You'd be easier to trust than most people and not as biased as Hashirama would be (and, let's face it, if Tobirama comes to you with a personal problem, 99% of the time Hashirama is somehow involved in it), and you'd likely be one of the few people who could make him genuinely laugh. (Making him smile is easy enough. Just look at any picture of him with his students when they were children. Or how he was looking at Sasuke while fighting alongside him during the war. Man's not as stoic as people think he is — but you have a better chance at beating him in a footrace than you have at making him laugh.)
↳ Tobirama would love having you around, tbh. You're not as blindly optimistic as his brother is, but you're still the kind of positive presence he desperately needs in his life. He wouldn't fear negative judgement from you, and he knows you always mean well. You're probably the only person he can talk to about his students who'll get just as hyped as he is and not make some comment about how it's "unlike him to be so soft" and ruin the moment.
↳ 12/10 friendship, would recommend. For his sake. Please. The poor man desperately needs a friend.
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raamitsu · 4 days
Sorry for the fact that it took me a VERY long time to share this and yes, it was pretty long so just scroll if you do not want to read it :")
one thing about me that took me by surprise after chapter 261 leaks came out, was that I was one of many people who quickly adapted and accepted the chapter itself. even at this moment, I am so hyped to read everyone's thoughts and opinions regarding it. maybe I don't care anymore or maybe I was so confused plus tired but most importantly I wanted to see how the story progresses from this chapter. now, it concerns three people at once: Yuta in Satoru's body (considering Yuta is one of my favorite characters too and there is a highly chance he will die), Yuji who was punched and tossed aside once again by Sukuna and Todo who reacted weirdly. The chapter itself was too interesting for me to get emotional but then when I looked at Satoru's face, suddenly it feels like an open wound.
as a long time fan of Gojo Satoru myself, I won't lie to you that even I wished he would return but at the same time I didn't expect him to. had a quick realization and said to myself, "wait- maybe he should have not? because then he will have to get his ass back to the battlefield and fight Sukuna, and then what? he will die again. why would he have to repeat the same shit all over again? yeah that's enough of a burden already." and here we go... again.
seeing how the chapter has turned out, you can say that it is as if my wish was finally granted but it came with a gruesome, brutal twist behind the anticipated awaiting. if you think me seeing Satoru's physical body being used [as a weapon] once again is painful to death, imagine the heartache I had to go through realizing that Yuta was the one who took over his body; and again learning the fact that HE MADE IT CLEAR THAT HE DID NOT WANT TO COMMIT SUCH INHUMANITY MOVE ON HIS BELOVED TEACHER 😭💔 and yet, Satoru consented him - mental breakdown after another, I must say. I almost passed out (not really) while reading the chapter but surprisingly I have read it at least five times. I felt sick to my bone, however, it was an unbelievable experience and I respected Gege for that (still, it does not mean that I won't hate him ☺️👊🏻)
now... I do not want to undermine the advantage of criticism but as what I have seen/read during the break week on twitter, there are nothing but nonsense. for example, there was this one person expressed about the way they felt [as an Asian] to witness Gege implementing JJK with dark element and claiming that treating a deceased body like a playground was seen as "taboo" in Japan - meanwhile the "taboo" in question here does not only apply to one specific Asian country. while their opinions and feelings were somehow valid, it was still not applicable to speak for everyone especially the majority of Asian JJK readers who love this chapter and has no issue in understanding the points that Gege wanted to come across through his readers.
since I am unfortunately not in a great shape right now- I will do my best to make it short: the hate train against Yuta and Shoko should not be warranted in the first place. all they did for the past few chapters was trying their best to come out with alternatives in order to defeat Sukuna - and that included using Satoru's physical body as their "last resort" as we have learned in chapter 261. you can deem it as "not morally right" which indeed it is and still able to look pass at it rationally for the fact that it was not a baseless desperate move, and Satoru was not being forced by a third party to give consent for his corpse to be used - even if it was not Yuta. to be fair, re-reading the chapter again after I have done posting leaks, I cannot help but found it so tragic for my man and for my beloved boy to make themselves out to be a monster out of their own willingness - and this is why I am deeply thankful for the fact that the one who "inherited" Satoru's memories was Yuta instead of another villain.
