#history of freestyle skiing
sgtmickeyslaughter · 8 months
once again, its been one hell of a wednesday
time to unwind with a weekly tag game!
thanks for tagging me @lingy910y @juliakayyy @energievie and @jrooc
name: gigi
age: 24
star sign: full time virgo
first language: english
second language: lol i wish, my girlfriend has been trying to teach me korean the whole time we've been together and cant comprehend that my brain is just simply not wired to learn language
favorite lip product: aquaphor 🥰 and the nars laguna lipstick it was literally made for pale autumns
the best food dish you can make without a recipe? honestly most things, even when its new i like to skim and freestyle, most often i make eggs in hell and various soups, stews and stocks
if you drink tea, what kind? the only tea i drink is bottled cold green tea, and ginger in hot water when im sick
if you drink coffee, what roast do you usually get? light roast <3
favorite thing to watch on youtube right now: music videos! also watching a lot of book binding tutorials and general quiet crafting videos
favorite thing to watch on youtube in 2012: the dame herself ms. jenna marbles and honestly up until she left it would be the same answer
favorite item of clothing right now: i have a few very very cozy sweaters that have been in rotation over the last few weeks, but i am very excited to get back to soft loose blouses and pants
favorite item of clothing in 2012: a very cool 70's jean jacket that i still own and wear!
three movies you recommend: Chungking Express, jennifers body, in bruges
your favorite concert: tyler childers at radio city music hall, the queen of dancehall herself sister nancy and tune yards
have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion? not a single opinion, we can agree to disagree on things but i have unfollowed people for consistantly being really negative about everyone other than their favorite characters and just overall being a bummer
have you ever left a fandom because of the fans? Nope! every fandom I've been apart of has had really lovely people, but by far shameless is the nicest which feels a little ironic
the best tv show you watched last year: Beef by far, I don't think Ive ever resonated with a piece of media with such raw emotion (also the bear and succession but yall already knew that)
do you have a fancasting you just can’t let go of? Im not really apart of the harry potter fandom at all but sometimes marauder fancasts come on my fyp and theyre all really fun
a ship you’ve abandoned: destiel a little, i still love them that brain rot (damage) cant be undone but i rewatched supernatural last year and like, Dean is so genuinely unkind to him most of the time (/nuanced)
on a scale of 1-10 how willing are you to share your ao3 history? i mean, with who?
do you have a fandom tattoo? no tattoos
what fandom do you wish was bigger? none come to mind
has a finale ever ruined a show for you? no honestly im pretty okay with all of them, but i never watched any of the big ones that people hate
have you…
swam in an ocean? yes! I was a jr lifeguard, swimmer and water polo player in highschool, i am the safest person to visit the beach with
been vegan/vegetarian? I was vegan for three years but when i moved back home during covid i couldnt really keep it up while eating dinner with my family every night and now im very plant based but not vegan or veg
gone skinny dipping? many times lol
gone skiing? yes but i prefer snowboarding
been to a convention? only work related design conventions
tagging from my notes: @mickeysgaymom @rainbowbri @anonymous-galager @gallawitchxx @iansw0rld @mybrainismelted
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thisonesatellite · 6 months
15 questions for 15 friends
Thank you for tagging me, my dearest @ohsodebonair! 💕💕💕
Are you named after anyone? >>> No. My parents just liked the name. Apparently a lot of parents liked that name around the time i was born, because there were Many classmates with the same name from kindergarden through college. 😂
When was the last time you cried? >>> i get very emotional over stories of basic human kindness, so if you put me in front of one of those 'faith in humanity restored' ANYTHINGS, you can practically time the waterworks.
Do you have kids? >>> No, and I am not going to.
What sports do you play/have you played? >>> i don't know if 'played' applies here, but swimming (freestyle), bicycling, and skiing (Super G, giant slalom, and downhill). Never made it past rinky-dink regionals in any of them, but i still enjoy them very much, especially bicycling. (Also, lest the skiing makes you think this puts me in a high socioeconomic class, let me tell you that i literally grew up in large parts within spitting distance of the Alps. That, and New Jersey. 😂)
Do you use sarcasm? >>> Absolutely.
