#history pistol 🔫
cid5 · 2 months
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Walther P.38
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Here's a few questions for you. 🔴♥️🔫🐺
(from: @wolf-among-mechs)
Thank you for your questions, @wolf-among-mechs. I hope these answers will be sufficient. 🔴= there are three such factions I despise. One is a historical grudge, another is with a group who may all be dead, and the other is (partially) a faction who remain around to this day. The first is the Rim Worlds Republic, and Stefan Amaris the Usurper. They destroyed what was (for most) the Golden Age of Humanity. Was the Star League perfect? No. It fought its wars against the Periphery and deeply abused them. But it brought much good to humankind as well. The technology, the peace, the unity of it. Amaris destroyed it all for his own petty ambitions. It is with good reason he is now reviled as the worst single human being in history. The second is the Word of Blake. Much like Amaris, they tried to destroy the Inner Sphere over a petty religious argument. One that led to billions of unneeded deaths. It is telling that even after the fall of the Republic of the Sphere, the ilKhan decreed that former Knights could join a new fraternal order specially dedicated to hunting down Blakist remnants. The third is House Liao. Not the Capellans as a whole, but their ruling house. The reason for this is admittedly more personal - it was rebels professing allegiance to House Liao which killed Aaron DeChavilier, and ultimately sparked the conflict that would destroy the Star League-in-Exile. While it would lead to the creation of the Clans, the stress of the conflict led to the death of Aleksandr Kerensky, our Great Father. Is it any wonder that most people from the Clans dislike the Capellans? At least, for my part, I do try and confine the hatred to House Liao itself. ❤️= I admit, on this question of weapon preference, I am torn. I greatly enjoy the visceral concussion and punch of ballistic weapons, but the light show and (often) limitless ammunition of energy weapons appeals as well. Missiles - especially with more and more 'Mechs sporting guided missiles once again - I find almost too easy. They are useful, do not mistake my meaning, but they require much less skill than a ballistic shot or a long-range PPC hit. Has anyone invented a gun that fires lasers yet? That would be "wicked awesome" as a Terran friend of mine from Boston says. 🔫= I have trained extensively in infantry combat. All Clan warriors train in the basics of infantry combat and melee fighting. It was part of my regular between-deployment training with the Fusiliers - they had several Canopian ex-Ebon Magistrate commandos, a DEST commando, and (eventually) an ex-Manei Domini Banshee Delta to learn from. I am thus skilled with many infantry weapons, martial arts styles, and melee weapons. We even learned zero-G and underwater combat techniques.
As for what I presently carry: I have a JàrnFòlk-modified Sternsnacht Claymore ultra-heavy pistol as my sidearm. It fires 14mm tungsten-core armor-piercing explosive incendiary rounds, from a custom made 8-round extended magazine. It is a beautiful work of art, with platinum damascening, engraving in falcon-feather patterns, imperial jade inlays, and wood from Strana Mechty itself, which forms the exquisitely carved grips. I have used it to kill megasaurs, armored Elementals, and Blakist Zombie infantry alike. I have timed my draw and, even with the Claymore's somewhat excessive weight, have won quite a few formal fast-draw pistol competitions.
I also routinely carry a specially-made Clan Vibrosword. Unlike most straight-bladed models, mine uses a katana-style blade - the exact blade once gifted by my ancestor Turkina to my other ancestor, Elizabeth Hazen, during the DeChavalier Massacre - and yes, in a sense this means I have two genemothers. If you ever have occasion to visit Terra, I can show you the sacred talon-marks on the blade...
In my 'Mech, I carry two additional weapons. All SLDF 'Mechs with sufficient cockpit space will carry a Mauser & Grey Model 980SL pulse laser assault rifle - an upgraded and lightened version of the old SLDF issue Mauser 960, upgraded to Clantech standards, and using a variant of ER Pulse Laser tech from Clan Wolf. The ejection seat kit in all SLDF 'Mechs will also carry a Mauser & Grey built Model 995 "Enhanced" Gauss SMG. The Nest currently hoIds the prototypes for both weapons.
And of course, I have my talons when all else fails. Each of them has long since been upgraded, using a version of the Carbon-Fiber Reinforcement process common among Capellan nobles.