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no one, not even a sorcerer, can remain their sanity until the end - not when the situation they are in requires an unprecedented decision making thus resulting them into putting aside their morality and humanity to "level themselves up" against a calamity that knows no limit. even if it costs the lives of many, they will execute the only alternative they had left. a dire situation will tell you, show you exactly what human beings are capable to do. you should be able to understand the sentiment while still being judgmental upon it.
and lastly, the amount of uneasy feeling I have even after looking at these panel for couple of times already like LORD-
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that is all. after this I will do another re-read to form a separated post with different opinions. Insha'Allah.
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journey-to-the-attic · 8 months
sorry but i'm so ILL over zhaolu like 😭😭 someone give the anon who started this a gold star because ohmy GOD they GET IT, the perfect partner for lucifer WOULD be a single father, ESPECIALLY one like zhao, GOD
abyway pls spare zhaolu hcs 🥲 🤲 (if u have time of course!!)
i will ALWAYS make time for my favourite silly men, please take these!!
they're both overworkers who hate seeing the other overwork themselves, so in the beginning they're both constantly reminding with each other to stop working so much, while simultaneously working too much
zhao thinks lucifer has it harder because he sucks at paperwork so he can't fathom having to do that much; lucifer thinks zhao has it harder because he cannot imagine doing all that housework while simultaneously wrangling his brothers, even if he's good at it
lucifer is always telling zhao off for doing all the household chores for his younger brothers, because they will absolutely take advantage of his willingness to help if they've got something else to be doing
the only exception is satan, who determinedly does his share of the chores and scolds the others when they try pawning theirs off on the poor guy
belphie does do it as well but he always feels super bad afterwards
(zhao acting as stepdad to satan and belphie especially has now become canon To Me if you haven't noticed yet)
one time they accidentally swapped glasses but somehow didn't notice, even though zhao's eyesight is significantly worse than lucifer's
zhao has this problem where his blood pressure drops like a ROCK if he goes too long without eating, but he's usually very good about managing it. keyword being usually: one time he lost track and passed out because he stood up too fast
this has never happened since because lucifer (though he was very good at hiding it at the time) panicked so hard that the incident is burnt into his memory and now he's hyper-vigilant about it
it's kind of ironic that this is lucifer's first relationship and zhao's second, given a demon vs human lifespan
lucifer's not really sure how to feel about it. on the one hand, the idea of ik's mother coming back into the picture does make him seethe a little bit, but on other, he trusts that zhao wouldn't be with him if he hadn't fully moved on
i've mentioned before that zhao doesn't realise he's bi until he's in the devildom - to elaborate on that, at first he was just like "woa...... handsome men" and thought it was a completely normal thing. you know, just appreciating good looks when you see it
then the handsome men started being good with his daughter and he was like "...wait a minute"
now zhao thinks his husband is the most beautiful man in the entire world, and while this is heightened by, yknow, love, it's also true that lucifer's just an objectively good-looking guy
meanwhile he considers himself very plain by comparison, and is he is indeed pretty average by societal standards
HOWEVER. if you're into the pathetic shabby dad look. which lucifer is, apparently. he might just be the hottest guy you've ever met
lucifer did not realise he had a type before this
particularly in the early stages of their relationship, the others learn not to let either of them talk for too long interrupted in council meetings because they just start staring at each other and not doing any work
zhao has a habit of accidentally doing something kind of suggestive without thinking of how they could be taken - one time he undid the first few buttons on lucifer's shirt because he was worried about him being uncomfortable in that formal getup, and lucifer thought about it for the ENTIRE rest of the day
i think lucifer in general is just so.... hang on i need to look some stuff up in urban dictionary
down bad? is that the term?? anyway we all know what he's like in-game so. yeah that's elevated here
anyway zhao's accidentally made a habit of calling him 'good boy' and lucifer has to physically restrain himself every time lol
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starjxsung · 1 month
hi~ big sis, Star! Haha, you do give the big sis energy bc you have such charisma ✨
Is it too much if I ask you for career advice here? bc you're such an amazing writer, I'm sure you're great at making an effective email to attract employers :3
I'm applying for internships, but haven't gotten any interview calls from companies I'm applying to, not even one! So I want to write a follow-up email to persuade them like–pleaasee give me a chance!! I am capable I promise lmao. How should I structure my email? And what else should I take a closer look at?