What’s the first thing you notice about people? >>> Energy.
What’s your eye color? >>> Dark blue.
Scary movies or happy endings comedies? >>> Both. 😂 Literally one of my fave genres of all times is horror comedy. Zombieland is my comfort food.
Any talents? >>> Huh. Not sure. Eternal optimism? A complete indifference to what other people think of me? Perseverance? Are those even talents? You know what--- scratch that. Concentration. The ability to concentrate on anything, anywhere, anytime. That is my superpower.
Where were you born? >>> Munich.
What are your hobbies? >>> Writing, reading, bicycling, calligraphy, cooking, daydreaming.
Do you have any pets? >>> Back in LA i used to have a lovely dalmatian-pointer mix named Emma, who was the best dog in the history of ever, i will hear no arguments. Alas, this apartment allows no pets, so i am sadly without.
How tall are you? >>> 5'4"
Favorite subject in school? >>> All of them, literally every single one, except chemistry. i cannot stress enough how much chemistry is excluded from that list. 😂
Dream job? >>> Doing it. But it's really hard to explain. i'm in production and post production and promotion of movies and series, mainly, but it's a huge field and i wear many hats.
No pressure tagging: @voylitscope @cable-knit-sweater @gfawkesphoenixchokingonashes @ace-in-reserve
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shpjarkley · 9 months
I'm worried my blog isn't niche enough so here's all 7 Lightsaber Forms as skiing techniques/disciplines
Form I (Shii-Cho) = Pizza/French Fries: The basics learned by every beginner that underpin all other forms. Usually outmatched by the other forms, but a true master can use it to surmount any challenge.
Form II (Makashi) = Telemarking: An unorthodox and elegant set of movements that are seen as a revitalization of ancient history. Popular in "duels."
Form III (Soresu) = Cross-Country: Less direct and flashy than other disciplines. Reliant on patience and stamina from its practitioner.
Form IV (Ataru) = Freestyle: The most visually exciting discipline, emphasizing acrobatics and risky maneuvers.
Form V (Shien/Djem So) = Moguls: A style which emphasizes a redirection of momentum and using one's environment to their advantage. Speed, reaction time, and looking for openings are key to mastery.
Form VI (Niman) = Biathlon: A combined discipline that de-emphasizes athleticism in favor of ranged attacks. Skill is as dependent on inner discipline as it is on physical talent.
Form VII (Juyo/Vapaad) = Glading: A high-risk discipline only practiced by masters. Discipline and technique are instrumental to completing its aggressive maneuvers successfully.
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comfortabletogether · 5 months
.... present ocs....
i unfortunately cannot show any art of them because I have had the worst art and writers block ever. but anyways I’ve been working on the beginnings of a fanganronpa.
basically everyone in it was someone who was considered to be a student at Hopes Peak Academy but in the end was rejected either for someone better or for some other reason. And all these students are variating in ages from 15-20.
the characters i have so far is;
Jakochū Yamakage - Failed Ultimate Pastry Chef
She is nineteen years old. Jakochū is from Japan originally but she has traveled all over to be on a variety of different baking shows to show off her talent. On screen she is graceful and the perfect daughter you would want to have. But in person she is rude and very quick to anger.
Jakochū was rejected from Hopes Peak just for her not making the cut.
She loves ribbons and her favorite color is both red and pink. And she hates people telling her what to do.
Anya Seredov-Bikmetov - Failed Ultimate Ballerina
Anya is sixteen and she is from Russia. From a young age she has practically lived in dance studios and when she wasn’t dancing she was learning languages and she can speak six languages. She is a very rude person as well and is seemingly very apathetic to everyone around her. But she cannot take compliments whatsoever, often she’ll cry at night over them.
She had asked to not be in Hopes Peak Academy. And it was purely because of her utter burnout and she thought it would make everything worse if she went there.
Anya loves fashion and is very girly. And she is amazed with rocks, especially gemstones and minerals. Basically she just loves pretty things.
Conroy Meade - Failed Ultimate Equestrian
Conroy is a fifteen year old American. He is from the Northeast. Despite both parents being white and fully American he has a duel citizenship for America and Japan. His father owned a ranch and this lead him to be taking care of and riding horses since he was a toddler. And he had started working for historical reenactment places because of his talent.