🐺= I have several pets! I keep a mew on my estate, with a breeding pair of Jade Falcons, descended from Turkina herself - I have named them Aidan and Marthe, after Aidan and Marthe Pryde. At present, there is also a snow raven in the Mew, named McKenna, after Stephen McKenna, first Khan of Clan Snow Raven. I am caring for him temporarily in place of his master, Star Commander Kendra Siegel. Kendra, a fine specimen of Snow Raven's Naval Commander phenotype, has been a friend of mine for several decades. She is currently off-world for several months, overseeing construction efforts for a classified project at the Titan Shipyards, and conducting naval exercises between Clan forces and those of the new SLDF Navy, of which she is expected to be appointed Commanding Admiral in the next few years.
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khazadspoon · 9 months
My official Sabata (1969) review
Sabata gets a 5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ and a buttload of fancy guns 🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫
Very fun, very fruity, full of classic Western moments and tropes and it is just very good I loved it!!! Sabata is a great character, a little funny and a little silly with his rocking chair and painting goofs. Lee van Cleef is once again captivating in his fashionable ensembles and his ridiculous guns that shouldn’t work but do (how the hell do you fire from the butt of a tiny pistol, dude?).
Supporting cast was excellent too.
Carrincha is a great sidekick (and has his own side kick, Alley Cat). Banjo is a wonderful side character who has a history with Sabata we can only guess at the depth of.
The soundtrack, while not as tense and grand as Ennio Morricone’s work, was still brilliant. And it gave us a great intro theme to boot.
All that’s left to say is Ehi amico! C'è Sabata. Hai chiuso!
Ten out of ten triangles for Lee van Cleef’s face
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friesian · 1 year
Unusual muse associations
tagged by @kamiporterbridges. AGAIN. GNAWS ON YOU.
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Seasoning: salt, vinegar, citric acid
Weather: hail
Colour: white
Sky: green skies before a tornado
Magical Power: necromancy
Plant: corpse flower
Weapon: pistol
Subject: history
Social Media: GRAVE STONE EPITAPH (no social media)
Makeup Product: black eyeliner. THICK.
Candy: sour patch kids
Fear: abandoned by god, betrayal
Ice Cube Shape: icicles
Method of Long Distance Travel: hopping through the mists
Piece of Stationery: staples
Three Emojis: 💀📗🔫
Celestial Body: moon
i'm not going to tag again so i can break the cycle. i don't have enough characters to do this about..... WHOOPS......
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ruvviks · 9 months
For the oc emoji game, please!
Vitali: 🔫 🔥
Nadya: 👑 🙈
oc asks!
👑 CROWN - what does your oc want to be remembered as? why?
nadya just wants to be successful. she first and foremost wanted to take her (now ex) husband's name because it would give her the respect she thought she deserved. and she just wanted to work her way up from that and become important. to prove something? maybe! but to who? who knows at this point!! either way her hunger for success and fame has destroyed her whole family so good job girl
🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people?
nadya doesn't want to show weakness. that's a very generic answer and i wouldn't even be able to tell you what her "weakness" would look like. but she considers everything soft to be "weak". so her smiling at her kids or her being nice to people and stuff like that would be considered "weak" by her and she doesn't want to do that. she's complicated </3
🔫 PISTOL - do they trust people easily? how easily will they turn their back to someone? have they been backstabbed before? will they betray someone if given an ultimatum?
vitali doesn't trust people very easily but because of his history at arasaka counterintel he is VERY good at reading people quickly. he analyzes them from a distance and then gradually gets closer the more he gets to know them, but won't open up himself until he knows for sure that it's safe
once there's mutual trust established, he will be very loyal to someone; especially if the other person shows they're loyal to him too. he doesn't give up on people easily and gives almost everyone a second chance, truly believing people are capable of change; but does this cautiously, because he can't let anyone else get hurt because of a risk HE is taking
🔥 FIRE - do they have any self destructive tendencies? what habits do they have that hinder them from becoming their best self?
vitali easily beats himself up for things that were most- if not entirely- out of his control. his brain is making way too many connections at all times so it's very easy for him to think that he COULD have done something about a situation even when he realistically couldn't have done Anything at all; it causes him to work very meticulously and thoroughly most of the time to prevent any sort of incidents from happening, which causes him to be overworked a lot and he misses a lot of sleep because of it too
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rejectclone · 1 year
🔫 B055 M4N
🔫 PISTOL - do they trust people easily? how easily will they turn their back to someone? have they been backstabbed before? will they betray someone if given an ultimatum?