Thankiee~ I LOVE YOU 💗
I LUV YOU THIS IS SO SWEET…… I am actually a middle child if anyone is wondering but like BARELY bc I have an older sister who’s 3 years older than me AND a twin sister but I am older by exactly 1 minute 😭 so like…… middle child by just 1 minute. I’ll take the big sister label though I have always wanted to be a big sister
NO I AM OPENNNNN FOR CAREER ADVICE I don’t have too much experience bc I work at the place I interned at in college but I did GET the internship after getting rejected and sending a fancy email demanding to meet with them so I could elevator pitch why I wanted to work for them. And now I hold a senior title at our company so I will always advocate for good emails that get employers’ attention !!
My email following up on my internship was very pathos-inducing, so I made sure to write about why specifically the company interested me, and I detailed what I think set me apart from the other candidates they were looking at. I also didn’t format it as a follow-up email, I expressed my disappointment that they “couldn’t see my potential” and I demanded a 15 minute with the hiring manager to chat about why I felt I could bring something unique to their company. I also LITERALLY began my email with something along the lines of “I know you guys get hundreds of corporate emails a day so I’m going to keep this very informal, but I wanted to let you know that I think you would be making a mistake by not hiring me and I am requesting a brief chat to discuss this in further detail.”
My best advice is to make sure the emails capture YOU in them. Don’t go online searching for follow up templates and don’t try to sound so formal like you already hold some corporate position. Let yourself sound like an entry-level candidate, or even just a student if you are one! Communicate your strengths, why you’re interested and don’t be afraid to get pushy and request a meeting or ask to just talk about the position in a meeting. These employers get a trillion emails from students all trying to sound formal, but at the end of the day you need to be memorable. They need to know that you’re not somebody who gives up easily and that you’re serious about the position. Get pushy! Let your emails sound a little amateur but make sure they sound like YOU and not a Google email template.
I would also emphasize the importance of a cover letter that encapsulates this same thing. Make sure the letter relays why this position is unique to you and exactly what your personality and skills can bring to the table. Don’t send in just a resumé and assume they’re going to read that and match your skills themselves, there’s usually like a 99% chance they’ll move on to something with a little more substance.
I hope this helps a little bit !! I can also provide some templates of what my resumé is roughly based on, but I always make sure that my cover letters are always very unique to the company and the position, and of course to myself! Good luck angel, don’t give up!!!!! At the end of the day, your individuality and willingness to learn will be your best assets.
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juminies · 3 months
i agree, he’s definitely the type of person to remember his students, especially the ones that showed initiative and a willingness to learn in his classes. he wouldn’t keep in touch with any of his ex students but i’d like to think that if he ran into one outside of work and they invited him for a coffee in a local cafe he wouldn’t refuse. he’d be genuinely interested in seeing how they’ve gotten along with their studies and work since graduating.
now that you mention jumin and technological issues i’m thinking about how he would have survived remote lectures during lockdown lmao. you know that one viral video of a lawyer where he got stuck using a cat filter on zoom? i can see something like that happening to prof han.
jumin would usually be super nervous over elizabeth’s vet appointments, heck, even simple grooming appointments would have him biting his nails. he’d hate having to give over his precious elizabeth the 3rd to someone he barely knows. so having yoosung as her primary vet would take a great weight off his shoulders. on the other hand, i can see the added pressure on poor yoosung for the first few sessions.
hahaha omg he actually would be the that one guy who enjoys getting called for jury duty. he would be pretty knowledgable about the legal system! i can see him reading books on law for fun in his spare time
I hadn't even thought about how he would have coped during lockdown LOL. I know there would be a lot of calling Seven to ask how to do things. He helped Jumin get set up properly but after that was only helpful roughly 60% of the time. Jumin definitely accidentally muted himself frequently or forgot to unmute after a brief break and had to be reminded. On multiple occasions Elizabeth wandered into the room and sat directly in front of the camera, as cats like to do. He'd scoop her up and once she settled she would sleep on his lap for the rest of the call.