He got rejected from Hopes Peak because he was blamed for an arson that nobody knows exactly what had happened, but they figured that he must be the culprit from other victims accounts.
He loves military history and sweaters. He will also ramble for hours if you willingly talk to him.
Jules Flanders - Failed Ultimate Freestyle Skier
Jules is a twenty year old and he is from Belgium. He is a very chill and carefree guy but has ruined his own life through having a severe alcohol addiction that has caused him to be put in rehab multiple times in a span of three years. Despite his failures, he still tries to complete and tries to beat his addiction.
He got into Hopes Peak but because that year word came out about his alcohol abuse. And he got kicked out and replaced with a new student.
Jules loves to ski, his talent in practically the only thing that keeps him from really really doing something he will regret.
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lottiehenrietta · 8 months
Tag 9 people to get to know better!
Tagged by @foullightdiplomatcreator-blog
Last song: My Tears Are Becoming a Sea by M83 when I was skiing today! It's a part of the soundtrack of the film The Art of Flight, which is some sort of Red Bull sponsored thing about freestyle snowboarding. I used to watch it on loop with my little brother and my dad when we were younger, so all of those incredible songs on the soundtrack hold a lot of happy memories. Skiing with my family with those songs playing is one my favourite things!
Currently watching: Nothing and it's an absolute disgrace! But University was super demanding the last few months and I just got off for my semester break last week, so I'm really hoping to catch up on The Crown :))
Three ships:
Farah Dowling/Saul Silva - a ship a stumbled upon on accident before falling into a rabbit hole, it's actually the first ship I've ever truly written a lot for and it's the first time I've been able to muster up the courage to post my works
Cora Crawley/Robert Crawley - I'm a huge sucker for period anything because I'm a giant history nerd, and I in general also prefer older ships compared to the younger ones because there's something about being settled in life, with life experience and steady love and just having a bit more of a calm, settled relationship rather than the erratic, super exciting relationships of teens/ younger people.
Harvey Specter/Donna Paulsen - let's be honest, they're just super hot and their banter is incredible, especially in the earlier seasons, and they also have this slow burn/best friends to lovers vibe that also drew me into Farah/Saul!
Favourite colour: Super tricky, I feel like an indecisive kindergartener hahah :) But if I have to decide: a deep, rich midnight blue with an old Disney kind of vibe, think old Cinderella and Mary Poppins!
Currently consuming: Kaspressknödel for dinner (and to everyone who happens to know what Kaspressknödel are: I love you)
First ship: kind of embarrassing and I don't really like admitting it hahah, but Minerva McGonagall and Albus Dumbledore ahhh (I apparently have a thing for secretly in love headmasters of magical schools?)
Relationship status: chronically single (but okay with it!)
Okaaayyyy, I rambled a bit, but I guess you might have already noticed I tend to do that :))
Thanks for tagging me, that actually made me really happy hahah
Tagging @billieb0i :))
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vrmxlho · 2 years
omg could u imagine the itoshi bloodline if sae didn’t discover soccer…
omg i feel like if sae never discovered football he would probably be just as competitive but in some other sport. as a skiier i feel like he would be one too. AND RIN A SNOWBOARDER. they give me winter vibes so i feel like they have a house in the mountains where their family goes every winter break and other breaks during the winter (idk if settimana bianca is common in other parts of the world but whatever)
i headcanon that sae saved all his allowance to buy carve skis cuz his parents didn't think they were safe and he hid them in the basement of their cabin.
they both probably got into skiing together but rin liked snowboarding more? i'm not familiar with loads of snowboarding terms but he would probably be into alpine snowboarding not freestyle or cross
i think this is perfect cuz if you know abt the history of skiing and snowboarding you also know that skiers often view snowboarders are inferior (remind you of someone???)