Well, they HAVE BEEN SHOT IN THE HEAD AND WAS UNWILLINGLY RESURRECTED AND WAS PROMPTLY REFORMED INTO BEING A EXPERIMENTAL GOVERNMENT SUPER COMPUTER WITH NO HUMAN RIGHTS, so no they do not trust people easily at all 👍 He knows that he was betrayed and assassinated at his induction ceremony, but by who? He does not know, and believes that he was hard-coded to never find out, as he knows that he literally freezes up and briefly passes out anytime he begins to research his own death.
In regards to him being the betrayer….. he shockingly would never do it. Knowing that he is essentially the inhumane byproduct of such a brutal betrayal, he cannot stomach (well technically he doesn’t even have one anymore) doing the same to someone else, even if it will have a minor aftereffect. Still, he is fine with some slight manipulation AKA threatening to spill some poor sap’s personal search history, as long as it doesn’t border into blackmail territory lol
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maybe 🍟🌙☀️📖🔫🌟 for Star?
🍟 FRIES - do they order food often? or they prefer to cook their own food?
Cyrus doesn't know how to cook complicated things and she doesn't know how to cook on her own either. So, they usually order food or go out to eat, Star loves these moments, since she loves being with her father.
🌙 MOON - what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
Her dream is for her father to be happy and she would do anything for him, Cyrus is the person who understands her the most, and the person she loves to spend time with.
She is also willing to protect Giratina.
☀️ SUN - are they a morning person? what is the first thing they do in the morning?
yes she is, she always gets up early to follow the same routine, the first thing she does is have breakfast with her father, then, do certain things with the other members of the team galactic.
📖 OPEN BOOK - do they like reading? what's their favourite genre?
Star loves to read, from history articles to science fiction novels, she has a shelf full of books, if she had to choose a favorite genre, it would be horror literature novels, Stephen King 's style.
🔫 PISTOL - do they trust people easily? how easily will they turn their back to someone? have they been backstabbed before? will they betray someone if given an ultimatum?
Star...it is difficult for her to trust someone at first, she has always had a hard time relating to people, causing her to be called "Weirdo" when she was little, which made her even more closed off. She has never been betrayed by anyone, but she would not hesitate to do it herself if necessary.
🌟 GLOWING STAR - what do they think about when they look at the night sky? is there someone they want to star gaze with?
Star usually thinks about what could be beyond her planet, the life forms that could be up there, sometimes she thinks about Giratina, other times about herself...If she had to choose someone to see the stars with, in the first place, it would be her father, in the second Neon since she feels comfortable with him and in the third Platinum, since from TRR he is the one she gets along best with (She doesn't knows that they are brothers)
Thank for ask for Star !! <3
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shadowglens · 2 years
🌌🎭👑🔫❇️💙 for Saella!
oc emoji ask
🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
from the start i knew i wanted a targaryen oc to throw into the shit show that is the dance of dragons, and that was 99% of the reason i made saella. i had considered making a targ oc who was younger and existed in the direct aftermath of the dance, but then while researching i found that alyssa (viserys and daemon’s mum) had a third child that didn’t make it, so thought i’d replace them with saella. 
🎭 MASKS - do they act differently around certain people? what's different between the way they act around friends, family, strangers, etc.?
oh, for sure. saella was raised to be a lady of the court and learnt young how to put up masks. being good at the game is one of her greatest strengths, and a large part of that is being able to adjust her personality or disposition depending on the company. saella tends to come off as kind yet intimidating most of the time, just a little bit too warm to the point where it starts to feel more like burning. with her loved ones she is much softer, much more honest and emotionally invested.