I know any vet that cat has ever had must be ON EDGE while they treat her. Jumin would make it so clear that if anything happens under their care he is suing the shit out of them 😭 Only the best for his baby. But I do think Jumin seeming calmer knowing she'll be in the care of someone he trusts makes Yoosung feel less pressure after a little while in turn. He knows that if Jumin believes in him to take care of her he must be doing a good job :-)
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barbiegirldream · 3 months
did you like the culling game arc?
i feel like gege shot himself in the foot with that story because i was superr bored by the amount of chapters dedicated to characters we neither know or care about 😭 i think he is overestimating our willingness to read endless exposition. that time couldn't have been used for anything else? with all the offscreen conversations and reunions it couldn't have been expended for? all it did was prolong gojo's sealing irl (like, 1 full year dedicated to one subplot, an army subplot that was dropped immediately because gege got tired of drawing military gear, and kashimo being useless.) i liked yuta's fights and itafushi obv but idk... i can overlook that if its just one mediocre arc but gege wants to end the entire manga soon apparently and i can't help thinking he misspent his time atrociously
The culling arc was an interesting idea executed poorly. It feels like a separate story that didn't belong inside the Sukuna boss fight. It's getting in the way of the merger which is still unclear to me.
I think the culling games should have ended During the Sukuna v Gojo fight. And that Yuta should have been gone from the viewing room and everyone to be like hey where is he?? And then the issue before we learn Gojo is dead it smashcuts to Yuta braining Kenjaku and the culling game ends Megumi Fushiguro can begin the Merger. Go back the next chapter to dead Gojo and now their goal is super clear. Megumi needs to take back over his body now. Just my thoughts anyways. I didn’t care about one character that showed up and hot take hated the lawyer guy. Kashimo's fraud ass 😒 but none fumbled harder than Hana who was higher than a kite on copium and delulu juice
Also idk what ending Gege is going for with the endless asspulls of durability Sukuna has going for him
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exlibrisfangirl · 3 years
Derek vs. Chris, Derek OR Chris, Derek + Chris (let's just get the whole thing out of the way all at once)
Who would win a fight: Okay, see, that's a tough one, because they actually DO fight on the show, multiple times... and neither of them ever wins. 😂
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They're both very smart, and they're both very good fighters (Chris with his various weapons, and Derek with his claws and superhuman strength), and I have no idea which of them would win a physical fight.
It's even difficult to determine who would win a snark fight, lol. (They're definitely evenly matched in that regard.)
Who I like better: Anna, you KNOW it's Chris. The answer to that question is ALWAYS going to be Chris.
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Christopher "Welcome to the Gun Show" Argent. My beloved Silver Bullet. My poor, precious President of the Sad Dads Club. His redemption arc remains one of the best I've ever seen on television... and you know how I love a good redemption arc!
Look, I could wax eloquent about my husband for DAYS, but what I love most about him is his willingness to walk away from everything he holds dear - his upbringing, his family and their legacy, his beliefs, his code, his profession - once he comes to terms with how toxic and wrong it all is, in order to better himself and fight for what he knows is right and just and good.
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That being said, I do like Derek for a lot of the same reasons I like Chris, and they are narrative parallels in a number of ways, which is one of the reasons why I love their relationship arc so much...
At his core, Chris has always been about protecting, and, not only does he learn to let go of a lifetime of protecting the wrong people and ideals, but, when he does so, he also discovers that he has gained a whole new family who will fight for him, too, and the fact that he finally gets the family he deserves when he decides to turn his back on the family that almost destroyed him? Ugh, it just resonates with me SO deeply. Chris Argent loses SO MUCH... but instead of letting it break him, he learns to bend, and instead of letting it harden his heart, he learns to embrace his softness, and the universe rewards him for it... and it's all just SO WONDERFUL, ANNA. *cue ugly crying*
...and that takes us to...
How I ship them: As if YOU, of all people, even need to ask this? 😆
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Well, I started off only shipping them platonically (BROTP), but we both know that things... er... got a wee bit out of hand, lol.
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Platonic or otherwise, I just love how they change each other for the better, how they learn to see each other - and each others' "kind" - in a new light through their interactions, how they learn to trust each other, work together, and protect each other. Derek saves Chris's life. Chris saves Derek's life. They go from Derek "I don't trust anyone" Hale and Christopher "Why would I care about anyone related to Derek?" Argent to Derek "I trust you enough to take you into my family vault alone at night and reveal to you that I am losing my powers and ask for your help" Hale and Christopher "I believe in Derek Hale" Argent over the span of six seasons, and EVERY TIME I THINK ABOUT HOW FAR THEY'VE COME AND HOW MUCH THEY'VE GROWN AND HOW MUCH THEY CARE ABOUT EACH OTHER, I WANT TO CRY, IT'S JUST ALL SO BEAUTIFUL. 😭
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Give me two characters in my inbox
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vyinter · 3 years
omg the red sleeve cuff gold tier. I was like I don't have time for the heavy duty dramas so I'll just watch this less talked about drama with only 4 episodes BIG Mistake. BIG. it's the best one released yet 😭😭
I love this script writer every scene u think it's for something but it's for something else. no dialogue is wasted and it's so beautiful. watched ep 5 without subs and despite the historical language I still understood the gravity of scenes and was HOOKED.
the director too. like it's slow but it doesn't drag. sometimes they use single long shots to increase the tension and it looks so good. it's funny when it needs to be it's beautiful when it's serious. sometimes both of them blend, so well.