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ride365 · 5 months
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I love that we were a part of jet ski history in many small ways. In addition to selling our jet ski t-shirt designs at all the jet ski races we could attend, we also did some work for jet ski companies. We made t-shirts and designed all kinds of logo types, catalogs, packaging designs and advertising design work for a couple race teams and jet ski aftermarket companies. Always fun to horse trade - we could never afford to pay retail prices for the stuff we traded! We sported expensive sunglasses, wet suits and our jet skis always had freshly rebuilt race motors - all courtesy of barter. My Waveblaster has a set of Gator Grip traction mats because we were friends with the world champion freestyler who started the company. We designed the packaging and some other stuff- sales sheets and other boring shit. Anyway still my favorite mat.
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dan6085 · 1 year
10 most popular sports of all time with some details:
1. Soccer - By far the most popular sport globally, with over 4 billion fans worldwide. Known as the "Beautiful Game" for its fluidity and artistry. Features international competitions like the FIFA World Cup and UEFA Champions League.
2. Basketball - Popular worldwide but especially in the U.S., with the NBA being a major cultural force. Fast-paced action, high scores and athleticism make it extremely exciting to play and watch.
3. American Football - While niche internationally, football is deeply ingrained in American culture. Complex rules and strategy make it a thinking fan's sport. The NFL is the most profitable sports league in the world.
4. Baseball - An iconic American pastime with a rich history. Features elaborate statistics and unique nuances that have kept fans engaged for over 100 years. Despite its slower pace, it remains extremely popular.
5. Tennis - An international sport with widespread appeal due to its accessibility and fondness by the upper class historically. Features Grand Slam tournaments that rotate annually in 4 different countries.
6. Cricket - A complex sport with nuanced rules but relaxing pace that is very popular in Commonwealth nations like India, England, Australia and the Caribbean. Test matches can last up to 5 days.
7. Track and Field - The oldest organized sport featuring running, jumping and throwing events. Universally popular due to its simplicity and accessibility. Part of the quadrennial Olympic Games.
8. Boxing - A "sweet science" that tests competitors' mental and physical limits in the most direct form of athletic combat. Has a long intertwined history with social change.
9. Volleyball - An accessible sport that requires speed, jumping ability and teamwork. Beach volleyball has gained much popularity due to its dynamic athleticism and beachside setup.
10. Golf - A leisurely yet exacting sport that rewards finesse over brute strength. Tiger Woods' dominance in the late 1990s and early 2000s ushered in golf's global expansion.
11. Hockey - Ice hockey requires speed, aggression and teamwork on a frozen rink. Field hockey is a warmer weather variation that is popular globally.
12. Gymnastics - An aesthetic sport that showcases human agility, precision and grace through movements on apparatuses like bars, beams and vaults.
13. Cycling - Features multiple forms of competition from track cycling to road cycling and mountain biking. Tour de France is the most famous cycling race.
14. Rowing - A sport that requires immense physical endurance and mental focus. Power and finesse are both needed to achieve peak performance.
15. Horse Racing - An aristocratic sport with a long history. Requires physical skill from jockeys and mental aptitude in terms of race strategy.
16. Rugby - A full contact team sport that values toughness and camaraderie. Rugby Sevens has gained popularity due to its faster play and inclusion in the Olympics.
17. Table Tennis - Also known as ping pong, this indoor racquet sport develops hand-eye coordination, reflexes and strategic thinking.
18. Swimming - Swimmers must hone their endurance, technique and mental focus to achieve Olympic-level success in events like freestyle, butterfly and backstroke.
19. Skiing/Snowboarding - Winter sports with distinctly different techniques that value risk-taking, technical mastery and comfort at high speeds.
20. MMA/UFC - A combat sport that merges techniques from various martial arts and disciplines. Features strategic grappling and stand-up striking in a caged arena.
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rpnewspaperblog · 2 years
Did Norway have best world championships season in snow sports history?