👑 CROWN - what does your oc want to be remembered as? why?
a steadfast, powerful supporter and member of house targaryen, who did her duty and made her house proud. she does achieve that for many years, and it’s only the machinations of others in the end that bring about her downfall (and the downfall of her line in particular). 
in the end, history’s memory of her is warped and twisted by the lies of others - she is seen as a deceitful, manipulative lady of the court who, in a fit of madness, burnt the great storms end near to ruin atop her dragon. the history books conveniently left out a lot when it came to saella.
🔫 PISTOL - do they trust people easily? how easily will they turn their back to someone? have they been backstabbed before? will they betray someone if given an ultimatum?
no, although she often tries to give people (especially those in and around the targaryens) the benefit of the doubt. she knows almost everyone at court has an alterior motive of some kind, knows that most people would happily either grovel at her feet asking for power or stab her in the dead of night to simply take it instead. she is a very loyal person though and would never even consider betraying or turning her back on those close to her, even if it would probably be the better thing to do. she has a duty (to her house, to her brother and niece as rulers of the seven kingdoms, to her husband, to her children, to the realm), and she will not so easily betray that for the sake of her own personal feelings or ambitions. it’s why, even with poison still pumping in her veins, she forgives royce, because he was her husband and she has a duty to him and even in death, she won’t turn her back on him like he did her.
❇️ SPARKLE - what is their most prized possession? what do they value?
saella isn’t a very sentimental person with objects, although she does have a few items of her mothers and grandmothers that she holds very dear. saella never got the chance to know her mother alyssa, and so her grandmother alysanne (her namesake) held a very important role in saella’s youth. she has some of her jewellery and other small possessions tucked away in her quarters at the red keep.
💙 BLUE HEART - do they miss their s/o easily? how do they act when their s/o isn't around?
not really, sorry royce lol. saella relationship and feelings for royce are complicated: she does love him, but it’s the love of a dutiful wife to her husband and less of start crossed lovers, if that makes sense? she grows to love him over the course of their marriage and does enjoy his company, but they also have no trouble being apart from one another. he is often called away to help his father with matters in the stormlands, and saella is often kept at court to support her family. honestly, there’s no real change at all when she’s apart from him, although she does enjoy being intimate with him after he’s been away for long stretches (and even then, royce does his best not to abandon her along in kings landing, because he too is a dutiful husband to her).
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ophiocordyceps · 1 month
answers to ask game prompts i got over discord👍
🍀 CLOVER - do they believe in luck? are they lucky?
good garg. kerry specifically has SO MUCH LUCK. the thing about it is that its not necessarily always good luck. he's often incredibly un/lucky, like that one guy who kept getting struck by lightning. which has also happened to him to boot. unlucky enough to have it happen, lucky enough to keep surviving it all
🕷️ SPIDER - what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears?
despite all the severe depression going on in that guy's head he's still afraid of actually dying to a degree, but not nearly as strongly as the mimic version of him feels. that thing is TERRIFIED of being killed and will do anything to prevent it. also he's freaked out by mannequins lol (this is on account of the coilhead)
😨 FEARFUL - when scared, do they go into "flight" or "fight"?
off the top of my head i cant actually decide or remember for regular kerry. but i know the mimic goes straight to fight because its fear response also spills gallons of dopamine into its brain alongside the adrenaline and shit so it just freaks it hardcore
🔫 PISTOL - do they trust people easily? how easily will they turn their back to someone? have they been backstabbed before? will they betray someone if given an ultimatum?
honestly it depends on the context. during his contract? you play that shit safe. you trust people enough that you arent being complete dead weight to the rest of the crew, but youre still ready to give up on anyone around you if it means you save your own skin and somebody makes it back before midnight. yes and yes to the last two also. he did get left behind on a moon once previously and that kinda fucked alllll his shit up
📎 PAPERCLIP - a random fact.
kerry is some kind of strange amalgamation of skaterboy and future stem major. and a bit of a dnd nerd despite it being the 26th century in an alternate history timeline
🚆 TRAIN - what is their answer to the trolley problem?
do nothing but in a "dont even get close to the lever" way. not his problem if he doesnt get involved. whatever happens happens
🌪️ TORNADO - what is the biggest change you've ever made to them? how have they changed from their original version?
well he used to be a he/they but then the vibes changed. and ive thought way more about and greatly prefer survival scenarios than the original 'he eventually just fucking dies' ending his concept came with. and hes a skaterboy now also
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running2reanimation · 5 months
🔫 for The Second Coming?