Idk the language that well but the dialogue delivery when they bicker is so good. i can just figure out the formality(?) of the speach and that's so fun to see them bicker when talking to each other in different social statuses. like the way she talks to the crown prince when she thinks of them as library friends vs when she remembers he's a crown prince vs the way she talks to the actual gyeomsaseo guy vs the way she talks to other important people that's so fun to seee it makes me want to learn the language
lee junho and lee seyoung is so goodddd omg they're KILLING it!!! anyone who's new to this would be so surprised to know junho is a famous idol. we talked about his meow meow peak in rain or shine and comedic asshole in that manager show but this is a mix of both and it's done so welllllllll he's a traumatized crown prince with a humor sense and a willingness to actually help people and he's done his acting homework!!! he's even mind controlling the pace of his tears he's insane!!!! and SHE!!! lee seyoung has THE BEST comedic timing, the way she plays the character so witty and smart and loveable I love her!!! and the way she's like this is MY show MY life like yeah the crown prince the king etc etc are important people but I come first before anyone my life my happiness and she'll beg for it when she has to and she'll stand up for it when she has to. love that for her so much. they've REALLY got the independent dimensional woman without making her a caricature or a "girlboss"
I usually don't support the rich male leads cuz they are pretty dumb and they don't write them with any likable characteristics other than he's hot and changes his ways for a girl but here I'm rooting for him!!!! he a man in power he has the airs about it he's being a dick she calls him out on it and he's actually changing himself because he wants to be a good king he's changing for Himself not for romance which is just so nice to see. he's a dick but he's lovable dick and on his way to be a good man!!!
It's so realistic how they fall for each other you can barely tell it's the crown prince - servant girl trope because it's done so well. and I feel like since it is about real life historical figures they've really paid their respects making it so realistic
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odi-et-amo85 · 3 years
Hi! Once you get this you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly, then send this to ten of your favorite followers (nonnegotiable) SPREAD POSITIVITY! 💌
You know, I absolutely hate these type of asks. Because my self-conscious ass really cannot deal. 😭 But I like you enough to do it anyway, Elisa. 💖 So here we go:
My sense of humour: I really love puns and twists of words (you might have noticed if you’ve been here long enough 🙈). It’s a skill that took me a while to develop, but I managed to find a type of joke that’s never at the expense of others. Unfortunately, most of the time, people “don’t get” what’s so funny. 🙃 But I have gotten so good at it, that I am able to provide my own form of entertainment, without relying on others;
My willingness to learn: By nature, I am a very curious person. When I encounter something I didn’t have previous knowledge about, I want to find everything I can about it. This has helped me a lot here, because I like to ask questions rather forming an opinion straightaway. And because of those questions, I discovered things I never would’ve known otherwise. And I “met” some awesome people along the way;
“Seeing” things that others don’t notice: I have a very keen eye for detail, which enables me to recognise patterns (particularly in storylines and plot developments) that others may not even have thought about. (Admittedly, sometimes I was completely wrong about stuff! 🤡) Also, if I ever went into your inbox about a random thing you might have mentioned in a really old post…that’s why; 😅
Being attentive, or rather, careful: I am very aware of my own role in making the world a better place. Especially here, where I can’t see what goes on someone’s head. So I do my best to be as kind and as considerate to people as I can. To recognise my own responsibility in keeping this a safe space, by apologising when I (albeit unwittingly) caused hurt and do better next time. Or reach out to those who are struggling or found themselves part of a conflict.
Being bi: This speaks for itself. 🏳️‍🌈 But I have been through a very tough year. But I finally find myself in a very happy, healthy place. My live feels more balanced im general, but particularly when it comes to my sexuality I’ve felt a sense of calm within me lately. And after years of self-doubt, repression, self-hate and anxiety, it still feels very special to be able to proudly say I am happy to be bi. I still have a long way to go, but I am optimistic about the future. 😌
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