At the last two Winter Olympics, Norway reset the records for total medals a single Winter Games (39) and gold medals at a single Winter Games (16). Over the last month, Norway bettered those totals with 52 medals and 18 gold medals in Olympic program events across the world championships in Alpine skiing, biathlon, cross-country skiing, freestyle skiing, Nordic combined, ski jumping,…
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wafact · 2 years
Jessie Diggins becomes first US cross-country skier to win individual world title | Skiing
Jessie Diggins skied to the first individual gold medal in US cross-country skiing history on Tuesday in Planica, Slovenia. The three-time Olympic medalist from Afron, Minnesota, won the 10km freestyle world title in a time of 23min 40sec, edging a pair of Swedes in Frida Karlsson by 14sec, who earned silver, and Ebba Andersson by 19.5sec, who took bronze. “That was so emotional, that was…
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eagletek · 2 years
Jessie Diggins becomes first US cross-country skier to win individual world title | Skiing
Jessie Diggins skied to the first individual gold medal in US cross-country skiing history on Tuesday in Planica, Slovenia. The three-time Olympic medalist from Afron, Minnesota, won the 10km freestyle world title in a time of 23min 40sec, edging a pair of Swedes in Frida Karlsson by 14sec, who earned silver, and Ebba Andersson by 19.5sec, who took bronze. “That was so emotional, that was…
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actu24hp · 2 years
Laffont in history!
Perrine Laffont won a fifth world title in the parallel event at the Bakuriani Worlds. The Frenchwoman goes down in history. She gave it back! Titled on Saturday for the fourth time in her career at the Freestyle Skiing World Championships, Perrine Laffont won the timpani again on Sunday in Bakuriani, Georgia. After being crowned in the singles event, the 24-year-old Frenchwoman won the parallel…
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nutshack-os · 2 years
Maybe I am in the minority here but I'll be real: the first Fat Boys album is a hip-hop masterpiece (one of the greatest in the genre, period). However every release they had after their debut didn't even come close... they released so much filler and garbage.
There are a couple of salvageable tracks on the other records but they really fell off since their debut. Could it be that the Disco 3 was very *hungry* early in their career and then going gold made them slow down a bit? Also fuck me, all three of the Fat Boys were still in highschool when their debut went gold. Huge success story.
Thank you Kurtis Blow for helping these lads come into the spotlight. How about Larry Smith on the beats too? Larry Smith also produced Whodini's Escape album... Smith is a name for the hip-hop history books.
Shout-out Prince Markie Dee, Kool Rock-ski, and Buffy "the human beatbox" (godfather of beatboxing!). They never needed a studio to rock the house, they could do their whole performance on the street corner impeccably. Watch videos of the Fat Boys from the early 80s, Dee and Kool could finish each other's lines on FREESTYLES!! And the human beatbox supplying the beats consistently and on time. No other hip-hop group seemed to be that tight, then or now. True chemistry.
I would trade MF Doom's entire career for the first Fat Boys album; Doom would be fine with that.
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In Norway we are born with skis on our feet!
- Norwegian saying
Norway has won a 15th gold medal at the 2022 Games. That's more than any other nation has ever won at a single Winter Olympics. This came despite the absence of several top Norwegian athletes due to COVID-19. Until last Friday Until Friday, the country shared the previous record of 14 golds with Germany and Canada. Norway now sets the standards for the rest of the world to beat. With a population of just over five million people, Norway had continued to punch above its weight at Beijing 2022, finishing way above the rest in the medal table.
Norway already has victories in the biathlon, ski jumping, Nordic combined, speed skating, cross-country and freestyle skiing, so no-one could accuse them of being one-trick ponies.
But the majority of Norway's gold medals, 11, came in the biathlon (cross-country skiing and rifle shooting). This is what really sticks out. And for someone who not only loves watching biathlons but also competing in this sport since childhood, it was especially gratifying watching this amazing Norwegian biathlon team work so hard for each other. 
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Stand out performances include Johannes Thingnes Bø who took his fourth biathlon gold and fifth medal overall of Beijing 2022. Marte Olsbu Roeiseland had already made history as the first woman to win four biathlon medals at a single Winter Olympics. But last Friday in the women’s 12.5km mass start, the 31-year-old from Lillehammer added her fifth, a bronze. And then there is Tiri Eckhof, my favourite biathlete. She claimed a silver in the Women’s 12.5km race, giving her a “complete set” after she won mixed relay gold and bronze in the pursuit. Eckhoff is also now the second-most decorated female biathlete of all time thanks to her eight career Olympic medals.
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Gratulerer til skiskytterne med imponerende medaljefangst!