🔫 PISTOL - do they trust people easily? how easily will they turn their back to someone? have they been backstabbed before? will they betray someone if given an ultimatum?
Asking the tough questions, I see.
I would say that out of the Colour Gang Second is probably not that trusting, given his history as we know it.
Once that trust is given though, it's rare for them to turn their back... especially since every time he has it turns out badly.
Yes he's been betrayed before, but nothing serious, and definitely nothing friendship breaking.
I can't see them betraying someone if forced - I'd actually make the argument that trying to force them to would make him more stubborn about it.
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kyledefoor · 2 years
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Ancient City Shooting Range is closing its doors after December. I did open enrollment classes there for 13 years with @2a_fulfillment hosting. We pulled off some industry firsts and set some norms while I trained a total of 910 students. 🔫 First back to back classes same range/same year First multi classes for one instructor/one year First same class repeated one year/one location Most classes one location/one year—8 Most different classes same range/one year——4 🔫 Gonna miss this joint and the owner’s ease of working with. We will have a replacement range for the 5 sold out classes easily so no worries if you’re signed up for 2023. #history #oe #defoor #rifle #defoorproformanceshooting #carbine #kd4 #pistol #nods https://www.instagram.com/p/Ckx01FhOG44/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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martelldoran · 2 years
i'm so close to finishing this fic. it's within grasping distance. it'll need hella edits but at this moment i do not care. this is the longest thing i'll have written and has stretched me in every direction. but i'm going to finish it. finally. after like a year and a half. it's almost finished.
final word count will be estimated between 70-75k or so and i'm tentatively, very, very tentatively saying it'll be released in like mid-june?
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skullchicken · 2 years
emoji ask for Alberich: 🤥 LYING, 🍩 DONUT, 🙊 SPEAK-NO-EVIL, 🏊 SWIMMING, 🔫 PISTOL, ⚙️ GEAR, 🌈 RAINBOW, ❤️ RED HEART
Get ready for T👏 M👏 I👏 !
🏊 SWIMMING - can they swim? or are they afraid of water? how well do they swim? how do they feel about swimming in the ocean? Alberich can swim - barely. He goblinized into a giant as a teenager (at goblinization day, no less - he's pretty old) and didn't get much use out of the skill since then because
a) it's kinda hard to swim in pools when you're 3 m / 10 feet tall
b) he dislikes showing his body in public. To quote "I have some intense stretch marks. No-one needs to see that."
🤥 LYING - are they good liars? do they have tells to show they're lying? Yes. As a former citizen of Horizon (he got a cushy job at an art museum which he finally became the director of because of his parent's influence) he has decades of experience lying through his teeth and especially to himself. Once the disillusion really hit him, he simply continued the habit by selling forged artworks to rich people.
Until one day he sold one to a certain draconic CEO and had leave the country real quick to start a new life in the UCAS under a new name.
🙊 SPEAK-NO-EVIL - what is something your oc will refuse to stay quiet about?
If you get his mind into an altered state (sleep deprivation, too much wine, cram…) he will start ranting about…
Bauhaus "if you think about it, it really is an economic, practical and - at its inception - even equalist architecturial style. It's only downside, really, is that it's horrendous to look at and hostile to human life")
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the art of Gauguin "what possessed the man to mix every color palette with mustard? And don't even get me started on the objectifying, exploitative, colonialism-extravaganza of his subject matters!"
... or any other topic of art history he has Big Opinions about.
Putting the rest of these under the cut :)
🔫 PISTOL - do they trust people easily? how easily will they turn their back to someone? have they been backstabbed before? will they betray someone if given an ultimatum?
Ohoho, he is so paranoid for the above reason. Yet on the other hand his mentor spirit is Oak, which translates to literally being willing to die for someone he sees worthy of being protected. (Though of course he doesn't let people know.)
e.g. in the game where I played him, he quite quickly befrieded a lil elf-poser hacker and he did in fact almost die for her, because she asked him nicely to fend of a guard-spirit so she has a shot at freeing some prisoners from a bunraku.
At the same time, every time they talked via commlink he would tape over the camera and worry she might find out where he lives ¯_(ツ)_/¯
❤️ RED HEART - their love language(s)?
Words and gifts.
He considers being nice to people to be the easiest way to get people to do what you want. But he also just enjoys complimenting people and speaking kind words when he gets the chance. He would send his co-runners thank-you-notes after their missions.
He also once had a very sweet conversation with the aforementioned elf-poser hacker who confided in him by showing him her matrix-persona who she wished she was more like (in meat-space she was very shy and socially anxious, on the matrix she was a confident leader). So he logged into the MMORPG she liked to play, downloaded the persona-model and 3D-printed it to give it to her.
Y'know. As a symbol to help her bring her ideal self into meat-space.
🌈 RAINBOW - what advice would they give to their younger self?
Oof, that's a painful one. So, Alberich was married twice. The love of his younger years was Terry, an Orc who died of VITAS. He didn't take it well and due to that and his job being very… corporate, he was dipping in and out of depressive phases when he met his wife. His wife was funny, quirky and optimistic. But one day she decided to leave out of the blue, saying that she needs to find herself. He's still fears that it was something he did.
What he would say to his self from 5 years ago would thus be: "Get professional help for your depressive phases. Your wife is trying to carry both you and your emotions and you're crushing her."
⚙️ GEAR - what are your ocs thoughts on science & art? which do they give more importance to? how much value do they place on each?
Alberich loves art with a passion, but he is also very disllusioned with the art world. Science and technology brought him companionship shortly after his goblinization, since he became a shut-in for a good half to a full year. Rationally he thinks science is more important. Emotionally he just loves in what ways the human spirit can express itself way too much.
🍩 DONUT - favourite sweet treat?
Ice cream :)
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roetrolls · 2 years
👑🔫🖍💧☁️🌈💖 for Mallum
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Yeehaw, my favorite stinker <3
👑 CROWN - what does your oc want to be remembered as? why?
Above all else, Mallum wants to be remembered as someone important. Not in a history-making way; he just wants people to care about who he was once he's gone.
🔫 PISTOL - do they trust people easily? how easily will they turn their back to someone? have they been backstabbed before? will they betray someone if given an ultimatum?
I don't know how easily Mallum trusts, and honestly, I don't think he does either. He's always had a hard time making friends, but I think he wants to open up to people. He definitely trusts more easily than Zerkev is comfortable with.
He'll turn his back on someone at the drop of a hat. He's probably the pettiest troll I have, and if you slight him in any way, he'll stew in it and/or throw a big boy tantrum about it.
He would consider Drevin leaving him as someone backstabbing him, though I'm inclined to disagree.
And as for betraying someone else... Uh. The answer is largely a no! He's difficult to bond with, but once he feels close to someone, he's fiercely loyal. Even now, there's nothing you could say to him to make him stop protecting Drevin. He's bonded to that man for life.
🖍️ CRAYON - what advice would you give to them?
See a therapist. Maybe with Zerkev.
💧 DROPLET - random angst headcanon
Since Drevin's left, I don't think he goes out as much. Which sucks for him, seeing as he's a major extrovert... But he's had that guy around for so long, he probably doesn't feel that safe without him.
☁️ CLOUD - a soft headcanon
Despite their differences, Mallum and Zerkev do love each other. It's just... A really fraught relationship. Still, there's a lot of tenderness in there. I think Zerkev's his favorite person to play strategy board games with, despite the fact that he almost always loses.
Which, if you don't know, means Mallum enjoying those games with him is a pretty major deal. He doesn't usually get into competitions he can't win.
🌈 RAINBOW - what advice would they give to their younger self?
"Save yourself some trouble and disappoint him now."
💖 SPARKLING HEART - are they a subtle or a showy lover?
Oh, girl. HELLA fucking showy. He will make his feelings known to everyone in a 10 mile radius.
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overx · 2 years
🔫 Lexi
🔫 PISTOL - do they trust people easily? how easily will they turn their back to someone? have they been backstabbed before? will they betray someone if given an ultimatum?