Dette har vært et historisk ‘Winter Olympics’ for Norge. Takket være et fantastisk team av utøvere. De har jobbet så ubeskrivelig hardt for dette. En stor takk til hele skiskytterforbundet som jobber for at vi skal kunne drive med sporten vi elsker. Skiskytterne er best!
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whatgaviiformes · 3 years
2022 Olympics Challenge - Winter Edition
That’s right! It’s that time again to reopen the Thunderbirds Olympics AU/Prompts Collection!  This time the WINTER OLYMPICS, which can be described as: the many ways things slide on solidified water and scoring happens somehow.  
Or, alternatively: 1,000 ways to slip and fall. 
Or: that event every four years that still doesn’t include synchronized skating. But you know, I am not bitter.  :D
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So prompts!
Let’s mix it up a bit. This time, the Olympics goes from the 4th of February to the 20th of February. I’ve listed each day of the Olympics with a word or phrase, as I did last time. A few are repeats, but most are different from the summer list. Then, I’ve listed the Winter Olympic sports as a separate SECOND list. You can use one or both of these lists, in any sort of combination you would like.
Two ways to interact with these prompts. 1) As a challenge: Perhaps a few things from below will inspire you -  you are welcome to take those and run with it. Or 2) As a prompt list - Reblog and let tumblr know you are open for prompts and watch the fun combos roll in. :) If the prompt inspires you and is not related to the Olympics or sports, that’s ok too! The idea is to create inspiration however it comes for you! 
Post your works on the date of the prompt, or anytime during the Olympic run. I am releasing this early so you have time to research sports, write/art accordingly.  Posting tags for the challenge will be #TBOlympicsChallenge and #TBOlympics2022.
The Ao3 Collection is here for you to add your works if you so choose. 
Feb 4th - parade of nations
Feb 5th -  like no one’s watching
Feb 6th - pre-performance ritual
Feb 7th - icy, frigid, shivering
Feb 8th - Rise, aerial
Feb 9th - try not to fall
Feb 10th - everyone’s a critic
Feb 11th  - lucky charm
Feb 12th - endurance
Feb 13th - kiss & cry / waiting for scores
Feb 14th - HAPPY BDAY Gordo! * (See Below)
Feb 16th -  born to make history
Feb 17th-  no business like snow business
Feb 18th- balance
Feb 19th -  collide
Feb 20th - torch
Olympic Sports:  https://olympics.com/en/sports/winter-olympics
Alpine Skiing
Biathlon (Skiing + Shooting)
Figure Skating
Freestyle Skiing
Ice Hockey
Nordic Combined (Ski Jumping + Cross-Country Skiing)
Short Track Speed Skating
Skeleton (the headfirst one in bobsleigh)
Ski Jumping
Speed Skating
February 14th*
This can be a freebie - if you have inspiration - just run with it!  If you have a fresh idea you want to prompt someone - Feb 14th is your day! But, because Olympics runs through Gordon’s birthday, I’ve thrown a few vaguely Olympics prompts together for the 14th for our resident squid. Use these however you like, anything from these prompts obviously does not need to be Olympics related unless that’s the inspiration that strikes. 
I will send these around again closer to his birthday as well.  Written version of the prompts:  spectator fluid working toward a goal the path not taken
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So there you have it! 3 prompt/challenge lists in one event! I can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with. 
If you have any questions, let me know - Gavii
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mybeingthere · 3 years
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Sue Lewis, *Wet felted Merino, Blue-faced Leicester, Mullbery silk, Angelina Fibres, Freestyle Machine stitching, Beading. 
Sue’s work can be described as ‘painting with wool.’ The array of wools she use are her ‘palette’ and she use many of the principles of painting when creating her textile pieces.
From stonewalls with huddled sheep, to autumnal skies, poppies, foxgloves, moths and cows, her work is a feast of texture and colour. She hand-dyes her own wool and even has her own flock of sheep. She says that there’s a certain satisfaction to collecting fleece straight from the sheep, washing it, hand dying it and transforming it into beautiful artwork. She uses local and rare breeds of sheep’s wool. For every painting she lists which wool she uses. She also hand stitches and freestyle stitches her pieces to add more depth, detail and texture. Her artwork is an extension of her love for the countryside and natural history coupled with a love of working with natural materials.
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