[[This is... complicated. Alexander or "Lexi" has a pretty traumatic history, but most of what's happened to him was never because of trust or loyalty.
I would say he can be slow to fully trust someone, but not slow to be warm. He'll be friendly right away, but that's very different from giving you his trust, y'know?
Betrayal is pretty unlikely with him as a result. If he's "betraying" you, he was never loyal to you to begin with.]]
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solardrake · 2 years
grasps you. the promised emojis.. they are here. i am looking at BNY but you can answer with whoever you like <3 😨 🌙 🌋 🍀 ✏️ 🔫 🌟 ☄️ 💚
Ill try and answer all of these for BNY ^^; Let's see here...
😨 FEARFUL - when scared, do they go into "flight" or "fight"?
Bny rarely gets "startled", as their sensor arrays make it hard for anything to sneak up on them, even at night. Rather, bny feels more often the slow, anxious fear-usually when around strangers, or when paranoia begins to set in. In cases like this, they do feel the strong urge to leave the situation by any means possible.
🌙 MOON - what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
BNY's greatest wish would be to discover the truth about their past. From their perspective, they know next to nothing about when, where, and why they were created. The only thing that was given to them was a set of coordinates, near the center of the galaxy... Such a mystery eats at them, and they would give anything to solve it, even if the people around them don't want them to succeed.
🌋 VOLCANO - how bad is their temper? is it a slow boil, or a instant explosion?
Their temper seems to be burning at both ends as of late. The inhabitants of their new home planet have a history of mechas being used against them as a policing force for the upper class, so brutal in their ways that children today steer clear of the rusted corpses of mechanical behemoths that lie in fields. This causes many to treat Bny as a bad actor, or even something to be afraid of. Over time the sentiment improves as they put in the work to earn their stay, but the de-humanizing verbiage used against them daily grinds their gears to no end.
🍀 CLOVER - do they believe in luck? are they lucky?
Is it lucky that they fell from the sky when they did, right when some kids were looking out their window as that streak of fire blazed across the sky? Or was it lucky that they survived at all, their thermal shielding failing in only non-essential areas? Luck is the death of statistical explanation, the bandage over a wound of unfathomable probability. And when the gods came, it took all certainty away from numbers, their paracausal acts defying even the core rules of the universe. An act of god may be considered fortunate, but not because god intends for it to be. Numbers calculate chance. Luck is leaving it up to chance. Gods don't leave anything up to chance. Bny doesn't believe in anything.
✏️ PENCIL - is there a particular quote / lyric that you associate with them?
I'll make it right again//But it's no use, you said//As my hunger grows and grows//I have to write the meaning of my life//Or else everything's in vain - Get Your Wish by Porter Robinson
🔫 PISTOL - do they trust people easily? how easily will they turn their back to someone? have they been backstabbed before? will they betray someone if given an ultimatum?
BNY doesn't trust easily, but if you intrigue them enough you may find yourself in their company. There were a few times where their trust was betrayed, including a time where someone left them for dead inside a laboratory filled with giant robot guard dogs! If given an ultimatum, they'd most likely try and resolve the problem a third, special way that almost gets everyone killed.
🌟 GLOWING STAR - what do they think about when they look at the night sky? is there someone they want to star gaze with?
On a clear night, you can see almost every star in the sky. BNY wonders if any of them could be their original home planet. They don't like to think about it for very long. Their favorite nights are the cloudy, stormy ones.
☄️ COMET - what do people assume about them? are they right?
Most people assume that bny is heavier than they actually are! Most guess they're around 200kg, when in reality they're only 113kg!
💚 GREEN HEART - what things make your oc feel comforted? hugs, kisses, food?
BNY loves to fidget, so anything they can use as a fidget toy is a great start to their habitat. The workshop they live out of has all sorts of trinkets, knick-knacks and gadgets that provide a level of comfort for them too. They're very picky about their charging device, as their favorite one hums just right. They even have a few treasures plushies that they sleep with! You can also pat them, play with their ears, and hug them with no risks to personal health, just be sure to ask :)
WHEW this was a long one!!! thank you for the ask 💕💕
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